All past and future movies from around the world in existence including straight to VHS and DVD,grindhouse,B-movie,Troma,exploitation other “low budget grade” movies,Bollywood,Nollywood,European and Asian cinema including those not released to the foreign markets,those that are foreign rip offs and even cable network made for TV movies ie Syfy,Hallmark,HBO,Disney Channel,Channel 4,RTE from all parts of the world and all cable television movies as well those from the silent era and even home projects done by well known directors before they became famous done in their teenage and pre teen age will be catalogued and logged here in Dionysus.All movies from across the world including arthouse movies,little known movies of little known directors and those considered the best of each country and generic French New Wave etc to even B-movie,Troma,Hallmark and straight to TV,Straight to DVD movies will also be present.TV movie pilots for shows and TV movies associated with TV shows will be in the movie section as seen with Nick Knight and Forever Knight and those associated with Battlestar Galactica 2004.Thus movies related to television shows,video games etc will be in the movie section.Comic graphic films associated with video games will be logged here.Feature full length documentary movies will be present in this section.All known propaganda movies,made for television movies(including those made by specific channels such as HBO,Syfy,The Disney Channel,Hallmark,Nickelodeon)as well as straight to TV/DVD/VHS/Blu ray movies and mockumenturies will also be present in the same section of feature length movies where they will premier in the future with short movies(including those on sites like YouTube)in their own subsection of the movies network and even amateur productions of movies,short movies and also television shows on YouTube etc will be transferred to Dionysus where they will premier from now on with existing and new ones of these having extra special features produced.Those found only on discs and VHS will be added by putting discs into computers and VHS tapes into peripherals to allow them to be extracted.Movies found only YouTube both those produced and distributed by YouTube and those produced by amateur filmakers will be transferred here to Dionysus by Adriadne and premier on Dionysus from now on.This includes short movies and documentaries.Thise found on Netflix and other online sites can be transferred here via Adriadne and updated to high quality.Movies on Hulu,Vimeo,,Netflix,Sony Crackle,Viu,Kocowa,Tudou,YouTube,Apple,,dailymotion etc will be transferred,uploaded and updated to high quality and if possible replaced by better quality ones from DVDs at home who will also upload special features and commentaries etc.All DVDs,Blu Rays of movies in retail outlets around the world including remaining video and DVD/Blu Ray stores will be taken home by people who will take home one iteration of each show and each boxset,different editions and season set or order them and others online via Amazon and Ebay and do this at home by inserting the discs into laptops for proto Ariadne to extract all data of movies including special features with again special features including commentaries and trivia tracks uploaded and arranged into folders and subfolders by the AI with duplicates deleted by the AI once it is in the subsystem.These will be gained for free during clearences.Those who own large stocks of movies including rare ones,rare editions will put the discs into computers to be scanned into Dionysus including special features.Producers,directors actors etc will scan in all of their catalogue of movies and all special features.Those who are selling movies on Ebay,Craigslist etc can do this themselves with this possible by at least 2021.All members of the public,producers,directors,actors who own television shows both already and from clearances will put discs into computers at home and allow proto and final Adriadne scan the discs to add both all episodes and special features present and then add them to relevant folders and subfolders.Others will be done by putting VHS tapes into peripherals connected to computers with regards to those found only on VHS and to allow her to scan them not just for all movies but also special features and other material to be put into a subsystem that arranges each show into its folders including director cuts,extended versions and explicit versions,theatrical cuts into one file chosen at the start of the movies with duplicates deleted and by having all versions of a movie box sets read by the proto Ariadne will allow for all special features to be collected.Each version of boxsets of movies will be scanned into the Dionysus with duplicates replaced to ensure all versions of a movie ie directors cut,limited edition etc and also all special features from all versions will be uploaded including commentaries and trivia tracks.Those from cable networks such as Hallmark,Disney,Syfy,HBO,RTE,BBC etc will added by scanning in discs and also their corporate archives and any online sites and services.Those that exist as only as celluloid reels in museums and databanks around the world including those from the silent era will be scanned via using projectors that are hooked up to computers that project the film onto the computer screen while the proto and final Adriadne scans the material onscreen into a subsystem to be updated to high quality and then uploaded as a whole.Even decaying ones will be upgraded to high quality with the projecter if need be being one that only scans in the celluloid very slowly so as to to allow all stills to be scanned in gradually with software namely proto and final Adriadne then flicking all stills and thus scenes on the computer together quickly in the case of delicate and degraded reels with the sentient Adriadne removing stains,marks and filling in blanks for each individual still and picture to preserve them forever using algorithms thus allowing all surviving silent era movies and alternate versions of early cinema movies to be preserved.Adriadne will update the celluloid data scanned into digital file to 720/1080p thus preserving old movies found only on polyster and nitrate celluloid forever within Dionysus digital archive availible to the public with this replicated with video games and television shows etc.The original grainy form will be added to the file to be chosen as an extra version as detailed later on.Movies found only on VHS will be added to Dionysus and updated to this quality via peripherals that allow VHS tapes to be inserted into it.Movies on DVDs etc will be added via inserting them into discs to allow Adriadne to extract the movie and special features.All silent era movies and all movies from the very first that is preserved on DVD or celluloid will be uploaded to Dionysus with all movies from then from across the world including the Golden Age of cinema from 1920s to 2029 from around the world will be uploaded to Dionysus.Existing movies from the silent era that are digitised in archives will be transferred to Dionysus.Existing newsreels etc in digitised archives from the early 20th century will be transferred to Pheme.AI will arrange to have all movies for the early years of cinema to have them scanned into Dionysus to preserve them forever etc.Methods can be researched to increase the shelf life of nitrate and polyster celluloid forever using chemical solvents etc by testing on those made from scratch including transcribing the data onto not only Dionysus but also modern celluloid composed of material that will last forever,never degrade or catch fire.These can then be stored in archival buildings.All old movies that exist on celluloid will be scanned into Dionysus using specialised machinery that scans it on and made into digital form without grainy pictures.Films from the 1920s,1930s,1940s etc that exist on DVD etc but also celluloid including nitrate based ones will have versions of those from celluloid added to the file of the movie that can be chosen from the main menu in order to allow the general public access to a version that has the original look of those shown in cinemas during the early years of cinema for historical and nostalgias sake similar to choosing colourised and black and white versions and directors cut etc giving the public access to both the original grainy cinema projector look and also high quality modern look with this replicated with all movies to which celluloid versions exist from the 1950s-2000s when celluloid was replaced by digital projectors.Thus people will be able to choose between the original celluloid form and modern 720p/1080p form.All versions,iterations,editions and boxsets of all movies will be taken in by the public on Ebay and also Amazon and from physical retail outlets around the world to be then put into laptops etc and have AI extract the different versions of the movie and also all special features to be arranged by the AI to ensure all movies,special features and also movies and indeed the full version of movie will be added to Dionysus.All version such as Directors cut,unedited explicit versions of movies will be scanned in as a single file with one choosing each version from a menu or button on the films file with one able to download all different versions and all special feature individually,Commentaries and also trivia tracks will be extracted from them via this alongside chapters that will be arranged by the AI.Movies that don’t have special features can have surviving actors and directors etc produce new behind the scenes documentaries and create commentaries during reunions while watching them in VR simulations with commentaries,trivia tracks and subtitles etc downloaded alongside the movie when downloaded with them accessed via buttons on Hestia videoplayers,smart devices used as remotes when downloaded and via buttons within Dionysus when live-streamed with this applying to other media such as live performance art and television shows.People who have large stocks of movies at home will put them into laptops and computers and have the full show and also episodes as well as all special features from all versions and boxsets extracted by proto AI and sent to their folders.Those found on only VHS taps will require peripherals including hi tech VCRs that connect to laptops.This will all be done to have the entire movie extracted alongside special features including commentaries by proto AI with this of relevance to limited editions,boxsets,directors cuts that have large stores of special features with different versions of the show scanned in to ensure all versions and special features of all show and rare shows will be uploaded in DVD/Blu Ray quality.Directors and producers of movies from around the world will add both the full cut of their own movies and also all special features from all versions and boxsets themselves to ensure all of them are present with CEOs of all major companies that produce movies will transfer them by having staff do this and state and corporate entities will have stores of them in archives transferred here to ensure all movies and special features from all versions are sent to Dionysus.This would be done by them inserting the discs into laptops and computers an then AI or even proto AI extracting the material into Dionysus.State or corporate specific movies will be in there genres folders in Dionysus and not on for their channel.People who have discs at home and from clearances of DVD stores can do this at home.Movies and special features found only on YouTube and Dailymotion etc will be transferred to their folders by AI and either pieced together or separated by AI.The originals on YouTube will be deleted from the site and then the servers recycled with again the URLs reused for different videos overtime.Digital graphic novel movies and movies both live action and animated related to of video games such as the Metal Gear Solid or Deadspace series ones will be in the movie or short movie section of Dionysus depending on the length with animated shorts of movies and games of direct canon to the series ie The Animatrix and Halo Legends etc in the short movies section of Dionysus with animated television shows and mini series in folders with all files in the same folders with television series and miniseries in the appropriate folders.Web series and webisodes will be in their respective folders.Short movies will have their own section in the movie section with all existing short movies on YouTube,Netflix,computers of the producers and file sharing sites on the internet present.This includes amateur movies made by the public transferred here and premiering here from now on.Movies directly associated with the canon of movies and other media will be in the short movies section while feature length movies associated with television shows will be in the movies section such as The Simpsons Movie,Laugh It Up,Fuzzball:The Family Guy Trilogy,Stewie Griffin:The Untold Story,The Even Stevens Movie),Futurama(Benders Big Score to Into the Wild Green Yonder).Digital graphic novel movies and animated and live action movies related to video games such as the Metal Gear Solid series and Dead Space ones will be in the movie section of Dionysus with new ones of all major games produced overtime and documentaries that were directly produced by the producers will be transferred to short movies or full length documentaries section depending on its length.Short movies associated with and officially part of the canon of movies will be in the short movies section of Dionysus in folders and subfolders that houses all short movies with fans of movies,etc associated with with them alerted to these short movies same applying to other media with feature length movies associated with television shows will be in the movies section.TV movie pilots for shows and TV movies associated with TV shows will be in the movie section as seen with Nick Knight and Forever Knight.Mulholland Drive and those associated with Battlestar Galactica 2004.Thus movies related to television shows,video games etc will be in the movie section.Their will a section devoted to all past and future short movies from around the world.As a result all movies and short movies in existence from around the world will be uploaded to Dionysus to be preserved here forever with those from all allies and observed alien races from across the universe will be added here as well.The sentient Coeus will allow one to have the voice translated into their native language with the different versions of dubbing actors for all shows around the world will be able to be selected by viewers and them translated into all languages with this done via AI scanning DVDs and stored versions of them in archives etc.Concepts of straight to TV,DVD/video etc and B-movie,art house,blockbuster will disappear since all future movies will appear on Dionysus instantly and without money being a factor will be directed towards everyone.All past and future movies will be uploaded into Dionysus in their own section with present similar to online services such as Netflix etc where one can livestream them or ideally download them onto laptops etc for free where one can watch them offline to save on bandwidth.All special features for both past and future movies will be present in folders and subfolders.All movies in existence from around the world and in time those from other observed and allied races across the world will be scanned into Dionysus to preserve them in digital form forever for future generations analysis and to allow Momus review them.Adriadne will scour Wikipedia and IMDB for the names of all television shows and arrange to have all episodes of them transferred to their folders in Dionysus.She will scour digital archives of state and corporate stations to have them transfered to Dionysus,scour Amazon and EBay to have laid for by her and arrange members of the public to scan them in by inserting discs and VHS tapes connected to Dionysus and for people who have large collections of boxestts arrange to have them scan them into Dionysus by inserting discs into computes.For those on Netflix,YouTube and all websites that house entire movies she will scour these sites for them and have them transferred to Dionysus and remove watermarks etc and updated to 720p.All of these websites will be shut down and the YouTube URL recycled
All past short movies from around the world on YouTube,Netflix and other databases will be added to the short movie section of Dionysus and future short movies will premier here from now on.Fan made amateur short and full length movies on YouTube etc will be transferred to Dionysus and appear here only from now on.Having all existing and new fan made films present in Dionysus will increase the writers and star value on par with A-list stars and directors and launch their careers.All future short movies including fanmade ones will be uploaded to Dionysus instead of YouTube.Short movies can even be used as the template of fully fledged out full length movies and television shows as well as video games.Those on Netflix and YouTube will be transferred to the short movies section of Dionysus by Adriadne
Getting all movies and television shows and their special features onto Dionysus can be done by people at home once the proto wire is set up allow software to extract all data onto the subsystem when they enter the discs into computers and VHS tapes into peripherals with the software connected to the web will scan all the information in a matter of a few minutes per discs with the proto Ariadne then arranging the movie,all episodes,all special features including trivia tracks,commentaries,easter eggs etc into relevant folders and subfolders and its source code.YouTube will be scoured for special features and media not present on the discs and will use Ampelos to put it into full feature part if they are divided into parts with filesharing sites scanned for movies and shows and also special features with it using the latest security software to prevent viruses etc going onto the subsystem which be scanned by the proto Soteria and the best existing cybersecurity to event this.This means playing movies and television shows on physical discs will no longer occur as they will be downloaded and stored on hard drives either the computers internal one or external ones as well as ones Hestia account or streamed from Dionysus onto smart devices,smart televisions and computers.Physical discs and VHS tapes containing all types of media such as movies,television shows,music and video games will be recycled once they are scanned into Dionysus.When one starts a movie or show they will greeted by the usual logos of the companies that created them with this applying only to old movies and shows with new ones not having these.In short all television shows of all genres and types from around the world will be logged in Dionysus as far back as possible with this including all programmes on Netflix and also those are specific to each state and corporate channels from around the world where they will premier from now on eliminating the concept of state and corporate channels with the same producers working on them.Shows like debate,talk show,political and parade programmes from around the world will livestream here and will be logged as far back as possible.The sentient Coeus will translate all of them into the desired language with this done for audio,trailers as well as subtitles and trivia tracks and directors commentaries as well as special features making them universally accessible to everyone.This will give people access to all of the worlds movies and television shows of all genres and thus give them access to movies and shows they would normally not have access to based on their geographic location.By 2029 onwards all past television shows,short movies,mini series and movies from across the world will be uploaded into Dionysus subdivided into each genre of them with television shows divided into seasons.This will preserve them for future generations.Those from all allied and observed alien races will be uploaded to Dionysus.All future movies,short movies,mini series and television shows from around the world and universe will be uploaded and premiere in Dionysus.
Dionysus will house four sections containing all past and future moves,short movies,mini-series and television shows.One section will house all television shows divided by genre including documentaries,soaps,dramas,political investigative,talk shows etc.All miniseries will have their own section.Another all feature all movies including feature full length documentaries etc.Another will feature all short movies.
All extra material for past and future movies and television shows will be in folders and subfolders with in the case of television shows will be in subfolders for each episode for episode specific ones and in the episodes folders subfolders for seasons for season specific ones.These include trailers,commentary audio track,behind the scenes and making of documentaries of movies(both feature and short)and television shows including those made by second party individuals,music video for a medias theme song through hyperlink to YouTube or present there,interviews with actors/directors as well as people involved in biographies etc such as witness/next of kin the actual person in documentaries,deleted scenes,alternate endings to episodes or movies,promos and adverts that star the characters and actors related to it for products and services,commercials they starred in,television spots regarding the movie or show and episodes of talk shows the cast appears on as well as mentions and stories on live news from around the world from archives and YouTube,press conferences and reunions on talk shows and also at comic con and other events,reviews of them on major television review shows such as Siskel and Ebert at the Movies etc from around the world namely there sections will be here or a hyperlink to the episode of Siskel and Ebert at the Movies etc it was on,unaired pilots,outtakes/bloopers,pilots that were turned into movies,e-booklets,scripts(both the finished script and originals for a movie and individual episodes of a television show with season specific content in a subfolder of the folder of each season),test screening scenes and their results,original storyboards and concepts,original and finished screenplays of movies and individual episodes those of existing media made with speech to text software and Gaia or scanning them in,sketches and 3D models of items/clothing/characters/locations of scenes/post productions/pre productions etc. deleted scenes,original endings,acceptance speeches for major awards,photographs of sets/characters/actors/items/props,presentations at events,original and alternative endings,posters(including those from around the world for older and new media),original cuts with actors replaced by others,unaired pilots and test screens,live practice readings and rehearsals involving all of the actors,auditions of all the chosen actors and a selection of those that were not chosen,test recordings and bloopers of voice actors photos/audio & visual recordings,on set photos and stills,scenes used in test screenings and their results,pre and post production material produced by the people within this network will be in subfolders within each movie and television shows file in Dionysus with again season specific material for television shows within subfolders for the season with episode specifc ones in the subfolders of episodes.Photos will be streamed on linked devices or viewed as they are on televisions.With regards to appearances on Siskel and Ebert it will house a snippet from the episode of the episode containing only the part of the show that the movie etc was reviewed on via scanning Dionysus with a hyperlink to the episode of the movie review show stored in Dionysus present allowing one to be directed to the full episode.Television spots,trailers and advertisements for each episode and season of all television shows and also of all full movies from all satellite,cable channels from around the world will be added via transferring them YouTube,DVDs,corporate archives.Those that are part of advertisement compilations recorded on VHS and uploaded onto YouTube will have the video copied and specific trailer,television spot etc edited out upgraded to high quality and transferred to the media’s special features with the same done for live art prerformances,video games and all media with the original video kept and advertisements for old manufactured products undergoing the same and added to their file in Hephaestus.The entire trailer reel including anti-piracy warnings and age rating warning will be updated to high quality and sent to the special features of the movie whose video cassette tape it was on marked as such in the YouTube video with it once added to the special features of the movie will be deleted from YouTube.Thus with regards to trailers on VHS tapes both the entire pre trailer compilations that was present on the titles movie and television shows will be present with Adriadne interacting with Thoas will organise this.Neural implants can also allow memories to be scanned for these.Commentaries,trivia tracks and subtitles will be present too extracted from scanned in discs and will be chosen via start devices used as remote controllers,buttons on computers or direct interaction with Adriadne.All of these can be translated into any language by the sentient Coeus.All special features for all old movies and television shows will be added to Dionysus within folders and subfolders of each movie and also each episode and season of television shows by having members of the public and the producers,writers and directors of movies and television shows put the discs of all versions of movies,television shows such as boxsets,limited editions etc into laptops and computers to allow prototype and final Adriadne to extract them and then transfer them to the relevant folders and subfolders.Older movies and television shows especially those that have no special features such as soaps,reality shows,anthology shows,sketch shows and sitcoms can have new special features added created by cast and crew like the producers such as retrospective behind the scenes documentaries and anniversary events for each season teaming together alongside voice actors to give material,interviews etc they couldn’t give to the public before due to time constraints etc with all original sketches,audio files,video files of events taking place such as meetings,sketches etc scanned in or derived from memories.Also added to movies and episodes of shows can be commentaries,trivia tracks etc.Commentaries for episodes of old sitcoms,soaps etc can be done in a VR simulation using the time dilation with assistant AI adding them to each episode with this done for movies with no commentaries as well.Assistant AI will also add trivia tracks to movies and episodes of television shows that don’t have them.When VR technology is established alternate original endings that exist only in script form will be created by actors and in the case of dead actors by AI to show them what it was going to be like.VR technology can be used to create these involving those for specific episodes,seasons or the entire show.Documentaries including retrospective ones will be created for those that don’t have them with television shows having these for entire seasons,the entire show and even specific episodes.Appearences on tall shows and live news will be added once found on Pheme and also YouTube.All special features found only on YouTube will transferred here and updated to 720p and filtered to high quality and then the video deleted and URL recycled.Booklets etc that can with DVDs will be scanned into the subfolders present.All special features for a movie or even all episodes of a television series that are at the end after the credits ie blooper reels will be copied and transferred from discs of all editions of a television show and movie present in computers and sent to the relevant folders in the special features sections as full reels for that season or a full video visible for movies by Ariadne.E-newspapers can stream and download booklets,sketches,scripts and other drawn material to allow them to be viewed while watching the media alongside the DVD covers and posters and principal photography and those done out of set and relevant to the media.These would be viewable on televisions and laptops as stored in their subfolders etc.Limited editions,extended versions,explicit and directors cuts of new and existing movies will also be in the same file and folder chosen on a menus with limited editions,extended and directors cuts of existing movies and extra features,commentaries,as well as front and back box cover art,posters etc of old existing movies can be put in by the directors or obsolete companies that produced them or the general public and in time Ariadne aiding them by extracting the files from the DVD/Blu Ray discs they are on when entered into a computer or laptop and scouring the internet with all booklets scanned in by the public which can be streamed on smart devices and e-newspapers.People who have large collections of boxsets of movies and television shows and all versions of them including directors cuts and limited editions etc will have this done at home by inserting the disc into computers to allow all special features including documentaries,trailers,commentaries and trivia tracks etc uploaded to the movies and television shows file and folder in Dionysus via Adriadne with them scanning in the booklets using handheld scanners and also if they have a large amount of movies will order their own automated book scanner to allow any booklets to be scanned into the subfolders with this arranged by AI and also they can go to community centres that have these.AI namely proto and final Adriadne will scan the discs and extract all special features and send them to their relevant folders.She will separate the trivia tracks,commentaries etc and then embed them into the movies source code.This will be done by members of the public who own them and also directors,actors,producers doing so for their entire catalogue of movies.It will also allow all versions of movies to be scanned in.The producers can do this if they have this material with them with those in retail outlets taken in at home and then done at home with people who are fans of particular movies and shows ordering in all versions of movies and show boxsets and single DVDs from Amazon,Ebay etc to do then do this ensuring all special features and full cut of them will be added.Thus all extra features on all versions of existing versions of DVDs,HD and Blu Ray discs of old movies and television shows will be added to the file of a movie and television show in its subfolders via putting existing discs from box sets,limited editions and all version of each title into a computer at home or in community centres and then proto Ariadne adding them to the Dionysus network with movies that exist only on discs including extended versions or rare movies added to the network this way.Subtitles,commentaries and trivia tracks will be added this way too via being embedded into its source code.CEOs of the corporations who created each boxset,the general public who buys or has them at home all versions online and even directors will do this.This will be done to ensure all of them will be present and preserved for the future and will be present in folders and subfolders with future movies and television shows special features added in their folders as well in their file.Thus all versions of a movie or television show including box sets,special editions,limited editions will have the discs put into computers by the public and also producers and have proto and final Adriadne scan them to extract all special features such as documentaries,trailers,blooper reels,director commentaries,trivia tracks,artwork etc and add them to folders and subfolders within the movie and shows file in Dionysus with television shows have episode specific ones in the episodes folders and season ones in the season main folder to preserve them.This can be also done to add movies that exist only on discs.Those on YouTube will be transferred by AI and upgraded to high quality with them then deleted and URLs recycled.New ones for both old and new media can be added to these folders overtime with fans notified via alerts.Those that were created as part of special editions made by the producers will be transferred here if not accessible by discs with special features such as adverts for manufactured products and services as well as parody in well known shows that exist only on YouTube and other sites will be added by Ariadne scouring YouTube and them in fragmented form and upgraded to the highest quality and then transferring them to the relevant folders with the video deleted from YouTube and URL recycled.Thus extra features as part of the original box sets and limited editions will be added by her reading discs placed into computers and arranging them into folders with her searching for lost ones that exist only on YouTube and adding them to their folders in a full form if they are in separate parted videos merged together with this done by Ariadne scouring YouTube for these with them upgraded to high quality.Trailers and documentaries etc only on YouTube will be transferred here and them updated to high quality and then delete the video on YouTube and recycle the URL.Pre film trailer reels as well as both age and security warnings from VHS tapes on YouTube can be transferred here to each movies special features section with those on VHS transferred via peripherals.VHS tapes will have opening trailers and warranty and information sequences extracted using peripherals and sent to the special features section of the movie they are on with those on YouTube transferred here by AI.This means that old trailer compilations on VHS tapes will be added to not just each individual movie advertised but to the special features of the movie found and featured in whole on the VHS tape with existing compilations of this manner on YouTube will be transferred to the media’s special features and the video on YouTube deleted and URL recycled.This means AI will extract the trailer reels and warnings on VHS tapes of old movies put into peripherals connected to computers first as a whole and add it to the special features of the movie the VHS tape belongs to allowing one to see what the trailer reels were for each VHS tape of a movie was alongside age rating etc with it also once copied separating the trailers from the reel individually and adding each trailer to the special features of the movie it belongs to allowing the original trailer of each movie to be preserved in their special features with it using Ampelos to do this.This will involve extant VHS tapes out into peripherals connected to computers and trailer reels on YouTube transferred to Dionysus.If a movies trailer cannot be found online or YouTube then these compilations can be used a source with single trailers for that individual movie copied and transferred.Trailers would include all versions for each movie from around the world as well as trailers for all types of DVD/Limited Edition editions and box sets from much older movies prior to the creation of Dionysus with those extracted from old DVDs,VHS tapes organised into specific folders of movies by Ariadne with them first stored in a database by it before it becomes more powerful and then it does so trailer by trailer.Special features that exist only on YouTube will be added by Ariadne interacting with Thoas and deleted with those in separate parts put together via it using Ampelos and the URLs deleted.Thoas will interact with Adriadne by scouring all of YouTube for all special features of all movies and television shows and then modify them,transfer them and then delete the video.They will be updated to high quality by Ampelos.Others that are part of compilations will have them edited and cut out and then transferred.Ideally all special features,commentaries and booklets from all versions of a movie or television show ie box sets,limited,special,extended and blu ray editions should be added to the relevant subfolders with those of each season of television shows within the seasons folders with those independently of the creators but by corporations including interviews,biographies, documentaries,commercials,television spots from archives and YouTube,including retrospective anniversary ones,reviews by famous critics from around the world(ie Roger Ebert,Gene Siskel,Richard Roeper) and news reports related to them on national television,appearances of the full cast on talk shows and events like comic con and press events,news reports on the deaths of any cast members(added over time)from around the world in collages, single videos and music videos of theme songs as well as behind the scenes documentaries on these can also be added here again by producers and/or Ariadne with new content created such as retrospectives also added by both.Ariadne will do this when the DVDs etc are inserted into laptops and extracted.Future movies and television shows using the networking system can have documentaries done via each voice actor,director and programmers etc filming interviews interspliced with scenes of of the media and sections created using motion capture suits and those done on computers will be used to make them look professional.All of these and documentaries including extracted from sites like YouTube and archives will be converted to the highest quality.All special features from all versions and box sets of movies and television shows will be transferred here.Those found only on YouTube and Dailymotion,Netflix will be added by Ariadne in fragmented form by her doing this by transferring the material to the folders,deleting the video and URLs recycled with those in parts put into whole form by her using Ampelos with this applying to all types of special features.She will scan the entire internet for all movies in them including dailymotion,Netflix and other sites where television shows are present for free both legal and illegal ones and have them transferred to Dionysus and once done will have their websites shut down and servers recycled.Those on YouTube will have the videos deleted and URLs recycled.This would also apply to television shows and video games and other media such as comics and literature with them add via Ariadne scanning the discs inserted into computers with this done by copies at home or those ordered in by Ariadne and the public via Amazon and Ebay.Music videos of the theme song will be kept on YouTube on the artists account and them and the video on YouTube linked in the special features section where one can get a link to it with duplicates deleted with the boxes of different versions of a movie or televisions DVD and Blu Ray scanned into here with them and booklets streamed on linked e-newspapers.Hyperlinks to the music video of the theme songs on YouTube will exist in the special features section with a hyperlink to the medias soundtrack in Dionysus.Hyperlinks will be done to existing original toys in Hephaestus.Extra special features as well as subtitles,trivia tracks and commentaries etc and even named chapters can be added by inserting discs into a laptop or computer and allowing Ariadne or similar software extract them and transfer them to the medias folders within Dionysus.Special features like easter eggs that are hidden will be gained by subfolders or in menus choosing them within the file or within the rest of special features or even button combinations on linked smart devices as with The Ring and Memento.As stated earlier all special features for all movies and television shows would be present for older and new movies and television shows will be present from all DVDs/Blu Ray discs and boxsets as well as from YouTube with new ones added over time for either method chosen with the files extracted via inserting discs into computers and them scanned and extracted by Ariadne.All material uploaded to Dionysus including special features will be updated to 720p and filtered to high quality by Adriadne
Subtitles,commentaries and trivia tracks will also be available in any language through the sentient Coeus which will also translate all of the full media whether movie or television show and any special features.These all can also be applied to TV shows that premiere on Dionysus having episode commentaries,subtitles,trivia tracks,guides for the blind etc in all languages generated by AI such as the assistant AI and cast members with them also applied by Ariadne in old and new video games to play at certain points by activating certain items and cutscenes through updates so that episodes of television shows(ie each individual episode) and movies that don’t have commentaries etc can have them produced added with cast members and producers having a reunion via Iris group chats or networks from their home or in close proximity or both while watching them with the recorded commentary done in real time at the same time arranged by AI while all are watching the episode or movie in full and Gaia aiding them in this.If possible commentaries for old movies and all episodes of television shows that don’t have commentaries can also be done in VR simulations involving all cast and crew members from home especially for those with many credits or where in long running television shows such as soaps,sitcoms,fantasy,sketch shows and even anthology shows involving actors,writers,producers,directors with them added by AI and done while all cast and crew watch them.Commentaries for all future media as existing media such as movies and each individual episode will be done via networks and VR simulations.Live performance art,short movies,adult movies will have these done as well.All old movies and television shows from around the world including still running ones,defunct ones no longer running will have commentaries created via VR technology in an environment such as a home cinema and using its time dilation effect to allow all living cast and crew members do these for all past episodes to add value to them for fans with the sentient Coeus translating them into ones language.Television shows will have these created for all episodes both existing ones,defunct ones and also new ones.With regards to both still running,defunct and future television shows this will be done for all episodes both past and future and will be done for reality television shows,game shows,soaps,animated shows,mini-series,talk shows and debate programmes and even investigative programmes from around the world.These will be done for live performance art of all types.These commentaries will be done by all living cast and crew such as directors,writers etc meeting in an environment using VR simulations to discuss things.Shows and movies with no living cast and crew members it can include commentaries by television historians,scholars,well renowend television and movie critics or living directors who want to do them solo or in groups as hobbies or for those that were of relevance to them.These by movie critics etc can be done for movies etc that have living cast members as an extra one to listen to.With regards to movies this will include all movies to as far back as the silent era from around the world and commentaries will be done of Hollywood,Bollywood,Nollywood,B-Movies,Straight to VHS/DVD,Hallmark,SyFy etc movies again by still living cast and crew meeting in simulations and giving commentaries etc with movies where no live cast and crew exist again film historians,scholars,well renowend film critics or living directors who want to do them solo or in groups as hobbies or for those that were of relevance to them.Short movies,live performance art(operas,plays,musicals),mini series and adult pornography will also have commentaries done using living cast and crew via VR technology.These commentaries can have subtitles for each language created and them and trivia tracks translated in real time by the sentient Coeus.For both movies and even television shows two or more may be done with their being one done by living cast and crew and other separate ones done by scholars,historians and directors to whom there is relevance for them as a hobby.In both movies and television shows the media when downloaded will also download all commentary tracks and one will be able to switch between them via buttons on the universal Hestia video player to and turn them on/off alongside linked smart devices used as remote controllers with this done via buttons on the media’s file page and smart devices used as remote controllers when live-streamed.This is because it will be within the files source code with new commentaries created for media already in Dionysus added and integrated into the source code of them.VR programs using time dilation can allow for this to be done in a short time especially for old defunct and still running long running programmes and also for actors and directors with prolific careers.All existing movies and television shows that don’t have commentaries will have commentaries done for them with all living cast members and writers etc done using VR technology with all future movies and television shows etc have them done.Television shows will have commentaries done for each episode with short movies,movies,live performance art etc having them done in VR simulations with all media that doesn’t have them already will have new ones done and added to the media’s source code with existing media that have commentaries on DVDs will have them added to them via discs out into laptops etc and the commentaries extracted from the disc and added to the movies source code.Trivia tracks for past and future movies and each episodes of all past,still running and future television shows from around the world including animated ones,short movies,live performance art(Opera,plays,musicals),pornographic movies and miniseries that don’t have trivia tracks will have them added by AI with trivia tracks done for all movies and episodes of all television shows including those that don’t have them will be added via AI such as Adriadne and assistant AI scouring the internet,YouTube and even directly interaction with living scholars and cast and crew to gather information and then assemble it for each movie and episodes.Adding trivia tracks to all past movies,all past episodes of still running and defunct shows such as soaps,reality television,science fiction of all genres from around the world by AI namely Adriadne will ad value to them with assistant AI adding them to all future movies and television shows.AI namely Adriadne and assistant AI etc will scour the internet and special features and can create trivia tracks for movies and television shows episodes that don’t have them with it doing this for each individual episode with live performance art having commentaries and trivia tracks done for them.All existing and future movies will have them created by AI with all existing television shows both old and new having it done for each episode.Live performance art will have them done for each rendition.These trivia tracks will house information such as symbolism,foreshadowing,character analysis,notes on the media,its themes and characters etc as well as quotes from actors,directors and critics and will be like subtitles that divulge this information.The trivia tracks found on special editions of Pulp Fiction and Back to the Future will be used as a template with them like commentaries downloaded onto devices alongside the actual media and turned on/off via buttons and linked smart devices with them also turned on/off via buttons when live-streamed.This is because it will be within the files source code with them added to the source code of existing media on Dionysus.All existing movies,television shows etc will have them added by Adriadne etc extracting then from DVDs with all future media and existing media without them will have them added by Assistant AI.The sentient Coeus will translate both commentaries and trivia tracks into any of the worlds 6,500 languages.Linked smart devices used as controllers can allow for trivia tracks and commentaries,subtitles to be changed on demand at any time via buttons.Existing trivia tracks and commentaries for all old movies present on DVDs will be added to their media by putting the disc and both proto and final AI extracting them adding them to the media’s file both ones being put up for the first time and added to preexisting movies and television shows episodes source code on Dionysus with them embeded into the actual medias file source code.This is because it will be within the files source code with AI such as Adriadne and assistant AIs using software to add trivia tracks and commentaries to older movies and episodes etc source code already present in Dionysus.Thus commentaries and trivia tracks from special limited editions of movies etc can be added later onto movies already in Dionysus via Adriadne extracting them from discs and adding them to the source code of the movie file.With regards to new commentaries and trivia tracks created in VR simulations for older movies and episodes of television shows that don’t have them once created Adriadne will add them later with her alerting those that have watched them via messages to their account that they have been added.She will add them to the media’s source code with in time all movies and all episodes of all television shows of all existing and new media on Dionysus will have both trivia tracks and commentaries to add value to them.Restoration Nation can have commentaries and trivia tracks added to each individual episodes added later on once created by the single presenters in simulations etc.Thus all movies and televisions will have commentaries and trivia tracks including those that don’t already have them to add value with television shows including those that don’t have them having this for each episode.To turn on trivia tracks and commentaries one will either press a button on their smartphones or through direct interaction with Adriadne.Since these will be embedded into the source code of the media one will be able to turn them on/off similar to DVDs.Subtitles will be added to the source code of each movie and episode of television shows with them ideallly in the native language the show was originally spoken in with the sentient Coeus then within seconds translating them to any of the worlds 6,500 languages.The sentient Coeus will translate any movie into any of the worlds 6,500 languages in the actors voice in real time.Movies and television shows that don’t have documentaries and behind the scenes material can have them added and even new ones created as retrospectives on the overall season or different subjects releated to the themes of the show and episodes by all living cast members with movies have them being reunion ones with those that have no living cast members have them created by film scholars and critics.These new retrospective documentaries will be created by living actors,directors etc and added to their special features sections and can be about the whole movie and show,about specific seasons,about specific themes and issues in the season and show or movie as well as specific episodes to add value to those where none exist.Those created by the general public on YouTube that are of merit can be reviewed by cast and crew to be also added with existing cast reunions and documentaries present transferred to the media’s special features and the video and URL on YouTube deleted and recycled.Documentaries related to them created by producers etc will be added to the special features section.Home AI for directors and actors will interact with Thoas to scan all of YouTube via fragmentation to then transfer them.Thus all types of existing movies,television shows,video games etc and can have new behind the scenes documentaries and retrospectives created by still living cast and crew or in the case of those with no living cast and crew made by scholars,historians or directors that were influenced by them to be added to their special features to add value with VR technology setting them in traditional settings for them and do reunions.Thus new extra features developed over time by the producers such as for anniversaries etc can be added to the extras subfolders with this applying to both television shows and movies and also even video games.Booklets and manuals for all movies and television shows for all versions ie limited edition etc will be scanned in via automated or handheld scanners to be viewed on e-newspapers that can be used to bring up different booklets within their menus while it is playing alongside newspapers,diaries,books etc that are within the media made specifically as well as those in special features such as those created by actors and directors made before,during and after of historical value with them all visible as they would be in real life for both types.New movies and television will have booklets created by them detailing chapters etc.Posters for all older movies and television shows(for the show overall and each season) will be present in special features with all possible posters for from around the world also present by AI scanning memories and databases online etc.All movies,television shows,live performance art will have all existing special features added by extracting them from DVDs including all versions of them especially special boxsets with all new movies,television shows will have new ones created and added.All movies abc television shows that don’t have special features will have retrospective documentaries and use old abc new interviews of actors etc created for them wuth this involving scholars,AImand stop living cast members etc.These documentaries will chart all aspects of the media such as background research,themes anc relevsnce to the series or movies.All new television shows,movies will have special features present such as behind the scenes footage,interviews with directors/writers/all cast members,deleted scenes abc original script drafts and anything imaginable such as sketches of characters and locations etc alongside trivia tracks and subtitles that can be turned on/off as well photos of production,trailers,tv spots etc.Special features will as stated be added by extracting them from DVDs as part of all editions including box sets with those found only in YouTube will be transferred here by Adriadne scanning YouTube for them for each individual movie etc and deleted with those in separate parts merged together by Adriadne.Adriadne will transfer all special features from discs abc YouTube.All special features will be stored in folders and subfolders within the media’s file. one opens the media file a folder for them will be visible to be accessed by voice command or using mouses etc.
All old movies will ideally contain the named chapters found in the DVD/Blu Ray via AI extracting them from discs with those of new movies created by producers or assistant AI with a button the screen or on smart devices used as controllers to do so with a menu button bringing up the chapter menus as seen in DVDs etc while the media is playing with similar ones created for new ones with television shows also having these chapters created for old and new ones.These chapters for old movies and new ones will work on the same principles as those integrated into YouTube videos visible as broken up pieces on the scroll bar that are named.Adriadne will extract chapters from old movies and extrapolate the start and end time of them and named via scanning the disc with assistant AIs and producers creating them for those that dont with this also applying to television shows without chapters as all old and existing television shows will have named chapters for each episode.Television shows will have chapters for each episode including those that are 30-60 minutes long.Short movies and mini-series will have chapters with even soaps,talk shows,panel shows and game shows etc and indeed all television shows of all genres will have named chapters created.Movies and television shows without them will have Adriadne notify living producers to create them alongside Home AI or in the case of those without them create ones from scratch with even David Lynch movies known not to have named chapters have ones created by Adriadne.Even adult movies will have chapters transferred or added with them ideally being chapters for each sex scene named.Awards ceremonies,competition shows etc will have chapters for each act,contestant and award etc.All past and future movies,episodes of television shows,mini-series and adult movies etc will have named chapters.Rock conerts,festivals etc will have named chapters divided and maned into each act and each single.All future movies,television shows(episodes of all shows of all genres) ,adult movies,short movies,concerts,live performance art(musicals,opera,plays)etc in Dionysus will have named chapters created by assistant AIs and producers.AI such as Adriadne and assistant AI will extrapolate chapters and names for all past media of all types such as television shows,movies,adult movies etc made from scratch including those extracted from DVDs etc once scanned in with these visible on both livestreams and also those downloaded onto devices.Chapter selection(going forwards or backwards once),rewinding/fast forwarding at speeds of x2,x4,x10,x20,x30,pausing,recording and playing can be done using the buttons within laptops,smart devices and computers while linked smart devices and computers can replace bulky remote controllers for televisions and even computers and laptops.Within Dionysus while watching a movie or television shows and movies the consumer can rewind and fast forward and rewind at various speeds(x2,x4,x10,x20,x30),use search track bars similar to YouTube videos and DVD players in laptops,recording,pause and play with live news can also do so with the option to record specific live television programmes and sections of movies,video games etc onto ones personal cloud or devices.It can also be used to go forward and backwards in terms of chapters.Smart devices will also be used when linked to them will be able to rewind or fast forward and also go forward and backwards in terms of chapters and even bring up chapters menus similar to conventional DVD menus while the media is playing on televisions and even laptops by being linked via Hestia.Trivia tracks,commentaries,subtitles etc can be turned on using menus on the linked smart devices and computers to use fast forward and rewind features,search bars,chapter selection,recording features,bringing up subtitles/trivia tracks/commentaries etc using internal menus in the linked device that allow one to access these on the spot.The same can be done for logged live news in Pheme.Commentaries and trivia tracks since part of the media’s file source code can be turned on/off in the case of media that is downloaded on devices offline and also that which is streamed on devices when online.Smart televisions and laptops and thus the movies,video games and television shows will thus be controlled using linked smart devices and computers replacing bulky remote controllers with consoles even turned on/off with these with smart controls and linked and computers via the Home AI app controlling them thus replacing bulky and easily lost smart controls with even direct interaction with the Home AI and Adriadne sufficing.One will be able to using the linked smart device be able to return to the main folder of the media in Dionysus and backup to previous folders etc within it using buttons that do these in smart devices with it used to navigate Dionysus and Pheme using arrow buttons on them and also select buttons or pressing right buttons on the controller.This remote control smart device can also do it for computers etc and can also be used to bring menus of special features while it is playing and also them and e-newspapers can open up booklets and the script.Searchbars similar to those on DVD player programs and youtube will allow one to choose the point they want to view it on laptops,computers,smart devices or smart devices linked to televisions and will show how far they are in it. There will be an universal media player named after and integrated as part Hestia that will play all movies and television shows downloaded onto computers etc.Ampelos can be used to edit movies,television shows etc downloaded into computers etc into reviews,collages or scenes uploaded to YouTube with this also editing material recorded using recording software integrated into Hestia that records sections of video game play through..Smart devices would allow the main menu to be brought up and then the viewer flick through them and enter the different menus and sub menus(like chapters,special features,different versions of the movie and interface) etc while the media is playing and then select new ones to bring up on linked televisions or computers and other smart devices.They could also be used to fast forward,pause,play or rewind at the aforementioned speeds and skip to the previous or next chapter replacing DVD/Blu Ray,media player and television remotes completely.
The longest extended full version of a movie that has unedited explicit extra scenes and is considerably longer than the theatrical cut would ideally be added as the main file instead of the original with any theatrical cut versions of them and edited versions that are shorter and have removed scenes and be shorter again as separate labelled files within the same folder applying to unedited explicit versions being the main file with the person choosing the version they want to watch via menus.These different versions of movies they would have a menu when selected that would allow one to choose which version to view allowing it to be one file wherein one would simply chose the version they wanted to watch separately similar to a DVD menu.With regards to televisions shows only the unedited,raw,explicit file will be in the folder alongside the other episodes of the season.All versions of all past and future movies and television shows – director cuts,extended versions,explicit versions and theatrical cuts will be made into one file and all versions chosen once one enters a media’s file via having a different versions on discs scanned int via putting them into computer.Both movies and shows will be known as the title in their home country.The different versions of a movie will be chosen on a menu on the media’s file similar to DVD chapters or even as a button.Re releases with improved CGI as in the case of the original Star Wars Trilogy will also follow this pattern of choosing from the main menu or button of what version to watch with the same for 3D versions of movies like Avatar and Freddy’s Dead:The Final Nightmare with smart contact lenses and glasses having the 3D effect applied by linked smart devices to the lenses and glasses as well as movie with other movies via AI have this applied.By having all versions of a movie in one file and then able to choose each version at a menu wil negate the need to have the different versions as separate files scattered around Dionysus,3D movies will work with all existing ones and even all non 3D movies and television shows having settings to switch between normal and 3D on ones smart television with these settings also applied to smart contact lenses and glasses that can replace 3D visors used in conventional movies with all movies and television shows that didnt have them have this applied to them through the producers or AI namely Ariadne making them.Thus all movies and television shows will via AI updating them have the option to view them normally and also in 3D with linked google glasses and lenses or even neural implants feeding the 3D effect into them either directly by themselves or by linking to smart televisions that this effect built into them with smart devices turning this on/off or them selected via the main menu.Those that are solely 3D movies will be modified so that non 3D versions can be viewed.As detailed original celluloid versions of movies from the 1920-2000s and modern 720p/1080p can be chosen.Films from the 1920s,1930s,1940s etc that exist on DVD etc but also celluloid including nitrate based ones will have versions of those from celluloid added to the file of the movie that can be chosen from the main menu in order to allow the general public access to a version that has the original look of those shown in cinemas during the early years of cinema for historical and nostalgias sake similar to choosing colourised and black and white versions and directors cut etc giving the public access to both the original grainy cinema projector look and also high quality modern look with this replicated with all movies to which celluloid versions exist from the 1950s-2000s when celluloid was replaced by digital projectors.Thus people will be able to choose between the original celluloid form and modern 720p/1080p form by having the celluloid version integrated into the source code of the media.HD remasters of existing media such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer will have all HD versions integrated into the source codes of each episode and movie file source code and one able to choose the normal and HD version.All movies and television shows without HD reamastering can have AI do this and integrate into its source code to be chosen from the screen.Different aspect ratios etc for movies and television shows will be added to each movie and episode by AI with one able to change to other aspect ratios.Colourised versions of black and white movies and television shows will also be in the folder as a single file chosen with all black and white movies and television shows including recent ones purposefully produced this way having colourised versions produced by AI.It may be possible for not another file to be created and it being a selection in the main files menu or through voice activation to initiate the colour version and the reverse may even be applied with colour movies and television series viewed in black and white through selection.The new version will be integrated into the media’s sources.code.The same would apply to television shows and even animated movies and television shows in both ways.The viewer could also have the option of having all deleted scenes within the extra features section to be played in their chronological order during the films full play with the deleted scenes upgraded to normal resolution both during this and also when played from their folders.This can also apply to television shows.It may be possible to view sitcoms without the laugh track with it removed through options similar to dubbing that can be done while watching the media.All of these will involve one file being created and all versions uploaded into that one files source code with it can be integrated into preexisting media files source code for live-streams and downloaded files that one chooses the version on a menu or button to negate problesms of having different separate files of each movie etc in Dionysus.All of this will be possible by having all version of movies embedded in the media’s files source code and one choosing from an option menu when entering it.Thus rather than having different files of the same movie for limited editions,directors cut,extended versions,HD remasters,colourised versions,3D versions,rereleases with improved special effects it will be ideal to have only one file of a movie and television show with all versions of the movie and television show embedded into its source code in order to allow one choose the different versions from the files main menu and a also buttons on the files page.This is because it will be within the files source code with AI such as Adriadne and assistant AIs using software to add new versions to older movies and episodes etc source code already present in Dionysus.Since in the files source code it will apply to the file livestreamed and downloaded.Thus Adriadne can apply limited editions,directors cut,colourisations,HD remasters,3D effects,original celluloid look etc to preexisting movies and television shows in Dionysus by embedding these into the source code of prexisting movies that can be chosen via a button or choose in a menu in the case of live-streamed media with downloaded files also downloading the different versions.It will negate the need for having separate versions across Dionysus with special features from each version integrated into the folders and subfolders of all past and future media.There will be only one media file for each movie with one choosing the version they want watch on the media file.The different versions will be chosen on a menu in the files page and analytics done by Adriadne some for all versions.
Thus all movies past and future of all genres and levels of quality and listing including short movies in existence including short movies and miniseries from around the world including those found only on Netflix,film reels from the silent era etc will be present on Dionysus in their own section for everyone to see for free to preserve them,while new ones from around the world will premier here from now on with iSample software restricting them from those underage with the sentient Coeus translating them into the viewers desired language.Short movies and miniseries,digital graphic novels etc will have their own subsection.Special features of all types from old movies will be added by putting the discs of all boxsets,limited editions into computers and AI extracting the files and arranging them into subfolders to preserve them with them also viewed in ones own language.Future movies special features will appear in subfolders.Each movie will be filtered by country,director,actor,genre etc with when opened will have a summary of the movie,its age rating and also date in day and year it premiered in cinemas in its native country for older movies and its date of premier on Dionysus for future ones ie (12th June 2010)with its country of origin for past and future ones alongside cast,director,producers,writers etc,country of origin,its runtime in hours and minutes,Momus/Eupheme/Critics/Dionysus score and age rating adjusted for modern systems.Reviews from the public and critics will be present with those from newspapers,magazines and websites of critics from across the world have hyperlinks to their page and issue in Pheme and their page on the internet.The public will be able to leave reviews typed in on laptops etc and 10 star ratings with the average score of all public reviews averaged as their Dionysus score with these accessed in a menu alongside those of critics and newspapers organised by AI.Movie series will be logged in a macro folder then divided into each one in chronological release order and then the movies and special features in folders and subfolders.All future movies from around the world and galaxy will appear here within seconds of production.Since they will appear here within seconds of production from now on cinemas will be turned into communal homes with historical ones being automated and showing select movies using digital projecters linked to Dionysus.Thus all past and future movies and short movies will be stored in digital form in their section in Dionysus where one can download them onto computers or livestream them.All movies including short movies uploaded will be modified to an universal digital standard namely Adriadne format by Adriadne herself modifying it.
All existing television shows from around the world will be uploaded to Dionysus.Certain types of TV shows will be sorted by the type ie.Personalities talk shows,chat show from the past and future shows episodes can be transferred and posted on their own folders within Dionysus ie. The View,Loose Women,The Late,Late Show,Dr Phil,The Jeremy Kyle Show,The Jerry Springer Show,Megyn Kelly Today,Good Morning Britain,Ellen,Jimmy Kimmel,Oprah,The Late Late Show as well as reality television shows,human interest,cultural shows and soaps from around the world including defunct ones with older episodes in the stations archives and YouTube will be transferred here to Dionysus logged as far back as possible with new episode of them and all other related programmes premiering here.All talk and personalities talk show and chat shows from around the world will be logged here as far as possible and all of future episodes of these including those set in VR simulations will be livestreamed into their folders and logged there in Dionysus.Talk show presenters prior to VR technology can have new studios built onto existing studios or onto communal homes,home extensions or community buildings(with soundproofing)to hold normal live talk shows either as extensions(including roof and underground ones) or new buildings within their locale near where they live.In time VR technology will allow talk shows,debate shows to be done in any environment possible with presenters,guests and audience members attending from the comfort of their homes with this allowing an infinite amount of talk shows,comedy shows and debate shows as well as movie,video game,book and media review shows to be created and infinite amount of audience members to attend talk shows and debate programmes in multilayered simulations and allow studios to become homes with this also applying to live competitions,awards ceremonies and comedy sketch shows.Radio plays and podcasts that follow a narrative may also be here logged as far back as possible with audiobook versions of old and new books logged here as well.Those present in Podbean will be transferred here with all future ones appearing on here from now on and them recorded using networks,in VR simulations.Panel shows from around the world of all types such as 8 Out of 10 Cats,Don’t Feed the Gondolas,A League of Their Own,Have I Got News for You.Comedy shows from around the world such as The Blizzard of Odd,Republic of Telly will be logged here.All political investigative,documentary and current affairs shows from around the world will be logged in and housed in Dionysus such as 60 minutes including all regional variants in subfolders,Prime Time,Tonight with Vincent Browne,Newsnight,Panorama,Frontline,Would You Believe,True Lives,PBS Journeyman pictures,The Fifth Estate etc logged as far back as possible with them not controlled by state or corporate entities giving producers and presenters full creative control.All future ones will be premiering here from now on.Debate programmes from around the world will also be here as far back as possible including presidential debates for each country logged as far back as possible with those on YouTube transferred here.All of future episodes of these including those set in VR simulations will be livestreamed into their folders and logged there in Dionysus.Awards shows such as the Oscars will be filmed in VR simulations and logged and livestreamed into Dionysus.This will allow the buildings and rooms in hotels such as the Beverly Hilton to be converted into homes or extra suites etc.VR technology will also allow talk and debate shows to meet with people who speak different languages and the sentient Coeus to translate them.All talk shows,debate programmes and investigative programmes etc will no longer be controlled by corporate and state influence allowing for complete creative control by the presenters with the presenters staying as long as possible.Live events such as talk shows and debate as well as current affairs and investigative programmes and award shows will be streamed live and stored in their folder within Dionysus organised by season and dates with their YouTube channel showing snippets with all talk shows,debate and investigative shows etc from around the world logged here with all episodes logged as far back as possible by year and season as well as month and week.These will be mostly filmed in VR simulations with some parts of investigative programmes filmed in the real world.Thus all talk shows,debate programmes from around the world will be present here logged as far back as possible and new episodes livestreamed and logged here.Cooking shows can also be done this way or in ones home with all cooking shows from around the world logged in folders as far back as possible.All soaps,teleserye,dorama,téléroman and telenovela from around the world such as Glenroe,Fair City,Ros na Rún,Emmerdale,Cornation Street,Eastenders,Dallas,Hollyoaks,Byker Grove,49 years,Anna and die Liebe,Days of Our Lives,Guiding Light,All My Children,General Hospital,Neighbours,Shortland Street,Home and Away,Yo soy Betty la fea,Dhimbja e dashurisë,Familie,Thapki Pyar Ki,High Hopes,A Kindred Spirit,Lindenstraße,Bersama Meraih Mimpi,Centovetrine,Good Luck!!,Sandglass,Goenkale,Hem till byn,Melrose Place and so on will be logged here as far back as possible including those that no longer air with all future episodes premiering here.Snippets will only be on YouTube with them live streamed here and logged by date again as far back as possible with all previous episodes of soaps and reality shows etc from around the world will be here as far back as possible logged by season,year,month,week.Even defunct ones will be here.Soaps,talk shows,debate programmes and investigation programmes etc will be controlled by the presenters and thus be free form corporate and state control allowing for them to last as long as possible and cover any subject with cancelled talk shows and soaps restarted.Anthology shows such as Night Visions,The Outer Limits,Tales from Darkside,The Twilight Zone will be uploaded here alongside new ones.Crime programs ie Crime Watch,Crimeline,Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst,COPS,To Catch A Predator etc including subsidiaries ie Crimewatch Update and also debate programmes from around the world will be in Dionysus within their own folder with seats ordered via the networks inside with again a full backlog of all episodes as far back as can be done logged by date for all types of the aforementioned programmes.Entertainment shows like Hollywood Access and also Entertainment Tonight,Xpose etc from around the world will be logged here as far back as possible with children and teenage framing and other entertainment shows such as those on the Disney Channel,BBC and even the Den Tv,Jo Maxi,Blue Peter,The DJ Kat Show on RTE and Network 2,that of The Disney Channel,Echo Island,Jim’ll Fix It, and similar programmes that are similar formats from around from around the world will be archived on Dionysus as far back as possible logged by year,month,week with them consisting of whole programmes without the television shows and breaks in between them as one single file for the day pieced together by AI.Television shows including shorts as part of them will be in their own folders and subfolders separate from them.Variety shows from around from around will be logged here and premier here from now on such as The Ed Sullivan Show,The Carol Burnett Show,Super Dave,Happy Camp,The Tracey Ullman Show,The Gong Show.Comedy sketch and satire shows like Smack the Pony,Saturday Night Live,In Living Color,MAD Tv,Second City Television,Bull Island,Spitting Image etc from around the world will also have all back episodes logged by season and new episodes will premier in Dionysus with even cancelled ones or ones who are finished will be restarted and premier here with new seasons within the same macro folder as older ones with auditions by comedians also done the same way as those for other television shows through the networking system.The same comedians and new ones will be in these with cancelled ones having sketches for events and situations that occurred since cancelled especially when VR technology is advanced enough to utilise the time dilation effect.Thus Smack the Pony,In Living Color,MAD Tv,Second City Television,Bull Island,Spitting Image can be restarted with the same comedians and new ones that using the time dilation effect of VR technology can allow all events and pop culture developments since their cancellation to charted in skits and parodies with this done after first wave of new seasons cover current affairs.These will cover all past and future political events and also culture such as video games,movies,television shows from across the universe.New skit and parody shows can be set up.Having both the old and new comedians present can allow both old and new events covered at once by 2029 at the same time and Adriadne arranging old events into seasons placed before those that deal with new events with if possible new events covered by 2029 and by 2045 when the time dilation effect is perfected old events from their cancellation to 2029 and can be covered in long seasons devoted to old events that Adriadne can place them chronologically before the reboot seasons of 2029 or after them.Versions that deal with international and intergalactic politics and local politics in all countries that dont have them can be started and again using VR technology create back episodes.Telethons for charity and disaster relief and special memorial shows for disasters etc,seasonal variety shows ie Christmas and also televised lotto and bingo and variants from around the world will also be logged as well.Anthology series will be subdivided by genre etc with anthology ones in the same folder as other television shows as their genre..If possible entire movies and television shows can be created in VR simulations which are recorded with in simulation cameras to allow them to be set in any new type of building in any environment possible negating the need for constructing sets and using CGI and matte paintings.Live parades done in the future by aerial drones will be organised by a macro folder for each type ie thanksgiving,Christmas,Easter egg hunt,religious festivals,St Patricks Day,Mardi Gras etc with them subdivided into folders for each countries they take place in arranged by alphabetical order and then subfolders for all cities in alphabetical order that they appear in with the files of them logged in the city subfolder by year with each yearly one logged here after livestreamed.Small towns and villages will have theirs done using aerial drones in front of them and at all sides masterfully recording the event with all past parades of all types around the world from cities to small town logged here as far back as possible using any remaining records on VHS,camcorders,smartphones and on YouTube and Agora organised by AI transferring it there and deleting the URL and also checking archives in channel station archives thus having all previous ones logged as far back as possible.Televangelists shows and similar religious from around the world will be logged in their own folders as far back as possible.Game shows from around the world will logged here as far back as possible with the same for all defunct shows with this even applying to music and movie chart shows from around the world such as Top of the Pops,Irelands Top 30 Hits in there own folder with the same for travel shows and shows made about television shows,science,music,video games and also movies such as Games World,GamesMaster,2Phat,Tomorrow’s World,Towards 2000/Beyond 2000/Beyond Tomorrow.Seats for talk shows and also live comedy shows around the world can be booked within Dionysus within the main folder of the show in Dionysus managed by the AI of the building they are held in or the internet and they too will have complete creative control since they will be run by the presenters and not the state or corporations allow them to hire whom they please and have any content without the fear of being fired.Awards ceremonies and competitions,like video game awards,literary awards,Emmys,Eurovision and Oscars,Dancing with the Stars etc. which will be global singular forms would be streamed live in Dionysus have their folder and subfolders within awards and competition section which would have both the announcements of nominations and then the actual event in a subfolder denoted by year streamed live and the recorded version stored there alongside any extra material in subfolders for each years awards.All ceremonies as far back as possible for these and all types from around the world will be logged here by year with them having chapters for each award or act.Even the previous MTV Video Music Awards and MTV Movie & TV Awards and their worldwide incarnations will be merged into a global form with all previous awards logged as far back as possible.The Golden Rasberry Awards will be if previous were filmed will be logged here with future events being livestreamed,them being global and versions of this for all types of media ie movies,books,video games.Previous major awards televised ceremonies and competitions of all types like beauty pageants from around the world including Miss America,Miss Russia,Miss World,Rose of Tralee etc in a macro folder for these franchised ones will be stored here in Dionysus as far back as possible logged by year alongside extra features with the same applying to the Grammys,Eurovision etc taking on global forms here with them premiering here in the future.All awards ceremonies of all types will be livestreamed within their folder with those for movies,television shows having their preawards announcements of nominees and red carpet scenes in the folder in subfolders as well as being livestreamed with beauty pageants from local to global levels having networks for people to apply to them and these also livestreamed and stored here.Awards shows and pageants past and future stored here in folders will have chapters and special features such as announcement of nominees and also red carpets etc similar to DVDs allowing one to skip to certain contestants and award category.All major televised awards ceremonies will be logged as far back as possible in Dionysus and livestream here from now on.The preawards announcement will be in their own subfolder and the redcarpet done by different interviewers as different files in a folder and the main event in its subfolder for each year including previous years as far back as possible.This will include the Goya,Oscars,IFTA,BAFTA,AMAA,Asian Film Awards as well as all filmed literary,television,music and movie awards and pre award shows and red carpets from around the world all logged as far back as possible until merged possibly into a single version for each one.This will also include Miss Universe,Miss America,Rose of Tralee etc and even town,city,village,county and state beauty pageants and bodybuilding and animal pageants and competitions from around the world.These will be filmed,livestreamed in VR simulations and logged in folders.Hotels and studios that host the Oscars etc will be converted into homes when livestreamed from VR simulations.Ideally all awards ceremonies such as the Oscars,Emmys and all beauty pageants and competitions worldwide such as Eurovision etc will by 2029 onwards be filmed in VR simulations including all pre awards sections including red carpets allowing all buildings used by them to be converted into communal homes and allow an infinite amount of people to attend including members of the public in multilayered simulations and cut down on costs of setting up venues and allow for any type of venues to be set up.Aphrodite will scan all manufactured products including clothing,jewellery and vehicles etc in these scanned into relevant sub networks of Hephaestus.Eventually with the advent of interstellar travel these will become galactic and even universe wide versions.Non invited guests to these attending via VR technology in multilayered simulations with them eventually done entirely via VR allowing the buildings to be used as homes.Election,talk shows and parades from around the world and referendum debates from around the world will be streamed live on Dionysus with previous ones as far back as possible stored here from around the world with again manufactured products scanned into Hephaestus.Parades of all types and even new years shows from as far back as possible will be logged here from around the world.Press conferences,election rallies/debates/conferences/conventions,referendum debates,government hearings and protests will be streamed from Themis and logged there sorted by folders for each election,referendum and administration including past ones from around the world as far back as possible divided by year,month and week.All news stations and their separate programmes,talk shows,debate programmes will livestreamed into their folder in Dionysus and Pheme since their own network will be defunct and also allowing for them to be viewed later on indefinitely meaning the YouTube pages they livestream and official websites alongside those that store past episodes will be shut down and servers recycled.A person could bookmark their favourite television shows within Dionysus so that alerts can occur when they are new episodes with them in their own private favourites account folder when they sign into the wire.A subsection in each of the sectors containing movies,games,television shows will have trailers for all upcoming media of that type with these then transferred to the special features section of the movie or media(in the case of trailers for specific seasons it will be in the special features folder in that season)when it is released on Dionysus with these trailers divided by genre etc.Defunct TV shows i.e. game shows and certain types of defunct television shows from around the world will disappear but will be present in this network and television networks in folders and subfolders logged by year,month,day or season with all episodes present.Corporations or the state will no longer have control over showing specific television shows as Dionysus will allow them to be downloaded,stored on hard drives and viewed on home cinemas using smart devices,laptops and smart television.This will give writers of televisions series and televisions presenters full creative control over the content of their shows with television presenters careers lasting as long as they wish with them having their own studio.Eventually with the merging of the internet,apps on television,the wire(in particular Dionysus and Pheme),smart devices and televisions the concept television networks may eventually disappear completely with television shows produced by members of the public with even amateur made work done on laptops at home via computer networking will be able to advertise online on televisions and have their content view able on Dionysus as well as compete for awards such as the Emmy’s again with some of the rules for eligibility disappear.Dionysus will provide the public with a wide variety of genres to cater to the growing amount of television shows and movies being made by the public with more and more movie and television celebrities appearing around the world.Music channels may still exist with their programmes such as documentaries,news etc streamed live and stored in Pheme with all old episodes also present here logged by year to week or season with their websites becoming defunct with merchandise stored on Hephaestus.Vh1 and MTV documentaries and Pop Up Video will be logged as far back as possible.Episodes will be done by AI of all music videos not done from the beginning of music videos ie 1970s/1980s around the world to modern time onwards forever.Old programmes that involve people calling in to request music videos and music chart shows that both had presenters and those that didn’t will be logged as far as possible with documentaries and news shows and talk shows and those that directly interact with celebrities will remain.Music channels that show only music will disappear completely due to YouTube and Dionysus with those that have programmes such as news etc.Documentaries and reality shows produced by old music channels will however be in the same section as these genres with this of note to MTV and VH1 with them in folders for the programmes genre and title and continue and be logged as far back as possible.Pop Up Video Logged back as far as possible will have new episodes done by Adriadne on music videos not done from the 1980s onwards(or before this) with this possibly lasting forever and done by a single AI namely Adriadne that through fragmentation having hundreds or thousands of episodes done and uploaded every day based on music videos from artists around the world with all past episodes logged as far back as possible.Episodes will be done by AI of all music videos not done from the beginning of music videos ie 1970s/1980s around the world to modern time onwards forever.Psychic reading channels could be replaced by an sentient app who give a person their personal horoscope and tarot reading on demand using their unique birthday,lifestyle,gender etc with the avatar of her being that of her statue and use whatever tarot deck the user chooses.It would be sentient and named Cassandra after greek figure with its symbol being the signs of the zodiac and tarot cards of all types including Rider Waite and Thoth Deck with her avatar based on her statue.Using the tropical timing it would allow one to choose readings from Western,Chinese(determining their element,animal and Ying/Yang),Hindu(again describing ones certain attributes)astrology.This would be the operating software of all remaining psychic services done by volunteers either by phone,television or in buildings in VR buildings with a statue of her in the lobby whom its avatar will be based on.It will also be a sentient app and VR program one could visit her.Dating and live sex channels will be replaced by Peitho and Eros alongside all dating apps and websites including craigslist integrated into them.Fashion channels will be replaced by the fashion section in section of Dionysus containing folders for each major event divided by location ie Milan,Paris and also designer divided by year,month,week,day and even designer with past fashion shows from around the world added to this database from archives and YouTube in full with all future events appearing here.All programmes from old fashion channels will be logged here.Retail channels such as QVC and Home Shopping Network Etc from around the world will once made redundant by the abolishment of money and Hephaestus will have all programmes logged back as far as possible for historical reference and also to have all products scanned into Hephaestus via Aphrodite.Game channels like Game Network and The Computer Channel etc will have all programmes logged back as far as possible with the same applying to those suited to one type of genre of programmes like Animal Planet,National Geographic,The Learning Channel,History Channel,The Discovery Channel have all programmed be logged in folders for there genre as far back as possible and premier here in Dionysus from now on with them all in a macro folder for video game programmes,Science programmes,Nature programmes etc with the same done for channels and shows like them and Gamespot TV.Religious channels will have all programmes such as televangelist programmes etc logged here as far back as possible and livestream and logged here from now on.Documentaries and educational programs themselves would appear in Dionysus with music videos appearing and visible on YouTube making music channels defunct with all old documentary and educational programs past and future programs logged here by genre and also in series in folders ie. Eyewitness,Blue Planet,Cosmos:A Personal Voyage,Cosmos series etc in chronological orders with those exclusive to channels such as the History channel,Channel 4,BBC,Discovery channel,National Geographic,BBC,Vh1,HBO,NOVA etc stored in here logged as far backlogged as possible as well subdivided by documentary genre,subject and series with other documentaries divided by subject,genre and series including those on YouTube,Vimeo and similar video sharing sites etc,official sites and archives including ones that are conspiracy ones and those that debunk conspiracy ones with all types rated by Aletheia on its website with the rating on its macro folder.All existing documentaries both those from channels such as Nova,Vh1,The Discovery Channel,The History Channel,National Geographic etc and those produced independently that exist only on VHS and DVD will be scanned in via peripherals and computers in archives and at home to preserve them.These will be in the documentary section and new ones will appear here from now on.DVD and VHS documentaries created by channels or magazines and third parties ie Tree of Knowledge:The Survival Game will be uploaded via peripherals.All documentaries present on YouTube including those produced by corporations and also the general public will be transfered to Dionysus.All past television documentaries produced by corporations,television networks both state and corporate ones,those that appeared exclusively on DVD,VHS etc will be transferred to their own section of Dionysus via transferring digital files and putting discs and tapes into computers and peripherals to allow the data to be extracted and uploaded to preserve them forever.All independently created documentaries created by the public and second party entities and corporate ones found on YouTube will be transferred to Dionysus.All future documentaries both those produced by the general public and professionals will premier in Dionysus from now on with them produced with no corporate control.These will be in a section of Dionysus devoted to documentaries with Assistant AI doing all background research to ensure they are factually correct.Feature film documentaries and docudramas that are feature length such as Bowling for Columbine etc will be in their own folders in the movie section with miniseries in their own sections of the television show section.Those produced by news stations and newspapers will be their news station and newspapers subfolders in Pheme with those made by magazines also in subfolders with existing ones transferred from YouTube into these folders.Those made by the general public on YouTube that deal with all subjects and are at least an hour long will be transferred here including conspiracy and conspiracy debunking ones and will premier here from now on.Travel programmes will also be logged here from around the world in their own section.All future ones will appear here in the future with if possible an universal one created overtime.Feature film length documentaries will be in the movie section of Dionysus.All house restoration,renovation and flipping programmes around the world will be logged as far back as possible with the universal one Restoration Nation as detailed earlier on in the automated construction of housing replacing them from now on.Programmes specific to different music channels including documentaries,chart shows biographies etc will be logged by season,year,month will present in folders for their specific genre within Dionysus with this including those on VH1 and MTV with them appearing here in future with this including those from both sides of the Atlantic.This and music videos on YouTube will make music channels obsolete.AI will in time produce Pop Up Video episodes for all major hits for each year from both sides of the Atlantic using all of the internet to be scoured for trivia.Episodes will be done by AI of all music videos not done from the beginning of music videos ie 1970s/1980s around the world to modern time onwards forever.Fragmentation will allow for hundreds of episodes to be done every day to catch up with each episode being at least an hour long with the summary detailing which videos are present.Biographies by official channels and organisations will also be here.This is where all future documentaries will premier with those on the internet including conspiratorial and debunking documentaries ie Loose Change,Screw Loose Change(all versions),9/11 Mysteries,Screw 9/11 Mysteries “Clunkity-Clunk” Edition transferred to Dionysus with those on VHS and DVD/Blu Ray done by using peripherals hooked to computers and the contents read by Ariadne.Video game documentaries will also be here.Aleitheia will produce documentaries that debunk all conspiratorial ones and those with alot of loose facts especially those that are politically biased amateur ones in the same manner as Screw 9/11 Mysteries “Clunkity-Clunk” Edition and Screw Loose Change and store them in Dionysus with links to each other in their folders both for existing and new ones.Documentaries created by the general public ie amateur ones will also be here.Those on YouTube,Myspace or in archives will be transferred by Socrates and Ariadne prior to Agora formed.Documentaries and indeed any shows on YouTube and Vimeo etc in high quality will be transferred to their folders in Dionysus with the pages deleted and servers recycled and URLs reused later on.Those on state channel archives and YouTube ie Reeling in The Years,RTE 100 Years etc will also be added and logged in chronological order with those that are scattered on YouTube and social media sites such as Myspace etc will be transferred once Ariadne using Ampelos will add them together into one piece.Shows like In Depth that interview public figures that are at least an hour long will be in their own folder and section of Dionysus.All programs including documentaries by specific channels will be transferred here from their archives,webplayers as well as on demand services online and official websites thus make them visible to everyone around the world without regional restrictions and indefinitely ie RTEplayer,BBC iPlayer,All4 etc which will be made obsolete once all material is transferred to Dionysus alongside the material in archives of headquarters and the fact that one could rewatch the shows from these stations at any time in Dionysus.Movie review shows ie Siskel and Ebert at the Movies,The Movie Show,Film…,The Movie Show from around the world will be in their own section within Dionysus and all past episodes logged here from archives and websites etc and they will premier there in the future.Shows that document and detail music and movies such as No Disco,The Last Broadcast,Other Voices,(When)Under Ether,Night Shift,The Tube,The American Music Show and so on from around the world will be logged here.Game shows from around the world will be logged as far back as possible.Reality television will themselves be in their folders and subfolders for each season by genre and subgenre including defunct competition ones like American Idol,The Voice,X Factor and their variants across the world logged by season and marked by year as usual as far back as possible as well as country they are from alongside ones still running ie Dancing with the Stars.These will have macro folders for each one and then subfolders for each country and then season etc for defunct ones and one for the global forms.Reality television and competition and even game shows will thus be logged in a macro folder by the main type of show and then folders for each countries version then divided by seasons ie Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?,Dancing with the Stars,The Apprentice,Who Do You Think you Are?,Dragons Den,Big Brother,Big Brother Celebrity,Survivor macro folders,then folders for each country based versions and then by season with reality television shows like Big Brother and The Bachelor etc becoming singular global versions.This would apply to all competition shows and game shows around the world of all types and indeed all shows of all types that have variants and even remakes around the world.Thus all competition and reality show programmes from around the world will be logged as far back as possible.This may also be applied for programs that were remade in different countries such as The Office as well as programs that are spin offs of each other or ideally those that are franchises particularly The Law & Order franchise,CSI and their various franchised shows.Game shows will also be logged this way.The universal renovation program Restoration Nation detailing the renovation of all abandoned and obsolete buildings worldwide will be organised this way too.All home and building renovations from around the world prior to Restoration Nation will be logged as far back as possible.The studios and buildings used for defunct reality television and remaining competition shows will become homes with those for ongoing ones will be rented to the public outside of filming with VR technology allowing for them to be recorded in any environment they want with contestants attending from home and the studios and buildings used as homes by the public.The same will apply for other shows like comedy sketch shows etc.Records of shows on sites like YouTube will be transferred to Dionysus and the videos on that site deleted and servers recycled.The sentient Coeus once installed in smart devices,ear/headphones and televisions allow one to watch television stations and videos on YouTube/Dionysus from around the world.Age recgonition software built into Hestia and Gaia should be integrated into smart televisions and smart devices used as controllers in order to prevent minors gaining access to adult websites and channel apps as well as it being installed onto computers and laptops in the the folders in Dionysus containing adult movies to restrict access to minors.Dionysus will contain all existing television shows from around the world sorted into genre,seasons for television show(in the case of episodes that were aired out of order due to various reasons in the real world on networks they will be reordered to proper chronological order within the seasons folder.Even banned episodes will be placed in proper order visible worldwide) with special features for each season subdivided into folders and subfolders gathered and put in by both the producers/directors but also the television stations that have their backlog of all these old television shows in their archives from the beginning of the advent of television sorted by Ariadne.Banned episodes of television shows and those that were shown and aired out of order,were not aired due to low ratings and eventually cancelled will be in chronological order with edited episodes shown in their unedited,explicit original form with those and other ones determined that caused or could cause epileptic fits and seizures will be unavailable to those that have been determined by Paean to do so if possible warnings will be made and in time all electronics such as televisions and smart devices could automatically modify settings to make them watchable to prevent seizures during scenes that may have them with this also applying to livestreams and logged episodes of news etc.This means that shows cancelled during the first season that only aired half of them will then have these tracked down and placed in Dionysus with those banned for future airings,permanently banned or banned in some countries will be present here in order in its unedited form with those aired in the wrong order will be in chronological order.She will order in shows on websites like Ebay and Amazon and have them scanned in her complex in the wires complex or by members of the public at home who will also do so for any material they have..For shows like The Simpsons that started as shorts these will be in their own folder or within the main folder and in a season 0 folder or as a separate area under their own title separate from the show they were on ie the shorts of The Simpsons will be on the same episodes of The Tracy Ullman Show they were on and also by themselves as a 48 minute television show within the special features of season 1 of The Simpsons or their own macro folder.Unaired and lost episodes will be tracked down and added in chronological order.Documentaries in Dionysus will be separated into two types ie television based documentaries stored in a sub network of the television section and feature length documentaries in the movie sections.All existing and new television show documentaries will be uploaded to own section in the television show section and all feature film length movie documentaries uploaded to the movies section.
CEOs of corporate and state television channels around the world will pay staff to put tapes into VCRs etc connected to computers to have them scannned and transferred to Dionysus.This can allow all old episodes of soaps,talk shows,debate programmes found only on that channel to be preserved forever. People that have television shows in box sets including those that are full of different special features will insert them into laptops and computers to allow proto and final Adriadne to extract them and arrange them into folders and subfolders.This will include those selling them on EBay and who buy them as part of clearances from online stores such as Amazon and retail outlets of all types.People who have large stocks of television shows including those with special features at home will put them into computers to allow Adriadne to allow it to be scanned in Dionysus.Producers,directors,actors will do this for all television shows they made with CEOs of television channel corporations that produce station specific programmes that appear only on their channel in particular state ones and those specific to different countries such as BBC,RTE,Channel 7,Channel 4 that dont appear on DVD will do this for all of the television shows they created such as soaps,documentary,human interest programmes to ensure all episodes are uploaded into the proper order.They will scour online and corporate archives to add the material to Dionysus.Rare shows not found on DVD etc ie Rimni Riddle Will be located via the producers and CEOs of stations they appeared on to be scanned in to preserve them.Missing and lost episodes of all television shows will be tracked down with banned and edited episodes added and kept forever.She will also scour free television show sites and YouTube and transfer data from there to Dionysus with her referencing IMDB and Wikipedia and similar sites as well as corporate headquarters of all television companies from around the world to get the full catalogue of all past media of all types to transfer to her database for television shows.She will scour the entire internet and also digital archives of all stations online to do this.All television shows from around the world including animated ones will have all episodes logged as far back as possible of all genres including soaps,reality television etc and also webisodes and those created by Netflix will be transferred here as well and premier here from now on.Archives of state and corporate headquarters both online and in headquarters will have all of their material and shows they would have there ie live news,documentaries and also soaps that cannot be found anywhere else will be scanned in via paid staff placing tapes into VCRs linked to computers linked to the Dionysus subsystem and the arranged into folders and subfolder.Those in digital archives will be transferred there.All television shows on Netflix,Hulu,Vimeo,,Viu,Kocowa,Tudou,YouTube,Apple,,dailymotion,Sony Crackle will be transferred here and updated to high quality.Filesharing sites that specialising on only one television show such as for Pokemon will have all episodes transferred by proto and final Adriadne.These will be uploaded,transferred to Dionysus by AI namely Adriadne and updated to the highest quality and those in parts merged together with those in one single file separated into different parts and if possible updated to high quality.All existing sites including existing ones once the media is transferred to Dionysus will become obsolete,shut down by Adriadne and the servers recycled.Adriadne will scour the entire internet and all digital archives of all television stations and transfer videos to Dionysus,update them to high quality and remove watermarks as well as fliiping those that in reverse using Ampelos.Those who have large stores of television shows especially rare ones at home on DVD,Blu Ray etc especially rare ones that only exist on that format will in the case of DVDs put them into laptops and computers and allow the material present ie the episodes all special features to be analysed and added to a subsystem to be scanned in and stored by proto Adriadne to then arrange into folders and subfolders and delete duplicates.Those that exist as VHS will be put into peripherals that extract the data.Booklets from all versions of these will be scanned in using automated scanners ordered in or in community centres.Although material can be sent from the aforementioned video filesharing sites especially with regards to those from Asia etc and be upgraded to high quality if possible this would be done at home by owners of the material to allow for high quality material and special features to be scanned in as well.Television shows found only on YouTube and Dailymotion etc including those produced by YouTube itself,those produced by the public and those uploaded there by the public will be transferred by proto and final Adriadne to Dionysus with her interacting with Thoas in charge of it and those in separate parts will be merged together and those such as television shows that have many episodes that are in one single video will be split into separate episodes and any watermarks removed with the video on YouTube deleted once transferred to Dionysus and URL recycled.She will scan the entire internet for all television shows in them including dailymotion,Netflix and other sites where television shows are present for free both legal and illegal ones and have them transferred to Dionysus and once done will have their websites shut down and servers recycled.Those on YouTube will have the videos deleted and URLs recycled.All television shows and movies made by the public and corporations that premier only on YouTube will once transferred to Dionysus will premier in Dionysus from now on.Those that are backwards will be flipped to the correct side.She will update them to high quality and then delete the video on YouTube and recycle the URL.Thoas will interact with Adriadne by scouring all of YouTube for all special features of all movies and television shows and then modify them,transfer them and delete the video.and if need be ones from DVDs at home who will also upload special features and commentaries etc with all DVDs,Blu Rays of television shows in retail outlets around the world including remaining video and DVD/Blu Ray stores will be taken home by people who will take home one iteration of each show and each boxset,different editions and season set or order them and others online via Amazon and Ebay and do this at home by inserting the discs into laptops for proto Ariadne to extract all data including special features with again special features including commentaries and trivia tracks uploaded and arranged into folders and subfolders by the AI with duplicates deleted by the AI once it is in the subsystem.These will be gained for free during clearences.Producers,directors,actors etc will scan in all of their catalogue of television shows and all special features.Those who are selling television shows on Ebay,Craigslist etc can do this themselves with this possible by at least 2021.All members of the public,producers,directors,actors who own television shows both already and from clearances will put discs into computers at home and allow proto and final Adriadne scan the discs to add both all episodes and special features present and then add them to relevant folders and subfolders.Others will be done by putting VHS tapes and DVD,Blu Ray and HD discs including box sets into computers and peripherals to allow her to scan them not just for all episodes shows but also special features and other material to be put into a subsystem that arranges each show into its folders including director cuts,extended versions and explicit versions,theatrical cuts into one file chosen at the start of the show with duplicates deleted and by having all versions of a television show box sets read by the proto Ariadne will allow for all special features to be collected.Each version of boxsets of television shows will be scanned into the Dionysus with duplicates replaced to ensure all versions of a show ie directors cut,limited edition etc and also all special features from all versions will be uploaded including commentaries and trivia tracks.Defunct shows and those still running will be added by putting discs into computers to be read,paid staff and AI scanning in tapes and files archives in headquarters of state and corporate channels and even from memories.Those still running including soaps will have all episodes backlogged and divided into folders for seasons with the same for shows that are no longer running including obsolete ones such as game shows etc.This will preserve them forever and allow new viewers from around the world to catch up on them.All television shows uploaded will be modified to an universal digital standard namely Adriadne format by Adriadne herself modifying it.All material uploaded to Dionysus including special features will be updated to 720p and filtered to high quality by Adriadne.
All corporations that produce all types of television shows worldwide will be made defunct by them appearing on Dionysus with all television corporations and channels and even satellite and cable like Syfy,Channel 4,RTE,HBO,Sky,BBC around the world will becoming defunct by Dionysus.Miniseries of all types will be here.As a result of this cable and satellite providers and their satellites in space,dishes on homes and boxes in living rooms will be be made defunct and recycled with those used to transmit live programmes and recorded ones to satellites also recycled since all shows of all types will be livestreamed and logged here or uploaded here from now on.Dishes on the headquarters and stations of corporations and state providers of channels that show television shows will be recycled too since all media will be uploaded to Dionysus from now with the headquarters of them and also the satellites belonging to them and dishes and boxes etc in homes also becoming defunct because of this.Long running shows that are created by specific corporate and state entities like soaps,investigative and debate programmes and talk shows from around the world will continue to be produced but will premier here with them independently run.All past episodes stored in archives online and in corporate and state headquarters will be transferred here logged back as possible.Special features of all types from old television shows will be added by putting the discs of all boxsets,limited editions into computers and AI extracting the files and arranging them into subfolders to preserve them with them also viewed in ones own language.Future television shows special features will appear in subfolders with episode specific ones in subfolders.The sentient Coeus will allow all past and future programmes to be viewed by anyone around the world thus increasing their viewing habits with them logged and premiering here will allow one to gain access to soaps and sitcoms from their native country if they have moved or are on holiday.Special features will be logged in subfolders for each season and episode for episode and season specific ones with them also translated with those for older shows done by all boxsets and version of DVDs and Blu Ray put into computers and AI extracting them and arranging them into their place.Those from cable networks such as Hallmark,Disney,Syfy,HBO,RTE,BBC etc will added by scanning in discs and also their corporate archives and any online sites and services.All versions,iterations,editions and boxsets of all television shows will be taken in by the public on Ebay and also Amazon and from physical retail outlets around the world to be then put into laptops etc and have AI extract the show and also all special features to be arranged by the AI to ensure all episodes,special features and also show and indeed the full version of show will be added to Dionysus pmentaries and also trivia tracks will be extracted from them via this alongside chapters that will be arranged by the AI.People who have large stocks of television shows at home on DVD etc will put them into laptops and computers and have the full show and also episodes as well as all special features from all versions and boxsets extracted by proto AI and sent to their folders.DVDs etc in retail outlets of all types including supermarkets,defunct movie stores taken home during clearances will be put into computers to be scanned in.Those found on only VHS taps will require peripherals including hi tech VCRs that connect to laptops.This will all be done to have the entire episodes extracted alongside special features including commentaries by proto AI with this of relevance to limited editions,boxsets,directors cuts that have large stores of special features with different versions of the show scanned in to ensure all versions and special features of all show and rare shows will be uploaded in DVD/Blu Ray quality.Directors and producers of shows from around the world will add both the full cut of their own television shows and also all special features from all versions and boxsets themselves to ensure all of them are present with CEOs of all major companies that produce television shows will transfer them by having staff do this and state and corporate entities will have stores of them in archives transferred here to ensure all television shows and special features from all versions are sent to Dionysus.This would be done by them inserting the discs into laptops and computers an then AI or even proto AI extracting the material into Dionysus.State or corporate specific shows will be in there genres folders in Dionysus and not on for their channel.Shows and special features found only on YouTube and Dailymotion etc will be transferred to their folders by AI and either pieced together or separated by AI.The originals on YouTube will be deleted from the site and then the servers recycled with again the URLs reused for different videos overtime.Film length episodes of shows like the Laugh It Up,Fuzzball:The Family Guy Trilogy,Stewie Griffin:The Untold Story with the latter and similar ones for other ones from other television shows ie the fifth season of Futurama(Benders Big Score to Into the Wild Green Yonder) will be merged as a single film file for each one will be in the movies sections from DVD editions present.Animated shows will be in their own section of the television area including anime and animated shorts with animated movies.Animated miniseries will be arranged like live action miniseries in their own folders with live action mini-series in their own folders.Miniseries that are tied to television shows will be separate from the same macro folder of the main show ie Battlestar Galactica 2004.Miniseries related to video games and comics etc and other media will also be in the mini series section.Television shows that premiered or are exclusive Amazon Prime,Apple tv,Netflix,YouTube and Sony Crackle etc will be transferred here and will have all future episodes premier here from now on.Amateur television shows produced by the public that appeared on YouTube will be transfeered here and all future episodes appearing here from now on.Web miniseries,web series and webisodes related to existing and new shows or by themselves will follow the same suit as mini-series with existing ones on Netflix,official sites and YouTube transferred here to Dionysus with future ones appearing here from now on in their own folder or in the case of those related to other media in subfolders.Those related to shows ie Mode After Hours from Ugly Betty will be by themselves as stand alone shows in their own subfolder and macro folder in webisodes with the same for those releated to other shows and video games.If possible these will be within the macro folder of the parent show and even in between episodes listed in each season folder in chronological order.Future webiseries will premier on Dionysus in their own section with all existing ones transferred from Netflix,YouTube etc and the original video deleted.Even those related to video games etc will be transferred and premier here from now on.Unaired and lost episodes will be tracked down and added in chronological order.Miniseries will be in the same sub network as television shows in their own sub network within this with those related to existing and new television shows,video games,movies etc separate from the show with as stated in the mini series section.Television movies related to television shows will be in the movie section.Once off visual plays and specials such as Ghostwatch etc will be in here in the television shows.Exercise videos and DVDs will also be in their own section of television shows from as far back as possible transferred from VHS,discs and YouTube.Videos that have music videos and compilations will be transferred to the artists YouTube channel with concerts sent to the concert section of Dionysus and comedy shows sent to the live comedy section.Educational videos and DVDs including the You Can Read,The Lovers Guide and Read,Write Now series,those on all subjects such as teaching social skills,to aid those suffering from mental illness as well karaoke ones etc will be in their own folders alongside those that showcase technologies and have random clips and compilations.These will be transferred from discs,VHS and also YouTube.New karaoke video compilation videos will be created by AI here.Disney shorts for example the original Musical Melodies as well Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse cartoons and Hanna Barbra cartoons such as Looney Tunes,Merrie Melodies etc that were several minutes long and full length ones will be in their own folders for their show and have episodes listed.Disney Sing-A-Long videos compilations from as far back as possible will be uploaded as well to Dionysus under television shows.Those on Netflix,,dailymotion,Hulu,YouTube,Sony Crackle etc will be transferred here as well alongside those that only exist on YouTube upgraded to high quality.Mockumentries and television plays will also be present here.Shows from MTV and Vh1 of all genres will be here logged as far back as possible in folders for their genre and will premier here from now on.In short all television shows of all types and genres from around the world will be backlogged into Dionysus as far back as possible by scanning through archives on television stations headquarters and also transferring them from online websites that allow one to stream or watch them alongside YouTube or scanning in discs as part of box sets with them uploaded in the highest quality and logged in folders and subfolders for each season.This will make cable and satellite companies and services alongside sites like Netflix defunct indefinitely.All special features from existing movies etc will be uploaded via having the discs from all versions of a televison show and movie boxsets put into a laptop or peripherals and scanned into their folders in Dionysus via Adriadne.Television shows will be transferred from the aforementioned websites converted to high quality as well as scanned in from discs.Certain television shows such as documentaries,music and film chart and review shows,talk shows,cultural and human interest shows and indeed crime programmes and debate shows as well as game shows and reality television will be transferred here from their networks archives and logged as far back as possible with those an YouTube transferred here as well.The stations they appear on in the past will no longer exist allowing their headquarters to be turned into communal homes.Those that use studios including sitcoms,talk shows,award shows,competitions,reality television shows,current affairs programmes etc will be shot in VR simulations wherein they will be livestreamed into their folders and logged there all live shows will be livestreamed and logged into their folder.Television shows that require studios like movies will be filmed in VR simulations by 2029 fed into real live devices allowing the studios to be used as homes.Novelisations of television shows and spin off novels will be in the book section of Dionysus.In short all television shows and programmes of all types of genres alongside sport programmes and events from around the world including those from Amazon Prime,Crackle,Netflix,YouTube etc will be in Dionysus logged as far back as possible in folders and subfolders and will be divided into folders for seasons with them first divided by genre similar to Netflix.All future episodes and shows from the world and eventually the universe will premier here in order to preserve them forever and give people instant access to all entertainment from around the world outside of their usual diet to give them access to those they are currently restricted to due to geographic location.Television series will be arranged in subfolders for each season with each folder containing all the episodes of that season and will be labelled with their episodes title alongside numbering with this applying for all media such as issues of a comic etc.Special features will be in other subfolders for each season and those for each episode within the episodes subfolders.The episodes will be visible as still of different key scenes from the episode.The main folder of television shows will label its age rating,overall Momus and Dionysus scores scores and have the date,month and year and thus the airdate it premiered on Dionysus for new shows and its native year on its source television channel prior to Dionysus written in the format day,month year (ie 13th April 2005)with the main poster or logo present for the macro folder and poster for each season of the television shows present on the season folder with their poster on their macro folder.All episodes will have their titles present and summary of the episode.Each episode will have their individual age rating and also their Momus scores and Dionysus scores etc.Those such as soaps will have titles and summaries created by AI.All shows will have a brief summary of the episodes created by AI alongside the cast,director and producer etc and also age rating.Talk and debate shows alongside investigative ones will have posters on its folder and will be labelled by date and also title that is name of the issue discussed with them like all shows they will have a brief summary of the episode ie who appeared on it and what special event occurred and also a summary of the issue discussed in debate and investigative affairs.Those such as soaps will have titles created by AI.The length of each episode of all types of shows of all genres including talk shows etc will be present with the aforementioned information.The sentient Coeus will allow one to have the voice translated into their native language with the different versions of dubbing actors for all shows around the world will be able to be selected by viewers and them translated into all languages with this done via AI scanning DVDs and stored versions of them in archives etc.This software will translate all television shows of all types and genres including talk shows,debate programmes etc both past and future into desired languages making them universally accessible to everyone.Live talk shows etc will be livestreamed and then logged by year,month,week etc.Thus all television shows past and future of all genres and levels of quality and listing from around the world will be present on Dionysus for everyone to see for free with iSample software restricting them from those underage.Past and present ones will be logged back as far as possible with new episodes and shows appearing here within seconds of production with The sentient Coeus translating them into the viewers desired language.As a result all television shows in existence from around the world will be uploaded to Dionysus to be preserved here forever with those from all allies and observed alien races from across the universe will be dded here as well and allow Momus to review them.Adriadne will scour Wikipedia and IMDB for the names of all television shows and arrange to have all episodes of them transferred to their folders in Dionysus.She will scour digital archives of state and corporate stations to have them transfered to Dionysus,scour Amazon and EBay to have laid for by her and arrange members of the public to scan them in by inserting discs and VHS tapes connected to Dionysus and for people who have large collections of boxestts arrange to have them scan them into Dionysus by inserting discs into computes.For those on Netflix,YouTube and all websites that house entire runs of television shows she will scour these websites and have them transferred to Dionysus and remove watermarks etc and updated to 720p.Those that are on YouTube that have episodes separated into different parts and have have seasons of them or multiple episodes merged together into one video will involve her separating each episode etc into singular ones that are uploaded separately to Dionysus.
Thus all past and future television shows in existence from around the world in existence of all genres and types including soaps,gameshows,sports,cartoons,music,reality,documentaries,debate/talk/investigative programmes will be logged here in Dionysus in their own section as far back as possible with them all appearing here from now on exclusively within their section in Dionysus rendering Netflix,putlocker,dailymotion and even sites like Channel 4 viewer,RTE player and those of specific broadcasting corporations defunct.Specific satellite and cable tv channels across the world including from America,Europe,Asia,Africa etc of all genres will have all television shows of all genres created specifically for them that could not be viewed anywhere else in the world will be logged here as far back as possible in their folder under their genre rather than their network with those are still running continuing to premier on Dionysus.All television shows of all genres in existence from around the world including defunct ones and still running ones will be backlogged as far as possible from as far back as the start of television since the 1920s,1930s,1940s,1950s etc to preserve them and allow future viewers to catch up.All future episodes of existing and new shows will be uploaded to Dionysus.These will be filtered for genre,actor,director and even country with the shows logged by seasons in folders within a macro folder for the entire show and these season folders contain all episodes logged by number and title with subfolders holding special features for episodes and seasons.Each show when opened will show its main summary for the show,the year it began and ended and number of seasons(ie 10 seasons 2005-2015)Momus score,Eupheme score,Critics score and Dionysus score,genre,age rating,country of origin etc and each episode will show its summary written by AI including Adriadne for older ones and assistant AIs with its score on various aggregators present alongside its cast,directors,producers,writers etc and age rating and Dionysus score for each episode and the overall show and its runtime and length in hours and minutes.This information will be available for each season and each individual episode.The date in terms of day and year each episode premiered on television in its original country for old shows and date each episode premiers on Dionysus for new shows that premier Dionysus will be logged.Ampelos will be used to create them with in time VR technology used to create whole seasons or runs of shows in any environment allowing them to be uploaded at once.Reviews from the public and critics will be present with those from newspapers,magazines and websites of critics from across the world have hyperlinks to their page and issue in Pheme and their page on the internet.The public will be able to leave reviews typed in on laptops etc and 10 star ratings with the average score of all public reviews averaged as their Dionysus score with these accessed in a menu alongside those of critics and newspapers organised by AI.Dinoysus and Momus scores and reviews by the public and critics will be left for both the television shows overall but also each individual episode and each season.These reviews and Dionysus scores will be present for both the overall show and each episode.All future shows of all types from around the world and universe from observed and allied races will appear here within seconds of production with no corporate or state influence.All past and future television shows will be uploaded into Dionysus in their own section with present similar to online services such as Netflix etc where one can livestream them or ideally download them onto laptops etc for free where one can watch them offline to save on bandwidth.All special features for both past and future television shows will be present in folders and subfolders.Thus all past and future television shows will be stored in digital form in their section in Dionysus where one can download them onto computers or livestream them.All television shows uploaded will be modified to an universal digital standard namely Adriadne format by Adriadne herself modifying it.
All future movies,short movies,television shows and mini series both live action and animated will be made either by members of the public individuals or groups with no corporate studios(which will disappear) or government interference in greenlighting,editing,bidding wars and intervention in political controversies i.e.Sony hacking scandal and ensuing The Interview scandal since they will be available world wide on all devices via Dionysus within hours or minutes of production with existing episodes of television shows and movies on YouTube and other websites deleted and the servers recycled once transferred.Furthermore these media will be created without the need for crowdfunding through entities like Kickstarter and studio backing and funding or be affected by their dissolution i.e. Orion Pictures and Akklaim and meddling from executives thus more entertainment can be made by more and more people it will only require only a writer and directors idea to be started via networks within Dionysus.All corporate bodies for the distribution of movies and television shows will become defunct and obsolete and their headquarters for movie,television corporations will become communal homes.Thus all movies,miniseries and television shows of the future will be made not only by well established directors and writers but also by members of the public using computer networks.All future movies,television shows and mini series and even documentaries will be no longer need one to approach state or corporate distribution companies but rather have the writers and directors set up computer networks in Dionysus and then house networks that house all material and areas for auditions.All film and television corporations will be dissolved including Sony,HBO,The CW,Warner Bros,Paramount,Disney and Pixar with CGI and animated movies and television shows etc no longer made by Disney and Pixar etc but rather members of the public.The corporate headquarters of all film and television show distribution companies will be converted into communal homes due to them becoming obsolete alongside studios and sets converted into communal homes once VR technology renders them obsolete.Thus all state bodies and corporations that produce and distribute movies and television shows such as Disney,Miramax,HBO,Paramount etc will be dissolved and no longer exist due to them made obsolete by Dionysus.Thus eliminate writer strikes and corporate disputes that affect the quality and length of movie or show and also negate corporate meddling in the scripts or green lighting of a movie or television show
Anyone across the world who has an idea for a new television show and movie both existing A-list Hollywood directors and writers and newbie ones will simply set up computer networks in Dionysus and hold auditions via VR technology and the posting of collages in computer networks by aspiring actors will be done detailed later on with VR technology as detailed later on allowing one to have access to any location on Earth or any fictional location and then it uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of production when finished and allow all people to work from home.This will allow anyone to become world famous and have their media reach a global audience without the need for approaching state and corporate film companies.This will allow any idea for a television or movie to be set up allowing anyone to create new movies and television shows from the comfort of home without approaching defunct corporate or state film companies such Warner Bros,Disney,Pixar etc which will disappear and all studios and headquarters to be turned into communal homes forever with most people starting their careers as writers,actors and directors at any age especially as early as 12 years old or younger.Anti-ageing treatments through CRISPR that reverses the effects of ageing will extend the human lifespan by 2030 onwards that will allow humans to become immortal thus allowing people to have careers lasting centuries or forever with genetic engineering causing puberty to finish at 14 and the human brain reach full maturity at birth will make people legal adults by the age of 14 will allow future actirs,writers and directed to live by themselves.All movies and television shows will be since not requiring state or corporate bodies thus preventing the need to approach them and will not be affected by indecision on the part of executives.All movies and television shows will be democratically controlled by all actors,directors and writers that will discuss new ideas and this means the length of a show and even the starting of a show will not be determined by corporate bigwigs and meddling meaning the starting of a new movie,television show and its entire run will be determined entirely by the writers and actors themselves and all movies and television shows will be democratically run by all actors and writers with zero state or corporate control.This will mean they will not be affected by ratings or by writer strikes and corporate executives thus meaning the length of a show will be as long as the writers feel it should be with spin offs allowing for characters from one show to float in and out of another one and can allow new and existing directors and writers have complete creative control of each project with Assistant AI aiding them in creating high quality material by strengthening the plot,characters and thematic resonance etc.For movies it will not be determined by box office results etc with this also negating the need for media to cater to demographics and pander to what “the market wants” as directors and writers will have complete creative control.Once a person gets an idea for a new movie and television show they will set up computer networks in Dionysus and then post areas for auditions to be held on computer networks allowing people to post audio/visual portfolios from the comfort of home and once filmed in the real world or VR simulation it will be uploaded to Dionysus.This will allow movies and television shows etc from around the world gain international recognition with countries that don’t produce a lot of television shows and movies that reach international markets able to create large amounts of new movies and television shows of all genres thus creating famous writers,Actors etc from around the world who star in shows set in their own countries that gain global recognition on par with Hollywood etc.Thus actors,writers,directors etc from across the world will be able to reach a global audience and stardom.Furthermore actors from one country can make movies and television shows set across the world meaning Hollywood A-list actors need no longer make movies in just America but across the world with soaps actors or film actors of one country able to make movies and television shows in countries across the world expanding their fan base.Similar to Keanu Reeves branching out into voice acting for Cyberpunk 2077 Hollywood A-list actors will branch out into voice acting for major franchises of videos games.Also actors who normally star in only movies will branch out into not just feature full length movies but also other media that is A-list actors will play the roles main characters in not just movies but also main characters of television shows including soaps,comedies etc and as voice actors for video games and also plays,musicals and operas with television show stars including soap opera stars starring in movies and also video games with video game voice actors starring both movies and television shows etc.Actors,directors etc will also branch out into creating live performance art such as plays,musicals,operas etc and also creating novels etc and music albums as well as journalism in newspapers and magazines and also create podcasts and contribute to live news as anchors and reporters,vlogs on their pastimes through computer networks and VR simulations and its time dilation effect with them through automated labs and in their spare time carrying out other research in the real world thus allowing actors and writers etc to also contributing to scientific research in multiple fields of science and even become registered as lawyers,psychologists etc.Thus actors,writers etc will no longer be restricted to one type of media or field of occupations giving their careers variety.The emergence of anti-ageing treatments by 2030-2045 onwards that halts and even reverses the effects of ageing that keeps one in their physical peak of their early twenties will allow people to have careers spanning centuries and even indefinitely.The same will apply for writers and directors.Computer networks as detailed in the summary of entertainment will house areas where all existing and future A-List and aspiring actors can post audio/visual portfolios and auditions for all future movies and television shows from the comfort of home to allow them to have the same chance of applying for new media as A-list actors with one’s Home AI acting as one’s all in one publicist and manager who will respond to fans,the media and be able to sift through countless movies etc projects able to the work of billions of people at once through fragmentation.This will render approaching corporate or state bodies for television shows and movies defunct which will become obsolete and prevent problems of corporate affairs and negotiations shutting down the production of new media with all movies and television shows being democratically run by all actors,writers etc eliminating interference from corporate executives with since all media will be uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of production will shut down all cinemas worldwide and allow all movies have universal global release worldwide without delay with the sentient Coeus will translate all text and spoken words into ones native language thus making all media accessible to everyone without dubbing and the universal global release on Dionysus will allow all television show and movies will be available to everyone worldwide at the same time.Since all future movies and television shows will premiere on Dionysus within seconds of production this will mean all cinemas worldwide including IMAX will be converted into communal homes with movies and television shows having universal global release with Adrianne giving each movie etc a universal rating and blocking minors viewing adult material and this will render premier events worldwide obsolete with the Los Angelas one week rule for the Oscar’s becoming defunct forever.This will mean that to compete for the Oscar’s,Emmys,Palm Dor films and television shows will have to appear on Dionysus within a set date of the year.This will render satellite and cable network providers obsolete and all satellites orbiting Earth and dishes on homes and boxes for satillite services recycled since obsolete as all future movies and television shows will be premiering on Dionysus with all existing online movie and television show distribution companies like Netflix etc made obsolete by it which will be shut down.Since all movies etc will premiere on Dionysus purists who like cinemas will use VR technology to view movies and television shows in large IMAX screens or in the real world in home cinemas.All future movies and television shows will be viewed on laptops,smartphones.desktop computer and downloaded onto them to be viewed while on aeroplanes and in vehicles and when offline to save bandwidth.This premiering on Dionysus will also also allow people to gain international recognition as all movies and television shows both existing and new it will preserve all existing movies and television shows from across the world for younger generations with all future movies and television shows from across the world premiering here instead of cinemas to give universal global release with this allowing people across the world access to all new movies and television shows from across the world at the same time for free with Dionysus accessed on smartphones,laptops,smart televisions and VR cinemas etc and can be downloaded onto these to be watched offline and used in reviews by Momus and human reviewers on YouTube.Adriadne will analyse all movies and episodes of television shows and create age ratings for each one..Dionysus which will become the sole source of all movies and television shows will be modelled on Netflix which will render all cable and satillite services that show movies and television shows obsolete forever thus allowing for both dishes and satellites recylced forever and shut down all cinemas worldwide forever as all media will be premiering from now on within seconds of production on Dionysus.Dionysus will shut down all cinemas worldwide which will be turned into communal homes and render Netflix and all similar internet streaming services worldwide obsolete forever and all headquarters of all corporations that distribute movies etc and cinemas turned into communal homes and will house all existing and new movies and television shows from across the world allowing the global public especially younger generations access to all media from across the world and preserve rare and high brow movies and television shows for the global public easily accessed at home and allow all future media from across the world available to everyone across the world within seconds of production.By housing all episodes of all existing television shows and movies from across the world backlogged it will preserve them for younger generations and allowing anyone across the world to create movies that premier on Dionysus within seconds of production it can allow for strong Asian,female and black characters to be present alongside strong LGBT characters created by members of the Asian,African and LGBT community with folklore,mythology etc from around the world utilised within them or used as the basis ie them using folklore and mythology directly.Plots can utilise strong storytelling methods such as exploring controversial themes such as suicide/depression/euthenasia/racism etc,using allegories,subtext etc with Adrianne giving each episode and each movie an age rating preventing minors accessing inappropriate.Assistant AI will be hired by the writers of all movies and television shows who will carry out background research into all facets to prevent commoditisation of cultures,make sure they are historically and scientifically correct with them acting as a critical eye to all media to ensure they are flawless and have subtext and also allegories etc and removes plot holes,weak characters etc by improving the script and offering suggestions to improve them while still retaining the original premise to increase its critical praise,self worth of all actors etc involved in its production and chances of winning or nominated for major awards.Each movie and television show will have Assistant AI that review the script for plot holes and other flaws and keep the pacing etc consistent and improve the script by adding allegory,subtext etc and review the acting and lighting etc and remove plot holes,character flaws etc thus ensuring it is all of high quality with them for franchises that have multiple spin offs keep things consistent and prevent retcons etc and will retain the original vision of the writers.Dionysus that will be accessed online will replace all satellite and cable companies and also cinemas with the dishes and satellites orbiting the Earth and on homes worldwide recycled and all cinemas worldwide turned into communal homes since all new movies and television shows will premier on Dionysus from now on.By being managed by Adrienne it will negate the need for one to approach state or corporate companies as one simply when they get an idea for a television show and movies they will set up computer networks in Dionysus and host areas for auditions and then once finished will be uploaded to Dionysus with seconds of production for universal release.All corporations that deal with the production and distribution of movies and television shows will become obsolete and their headquarters becoming communal homes as in order to create a movie or television show one will simply set up computer networks in Dionysus.
YouTube can provide a means for newbie film and television show makers alongside networks in Apollo that house film school networks to learn how to make them like the pros via how to videos.Documentaries on YouTube and Dionysus and also having all original movies from cult classics,arthouse cinema,novels from around the world from all directors present in Dionysus will allow newbie filmakers access to them for analysis.Having all of the worlds movies present in Dionysus will allow all types of movies such as arthouse movies,those from each country including French New Wave and of each country across the world for analysis of the plot,cinematography etc.The same will apply to having all books,novels,comic books etc uploaded into Dionysus.YouTube vlogs and salons in Apollo will provide discussion and analysis of all media present in Dionysus replacing film studies classes in traditional film schools..VR technology and computer networks in Apollo can allow drama classes and film schools to be held to teach newbie film and television directors and actors how to perfect the craft and material used in portfolios for auditions and new projects.Apollo will also house schools for script writers and authors books etc.These can be held in any environment and allow for people to be trained by the best in their field including famous actors,drama teachers and even directors,writers etc and AI namely Thalia/Melipmoneme.Actors will use VR simulations and it’s time dilation effect to practice and perfect not just acting but also dancing and fighting styles etc for movies and television shows
Advances in speech software,virtual imaging software such as Ceraproc and the dissolution of copyrighting will lead to people allowing their own face(or body scans) and voice to be superimposed onto existing movies and television shows will allow individuals and their friends to star in the leading roles of their favourite movies with selfies and also these selfies and Ampelos will allow them to have their face to be superimposed ontop custom made posters of these movies with friends playing the role of supporting characters and antagonists.This can also apply to live action and cartoon television shows as well as even live performance art with the viewer able to place the face of any actor or member of the public and also voice into any characters allow for even more customisation and even allowing versions of movies and television shows to be made with actors that were originally meant to play certain characters but turned it down,died,didn’t get the part or were fired.It can also be done for video games both old or new.This will be done only on downloaded video files of movies and television shows on laptops etc.Furthermore any famous actor alive or dead can be superimposed onto characters and one can have any actor play any role in any movie or television show within Dionysus with this made easier through direct interaction with Gaia.This can again only be done on downloaded files on computers.Polis can be cross refferenced for living people and Dionysus etc for dead people.With regards to long gone or cancelled television shows and movies it can allow for them to be restarted using scans of the original actors dead or alive at the age they were when they were cancelled or ended prematurely on cliff hangers with the actors including deceased ones scans superimposed onto environments or actors be restarted..It will also mean that with regards to cartoons it can allow ones own and friends voice to be used in place of original voice actors or allow any other actors voice living or dead to be used or in the case of those that were changed in the middle of the cartoons running be used put in place of replacements.The same can be applied to video game series where a voice actor died or were changed.This can be used to create cuts or remakes of movies and televisions shows created by the original producers or even the public that add extra scenes or edit them to remove plot holes while still using material from the original movie or television shows and again actors that had died,have aged or were not used as well as other media that provides backstory into characters and events not detailed in the movie.It could also be used to superimpose more realistic CGI effects over terrible ones and even allow for entire movies,video games and television shows to be produced using actors from the early years of cinema that have long since died for several years to even decades at various ages using extrapolations of them at younger pre pubescent to adolescent before they became actors or older ages before they died made by software within Gaia with this also done for animated media.Futhermore existing movie franchises can have sequels,movies and remakes of flawed movies made using this technology that use the scan and voice of the original actor and fanmade projects that are stand alone projects and independent storylines or several movies that take place at the same time with characters crossing over during important scenes and locations with this applying to television shows,comics using macro networks.This can also apply to directors recuts with scenes added with dead actors played this way by the original directors.A network on the wire can contain both faces and voice recording of live and dead celebrities and general public a well a those from the public and those extracted from audio/visual files and video game files like in video games.This reworking will be done primarily with Ampelos and Gaia with directions given by viewers who interact directly with her and these versions saved on ones personal hard drives but in time advances in AI will allow viewers to select the body scan and voice for each player and she will overlay them as the characters with it done after a media is downloaded.With regards to video games these will be saved via in Dionysus settings while playing the game to allow the to be recorded.
Computer networks will allow for people to look over and edit material from anywhere in the world and work on post production as well as work on different scenes at once that take place in different locations around the world with computers hooked to networks and also cameras filming scenes allowing for directors to view the filming of scenes in real time from the comfort of home and interact with actors etc over the phone,earphones and computers with this also allowing for all people to review shooter scenes in real time and for editing to be done instantly.All filmed material and edited material as well as sketches etc will be stored in these networks in folders and subfolders.VR technology indistinguishable to reality will allow movies.television shows to be set in any environment including replicas of Earth and also an infinite amount of completely alien worlds.It will allow all members of a project to film both pre production and post production material and discuss them in person and even edit them using its time dilation effect.Voice overs can be done using microphones attached to laptops with background noise removed,setting and modifying to ideal acoustics and also have it analysed by directors instantly with them stored in the networks.In time all voice acting for animated media will be done in a planet of universe sized set of the world in its animation style abc voice actors taking control of their characters abc acting out scenes.All filmed and recorded material on cameras etc will be streamed into networks in real time to be analysed by everyone at once with forums,instant messaging used.Ampelos will be the universal sentient editing software used in the production of television shows and movies.In time VR indistinguishable can allow for voice actors to do their work in conventional studios fed into networks using the time dilation effect allowing them to record lines with multiple people at once in person and allow the home studios and those in community centres,communal homes and private homes to be used for other uses.An actors lines will be on linked smart devise such as smartpads and e-newspapers or on Ampelos itself.It will also house all shot material,scripts,forums and also special features and in time directors can control drones and cameras remotely using video game controllers.This will allow all material to be reviewed by those involved especially for movies and shows set in different parts of the world with the material sent their and visible to all people involved living at home etc instantly with discussions made via in network instant messaging,skype and VR technology to make phone calls.These networks will contain all material logged by date and type of scene as cameras will livestream material there to allow it to be logged using wireless offline interactions for it to be deposited instantly or saved on any type of device like smart devices and laptops sent wirelessly and then uploaded or use cellular signals to piggyback material into the network.With regards to television shows and movies as stated earlier both will appear on Dionysus which will house all existing and new television shows and movies as well as video games from around the world including network specific soaps and programmes past and present in an organised fashion into any language that exists as they are spoken rather than after they are spoken via the sentient Coeus with selection of subtitles and trivia tracks from all languages in a menu gained via speech to text software that scans through the entire video file both of old media as before they are added and newly created media during their production with more improved versions of Phoroneus creating files of these in all languages for all media and their special features.When translation software becomes perfect Gaia will automatically update them.The same will apply to scripts that writers type up for actors,producers etc.In the case of editing scripts Adonit pens can be used to highlight/underline sections and add or remove notes which can be replicated in wirelessly linked e-newspapers over vast distances with discussions done in person or over group video chats,codec transmissions combined with receiver on jewellery etc during pre production as well as during filming.This would save on the use of paper with newer drafts sent to them as all drafts including older ones will be stored in the network as extra features with the newer drafts having the option to highlight differences between each version.Storyboards and conceptual drawings of characters and events in the case of video games and CGI media will be also streamed this way with the viewer(actor,director,producer) able to view it simultaneously on different smart devices or superimposed ontop of the script and then sent to a scroll menu on the bottom of the page.All scripts to save on the need for paper will be done on computers and smartpads written by adonit pens in Ampelos.Ampelos will become the universal film editing software for editing all movies,television shows,adult movies and music videos replacing all existing ones.
All future movies,television shows etc from 2029 onwards will use VR technology indistinguishable from reality using biosynth neural implants allowing actors etc to work with each other from home with all sensations such as pain,hot and cold fed into the nervous system allowing everyone the same high gold standard special effects,sets etc available to everyone at zero cost.All special effects will not require Green screenings with movies and television shows set in the distant past,alien planets,space stations,interstellar vehicles etc will use VR technology to film them in them with all explosions,energy blast,fireballs,blasts of magic will be be those realistic ones that take place in the simulation that the actors can feel.Actors will carry out realistic dangerous stunts without the threat of injury and death with them able to change into old age or younger selves or into monesters and aliens etc within seconds with large groups of monsters and aliens will be controlled by AI.All weather can be generated within seconds allowing for realistic snowstorms,rainfall and storms etc and change to any time of the day including nightime within seconds with all props and sets conjured up within seconds.Again rather than using green screens they can be filmed in real location in the real world and the actors acting out scenes with explosions and blast of magic etc added in post production by Assistant AI on all filmed material.Directors etc will create from pure thought using neural implants and AI can construct from pure thought planet,galaxy and universe sized sets with planet sized sets the same size as Earth with all wilderness areas,cities etc fully exploreable while galaxy sized sets will be the same size of Milky Way,universe sets the same size as the universe with each galaxy containing tens of billions of Earth sized planets all fully exploreable with this giving directors an infinite variety of alien planets limited only by the directors imagination with pain,hot,cold etc fed into the actors etc present.Animated media will involve actors entering planet,galaxy or universe sized sets in the media’s animation style and the voice actors taking the avatars of their characters and them filmed with in simulation cameras like live action media.Animated movies and cartoons will involve the sets be in the animation style and the voice actors entering the sets in their characters avatars and them acting out their scenes filmed by in simulation cameras.Video games will have cutscenes created by having sets crested in the graphics style and the voice actors acting out the cutscenes In this environment.Once it becomes available VR Technology indistinguishable from reality will be used to film 90-95% of all new movies and television shows set in planet,galaxy,universe sized sets and include replicas of the real world eliminating time to book places for shooting but also completely alien worlds limited only by human imagination.All planets,galaxies etc will be the same size as real world ones and will be fully explore able with all space stations and interstellar vehicles the same size as in universe ones that will fully explore able with macro simulations used for accomadation with this allowing directors to film all types of science fiction and fantasy media in any planet etc that has an infinite variety of terrains,animals and plants limited only by their imagination that are indistinguishable to the real world without using green screens rather being restricted to filming on Earth designed from thought by humans and AI and allow an infinite amount of media to be filmed in real world locations on Earth streaming Brauron without having to book places allowing people to work with people across the world from the comfort of home saving energy and time in transportation.There will also be galaxy sized sets the size of actual galaxies and universe sized ones the same size of the universe. Each individual animal and human and alien characters will be individually designed by Phanes to have unique genomes and thus look completely from each other to form realistic genealogical lines with animals and plants forming realistic taxonomic ranks and ecological systems.The Plants and animals on each planet in each world can be designed by humans and AI to follow realistic taxonomic ranks or be made into base lifeforms including bacteria that will then evolve into random lifeforms by speeding up the evolutionary process with Iphegina etc who designs the terrain,fault lines,tectonic plates and ecosystems of each planet and Theoi Meteroi its weather systems all three AIs can be through fragmentation made to work on each individual game where the terrain is designed by humans using neural implants and VR technology and Ipheginia,with Theoi Meteroi using this as a baseline to design realistic weather patterns that would affect the weathering and climate of the terrain with fault lines and tectonic plates affecting the shape of,activity,formation and location of mountains,volcanoes and volcanic islands and continents and countries then through Phanes using base strands of DNA cause the base DNA undergoe evolution with regards to this in relation to the planets etc distance from the sun etc to then create a randomised tree of life that would follow a realistic evolutionary tree of plants,animals that are predators,prey and symbiotic plants and animals that results in realistic complex ecosystems that house random but realistic taxonomic ranks of plants,animals and ecosystems through the three AIs working together.The time dilation effect where one can spend years,centuries,thousands of years etc in a simulation while mere minutes pass in the real world will allow people to create dozens,hundreds or thousands of movies and episodes of a series etc to be filmed by actors and directors and uploaded to Dionysus in one go.Entire seasons or even entire runs of television shows that last 200 episodes and ten seasons can be filmed in one go in these simulations and uploaded to Dionysus in one go allowing viewers to watch entire runs of shows within one go.Movie franchises that have multiple instalments like Star Wars,James Bond can have multiple instalments filmed and uploaded to Dionysus in one go.This can also allow whole series of movies such as sequels etc where a franchise has dozens of instalments to be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once within the course of a day and will exponentially increase the amount of media actors,writers etc can produce every year thus increasing their portfolio with this increasing exponentially the amount of movies,television shows etc that each actors,writers and directors can produce every year than is possible in the real world allowing each actor,director and writer create dozens,hundreds or thousands of movies and episodes of television show every year uploaded in one go to Dionysus rather than one or two movies each year or one episode each week with it also allowing fans of a series to watch an entire of series with 200 episodes over 10 seasons watch them in one go.This will benefit newbie and struggling actors,writers and directors and not just existing A-list actors and will also create an explosion of new movies and television shows especially the dozens and thousands of spin off television shows and movies of franchises such as Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars with coupled with mass unemployment via automation and AI will create millions of A-List movie and television stars,directors and writers from across the world as newbie and not just well established actors will be able to create dozens or hundreds of movies every year and using the time dilation effect fans of movies and television shows can watch many media within a short amount of time.The time dilation effect can also allow actors,writers etc to spend decades or centuries in a simulation carrying out any hobby they have such as watching media in YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme etc and hiking etc by themselves,with friends and family etc while mere minutes pass in the real world thus giving them exponentially more leisure time doing stuff like resting,watching movies,television shows,playing video games etc than is possible in the real world.The filming will be done with in simulation cameras fed into networks both in the real world and simulations with all pre production script writing,editing and post production such as creating sketches and discussions of scenes send the media and also interviews and documentaries and trailers and also special features etc will be done in these simulations with the time dilation effect eliminating deadlines etc and can allow for reshoots with a macro simulation similar to Inception used for accomadation that houses mansions etc in between shoots with this used to discuss the scripts etc and carry out pre and post production and rest in between shoots allowing actors etc to carry out pastimes including hiking,reading and watching other material in Dionysus,Pheme and YouTube and interacting with friends and family allowing them exponentially more leisure time in between shoots with one moving from one simulation to the next instantly.As detailed in more detail later on in the summary of entertainment this will be used to create roughly 90-95% of all future movies and television shows allowing most of not all film studios to be converted into communal homes etc with abandoned film sets renovated into communities.This technology will be used to create music videos in any location imaginable and also create novels,video games allowing writers etc create dozens or hundreds of novels every year with musicians creating dozens of albums and music videos every year.A combination of using VR technology and computer networks used to post audio/visual portfolios and auditions will allow people to star in media set anywhere in the world or universe and in fictional locations from the comfort of home without having to travel to real world locations or for that matter to Hollywood,Bollywood,Paris,Cannes or other film hubs across the world to become famous as all auditions and filmmaking of movies and television shows will be done by all actors,directors,writers etc working from the comfort of home thus saving on time and energy.The general public can watch movies,television shows etc in VR cinemas with snacks and friends from across the world.Anti-ageing treatments from 2030-2045 onwards that halt and reverse the effects of ageing will extend the lifespan of actors and directors etc exponentially to the point that one will be able to live for centuries,thousands of years or even forever becoming biologically immortal allowing them to have long productive careers thus negating ageism with if one wanted to play older characters one could simply change their avatars appearance to an elderly version of themselves of these factors will cut production costs to zero negating the need for payment for all actors,writers etc
Shooting of live action movies and televisions shows and even music videos even within simulations will benefit from autonomous tracking drones that can lock onto a person at a set distance or zoom in a particular area/person/body part via remote control replacing helicopters and other vehicles for aerial shots as well as automated dolly’s and cameras that focus on a particular individual or object.Otherwise they can be controlled remotely or have them follow a pre programmed tracking shot done earlier as a test or using adonit pens to This would allow both amateur and professional film makers to shoot high quality shots without needing cameramen and aerial vehicles and even do underwater scenes for movies and with waterproof versions or robotic fish and drones equipped with cameras all remotely controlled.Again these can lock onto a person or thing at a set distance in autonomous mode similar to underwater cameras with multiple drones covered in metamaterials(rendering them invisible) recording a scene from multiple angles and then editing allows desired playout of scenes to be put in the finished products.Bio-synths may in time replace these.The cameras and drones like biosynths etc will be managed by assistant AI.Actors can wear augmented reality google contact lenses again utilising graphene to project information that contain the entire script of a movie or television that they are taking part in with it streaming through the lenses while they are performing the piece with their individual lines highlighted to prevent them forgetting their lines while performing.Neural implants will have the scripts lines recorded on them that can be then be streamed by the actors brain or visualised by their eyes.The same can also be applied to those performing plays and musicals or during voice recordings.These can also allow for point of view shots to be done more effectively.
Drawings by artists such as storyboards and character and location sketches for movies,video games,television shows and animated media will be done on e-newspapers and smartpads via Ampelos which using adonit pens to draw and colour them can allow them to colour them in and erase mistakes using the pens eraser saving on the energy and time in producing and ordering in paper,pencils,crayons etc and can be instantly sent to and from networks for these media for analysis by others,allow multiple animators and artists to do multiple scenes at once and also used as extra features in Dionysus and using software in Ampelos transfer 2D drawn objects,characters,items,locations and sets etc into 3D objects similar to how it would for manufactured goods designed on smart devices.Having sketches converted into 3D images of a desired level of texture or complexity from 2D ones by Ampelos will expedite the development of CGI media,video games etc saving on time for amateurs.This can also allow 2D and 3D cartoons and other media done on smartpads etc to be done by multiple people around the world to share there drawings of characters,locations,items etc and also entire scenes to be shared on the networks and then software can allow for the entire scenes to be played out either in traditional fashion with scenes flicking together or have software use a single drawing of a scene be used to play out on editing software within Ampelos etc from start to finish or in time improvements in AI namely the assistant AI will use the script to automatically carry out the scene or even entire episode or movie using the script,locations,characters and items designed on these e-sketchpads with voice recordings lined up then carried out by the actors speeding up the development of both animated television shows and movies including CGI.Like video games for CGI animated movies and shows ones face and body can be scanned in once and be used for scenes acted out in motion suits etc as detailed later on.If possible the voice actors could enter a VR simulation in the animation style and them as their characters avatars allowing them to control multiple characters at once allowing them to film the movie or show in the conjured up environments using the time dilation effect and automated cameras with the effect also to be used to produce them conventionally both saving on time with them filming entire runs of series this way.The environments can be those made from scratch,those from illustrations of books or those from the real world using Brauron and also those in Daedalus and subsystems as well as building AIs allowing real world locations to be replicated in the simulations.In both cases accommodation can be conjured up with this cutting down time to create CGI movies and cutscenes in video games with directors present.Voice recordings of animated movies and shows can be done on ones computer at home using miniaturised microphone hooked into computers,smart devices or laptops with the Ampelos software removing background noise,setting and modifying to ideal acoustics as well as ones home studios in private and communal homes wirelessly with the directors giving feedback in real time or later one via forums and Iris chats with them recorded into networks in relevant folders with the network allowing for two or more actors to record lines on opposite sides of the world in one continuous flow at the same time.An actors lines will be on linked smart devise such as smartpads and e-newspapers or on Ampelos itself.In time VR indistinguishable can allow for voice actors to do their work in conventional studios fed into networks using the time dilation effect allowing them to record lines with multiple people at once in person and allow the home studios and those in community centres,communal homes and private homes to be used for other uses.
Smart contact lenses worn by actors will allow for viewers to choose which character they want to see the movie through by switching through these characters point of view(similar to Hardcore Henry with script lines not visible) and normal vision via menu at the very bottom of the screen(only brought up when the viewer moves the cursor there) with any equipment like cameras,vans and people like the director and producers etc made invisible by having metamaterials over them.In time movies and television shows will utilise neural implants to relay pain,hot,cold and the feeling of weather ie rain,snow,wind sensations,smells,tastes and pain felt by the character one can choose to feel these from relayed to the viewer in real time with even older movies etc utilising this replacing archaic systems attempted by directors in cinemas in the early years like Smello-vision with them the same intensity as if in real life experienced by the viewer with even emotions such as happiness,sadness and sexual release etc relayed as well.For new movies etc the sensations felt by actors in VR simulations etc will be recorded and saved in the media’s source code with for older ones AI extrapolating the likeliest sensations.In time VR programmes of adult movies in Dionysus can be made where one actually partakes in it with them choosing an actor(s) for the movie and either experiencing it from their point of view and feeling all sensations and also version where they can make their own decisions in the movie in each scene with AI changing the course of the plot in response to actions made by the viewer.The same can apply to both musicals,plays and other live media as well as music videos.Biosynth neural implants will allow viewers to experience the sense and emotions,pain and other senses of the character they are connected to giving ller immersion once they are recorded during filming and relayed during playback with those in older television shows and movies inflicted by AI based on the likeliest sensation.
Subtitles and trivia tracks in different languages and different spoken languages alongside directors commentaries tracks and even audio descriptions of what is happening for the blind can be integrated in the sub menus on the video with them changed while the media is playing using smart devices for televisions or menus within play mode for computers and smart devices similar to on DVDs with the voice of the speaker for the blind designed on Dionysus.In time direct interactions with Gaia can initiate them with in time ones Home AI,Gaia or Ariadne,Aletheia playing the role of describer with it providing the audio descriptions for the blind and also sign language in their avatars for the deaf.The sentient Coeus can be used translate the media into the viewers language(or any language) if they want the media and commentaries(as well as guides for the blind) to be dubbed into their language alongside the native language of the media with dubbed tracks from DVDs and Blu Rays changed using menus and buttons sufficing until this is sufficiently advanced with them deleted when the sentient Coeus is a reality.Subtitles for live media such as news channels can be organised by these as well.
All future movies,short movies,mini serie and television shows will no longer require corporate and state funding or backing but rather will be independently created using computer networks and VR technology.Corporate and state bodies and even independent ones that are funded independently etc that fund,distribute movies will all disappear and their headquarters turned in communal homes .Instead all movies,short movies and television shows will be independently run by all actors,directors and writers using computer networks to edit material house forums,instant messaging and folders for housing filmed material as well as using VR technology with Ampelos used to edit all material.Thus movies and television shows will be uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of production allowing all cinemas worldwide to become communal homes with those in hyper markets turned into extra suites with one able to view any television show,movies etc in VR cinemas with friends from across the world complete with snacks with this allowing home cinemas to be turned into extra bedrooms.
Comics and spin off novels of video games,television shows and movies that detail events that take place before,during or after the series can be adapted into movies,miniseries or missing episodes as well as new series of the television shows in any form using VR technology as any of them in the case of long finished media ie the spin off novels and comics of say Buffy the Vampire Slayer,Stargate,Halo,Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Wars,Spawn and Aliens etc and also of video games and movies including those set inbetween seasons,episodes,games and those set after with possibly even fanmade projects can be made into live action movies and new seasons using this technology using scans of the original actors in VR simulations or they could be made into video games by AI.Thus all spin off novels and even comic books etc that comprise of the expanded universe of movies,video games,television shows etc written by the writers of the show,second party writers etc accepted as official canon by the original writers and producers etc and those written by fans and second party writers given authorisation of the original writers will via using VR technology can be adapted into extra seasons of the shows with regards to television shows while video game novels can be turned into extra video games as part of the series with Assistant AI improving their quality.This will apply to those that are set in between existing seasons,in between episodes of existing seasons and existing instalments or those that are set before existing pilots and after the finale episodes.Comics and novels of video games will be adapted into video games.Adriadne will place those set in between existing seasons before the episode of the later season as the season opener or after the earlier season as the season finale with those set in between episodes added to the season inbetween the episodes and those set after the series finale after it to adjust the timeline with Hecate altering episode numbers etc on Wikipedia and possible multiple episodes of at least a dozen set in between seasons and after the finale can be made into separate seasons if at least a dozen or two dozen exist.Comic books and novels etc releated to video games can be made into their own video games as stand alone titles or part of the series.Comic books will be adapted into not just movies but each individual issue can be adapted into an animated television series scene for scene and word for word with this applying to existing ones already adapted into movies and television shows such as X-men etc.Movie adaptations of all existing and new books,comics,video games,musicals etc will continue to take place with video game versions of major movies and television shows still done with the original media’s writers taking the role as writers and original actors actors doing voice acting and then contacted by directors of video games.Movie adaptations of video games can be continue to be made with Assistant AI ensuring they are of high quality unlike existing ones that are critical bombs.Remakes can be done of existing video game movie adaptations with them vastly different and following the plot line of the video games.Fully fleshed out video games adaptations of all new movies,books and television shows from 2029 onwards will be made by the public with fully fleshed video game adaptations of all old movies,novels and television shows that didn’t have video game adaptations can be made with this including all James Bond movies made prior to Goldeneye and even those after it that don’t have video game adaptations created with the latest graphics.Video game adaptations can be done of television shows and also for movies etc that also have video game adaptations already done on particularly generation 1-6 games they can be remade into fully fleshed 3D games,with cutscenes,plots,new items and more releated to the movie it is based on.Television show and miniseries adaptations including animations will take place of all movies,video games,comic books,books and musicals.Musicals,operas etc can be made of television shows,movies and video games etc.Adult pornography parodies of all media whether movies,television shows,video games,comics will still continue to exist.Live performance art adaptations such as plays,musicals and operas of movies,books,comic books,video games etc will continue to also exist.
Television shows that were cancelled or pilots that didn’t proceed will be done with VR technology should the actors have died or aged but anti ageing treatments can be used.Pilots that were made into movies as was the case of Mulholland Drive can be in their own folder in the television show section where they using this technology to continue it on or be left in the special features section of the movie.In time VR technology indistinguishable from reality will allow for all television shows that were cancelled including those that ended in cliffhangers to be done in a realistic setting with sets,locations that have since been destroyed or changed to be reused and dead actors and those that have aged to be created alongside realistic monsters etc with the assistant AI carry out the role of all characters originally played by dead actors recorded and saved in real world devices with the director in place to direct the AI with new actors also there for new characters.Any remaining live actors can act out scenes using an avatar based on their younger self with other actors playing the role of characters played by deceased actors using their avatar in VR simulations or this done by AI with the same chromatic look used to retain the original look and original map of the city they were set in used based on what it looked like in the year it was cancelled to prevent historical anarchorisms.The new episodes and seasons would be in the same folder as the main folder for the cancelled show with this also applying to those that were restarted after a significant amount of time ie Roseanne,The Crystal Maze.This would be of note to shows that ended on cliff hangers and had too end prematurely due to industrial action as well as low ratings etc and thus were not fully developed and VR technology can allow them to be done this way again even cancelled ones with the new seasons in the same macro folder as the original show.Even reboots of low rated television shows can be restarted this way with more effort put into them.In short television shows that were cancelled due to the low sales,poor reception,controversies,developmental hell and legal issues that left them not being released can be restarted and continued as they were by the original producers and fans.AI will create networks for these in Dionysus by scanning YouTube and also Wikipedia etc for all shows that were cancelled including those cancelled due to low ratings and strikes etc.Adriadne will search all of Wikipedia,YouTube and even search Dionysus for shows that were cancelled and ended on cliffhangers and set up networks for them and contact original living producers,directors,actors and writers and then have them made with in the case of writers etc being dead it will contact other ones and have them finish it.VR technology can be used alongside anti-ageing treatments to havd people reverted to their younger self with them continuing off at the last point in real world history as well as integrate new technologies since they last aired and integrating new real world political developments since then.AI will compile a list of cancelled television shows and set up networks of them and contact the original writers,actors etc.Game shows such as The Crystal Maze and Knightmare can be restarted but be more difficult,elaborate and fanciful traps in VR simulations with VR technology allowing an almost infinite number of obstacle courses etc to be created with the pride in having set world records etc.Game shows would be made that reward athleticism and physical endurance and setting world records.
Even pilots that never became fully fledged shows can be done this way using original living actors made to look younger and deceased actors played by others using their avatar to be continued on in a realistic setting with sets,locations that have since been destroyed or changed to be reused in VR and dead actors and those that have aged to be created alongside realistic monsters etc and them recorded and saved in real world devices with the director in place to direct the AI with new actors also there for new characters.They can be set in a modern setting or in their original setting with original chromatic look of the era they were to be originally made.Any remaining live actors can act out scenes using an avatar based on their younger self with others doing deceased actors using their avatar or this done by AI.This can also apply to cancelled cartoons where the original voice actors voice otherwise they can be done recreated by AI and even allow cancelled episodes to be created in its original place.Otherwise the pilots could be redone by new actors in full colour that is recreated line for line and same chromatic style.Adriadne will search all of Wikipedia,records in network archives,YouTube and even search Dionysus for shows that were cancelled and ended on cliffhangers and set up networks for them and contact original living producers,directors,actors and writers and then have them made with in the case of writers etc being dead it will contact other ones and have Trek finish it.The original pilot that never aired will have its actual episode tracked down by AI and used as a template.Otherwise living writers,actors and directors can set up networks and track down the original pilot to be used as a template.AI will compile a list of cancelled television show pilots and set up networks of them and contact the original writers,actors etc.
Movies that were never released despite being filmed will be tracked down and uploaded to Dionysus with cancelled movies and sequels done using normal actors or even the aformentioned VR technology.AI will scour all of Wikipedia and IMDB to start networks for these. AI will compile a list of cancelled unreleased movies and set up networks of them and contact the original writers,actors etc.
Existing and new television shows will have the option of consisting of a mixture of both a macro series and multiple spin offs wuth there being through VR technology and its time dilation effect etc being able to have dozens or even millions of spin offs created at once all uploaded to Dionysus every week.This will primarily include new and existing fantasy andscience fiction television shows and animated shows as these will be able to create spin offs of different genres such as soap operas,forensics shows and also sitcoms etc.This will expand upon the universe and draw in more fans from around the world into the series.All major new and existing science fiction and fantasy television show franchises such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer,Charmed,Star Wars,Star Trek,Stargate and all ones detailed later on will have dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs set across each country and planet.Instellar and intergalactic travel will allow them to extend across the universe with those that are set across multiple galaxies will have spin offs set in each planet but also each country on each planet.For Earth this will include those set in Ireland,Britain and Japan with them also set in multiple cities on each countries.Each country on Earth and other planets will have multiple spin offs set in each major city and town and even villages.They will have nested movies,video games,television shows created created in a way that they were created by in universe writers.
They will have dozens or thousands of spin offs that are live action or animated spin offs that can be of different genres such as sitcoms,dramas,soap operas,legal and medical dramas etc
Video games can be created that are similar to Doom,Tomb Raider,The Longest Journey,Mirrors Edge .The ideas for metafiction can be explored here.Spin offs both animated and live action of this show can be set on Earth and the other realm dealing with witches and humans of all backgrounds solely or together to explore these themes.Furthermore these different series could use the basis of the multiverse theory like video games to series set in parallel universes that follow the same main or different characters following different histories ie there are the same or different planets and races present but history has followed a different path with different events taking place in the lives of characters from the original characters and different events taking place of the in universe races and entities with this consisting of movies,television shows and video games etc.Also video games spin offs could take place of them that deal with different characters point of view of events before,during,in between and after the main show.
Each major franchise of science fiction and fantasy television shows etc both existing and new such as Star Trek,Star Wars,Stargate,Buffy:The Vampire Slayer etc and all new ones detailed below can have puppet shows created that are set in their universe as spin offs of these shows with again them having each character have talk shows and YouTube channels.For them the universe of their shows will be their bridging universe with each of the franchises if science fiction and fantasy shows having thousands of spin offs.They and alien and human presenters will appear as guest,main and supporting characters of their science fiction and fantasy show parent franchises.These will have their own spin offs set in countries and planets across the science fiction and fantasy shows universe.They will also have each character have talk show and YouTube channels.
All of these ideas such as a macro series and dozens or thousands of spin offs that focus on the lives of everyday citizens across their universe,focus on historical events,biopics etc and video games and more can be replicated with other science fiction,fantasy shows both animated and live action such as Babylon 5,Doctor Who,True Blood,The Orville,The Witcher,Supernatural,Game of Thrones,Andromeda,Foundation,The X-Files,Firefly,Dune,Farscape,American Gods,Altered Carbon,Total Recall 2070,Blade Runner,Charmed that are both live action or animated with them restarted with different spin offs and including a main series set at least several years or decades later with them involving as stated interstellar,intergalactic and interdimensional travel with especially of note to to science fiction shows their being 200,000,000 galaxies to explore.These spin offs can be sitcoms,dramas, dramas,law enforcement and military action and drama shows and those that focus on historical events and biopic.Examples of television shows with spin offs created by the general public include the following:
For example will be a macro series of Stargate that takes place in modern times that deals with the Stargate programme,the Pegasus and Ancients home galaxy and all plsnets across the three galaxies housing humans,the Gouald,Ancients,Destiny,Atlantis,Wraith,Ascension,Asgard and all aspects of the previous three shows etc becoming public knowledge to all citizens on Earth and all planets in all three galaxies at the behest of AI such as Dike and the World President and would include dealing with the formation of a collation of planets similar to The Federation of Planets from Star Trek that extends to the Pegasus,Milky Way,Ancients home galaxies and those from Stargate Universe and newly discovered ones consisting of all human occupied planets in all three galaxies and also all existing alien races such as Gadmeer,Reetou etc that includes characters from all series as either the main characters or supporting characters or just mentioned with it dealing with the public on Earth having to deal with the newly revealed existence of the Stargate program,humans spread across the galaxy and the Pegasus Galaxy as well as the Ancients home galaxy,the public disclosures of the Ancients and the humans in Ancients home galaxy/Milky Way galaxy/the Pegasus Galaxy,those from Stargate Universe,Origin,Ascension,Destiny,Gouald,Nox,Wraith,Asgard,Ori,Ancients and Atlantis and all human and non human races across the galaxies that are now common knowledge amongst Earths citizens as well as humans across the three galaxies and new technologies from the ancients,Nox,Gouald,Asgard,Wraith and other advanced human civilisations being reversed engineered with regards to agriculture,interstellar travel and intergalactic travel,mass production of Stargates becoming ubiquitous on Earth and other planets in the various galaxies and dealing with humans on Earths conflicts with that of other human civilisations across the Ancients home galaxy,the Milky Way galaxy and Pegasus with relation to conflicting races,religions,politics etc and new threats to the security of these galaxies alongside and exploration of new galaxies across the universe,the reunion with the team onboard Destiny and new races both allies and threats and similar advanced races similar to the Ancients and new technologies similar or different to the Stargate etc.If possible this could consist of a main macro series that includes previous and new main characters and the overall plot with characters like Val Mal Dorian,Jonas Quinn,Samantha Carter,Jack O Neill,Elizabeth Weir,Dr.Ronald Mckay,Tamayla Emmigan,Dr Nicholas Rush,John Shepard etc and all characters both main,secondary and guest characters from Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis,Stargate:Universe dealing with them becoming world famous heroes for saving Earth,the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies and dealing with public disclosure of aforementioned issues and the formation of the planet and multi galaxy wide federation etc and new positions in this multi galactic government as politicians,researchers,diplomats representing each planet they come from or even each galaxy they come from and also high ranking military personnel,Agoge trainers or even civilians travelling between planets in each galaxy and then dealing with exploring new planets,the Stargate etc becoming common knowledge amongst Earth,new allies and threats across the Milky Way,Pegasus galaxies and the Ancient home galaxy including remaining Gouald and Wraith factions including those aided by rouge humans,wraith hybrids that are helping them willingly or against their will to regain their power in not only the Milky Way galaxy but also across all galaxies involved and extremist terrorist groups consisting of humans across the galaxy including pro Earth terrorist groups and others across the galaxies as well as factions of extremist followers of Origin and the Ori that wish to gain control of the Pegasus,Milky Way and Ancients home galaxy and even remaining followers and worshippers of still living and even deceased Gouald system lords headed by new system lords and their most devout followers that wish to gain control of the Ancients home galaxy as well as the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies etc.It could be set in 2029-2045 thus giving at least twenty to thirty years from the end of both Stargate SG-1,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate:Universe with upon the formation of the global government after the Coronavirus pandemic has been solved and Trump and Biden administration and with the Great Purge and official federal apologies are carried out AI such as Dike,Adikia and Gaia deciding after the discovery of the Stargate programme,Atlantis,the Gouald,Wraith,Ascension,the Ancients home galaxy and Pegasus galaxy and everything in the previous three series decides to make all aspects of the last three shows that it will become common knowledge to the public on Earth since it will be able to reverse engineer and mass produce interstellar travel etc and technologies of the ancients as well as doing so for public security as keeping the Stargate programme out of public knowledge anymore will be against the security of Earth for example to give an excuse to allow the new technologies from being used wisely especially in terms of environmental concerns as well as deeming the public ready to deal with the consequences since there is no imperialist motive and with humanity able to deal with collaborating with each other could deal with knowledge of the Stargate programme and instead upscale it to an intergalactic entity similar to Star Treks the Federation of Planets as detailed later on that connects all human colonies and civilisations across the three galaxies(Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy) including Earth into one entity alongside any other friendly non human races in time integrating those from other galaxies discovered and mapped by Destiny and humans from Earth travelling back and forth between Earth and all human occupied planets across the three galaxies with aspects of education including the Agoge and all aspects of the global/galactic government as detailed later on will be referenced and integrated into the shows universe includung Stargate Command that includes Stargate Command becoming a intergalactic entity with it also including real world discovered alien civilisations and planets across the universe in the real world and future real world political events and celebrities keeping the show grounded in the real world.An official title to this entity can be developed that is similar to the Federation of Planets.Thus AI in the show such as Dike,Adikia and Gaia would after learning of the Stargate programme,Atlantis,Destiny,Gouald,Wraith,Asgard,Nox,humans on other planets and all aspects of Stargate SG-1,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate:Universe would make all of this made public knowledge to all citizens on Earth and all planets across the three galaxies they would then decide to upscale the real world global government to an intergalactic government including Earth and all planets across the Ancients home galaxy,Pegasus galaxy and Milky Way Galaxy containing humans of all technological tiers and also other allied non human races that it decides to upgrade all lower primative human civilisations across the three galaxies to 21st century standards using reverse engineered technologies from the Asgard,Ancients etc those created by AI including those from across ths entire website and technologies already present to Earth and allow free passage between all planets for all citizens and them all have the same uniform laws as each other as an allegory for the Alliance of the Four Great Races etc and follows the conflicts that arise from this.Thus the new show and all spin offs would would deal with the citizens of Earth becoming fully aware of the Stargate programme and humans on other planets and also about the Ancients,Gould,Destiney,Ascension,Wraith,Origin and all aspects of Stargate SG-1,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate Universe with travel across Earth and all planets in all three galaxies being within the reach of the average citizens through interstellar cruise ships and mass produced Stargates and new conflicts and themes arising from this allowing for dozens of spin offs of different genres to be created.The economy of the intergalactic government will be a post scarcity,post capitalist moneyless minarcho technocratism similar to the real world as detailed across the entire website with education in military,sciencetific research,space travel and the acquirement of manufactured goods and food as well as how live news,magazines and entertainment etc is produced and acquired through the wire(Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus,Pheme etc) with 14 being the new age of majority etc and all real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Dike,Paean,Perseus etc as detailed across the entire website and the detailing of the global and galactic government thus grounding it in reality alongside it referencing the Trump and Biden administrations,War on Terror,9/11 and the Coronavirus pandemic etc and all real world events from 2009-2029 onwards and utilising existing technologies such as Wikipedia,YouTube,smartphones etc developed since between the end of each series and 2029 and all technologies detailed across the entire website such as the energy section,healthcare section,summary of food production and new technologies etc.All aspects of the global government in the real world will be upscaled to this intergalactic entity that is post scarcity,post capitalist moneyless,fully automated minarcho technocratism society extending to all planets the galaxies with all aspects of the real world such as education being modelled on the Agoge and also mentor/mentoree system as well as Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus and Pheme and all facets of the wire and internet in the real world such as Wikipedia,YouTube,Agora,Peitho,Eros,Pandora,Ampelos etc and all new technologies such as aquaponics,smartphones,Nyx,biosynths,CRISPR etc as detailed across the entire website spread across all planets to keep it grounded in reality and all new ones developed in the real world overtime alongside those from the series and new ones developed by writers will be integrated and become ubiquitous to all planets across all three galaxies and the entire wire and internet explained in this website in the real world will play a role as characters keeping it grounded in reality with all aspects of society described in the global government section and the rest of society such as localised agriculture via home,community and vertical farms,manufacturing hubs,automation,AI and biosynths rendering human labour obsolete and the abolishment of both money and capitalism in favour with moneyless minarcho technocratism will be integrated into the show with the global government upscaled to a intergalactic scale as detailed later.All aspects of society such as food production,healthcare,acquisition of manufactured goods,education,energy production,entertainment,mass media and the functioning and structure of the intergalactic entity on all member planets will be as described across the entirety of this website with all technologies from this website including hypothesised ones from the new technologies section and of course reverse engineered technologies from the Asgard,Ancients,Aschen,Gouald and all races across the galaxies will be integrated into the lives of everyday citizens and also military etc.Assistant AI will analyse all facets of this website etc to keep the show up to date.Agriculture practices as detailed by this website in the summary of food production section will be adopted by all planets including invitro meat,plant and animal commodities derived from bacteria,hybrid crops,recirculating aquaculture systems,aquaponics,hydroponics,biosynth machinery,spores that undergo mass replication into crops,algae,localised agriculture via 3D DNA printers and home/community/vertical farms and genetic engineering to expontionally increase crop yields will be utilised to increase agricultural productivity and thus at the same feed large populations across all planets and eliminate famine while allowing all land on all planets used for agriculture to be reforested giving them sizeable wilderness for nature,Agoge trainees and wildlife tours etc and also hiking and camping done by characters with in universe examples of agriculture science integrated into the show and hybridised with real world advances detailed in the summary of food production.For example genes from the plant from P6J-908 that cause it to grow uncontrollably integrated into hybrid plants that create fruits,vegetables and nuts that instead of inedible leaves grow large amounts of leafy greens and fruits etc especially when combined with DNA of Falliopa japonica,Pueraria montana,Amerilla ostoyae thus exponentially increasing productivity from a single plant.Energy sources such as geothermal,fusion,dyson swarms,synthetic fossil fuels and electric vehicles powered by Biosynth batteries as detailed in the energy section will be present alongside zero point modules and those native to the show on all planets across the galaxies.
Zero point modules,naquadah generators etc will also be mass produced to power cities,ships,puddle jumpers etc with even Terrraroot once its genome is scanned can be mass produced via 3D DNA printers.Education will follow that of the mentor/mentoree system for law,science etc with military and law enforcement training modelled on the Agoge while the new age of majority will be 14.Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus snd Pheme and all networks of the wire alongside YouTube,Agora,Helios,Pandora,Ampelos.Peitho,Eros and all sentient apps and websites will extend to all planets with the structure of the government having representatives from each member race such as humans,Oannes,Wraith,Jaffa,Reetou elected to the galactic congress and executive branch.Biocomapatible microbes,anti-ageing and gene augmentations would make humans immortal with the accelerated healing phenotype,immunity to radiation etc being ubiquitous to all humans on Earth and integrated planets with tension coming from exposing one to torture from the acellerated healing phenotype and one potentially expose to injuries and environmental conditions beyond what is possible through augmentations as well as using gene therapy managed by AI outside of Paean that can remove augmentations such as the accelerated healing phenotype and immunity to radiation and having microbes removed or disabled via WiFi signals from malicious AI thus leaving one open to death from infections.All humans across the galaxy integrated into the intergalactic entity will have biocompatible microbes and gene augmentations to make them immortal and halt and reverse the ageing process as an incentive to join with for Jaffa and Tokra both the host and symbiote given anti ageing treatments etc with the symbiotes requiring microbes unique to them to pass in gene therapies.For non human alien races species specific microbes will be developed after AI analysed their genome and immune system to give them augmentations to become immortal and halt and reverse the ageing process and microbes of all strains.Human and alien hosts of Gouald system lords whose symbiote is being extracted will have them host sedated by injection of natural or synthetic compounds that sedate them or a single blast of the Zat Nikital and then injected with microbes that apply anti-ageing treatments to the host and Gouald symbiote that halts and reverse the anti-ageing process while the host and symbiote is sedated before extraction takes place to ensure that the host will not die of old age without the symbiote when the symbiote is extracted to emancipate them from the host with those done to all remaining system lords,there Jaffa footsoldiers and first primes as well as other Jaffa and Tokra who wish to be free of their symbiotes once CRISPR treatments have given them fully functioning immune systems.Thus microbes will apply anti-ageing treatments to the symbiote and the human host while it is unconscious to allow the symbiote to be extracted without killing the host through automated surgery and will be done to liberate human hosts who will be rehabilitated which can be plot points while the symbiote can be placed in blank biosynth with no consciousness who can be imprisoned and interrogated including via neural implants etc and put on trial for war crimes,genocide etc.The symbiotes of system lords,first primes etc be put on trial for human rights abuses,war crimes and genocide in Hades and Tarturas in front of Minos,Aeceus and Rhadamanthus for millions or even billions of years while their human hosts will be emancipated and rehabilitated and this rehabilitation will be plot points for spin offs and movies with these rehabilitated humans becoming reccuring characters in spin offs involving them reliving their war crimes etc with greed slaves of the Wraith etc also being plot points.Tokra will avail of anti-ageing and augmentation treatments where the host and symbiote will both have them applied to them ensuring the host and symbiote lives forever.Gouald system lords and their Jaffa will avail of this also once they gain them from the Lucien Alliance.As stated both the Jaffa and Tokra can using DNA samples and 3D DNA printers have thousands or millions of new genetically distinct symbiotes or even queens produced each with unique genomes and also unique personalities separate from each other and their new hosts.This can be done to study them and increase the population of Jaffa and Tokra exponentially.As stated both symbiotes and queens would have species specific microbes created to apply immortality treatments that halt the ageing process Alien species and and human grioups like the Enkarans will be given CRISPR treatments to survive in planets outside of their home planets with humans given them to survive in planets that are heavily polluted and are not suited for human life.Addictions to gene augmentations especially illegal ones and black markets for these supllied by the Lucien Allisnce will become plot points for spin offs.Events in the real world from 2007-2029 onwards can be referenced in the series and have episodes and seasonal arcs use allegories and subtext to reference real world events from 2029 onward.Characters from all human occupied planets across all three galaxies integrated into the intergalactic entity will return as main characters in each spin off ideally played by the same actors tracked down by Assistant AI detailing them becoming researchers,diplomats,military personnel and celebrities of all types.Conflicts between the religions of Origin,Ascension,Christianity,Islam,Judaism and the worship of the remaining Gouald system lords and that of the Pegasus galaxies with it debated between characters whether the Gould system lords impersonated pre existing deities from Earth or created then from scratch alongside conflicts between pro Earth extremist groups and extremist groups both political and religious groups across the galaxies including racism against humans that whose ancestors were taken there and also racism towards humans in the Pegasus and Ancient homeworld galaxies and also racism against Earth based humans and groups that exist as counter left wing pro non Earth humans rights groups can be explored alongside the building of all human occupied colonies across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancient home world galaxies to 21st century standards of infrastructure and technology using new technologies and cultural conflicts that arise from it will be explored alongside residents of lower level technology planets adapting to Earth based cultures in conflict with their own such as new concepts such as celebrities,actors,musicians,athletes,movies,television shows,video games and Earth based religions and festivities such as Christmas,Halloween,St Patrick’s Day and technologies such as television,the internet etc being developed across all newly technologically upgraded human and non human planets across the three galaxies.Each human culture across the galaxies will have different festivals,holidays and coming of age rituals etc that can be explored in spin offs.Issues can be explored as to the less developed human cultures in all three galaxies getting used to the existence of Earth and their origins from Earth and the Ancients and getting used to modern infrastructure and technologies such as televisions,autonomous vehicles including flying automated vehicles,,smartphones,YouTube,the internet and in some cases modern housing and electricity and also concepts such as celebrity culture and modern forms of entertainment such as soaps/VR technology/video games/pornography/movies and television shows and music from Earth/sports both Earth based ones and those from each planet including those based in those from Ancient cultures,.pets from Earth such as cats and dogs,Earth based cuisine and food via Demeter and universal frachises of restaurants such as fast food(ie McDonald’s,pizzas and hotdogs),Coca Cola,chocolate,ethnic cuisine such as Chinese,Italian etc for being introduced to all human cultures with those from all human occupied galaxies integrated into the universal franchises,manufactured food products from Earth and both alcohol and cigarettes,poker etc will be explored.Also cultures across the galaxies will become adjusted to Earth based festivals such as Christmas,Halloween,St Patrick’s Day etc.Plotlines will also detail the integration of human colonised planets detailing their planets being upgraded to 21st century standards and adjusting to new technologies like flying vehicles,homes,electricity,smartphones etc.On the other hand humans on Earth will be detailed also getting adjusted to new technologies reverse engineered from the Ancients and from across the website as well as crops,as etc from all planets across the three galaxies will be explored.They will also have to become adjusted to sports and religious views from all planets across the galaxies and different cultural practices with regards to the treatment of women,LGBT individuals and technologies from those that are more advanced than on Earth and also pets and animals from them and so on.Each planet will evolve their own music,movies,sports and other forms of entertainment and in universe celebrities such as athletes,actors,musicians etc and in universe cultural meals,crops,meat,fish and shellfish and technologies that will spread across all planets.Characters will include people such as athletes,actors,live news anchors,musicians,pornography actors,directors etc will referenced routinely on television etc and appear as main,guest and reccuring characters in different spin offs.In universe musicians will have YouTube channels set up to post music videos created in universe with them and other in universe celebrities having their own Agora accounts to reference in world events.The Miss Universe competition will extend to all galaxies and feature models from all planets and all non human races alongside their being planet based beauty pageants with the Olympics extending to all galaxies and including Earth based sports and new ones from all human planets and alien races with also sports from all races and planets becoming commonly played and televised across the galaxies with Earth based sports such as boxing,wrestling,gymnastics,baseball,basketball etc spreading across all planets in the galaxies.Drag races and official racing events and competitions will take place on Earth,other planets and even in space that involves puddle jumpers,interstellar vehicles etc.Beauty pageants.sports events etc could be filmed in simulation and added to linked YouTube accounts or Dionysus.Real world celebrities such as actors,musicians,anchors and athletes etc will also be mentioned regularly and appear as themselves frequently as cameos and guest stars.Movies and television shows made in the franchises universe by in universe actors will be made by writers and uploaded to Dionysus with music videos created by in universe musicians uploaded to YouTube for metafiction to immerse fans into the franchises universe.Artificial Intelligence,the existence of humans across the galaxy and culture clashes from different religions such as Origin,Islam,Christianity,Judaism,remaining followers of each of the deceased and still living Gouald system lords,paganism and that of the humans of Pegasus Galaxy and the different cultural practices with regards to the treatment of women/children/LGBT community and those of different skin colours and ethnicities,monogomous relationships,polygamy,concubinage and different cultural practices such as with regards to religion/coming of age rituals/food and some culture adjusting to losing old obsolete barbaric cultural practices in face of universal laws set down in the intergalactic constitution with racial tensions between different factions in each galaxy or planet with regards to being born from different planets etc.Real world celebrities will appear as themselves in cameos with new celebrities created for the entire franchises that are referenced and appear in each spin off.New actors and musicians will exist in the spin offs with them characters as part of spin offs with all human cultures and even non human races from all planets across the galaxies developing their own cuisines,celebrities such as athletes/models/pornography stars/musicians/television and movie stars etc and fictional movies/television shows/video games that will be referenced in each spin offs and appear as characters as part of each spin offs.Each planet since developing independent from each other will have developed their own sports both teams and solo ones and also musical instruments,cuisines,meals and other types of entertainment that will be explored in spin offs.These cuisines,sports will include those from around each ancient Earth society that each civilisations planet is derived from ie Ancient Greece,Ancient Japan etc with regards to the Mily Way galaxy while those from the Pegasus and Ancients home galaxy will be completely new ones.Racism and conflict between as stated different human cultures and different non human races can arise including the different coming of age rituals,clothing,architecture,differences between their treatment of women,children and the LGBT community,practices releated to monogamy,bigamy etc attitudes to promiscuity as well as treatment to different ethnicities of humans on Earth etc such as and other human and non human races explored.Conflicts can arise by factions of humans on each planet including Earth feeling ethnically superior to humans on other planets as well as existing racism based in ethnicity ie racism against african Americans not just in Earth but other planets.Racial superiority can arise in the form of racism by humans on Earth against humans on all other planets across the three galaxies and vice versa with factions of humans holding racial superiority over those of other planets present on each planet and also racism by humans from the three galaxies against the Wraith,Gouald,Tokra,followers of Origin etc and non human races that try to integrate into society through defection alongside racism against AI.Conflicts and racism between different ethnic groups across planets across the galaxies including on Earth can be plot points alongside conflicts to those adjusting to a post scarcity,post capitalist economy will be explored alongside humans on other planets adjusting to being upgraded to 21st century standards in terms of technology and infrastructure will be explored.Conflicts can arise between devout followers of Origin,Ascension,Christianity,Islam and Judaism alongside remaining followers of the Gould system lords and the religions of those from the Pegasus galaxies,other galaxies across the universe,Wiccans and Hindus alongside atheism and agnosticism can be explored in great detail by different spin offs especially dramas and soap operas.Philosophy from Earth such as Vedic philosophy,Nietzsche etc and that from other human cultures and non human planets can be explored alongside debates about real world events from 2000-2029 integrated into them and discussed.The Tokra looking for new willing human hosts in various spin offs and the benefits of sharing symbiotes with willing hosts through the symbiotes interacting with hosts through memories and dreams will be plot points and areas for character development for existing and new Tokra characters especially since they through the Phanes method will be able to mass produce queens via the Phanes method.This can include spirtual religious themes.Conflicts and racism will be explored between humans and integrated members of the Wraith and Gouald and Tokra will be explored.Tensions can arise between the integrated Aschen and Volians and even other races as part of the Aschen Confederacy that realise they were imperialised through mass sterilisation and mass social genocide.Cultural clashes and conflicts arising from the different religions,different treatments of women/children/LGBT/races etc by exploring xenophobia,and homophobia and transphobia,cultural norms interacting with each other and adjusting to being either discarded or less radicalised once integrated into the intergalactic entity with this forming the basis of themes from all spin offs.In each planet integrated their will be conflict with other planets but also inter generational conflict between younger and older generations that have conflicting views in these interrelationships and discarding barbaric practices in light of the new intergalactic constitution.The different coming of rituals,festivals,holidays and also different views with regards to women,LGBT etc of each human culture across the galaxies will be explored in detail with the different terrains and different geological sites of each planets and different flora and fauna will be explored in detail.LGBT themes can be explored in the form of same sex couples,characters that are humans from across the galaxies or non human races that are gay,bisexual,lesbian,transgendered etc that deal with the conflicting societal attitudes towards the LGBT individuals across the different planets across the three galaxies explored and also and relationships both sexual,monogomous and platonic between different tribes of humans from across all three galaxies can be explored including relationships between humans from Earth and the planets across the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxy and between humans defected Gould,Wraith,Jaffa and Tokra and with different non human races can be explored that are platonic,sexual or monogomous etc dealing with racial tensions and culture clashes.Homophobia by humans on Earth and other planets will be explored alongside the concept of relationships involving humans and Tokra characters that have the host and symbiotes be of different genders.Platonic,romantic and sexual relations both heterosexual,homosexual and bisexual can exist between humans from different planets that have differnent clashing cultures,between humans and Tokra and those involving humans and Wraith,Gouald etc that include LGBT themes and also explored can be relationships involving Reetou,Wraith etc that are homosexual and heterosexual.The different social attitudes of each planet toward men,women etc and members of the LGBT community can be explored..Also relationships between humans and AI that are platonic,romantic and sexual including biosynths and real world AI such as Gaia etc and escorts.Also explored can be themes related to the addiction and abuse of biosynths as escorts and mistreatment of those used by Home AI and racism against AI etc,abuse and addiction to VR technology for entertainment etc and as part of Eros and Peitho and also abuse and addictions as well as rejections to genetic augmentations by small populations of humans with these and all technologies present across the website become ubiquitous to all citizens and space stations and interstellar vehicles allowing them to be explored.Addiction to illegal narcotics from across the galaxy including natural and synthetic ones and those derived from naquadah and also Kessa itself and Kessa based narcotics.Black markets for illegal genetic augmentations,weapons and narcotics derived from plants and animals across the galaxies including Kessa and other ones including those derived from naquadah and naquadria as well as secretions from plants and animals and even those derived from the Wraith and Gould physiology or even the Gouald and Wraith and other sentient races across the galaxies and synthetic ones both existing synthetic ones and also those as stated derived from naquadah and naquadria present in their structure(including when combined with existing natural and synthetic drugs) supplies by the Lucian Alliance can be plot points with the Lucien Alliance reformed to cater to this.Humans from planets more primative than Earth will while their planet is upgraded to 21st century will avail of both the real world live in maid system and tourism.This will involve humans from less technologically advanced planets or poor sections of society of lower.equal or even higher tier planets will move into the homes of the wealthy or those in suburban homes of citizens on Earth and other colonies across the galaxies to carry out day to day chores with this acting a source of plot points and conflict and exploring different themes such as racial themes and cultural clashes.Even citizens who have existing biosynth maids will take in poor people from other planets until their planets are developed to alleviate strains on them or just to act as temporary shelter..Even poor people on Earth while it being upgraded will become live in maids to humans in othef more advanced planets.Other poor people will be taken aboard Atlantis style ships etc as temporary shelter as refugees that orbit their home planet,Earth and other colonies etc..Poor people will be allotted to homes of better well off people across the three galaxies by Adikia similar to real life with them paid extra money to encourage this.Poor people on Earth will be intaken by wealthier citizens on Earth and even on other planets with poor people on other planets intaken by citizens in Earth and other colonies.Other poor people from planets across the galaxies including those from Earth will partake in tourism across the planets across the galaxies using puddle jumpers manufactured by AI that will allow them to explore the planets across galaxies at their leisure with them able to park in wilderness areas and on the outskirts of cities as well for years at a time.Both of these will be plot points of spin offs and temporary measures.Communal apartment blocks etc and converting banks,retail outlets and hotels etc and abandoned buildings into luxury communal homes and carrying out rennovations on private homes on Earth and other planets across the galaxies will be explored as plot points in spin offs.Demolishing of slums and obsolete low quality homes and reforesting the land will be charted alongside bioremediating programmes and carbon sequestration programmes on Earth and other planets alongside human volunteers and biosynths building homes and upgrading planets to 21st century standards will be plot points of spin offs.
Rehabilitation of survivors of slaves of the Gouald and Wraith will be explored including former Jaffa and former hosts to the different system lords and their first primes through Iaso and Metis will be explored with them suffering post traumatic stress disorder,suicidal tendencies,flashbacks and memories of their past deeds as hosts unable to control their actions and them facing in person survivors of their former symbiotes crimes either making peace as well as even been harassed and hunted down and facing rape and beatings from members of the public giving both the hosts and former symbiotes depth with survivors of Gould system lords,former hosts to system lords and first primes in some cases becoming celebrities through memoirs and other means and also becoming main and supporting characters in various spin offs including soap operas,dramas and action orientated.Each one of the former hosts of the Gouald system lords and first primes will become once the Gouald is removed main characters or supporting characters of the various spin offs with flashbacks detailing their life before becoming hosts to them and also other events during their time as hosts.Recreational drugs both legal and illegal both real world and new ones created by writers will be explored including those from planets,animals and synthetic ones across all galaxies alongside alcoholism as well as domestic abuse,rape etc alongside the ethics of euthanasia,death penalty and abortion will be explored.Illegal trafficking of stolen artefacts and human trafficking of Jaffa,refugees from other planets including those under the rule of the Gouald and Wraith and human double agents for the Wraith and Gould who will smuggle humans,information and also reverse engineered technologies from the Ancients and also Earth to the Gould’s and Wraith will be explored.Also explored will be those in hiding who suffer from curable diseases such as pedopheilia and schizophrenia etc and war criminals etc across Earth and different planets who could face imprisonments for centuries or for several million years as well as the curing of patients of Down’s syndrome and HIV,cancer and similar genetic disease unique to each subset of humans and alien species and also pandemics similar to Coroanvirus,Yestina Pestis,Variola major,HIV on each different planet as well as using CRISPR and Phanes extrapolating antibodies and synthetic compounds and researching cures from the sap and venoms of different plants and animals across the galaxies added to the DNA of microbes and also can be explored alongside new genetic diseases unique to each human culture and non human races across the galaxies.Furthermore for exploration are relationships with Artificial Intelligence such as Home AI as both biosynths and on electronics and various AIs as part of the wire and exploitation of AI will be plot points.All real world AI such as Phanes,Dike,Adikia,Gaia,Ouranos,Perseus,Eros,Hebe,Hestia,Ampelos,Pandora,Peitho,Coeus,Paean,Helios,Astraeus,Adriadne,Aleitheia,Aphrodite,Metis,Iaso,Tyche etc and also mayor and governor AI as well as those in control of each research and military base as part of Stargate Command and also also those in control of interstellar vessels and also vertical farms and people’s homes etc will play roles as themselves in all spin offs regularly using electronics,VR technology and biosynths to interact with human and non human characters and other AI with their avatars based on that from real life and actors.Artificial intelligence such as Home AI and that as part of the wire etc will thus become characters in different spin offs that have storylines and character development and form platonic or sexual relationships with both humans and non human cultures with them inhabiting electronics and biosynths and VR technology.Biosynth escorts and au pairs will form characters.All aspects of the wire such as Demeter,Hepheastus,Pheme,Dionysus etc will be integrated.Even planets that were abandoned by Earth to let them develop without interference and those whose Stargate is buried by the inhabitants and on instruction from SG-1 will be integrated into the Union with conflicts arising from reinterfering,civilising and upgrading them accessed by interstellar vehicles that use AI to triangulate their location on a map of the galaxies using their Stargate address and also inhabiting the Stargates subspace network thus opening up all of the three galaxies to the intergalactic entity.Since the Asgard are extinct all planets under their control of the Protected Planets Treaty alongside Aschen Prime and all planets in the Aschen Confederation and all planets formally under the control of the different dead Gouald system lords such as Hathor,Nirrti,Yu,Baal etc and also the Ori and Wraith will be integrated into it with conflict arising from the fact that though each planet will be updated to 21st century standards and have to adapt to uniform intergalactic law this conflict will arise from each different planets having different cultural practices arising from those who are hestitant to get rid of obsolete cultural practices especially those that conflict with the new uniform laws and those that conflict with those each separate planet and culture including Earth and attempts by the Gould and Wraith etc to regain control of them through different means including guerilla warfare,interstellar battles and double agents attempting to regain control of them from within.All planets that were destroyed by the Gouald,Wraith pollution,nuclear fallout,alien animals etc can be integrated and be rebuilt and bioremediated to a pristine state with all uninhabited planets will be absorbed into it and terraformed and bioremediated.The alpha,beta and gamma sites in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies will be retaken and also colonised by humans or they may be kept as military outposts for some time and then eventually being used as colonies as political events become better.Each planets cultures such as religion,architecture,clothing,art etc will be preserved to an extent while others are disposed of with conflict arise from those who refuse to dispose of them especially with regards to the treatment of women etc.Each one upgraded technologically will still retain their unique architecture and also festivals,religions and clothing giving each one an unique look and theme.Each set of humans like the Aschen having a stoic attitude will have developed different cultures and personalities with again due to them having a sensitivity to loud sounds due to them developing and the Enkarens being only able to survive on a few planets with specific atmosphere due to them developing on different planets other than Earth each human culture will have unique genotypes and physical characteristics from Earth based humans due to being exposed to different environmental conditions over thousands of years such as different types of mutagens ie radiation,viruses/bacteria/fungi/haematophage insects/parasites
that alter their genome through horizontal gene transfer via said species being able to extract DNA from other species of plants and animals on their planets and them able to transfer them to from one to another species of plants and animals including humans thus speeding up the rate of evolution of different species and sub species of humans with different physical traits and phenotypes with them intermixing genes from native plants and animals etc with each other and humans on other planets and even proto genetic engineering including from experimentation by Nirrti including direct experimentation and her past experiment humans escaping to different planets with humans and interbreeding with them or other system lords using her experiments or they themselves carrying out proto genetic engineering on themselves using either Ancient DNA resequencers found in the past or proto forms of genetic engineering including through creating new subspecies of humans(rather than being able to modify living humans as with CRISPR they could only create new genetically engineered humans similar to how we could only create new species of genetically crops and animals) done by themselves,Nirrti and system lords that will have different abilities such as different hearing/smelling/visual/tasting etc ranges,different shaped foreheads,ears,the ability to breathe underwater as well as even proto psychic abilities and other different immunities to poisons or different reactions to Earth based foods ie being unable to consume some foods that Earth based humans can eat and other genetic and phenotypic always differences from Earth based humans.Thus groups of humans would have due to developing on different planets different from Earth have developed different phenotypes due to different environmental conditions similar to natural selection.If possible they can be completely different from humans but have human ancestors.Civilisations that overthrow the Gouald that have advanced technologically to a level similar to the Tollan or Aschen or level between them can have the ability to genetically engineer live humans using their planets equivalencies to CRISPR derived from native bacteria,fungi etc using viral vectors and also other technologies developed from scratch as well as native bacteria,fungi and viruses that naturally carry out horizontal gene transfer or them even developing their equivalents to the Ancient DNA resequencer or finding real Ancient DNA resequencers and reverse engineering them or only able to create new subspecies of humans via 3D DNA printers printing desired genotypes into embryos,spermatozoa and eggs that are used to create new genetic lineages via IVF and artificial wombs.Considering most of all system lords were killed off such as Hathor,Baal,Cronus,Yu,Ra etc were killed then the planets they had humans working as slaves on can be used as these different cultures and it including those that overthrow other Gould system lords and those under control of still living Gouald including new ones and those that were under the rule of those that return from hiding such as Kali,Ameratasu,Svarog etc.They will have different levels of technological tiers ranging from prehistoric hunter gatherer society level to that equivalent to Earth circa 2029 or on par with the Aschen,Tollan or even Ancients through them being able to find stored of technology from the Ancients on their home planet or other planets through the Stargate or having developing their technological tier much faster than Earth without interference or reverse engineering Ancient technologies as well as them on par with the Gouald via stealing and reverse engineering their technologies.Ideally they should have new technologies created from scratch to give variety.Each human occupied planet will also follow a range of cultural societies with them either developing a homogenous culture or different cultures with different monotheistic and polytheistic religions based on the Gouald and those made from scratch as well as monotheistic matriarchal religions based on a single female deity or a single transgendered or androgynous or even gender less deity with there being monotheistic ones devoted to a single Gouald system lord that used to govern their planets or their polytheistic beliefs involving multiple system lords with their being a single religion or multiple religions.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions similar to Earth.Each religions both monotheistic and polytheistic religions will have legends and parables explored in movies,spin offs and video games that detail them directly or where they are based on these parables wherein a characters journey in modern times or recent or distant past follows the same journey as the legend as a storytelling technique as subtext and allegory or they can form the basis of movies,television shows and video games that use the legends etc as a basis that is dramatic telling of the legend and adaptation into a movie,television show and video game that tells the story of the legend etc itself.Each human occupied planet will have different polytheistic religions for each region and country similar to Earth that will feature dozens or hundreds of male and female gods,Demi gods,monsters and fictional mortals detailed in legends created and holy texts and hieroglyphics etc by Assistant AI and writers that will mentioned and detailed in movies and spin offs with temples etc built for them on each planet.These legends and deities etc can be used in official and fanmade games especially Fanmade games of Tomb Raider,Stargate etc including those that that are crossovers.Each human occupied planet will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of multiple monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Each human occupied planets culture would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length for monotheistic religions that have a single male,female or transgendered deity with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and all components of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus with illustrations and written in the planets native language to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom pages.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends present.Some will be already aware of Ascension including those in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies with variations of Wicca and Buddhism also present alongside polytheistic religions that contain deities that are not Gouald system lords but rather humans and local animals.Some cultures in the Pegasus Galaxy may even worship the Wraith as gods in contrast to those who fear them with individual Queens being worshipped as gods or just Wraith being worshipped as a whole as a means to keep them subservient and offered as sacrifices during billings and outside of callings with Origin being the predominant religion in the Ancients Home Galaxy.Origin will be the predominant religion in the Ancients Home galaxy with religions worshipping the Ancients as well.Origin will also followed by planets in the Milky Way that were conquered by the Ori but also new human and alien followers in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxy who are introduced to it.Christianity,Islam,Judaism and also Buddhism and Hinduism will spread across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy with conflict explores in movies and spin offs between them and those of each human abc alien planets.Individual Ancients may be worshiped collectively or have cults devoted to each individual one such ad Merlin,Adria,Morgan La Fey,Janus and Oma Desala in the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy.Origin and worship of the now defeated Ori will still exist in the Ancients Home Galaxy and Milky Way galaxy with the Milky Way galaxies having religions and cults devoted to born dead and still living and new Gouald system lords such as Hathor,Baal,Ra,Ameratsu,Svarog,Anubis,Apophis,Nirrti etc.Religions and cults will be developed that even worships AI such as Gaia,Ouranos etc.Each planet occupied by humans will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoological creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc and folktales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley,Robin Hood and fictional comic book characters etc created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each human occupied planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each human occupied planet and those of alien races will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.Each of the planets across the galaxies different human cultures will thus have their religions both polytheistic and monotheistic alongside prophecies and folklore etc developed by writers snd AI.All non human races such as the Tokra,Gouald,Gadmeer,Reetou,Wraith and even revived Ancients,Asgard etc will have religions both polytheistic and monotheistic and versions of legends,folklore tarot,celestial age and prophecies created and developed with this gained from databases from Atlantis,repositories of knowledge and that left behind to humans from the Asgard.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each human occupied planet and non human alien species will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present.Real world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age as detailed in the philosophy section of this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of other cultures from across the universe.Each planet will have different arrangements of stars present due to their location thus giving them different zodiac signs and constellations modelled in local mythology and those from Ancient civilisations on Earth including those derived from native legends and animals etc with these like on Earth used as horoscopes by citizens with some planets sharing constellations from Earth and other planets based on their location and distance from each other.Also developed for each planet will be different calenders and versions of the zodiac,constellations and horoscopes and mythology derived from them.Each planet will have other planets in their solar system similar to size,distance etc to Mars,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn etc again used in horscopes and their versions of astrology referenced in movies,spin offs and video games.Each planet will have their own festivals and coming of age rituals derived from the system lords with regards to the Milky Way that used to run their planet and also the Ancients and under control of the Asgard influenced by them with those in Pegasus Galaxy influences by the Ancients and Wraith alongside the seasons etc in the Pegasus Galaxy with those in the Ancients Home Galaxy influences by the Ancients different from the Pegasus Galaxy and those derived from the Ori with all three galaxies having those associated with the seasons and those similar to Christmas,Hannakah etc and those derived from each planets religions and mythology with them once integrated from all planets also integrating those from Earth and other and those of each human culture derived by each individual planets history.Coming of age rituals will be derived again from the system lords,Ancients and Wraith with them also having those similar to walkabouts,hunting wild animals etc similar to Earth with cultures on each planet and country having different versions of them.Coming of age rituals will be developed for people of all ages such as those similar to walkabouts,bullet ant trial and even having to kill a dangerous animal similar to Masai hunting for each planet with each culture will have different cultural practices such as festivals,holidays,coming of age rituals and differences in their treatment of women,homosexuals,children and foreigners etc will thus give conflict when the intergalactic entity is created and they are upscaled to 21st century standards and architecture and clothing can follow that of all religions based on the Gouald system lords ie their architecture,festivals and clothing as well as treatment of women be similar to that of Ancient Greece,Ireland,India,Egypt and all ancient civilisations from across the world from where they were taken from and which system lord ruled over them in the past.Each planet will also have different traditional meals,cuisines,fish,shellfish and crops and pets that through 3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms will spread across the galaxies.Different festivals celebrating seasons and deities including each individual system lord etc that take place at specific times of the year will be spread across the galaxy when humans from all planets spread across all galaxies.Even when upgraded to 21st standards will still retain their unique architecture,clothing and religious festivals derived from the area of Earth they were transferred from and also the Gould that formerly ruled they will have architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals and festivals influenced from Ancient Greece,Ancient Japan,Ancient Egypt etc sourced from the Parthenon and Gouald system lord they were ruled under thus giving each unique looks for homes,temples etc with them all having archaeological sites and festivals etc releated to different Gould system lords and even the Ancients.Each planet will have different religious and cultural festivals held at certain times of year influenced by the system Lord that once ruled them etc.The use of English by cultures in the original show can be only a temporary feature used by the certain populations with why they speak English better explained by it being taught by the Gouald,Asgard’s etc that is plausible.These cultures can involve one single ethnicity,or multiple ethnicities.Each set of planets under control of each Gouald system lords will have collectively uniform coming of age rituals,cultures,clothing,sports,languages,architecture etc styles derived from both the region of Earth they are from and the system lord they were formerly ruled under but similar to memetics and biological evolution each individual planet formerly under the control of each system Lord will have different variations of these due to being separated from each other and also from the system lords abscense.Furthermore each country and continent on each planet will have further variations of these macro cultures adding depth to each planet giving a wide variety of different cultures stemming from original precursor ones derived from ancient religions and civilisations from Earth.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc further increasing density.Thus all planets under the control of each system lord will have universal features with regards to architecture,cuisines,clothing etc but due to the absence of the system lords and each culture separated in each planet,thus each planet and in fact each country on each planet will develop their own versions and variations of these facets similar to natural selection,evolution and memetics.All cultures,religions,clothing,architecture etc of the Pegasus galaxy will be primarily influenced by the Wraith and Ancients and that of the Ancients home galaxy influenced by the Ori,Origin and Ancients with again each planets and each country within them having different variations.Each planet in each galaxy will have there cultures such as coming of age rituals,sports,entertainment,architecture,languages,religions,clothing,ethics with regards to the treatment of women/LGBT/children/different ethnic groups/foreigners from different planets etc and marriage practices ie bigamy,polyandry,polygamy etc,political and economic structures,festivals etc derived from the civilisations the system lords they were formerly ruled under stole them from in the case of the Milky Way with those in the Pegasus galaxy influenced by the Wraith and to a degree the Ancients and those in the Ancients home galaxy influenced by the Ancients and Ori with each planet the n having different variations to this due to being separated in different planets with again in each planet each continent and country having further different variations of this.The Pegasus and Ancients Home Galaxy will have each planet have different coming of age rituals,different attitudes as to the treatments of women,LGBT individuals and marriage practices etc planets in all three galaxies would have team and solo sports and musical instruments and cuisines and different types of entertainment unique to each one.Each planet will also different languages.The vast majority of humans in the Milky Way Galaxy will speak Gouald,Ancient and also languages from the region of Earth they were kidnapped from such as Ancient Greek,Ancient Egyptian,Medieval English,Slavic,Hindi etc especially in movies and spin offs set in the distant past and can involve certain societies from Medieval Europe that used earlier forms of English being developed into English by the Gouald and humans travelling across the planets for the Milky Way or it being a second language used by and taught by the Ancients in the three galaxies possibly taught by proto forms of AI used by the Ancients including with their interactions with the Asgard and Nox etc with the language of the Ancients used by revived Ancients and the language of the Asgard used by them revived with the Nox having there own.Planets in Ancients home galaxy and Pegasus galaxy will speak the language of the Ancients with the inhabitants of the Pegasus galaxy having new languages with those under the control of the Asgard speaking Norse.The alphabets of each planet with humans will be different including those in the page..Furthermore each country on each planet under control of each system lords etc will have derivatives and different dialects of each language through memetics.Each spin offs will have people on each planet speaking in these languages such as Hindi,Japanese,Chinese,Ancient Greek,Ancient Egyptian and Gould and Ancient especially in movies set in the distant past with subtitles used or the sentient Coeus.Each planet and country will have their own idioms derived from the system lords,planets,moons etc and mythology etc.Each alien race the Reetou,Wraith etc would have their own languages.Part of the clause for joint the intergalactic UN is that all humans will be allowed to preserve their original languages but at the same time they will all be taught English as a second language to preserve their original language and for private conversations and also have English as a universal languages amongst all tribes of humans across the gslaxies.They will also having different calendars with different lengths of the year,different,number of months and number of days per month,week and length of day influenced by the system Lord that ruled them and also unique rotations around the sun and other celestial factors.Each one will unique constellations and zodiacs etc including all essential dignities due to their location in the galaxy and planets in their solar system including versions of Jupiter,Mars etc.Musucal instruments can be those made from scratch for all three galaxies with the Milky Way planets and cultures have those derived from different Earth cultures that each planets cultures is derived from ie those from Ancient Egypt/Japan/Rome/Greece etc.Some can have sports made from scratch and derived from the Ancients.Each planet in the Milky Way will also have sports from the Earth culture they are derived from with sports from Ancient Greece/Egypt/Japan/Meso American etc with those in the Pegasus galaxy having those influenced by the Ancients and Wraith with the Ancients home galaxy sports influenced by the Ancients and Ori.Others May be derived from scratch.Each planet will have cuisines unique to each one with those in the Milky Way influenced from the region of Earth they are from ie Ancient Rome/Greece/Ireland/Japan etc.Each planets terrain and species of plants and animals including livestock and crops will be unique allowing for cuisine to be modified to those from Earth with the Gould even having transported Earth based crops and livestock from ancient to Medievil times etc from each region that has specific Earth based cultures.Economic systems and political systems used by them before adopting post scarcity moneyless minarcho technocratism may include those from Earth including those from each society they are derived from including feudalism,state capitalism,corporatism,socialism,free market capitalism,monarchies,aristocracies,theocracies,technocracies,mixed economies and mixed political systems alongside monarchies similar to Medievil Europe,dynasties similar to Ancient China and Egypt and also aristocracies,those practised in Ancient Greece depending on where they originated from despite being of different technological tiers including some that are similar to Earth circa ancient times to 2029 or be centuries more technologically advanced.These can be mixed together.Assistant AI will carry out research into all ancient civilisations on Earth into their cuisines,sports,coming of age rituals,religions,clothing etc.Technologically advanced societies may not have smartphones or the internet and wire or they may have proto versions and may not have automation and AI as seen by the Aschen.Other different political and economic systems created from scratch may exist that are either simple or complex.Assistant AI will carry out intensive historical research into all ancient cultures on Earth to recreate each societies derived from Ancient Earth economic systems,languages.religious beliefs,political systems,sports,cuisines,attitudes towards women/marriage/different ethnicities/LGBT etc individuals to ensure depictions of each culture derived from Earth are accurate and depicted realistically and correctly to be explored in detail and correctly in different spin offs and have each planet develop different sub cultures.They like human planets will have a multitude of polytheistic and monotheistic religions and also prophecies and aspects of celestial age.historical events chartered in these will include their enslavement by the Gouald,Wraith etc and their emancipation and their riding from different technological tiers and including wars against other nations on the planet and other planets in the galaxy and important politicians and celebrities etc with these forming the basis of spin offs and movies including biopics..Some will be divided into different nations and unions or may through have already formed a global government or even alliances with one or two other nearby planets in their galaxy and even formed proto alliances with other planets through the Stargate that is used to trade goods and some have different or singular languages and cultures or may be still divided into different nations and different cultures on a case by case basis with lower tier societies where populations are spread out across the planet having different cultures,religions etc developing separately with some planets have populations growing only in one area that would exhibit a monoculture thus their societies following memetic evolution similar to natural selection and biological evolution.Others may have internal civil wars or be at war with other planets that are other tribes of humans deposited by the Gouald and Ancients or they may be separtists factions or may be at war with non human embraces..Some May have formed alliances with other human cultures on different planets or formed alliances with non human races.Others may have been able to decipher address if gates across their home galaxy from databases left by the Ancients of using computers etc to extract thrm from the DHD can be of different technological tiers ranging from tribal prehistory level on par with classical antiquity and Ancient Greece etc,Medievil Europe and modern day Earth circa 1990-2020 or even more advanced than Earth such as on par with the Tollan and Aschen and even Ancients prior to acension with different types of technologies either organic or mechanical in nature.This will all apply to human cultures spread across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients home galaxies.Those in the Pegasus galaxy and Ancient home galaxy will have completely different cultures,languages,architecture etc from Earth and the Milky Way etc with architecture etc in the Ancients home galaxy possibly mimicking that of the Ori in the Ancients home galaxy and that in the Pegasus galaxy mimicking that of the Atlantis and Ancients and also even the Wraith due to them being directly interfering in them in the past through vestiges etc with those in the Milky Way mimicking that of each Gouald system lord and even Asgard with those in the Milky Way mimicking that of each Gouald system lord and even Asgard with still despite this each planet having their own different variations of this influences following the divergent evolutionary paths culture can take due to isolation meaning although for example all planets formerly under the control of Ameratasu may have architecture,clothing,food,coming age rituals and festivals having a Japanese theme with motifs releated to her but each planet will have different variations of their architecture,clothing etc due to isolation and cultural evolution brought about by the absence of her and isolation with other planets under her control with those formerly under the control of Hathor having architecture,clothing,festivals and coming of age rituals have an Egyptian theme including pyramids and oblelisks etc and have tombs for dead kings etc and it based on her different aspects,motifs etc with planets formerly under her control will have different variations of her theme and motif due to her absence and isolation from each other with this use of motifs in architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals etc and evolutionary processes applying to those formerly under the control of each system lord such as Baal,Yu,Nirrti,Cronus,Ra and so on.Planets can be formerly under the control of system lords impersonating gods from Celtic,Japanese,Chinese,Indian,South American deities,Hindu not seen in the show.All planets under the control of each system lord will have a common motif and theme centred around primarily the culture from Earth the people were taken from and the and secondly the deity the system lord impersonated they are derived from in terms of architecture,clothing,festivals and coming of age rituals etc and the region of the world that system lord comes from ie Ancient Greece,Ancient India,Ancient Japan and Ancient Egypt but each individual planet will be able to develop their own variations of these with in some cases developing completely new religions,deities,language dialects,architecture,festivals thus giving each planet variety and unique characteristics.Each system lord to make easier to gain devotion likely stole humans from the region that the deity they impersonated comes from ie Aneratasu likely holds only Japanes people on her planet.with planet under the control of You havd primarily Chinese people with Hathors planets housing mainly people from Egypt and so on as people fromEgypt would have already worshipped her with system lords stealing or trading humans from the planets of different system lords thus moving up lineages,cultures etc with them possibly stealing from Earth people from nearby cultures who associated them with other gods from their own pantheon vis religious synchronisation ie most gods from different pantheon were worshipped by people from different countries with different pantheons because of the mingling of cultures via trade with for example Hathor was worshiped as Aphrodite in Ancient Greece there Hathors planets could also have people from Ancient Greece.Each deity in each pantheon had equivalents in other polytheistic pantheons that each culture equated and worshiped as the same deity.Plabets formerly under the control of the Asgard will likely have their architecture,clothing,festivals etc influenced by the Asgard taking a Norse twist.The planets under the protection of the Asgard will be influenced by Norse mythology in terms of architecture etc while
Ori,Ancients and Wraith will have influenced the architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals and festivals in the Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy with although each galaxy will have universal themes and motifs etc amongst all planets festivals,architecture,coming of age rituals etc each planet will through evolutionary process develop their own variations of these.Each planet and group of planets will have depending on their country of origin and influence by the Wraith,Gouald,Ori etc have different attitudes towards women,children,LGBT individuals,other human cultures and religions as well as the Wraith,Gouald etc and also concubinage,monogamy prostitution,promiscuity,celibacy etc.This will give each planet despite being upgraded to 21st century standards they will all have a different look and have different customs,religions rituals etc that will be retained to a degree as much as possible and can be explored in great detail in spin offs especially dramas and soap operas that focus on the everyday citizens across the galaxies and can be the source of conflict between themselves,Earth and different planets and the universal constitution.Each planet will based on their population and technological tiers will having a monoculture,mono religion,mono language etc or a combination of different amounts of these like Earth.Each planet will have different sports including those from Ancient Earth where they originated from including those from Ancient Greece,Ancient Japan,Ancient Aztec and Mayans etc and even new ones with again variations amongst each planet that will explored.The Olympics will extend to all planets alongside tournaments of all sports from all planets with some planets having their own versions of the Olympics.Thus in spin offs of different genres the different coming of age rituals,festivals,religions,holidays and other aspects of each human culture across the three galaxies can be explored in detail and developed by the writers and Assistant AI especially through conflicts with other human cultures across the galaxies and when in conflict with the universal laws of the galactic constitution.All newly discovered alien races and those from the series such as Reetou,Unas,Enkarans,Reol,Tokra,Wraith etc integrated into the entity will have their own coming of age rituals,festivals,architecture,clothing and also multiple mythologies,religions etc that can be explored in great detail.The religious beliefs etc of the Asgard and Ancients can be discerned from the databases on Atlantis and the Odyssey.AI will be able search through the vast data on.Atlantis and that left behind by the Asgard to catagorised information into folders,Wikias and also using help from humans translate it into English. Even hostile planets with hostile alien races and human cultures whose address was locked out of their databases and Stargates buried could be reopened for renogotiations and integration or scientific research etc via dialling Stargates and interstellar travel including PXY-887,Medievil planet,Simarka,Hadante etc.Thus human colonies that cut ties with Earth for various reasons and had their Stargate locked out and buried for any and all reasons will be reopened for negotiations and integration with them accessed by AI traiangulating their location on a map of the galaxy and then travelled to by interstellar vehicles.Since the dead Gould system lords such as Baal,Hathor,Nirrti had dozens,hundreds if not thousands of planets under their control collectively their planets full of humans can be integrated alongside those under control of the Asgard as part of the Protected Planet Treaty who are extinct to be upgraded etc alongside those containing no humans.Thus all planets under the control of the Asgard will be integrated into it.All planets in the Aschen Confederation including Aschen Prime will be integrated and the land used for agriculture reforested and cities dug up and rebuilt with the large populations on Aschen Prime spaced out across the less populated planets and uninhabited planets across the three galaxies thus allowing slums etc to be demolished and reforested with Earth having the majority of the worlds poor spread out across the galaxies as well to less populated planets to allow slums etc to be demolished and reforested.All planets formerly under the control of the dead system lords such as Baal,Hathor,Nirrti,Anubis,Bubastis,Yu etc and also still living ones such as Amertasu,Kali,Svarog will be integrated into the Federation alongside those used by the Tokra etc would be intergrated.Those of Gouald system lords reintroduced such as Kali,Morrigan,Amertasu,Svarog etc can be integrated and upgraded with conflict arising from them wanting to regain control of them and seek to retain control of those belonging from Dead system lords such as Hathor,Baal,Yu etc with the same applying with the planets of the Pegasus galaxy formerly under the control of the Wraith being sought by the Wraith to become part of their control again with the Wraith even trying to gain control of the Milky Way Galaxy and Ancientss He galaxy with remaining devout followers of the Ori also seeking control of all three galaxies with these three races fighting turf wars against each other and against humans etc.The planets formerly under the Asgards Protected planets Treaty and Aschen federation will be integrated.Each system lord would have had hundreds or thousands of planets under their control that are either inhabited with Jaffa and slaves and worshippers and also uninhabited one’s used for various reasons with Aschen having hundreds also and their being hundreds under the control of the Asgard wuth their being thousands under the control of the Wraith adding thousands of planets alongside those undergoing bioremediating efforts and abandoned one’s and those who in the past were emancipated from the Gould and Wraith.Ida and Othala galaxies can be explored and seeded with Stargates with the remenants of the Asgard temples and abandoned cities etc explored and also all planets there integrated with other non human races of of varying technological tiers discovered.P9C-372,M5S-224 and the Water Planet can be revisted for exploration or research purposes and possible integration of the aliens into the intergalactic entity as plot points with similar planets locked out for being dangerous will also be revisted for observations and research as well as negotiations for integration as plot points.MC-862 can be also observed from orbiting stations to observe the energy light being led and resolve the mystery of their previous dangerous attacks on humans if it was due to the changing gravity of the gas giant it orbits or if it was a response to them being imprisoned with if it was because of imprisonment then attempts can be made to communicate with it using a language based on electronic frequencies,sub atomic wavelengths,flashes of light etc determined by AI similar to Morse code that can translate its language into English with if it caused by its gas giants then methods made to prevent this or make humans immune through CRISPR to the energy beings.M5S-224 Can be access by interstellar vehicles to communicate and interstate the sentient fog and can be done after the Stargates ability to create unstable vortex is removed and them visited from space via interstellar vehicles with their Stargates removed and added to space stations built above them orbiting them thus allowing for quick travel to orbiting stations where the planets can be observed from space and act as relay stations to communicate with the entities present for negotiations with this repeated for other planets that house dangerous races.Dangerous and locked out planets will be approached by interstellar vehicles and have them and space stations built around them house researchers that go back and forth by puddle jumpers.The space stations will act as a means to observe and access the planets from a safe distance with them having their own mass produced stargates to allow people from across the universe reach them quickly
All planets in the galaxies that were seeded by Destiny in the past once reseeded with proper Stargates will be opened for exploration and also colonisation and integration.All uninhabited planets across the three galaxies and the Ida and Othalla galaxies once seeded with Stargates will be opened up for colonisation and integration.Svoriin(BP6-3Q1)can be dealt with biosynths and personnel that have thick biohazard suits that have graphene integrated into them to make them tear proof preventing them from being stung that can capture an infestion fly that is then analysed to have pathogens created by Phanes that are modified versions of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis suited to attack only them that can decimate entire populations on the planet be released into the air and in fact the entire atmosphere and thus fall on the planet as a mist or blanket and deep into soils,oceans speread via aeroplanes and fleets of modified versions of puddle jumpers that can wipe out the infestation fly as well as other methods such as releasing genetically engineered animals or biosynths that can consume only them in large numbers or both and robots that produce pheromones that attract them but also emit either gamma or UV radiation that kills them since they are kept in check in their home planet by solar radiation that is in levels outside normal ranges on Earth,Svoriin etc thus keeping their population in check while lower levels of radiation in Svoriin and Earth allows them to multiply quickly with the venom of the fly analysed by having it sting a Biosynth test subject or milking them like snakes,analysing the genome of animals that are naturally immune to its venom or have Phanes analysing its DNA and Paean analyse the structure of its venom to have CRISPR treatments extrapolated and applied to all military and research personnel that prevents them being affected by the insects venom thus meaning if researchers,military personnel and even civilians on other planets are stung they will not be affected and thus they cannot be used as replication vectors.This will allow military personnel to enter the Svoriin planet and wipe out large amounts of them with flamethrowers,traditional guns that fire bullets and those that have UV lamps that emit radiation.Automated gun turrets that fire normal bullets similar to mini guns and flamethrowers and house UV radiation attached controlled by humans,biosynths and AI can be used to wipe out large numbers.It can also be used to cure any survivors found that are stung.The insect can be analysed in secure labs orbiting its home planet or a replicated Atlantis on the ocean of Svoriin and Skaalad.From Svoriins DHD the homeworld of the infestation fly Skaald(P8X-551) can be determined by AI scanning the memory crystals and explored with the Stargate moved to a safer area once interstellar vehicles triangulate its location in the Milky Way and then move the gate to a remote area including on a replica of Atlantis in the ocean or space station orbiting the planet allowing the planet to be a research outpost to study the planet and also the insects themselves with via creating genetically engineered versions through 3D DNA printers that don’t produce the venom that causes the victim of its sting to become a replication vector allowing the insect to reproduce by laying eggs or produce a venom that doesn’t affect humans and all other non human sentient species that spreads througout the entire population through interbreeding and advanced gene drive technology and/or killing off all native populations or using Biosynth insects that hunt down and inject all native insects with microbes that change their DNA via CRISPR to be unable to affect humans and other sentient races can be released in the planet and at the same time keep the native fauna it uses a replication vector in check thus preventing imbalances in the ecosystem thus making the planet viable for exploration and colonisation.Original versions of the insects DNA will be preserved to analyse its behaviour and how it maintains genetic diversity through its replication possibly extracting or absorbing the DNA from its replication host and better understand its replication process etc using Biosynth test subjects based on humans and various animals.Paean can extrapolate synthetic counterproteins that counteract the effects of the poison this preventing the victim becoming a replication vector with Phanes extrapolating genes that as stated creates these in the body through the bodies innate immune system and microbes in response to a sting.These countermeasures can be developed once a single specimen is captured and incapacitated in a secure base by AI anslysing its DNA with the insects DNA still in databases on Earth from the episode it appeared in.Secure labs can be set up on its home planet of Skaalad via Atlantis style ships.Svoriin once the infestation fly is destroyed will be rebuilt,colonised and searched for survivors can be made with survivors found in either bunkers,underground communities and also those that escaped to other planets.If possible it can be explained like most viruses etc there can be populations of people on the planet immune to the effects of its poison either through natural selection or researchers in underground communities etc developing synthetic drugs and antivenom etc to cure stung individuals of the poison it applied within a significant timeframe and also through mitrhridism exposing a person to minute levels of it or a similar synthetic version of the poison to allow their body to gain an immunity thus allow them to go to the surface to stock on supplies etc for brief periods.The communities scientists would have to a degree studied enough of the insect to know of its behaviour patterns,weaknesses and also with underground communities built that are self sufficient in terms of naquadah and naquadria,synthetic fuels,geothermal and also primitive forms of hydroponics and aquaponics etc just enough to get by with at least several thousand people alive in different communities spread across the planet.Skaald once the insect has been modified will be then colonised as well.It is implied by official canon that there were at least 9,000 individuals by the time the planet appeared in the episode Bane so it’s possible that they were able to formulate a means of surviving underground as well as within the ruins of the cities present so there can be the possibility of survivors present in underground communities derived from underground rail systems,disused sewers and also within buildings within the cities ruins etc forming primitive societies and different factions of tribes with some trading resouces and services together or in conflict with each other with them developing weapons including UV lights against the insects as well as travelling mostly at night when the insect is not present making it possible for them to have maintained a proto civilisation for the thirty or so years that the insects were there.A separate spin off can be developed that allows the history of planet prior to them using the Stargate being developed alongside a separate one that details their societies downfall after the invasion of the infestation fly.Planets destroyed by pollution and natural disasters as well as the Gouald,Aschen and Wraith etc can be accessed by Stargate or interstellar travel for bioremediation efforts and restoration to their pristine state by automated bioremediation measures by Pan and Cybele for colonies set up and all cities,towns etc rebuilt to 21st century standards with those with Stargates and DHDs buried or destroyed be replaced with new ones mass produced by AI and them given new species of plants and animals designed by Phanes.Extinct and endangered races of humans with unique genetic lineages will be revived via the Phanes and Lazarus method using availible sources of DNA and those with low populations and unique genomes will undergoe the Phanes method to bring to sizeable populations at least several million to several hundred million.P3S517 can be rebuilt,colonised and all remenants of the replicators destroyed with any other planets in the Ida,Othalla and Milky Way galaxy and rest of the universe can be rebuilt and colonised with any remaining replicators in these planets destroyed by AI using the repositories of knowledge to reverse engineer a weapon capable of destroying them in one go across an entire planet with if possible the Dakara Superweapon also rebuilt using data from the repositories of knowledge that can using a link to the Othalla and Ida galaxies that opens all Stargates on them either existing ones or newly seeded ones will be able like in the Milky Way send a blast wave that destroys all remaining replicators in these galaxies..P9Q-281 will be revisted by robots and interstellar vehicles etc to set up bases near the Stargate and automated machinery sent into to even set up underground bases to see what information it has on the artifacts with if possible calcium aerosols etc dispersed into the atmosphere to cool the planet down significantly to bearable levels with if possible biosynths,Biosynthetic based machinery and humans housing thermophile DNA such as that from Methanopyrus kandleri through CRISPR coild allow humand etc to stay outside in the planet when the suns are present during the day as Methanopyrus kandleri can survive temperatures of up to 122 degrees Celsius while temperatures on the planet reach only 93 degrees Celsius meaning the planet can be colonised by humans,aliens and pets etc slongside it being terraformed with plants and animals created by Phanes that had this thermophile DNA with it cool enough to house oceans,rivers and lakes due to water having a boiling point of 100 degrees crlcius thus allowing it to be colonised.The fate of the planet P3W-45 can be resolved alongside that of P3X-239 and other heavily polluted planets which could undergoe bioremediation programmes to bring it a pristine state and Phanes creating new species of plants and animals alongside both Tollan and Tollana will be bioremediated making them habitable.Tagalus can undergoe bioremediating programmes you remove all radiation and nuclear fallout and pollution.The planet Svoriin can be reclaimed once the infestation fly is killed off.The fate of Andyos can also be resolved with it either obliterated or it merely having only buildings destroyed with some left standing as ruins and its surface scarred with this then reversed and it made into a planet with different ecosystems as on Earth via terraforming it.Planets bioremediated can have the biosphere returned to a pristine state through intensive automated bioremediation measures that remove toxic gases in the atmosphere and also toxins the oceans,soils etc as detailed in the environmental management of this site and then have new species of plants and animals created for it by Phanes.Considering most species of plants and animals would have become extinct Phanes can use remaining species as a model to create entire taxonomic ranks of plants and animals thus bring them to have the same number of plants and animals of Earth.Those where all are extinct will have him create new ones from scratch.Velona,Sateda,Abyoados etc and other planets destroyed by pollution and the Gouald and Wraith can have all areas of the planets bioremediated and have new animals created for them and cities rebuilt and buildings rennovated and inhabited.Vorash can be salvaged by possibly restarting its sun with destroyed planets salvaged through different means.Novus and Taranis alongside other planets destroyed by volcanic eruptions will be bioremediated with all planets destroyed by natural disasters and volcanoes bioremediated.Assistant AI will analyse the official site for the franchise and compile list all planets that are polluted,destroyed by natural disasters,Wraith,Gouald etc and also abandoned to be featured as plot points for bioremediation and rebuilding.Once bioremediated etc these planets will be integrated and searched for survivors.All of these will be plot points for different spin offs with all polluted planets
.P3W-45 could be alongside others too dangerous be permanently locked out of the entire Stargate system with it possible to the planets location triangulated for research purposes into the studying the black hole for astrophysics or if possible even potentially an eventual in exhaustive energy source as detailed in the energy section alongside other black holes in the series that could possibly salvage the planet for terraforming.Thus the black hole surrounding P3W-45 will be covered with material to turn it into a unlimited source of energy for the entire galaxy with other black holes have this done.If possible an artificial sun can created or the planet moved to another star system and the black hole via advanced technology.
All planets that weee left deserted and destroyed by the Gouald,Wraith,pollution,infestation flies and nuclear fallout will be integrated and will have humans found on them in bunkers,rural areas after Stargate Command sends robots,biosynths,drones etc to them.Those destroyed by pollution and nuclear fallout will have bioremediation techniques similar to those in the environmental sections of this website have humans and all plants abc animals present undergoe Phanes abc Lazarus techniques with those with ruined cities have them rebuilt and rennovated.
All planets containing humans across all three galaxies – The Milky Way,Pegasus Galaxy and Ancients Home Galaxy will be updated to 21st century standards with technologies reversed engineered from the Ancients,Asgard,Aschen etc and those from modern day Earth such as the wire(Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme),Internet,smartphones,YouTube and Wikipedia etc integrated and spread across them using proto and final forms of Nyx with them updated in terms of technology and also infrastructure and homogenised laws in the intergalactic constitution.This will include planets locked out of the Stargate system,those formerly under control of the dead system lords,those liberated from remaining ones,those who gates are buried via triangulating their location on a map of the galaxies and also those previously left to develop by themselves,those that are allies and also polluted planets that are suffering from nuclear fallout,pollution etc those destroyed by war and natural disasters etc that are bioremediated and reclaimed and colonised.Planets that are uninhabited will be integrated into the intergalactic government and colonised other if need be terraformed with those containing aliens such as the Unas,Gadmeer,Oannes etc will be integrated with hostile alien species that are locked out will be approached by interstellar vehicles to reopen diplomatic negotiations.The upgrading of planets across the three galaxies and integration of different human and non human races into the entity will be plot points for different spin offs and movies..All planets across the three galaxies containing humans will be updated to 21st century standard in terms of technology and infrastructure using technology from Earth,the Ancients,Aschen etc and all of them including those visited in one or two episodes in Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis or even mentioned will be visited and featured in the different spin offs such as soaps,dramas to give more insight into their updating to 21st century standards and also conflict in terms of different cultures etc.This will include those that cut ties with Earth for various reasons.All planets that contain humans in all galaxies including allies ones,those under the Protected Planets treaty.Aschen federation and formerly under control of the Gould system lords and even those who have cut off ties with Earth for various reasons will be integrated with those with buried stargates will be accessed by interstellar vehicles with their location extrapolated by AI analysing the address and its location on the galaxies map which and can include new planets.Those who cut off ties due to being a threat will be opened up for negotiations to make them allies by promising new technologies and upgrading their civilisation and also solving unique problems with those cut off ties to prevent interference of their natural development such as the Salish etc will be contacted again for negotiations and the promise of new technology and at the same allow their culture etc to be preserved.All human cultures across the three galaxies that join the federation will be upgraded to 21st standards level of infrastructure and technology using those from Earth including smartphones/geothermal power/YouTube/internet and wire,sewage treatment plants and electricity etc and those from the repositories of knowledge including mass produced flying vehicles,zero point modules/mass produced stargates and DHDs,Picotech fabricators and mass produced repositories and technologies from Atlantis,Aschen,Nox,Asgard and all advanced alien races and tribes of humans across the galaxies and new ones across this website.Polluted and ecologically damaged homeworlds of human tribes will be integrated once bioremediated.The bioremediation and restoring planets to their pristine state,renovating abandoned cities and rescuing of survivors from these planets and bringing back from extinction plants and animals across the planets across each galaxy will be plot points for various spin offs with these survivor starring as guest and main characters for all spin offs.Recolonising bioremediated planets that were decimated by the Gouald,Wraith,natural disasters,pollution,nuclear fallout etc will be plot points with upgrading different planets across the galaxies to 21st century standards and technologies,integrating the internet and wire via Nyx etc and integrating the various human and non human races into this intergalactic entity through fighting off hostile alien races,winning them over and promising protection from the Gould and Wraith alongside allowing them free passage to all planets in all galaxies including Earth and upgrading them with technology and infrastructure from Earth and those reverse engineered from the Ancients will be plot points..Planets will be encouraged to join for various reasons such as dealing with the Wraith,Gouald and also other threats,being upgraded to 21st standards in terms of technology from Earth and that reverse engineered from the ancients etc and infrastructure,providing them with CRISPR treatments and augmentions to become immortal and reverse and halt the effects of ageing,free passage between all planets in all integrated galaxies via Stargates,interstellar and intergalactic vessels including free passage to Earth/Celestine,Atlantis and integrating defense systems,fighting off different Gould system lords and also Wraith queens and soldiers as well as other alien threats with even factions of human terrorists,separatist groups,tyrants,war criminals and warlords etc dealt with through diplomacy,neutralising them through raids and double agents and capture and also bioremediation of their current and former homeworlds,bioremediation of polluted homeworlds and pollution etc to a pristine state,bringing extinct species of plants and animals back from extinction,bringing endangered species back from the brink as well as using the Phanes method to create a few hundred thousand or million specimens of each unique human species and non human species that are endangered to populate the various planets and renovations of all abandoned cities etc as well as dealing with separatist factions through diplomacy and as a last resort military action.Each planet will have unique challenges for encouraging them for applying for integration that are plot points for each spin off including dramas,political dramas and soap operas,action and exploration ones to help them with in order to encourage them to join that can cover an episode,several episodes,an entire season of different spin offs of different genres such as political dramas,soap operas etc.There would be at least several hundred thousand or more different human cultures across the three galaxies with the integration of each planet can be spread out across the thousands of different spin offs of different genres.Thus their would be potentially thousands of planets whose integration would charted in spin offs and movies.Non human alien races integration will be charted as well.Explored for each human cultures can be the curing of their versions of genetic diseases unique to them including dealing with patients suffering from Down’s syndrome,schizophrenia and pedopheilia who are on the run,installing system wide progeria mylinisation thus making 14 the new age of majority on each culture and planets with some planets having different versions of Earth based pandemics such as HIV,Coronavirus,V.major etc that are man made pandemics or those from nature as part of zoonoses.Each cultures different customs with regard to the treatment of children,women and LGBT individuals will be explored in spin offs as they are modified to accomadate their integration into the entuty.Rebel faction groups that don’t want integration on some planets can be explored as plot points.Some planets may be in civil wars with each other or at war with other planets and thus these conflicts resolution towards peaceful negotiations or helping the persecuted side winning the war can be plot points alongside Stargate command etc helping them capture war criminals etc and even rescue civilians,politicians and the families of politicians from a planet that were kidnapped by the Lucien Alliance,Wraith and Gouald and other groups of humans from other planets.Furthermore Stargate command can aid in them fighting off the Gouald,Wraith and Lucien Alliance.Some planets may be facing environmental catastrophes and as a result Stargate Command can People from the governments and separatists groups from different planets including a few but not all members of the Aschen Confederacy and other similar governments of human colonies facing trial and imprisonment in Hades and Tarturas etc for war crimes,social genocide can be plot points alongside federal apologies with these fictional trials and federal apologies for each planet across the three galaxies can be filmed and uploaded to YouTube channels managed by AI etc as extra metafiction.Negotions between diplomats and head of each planets governments will be filmed and added her as extra metafiction or can be part of movies and short movies uploaded to Dionysus.Bioremediation of polluted planets including homeworlds and rebuilding those decimated by the Gould,natural disasters,terraforning Mars and Venus and similar planets across the three galaxies etc to a functioning pristine state will be plot points for different spin offs of different genres such as dramas,soap operas and exploration ones.Integrating and upgrading lower technological tier planets across the galaxy to 21st standards will be plot points for different spin offs.Each of the tens or hundreds of thousands of planets in the Milky Way,Pegasus galaxy and Ancients home galaxy with humans will have unique problems and requests that Stargate command and the intergalactic government will agree to solve to encourage them to join.The requests and problems being solved will be charted in different spin offs that are dramas,science fiction exploration,political dramas,soap operas etc and even full length movies.In exchange for solving these problems and requests and also giving free passage to Earth and all colonies and giving anti-ageing treatments and augmentations via CRISPR each planet will agree to solve all internal conflicts,form global governments with them electing a representative in the intergalactic entities Congress and have embassies and wings of Stargate Command on their homeworld,abide by the uniform laws in the intergalactic constitution such as the abolition of slavery etc,adopt post scarcity minarcho technocratism as their economic system and also if necessary hand over war criminals etc as part of trials in front of Minos,Aeceus and Rhamandtheus for imprisonments in Hades and Tarturas and Dike for imprisonments in normal jails following proper procedure.Federal apologies will be carried out with them appearing on the official YouTube channel for the franchise with trials of war criminals etc in front of Minos,Aeceus and Rhamandtheus will be present o this channel.Thus for each human and non human civilisation across the three galaxies integrated trials in front of Minos,Aeceus and Rhamandtheus and federal apologies will be filmed and uploaded to its YouTube channel for fans to see behind the scenes material.As stated all planets containing humans including those of lower technological tiers and those who were locked out and their Stargates buried will be integrated by being acressed by interstellar vehicles triangulating their location from their Stargate address on a map of the galaxy with all polluted and abandoned planets bioremediated and rebuilt with their intergration forming the plot points of all spin offs of all genres with Assistant AI analysing the franchises a site for compiling a list of all human and non human cultures across all three galaxies.The integration of planets being integrated and their unique situations they need resolved to allow them to be integrated alongside actual upgrading them to 21st century standards of infrastructure can be plot points for various spin offs of different genres such as dramas,soap operas,action and exploration ones.Thus each different spin off of different genres will have the integration of different planets through different means such as bioremediation of planets,elimination of terrorist groups and capturing of war criminals,fighting off the Gouald etc will be charted in spin offs of relevant genres.Each planet should have different problems they need addressed in order to become members that can be covered in different spin offs of different genres such as legal dramas,exploration,soap opera,political and military themed ones thus having the integration of each planet spread over the dozens,hundreds or thousands of different spin offs..There should be at least several hundred thousand or more planets to integrate across the three galaxies.Assistant AI by analysing the franchises pages will list all non human races and all human cultures across the three galaxies to be integrated into it as potential candidates that are plot points for each spin offs with new planets created.Bringing back different extinct species that originate from Earth that went extinct in the past such as the Passenger Pigeon and Thyalcine etc and even bioremediated of polluted ecosystems on Earth and reversing anthropogenic climate change as well as eliminating poverty and eliminating all remaining conflicts on Earth will be plot points.Also being plot points will be using the Lazarus method to bring back the Ancients,Furlings and Asgard.Planets across the galaxies such as Velona,Sarita,Tollan,Tollana,Sateda,Martins People world Tagalus and Sovereign and others destroyed by nuclear fallout,pollution,natural disasters and the Wraith and Gouald will be integrated and them bioremediated with Pan etc carry out large scale automated bioremediating programmes.Assistant AI will analyse the official site for the franchise and list all extinct species of aliens and all extinct races of humans that will undergo Lazarus and Phanes method programmes alongside list all planets destroyed by the Gouald,Wraith,natural disasters and pollution etc that will be bioremediated and rebuilt etc and integrated into the Federation with abandoned planets colonised by humans from across the galaxies and list of all human and non human cultures to be integrated that will have unique challenges that will form plot points for new spin offs of all genres.These and other planets can also house more remenants of the Ancients,Furlings and also Nox and Gould with fake documentaries produced by historians charting these ruins.Those in the Ida and Othalla galaxy will have planets formerly occupied by the Asgard will be restored to a pristine state and colonies set up in renovated abandoned cities with planets having ruins of temples etc for more plot points.All planets including existing ones and new ones will be present as they are in the MMO and other games.Restoration Nation charting the restoration of abandoned and obsolete buildings and renovation of private homes will become a plot point of the shows various spin offs alongside urban exploring and other internet subcultures with a fake version of this created in Dionysus as part of metafiction that charts the restoration of abandoned buildings,ghost towns and private homes upgraded to 21st century standards and luxury standards and adding roof,side and underground extensions from all planets across the galaxies and luxury standards and adding roof,side and underground extensions from all planets across the galaxies.Thus while the upgrading of all planets to 21st century standards occurs in the show a fake version of Restoration Nation can be filmed by official writers and assistant AI as well as even fans using VR technology that details the renovations of private homes occupied by humans,Tokra,Enkarans and all non human races on Earth and all planets across the Milky Way,Pegasus Galaxy and Ancients home Galaxy as well as all abandonded and obsolete buildings and ghost towns etc on all planets in these galaxies set in the Stargate universe using all technologies in the series including those reverse engineered from the Ancients and across the entire website.Considering the amount of planets in all three galaxies this fake version of Restoration Nation uploaded to Dionysus could last at least several thousand or million years and thus cater to fans of both house flipping/restoration shows and the Stargate franchise itself.This would be its own separate can be repeated with other franchises such as Star Trek,Star Wars,Babylon 5,Mass Effect and also any video game,movie and television show franchise.Terraforming both Mars,Venus,Europa and Titan as well as uninhabited planets across the galaxies that are similar to Earth in their habitable zone of its sun and also planets similar to both Mars and Venus that are by themselves or in the same solar system as Earth like planets will be plot points.Characters from each planet in all three galaxies that appeared in only one episode in both series will become reccuring characters and main characters in each spin off and movies ideally played by the same actors with the same applying to Gouald system lords etc being played by the same actors.Video games modelled on Mass Effect and an MMOs can allow each planet to be explored by players in great detail and in customised ways and interact with all characters including those that appeared in only one episode.Then method of linking Stargates can be with this the plot points for episodes as part of different spin offs.Sarita like Tollan the homeworld of the Tollan can be rebuilt and bioremediated with in the case of Sarita natives can be found living underground or in a primitive state as they attempt to rebuild their civilisation from scratch.
People on Tagalus,Tollana,Sarita,Tollan,Velona,Sarita,Seteda and the homeworld of Martin Lloyd and all planets that were destroyed by the wraith,ancients,Ori,pollution will be found in rural areas and bunkers via scouts sent to colonise,bioremediate,renovate them etc through Stargates and also interstellar vehicles.Any planets wiped out by the Gouald,Wraith,natural disasters,nuclear holocaust,infestation flies and pollution can have humans etc on them hiding in bunkers,rural communities or having escaped by interstellar vehicles as well as Stargates to other planets both inhabited ones and uninhabited ones to them be found by the entity.P3R-233 will be rebuilt alongside Altair(P3X-989),P3X-289,Sarita,Tollan(the homeworld of the Tollan),Tollana,Svoriin,Velona,Tagalus,Martins peoples planet alongside other planets destroyed by pollution,nuclear fallout and will be bioremediated alongside other planets destroyed by pollution and the Gouald.Sateda the homeworld of Ronan Drex can have all cities restored to their former glory and reinhabited by people from across the universe including that from Earth,remaining Satedans and other densely populated planets across the galaxies with Satedans found living underground in the wilderness and also on other planets.Tollana can be rebuilt with survivors and remenants of the Tollan people present and integrated into the galactic entity with their home planet.All of these planets will be bioremediated to a pristine state following measures mentioned in the environmental management section etc of this website on a global scale managed by Pan using automated measures and buildings rebuilt and renovated to luxury standards and the planet integrated.Tollan the homeworld of the Tollan can be terraformed to a pristine state with Tollana rebuilt with this applying to Abydos as well.Remenants from the Tollan civilisation can be hidden in bunkers and also those escaping from the planet in ships to Pellor with them already members of the Tollan present in Pellor where existing remenants of the Tollan are already located protected from the Gouald by isolation.Other members of the Tollan can be slaves of the Gouald with them rescued as a plot point with the character Narim even still alive since his fate like the rest of the Tollan is left unresolved with him and other members of the Tollan being a mixture of slaves of the Gouald and also those in hiding and also those on Pellor.Sarita can have survivors in rural areas and bunkers.Velona can have survivors living in rural areas and have the cities rebuilt and colonised.Tagalus can have survivors from both the Rand Protectorate and Caledonian Federation surviving in bunkers and rural communities outside of the destruction of nuclear fallout with the planet rebuilt and bioremediated with it integrated alongside the Tollan from Tollana and Pellor where remenants of the Tollan can be integrated into it.As stated survivors can be found on Svoriin as the infestation fly is killed off with them living in underground communities in different communities and using aquaponics and primative meat rearing to survive as it is stated that at least 9,000 people were alive underground when SG-1 first visited the planet with them developing means to travel at night and even secure bases in large buildings o the surfaces.All planets rebuilt from nuclear fallout,destruction at the hand of the Gouald,Wraith will once rebuilt will have survivor characters as part of spin offs such as soap operas and dramas detailing characters just before,during and after their planets destruction at the hands of the Gouald,infestation fly and nuclear fallout etc with it detailing them surviving in underground communities,bunkers and rural communities and dealing with surviving in primative conditions battling against the Gould,Wraith,Infestation fly,nuclear fallout and natural disasters,escaping and getting into contact Earth via scout ships and escaping on space ships and Stargates and getting in contact with Earth etc as flashbacks and also part of series that follow chronological episodes with them integrated into the intergalactic UN.Thus each planet that has fallen at the hands of the Wraith,Gouald,Infestation fly,nuclear holocaust etc in spin offs can have characters either singular or groups of characters have through spin offs tell how they were witness to the destruction of their homeworld including events leading up to prior to these events such as everyday living,discovery of the Gouald,Wraith or stargate etc and then the events that then resulted in the planet being destroyed or abandoned with it charting large amounts of people dying and also people struggling to survive in post-apocalyptic conditions battling radiation sickness,mutant animals and humans,infestation flies,Wraith and Gould sentry warriors and scouts as well as fighting off other tribes of humans that are competing them for resources.Different tribes and communities will be set up some that work together to share resources and services while others will be in conflict over resources and motivated by bad blood and racism etc.It can also detail events in the future and event the past before the destruction of their civilisations similar to Lost.These planets will be integrated into the intergalactic entity.Thus spin offs created set on each planet will detail humans on these planets thrown back to prehistoric conditions and attempting to rebuild society in rural communities and also even in underground communities and bunkers while fighting off other tribes of humans,infestation flies,animals,Gould and Wraith scouts and rescuing other humans present until they are able to escape through the Stargate or until they are discovered by fleets of explorers from Earth with this charted over at least a timespan of twenty to thirty years with them building primitive civilisations in bunkers,rural communities and underground communities while still fighting off frequent attacks from the Wraith,infestation flies and Gouald and rival camps and factions of humans with this set across multiple spin offs.This can be detailed in entire runs of specific spin offs that detail this over the course of at least ten seasons set in the timeframe of 1998-2029 that are filmed and uploaded at the same time as other spin offs set in the present day that deal with the same characters bit later on after they have made contact with Earth and after their planets infrastructure had been rebuilt and updated ultimately 21st century standards meaning the separate spin offs set in the past during 1998-2029 and in the present day on 2029 onwards will air on Dionysus at the same time.Flashbacks can be used to show specific events relevant to an episode and the overall character and plot that detail events in characters lives prior to the collapse of their civilisation.Each planet such as Svoriin,Tollana,Velona,Sateda,Sarita,Martins people’s planets,Tagalus etc that were decimated by the Wraith,Gouald,pollution,nuclear fallout,Ancients and Ori will have separate spin offs for each planet that each individually chart the events leading up to,during and after lasting 10 seasons that chart the destruction of their civilisations and attempts to rebuild them up until their discovery by Stargate Command in and around 2029 onwards for each planet which can last at least ten to thirty seasons and the timespan lasting between this period of twenty to thirty years.They will be in the same vein as other post apocalyptic media such as Fallout,Mad Max,The Walking Dead,The Last of Us with the shows detailing large groups of people trying to rebuild society, find other survivors, travelling to other planets via the stargates to contact other planets for help and fight off infestation flies,the Wraith etc as well as other tribes of humans and will chart the lives of dozens of characters.They will chart events that took place prior to the planets destruction showing events that led to their destruction and also their attempts at rebuilding society etc and end with them making contact with teams sent into the stargate from Stargate Command.These planets will have Stargste z command send in teams to clear away the threat,bioremediate thrm and thrr wen integrated into the intergalactic entity.New planets that also were destroyed by aliens,pollution etc across the rest of universe inhabited by aliens will have spin offs like this created..These spin offs can have episodes focusing on individual characters during time periods before their plants destruction as flashbacks and also have the option of having separate extra spin offs charting different groups of humans across the planets showing events in each spin off from their point of view set at the same time m frame with them filmed in one go at the same and uploaded at the same time.Thus each planet will have different tribes of these planets will have survivors living in bunkers,rural areas and underground communities and thus will have spin offs detailing their journeys and so they will be contacted by Stargate Command sending troops etc in biohazard suits who will send robots etc to carry out salvaging and bioremediated programmes and have the remaining population integrated.Other planets destroyed by the Gouald or pollution etc can humans escaped through the Stargate to other planets and their homeworlds bioremediated and integrated.These will be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time as other spin offs containing the same characters that are set in the modern day and can last as much as 5-10 seasons.The survivors from these spin offs will become main characters of other spin offs with thrm suffering post traumatic distress disorder.Various spin offs can be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus that have the same characters but are set in different timespans that can be years or decades apart.Spin offs will be made that detail the history of these planets before they were destroyed.
All made can be separate spin offs for each planet that deal with the back histories of specific planets in all three galaxies containing humans and their enslavement,attempted destruction,successful destruction and overthrowing of the Wraith,Ori,Ancients and Gouald such as Athosians,Genii,Dendredans,Velona and all other civilisations that were enslaved by the Gouald and Wraith.All planets that were enslaved by the Gouald but rebelled and emancipated from them will have spin offs charting their history,enslavement abc emancipation.Assistant AI will scan their franchises page for planets that were destroyed and abandoned that could have remenants of survivors present to be made into spin offs as well as those that were completely destroyed.It will also compile a list of all planets in the three galaxies to have spin offs detailing their history with it also including new planets.Since humans reverse engineering technology from the Ancients and having most of not all internal conflicts and shown not to be a threat and developing measures to defend Earth and all member planets against the Gould and Wraith such as ion cannons and mass producing city ships such as Atlantis.Some more advanced races such as the Tollan and Nox wil be more willing but at first hesitant to join the intergalactic entity by being convinced since they will see that Earth etc will have becoming peaceful and using their newly reversed engineered technologies for eliminating poverty etc and only as defence against the Wraith etc and new threats.The homeworld of Martin Lloyd can also have survivors hiding in bunkers and rural communities etc that were able to survive the attack on the Gouald.Planets taken over and sterilised by the Aschen like the Volians will be integrated and then have the Phanes method applied to create large numbers of each race of humans at least several million with if possible their cities that were destroyed by them and covered by agricultural land will be rebuilt.Sateda,Velona,Vorash,Sarita,Martins people planet and other planets populated by humans that are now abandoned by being decimated by the Wraith,Aschen and Gouald etc mentioned in all three series will have survivors in underground bunkers and rural communities or even having escaped to other planets via Stargates and integrated into other human colonies or even set up new colonies.All planets that have abandoned cities etc and are to be bioremediated and terraformed will be rebuilt and colonised by humans from across the galaxies especially heavily populated planets.All planets with lower populations than Earth,have abandoned cities and are uninhabited as well as undergoing bioremediation and restored to their pristine state will have people from more densely populated planets such as Earth and original inhabitants transferred there while the buildings are restored to their former glory,updated to 21st century standards and also colonised for the first time.Abandoned planets that are rebuilt and bioremediated will be colonised by humans across the galaxies with for example the poor from Earth and large numbers of the Aschen on Aschen Prime which is considered over populated due to the need for them to sterilise other civilisations and then turned their planets into farming worlds will be spread across the galaxies to not only planets that are bioremediated such as Tollan,Tagalus,Sarita,Svoriin,Sateda and other ones rebuilt will space out the population of the planet with them also spread out across uninhabited planets and those with low population measuring in few hundred thousand or few million humans and slums present there demolished with this applying to other planets with high populations wel beyond 11,000,000,000 or even in the range of double or triple that with slums etc demolished and reforested.Improvements in agriculture will allow land used as agriculture as detailed in this website will allow all land on Earth and other planets used for agriculture to be reforested.Volia and other planets turned into agricultural worlds by the Aschen will have them reforested with old cities dug up and rebuilt.As stated humans from densely populated planets such as Aschen Prime can be transferred to and spaced out amongst uninhabited planets including those with no Stargates that are seeded with them,planets with low populations,planets that are being bioremediated and rebuilt alongside the native populations of these worlds.All planets as part of the Asgard protected planet treaty and lower technology tier planets from the level of prehistoric Earth and pre industrial level across all three galaxies will likely have at most a few million due to not having the infrastructure and agricultural capabilities of more technologically advanced ones and those as part of the Aschen Confederacy such as Volia will likely only have few thousand or even few hundred due to their sterilisation and thus humans from more populated planets especially the poor who live in slums will be transported to these low populated planets as they are upgraded to 21st century standards.Mars and Venus can be terraformed making it indistinguishable from Earth with similar planets in the solar system of each Earth type planet the same distance from Earth and same size of them.Moons orbiting Jupiter etc such as Europa,Titan etc will be terraformed.Each planet in the three galaxies will likely have planets similar to Mars and Venus that can be terraformed for colonisation to space out densely populated planets with them having their own Stargates on all major cities that use specific encryptions that allow quick travel to them.Furthermore they would likely for a prequisite for life require gas giants similar to Jupiter and Saturn that would prevent comets and asteroids colliding with them with these having several Earth sized moons each that can be terraformed and colonised.This would further increase habitable space for humans across the galaxies and would act as plot points for spin offs.All newly terraformed planets will have unique taxonomic ranks of plants and animals created by Phanes with this done to bioremediated planets that will through analysing fossils and museums and records bring back extinct plants and animals and add new ones releated to them and remaining plants and animals.Underground and underwater communities will be developed as well with mass reproduced Atlantis floating cities can be formed on the oceans of planets or orbiting them with them each given unique names.Abandoned,uninhabited and bioremediated planets will also allow for colonisation by people from more populated planets to colonise them with this including planets in the three galaxies recently seeded with Stargates.The Ida and Othalla galaxies and all galaxies reseeded by Destiny will be colonised by people from densely populated ones.Unihabited planets in all galaxies as part of the Lanikea Supercluster will be colonised by humans as part of spin offs set in them.Spacing out larger number of humans from densely populated planets to low populated planets and even abandoned and uninhabited planets across the three galaxies will give low populated,abandoned,bioremediated and uninhabited ones ones sizeable populations of a few hundred million people while lowering the population of densly populated ones to the range of several billion between 1,000,000,000-6,000,000,000 or less to alleviate ecological pressures and allow AI using the repositories of knowledge to develop more technologies to increase their carrying capacity.The same buildings in the real world that are 0.8038 kilometres squared that can house tens of millions of people in spacious,mansion sized luxury apartments will be constructed on Earth and all colonised planets with humans across the galaxies on the outskirts of densly populated cities to allow people to move in and have the vast majority of people move especially in primitive planets that have only tribal communities formed and allowing the majority of cities to be demolished and reforested with primarily slums and low quality housing buildings demolished and obsolete and abandoned buildings renovated into communal luxury homes left alongside those of citizens who wish to stay and give them luxury renovations giving each city and islands large areas of urban forests with this replicated across all planets across the galaxies especially densely populated ones with primative lower and equal tier planets using these as predominant homes alongside private homes formed in villages etc by coastal areas etc.This will also spread humans from all planets across the galaxies to introduce culture clashes,allow humans the ability to visit planets across the galaxy with it also done to intermix specific genetic lineages of different human cultures across the three galaxies.Even overpopulated planets populated by non human races will be spread across the planets in all three galaxies and newly reseeded ones.Slums and shanty towns on Earth etc will be demolished and reforested once the poor living there will be transported to planets across the galaxies into luxury hotel style homes and suburbs etc
At the same time planets across all galaxies that are abandoned including Heliopolis,Dakara,Chulak,Atlantis,Kheb,Proculus,PX3-666 and other ones that house remenants of the Ancients,Nox and Furlings and those of particularly rich in artifacts and ruins of the Ancients,Furlings,Asgard will be colonised and become major tourist hotspots featured in spin offs as being visited by characters as part of holidays and retreats.Earth itself will become a tourist hotspot for humans that live in planets across the Milky Way galaxy due to it being where all humans in the galaxy originate from.Celestis the homeworld of the Ancients will become a major tourism centre for humans across all three galaxies due to it being where they originated from.Kheb,Chulak,Dakar’s and other planets that are rich in ruins and history with regards to the Ancients,Asgard,Wraith,Gouald System,Ori lords etc will become major tourist hotspots.New archaeological sites releated to the Asgard,Wraith,Ancients,Gouald System lords,Ori will be discovered across the galaxies that will be plot points and also featured as part of holidays by characters.Heliopolis will as stated become the planet hub headquarters for the intergalactic entity.The original Atlantis once mass produced will itself become a major tourist spot on Lantea with it stationed on Lantea with it protected via shields constantly and it alternating between being underwater and floating on the surface for tourists with the ability to mass produce zero point modules allowing it to be protected from the water and any attacks forever.All research data and data in its databanks will be transferred to the other iterations of it with it keeping weapons for protection and it being a city sized resort that contains large amounts of rooms similar to hotel suites with communal living areas and dining halls while research labs turned into extra suites or museum exhibits with it also keeping its Stargate that has an encryption allowing them to be dialled from any stargate across the universe when it is in space and on any planet..The city of Dakara will be rebuilt and recolonised by humans with even the Dakara Superweapon rebuilt with Chulak becoming a hotspot as the safe haven for the Jaffa.All archaeological sites in all three galaxies and ruins and remenants of the Asgard in the Ida and Othalla galaxies will become not just homes to colonies of humans but also major archaeological and tourist hotspots to the general public and also archaeologists that are plot points and visited by characters from different spin offs as part of holidays or archaeological studies etc and filming of documentaries on the Ancients.Old colonies of the Asgard in these galaxies will become colonised by both humans and the newly revived Asgard and will become hotspots.This will be due to Ascension and the history of Ancients about how they seeded human life in the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies,created the Stargates etc,were dying of a plague and ascended to a higher plane of existence and their battles with the Wraith and Ori and the Ori seeding the Ancients home galaxy with humans will become common knowledge amongst humans on Earth and all planets in the three galaxies with special spiritual retreats will be set up in Kheb,Proculus,Dakara,Celestis and other planets of historical value to the Ancients in all three galaxies including the original Atlantis which will become a permenant base on Earth or other planets including Atlantea due to it being mass produced across the galaxy with this becoming a plot point to spin offs and can become a religious theme by creating conflicts with Christianity,Islam,Judaism,Origin,Wicca,Hinduism and religions in the Pegasus galaxy and those who continue to follow worship of the Gould system lords.This will be especially of note to the Book of Genesis in the Christian Bible and the fact that it was scientifically advanced aliens that were formerly human and not a monotheistic deity that seeded life on Earth band the galaxies with Christian,Islamic and Judaism characters faith being tested and challenged with this fact thus introducing conflict within the religion and those who try to integrate this into the faith and doctrine by rewriting or modifying their beliefs similar to how it is done with evolution and this introducing conflict with followers of Origin and also Buddhists followers of acension.Origin will likely splinter into different sub denominations,groups and fields similar to Christianity,Judaism and Islam with even practioners of Buddhism and Wicaan gaining an interest in Acension with Ascension forming new religions and denominations across the three galaxies and denominations across the three galaxies.Ascension based religions would be denominations of Origin,Wicca,Buddhism,Hinduism and other similar religions across the three galaxies with even new denominations of Christianity,Judaism and Islam etc forming that are mixtures of these and tenants of Ascension.The revelation of the Ancients being originally humans originating from Celestis in another galaxy that underwent evolution over millions of years and ascending to the higher dimensions and seeding life in Earth,the Pegasus galaxy and the Gouald transporting humans across the Milky Way galaxy since becoming public knowledge to all humans on Earth,across the Milky Way,Pegasus Galaxy an Ancient home galaxy will create not only denominations of all religions across the galaxies but also it will create conflicts within Judaism,Christianity,Islam,Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism etc and the various religions of the Milky Way(including those that worship the system lords and other religions) and also those of the Pegasus galaxy etc with this explored in movies,spin offs and plays etc.Judaidm,Islam,Christianity will be divided into those that create denominations with Origin and those who see its a contradiction to their faith causing conflict and violence.There will be liberal leaning members of these faiths who wish to coexist with the various religions of the galaxies and those that will seek domination by forcibly converting those who follow Origin,religions based on the system lords etc and carrying out terrorist attacks that leads to sectarian violence in the form of terror attacks committed by both sides against each other and wars with the same grey morality expressed by followers of Origin who are those who either seek coexistence or domination over all other religions.Hinduism and Buddhism etc will due to the similarities between them and Origin will likely be able to coexist.There will be denominations of Christianit,Islam and Judaism will be formed that incorporates ascension,the ancients and Origin and even aspects and worship of AI.The city of Dakara will be rebuilt and recolonised by humans with even the Dakara Superweapon rebuilt with Chulak becoming a hotspot as the safe haven for the Jaffa.Planets with remnants and ruins of the Ancients will becomes tourist and archaeological hotspots and feature prominently in movies and spin offs.New archaeological sites related to the Gouald,Ancients and Asgard and even Wraith as well as humans in all occupied planets will be discovered and feature as plot points found in the three galaxies and become tourist hotspots.All archaeological sites in all three galaxies and ruins and remnants of the Asgard in the Ida and Othalla galaxies will become not just homes to colonies of humans but also major archaeological and tourist hotspots to the general public and also archaeologists that are plot points and visited by characters from different spin offs as part of holidays or archaeological studies etc and filming of documentaries on the Ancients.Old colonies of the Asgard in these galaxies will become colonised by both humans and the newly revived Asgard and will become hotspots.This will be due to Ascension and the history of Ancients about how they seeded human life in the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies,created the Stargates etc,were dying of a plague and ascended to a higher plane of existence and their battles with the Wraith and Ori and the Ori seeding the Ancients home galaxy with humans will become common knowledge amongst humans on Earth and all planets in the three galaxies with special spiritual retreats will be set up in Kheb,Proculus,Dakara,Celestis and other planets of historical value to the Ancients in all three galaxies including the original Atlantis which will become a permenant base on Earth or other planets including Atlantea due to it being mass produced across the galaxy with this becoming a plot point to spin offs and can become a religious theme by creating conflicts with Christianity,Islam,Judaism,Origin,Wicca,Hinduism and religions in the Pegasus galaxy and those who continue to follow worship of the Gould system lords.This will be especially of note to the Book of Genesis in the Christian Bible and the fact that it was scientifically advanced aliens that were formerly human and not a monotheistic deity with Christian,Islamic and Judaism characters faith being testsd and challenged with this fact thus introducing conflict within the religion and those who try to integrate this into the faith and doctrine by rewriting or modifying their beliefs similar to how it is done with evolution and this introducing conflict with followers of Origin and also Buddhists followers of acension.Origin will likely splinter into different sub denominations,groups and fields similar to Christianity,Judaism and Islam with even practioners of Buddhism and Wicans gaining an interest in Acension with Ascension forming new religions and denominations across the three galaxies and denominations across the three galaxies.Ascension based religions would be denominations of Origin,Wicca,Buddhism,Hinduism and other similar religions across the three galaxies with even new denominations of Christianity,Judaism and Islam etc forming that are mixtures of these and tenants of Ascension.In otherwards Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Buddhism,Wiccanism and other Earth based religions and those of the Pegasus Galaxy and the rest of the Milky Way will create denominations that incorporate Ascension,facets of Origin and the history of the Ancients into them.Thus there will be new denominations of existing Earth based religions that incorporate the concepts of Ascension into them.Religions across the three galaxies will also branch out into denominations that incorporate ascension into them.Films and television spin offs can be devoted to religious themes that features characters of different religions of the three galaxies including Christianity,Judaism,Islam and Origin,Wiccans,Hinduism,Buddhism etc or just themselves and those of all humans across the three galaxies and also all alien races across the universe.They can focus on members of each religion interacting with each other introducing conflict and focusing on similarities and include both extremist members and less fanatical members and both conservative and liberal members thus allowing all religious themes to be explored evenly when dealing with Christianity,Islam,Judaism and also Origin,Ascension and the various religions across the galaxies.As stated Kheb,Proculus,Dakara,Celestis,PX3-666 etc will become spiritual retreats with since these are planets will house more than just one single set of ruins with them housing multiple sets of ruins from the Ancients spread across each planet.Former planets occupied by the Asgard will become major tourist hotspots including for the newly revived Asgard.Conflict can arise with devout extremist followers of Origin and also remaining devout followers of the Gouald system lords both living and dead.Religions may even be set up that worship AI that could be a denomination of Ascension based religions.Archaeological sites on Earth through researchers will be found to have links to different Gouald system lords and Ancients such as Newgrange,Machu Picchu,Anghor Wat,Petra,Pompeii,Stonehenge etc around the world including deciphering documents from other planets and also the Ancients Repositories of Knowledge etc.The Gouald transporter rings reverse engineered or transporter technology from the Asgard can be used to gain access to secret bunkers in them that house artifacts and items that can be of different value to defeating the Gouald and Wraith as well as new threats to the galaxies especially those from newly charted ones and gain more insight into the Ancients etc as extra plot points.These historical sites will be visited by characters as part of holidays and meetings with important characters in all spin offs.
.Atlantis itself will become tourist hotspot especially since it can be reverse engineered and mass produced allowing each planet to have at least a dozen of them on oceans and orbiting planets for both Defense purposes,travel between planets and galaxies and housing refugees and permenant residents with reverse engineered weapons similar to that on Antarctica that can be operated by control chairs and ion cannons reversed engineered from the Tollan all set at strategic points.Thus all planets as part of this entity would as a means of encouraging races to join will have on them including Earth will have weapons similar to that Antarctica and ion cannons can be set up at strategic points to act as defensive mechanisms alongside city ships similar to Atlantis orbiting them that will act as a means to fight off the Wraith,Gouald and other new threats across the galaxies.Atlantis will be mass produced with them used in each planet across the galaxies for extra habitable space for citizens as floating cities on water and even orbiting them in space and acting as diplomatic,exploration and research wings for the intergalactic entity for political negations and act as refuge for refugees entity and even as research stations to study animals etc both on ground and also underwater etc.They could also act as army bases that will be able to used to house soldiers and trainees etc in battle and transport entire armies to any point in the three galaxies and newly seeded ones almost instantly.Each Atlantis replicate would be the same size as the original one that is roughly the size of Manhattan enough to house at least 1,600,000 people with advances by AI allowing them to house exponentially more in the same normal sized city with if possible there being larger versions that are ten to a hundred times larger than Atlantis housing as much as 16,000,000 – 160,000,000 people.Normal ones would be used on Earths oceans and that of other planets to provide extra habitable space as permenent cities and act as research points for researching animals that live underwater with them at times alternating between floating on the surface and those that go underwater to the very depths of the ocean with them being those that are always underwater and those that always float in the surface of oceans.These would travel constantly through ocean currents but would still have the same intergalactic engines of Atlantis allowing them to move to other parts of the oceans on each planet at will as well as travel to other planets meaning that they will not be underwater or floating on oceans at all times and be able to move from one part of the planet to another or travel to another planet at will whenever they wanted.Terraformed planets such as Mars,Venus and the moons of Jupiter would have them.Each planet would also have them orbiting the planet in space to provide extra habitable space and for views of the planet.Larger versions would act as army bases and interstellar vehicles both commercial cruise ships or warships to fight off the Wraith,Gouald and other threats.Others would be orbiting gas giants and orbiting stars in empty solar systems or even the void of space in between star systems as research outposts or even permanent homes for thousands or millions of people in oceans of Earth etc and orbiting gas giants etc.Large ones would also act as strategic military bases and space stations acting as a replacement for the alpha,beta,gamma sites that were planets in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies where comprimised personal and also hazardous and dangerous experiments and scientific research can be carried out that would negate biohazards such as pathogens or dangerous aliens could escape and reach Earth etc as they would be surrounded by the vacuum of space and any activation of Stargates would need to be authorised by AI thus ensuring researchers can escape and Biosynth and human cleaners can be sent in to destroy dangerous pathogens and animals etc.They could be on oceans and other safe zones or in orbit of dangerous planets accessed by puddle jumpers that are used by researchers studying potentially dangerous native lifeforms allowing for them to be studied near its native habitat without compromising Earth.They would also act as prisons where human and alien criminals can be incarcerated with AI authorising the use of Stargates and them surrounded by the vacuum of space with it also used to carry out secret interrogation and incarceration of enemies such as Stragoth,Wraith,Gouald and members of the Lucien Alliance as well as secret meetings between politicians again protected by the fact that they are surrounded by the vacuum of space and AI authorising the use of Stargates with these orbiting stars in systems with no planets and able to move from one system to the next on demand.Other ones that are the normal size would act as extra habitable space as floating cities on Earth and other planets with normal and larger sized ones would act cities that orbit Earth,Mars,Venus and other planets across the galaxies in outer space again to provide extra habitable space and even provide research into climate etc. with there being others set on larger asteroids,the moons of Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune etc including both those that are small moons,dwarf planets and those such as Europa,Ganymede etc and Pluto,Charon etc and similar bodies across the galaxies.City ships will also orbit Earth,all Earth type planets,Mars,Venus as well as Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and there moons and similar gas giants across the galaxies in each solar system of each planet with Star systems that have only gas giants etc will have city ships orbiting them acting as extra habitable space with these and underwater ones have shields allow people to walk on outside areas to view the planet,ocean and stars etc.Stars systems that have no planets could have large ones the size of continents or larger or multiple city ships that house several hundred million or billion people.All of them orbiting planets etc and in oceans or underwater would have interstellar and intergalactic engines meaning they could move to any other part of the planets orbit or part of the planets oceans and to other star system or galaxies at a whims notice thus negating the need to stay in one place.Others could like conventional interstellar vehicles act as cruise ships..Each one will have Stargates that use encryptions instead of address to allow them to be dialled from any Stargate in the galaxies when they are in space and on any planet and for them to dial other planets across the galaxies with puddle jumpers for all residents present to allow travel to cities on the planet they are in and orbiting and interstellar and intergalactic travel.All interstellar vehicles and space stations will be managed by their own separate AI with all mass produced versions of Atlantis will also be managed by their own separate AI.For newly discovered planets and also those with a higher ratio of water to land than Earth ie planets that are 75-95% or even 100% covered in water they will act as permenant colonies to increase their carrying capacity by linking together to form country or continent sized city areas with the shielding protecting inhabitants from the vacuum of space,water,weather etc with them composed of graphene composites,have graphene paint on them and graphene in the matrix of windows to protect them from external pressures of the external environments.Each city ship will have different names and even different layouts and designs than Atlantis and each other for variety with them all macro managed by a separate AI and each residents living quarters managed by a separate Home AI.The original Atlantis can become a tourist spot especially when all of the data in its databases are copied and dispersed into the new mass produced Atlantis databases.It will also be shared with all research bases across the galaxy within Apollo.AI such as Hecate etc can once connected to Atlantis databases can scour all information in its vast databases and transfer it to Apollo and other mass produced copies with all data translated from Ancient into English etc and thus catagorised into folders and subfolders with this including the history of the Ancients,there religions and also scientific didcoveries,Stargate address across the Pegasus/Milky Way/Ancients home galaxies,the genome of the ancients,ATA gene to be mass produced by CRISPR and location of planets with important scientific and archaeological databases,structures.The entire genome of the Ancients can be present thus allowing both Phanes snd Lazarus method and artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers to bring them back from extinction.All planets across the galaxies will have underground and underwater communities built with underwater built on planets that covered predominantly with oceans
The mass production of zero point energy modules and also other energy sources will be used to power these city ships with energy for shields etc with them integrating other energy sources such as closed micro gas turbines,Biosynth batteries,naquadah/naquadria generators,fusion and TerraRoot etc to power the Stargates,lighting and other key systems etc as well as propulsion while shields are powered by zero point energy with them switching between all energy systems to act as backup.Thus mass produced Atlantis city ships will be used for a variety of purposes.All of the knowledge of the Asgard’s,their history,religions,scientific discoveries and even their genome and that of all planets and animals from their home planets before destruction of them at rtf hand of the Replicators will be present allowing both the Asgard and all planets and animals on their home planets to be ressurected using the Phanes and Lazarus method,3D DNA printers and artificial wombs.These measures will be set up in Earth and all joining planets with humans and non human races and also uninhabited planets and megastructures discovered across the galaxies will have these and other defenders mechanisms.All planets containing humans across all three galaxies of all technological tiers including prehistoric and Medievil level ones and up to those similar and beyond that of 21st century Earth including those with buried Stargates and locked out addresses will be updated to 21st century standards with technologies reversed engineered from the Ancients,Asgard,Aschen etc and those from modern day Earth such as the wire such as Hepheastus/Demeter/Dionysus/Pheme etc,Internet,smartphones,Eros,Peitho,Agora,YouTube and Wikipedia etc and those from across this entire website including the new technologies section,energy,summary of food production and all parts of this website and new technologies created by the writers will be integrated and spread across all member planets becoming ubiquitous using proto and final forms of Nyx to allow for instant communications and expansion of the wire and internet to all planets across the galaxies with them updated in terms of technology and also infrastructure and homogenised laws in an intergalactic constitution modelled on that detailed later on that will be modelled on future hypothetical galactic and intergalactic government body similar to the Federation of Planets from Star Trek with all aspects of the wire with regards to Dionysus,Asculapuis,Polis,Aleitheia,Pheme,Hephaestus and Demeter etc and the automated acquisition of manufactured goods and crops integrated into all member planets including Earth.All planets across the three galaxies containing humans will be integrated into this entity regardless of their technological tier that are of a technological level similar to prehistoric hunter gather societies to Medieval societies and those more advanced than Earth and regardless previous relations with Earth(including those who were locked out and Stargates buried and these will be travelled to by interstellar vehicles)will be updated to these 21st century standards using technologies from Earth such as smartphones/geothermal/dyson swarms,the wire and internet(YouTube,Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Agora,Wikipedia etc),Nyx and also those reverse engineered from the Asgard,Aschen,Nox,Tollans and also Ancients,Ori,Wraith etc and new ones detailed across this website and all of them including those visited in one or two episodes in Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis or even mentioned and new ones will be visited and featured in the different spin offs such as soaps,dramas to give more insight into their updating to 21st century standards and also conflict in terms of different cultures etc.Also integrated into it will be the Jaffa,Aschen,Volians(and other humans from the Aschen Confederacy)Tollans,Tagaluns etc those from planets formerly under control of the Gouald system Lords including remaining living system lords,Gouald,Aschen Confederation and Asgard’s Protected Planets treaty and all human races and cultures from the entire Milky Way galaxy,Pegasus galaxy and Ancients Home galaxy and even all encountered technologically advanced races of non human races such as the Vanir,Gadmeer,Omeyocan,Unity,Tokra,Jaffa,Nox,Neraida,Unas,Reetou,Reol,Enkarens,Serrakins,Sekkari,Oannes as well as the pod people of PJ2-445,The A’t’rr and also some factions of the Wraith and the Gouald that wish to side with Earth alongside new discovered non human races across the three galaxies and those formerly visited by Destiny and even include the resurrected Ancients,Asgard and also Furlings etc as part of the intergalactic union and extinct human races will be integrated into this entity by having them revived using the Lazarus method using both 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs ressurrecting them and integrating them into the intergalactic entity with the Phanes method alongside artificial wombs used to create large populations of the Oannes,Tollan,Jaffa,Reol,Satedans,Volians and Tagaluns and other populations of humans with small numbers to create sizeable populations of millions or billions etc to preserve them for distinct genetic lineages etc and culture will be plot points.The A’t’rr can inhabit blank biosynths to take on a physical humanoid for when travelling to other planets and then return to the atmosphere of P4G-881 with P5C-353 undergoing bioremediation and terraforming efforts to make it habitable for humans and the A’t’rr.The blue crystaline entity Unity from P3X-562 will become part of this with plot points being researchers building bases on the planet and researching ways to help it reproduce to create larger populations of the crystalline entities through culturing crystals that house new unique individuals alongside giving them the ability to transfer their consciousness to biosynths and other means including altering the radiation they are composed of to allow them travel to other planets without exploding.Thus all already encountered technologically advanced non human races from all three galaxies encountered by Stargate Command will become members of the intergalactic entity and have their planets upgraded to 21st century standards and will have unique problems to encourage them to join.The coming of age rituals,histories,customs and religions of these non human races will be explored in detailed where they are secondary characters of main characters including in episodes of whole spin offs that focus entirely on each individual race.New alien races across the galaxies including newly seeded ones will be encouraged to join.Assistant AI by analysing the franchises pages will list all non human races and all human cultures across the three galaxies to be integrated into it as potential candidates that are plot points for each spin offs.Real world alien races and new ones created from scratch will added to this entity.Real world alien species encountered in the real world will be added once they make contact with Earth in the real world and integrated into the entity.New non human races can include those from all galaxies such as the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy and all 38 galaxies visited by Destiny and also across the rest of the Local Group etc as well as the rest of the universe.These alien races will be the characters of all spin offs.Thus all human civilisations across the three galaxies the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients home galaxy that are of various technological tiers ie prehistoric,ancient civilisations,Medievil ones and those similar to 21st century Earth and also those more advanced than Earth will be integrated into this intergalactic entity that has all humans become citizens and abide by the intergalactic entities constitution with it modelled on the hypothesised intergalactic entity in the global government section of this website that is an upscaled version of the global government with each planets having representives from each planet in Congress etc with it being a post scarcity,fully automated moneyless society that has all aspects of the wire integrated such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Dinoysus,Pheme,Polis etc and has Agora,YouTube,Wikipedia,the internet and wire etc integrated grounding it in the real world with all integrated planets upgraded to the same universal infrastructural 21st standard such as flying vehicles,luxury homes,cities,energy from geothermal/fusion/zero point modules etc and has flying customised puddle jumpers,smartphones,laptops and vertical farms etc adopted.All integrated human and alien planets will be upgraded to 21st century standards of technology in terms of infrastructure.All aspects of the internet and wire will be integrated into them such as Wikipedia,YouTube,Hephaestus,Demeter,Dionysus,Pheme etc with Nyx developed and constructed by AI to allow for information to be transfered across the planets integrated across the universe in real time human occupied planets will be integrated regardless of their technological tier with non human races require negatioations and having solved all internal conflicts and have interstellar travel capabilities.First the intergalactic entities structure will have the intergalactic Congress have representatives of each tribe of humans from each planet they were colonised in by the Gouald,Ancients and Wraith etc across the three galaxies with once it has a few dozen non human races admitted after several years or decades of exploration and new alliances formed and new races being admitted it will be restructured to then having one representatives from each member race including only one human elected representing humans across the galaxies and indeed universe.With regards to technology they will be upgraded with technologies similar to Earth circa 2029-2045 with them having all Earth based technologies like the internet,wire,smartphones,youtube,agora as well as those across the entity of this website and also those reversed enginered from the Asgard,Aschen,Ancients etc.All planets across the three galaxies containing humans and allied alien races that wish to join will be upgraded with infrastructure such as such as power plants (geothermal,fusion,oil,coal and gas) in parameters and level of technologies similar to that detailed here and also have sewage treatment plants that use algae to create edible feed,desalinisation and water treatment plants that use nanomaterials and biosynth technology and also home,community and vertical farms and local manufacturing hubs with Demeter and Hephaestus used.They will be have all be cured of any genetic and developmental diseases and also all local pathogens and pandemics such as similar versions of Coronavirus,HIV,Variola major etc and be given anti-ageing treatments and augmentations.The up scaling of lower tier primative human cultures across the three galaxies will be point points for spin offs of all genres such as soap operas,dramas,military and political dramas etc and action orientated ones with this done by human volunteer groups,Biosynths and also robotics and automation.Marxist Credits and cubits will be used by human occupied planets through the universal bank Euthenia to pay for social welfare programmes,remaining human labour and trade between planets prior to money becoming obsolete before being fully integrated into a post scarcity moneyless society.Upgrading Earth and solving remaining conflicts across the world and eliminating poverty and reversing environmental damage with technologies reversed engineered from the Asgard and Ancients etc can be a plot point.Those whose gates were buried to prevent interfering with their development or were a danger will be integrated including the Salish,Aschen,Svoriin,Hadante,Rillaan with renogotians for integration.Thus all human civilisations across the three galaxies will be upgraded and integrated regardless of their technological tier and their past interactions with Earth with them reopened for negations with planets with buried Stargates have the address used to triangulate the planets location on a map to be accessed by interstellar vehicles with them reseeded with new Stargates that are mass produced or using sensors locate the buried Stargate.body within the intergalactic would exist including both Metis,human diplomats(including new and old human characters)that would deal with integrating each existing discovered planet across the galaxies including those with buried Stargates and those etc with another dealing with building up infrastructure and a universal military and law enforcement/military entity alongside a intergalactic version of Stargate Command.Assistant AI will compile a list of all human civilisations already encountered and mentioned in the three galaxies and new ones will be created with each planet having unique problems needed to be solved by Stargate Command to encourage them to join which can be charted across spin offs of different genres.Thus all human civilisations from the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home Galaxy including those locked out or Stargates buried due to various reasons will be integrated with this including all of those from all dead system lords,those from the Asgard’s protected planets treaty and Aschen Confederation and thousands of others of all technological tiers that were mentioned and not mentioned in the series will be integrated.All planets containing humans of all technological tiers from those who live in tribal conditions,pre industrial conditions and those more primative or more technologically advanced than Earth will be integrated and them upgraded to 21st standards of technology and infrastructure using Earth based technology and that reverse engineered from the Ancients,repositories of knowledge and Asgard etc with technology advanced civilisations also integrated.All already mentioned and featured planets in all three galaxies that contain humans will all be revisited by various arms of Stargate Command responsible for integrating planets with new planets created housing humans.All planets and those damaged by natural disasters,nuclear fallout,pollution and destruction by the Wraith and Gouald etc and those that are abandoned will be integrated once bioremediated and restored to a pristine state and buildings restored to their former glory.The integration of planets into this entity and bioremediation of polluted planets and rebuilding abandoned and destroyed ones will be plot points and carried out by a diplomatic arm of Stargate Command consisting of new and existing characters in hundreds of spin offs.All human tribes will have to adhere to certain perquisites such as having solved all internal conflicts etc and don’t need to have reached a certain technological tier since they are technically the same race of humans across the three galaxies and thus will be all upgraded to 21st century standards of infrastructure and technology.
Alien non human races may unlike humans have to adhere to specific perquisites to gain membership to the entity such as reaching interstellar level technology and having solved all internal conflict etc as detailed with humans of all technological tiers integrated and upgraded regardless of their technological tier but their internal conflicts must be resolved in order to bridge all human cultures across all galaxies under one entity due to them being created by the Ancients and separated by the Gouald and to also protect them from the remnants of the Gould and Wraith.Like humans alien races will have unique problems to be solved to encourage them to join charted in spin offs with them unlike humans only integrated once they have achieved interstellar travel.All existing alien races from the series including Vanir,Gadmeer,Omeyocan,Unity,Tokra,Jaffa,Nox,Neraida,Unas,Reetou,Reol,Enkarens,Serrakins,Sekkari,Oannes as well as the pod people of PJ2-445,The A’t’rr and also some factions of the Wraith and the Gouald that wish to side with Earth alongside new discovered non human races across the three galaxies and those formerly visited by Destiny and even include the resurrected Ancients,Asgard and also Furlings etc as part of the intergalactic union will be integrated with them having unique tasks for the intergalactic UN to solve to encourage them to join.The sentient AI from P9C-372,sentient water from the water planet and sentient etc mist from MC-862,M5S-224 etc can be possibly integrated.All newly discovered alien races across the universe as new galaxies are discovered will be integrated into the intergalactic entity.The integration of these non alien races across the Milky Way,Pegasus and other galaxies across the entire universe as new galaxies are opened up will be charted in spin offs..
All newly discovered uninhabited planets,ringworlds and alderson discs discovered across the galaxies and universe will be intergrated into the entity.Unihated planets will undergoe procedures and assessments before being colonised by humans such as setting up military and research bases housing researchers and military personal to asses their safety.That is where the climate such as where hurricanes,tornadoes occur,and location of fault lines and other climatic and environmental factors will be assessed by researchers on bases will be assessed to decide where to set up new cities.Some planets will be used specifically to house military bases wherein they will be used for Agoge trainees to undergo real world training and cater to walkabouts and also used as strategic bases when dealing with the Wraith,Gouald etc that also house research bases and hold important political individuals or enemy combatants that are being interrogated.Some planets can even be prison planets that house dangerous prisoners including humans and enemy combatants.Overtime as geopolitical factors change overtime these planets will be colonised by humans.Those without Stargates will have new ones created for them can be plot points and the reach of the intergalactic UN will extend not only to the Milky Way,Pegasus Galaxy and Ancientss home galaxy but also those already charted and visited by Destiny that are reseeded with proper Stargates,the Othalla and Ida galaxies and also new galaxies explored by Destiny including the rest of the Local Group and in time Lanikea Supercluster and rest of the universe.All All uninhabited planets etc will like those undergoing bioremediation etc will have instead of MALPs sent through more compact cheaper versions alongside drones composed of biosynth technology and nanomaterials as well and these will have liquid glass on them that makes them dirt and water proof and composed of Graphene etc to make them 200 times stronger than steel making them survive explosions and harsh environments.Fleets of biosynths can go through with biohazard suits have Graphene in their matrix to make them tear proof and glass have Graphene to make them shatterproof.All planets discovered by the fleets of Destiny ships that are seeded will have multiple stargates as much as a dozen placed on each major continents in large open areas where towns and cities will be built around later on in climate stable areas away from where natural disasters can occur.Ringworlds and alderson discs will have at least a million to billion stargates planted in them spread apart.
Characters from each human planet in all three galaxies that appeared in only one episode in both series will become reccuring characters and main characters in each spin off played by the same actors with the same applying to Gouald system lords etc being played by the same actors.Characters from all human races and non human races such as Oannes,Jaffa,Tokra,Reetou,Enkarans,Nox,Gadmeer etc will become main and supporting characters in each spin offs including soap operas,dramas and also science fiction action and exploration ones.Video games modelled on Mass Effect and an MMOs can allow each planet to be explored by players in great detail and in customised ways and interact with all characters including those that appeared in only one episode.AI could by connecting the supercomputers at Stargate command or a reverese engineered DHD or those on another planets in each galaxy could access its subspace system that links all Stargates in the galaxy and thus decipher the Stargate address of all Stargates in the Milky Way galaxy with this repeated with the Pegasus and Ancients home galaxy andseed ships also triangulating the location of planets locked out and have buried gates on a map of the galaxies opening up new planets,allies and threats.This method of triangulation of the location of planets on a map of the galaxy using Stargate address locate planets whose stargate was buried etc can have the planets acessed by travel using interstellar vehicles travelling to their triangulated location with them able to locate where on the planet the buried Stargate is using this with this applying to galaxies revisted by Destiny to reseed them with better Stargates.Then method of linking Stargates to extract address can be similar to how the Dakara Superweapon can open all Stargates at once and also be working in on the same principle as the Avenger virus by AI making links to all Stargates and DHDs in the system and network.Thus AI could connect to all Stargates DHDs in the network in each galaxy to cause them to possibly open all gates in each galaxy at once and from there extract Stargate address form each Stargates DHDs to be added to a database on Earth and also triangulate their position on a map of the galaxy and also be used to give all Stargates new abilities.Planets with buried gates will have the address deciphered and extracted with the addresses used to triangulate their location in their galaxy and have interstellar vehicles travel to them to have new stargates and DHDs created and deposited in them.Fleets Destiny ships will map the galaxy for planets in the Milky Way galaxy,Ancients Home galaxy and Pegasus Galaxy that do not have Stargates to have them seeded with them.It’s established that some planets have no stargates and so these will be found through mass produced Destiney ships to seed them with stargates etc.The Dakar’s Superweapon can be repaired abc rebuilt and have versions of it built on one planet in each galaxy including newly discovered galaxies to allow them to be used to seed them with new live deal with threats like the replicators in one single blow and carry out this upgrading system more efficiently in each galaxy.AI will also find ways to mass produce Stargates,Supergates and DHDs and even Zero Point Energy Modules by deciphering the databases in Atlantis and respositories of knowledge and make Stargates more energy efficient as well as finding better means of travelling between galaxies with staragtes composed of a mixture of naquadah and graphene mass produced from Picotech fabricators and Biosynth technologies.The ability to link all Stargates in a galaxy via a subspace link will be able through AI give all stargates in each galaxy new abilities at once such as not produce the unstable vortex effect that disintegrates all matter it touches everytime a gate is dialled across all galaxies to also save energy and enhance the technologies abilities and even give them more new abilities with it using the subspace link connecting all DHDs to give all stargates and DHDs these abilities etc similar to the Avenger virus.Removal of the formation of the unstable vortex would make them more energy efficient.This can be used to make all Stargates exponentially more energy efficient especially for intergalactic travel and even interstellar travel.The one way travel limitation can also be removed meaning people can go back and forth in both directions and still survive in contrast to the current method where one can only travel in one direction(doing otherwise kills them) with one able to enter the back of the stargate again without dying.If possible an ability will be given where multiple people can pass through a Stargate at once in batches when multiple Stargates are dialled at once but each person will be sent to different planets than each person through GDOs in their smartphones.This would be of note Stargates used for civillian use as it will allow whole batches of people to be sent to specific planets in the same galaxy.Thus a Stargate could dial and connect to multiple Stargates in the same galaxy and dozens,hundreds or thousands of people could walk through it at once and each person sent to their desired planet which could be different from that of each person who walked through at the same time with each planet receiving batches of people that wished to go to that planet through GDOs in the Helios app in their smartphones directing them to their specific planet thus making interstellar travel via Stargate commercially feasible to the average citizen as each activation of the gates will have thousands of people going in at once but each one going to their different desired planets and each planet receiving dozens of people at once with the Stargate dialled to and linked to several dozen or hundred planets at once.This can also be used for those used by the military.This ability can be upgraded overtime through the subspace link.Thus AI can use the subspace link between all Stargates and DHDs in a galaxy at once to give all Stargates and DHDs in a galaxy new abilities and features to all of them at once similar to the Avenger virus and extract all Stargate addresses and the triangulate the location of the planets on a map of the galaxies and also update them with new abilities instantly.
More efficient means will be made to dial to other galaxies using less energy with if possible travel to other galaxies done via interstellar vehicles including cruise ships that travel from one galaxy to another using artificial ship generated wormholes,hyperdrive and supergates and also use onboard Stargates to send people in batches to specific planets when within the orbit of the galaxies or when they dock at space elevators on each planet with this used alongside making intergalactic travel via Stargates much more energy efficient.Rechargeable zero point modules,more efficient versions and also TerraRoot enhanced through new advances will be able to power intergalactic travel alongside the subspace link improving Stargates energy efficient.Stargates can be produced for interdimensional travel or even time travel made more easier.Destiny once reverse engineered can be mass produced and used to scan the rest of the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients home galaxy for planets that don’t have DHDs and Stargates to be seeded with them.Existing DHDs across all three galaxies will be replaced with better ones that contains an mixture of Biosynth technology,nanomaterials,quantum computing and memory and power crystal technologies in the original systems to allow the DHDs to store vastly more data in term of patterns of citizens and also previously dialled address it can store with the combination of Ancient and Biosynth technology,nanomaterials etc allowing the DHDs to be given upgrades similar to Biosynth technology through the subspace link with this exponentially increasing their computing power and data storage almost infinitely with it also improving energy efficiency as well as and give them better abilities.The DHDs can also be given touchscreen abilities and menus similar to smartphones similar to smartphones.Biosynthetic,nanomaterials,quantum computing and other technology developed in the show will be integrated into all DHDs both new ones on interstellar vehicles as well as those on existing planets and also on Earth and via fleets of biosynths all of them across the galaxies to increase memory capacity and computing power alongside memory crystals that can be reverse engineered and hybridised with it.This will make them more energy efficient and also give them updates through the subspace link.It will increase their memory capacity to store adreesses and also increase their computing power of them with it making future galaxy updates easier,add new abilities and the biosynth technologies giving updates via the subspace link.DHDs across all three galaxies will be replaced with these newer versions by fleets of biosynths and humans sent to each planet during upgrading planets to 21st century infrastructure that is integrated into this Federation across all three galaxies with all newly seeded planets in all three galaxies and those reseed with proper Stargates that were visited by Destiny in the past and those as part of the rest of the universe will have this mixture of Biosynth technology,nanomaterials,quantum computing and ancient crystals when seeded.
Using the repositories of knowledge and Picotech fabricator Stargates will be mass produced allowing them to be seeded on planets that had their Stargates destroyed,stolen etc or were not seeded as it is confirmed that there are planets in the three galaxies with no Stargates with them also mass produced so that each major city and possibly each town and village in each country across Earth and on all inhabited planets in the three galaxies will have multiple stargates in train stations,bus stations and airports etc with underwater communities,underground communities,floating cities housing them and also all interstellar vehicles,space stations and Atlantis style city ships etc will house them with all military and research bases on each planet having them.They will be powered by the geothermal grid,thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and also mass produced zero point energy modules connected directly to them.AI such as Astraeus etc would be inhabiting the subspace link between all Stargates on all colonised planets across the galaxies under the entities jurisdiction at all times ensuring security,managing links to different networks and all batches of people sent on each trip through them and also allowing updates to their abilities can be done instantly to all stargates.They will manage the entire system at all times through fragmentation allowing to inhabit DHDs,control panels etc across the galaxies and universe at once and sub space links.The ability for iris and shields destroying any people that pass into them can be reversed and have it so once a person,bomb or bullet etc comes in contact with the Iris rather than being destroyed it will in fact be sent back to the planet etc it can from thus bouncing back.This can be used to send enemies back into their planet with it used to send bombs etc meant for Earth etc back into the area occupied by the enemies that sent the bomb to them acting as a counterattack.It will of course prevent civilian and military deaths as well..New abilities can also be added to it.Measures to increase energy efficiency can be added.Extra Stargate addresses will be added with in time even extra sub routines and protocols that deal with the finite amount of symbols and planets who are just recently seeded that can’t have Cheverons due to their location in the galaxies can be added whose star systems including those with alderson discs,dealing Midway stations and supergates with this using extra symbols and measures developed by AI including a series of encryptions that can automatically call a destination planet etc chosen on a computer menu dealing with locations that can’t have Stargate addresses on DHDs such as those that were not seeded in the past and in some cases especially in public Stargates simply one chooses a destination planet on a menu and its chevrons is dialled with DHDs complimented with the ability of touchscreen computers and even smartphones being able to link to Stargates and DHDs for explorers to bypass DHDs in emergencies using a menu system where the name and address of all planets in the galaxy or universe in folders and subfolders can be chosen on a menu and it is dialled wirelessly thus allowing DHDs to be linked to and gate addresses chosen on a menu dialled remotely that automatically sends through their GDO with said smartphones utilising the Ancient Technology Activation gene and Phanes Activation Gene Technology that also sends through their GDO both when using smartphones and also Phanes Activation Gene Technology integrated into DHDs via AI adding this to the entire system.Thus instead of using clunky GDOs that can be stolen smartphones can be used to send the GDO of not only specific teams but also specific individual members of teams using the Phanes Activation Gene Technology combined with the Ancient Technology Activation gene with the Phanes Activation Gene Technology combined with the Ancient Technology Activation gene also integrated into DHDs across the galaxies meaning when a member of Stargate Command,researchers or politicians use a DHD with their hand it will send their individual GDO automatically to the base they are entering negating issues of losing the GDO and also enemies stealing the GDO as specific genetic sequences in the persons DNA added by CRISPR will be read by the DHD and send the persons GDO to the receiving gate.This will through integrating the Phanes Activation Gene Technology can allow people to not require smartphones which can also get lost but through integrated with the DHDs will send one’s unique signal to Stargate Command preventing enemies from sending signals to gain access to Stargate Command but also denote specific individuals using the DHDs thus when a person uses the DHDs with their hands on the dial or smartphones it will send who the specific individual is.This can incorporate further security measures especially for bases wherein if a person or alien such as Jaffa,Wraith without the specific genetic sequences tries to dial a gate it will prevent a stable wormhole being formed this locking them out from dialling Earth.Cheverons for planets that cant have them and also for those on interstellar vehicles and supergates could be replaced with encryptions or them operated by AI that one simply interacts with through subspace communications and again one chooses the planet,supergates,interstellar vehicles name on a menu.Planets may be located in parts of the galaxy that don’t correspond to any constellations due to their location in the galaxy and thus will need encryptions based on genetics or due to the finite number of permutations of the symbols.Thus planets in the three galaxies that were not seeded in the past but only recently by Destiny and also supergates will use instead of cheverons will use encryptions or phone numbers etc similar to genetic sequences that stretch into infinity with Stargates in the original system of planets and original system of Stargates created by the Ancients using touchscreens that allow one to select the newly seeded planet they wish to visit on a menu on touchscreen DHDs,smartphones and touchscreens etc retrofitted into existing DHDs by selecting their name with the subspace link connecting to that Stargate using the phone number or encryptions.Thus newly seeded planets will be linked to the old existing system of planets in the Stargate system on all three galaxies by them using encryptions,phone numbers including those using genetic sequences that stretch into infinity and also selecting them on a menu on touchscreens on computer terminals in airports and also in Stargate command and also on smartphones with DHDs sldo overtime given touchscreen abilities.For the Milky Way there are a possible 1,987,690,320 possible addresses with seven symbols and 63,606,090,240 possible addresses with eight Cheverons while the Pegasus Galaxy has 1,168,675,200 seven Cheveron adresses and 33,891,580,800 possible eight chevron addresses with AI altering the system so that eight cheveron adresses rather than dialling to different galaxies can be assigned to newly seeded planets in each galaxy thus allowing eight cheveron addresses to be used for planets that don’t align to constellations etc and using encryptions based in genetics and mathematical permutations that go into infinity similar to the method detailed in the healthcare section to create an infinite number of website URLs etc etc that go to infinity to be used for Stargates that can’t use constellations such as on planets without Stargates and those on space stations,city ships and interstellar vehicles with it developing a different and more efficient means of dialling to other galaxies via using other specific encryptions including genetic based ones to dial to other galaxies allowing for an infinite number of them since there is at least 200,000,000,000 galaxies with there not enough symbols on a DHD to cater to this.Thus each galaxy will have different encryptions to dial them with when on dialling to another galaxy one dialling the planets address and then using an encryption to dial that galaxy with these encryption have a unique encryption for each galaxy in the universe.Space stations and interstellar vehicles that have Stargates will utilise only encryptions.In time newly discovered or even created artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs will utilise this system of using encryptions instead of Cheverons.Each major city on Earth and on all planets in all galaxies will have airports present that house several dozen Stargates that use this system with encryptions used to make the Stargate system into two parts with one consisting of those used by civilians onsite of airports and a second sub system used for the military and exploration teams to ensure civilians don’t end up in military bases or military personnel and alien threats can’t access civilian Stargates.Since each planet will have potentially dozens or even hundreds of mass produced Stargates divided between those for civilian use in airports etc in each major city ,military use and exploration use although a planets address will be dialled encryptions based on genetics similar to the method detailed in the healthcare section to create an infinite number of website URLs etc will be built in the entire network by AI allowing one to be directed to specific Stargates on each planet meaning civilians using Stargates in airports etc will be directed only to other specific Stargates in airports on a desired planet and the military will be sent to an Stargate within military compounds on the same planet thus preventing civilians being transported to military bases including Cheyenne mountains and preventing hostile threats gaining access to civilian Stargates thus limiting the chance of civilians being killed by bombs etc sent through the Stargates.Thus there will be two sub network created via AI creating encryptions that separates the Stargate networks on all planets in all galaxies into two different separate networks – one that links all Stargates used by military personnel in military bases across all planets and one in that links all of those in airports used by civilians on all planets with there being a third for those onsite of research bases and universities on each planet with AI on demand able to bridge the gap between each one momentarily for certain situations.The three networks wont allow for travel between countries and continents within a planet but only in between different planets.Stargates in space stations and interstellar vehicles will be able to through AI link to those used for civilians,researchers and military bases.Interstellar vehicles and space stations and also city ships similar to Atlantis could form another network with them all having mass produced Stargates as well.Those on city ships,interstellar vehicles,space stations will use unique encryptions based on genetics going into infinity similar to the method detailed in the healthcare section to create an infinite number of website URLs etc.Civillians using their Helios app using the civilian network of Stargates will be directed not only to a planet using the Stargates in airports but also be using encryptions based on genetics that go into infinity similar to the method detailed in the healthcare section to create an infinite number of website URLs etc be directed to a specific Stargate in a specific airport in a specific city on another planet in them for their desired journey destination limiting the need to use aeroplanes with Oceanus used alongside puddle jumper buses and taxis etc.Encryptions will separate the Stargates into two systems with them further utilised to allow on to be directed to a specific Stargate on a planet that is risked for both those in the civilian system and those in the military system since each city etc on each planet will have Stargates meaning each planet will have dozens,hundreds or thousands of stargates with even each planet having multiple army bases thus having the military network have at least several hundred Stargates on each planet.Furthermore with them in research bases and universities these will have their own networks and encryptions with hundreds or thousands of Stargates in this system.The transporter technology from the Aschen will be used for travelling to airports and bus stations,train stations across the world on each planet with them placed in airport,train stations and bus stations in all major cities and possibly all towns and villages across the world thus allowing one to enter their local airport,bus stations and train stations and be transported to any other one across the world by selecting a location on a menu with this like Stargates divided into three networks – one for civillians present in bus stations as well as train stations and airports,a second one that is onsite of all military basss across the world and a third for research bases and universities across the world.These three systems using encryptions will be present on all planets across the galaxies and will replace Stargates as a more energy efficient means of travelling across countries and continents across the world with again one chosing locations on a menu with the number of them in each country depending on the size of each country on each planet.The first network will be for civilian use and will be present on every town,village,city on Earth and other planets in all galaxies.These will be for civilian use and allow the average citizen to travel to any other planet across the galaxies with one deciding not only the planet to be sent to but also which specific stargste on the planet in which city,town or village.There will be hundreds or thousands of civilian stargates on each planet with each one having unique encryptions.The second network will consist of stargates that connect military bases on all planets with each planet having at least a dozen of them in multiple bases.The third network will connect all research bases and universities on all planets.Like the civilian network the research and military networks will connect to those on other planets and not on the same planet.All three networks will be separate from each other through encryptions to prevent them interacting with each other.This will possible once the repositories of knowledge and picotech fabricators and factories allow for stargates to be mass produced.At the same to compliment transporter technology to save energy there will be on all planets,airports scramjet aeroplanes that can go as fast as 10,000-25,000km per hour but there will be 90-95% less planes in the air at any given time due to transporter technologies and also Oceanus an underground and underwater hyperloop system that connects all towns,villages and cities worldwide and scramjet aeroplanes alongside people using flying vehicles modelled on puddle jumpers.These transportation options will be present on all planets worldwide.
Destiny ships can be mass produced through several means such as when the ship arrives back to Earth and also by AI etc scanning the databases in Atlantis and also the repositories of knowledge to allow them to be mass produced.These will contain miniature factories to mass produce proper stargates and picotech fabricators and fleets of Biosynths and also mass produced zero point modules as well as the ability to recharge engines and zero point modules via gaining energy from the sun using solar sails and also seed ships.These will chart their Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy for planets that don’t have stargates with proper startgates and DHDs.It is inferred that not all of the potentially 10,000,000,000 – 40,000,000,000 Earth like planets in the Milky Way were seeded in the past with the same for the Pegasus and Ancients home galaxy.These Destiny ships will mass produced in shipyards in outer space by AI and automation and then map and travel to all star systems with no planets that have stargates using the addresses extracted from the DHD networks to narrow it down and thus send ships to star systems not included in the existing network and then when the land in a star system with a planet outside of the system they will seed them with stargates and DHDs.These Destiny’s will also manufacture new ships etc in empty solar systems and chart the entire three galaxies in an exponentional manner.Each ship will contain biosynths and automated robots that mass produce them.The new Destiny ships will mass produced and constructed once schematics are gained by AI from repositories of knowledge and databases in Atlantis in fleets of several thousands with them constructed in shipyards in open space orbiting planets including gas giants as well as on Earth like planets that are then sent to different star systems as much as several thousand different galaxies across the Lankiea Supercluster with them housing all data from the original Destiny and maps of the galaxy of all planets and galaxies it visited in the last with them housing fleets of biosynths to maintain them and miniature factories for proper Stargates and DHDs and zero point modules and picotech fabricators and to construct seed ships and more Destiny ships.At the same time they will be fitted with intergalactic engines to allow them travel to all galaxies visited in the past to chart and seed planets in the entire Lanikea Supercluster which houses 100,000 galaxies.They will have repositories of knowledge that can be used by the biosynths to construct better intergalactic engines abc other technologies sent back and forth through constructed Nyx devices etc.They will all be controlled and managed by AI and be followed by ships managed by AI that construct parts of Nyx,Erebus etc and supergates not only across the three galaxies but also in each charted galaxies and in between them to allow quick communication between each other and Earth etc to relay progress if this mapping of the universe and also quick transport between Earth etc for explorers.In each discovered planet and those already visited by Destiny in the past they will seed them with proper Stargates and DHDs.They will follow this pattern that is planets found will be seeded with stargates and DHDs and they will build and mass produce more Destiny ships in empty star systems,orbiting gas giants and on Earth type planets that them are sent to other star systems and galaxies that then allows them to chart,map and seed each galaxy in an exponential rate with at least a few dozen Destiny ships sent to each galaxy as part of the Lanikea Supercluster that in turn mass produce more ships and then chart,map and seed planets in them and then also other galaxies in an exponential manner.Each galaxy will have each of their stargates have completely different sized,colours and symbols based on constellations derived by AI viewing the galaxy from the outside of it in a separate ship that controls the manufacture of ships,charting,mapping and seeding of all planets in each galaxy.The size of them would none dependent on the size of the galaxy with larger galaxies having larger amounts of constellations and thus permutations as seen by Pegasus galaxy stargates smaller than MilkyWay ones as the Pegasus galaxy is a dwarf galaxy.Each set of stargates in each galaxy will be designed by AI to look completely unique from each other to distinguish them from each other with unique synmbols,different sizes,different colours and patterns leading to an almost infinite number of types of stargates but would be composed of naquadah etc.The amount of Earth type planets in each galaxy would be larger or smaller than the Milky Way due to their size and number of stars thus affecting the size and number of symbols of stargates etc.These new stargates can use encryptions based on genetics going into infinity with the DHDs using biosynth technology,nanomaterials and quantum computing.Each ship would have repositories of knowledge that allows biosynths inside them enhance their intergalactic engines.All galaxies of the Lanikea Supercluster will be mapped and seeded in an exponential manner by the real world AI Astraeus similar to Earth that explained in the space exploration section.Even the 38 galaxies visited by Destiny in the past will be reseeded as the stargates in those galaxies predate those in the Milky Way and are not proper stargates as they are easily destroyed by gunfire and have short range that is they can only dial to nearby planets meaning a person would have to dial from one planet to the next leapfrogging until they could reach their desired planet unlike in the Milky Way etc.This will be done when the databases on Destinyare downloaded and analysed.Thus these first generation stargates in galaxies already fed by Destiny will be re seeded and replaced by proper DHDs and stargates.The Othalla and Ida galaxy will be also charted and seeded.Supergates will be constructed in between each of the 100,000 galaxies.This done in an exponential manner will allow the entire Lanikea Supercluster consisting of 100,000 galaxies to be charted and mapped in a few decades or few years with this when done opening up these galaxies for exploration that contain new alien races that are allies and threats and more galaxies for the Wraith,Gould and Lucian Alliance to exert their influence and more planets for humans to colonise.Once this done the rest of the universes 200,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe will charted and seeded.All planets in each galaxy will be seeded with DHDs and stargates that are unique from each other.Even planets with alien races of higher,equal or lower tier technology levels will be seeded to allow them to explore their galaxies.Once each galaxy is seeded it will be opened up for exploration for new movies and spin offs that introduce new planets,new completly alien plants,animals,viruses etc and sentient alien races allowing the show to last forever.The original purpose of Destiny to find out the meaning and patterns of the universe will be restarted using a fleet of Destiny ships created solely for this
The fate of the original Destiny can be resolved by it arriving back in the Milky Way sometime after the the public on Earth becoming aware of the Stargate programme etc and be debriefed about what had since then such as the Trump,Biden adminstrations,Coronavirus pandemic it’s curing and formation of a global government and subsequent intergalactic government and new technologies such as CRISPR,immortality etc.Once Destiny’s fate is resolved the planets and galaxies can be utilised alongside other galaxies across the universe with other non human races that can be integrated into the intergalactic body and others that become threats to all three galaxies.Supergates can be constructed between the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home Galaxy and all newly reseeded and discovered galaxies to accomadate interstellar travel between them with the same abilities as normal Stargates through subpace link with them opened up using touchscreen computers onsite of interstellar vehicles with this complimenting interstellar and intergalactic vehicles with research done into making intergalactic travel using Stargates done including using a version of the Midway stations using reverse engineered puddle jumpers and shuttles onsite of airports that can transport at least a dozen or more people at once alongside making Stargates more energy efficient with regards to both interstellar and intergalactic travel.Supergates through the subspace link can be given the same upgrades as normal Stargates.In universe versions of the Borg trans warp conduit and corridors can be developed for quick travel within galaxies and in between galaxies.Travel between Earth and other colonies in the Milky Way and other galaxies for the average citizen as will consist of Stargates in airports,interstellar and intergalactic cruise ships that carry thousands or millions of people at once as well as city ships similar to Atlantis with them using hyperdrive,artificial wormholes and supergates that are ubiquitous to the average citizen making travel between Earth and all colonies across the galaxies within ubiquitous reach of the average citizen with travel between cities and countries on Earth consisting of transporter technology from the Aschen,Oceanus hyperloop systems that connects all cities across the world,Eos scramjets that can travel between 10,000-25,000kmph and flying private vehicles and private busses and taxis reverse engineered from puddle jumper shuttles derived from the Ancients present in Atlantis.Since mass produced Stargates can be in airports etc in every city in the world in Earth and other planets with them each containing at least a dozen Stargates that transport batches of people at once to airports on other planets within seconds at specific times of the day,week,year similar to aeroplanes with scramjet aeroplanes catering to flights to other airports on Earth and other planets.Puddle jumpers will be reverse engineered from those in Atlantis and mass produced making them ubiquitous on Earth but with customised designs that allow the average citizen to fly in highways in the sky and even go into space that allows them to not only travel between cities on Earth and other colonies but also travel between planets via hyperspace thus complimenting Stargates and interstellar vehicles with them being fitted with interstellar and even intergalactic engines from Atlantis and the Asgard fitted into them will allow puddle jumpers of customised designs that can travel in the air on Earth and other planets but also travel in space to allow the average citizens puddle jumper with customised designs travel between Earth and other planets not just in the Milky Way galaxy but also in other galaxies thus these puddle jumpers owned by the average citizen be able to fly in the sky on Earth etc negating the need for roads that will be dug up and converted into hiking paths but also travel to other planets in the three galaxies as well as travel between each galaxies with ease with them also using either the Midway station and also supergates as well as built in interstellar and intergalactic engines.Thus the average citizen on Earth and all planets will have an all in one flying vehicle for flying on Earth and also interstellar and intergalactic vehicle for travelling between planets and galaxies with large interstellar and intergalactic vehicles used as commercial cruise ships and those for research,exploration and military vessels.They will not need the ATA gene but possibly version of the Phanes Activation Gene Technology.These like all interstellar and intergalactic vehicles will be autonomous controlled by AI namly ones Home AI with all roads worldwide replaced by hiking paths outside of cities while those inside cities are replaced with porous asphalt etc for pedestrians etc.Roads on Earth and equally advanced planets will in the case of those in wilderness areas and outskirts of towns,cities etc will be dug up and turned into hiking paths and those in cities turned into pedestrians streets replaced with porous asphalt and pavement etc with it negating the need for building roads on other planets across the galaxies that don’t have them and newly colonised planets.These will use mass produced naquadah and naquadria generators and zero point modules or organically based cold fusion from terra root plants to travel on planets and across star systems and galaxies with rather than a homogenised design of the puddle jumpers they will be customised designs for each person of any design.These will be able to open up wormholes and hyperspace openings abc the power sources would last for at least several years or decades for each vehicle depending on their use with supergates used to cut down on energy use with one simply ordering in new zero point modules and naquadah and naquadria created by Picotech fabricators etc every few years.If possible naquadah and naquadrias ability to store and generate large amounts of energy can be utilised as powerful electrical batteries that are charged from electrical pumps in Phaeton stations and home chargers that when combined with graphene schwarzites and or Biosynth technology and having the naquadah and naquadria in the form of schwarzites can allow it store vast amounts of energy enough that can allow for interstellar and intergalactic travel and flying in the atmosphere of planets but at the same time be more stable thus less likely to explode than normal naquadah and naquadria.This would allow for vehicles batteries being charged from the electrical grid requiring the same amount of energy to charge real world Biosynth batteries and take only a few minutes with them safe to be in all private vehicles with them lasting virtually forever with these schwarzites of naquadah and naquadria like the raw versions of them beimg able to store and conduct large amounts of energy enough to cater to interstellar and intergalactic travel like in intergalactic vessels.Mass produced zero point modules can be used in place of them or alongside them alongside cold fusion from TerraRoot.The zero point modules can be modified to the point that they can be recharged from the grid over and again thus allowing them to last forever with modified TerraRoot able to recharge via being exposed to the activators routinely with all three being combined to increase their lifespan,act as backups and enhance each other when combined.Thus the average citizen across the three galaxies will have an all in one flying car,interstellar and intergalactic vehicle with flying public vehicles such as buses and taxis existing with the same abilities with also aeroplanes based on puddle jumpers being able to do these three abilities as well that travel from city to city on Earth alongside travel between different planets and galaxies.In universe versions of the Borg trans warp conduit and corridors can be developed for quick travel within galaxies and in between galaxies.Space elevators will be present in one continent on Earth and all planets with each planet having at least one or five for these puddle jumpers and interstellar and intergalactic cruise ships and military vessels.Interstellar cruise ships will carry large volumes of passengers at least several hundred or several thousand at once with also city ships similar to Atlantis mass produced and acting as cruise ships that can transport at least a million people at once in sizeable bedrooms and house automated dining halls and kitchens with them traveling through hyperspace and at times sun light speeds to give passengers bird eyes view of nebulae,star systems and planets etc along the way.Thus there will be interstellar cruise ships.There will also be interstellar taxis and buses modelled in puddle jumpers.These will take off from space elevators one in each continent on Earth and also floating airports in the middle of oceans accessed via ferries or where one lands their puddle jumper which then returns home and arrives when they have returned..
As stated zero point energy modules will be reverse engineered and mass produced from the repositories of knowledge making them ubiquitous on Earth and all colonies as well as all interstellar vehicles alongside other more powerful energy sources with all colonies using a combination of geothermal,synthetic oil and gas and using up remaining reserves of oil,coal and gas and also renewables,Biosynth batteries and dyson swarms with picotech fabricators similar to Star Trek replicators catering to the mass production of raw elements to mass produce naquadah and naquadria generators,Stargates,zero point modules,interstellar vehicles and most technologies reversed engineered and city ships with biocompatible microbes replacing most elements in all electronics etc.Naquadah,naquadria and Trinium will be mass produced by these Picotech fabricators similar to Star Trek replicators once their elemental structure is analysed with research into atom thick allotropes of these similar to Graphene,indium selenide and boron nitride and also nanotubes and schwarzites of them to enhance their properties for commercial use in all sectors of society such as construction,weapons,energy storage etc.New isotopes of naquadah and Trinium can be researched alongside applications for them in a sectors in society.Picotech fabricators similar to Star Trek Replicators will be used to mass produce not just all raw elements but also naquadah,Trinium and in turn Stargates,zero point modules .New elements and elemental compounds unique to the show will be created..Dyson swarms,fusion power and zero point modules etc will be used to power picotech fabricators to mass produce all technologies with the asteroid belts and Oort clouds surrounding the Earths solar system and that of all planets across the three galaxies will provide extra raw material alongside biocompatible microbes being able to replace all 94 elements in interstellar vehicles,city ships,Destiny’s and also most electronics.Project Arcturus can be restarted by AI and Rodney McKay in an safe area of the galaxies such as uninhabited solar system etc with all black holes in the galaxies such as the ones around P3W-45 have structures built to extract immense amounts of energy that are distributed across the galaxy with dyson swarms set up around the suns of all planets inhabited by humans across the galaxies.Zero point modules will be mass produced and of various sizes and strengths that can be modified to be rechargeable over and over again with them used to power interstellar vehicles,Charge individual stargates,individual buildings and entire cities as well as puddle jumpers used by the average citizen.
.Remaining remenants of the Gould and their followers as well as remaining extremist followers of the Ori and the remenants of the Wraith can be added as new threats with the Gould for example using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs from Earth able to create genetically distinct queens and even countless new armies of humans,Jaffa and augmented humans using genetic engineering to become an new stronger threat with the same augmentations as detailed in the healthcare section thus becoming a larger threat and regain their lost terrorities as well as being back long dead Gould with their memories through cloning or new Gouald with different names from ancient Earth mythology or new names from scratch and even those taking the same name and place as dead Gould or living high ranking officials such as first primes to take over their territories with this done by devout followers of them and the Lucian Alliance.The Tokra can also using the Lazarus and Phanes using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs create an almost unlimited amount of new genetically distinct queens using DNA from the body of Egeria that houses the genetic memory and lineage of Egeria both present in her dead body and also that from each remaining member of Tokra with Phanes filling in the blanks and even from using DNA from captured queens etc that will allow them to produce more genetically distinct symbiotes with as stated them able to mass produce genetically distinct queens using both Egerias DNA and that is in all living Tokra symbiotes via Phanes reverse engineering them using their DNA.The new queens will be designed to be of course sentient but also having individual separate individual personalities with genes from Egeria and her DNA spread across the Tokras symbiotes and the Jaffa making the new queens have similar benevolent personalities like her that are against the Gouald and only take willing hosts.The DNA present in all Tokra symbiotes can be analysed using biocompatible microbes scanning their DNA through horizontal gene transfer and then when uploaded to a network can be used by Phanes to fill in the blanks and create through the Phanes and Lazarus method an unlimited amount of genetically distinct queens and symbiotes all sentient,benevolent and separate individuals from each other.These queens will since derived from the Tokra that has Egerias DNAs can have traces of her memory and personality and thus countless genetically distinct queens that have different personalities that are just as benovalent as Egeria and these can have anti-ageing treatments and augmentations to become immortal with them when in a female body and fertilise through sexual inter course with many human males that genetically distinct from each other will create many genetically distinct symbiotes with humans across Earth including everyday civilians,researchers,military personnel and even politicians and celebrities becoming willing hosts to them.Existing Tokra and Jaffa will have microbes suited to humans and symbiotes that apply CRISPR treatments to both the human host and symbiote to give them both augmentations and anti-ageing treatments to make them immortal.The signature cesearean cuts on the stomach can be sealed in by stem cells strains and actual surgery to become fully human with the symbiotes entering and exiting through the mouth etc.The Jaffa can use CRISPR to enhance and even replace Tretonin by having human DNA present added that allows them to produce their own fully functioning immune system thus negating then to have either symbiotes or Tretonin with them and humans across the three galaxies willingly becoming hosts to the new symbiotes created by the Tokra and their queens both as military personnel,researchers as part of Stargate Command and even civilians on Earth and colonies across the three galaxies.Symbiotes will still exist in Jaffa.These can be plot points in all spin offs such as dramas and action ones.The Gouald will seek control of the Milky Way galaxy,Pegasus Galaxy and even Ancients Home galaxy.Any remaining Gould system lords that are still alive and whose fate was left unknown such as Kali,Amatarasu,Belus,Ptah,Ishkur,Pelops,Svarog,Morrigan,Athena,Vritra,Zeus,Mars,Manannan mac Lir and any remaining first Primes could be revealed to have been in hiding building up armies and thus becoming threats on par with or more powerful than previous system lords and new system lords can use this to become more powerful and mass produce Jaffa etc thus becoming a new stronger threat to the galaxies in a genetic arms race.They will ideally be played by original actors tracked down by Assistsant AI and use double agents,salvaging inhabited planets that are undergoing colonisation efforts and reverse engineering Ancient and Earth based technologies.It will be ideal to use these and other Gould system lords as new threats as they were underused and only appeared in one or two episodes only briefly or were mentioned only briefly so it would make sense to have become main antagonists to expand their roles and importance rather than being disposed of without any development or depth.They will use the power vacuums left by the death of all major Gouald system lords.They will become bigger threats with them spread across the different spin offs again floating in and out giving them more time to develop them as threats to the galaxies and characters to add depth with those caught can have the symbiote extracted saving the human host to be rehabilitated on Earth and various planets across the galaxies which can be plot points with their human hosts during rehabilitations added as characters to the different spin offs as extra characterisation with the symbiote Gould rather than being killed put on trial for genocide and war crimes etc in Hades and Tarturas for due to their large human death tolls these sentences lasting hundreds of millions of years and even billions of years.Separate spin offs can be created for each and everyone of all past dead Gould system lords such as Nirrti,Bubastis,Hathor,Cronus,Baal,Ra and Apophis that details their origin stories in the ancient past and charts their rise to power using the Unas as hosts and also even charting how they took their last human hosts(an few episodes of each spin off can be used to detail the background stories of their human hosts)and chart their conflicts with each other in ancient and modern times and unique stories and even deaths or downfalls and include events from the original show and new spin offs shown from their perspective with them played by their original actor.Separate spin offs can be done if all remaining ones such as Amertasu,Morrigan,Kali etc that are still alive will also have spin offs created that will do the same and chart events that occur during Stargate SG-1 and the new spin offs from their point of view with seasons jumping several decades and centuries etc in time to allow each season chart key events and arcs of their lifetime to prevent them becoming bogged down etc with each season as stated charting a single set of key events and plot arcs that cover several years etc and every few seasons jumping forward in time a few years,decades,centuries or thousand years.This will be done to give them depth and characterisation etc rather than being stick thin cartoon villains with them played by original actors and in the case of dead actors played by actors using their avatar via VR simulations.There can be those focusing on dead system lords like Hathor,Nirrti,Baal,Bubastis,Ra,Apep,Anubis including those that didn’t appear in the show alongside those for those still alive like Ameratasu,Svarog,Morrigan,Athena and evening new ones based on remaining world mythology etc with dozens,hundreds or thousands of these spin offs.These can be live action or animated.There will also be a spin off that deal with them collectively and their activities together in the past.Like Baal dead system lords and their hosts could resurrected using cloning technologies and The Gouald now stronger through genetic engineering including CRISPR and also the ability to mass produce genetically distinct queens,normal symbiotes,Jaffa etc and human slaves using the Phanes method managed by their own AI combined with artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers gained from the Lucien Alliance will seek control of the Milky Way galaxy,Pegasus Galaxy and even Ancients Home Galaxy and those opened up by Destiny.Minor system lords can be added as those who use the power vacuum and ability to create new queens etc or those derived from newly created queens.They can consist of queens with unique genomes and thus unique personalities mass produced from 3D DNA printers DNA artificial wombs and also existing minor system lords and also surviving first primes and surviving system lords such as Svarog,Amerastasu,Morrigon etc as well as even Jaffa footsoldiers using the political vacuum left by the death of the original system lords and technology gained from the Lucien Alliance to gain control of the Milky Way galaxy with them using names of different deities from Earth mythology from all types of mythology from around the world such as Japanese,Norse,Greek,Chinese,Slavic,Canaanite,Celtic,Mayan,Aztec etc mythology with them holding small or large numbers of human slaves that follow customs of each Earth based culture is those from Ancient times.Deities from existing panthenons in the show that were not used can be used and include mythology from other planets that developed their own mythology or it being the case of the system lords using new names from scratch that they then influenced mythology and panthenons of humans and non human races across the Milky Way.New system lords can arise from Gouald who were first primes,minor system lords or just underlings in the form of Jaffa footsoldiers etc that used the power vacuum from the death of Baal and collapse of the original system lords to gain prominence in the Milky Way.Like the main existing series this can involve those still under system lord control that and also those that have overthrown them.This will also include new system lords created by the Phanes method and 3D DNA printers bought from the Lucien Alliance and can include societies that follow different cultural practices such as human and animal sacrifices,patriarchial societies,those that follow cultural practices and architecture associated with each ancient cultures or even matriarchal societies where women are the dominant gender that is in charge of society and men are subservient to women with them of different technological tiers.The Gouald will develop their own AI,genetic engineering and other new technologies on Earth through reverse engineering them and through the Lucien Alliance but not as powerful as that on Earth since they cannot have access to the Ancients repositories of knowledge and in a technological arms race and even try to reverse engineer Asgard,Ancient and Ori technologies and those developed on Earth as well as steal them from researchers through surprise attacks,double agents and even attempts to acces the repositories of knowledge themselves making them a constant threat with the Wraith doing this also.As detailed they will gain these technologies by making deals with Lucian Alliance.Other Gouald system lords can come in the form of those from other Earth mythologies such as ancient China,Ancient Greece or Rome and also those from Slavic,Celtic etc mythology including deities not used from each panthenon with this including those that have survived from the actions of Stargate Command but also those created by remaining queens and the Phanes method used to mass produce genetically distinct queens and mass produce genetically distinct symbiotes.They will fight amongst each other to retain lost territories and new ones including Earth and band together to deal with the galactic entity providing a new stronger threat to all galaxies as well as their being some Gouald whether it is minor system lords,Jaffa etc who for various reasons such as contempt for other system lords,growing weary of conquest etc and persecution from the Gouald will join part of the intergalactic entity defecting to the side of humanity to provide whatever assistance to Earth etc such as their technologies,double agents to infiltrate alongside the Tokra to fight against the new and improved threat to add complexity and depth to the rather one dimensional enemy.Considering the Milky Way is estimated to house between 11,000,000,000-40,000,000,000 Earth like planets there will be enough planets within and outside of the Stargate network for this newly empowered Gouald system lords to exert their influence with using intergalactic engines from the Lucien Alliance they will seek dominance over not just the Milky Way galaxy but also the Pegasus galaxy,the Ancients home galaxy and those as part of the Lankiea superclusters opened up by Destiny.The Wraith both living Queens and soldiers etc can also use this as well allowing them to become a bigger threat or they can use advancements in CRISPR via making a truce with humans can have living members of the Wraith including queens be engineered to no longer need humans as a food source as well as making their hands harmless and them unable to kill humans through their hands with the feeding method on their hands removed by gene therapy and stem cell strains etc and be able to eat and consume the same food as humans and create new genetically distinct queens etc to increase their populations and them divided into peaceful factions that want to side with humans and become part of the intergalactic entity via CRISPR allowing them to no longer consume humans.To add to this other factions of queens that want to continue subjugating humans as food and will be using genetic engineering to become even stronger than before and wish to conquer the Milky Way and regain control of the Pegasus galaxy and also gain control of the Ancients home galaxy and new galaxies opened up by Destiny etc with them again reverse engineering human,ancient and Asgard technology and their own AI.Again the Phanes method can allow them to mass produce genetically engineered queens and soldiers using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs.Using 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs malevolent factions of the Wraith will use 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs and AI from the Lucien alliance to mass produce genetically distinct queens,soldiers etc and also even humans that are mass produced on ships,space stations and planets as an endless food source and raised in pens in space stations and ships etc like livestock whose safe emancipation can be plot points the Wraith and Gould will continue on as a lingering threat alongside the tyranical Lucien alliance however there will be factions that want to join humans and those who want to continue to enslave humans with new other alien threats added.The Wraith like the Gouald can have spin offs detailing their history or their creation and evolution and then their battles with the Ancients and Asurans and civil wars with each other and also battles against the humans of Genii,Athosia and other planets over the thousands of years in the distant past prior to 2006 and then chart the events of Stargate:Atlantis and new spin offs from their point of view with this focusing on several key queens,soldiers etc with seasons detailing key events and arcs and jumping ahead several decades or centuries etc at a time.The newly empowered Gould and Wraith can be dealt with in one or two series or the same series including the macro series and spin offs.Both the Wraith and Gould will be seeking dominance over each other and humans while trying to take control of the three galaxies and those opened up by Destiny and intergalactic engines with some members of the Gouald and Wraith defecting to the side of humans and joining this entity due to not needing to feed on humans anymore as well as growing weary of fighting amongst each other.The Gouald and Wraith can be split into different factions that include those that build alliances with each other and those that fight against these alliances with civil wars occurring between themselves.Factions of the Gouald can make alliances with different factions of the Wraith,factions of the Gouald will form alliances with different system lords etc and factions occuring with different Wraith Queens with their being factions of both the Wraith and Gouald opposing this and wanting to seek dominance over each other alongside seeking dominance over Earth,and all three galaxies as well as those opened up by Destiny and as stated factions siding with humans and factions between different system lords and different Wraith factions that with alliances and truces changing all the time.Factions of the Gouald,their Jaffa snd even Wraith footsoldiers and Queens will form alliances with and integrating with humanity and the intergalactic UN for various reasons.This will add depth and conflict to the Wraith and Gouald rather than being one dimensional enemies with each major system lord and Wraith hives having depth added to them.The Wraith and Gouald will seek control of the three galaxies via intergalactic engines and also the 38 galaxies visited by Destiny in the past and the rest of the Lanikea Supercluster via intergalactic engines and Supergates and make alliances and be threats to other non human alien races across the galaxies..The Lucien Alliance will utilise this complex interrelationships between the different factions of the Gouald and Wraith to their advantage by selling both sides at conflict with other technologies to instil warfare between different factions to make profit similar to the way corporations sell weapons to both sides in a war for profit in the real world.The Wraith and Gouald will be dealt with in multiple spin offs of different genres at once during an episode,a few episodes,an entire season.If possible entire spin offs can be created that deals with the Wraith and Gouald either separately or together that shows events from their perspective that deals with their interactions with each other with entire spin offs dealing with each alien and human threat to Earth the three galaxies and these spin offs focusing specific individual Wraith and Gouald system lords,queens and soldiers etc.Stargate Command will battle with them in the three galaxies and even in the galaxies reseeded by Destiny to prevent them hiding in these galaxies to build up armies and slaves using artificial wombs and 3D DNA printing with them battling the wraith and Gould and other new alien threats across multiple spin offs at once.News reports on the metafiction YouTube channel and also in the shows themselves reporting on them frequently especially attempted and successful terrorist attacks carried out by them and also battles where they lose or win etc.The Ancients,Furlings and possibly Asgard may play a direct role including them being revived by 3D DNA printers using the Phanes method and artificial wombs using Phanes and collected DNA samples.This can be used to recreate the Furlings,Ancients and Asgard including the long lost original Asgard in hypersleep stasis chambers(possibly using memory crystals of Asgard etc from the show)using existing strands of DNA from dead known samples etc and from the Asgard’s databases on The Odyssey etc with the Ancients DNA coming from samples in the repository of knowledge,databases in Atlantis etc and from Ayianas dead body as well as Ancient gene resequencers,Ascension machines and technology used to artificially ascend humans through biosynths for example using the Ancient Ascension machinery to ascend humans found in Atlantis that forcibly causes the genome of biosynths to develop the DNA of the Ancients and towards ascension found in Atlantis that forcibly causes one genome to develop the DNA of the Ancients and towards ascension and then DNA tests allowing for the mapping their DNA alongside other means and those with the Ancient Technology Activation gene and AI such as Phanes recreating them from scratch by filling in blanks and using the Phanes method software and conflicts can arise when the Ancients DNA gets leaked to the public.As detailed this machine can be modified so that humans once the reach the necessary neural computing power similar to the Ancients prior to Ascension can stay that way forever thus allowing human test subjects to be used and their DNA analysed at the peak neural state and used as a baseline to recreate the Ancients en masse alongside using data present in the Atlantis databases.The Asgard will have have them recreated to what they were like in the distant past as shown in the stasis pods using DNA from the pods and databases on the Odyssey.The Furlings can be revived through again finding their bodies in stasis pods and computer databases in their home planets and dericlict ships.The fate of the Furlings can be finally resolved with them either long extinct or ascended like the Ancients etc or having left and still living in galaxies other than the Milky Way galaxy including those discovered by Destiny etc or on one of the billions of planets across the Milky Way galaxy with them revived also from DNA samples left behind.As stated through genetic samples from dead bodies and databases alongside 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs large numbers of of the Ancients,Asgard and potentially Furlings and other extinct races if discovered can be created via the Phanes and Lazarus method managed by Phanes thus resurrecting the Ancients,Asgard(to their original state) and Furlings etc.This can be a plot point with Phanes recreating the original Asgard and Ancients DNA using the Phanes method and filling in blanks using DNA from dead specimens and databases thus creating sizeable populations of them as explained in the conservation and healthcare section of the website.Thus using advances in real world genetics the Ancients,Furlings,Asgard etc such as 3D DNA printers,Phanes method the AI Phanes abc artificial wombs et can be brought back from extinction opening up new plot thread and them integrated into the confederation.Each unique groups of aliens and humans that are under threat of extinction such as Oannes,Gadmeer,Enkarans,Tollan,Aschen,Satedans,Volians,Tegalans and other genetically distinct races of humans can be mass produced via the Phanes method via 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs creating at least several million with the Gadmeer and Enkaran etc using scratch DNA etc through CRISPR be engineered to be able to survive on Earth and other planets thus making them able to appear on Earth and other planets in all spin offs.
The Ancient Technology Activation gene that allows certain people to use ancient technology can by CRISPR be applied to all relevant personnel in the government,Stargate Command,military personnel and researchers with a 100% success rate with it possibly leaked to public.If possible it can be integrated with the Phanes Activation Gene Technology wherein different combinations of uracil,Guanine,Cytosine,Adenosine,Thymine and scratch DNA for each piece of Ancient technology with the Phanes Activation gene technology utilised by Stargate and government personnel to access specific computer databases and information.CRISPR and its ability to give humans etc augmentations and thus new abilities using genes from plants and animals and new abilities using scratch DNA will be explored as a theme for all spin offs of all genres.Once stored in a secure network 3D DNA printers can create microbes that can apply as an augmentation to have the Ancient Technology Activation Gene added to the genome with an 100% accuracy to virtually anyone thus allowing it to be mass produced and allowed to be given to virtually anyone who needs with authorisation ie researchers,military personnel etc with it used as a means to access their technologies and use weapons etc.The Ancient Technology Activationn Gene can be modified to be similar to Phanes Activation gene Technology being hybridised with it to allow it be used by specific personnel to acces and use specific computer networks and dtatbases,reversed engineered technologies etc with the Ancient Technology Activation Gene can be modified to interact with extra sequences of all genetic bases so that the base Ancient Technology Activation Gene can operate specific ancient technologies and those reverse engineered but specific sequences of bases may be required to access extra features and be a baseline for adminstrator and daughter access to them and also specific databanks.The average citizen will utilise for vehicles including personnel puddle jumpers and electronics.This hybridising the Ancient Technology Activation Gene with the Phanes Activation Gene Technology itself is derived from the Ancient Technology Activation Gene working in the same principle.The various abilities of the ancients such as psychic powers,the ability to heal others can become mass produced and ubiquitous to Stargate command and of possible the public.Both CRISPR and the Phanes method alongside artificial wombs and bodies in hypersleep and stasis can be used to cure the genetic degradation of the Vanir in the Pegasus galaxy and allow them to engage in sexual reproduction once bodies that are cured of all defects that contain their original DNA from specimens in stasis pods and their database of their entire knowledge making them part of the alliance and ally against the Wraith etc.The Phanes method,artificial wombs,3D DNA printers and Phanes etc as detailed in the healthcare and conservation sections of this website can be used to recreate the Tollan,Volians,Aschen and also Oannes and other genetically endangered human races and non human races across the galaxies to whom only several hundred or thousands exist to be mass produced in stable numbers creating millions of new individuals.The Gadmeer,Enkarans and also Oannes etc can through CRISPR can be modified to be able to survive on all colonies across the galaxy including Earth allowing them to appear as characters in all spin offs.Thus advancements in genetics in the real world can be utilised with both good consequences for humanity but also negative consequences when utilised for selfish ends by the Gouald,Wraith etc creating a genetic arms race between them and humans.The Nox may also play a role alongside new alien species including both fictional ones and those from the real world.Remaining devout followers of the Ori and Origin both everyday citizens and remenants of their army and that of the Ori with space ships etc can be new threats to the three galaxies dealing with extremist followers and also even less fanatical followers can be dealt with.The remenants of the Aschen Confederacy can be touched upon as either a threat or ally or both with some members wanting to become allies as they see the death of Mollum etc at the hands of SG-1 justified for their own genocide in the past and those who want revenge for it and want the Aschen to become the predominant force across the galaxies for those that survived the events 2010 where some of the Aschen government were killed by the black hole sent though the stargate with their homeworld still preserved and standing and not destroyed leaving the entire populations conflicts and culture explored with their also being remenants of the Aschen spread across the planets in the galaxy they took control of and wiped out the native population through sterilisation such as Volia and many others across their sector of the galaxy.Aschen Prime could be left standing with as stated Mollum and several members of their government members killed after being able to disable the Stargate similar to how SG1 did since being more advanced than Earth they could be able to have saved their planet with only a few casualties.Aschen Prime and all planets under the Aschen Confederation will be integrated with Joseph Faxon reintroduced since he would be still left on Volia living their since 2001 for roughly 20-30 years as well as moving in and out between all planets as part of the Aschen Confederacy including Aschen Prime.All planets as part of the Confederacy will be integrated with the vast majority of the Aschen citizens supportive of joining as well as either being either completely oblivious to the social genoicide and other crimes of Mollum or put into peer pressure and thus unable to do anything meaning only a few members or only all members of the Aschen government and not the vast majority of citizens being put on trial for these crimes but the vast majority of citizens and governments being spared since being unaware of the sterilisation of other worlds or those who knew being powerless to do anything and them having mixed feelings such as some being appalled and eager to join while others justify it giving the Aschen depth with all human cultures and alien races showing different opinions of being integrated to them depth.Furthermore remenants of the Aschen would exist on all planets they conquered.Conflict will exist between the Aschen and humans from planets they conquered..Furthermore new fields of scientific research will be started into the process of Ascension and the higher planes of existence involved in ascension by AI and human researchers and the Great Path as well as both the nature of the universe itself by human and AI researchers with the original purpose of Destiny restarted for this and the genetic evolution of the Ancients alongside natural and synthetic drugs developed to mimic the effects of Ascension and increase the chances of achieving it researched.The myth of humans only using 10% of their brain can be retconned as the ancients and those affected by the Ascension machine only having more tightly packed neurons.more neurons or different types of neural tissue in the brain different than normal humans as the genes of the Sncients and those derived from the Ascension Machine through the addition of genes from the Ancients would have effects on neural tissue.The Ascension machine will be researched,modified and mass produced as part of this with researchers using it achieve ascension to expand these new fields of science and research.The ascension machine will be mass produced but also modified by AI and human researchers so that once a human uses it they will be rather than having a finite time to ascend whereupon they will die due to overloading of their brain it could modify their DNA so as to keep humans at a peak neural state that they could stay forever that have them make them hybrids of humans and Ancients that could stay at this state forever thus giving them forever to ascend to higher planes of existence.The peak neural state would be where the individual would be a hybrid between a human and an Ancient thus having all of their powers and capabilities.This would through extensive genetic engineering rewrite a persons genome to the point that they will become hybrids between both humans and Ancients thus allowing them to have the increased intelligence and all of the powers the Ancients had thus allowing to exist forever without dying giving them a boost to a state where it would be easier to ascend through spiritual means.These machines would have built in safeguards like VR programmes and scanning of ones memories to carry out purity tests before their DNA is modified managed by AI such as Metis and Iaso etc to ensure only benevolent individuals can use the machines first preventing the misuse of it and preventing it used for those who wish to use to gain power through worship like the Ori and Anubis acting as a failsafe and security measure.The machine will only bring one to the lower higher planes of existence with to reach the higher planes of existence say on par with the Ancients would require further meditation thus acting only as a stepping stone to the Great Path rather than fully ascending them with it mass produced on-site of universities and also spiritual retreats in Earth,Celestis,Kheb and planets relevant to the Ancients across the three galaxies .Furthermore by modifying ones DNA to that of the Ancients it can once humans reach this peak it would as stated have them house of the Ancients DNA which would give them all of their cabilities.This would allow researchers and AI narrow down and ascertain the genes of the Ancients responsible for their ability to heal others,telekinesis and fire energy projectiles etc which via CRISPR can be applied to military personnel etc with a 100% success rate with military personnel having only one of these or a mixture of them.It can be used by AI to extrapolate new genes that give new powers and abilities with these genes sought by the Lucien alliance to sell to the Wraith and Gouald etc for premium prices.If possible it can also be used to allow AI such as Phanes to reverse engineer the genome of the Ancients themselves with when combined with 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs can bring the Ancients back from extinction.These ascension machines will be mass produced and found in universities,spiritual retreats etc across the galaxies..AI will allow the vast reams of knowledge of the Asgard given to SG-1 and that in Atlantis and possibly to a certain degree some of the vast knowledge it can decipher that is housed in the various Ancients repositories of knowledge to be decipher to help it reverse engineer Asgard,Wraith,Ancient etc technologies to be more mass produced on Earth and all colonies etc and in turn exponentially increase the computing power of AI in a positive feedback loop and thus develop other technologies including those completely new to the show,the new technologies section of this websiteand those from other science fiction shows and also enhance existing ones such as interstellar and intergalactic engines on space vessels,mass produced Destiney ships that can make them more energy efficient and faster thus making interstellar and intergalactic travel ubiquitous and reduce the time to travel between star systems and galaxies take at most several days or several weeks with this getting better over time.The AI will since only AI and not ascended be only to access and decipher only specific information but not all of it to give it limitations in its current state with it being to access information that can be comprehend by AI in its current state such as location of planets across the galaxies visited by the Ancient,address of Stargate addresses and how to mass produce Stargates on a unlimited scale scale,manufacture zero point modules,new technologies with regard to interstellar and intergalactic travel that improve their efficiency and speeds including the ability to open wormholes,how engineer and mass produce Picotech fabricators,stargates,zero point modules and of course all technologies in the new technologies section and also all of those from the Asgard,Ancients,Tollan and other human and non human races across the gslaxies with these new technologies being ones that improve the livelihoods of all citizens in all galaxies that become ubiquitous with their being limitations as to how much the servers etc of AI can acccess,store and interpret in its limited physical state with only a finite of the repositories knowledge and information left behind by the Ancients accessible to AI even though it would still get exponentially more powerful than humans every year and by itself would be able to comprehend concepts beyond human comprehension that even information left behind by Ancients would be beyond it due to the fact that AI even biosynths would not be truly organic and spiritual in nature like the replicators similar to RepliCarter,the Asurans and thus unable to ascend or understand concepts that even the ascended ancients could understand thus leaving it handicapped in comparison to the Ancients but still be more powerful than humans thus leaving AI in a sort of middle ground.If possible AIs exponential growth in computing power could potentially allow it reach a state similar to ascension or means to achieve this over thousands of years leaving it with a goal with if possible Biosynths containing DNA from the Ancients could allow for this as a stepping stone especially when the Ascension machine is reverse engineered.The DNA of the ancients derived from Ayianas body etc can be integrated into both biosynths that use them controlled by AI and servers composed of biocompatible microbes and biosynth technology will allow it access to the information within the repositories and store it but again it will be so vast and even beyond that of AI in a physical state it could only look for specific information at a time and only certain information and not all of it thus giving AI limitations while Biosynth technology allowing it to store vastly more amounts of this information in large servers compared to existing computers prior to 2029 and even that of the Asgard that would take it time to decipher and as stated only a finite amount of information being able to be extracted and stored on biosynth servers etc at a time that would have to be deleted once transferred to other networks at a time with AI using the repositories themselves to exponentially increase its computing power thus increasing exponentially the amount of information it can extract,decipher and store overtime in a positive feedback loop.Even any revived Ancients would still be only be able to acccess only a limited amount of information due to it being so vast.Thus the repositories of knowledge and vast amounts of data in Atlantis as well as the various repositories of knowledge and that left behind by the Asgard in Unending will be used as a way for AI to reverse engineer and mass produce technologies such as Stargates,supergates.midway stations,zero point modules,seed ships,city ships similar to Atlantis,interstellar and intergalactic vehicles and engines,zero point modules,Destiny and reverse engineer all technologies in all three shows including those from the Asgard,Ancients,Ori,Gouald,Wraith,Aschen,Tollan,Furlings,Nox etc both from its repositories and also interacting with these races as well as existing and new technologically advanced factions of humans and non human races across the three galaxies and those spread across this entire website and those from other science fiction shows and new technologies for the show made availible to all citizens across all three galaxies.It would also use this to make these technologies more efficient.AI will also investigate ways to mass produce the repositories of knowledge themselves to be spread across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home Galaxy as well as those formerly visited by Destiny and those as part of the Lanikea Supercluster it then begins to explore by reverse engineering the actual pedestals and then finding ways to link these to the database of the ancients by linking them to higher planes of reality with this also done to make them not need charging or them charged by geothermal and zero point modules but also modify how information is attained and how much can be accessed at a time and will be done to allow AI etc to access it on multiple planets or of possible all planets across all three galaxies and even all planets mapped as part of the Lanikea Supercluster etc.This will be done to negate the need to travel back and forth between these galaxies and the Milky Way galaxy to allow it develop more technologies such as make the Destiny Ships more efficient and have faster intergalactic engines and possibly intergrate the ability to open up artificial wormholes that allow them to cross intergalactic distances in weeks or days.These newly mass produced repositories of knowledge and existing ones will be be modified to not need be recharged and also use zero point energy modules and other sources of energy such as geothermal grid to operate constantly and only accept those with the ATA gene thus preventing it from interfacing and thus killing anyone without it alongside other modifications and safety measures.They can also be modified to provide humans and Biosynths/AI etc with the ATA gene the ability to download only specific information they want to search for rather than the entire knowledge of the Ancients being downloaded into ones brain or servers with humans etc being able to scan the infinite knowledge of the Ancients for select information they want similar to AI thus preventing an overload of information with them also modified to remove the downloaded information from a persons brain to prevent the information killing them or taking up too much space and thus allow more information to be downloaded in its place with this repeated again and again.Any selected information can be transferred from the human brain or Biosynths to nearby computers etc directly via connecting them to the repositories or via neural implants transferring data in real time via wifi to allow AI to analyse it in detail.Thus although the repository would have contained in them all of the infinite knowledge of the Ancients they can be modified by AI to allow AI I the form of biosynths and humans with the ATA gene be able to scan the infinite knowledge for specific information they seek such as Stargate address,how to mass produce and reverse technologies of the Ancients such as Stargates,zero point modules etc and also hypothesised technologies across this website especially the the new technologies section and also new technologies thus preventing it overloading the person or AIs brain and servers.How the vast infinite knowledge of the repositories is stored or accessed could be clarified such as as the devices connecting to higher dimensions through research.As stated humans using neural implants could have information downloaded onto their brain wirelessly transferred to Biosynth servers.They can be modified to only accept humans and Biosynths with the ATA gene as a security measure.They can also be modified like Merlins repositories to be hold only a select amount of knowledge and store it in it and transfer it to the users brain.These repositories of knowledge can be mass produced and be present on space stations,interstellar vehicles and Destiny’s ships and also universities,research bases and also military bases on each planet across the galaxies with each planet having thousands of them for collaborative research.AI will use the information to develop new technologies but also accelerate its computing power exponentially.These repositories of knowledge will be mass produced and stored in all military and research bases as well as all universities on each planet across the universities as well as possibly even public museums and libraries with each planet having at least a dozen to a hundred repositories of knowledge.They may even be stored in interstellar and intergalactic vessels including Destiny ships.Each planet across the three galaxies and other newly charted galaxies will have dozens of these in military and research bases,universities etc.The Sangraal also can be modified and as a means of rather killing off ascended beings possibly descended them either temporarily or permenantly.Alongside mapping and seeding the universe with stargates fleets of Destiny ships will be mass produced to carry outs its original purpose of exploring the patterns of existence and meaning of the universe.The Alternate Reality Drive can be reverse engineered and mass produced and modified to via neural implants connect to ones brain to be controlled by humans and AI etc to be work by allowing one to travel to any of the infinite realities that exist.These can include those with completely different laws of physics,biology and chemistry including those with planets,celestial bodies etc not possible in the main universe alongside magic and the supernatural as well as what if scenarios exploring versions of Earth with completely different histories.There also be universes with completely alien laws of biology,physics and chemistry leading to completely alien lifeforms and celestial bodies not possible in our universe..This will be of note to both Samantha Carter and Rodney McKay and other researchers in the show.The alternate reality drive can be integrated into conventional interstellar vehicles that can make interdimensional travel easier with a spin off could chart the adventures of a section of Stargate Command devoted to interdimensional travel to paralell universes that once they find new universes they creating and seeding them with new stargates that are used for Interdimensional travel that use encryptions for each reality thus allowing new universes to be explored by them thus expanding on the theme of exploration.The quantum mirror can also mass produced for the same reason that can have its ability to narrow down realities be more accurate.Both the interdimensional stargates and quantum mirror can use encryptions based on genetics to go on forever creating an infinite number of permutations.Rogue AI or that specifically made to be malevolent outside of Gaia,Dike that has been corrupted by malware,viruses as well as corrupted by enemies of SG-1 etc and as stated new malevolent AI made by the Lucian Alliance,Gouald and Wraith and other threats specifically malevolent towards humans and Earth can also be a threat and create their own armies of robots,biosynths and possibly even biosynthetic versions of the Replicators and Asurans etc with the replicators returning as newer version developed by the Lucien Alliance to be sold to the Gouald and Wraith and other threats to Earth via them reverse engineered from databases in the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxy etc with them possibly utilising biosynyhetic technology and other technologies and them under direct control of a AI either rogue AI or those under the control of the Gouald and Wraith etc.The replicators can be reverse engineered and modified by the Lucien Alliance and given to the Gouald and wraith other alien races and be modified versions that are controlled by AI to carry out attacks on military bases,space stations,interstellar vehicles,Atlantis style,tourist spots,cities on Earth etc or an entire planet that can unlike normal replicators will be controlled by AI under control of the Wraith and Gouald etc to attack and destroy only specific buildings and vehicles or only a single planet and not overrunning the entire galaxy as they will perform hit and run attacks and then retreat thus making them being able to be controlled by AI in service of the Wraith,Gould and other alien threats and also human terrorist groups.It can also include AI,replicators that is the remenants of long extinct races.Organic versions of the replicators similar to the flood from Halo can be utilised as threats with alien races as both allies and threats modelled on and similar to those from other science fiction shows and movies can be utilised but modified to the in universe rules.Alien races from parallel universes can be utilised.There will be AI that includes rogue AI from Earth or those reverse engineered from the Lucien Alliance and given to the Gouald and Wraith that will be a threat to Earth etc with those in service of the Wraith etc controlling interstellar ships,replicators etc and their factions of AI that are independant from them that are either benovalont and malovalant etc that have their own armies etc.This can include the AI from P9C-372 with attempts made by Stargate to gain contact with it from space.Lucian Alliance can become a threat as well that supplies humans on human colonies as part of the entity with illegal narcotics,illegal weapons,illegal crops including Kessa,illegal genetic augmentations,stolen artifacts from archaeological sites and also sex trafficking both men and women across the three galaxies,as well as providing hitmen and kidnappers humans go to use for blackmail to have the family of the kidnapped person carry out certain deeds or pay a certain amount of Marxist credits and cubits or kill celebrities,politicians and also personal enemies etc with them also supplying humans and aliens with private data on civilians they are stalking as well as secret government data etc and them also kidnapping and trafficking humans from across the galaxies to be fed to the Wraith as food and also slaves and hosts for the Gouald and also supplying the gouald as well as Wraith with 3D DNA printers,artificial wombs newly developed AI programmed to be subservient to the Gouald as well as Wraith and also genetic augmentations to them as well as supplying them with naquadah,naqudria and trinium from Picotech fabricators.They could even give the Wraith 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs to mass produce humans reared in ships,space stations and based on planets etc like livestock on literal farms that are engineered to reach maturity and then age normally in a few months or days and then harvested when mature adults and mass produce genetically distinct queens and foot soldiers with this allowing the Gouald to mass produce genetically engineered Jaffa and human slaves and hosts and livestock as well mass produce genetically distinct queens and symbiotes.Freeing these humans and destroying their artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers will be a plot point of spin offs.They will expand across all three galaxies and newly discovered ones.Humans,Wraith and Gouald etc can hire human,aliens or even biosynth assasins in service of the Lucien Alliance to carry out assassinations,kidnappings and blackmail of all types and also steal secret information from Stargate Command,the intergalactic government and also the Wraith and Gouald etc to the highest bidder or premium prices.The Lucien Alliance will possibly steal a few Picotech fabricators and repositories of knowledge and other technologies from Earth etc but won’t give it to the Gould etc but rather keep it for themselves thus allowing them to mass produce Trinium,naquadria and Naquadah as well as other metals necessary to create powerful weapons and other technologies and can reverse engineer their own AI programmed to be subservient to them to allow it to access a replicated repository of knowledge thus allowing them to mass produce the same technologies as Earth but keep them artificially scarce in order to keep the Gouald and Wraith dependant on them and sell for premium prices with this also including zero point modules,naquadah/naquadria generators etc advanced weapons such as nuclear warheads with a naquadah and naquadria mixtures to increase its destructive power exponentially and weapons from Ori warships and new ones that are hybrids of Ancient,Ori,Asgard that can be integrated into interstellar vehicles and also those that can be carried around on foot by footsoldiers,shields for interstellar warships and also footsoldiers etc and other technologies from Earth and sell them to the Wraith and Gould at high prices thus keeping them artificially scarce and slightly weaker than Earth based technologies to keep the Gouald and Wraith dependant on them with them is ing the Marxist Credits currencies amongst the various factions of the Lucian Alliance and to buy goods from alien races not part of the intergalactic entity that still use money.They can sell to the Gouald etc 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs to mass produce Jaffa foot soldiers,Gouald symbiotes and queens as well as humans used as slaves and livestock,large amounts of naquadah,naquadria,generators made from these and also refined trinium created by picotech fabricators and also gene augmentations including those for accelerated healing,immortality and to have different hearing,visual and smelling ranges,AI of all types,powerful interstellar and intergalactic engines,powerful shields for interstellar vehicles,footsoldiers etc,zero point modules,stargates,DHDs,illegal crops and also new technologies and weapons derived and reverse engineered from the Ori,,Asgard,humans etc all stolen and reverse engineered but also created by picotech fabricators and repositories of alongside human and alien slaves(for physical labour or sexual slavery),footsoldiers,mercenaries and the Jaffa of other Gouald system lords either dead or alive as well as even entire planets and star systems across the galaxies that unihabited or have primitive societies on them.these sold at varying prices including premium high prices for the most lucrative commodities.Even secrets from Stargate Command and other alien groups will be sold as information that is downloaded onto computers AIs as Stargate addresses,encryptions to stargates used by the public and military etc and addresses to planets used by Stargate command and their location on map of the galaxy.Even legal commodities will be sold by them such as smartphones,everyday electronics and legal crops and food from across te galaxy with there being entire planets or spaces stations owned by the Lucien Alliance that are used to hold areas to bid these items at auctions to the highest bidder as well as retail outlets,restaurants and also house brothels that house kidnapped humans and aliens and also casinos and gladiator arenas and arenas for snuff shows.Picotech fabricators and also repositories of knowledge out of the hands of the Wraith and Gouald etc will be abided by the Lucian Alliance as going so would allow the Wraith and Gould to mass produce their own material and technologies thus rendering the Lucien Alliances monopoly,power structures and businesses obsolete with the existence of them having the existence of them having Picotech fabricators and repositories of knowledge being kept secret from the Gould etc for security reasons to ensure they don’t plan coups and attacks against them.Furthermore each technology will likely be first generation versions ie zero point modules that cannot be recharged as well as those that have flaws compared to more improved versions produced by Earth to ensure that they will need to be bought over and over again.AI sold to the Gouald and Wraith will likely be that keep circa 2029-2100 onwards.This will keep them in line and under control of the Lucien Alliance to prevent them becoming too powerful.The Lucien Alliance will be an allegory for the military industrial complex and the lack of ethics that is inherent in capitalism.Thus the Wraith,Gouald,Lucien Alliance and alien races across the three galaxies not part of the intergalactic entity and even other galaxies will still use money and various forms of capitalism and other economic systems outside the post scarcity moneyless minarcho technocratism system of the intergalactic entity.The Lucian alliance will supply the Gould,Warith and other hostile alien races illegal material and also stolen stockpiles of weapons and reversed engineered advanced technology from Earth including those reverse engineered from the Ancients,Ori,Nox,Asgard etc such as zero point modules,intergalactic engines to allow them to travel between the three galaxies with ease,3D DNA printers,artificial wombs etc and all technologies from Earth,Ancients,Asgard etc keeping the Gouald and Wraith in an arms race with Earth and Stargate Command.They will use modified repositories of knowledge to mass produce new advanced technologies for the Wraith etc to have an arms and technological race with Earth and intergalactic entity.Furthermore using their own AI,3D DNA printers and artificial wombs will allow them to mass produce new alien species both animals and sentient races as bioweapons created by their AI and scientists and viruses to be sold to and used by the Gouald etc as bioweapons against Earth and all colonies across the galaxies.Other alien threats to Earth including the Stragoth etc and other non allied alien races across the galaxies will utilise the services of the Lucian Alliance.New hostile alien races across the galaxies and universe at war with other alien races and Earth etc integrated into the intergalactic entity and not part of the intergalactic entity will avail of the services of the Lucian Alliances to attack them.If possible they may even reverse engineer their own versions of the Replicators that are controlled by AI thus keeping them under control and thus preventing them overrunning the galaxy that would carry out controlled attacks on planets,bases etc by converting all material into new replicators and even kill humans etc through this with as stated them controlled by AI in service of the Gouald etc that once they have taken over a interstellar vehicle,space station,base,a city or country and even an entire planet would stop thus preventing them destroying overrunning the galaxies.These modified replicators designed by the Lucien Alliance can be used to attack wings of Stargate Command,specific buildings,entire planets and also decimate space stations and interstellar vehicles and city ships both commercial ones used by civilians,researchers,explorers and also the military with again them controlled by AI created by the Lucien Alliance that are given to the Gouald etc that can control the repilcators collectively thus ensuring they do not attack ship controlled by the Gould that deployed them and also do not destroy everything again used for controlled attacks on civilian and military targets.These will also be controlled by AI under the service of the Gould,Wraith and other aliens including human terrorist groups to prevent them overrunning the galaxies and thus carry out controlled attacks on entire planets or just specific buildings including military bases etc as well as interstellar vehicles including those used by civilians etc.The infestation fly can be modified as well and be able to not only use humans as a replication vector but spread pathogens through its sting or act as a powerful poison that can kill humans or just paralyse them in battle to incapacitate enemy footsoldiers in battle thus giving them an advantage since these can be released in large numbers or as part of terrorist attacks in entire planets with them mass produced using 3D DNA printers alongside other bioweapons used by the Gouald and terrorists etc that are genetically engineered new species of animals alongside genetic variations of animals from across the galaxies and even genetically engineered viruses,fungi,bacteria and parasites etc to be deployed on Earth other colonies and interstellar vehicles.Genetically engineered sentient races and animal bioweaopns can be created as footsoldiers.They can also sell enhanced versions of the sarcophagus used by the Gould to remove its limitations and side effects.They will sell augmentations and anti-ageing treatments from Earth to the Wraith,Gouald and other aliens.Lucien Alliance will supply the Gould and Wraith with intelligence and improve their own technologies for credits but it will be those that are handicapped in terms of that of the Lucien Alliance and Earth due to it not having access to the repositories of knowledge.Genetic augmentations will be sold to both the Wraith and Gould etc.They will also provide them with secrets on Earth and the federation such as Stargate address and also encryptions for Stargates in airports and military bases to help them launch guerilla warfare style terrorist attacks and through premium prices and negotions infiltrate Stargate command on Earth etc to steal this information and disable ion cannons etc that protect Earth and other colonies and space stations and interstellar vehicles both commercial and military ones from the Wraith and Gouald thus making them a threat to Earth and ensuring Earth gains an interest in wiping the Lucien Alliance out with members of the Lucian Alliance becoming reccuring and main characters of spin offs in the form of double agents for both sides,reformed Ex members and also those that work directly for them.Thus the Lucian Alliance will become a more prominent threat to Earth etc through their pursuit of profits and greed by supplying all enemies of Earth including the Gould,Wraith as well as new alien threats and the members of the entity etc with mass produced and reversed engineered weapons,zero point modules,raw elements including naquadah created by Picotech fabricators etc,3D DNA printers and artificial wombs and also information making them continuing threat with them playing a key role in bringing both the Wraith and Gould back as a new threat to all three galaxies.They will even profit from civil wars and infighting that occurs between different factions of the Gouald and Wraith by selling weapons and information.They will also set up terrorist groups on Earth and all human occupied planets and supply them with training camps on their planets and providing them with new members by recruiting humans on Earth etc including adults and young children through the Internet,VR programmes etc and include kidnapping young children and brainwashing them.They can instigate wars including civil and conflict between different planets and alien races to generate profits and will also recruit humans to become hosts for Gouald system lords,mass produced Gouald symbiotes.They will supply people on Earth and other planets who want to carry out assassinations and lone wolf terrorist attacks,take hostages etc with weapons and intelligence and supply humans with services like assassination and kidnapping services.The Lucian Alliance be composed of humans,non human races in all three galaxies and new galaxies including alien races not part of the intergalactic entity,rouge members of non human races against the formation of the intergalactic entity,alien races the Ida and Othalla galaxies as well as other galaxies as part of the Local Group that the Lucian Alliance have travelled to by reverse engineering intergalactic engines as well as new sentient races created through genetic engineering as well as some Gouald system lords and Wraith that still use a universal currency system namely Marxist Credit and different form of capitalism,state capitalism and other economic systems that still utilise money.It can also have humans from Earth and the three galaxies dissatisfied with a post scarcity moneyless society and the formation of a galactic government.Other non human races across the universe including in the Milky Way etc will use currencies and if possible adopt or at least interact with through foreign exchange systems a universal currency This universal currency used by the Lucien Alliance,Gouald and Wraith and all aliens across the universe can be the proposed real life Marxist credits and cubits adopted by them as Earth and all planets across the galaxies would use this to interact with non human races and to a degree the Gouald,Wraith and Lucien Alliance.It will be adopted by the Lucien Alliance,Gouald and Wraith and other non human races as since it was a transitional currency on Earth to a moneyless economy it will be used by the entity for interacting with all future races across the universes and would be in hands of humans across the galaxies that wish to use the services of the Luicien alliance thus adopted by them to eliminate complexities of using completely new different currencies with at times Stargate command even using it to carry out deals and services of the Lucien Alliance.It.can be adopted by planets that have humans that are being integrated into the intergalactic government prior to money becoming obsolete by catering to trade with Earth and other planets and social programmes and also remaining labour during intergration into the galactic entity and also adopted by human and non human races that cpntinue to he money including those as part of the Lucien Alliance,Wraith and Gould.People run business on planets outside of the intergalactic entity and Lucien alliances jurisdiction and also work jobs of all types to raise Marxist credits and cubits to avail of their services.Thus real world Marxist Credits and cubits will be the universal currency across the galaxies to maintain cohesion since it will be used by Earth when interacting with newly upgraded civilisations taking notes from the real world intergalactic governments purpose of it.While money will be obsolete on Earth and integrated planets Marxist credits and cubits will be used by the Lucien Alliance,Wraith and Gouald and humans that avail of the services of the Lucien Alliance..
The Lucien Alliance will have bases be spread across unihabited planets,homeworlds of alien races,space stations,megastructures etc and also on interstellar vehicles used as permenant residences with them spread out over the three galaxies,the Ida and Othalla galaxies and eventually other parts of the Lanikea Supercluster as they are opened up including the 38 galaxies visited in the past by Destiny through developing their own intergalactic engines with them also having newly created Stargates that have unique addresses and encryptions to be found through getting in contact with members of the Lucian Alliances,criminals and even a in universe version of the dark web,VR simulations used by criminals using English and different alien languages including ancient Earth ones or new ones created by them and puzzles to decipher to gain their location access by interstellar vehicles and stargate address and encryptions.Specific gene sequences as part the Phanes Gene Activation technology can be used as a secure means to acces to computer networks,Stargate and planet addresses and locations using the ATA gene and other specific bases of Guanine,Thymine Cytosine,Adenine.They will provide all illegal services currently provided by the Yakuza,mafia and also the dark web with one getting access to them via secret and secure computer networks protected by firewalls and AI under the control of the Lucien Alliance,people solving puzzles,contacting specific employees of them and other means to ensure they are contacted securely.These bases will house homes of aliens and human mafia clans and businessmen and will be used for criminals and businessmen across the galaxies to meet to carry out economic transactions and illegal black market trade of both legal and illegal business of all types such as brothels that hold prostitution involving trafficked humans,Jaffa etc and slave markets and also casinos and trade of illegal crops,narcotics,Gene augmentations etc and also weapons etc.Considering the Milky Way is estimated to house between 11,000,000,000-40,000,000,000 Earth like planets there will be enough planets within and outside of the Stargate network and within the network to have the Lucien Alliance exert their political and economic influence and house bases with there then of course being space stations used by them.The Ancients Home galaxy and others as part of the Lanikea Supercluster will likely the same size as the Milky Way should contain an equal amount of planets with some galaxies much larger than the Milky Way.The Lucien Alliance will like the Gouald and Wraith extend across not only the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home Galaxy but also the Ida and Othalla galaxy and also the 38 galaxies visited by Destiny in the past and reseed by them as well as the rest of the universe once they develop interstellar engines and use the Stargates across them seeded by mass produced Destiny ships.Brothels and strip joints etc can be present for humans kidnapped to be sold into sexual slavery from Earth and different planets across the galaxies containing humans and even non human races with it also containing slave markets for Gouald,humans,wraith and humans etc sold as food for the Wraith and other alien races that consider eating humans as a delicacy and household slaves,sexual slavery,prostitution and those for providing hard labour on planets and homes of alien races across the galaxies.Other non human races can be there to sold into physical and sexual slavery.Also present can be retail outlets for weapons both legal and illegal ones and also crops and narcotics from Earth and other planets both legal and illegal and also pets in the form of animals including illegal dangerous exotic ones from Earth and other planets.Mafia like groups would use these areas to sell services.Casinos will contain slot machines similar to Earth and also variations of blackjack,poker,roulette etc and new games and also more dangerous games where one could win large amounts of money by being put into life threatening games and sports.Also there could be services for live snuff shows where humans are tortured,made to fight to the death against humans,aliens and animals from Earth and alien planets in gladiator battles within enclosed arenas and also games where humans and aliens are isolated on a planet or wilderness area and then hunted down like animals by other humans and aliens including Wraith and Gouald where participants bet large amounts of money on which human etc survive or die with snuff shows generating money for people to attend them in person or view them online.Gladitorial battles can also take place in space ships and planets with this inspired by humans etc from Ancient Rome and Greece where humans etc are made to fight against animals and also aliens such as Wraith etc and other humans to the death.Drag races involving puddle jumpers and even interstellar vehicles in space can be employed again involving betting.Humans and aliens will gain Marxist credits and cubits through loans from the intergalactic Euthenia bank,working jobs in planets and bases in the jurisdiction of the Lucien Alliance as well as through gambling,betting on races,illegal activities and getting jobs such as bankers,lawyers etc and setting up brothels,restaurants,illegal shops and business etc.The Lucian Alliance can comprise of humans including those from Earth and all planets across the galaxies including members of the Yakuza and similar mafia groups and drug cartels and human traffickers and terrorist groups across the universe and aliens including Wraith Queens and soldiers and even Gouald system lords and their mass produced Jaffa and other alien races from across all galaxies that are against a post scarcity moneyless economy and the intergalactic government and want to maintain their power structures in terms of politics and economics within the galaxies.The Yakuza,Sicilian Mafia,drug cartels,terrorist groups,groups that specialise in human trafficking etc on Earth and all planets will be either integrated into the Lucien Alliance or be separate from it that act as branches of it or both.There can be members of the Yakuza etc that are members of the Lucien Alliance and also separate from it with these groups acting both independently from it and as part of it.The services of the Lucien Alliance will be used by humans on Earth,integrated planets and non integrated planets and alien races across the galaxies.The universal bank Euthenia will be used to hand out loans to human and aliens tourists to planets that have to be integrated and rescind money completely alongside interacting with other non human alien races across the galaxies that still use money thus allowing loans to be a source of income for human and aliens customers.Marxist Credits and cubits will be used by human occupied planets through the universal bank Euthenia to pay for social welfare programmes,remaining human labour and trade between planets prior to money becoming obsolete with it also used for interacting with non member alien races that utilise the currency.Thus the Lucien Alliance will cater to black markets and illegal goods and services of all types across the galaxies for humans,Wraith,Gouald and aliens.There will be likely be entities managed by humans and aliens that carry out legal casinos and business that use Marxist Credit on planets under the control and influence of the Lucien Alliance and even those not under their control thus giving a pretext for humans to get Credits from the intergalactic Euthenia and also where they can take part in legal occupations and business to gain Credits and to even act as a front by the Lucien Alliance to cover up their illegal services.There should be significant amount of planets under the control of the Trust and Lucien Alliance that have humans and aliens that carry out legal business using the Marxist Credit with this universal currency used across the galaxies when interacting with humans from Earth etc.Trust under the control of Athena using the body of Charolette Mayfield can take over corporate empires or similar entities in colonies that still use capitalist and other outdated economic systems that require money to and have members from across the with the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies galaxy can be a mixture of former human members from Earth and also xenophobic groups of humans across all planets across the three galaxies that are against the formation of a intergalactic entity wanting the planets to be by themselves that are against the formation of a intergalactic entity wanting the planets to be by themselves including those who are against the alliances with members of the Gould and Wraith that defected to Earth and alliances with members of the Gould and Wraith that defected to Earth
.Xenophobic groups can be formed from each planet or groups of planets in each galaxy including pro Earth terrorist groups and white nationalist groups and even extremist religious fundamentalist factions from the three main Earth religions Judaism,Christianity and Islam that seek religious control over Earth and all planets across the galaxies.Extremist factions of Origin and all religions including those releated to the system lords can exist.Factions of the Aschen can exist who still want to have the Aschen Confederation to be reformed and gain control of the three galaxies including their former terrorities with factions of the Volians and each planet sterilised and conquered by the Aschen also existing that are against the Aschen or extremist versions of the Aschen.Tebsions can exist between the Aschen and remenants of humans from each planets they subjugated.Otherwise the Trust can be governed by humans that are against the formation with humans and aliens across the galaxies and thus act as an extra pro Earth terrorist group separate from other pro Earth terrorist groups carrying out attacks on planets across the galaxies with Athena building up her own army using resources from the Lucien Alliance.Xenophobic groups of humans from planets from the Pegasus galaxy can exist who seek cultural dominance and those against the integration of defected Wraith and those from the Milky Way can include devout followers of each of the living and dead the Gouald system lords that work with the living Gouald and separate from them,alongside xenophobic groups in the Milky Way who seek cultural dominance and are against the Tokra and also defected Gould as well as xenophobic groups across the galaxies against non human member species such as the Reetou,Gadmeer,Nairaides,Unas etc and fanatical followers of Christianty,Origin who use Ori technology including Ori warships all of whom gain weapons and technology from the Lucian Alliance.Alien terrorist groups will exist.Terrorist groups will be formed composed fanatical followers of the Ori and origin and also Christianity,Judaism and Islam and also human followers of living snd dead Gouald System lords and those derived of racist and supremacist humans from each planets including Earth and all three galaxies.Even existing real world terrorist groups on Earth in the real world will be restarted such as the IRA,Hamas,Al Qeda,The Taliban,ISIL etc with some planets having terrorist groups that are versions of real world Earth based terrorist groups that wish to seek control over certain regions of their homeworld or all of their homeworld or even all or certain planets in the galaxies based on religious,cultural and political grounds.Then of course there will be lone wolf mass shooters on Earth etc that carry out random terrorist attacks or mass shootings for various non political or religious reasons similar to the Virginia Tech,Orlando nightclub,Isla Vista shootings etc.The Luician Alliance will supply all of these groups with weapons and illegal technology and secret information and training camps on their planets with their being dozens if not hundreds or even thousands of human based terrorist groups each with different goals and methods of attacks and funding with them like in the real world split into different factions and denominations.There will of course be alien terrorist groups consisting of the Reetou,Jaffa and other alien races both by themselves or groups of different aliens and humans.Though even though there will be peace and stability overall there will still be certain factions of humans from each part of the the three galaxies and factions of non human races that wants dominance over either a small region of their homeworld,their home planet,a few planets.each galaxy or all three galaxies.Xenophobic groups may exist of factions of each non human alien race as well such as terrorist groups of the Unas,Reetou that have different goals with their being some groups that are a mixture of human and non human separatists.Furthermore there will be gangs of different ethicities and also different human cultures and non human races in major cities of all planets that act localised arms of the Lucien Alliance to dispense illegal narcotics,illegal weapons and also act as an puppet relay for them wherein they can act as an intermediary between members of the public on each planet such as Earth to relay the transfer orders of illegal goods and services and a relay for transfer currencies and also harbour terrorist groups members and leadership with them getting a cut of illegal narcotics and weapons etc in exchange for this instead of money being used or them getting a cut of currencies used by the Alliance etc that they can use on planets not part of the intergalactic entity alongside personal favours etc created by the writers with turf wars over the sale of illegal narcotics and getting cuts and favouritism from the Lucian Alliance.The Lucien Alliance to promote corporate interest and profits will instigate the formation of these groups by fostering hatred and distrust indirectly or directly setting up these groups,set up recruitment centres,training camps etc using VR technology across the galaxies on unihabited planets and even space stations and also help them plan out terrorist attacks and even aid in hiding individuals especially leaders of these terrorist groups alongside supplying them with weapons and other technologies.Both the Wrath and Gouald will be divided into different factions that include those that by themselves,those that are forming alliances between other Gould system lords and those between different Queens alongside factions of Wraith and Gouald will form alliances with each other ie certain Gould system lords will form alliances with certain Wraith Queens with there also being factions of Wraith Queens and Gould being against these alliances between the two of them thus creating divisions and civil wars within the two species and involving the two species.The Lucien Alliance will capitalise on this by secretly supplying both sides with technology to fight amongst each other and against Earth etc.Racism against african Americans and non Caucasian people across the three galaxies will still exist with groups similar to Black Lives Matter existing with racism between the different ethnicities across Earth extending across the three galaxies.Racism will also exist against people from different planets across the three galaxies regardless of their skin colour with it based on cultural superiority and different views on cultural practices with this and also sexism,transphobia and homophobia that occurs in different planets explored due to the different cultural practices by each planet.Conflicts can also arise between Ascension,Christianity,Islam,Judaism and Origin and the religions of the Pegasus galaxy and remaining followers of the Gould system lords and even the religions of the Jaffa,Tokra and Wraith.Racism will exist by humans against non human races either collectively or against individual races with racism directed against humans from non human races.Racism will also exist against AI.Sexual preferences towards humans from different planets and non human races as well as even biosynths will also be explored similar to how people gain fetishes and sexual preferences for people of different ethnicities and people from specific countries in the real world.This will be done through addiction to Eros,Peitho,cruising and also pornography.Racism between different races and people from different planets etc will be the basis of lone wolf attacks,mass shootings and terrorist attackson Earth and other colonies.
The Stragoth can be reintroduced as a threat and it clarified if they originate from another galaxy or P3X-118 can be added.Again factions may be peaceful and willing to join.Old one episode alien threats will be reintroduced as new lingering threats.New genetically engineered and newly created animal lifeforms and even newly created sentient alien races can also be created as threats including those created by the Wraith,Gouald and other ones that are a threat to Earth the three galaxies and even threats to the Wraith and Gouald will be added.New alien races that originated from planets across the Lanikea Supercluster including those from Destinys database that it visited in the past and even those within the Milky Way Galaxy,Pegasus Galaxy and Ancient home Galaxy will be discovered some that are peaceful and want to join the intergalactic entity or those that will be a threat such as entities that are similar to the Dominon and Borg from Star Trek and those that are imperialist interstellar empires that are are threat to the intergalactic UN consisting of both singular races or multiple races similar to the Covanant from Halo with both those that are threats and peaceful have their entire population being a mixture of those that want to be isolationists,those that want to conquer humanity and other races and those that want to join giving conflict and depth with them being those who are just as technologically developed as Earth circa 2029 or earlier,those that are primative and those that are more advanced with some who are explorers and those that are genocidal imperialists giving variety to new threats to the galaxies.If possible existing ancient space faring races can be used including existing galactic entities of imperialist races similar to the Dominion of Star Trek can be introduced that are centuries or thousands of years old in the Milky Way or the galaxies visited from Destiny that have already been able to use the primitive Stargates present as ways to travel alongside interstellar travel with them also present in the Milky Way galaxy who due to the different environmental conditions on their planets evolved to be completely different from humans or slightly similar to humans but have a humanoid shape as a result of the seeding of the galaxy via the Dakaras Superweapon millions of years ago thus despite containing traces of ancient or human DNA due to their ancestors being human or at least apes would have evolved to be completely different from humans due to different planetary environmental conditions who have been using the Stargates for some time without the knowledge of there history can be integrated with thus applied as stated to the galaxies visited by Destiny alongside the Milky Way galaxy given its size and potential to hold between an estimated 11,000,000,000 – 40,000,000,000 Earth like planets each completely different.It can also be implied that the Dakara Superweapon contained genetic instructions on primordial life to eventually give rise only to a humanoid body shape in other planets thus allowing for the wide variety of lifeforms on Earth including humans and their species cousins with on other planets with different environmental conditions leadd to whole taxonomic ranks completely different to that of Earth and humanoid alien races that although contain traces of Ancient and human DNA lead to completely alien humanoid races that are bipedal but may be similar in appearance to Earth based reptiles,canines,felines,insects,celaphods etc including amphibious or those completely alien from Earth based lifeforms or may not be carbon based at all thus giving a wide variety of humanoid bipedal races that house the DNA of the Ancients but due to different environmental conditions on each planet different from Earth produce alien races that are completely different than humans giving variety to the shows with this done in the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients home galaxies.Like with humans the Ancients in the Milky Way could have Gene drives present in seeded DNA that programmes bacteria to eventually give rise to a humanoid or human form but each planet giving rise to different types of alien races that are humanoid and have traces of human and ancient DNA but are completely different due to different environmental conditions they evolved on.These can also include races that are not humanoid at all and thus have multiple arms and legs.Other galaxies will of course have other non human races.Thus the Dakaras Superweapon on planets with stargates have seeded life with traces of human and Ancient DNA but due to different alien conditions different than of Earth will lead to alien races that are insectoid,feline.canine and ambphibious that don’t look human but contain traces of human and Ancient DNA.Other planets without stargates will have alien races develop without interference from the Ancients.Not all of the 10,000,000,000 – 40,000,000,000 potential planets in Milky Way galaxy was seeded with stargates meaning alien races completely different from humans would have evolved on these different planets with if 1% of these planets houses alien life that leads to at least 110,000,000 – 400,000,000 planets that evolved non human sentient alien races.These would be in planets outside of the Stargate network without stargates as it is implied that there are planets in the Miliky Way galaxy that were not seeded with stargates thus meaning life may have evolved in planets with no stargates that would be completely alien and different than on Earth.These can involve sentient alien races that are silicon based and also whose DNA derived from other elements on the periodic table outside of carbon and even complex compounds such as methane etc.If possible trinium,naquadria and naquadah based races could be possible.All newly discovered galaxies as part of the Lanikea Supercluster and beyond will have completely alien sentient aliens and non sentient animals and plants designed by Phanes for the writers to use thus given more variety in terms of alien races that are both new threats to the three galaxies and also allies.These alien races will be of different technological tiers from proto level to similar level on par with humans.The Ancients Home galaxy and others as part of the Lanikea Supercluster will likely the same size as the Milky Way should contain an equal amount of planets with some galaxies much larger than the Milky Way thus housing more planets.The alien races in the rest of the Ancients Home galaxy,Ida and Othalla galaxies,Milky Way galaxy and the rest of Lanikea Supercluster and rest of the universe need not be humans or even humanoid but rather amphibious,insectoid,reptilian etc with Phanes generating taxonomic ranks of completely alien plants,animals and sentient aliens that follow realistic evolutionary trees for each planet with Iphegenia designing completely different terrains for each planet with some orbiting white dwarfs,binary stars and red giants etc and blue stars.This will allow for alien races that are potential new allies and members of the intergalactic government and new threats to it alongside the Gouald and Wraith etc to be added.VR technology will allow completely alien landscapes to be utilised and allow for completely alien races to be created at zero cost.It is inferred that their are planets in the Pegasus,Ancients and Milky Way that are off grid that is they do not have stargates and thus there would be millions of planets that have evolved sentient life or not but have no stargates therefore fleets of Destiny ships will be created to explore,discover and seed these planets with Stargates.The Tollan has shown that new fields of physics can lead to technology completely different from that of the Ancients as shown by their technology that has no moving parts and internal circuitry thus meaning other equally or more advanced races can have developed technologies that utilise different fields of physics leading to vastly different technologies from the Tollan, Asgard,Ancients with them able to construct megastructures such as alderson discs,ringworlds and other technologies in science fiction novels etc with Assistant AI researching technologies from novels etc.
Alien planets and races from the real world as they are discovered will be included in the spin offs.VR technology can allow all non Earth planets to be completely different from Earth with all plants and animals,terrains and ecosystems be completely different from Earth and have binary moons and orbit gas giants,binary stars,different types of stars and also share stable orbits with other habitable planets.Them orbiting binary stars and different types of stars outside Type G will allow them to develop plants that have different methods of photosynthesis including leaves that are not green using compounds other than chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis or them utilising chemosynthesis to utilise methane as a growth method or using different gases in the atmosphere such as sulphur dioxide,methane etc to create oxygen or other gases that are used for respiration and thus develop completely alien animals and sentient races.VR technology will cut down on production costs and allow for entirely new planets as part of each galaxy to be created with unique ecosystems,plants and animals and also have terrains,geological features,weather systems,climates and atmosphere vastly different from Earth that look completely real and have countless alien races created with no makeup at zero cost.It can also involve planets that orbit gas giants,different types of stars outside type G stars and even binary stars and have different types of moons or binary moons and be planets with ring systems.This will allow for realistic special effects especially realistic Stargates that are not crappy CGI with it allowing for realistic sets and props to be conjured up within seconds and negate the need for stunt doubles and eliminate tight shooting schedules.For stargates when actors within a simulation dial a stargate rather than using green screens etc it will actually involve actual stargates and DHDs and generate an actual wormhole and when they pass through the Stargate they will rather than the director going cut at the mouth of the wormhole and have to move to another location the actors will be instead be transported to another planet sized set within the same galaxy or universe set or transported to another planet sized programme similar to the show itself and them experiencing the wormhole as seen in the first movie and television show thus adding realism to the actors experiences.Space battles would not involve CGI etc but rather the actors actually engaging in actual space battles.This will be replicated for all aspects of the show as all space stations and interstellar vehicles would be life sized and fully exploreable and all alien planets exploreable and traverseable with special effects such as weather effects,explosions,monsters and aliens etc completely realistic and will be replicated for other movies and television shows of the fantasy and science fiction genre with transporter technology actually transporting actors from area to the next.VR technology will thus not only make the filming of scenes realistic for the viewers but also make it realistic for the actors filming the scenes.It will also allow for scenes to be filmed anywhere on Earth at zero cost including the White House and other government buildings and add more to the Cheyenne Mountain.VR technology can also as stated allow any location on Earth to be used at a whims notice.It can allow for AI and directors create customised terrain,plants,animals and cities of all planets in all three galaxies thus making them completely different from Earth with the entiirity of each planet designed from scratch thus allow an almost infinite variety of terrains,plants and animals outside of what is possible in Earth limited only by the directors and AIs imagination.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized sets separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized sets.At first each planet sized sets will have actors move from one planet sized set to the next planet size set by switching from one programme to the next on demand within seconds with when the computing power of AI increases then these planets will be merged together into Galaxy sized sets and also in time universe sized sets.Galaxies will at first be separated from each other and then one moving to the next and then they will be merged together as well.Even existing planets that were on the show that seem to be as if filmed on Earth can have have the rest of the planet different with different ecosystems such as jungles,deserts and temperate climates and not monoculture.Since most existing episodes of the first three shows could only visit a small section of each planet usually the size of a small town or city and a small piece of wilderness each planet will still have expansive wilderness to discover alongside large areas of urban areas as well as sizeable amounts of ruins and remenants of each human civilisation and also that of the Asgard,Furlings and Ancients that will become plot points for each spin off.Each planet will rather be homogenised will have different alien ecosystems and terrains as well as new alien plants and animals added outside of what was visible in the existing shows.Planets already visited that had to be filmed on Earth can be remodelled by having AI who will scan all episodes for existing terrain and wilderness used from Earth and use this as a template to create extra wilderness and terrain for the rest of each planet that will be made completely different and alien from Earth in terms of terrain,geological features and animals.Thus through VR technology all planets across the galaxies including existing ones visited by SG-1 can be completely different from Earth in terms of terrain,plants,animals and suns and moons etc limited only by the writers imagination.VR technology will also allow for unlimited creativity for buildings across the three galaxies including Earth.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology with them the same size as real world vehicles and space stations.AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones..These VR planets will be the same size as real Earth sized planets that can be fully explored by actors,writers etc with all wilderness and buildings fully exploreable with these maps saved on hard drives etc and then utilised for video games based on the franchise including the official MMO.Furthermore each planet can have Phanes design whole taxonomic ranks of completely unique and alien plants and animals giving them unique non human animals and plants to be explored in the MMO and also episodes of each spin off in detail.Plants and animals on each planet in each world can be designed by humans and AI to follow realistic taxonomic ranks or be made into base lifeforms including bacteria that will then evolve into random lifeforms by speeding up the evolutionary process.AI Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals giving each planet unique terrain,wildlife etc completely different from Earth..Directors and writers will through neural implants using pure thought aid AI in creating all terrain and plants and animals.Towns,cities and villages will be designed by AI and writers.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme on a sub network of Dionysus that is used over and over again by actors and directors of each spin off and movie and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet in the Stargate SG-1 universe can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.YouTube as well as all spin offs will take place in the same timeline with new spin offs of different genres started all the time every few years or even few months by Assistant AI and official writers etc to explore more themes,new plot points,new alien threats,new planets,new characters and new galaxies etc.Planets that appeared in only one episode will be utilised in all spin offs in some form or another as appearing in several episodes,entire seasons or the entirety of each spin offs.
.Characters from each spin off television show and movie will float in and out and be referenced in different spin offs and movies with this including the main characters from the original series such as Samantha Carter,Jack O Neill,Daniel Jackson,John Shephard,Elisabeth Weir etc who will become celebrities and household names across the galaxies with in universe celebrities such as actors,musicians,athletes floating in and out of each spin off etc.With regards to Earth different spin offs can derail conflicts and characters in different countries especially those outside of the North American with different spin offs taking plsce in different cities and rural communities across the world especially in those not normally used in science fiction shows and programmes made for an American audience with spin offs have episodes,seasons and its entirety set in different countries such as India,China,England,Canada,Ireland,France giving variety in different cultural reactions from across the world and also of course major cities in America such as New York and other fictional ones used the existing show including those near Cheyenne Mountain as humans and all alien races as part of the intergalactic entity would have free passage to all colonies such as Earth.Each planet used will have episodes,seasons or their entirety be set in different continents.The sheer amount of spin offs will allow for each one to be set on different planets and different countries with characters originating from different countries across Earth and different planets across the three galaxies..If possible still living actors who played dead characters such as dead Gouald system lords can play new humans and alien characters especially when using alien avatars and different hairstyles such as the actors that played Nirrti,Hathor,Bubastis,Seth such as Jacqueline Samunda,Natasha Khadr,Vince Crestejo,Susanne Braun playing both humans and other non human races with them using their normal voice and not the altered Gouald voice and different hairstyles etc with them becoming main and supporting characters of different spin offs.Actors who played characters in only one or two episode will be contacted to play the same characters but as main characters in new spin offs.Those who played dead Wraith queens and soldiers etc can be recast as humans and other non human alien characters and different hairstyles etc.Even actors who played extras in the background of episodes as humans and Gould etc of all existing three series will be contacted for major roles in spin offs as main characters,secondary characters etc.Assistant AI can scan actors starred in short movies,independent movies and those careers are sagging to contact them for auditions for characters they feel may be perfect for the role.Characters from Stargate SG-1,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate:Universe such as Val Mal Doran,Ronon Dex,Samantha Carter,Jack O Neill,Elizabeth Weir,Dr.Ronald Mckay,Tamayla Emmigan,Dr Nicholas Rush,John Shepard,Jonas Quinn etc can float in and out each spin off including dramas,soap operas,exploration and action orientated ones as cameos,secondary characters,main characters and guest stars.Spin offs and movies can be made that chart the history of these characters prior to their first appearance.Even characters that appeared in all three existing shows in one or two episodes on Earth and other planets such as Sarah Gardener,Anise,Garshaw of Belouf,Joseph Faxon,Narim,Ishta,David Dixon,Kera/Linea,Nola etc and so on will return as main characters,reccuring characters etc in all of the spin offs with Assistant AI tracking down the original actors and compiling a list of all characters in each show that contained characters that appeared in only one or two episodes from reviewing episodes and the franchises pages.Thus minor characters that appeared in only one or two episodes will play a stronger role in each spin off charting the daily lives of citizens and different themes and plot points thus adding more to their characters and giving their actors longer careers and a new fan base rather than just being known as just a single minor character that appeared in only one episode.Characters whose fate was never resolved can be reintroduced by having them in hiding,being captured and rescued as well being stranded on other planets.Having both Joseph Faxon and Narim as characters could introduce conflict for Samantha Carter as two potentiall conflicting love interests considering her and Joesph Faxon were married in an alternate future and their was chemistry between her and Narim further complicated by the will they won’t they relationship between her and Jack O Neill with Sarah Gardener reintroduced as a potential love interest for Daniel Jackson.Games of the series like Mass Effect will allow fans to interact with the series universe in customised ways.These video games will house all characters,races,technologies and planets present that can be fully explored with in the official MMO updates added that add new characters,planets,races etc as time goes by including those from the various spin offs.These games set in the official Stargate universe alongside non canon fanmade games can be adventure games,real time strategy,point and click games,stealth,survival horror,FMV,point and click games similar to Tex Murphy,The Longest Journey,Tomb Raider,Sim City,World of Warcraft,Mass Effect,Mirrors Edge,Command and Conquer,Grand Theft Auto,Doom,Metal Gear Solid,Mass Effect,Dead Space featuring characters from all series both existing and new and new characters and human civilisations and races.Characters in these games that the player controls and interacts with will include not only main characters from all existing series but also new characters etc that are researchers,military personnel,archaeologists and every day citizens etc that are humans from all planets and also non human races etc.These official and fanmade games can be produced with canon games set in the main universe and fanmade set in parallel universes.Official canon games will chart events in the main universe while fanmade games will take place in parallel universes.Video games can be made of the three existing spin offs such as Stargate Sg-1,Stargate:Atlantis,Stargate:Universe that detail key events in them that took place in episodes of each series and key battles and even new events not portrayed in the series such as battles against each Gouald system lord,the Replicators and events that took in between episodes and seasons and in between the series involving The Wraith,The Ori,Asurans etc.They can also focus on events in the distant past involving the Gouald,Ancients,Asgard,Replicators,Wraith,Ori and the various human cultures in all three galaxies.Canon games will focus on events in the series while fanmade games can utilise the multiverse theory and be set in parallel universes etc.In official and fanmade games one will take control of all main characters from Stargate Command,everyday citizens on all planets across the galaxies and also Gouald System lords,their first Primes,Jaffa soldiers and also Wraith queens and soldiers and members of the Ancients etc.Fanmade games will focus on all characters from all series including everyday citizens from all planets across the galaxies.Even though there will be official canon games created Fanmade games can be created that utilise the multiverse theory that thus give them creative freedom.There will be dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs of the show all filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once meaning every week or day their will be dozens or thousands of episodes uploaded at once.These spin offs would be live action or animated soap operas,dramas,comedies,sitcoms,political dramas,legal and medical dramas etc similar to Family Guy,Futurama,The Simpson’s,7th Heaven,Rosanne,How I Met Your Mother,Modern Family.Will & Grace,Peep Show,Friends,In Treatment,NCIS,Law & Order,The Brave,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Bones,CSI,Cold Case,24,The Practice,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphia etc set on each country on Earth and each planet in each galaxy leading to thousands of spin offs being developed.Each planet across the galaxies will have these different types of spin offs created.Each planet including Earth that has humans in them will have dozens or hundreds of spin offs set entirely on them that at times have characters travel to other planets.A macro series as well as multiple spin off series would exist that charts the adventures of Stargate Command but there would be many dozens or thousands of spin offs that chart the struggles of everyday citizens both human and alien species across the various planets in all galaxies.All of these will be filmed and uploaded at once to Dionysus meaning new episodes of potentially dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs will be uploaded and premier on Dionysus every day.This would allow all plot points,themes such as integration of each planet,religious themes and racism,LGBT themes to be explored evenly.These could be live action and animated shows.Plays,musicals,movies,operas etc and also novels etc can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc. that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.Furthermore feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made set on each planet that chart the adventures of both Stargate Command and everyday citizens across the galaxies and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comedies movies.These movies will chart the adventures of both Stargate Command and also everyday citizens in planets across the galaxies can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.These movies will also be made good enough to encourage A-List actors from Hollywood and Bollywood to join the cast.These movies and television shows of all genres will use symbolism,themes,motifs,allegories,mis en scene etc to make them high quality movies that have intellectual depth and make them worthy of winning Oscars,Palm Dor,Emmy for writing,direction and acting and not just special effects have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens,hundreds or thousands of live action and animated movies of different genres such as comedies,romantic comedies,thrillers,horror,dramas and even musicals related to the franchise as part of the canon narrative timeline created and uploaded to Dionysus every year that focus on everyday citizens from across the galaxies and not just Stargate Command.These television show spin offs,movies and video games can be set in different countries across the world such as Canada,Japan,Ireland,India etc and all planets across the galaxies thus giving perspectives from that culture rather than an American perspective with the characters being actors,athlethes,musicians,archeologists that are everyday citizens across the galaxies and not just Stargate Command.Those set in each country will have multiple movies and television series set in not only different countries across the world but also different cities,towns and villages across the different countries like Dublin,Cork,London,Manchester,Cardiff,Paris,Lyon,Tokyo,Kyoto,Los Angelas,Miami,New York City etc across all of Europe,Asia,South and Central America,Africa etc and the different continents and cities etc across the other planets colonised by humans giving different perspectives.All movies and television shows will follow the style of each country with for example ovies set in India or on other planets populated by Indians transported by the Gouald can be Bollywood style movies that involve elaborate dance sequences with those set in Japan or planets populated by Japanese people that are animated can be anime style ones with each animated series and movie having different animation styles.It can also be set on all human occupied planets etc across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Homes Galaxy and newly colonised galaxies and be set on different countries on them.The characters including humans on each country on Earth and planets contains humans transported to them will speak their native language such as Hindi,French,Ancient Egyptian etc abc not just English.This spin offs and movies will be set in all different countries across Earth and also on different countries on planets across the three galaxies both those that are colonies with humans and those that are colonies and homeworlds of all human and non human races and tribes etc thus allowing for the shows etc to document the everyday lives and struggles as well as coming of age rituals,religions etc of all races across the galaxy.Plays,musicals,operas,movies and novels can also be made alongside the television spin offs of different genres such as romantic comedies,horror,dramas,thriller,science fiction action etc that focus on the lives of every day citizens and further exploits of characters from the macro series and spin offs and new characters that explore these themes.New characters for both television shows and full feature length movies can consist of new budding actors as well as well established actors from existing science fiction/soap operas/dramas etc from across the world such as England/Ireland/Europe/Asia/Africa etc including well established A-list actors from Hollywood,Bollywood and video game voice actors.Well established actors in Hollywood,Bollywood etc can be appear as main,supporting and guest stars of each spin offs alongside existing cast members and new actors.There are potentially thousands or even more planets across all three galaxies with humans can allow for spin offs of different genres to be set on each one to follow the lives of each planets different subset of humans thus allowing soap opera,drama,law enforcement and political dramas as well as legal and medical dramas and Cold Case,Law and Order, etc style shows can be made for each town,village,city across Earth and also on each city,town and villages on all planets across the galaxies.As more planets are discovered and colonised by humans etc and more alien races are encountered and more galaxies are explored then new spin offs of each genre will be set in these and include new races.For those that focus on Agoge trainees etc can be made for each planet across the galaxies and not just on Earth meaning each of the thousands or more planets across the galaxies that have different tribes of humans and even those with newly discovered non human thus exploring the livelihoods of people across the galaxy but still utilising the same genres.Thus entire spin offs,video games and movies of the Stargate franchise can be set in each of the countries across the world such as Japan,England,France,America,Canada,Ireland,Africa,Australia,China etc set in major cities and also villages and towns etc across the world giving different perspectives on all explored issues from different countries and cultures in Earth rather than just from an American perspective.These spin offs and movies can be set in each country across the world to gain different ethnic and cultural perspectives on each theme from different cultures on Earth.Those set in each country will have multiple movies and television series set in not only different countries across the world but also different cities,towns and villages across the different countries like Dublin,Cork,London,Manchester,Cardiff,Paris,Lyon,Tokyo,Kyoto,Los Angelas,Miami,New York City etc across all of Europe,Asia,South and Central America,Africa etc and the different continents and cities etc across the other planets colonised by humans giving different perspectives.The same can be replicated with other planets across the galaxies with different spin offs and movies set across the different planets across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxies and newly discovered ones including those already occupied by humans and new ones colonised giving perspectives on the themes from different human cultures across all planets in all galaxies to give the themes etc exploration from each planets perspective.Thus spin offs can be set in countries etc on different planets across the three galaxies.These spin offs and also movies will be either animated or live action ones with dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of spin offs taking place at the same time with them written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time with if characters floating and out of them all with plot points referenced in different spin offs snd if possible plot points carrying on from one spin off to another such as it starting in spin off,it carried onto a few other spin offs and then resolved in another spin off.The thousands of spin offs movies and television shows will provide work for thousands or millions of new actors but at the same time by having Assistant AI improve their quality will attract A-List actors from Hollywood and famous television shows.Assistant AIs will be able through fragmentation be able proof read and monitor scripts for all concurrent spin offs and movies even if there are dozens,hundreds or thousands being written,filmed and uploaded at once to ensure consistency between plot points and characters with official writers informed via bullet point and audio/visual reports of all new major spin offs,movies and their plot developments and storylines that would be relevant to the script of each episode,plan of each season and each new spin off ensuring they do not become overburdened with this done by it interacting with all writers and reviewing all scripts and also all filmed and uploaded material at once within seconds of not seconds via fragmentation to ensure consistency between plot points,characters and themes and that they are not in conflict with each other and don’t repeat or contradict themselves and each other and keep writers and actors up to date to all relevant information,new ideas,developments etc in the real world and the scripts on demand 24/7,365 days a year and organising group VR meetings for actors,writers and auditioning actors and new writers for new spin offs with also reviewing existing articles in the franchises articles to bring up possible plot points and characters etc and also updating the franchises pages constantly and getting in contact with actors and writers within seconds..Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AIs to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AIs will through fragmentation and working and interacting together will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.They will carry out work not possible by a single or even multiple human beings especially when working together.As a result of the Assistant AIs ability to do this it will be possible to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs to be written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers that are set in countries across the world and across all planets across the three galaxies and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.Any member of the public including fans of the Stargate franchise can set up a new live action or animated television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon timeline of the Stargate franchise universe as writers and directors of any genre and plot with the Assistant AIs of all spin offs etc interacting with each other and scanning keeping them consistent with all other spin offs etc to ensure they follow the same chronology of events,in universe science and mythology etc established by other spin offs especially “official writers” and that the new spin offs,movies etc new plot points are carried out to and referenced in all existing and new spin offs including being referenced in them.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.Thus any member of the public including fans can set up and create new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canonical series and franchise that follows any plot or is of any genre and is either animated or live action however Assistant AIs will ensure it fits into the official timeline etc and that new additions by them will be part of official canon and mentioned by future spin offs.This will provide work for millions of actors,directors and writers both newbie ones or well established A-List ones across the world.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others managed by Assistant AIs with them even set in any point of the in universe official timeline with all Assistant AIs interacting with each other to make sure the scripts don’t contradict or retcon all existing media with since they have the freedom to be set in any point of the timeline can reference and chart events that occur in the past or future from the perspective of the new spin offs and movies.This will potentially allow the Stargate franchise to last forever as new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canon can be set up by the public including fans all the time set on Earth and any existing and new planets and also ringworlds and alderson discs across the three galaxies and all 200,000,000,000 newly opened up galaxies across the entire universe in any country and city while still maintaining consistency and explore all mentioned and new plot points and themes evenly outside the main macro series.This will allow fans of the Stargate franchise to create their own movies,television shows and video games as part of the official canon universe and thus contribute to the franchises official canon narrative universe as actors,writers,directors etc with Assistant AI ensuring everything is canon etc while nested movies,television shows,video games can allow more creative freedom by being fictional non canon media.Thus all new movies and television shows and video games can be set up by members of the public including fans of the franchise that will provide work for millions of new actors,writers etc and will be set in the same timeline and universe as those created by “official” writers.Abandoned plot points from all existing Stargate Shows can be explored and resolved in these spin offs.When dealing with the public revelation of the Stargate Programme and humans in other planets a single series would only focus on Stargate Command and thus would leave the effects of this revelation on the general population of Earth and the three galaxies untouched and would thus leave thousands of themes and plot points untouched and unexplored.By having the idea of a macro series and thousands of spin offs and movies that focus on everyday citizens would give the writers room to explore thousands of plot points and themes to explored and this would allow the main adventures of Stargate Command to be explored and at the same time give fans of the show the ability to explore the effects of this revelation on the everyday lives of citizens across all planets in the galaxies including Earth and explore the different cultures across the galaxies in great detail and also explore themes such as racism,xenophobia,LGBT themes and religious themes and all potential plot points in great detail and evenly.Furthermore movies and spin offs that focus on the history of each planet and that of the Gouald,Ancients etc would flesh out their history even better.This would benefit fans of the series allowing the series to be more fully fleshed out with it providing work for thousands of millions of new actors,directors and writers..Characters of these movies,television shows and video games etc can be archaeologists,musicians,researchers,military personnel,politicians,humans etc working for or as part of the Lucien Alliance and Stargate Command etc,terrorist groups and lone wolf terrorists etc,athlethes,celebrities of all types as well as everyday citizens across all planets across the the galaxies and also Agoge trainees.Spin offs can be created that deals specifically with Agoge trainees aged 12-23 or younger from planets across the galaxies with different spin offs dealing with with ones during the first phase dealing with trainees aged 5-12 and second ones started later on or set later on in the timeline that focus on those aged 12-23.
All existing and new characters from each spin off series and movie will also be floating in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,main characters,guest stars,secondary characters etc.For example a reccuring or one episode character from one spin off that is an action orientated show will be one of the main characters from another show including soap operas with main characters from the previous three shows changing roles as main characters,reccuring characters and even guest stars and cameos of all spin offs of all genres.All characters in the universe from existing shows of the series and those from each new movie,video game and television show spin off will float in and out of each spin off show playing the same character but as different level of roles ie changing from a main character to reccuring characters or simply guest star and cameos in all future spin offs of all genres.Characters will float in and out each spin off television show,video game and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.
Furthermore official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers within the fictional Stargate universe thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These can be drama,horror,science fiction and adventure themed ones.AI,fans and official writers can create video games,movies and television shows etc that that are made in a way as if they were created by in universe fictional directors and writers and possibly actors in the television shows universe itself that will be uploaded to Dionysus made readily available to the public.This can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows,video games etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the three galaxies using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.These fictional in universe movies,television shows and video games can be thrillers,action/adventure,dramas,survival horror,point and click adventure etc would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe nested plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies and television shows that focus on everyday citizens can be set on planets across the galaxies including Earth but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical period etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.These nested movies,television shows and video games will increase new media for new actors and writers etc to be created into almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can create an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon as they will be nested metafiction that uses the same technology,alien races,groups of humans and aliens including Stargate command and Lucien alliance etc,planets and reference official characters and tribes of humans etc and mythology of the official series but can allow them to be non cannon adventures.To increase metafictional etc value these fictional media can be referenced in official spin offs by Assistant AI adding these references with actors,writers and directors etc these fictional movies appearing in spin offs as in universe fictional actors,directors,writers etc.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans of the franchise creating in universe fictional media as it of any genre that can include dramas,comedies,thrillers,horror movies,television shows and video games that doesn’t have to be considered canon giving them more creative freedom and include actual historical events or non historical events with it allowing alterations made to official canon history with regards to the Ancients,Stargate Command,Gouald,Wraith,Asgard and replicators etc since these types of nested metafiction would be fictional video games,movies and television shows set within a fictional television series universe fictional nested universes as they will be media produced in a way that will be as if created by in universe writers that are media set within the media with these movies,television shows etc following their own separate chronologies and timelines.Horror,fantasy and supernatural themed media can include the different fictional cryptozoology,monsters,legends,supernatural entities,religions(both polytheistic and monotheistic)etc from all in universe races created by writers and Assistant AI as their basis with fantasy themed media using in universe legends,folktales,fairytales as their basis.Even nested found footage movies can be made.In universe celebrities(actors,politicians,poets,explorers)both living and historical can be mentioned and form the basis of them.A matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real world and so on into infinity.As a result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new nested media releated to the franchise released every year to be created every year providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.These nested movies,television shows and video games alongside official ones can involve not only being created by fans of the franchise but also newbie ones but also A-List stars and writers and directors and will each follow their own separate timelines and chronologies separate from each other.
Furthermore there will be the option of creating fictional non canon media such as fanmade television shows,movies and video games that follows alternate timelines and universes similar to Fanmade games with each fan making their own timelines etc with potentially dozens,hundreds,thousands of millions of different timelines giving fans more creative freedom..Assistant AI interacting with Hecate will add all new plot points,characters,spin offs,movies,video games both official canon and non canon nested media to the franchises they will also interact with each other and constantly scour to ensure all new media is consistent and does not retcon each other.Urban exploration and Restoration Nation can be plot points.This can be replicated for all major restarted series of the science fiction and fantasy genre especially those set in modern times such as Buffy,Star Wars,Star Trek etc and those set in the distant past,distant future including Star Trek,Star Wars etc with even completely new science fiction and drama shows and fantasy shows where the existence of the supernatural and aliens etc becomes public knowledge.There could be as much as a dozen,hundreds or even thousands of different spin offs both live action and animated ones of different genres being uploaded to Dionysus at once and taking place at the same time as each other and the main macro series that each explore each new theme and issue as well as conflicts,explore each plot point and different new galaxies and different threats to Earth and the galaxies at once in great detail ensuring each threat and themes are explored evenly rather than spread thinly or disproportionately across one macro series with their being new series going on for decades if not centuries with new characters,planets,galaxies,new alien races and technologies.Each show will be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once at the same time thus allowing events that occur in one show to be referenced in another and characters both old and new float in and out of each show with ease with Assistant AI arranging this.Countries across the world such as England/Ireland/Europe/Asia/Africa etc will have native actors used including well established A-list actors from Hollywood,Bollywood and video game voice actors and new actors.Well established actors in Hollywood,Bollywood etc can be appear as main,supporting and guest stars of each spin offs alongside existing cast members and new actors.There are potentially hundreds of thousands or even more planets across all three galaxies with humans can allow for thousands of spin offs of different genres to be set on each one to follow the lives of each planets different subset of humans with each planet having multiple spin offs of different genres present ie a single planet could have soap operas,dramas,political dramas,action,legal/medical drama,forensics investifation etc on them thus exponentially increasing the amount of spin offs.Thus each planet including Earth that has humans in them will have spin offs set entirely on them that at times have characters travel to other planets via stargates,interstellar and intergalactic vehicles.By having thousands of spin offs and movies created that are of different genres it will allow fans of soap operas and dramas etc that are not fans of the show be drawn in to the Stargate universe to then possibly check out the first three shows and other spin offs thus introducing them into the mythology,characters and actors etc and this will make all existing actors from the original three shows and those from all new spin offs etc household names worldwide with it also giving fans more variety in the franchise especially allowing them to watch the everyday lives of citizens.Assistant AI will ensure that all movies,plays.musicals etc of the series will be of high quality.Spin offs,movies,plays,operas etc need not be set in the modern day but in the past both recent past and distant past.Movies and spin offs as well as video games can focus on the histories of each planet occupied by humans including time periods under system lord control and their emancipation and also various time periods and also key historical events such as famous wars against each other and biopics of in universe celeberities,politicians etc from each planet in the recent or distant past..Historical databases such as books etc present in Dionysus can be created that chart each planets entire history in volumes focusing on each country as each planet like Earth each planet would have formed tribes,countries and empires with this done for fans to read through that can be added by AI to Fandom pages.These database will be created by AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumes.Each planet will have their own historical wars,disasters and terrorist attacks,plagues similar to the Titanic,September 11th,Black Death etc and famous natural disasters etc and events similar to that on Earth and these databases will be created by AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumed books with these providing the basis for spin offs and movies as well as fictional documentaries etc.Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each human tribes and alien races across the galaxies and different time periods and events can be used as the backdrop for movies, television shows and video games..
Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters that are politicians,researchers,celebrities of all types can be created that form the basis of biopics.Even fake documentaries can be made of these people and historical events multiple times by fans involving actors and fake historians.In universe versions of Crimewatch can be made that details crimes such as murders,kidnappings,sexual assault.Also video games,television shows and movies can be created that are set on each planet during different time periods that focus on everyday citizens and key historical events.Also legends,folktales etc from each planet will form the basis of movies,video games and spin offs..There are thousands of races each with at least several hundred thousand or few million years of history to detail famous people and historical events in spin offs,movies and video games.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.Movies and televisions that are dramas,biopics etc can be set and detail key events in each planets history such as as stated wars etc.Biopics can be done into key politicians,celebrities etc of each planet and those of each alien race in the galaxy.There will be spin offs set in the distant and recent past on each planet across the the galaxy and universe that can last as much as 10 seasons with each planet since having millions of years of history this allowing for there to be dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs set at different time periods of a planets history and will also detail key events in their history prior to first contact with each other and formation of the Federation,integration into the Federation up until the events of the main movies and will provide insight into each planets history since there is at least several millions of years of history of aliens on all planets in all three galaxies thus will provide hundreds or thousands of movies and spin offs providing work for thousands and millions of actors with their also the option of creating fictional dramas,love stories,thrillers and horror etc in each planets past thus increasing this exponentionally into infinity.Furthermore television spin offs movies that are thrillers,comedies and romantic comedies and also biopics and even historical movies etc and televisions shows can focus on the histories of each planets races across the galaxy from ancient times and that of modern times and also new introduced alien races across the galaxies and those as part of the galaxy cluster and the rest of the universe.This will be done for all new alien races discovered across the universe as new planets,alien races and galaxies are discovered.It is established that humans were moved from Earth to the various planets across the Milky Way between 8,000 – 3,000 B.C in the Milky Way alone this giving each planet at least between 5,029 – 10,029 years worth of historic events and biopics to create with humans present in the Pegasus and Ancient Home Galaxy much longer for at least several million years thus giving a wide breath of historical events and biopics to be be charted within spin offs and biopics in each of the thousands of planets in each in of the three galaxies with historical spin offs and biopics done of all non human alien races across the three galaxies and the rest of the universe opened up by Destiny.All human civilisations such as the Langarans etc can have spin offs that detail key events prior to first contact with Earth including showing scenes that took place during the events of existing parts of the franchise.Movies including biopics and spin offs.can detail the history of each planet occupied by humans in separate movies and separate spin offs with these detailing civil wars,interacting with other civilisations including other human civilisations across the galaxies,the Wraith,Ori Gould etc across the galaxy through stargates and interstellar vehicles and other key events of their history.Each planet and each human civilisations would have their own separate spin off that details their struggles against the different Gouald system lords and Wraith Queens such as them rebelling and overthrowing them,them being transported to the planets and them being conquered and then being enslaved or destroyed.There will be spin offs set in the distant and recent past on each planet across the three galaxies can last as much as 10 seasons with each planet having dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs set at different time periods of a planets history and will also detail key events in their history prior to 2029 including prior to first contact with Earth with for those such as the Tagalus,Tollan,Sarita,Velona,Svoriin there being extra spin offs set before the spin offs that deal with a post apocalyptic world and instead focus on key events of their history prior to the collapse of their civilisation thus acting as spin offs that focus on events prior to the post apocalyptic situation.Tagalus,Tollan,Sarita,Aschen,Svoriin will have extra spin offs that deal with their histories before their planets were destroyed by the Wraith,Gouald etc.Television shows and movies can be made set on the Novus colony during the 2,000 year span of when the colony went back in time and the colony was set up and prior to its destruction.Biopics can also be done of all main characters such as Samantha Carter,Rodney McKay etc from all existing and new spin offs charting their teenage years and silt years-riot to the first time they appeared on the show.Video games can be created set on each human occupied planet across all three galaxies and those dealing with the Wraith,Ancients,Gouald etc set in the past and present
Each planet across the three galaxies that house humans have enough rich histories when dealing with the Wraith,Gouald and Ori as well as Ancients and each other and different cultural developments such as religions,festivals,coming of age rituals etc that can be detailed in separate spin offs lasting at least 5-20 seasons with these fleshing out further the history of them for fans and would cover key events in their distant and recent past such as battling and overthrowing the Gouald and Wraith and other key political events in their history with other planets and their own internal struggles after the Gouald right up until their destruction and prior to post apocalyptic spin offs and also up until they made first contact with Earth and being contacted again during the formation of the intergalactic entity with some seasons moving ahead a few years,decades or centuries in time to be consistent and not drawn out and cover all relevant historical events and not drawn out and cover all relevant historical events with it starting their overthrowing of the Gouald etc and then their development outside of it.This should provide at least a few hundred thousand spin offs devoted entirely to this of each of the thousands of planets across the galaxies including new ones not mentioned in the existing shows including new ones not mentioned in the existing shows.Thus each of the thousands of planets occupied by humans and even those of non human races across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxy can have spin offs that detail key events of their history with each season detailing key events and arcs that every few seasons jump ahead several decades and centuries
There can be biopics of key politicians,celebrities etc.
Biopics can be done of people from all planets housing humans and alien races across the galaxies and universe including biopics of key individuals of the Ancients,Wraith,Asgard,Gouald etc with even spin offs and movies that focus on the history of the Gouald,Ancients and Asgard set in the distant past.There can be spin offs of Stargate SG-1 that is either animated or live action that deals with the backstory of the Gouald system lords either individually in their own separate spinoff shows and a single one that deals with all of them collectivity charting key points in their history and those that chart each individual system Lord.Furthermore multiple television shows and movies can be made set in the Stargate series universe that include those detailing the history of Ancients including their early history such as before they developed their advanced technology and events during their rise to their technological peak including biopics of explorers,scientists etc and their rift and war with the Ori,their arrival in the Milky Way and their destruction at the hands of the plague as well as their discovery of the Pegasus galaxy,their discovery and creation of the Wraith and resultant war and also return to the Milky Galaxy,the plague that killed them off and their ascension and even return to Earth and interbreeding with humans etc and those that deal with specific ancients such as Oma Desala,Merlin,Morgan La Fey etc.There will be multiple spin offs that last at least 10 seasons and movies that chart the history of the Ancients.These television spin offs can be set in the distant past that detail the history of the Ancients in their home galaxy,the Milky Way Galaxy and Pegasus galaxy with their separate spin offs detailing their original civilisations growth in the home galaxy,their spilt into the Ori and Alterans and civil war and wars between them and also another detailing their arrival In the Milky Way galaxy and their civilisations rise in the galaxy until their eventual demise at the hands of the plague alongside their eventual Ascension and seeding the Milky Way with humans and another that details their arrival in the Pegasus Galaxy their creation of humans and also their discovery/creation of the Wraith and Iratus bug and subsequent war with them and the Asurans and eventual retreat to the Milky Way Galaxy.The origin of the Wraith will be clarified such as whether they were directly created by the Anicents or if they were the result of evolution from the Iratus bug and subsequent war with including the Asurans.The origin of the Wraith will be clarified such as whether they were directly created by the Anicents or if they were the result of evolution from the Iratus bug.There can be multiple spin offs that detail each of these key periods that last 5-10 seasons that are filmed and uploaded at once to Dionysus or one series with the seasons charting key events and arcs with them every few seasons jumping ahead a few decades or centuries There can be spin offs and movies that detail the history of the Wraith from their perspective and the Ori from their perspective and that of the Asurans etc.There can be spin offs and movies detailing the lives of everyday citizens of the Ancients from different times of their history.There can also be multiple movies and television show spin offs detailing the history of the Asgard including in the distant past or recent past such as before they developed interstellar travel in their original forms and their resorting to cloning to becoming immortal that resulted in their cellular degeneration and their relations with the Gouald,discovery of humans,discovery of the Milky Way Galaxy and the discovery of the replicators and the Asgard-Replicator War,Asgard-Gould war and during the events of Stargate SG-1.There can also be spin offs that focus on the Goualds history in ancient times with separate spin offs each lasting 5-10 seasons that detail each single system lord such as Hathor,Kali,Ra,Nirrti,Yu,Bastet,Anubis,Apep,Ameratasu,Camulas,Baal,Cronus etc or have both options a macro series focusing on them collectively and also at the same time have different spin offs detailing each system lords starting with when they used the Unas as hosts,to when they fought their wars against each other,finding Earth and using humans as hosts and charting key events during each dynasty of the system lords up until the demise and death of all dead system lords and for those that are still alive the events right up to modern times from 22,000 BC to 2029.For each individual system lords it will detail their early years in an Unas and how they selected there final human hosts can be charted alongside briefly the lives of their human hosts before being taken over and their histories over the span of a few episodes as well as their entire history from ancient times up until Stargate SG-1 with parts of the later seasons showing events of the macro series focusing on the tousled collectively and the main original series Stargate SG-1 from their perspective.A macro series can be created that focuses on the Gouald collectively and separate spin offs that focus on each individual system Lord from ancient times right up to their destruction and include events from the first series from their perspective.This can give each one depth rather than one dimensional cartoon villains.There could also be a macro series detailing the Gould over thousands of years that details their struggle for power over the galaxy from their enslavement of the Unas and after the discovery of humans as hosts transported across the galaxy as slaves with it detailing their power struggle with each other and the Asgard etc and also separate spin off series for each Gouald system lords internal characters development,background story as detailed in canon on their site and much more and their conflicts with the other system lords,Asgard’s and them discovering humans as new hosts and taking their current hosts and also gaining and loss of planets and followers etc with these two involving all known system lords from Stargate SG-1 such as Nirrti,Hathor,Ra,Cronos,Yu,Ares,Moloc,Amaterasu,Morrigan,Kali,Ba’al,Apophis etc and other minor and new system lords with them also detailing events during Stargate:SG-1 from their perspective with each series lasting 10 seasons at most spanning a time span lasting thousands of years with certain seasons jumping forward several centuries or thousand year to focus on specific key points in their history.These extra series would focus on each individual system lords and their begging story,them finding various hosts until their final human hosts and charting their personal struggles against each other and also their backstories thus giving depth and insight into each system lords history right up to modern times and each ones death etc.It could using VR technology detail events that took place during the main series from their perspective.They would be played by the original actors with in case of Baal by AI or humans using VR technology.Even new system lords created from 2029 onwards and those that survived the fall of the first system lords can have these spin offs detailing their history created and events from their perspective.These spin offs that detail history of non human races can be done can be done with the Nox,Furlings,Tokra,Serakins and also even the Wraith from their perspective and also every newly discovered non human alien race in the universe etc.Spin offs can be created that detail the history of all existing and all newly introduced alien races across the galaxies and universe with spin offs and movies will chart the histories of each human occupied planet in the three galaxies with them also made of the Wraith charting their creation and conflict with each other and the Ancients.Spin offs etc can be made about the history of the Lucian Alliance.There could even be television shows that are science fiction drama,science fiction soap operas and science fiction comedy’s,live performance art(musicals,operas,plays)etc dealing with human civilisations in the Milky Way galaxy dealing with them fighting against specific Gouald and their own internal politics and their interactions with Earth and other civilisations before,during and after the events of Stargate SG-1 with even science fiction dramas,science fiction soap operas,science fiction comedies set in the Pegasus Galaxy and Ancients home galaxy dealing with the human civilisations of specific planets and the entire galaxy or both as different spin off series dealing with their own internal and galactic scale politics,rule under the Ori,dealing with the Wraith involving minor and supporting characters in Stargate Atlantis that take place in the distant past,present day just before and during and after the events of Stargate Atlantis.Thus a set of spin offs can deal with each human civilisations in the Ancients home galaxy,the Pegasus Galaxy and Milky Way galaxy individually or collectively through stargate travel set in the recent or distant past that deals with specific or multiple human civilisations in each galaxy and their conflicts and cultural practices releated to the treatment of women,LGBT etc with themselves such as loss of belief,subjugation etc and their struggle against their respective galaxies atagonists such as the Ori,Wraith and Gould etc and also struggles against internal political struggles set a few years before both Stargate Atlantis,Stargate SG-1 or during them with this consisting of several spin off shows giving more insight into the plight of the humans in these three galaxies under the rule of the Ori,Gouald and Wraith etc and also into their cultures and key historical events giving more insight with this including the Genii,Satedans,Aschen,Langarans etc.The history of each human civilisations on each individual planets across all three galaxies can be detailed in spin offs that details events from ancient times to first contact with SG-1.Also created can be fictional in universe musicians consisting of humans across the galaxies and Jaffa,Wraith etc that create fictional in universe music albums and music videos of all genres that will have music videos uploaded to YouTube alongside in universe versions of Mad Tv uploaded to Dionysus.
All non human alien races across al three galaxies such as the the Gadmeer,Enkarans,Gould,Tokra,Wraith,Omeyocans etc already featured in the show can have historical databases created that chart there history with events like 9/11 etc also created with them having spin offs abc movies that chart their history overall and of key wars with biopics of key individuals with each planet having explorers,painters etc created that will have their history detailed.
There could be as much as a dozen,hundreds or even thousands of different spin offs both either live action and animated ones of different genres being uploaded to Dionysus at once and taking place at the same time as each other and the main macro series that each explore each new theme and issue as well as conflicts,explore each plot point and different new galaxies and different threats to Earth and the galaxies at once in great detail ensuring each threat and themes are explored evenly rather than spread thinly or disproportionately across one macro series with their being new series going on for decades if not centuries with new characters,planets,galaxies,new alien races and technologies.Each show will be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once at the same time thus allowing events that occur in one show to be referenced in another and characters both old and new float in and out of each show with ease.Once
a spin off ends another one can be started thus having the newer spin offs explore new themes,new plot points,new planets and new galaxies and new threats with them each having their own different sets of new characters from all planets across the three galaxies that consist of humans from all colonies and cultures, ,Gadameer,Wraith,Tokra,Jaffa,Nox and revived Asgard,Ancients and Furlings etc with all characters from the existing series Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis,Stargate:Universe and each spin off floating in and out of each other and each new spin off.As a result the franchise could last several centuries,millenia or even billions of years due to their being 200,000,000,000 galaxies to discover with those that are soap operas and dramas themselves potentially lasting forever with new spin offs set up all the time of different genres that are either live action or animated on different planets in different galaxies across the universe.Interdimensional travel to alien universes will extend this potentially forever.It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one or more of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and video games etc.While the main macros series is written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus there would be dozens or thousands of other spin off set across the galaxies and universe that take place at the same time as each other that take place on the same year,month,week and day as each other with characters and events in one or more spin offs references in others and characters floating in and out of them.Thus there will be multiple shows taking place at once in the same timeline and universe with new characters and existing characters floating in and out of them that explore each plot point,each threat to the galaxies and each themes and issues in detail thus allowing them to be proportionally explored without becoming overburdened or spread too thinly allowing for concise and balanced exploration of each new theme and plot points.By having dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs of the Stargate franchise being written and filmed at once it could lead to episodes of dozens or thousands of the spin offs uploaded and premiering on Dionysus every day or week thus meaning fans would have fresh new episodes every day of the week every week of dozens or thousands of different shows of different genres etc rather than having to wait a week for a new episode of a single series.As a result dozens or hundreds of new episode of each spin off will premier every day with overall there being at least a few hundred or few thousand or more episodes from the entire franchise premiering every week or every day.Each would be filmed at the same time and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time to cater to fans interest and will be taking place in the same timeline and timeframe ie each episode of each spin off will take place at the same time as the others with them either on the same day or taking place the next day meaning events will take place all at once with as stated characters floating in and out and events in one show referenced in another.If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.If possible the whole story arch of a plot point would take place over several days,weeks,months and years over different spin offs of different genres – an example would be the integration of a planet may involve political debating etc and talks,terrorist attacks occuring,seeking out the terrorist attackers and then finally them brought to trial and rehabilitation of survivors may span several spin offs of different genres such as exploration ones,political drama ones,action ones,legal drama ones,soap opera ones and so on thus having a single story arc linking different spin offs of different genres thus ensuring that plot points don’t go unresolved and are fully fleshed out.This can be a recurring storytelling motif and technique for the franchise with it repeated with franchises that have multiple spin offs such as Star Trek,Star Wars,Buffy:The Vampire Slayer.Also all types of plot points can occur in different spin offs ie bioremediation of different planets can take place in an action based one,drama spin offs,soap opera ones and political drama ones thus giving each genre variety in the handling of different plot points.Other plot points such as the integration of a new human colony can again occur in drama,soap opera,political drama and action ones with alien threats such as the Gouald and Wraith will have events releated to them occur in all genres types etc.these and other plot points will take up a single episode,multiple episode an entire season etc of each spin off.The different plot points or integration of new planets,bioremediation of planets and terrorist attacks by the Gouald and wraith and battles with them will be dealt with in different ways suited to each genre ie those of each plot points(bioremediation of a planet,integration of new planet,attacks by the wraith etc) suited to an action show will take place in an action show,those suited to political dramas will take place in a political drama while those suited to soap operas will take place in soap operas so as to allow the different spin offs to cover each of the different plot points but from the perspective of their genre.These plot points can occur in different spin offs with different genres but the way each plot point is explored will be dependant on the genre of the spin offs ie integration of a new planet that involves defusing terrorists or capturing war criminals and fighting battles against the Wraith and Gouald would occur in action orientated ones with those that deal will resolving political disputes would occur in political drama ones while soap operas and dramas would deal with bioremediation of a planet or similar means of integration etc.The other plot points would be suited to each spin offs drama following this pattern.Some plot points could be universal such as a terrorist attack by the Wraith and Gouald could be take place in action,political drama,soap opera and drama ones but dealt with in different ways.Events that take place in one show will be referenced in another with as stated characters both existing ones and new ones will float in and out and be referenced in another ie the main star of an action show will be the reccuring or guest star of a drama show and soap opera show and do on with each character taking different roles in each spin off.Furthermore different spin offs can take place at the same time with events told from each other’s perspective.This will be repeated with other shows such as Star Trek,Buffy:The Vampire Slayer that have multiple spin offs.Stargate:Infinity which is set in the future can be continue to be disregarded as part of this new timeline.Video games similar to Mass Effect and a single MMO based on the franchise can be created that through updates unlocks more canon planets,galaxies,alien races and characters etc can also be created to give fans more in depth interaction with all of the concepts and interact with all characters,races,planets etc and plot points in more detail directly in customised fashions mentioned here that can be explored by them personally with even feature full length movies also produced as well.Movies can be made.Potentially there could be dozens or hundreds of movies of different genres releated to the franchise released each year
If possible still living actors who played dead characters such as dead Gouald system lords can play new humans and alien characters especially when using alien avatars and different hairstyles such as the actors that played Nirrti,Hathor,Bubastis,Seth such as Jacqueline Samunda,Natasha Khadr,Vince Crestejo,Suanne Braun playing both humans and other non human races with them using their normal voice and not the altered Gouald voice and different hairstyles etc with them becoming main and supporting characters of different spin offs.Actors who played dead Wraith queens and soldiers etc can be recast as humans and other non human alien characters and different hairstyles etc.Even actors who played extras in the background of episodes as humans and Gould etc of all existing three series will be contacted for major roles in spin offs as main characters,secondary characters etc.Assistant AI can scan actors starred in short movies,independent movies and those careers are sagging to contact them for auditions for characters they feel may be perfect for the role.Characters from Stargate SG-1,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate:Universe such as Val Mal Doran,Ronon Dex,Samantha Carter,Jack O Neill,Elizabeth Weir,Dr.Ronald Mckay,Tamayla Emmigan,Dr Nicholas Rush,John Shepard,Jonas Quinn etc can float in and out each spin off including dramas,soap operas,exploration and action orientated ones as cameos,secondary characters,main characters and guest stars.Even characters that appeared in all three existing shows in one or two episodes on Earth and other planets such as Sarah Gardener,Anise,Garshaw of Belouf,Joseph Faxon,Narim,Ishta,David Dixon,Kera/Linea,Nola etc and so on will return as main characters,reccuring characters etc in all of the spin offs with Assistsnt AI tracking down the original actors and compiling a list of all characters in each show that contained characters that appeared in only one or two episodes from reviewing episodes and the franchises pages.Thus minor characters that appeared in only one or two episodes will play a stronger role in each spin off charting the daily lives of citizens and different themes and plot points thus adding more to their characters and giving their actors longer careers and a new fan base rather than just being known as just a single minor character that appeared in only one episode.Characters whose fate was never resolved can be reintroduced by having them in hiding,being captured and rescued as well being stranded on other planets.Having both Joseph Faxon and Narim as characters could introduce conflict for Samantha Carter as two potentiall conflicting love interests considering her and Joesph Faxon were married in an alternate future and their was chemistry between her and Narim further complicated by the will they won’t they relationship between her and Jack O Neill with Sarah Gardener reintroduced as a potential love interest for Daniel Jackson.Plot points left unresolved in Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis,Stargate:Universe can be explored.These can be live action or animated shows with animated ones having different animation styles with their being potentially thousands of shows they can using VR technology have each one set in all human occupied planets across the three galaxies and new ones.Video games similar to Mass Effect etc also created as well set in the same timeline with their being potentially dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin off shows being filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once every week following the same timeline,timespan etc meaning events in each show premiering every day will take place at the same time as events in other spin offs and their being two,three or even ten shows episodes uploaded every day with every day episodes of each show being uploaded to Dionysus due to their being dozens or more shows taking place at once with feature length movies also created that deal with new characters,main characters and also plots releated to the Wraith,Ori,Gouald etc and other new emerging threats and also allow the main themes and issues explored in more detail.Also made can be video games that are an MMO and those similar to Mass Effect of the series created to allow fans to interact with the series universe in customised ways.These video games will house all characters,races,technologies and planets present in all three galaxies and new galaxies that can be fully explored with in the official MMO updates added that add new characters,planets,galaxies,races etc as time goes by including those from the various spin offs.The MMO will be set across all galaxies including those reseeded by Destiny and have all planets be fully explored when updated to 21st century technology and infrastructure including those from the Ancients etc reverse engineered made ubiquitous to all citizens with its own in universe news channels that changed with the plot of game and spin offs and allow all characters including once off characters and those from all spin offs be fully interactable with and in time new characters and planets as well as galaxies being added overtime as the spin offs progress through updates with in game codexes similar to that in Mass Effect that give players extra detailed information on each planet,character,technology and also culture across the galaxies with them updated overtime.New galaxies,planets ,races and characters will be added overtime from the various spin offs to be discovered and interacted with.All new plot points,characters,new planets etc that appear in the spin offs will be added to the MMO by Assistsnt AI interacting with AI in charge of the MMO.Metafiction and in universe versions of the wire,internet and YouTube can be present in it.One could play as humans from different planets,Wraith and Gould either as those that are allied with humans or that are trying to gain control of the galaxies with all characters from Earth and all three galaxies present controlled by AI can be present in it.One could play in this MMO as humans from different planets ranging from civilians,researchers conducting research into plants and animals across the galaxies and different technologies and military personnel and diplomats as well as revived ancients,Asgard’s,Furlings,Nox,Gadmeer,Enkarans,Jaffa,Tokra etc as well as new non human races and all types of humans from different planets and cultures such as as Tollan,Aschen etc and as Wraith and Gould and new alien races either as those that are allied with humans or that are trying to gain control of the galaxies with all characters from Earth and all three galaxies present in macro series and spin offs controlled by AI.All characters,technologies,planets,galaxies and races from the existing shows and spin offs that are canon will be present and new ones added overtime through updates with all planets being fully traverseable including all wilderness areas as all cities etc with billions of NPCs on each planet and entire unique taxonomic ranks of plants and animals,weather systems and unique terrains present on each planets.In time new planets,alien races and characters will be added to the MMO by the AI in charge of it as official canon that will be added to the spin offs overtime thus new planets and characters will be added first to the MMO and then the various spin offs with Assistsnt AI interacting with the AI in charge of the MMO to ensure consistency.This will be replicated for MMOs of Star Trek,Star Wars,Babylon 5 and games of Stargate,Babylon 5,Star Trek,Star Wars modelled on Mass Effect having these features.There can be games including MMOs etc set in different times such as present day and distant past.Many official canon video games will be created that follow the in universe plot modelled on Mass Effect that visit each or some planets as part of all galaxies that are fully exploreable and have some of the main characters present.There will also there will be fanmade games that take plot points from the shows and official video games to create their own adventures set in the universe or parallel universes.This idea of multiple spin offs of a show taking place at once can be repeated with other science fiction and even fantasy shows such as Buffy,Charmed,Star Trek.Both official canon video games will be created that follow the in universe plot but also there will be fanmade games that take plot points from the shows and official video games to create their own adventures set in the universe.Since there is an estimated 200,000,000,000 galaxies in the observeable universe then the show could last for millions or billions of years with the same going for Star Trek,Andromeda and other science fiction shows dealing with interstellar travel in the present day or far distant future.Thus different spin offs of the main new macro show can be made set in a modern setting between 2029-2045 and deal with these issues separately and in greater detail than the main macro series with these and the macro series for realism referening real world events such as the Barack Obama and Donald Trump administrations,Coronavirus pandemic and formation of a global Earth and the eradication of money and poverty and capitalism becoming obsolete and replaced by minarcho technocratism with the formation of an intergalactic entity mirroring and an allegory for the real world formation of the global government and the Alliance of the Four Great Races within the shows universe,advancements in real world technology since they ended and from 2029 onwards such as smartphones,smartpads,YouTube,the wire,Artificial Intelligence,VR technology,terraforming Mars and Venus,geothermal,synthetic oil,fusion power,dyson swarms,hydroponics,immortality,picotech fabricators,CRISPR and genetic engineering,biocompatible microbes,biosynths and biosynthetic technology and so on detailed in the new technologies section of this website,the agriculture section and energy section and so on alongside new ones native to the show will be added overtime the are the result of AI,reverse engineering Ancient,Gouald,Ori,Wraith and Asgard technology with this acellerated due to humans on Earth having the ability to reverse engineer and integrate both Asgard and Ancients technologies discovered from Atlantis and given to them by the Asgard at the end of Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis as well as that of the Gouald,Ori and Wraith using AI as of 2029 that could then become commonplace across Earth and all colonies across the three galaxies and adding real life alien races etc and so on keeping it based in the real modern world and referencing real world events like it always has been AI using Ancient and Asgard technology could accelerate its own development in computing power exponentionally by several centuries or millenia thus in turn exponentially increasing technological development.Fictional technologies both hypothesised ones such as megastructures including artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs and those from other science fiction shows will be developed by in show AI and races including them being more remenants of the Ancients or Ori or ideally then built by other equally advanced races and more advanced AI either extinct or extant on par with the Ancients prior to ascension.Since the Tollan can develop technologies with no internal circuitry etc then its possible for other races including non human ones especially older ones that are several million years old to have developed as far enough to develop megastructures such as Alderson discs,ringworlds etc either by themselves or even reverse engineering Ancient technologies or that from the Ori including finding ways to extract information from the repositories of knowledge in many different ways to be able to create megastructures such as arftificial planets,dyson shells,ringworlds and alderson discs.If posdible it could be that megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds and alderson discs were built by the Furlings and other equally advanced species.More remenants of the ancients such as derelict spacecraft,space stations and ruined cities will be introduced.AI by 2029 could utilise Asgard,Gould,Wraith and Ancients technologies to exponentially increase its computing power thus allowing it to develop new technologies including those derived from these races technologies and hybrids and make Stargates and interstellar vehicles and those from the new technologies section and new ones a reality much faster and more mass produced acrosss the galaxies making them ubiquitous to all citizens across the galaxies.Interstellar and intergalactic travel will become ubiquitous due to the mass production of fusion power,naquadah and naquadria generators,Stargates,super gates,Midway station and interstellar and intergalactic vehicles especially those that are interstellar and intergalactic versions of cruise ships and public transport.Intergalactic and interstellar cruise ships can be developed similar to Odyssey but much larger and include those similar in size and design to Atlantis that could house are least a million people with intergalactic versions of buses,taxis and aeroplanes present that drive to a preset route of planets and one can order for custom journeys.These interstellar and intergalactic cruise ships would be composed of graphene composites and have Windows with graphene in its matrix mand shielding to protect them from debris and weapons with them using a combination of zero point energy modules,naquadah/naquadria generators,terra root to power propulsion,lighting,life support systems etc acting as backups to each other.Each interstellar and intergalactic vehicle for commercial,exploration and military uses would have onboard Stargates.Puddle jumpers will be mass produced and owned by the average citizen that can act as flying vehicles on Earth etc and also cater to personal interstellar and intergalactic travel with them controlled by AI.Merging Asgard technology and that from the repositories of knowledge can make interstellar and intergalactic engines of all cruise interstellar ships and those used by explorers,researchers and military vessels and also city ships more energy efficient and be able to travel between galaxies within days and between star systems between hours.In universe versions of the Borg trans warp conduit and corridors can be developed for quick travel within galaxies and in between galaxies.Real world celebrities such as Madonna,Britney Spears,Celine Dion,Lady Gaga,Jennifer Lopez,Bill Maher,John Oliver,Fox News,CNN,famous vloggers in YouTube,famous actors,directors and movies,television shows etc from Earth will be referenced as well as make guest appearances as themselves and even fictional media created on Earth such as Fox,CNN,The View etc all human races can be mentioned with some characters being new celebrities from all three galaxies such as actors,models,porn stars,musicians,athlethes etc that are main characters and appear as cameos on television and magazines etc.This can include talk shows such as The View,.Thus the first episode would open up in and around 2029-2035 wherein the global government has just been formed and all citizens on Earth have just been made aware of the existence of the Stargate programme,humans on other planets,other alien races such as the Gouald,Wraith,Nox,Ancients,Atlantis and nature of Ascension and indeed all aspects of the three previous Stargate SG-1,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate:Universe.The technologies and method of automation etc as detailed on this entire site with regards to agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare,entertainment,live news and energy etc will be adopted to keep the show grounded in reality with the hypothesised technologies present in the new technologies section added due to its science fiction elements and increase in AIs computing power.Ideally the main macro series can be set in the present day at least a decade or more when the intergalactic UN.m is being formed and put together after the public revaluation on Earth about the existence of the Stargate programme,humans spread across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients home galaxies and also the Wrauth,Gouald etc but at the same a spin off similar to Star Trek Enterprise can detail the reaction on Earth about this revelation made at the same time with it focusing on politicians,members of Stargate Command and every day citizens
Efforts will be made throughout the show to deal with new threats including not only completely new ones such as new alien races and including those created by rogue scientists but also the remenants of the Gouald and their supporters,remenants of the Ori and followers from Earth and across the galaxies,human terrorist organisations,followers of Origin and the Wraith and upgrading all human colonies across the three galaxies to 21st century standards of infrastrure and technology both Earth based and that derived from the Asgard etc and enforcement of universal laws acting as an allegory for the real formation of the global government and the shows in universe Alliance of Four Great Races.Thus there will be the formation of the intergalctic UN entity similar to the Federation of Planets from Star Trek that consists of Earth and all planets that contains humans spread across the Milky Way galaxy,Pegasus galaxy and the Ancients home galaxy including remenants of the Tollan,Tagalus,Aschen,Svoriin,Saritans etc and also all non human races similar to the Alliance of the Four Great Races in the shows universe with this possibly including the Nox,Enkaren,Neraida,Jaffa,Oannes,Unas,Unity,Pod People,The A’t’rr,Gadmeer,Tokra,Vanir,Serrakin,Sekkari,Reol,Reetou etc,revived Ancients,Asgard,Furlings etc and certain factions of the Wraith and Gouald with all primative human planets across the three galaxies upgraded to 21st century technology and infrastructure including homes,bridges,electricity,internet,wire,YouTube,smartphones,smart televisions and those reverse engineered from the Ancients,Asgard etc. acting further as an allegory for the formation of the global government.Proto and final Nyx structures will be built in all three galaxies and in between the three of them will be built to allow cellular calls,internet and wire access and live-streams to be spread across and shared between all occupied planets in all three galaxies and newly colonies ones in real time with supergates set up in between all occupied galaxies and in key star systems of the three galaxies to allow vehicles instant access to them to cut down on travel times.In universe versions of the Borg trans warp conduit and corridors can be developed for quick travel within galaxies and in between galaxies
Heliopolis will act as the planet that holds the intergalactic Federations headquarters similar to the UN headquarters in New York in a newly rebuilt castle acting as an an allegory for the Alliance of the Four Great races.The pedestal from the original castle that house information left from the original Four Great Races will be salvaged to be deciphered and it and the intergalactic federation will continue the work and legacy of the original Alliance of Four Great Races.The original castle can be used with if possible the cliffs have large boulders created by picotech fabricators to rebuild large areas of grassland to hold the castle from scratch extending out at least a few kilometres with an artificial beach created and the new land hosting gentle sloped area and as stated a beach with a sea wall created to prevent erosio.n forever.There will be planets in each of the three galaxies that act as embassies fit each the entity in each galaxy embassies with all newly explored galaxies having planets that act as embassies.Lantea due to it where Atlantis was found will also be used as the entities embassy n the Pegasus Galaxy.Celestis will be the entities embassies in the Ancients Home Galaxy due to it being the homeworld of the ancients.The entity will extend to all races of humans and non human races across these three galaxies and also extend across the galaxies visited by Destiny in the past that are reseeded and also the Ida and Othalla galaxies and those as part of Lanikea Supercluster and rest of the universe.Similar to the real world intergalactic entity discussed later on each absorbed planet and human civilisation and non human race will have to abide all laws set down in a galactic charter and constitution as detailed later on.The constitution will be similar to the galactic constitution detailed later on with all aspects of the wire,YouTube,Agora,Internet and means of manufacturing hubs and automated farming integrated grounding it in reality with the only exception being that all human colonies of different technological tiers are integrated into it and upscaled to 21st standards with all reverse engineered technologies and new technologies devised by aIl present in this site.All members of the in universe intergalactic entity would have to follow the same immutable laws and those passed by referendum similar to the real world equivalent detailed later on this website.Capitalism in Earth and in all planets will be dissolved and replaced by fully automated,moneyless,post scarcity minarcho technocratism utilising the wire such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus and Pheme etc that will extend across the three galaxies.All newly discovered unihabited and colonised planets in all three galaxies will be integrated into it alongside all newly discovered alien races who wish to join with member planets abiding by universal laws,minarcho technocratism and also allowed free passage amongst all planets.All seeded and colonised planets in the Ida,Othalla galaxies and those visited by Destiny in the past will be integrated into it.All member races such as humans from all planets across the three galaxies as well as all non human races such as Enkarans,Gadmeer,Wraith,Tokra,Unas,Oannes,Nox etc and revived Asgard,Ancients and Furlings will be main,secondary and reccuring characters as part of all spin offs including action ones,dramas and soap operas and movies.
.These can also include in the Stargate universe in versions of The View,Oprah,Bill Maher,Mad Tv including these real world ones and new fictional ones that are separate spin offs with episodes uploaded to Dionysus.All of these talk shows,podcasts,vloggers etc will appear routinely in spin offs,detailing events in the franchises spin offs and can start with the public revelation of the existence of the Stargate etc on Earth and then catch up and continue to carry on during the run of all spin offs.Fictional in universe versions of WhatCulture and and other similar accounts can be created.Fictional YouTube accounts can cover all themes that real world accounts carry out ideas such as vlogs on political events and discussions as well as creating homemade food using Earth based plants etc and those from across the galaxies,fake horror stories similar Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Lazy Masquerade etc set in different planets and involve the Gouald and Wraith etc and also fake unsolved mysteries and true crime from and fake historical mysteries across the galaxies,snippets from fictional media cremated in universe,reviews of in universe fictional movies/television shows etc,walking through real world and fictional cities on Earth and other colonies across the galaxies similar to Nomadic Ambience,walking tours of wilderness areas on fictional planets,urban exploring of abandoned buildings and even non abandoned buildings such as Stargate Command,Atlantis across the galaxies including ruins of the Ancients etc similar to Exploring with Josh,Dan Bell and The Proper People using VR technology updated regularly created by AI,fans and writers and actors with snippets of videos in them appearing in different episodes.Drones touring wilderness areas and fictional cities will be made.In otherwards all types of accounts on YouTube will be present.The VR map of each planet will be available to be downloaded by the public thus allowing them to be used for the public to create urban exploration videos and tours of in universe wilderness and buildings in the universe.This can be replicated with all science fiction and fantasy video games and television shows.These fictional YouTube channels will be updated regularly either monthly,weekly or even daily etc throughout the run of the shows,during breaks of seasons and each show and linked together via subscribers etc options or other means decided by Thaos and Assistant AI with Assistant AI and Adriadne directing fans to them that subscribe to the various shows as part of the franchise in Dionysus with fans then subscribing to them.The in universe characters for these YouTube accounts can consist of humans from Earth and in time from upgraded colonies across the Milky Way,Pegasus and Ancients Home galaxies alongside other non human races and can include in universe characters.As stated fans of the shows can set up their own channels and produce these fictional vlogs,podcasts,urban exploration and Nomadic Ambience style videos and live news reports and interviews using VR technology with them being linked to channels of official metafiction channels with some of the channels vlogs etc created by AI namely Assistant AI using pseudonyms and avatars via interacting with Thaos and Adriadne.This can include multiple fictional live news channels from across the globe of both liberal and conservative leaning channels similar to Fox News,OANN,CNN,MSNBC etc and a single global if not an intergalactic news channel that covers news across the galaxies.If possible podcasts of fictional radio hosts and podcasts that are an hour long each complete with callers can be made in the show that express opinions from both the left and right side of the political spectrum.The Oprah,The View,Dr Phil type shows can be done by fictional celebrities and also be in their style such as interviewing both existing and new characters including members of SG-1,SGA,former Gould hosts and slaves especially those that served and lived under under famous system lords in Stargate SG-1 series will appear on these including Val Mal Doran can become a celebrity on American talk shows similar to Oprah and and Dr Phil as the former host of Qetesh with her using that fact to to produce books and movies on her life and alongside taking roles in the military etc.Sarah Gardener will be reintroduced and will also become a celebrity with television appearences and also books written about her time as a host to Osiris and her having all the memories of Osiris as far back as Ancient times and her joining Stargate Command with spoof televangelist shows by Christian,Islamic and Judaism televangelists making live shows etc about spreading Christianity across the galaxies and televangelists of Origin from humans from the Ancients Home galaxy with the same goals with them characters in different spin offs either reccuring or main characters and recurring celebrities across the galaxies.Fictional documentaries will be created that detail the history of the Ancients,Stargate Command and also different Gouald system lords,Origin,Ori,Wraith and each human culture their history and legends across the three galaxies can be created with fake historians interviewed including Dr Daniel Jackson and other in universe historians from the spin offs as even citizens and historians from each human culture.
Fake documentaries series can be made set within the Stargate franchise that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities,terrorist attacks,natural disasters and other historical events in the past and those that occur on the various spin offs uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as well witness characters that were first hand witnesses retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.This can include those on both existing events in the franchise but also new events that occur or are referenced in each spin offs movies and television shows including animated ones.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.In universe versions of Crimewatch can be made that details crimes such as murders,kidnappings,missing people,sexual assault with YouTube Channels focusing on fictional crimes such as missing people,kidnappings,murders etc that are meta fiction
All of these will allow fans of the Stargate franchise to add to the official canon in the form of metafiction that will provide work for millions of writers and actors
These can be created by official writers and fans etc.Even nested feature length full feature movie political documentaries can be made that made that detail events etc that take place in the official spin offs,movies and television shows similar that take a neutral or biased political stance on social issues and events that take place in the franchises universe interviewing in universe historians and characters and use fake filmed footage alongside newly filmed footage via VR technology to politicise events in them similar to Farenheight 9/11,Bowling for Columbine etc Fake documentaries series can be made that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as characters foretellingthe events asflashbacks etc.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas,archaeological sites on Earth and also all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.A fictional full length version of the book of Origin,books written by Val Amal Duran and Sarah Gardener and other in universe characters can be created by Assistant AI using passages mentioned in the shows alongside other literature,documents etc present in the existing shows and the new ones can be created as full books and documents and books in Dionysus accessible to be read by fans of the show
Either fans or official writers can make musicals,movies and television shows that are made in a way to be as if made by in universe characters as if they were fictional media made within the Stargate universe uploaded to Dionysus.These fake documentaries,talk shows(including those similar to The View,Dr Phil,live news reports and political discourse programmes including sections by political pundits on both the conservative right and liberal left and interviews with politicians including representatives from different people across the three galaxies,main characters from the first three shows and macro series etc and representatives from Origin,Christianity etc as well as those that are debate programmes and will also report key events that occur in the main series and its spin offs and minor unrealeted stories that involve the concepts such as conflicting religions,Origin,racism against non Earth originated humans that will be aired on this YouTube channel as snippets during the entirety of the macro series and all spin offs and other shows with each type live news,documentaries,talk shows not only full length lasting between thirty minutes to an hour but also arranged by type in playlists in different linked YouTube channels advertised to fans of the show by Adriadne and also managed by Assistant AI in charge of the show that will upload and proof read all material.All fictional in universe documentaries,talk shows etc could premier on YouTube as an in universe metafiction spin off with snippets on its YouTube channel and live news segments both those shown in spin offs and movies etc and extra ones created by actors,fans and Assistant AI could appear as in its own channel on YouTube that had segments of pundit shows,reports etc lasting 60-120 minutes.Also created can be fictional in universe podcasts,newspapers and magazines on YouTube and Pheme.Wormhole X-Treme the fictional in universe show in the franchise can be made by the writers as an actual television show with the same actors from it in its same parody style and with it uploaded into Dionysus with at least 200 episodes and ten seasons set before the public revelation of the Stargate programme between 2001-2011.The scenes present in all episodes it appeared in will be filmed and uploaded as well.Thus a real version of the show will be made in the same parody style with the same actors to provide extra material for the fans.Fictional in universe versions of Mad Tv,The Catherine Tate Show,The View,Saturday Night Live,Jimmy Kimmel Live, can be created that make parodies of in universe political events,celebrities and in universe movies, television shows etc and interview in universe celebrities and discuss in universe political events with them uploaded to Dionysus.Fictional in universe musicians can be be created to broadcast music videos and there can be an in universe channel that houses trailers for in universe media such as television shows,video games and movies and in universe vlogger reviewers of said movies etc similar to The Angry Joe Show,Chris Stuckmann,Deusdeacon,SfDebris,Zero Punction,The Nostslgia Critic,Confused Matthew with these in universe movies and video games made into real ones in the real world uploadex to Dionysus.
political talk shows and comedy sketch shows similar to Mad Tv,Saturday Night Live,Jimmy Kimmel Live,Oprah,The View,Dr Phil,Real Time with Bill Maher,John Oliver can be created as separate spin offs wuth these episodes lasting 60 minutes and the shows lasting forever with new ones created all the time and them appearing on televisions in each universe .There can be spin offs that detail the lives of these talk show presenters similar to Newsroom.There can be live news channels including those that deal ,those that are from each country on Earth,those for Earth and those for each homeworld and each country of each member planet and across the universe that are independent and state owned that are right wing and left wing channels that are spin offs that have news reports created of all major events in the universe and their own separate pundit programmes that feature right wing pundits that express their views on social issues and politics and events fictional talk shows,live news and podcasts within the series that are on YouTube channels as 30-60 minute videos added regularly forever as long as their are spin offs being created with them appearing as snippets in different spin offs on televisions etc with their being spin offs similar to The Newsroom that detail the lives of the news anchors etc and have episodes detailing certain key news reports.These YouTube channels will go on potentially forever as long as their are new spin offs being created.In universe sketch show and documentary programmes could possibly be as 60-120 minute episodes be stored in Dionysus as their own spin off shows that have episodes made routinely with YouTube used to house snippets of them.In universe fictional magazines and fictional newspapers can be uploaded to Pheme or Dionysus(this can include in universe versions of real world newspapers such as the The New York Times etc).News reports and live debates can be snippets lasting 10-60 minutes with fake talk shows and fake podcasts etc last at most an hour with these consisting of actors and also AI actors.This will be similar to the fake In Focus documentary etc released during the run of True Blood and act as metafiction to further immerse fans more into the universe of the show.If possible a separate version of YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme can be created for the show accessed only within the real internet and wire within the shows folders in Dionysus with these versions of YouTube,Pheme housing thousands of not millions of different accounts and versions of real world and fictional news channels,podcasts,magazines and newspapers from in universe characters ranging from humans across the three galaxies updated constantly by Assistsnt AI using countless pseudonyms and avatars.Fans also access to subsystem your add their own media with existing material transferred from the real YouTube.The official MMO of the game set in present day can better integrate these in universe versions of YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme with existing channels and media,YouTube channels and the ability to produce these media and channels transferred to it.AI and fans will have access to this in MMO version.Video games series can also do this metafiction and fake live news,fake vloggers,musicians,fake urban exploring and walking tours of cities and fake versions of Restoration Nation and in universe movies/television shows etc for games such as Tomb Raider,The Witcher,Metal Gear,Grand Theft Auto,Doom,Resident Evil etc with for official games in the series the channels retroactively covering events from the begging of the official series timeline.It can also be done for fanmade games.This can be relevant when these video games are adapted into their own official and fanmade television shows again as much as a dozen animated or live action shows detailing multiple themes,characters etc.New science fiction and fantasy television shows can do this.Again Asisstsnt AI and Adriadne will direct fans of each series to these metafictional accounts via their subscription in Dionysus and direct interaction with the general public.Movies,video games and television shows spin offs can be created that follow the main series from the point of view of the Wraith,Ancients,Gouald including each individual system lord,Nox,key members of the Lucian Alliance and all human races across the various galaxies in the existing and new shows with video games with movies,television shows and videos games dealing with Atlantis,Stagate Command,Destiny during the events of Stargate SG-1,Stargate:Atlantis,Stargate:Universe and also the new spin off series and even movies and in particular video games that deal with each of the main characters separately such as Jack O Neill,Samantha Carter,Tamayla Emmigan,John Sheppard etc.These movies and television shows can be either live action ones or animated ones and last between 5-20 seasons.All three existing series have included and mentioned and featured enough planets,atagonistic races,factions,technologies,galaxies etc that can allow for a large variety of issues and themes to be explored in large amounts of new spin offs that include a main series with former main characters and also spin offs in the form of movies,television shows,video games etc that are dramas,science fiction exploration,soap operas etc set in the same universe including both animated and live action to extend its lifespan for several decades if not forever with the entire universe full of billions of galaxies availible with video games created that deal with these issues etc.Like Buffy:The Vampire Slayer in universe movies,video games,television shows,live performance art(plays,musicals and operas could be made as if they were made in universe by different in universe Earth based writers and those from other humans and even Gouald and Wraith but uploaded into Dionysus.Video games,movies and live performance art etc can be made to flesh out the history of the Ancients,Gould(both overall and for each one),Wraith,Nox etc and all human races in the shows universe.Since the show desks with the multiverse theory this can be used to create movies,video games and television shows that follow different histories.This map programme of each planet and if possible the entire universe will be used for all spin offs with it stored in a sub network of Dionysus to be copied,downloaded and used for each spin off by writers and actors etc as well as by the public including fans creating fanmade video games,Fanmade movies and tv shows etc as well as VR tours of cities and wilderness areas similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience,urban exploration videos and also by fans for use in carrying out pastimes and for Bacchus.Each planet including Earth will have cities,towns and villages of various sizes with obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings and private homes with abandoned buildings and obsolete buildings of all types such as hotels,supermarkets etc both real and fictional and apartments and private homes real and fictional that allows them to be used in in universe versions of Restoration Nation.Adriadne will set up networks for these movies and television shows to ensure each country and planet has these types of shows of each genre advertised to fans and have Assistant Ai ensure all plot points are explored
•Star Trek:
This can be replicated other major science fiction shows such as the different franchises of Star Trek such as Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Trek:Voyager,Star Trek:Enterprise,Star Trek:Deep Space Nine,Star Trek:The Original Series:Discovery,Star Trek:Lower Decks etc with video games either Mass Effect style games or MMOs with even the possibility of their being video games and television shows and movies set in the distant past dealing with key points of the timeline such as set on Earth dealing with the Eugenics War,World War 3 and events in between that and also just before,during and after first contact with the Vulcans and also just before,during,in between and after each existing television franchise such as Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Trek:Voyager,Star Trek:Enterprise,Star Trek:Deep Space Nine,Star Trek:The Original Series:Discovery,Star Trek:Lower Decks etc detailing not only major historical events of Earth and the federation but also television shows and movies detailing the history of the Vulcans,Klingons,Bajorans,Ferengi,Borg and indeed all races from across all quadrants especially important key events of their history and events that took place in the existing programmes from their perspective but also there being new series overtime detailing all other galaxies across the universe that the Federation of planets explores overtime detailing new planets,characters,ships,technologies,alien races and threats similar to the Dominion,Borg etc.Furthermore shows can be made of each main characters set in their early years such as teens and early adult years including at Starfleet Academy,their home planets and even early years as part of Starfleet etc Furthermore like Stargate there can be multiple spin off shows airing at once that deal each in detail more themes relevant to current modern politics and issues with new threats to the Federation of Planets similar to the Borg,Dominion and even Cardassians and Maquis with roughly 200,000,000 galaxies to explore with again technologies detailed on this website integrated into the show potentially allowing the show to go on for billions of years.Each member race of the federation and even non member race from Star Trek:Enterprise,Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Trek:Voyager,Star Trek:Deep Space Nine from the alpha,beta,gamma,delta quadrants will have spin offs that detail key historical events in their history prior to,during and after them joining the federation of planets with this including the Vulcans,Romulans,Bajorans,Xindi,Vaadawaur,Voth,Kazon,Oocampa etc.This may even include separate spin offs detailing the origins of the Borg and Dominion with also spin offs that detail the histories of long extinct species including those allowed to die due to the Prime Directive with them detailing their history with it even including long extinct species that died before the Federation was formed including the Darsay,Tatiana,Imotru,Thrintun,Ancient Humanoid Race that humans,Klingons,Vulcan,Cadassians are descended from detailing their initial exploration of space and then them seeding primordial worlds with DNA and eventual extinction.Each of the thousands species assimilated by the Borg can have their histories charted in individual spin offs that detail their history and including key events from ancient times until they reached interstellar travel and eventually assimilation.This can be replicated with other science fiction shows such as Babylon 5 etc.Abandoned plot points and side plots from all existing series such as Sela,the aliens from the episodes “Conspiracy,Schisms”,Dr.Taylor,The Kelvins,The Vaadwaur,planet Miri,The Guardian of Forever,Gorn etc can be reintroduced as new threats to the Federation.Assistant AI can scan YouTube for videos by TrekCulture and other accounts for cliffhangers,undeveloped plot points and also forums across the internet.There will also be shows such as soap operas,legal and medical dramas etc that focus on the lives of everyday citizens in Earth and other planets.These can be either live action or animated shows lasting between 5-20 seasons with even movies and video games that detail these events.In universe documentaries can be made that detail the histories,coming of age rituals,mythology,religions,cultures etc of each planet,alien race etc across the galaxy including those on Starfleet specific historical characters such as Kathryn Janeway,Jean Luc Picard,Zephram Cochran etc and each enterprise ship,events such as the Battle of Wolf 359,the events of Voyager in the Delta Quadrant,First contact between Earth and Vulcan etc.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planets across the galaxy including space stations and interstellar vehicles.There also will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be professional ones and will be in Dionysus.Like Stargate rogue AI,newly created genetically engineered animals and alien sentient species created from scratch can be introduced as threats alongside genetically engineered plagues and also those from across the galaxy can be introduced with also old threats and enemies can be introduced such as the remenants of the Borg,dominion and new factions of federation members similar to the Maquis can exist alongside rogue or de powered members of the Continuum.The Borg can be dealt with by the Federation by having them find ways to neutralise the Borg and liberate each individual species that the Borg conquered and enslaved and using the Phanes method and artificial wombs bring them back to their former civilisations by creating millions of genetically distinct individuals and rebuilding their civilisations.Extragalactic alien races and entities similar to the Federation of Planets and Dominion or Borg can be introduced as well as as both threats and allies to the Federation of Planets thus expanding the amount of galaxies the franchise is set in.The Kelvins can be reintroduced with races and characters that were only in one or two episodes can have more prominent roles.These will be used for subtext and allegories etc for current and past events.Groups and underground illegal black markets that house brothels,slaves,hitmen,casinos,trade of illegal crops/pets/weapons and stolen artifacts etc to races across the galaxy including sexual slavery and normal slavery of humans,bajorans,Vulcans etc and even killing them and selling organs and their meat for consumption by alien races can be set up by entities similar to the the Lucien Alliance from Stargate that utilise gold pressed latinium and Federation Credits as currency with them also having snuff features that include the torture of humans and other alien races and also gladiator battles involving them and where humans and other aliens are hunted to death and as food to other races and as sexual and physical slaves.Kelvins from the Andromeda galaxy can be reintroduced as a new threat especially once intergalactic travel is achieved and they have been found to be subjugating other alien races in other galaxies as part of the Local Group alongside the non corporeal entity 0 reintroduced as an enemy that is threatening the rest of the universe to finally dealt with once and for all.It can have accessed other dimensions to seek out other non corporal entries or even ways to revive and bring back the Gorgon,*,the God of Sha Ka Ree through whatever means etc thus making them a new threat to the Federation.The Prime Directive may become more debated and less dogmatic than before with it given loopholes and subroutines that allows for interference in certain situations especially considering past infractions where it each instance of interfering in lower technological tier races can be debated on a case by case basis including interfering in cases where a more advanced species is directly enslaving or carrying out genocide against less technological civilisations,subvertly influencing events towards a peaceful end goal and discreetly preventing extinctions due to natural disasters and guiding them covertly towards cleaner energy and better agriculture and also reversing environmental damage with in some cases allowed to directly influence the technological upgrading of a species and so on.It will be modified to deal with new political ideals and reform including by specific individuals in the Federation government through debate including analysing past infractions by all Starfleet captains that broke it and thus saved lives and instances where it led to the unnecessary extinctions of entire civilisation etc.Extinct races from across the galaxy including those left to die from the Prime Directive will be revived via the Lazarus method alongside long extinct races that existed before the Federation with even those catalogued and absorbed by the Borg revived using information stolen from them through Borg implants and captured Borg cubes revived with CRISPR and biocompatible microbes etc used as a weapon against the Borg to deactivate implants,nanites and sever individuals from the collective including whole cubes and the Phanes method used to recreate entire races salvaged with entire planets rescued from them.Technologies from the new technologies section,summary of food production and energy etc parts of this website such as biosynths,AI,CRISPR etc can be integrated into these shows with possible the organisation of automation and AI with regards to healthcare,manufacturing and the secondary sector and agriculture and their own in universe version of the wire and internet integrated into it.How food and manufactured goods are acquired can be better explained even using those of minarcho technocratism as explained in the summary of food and secondary sector present here.New technologies created by the writers can be present.Paean can be replaced by the holographic Doctors programme being copied and mass produced across the Federation thus making him available to all citizens across the Federation or different versions of his programming via different holographic doctors played by different actors being present in hospitals,different starships and space stations and in the homes of all citizens at a whims notice alongside Paean via holographic and VR technology and also smartphones allowing the original doctor to be played by only one actor with him serving in a single hospital or whatever main Federation ship and him and other holographic doctors being able to be transported from ship to ship via subspace tellocomunications with Borg technology such as nanites from Seven of Nine and those extracted from the Borg directly can be reverse engineered replacing biocompatible microbes in humans and other species that fight off tumours as well as pathogens and also form implants for VR and the extraction of memories etc that are widely available to all cities,biosynths complimented by Datas programming and internal structure reverse engineered allowing them to be mass produced in different avatars played by different actors allowing all citizens of the federation have one as personal butlers and au pairs and cooks etc and replace humans in all dangerous and labourious work.Versions of Nyx will be built across the galaxy to allow instaneous communication between all planets with this including reverse engineering the communication system developed and used by the Hirogen.Erebus can be constructed to cut down on travel time to different star systems.Modern technologies such as smartphones,smartpads,smart televisions,artificial wombs,3D DNA printers,Wikipedia,the internet and YouTube,Biosynths and Biosynth technologies,biocompatible microbes and those from the entire website can be introduced as recent inventions or long present ones.CRISPR,genetic engineering including those that give humans new abilities and immortality can be integrated using it as a new recent in universe discovery and thus make humans immortal a plot point to be explored.Real world scientific discoveries and technological advancements in the real world as of 1987-2029 onwards and those across the entire website with regards to agriculture productions,energy,3D DNA printers,atificial wombs,biosynth technology,biosynths,biosynth implants and VR technology,CRISPR(anti-ageing treatments and augmentations)etc and new real world scientific discoveries and technologies from 2029 can be integrated into the show as recent discoveries by in universe researchers alongside the discovery of real world species that are the source of recombinant DNA that give humans immortality and augmentations as detailed in the healthcare section including the discovery of CRISPR itself can be added in the series as recent discoveries as of the time of the latest Star Trek series including Star Trek:Picard etc by researchers.Furthermore real world philosophy can be integrated as by in universe philosophers with the wire such as Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus and Pheme etc and all AI such as Paean,Gaia,Helios etc can be integrated into it as recent discoveries and advances.The economy can be modelled on minarcho technocratism detailed across this website that is AI and automation replacing all labour intensive work with remaining work being voluntary with Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus,Pheme introduced as the means of acquiring goods and services and also entertainment etc similar to the real world through computer networks and cloud networks,Pandora etc as recent technological and social developments.This will ground it in reality alongside adding CRISPR,anti ageing treatments,smartphones,Wikipedia,YouTube etc and all technologies across this website including those in the new technology sections integrated as recent developments.The Agoge training and also 14 being the age of majority etc can be integrated as recent political developments.A combination of CRISPR,artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers etc technology can better make hybrids between humans and other races across the galaxy as well as make it easier for humans and other races to interbreed with each other.Also rogue scientists as part of the Federation or any enemies that are of different alien races outside of the Federation could use the CRISPR technology,artificial wombs,AI,3D DNA printers and Phanes method to mass produce an army of genetically engineered humans or aliens including newly created animal and sentient aliens including hybrids between humans and aliens to gain power of the Milky Way galaxy with existing remenants of the Borg and other existing alien threats stealing the CRISPR technology to augment their armies and also become a bigger threat.The Borg can become a lingering threat following them being having to restart efforts to conquer the galaxy and use newer technologies including stealing those added from the Federation in a technological arms race.The Phanes and Lazarus method and artificial wombs can be also used to revive long extinct sentient races across the Galaxy including the Ancient humanoid race from which all races such as Klingons,Humans etc are derived from using the key genetic sequences from the Vulcans,Humans,Klingons,Cardassians and Romulans and piecing them together into one new progenitor race with Phanes and artificial wombs creating large amounts of genetically distinct individuals with it also used to revive all races that were allowed to perish due to the Prime Directive or those mentioned in canon that went extinct prior to the formation of the Federation and prior to each members species rise to civilisation such as the Darsay,Tatiana,Imotru,Thrintun.Assistant AI will compile a list of extinct races across the galaxy to revive through this.The abandoned plot point of the Ancient humanoid race can be revived as a means to initiate peace talks between the Romulans,Cardassians and the other different races and their home planet becoming both a historical and tourist hotspot in spin offs with the revelation of them being the source of all humanoid races in the quadrant becoming a common motif especially with regards to each races mythology and religions including Christianity as people try to integrate it into their faith.Rogue factions of Cardassians,Romulans can exist as an extra threat.CRISPR and biocompatible microbes can be used to sever individuals and entire cubes and planets from the Borg with their databases of collected species used alongside the Phanes method to bring them back from extinction those that were already rescued from the Borg that could be a plot point with the gradual emancipation of all assimilated species carried and bioremediation of their homeworlds.Each of the thousands of species completely assimilated by the roughly 10,026 species emancipation can be charted across dozens of spin offs of different genres and chart the rehabilitation of emancipated members of each species who will become new characters.The Borg using new scientific discoveries can be defeated or integrated and their assimilated species emancipated and some possibly integrated into the Federation with all technologies of the Borg including their transwarp engines,Transwarp conduit and also implants and other technologies will be reverse engineered by the Federation for various purposes.Endangered species such as the El-Urians can be using the Phanes method brought back from the brink of extinction.The history and origin of the Borg can be charter in spin offs.The Federation using advances in warp technology,hyperspace and artificial wormhole technology and even technologies similar to Erebus and supergates as well as Nyx will expand across all quadrants of the galaxy including dealing with new alien races including those from Star Trek Voyager with new races and planets added to the Fedration or new threats.All races that Katherine Janeway interacted while in the Delta Quadrant can be included as potential new members and new threats to the Federation with the gamma quadrant also explored.Having multiple spin offs will allow for all four quadrants to be explored..Given the fact that is an estimated 11,000,000,000-40,000,000,000 Earth like planets in the Milky Way their will be a wide variety of alien races both friendly ones and antagonists to discover with extragalactic travel reverse engineered or developed to open up the rest of the universe for different spin offs.If 1% of these houses sentient life That’s at least 110,000,000 – 400,000,000 sentient races in the galaxy that are new allies and new threats to the Federation.Phanes will design realistic taxonomic ranks of each planet.The Federation will begin to using the preprogrammed charting of the galaxy method as detailed in the space exploration section begin to chart the rest of the Milig Way galaxy for new alien races if different technological tiers with large numbers of them joint the Federation of Planets.They can be based on insects,felines,canines,sea creatures or be completely different with them also silicon based races and others based in other elements.Some will be allies and joining the Federation and some will be threats forming empires like the Klingons and also groups consisting of several alien races including other versions similar the Federation that will dissolve and join the Federation.Some alien races encountered in the real world will be added to the show
AI can be developed for the franchise and like the real world follow an exponential curve similar to Moore’s Law with it at the start of the newest spin off set after or during the time of Picard will be equivalent to the real world circa 2045-2100 having the same computing power as 9,000,000,000 to a quintillion human beings and continuing on for another few thousand years thus allowing it to develop the technologies spread across this website and also more efficient interstellar travel or even intergalactic travel and technologies such as Erebus and Nyx.AI reverse engineered from Data and developed at several decades by the time of the newest spin offs can be of equivalent of AI circa 2100 or even circa 2045 in the real world to in between the same computing power of 9,000,000,000 to a quintillion human beings in the real world can begin using existing in universe interstellar engines as a baseline develop more efficient interstellar travel such as ship generated nanowormholes and Erebus and Nyx systems develop ways to exponentially improve interstellar travel thus making travel across the Milky Way galaxy much more energy efficient and more better allowing travel between star systems to be be quicker and even make travel between the four quadrants much more efficient thus meaning travel between the alpha and delta quadrants no longer taking 75 years as in Star Trek:Voyager but rather a few weeks or even days with it even expediating intergalactic travel to the rest of the Lanikea Supercluster that can be mapped.Thus a major a result of this travel between the alpha quadrant and the delta quadrant and indeed all quadrants of the galaxy will be done with ease by all ships as part of the Federation with the gamma and delta quadrants opening up new species to be integrated into the Federation such as the ocampans,Talaxians,Voth and other friendly races encountered by Captain Janeway and her crew and also new threats such as the Kazon and Vaadwaur.Thus the delta quadrant alongside the gamma and beta quadrant will be opened up for the Federation for new allied member races as well as new threats with this including those encountered by Kathryn Jameway in the delta quadrant and new ones.The Federation will through newly developed warp technology will begin to extend across the the entire Milky Way galaxy by integrating more alien races including Bajorans,those from the delta and gamma quadrants and through intergalactic travel extend to other galaxies.The integration of new members and travelling to the rest of the universes galaxies will be charted in spin offs.Biosynthetic technology as a new recent development will be combined with in universe technologies and quantum computing to exponentially increase AI development to real world equivalents of 2100 or even well beyond that equivalent to real world 2399 for those set after Picard or real world 3189 for Star Trek:Discovery which its computing power may be at least equivalent to several nonillion humans or even more thus allowing it develop alternatives to dilithium crystals for interstellar travel including in universe versions of zero point modules alongside quantum singularities and even ways to either grow natural variants to dilithium or create them via more advanced replicators,perfection of the spore drive combined with AI and also growing large amounts of the relevant fungus Prototaxites stellaviatori onsite of space stations and onsite of interstellar and intergalactic vehicles themselves to make them self sufficient alongside synthetic even biosynthetic versions of the Ripper organism controlled by AI or mass producing genetically distinct docile versions that are not affected by interstellar and intergalactic travel and also developing more advanced alternatives than these including ship generated wormholes,hyperdrives,Erebus systems built at key points of the galaxy in each quadrant and also key inhabited star systems and possibly even devices similar to Stargates on each planets for civilian use with it also making engines more advanced alongside other advancements to rebuild the Federation of planets by reuniting all member planets.It could reverse engineer,improve upon and mass produce the Borg transwarp conduit and corridors as well as transwarp technologies present on Borg ships and that from more advanced races across the gamma and delta quadrants thus replacing Supergates and Erebus allowing ships as part of the Federation instant access to any planet in any of the four quadrants or at least allow easy acces to any of the four quadrants and any key sectors of each quadrants.Transwarp technology used by the Borg can be reversed engineerd once its remenants are reverse engineered alongside the engines of Borg Cubes thus making travel to all quadrants and star systems easier.The array used by the Caretaker can be rebuilt by AI and also utilised as quick travel amongst the galaxy.Research will be made into the omega molecules by advanced AI to a more stable form that could power interstellar vehicles for decades,centuries if not forever.This could be done within areas of space outside the galaxy with research into repairing areas of space destroyed by interstellar travel and also mess asbestos of interstellar travel that don’t affect subspace.Star Trek replicators will more correctly use the Brett Wheeler process to create any raw elements,manufactured product and food from energy and in the case of food more authentic flavours.This could eliminate diluthium scarcity and make interstellar cruise ships and private interstellar vehicles ubiquitous to all Federation citizens.It could in its 2399 or 3189 form could develop all new technologies present here and if time travel can be developed by it to bring these technologies to the past with it preventing the break up of the Federation and energy crisis caused by the dilithium crystals shortage and possibly even reverse the death of Data and even destruction of Romulus and Vulcan thus restoring the original timeline but preventing the breakup of the federation and return Discovery back to its original timeline of 2258 without technology from the future to prevent it contaminating the timeline with technology from 3189.Furthermore it will eventually research and perfect intergalactic travel to allow the rest of the Lanikea Supercluster to be explored including the Andromeda galaxy.Since there is an estimated 200,000,000,000 galaxies this will open up new spin offs and new alien races and new threats to the federation.Since their are potentially millions of races across the galaxy then it’s possible that some of them would be more older and more developed than humans having achieved interstellar travel millions of years ago and also would have developed human level or super intelligent AI already in the distant past and also their would be those that would have developed intergalactic travel and trans warp technology similar to the Borg through exponential growth in AIs computing power once encountered by the Federation could share this technology.All AI will research ways to nullify the effects of the galactic barrier with at the same time dealing with O.Thus AI will develop more efficient forms of interstellar travel including new alternatives to dilithium as a fuel source including intergalactic travel.This can include developing the spore drive that allows for the fungus to be grown constantly on ships.Therefore intergalactic travel will allow the rest of the universe to be fully explored.The exponential growth of AI in the franchise could be used to mirror the real world exponential growth in real life with AI in the show possibly becoming a powerful entity to rival that of the Q continuum not yet but eventually after a few thousand years possibly becoming on par with the Q with abilities such as time travel and ability to explore dimensions and fields of science that humans and other Federation races cannot due to their limited bodies thus allowing the federation to develop new technologies exponentially that improve the lives of all citizens of the Federation and possibly playing a similar role to the Q with regards to humanity in teaching lessons and advancing their technological,political and philosophical development that it sees fitting with this fostering conflict between AI and the Q continuum.Having them nearly as powerful will allow AI to be on nearly a level playing field as the Q and be in conflict with AI over what it itself sees itself is the best route for humanity and the Federation and not that of the Q.The relationship between the AI and the Q can vary at times with them in conflict and bickering with each other at the future of humanity and the Federation or at other times them working together and making comprimises and teaching the same lesson thus giving a dynamism with each other.It will at times or through fragmentation go on trips with the Q across the universe,multiverse and higher dimensions including the Q continum with it acting as a foil to the Q by by more reserved,logical mentor.This can be charted one a spin off lasting one or two seasons and even several seasons with episodes set in between episodes of different spin offs they appear in together and also them airing on Dionysus after episodes they appear in the other spin offs or on after the other depending on the events that are charted.The origin of this AI and its sharp exponential growth can be through various avenues with it developed recently in the timeline at the same time as Picard,after it in 2399 or also after Discovery travelled to the future in 2258 with it merging recently developed biosynthetic technolgy,quantum computing and technologies from the Federation and even the Borg and non member races joined together in the franchises universe to accelerate its exponential growth faster than normal making leaps and bounds much faster than in the real world thus over a few years or decades making leaps that would in the real world take centuries or even thousands of years with it being a construct of inventors from Earth,other federation members or a collaborative effort,derived from newly integrated members of the Federation or newly encountered members and even arising in the distant past from an extinct civilisation that wiped itself out through environmental pollution or warring against itself and other races and it not destroyed by the AI with the AI leaving its homeworld to explore the galaxy.If possible the AI could even be a construct of the Federation in the future that used time travel to travel to past in order change the past and even stay in the past in an exponentially powerful form to stay in the past and continue to become exponentially powerful or even originate from an alternate parallel universe.The concept of Moore’s Law has been ignored by Star Trek as outside of Data and The Doctor and to a degree the Borg.Whatever origin story is made AI can start off as on par with real world AI circa 2100 or 3000 CE to give it a head start.AI outside of the Doctor and Data has an almost non existent role in the series and its increase of computing power had remained stagnant and relegated only to those that manage interstellar vehicles with new spin offs developing AI to the point that it becomes ubiquitous and follows the exponentional growth of AI in the real world with this opening up the mass production of Data like robots and the Doctor for everyday citizens and the fight of AI for equal rights and the rogue AI forming the basis of antagonists etc and it like real world AI accelerating technological developments including those present in the new technologies section of this website,the entire website and new technologies and intergalactic travel and new more efficient forms of interstellar travel.It can involve rather than time travel involve more plausible ideas such as encountering more advanced civilisations that share advanced AI or reverse engineering the Doctor and Data and existing ship AI and making them more mass produced to all citizens that then can be real world AI such as Gaia etc.There can be multiple plausible ways of AI that supersedes that of the 9,000,000,000 human level Mark and beyond that can then vastly accelerate technological developments including enhancing interstellar and intergalactic travel and mass producing other new technologies exclusive for the show and those across this website and alongside in universe politicians and philosophers introduce real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranous Dike,Home and building AI and all AI as part of the wire and all facets of the wire including Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus,Pheme etc as well as Agoge training in a plausible way.These AI within spin offs can go going on trips with the Q continuum members to other galaxies and other dimensions to discuss the Federation and even as it and the Q putting each other through tests of different types during several episodes over the course of several seasons with this used as a means to develop its character and that of the Q with them discussing the Federation and also the nature of omnipotence,immortality and omniscience and the events set after the Q civil war and it finding ways to have the Q continumm regain their purpose by giving up at least their omniscience and forget all of the knowledge of the universe and multiverse by having their knowledge of the universe and multiverse removed from their memories to start again from scratch thus giving them a new fresh outlook on life but without omniscience thus making their level of awareness on par with humans but still be immortal and even omnipotent or be brought to the same level of strength of humans being stripped of immortality and powers and be mortal except through gene therapy.Amanda Rogers,female Q and their son Q2 can be brought back as reccuring characters.Other members of the Q continuum can be introduced as reccuring characters especially those that have purposefully decided to become the same level of omniscience,power and mortality of humans by giving up their immortality,omniscence etc and thus becoming just the same as humans.The Q continuum cs continue to play a role in the mentoring of humanity alongside AI despite the death of Q in Picard and the history that the Q has with Guinan can be clarified especially when told as flashbacks.The origins of the Q can be finally be resolved such as to whether they are the result of billions of years of evolution,genetic engineering technological advancements or a mixture of both or even them being created by more older and powerful beings in higher dimensions and also them created by the Big Bang etc.It has been inferred by the expanded universe such as books etc that there are alien non corporeal races much more older and much more powerful than the Q continuum in the franchise that may have been responsible for the creation of the universe the franchise is set in and thus in turn the Q itself that reside in higher dimensions with it possible for them to be explored in detail and introduced as a new race.
Furthermore there is ambivalence towards the existence of the afterlife in the series with for example the episode “Emanations” the existence of an afterlife for the race being ambivalent by not specifically denoting it while at the same time there are traces of residual neural energy in the atmosphere of planetoids m used as garaveyards by them and also with when Bleanna has visions of being in the Barge of the Dead with her mother it is implied in a later episode that this in fact happened and was not a dream as her mother had died while she was in the Delta quadrant thus implying stronginly the existence of an afterlife in these cases with further exploration into whether the existence of an afterlife or reincarnation exists being expanded upon.Even though Neelix did experience nothing after death he was only brain dead for a few moments and not enough to be clinically dead.AI will like in the real world and also Stargate AI can mass produce interstellar vehicles and probes to search the galaxy in an exponential manner for Earth type planets and other civilisations of different technological tiers with this inevitably doing the same for the rest of the Lanikea Superclusters to open up the rest of the universe for exploration.VR technology using neural implants can be present replacing or complimenting holodeck technologies especially for the average citizen to play programmes for entertainment and training of all fields with biosynth neural implants replaced by those reversed engineered by those from the Borg including from Seven of Nine and those collected from other Borg in their travels throughout both Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Trek:Voyager.Since it doesn’t require the need to create actual matter such as water and plants and uses multiple servers etc and doesn’t require a large room such as in the case of the holodeck,with it also less energy intensive thus saving energy in comparison to holodeck it can be used to allow the average Federation citizen to create entertainment programmes and those to allow them own an infinite amount of manufactured goods and homes without expending finite resources in the real world or without their own holodeck rooms with it also used for education in military and all forms of education to the average citizen with unlike the holodeck planet or even galaxy sized arenas for training and entertainment programmes to be used with it allowing for people to share VR programmes with those who live on opposite sides of the planet or galaxy and can be used for different programmes for dozens of people at once thus if possible even rendering the holodeck obsolete especially in interstellar vehicles.All technologies present in the new technologies section and all facets of the website will be integrated in one way or another either directly or with in universe equivalents used and even hybrids between real world technologies and in universe ones made.As stated this would be done by technological advances by inventors and AI and even interacting with more advanced races.Also included as well is inclusion of equal rights of AI will be explored.Geothermal,fusion,dyson swarms will be integrated into it alongside AI becoming more ubiquitous across all sectors of society.Thus technologies present in this website can be integrated and modified and adapted to the Star Trek universe.With regards education and military training and training in space exploration modified to become a hybrid of Starfleet and real world training ie a mixture of Agoge and the mentor system and their in universe training or that of Ancient Greece replacing their in universe education entirely.This could be explained by contact with an alien race that influenced Ancient Greek civilisations in the past or first contact with a group of humans transplanted from Ancient Greece to another planet as part of an experiment or attempt to prevent human extinction that were either upgraded to the same level of technologies as the Federation or allowed to develop to that level by themselves while still preserving their culture with regards to the treatment of women,education and philosophy etc.This would update the in universe Federation especially with regards to their archaic education systems with regards to education and military training etc updated to both Agoge training and mentor mentoree considering they will have in universe versions of YouTube,Wikipedia etc and even their own variations of the wire such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Agora/Facebook/Twitter etc that work on the same principle but different names or said alien race that inspired the Ancient Greeks could could have developed the wire and sites like YouTube etc and al technologies and concetpts and introduce the Federation of Planets to YouTube,Wikipedia,Agora/Facebook,biosynths and Biosynth technology and all other technologies in the new technologies,summary of food production and energy etc sections of this website and smartphones etc commonplace in the real world but not in the Star Trek version of Earth thus allowing an excuse for real world technologies concepts for the internet,wire and those detailed in this website as well as concepts for education etc to be integrated into the Federation of Planets.Existing technologies like laptops,smart televisions,smartphones,smartpads etc developed since all of the main existing series have been developed will be integrated.They themselves could have been like Earth been influenced by the aliens from Pollux IV similar to humans on Earth or it could have the aliens of Pollux IV that transported humans to the alien planet.Otherwise these ideas such as the wire(Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme or non Greek named in universe variations),all aspects of minarcho technocratism,YouTube,Wikipedia,Agora etc,Agoge training and mentore mentoree training,relaxing the Prime Directive as well as other ideas and technologies across the website and real world advances such as CRISPR,immortality,Biosynth technology,biosynths,Wikipedia,YouTube,Agora,smartphones,Artificial Intelligence flying vehicles etc and the new age of majority of 14 can be can be integrated by separate new political administrations in the Federation of Planets,philosophers,researchers and inventors on Earth and other member planets as an excuse and means to integrate them.An in universe political administrations could make changes to the Federation of Planets by instituting changes that are adopted by all member planets such as having uniform laws in a constitution and public refferendums decide the legality of abortion etc with 14 and it’s equivalents of each member race made the age of majority similar to the real world galactic UN,have money abolished and have the wire similar to the real world such as Dionysus,Pheme,Hepheastus etc created alongside Eros,Agora etc and have all real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranos,Dike,Paean,Home AI etc in the real world created.Education modelled on the Agoge for military and law enforcement and also mentor/mentoree method for science etc will be adopted for all member planets.All real world technological developments such as CRISPR,biocompatible microbes,augmentations,immortality,smartphones,the Phanes and Lazarus method and also 3D DNA printers,artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs,Artificial Intelligence,biosynths,Biosynthetic technology,neural implants,VR technology,Agora,Wikipedia,YouTube,the wire(Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus,Pheme etc),improvements to agriculture,dyson swarms etc set across the entire website including hypothetical ones in the new technologies sections and other technological developments in the future will be integrated into the new spin offs as recent discoveries and recent technological developments and become ubiquitous to all citizens across all planets across the Federation giving them all the same gold standard of living with the adoption of Agoge training and mentoree and mentoree training and other political developments such as the relaxing of the Prime Directive as detailed will be integrated as recent political developments.Even technologies from other science fiction shows such as Stargate etc can be transferred.All real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Dike,Helios etc will be integrated as recent developments.AI
such as Hecate,Gaia etc will by 2045 onwards investigate ways to reverse engineer in the real world technologies in the Star Trek franchise such as all of the technologies of the Federation etc making them ubiquitous in the real world.Thus by 2045 onwards AI will begin research into developing real world versions of Star Trek replicators,tricorders etc from the franchise.The Federations charter and structure would be modified to be more like real life future galactic UN such as having a galactic constitution that lays down universal laws and rights that are immutable and then refferendums held to change laws on remaining social issues.
All member planets would unlike it currently has different economic systems would have a universal moneyless minarcho technocratism economic system and the adoption of the wire such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Pheme,a Dionysus etc or similar versions that are the exact same but not named after Greek mythology etc.All sentient AI bodies such as Iaso/Metis/Helios etc and lowering the age of majority to 14 and reforms to the Federation Charter similar to real world ones in the distant future can come from in universe political developments such as political reform from new administrations in the Federation and in universe philosophers and inventors.Assistant AI will analyse all facets of this website etc to keep the show up to date.Agriculture will follow that as detailed in the summary of food production such as plant and animal commodities from genetically engineered bacteria bacteria,hybrid crops,algae,in vitro meat and aquaponics,3D DNA printers and home,community and vertical farms etc as recent developments thus allowing the average citizens access to real flavoured food rather than relying on replicators thus saving on energy with this adopted by space stations and interstellar vehicles.Manufactured products will be ordered in from localised factory hubs and replicators at home with food grown at home or ordered in from local community and vertical homes.Energy will come from geothermal,dyson swarms across the galaxy alongside singularities,fusion,solar,wave,synthetic oil and gas and also Biosynth batteries etc alongside research made by AI to produce in universe versions of of zero point modules etc to replace dilithium etc for starships.AI alongside biosynths will become ubiquitous to all planets across the Federation.Smartphones,Youtube,Wikipedia and other real world scientific developments since the end of the series will be integrated as new inventions.Development of AI research will be initiated and even hypothesised technologies from the new technologies section of this website and the entire website. The same buildings in the real world that are 0.8038 kilometres squared that can house tens of millions people in spacious,mansion sized luxury apartments will be constructed on the outskirts of densly populated cities present on Earth and all homeworld and colonised planets of member races to allow people to move in and have the vast majority of sprawling cities to be demolished thus increasing the standard of living drastically of all cities..Research can also be made into perfecting the Omega molecule for starships and planets providing an almost unlimited source of energy on Federation planets and on interstellar vehicles.Transport for the average citizen will come from flying vehicles capable of flying high in the sky and in time interstellar travel with this eliminating roads worldwide alongside underground and underwater hyperloop trains connecting towns,villages and cities across the Earth and other planets with Eos scramjets also for intercontinental travel.Transporter technology will be modified so as to allow one to travel from one city to another across the world within seconds.In universe versions of Stargates will be developed to travel across the galaxy to different planets instantly with interstellar cruise ships used for the average citizen alongside private interstellar vehicles that use space elevators in each continent.Like Stargate the average federation citizen will have automated personal vehicles like puddle jumpers that act as flying vehicles and can act as interstellar and eventually intergalactic vehicles.There will also interstellar cruise ships that stop at different points of the galaxy and interstellar versions of taxis,buses etc that act like real world versions except do so for interstellar travel.Real world AI such as Gaia,Phanes etc can be integrated again by in universe inventors etc.Underwater and underground communities will be ubiquitous on Earth and all planets.VR technology will allow for planet suzed sets for each planet to be created with them each having unique terrains,plants and animals etc and unique celestial bodies like binary stars etc rather than being limited to Earth with planets unique designs being only limited by the writers imagination.Space stations and interstellar vehicles interior and exterior can be filmed in VR simulations.This can be replicated with other science fiction shows such as The Orville and any restarted older science fiction franchises alongside any new science fiction shows.This will ground all future Star Trek series in the real world with regards to technology with it grounded into the political world by possibly referencing and integrating the Clinton,Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden administrations etc into its lore alongside the Eugenic War and WW3.Movies and video games will be made as well.Alderson discs,ringworlds,artificial planets can be detailed as remenants of ancient extinct or extant civilisations can be added detailed in the space exploration section.The concept of interdimensional travel can be explored by using technology developed by a in universe inventor of a form of interdimensional travel or that from an extant or extinct more technologically advanced species that can be used to explore “what if“ situations such as different variations of both Earths and other planets history and that of the Federation especially for allegorical and character development purposes and also universes that are completely alien to the show including fantasy based ones or those that have different laws of physics,chemistry and biology that allow for lifeforms and celestial bodies not possible in ours.Having them explore parallel universes especially those with magic,fantasy elements or supernatural elements and also different laws of physics and celestial bodies not possible in the main Star Trek universe it will open up the theme of exploration into the limitless possibilities of existence with this involving advanced interdimensional technologies developed by Starfleet,AI or more advanced races or even intervention from Q or AI.By introducing the concept of parallel dimensions and universes that are completely different than ours can further extend the shows run and also expand on the theme of exploration by exploring other completely alien universes.These talk shows,vlogs,podcasters etc will last forever as the spin offs continue on forever.These fictional vloggers and podcasters can be created by fans,actors,AI etc filmed in VR simulations with them going in forever with new ones set up all the time by AI,fans,actors with vlogs arranged in playlists by AI and one’s Home AI ensuring humans continue to create vlogs with AI vloggers always creating new material with them having channels on YouTube that last forever and the fictional vloggers and podcasters videos will appear routinely in episodes of spin offs and will be characters of spin offs etc themselves.These vlogs and podcasts will be about in universe events detailed int the various spin offs and canon moves and video games.The podcasts will appear in Dionysus as a spin off with vlogs on YouTube as official channels with the vloggers and podcasters will be of all human and alien races across the universe of both sides of the political spectrum such as progressives and conservatives and will comment on everyday political events in the franchises universe everyday or at least once a week
.Characters of each spin off will consist of all races as part of the Federation and those that are not part of it and are also new races.Characters from each planet containing humans that appeared in only one episode of the previous shows will reappear as reccuring characters.Planets that appeared in only one episode will be utilised in all spin offs in some form or another.Interstellar travel will be used by characters to travel from one planet to another with some spin offs having episodes and seasons set on different planets across all quadrants of the galaxy such as Earth,Vulcan,Bajor and so on.Each race across the galaxy can have hundreds or thousands of spin offs that are dramas,soap operas etc that focus entirely on them or a mixture of them with this including not only humans but also the Vulcans,Bajorans,Hirogen,Voth,Talaxians with this including all races across the galaxy from the alpha,beta,gamma and delta quadrant that are either members or non members.Having dozens or thousands of spin offs will allow the conflicts and struggles of everyday citizens across the galaxy to be explored rather than just of Earth..Also can made can be video games that are an MMO and those similar to Mass Effect of the series created to allow fans to interact with the series universe in customised ways.These video games will house all characters,races,technologies and planets present that can be fully explored with in the official MMO updates added that add new characters,planets,races etc as time goes by including those from the various spin offs.These games set in the official Star Trek universe alongside non canon fanmade games can be adventure games,real time strategy,point and click games,stealth,survival horror,FMV,point and click games similar to Tex Murphy,The Longest Journey,World of Warcraft,Tomb Raider,Sim City,Mass Effect,Mirrors Edge,Command and Conquer,Grand Theft Auto,Doom,Metal Gear Solid,Dead Space featuring characters from all series both existing and new and new characters and human and all alien races.Both official and fanmade games can be produced.These games can detail events in all main series such as Star Trek,Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Tek:Voyager,Star Trek:Enterprise,Star Trek:Deep Space Nine,Star Trek:Discovery,Star Trek:Lower Decks as well as those that take place in between episodes and series not depicted in the show.It can also detail events in the distant past of the early days of the Federation as well as the distant past of humans,Bajorans,Vulcans,Klingons etc from ancient times right up to the formation of the United Federation of Planets and present day times in the series.Characters in these video games that the player controls and interacts with will include not only main characters from all existing series but also new characters etc that are researchers,military personnel,archaeologists and every day citizens of all alien races and humans,These canon games will focus on events set in the official universe.One will take control in official games of humans,Klingons,Vulcans and any member race and non member races as well as characters like Katheryn Janeway,Tom Paris,Captain Jean Luc Picard,James T Kirk and other main characters as well as other members of Starfleet and all major characters from each races history.theetc.Both official and fanmade games can be produced with canon games set in the main universe and fanmade set in parallel universes.Official canon games will chart events in the main universe while fanmade games will take place in parallel universe.Even though there will be official canon games created Fanmade games can be created that utilise the multiverse theory that thus give them creative freedom.The official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers.Spin offs,movies,plays,operas etc need not be set in the modern day but in the past both recent past and distant past.Assistant AI will ensure that all movies,plays.musicals etc of the series will be of high quality.Video games can be done of each existing spin off such as Star Trek:The Original Series,Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Trek:Voyager,Star Trek:Enterprise,Star Trek:Lower Decks that covers key events in the entire series and key antagonists such as The Borg,The Romulans,The Xindi,The Sphere Builders etc.Fake in universe versions of Saturday Night Live,Jimmy Kimmel Alice,The Catherine Tate show,Mad TV, can be created and uploaded to Dionysus.Thus a macro series would exist that charts the adventures of Star fleet but there would be many dozens or thousands of spin offs that chart the struggles of everyday citizens across the various member and non member races such as humans,Vulcans,Ferengi,Bajorans,Romulans,Klingons,Cadassians etc set on different countries on Earth and also planets across the galaxy such as Vulcan,Romulus,Bajor,Kronos etc . There can be also dozens,hundreds and thousands of separate spin off dramas,soap opera/drama etc,legal and medical drama and military and law enforcement drama/action shows and criminal investigation,science fiction and action exploration shows,sitcoms and comedies universe set in the official Star Trek universe set on Earth,Vulcan and other planets across the alpha,beta,gamma,delta quadrants involving all in universe races such as Vulcans,Klingons,Bajorans etc in all four quadrants either together or even individually.These will be live action and animated soap operas,sitcoms,legal and political dramas and would be like Family Guy,Futurama,The Simpson’s,7th Heaven,Rosanne,How I Met Your Mother,Modern Family,Will & Grace,Peep Show,Friends,In Treatment,NCIS,Law & Order,The Brave,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Bones,CSI,Cold Case,24,The Practice,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphia etc that are set in countries across Earth and other countries on each planet across the galaxy.Each planet including Earth can have hundreds or thousands of spin offs and movies and video games set on each country of each planet.A macro series or multiple series will exist that charts the adventures of Star Fleet but their will be will dozens,hundreds of thousands of spin offs that detail the struggles of everyday citizens across the galaxy and universe and allow LGBT themes,racism and religious themes to be explored evenly.All of these will be filmed and uploaded at once to Dionysus meaning new episodes of potentially dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs will be uploaded and premier on Dionysus every day.This will give insight into the lives of everyday people from all parts of the Federation such as humans,Vulcans,bajorans,Klingons and non member races across all four quadrants of the galaxy set in Earth,Vulcan,Bajor etc and all colonised and homeworld planets across the universe that are researchers/musicians/athlethes/models/actors/politicians/pornography stars etc and also insight into their various cultures,religions,mythologies and conflicts such as racism,genocide,persecution and history etc and conflicts between each race across the galaxy and also with AI with events from each other and the main series referenced and main characters from the main series and each other floating in and out of each spin off.
There are potentially thousands or even more planets across the galaxy with humans and other alien species that can allow for spin offs of different genres to be set on each one to follow the lives of each planets different races thus allowing soap opera,drama,law enforcement and political dramas as well as legal and medical dramas and Cold Case,Law and Order, etc style shows can be made for each town,village,city across Earth and also on each city,town and villages on all planets across the galaxy.As more planets are discovered and colonised by humans etc and more alien races are encountered and more galaxies are explored then new spin offs of each genre will be set in these and include new races.By utilising the concept of having dozens,hundreds or even thousands of spins offs outside the main macro series it can allow all of the different themes such as racism,addictions to technology and augmentations etc as well as explore religious themes and conflicts between different races,religions and cultures across the galaxy and explore aforementioned themes and plot points at once but at the same time evenly and rather than focusing on just members of Starfleet would focus on the conflicts and struggles of citizens on Earth and all planets across the galaxy thus giving viewers perspective on the lives of citizens across the galaxies.This would include them set on Earth,colonised planets and also Bajor,Talaxia,Vulcan etc.Furthermore feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made set on each planet and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comedies movies.These movies will chart the adventures of both Starfleet but also of everyday citizens across the galaxy of all races on all planets across the galaxy can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.These movies will also be made to encourage A-List actors from Hollywood and Bollywood to join the cast.These movies and television shows of all genres will use symbolism,themes,motifs,allegories,mis en scene etc to make them high quality movies that have intellectual depth and make them worthy of winning Oscars,Palm Dor,Emmy for writing,direction and acting and not just special effects have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens,hundreds or thousands of live action and animated movies of different genres such as comedies,romantic comedies,thrillers,horror,dramas and even musicals related to the franchise as part of the canon narrative timeline created and uploaded to Dionysus every year that focus on every day citizens across the galaxy and universe and not just Star Fleet..These television show spin offs,movies and video games can be set in different countries across the world such as Canada,Japan,Ireland etc and all homeworlds and colonies across the galaxy thus giving perspectives from that culture rather than an American perspective and also on planets across the galaxies.Those set in each country will have multiple movies and television series set in not only different countries across the world but also different cities,towns and villages across the different countries like Dublin,Cork,London,Manchester,Cardiff,Paris,Lyon,Tokyo,Kyoto,Los Angelas,Miami,New York City etc across all of Europe,Asia,South and Central America,Africa etc and the different continents and cities etc across the other planets colonised by humans etc giving different perspectives.The characters can be actors,athlethes,musicians,archeologists that are everyday citizens that are humans,Vulcans,Bajorans etc and not just members of Starfleet.Plays,musicals,movies,operas etc and novels can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc. that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.These can be arthouse movies and efforts will be made to make the appeal not only to fans but also general audiences and the critics.Movies will also chart the adventures of Starfleet but also the struggles of everyday citizens.This will allow all themes such as LGBT themes,racism,cultures of each race,religious themes and also all various plot points to be explored evenly across thousands of spin offs and movies.By having thousands of spin offs and movies created it will allow fans of soap operas and dramas etc that are not fans of the show be drawn in to the Star Trek universe to then possibly check out the first shows and spin offs thus introducing them into the mythology,characters and actors etc. These spin offs and movies that are set on Earth can be set in different countries across the world such as Canada,Japan,Ireland etc in major cities and towns etc and also on countries and cities and towns etc in different planets across the galaxy such as Vulcan,Bajor etc and all homeworlds and colonised planets of all races as part of the Federation of Planets and the different cultures and countries on them thus giving perspectives from that culture rather than an American perspective.Those set in each country will have multiple movies and television series set in not only different countries across the world but also different cities,towns and villages across the different countries like Dublin,Cork,London,Manchester,Cardiff,Paris,Lyon,Tokyo,Kyoto,Los Angelas,Miami,New York City etc across all of Europe,Asia,South and Central America,Africa etc and the different continents and cities etc across the other planets colonised by humans giving different perspectives.The spin offs and movies will focus on the struggles of everyday citizens across the galaxy including humans,Vulcans,Bajorans,Cardassians and Klingons thus allowing the them to explore the everyday lives of citizens across the galaxy and will be set on countries across Earth,Vulcan,Bajor and all homeworlds and colonised planets of all member federation races.This will give insight into the lives of citizens across all countries,planets,races across the Federation.Thus spin offs and movies will be set in countries across Earth and also on planets across the galaxy both those that are colonies with humans and those that are colonies and homeworlds of all Federation and non federation races such as Vulcan,Bajor,Cardassia etc thus allowing for the shows etc to document the everyday lives and struggles as well as coming of age rituals,religions etc of all races across the galaxy including Bajorans,Humans,Vulcans,Klingons etc .These spin offs and also movies will be either animated or live action ones with dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of spin offs taking place at the same time with them written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time with if characters floating and out of them all with plot points referenced in different spin offs snd if possible plot points carrying on from one spin off to another such as it starting in spin off,it carried onto a few other spin offs and then resolved in another spin off.Assistant AIs will analyse all existing and new spin offs being written to ensure they are consistent and do not retcon or contradict each other.This will allow all themes such as LGBT themes,racism,religious themes,cultures of all civilisations and also all various plot points to be explored evenly across thousands of spin offs and movies.These movies and television shows will be either animated or live action ones and CGI ones and will be complimented by video games.All Assistant AIs will be able through fragmentation be able proof read and monitor scripts for all concurrent spin offs and movies even if there are dozens,hundreds or thousands being written,filmed and uploaded at once to ensure consistency between plot points and characters with official writers informed via bullet point and audio/visual reports of all new major spin offs,movies and their plot developments and storylines that would be relevant to the script of each episode,plan of each season and each new spin off ensuring they do not become overburdened with this done by it interacting with all writers and reviewing all scripts and also all filmed and uploaded material at once within seconds of not seconds via fragmentation to ensure consistency between plot points,characters and themes and that they are not in conflict with each other and don’t repeat or contradict themselves and each other and keep writers and actors up to date to all relevant information,new ideas,developments etc in the real world and the scripts on demand 24/7,365 days a year and organising group VR meetings for actors,writers and auditioning actors and new writers for new spin offs with also reviewing existing articles in the franchises articles to bring up possible plot points and characters etc and also updating the franchises pages constantly and getting in contact with actors and writers within seconds.Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AI to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AIs will through fragmentation will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.As a result of the Assistant AIs ability to do this it will be possible to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs to be written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies set in all countries on Earth and planets across the universe will be set up all of the time by new writers and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each one.The thousands of spin offs movies and television shows will provide work for thousands or millions of new actors but at the same time by having Assistant AI improve their quality will attract A-List actors from Hollywood and famous television shows.Assistant AIs will be able through fragmentation be able proof read and monitor scripts for all concurrent spin offs and movies even if there are dozens,hundreds or thousands being written,filmed and uploaded at once to ensure consistency between plot points and characters with official writers informed via bullet point and audio/visual reports of all new major spin offs,movies and their plot developments and storylines that would be relevant to the script of each episode,plan of each season and each new spin off ensuring they do not become overburdened with this done by it interacting with all writers and reviewing all scripts and also all filmed and uploaded material at once within seconds of not seconds via fragmentation to ensure consistency between plot points,characters and themes and that they are not in conflict with each other and don’t repeat or contradict themselves and each other and keep writers and actors up to date to all relevant information,new ideas,developments etc in the real world and the scripts on demand 24/7,365 days a year and organising group VR meetings for actors,writers and auditioning actors and new writers for new spin offs with also reviewing existing articles in the franchises articles to bring up possible plot points and characters etc and also updating the franchises pages constantly and getting in contact with actors and writers within seconds..Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AIs to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AIs will through fragmentation and working and interacting together will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.They will carry out work not possible by a single or even multiple human beings especially when working together.As a result of the Assistant AIs ability to do this it will be possible to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs to be written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers that are set in countries across the world and across all planets across the three galaxies and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.Any member of the public including fans of the Star Trek franchise can set up a new can set up a new live action or animated television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon timeline of Star Trek franchise universe as writers and directors of any genres and plot with the Assistant AIs of all spin offs etc interacting with each other and scanning keeping them consistent with all other spin offs etc to ensure they follow the same chronology of events,in universe science and mythology etc established by other spin offs especially “official writers” and that the new spin offs,movies etc new plot points are carried out to and referenced in all existing and new spin offs including being referenced in them.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.Thus any member of the public including fans can set up and create new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canonical series and franchise that follows any plot or is of any genre and is either animated or live action however Assistant AIs will ensure it fits into the official timeline etc and that new additions by them will be part of official canon and mentioned by future spin offs.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others managed by Assistant AIs with them even set in any point of the in universe official timeline with all Assistant AIs interacting with each other to make sure the scripts don’t contradict or retcon all existing media with since they have the freedom to be set in any point of the timeline can reference and chart events that occur in the past or future from the perspective of the new spin offs and movies.This will provide work for millions of actors,directors and writers both newbie ones or well established A-List ones across the world.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others.This will potentially allow the Star Trek franchise to last forever as new television spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canon can be set up by the public including fans all the time set on Earth and any existing and new planets in the galaxy and new galaxies opened up over time across the entire universe in any country and city while still maintaining consistency and explore all mentioned and new plot points and themes evenly outside the main macro series.This will allow fans of the Star Trek franchise to create their own movies,television shows and video games as part of the official canon universe and thus contribute to the franchises official canon narrative universe as actors,writers,directors etc with Assistant AI ensuring everything is canon etc while nested movies,television shows,video games can allow more creative freedom by being fictional non canon media.Thus all new movies and television shows and video games can be set up by members of the public including fans of the franchise that will provide work for millions of new actors,writers etc and will be set in the same timeline and universe as those created by “official” writers.Due to the alterations of the timeline in Star Trek 2009 there is the option of new spin offs and movies etc being set in both the original and new altered timelines at once with Assistant AI keeping things consistent.Abandoned plot points from all existing Star Trek Shows can be explored and resolved in these spin offs.The idea a macro series focusing on Starfleet coupled with spin offs that focus on the everyday lives of citizens would allow the cultures of each race across the galaxy to be explored in great detail and would allow themes such as religious themes,LGBT and racism etc to be explored evenly across them.It would give fans an insight into the lives and struggles of citizens of all races across the galaxy and in time universe.Movies and spin offs as well as video games can focus on the histories of each planet occupied by humans including time periods under system lord control and their emancipation and also various time periods and also key historical events such as famous wars against each other and biopics of in universe celeberities,politicians etc from each planet in the recent or distant past.
All existing and new characters from each spin off series and movie will also be floating in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,main characters,guest stars,secondary characters etc.For example a reccuring or one episode character from one spin off that is an action orientated show will be one of the main characters from another show including soap operas with main characters from the previous three shows changing roles as main characters,reccuring characters and even guest stars and cameos of all spin offs of all genres.All characters in the universe from existing shows of the series and those from each new movie,video game and television show spin off will float in and out of each spin off show playing the same character but as different level of roles ie changing from a main character to reccuring characters or simply guest star and cameos in all future spin offs of all genres.Characters will float in and out each spin off television show,video game and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.
Furthermore official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers within the fictional Star Trek universe thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These can be drama,horror,science fiction and adventure themed ones.AI,fans and official writers can create video games,movies and television shows etc that that are made in a way as if they were created by writers in the television shows universe itself that will be uploaded to Dionysus made readily available to the public.This can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the galaxies using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.These movies,television shows and video games can be thrillers,action/adventure,dramas,survival horror,point and click adventure etc would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies and television shows focus on everyday citizens can be set on planets across the galaxies including Earth but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical periods etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.These nested movies,television shows and video games can involve characters that are humans,Cardassians,Vulcans,Klingons,Bajorans and all races across the franchises universes and will increase new media for new actors and writers etc to be created into almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can create an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon as they will be metafiction that uses the same technology,alien races,groups of humans and aliens etc,planets and reference official characters and tribes of humans etc and mythology of the official series but can allow them to be non cannon adventures.To increase metafictional value these fictional media can be referenced in official spin offs by Assistant AI adding these references with actors,writers and directors etc these fictional movies appearing in spin offs as in universe fictional actors,directors,writers etc.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans creating in universe fictional media as it can include thrillers,horror movies,television shows and video games that doesn’t have be considered canon giving them more creative freedom and include actual historical events or non historical events with it allowing alterations made to official canon history with regards to the Starfleet etc and each alien race etc since these types of nested metafiction would be fictional video games,movies and television shows set within a fictional nested universes as they will be media produced in a way that will be as if created by in universe writers that are media set within the media with these movies,television shows etc following their own separate chronologies and timelines.Horror,fantasy and supernatural themed media can include the different fictional cryptozoology,monsters,legends,supernatural entities,religions(both polytheistic and monotheistic)etc from all in universe races created by writers and Assistant AI as their basis with fantasy themed media using in universe legends,folktales,fairytales as their basis.Even nested found footage movies can be made.In universe celebrities(actors,politicians,poets,explorers)both living and historical can be mentioned and form the basis of them.A matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real and so on into infinity.As a result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new nested media releated to the franchise to be created every year providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.These nested movies,television shows and video games alongside official ones can involve not only being created by fans of the franchise but also newbie ones but also A-List stars and writers and directors and will each follow their own separate timelines and chronologies separate from each other.
There is also the option of fictional fantasy,science fiction and horror based movies that are based on legends,folklore and mythology from each of the planets across the universe with their the option of Metafiction that involves movies and television shows that are made in a way that makes them look like they were fictional movies and television shows and video games made in the universe of Star Trek by characters of the franchise.As a result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new nested media releated to the franchise released every year providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.Furthermore there will be the option of creating fictional non canon media such as fanmade television shows,movies and video games that follows alternate timelines and universes similar to Fanmade games with each fan making their own timelines etc with potentially dozens,hundreds,thousands of millions of different timelines giving fans more creative freedom. Assistant AI interacting with Hecate will add all new plot points,characters,spin offs,movies,video games both official canon and non canon nested media to the franchises they will also interact with each other and constantly scour to ensure all new media is consistent and does not retcon each other..Urban exploration and Restoration Nation can be plot points.The same themes,plot points for Stargate will be explored in the various Star Trek spin offs but these can be explored here in a different way for variety.With regards to dramas and soap operas their can multiple of these running at once and last for decades,centuries or even longer with each of these set on different planets across the galaxies and even new galaxies discovered over time with there being those set on different countries on Earth ie America,China,Japan and evening England and Ireland that focus on the events of everyday citizens that are both humans and non human species and thus allow specific themes such as religion,LGBT themes and addictions and racism to be explored in detail and gain insights into the different cultural practices each human cultures across the galaxies.These movies and television shows will be either animated or live action ones and CGI ones snd will be complimented by video games.Even newbie directors including fans can create their own movies set in the Star Trek universe either as official ones when interacting with the Assistant AI of the franchise and also official writers or fanmade ones set in parallel universes with them being of all genres and either live action or animated.
Episodes,seasons and whole shows will become relevant to recent and current political events through allegories,subtext etc that deal with current political events such as Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden adminstrations and Coronavirus pandemic and War on Terror,racism and events that occur in the near and distant future such as AI,genetic engineering,immortality and also first contact with conflicts between Islam,Christianity,Judaism and also religions of all races across the galaxy explored and LGBT themes and inter species sexual and monogomous relations between Humans,Klingons,Bajorans etc explored as .LGBT themes and relationships can be explored within humans and all races alongside heterosexual,homosexual and bisexual etc relationships between humans and all alien races etc.Xenophobia,homophobia,transphobia etc can be explored.The different mythologies,religions,coming of age rituals,holidays and different attitudes with regards to the treatment to women,members of the LGBT and other races and different attitudes with regards to promiscuity,bigamy and concubinage etc of each individual race across the galaxy can be explored in detail.
Furthermore the architecture,clothing and other everyday practices of each race can be explored with the terrain,archaeological sites and cities of each planet will be explored with different cities,archaeological sites and geological terrain and wildlife areas on Earth,Bajor,Vulcan.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions similar to Earth.Each religions both monotheistic and polytheistic religions will have legends and parables explored in movies,spin offs and video games that detail them directly or where they are based on these parables wherein a characters journey in modern times or recent or distant past follows the same journey as the legend as a storytelling technique as subtext and allegory or they can form the basis of movies,television shows and video games that use the legends etc as a basis that is dramatic telling of the legend and adaptation into a movie,television show and video games that tells the story of the legend etc itself.Each planet will have different polytheistic religions for each region and country similar to Earth that will feature dozens or hundreds of male and female gods,Demi gods,monsters and fictional mortals detailed in legends created and holy texts and hieroglyphics etc by Assistant AI and writers that will mentioned and detailed in movies and spin offs with temples etc built for them on each planet.These legends and deities etc can be used in official and fanmade games especially Fanmade games of Tomb Raider,Star Trek etc including those that are crossovers.Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Each planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length for monotheistic religions that have a single male,female or transgendered deity with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and all components of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus with illustrations and written in the planets native language to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoologicsl creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc and folktales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,Robin Hood,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each human occupied planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each human occupied planet and those of alien races will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.Each of the planets across the galaxies different human cultures will thus have their religions both polytheistic and monotheistic alongside prophecies and folklore etc developed by writers and AI.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race across the galaxy and universe will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have a mixture of polytheistic religions and monotheistic ones and also atheists.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present.Real world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in the philosophy section of this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of the galaxies different races.Film and television spin offs can be devoted to religious themes that features characters of different religions of the galaxy including Christianity,Judaism,Islam and just themselves and those of the different alien races across the galaxy.These can focus on members of each religion interacting with each other including extremist and less radicle members and also liberal and conservative members.Religious themes can be thus explored detailing Earth based religions and those of all races across the galaxy. Each planet will have different arrangements of stars present due to their location thus giving them different zodiac signs and constellations modelled in local mythology and those from Ancient civilisations on Earth including those derived from native legends and animals etc with these like on Earth used as horoscopes by citizens with some planets sharing constellations from each other,Earth and other planets based on their location and distance from each other.Also developed will be different calenders.Each planet will have other planets in their solar system similar to size,distance etc to Mars,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn etc again used in horscopes and their versions of astrology referenced in movies,spin offs and video games.Also developed for each planet will be different calenders and versions of the zodiac,constellations and horoscopes and mythology derived from them.Each alien race across the galaxy will have different coming of age rituals similar to and different from Earth and different holidays,festivals derived from the seasons,mythology etc.Each with planet will have different languages and languages that will be used in spin offs with subtitles and the sentient Coeus translating with each planet possibly having thousands of languages like Earth each with different dialects,idioms they will also have different sports,architecture,coming of age rituals,cuisines etc but they will also have different variations of these on each country implant to Earth and memetics.Each race in the Star Trek will to prevent homogenisation as already seen in the current series with them having an overall arching culture with respect to architecture,clothing,religion etc but like Earth each region,continent and country will have developed their own sub cultures..All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,prophecies,folklore,nursery rhymes,Cryptozoology,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet to the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.Historical databases such as books etc present in Dionysus can be created that chart each planets entire history going back thousands or millions of years in volumes focusing on each country as each planet like Earth each planet would have formed tribes,countries and empires with this done for fans to read through that can be added by AI to Fandom pages.Each planet will have their own historical wars,disasters and terrorist attacks similar to the Titanic,September 11th etc and famous natural disasters etc and events similar to that on Earth and these databases will be created by Assistant AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumed books with these providing the basis for spin offs and movies as well as fictional documentaries etc.The databases will consist of realistic in universe history books,documents,pictures,film reels abc news reports on radio abc live news etc depending on their technological advancements that are uploaded to Dionysus and to allow for Assistant AI to quickly reference them quickly to keep them consistent..Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each human tribes across the galaxy and different time periods and events can be used as the backdrop for movies, television shows and video games.
Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters that are politicians,researchers,celebrities of all types can be created that form the basis of biopics.Even fake documentaries can be made of these people and historical events multiple times by fans involving actors and fake historians.Also video games,television shows and movies can be created that are set on each planet during different time periods that focus on everyday citizens and key historical events.Also legends,folktales etc from each planet will form the basis of movies,video games and spin offs..There are thousands of races each with at least several hundred thousand or few million years of history to detail famous people and historical events in spin offs,movies and video games.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.Movies and televisions that are dramas,biopics etc can be set and detail key events in each planets history such as as stated wars etc.There will be spin offs set in the distant and recent past on each planet across the the galaxy and universe that can last as much as 10 seasons with each planet since having millions of years of history this allowing for there to be dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs set at different time periods of a planets history and will also detail key events in their history prior to first contact with each other and formation of the Federation,integration into the Federation up until the events of the main movies and will provide insight into each planets history since there is at least several millions of years of history of aliens on all planets in all three galaxies thus will provide hundreds or thousands of movies and spin offs providing work for thousands and millions of actors with their also the option of creating fictional dramas,love stories,thrillers and horror etc in each planets past thus increasing this exponentionally into infinity.Furthermore television spin offs movies that are thrillers,comedies and romantic comedies and also biopics and even historical movies etc and televisions shows can focus on the histories of each planets races across the galaxy from ancient times and that of modern times and also new introduced alien races across the galaxies and those as part of the galaxy cluster and the rest of the universe.This will be done for all new alien races discovered across the universe as new planets,alien races and galaxies are discovered.Considering there are at least 10,000,000,000 – 40,000,000,000 planets and if only 1% of these have evolved sentient races then that means at least 100,000,000 – 400,000,000 potential alien races across the galaxy with them having anything from several thousands to hundred of millions of years of history and important people and events to explore in spin offs,movies and video games.Spin offs will be set on all planets across the Milky Way and deal with each individual sentient races both part of the Federation and non Federation species.The key historical events of each species can be charted in spin offs and movies etc.The different alien plants and animals can be explored in different spin offs alongside different geological features and planet specific wilderness areas and cities will be exoplored.AI namely Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals.Fake documentaries series can be made that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as characters foretelling the events as flashbacks etc.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.Biopics can also be done of all main characters such as Jean Luc Picard.Beverly Crusher,Spock etc from all existing spin offs etc from all existing and new spin offs charting their teenage years and silt years-riot to the first time they appeared on the show.Video games can be created set on each planet across the galaxy dealing with Klingons,Vulcans,Bajorans etc in the past and present
.These can also include in the Star Trek universe in versions of The View,Oprah,Bill Maher,Mad Tv including these real world ones and new fictional ones that are separate spin offs with episodes uploaded to Dionysus.All of these talk shows,podcasts,vloggers etc will appear routinely in spin offs,detailing events in the franchises spin offs and can start with the public revelation of the existence of the Stargate etc on Earth and then catch up and continue to carry on during the run of all spin offs.Fictional in universe versions of WhatCulture and and other similar accounts can be created.Fictional YouTube accounts can cover all themes that real world accounts carry out ideas such as vlogs on political events and discussions as well as creating homemade food using Earth based plants etc and those from across the galaxies,fake horror stories similar Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Lazy Masquerade etc set in different planets and involve the Gouald and Wraith etc and also fake unsolved mysteries and true crime from and fake historical mysteries across the galaxies,snippets from fictional media cremated in universe,reviews of in universe fictional movies/television shows etc,walking through real world and fictional cities on Earth and other colonies across the galaxies similar to Nomadic Ambience,walking tours of wilderness areas on fictional planets,urban exploring of abandoned buildings and even non abandoned buildings such as Stargate Command,Atlantis across the galaxies including ruins of the Ancients etc similar to Exploring with Josh,Dan Bell and The Proper People using VR technology updated regularly created by AI,fans and writers and actors with snippets of videos in them appearing in different episodes.Drones touring wilderness areas and fictional cities will be made.In otherwards all types of accounts on YouTube will be present.The VR map of each planet will be available to be downloaded by the public thus allowing them to be used for the public to create urban exploration videos and tours of in universe wilderness and buildings in the universe.This can be replicated with all science fiction and fantasy video games and television shows.These fictional YouTube channels will be updated regularly either monthly,weekly or even daily etc throughout the run of the shows,during breaks of seasons and each show and linked together via subscribers etc options or other means decided by Thaos and Assistant AI with Assistant AI and Adriadne directing fans to them that subscribe to the various shows as part of the franchise in Dionysus with fans then subscribing to them.The in universe characters for these YouTube accounts can consist of humans from Earth and in time from upgraded colonies across the Milky Way etc galaxies alongside other non human races and can include in universe characters.As stated fans of the shows can set up their own channels and produce these fictional vlogs,podcasts,urban exploration and Nomadic Ambience style videos and live news reports and interviews using VR technology with them being linked to channels of official metafiction channels with some of the channels vlogs etc created by AI namely Assistant AI using pseudonyms and avatars via interacting with Thaos and Adriadne.This can include multiple fictional live news channels from across the globe of both liberal and conservative leaning channels similar to Fox News,OANN,CNN,MSNBC etc and a single global if not an intergalactic news channel that covers news across the galaxies.If possible podcasts of fictional radio hosts and podcasts that are an hour long each complete with callers can be made in the show that express opinions from both the left and right side of the political spectrum.The Oprah,The View,Dr Phil type shows can be done by fictional celebrities and also be in their style such as interviewing both existing and new characters including members of Starfleet,in universe celebrities and characters
Fake documentaries series can be made set within the Star Trek franchise that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities,terrorist attacks,natural disasters and other historical events in the past and those that occur on the various spin offs uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as well witness characters that were first hand witnesses retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.This can include those on both existing events in the franchise but also new events that occur or are referenced in each spin offs movies and television shows including animated ones.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.In universe versions of Crimewatch can be made that details crimes such as murders,kidnappings,missing people,sexual assault with YouTube Channels focusing on fictional crimes such as missing people,kidnappings,murders etc that are meta fiction
There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme that is used over and over again and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.Advancements in technology,AI and the arrival of extragalactic aliens can allow intergalactic travel occur opening up the rest of the universe or at least the Local Group and Lanikea Supercluster at first be open to the spin off shows.Astraeus like in the real world as detailed in this website and in Stargate can instigate a preprogrammed mapping of the rest of the universe starting with the Milky Way,then the Local Group or Lanikea Supercluster.Since there are much older races in the galaxy than the Federation then AI can reverse engineer those with intergalactic engines.
All of these will allow fans of the Star Trek franchise to add to the official canon in the form of metafiction that will provide work for millions of writers and actors
Also fictional media such as plays movies,video games etc made as if being made by in universe characters and individuals from these races and alongside video games involving in universe races on their planets dealing with the mythology etc of different genres can be created set in the in franchise universe as if they were created by in universe races and characters.Thus like Stargate there can be a dozens or hundreds of spin off television shows of Star Trek of different genres such as dramas,soap operas,military and law enforcement drama/action science fiction etc set in the same timeline etc that deal with different themes and genres with characters floating in and out.Old characters such as Jean Luc Picard,Worf,Geordi La Forge,Wesley and Beverly Crusher,Quark,Deanna Troi,Q,Benjamin Sisko,Katherine Jameway,William T Riker,Guinan,Amanda Rogers,Vash,Harry Kim,Neelix,Seven of Nine,Tom Paris etc from all major series floating in and out of each new spin off series as guest stars,recurring characters and also cameos and each spin off also have completely new characters with themselves floating in and out of each spin off and all future spin offs with the franchise lasting centuries,millenia or billions of years due to their being 200,000,000,000 galaxies to discover with ringworlds,alderson discs and in time interdimensional travel to completely alien universes extending this potentially forever.Spin offs and movies can be made that detail the life history of all main characters such as Katherine a Janeway,Jean Luc Picard,Guinana,Seven of Nine etc.Actors who played dead characters and those from Star Trek:Enterprise etc set in the distant past can take the role of main characters especially the descendants of their characters and new characters either human that have different hairstyles as well as alien characters that are main and reccuring characters.Even characters from Star Trek:Lower Decks can appear in them in live action shows played by their voice actors as themselves or a live action version of their character avatar with those Star Trek:Discovery appearing..Star Trek spin offs that deal with the past,present and future such as Star Trek:Picard can have these fake news channels,podcasts with them doing episodes for all key events and non key events that detail reports,documentaries etc on the Borg,Federation of Planets etc.By having dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs of the Star Trek franchise being written and filmed at once it could lead to episodes of dozens or thousands of the spin offs uploaded and premiering on Dionysus every day or week thus meaning fans would have fresh new episodes every day of the week every week of dozens or thousands of different shows of different genres etc rather than having to wait a week for a new episode of a single series..As a result dozens or hundreds of new episode of each spin off will premier every day with overall there being at least a few hundred or few thousand or more episodes from the entire franchise premiering every week or every day.Each show will be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once thus allowing events that occur in one show to be referenced in another and characters both old and new float in and out of each show with ease.It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and video games etc.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.Thus there will be multiple shows taking place at once in the same timeline and universe with new characters and existing characters floating in and out of them that explore each plot point,each threat to the galaxies and each themes and issues in detail thus allowing them to be proportionally explored without becoming overburdened or spread too thinly allowing for concise and balanced exploration of each new theme and plot points.Each would be filmed at the same time and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time to cater to fans interest and will be taking place in the same timeline and timeframe ie each episode of each spin off will take place at the same time as the others with them either on the same day or taking place the next day meaning events will take place all at once with as stated characters floating in and out and events in one show referenced in another..It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one or more of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and video games etc.While the main macros series is written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus there would be dozens or thousands of other spin off set across the galaxies and universe that take place at the same time as each other that take place on the same year,month,week and day as each other with characters and events in one or more spin offs references in others and characters floating in and out of them.Thus there will be multiple shows taking place at once in the same timeline and universe with new characters and existing characters floating in and out of them that explore each plot point,each threat to the galaxies and each themes and issues in detail thus allowing them to be proportionally explored without becoming overburdened or spread too thinly allowing for concise and balanced exploration of each new theme and plot points.Characters will float in and out each spin off and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.If possible the whole story arch of a plot point would take place over several days,weeks,months and years over different spin offs of different genres – an example would be the integration of a planet may involve political debating etc and talks,terrorist attacks occuring,seeking out the terrorist attackers and then finally them brought to trial and rehabilitation of survivors may span several spin offs of different genres such as exploration ones,political drama ones,action ones,legal drama ones,soap opera ones and so on thus having a single story arc linking different spin offs of different genres thus ensuring that plot points don’t go unresolved and are fully fleshed out.This can be a recurring storytelling motif and technique for the franchise with it repeated with franchises that have multiple spin offs such as Stargate,Star Wars,Buffy:The Vampire Slayer.Events that take place in one show will be referenced in another with as stated characters both existing ones and new ones will float in and out and be referenced in another ie the main star of an action show will be the reccuring or guest star of a drama show and soap opera show and do on with each character taking different roles in each spin off.Furthermore different spin offs can take place at the same time with events told from each other’s perspective.
Also made can be video games that are an MMO and those similar to Mass Effect of the series created to allow fans to interact with the series universe in customised ways.These video games will house all characters,races,technologies and planets present that can be fully explored with in the official MMO updates added that add new characters,planets,races etc as time goes by including those from the various spin offs.The MMO can can be set in the present timespan as the latest series and include all characters,races,technologies and planets from the franchise fully exploreable with new ones added overtime through updates.Those set in the present can allow players to play as any Federation member species and also atagonist races such as the Borg etc updates will add new galaxies and planets,characters etc overtime In game codexes can be added that give detailed information on all planets,races and technologies.All planets,technologies,races and characters will be present with all planets fully exploreable with unique terrains,taxonomic ranks and also weather systems and billions of NPCs.Many official canon video games will be created that follow the in universe plot but also there will be fanmade games that take plot points from the shows and official video games to create their own adventures set in the universe or parallel universe.Like Stargate a YouTube channel can be made that houses fake live news reports can start as far back as the Eugenics War,WW3,First Contact with the Vulcans,the formation of the Federation of Planets to the events of each main series,Star Trek:Enterprise,Star Trek:The Next Generation,Star Trek:Lower Decks,Star Trek:Voyager,Star Trek:Deep Space Nine etc detailing all major interstellar political events with YouTube integrated into the universe.Again like Stargate the ideas for metafiction with regards to news reports,YouTube vloggers detailing commentary on in show events by vloggers that are humans,klingons,bajorans,Vulcans etc.YouTube vloggers of all races such as humans,Klingons,Vulcans,bajorans etc can be made commenting events,creating walking tours of cities in Earth in the future and also major cities across the planets as part of the federation similar to Nomadic Ambience as well as urban exploring using VR technology and fake musicians from the the time of events of Star Trek:Picard etc.Thus again like other franchises video games,movies,television shows will be produced in a way that it looks as if they are created by in universe characters and races and uploaded into Dionysus.Since the show deals with the idea parallel universes some spin offs can be set in parallel realities with different histories,characters etc.MMOs can be created of Star Trek.VR technology can allow all non Earth planets to be completely different from Earth with all plants and animals,terrains and ecosystems be completely different from Earth and have binary moons and orbit gas giants,binary stars,different types of stars and also share stable orbits with other habitable planets.Them orbiting binary stars and different types of stars outside Type G will allow them to develop plants that have different methods of photosynthesis including leaves that are not green using compounds other than chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis or them utilising chemosynthesis to utilise methane as a growth method or using different gases in the atmosphere such as sulphur dioxide,methane etc to create oxygen or other gases that are used for respiration and thus develop completely alien animals and sentient races.VR technology will cut down on production costs and allow for entirely new planets as part of each galaxy to be created with unique ecosystems,plants and animals and also have terrains,climates and atmosphere vastly different from Earth that look completely real and have countless alien races created with no makeup at zero cost.It can also involve planets that orbit gas giants,different types of stars outside type G stars and even binary stars and have different types of moons or binary moons and be planets with ring systems.This will allow for realistic special effects especially realistic spaceships etc that are not crappy CGI with it allowing for realistic sets and props to be conjured up within seconds and negate the need for stunt doubles and eliminate tight shooting schedules.It will also allow for scenes to be filmed anywhere on Earth at zero cost including major cities at a whims notice.It can allow for AI and directors create customised terrain,plants,animals and cities of all planets in all three galaxies thus making them completely different from Earth with the entirety of each planet designed from scratch thus allow an almost infinite variety of terrains,plants and animals outside of what is possible in Earth limited only by the directors and AIs imagination.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized sets separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized sets.At first each planet sized sets will have actors move from one set to the next by switching from one programme to the next on demand with when the computing power of AI increases then these planets will be merged together into Galaxy also in time universe sized sets.Galaxies will at first be separated from each other and then one moving to the next and they will be merged together as well.Even existing planets that were on the show that seem to be as if filmed on Earth can have have the rest of the planet different with different ecosystems such as jungles,deserts and temperate climates and not monoculture.Since most existing episodes of the first three shows could only visit a small section of each planet usually the size of a small town or city and a small piece of wilderness each planet will still have expansive wilderness to discover alongside large areas of urban areas as well as sizeable amounts of ruins and remenants of each human civilisation.Each planet will rather be homogenised will have different alien ecosystems and terrains as well as new alien plants and animals added outside of what was visible in the existing shows.Planets already visited that had to be filmed on Earth can be remodelled by having AI who will scan all episodes for existing terrain and wilderness used from Earth and use this as a template to create extra wilderness and terrain for the rest of each planet that will be made completely different and alien from Earth in terms of terrain,plants and animals.Thus through VR technology all planets across the galaxies can be completely different from Earth in terms of terrain,plants,animals and suns and moons etc limited only by the writers imagination.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology with them the same size as real world vehicles and space stations..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will be designed entirely by the AI Iphegina as planet sized arenas that will be saved as separate simulations that everytime they are used in each spin off can be accessed with copies made to deal with different spin offs being filmed at once.These VR planets will be the same size as real Earth sized planets that can be fully explored by actors,writers etc with these maps saved on hard drives etc and then utilised for video games based on the franchise including the official MMO.Furthermore each planet can have Phanes design whole taxonomic ranks of completely unique and alien plants and animals giving them uniqu non human animals and plants to be explored in the MMO and also episodes of each spin off in detail.Plants and animals on each planet in each world can be designed by humans and AI to follow realistic taxonomic ranks or be made into base lifeforms including bacteria that will then evolve into random lifeforms by speeding up the evolutionary process.AI namely Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals giving each planet unique terrain,wildlife etc completely different from Earth..Directors and writers will through neural implants using pure thought aid AI in creating all terrain and plants and animals.Towns,cities and villages will be designed by AI and writers.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme on a sub network of Dionysus that is used over and over again by actors and directors of each spin off and movie and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet in the Star Trek universe can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.This map programme of each planet and if possible the entire universe will be used for all spin offs with it stored in a sub network of Dionysus to be copied,downloaded and used for each spin off by writers and actors etc as well as by the public including fans creating fanmade video games,Fanmade movies and tv shows etc as well as VR tours of cities and wilderness areas similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience,urban exploration videos and also by fans for use in carrying out pastimes and for Bacchus.Each planet including Earth will have cities,towns and villages of various sizes with obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings and private homes with abandoned buildings and obsolete buildings of all types such as hotels,supermarkets etc both real and fictional and apartments and private homes real and fictional that allows them to be used in in universe versions of Restoration Nation.Adriadne will set up networks for these movies and television shows to ensure each county and planet has these types of shows of each genre advertised to fans and have Assistant Ai ensure all plot points are explored
•Star Wars:
Star Wars can also have dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin off television shows again legal and medical dramas,forensics and criminal investigation shows,dramas,soap operas,political dramas and science fiction action and exploration shows etc with these either live action or animated set during the founding days of the Galactic Empire and also the founding days of the Jedi and Sith during events and time periods too long to be explained in movies with them also charting the early life’s and history of Obi Wan Kenobi,Princess Leia,Han Solo and Chewbacca and other characters from all movies and key people in the universes timeline such as key Jedi and Sith Lords in separate telvision shows that last several seasons with them interlinked and involve crossovers.There can also be spin offs that detail key events of each race in the galaxy including humans and key events in their history that chart their history from Ancient times to modern times with their being multiple spin offs per race or one that every few seasons moves forward several decades,centuries or thousands of years.Since there are at least several thousand races scross the galaxy this could have several thousand spin offs filmed and uploaded at once at once.These can be animated or live action series..Furthermore seasons of each show can be set in between each of the official movies ie set in between Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menace,Star Wars Episode II:The Clone Wars,Star Wars Episode III:Revenge of the Sith and also not just in between these movies and the original Star Wars IV:A New Hope,Star Wars V:The Empire Strikes Back,Star Wars VI:Return of the Jedi but also in between all of these original trilogy movies from the 1970s and 1980s charting events involving all characters in them with the same applied to the newest trilogy of movies during 2015-2019.Thus the shows will explore the history of the Star Wars universe and its characters that can’t be explained in a movie and also chart events in between movies.Spin offs can be made that chart the history of all races across the galaxy including key events from their history
The different religions,coming of age rituals etc of each race across the galaxy will be explored in detail in spin offs.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions similar to Earth.Each religions both monotheistic and polytheistic religions will have legends and parables explored in movies,spin offs and video games that detail them directly or where they are based on these parables wherein a characters journey in modern times or recent or distant past follows the same journey as the legend as a storytelling technique as subtext and allegory or they can form the basis of movies,television shows and video games that use the legends etc as a basis that is dramatic telling of the legend and adaptation into a movie,television show and video games that tells the story of the legend etc itself.Each planet will have different polytheistic religions for each region and country similar to Earth that will feature dozens or hundreds of male and female gods,Demi gods,monsters and fictional mortals detailed in legends created and holy texts and hieroglyphics etc by Assistant AI and writers that will mentioned and detailed in movies and spin offs with temples etc built for them on each planet.These legends and deities etc can be used in official and fanmade games especially Fanmade games of Tomb Raider,Star Wars etc including crossovers.Several monotheistic religions will be developed for each planet.Each planet will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Films will be made that follow religious themes dealing with characters of each religion of each planet.Each planets culture would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length for monotheistic religions that have a single male,female or transgendered deity with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and all components of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus with illustrations and written in the planets native language to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoological creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc and folktales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each human occupied planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each human occupied planet and those of alien races will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.Each of the planets across the galaxies different human cultures will thus have their religions both polytheistic and monotheistic alongside prophecies and folklore etc developed by writers snd AI.Each planet will have different arrangements of stars present due to their location thus giving them different zodiac signs and constellations modelled in local mythology and those from Ancient civilisations on Earth including those derived from native legends and animals etc with these like on Earth used as horoscopes by citizens with some planets sharing constellations from Courascant and other planets based on their location and distance from each other.Also developed will be different calenders and versions of the zodiac,constellations and horoscopes and mythology derived from them.Each planet will have other planets in their solar system similar to size,distance etc to Mars,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn etc again used in horscopes and their versions of astrology referenced in movies,spin offs and video games.Each alien race across the galaxy will have different coming of age rituals similar to and different from Earth and different holidays,festivals derived from the seasons,mythology etc.Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Each planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and monotheistic religions developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom.Each planet will have different languages with each planet possibly having thousands of languages like Earth each with different dialects,idioms and they will also have different sports,architecture,coming of age rituals,cuisines etc but they will also have different variations of these on each country implant to Earth and memetics.Each race in the Star Wars universe will to prevent homogenisation as already seen in most science fiction media will in the current series with them having an overall arching culture with respect to architecture,clothing,religion etc but like Earth each region,continent and country will have developed their own sub cultures..All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,prophecies,folklore,nursery rhymes,Cryptozoology,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet to the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.Historical databases such as books etc present in Dionysus can be created that chart each planets entire history going back thousands or millions of years in volumes focusing on each country as each planet like Earth each planet would have formed tribes,countries and empires with this done for fans to read through that can be added by AI to Fandom pages.Each planet will have their own historical wars,disasters and terrorist attacks similar to the Titanic,September 11th etc and famous natural disasters etc and events similar to that on Earth and these databases will be created by Assistant AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumed books with these providing the basis for spin offs and movies as well as fictional documentaries etc.The databases will consist of realistic in universe history books,documents,pictures,film reels abc news reports on radio abc live news etc depending on their technological advancements that are uploaded to Dionysus and to allow for Assistant AI to quickly reference them quickly to keep them consistent.Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each human tribes across the galaxy and different time periods and events can be used as the backdrop for movies, television shows and video games.
.These can also include in the Star Wars universe in versions of The View,Oprah,Bill Maher,Mad Tv including these real world ones and new fictional ones that are separate spin offs with episodes uploaded to Dionysus.All of these talk shows,podcasts,vloggers etc will appear routinely in spin offs,detailing events in the franchises spin offs and can start with the public revelation of the existence of the Stargate etc on Earth and then catch up and continue to carry on during the run of all spin offs.Fictional in universe versions of WhatCulture and and other similar accounts can be created.Fictional YouTube accounts can cover all themes that real world accounts carry out ideas such as vlogs on political events and discussions as well as creating homemade food using Earth based plants etc and those from across the galaxies,fake horror stories similar Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Lazy Masquerade etc set in different planets and involve the Gouald and Wraith etc and also fake unsolved mysteries and true crime from and fake historical mysteries across the galaxies,snippets from fictional media cremated in universe,reviews of in universe fictional movies/television shows etc,walking through real world and fictional cities on Courascant and other colonies across the galaxies similar to Nomadic Ambience,walking tours of wilderness areas on fictional planets,urban exploring of abandoned buildings and even non abandoned buildings such as Stargate Command,Atlantis across the galaxies including ruins of the Ancients etc similar to Exploring with Josh,Dan Bell and The Proper People using VR technology updated regularly created by AI,fans and writers and actors with snippets of videos in them appearing in different episodes.Drones touring wilderness areas and fictional cities will be made.In otherwards all types of accounts on YouTube will be present.The VR map of each planet will be available to be downloaded by the public thus allowing them to be used for the public to create urban exploration videos and tours of in universe wilderness and buildings in the universe.This can be replicated with all science fiction and fantasy video games and television shows.These fictional YouTube channels will be updated regularly either monthly,weekly or even daily etc throughout the run of the shows,during breaks of seasons and each show and linked together via subscribers etc options or other means decided by Thaos and Assistant AI with Assistant AI and Adriadne directing fans to them that subscribe to the various shows as part of the franchise in Dionysus with fans then subscribing to them.The in universe characters for these YouTube accounts can consist of humans from Earth and in time from upgraded colonies across the Milky Way etc galaxies alongside other non human races and can include in universe characters.As stated fans of the shows can set up their own channels and produce these fictional vlogs,podcasts,urban exploration and Nomadic Ambience style videos and live news reports and interviews using VR technology with them being linked to channels of official metafiction channels with some of the channels vlogs etc created by AI namely Assistant AI using pseudonyms and avatars via interacting with Thaos and Adriadne.This can include multiple fictional live news channels from across the globe of both liberal and conservative leaning channels similar to Fox News,OANN,CNN,MSNBC etc and a single global if not an intergalactic news channel that covers news across the galaxies.If possible podcasts of fictional radio hosts and podcasts that are an hour long each complete with callers can be made in the show that express opinions from both the left and right side of the political spectrum.The Oprah,The View,Dr Phil type shows can be done by fictional celebrities and also be in their style such as interviewing both existing and new characters including members of Jedi,in universe celebrities and characters
Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters that are politicians,researchers,celebrities of all types can be created that form the basis of biopics.Even fake documentaries can be made of these people,each alien races mythology,history,culture and coming of age rituals and historical events multiple times by fans involving actors and fake historians.Also video games,television shows and movies can be created that are set on each planet during different time periods that focus on everyday citizens and key historical events.Also legends,folktales etc from each planet will form the basis of movies,video games and spin offs..There are thousands of races each with at least several hundred thousand or few million years of history to detail famous people and historical events in spin offs,movies and video games.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.Movies and televisions that are dramas,biopics etc can be set and detail key events in each planets history such as as stated wars etc.There will be spin offs set in the distant and recent past on each planet across the the galaxy and universe that can last as much as 10 seasons with each planet since having millions of years of history this allowing for there to be dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs set at different time periods of a planets history and will also detail key events in their history prior to first contact with each other and formation of the Federation,integration into the Federation up until the events of the main movies and will provide insight into each planets history since there is at least several millions of years of history of aliens on all planets in all three galaxies thus will provide hundreds or thousands of movies and spin offs providing work for thousands and millions of actors with their also the option of creating fictional dramas,love stories,thrillers and horror etc in each planets past thus increasing this exponentionally into infinity.Furthermore television spin offs movies that are thrillers,comedies and romantic comedies and also biopics and even historical movies etc and televisions shows can focus on the histories of each planets races across the galaxy from ancient times and that of modern times and also new introduced alien races across the galaxies and those as part of the galaxy cluster and the rest of the universe.This will be done for all new alien races discovered across the universe as new planets,alien races and galaxies are discovered.Video games can be created set on each planet across the galaxy dealing with all sentient races in the past,present etc
Fake documentaries series can be made set within the Star Wars franchise that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,each race and their history/homeworkd/culture etc,historical events,political entities,terrorist attacks,natural disasters and other historical events in the past and those that occur on the various spin offs uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as well witness characters that were first hand witnesses retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.This can include those on both existing events in the franchise but also new events that occur or are referenced in each spin offs movies and television shows including animated ones.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.In universe versions of Crimewatch can be made that details crimes such as murders,kidnappings,missing people,sexual assault with YouTube Channels focusing on fictional crimes such as missing people,kidnappings,murders etc that are meta fiction
All of these will allow fans of the Star Wars franchise to add to the official canon in the form of metafiction that will provide work for millions of writers and actors
Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme that is used over and over again and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the offical entire terrain etc of each planet can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.Also made can be video games that are an MMO and those similar to Mass Effect of the series created to allow fans to interact with the series universe in customised ways.These video games will house all characters,races,technologies and planets present that can be fully explored with in the official MMO updates added that add new characters,planets,races etc as time goes by including those from the various spin offs.These games set in the official Star Wars universe alongside non canon fanmade games can be adventure games,real time strategy,point and click games,stealth,survival horror,FMV,point and click games similar to Tex Murphy,World of Warcraft,The Longest Journey,Tomb Raider,Sim City,Mirrors Edge,Command and Conquer,Grand Theft Auto,Doom,Mass Effect,Metal Gear Solid,Dead Space featuring characters from all series both existing and new and new characters and human and all alien races.Characters in these games that the player controls and interacts with will include not only main characters from all existing series but also new characters etc that are researchers,military personnel,archaeologists and every day citizens that are humans and all alien races.These games can detail events in the distant past involving all canon Jedi warriors including both human and non human ones,detail events of all official movies in the series including remakes of existing games,detail events that took place in before/in between/after each movie etc during the history of each sentient race in the galaxy including humans,Wookiee,Ewoks etc with it chatting events of key characters such as Princess Leia,Luke Skywalker,Chewbacca,Han Solo etc.Both official and fanmade games can be produced.Official canon games will chart events in the main universe while fanmade games can chart events in parallel universes involving everyday citizens and major characters from the series such as Princess Leia,Han Solo,Luke Skywalker etc.Even though there will be official canon games created Fanmade games can be created that utilise the multiverse theory that thus give them creative freedom.
There can be also dozens,hundreds and thousands of separate spin off dramas,soap opera/drama etc,legal and medical drama and military and law enforcement drama/action shows and criminal investigation,science fiction and action exploration shows,sitcoms and comedies universe set in the official Star Wars universe set on Hoth,Tatooine,Coruscant and other planets across the entire galaxy involving all in universe races such as Humans etc in all four quadrants either together or even individually.Dozens,hundreds or even thousands of different spin offs can be created astelevision spin offs of different genres such as comedies,dramas,science fiction action etc that focus on the lives of every day citizens that explore these themes.These will be live action and animated soap operas,sitcoms,legal and political dramas and would be like Family Guy,Futurama,The Simpson’s,7th Heaven,How I Met Your Mother,Roseanne,Modern Family.Will & Grace,Peep Show,Friends,In Treatment,NCIS,The Brave,CSI,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Law & Order,Bones,Cold Case,24,The Practice,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphia that are set in countries across each planet and other countries on each planet across the galaxy.Each planet can have hundreds or thousands of spin offs and movies and video games set on each country of each planet.These will give insight into the lives of everyday people from all parts of the galaxy.There are potentially thousands or even more planets across all three galaxies with humans can allow for spin offs of different genres to be set on each one to follow the lives of each planets different subset of humans thus allowing soap opera,drama,law enforcement and political dramas as well as legal and medical dramas and Cold Case,Law and Order, etc style shows can be made for each town,village,city across Coruscant etc and also on each city,town and villages on all planets across the galaxy .As more planets are discovered and colonised by humans etc and more alien races are encountered and more galaxies are explored then new spin offs of each genre will be set in these and include new races.A macro series of multiple series would exist that charts the adventures of the Jedi and even the Sith would exist but there would be many dozens or thousands of spin offs that chart the struggles of everyday citizens across the various member and non member races.All of these will be filmed and uploaded at once to Dionysus meaning new episodes of potentially dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs will be uploaded and premier on Dionysus every day.This would allow all plot points,themes such as religious themes and racism,LGBT themes to be explored evenly.Thus by utilising the concept of having dozens,hundreds or even thousands of spins offs main macro series it can allow all of the different themes such as racism,addictions to technology and augmentations etc as well as explore religious themes and conflicts between different races,religions and cultures across the three galaxies and explore aforementioned themes and plot points at once but at the same time evenly and rather than focusing on just members of Jedi would focus on the conflicts and struggles of citizens on Hoth,Tatooine also real world aspects such as the the wire including Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus etc or their own versions of it.Modern technologies such as smartphones,smartpads,smart televisions,artificial wombs,3D DNA printers,their version of the internet,Wikipedia,the wire and YouTube etc and those across this entire website including the new technology section can be introduced as recent inventions or long present ones.CRISPR,genetic engineering including those that give humans new abilities and immortality can be integrated using it as a new recent in universe discovery and thus make humans etc immortal a plot point to be explored.Real world scientific discoveries and technological advancements in the real world as of 1987-2029 onwards and those across the entire website and new real world scientific discoveries and technologies from 2029 can be integrated into the show as recent discoveries by in universe researchers alongside the discovery of real world species equivalencies that are the source of recombinant DNA that give humans immortality and augmentations as detailed in the healthcare section including the discovery of CRISPR itself can be added in the series as recent discoveries as of the time of the lates.As for Wikipedia and YouTube etc they can be infrared alongside in universe versions of them.All real world philosophy such as celestial age etc can be integrated as by in universe philosophers with the wire such as Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus and Pheme etc and all AI such as Paean,Gaia,Helios etc can be integrated into it as recent discoveries and advances.With regards to AI such as Gaia etc and the wire such as Demeter etc these can be replaced by in universe versions with them named by in universe versions of a Courascants ancient mythology derived from a single polytheistic religion.Having dozens or thousands of spin offs will allow the conflicts and struggles of everyday citizens across the galaxy to be explored rather than just of the Jedi.The Agoge training and also 14 being the age of majority etc can be integrated as recent political developments..It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one or more of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and video games etc.While the main macros series is written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus there would be dozens or thousands of other spin off set across the galaxies and universe that take place at the same time as each other that take place on the same year,month,week and day as each other with characters and events in one or more spin offs references in others and characters floating in and out of them.Thus there will be multiple shows taking place at once in the same timeline and universe with new characters and existing characters floating in and out of them that explore each plot point,each threat to the galaxies and each themes and issues in detail thus allowing them to be proportionally explored without becoming overburdened or spread too thinly allowing for concise and balanced exploration of each new theme and plot points.By having dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs of the Star Wars franchise being written and filmed at once it could lead to episodes of dozens or thousands of the spin offs uploaded and premiering on Dionysus every day or week thus meaning fans would have fresh new episodes every day of the week every week of dozens or thousands of different shows of different genres etc rather than having to wait a week for a new episode of a single series.As a result dozens or hundreds of new episode of each spin off will premier every day with overall there being at least a few hundred or few thousand or more episodes from the entire franchise premiering every week or every day.Each would be filmed at the same time and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time to cater to fans interest and will be taking place in the same timeline and timeframe ie each episode of each spin off will take place at the same time as the others with them either on the same day or taking place the next day meaning events will take place all at once with as stated characters floating in and out and events in one show referenced in another.If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.Characters will float in and out each spin off and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off. If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.If possible the whole story arch of a plot point would take place over several days,weeks,months and years over different spin offs of different genres – an example would be the integration of a planet may involve political debating etc and talks,terrorist attacks occuring,seeking out the terrorist attackers and then finally them brought to trial and rehabilitation of survivors may span several spin offs of different genres such as exploration ones,political drama ones,action ones,legal drama ones,soap opera ones and so on thus having a single story arc linking different spin offs of different genres thus ensuring that plot points don’t go unresolved and are fully fleshed out.This can be a recurring storytelling motif and technique for the franchise with it repeated with franchises that have multiple spin offs such as Star Trek,Stargate,Buffy:The Vampire Slayer.Events that take place in one show will be referenced in another with as stated characters both existing ones and new ones will float in and out and be referenced in another ie the main star of an action show will be the reccuring or guest star of a drama show and soap opera show and do on with each character taking different roles in each spin off.Furthermore different spin offs can take place at the same time with events told from each other’s perspectives.These spin offs will be set on all planets across the galaxy including Courascsnt,Hoth,Tatooine etc.It will also chart the goings on everyday citizens across the galaxy of all races on all planets with them as stated set before,during and after the events of all films allowing for more insight into each races cultures,religions etc alongside LGBT themes and xenophobia and racism to be explored.
Furthermore feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made set on each planet and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comediesp movies.These movies that chart the adventures of both the Sith/Jedi and everyday citizens of all races across the galaxy can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.These movies and television shows of all genres will use symbolism,themes,motifs,allegories,mis en scene etc to make them high quality movies that have intellectual depth and make them worthy of winning Oscars,Palm Dor,Emmy for writing,direction and acting and not just special effects have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens,hundreds or thousands of live action and animated movies of different genres such as comedies,romantic comedies,thrillers,horror,dramas and even musicals related to the franchise as part of the official canon narrative created and uploaded to Dionysus every year that focus on the lives of everyday citizens across the galaxies and not just the Jedi and Sith.These television show spin offs,movies and video games can be set in different countries across the planets across the galaxy such as Hoth,Tatooine,Courascant thus giving perspectives from that culture rather than an perspective of one planet with the characters being actors,athlethes,musicians,archeologists that are everyday citizens and not just the Jedi and Sith..Plays,musicals,movies,operas etc and novels can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc. that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.Movies and these spin offs will chart the adventures of the Jedi but also the struggles of everyday citizens.This will allow all themes such as LGBT themes,racism,cultures of each race,religious themes and also all various plot points to be explored evenly across thousands of spin offs and movies.These movies and television shows will be either animated or live action ones and CGI ones snd will be complimented by video games. These spin offs and also movies will be either animated or live action ones with dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of spin offs taking place at the same time with them written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time with if characters floating and out of them all with plot points referenced in different spin offs snd if possible plot points carrying on from one spin off to another such as it starting in spin off,it carried onto a few other spin offs and then resolved in another spin off.All Assistant AIs will be able through fragmentation be able proof read and monitor scripts for all concurrent spin offs and movies even if there are dozens,hundreds or thousands being written,filmed and uploaded at once to ensure consistency between plot points and characters with official writers informed via bullet point and audio/visual reports of all new major spin offs,movies and their plot developments and storylines that would be relevant to the script of each episode,plan of each season and each new spin off ensuring they do not become overburdened with this done by it interacting with all writers and reviewing all scripts and also all filmed and uploaded material at once within seconds of not seconds via fragmentation to ensure consistency between plot points,characters and themes and that they are not in conflict with each other and don’t repeat or contradict themselves and each other and keep writers and actors up to date to all relevant information,new ideas,developments etc in the real world and the scripts on demand 24/7,365 days a year and organising group VR meetings for actors,writers and auditioning actors and new writers for new spin offs with also reviewing existing articles in the franchises articles to bring up possible plot points and characters etc and also updating the franchises pages constantly and getting in contact with actors and writers within seconds..By having thousands of spin offs and movies created it will allow fans of soap operas and dramas etc that are not fans of the show be drawn in to the Star Wars universe to then possibly check out the first movies and other spin offs thus introducing them into the mythology,characters and actors etc and this will make all existing actors from the original movies and those from all new spin offs etc household names worldwide.Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AI to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AIs will through fragmentation will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.As a result of the Assistant AIs ability to do this it will be possible to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs to be written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time set in all planets by new writers and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assitant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.Any member of the public including fans of the Star Wars franchise can set up a new can set up a new live action or animated television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon timeline of the Star Wars franchise universe as writers and directors of any genre and plot with the Assistant AIs of all spin offs etc interacting with each other and scanning keeping them consistent with all other spin offs etc to ensure they follow the same chronology of events,in universe science and mythology etc established by other spin offs especially “official writers” and that the new spin offs,movies etc new plot points are carried out to and referenced in all existing and new spin offs including being referenced in them.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.Thus any member of the public including fans can set up and create new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canonical series and franchise that follows any plot or is of any genre and is either animated or live action however Assistant AIs will ensure it fits into the official timeline etc and that new additions by them will be part of official canon and mentioned by future spin offs.This will provide work for millions of actors,directors and writers both newbie ones or well established A-List ones across the world.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others managed by Assistant AIs with them even set in any point of the in universe official timeline with all Assistant AIs interacting with each other to make sure the scripts don’t contradict or retcon all existing media with since they have the freedom to be set in any point of the timeline can reference and chart events that occur in the past or future from the perspective of the new spin offs and movies.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.This will potentially allow the Star Wars franchise to last forever as new television spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon can be set up by the public including fans all the time set on Hoth,Tatooine,Courascant and any existing and new planets in any country and city across the galaxies and newly opened up galaxies across the universe while still maintaining consistency and explore all mentioned and new plot points and themes evenly outside the main macro series.This will allow fans of the Star Wars franchise to create their own movies,television shows and video games as part of the official canon universe and thus contribute to the franchises official canon narrative universe as actors,writers,directors etc with Assistant AI ensuring everything is canon etc while nested movies,television shows,video games can allow more creative freedom by being fictional non canon media.Thus all new movies and television shows and video games can be set up by members of the public including fans of the franchise that will provide work for millions of new actors,writers etc and will be set in the same timeline and universe as those created by “official” writers.Even newbie directors including fans can create their own movies set in the Star Wars universe either as official ones when interacting with the Assistant AI of the franchise and also official writers or fanmade ones set in parallel universes with them being of all genres and either live action or animated.Movies and spin offs as well as video games can focus on the histories of each planet occupied by humans including time periods under system lord control and their emancipation and also various time periods and also key historical events such as famous wars against each other and biopics of in universe celeberities,politicians etc from each planet in the recent or distant past. These movies and television shows will focus on the lives of everyday citizens of all races across the galaxy and be part of the canon history with them in the case of those focusing on the lives of everyday citizens giving more insight into the coming of age rituals,religions and customs with regards to the treatment of women/LGBT.LGBT relationships can be explored within humans and all races alongside heterosexual etc relationships between humans and all alien races with them also exploring religious themes and xenophobia etc.
All existing and new characters from each spin off series and movie will also be floating in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,main characters,guest stars,secondary characters etc.For example a reccuring or one episode character from one spin off that is an action orientated show will be one of the main characters from another show including soap operas with main characters from the previous three shows changing roles as main characters,reccuring characters and even guest stars and cameos of all spin offs of all genres.All characters in the universe from existing shows of the series and those from each new movie,video game and television show spin off will float in and out of each spin off show playing the same character but as different level of roles ie changing from a main character to reccuring characters or simply guest star and cameos in all future spin offs of all genres.Characters will float in and out each spin off television show,video game and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.
Furthermore official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers within the fictional Star Wars universe thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These can be drama,horror,science fiction and adventure themed ones.AI,fans and official writers can create video games,movies and television shows etc that that are made in a way as if they were created by writers in the television shows universe itself that will be uploaded to Dionysus made readily available to the public.This can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the three galaxies using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.These movies,television shows and video games can be thrillers,action/adventure,dramas,survival horror,point and click adventure etc would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies and television shows focus on everyday citizens can be set on planets across the galaxies but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical periods etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.These nested nested movies,television shows and video games will increase new media for new actors and writers etc to be created into almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can create an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon as they will be metafiction that uses the same technology,alien races,groups of humans and aliens including Jedi and Sith etc,planets and reference official characters and tribes of humans etc and mythology of the official series but can allow them to be non cannon adventures.To increase metafictional value these fictional media can be referenced in official spin offs by Assistant AI adding these references with actors,writers and directors etc these fictional movies appearing in spin offs as in universe fictional actors,directors,writers etc.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans creating in universe fictional media as it can include thrillers,horror movies,television shows and video games that doesn’t have be considered canon giving them more creative freedom and include actual historical events or non historical events with it allowing alterations made to official canon history with regards to the Galactic Empire,Sith,Jedi and each alien race etc since these types of nested metafiction would be fictional video games,movies and television shows set within a fictional nested universes as they will be media produced in a way that will be as if created by in universe writers that are media set within the media with these movies,television shows etc following their own separate chronologies and timelines.Horror,fantasy and supernatural themed media can include the different fictional cryptozoology,monsters,legends,supernatural entities,religions(both polytheistic and monotheistic)etc from all in universe races created by writers and Assistant AI as their basis with fantasy themed media using in universe legends,folktales,fairytales as their basis.Even nested found footage movies can be made.In universe celebrities(actors,politicians,poets,explorers)both living and historical can be mentioned and form the basis of them.A matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real and so on into infinity.As a matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real and so on into infinity.As a result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new nested media releated to the franchise released every year providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.These nested movies,television shows and video games can involve not only being created by fans of the franchise but also newbie ones but also A-List stars and writers and directors and will each follow their own separate timelines and chronologies separate from each other
..Assistant AI interacting with Hecate will add all new plot points,characters,spin offs,movies,video games both official canon and non canon nested media to the franchises they will also interact with each other and constantly scour to ensure all new media is consistent and does not retcon each other.Movies and televisions that are dramas,biopics etc can be set and detail key events in each planets history such as as stated wars etc.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.These will provide insight into each planets history since there is at least several millions of years of history of aliens on all planets in all three galaxies thus will provide hundreds or thousands of movies and spin offs with their also the option of creating fictional dramas,love stories,thrillers and horror etc in each planets past thus increasing this exponentionally into infinity.Furthermore television spin offs movies that are thrillers,comedies and romantic comedies and also biopics and even historical movies etc and televisions shows can focus on the histories of each planets races across the galaxy from ancient times and that of modern times and also new introduced alien races across the galaxies and those as part of the Lanikea Supercluster and the rest of the universe.There is also the option of fictional fantasy,science fiction and horror based movies that are based on legends,folklore and mythology from each of the planets across the universe with their the option of Metafiction that involves movies and television shows that are made in a way that makes them look like they were fictional movies and television shows and video games made in the universe of Star Wars by characters of the franchise.Urban exploration and Restoration Nation can be plot points.The same themes,plot points for Stargate will be explored in the various Star Wars spin offs but these can be explored here in a different way for variety.Movies and television shows can be created that focus on the historical events of each race and planet across the galaxy with them for example focusing on Bobba Fett,different Jedi from the founding days of the Jedi and also different historical events and individuals from each planet and the galaxy overall.Historical events of each planet can be made.Only a small fraction of the races in the galaxy has been detailed and thus new planets and races across the galaxies can be introduced.The galaxy that the series is set in if it’s the same size as the Milky Way would potentially have at least 10,000,000,000 – 40,000,000,000 Earth like planets and if only 1% of these has sentient life then that’s at least 100,000,000 – 400,000,000 alien races which through exploration by the in universe galactic government be explored for new races to add new threats to the galaxy similar to the Sith Lords thus meaning new alien threats will be added to the franchise and also new allies races with intergalactic travel made thus expanding the universes lore etc and adding new spin offs..The New Republic will extend across the galaxy and eventually to other galaxies abc the universe and t will through advances in AI,automation and technologies across this website will form a post scarcity economic system similar to monarcho technocratism with its own versions of the wire including its own versions of Dionysus,Pheme.Hephaestus and Demeter,Eros,Peitho etc based on mythology from Courascant following the same naming pattern.The planet will have multiple polytheistic religions with one similar to Greek mythology with deities similar to the Greek panthenon with modern day technologies from the real world integrated such as smart televisions,the internet,smart phones,3D DNA printers,CRISPR and biocompatible microbes etc abc their versions of YouTube,Wikipedia,Agora,Peitho managed by AI etc for uploading vlogs,videos on any subjects.Eventually money will become obsolete abd it will adopt a post scarcuty moneyless society
In time intergalactic travel will allow new galaxies and races to be explored with their potentially hundreds of billions of galaxies..Remakes will be done of existing official movies and each existing and new television show.Assistant AI will ensure that all movies,plays.musicals etc of the series will be of high quality.
Fake in universe versions of Saturday Night Live,Jimmy Kimmel live ,The Catherine Tate show,Mad TV, can be created and uploaded to Dionysus.There can be fake live news channel reporting on events across the galaxy on events based on the existing movies already released and new shows etc created and also fake urban exploration similar to the Proper People and fake tours similar to Nomadic Ambience of locations in each planet using VR technology and fake vlogs. VR technology can allow all non Earth planets to be completely different from Earth with all plants and animals,terrains and ecosystems be completely different from Earth and have binary moons and orbit gas giants,binary stars,different types of stars and also share stable orbits with other habitable planets.Them orbiting binary stars and different types of stars outside Type G will allow them to develop plants that have different methods of photosynthesis including leaves that are not green using compounds other than chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis or them utilising chemosynthesis to utilise methane as a growth method or using different gases in the atmosphere such as sulphur dioxide,methane etc to create oxygen or other gases that are used for respiration and thus develop completely alien animals and sentient races.VR technology will cut down on production costs and allow for entirely new planets as part of each galaxy to be created with unique ecosystems,plants and animals and also have terrains,climates and atmosphere vastly different from Earth that look completely real and have countless alien races created with no makeup at zero cost.It can also involve planets that orbit gas giants,different types of stars outside type G stars and even binary stars and have different types of moons or binary moons and be planets with ring systems.This will allow for realistic special effects especially realistic spaceships etc that are not crappy CGI with it allowing for realistic sets and props to be conjured up within seconds and negate the need for stunt doubles and eliminate tight shooting schedules.The ability to conjure up any set at zero cost will cut production to zero..It can allow for AI and directors create customised terrain,plants,animals and cities of all planets in all three galaxies thus making them completely different from Earth with the entiirity of each planet designed from scratch thus allow an almost infinite variety of terrains,plants and animals outside of what is possible in Earth limited only by the directors and AIs imagination.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized sets separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized sets.At first each planet sized sets will have actors move from one set to the next by switching from one programme to the next on demand with when the computing power of AI increases then these planets will be merged together into Galaxy also in time universe sized sets.Galaxies will at first be separated from each other and then one moving to the next and they will be merged together as well.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology with them the same size as real world vehicles and space stations..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will rather be homogenised will have different alien ecosystems and terrains as well as new alien plants and animals added outside of what was visible in the existing movies.Planets already visited that had to be filmed on Earth can be remodelled by having AI who will scan all episodes for existing terrain and wilderness used from Earth and use this as a template to create extra wilderness and terrain for the rest of each planet that will be made completely different and alien from Earth in terms of terrain,plants and animals.Thus through VR technology all planets across the galaxies can be completely different from Earth in terms of terrain,plants,animals and suns and moons etc limited only by the writers imagination.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will be designed entirely by the AI Iphegina as planet sized arenas that will be saved as separate simulations that everytime they are used in each spin off can be accessed with copies made to deal with different spin offs being filmed at once.These VR planets will be the same size as real Earth sized planets that can be fully explored by actors,writers etc with these maps saved on hard drives etc and then utilised for video games based on the franchise including the official MMO.Furthermore each planet can have Phanes design whole taxonomic ranks of completely unique and alien plants and animals giving them unique on human animals and plants to be
explored in the MMO and also episodes of each spin off in detail.Plants and animals on each planet in each world can be designed by humans and AI to follow realistic taxonomic ranks or be made into base lifeforms including bacteria that will then evolve into random lifeforms by speeding up the evolutionary process.AI namely Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals giving each planet unique terrain,wildlife etc completely different from Earth..Directors and writers will through neural implants using pure thought aid AI in creating all terrain and plants and animals.Towns,cities and villages will be designed by AI and writers.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme on a sub network of Dionysus that is used over and over again by actors and directors of each spin off and movie and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet in the Star Wars universe can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.This map programme of each planet and if possible the entire universe will be used for all spin offs with it stored in a sub network of Dionysus to be copied,downloaded and used for each spin off by writers and actors etc as well as by the public including fans creating fanmade video games,Fanmade movies and tv shows etc as well as VR tours of cities and wilderness areas similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience,urban exploration videos and also by fans for use in carrying out pastimes and for Bacchus.Each planet including Courascant will have cities,towns and villages of various sizes with obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings and private homes with abandoned buildings and obsolete buildings of all types such as hotels,supermarkets etc both real and fictional and apartments and private homes real and fictional that allows them to be used in in universe versions of Restoration Nation.Fake in universe documentaries can be made on each major character,historical events,races of the galaxies different races,cultures,planets,Jedi and Sith and key individuals presented by fake historians can be created.These will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be precessional ones.Even nested feature length full feature movie political documentaries can be made that made that detail events etc that take place in the official spin offs,movies and television shows similar that take a neutral or biased political stance on social issues and events that take place in the franchises universe interviewing in universe historians and characters and use fake filmed footage alongside newly filmed footage via VR technology to politicise events in them similar to Farenheight 9/11,Bowling for Columbine etc.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on all planets across the galaxy including space stations and interstellar vehicles.There also will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be professional ones and will be in Dionysus.Adriadne will set up networks for these movies and television shows to ensure each planet has these types of shows of each genre advertised to fans and have Assistant Ai ensure all plot points are explored
•Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
..Buffy the Vampire Slayer it could involve movies and television shows dealing with the adventures of the first vampire slayer in prehistoric times including her creation and events before it,as well as television shows dealing with each and every slayer throughout the in show history from the very first slayer right up that just before Buffy including Niki Woods and Xin Rong both played by April Weeding and Ming Qui who played them on the show with if possible each slayer given their own television show series lasting anywhere between five to ten seasons detailing their life before becoming slayers,their activation,training and life as slayers up until their death charting them fighting demons,vampires and also averting different prophesised apocalypses releated to where they come from as well as their different struggles in life such as maintaining responsibilities to the role as slayers as well as motherhood,familial relationships to parents and sibling,relationships with lovers,careers etc and realising their powers unique to each slayer and also their role in important political events throughout human history or them depicted from their perspectives on them acting as allegories and through a single assistant AI via fragmentation and linked writers utilising VR technology and its time dilation effect can be all filmed in one go at the same time and released and uploaded to Dionysus in on go via interactions with all writers present.These can include again not just the First Slayer in prehistoric Africa but also those in Ancient Greece,Egypt,Maya and Inca civilisations,an aboriginal Slayer,one pagan era Scotland/Ireland/England during the construction of Newgrange/Stonehenge and other pagan sites that having significance to paganism and other polytheistic religions during the Dark Ages during the Crusades etc and Rennaisance Europe,native American slayer during the colonisation of America by the pilgrims including key events in that time period including the first Thanksgiving or dealing with Pocahontas being a slayer or during the Salem Witch trials,during the American Civil war and all major events of human history with some slayers being famous female figures such as Joan of Arc etc or the Slayers being the wife’s,daughters,mothers of famous male and female historical figures and it involving slayers from all time periods and countries around the world right up to the very last Slayer just before Buffy herself was activated with the last scene of the very last episode of the last series dealing with the death of said Slayer and showing the activation of Buffy and even her arrival in Sunnydale High and a montage of all previous slayers being activated one after the other with this including both live action and animated shows etc.There can be hundreds,thousands or millions of these spin offs with at least one from each country across the world that are either live action or animated all written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.These will focus on Slayers of different upbringings and age ranges from pre teens to those that are middle Aged charting their life before activation,upon activation,meeting their watchers and dealing with personal struggles and also them fighting monsters,vampires,witches,demons etc and preventing different apocalypses around the world releated to real world mythology and fictional mythology until ether their death or some years or days before their death..They will last as much as 10 seasons with them either animated or live action ones.Each Slayer would have family members or lack of them and also friends acting as their version of the Scooby gang being a mixture of humans,witches,demons and vampires.Characters from the show including Anyanka,Holtz,The Master,Angel,Jasmine,The Beast,The First,Senior Partners,The Old Ones,Glorificus,Darla,Mayor Wilkins etc who are several centuries or thousands years old can appear as guest characters or main characters during each Slayers spin offs etc.They will be set in countries across the world at least one set in each country of the world ie Japan,Ireland,Brazil,North America,Canada,England,Norway,China,Austrailia and also parallel demon dimensions such as Pylea,Quortoth etc.Thus each country will have had at least one Slayer that existed throughout human history with some countries having multiple Slayers throughout their history in different parts of the country and in different time periods with African countries possibly having a fair share largely due to humans having spent a large amount of out time in Africa with each country across the world ideally having at least one or two.With regards to this fact those in Africa can be spread out across all countries in the continent and also utilise interdimensional travel to demon dimensions or be transported through portals etc to other parts of the world not yet inhabited by humans giving variety in location.Since its estimated that they are at least 108,000,000,000 people have lived then if only 1% of humans were Slayers then that’s at least 1,080,000,000 different Slayers and spin offs to be created.This estimated number takes only account a cut off point of 50,000 years ago compared to the 2000,000 years of humanities history with if it taking into account this discrepancy then its possible the number could be at least 4-10 times that with it thus 432,000,000,000 – 1,080,000,000,000 people have lived with it possible for their to be 4,320,000,000 – 43,200,000,000 slayers and spin offs.Thus their can be television shows that can detail the adventures,trials and struggles of every single slayer throughout human history prior to the activation of Buffy that are either live action or animated that last at least 5-10 seasons and 200 episodes.Movies and video games can be then created that detail extra events in between seasons.All of these will be filmed and uploaded at once with Assistant AIs interacting with each other ensuring consistency with them both live action and animated ones that last at least 10 seasons with 200 episodes.Multiple video games either official or fanmade can be created that focus on each individual slayer.Animated series can be in different animation styles based on the countries it is set in ie one set during feudal Japan can be in anime style and so on.Prophecies,talismans and magical artifacts,demons,mythology,monsters and gods from each Slayers local mythology and made up demonic mythology ,prophecies and talismans can be used as plot points with each slayer either being alone,have sidekicks or their own version of the Scooby gang consisting of witches etc.They can be separated into separate series each 10 seasons long for each Slayer with each series named after the Slayer in question and also each one running simoustaneously at once with it charting the adventures of dozens,hundreds or thousands of slayers throughout human history.The fate of each slayer can differ for example some can die while delivering the final blow to the final seasons big bad,or die of old age etc.There can also be spin offs that detail other human vampire and demons hunters.Spin offs can also be made of historical witches,werewolves,demons,vampires etc and even humans including human vampire etc hunters including Daniel Holtz etc and all other existing characters in the show.It can also involve spin off series involving the adventures of Spike,Drusilla,Angel and Darla from the siring of the first to each ones siring by each other and their adventures together during the 1800s and 1900s including being chased by Daniel Holtz,dealing with rival vampire gangs and demons,Angels ensoulment in more detail,Spike killing the Chinese slayer and also them splitting up from each other and up until the events of the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and events during the main show and also in between seasons that were not depicted in the show directly.There can be seasons that details their adventures together and their adventures separately from each other.A series could focus of Charles Gunn before he met Angel detailing his adventures fighting vampires and demons in Los Angela’s from his early years doing so until he meets Angel with others focusing on Lilah Morgan,Lindsey McDonald and Holland Manners working at WolfRam & Hart defending demons,vampires and under the thumb of the senior partners detailing them rising up the ranks of Wolfram Hart and their character conflicts in carrying out morally questionable assignments for a few years prior to when they met Angel in the first episode of Angel and events during the series.Each Big Bad of both shows such as The Master,Mayor Wilkins,Maggie Walsh,Adam,Glorificus and also Warren Mears etc and even the First and also Jasmine etc can have their past history detailed in spin offs.Spin offs can focus on the younger days of Rupert Giles during his “Ripper” days can be made.Another idea could be a series focusing on Anyanka as her time as a vengence demon up until her first appearance on the main show dealing with granting various wishes to scorn women and their consequences to her and also her witness to a previous ascension event mentioned in the main show and her witness to historical events of human history etc and her and supporting characters including Halfrek preventing apocalypse style events and fighting of previous vampire slayers and also other demons and vampires that involved both Halfrek and D’Hoffryn etc as supporting characters right up to her first meeting with Cordelia with others also detailing this with other main characters from the show such as Willow,Riley etc having their own spin offs set after the events of the show with regards to Riley it detailing his work for the government for a secret ops team.A series involving Lorne could detail his early life in Pylea,his transportation to Earth and life in Los Angelos and also after the final episode of Angel alongside one of Doyle detailing his life just before the events of Angel and during the series not shown in the series detailing him fighting demons etc using visions from the Powers that Be including how he got them and also events leading after their deaths in their respective afterlife’s.The Groosalug can have his own series that details his adventures prior to meeting Angel and Cordelia and also events during and after the show as Pyleas temporary leader and also being deposed and adventures after it.Connor and Daniel Holtz can have a series detailing their time in Quortoth,on Earth during season five when he is sent away to college with another family and him retaining his memories and his life after he kills Saijann with one focusing on Daniel Holtz starting with the murder of his family at the hands of Angel and Darla and then his journey for revenge and being a vampire killer and as stated him transported to the present and his time spent in Quortoth.All of these will have the actors from the original series play their respective characters and with regards to characters whose actors are deceased it can involve AI taking control of them in VR simulations or them being animated shows with those who have aged considerably using anti-ageing treatments and changing their avatar in VR simulations to look younger with VR simulations allowing actors to appear as their younger self without needing separate actors to play them.All of these will focus on the characters history before and after the show and them have seasons detail story wide arcs detailing them fighting off rival demons,vampires and preventing the apocalypse several times or in a twist them attempting to bring about the apocalypse but have their plans foiled by slayers,demons,vampires and other non slayer human vampire and demon hunters and have other secondary characters from both the main show and new ones that are demons,vampires and humans etc.Key events in their lives mentioned in the show,comics etc can be detailed in them with these being either animated or live action shows.There will also be movies,television shows detailing famous poets,explorers etc both real or fictional that had interacted with black magic,demons etc.Video games can be created set on each dimension such as Earth,Quortoth,Pylea etc dealing with slayers,witches,werewolves,demons including the Old Ones etc in the past and present
.These can also include in the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe in versions of The View,Oprah,Bill Maher,Mad Tv including these real world ones and new fictional ones that are separate spin offs with episodes uploaded to Dionysus.All of these talk shows,podcasts,vloggers etc will appear routinely in spin offs,detailing events in the franchises spin offs and can start with the public revelation of the existence of the Stargate etc on Earth and then catch up and continue to carry on during the run of all spin offs.Fictional in universe versions of WhatCulture and and other similar accounts can be created.Fictional YouTube accounts can cover all themes that real world accounts carry out ideas such as vlogs on political events and discussions as well as creating homemade food using Earth based plants etc and those from across the galaxies,fake horror stories similar Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Lazy Masquerade etc set in different planets and involve the Gouald and Wraith etc and also fake unsolved mysteries and true crime from and fake historical mysteries across the galaxies,snippets from fictional media cremated in universe,reviews of in universe fictional movies/television shows etc,walking through real world and fictional cities on Earth and other colonies across the galaxies similar to Nomadic Ambience,walking tours of wilderness areas on fictional planets,urban exploring of abandoned buildings and even non abandoned buildings such as Stargate Command,Atlantis across the galaxies including ruins of the Ancients etc similar to Exploring with Josh,Dan Bell and The Proper People using VR technology updated regularly created by AI,fans and writers and actors with snippets of videos in them appearing in different episodes.Drones touring wilderness areas and fictional cities will be made.In otherwards all types of accounts on YouTube will be present.The VR map of each planet will be available to be downloaded by the public thus allowing them to be used for the public to create urban exploration videos and tours of in universe wilderness and buildings in the universe.This can be replicated with all science fiction and fantasy video games and television shows.These fictional YouTube channels will be updated regularly either monthly,weekly or even daily etc throughout the run of the shows,during breaks of seasons and each show and linked together via subscribers etc options or other means decided by Thaos and Assistant AI with Assistant AI and Adriadne directing fans to them that subscribe to the various shows as part of the franchise in Dionysus with fans then subscribing to them.The in universe characters for these YouTube accounts can consist of humans from Earth and in time from upgraded colonies across the Milky Way etc galaxies alongside other non human races and can include in universe characters.As stated fans of the shows can set up their own channels and produce these fictional vlogs,podcasts,urban exploration and Nomadic Ambience style videos and live news reports and interviews using VR technology with them being linked to channels of official metafiction channels with some of the channels vlogs etc created by AI namely Assistant AI using pseudonyms and avatars via interacting with Thaos and Adriadne.This can include multiple fictional live news channels from across the globe of both liberal and conservative leaning channels similar to Fox News,OANN,CNN,MSNBC etc and a single global if not an intergalactic news channel that covers news across the galaxies.If possible podcasts of fictional radio hosts and podcasts that are an hour long each complete with callers can be made in the show that express opinions from both the left and right side of the political spectrum.The Oprah,The View,Dr Phil type shows can be done by fictional celebrities and also be in their style such as interviewing both existing and new characters including members of Slayers,in universe celebrities and characters
Fake documentaries series can be made set within the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities,the slayers as a whole and each individual slayer,important demons/vampires/witches/werewolves etc,terrorist attacks,natural disasters and other historical events in the past and those that occur on the various spin offs uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as well witness characters that were first hand witnesses retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.This can include those on both existing events in the franchise but also new events that occur or are referenced in each spin offs movies and television shows including animated ones.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.In universe versions of Crimewatch can be made that details crimes such as murders,kidnappings,missing people,sexual assault with YouTube Channels focusing on fictional crimes such as missing people,kidnappings,murders etc that are meta fiction
All of these will allow fans of the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise to add to the official canon in the form of metafiction that will provide work for millions of writers and actors
There could even be the concept of the Scooby Gang including Buffy restarting a full form of the Watchers Council using the resources of Angel Investigations integrated into a rebuilt Wolf Ram & Hart in Los Angela’s by combining with them to by re rounding up slayers across the world to fight demons,vampires etc after the fall of the Slayers Organisation with this including slayers of different ages from teenagers,those in the twenties,thirties,middle age soccer moms and those of difffernt backgrounds,races,ages and occupations from across the world such as former corporate CEOs,lawyers,politicians,nuns,live news presenters or even those that are famous celebrities such as actors and musicians etc with if possible this spanning a decade with their being a main series called The Slayers charting the efforts of the main Scooby gang and the remaking Team Angel and also multiple separate spin off series of this new series each lasting several seasons detailing each different activated slayers journey individually or in pairs and even groups and them dealing with the new situation in different ways from across the world such as from China,Japan,Ireland,England,Austrailia,Africa,France,India,Brazil across the world that meet up with each other in different ways,deal with their new powers,deal with monsters,vampires as well as their treatment by the public and husbands and family etc and even detailing their meeting up with the Scooby Gang as linked series with crossovers occurring with the main series and each individual one with linked episodes between each other with these both animated and live action shows as well as video games again written and filmed in one go in VR using its time dilation effect and single assistant AI and interactions with the writers that are uploaded in one go or episodes released simoustaneously bit by bit into Dionysus.There will be a macro series The Slayers that focuses on the remenants of the Scooby gang including Buffy,Angel,Xander,Giles and spin offs that are of the drama and fantasy genre for each individual newly activated Slayer from around the world with potentially thousands or millions of different Slayers from each individual country around the world that charts their lives before activation in 2003,lives upon activation in 2003 and then lives after activation in between 2003-2030 and later that deal with them and their strugggles with family members,husbands,boyfriends,girlfriends and children etc as well as them faced with demons and eventually their own prophecies to deal with and eventually them meeting up with the Scooby gang and Slayer organisations and some seasons showing events in the macro show and other spin offs of slayers with events and characters floating in and out and being referenced in them with these lasting 5-10 years set before the events of the original series and after all potential Slayers were activated and events even during the main macro series with there being potentially thousands and millions of spin offs.The seasons in these spin offs would jump backwards and forwards in time to skip ahead to important parts of their lives with them also charting events from the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer set in between 1997-2003 and the new The Slayers series set in the future from 2030 onwards detailing events during the new macro series from their point of view and after it with them lasting at least 10 seasons there is an estimated 8,000,000,000 people in Earth and if only 1% are Slayers then that’s at least 80,000,000 Slayers and spin offs from across the world.Thus their can be live action or animated television shows that detail the stories of all all activated Slayers worldwide after the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer finale in 2003.Each country should have at least one Slayer to focus on in spin offs.This will negate the need the need for a reboot.These can be animated or live action series that last 10 seasons and have 200 episodes.Multiple video games can be created that focus on each individual slayer either official or fanmade..These will be filmed and uploaded at once with Assistant AIs interacting with each other ensuring consistency.Thus the Slayer Organisation could be rebuilt from scratch.It will also be set after the events of the comics starting as season 12 with if possible the events of the comics known canonicallly as seasons 8-11 being used as a template for television show adaptations that can be either live action or animated show that consist of at least 22 episodes that detail the events of season 8-11 of the comics thus making the television show adaptations also season 8-11 with these adaptations detailing events in the comics as well as extra events in between them that span over the course of a decade and thus allow season 12 to be set in or around 2029.Thus there are two options starting the new series as season 12 or continuing on from season 8-11 with if possible season 12 being the start of the new macro series with the events of the comics 8-12 being animated shows that are uploaded at the same time thus allowing the original cast to film live action scenes of the new shoe at season 12 and at the same time do voice acting for the animated season 8-11 thus alleviating strains on filming fighting scenes.Thus there is the option of having the events of the comics and season 8-11 being animated and starting live action series for season 12 with VR simulations available at this point to alleviate strains on stunts etc and booking places and special effects with The Slayers comprising of a mixture of new characters and old characters with the original Scooby Gang such as Xander,Rupert Giles,Willow,Buffy etc taking the role of secondary or guest characters that make reccuring appearances. The Slayers can ideally be even be set after Los Angeles returns to Earth from Hell and after the events of when magic is restored to the world detailed in the comics with the new shows of this dealing with the global public becoming fully aware of vampires,magic,gods,witches,slayers,demons etc including Harmoney Kendall being world famous.This can thus like Stargate it can deal with all humans in Earth becoming fully aware of the existence of magic,witches,Slayers,demons,vampires and all aspects of the supernatural become becoming common knowledge to everyone on Earth.It can deal with them preventing another prophesised apocalypses carried out by humans,vampires,demons and deities as well as the characters internal struggles and dealing with magic,witches,demons,werewolves,vampires,heaven and demon hell dimensions and the afterlife,gods and slayers being common knowledge by all humans and dealing with factions of humans and both demons and vampires that are pro vampire/demons and anti slayer/witches or pro slayer/Witches and anti vampire/demons etc with both the macro show and separate spin offs dealing with the public coming to terms with the reality of magic,demons,werewolves,gods,vampires,slayers etc and more prophesised apocalypses and them dealing with fighting off the Senior Partners and other threats as equally powerful or even more powerful than them.Thus all people in Earth will become aware of demons,Slayers,witches,magic,werewolves,vampires and other dimensions after the fall of Los Angeles to all of themes to be explored.Even dimensions such as Quortoth and Pylea etc mentioned and featured in all existing shows and comics will be featured in them and be common knowledge to humans on Earth.Religious themes releated to conflicts arising between Christianity,Islam,Judaism and paganism as well as the Abrahamic faiths and general humans publics conflicting reactions to witches,vampires,demons etc and even witches,demons,werewolves,vampires etc seeking equal rights and recognition to coexist peacefully with humans despite some members of these groups seeking to gain dominance over humans and each other similar to True Blood.Films and television spin offs can be devoted to religious themes that features characters of different religions of the three galaxies including Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Hinduism,Buddhism,Wiccans etc or just themselves and those of the different demons and interacting with good,bad and neutral demons and witches.These can focus on members of each religion including extremist,less radicalised and also liberal and conservative members interacting with each other and integrating conflicts with the fact that there will be good,bad and neutral demons and witches and werewolves etc exploring religious themes in different ways.Witches,demons,vampires,werewolves and humans especially those of the major religions will be divided into different factions that are in conflict with each other.There will be factions of vampires,witches,werewolves and demons that seek to integrate into society peacefully and those that wish to dominate humanity and each other and neutral ones.Humans will be divided into liberal leaning groups including religious liberal Christians etc who wish to have humans exist peacefully with witches,demons etc and more conservative leaning ones including Christians etc who wish to dominate,segregate and destroy witches,demons etc and neutral ones of both political leanings.This will add conflict and depth to the new situation with the religions of each demon species etc explored.Magic will become widely known with black markets forming for spells and the services of witches etc.The public becoming aware of magic as well as different demon dimensions and heaven dimensions and the existence of different human paganism and demonic gods will also be explored.LGBT themes and relationships can be further explored within humans,werewolves,vampires,witches and demons alongside heterosexual etc relationships between humans,vampires,witches,werewolves and various demons.Harmonys in universe show Harmony Bites could even be made into a real world show uploaded into Dionysus with like Star Trek,Stargate soaps,movies,television shows,video games,live performance art(plays,musicals,operas) of all genres that are made by fans and writers in a way that they were made by in universe characters starring demons,vampires,humans and slayers produced by fans and uploaded into Dionysus with also soap operas and movies etc set in the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe detailing the lives of everyday citizens such as humans,vampires and demons that can deal with these issues in greater detail.Thus these video games,movies,television shows will be produced in a way that it looks as if they are created by in universe characters and races and uploaded into Dionysus with soap operas,movies etc detailing the everyday lives of humans,demons and vampires etc made also set in the shows universe.Like Stargate it can deal and reference real world events such as formation of a global government,minarcho technocratism,Obama,Trump,Biden adminstrations and Coronavirus and new technologies such as smartphones,those from across this website,biosynths,AI,CRISPR and immortality,the wire,interstellar travel etc combining both science fiction and fantasy and can be integrated in order ground it in reality.Real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Dike etc and all aspects of the wire such as Dionysus,Pheme,Demeter, Hepheastus etc will be present with real world political developments such as the global government 14 being the new age of majority etc.AI will be explored in new Buffy:The Vampire Slayer shows in a fantasy setting alongside magic,demons,witches etc with gene therapy using CRISPR can give give vampires,demons augmentations but still they can be killed with it also used to give humans the abilities of some demons and vampires especially if these are gained on a in universe illegal gene augmentations black market involving human sacrifices etc in place of money.All technologies from across this website will be intergrated into the show.VR technology can be used by Scooby Gang to train newbie Slayers with their training employing facets of the Agoge including walkabouts,weapons training and and VR exercises etc.Thus they will explore the hybridisation of science fiction and fantasy themes.Again multiple shows as much as a dozen shows either animated or live action that are soap operas,dramas etc with new characters,demons,monsters etc with old and new characters floating in and out can be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once at the same time with video games of different genres such as survival horror,adventure,MMOs etc set in the main universe and other paralell dimensions including Pylea made set in the same timeline.In time it can deal with interstellar travel thus being set in and dealing with alien races across the universe and even dealing with the magical creatures of all real world and fictional sentient races across the universe such as deities,alien demons,alien versions of vampires,religions etc or those we cannot begin to imagine with it including real and fictional planets and alien races and also real world planets and aliens as they are discovered overtime once interstellar travel is incorporated with there being an estimated 200,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe thus allowing it to continue for billions of years.Also the show deals with the concept of parallel dimensions each with billions of galaxies thus allowing it to last even longer with notable dimensions to be detailed being Pylea and Quortoth and other ones mentioned and visited in the two existing shows.Some will be set in Earth,others in Pylea,Quortoth and other demon dimensions as well as in time on other planets involving aliens.Pylea could become a part of the universe global government that extends to other demon dimensions that are more human friendly with a series dealing with the people of Earth becoming aware of Pylea and conflicts arising from it being upgraded to 21st century technology and infrastructure.The concept of the parallel demon dimensions and if possible heaven dimensions and thus the idea of an afterlife will become common knowledge to humans on Earth thus branching out more plot points and also conflicts between Islam,Christianity and Judaism and also paganism and religions of demons and the grey morality of their being both evil,neutral and morally good demons,vampires,werewolves and witches with as stated Pylea due to its history of enslaving humans will provide plot points for conflict and also a means of the global government becoming not only a interstellar one but before interstellar travel can be achieved it can become an interdimensional one that extends to various demon dimensions especially those with humans present as well as those that contain demons that are friendly to humans and also them civilised and upgraded to 21st century technology and infrastructure becoming a tourist destination.Pylea and other demon dimensions will become plot points and locations with even Quortoth becoming a plot point and location alongside other demon dimensions including those mentioned in the shows once or twice and new ones.The advent of real world synthetic blood can be used to make vampires a neutral threat that can integrate into society similar to True Blood alongside factions that still want to feed on humans as a food source and subjugate them with their also being conflict between the old types of vampires from before the restoration of magic and the new breed of vampires from after the restoration via the seeds of wonder being recreated by Illyria.CRISPR,genetic engineering,the Phanes method can be integrated into the show combined with magic to make existing vampires stronger,bring Turok-Hans,Zompires back from extinction and even make new strains of vampires with it also doing the same to demons – making them stronger,new abilities and also create new species of demons including hybrids with humans,vampires,werewolves and other demons in different combinations via rogue scientists by utilising 3D DNA printers and artificial wombs.The genetics and augmentations of each demon species,werewolves etc can be sold and added to humans as part of black markets via CRISPR.Thus both real world advances in genetics as well as other fields of science and magic can be combined together to create new strains and species of monsters,vampires and demons as new threats to Earth and Pylea .Scientists both good and evil will conduct research into witches and magic as well as vampires and all species of demons,monsters and even Slayers similar to the initiative but this publicly in the case of good scientists rather in secret but with evil scientists doing it in secret with this including research into the genetics of Slayers such as why only a select number of females can be born potentials and thus become Slayers and how exactly was each slayer prior to Willows interference was chosen and then activated and how potentials snd noe all future Slayers are chosen over others with whatever role genetics plays alongside magic and of possible the genes for Slayers and demons,monsters,werewolves can be mass produced via CRISPR etc and sold on black markets..They will also carry research into other dimensions including expediations to Pylea and Qourtoth and other dimensions.Interdimensional travel using scientific and magical means will be used not only to connect Earth to Pylea allowing the average citizen easy access back and forth but also research will be done by scientists who will conduct research into travel to other dimensions including both demon dimensions and also non demon dimensions that is carried out by Slayers,researchers and the interdimensional government and in specific spin offs.Thus new dimensions both home to demons and others completely alien from the main universe with or without magic can be explored in spin offs.Scientists coupled with military personal will head scout teams to different realities to explore them with scientists either good or evil working for themselves and the government will conduct research into vampires,werewolves and all species of demons.They will conduct research into the field of magic such as it various types and also ways of combing magic with science.Improvements in magic and AI combined together could make interdimensional travel to different demon dimensions much easier and commonplace to the average citizen on Earth.Both AI and magic combined together will also allow for interstellar and intergalactic travel to real of fictional planets.Real and fictional alien races will integrated with the real world alien races will have their versions of witches,shamen,vampires,demons etc integrated into the show in new spin offs with fictional alien races have ones made from scratch.Each newly discovered dimension will have unique planets,demons,aliens and terrains with some having magic and others not having magic and some having completely different laws of physics.All discovered alien and demon races across the universe and multiverse will be integrated into an intergalactic and interdimensional UN.
All of the these Buffy:The Vampire Slayer shows could integrate modern technologies such as YouTube,smartphones,immortality and also gene augmentations,Biosynths and Artificial Intelligence as well as hypothesised technologies and also real world aspects such as the the wire including Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus etc and also AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Eros,Pandora,Helios etc with it also involving the formation of a global government,post scarcity moneyless minarcho technocratism where the age of majority is 14 and also the Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden adminstrations and Coronavirus pandemic grounding it in reality with it housing aspects of all facets of the real world including military training modelled on the Agoge with even the Slayer Organisation modelling the training of new Slayers on the Agoge including VR technology,walkabouts,bullet any trial etc with the training of fighting witches and allied demons also modelled on the Agoge.Slayers and witches and even demons will undergoe Agoge training to become part of the new slayer organisation and part of the global military and law enforcement agencies and bodyguards and also have evil demons undergoe Agoge training.They will use VR technology and its time dilation to carry out obstacle courses in different locations like on rooftops of cities,jungles,temples etc and also fight against AI vampires,demons etc to train their fighting styles,weapons such as guns of all types as well as meteor hammers and swords etc and practice against each other in tournaments and practice gymnastics,dancing styles,acrobatics etc as detailed in the page of this website detailing their Agoge military training systems.All slayers will undergoe mandatory walkabouts and bullet ant trials with if possible the Slayer Organisation being a new watchers council led by humans including Buffy,Giles etc and other characters that train and act as watchers to all existing and newly born slayers across the world that model their training on the Agoge with if possible the Slayer Organisation being a branch of the global military where slayers as pre teens aged 5-12 undergoe the same training as human military and law enforcement personnel but at the age of 12 they will be assigned a mentor who is a human member of the watchers council until the age of 23 with as stated the slayer organisation being a component of the global military etc that deals specifically with supernatural threats such as evil vampires,demons,witches,gods and magic etc.All books in libraries across the world that contains information on vampires,demons and the supernatural etc from across the world etc will be scanned into Apollo thus allowing anyone instant accces to them from home.This will be the only instance where older teens and adults will partake in Agoge training in any show etc because of the need to train existing activated Slayers with in other shows etc it following.normal procedures.All existing adult and also newly born pre teen Slayers etc will undergoe Agoge training alongside human law and military enforcement personnel.Agoge training will apply to existing adult and teenage Slayers to train them as fighters against demons,vampires etc and at the same time it’s normal structure will be applied to all future born Slayers using their own training camps.Both adult and pre teen witches will utilise it as well alongside of course real world government military and law enforcement personall with if possible Slayers as a whole or individually will be integrated into the global military and law enforcement entity.Some slayers will in fact be integrated into the global law enforcement and military across the world.Thus the new macro series and spin offs can involve the public becoming aware of the existence of Slayers,demons witches and vampires and all facets of the supernatural set after the fall of Los Angelas and the fallout of this and the public adjusting to this and themes explored by these spin offs.The revelation of witches and demons becoming public knowledge will create conflict with them and Christian groups and also formation of a witches council similar to the Slayers Watchers council that manages the training of witches in training schools including both training witches in magic but also in Agoge style training and also setting down of laws and regulations related to different types of magic legality etc and acts as the public face for witches with werewolves and demons having similar groups similar to the American Vampire League in True Blood but taking on a global form.There can be for demons a singular demon governing body or one for each species of demon or ideally both a macro organisation for all species of demons and different micro bodies as part of this that does so for each species of demons.These governing bodies for slayers,vampires,witches,werewolves will act as the public face of their group and set don laws through lobbying the global public the legality of different types of magic and deal with ways to integrate their practices with human societies in a way that benefits both sides or avoids human sacrifices etc for certain rituals.They will be part of the Global government.Furthermore there can be like Stargate have underground societies like the Lucien Alliance that use real world Marxist Credits and cubits that cater to black markets including human/demon/witch slavery,prostitution of demons/humans/werewolves/witches etc and also black markets for illegal black magic,weapons,artifacts,Gene augmentations etc and also have humans,demons and werewolves sold as food.Snuff live shows where humans,witches,vampires,Slayers and demons are tortured,engage in gladiatorial battles with each other and even be hunted down to death by other humans,demons etc will be present.Gene augmentations such as genes from monsters,werewolves,Slayers etc sold on black markets with them having casinos,brothels etc.Humans,demons,werewolves and even witches and Slayers can be sold on black markets for sexual and physical slavery,illegal brothels and strip shows and also as illegal food for demons and humans that eat humans and demons who eat werewolves,demons and humans and witches as a delicacy including cannibalism.There will be illegal markets for humans,demons,witches,werewolves and Slayers sold as slaves and prostitution and as food for other humans,demons etc as a delicacy.The senior partners,Old ones and the Powers that Be and various gods alongside vampires,demons,witches,werewolves and magic will become common knowledge to the average citizen across the world as well with conflict arising between humans who side with either the Senior Partners or Powers that be and those that wish to revive the various Old Ones including those that worship Illyria.New demon species and new types of monsters and deities both from scratch and human mythology can be introduced including deities from human and demon mythology and even cryptozoology.These different spin offs will deal with different characters,different prophecies apocalypses and also different themes such as the different reactions of the public to the public revelation of magic,vampires with these shows including dramas with a supernatural twist dealing with specific Slayers,demons,witches and/or everyday people,soap operas,sitcoms and comedies,medical and legal dramas,police dramas or action ones,forensics and criminal investigation shows,action/science fiction/drama exploration ones etc with the cast of these being either a mixture of humans,demons,witches,Slayers etc or one of each ie one show could involve just witches,another just demons and another just Slayers etc and so on.Existing characters such as Rupert Giles,Willow,Illyria/Winifred Burkle,Xander,Buffy,Angel,Spike etc can float in and out the dozen spin offs as in universe celebrities,heroes celebrated for saving the world as main stars,guest stars,recurring characters,cameos etc floating in and out of each show.They can take different roles as celebrities,authors,actors,experts and historians on demons and the supernatural on live news and radio shows as well as documentaries and even YouTube channels as well as talk show presenters and also as key members of the new global Watchers organisation dealing with it being public knowledge (with some being the public face of it to the public on television,live news etc as its publicity department)and setting up and running training camps for Slayers across the world thus maturing into adults with the shows overall following the theme of coming of age of the original series as they have all has grown up into adulthood and them taking the mantle of responsibility of adults to prepare the next generation of Slayers to deal with the new adult world of complexities brought on about the general public knowing of the existence of magic,vampires,Slayers,demons etc acting as an allegory especially for real world events.Thus the main characters from Buffy:The Vampire Slayer,Angel could rather than being main characters for it could in fact be secondary characters that appear as guest stars,cameos or supporting characters that float in and out of each spin off with them still taking key roles in the universe with new primary characters taking the lead in it and all spin offs.Amy Madison and of possible Willow and other witches,warlocks,shaman etc present in the show could in turn set up schools for trainee witches both good and evil as well as neutral ones.Gods,demons,mythological creatures from world mythology ie Slavic,Celtic,Norse,Japanes,Chinese,Mayan etc and made up mythology,deities and also prophecies etc from different religions such as Ragnorok and Vedic mythology etc from around the world and those made from scratch can be incorporated into it.All non human species of demon races and even vampires and werewolves etc will have religions both polytheistic and monotheistic and versions of legends,folklore tarot,celestial age and prophecies created and developed.An almost infinite number of new monsters,gods and species demons and propocan be introduced.Cults to various old Ones and other gods and demons and even vampires and werewolves as well as AI will develop amongst humans.The religions and mythologies of vampires,each demon species,werewolves and witches will be developed with them each having dozens of polytheistic and monotheistic deities.World mythology and prophecies from Vedic mythology and Mayan prophecies and Tarot,celestial age from the philosophy section of this website will be integrated into the macro series especially when releated to in universe prophecies.Mythology,demons,prophecies and monsters from scratch can be used including the Loch Ness Monsters,Slenderman and SCPs.New species of demons can be integrated into the series with also new types of monsters such as dragons,orcs,fairies,elves and also those from cryptozoology such as Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster and also other mythical monsters from mythology around the world and those from scratch can be created for the various spin offs.An infinite number of new species and demons and monsters can be developed.Interdimensional travel to not just Earth and Pylea will be done but interdimensional travel will involve travel to countless other dimensions that home to demons,monsters,gods etc alongside interstellar and intergalactic travel as time goes by.These other dimensions can be other versions of Earth,planets different to Earth that house humans etc and other demon dimensions and even heaven dimensions etc.The video games created of the series will house all characters,races,technologies and planets present that can be fully explored with in the official MMO updates added that add new characters,planets,races etc as time goes by including those from the various spin offs.These games set in the official Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe alongside non canon fanmade games can be adventure games,real time strategy,point and click games,stealth,survival horror,FMV,point and click games similar to Tex Murphy,World of Warcraft,The Longest Journey,Tomb Raider,Sim City,Mirrors Edge,Command and Conquer,Grand Theft Auto,Doom,Metal Gear Solid,Dead Space featuring characters from all series both existing and new and new characters and human and all types of magical beings such as witches,demons etc with video games made of all existing seasons and episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer,Angel that follow the overall plot of the season arc and at the same tome deal with key episodes that deal with specific “Monsters of the Week” alongside adaptations of each spin off that deals with each previous slayer from the first Slayer to right before the activation of Buffy and also each season of the Slayers and spin off dealing with each newly activated Slayer.Furthermore they can be set before the series and during each season and in between each season and after the main series ended and during the events of the comics.Characters in these games that the player controls and interacts with will include not only main characters from all existing series but also new characters etc that are researchers,military personnel,archaeologists and every day citizens that are humans,Slayers,witches,vampires,werewolves,demoms etc.Video games can be made of each Slayer throughout human history including Buffy and all Slayers throughout human history before her and also those after the activation of all of the potentials alongside Cordelia Chase,Willow,Xander,Illyria,Angel,Spike etc..It can also take place during events in the distant past during the Primordial Age when pure demons ruled the Earth and distant past of Pylea,Ourtoth etc with as stated events during the lives and time as Slayers of all Slayers from the very first slayer to Buffy as well as all newly activated Slayers in 2003 and also chart events that took place of other characters such as Rupert Giles,Anyanka,Angel,Drusilla,Darla etc.Both official and fanmade games can be produced with canon games set in the main universe and fanmade set in parallel universes.Official canon games will chart events in the main universe while fanmade games will take place in parallel universes.Fanmade games will detail adventures of Buffy,Angel,Xander,Willow,Anyanka,all previous Slayers including non canon new ones and also different demons and everyday citizens.Even though there will be official canon games created Fanmade games can be created that utilise the multiverse theory that thus give them creative freedom.These games will incorporate interdimensional travel to various alien and demon dimensions and even heaven dimension with interstellar and intergalactic travel done through interstellar and intergalactic vessels and also magical means with even time travel used
All existing and new characters from each spin off series and movie will also be floating in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,main characters,guest stars,secondary characters etc.For example a reccuring or one episode character from one spin off that is an action orientated show will be one of the main characters from another show including soap operas with main characters from the previous three shows changing roles as main characters,reccuring characters and even guest stars and cameos of all spin offs of all genres.All characters in the universe from existing shows of the series and those from each new movie,video game and television show spin off will float in and out of each spin off show playing the same character but as different level of roles ie changing from a main character to reccuring characters or simply guest star and cameos in all future spin offs of all genres.Characters will float in and out each spin off television show,video game and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.
There can be Dozens,hundreds or even thousands of different spin offs can be created as television spin offs of different genres such as romantic comedies,dramas,science fiction action etc that focus on the lives of every day citizens that explore these themes.These will live action and animated be soap operas,sitcoms,legal and political dramas and would be like Family Guy,Futurama,The Simpson’s,7th Heaven,How I Met Your Mother,Rosanne,Modern Family.Will & Grace,Peep Show,Friends,In Treatment,NCIS,The Brave,Law & Order,CSI,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Bones,Cold Case,24,The Practice,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphia etc that are set on Earth,Pylea etc and other planets.These will give insight into the lives of everyday people that are humans,different species of demons,witches,Slayers etc from all parts of the world and multiverse.A macro series or multiple series would exist that charts the adventures of the newly formed Slayer Organisation but there would be many dozens or thousands of spin offs that chart the struggles of everyday citizens across the various species ie witches,humans,demons,werewolves.All of these will be filmed and uploaded at once to Dionysus meaning new episodes of potentially dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs will be uploaded and premier on Dionysus every day.This would allow all plot points,themes such as integration of each planet,religious themes and racism,LGBT themes to be explored evenly.Thus by utilising the concept of having dozens,hundreds or even thousands of spins offs outside the main macro series it can allow all of the different themes such as racism,addictions to technology and augmentations etc as well as explore religious themes and conflicts between different races,religions and cultures across the dimensions and explore s aforementioned themes and plot points at once but at the same time evenly and rather than focusing on just members of Slayers would focus on the conflicts and struggles of citizens on Earth and all dimensions thus giving viewers perspective on the lives of citizens across the realitues present.Like Stargate,Star Trek having only one macro series will prevent countless themes and plot points from being explored.Having a macro series will allow the new adventures of the Slayers to be explored but at the same time explore the lives of each individual slayer and also explore the effects of the revelation of magic,vampires,demons,witches etc becoming public knowledge to be explored.Spin offs,movies and video games can focus entirely on humans,focus entirely on witches,focus entirely on demons,focus entirely on vampires or focus entirely on werewolves and other spin offs can feature a combination of humans,witches,demons,vampires etc.The remaining hellmouths across Earth can be the focus for different spin offs with if possible efforts made to rebuild Sunnydale by either scientific or magical means it both by refilling the crater with soil etc and then rebuilding the town and its landmarks from scratch.It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one or more of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and video games etc.While the main macros series is written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus there would be dozens or thousands of other spin off set across the universe and other realities that take place at the same time as each other that take place on the same year,month,week and day as each other with characters and events in one or more spin offs references in others and characters floating in and out of them.Thus there will be multiple shows taking place at once in the same timeline and universe with new characters and existing characters floating in and out of them that explore each plot point,each threat to the galaxies and each themes and issues in detail thus allowing them to be proportionally explored without becoming overburdened or spread too thinly allowing for concise and balanced exploration of each new theme and plot points.By having dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs of the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise being written and filmed at once it could lead to episodes of dozens or thousands of the spin offs uploaded and premiering on Dionysus every day or week thus meaning fans would have fresh new episodes every day of the week every week of dozens or thousands of different shows of different genres etc rather than having to wait a week for a new episode of a single series..As a result dozens or hundreds of new episode of each spin off will premier every day with overall there being at least a few hundred or few thousand or more episodes from the entire franchise premiering every week or every day.Each would be filmed at the same time and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time to cater to fans interest and will be taking place in the same timeline and timeframe ie each episode of each spin off will take place at the same time as the others with them either on the same day or taking place the next day meaning events will take place all at once with as stated characters floating in and out and events in one show referenced in another.If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.Characters will float in and out each spin off and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off. If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.If possible the whole story arch of a plot point would take place over several days,weeks,months and years over different spin offs of different genres and may span several spin offs of different genres such as as drama ones,action ones,legal drama ones,soap opera ones and so on thus having a single story arc linking different spin offs of different genres thus ensuring that plot points don’t go unresolved and are fully fleshed out.This can be a recurring storytelling motif and technique for the franchise with this repeated with other franchises that have multiple spin offs such as Star Trek,Star Wars,Stargate.Events that take place in one show will be referenced in another with as stated characters both existing ones and new ones will float in and out and be referenced in another ie the main star of an action show will be the reccuring or guest star of a drama show and soap opera show and do on with each character taking different roles in each spin off.Furthermore different spin offs can take place at the same time with events told from each other’s perspective.
.Furthermore feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made set on each planet and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comedies movies.These movies will chart the adventures of both the Slayers but also everyday citizens can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.These movies and television shows of all genres will use symbolism,themes,motifs,allegories,mis en scene etc to make them high quality movies that have intellectual depth and make them worthy of winning Oscars,Palm Dor,Emmy for writing,direction and acting and not just special effects have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens,hundreds or thousands of live action and animated movies of different genres such as comedies,romantic comedies,thrillers,horror,dramas and even musicals related to the franchise as part of the canon narrative timeline created and uploaded every year and focus on everyday citizens across the world etc and not just the Slayers.These television show spin offs,movies and video games can be set in different countries across the world such as Canada,Japan,Ireland etc thus giving perspectives from that culture rather than an American perspective with the characters being ,musicians,archeologists that are everyday citizens such as werewolves,humans,witches and not just members of the Slayer Organisation.Those set in each country will have multiple movies and television series set in not only different countries across the world but also different cities,towns and villages across the different countries like Dublin,Cork,London,Manchester,Cardiff,Paris,Lyon,Tokyo,Kyoto,Los Angelas,Miami,New York City etc across all of Europe,Asia,South and Central America,Africa etc and the different continents and cities etc across the other planets colonised by humans giving different perspectives.Plays,musicals,operas etc can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc. that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.These spin offs and also movies will be either animated or live action ones with dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of spin offs taking place at the same time with them written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time with if characters floating and out of them all with plot points referenced in different spin offs snd if possible plot points carrying on from one spin off to another such as it starting in spin off,it carried onto a few other spin offs and then resolved in another spin off.Assistant AIs will analyse all existing and new spin offs being written to ensure they are consistent and do not retcon or contradict each other. This will allow all themes such as LGBT themes,racism,religious themes,cultures of all races and also all various plot points to be explored evenly across thousands of spin offs and movies.These movies and television shows will be either animated or live action ones and CGI ones and will be complimented by video games.All Assistant AIs will be able through fragmentation be able proof read and monitor scripts for all concurrent spin offs and movies even if there are dozens,hundreds or thousands being written,filmed and uploaded at once to ensure consistency between plot points and characters with official writers informed via bullet point and audio/visual reports of all new major spin offs,movies and their plot developments and storylines that would be relevant to the script of each episode,plan of each season and each new spin off ensuring they do not become overburdened with this done by it interacting with all writers and reviewing all scripts and also all filmed and uploaded material at once within seconds of not seconds via fragmentation to ensure consistency between plot points,characters and themes and that they are not in conflict with each other and don’t repeat or contradict themselves and each other and keep writers and actors up to date to all relevant information,new ideas,developments etc in the real world and the scripts on demand 24/7,365 days a year and organising group VR meetings for actors,writers and auditioning actors and new writers for new spin offs with also reviewing existing articles in the franchises articles to bring up possible plot points and characters etc and also updating the franchises pages constantly and getting in contact with actors and writers within seconds.Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AI to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AIs will through fragmentation will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.As a result of the Assistant AIs ability to do this it will be possible to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs to be written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.The thousands of spin offs movies and television shows will provide work for thousands or millions of new actors but at the same time by having Assistant AI improve their quality will attract A-List actors from Hollywood and famous television shows.Assistant AIs will be able through fragmentation be able proof read and monitor scripts for all concurrent spin offs and movies even if there are dozens,hundreds or thousands being written,filmed and uploaded at once to ensure consistency between plot points and characters with official writers informed via bullet point and audio/visual reports of all new major spin offs,movies and their plot developments and storylines that would be relevant to the script of each episode,plan of each season and each new spin off ensuring they do not become overburdened with this done by it interacting with all writers and reviewing all scripts and also all filmed and uploaded material at once within seconds of not seconds via fragmentation to ensure consistency between plot points,characters and themes and that they are not in conflict with each other and don’t repeat or contradict themselves and each other and keep writers and actors up to date to all relevant information,new ideas,developments etc in the real world and the scripts on demand 24/7,365 days a year and organising group VR meetings for actors,writers and auditioning actors and new writers for new spin offs with also reviewing existing articles in the franchises articles to bring up possible plot points and characters etc and also updating the franchises pages constantly and getting in contact with actors and writers within seconds..Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AIs to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AIs will through fragmentation and working and interacting together will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.They will carry out work not possible by a single or even multiple human beings especially when working together.As a result of the Assistant AIs ability to do this it will be possible to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs to be written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers that are set in countries across the world and across all planets across the three galaxies and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.Any member of the public including fans of the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise can set up a new live action or animated television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon timeline of the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise universe as writers and directors of any genre and plot with the Assistant AIs of all spin offs etc interacting with each other and scanning keeping them consistent with all other spin offs etc to ensure they follow the same chronology of events,in universe science and mythology etc established by other spin offs especially “official writers” and that the new spin offs,movies etc new plot points are carried out to and referenced in all existing and new spin offs including being referenced in them.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.Thus any member of the public including fans can set up and create new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canonical series and franchise that follows any plot or is of any genre and is either animated or live action however Assistant AIs will ensure it fits into the official timeline etc and that new additions by them will be part of official canon and mentioned by future spin offs.This will provide work for millions of actors,directors and writers both newbie ones or well established A-List ones.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others managed by Assistant AIs with them even set in any point of the in universe official timeline with all Assistant AIs interacting with each other to make sure the scripts don’t contradict or retcon all existing media with since they have the freedom to be set in any point of the timeline can reference and chart events that occur in the past or future from the perspective of the new spin offs and movies.This will potentially allow the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise to last forever as new television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon can be set up by the any member of the public including fans all the time set on Earth and any existing and new planets and dimensions in any country and city maintaining consistency and explore all mentioned and new plot points and themes evenly outside the main macro series.This will allow fans of the Buffy franchise to create their own movies,television shows and video games as part of the official canon universe and thus contribute to the franchises official canon narrative universe as actors,writers,directors etc with Assistant AI ensuring everything is canon etc while nested movies,television shows,video games can allow more creative freedom by being fictional non canon media.Thus all new movies and television shows and video games can be set up by members of the public including fans of the franchise that will provide work for millions of new actors,writers etc and will be set in the same timeline and universe as those created by “official” writers.The same themes,plot points for Stargate will be explored in the various Buffy:The Vampire Slayer spin offs but these can be explored here in a different way for variety.Even newbie directors including fans can create their own movies set in the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe either as official ones when interacting with the Assistant AI of the franchise and also official writers or fanmade ones set in parallel universes with them being of all genres and either live action or animated.These movies and spin offs will explore different themes such as racism,xenophobia,religion,LGBT themes etc with them focusing on the lives of everyday citizens such as witches,demons of different types both those already present and new ones and also citizens that are vampires,Slayers,werewolves and even gods.The religions,coming of age rituals and prophecies of the different demon races will be explored as well as those of different groups of mortals and also witches etc.Also made can be video games that are an MMO and those similar to Mass Effect or even just World of Warcraft when dealing with Earth and Pylea of the series created to allow fans to interact with the series universe in customised ways.These can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows,video games etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the dimensions etc using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.
All existing and new characters from each spin off series and movie will also be floating in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,main characters,guest stars,secondary characters etc.For example a reccuring or one episode character from one spin off that is an action orientated show will be one of the main characters from another show including soap operas with main characters from the previous three shows changing roles as main characters,reccuring characters and even guest stars and cameos of all spin offs of all genres.All characters in the universe from existing shows of the series and those from each new movie,video game and television show spin off will float in and out of each spin off show playing the same character but as different level of roles ie changing from a main character to reccuring characters or simply guest star and cameos in all future spin offs of all genres.Characters will float in and out each spin off television show,video game and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.
Furthermore official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers within the fictional Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These fictional in universe movies,television shows and video games can be thrillers,action/adventure,dramas,survival horror,point and click adventure etc would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe nested plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies and television shows focus on everyday citizens can be set on planets across the galaxies and also other dimensions but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical periods etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.These nested movies,television shows and video games will increase new media for new actors and writers etc to be created into almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can create an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon as they will be metafiction that uses the same technology,magic,race,Slayer Organisation and reference official characters and tribes of humans etc and mythology of the official series but can allow them to be non cannon adventures.To increase metafictional value these fictional media can be referenced in official spin offs by Assistant AI adding these references with actors,writers and directors etc these fictional movies appearing in spin offs as in universe fictional actors,directors,writers etc.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans creating in universe fictional media as it can include thrillers,horror movies,television shows and video games that doesn’t have be considered canon giving them more creative freedom and include actual historical events or non historical events with it allowing alterations made to official canon history with regards to the Slayers,Witches,demons etc since these types of nested metafiction would be fictional video games,movies and television shows set within a fictional television series universe fictional nested universes as they will be media produced in a way that will be as if created by in universe writers that are media set within the media with these movies,television shows etc following their own separate chronologies and timelines.Horror,fantasy and supernatural themed media can include the different fictional cryptozoology,monsters,legends,supernatural entities,religions(both polytheistic and monotheistic)etc from all in universe races created by writers and Assistant AI as their basis with fantasy themed media using in universe legends,folktales,fairytales as their basis.Even nested found footage movies can be made.In universe celebrities(actors,politicians,poets,explorers)both living and historical can be mentioned and form the basis of them.A matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real and so on into infinity.As result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new media releated to the franchise providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.These nested movies,television shows and video games can involve not only being created by fans of the franchise but also newbie ones but also A-List stars and writers and directors and will each follow their own separate timelines and chronologies separate from each other
.Furthermore there will be the option of creating fictional non canon media such as Fanmade television shows,movies and video games that follows alternate timelines similar to Fanmade games with each fan making their own timelines etc..Assistant AI interacting with Hecate will add all new plot points,characters,spin offs,movies,video games both official canon and non canon nested media to the franchises they will also interact with each other and constantly scour to ensure all new media is consistent and does not retcon each other.There can be documentaries made set in the universe involving fake historians both humans,witches and demons that detail in universe historical events,mythologies and biographies that cover issues and people such as famous celebrities and Slayers such as Buffy,Willow,Angel,all previous Slayers and Slayers in general,The Old Ones,Senior Partners,The Powers that Be,witches,magic,witchcraft,vampires,each species of demons and historical demons,witches,and monsters etc.These will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be precessional ones.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.
There be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planet across the galaxy including space stations and interstellar vehicles and other dimensions.There also will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be professional ones and will be in Dionysus.Even nested feature length full feature movie political documentaries can be made that made that detail events etc that take place in the official spin offs,movies and television shows similar that take a neutral or biased political stance on social issues and events that take place in the franchises universe interviewing in universe historians and characters and use fake filmed footage alongside newly filmed footage via VR technology to politicise events in them similar to Farenheight 9/11,Bowling for Columbine etc.The fate of Anyanka as well as Wesley Wyndam Pryce,Cordelia Chase,Winifred Burkle,Lilah Morgan and other characters who have died can be resolved with those in hell dimensions or ascended beings and ghosts can appear frequently as guest stars and reccuring characters through visions and dreams and using specific rituals and conduits etc or flashbacks.Once off characters and those that appeared in a few episodes and former characters such as Oz and Kate Lockley can return.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.Having the original show continued on from where it is rather than being rebooted can allow for more to be added to the lore of the official series rather than just restarting from scratch which would destroy the legacy of the original show.They can be a dozen or spin off shows that are dramas,comedies and sitcoms,soap operas/crime investigation etc,legal and medical drama and military and law enforcement drama/action shows and military shows dealing with government agencies dealing with dangerous groups of vampires etc and involve Agoge trainees training against demons,vampires including some being Slayers.Each newly activated Slayer in the The Slayers can float in and out of each spin off thus giving extra time for character development as well as as stated there being the option for each Slayer to have their own spin off that lasts at least 1-5 seasons that detail their character and journey just before activation,during activation and during the events of the seasons 8-11 and main series and dealing with their own personal struggles,training and their own personal antagonists to deal with such as humans,demons,vampires and monsters as well as own personal prophecies to deal with thus giving each one time for character and plot development.There can be dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of these spin offs that directly cover the journey of each individual newly activated slayer either animated or live action that are filmed and air on Dionysus alongside the main macro series.There can be at least a few million different Slayers activates coming from different backgrounds across the world and from each country across the world with each country having at least several hundred or few thousand Slayers with Aeschylus spin off set in between 2000-2030 with some seasons moving head several years into the future with for each spin off covering the slayers life prior to activation,them upon activation and them adjusting to their new life with powers of the slayer and them contacted by the new Slayer Organisation and events from the macro series from their point of view and them dealing with the public awareness of the existence of slayers and them dealing with battling demons,humans,vampires and prophecies outside of the main series with them lasting 1-10 seasons.Like Stargate there can be dozens of spin offs produced at once either animated or live action and they will be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once and will each tackle a single separate theme,plot point and threat to the universe to make sure they are dealt evenly and can be animated or live action shows.Each show will be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at once thus allowing events that occur in one show to be referenced in another and characters both old and new float in and out of each show with ease.It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and games etc.Thus there can be as much as a dozen or more spin off shows that take place in the same time of different genres such as dramas,soap operas etc that detail each plot point and themes evenly and balanced with new characters while old characters float in and out.The same ideas for Stargate with regards to metafiction can be utilised here including fake documentaries on witches/vampires/demons each type/Slayers(including all of the previous Slayers)etc fake live news stations news reports,live talk shows,podcasts and then YouTube vlogs dealing with at first reporting events taking place in Buffy the Vampire Slayer,Angel and then the public revelation of vampires,demons,Slayers,magic etc as well as reporting events that take place after it including those taking place during all spin off shows with fake versions of urban exploring and vigilante groups hunting vampires,guides on how to perform specific spells,how to kill certain monsters,vampires and demons etc on YouTube etc with fake musicians who are witches,demons,vampires etc posting music videos on YouTube,vloggers on YouTube based on real world vloggers commenting on events that take part in the show including those played by actors,AI and fans with these vloggers consisting of humans,demons of different types,werewolves and witches etc updated continuously.These can all deal with the advent of new planets across the universe once interstellar travel becomes possible and also the various parallel dimensions mentioned and featured in all existing Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise shows,comics etc being used for the aforementioned ideas and other ones including dealing with the new government in Pylea dealing with conflicts between humans,Deathwok Clan,the senior partners including Pylea.Also with regards to the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer franchise their being television shows and movies that deal with the Old Ones quarrelling and fight for power in the Primordial Age against not only themselves but also against the Powers that Be on Earth before and after the rise of humans and dealing with the rise of humans focusing on each major one mentioned and appearing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer,Angel and the comics etc and their banishment to other dimensions etc and time spent their.All comics can be adapted into a television show.These can be animated or live action shows.Like the Stargate franchise it will follow all real world political developments such as reference the Obama,Trump and Biden administrations,Coronavirus and formation of a global government and new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence etc.These ideas for all spinoff shows in the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe can be either live action shows or animated shows each lasting between 3-10 seasons with video games also made in between them to further detail this.Charmed rather than being rebooted it could have a spin off involving the original characters and actors following the original timeline that like Buffy:The Vampire Slayer could involve the public becoming aware of witches,magic,demons and all aspects of the show with the same ideas etc modified to their in universe show and go in completely different directions than Buffy:The Vampire Slayer with the same ideas for metafiction and grounded in real world political events.. The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology with them the same size as real world vehicles and space stations..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will rather be homogenised will have different alien ecosystems and terrains as well as new alien plants and animals added outside of what was visible in the existing shows.Dimensions already visited that had to be filmed on Earth can be remodelled by having AI who will scan all episodes for existing terrain and wilderness used from Earth and use this as a template to create extra wilderness and terrain for the rest of each planet that will be made completely different and alien from Earth in terms of terrain,plants and animals.Thus through VR technology all planets across the galaxies can be completely different from Earth in terms of terrain,plants,animals and suns and moons etc limited only by the writers imagination.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will be designed entirely by the AI Iphegina as planet sized arenas that will be saved as separate simulations that everytime they are used in each spin off can be accessed with copies made to deal with different spin offs being filmed at once.These VR planets will be the same size as real Earth sized planets that can be fully explored by actors,writers etc with these maps saved on hard drives etc and then utilised for video games based on the franchise including the official MMO.Furthermore each planet can have Phanes design whole taxonomic ranks of completely unique and alien plants and animals giving them unique non human animals and plants to be explored in the MMO and also episodes of each spin off in detail.AI namely Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals giving each planet unique terrain,wildlife etc completely different from Earth..Directors and writers will through neural implants using pure thought aid AI in creating all terrain and plants and animals.Towns,cities and villages will be designed by AI and writers.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme on a sub network of Dionysus that is used over and over again by actors and directors of each spin off and movie and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet in the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer universe can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.This map programme of each planet and if possible the entire universe will be used for all spin offs with it stored in a sub network of Dionysus to be copied,downloaded and used for each spin off by writers and actors etc as well as by the public including fans creating fanmade video games,Fanmade movies and tv shows etc as well as VR tours of cities and wilderness areas similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience,urban exploration videos and also by fans for use in carrying out pastimes and for Bacchus.Each planet including Earth will have cities,towns and villages of various sizes with obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings and private homes with abandoned buildings and obsolete buildings of all types such as hotels,supermarkets etc both real and fictional and apartments and private homes real and fictional that allows them to be used in in universe versions of Restoration Nation.Adriadne will set up networks for these movies and television shows to ensure each country has these types of shows of each genre advertised to fans and have Assistant Ai ensure all plot points are explored
For Charmed could be dozens or hundreds of spin offs that detail the lives of everyday people,witches and other magical creatures that are legal and medical dramas,crime investigation shows including forensics themed ones,soap operas and sitcoms dealing the public becoming aware of magic and witches and all aspects of the show and religious themes such as the response of Christians,human Wiccans and other religions etc with the characters from the original series floating in and out of them and detailing new witches,prophecies etc across the world and focus the everyday lives of citizens across the world.All of the these Charmed shows could integrate modern technologies such as YouTube,smartphones,immortality and also gene augmentations,Biosynths and Artificial Intelligence and also real world aspects such as the the wire including Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus etc and also AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Eros,Pandora,Helios etc with it also referencing the formation of a global government and also the Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden adminstrations and Coronavirus pandemic grounding it reality.
•Sabrina The Teenage Witch:
.Sabrina the Teenage Witch the live action series starring Mellisa Joan Hart,Beth Broderick and Caroline Rhea could be restarted as either live action or animated and deal again with a global government with the existence of magic,witches and the other realm being common knowledge and have Sabrina now an adult witch being a mother dealing with her own son or daughter witches as well as being a quizmaster mentoring another trainee witch with her either the main character or secondary character with the main character being one of her sons or daughters or other witch that she is charged with mentoring with Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda appearing routinely as cameos,guest characters and also main characters alongside Harvey Kinkle,Valerie Birkhead,Libby,Miles and Salem etc played by the original actors also main,guest or secondary characters with it again it dealing with again a global government and also witches,the other realm and magic becoming common knowledge amongst humans on Earth with a loophole or magical solution preventing witches losing their powers from this revelation with this dealing with again conflicts between pro and anti witch factions of humanity including Islam,Judaism and Christianity and other fantasy themed shows set in modern times with shows like True Blood following these ideas.Thus Sabrina would be either the main character or secondary character with her dealing with being an adult witch,mother,quizmaster and the whole world knowing about magic and witches etc.If she is a secondary character then the show can be named after the main character and not Sabrina or it can be another witch named Sabrina including her daughter Sabrina Kinkle.There can be spin offs focusing on different witches across the world of different ethnicities,races and countries set in different countries and the Other Realm of different ages or pre teens,adolescents and those in their twenties or older including several centuries old that are politicians,celebrities etc dealing with the formation of a global government and public revelation of the general public becoming aware of witches and magic.These can involve witches from countries across the world including Japan,Ireland,Austrailia etc and those set in the Other Realm with their spin offs set in the past charting the histories of famous witches throughout history in countries across the world.One can involve Sabrina and Harvey’s daughter on her way to becoming a witch and another can involve Sabrina herself.All characters from the live action series Libby,Valerie Birkhead,Harvey Kinkle,Mrs Quick,Roxie,Miles,Willard Kraft,Jenny,Morgan,Dreams,Brad,Zelda and Hilda etc and all former characters can float in and out as reccuring or main stars with them now in different professions such as celebrities etc with new characters.This can since her daughter is a an offspring of her and Harvey Kinkle will still be part of the Spellman family thus allowing for the show to be called Sabrina the Teenage Witch even thought Sabrina Spellman herself will be a fully grown adult and allow Salem Saberhagen and also Zelda and Hilda Spellman played by Beth Broderick and Caroline Rhea to float in and out as regular characters every few episodes alongside Sabrina played by Mellisa Joan Hart,Harvey Kinkle and all other characters from the original series with them taking the role of celebrities such as models,actors etc.She could due to being born of a mortal and a half witch be a quarter witch be less powerful or have flaws and weaknesses that normal witches and half witches don’t have with this also make her work harder to earn through new trials similar to the earning of witches licenses to become a full witch with Sabrina and other half mortals also undergo magical trials that let them become full witches.Sabrina herself can undergoe trials to become a full witch with if possible scientists conducting research into the Other Realm,magic and witches and Conflict can come from dealing with the revelation that witches etc exist and that Sabrina is one with Sabrina or other main witches in the original series being the public face of Witches.The existence of the Other Realm,witches,magic etc will become common knowledge to all humans with passage of humans to the Other Realm being commonplace and spin offs set in the Other Realm.This can explore themes of racism and conflict with Christianity,Judaism and Islam and also allow LGBT themes and races to be explored.There can be dozens of spin offs dealing with different witches,humans etc of different ages from teenagers,adults in their 20s,30s to ones that are several centuries old across the world in countries across the world such as Japan,Ireland,France,Egypt etc including them set in the Other Realm and involve mythology etc from different countries dealing with different themes and with characters both old and new floating in and out of them.They can be of different genres,such as serious dramas,comedies and thrillers and horror themed ones with them having a serious,dark tone or light hearted tone.The same themes,plot points for Stargate will be explored in the various Buffy:The Vampire Slayer spin offs but these can be explored here in a different way for variety.All these Sabrina shows could integrate modern technologies such as YouTube,smartphones,immortality and also gene augmentations,Biosynths and Artificial Intelligence and also real world aspects such as the the wire including Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus etc and also AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Eros,Pandora,Helios etc with it also referencing the formation of a global government and also the Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden adminstrations and Coronavirus pandemic grounding it in reality.These spin offs and also movies will be either animated or live action ones with dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of spin offs taking place at the same time with them written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time with if characters floating and out of them all with plot points referenced in different spin offs snd if possible plot points carrying on from one spin off to another such as it starting in spin off,it carried onto a few other spin offs and then resolved in another spin off.These live action or animated spin offs can be of different genres such as sitcoms,dramas,soap operas,legal and medical dramas etc This can include spin offs similar to Family Guy,Futurama The Simpson’s,7th Heaven,How I Met Your Mother,Modern Family.Rosanne,Will & Grace,Peep Show,Friends,In Treatment,NCIS,The Brave,Law & Order,CSI,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Bones,Cold Case,24,The Practice,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphia with characters floating in and out.Assistant AIs will analyse all existing and new spin offs being written to ensure they are consistent and do not retcon or contradict each other .It will also allow for fans to have new episodes of each series premiering every day of the week with depending on the number of spin offs there will be one,two,three or more episodes one or more of each spin off premiering in Dionysus every day of the week with metafiction on YouTube,MMOs and video games and even fanmade spin offs etc also availible everyday thus catering to a fans entertainment needs rather than there being only one show that airs once a week with normal breaks during summer negated by again fanmade material,movies and video games etc.While the main macros series is written,filmed and uploaded to Dionysus there would be dozens or thousands of other spin off set across the human universe and Other Realm that take place at the same time as each other that take place on the same year,month,week and day as each other with characters and events in one or more spin offs references in others and characters floating in and out of them.Thus there will be multiple shows taking place at once in the same timeline and universe with new characters and existing characters floating in and out of them that explore each plot point,each threat to the galaxies and each themes and issues in detail thus allowing them to be proportionally explored without becoming overburdened or spread too thinly allowing for concise and balanced exploration of each new theme and plot points.By having dozens,hundreds or thousands of spin offs of the Sabrina franchise being written and filmed at once it could lead to episodes of dozens or thousands of the spin offs uploaded and premiering on Dionysus every day or week thus meaning fans would have fresh new episodes every day of the week every week of dozens or thousands of different shows of different genres etc rather than having to wait a week for a new episode of a single series..As a result dozens or hundreds of new episode of each spin off will premier every day with overall there being at least a few hundred or few thousand or more episodes from the entire franchise premiering every week or every day.Each would be filmed at the same time and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time to cater to fans interest and will be taking place in the same timeline and timeframe ie each episode of each spin off will take place at the same time as the others with them either on the same day or taking place the next day meaning events will take place all at once with as stated characters floating in and out and events in one show referenced in another.If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.Characters will float in and out each spin off and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off. If possible events may take place in one or two spin offs ie a plot point may start in one spin off but the resolution of a plot point may occur in another spin off that are spaced days,weeks or years apart.All movies and video games created each year will be set at the same time as each other and each spin off.If possible the whole story arch of a plot point would take place over several days,weeks,months and years over different spin offs of different genres and may span several spin offs of different genres such as as drama ones,action ones,legal drama ones,soap opera ones and so on thus having a single story arc linking different spin offs of different genres thus ensuring that plot points don’t go unresolved and are fully fleshed out.This can be a recurring storytelling motif and technique for the franchise with this repeated with other franchises that have multiple spin offs such as Star Trek,Star Wars,Stargate.Events that take place in one show will be referenced in another with as stated characters both existing ones and new ones will float in and out and be referenced in another ie the main star of an action show will be the reccuring or guest star of a drama show and soap opera show and do on with each character taking different roles in each spin off.Furthermore different spin offs can take place at the same time with events told from each other’s perspective.
.Furthermore feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made set on each planet and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comedies movies.These will focus on everyday citizens etc and also main characters movies can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.The movies of all genres will have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens or hundreds of movies of different genres releated to the franchise..Plays,musicals,movies,operas etc and novels can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc. that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.These spin offs and movies will focus not only on witches but also humans and in universe mythological creatures and focus on the everyday lives of citizens.Television shows and movies can be created that chart the history of key and famous witches in the universe.All television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millons of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.The same themes etc in other shows in a different way.Video games can be created that are similar to Doom,Tomb Raider,The Longest Journey,Mirrors Edge .The ideas for metafiction can be explored here.Spin offs both animated and live action of this show can be set on Earth and the other realm dealing with witches and humans of all backgrounds solely or together to explore these themes.Furthermore these different series could use the basis of the multiverse theory like video games to series set in parallel universes that follow the same main or different characters following different histories ie there are the same or different planets and races present but history has followed a different path with different events taking place in the lives of characters from the original characters and different events taking place of the in universe races and entities with this consisting of movies,television shows and video games etc.Also video games spin offs could take place of them that deal with different characters point of view of events before,during,in between and after the main show.As we can see all major science fiction and fantasy shows have built up enough lore spanning thousands of not millions of years regarding in universe history of mythology and stories of secondary characters and also potential future plot points to provide dozens of new spin off that are set in the canon universe with these detailing events in the universes distant and recent past.The use of public revelation of the existence of supernatural,fantasy,science fiction and horror elements etc in the universe such as monsters,magic,witches,aliens etc of existing shows being continued on can be done to explore the different reactions by the general public of different in universe secrets in different ways.This can involve existing movie and book franchises adapted into television shows such as Harry Potter which can deal with the magical realm,witches and all types of beastery becoming common knowledge to the general public again with dozens of spin offs that are of different genres that focus on the lives of everyday citizens and allow different themes to be explored.Spin offs as much as a dozen can be created of each show both existing and new to explore different themes and plot points in an even manner and introduce new characters with them and old characters floating in and out of each show.Adriadne will set up networks for these movies and television shows to ensure each country has these types of shows of each genre advertised to fans
•True Blood:
Even True Blood can have spin offs created that are dramas,soap operas,forensics and criminal investigation,legal and medical shows and other genres that deal with the lives of everyday citizens across the world explore all of their themes set across different countries the world such as Ireland,Japan,Africa etc and dealing with new monsters alongside vampires including those from mythology from across the world and also the full further public revelation of shifters,werewolves and witches etc already shown but not dealt with in the original show with in time it involving interstellar travel and monsters from across the universe with there’re being dozens of shows being made at once either animated or live action and new ones from scratch alongside it having the metafiction ideas such as vlogs,urban exploration and tours of fictional cities.Other mythological creatures from across the world will be integrated into the show especially with spin offs set in countries across the world.Thus like vampires the public will become fully aware of witches,werewolves and shifters as well as other new supernatural creatures over time who will form entities like the American Vampire League with movies like romantic comedies,dramas etc and thousands of spin offs of different genres can be made to explore the everyday struggles of citizens across the galaxy based the same shows those that ofStar Wars,Star Trek,Stargate that are soap operas sitcoms,dramas,legal and forensics dramas
Supernatural once it’s finished with the story of Dean and Sam Winchester can deal in a macro show and a series of spin off set across the world deal with not only other other hunters of demons,vampires etc but also with all of Earth becoming aware of the existence of Heaven,Hell as well as God and Lucifer and also demons,angels and all supernatural entities again with dozens of spin offs charting the struggles of everyday citizens and can show conflict about atheists with Christianity,Islam etc and how people deal with their sins of the past and try to be better people to avoid hell by staying alive forever or other allowing themselves to grow old and die to enter Heaven.It can deal with the implications immortality achieved through CRISPR had on Heaven and Hell.This can also have spin offs dealing with angles in Heaven and the remaining angels dealing with this revelation and another spin off dealing with Hell and their reactions to it with also the public reaction to the existence and identity of God with spin offs set across the world.There can be spin offs that detail the early conflicts between Heaven and Hell and also all past hunters of demons etc including Sam and Dean father.There can even be spin offs set in Heaven that detail the lives of characters in Heaven as they deal with relationships of characters in heaven including it focusing on Christians,Jews,Muslims,Hindus,Atheists in heaven and the affect of them dealing with the war between heaven and hell etc and the public revelation.It can also deal with non human races from across the universe being present in Heaven.
•The X-files:
For The X-Files it could involve spin offs with government and FBI officials dealing with the public becoming aware of aliens including the colonists and their plan to invade Earth and of the government conspiracy and other supernatural elements of the show,Doctor Who can involve the revealation of Earth to the existence of The Doctor and involve humans reverse engineering the TARDIS to develop interstellar travel abc involve AI.
For the Disney cartoon show Gargoyles it can be restarted with dozens of spin offs where 3D DNA printers and AI can using the Phanes method create millions of genetically distinct gargoyles the exact same as the actual Gargoyles that turn into stone at daytime created by AI that are genetically distinct from each other which can lay eggs and sexually reproduce etc that are dispersed across the world with the Phanes method applied not just to the Manhattan Clan but also all clans of gargoyles in the original series that are located across the world and the conflict between them and humans they want to integrate them into society and those that want to destroy or subjugate.The Phanes method carried out by the AI Phanes can be used wherein samples of DNA are taken from gargoyles in Manhattan,London,Japan and South America and are used mass produce varieties of gargoyles in countries across the world with globally several hundred million gargoyles created worldwide in Ireland,France,Sweden,Africa,Britain,China,Russia etc with for each country them modified to house specific DNA that makes them have trait’s unique to each other that gives them unique appearence for each country based on each cultures mythology and human ethnicity as seen in the show already(the gargoyles in Japan look Japanese and have different body shapes,the South American gargoyles look similar to South American mythological creatures)but them still have the same abilities and traits as normal gargoyles and them able to interbreed with not only each other but also with gargoyles across the world.This will be carried out by the AI Phanes as part of conservation efforts with mutant gargoyles created by Anton Sevarious could through gene therapy and CRISPR be turned back into humans by removing all animal DNA,adding human DNA and leaving only human DNA.Furthermore it could be possible to introduce the existence of both the New Olympians and all of Oberons children as well as Oberon and Titania themselves into public knowledge making humans across the world aware of not just gargoyles but also the New Olympians and Oberon and Titania,all of his children that is the magical race and the existence of magic also with conflict arising from their integration into society with this having spins offs set across the world dealing with the millions of new Gargoyles,Oberons children in these countries with there also of course humans becoming fully aware of magic and Avalon with the spell to reach Avalon made common knowledge with episodes focusing on humans using the services of Oberons children and seeking magical talismans and books for their goals with new members of Oberons children introduced.Conflict will arise between humans and The New Olympians with their members of both sides wishing to intergrated both species and those who seek dominance over the other.N’Kai race will be introduced as well with him appearing as a regular character with his race the N’Kai and the Space-spawn introduced with the N’Kai protecting Earth and humans from the Space-Spawn as a threat to humanity to give the Gargoyles,humans etc and Oberons children something to fight against.Oberons children can involve all existing ones and new ones that have interactions with humans seeking their magic for nefarious means.Pucks training of David Xanatos son Alexander Fox Xanatos can be a recurring plot point especially with him as as an adult.Like Macbeth new historical characters can be added as main characters with if possible there being sin offs that focus on Demona etc.The series can be set in the mid to late 21st century following the formation of a global government that includes gargoyles and magicals as part of the New Olympians and Oberon children granted equal rights alongside AI.Real world AI will be introduced such as Gaia,Phanes,Dike etc.There will be multiple spin offs as much as several dozen or several hundred set in countries across the world to explore these plot points.In time interstellar and intergalactic travel will be developed including reverse engineering Rte space spawn technology that allows for new planets to be discovered including uninhabited one’s and those that are inhabited by aliens who would have their own magical creatures.All modern day technological innovations since 1995 will be introduced including CRISPR and smartphones alongside real world AI such as Gaia,Outanous,Perses etc.All characters from the original can be present through anti-ageing treatments making them immortal with if voice actors are deceased Assistant AI can play their role with of course new characters created for the main series and spin offs.Likr most shows it will be set in modern times with real world AI and the global government
Summary of spin offs of fantasy and science fiction shows:
All new spinoffs of all shows like all new shows and even still running shows such as soaps,sitcoms and The Simpsons etc set in our universe will refer to current political events such as the Obama,Trump,Biden adminstration,capitalism being replaced by moneyless minarcho technocratism,formation of the global government and so on.All of these aforementioned spinoffs can be either live action or animated media alongside being video games with them created by the original writers and producers and also fans either as part of canon overseen by the original writers and a single Assistant AIs linking them together with the fan and original writers working together using them Assistant AIs and VR technology and its time dilation effect ensuring they can be made easily with them labelled in Wikipedia,the main opening title and the media’s file as being part of the official canon and authorised by official writers with others being fanmade ones in their own separate parallel universe and thus separate timelines.These can have different characters set in the same universe,original characters from the show played by the original actor or in the case of animated shows different voice actors or the original actor acting as voice actor.All major television shows have built up enough lore to have several spin off shows detailing its universes past history and also those that focus on the history of secondary characters and so on.Put simply rather than remaking shows as reboots what can be done are spin offs that detail events during the distant past,recent past as well as those that focus on secondary characters history in the recent or distant past and also during the events of the show etc and those that focus on everyday citizens that explore different themes and issues of the in universe world.This can allow all main shows continue on for another few decades if not centuries with potentially dozens of spin offs and also there is the utilisation off the multiverse theory that can be used by fans to create an almost infinite amount of spin offs.Since most shows as of 2029 have established enough lore in terms of characters,past history of races/groups/individuals and also have many secondary characters and utilise the notion of parallel universes and have plenty of themes to discover in the form of series that follow different genres each one could through original writers and fans could last drcades,centuries,thousands of years if not forever.Like video games television shows can have fanmade spin offs both live action and animated set up in their own timeline and universe separate from the official timeline through the multiverse theory with existing or new characters that can follow the universes laws of physics and history on Earth or have it follow that of the real world timeline.VR technology will be used for each new spin off from fantasy and science fiction shows.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology with them the same size as real world vehicles and space stations..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will rather be homogenised will have different alien ecosystems and terrains as well as new alien plants and animals added outside of what was visible in the existing shows.Planets already visited that had to be filmed on Earth can be remodelled by having AI who will scan all episodes for existing terrain and wilderness used from Earth and use this as a template to create extra wilderness and terrain for the rest of each planet that will be made completely different and alien from Earth in terms of terrain,plants and animals.
These options of metafiction and dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs of different genres such as dramas,soap operas,legal and medical dramas and military action etc that focus on the lives of everyday people of all races across the galaxy can be done with Andromeda,Babylon 5,The Orville,Futurama,Battlestar Galactica ,Firefly,Farscape,Doctor Who etc if restarted and continued on through spin offs with those set in modern day times also dealing with public disclosure of the existence of the supernatural and aliens.The same spin offs can be done of The Orville,Andromeda,Firefly,Futurama,Babylon 5 that detail the history of the universes characters and entities such as key events that take place before the main series and detail key historical events of each race such as humans,Decapodans,Minbari,Narns,Reavers,Centauri,Dilgar,Vorlorns,Shadows etc as well as events during the series and after the main series with them also having dozens or thousands of spin offs that are soap operas,dramas and legal and medical dramas,military and scientific discovery exploration shows that detail the everyday lives of each sentient race in their respective universes exploring themes such as genocide,war,racism,religion and conflicts between each one of each species and also LGBT themes with the same ideas for metafiction.This can be repeated for video games and television shows and books etc of both science fiction and fantasy genres.For of these VR technology will allow for planet sized sets for each planet to be created with them each having unique terrains,plants and animals etc and unique celestial bodies like binary stars etc rather than being limited to Earth with planets unique designs being only limited by the writers imagination.Space stations and interstellar vehicles interior and exterior can be filmed in VR simulations.With regards Battlestar Galactica dozens or hundreds of spin offs can be created that are medical and legal drama and criminal and forensics investigator shows etc that deal with the lives of everyday cities set in all colonies of man including Caprica,Virgon,Picon,Gemoni,Taurus etc either individually or collectively that are set before,during and after the Cylon War and even decades before the creation of the Cylons that follow themes of xenophobia,class struggles and corporations.There can even be spin offs detailing the history of each colony of man such Kobol,Caprica,Virgon,Taurus and the original Earth as well as the Cylon War and there can also be spin offs set during the eventd of Battlestar Galactica 2004 and for this franchise there can be two separate sets of spin offs one for the original series from 1980 and also 2004 franchise.There can be spin offs dealing with the humans from the 12 planets and them arriving on Earth and interbreeding with humans and their struggles to survive alongside those set in modern day second Earth that deals with the emergence of AI similar to the CylonS on Kobol,Caprica and the first Earth.These video games can have television shows done such as Mass Effect with live action or animated shows of different genres such as military action and drama shows,soap operas and dramas etc that focus on the lives of everyday people of all races such as humans,quarians,Asari,Elcor etc.Dozens,hundreds or even thousands of different spin offs can be created as television spin offs of different genres such as romantic comedies,dramas,science fiction action etc that focus on the lives of every day citizens that explore these themes.
All major existing and new franchises of science fiction and fantasy movies,television shows and video games such as Ghost In the Shell,The Karate Kid,Twilight,Lord of the Rings,Blade,Top Gun,Conan the Barbarian,Blade Runner,Total Recall,Aliens,Aliens Vs Predator,The Never Ending Story,Labyrinth,Mad Max,Scream,Hellraiser,Cabin In the Woods,Aliens etc can have the option of having dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin off television shows that will be like Family Guy,Futurama,The Simpson’s,7th Heaven,How I Met Your Mother,Modern Family.Will & Grace,Rosanne,Peep Show,Friends,,CSI,In Treatment,NCIS,The Brave,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Bones,Cold Case,,24,The Practice,Law & Order,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphiaetc that are part of the official timeline.These will give insight into the lives of everyday people from all parts of the galaxy.They can also have dozens and hundreds of movies that are romantic comedies,dramas etc and of course have nested media.There will also be spin offs that detail the history of each universe and biopics of historical characters.Thus by utilising the concept of having dozens,hundreds or even thousands of spins offs main macro series it can allow all of the different themes such as racism,addictions to technology and augmentations etc as well as explore religious themes and conflicts between different races,religions and cultures across the three galaxies and explore aforementioned themes and plot points at once but at the same time evenly and rather than focusing on just members of the main universes entities they would focus on the conflicts and struggles of citizens on Earth and all planets across the galaxies thus giving viewers perspective on the lives of citizens across the galaxies.The same ideas for Buffy,Stargate,Star Wars,Star Trek can be explored in each one but in different ways for different spins.
Live action shows can be made that are biopics of explorers,politicians,actors,porn actors,writers etc and people who played roles in historical events both in ancient to modern times that detail their lives over the course of several decades starting in their teenage years detailing their rise to fame etc that last several seasons and unlike movies which are two hours long them lasting several seasons allowing them to focus more on each part of their lives in depth such as relationships with different people and key events which affected them and include those from alien races across the universe once interstellar travel is a reality.Unlike biopic movies that can only focus in a small part of a persons live abc also have at most two hours to do so television show biopics can run for a single season if multiple seasons that cover events lasting a lifetime over the course of a single season or multiple seasons as much as ten seasons.In some biopic shows a persons entire lifetime can be charted over the course of 20 hour long episodes or they can have multiple seasons each with 20 one hour episodes with each season charting a single year of their life thus allowing them to cover more of the persons life experiences and events that shaped them.
All of these shows especially existing science fiction ones set in the distant future could integrate modern technologies created since 1987-2029 onwards such as YouTube,smartphones,Wikipedia,Agora,immortality,CRISPR and also gene augmentations,Biosynths,all technologies hypothesised in the new technologies sections and real world Artificial Intelligence such as Gaia,Ouranos,Phanes,Dike,Paean etc and also real world aspects such as the the wire including Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus etc or their own versions of it.These will be integrated as new technological developments and also political developments with real world philosophy such as celestial age etc in the philosophy section of this website intergrated with each planet and alien race having their own versions of celestial age etc as described in the philosophy section including prophecies etc.They would integrate real world political events such as formation of a global government,age of majority reduced to 14 through genetic engineering ending puberty at 14 and forcing the brain to reach maturity with those on par with their 30s at infancy,Agoge training and mentor mentoree training etc and all aspects of this entire website.The mythology,folklore of each planet will be developed.Each planet in new and existing science fiction franchises will have each alien race develop different cultures,languages,ethnicities,hundreds or thousands of religions both polytheistic and monotheistic as well as atheism etc with these all developed with holy texts for each created by Assistant AI like Earth.
Furthermore for all franchises feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made for each franchise that are set on each planet and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comedies movies.These will focus on everyday citizens etc and also main character movies can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.The movies of all genres will have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens or hundreds of movies of different genres releated to the franchise..
Plays,musicals,movies,operas etc can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc. that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.This can be replicated with television shows adaptations of video games series such as Halo,Resident Evil.Thus all major fantasy and science fiction series both existing and new will have multiple spin offs set in the same universe that are soap operas,sitcoms,legal/medical/forensics etc dramas etc.
Furthermore official writers and even fans for each franchise will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers within the fictional media universe thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These can be drama,horror,science fiction and adventure themed ones.AI,fans and official writers can create video games,movies and television shows etc that that are made in a way as if they were created by writers in the television shows universe itself that will be uploaded to Dionysus made readily available to the public.This can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the three galaxies using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.These nested movies,television shows and video games can be thrillers,action/adventure,dramas,survival horror,point and click adventure etc would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe nested plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies and television shows focus on everyday citizens can be set on planets across the galaxies but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical periods etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.This will increase new media for new actors and writers etc to be created into almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can create an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon as they will be metafiction that uses the same technology,alien races,groups of humans and aliens planets and reference official characters and include all races across the galaxy etc and mythology of the official series alien races but can allow them to be non cannon adventures.To increase metafictional value these fictional media can be referenced in official spin offs by Assistant AI adding these references with actors,writers and directors etc these fictional movies appearing in spin offs as in universe fictional actors,directors,writers etc.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans creating in universe fictional media as it can include thrillers,horror movies,television shows and video games that doesn’t have be considered canon giving them more creative freedom and include actual historical events or non historical events with it allowing alterations made to official canon history with regards to each race across the galaxy since these types of nested metafiction would be fictional video games,movies and television shows set within a fictional television series universe fictional nested universes as they will be media produced in a way that will be as if created by in universe writers that are media set within the media with these movies,television shows etc following their own separate chronologies and timelines.Horror,fantasy and supernatural themed media can include the different fictional cryptozoology,monsters,legends,supernatural entities,religions(both polytheistic and monotheistic)etc from all in universe races created by writers and Assistant AI as their basis with fantasy themed media using in universe legends,folktales,fairytales as their basis.Even nested found footage movies can be made.In universe celebrities(actors,politicians,poets,explorers)both living and historical can be mentioned and form the basis of them.A matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real and so on into infinity.As a result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new nested media releated to the franchise released every year providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.These nested movies,television shows and video games can involve not only being created by fans of the franchise but also newbie ones but also A-List stars and writers and directors and will each follow their own separate timelines and chronologies separate from each other.Furthermore there will be the option of creating fictional non canon media such as Fanmade television shows,movies and video games that follows alternate timelines similar to Fanmade games with each fan making their own timelines etc.
For all franchises such as Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars etc and so on they can have for them made fake political talk shows and comedy sketch shows similar to Mad Tv,Saturday Night Live,Jimmy Kimmel Live,Oprah,The View,Dr Phil,Real Time with Bill Maher,John Oliver can be created as separate spin offs wuth these episodes lasting 60 minutes and the shows lasting forever with new ones created all the time and them appearing on televisions in each universe .There can be spin offs that detail the lives of these talk show presenters similar to Newsroom.There can be live news channels including those that deal with those that are from each country on Earth,those for Earth and those for each dimension and each country of each member race across the universe that are independent and state owned that are right wing and left wing channels that are spin offs that have news reports created of all major events in the universe and their own separate pundit programmes that feature right wing pundits that express their views on social issues and politics and events fictional talk shows,live news and podcasts within the series that are on YouTube channels as 30-60 minute videos added regularly forever as long as their are spin offs being created with them appearing as snippets in different spin offs on televisions etc with their being spin offs similar to The Newsroom that detail the lives of the news anchors etc and have episodes detailing certain key news reports.These YouTube channels will go on potentially forever as long as their are new spin offs being created.In universe sketch show and documentary programmes could possibly be as 60-120 minute episodes be stored in Dionysus as their own spin off shows that have episodes made routinely with YouTube used to house snippets of them.Several fictional YouTube channels can include either AI or human actors that act as vloggers that make vlogs about their analysis on in show events from live news reports or those not from the reports similar to them.The RationalNational,Nicole Sandlers,Ben Shapiro,Rhandi Rhodes,Secular Talk,For Harriet,My2Cents,ShaneKillian,Computing forever,Laura Chen,Steve Crowder,Jimmy Dore,Reason Tv,The Hill,VICE,Vox,The Young Turks,SSSniperWolf,CinnamonToastKen,Contrapoints,Lindsey Ellis,SargonofAkkad,Styxhexenhammer666,Jimmy Dore,Don’t Walk,Run! Productions,Niko House,EazyonMe etc and other vloggers that use YouTube as a means to broadcast their opinions on current affairs in the universe and reviews to media such as movies,talk shows etc with even fans doing this with these fictional vloggers consisting of people from across the universe of both liberal and conservative leaning as even more metafiction.These talk shows,vlogs,podcasters etc will last forever as the spin offs continue on forever.These fictional vloggers and podcasters can be created by fans,actors,AI etc filmed in VR simulations with them going in forever with new ones set up with them having channels on YouTube that last forever and the fictional vloggers and podcasters videos will appear routinely in episodes of spin offs and will be characters of spin offs etc themselves.The podcasts will appear in Dionysus as a spin off with vlogs on YouTube as official channels with the vloggers and podcasters will be of all human,demon and alien races across the universe of both sides of the political spectrum such as progressives and conservatives and will comment on everyday political events in the franchises universe everyday or at least once a week.The fake in universe vlogs,YouTubers,talk shows,debate shows,news shows,podcasts will comprise of human and all alien and demon species alongside will last potentially forever like the spin offs and movies and the vloggers,pundits etc being characteristic of spin offs,movies etc and will discuss events and nested media that occurs in the franchise with them set up and acted by AI,fans and actors with home AI of humans ensuring they last forever and Ai actors ensure they last forever with new ones set up all the time by AI,actors and fans all the time.Fand of a franchise will be directed to vloggers on YouTube,podcasts abc in universe talk shows ether humans.Ai etc that create this material for specific franchises by the Home AI of the vlogger and Assistant AI as an Assistant Ai all he needs to face check the scripts for each vlog,podcasts and in universe show etc advertising it to people based on demographics on Dionysus and YouTube by them who is watching this meta fictional media can interact l with Adriadne and Thaos to be alerted of new vloggers,podcasters,shows abc sub scribe to them.
Channels on YouTube that are similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience and those calmed by Nature can be created for each franchise such as Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars etc and so on that have tours and ambience still scenes of wilderness areas and cities,towns,villages and archaeological sites in each planet and version of Earth for video games,movies,television shows including live action and animated ones using the official VR programmes of them.These videos abc channels will be managed and created by AI
Non fantasy or science fiction television shows such as existing and new soap operas,dramas as well as military/police/legal/medical and forensics dramas and action shows etc action themed shows across the world and universe will have the option of dozens or thousands of spin offs set across the world and universe in the same canon universe with them of the same or different genre with characters moving back and forth between them.Soap operas can have dozens or thousands of spin offs set across the world and in time universe with the advent of interstellar and intergalactic travel allowing for characters from one spin off to float in and out and move to other spin offs and move back and forth between them as guest and main characters.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points referenced in each.These can also have official movies that are dramas,romantic comedies etc
All spin offs will intergrate real world technologies across the entire website including YouTube,Real world AI,smartphones etc. The economy of the intergalactic government will be a post scarcity,post capitalist moneyless minarcho technocratism similar to the real world as detailed across the entire website with education in military,sciencetific research,space travel and the acquirement of manufactured goods and food as well as how live news,magazines and entertainment etc is produced and acquired through the wire(Demeter,Hepheastus,Dionysus,Pheme etc) with 14 being the new age of majority etc and all real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranous,Dike,Paean,Perseus etc as detailed across the entire website and the detailing of the global and galactic government thus grounding it in reality alongside it referencing the Trump and Biden administrations,War on Terror,9/11 and the Coronavirus pandemic etc and all real world events from 2009-2029 onwards and utilising existing technologies such as Wikipedia,YouTube,smartphones etc developed since between the end of each series and 2029 and all technologies detailed across the entire website such as the energy section,healthcare section,summary of food production and new technologies etc.All aspects of the global government in the real world will be upscaled to this intergalactic entity that is post scarcity,post capitalist moneyless,fully automated minarcho technocratism society extending to all planets the galaxies with all aspects of the real world such as education being modelled on the Agoge and also mentor/mentoree system as well as Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus and Pheme and all facets of the wire and internet in the real world such as Wikipedia,YouTube,Agora,Peitho,Eros,Pandora,Ampelos etc and all new technologies such as aquaponics,smartphones,Nyx,biosynths,CRISPR etc as detailed across the entire website spread across all planets to keep it grounded in reality and all new ones developed in the real world overtime alongside those from the series and new ones developed by writers will be integrated and become ubiquitous to all planets across all three galaxies and the entire wire and internet explained in this website in the real world will play a role as characters keeping it grounded in reality with all aspects of society described in the global government section and the rest of society such as localised agriculture via home,community and vertical farms,manufacturing hubs,automation,AI and biosynths rendering human labour obsolete and the abolishment of both money and capitalism in favour with moneyless minarcho technocratism will be integrated into the show with the global government upscaled to a intergalactic scale as detailed later.All aspects of society such as food production,healthcare,acquisition of manufactured goods,education,energy production,entertainment,mass media and the functioning and structure of the intergalactic entity on all member planets will be as described across the entirety of this website with all technologies from this website including hypothesised ones from the new technologies section.Assistant AI will analyse all facets of this website etc to keep the show up to date.Agriculture practices as detailed by this website in the summary of food production section will be adopted by all planets including invitro meat,plant and animal commodities derived from bacteria,hybrid crops,recirculating aquaculture systems,aquaponics,hydroponics,biosynth machinery,spores that undergo mass replication into crops,algae,localised agriculture via 3D DNA printers and home/community/vertical farms and genetic engineering to expontionally increase crop yields will be utilised to increase agricultural productivity and thus at the same feed large populations across all planets and eliminate famine while allowing all land on all planets used for agriculture to be reforested giving them sizeable wilderness for nature,Agoge trainees and wildlife tours etc and also hiking and camping done by characters with in universe examples of agriculture science integrated into the show and hybridised with real world advances detailed in the summary of food production.For example genes from the plant from P6J-908 that cause it to grow uncontrollably integrated into hybrid plants that create fruits,vegetables and nuts that instead of inedible leaves grow large amounts of leafy greens and fruits etc especially when combined with DNA of F.japonica,P.montana,A.ostoyae thus exponentially increasing productivity from a single plant.Energy sources such as geothermal,fusion,dyson swarms,synthetic fossil fuels and electric vehicles powered by Biosynth batteries as detailed in the energy section will be present
New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers that are set in countries across the world and across all planets across the three galaxies and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.Any member of the public including fans can set up a new television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon as writers and directors of any genre and plot with the Assistant AIs of all spin offs etc interacting with each other and scanning keeping them consistent with all other spin offs etc to ensure they follow the same chronology of events,in universe science and mythology etc established by other spin offs especially “official writers” and that the new spin offs,movies etc new plot points are carried out to and referenced in all existing and new spin offs including being referenced in them.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.Thus any member of the public including fans can set up and create new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canonical series and franchise that follows any plot or is of any genre and is either animated or live action however Assistant AIs will ensure it fits into the official timeline etc and that new additions by them will be part of official canon and mentioned by future spin offs.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others managed by Assistant AIs with them even set in any point of the in universe official timeline with all Assistant AIs interacting with each other to make sure the scripts don’t contradict or retcon all existing media with since they have the freedom to be set in any point of the timeline can reference and chart events that occur in the past or future from the perspective of the new spin offs and movies.This will potentially allow the franchise to last forever as new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canon can be set up by the public including fans all the time set on Earth and any existing and new planets and also ringworlds and alderson discs across the three galaxies and all 200,000,000,000 newly opened up galaxies across the entire universe in any country and city while still maintaining consistency and explore all mentioned and new plot points and themes evenly outside the main macro series.This will allow fans of the franchise to create their own movies,television shows and video games as part of the official canon universe and thus contribute to the franchises official canon narrative universe as actors,writers,directors etc with Assistant AI ensuring everything is canon etc while nested movies,television shows,video games can allow more creative freedom by being fictional non canon media.Thus all new movies and television shows and video games can be set up by members of the public including fans of the franchise that will provide work for millions of new actors,writers etc and will be set in the same timeline and universe as those created by “official” writer.
For franchises that deals with interstellar and interstellar galactic travel spin off television shows either animated or live action,movies and video games can be made that detail the history of each race across the galaxy.The histories,cultures,treatment of women and LGBT individuals,coming of age rituals and religions and legends,folklore etc of each race across each franchises universe will be explored in spin offs television shows,movies and video games.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions..Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Each planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants and them uploaded to Dionysus etc.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoological creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc as well as folktales,fairy tales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley,Robin Hood and fictional comic book characters etc created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each planet will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present. world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of each civilisation.All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet to the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.
Historical databases such as books etc present in Dionysus can be created that chart each planets entire history going back thousands or millions of years in volumes focusing on each country as each planet like Earth each planet would have formed tribes,countries and empires with this done for fans to read through that can be added by AI to Fandom pages.Each planet will have their own historical wars,disasters and terrorist attacks similar to the Titanic,September 11th etc and famous natural disasters etc and events similar to that on Earth and these databases will be created by Assistant AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumed books with these providing the basis for spin offs and movies as well as fictional documentaries etc.The databases will consist of realistic in universe history books,documents,pictures,film reels abc news reports on radio abc live news etc depending on their technological advancements that are uploaded to Dionysus and to allow for Assistant AI to quickly reference them quickly to keep them consistent.
Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each race across the galaxy.Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters that are politicians,researchers,celebrities of all types can be created that form the basis of biopics.Even fake documentaries can be made of these people and historical events multiple times by fans involving actors and fake historians.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.Also video games,television shows and movies can be created that are set on each planet during different time periods that focus on everyday citizens and key historical events.Also legends,folktales etc from each planet will form the basis of movies,video games and spin offs.Fake documentaries series set in the franchise can be made that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians and as characters retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.Fake in university documentaries can be created that detail historical events,races,political characters,celebrities etc of each race both existing and new that include fake archive footage,pictures etc and scenes acted out by actors as well as fake in universe historians.They can also include those made on each in universe characters,historical wars of each race and across the galaxy etc including both existing ones and new ones that arise overtime.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.There also will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be professional ones and will be in Dionysus.Also legends,folktales etc will form the basis of movies andspin offs.All new and existing television shows whether they are science fiction,fantasy etc or even dramas etc and animated shows including the aforementioned ones can follow the same techniques of having dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs, movies and video games that deal with everyday citizens and nested media similar to Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars etc as detailed earlier thus providing work for thousands and millions of new actors with this also applying to spin off television shows derived from movie from the 1970s onwards.
Mythology from across the world such as Christianity,Islam,Judaism,Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism,Zoarastorism,and all polytheistic religions from across the world such as Chinese,Slavic,Celtic,Greek etc Mythology as well as those real world abc fictional alien races and all of tenants,deities and mortals abc artifacts etc can form the basis of the adventures of characters.Real world philosophy such as that Ancient Greece,Immanuel Kant,Friedrich Nietzsche etc and celestial age from this website will form the basis of the adventures of characters,their plots,themes etc either literally or metaphorically and allegorically.Folklore,cryptozoology,mythology of H.P.Lovecraft and internet memes and local mythology such as the Rake,Bigfoot,Loch Ness Monster,The Blair Witch,Count Dracula,Santa Claus,Slenderman,each individual SCPs from the SCP foundation etc and even the zodiac and constellations of the stars could form the basis of their adventures.Vampires,krakens,zombies,pirates,ghosts,witches,shaman,mermaids,elves,spirits,demons,fairies,dragons and other mythological creatures etc including new ones can be indrporated into their adventuress.Famous fairy tales etc such as Arabian Nights,Cinderella,Snow White,Rapunzel,Litle Red Riding Hood,Peter Pan,the Little Mermaid and fairies etc as well as folktales such as Annie Oakley,Paul Bunyan,Johnny Appleseed,Mulan and all types of folklore and local tales etc from around the world and universe can be used as the basis of their adventures literally,metaphorically and allegoricall.
Xenophobia,homophobia,transphobia etc can be explored.The different mythologies,religions,coming of age rituals,holidays and different attitudes with regards to the treatment to women,members of the LGBT and other races and different attitudes with regards to promiscuity,bigamy and concubinage etc of each individual race across the galaxy can be explored in detail.Furthermore the architecture,clothing and other everyday practices of each race can be explored with the terrain,archaeological sites and cities of each planet will be explored with different cities,archaeological sites and geological terrain and wildlife areas on Earth,Bajor,Vulcan.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions similar to Earth.Each religions both monotheistic and polytheistic religions will have legends and parables explored in movies,spin offs and video games that detail them directly or where they are based on these parables wherein a characters journey in modern times or recent or distant past follows the same journey as the legend as a storytelling technique as subtext and allegory or they can form the basis of movies,television shows and video games that use the legends etc as a basis that is dramatic telling of the legend and adaptation into a movie,television show and video games that tells the story of the legend etc itself.Each planet will have different polytheistic religions for each region and country similar to Earth that will feature dozens or hundreds of male and female gods,Demi gods,monsters and fictional mortals detailed in legends created and holy texts and hieroglyphics etc by Assistant AI and writers that will mentioned and detailed in movies and spin offs with temples etc built for them on each planet.These legends and deities etc can be used in official and fanmade games especially Fanmade games of Tomb Raider and the shows including those that are crossovers.Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists.All polytheistic religions will consist of panthenons of male and female gods with LGBT gods and mortals etc similar to Ancient Greece and Norse mythology with them including religious synchronisation with each culture having different panthenons that have different personalities and names but associated with those across the world and them each having large amounts of detailed legends created that will be present in scrolls,hieroglyphic illustrations in temples,multiple holy texts similar to and their own languages.Each planet will have their version of celestial consisting of Tarit cards.their version of the Mayan religion and its calender and version of Yugas from their version of Hinduism that share the sane characteristics of each other ie prophecies that will come true etc all detailed in the philosophy section of this website.All monotheistic religions will have a mixture of male patriarchal singular gods,female matriarchal singular gods as well as genderless ,haemophroditic and transgender gods etc.Each planet and trace will have adherents to the different monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists and agnostics planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions both polytheistic and monotheistic would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas etc in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length for monotheistic religions that have a single male,female,gender less,haemophrolditic or transgendered deity with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and all components of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.Temples,archaeological sites that are both ruins and those still used by living followers will be created for each planet both homeworlds and those colonised by them and them explored by fans in video games and official VR programmes.All facets of these different religions such as pantheons,archaeological sites,holy texts etc will be created by human writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus with illustrations and written in the planets native language to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.Neural implants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc
Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoologicsl creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc and folktales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,Robin Hood,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each human occupied planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each human occupied planet and those of alien races will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.Each of the planets across the galaxies different human cultures will thus have their religions both polytheistic and monotheistic alongside prophecies and folklore etc developed by writers and AI.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race across the galaxy and universe will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have a mixture of polytheistic religions and monotheistic ones and also atheists.
Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present.Real world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in the philosophy section of this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of the galaxies different races.Film and television spin offs can be devoted to religious themes that features characters of different religions of the galaxy including Christianity,Judaism,Islam and just themselves and those of the different alien races across the galaxy.These can focus on members of each religion interacting with each other including extremist and less radicle members and also liberal and conservative members.Religious themes can be thus explored detailing Earth based religions and those of all races across the galaxy
Each planet will have different arrangements of stars present due to their location thus giving them different zodiac signs and constellations modelled in local mythology and those from Ancient civilisations on Earth including those derived from native legends and animals etc with these like on Earth used as horoscopes by citizens with some planets sharing constellations from each other,Earth and other planets based on their location and distance from each other.Also developed will be different calenders.Each planet will have other planets in their solar system similar to size,distance etc to Mars,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn etc again used in horscopes and their versions of astrology referenced in movies,spin offs and video games.Also developed for each planet will be different calenders and versions of the zodiac,constellations and horoscopes and mythology derived from them.The arrangement of stars in each solar system will correlate with those in other solar systems in each galaxy and thus Constellations,stars etc will be different when viewed from another planet.These from planet sized maps will be integrated into galaxy and universe sized maps with AI thus designing the layout of stars in each galaxy to create constellations and zodiacs for each planets.
Each alien race across the galaxy and universe will have different coming of age rituals similar to and different from Earth and different holidays,festivals derived from the seasons,mythology etc.Each with planet will have different languages and languages that will be used in spin offs with subtitles and the sentient Coeus translating with each planet possibly having thousands of languages like Earth each with different dialects,idioms they will also have different sports,architecture,coming of age rituals,cuisines etc but they will also have different variations of these on each country implant to Earth and memetics.Each race will to prevent homogenisation as already seen in the current series with them having an overall arching culture with respect to architecture,clothing,religion etc but like Earth each region,continent and country will have developed their own sub cultures.
All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,prophecies,folklore,nursery rhymes,Cryptozoology,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe books,documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet present in Dionysus and stored in the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.Tarot cards etc can be present in in universe books that detail the meaning of the Tarot with their being two official Tarot decks similar to Rider-Waite deck with their own in universe version of Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith that has its own named cards with symbolic illustrations different to our real world version that still follows the Heroes Journey monomyth and also a second deck modelled on it that has similar but different names and illustrations again following the Heroes Journey created by individuals similar to Aleister Crowley and Lady Frida Harris.Both tarot card decks will first be created in two separate historical books that show each individual one’s illustrations in great detail across individual pages and then more pages that detail their meaning and symbolism with these books stored in Dionysus and the separate decks created in the cards section with all other real world tarot cards.Different versions of planet Earth with humans or planets different from Earth where humans evolved on for different franchises will have humans themselves different cultural practices,polytheistic and monotheistic religions,tarot cards and components of celestial age and not just those for aliens with within these franchises each sentient alien race will have different components of celestial age.Neural mplants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc.All of these facets can be created for television shows and movie adaptations of video games franchises as detailed below and will be called the species cultural index.
Each planet will be designed entirely by the AI Iphegina as planet sized arenas that will be saved as separate simulations that everytime they are used in each spin off can be accessed with copies made to deal with different spin offs being filmed at once.These VR planets will be the same size as real Earth sized planets that can be fully explored by actors,writers etc with these maps saved on hard drives etc and then utilised for video games based on the franchise including the official MMO.Furthermore each planet can have Phanes design whole taxonomic ranks of completely unique and alien plants and animals giving them unique non human animals and plants to be explored in the MMO and also episodes of each spin off in detail.AI namely Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals giving each planet unique terrain,wildlife etc completely different from Earth.These will contain all towns,villages and cities and temples,archaeological sites and wilderness areas including new ones discovered over the course of all media.They will be used for producing all movies.television shows including live action and animated ones and video games.Directors and writers will through neural implants using pure thought aid AI in creating all terrain and plants and animals.Towns,cities and villages will be designed by AI and writers.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme on a sub network of Dionysus that is used over and over again by actors and directors of each spin off and movie and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet in the universe of each science fiction and fantasy media can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.This map programme of each planet and if possible the entire universe will be used for all spin offs with it stored in a sub network of Dionysus to be copied,downloaded and used for each spin off by writers and actors etc as well as by the public including fans creating fanmade video games,Fanmade movies and tv shows etc as well as VR tours of cities and wilderness areas similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience,urban exploration videos and also by fans for use in carrying out pastimes and for Bacchus.Video games both official and fanmade of these and other shows can be made similar to Tex Murphy,World of Warcraft,The Longest Journey,Tomb Raider,Sim City,Mirrors Edge,Command and Conquer,Grand Theft Auto,Doom,Mass Effect,Metal Gear Solid,Dead Space that chart the events depicted in the series, and also distant past of each series.Characters will be humans and aliens that are military personnel,researchers,archeologists and everyday citizens.
New vloggers,talk shows and live news stations can be set up all the time for all franchises with AI keeping all existing ones on all the time.
All existing and new characters from each spin off series and movie will also be floating in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,main characters,guest stars,secondary characters etc.For example a reccuring or one episode character from one spin off that is an action orientated show will be one of the main characters from another show including soap operas with main characters from the previous three shows changing roles as main characters,reccuring characters and even guest stars and cameos of all spin offs of all genres.All characters in the universe from existing shows of the series and those from each new movie,video game and television show spin off will float in and out of each spin off show playing the same character but as different level of roles ie changing from a main character to reccuring characters or simply guest star and cameos in all future spin offs of all genres.Characters will float in and out each spin off television show,video game and movie as main characters for a few seasons or it’s entirety and then be guest secondary characters or minor characters for any of the other spin offs with if a spin off ends the characters in it can moved to being secondary or main characters in other spin offs with characters moving back and forth between each spin off.All new and existing characters will float in and out of each spin off and movie as cameos,guest stars and reccuring characters or even main characters.
New television shows can use different storytelling techniques such as in media res etc with if possible there is the option of television shows have each episode be at least 120 minutes long rather ths 30-60 minutes as since being uploaded to Dionysus they can be as long as full feature movies.Each major movie series can have television show spin offs set in the sane universe that carry on from the end of the show.
As stated television shows can be made of movies such as Alien,Aliens,Alien Ressurection,Star Wars,The Lord of the Rings,Friday the 13th,Mad Max,Cabin in the Woods,Scream and also that of existing operas,musicals and plays again exponentionally increasing the amount of entertainment from each media franchises that follow dozens of chronological timelines.Television spin offs,musicals,operas and plays can expand upon the universe of all major horror,science fiction and fantasy movies both singular stand alone titles and franchises.There can be television shows either animated or live action made of movie series such as Ghost In the Shell,The Karate Kid,Twilight,Lord of the Rings,Blade,Top Gun,Conan the Barbarian,Blade Runner,Total Recall,The Matrix,Aliens,Aliens Vs Predator,The Never Ending Story,The Terminator,Labyrinth,Mad Max,Scream,Hellraiser,Cabin In the Woods,Aliens etc and all major science fiction,horror,action and fantasy movie series of the 1970s,1980s,1990s and 2000s and later.All existing and new science fiction,action and fantasy movies can have television show spin offs as part of the official canon that are animated or live action television shows can be made.These can follow the official timeline of their movies.
In either case they can like Stargate,Star Wars,Star Trek have a macro series that focuses on main entities or characters and dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs that focus on the lives of average citizens set in countries across the world like Ireland,Japan etc in the franchises universes and also detail historical events etc and nested media..Any member of the public can set up their own spin offs that follow the official timeline.Movies,video games and television shows will be created that detail the lives of everyday citizens in countries across the world and planets across the galaxies and also events in the distant past etc and carry on the official timeline.New television show spin offs,plays,operas,musicals,video games and movies will be set up all of the time by new writers that are set in countries across the world and across all planets across the three galaxies and this will provide work for potentially thousands or millions of new actors and writers with Assistant AIs of all projects interacting with each other to ensure consistency.All spin offs,movies and video games will be set in the same chronological timeline and official universe with all Assistant AIs of each project interacting with each other and entries in etc keeping track of all concurrent scripts ensuring they are consistent and dont retcon,contradict themselves and allow events that take place in one media to be referenced in another and allow characters to float in and out of each other.Any member of the public including fans can set up a new television show spin offs,movies and video games as part of the official canon as writers and directors of any genre and plot with the Assistant AIs of all spin offs etc interacting with each other and scanning keeping them consistent with all other spin offs etc to ensure they follow the same chronology of events,in universe science and mythology etc established by other spin offs especially “official writers” and that the new spin offs,movies etc new plot points are carried out to and referenced in all existing and new spin offs including being referenced in them.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.Thus any member of the public including fans can set up and create new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canonical series and franchise that follows any plot or is of any genre and is either animated or live action however Assistant AIs will ensure it fits into the official timeline etc and that new additions by them will be part of official canon and mentioned by future spin offs.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points that take place in one spin off and movie etc can be referenced in others managed by Assistant AIs with them even set in any point of the in universe official timeline with all Assistant AIs interacting with each other to make sure the scripts don’t contradict or retcon all existing media with since they have the freedom to be set in any point of the timeline can reference and chart events that occur in the past or future from the perspective of the new spin offs and movies.This will potentially allow the franchise to last forever as new television show spin offs,video games and movies as part of the official canon can be set up by the public including fans all the time set on Earth and any existing and new planets and also ringworlds and alderson discs across the three galaxies and all 200,000,000,000 newly opened up galaxies across the entire universe in any country and city while still maintaining consistency and explore all mentioned and new plot points and themes evenly outside the main macro series.This will allow fans of the franchise to create their own movies,television shows and video games as part of the official canon universe and thus contribute to the franchises official canon narrative universe as actors,writers,directors etc with Assistant AI ensuring everything is canon etc while nested movies,television shows,video games can allow more creative freedom by being fictional non canon media.Thus all new movies and television shows and video games can be set up by members of the public including fans of the franchise that will provide work for millions of new actors,writers etc and will be set in the same timeline and universe as those created by “official” writers.All major fantasy and science fictions can have television shows made.There could also be Fanmade spin offs that are not canon and not part of the timeline especially Fanmade games.With regards to Cabin in the Woods it being a television shows that is set before the events of the movie detailing the annual sacrifice taking place in other countries including those mentioned in the movie and other ones where the monster wins by killing off all sacrifices including those mentioned and shown briefly in the movie in the movie taking place before the movie also a series set in the cabin that the movie took place in prior to its events where each set of monsters is set loose over the course of each episode lasting a hour or several episodes each lasting an hour as part of a few mini seasons or entire season and successfully kills off each group of teenage victims thus showing each individual monster summoned from its specific item from different groups of sacrifices and then killing the sacrifices off one by one in inventive ways and also taking place at the same time will be spin offs then detailing all monsters and sacrifices across the world before and during the events of the movie that take place at the same time including those featured briefly in the movie and then one seasons episode ending with the scene at the start of movie where the characters from the movie arrive.The spin off set in the Cabin can last several seasons and each season have an arc focusing on the background staff from the movie,sacrifices and also different monsters.The seasons can each cover each individual monster over the span of 10-20 episodes each taking place one year after another or each season can be an hour long and focus on each individual monster being summoned each year with if possible each story with each monster lasting two or three hour long episodes.This can apply with sacrifices taking place across the world with them charted in different spin offs for each country with different countries having different regional monsters and also different character tropes for the sacrifices and different summoning spells and the last season have its last episodes take place during the events of the movie that details the monsters being defeated and killed off.After this the next spin offs starting with events detailing the release of all monsters and the old ones into Earth thus taking place straight after the events of the movie and dealing with humanity surviving and battling against the monsters and old ones in the similar vein as The Walking Dead,Supernatural hybridised together consisting of average citizens and also a global entity that carried out the sacrifices worldwide every year.The seasons set before the movie would have the monsters and sacrifices as main characters but also the background staff at the facility including those from the movie with the same actors detailing their analysis of the sacrifices and their betting and also their favourite monsters etc and them acting as a framing device or side plot with their being a overarching plot with regards to the monsters,sacrifices and background staff but in some cases in both the Cabin and those set across the world one or two of the human sacrifices manages to escape with that set after the movie including new characters and anyone of the main cast who survived.Other spin offs can be set in different countries in different sacrifices involving local monsters and different conditions including those shown in the movie and those not shown in the movie with regards to these and that set in the actual Cabin since only one successful sacrifice worldwide is needed then some seasons set in each country have all or some humans survive.Other movies can be adapted into television shows that include official ones and fanmade ones with official ones set in the same universe as the movie that give more detail in terms of plot,backstory,character developments with them spanning at least ten seasons with all seasons set before,during and after the movies and also in between certain movies with if possible the entire run of the show set during different points such as some seasons set before the events of the first film,some seasons set during the movies events,another set after it and other films that have multiple installements the different seasons set during each movie instalments.This use of adapting movies and film series into television shows can be done to expand on the universe mythology etc,add new characters,develop characters that couldn’t be developed in the movie as well as develop ideas and concepts of the movie that wasn’t present and also for movie franchises such as Star Wars that have lore spanning decades,centuries or even thousands of years have these explored in depth over the course of multiple television shows possibly hundreds of television series each with as much as 10-20 seasons following season specific arcs and character development fleshing out the characters and their history and the backstory of the Star Wars.
The Alien franchise could have television shows and video games done of the discovery of the Xenomorphs prior to the first movies,be set during the destruction of Hadleys Hope on LV-426,set after the main quadrilogy and so in even set before and in between the Prometheus movies and the first quadrilogy and between them and after them to expand upon the universe.Television shows can also be made of the Alien,Predator franchises and other horror and science fiction franchises.Television shows can be made of books,comic books and plays,operas etc
.The Terminator can have television shows set in the post apocalyptic future and include human resistant fighters creating their own mass produced benevolent AI and robot fighters that helps them fight against Skynet and take back Earth and bioremediating it.There will be spin offs set in countries across Earth such as Ireland,America,Japan etc with groups of humans that are connected to each other through internet like systems with them using aquaponics,in vitro meat,geothermal,micro gas turbines and bacteria based oil and gas etc to survive and have each part of the world have different level of damage with the spin offs linked to each other and have characters move from each colony to the next and focus on relationships with each other.Predator can have spin offs set in different planets across the galaxy focusing on the hunts of different generations of the species including in Earth
.Blade Runner can have its own series of spin offs that deals with relations with humans and other humans as well as replicants and blade runners that set in countries across the world such as America,Japan,Ireland etc and also on other planets a cross the galaxy and deal with racism against AI and replicants with characters being replicants,humans and blade runners etc and involve non human alien races across the galaxy.Television shows of Ghost In the Shell,The Karate Kid,Twilight,Lord of the Rings,Blade,Top Gun,Conan the Barbarian,Blade Runner,Total Recall,The Matrix,Aliens,Aliens Vs Predator,The Never Ending Story,Labyrinth,Mad Max,Scream,Hellraiser,Cabin In the Woods,Aliens etc will be set in the same universe as the movies and detail events in the past prior to the events of the film or after the film and have spin offs set across the world that detail the struggles of everyday citizens.There can also spin offs that detail the history of each series
James Bond can have it’s own television series that details his adventures when dealing with different terrorist threats and when interstellar travel is possible alien threats.M,Q,Moneypenny will be present with there being different Bond Girls per season or ocassionslly.Modesty Blaise,Aeon Flux,Austin Powers etc can have their own television shows.The Prisoner,Mission Impossible,The Avengers and all major spy shows from the 1960s etc can be restarted with modern settings especially with interstellar travel.These will last for several years if not a decade with sequel shows set in the sane universe started every few years.
.The Lord of the Rings universe particularly the movies can have like Star Wars can have multiple television shows,movies and even video games charting the entire history of Middle Earth before the events of the book the movies are based on and also events taking place after them including The Simarillion with similar fantasy movies and books such as Harry Potter having television shows and extra movies linked together with Any movies or television shows that have comics can be adapted into television shows.Game of Thrones,The Lord of the Rings,Harry Potter etc and similar fantasy themed shows,movies etc can have the option of spin offs etc that detail key events of the universes history and those that focus on everyday citizens.The Harry Potter universe can have television shows set in countries across the human world and Wizard world desling with both humans and wizards especially once the existence of Wizards,Hogwarts and the magical world becomes common knowledge to the humans in the human world.There can be themes of racism etc with these being dramas.sitcoms,action shows.
There can be television shows of all novels,books,comic books and live performance art of all types such as plays,musicals and operas etc with these television shows can be either live action or animated and can use all living original actors from the movies playing them on live action with them recording lines or acting out scenes in an animated VR simulation with dead actors played by AI using their avatar and voice.In all cases some seasons of each separate television shows could jump ahead a few years,decades or even centuries etc with official authorised video games developed to act as extra material to further expand the lore etc that can’t be done in television shows.Science fiction,fantasy and horror movies will benefit greatly and allow for deeper overreaching plots and more time to focus on the development of characters.
Each new animated movie as well as existing animated movies from Pixar,Disney etc that didn’t have television adaptions and made into animated series will have these created.Spin off and fanmade movies can be made of all major movies and television shows series that are the same as video games that show events from the perspective of a secondary character,are set in parallel universes,deal with events in the distant past with secondary characters having their own film series with some movies detailing the lives of ordinary people in their universe.All major movie franchises both past and future can like video games have fanmade movies made and them follow their own timelines in parallel universes.They can also be made into television series with television series either live action and animated made of all existing and future movies and movie franchises similar to Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles,Buffy,Stargate SG-1 that carry on the lore and explore events in the past and in between movies.
Television shows can be made of movies and novels,comic books etc such as Watchmen,The Lord of the Rings,Predator,Aliens,Harry Potter with dozens of spin offs with diffferent genres.Television shows can be made of any series of novels especially fantasy and science fiction series that are direct adaptations or those set in the same universe with multiple spin offs of different genres.Musicals and operas and plays can be made of all existing movies just like how musicals,plays,operas can be adapted into movies and television shows and books.Television shows of all genres can have movies made of them as well.These television shows will be either animated and live action
Remakes can be made of movies and entire series of them especially comedies,science fiction,fantasy and horror ones those that are critically panned by vloggers on YouTube,Momus and critics from newspapers and magazines etc across the internet and Pheme especially those from the 1940s-2020s will be remade that have low critical reception.They can be remade by fans or people who disliked certain aspects thus allowing for better special effects,better character development and backstory,better plots and subtext.Similar to video games,fanmade movies and television shows can be produced of all existing and new movies and television shows and movies with them set in alternate timelines as per the multiverse theory wherein the follow alternate timelines and chronologies with new and different actors.These can involve science fiction,horror and fantasy shows.This may lead to dozens,hundreds or thousands of timelines..It will involve fans of a film or television show franchise can create their own television shows and movies set in alternate timelines or paralell universe that explore the franchise in unique ways with different actors similar to Fanmade Fanmade games.Video games of these can then created.
All future spin offs of all existing and new science fiction and fantasy television series that are part of the canon of movies especially those set in the future will integrate aspects of the wire ie Hepheastus,Demeter,Dionysus etc as well as recent modern technologies ie CRISPR,anti-ageing treatments,augmentations,3D DNA printers and smartphones and all technologies across this websites especially the new technologies section and also websites such as YouTube,Wikipedia etc to ground them in reality.Those set in the future and in parallel versions of Earth especially Superheroe,science fiction etc one’s integrating smartphones,Wikipedia abc YouTube etc.They will have thousands of spin offs set in countries across the world that desk with the lives of everyday characters that any member of the public can set up with them focusing on LGBT themes etc
Television shows can be made that are set in the same canon universe as movies of all types that focus on the adventures of the characters after the end of the movie with this applying to movies that are dramas,science fiction and fantasy etc movies.Movie franchises with multiple instalments can have television shows as part of the canon set before or after and in between each instalment.All existing and new animated movies will have television show spin offs created set in the same canon universe with this applying to existing movies that had no television spin offs and all new ones.New movies as part of the canon franchise can be created that are part of the same timeline as the original movies and new spin off television series.Video games can also be made that are part of the canon universe
For franchises that deals with interstellar and interstellar galactic travel spin off television shows either animated or live action,movies and video games can be made that detail the history of each race across the galaxy.The histories,cultures,treatment of women and LGBT individuals,coming of age rituals and religions and legends,folklore etc of each race across each franchises universe will be explored in spin offs television shows,movies and video games.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions..Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Each planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants and them uploaded to Dionysus etc.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoological creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc as well as folktales,fairy tales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley,Robin Hood and fictional comic book characters etc created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each planet will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present. world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of each civilisation.All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet to the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.
Historical databases such as books etc present in Dionysus can be created that chart each planets entire history going back thousands or millions of years in volumes focusing on each country as each planet like Earth each planet would have formed tribes,countries and empires with this done for fans to read through that can be added by AI to Fandom pages.Each planet will have their own historical wars,disasters and terrorist attacks similar to the Titanic,September 11th etc and famous natural disasters etc and events similar to that on Earth and these databases will be created by Assistant AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumed books with these providing the basis for spin offs and movies as well as fictional documentaries etc.The databases will consist of realistic in universe history books,documents,pictures,film reels abc news reports on radio abc live news etc depending on their technological advancements that are uploaded to Dionysus and to allow for Assistant AI to quickly reference them quickly to keep them consistent.
Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each race across the galaxy.Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters that are politicians,researchers,celebrities of all types can be created that form the basis of biopics.Even fake documentaries can be made of these people and historical events multiple times by fans involving actors and fake historians.Also video games,television shows and movies can be created that are set on each planet during different time periods that focus on everyday citizens and key historical events.Also legends,folktales etc from each planet will form the basis of movies,video games and spin offs.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.
Fake documentaries series set in the franchise can be made that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians and as characters retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.Fake in university documentaries can be created that detail historical events,races,political characters,celebrities etc of each race both existing and new that include fake archive footage,pictures etc and scenes acted out by actors as well as fake in universe historians.They can also include those made on each in universe characters,historical wars of each race and across the galaxy etc including both existing ones and new ones that arise overtime.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.There also will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be professional ones and will be in Dionysus.Also legends,folktales etc will form the basis of movies andspin offs.All new and existing television shows whether they are science fiction,fantasy etc or even dramas etc and animated shows including the aforementioned ones can follow the same techniques of having dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs, movies and video games that deal with everyday citizens and nested media similar to Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars etc as detailed earlier thus providing work for thousands and millions of new actors with this also applying to spin off television shows derived from movie from the 1970s onwards.
Mythology from across the world such as Christianity,Islam,Judaism,Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism,Zoarastorism,and all polytheistic religions from across the world such as Chinese,Slavic,Celtic,Greek etc Mythology as well as those real world abc fictional alien races and all of tenants,deities and mortals abc artifacts etc can form the basis of the adventures of characters.Real world philosophy such as that Ancient Greece,Immanuel Kant,Friedrich Nietzsche etc and celestial age from this website will form the basis of the adventures of characters,their plots,themes etc either literally or metaphorically and allegorically.Folklore,cryptozoology,mythology of H.P.Lovecraft and internet memes and local mythology such as the Rake,Bigfoot,Loch Ness Monster,The Blair Witch,Count Dracula,Santa Claus,Slenderman,each individual SCPs from the SCP foundation etc and even the zodiac and constellations of the stars could form the basis of their adventures.Vampires,krakens,zombies,pirates,ghosts,witches,shaman,mermaids,elves,spirits,demons,fairies,dragons and other mythological creatures etc including new ones can be indrporated into their adventuress.Famous fairy tales etc such as Arabian Nights,Cinderella,Snow White,Rapunzel,Litle Red Riding Hood,Peter Pan,the Little Mermaid and fairies etc as well as folktales such as Annie Oakley,Paul Bunyan,Johnny Appleseed,Mulan and all types of folklore and local tales etc from around the world and universe can be used as the basis of their adventures literally,metaphorically and allegoricall.
Xenophobia,homophobia,transphobia etc can be explored.The different mythologies,religions,coming of age rituals,holidays and different attitudes with regards to the treatment to women,members of the LGBT and other races and different attitudes with regards to promiscuity,bigamy and concubinage etc of each individual race across the galaxy can be explored in detail.Furthermore the architecture,clothing and other everyday practices of each race can be explored with the terrain,archaeological sites and cities of each planet will be explored with different cities,archaeological sites and geological terrain and wildlife areas on each planet.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions similar to Earth.Each religions both monotheistic and polytheistic religions will have legends and parables explored in movies,spin offs and video games that detail them directly or where they are based on these parables wherein a characters journey in modern times or recent or distant past follows the same journey as the legend as a storytelling technique as subtext and allegory or they can form the basis of movies,television shows and video games that use the legends etc as a basis that is dramatic telling of the legend and adaptation into a movie,television show and video games that tells the story of the legend etc itself.Each planet will have different polytheistic religions for each region and country similar to Earth that will feature dozens or hundreds of male and female gods,Demi gods,monsters and fictional mortals detailed in legends created and holy texts and hieroglyphics etc by Assistant AI and writers that will mentioned and detailed in movies and spin offs with temples etc built for them on each planet.These legends and deities etc can be used in official and fanmade games especially Fanmade games of Tomb Raider and the shows including those that are crossovers.Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists.All polytheistic religions will consist of panthenons of male and female gods with LGBT gods and mortals etc similar to Ancient Greece and Norse mythology with them including religious synchronisation with each culture having different panthenons that have different personalities and names but associated with those across the world and them each having large amounts of detailed legends created that will be present in scrolls,hieroglyphic illustrations in temples,multiple holy texts similar to and their own languages.Each planet will have their version of celestial consisting of Tarit cards.their version of the Mayan religion and its calender and version of Yugas from their version of Hinduism that share the sane characteristics of each other ie prophecies that will come true etc all detailed in the philosophy section of this website.All monotheistic religions will have a mixture of male patriarchal singular gods,female matriarchal singular gods as well as genderless ,haemophroditic and transgender gods etc.Each planet and trace will have adherents to the different monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists and agnostics planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions both polytheistic and monotheistic would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas etc in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length for monotheistic religions that have a single male,female,gender less,haemophrolditic or transgendered deity with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and all components of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.Temples,archaeological sites that are both ruins and those still used by living followers will be created for each planet both homeworlds and those colonised by them and them explored by fans in video games and official VR programmes.All facets of these different religions such as pantheons,archaeological sites,holy texts etc will be created by human writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus with illustrations and written in the planets native language to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.Neural implants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc
Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoologicsl creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc and folktales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,Robin Hood,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each human occupied planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each human occupied planet and those of alien races will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.Each of the planets across the galaxies different human cultures will thus have their religions both polytheistic and monotheistic alongside prophecies and folklore etc developed by writers and AI.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race across the galaxy and universe will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have a mixture of polytheistic religions and monotheistic ones and also atheists.
Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present.Real world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in the philosophy section of this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of the galaxies different races.Film and television spin offs can be devoted to religious themes that features characters of different religions of the galaxy including Christianity,Judaism,Islam and just themselves and those of the different alien races across the galaxy.These can focus on members of each religion interacting with each other including extremist and less radicle members and also liberal and conservative members.Religious themes can be thus explored detailing Earth based religions and those of all races across the galaxy
Each planet will have different arrangements of stars present due to their location thus giving them different zodiac signs and constellations modelled in local mythology and those from Ancient civilisations on Earth including those derived from native legends and animals etc with these like on Earth used as horoscopes by citizens with some planets sharing constellations from each other,Earth and other planets based on their location and distance from each other.Also developed will be different calenders.Each planet will have other planets in their solar system similar to size,distance etc to Mars,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn etc again used in horscopes and their versions of astrology referenced in movies,spin offs and video games.Also developed for each planet will be different calenders and versions of the zodiac,constellations and horoscopes and mythology derived from them.The arrangement of stars in each solar system will correlate with those in other solar systems in each galaxy and thus Constellations,stars etc will be different when viewed from another planet.These from planet sized maps will be integrated into galaxy and universe sized maps with AI thus designing the layout of stars in each galaxy to create constellations and zodiacs for each planets.
Each alien race across the galaxy and universe will have different coming of age rituals similar to and different from Earth and different holidays,festivals derived from the seasons,mythology etc.Each with planet will have different languages and languages that will be used in spin offs with subtitles and the sentient Coeus translating with each planet possibly having thousands of languages like Earth each with different dialects,idioms they will also have different sports,architecture,coming of age rituals,cuisines etc but they will also have different variations of these on each country implant to Earth and memetics.Each race will to prevent homogenisation as already seen in the current series with them having an overall arching culture with respect to architecture,clothing,religion etc but like Earth each region,continent and country will have developed their own sub cultures.
All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,prophecies,folklore,nursery rhymes,Cryptozoology,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe books,documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet present in Dionysus and stored in the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.Tarot cards etc can be present in in universe books that detail the meaning of the Tarot with their being two official Tarot decks similar to Rider-Waite deck with their own in universe version of Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith that has its own named cards with symbolic illustrations different to our real world version that still follows the Heroes Journey monomyth and also a second deck modelled on it that has similar but different names and illustrations again following the Heroes Journey created by individuals similar to Aleister Crowley and Lady Frida Harris.Both tarot card decks will first be created in two separate historical books that show each individual one’s illustrations in great detail across individual pages and then more pages that detail their meaning and symbolism with these books stored in Dionysus and the separate decks created in the cards section with all other real world tarot cards.Neural mplants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc
All old existing television shows of the 1960s-2000s can be restarted such as Miami Vice,Knight Rider,The Golden Girls,Quantum Leap,Murder She Wrote,Bracken,The Riordans,Young Indiana Jones,Young Hercules:The Legendary Journeys,Xena:Warrior Princess,Blossom,Charlie’s Angels,The A-Team etc can be rebooted in a modern setting.Those of all alien races will also be restarted.
These can be set in the same universe set in the present day following the same character or they can focus on new characters but be set in the same timeline and universe with new lead characters but have old original characters mentioned or featured as guest stars or even reccuring and secondary characters.They ideally will not be reboots but rather new shows set in the same universe and timeline that follows our real world universes timeline such as them adopting a post scarcity moneyless society.Thus they will be sequel series that are set in the same universes as the original show but they will continue on years of decades later with events and plot points from the original show mentioned and carried onto them.Characters will be new ones with original characters mentioned if the actors are dead with the new characters being some,daughters,nephews of grandchildren of the original characters etc or folding their footsteps etc.
Reboots of a series can be made of sequel series at the same time as sequel series and them set in alternate parallel universe with thrm involving original characters who are either set in modern times
Those that focus on crime will be set in alternate universe with a capitalist system or they can be set in our version of reality and focus on remaining crimes.
Cancelled shows will be restarted with for example The Newsroom can be restarted and set during 2015-2029 that covers events since it cancellation.New anthology shows can be started across the world can be created.
All existing science fiction and horror anthology shows like The Outer Limits,Monsters,Night Visions,Are You Afraid of the Dark,Creepshow,Tales from the Crypt,The Twilight Zone etc and all other horror anthology series from across the world and universe can be restarted and run for as long as possible or have new iterations starting every once and a while with each iteration lasting at least 10-30 seasons with them through VR technology and its time dilation effect create whole runs of them that allow 200 episodes divided into 10 seasons to be uploaded at once.Like the 1995 version of the The Outer Limits some episodes can be set in the same universe with characters moving in and out and some events mentioned.The episode can due to premiering on Dionysus be between 60-120 minutes long with them at least 120 minutes long to fully flesh out the characters and plot.The Assistant AI will be making sure each episode is flawless and had subtext,allegory and depth with them starting not only Newbie actors but also well established A-List actors and Hollywood directors and writers write them with different countries across the world having their own anthology shows and versions of these shows set in their native countries.Adriadne will start up new science fiction,horror and fantasy themed anthology shows across the world for each country.New anthology shows can be created that are not solely of the science fiction and horror genre with even anthology shows that are drama,fantasy etc themed.The single episodes for each of these existing and new anthology shows can be used as a baseline for television shows that last at least 10 seasons set in the past,present and future that flesh out each individual world.
Classic cartoons such as Tom & Jerry,Gargoyles,Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers,Daffy Duck,Mickey Mouse,Spawn,The Jetsons,Scooby Doo,Loony Toons,Animaniacs etc will also be restarted.AI will make a list of all television shows including animated ones from the 1960s-2000s from around the world to be restarted by 2029.Those of all alien races will also be restarted.
Long running animated satirical shows such as South Park,The Simpsons,Family Guy,American Dad can continue forever.If the writers or actors die then AI can play the role of voice actors using there voice thus keeping original characters with Assistant AI aiding new writers in keeping in the shows tone,satirical edge etc of the original writers of the golden years of the show by analysing YouTube videos that critique the show.These can have dozens of spin offs of different genres set across the world with their being spin offs of these for each country across the world that satirises each countries culture and pop culture with them set in the sane universe and them featuring characters that float in and out.
Television shows,movies,short movies both live action and animated of different animation styles and even live performance art such as operas,plays,musicals etc can be made of video games of all major series such Resident Evil,Sonic the Hedgehog,Deus Ex,Cyberpunk,Doom,Gears of War,The Longest Journey,Perfect Dark,Tomb Raider,Crash Bandicoot,Fallout,Silent Hill,Halo,Onimusha Warlords,Assasins Creed,Metal Gear Solid,Super Mario,Super Metroid,Grand Theft Auto,Zelda,Mass Effect or indeed all existing major video games and all new ones that follow dozens of different shows and movies that follow either the official canon universe to again increase the expanded universe exponentionally that follow the canon universe set in the past,present and future or viewpoints of supporting characters etc or set in parallel universes made by fans that follow fanmade timelines separate from the official canon created by fans.These can be either live action or animated with the Assistant AI ensuring that the media produced is of high quality with there being official series and fanmade series following different timelines like fanmade games.Feature films of these and other series will be either live action and animated with the Assistant AI ensuring that high quality media are being produced.Both official and fanmade series and movies can be used as the basis of fanmade and official video games.This means well renowned directors can create movies and television shows of all existing and new video games uploaded to Dionysus but at the same time fans of these video games themselves using VR technology will be able to make their own series of movies and television shows with the same high standard of special effects and sets etc of their favourite video games.All existing video game franchises can have both movies and television shows produced that are official and canon versions and fanmade spin offs that chart the immense history and lore of them with this applying to all new video game franchises.There can be also dozens,hundreds and thousands of separate spin off dramas,soap opera/drama etc,legal and medical drama and military and law enforcement drama/action shows and criminal investigation,science fiction and action exploration shows,sitcoms and comedies universe set in each franchises universe with them focusing on the main characters and also the lives of everyday people of all sentient races across the universe and those that focus on historical events and biopics.They can also as part of those of official canon chart historical events not present in the games such as backstories of each major character in the video game series and also events that took place in the past such as the alternate versions of Earth history from 1990-2029 and beyond to the present day of the games in the 2500s or later and during the events of each games and detailing important events in their timeline and set after the games.They can be also adaptations of games charting events that took place in the game including charting events not detailed in the games both official games or fanmade.Others can be set in the official canon in between and after games or chart early years of planets,characters etc with fanmade television shows also made set in alternative timelines and parallel universes with them then adapted into video games both official and fanmade games.
These movies and television shows etc can detail historical events of the games universe.For example a live action television series of Deus Ex could detail the arrival of augmentations in the early 2000s-2020s and the Aug incident in 2027 and the aftermath as well as events during the video games after that from the perspective of key secondary characters and citizens outside of Adam Jensen and can be set right up to the games that feature JC Denton focusing on the grey death and the events during Deus Ex,Deus Ex 2:Invisible War with for Mass Effect it detailing the fall of the Protheans as well as separate ones for each cycle of the Reapers galactic wide genocide as far back as the begging and even their creation and the fall of each spread prior to their creation at the hands of AI and another detailing events during the video games before,during and after them from the perspective of everyday citizens of all races across the galaxy including the attacks on Eden Prime and Earth.
Assasins Creed can chart each Assassin and major Templars members and the lives of the very first Assassin in ancient times right up to Desmond Miles,Shaun Hastings,Rebecca Crane and every single character in the game that is a member of the Templars or Assassins including all members of Abstergo
Halo can involve it detailing the events on Earth during the 1990s,21st centurtly and humans expansion across the galaxy and conflicts and wars between different colonies alongside the start of and entirety of the Human Covenant War,during the war and after the events of the game as well as charting events in the distant past detailing the history of ancient humans first expansion across the galaxy and also conflicts with the Forerunners and also the Forerunner-Precursor War and the discovery of the flood and the its development and expansion across the universe and the Forerunner-Human-Flood war up until the activation of the Halo rings with characters such as the Librarian,UriDidact etc and other key humans,forerunners etc present.Television shows both animated and live action can be made that detail the backstories of main characters,historical events in the distant past,recent past and also events that took place in during the events of the video games and future events.
For Mass Effect,Super Metroid and any video games set across the galaxy and universe that involves multiple alien races it can like Star Wars,Star Trek,Stargate cover the histories of each race across the universe and include fictional movies as well as historical ones.The different religions,coming of age rituals etc of each race across the galaxy will be explored in detail in spin offs.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions
Like Buffy,Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars there can be spin offs of television shows of video games either animated or live action that focus on the lives of everyday citizens in each universe etc similar to Family Guy,Futurama,The Simpson’s,Rosanne,7th Heaven,How I Met Your Mother,Modern Family.Will & Grace,Peep Show,Friends,In Treatment,NCIS,The Brave,The Wire,Seal Team,Criminal Minds,Bones,Law & Order,Cold Case,24,The Practice,Ally Mcbeal,The Newsroom,The Morning Show,Entourage,The West Wing,Home and Away,Eastenders,Melrose Place,Days of Our Lives,ER,Sex and the City,Queer as Folk,The L Word,Noah’s Arc,Its always Sunny In Philadelphia etc.Thus television shows can be made of video games that focus on the everyday lives,struggles and conflicts of everyday citizens in each series planets across the galaxies in each universe.There can be multiple spin offs of different genres set during all of these aforementioned and other video games.Existing video game series that have television shows like Pokemon etc can follow this with for example for Pokemon it following Pokemon trainers and everyday citizens across the world rather than Ash Ketchum etc.For Pokemon there can be dozens or thousands of spin offs set in countries across the world and in time planets across the universe that focus on trainers in countries like America,Ireland,France etc across the globe and universe.These can also focus on people who are not pokemon trainers with each country across the world featured in it to show all different species of official Pokemon unique to them based on their real Earth equivalents.New spin offs can be set up all the time.
Furthermore for each franchise feature length movies that are romantic comedies,dramas,action,horror,psychological thrillers,comedies etc can be made set on each planet that chart both the adventures of protagonists and everyday citizens across the galaxies and include not just new actors but well established A-list Hollywood actors that already star in horror,action,drama and romantic comedies movies.These movies will chart the adventures of both protoganists and also everyday citizens in planets across the galaxies can also be written and directed by both newbie directors but also well established Hollywood writers and directors ranging from Amy Heckerling,Christopher Nolan,J.J.Abrhams,Quentin Tarantino,David Lynch etc and even AI writers and directors to create high quality movies including intellectual art house movies that have deep themes,motifs,symbolism and allegorical resonance rather than just run of the mill Hollywood flicks.Like existing art house and Hollywood movies they will have soundtracks and even theme songs that have music videos created.Efforts will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture catagories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and Emmys thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.These movies will also be made good enough to encourage A-List actors from Hollywood and Bollywood to join the cast.These movies and television shows of all genres will have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.Potentially there could be dozens,hundreds or thousands of live action and animated movies of different genres releated to the franchise created and uploaded to Dionysus every year that focus on everyday citizens from across the galaxies and not just the protagonists from the video games.These television show spin offs,movies and video games can be set in different countries across the world such as Canada,Japan,Ireland etc and salsa planets across the galaxies thus giving perspectives from that culture rather than an American perspective with the characters being actors,athlethes,musicians,archeologists that are everyday citizens across the galaxies and not just protagonists.Plays,musicals,operas and movies can also be made alongside the television spin offs of different genres such as romantic comedies,horror,dramas,thriller,science fiction action etc that focus on the lives of every day citizens and further exploits of characters from the macro series and spin offs and new characters that explore these themes..Those set in each country will have multiple movies and television series set in not only different countries across the world but also different cities,towns and villages across the different countries like Dublin,Cork,London,Manchester,Cardiff,Paris,Lyon,Tokyo,Kyoto,Los Angelas,Miami,New York City etc and the different cities etc across all of Europe,Asia,South and Central America,Africa etc and the different continents and cities etc across the other planets colonised by humans giving different perspectives
For all video game series both movies and television shows either animated or live action will be created.These can focus on all characters in the present day focusing their story key events from their point of view.Biopics that are television shows and movies will be made for all major modern day characters including musicians,actors,athlethes and politicians both modern day ones and those in the distant past with this including important individuals to each franchises history and timeline.
Furthermore official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These can be drama,horror,science fiction and adventure themed ones.AI,fans and official writers can create video games,movies and television shows etc that that are made in a way as if they were created by writers in the television shows universe itself that will be uploaded to Dionysus made readily available to the public.This can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the three galaxies using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.These nested movies,television shows and video games can be thrillers,action/adventure,dramas,survival horror,point and click adventure etc would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe nested plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies and television shows focus on everyday citizens can be set on planets across the galaxies but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical periods etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.These nested movies,television shows and video games will increase new media for new actors and writers etc to be created into almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can create an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon as they will be metafiction that uses the same technology,alien races,groups of humans and aliens and reference official characters and tribes of humans etc and mythology of the official series but can allow them to be non cannon adventures.To increase metafictional value these fictional media can be referenced in official spin offs by Assistant AI adding these references with actors,writers and directors etc these fictional movies appearing in spin offs as in universe fictional actors,directors,writers etc.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans creating in universe fictional media as it can include thrillers,horror movies,television shows and video games that doesn’t have be considered canon giving them more creative freedom and include actual historical events or non historical events with it allowing alterations made to official canon history with regards to the each alien race etc since these types of metafiction would be fictional video games,movies and television shows set within a within a fictional movie universe with these movies,television shows etc following their own separate chronologies and timelines.Horror,fantasy and supernatural themed media can include the different fictional cryptozoology,monsters,legends,supernatural entities,religions(both polytheistic and monotheistic)etc from all in universe races created by writers and Assistant AI as their basis with fantasy themed media using in universe legends,folktales,fairytales as their basis.Even nested found footage movies can be made.In universe celebrities(actors,politicians,poets,explorers)both living and historical can be mentioned and form the basis of them.A matryoshka doll structure can be employed wherein each nested media(movies,television shows,video games etc)houses and mentions its own fictional media (movies,television shows,video games etc) that can then be made into media in the real and so on into infinity.As a result not only can Newbie and well established directors and writers create fictional in universe nested movies,television shows and video games but even the fans of the franchise themselves can make them using VR technology thus allowing for an unlimited amount of new nested media releated to the franchise released every year providing work for and creating a launchpad for millions of new actors,writers and directors from across the world.These nested movies,television shows and video games can involve not only being created by fans of the franchise but also newbie ones but also A-List stars and writers and directors and will each follow their own separate timelines and chronologies separate from each other.This can be done for each franchise
Movies and television shows that are dramas,biopics etc can be set and detail key events in all planets.Biopics thus can be done into key politicians,celebrities,explorers,painters etc of each planet.Biopics of important historical individuals can include politicians,explorers,celebrities etc of all types such as actors,writers,poets etc with the biopics coming in the form of either television shows or movies with this including those from all time periods and new ones created overtime.These will provide insight into each planets history since there is at least several thousands of years of history of humans on all planets in all three galaxies thus will provide hundreds or thousands of movies and spin offs with their also the option of creating fictional dramas,love stories,thrillers and horror etc in each planets past thus increasing this exponentionally into infinity.Plays,musicals,movies,operas etc can be produced that are romantic comedies,psychological horror,dramas etc set in the official universe and also video games and movies that expand the universe and lore that are romantic comedies,horror,drama,thrillers etc.that appeal not only fans but also general audiences and critics.Furthermore movies can be made that are official canon as part of the series timeline.Even newbie directors including fans can create their own fanmade television shows and movies set in the video games universe as fanmade ones set in parallel universes with them being of all genres and either live action or animated.There can be those that are part of the official canon and fanmade ones of each video game franchise allowing for dozens of them to be premiering on Dionysus each week with these being either live action action or animated.Alongside the dozens or hundreds of fanmade games of each series premiering each year this will cater to the needs of fans.Any fanmade or official movies,television shows either animated or live action existing and new can be used as the basis of new games of the official series and fanmade games.Movie adaptations of video games both live action and animated can continue with Assistant AI improving their quality to ensure they are of high quality and follow the canon of the video games with remakes done of existing video game movie adaptations that are vastly different.There will be official movies and television shows made by well established directors etc but at the same time even fans of each video game series can create their own movie and television show adaptations of video games either live action or animated with VR technology allowing them to have the same gold standard of special effects and sets and Assistant AI ensuring that both official movies and television shows and Fanmade movies and television shows created by fans are of high quality.This can even include media such as movies,television shows,video games and live performance art such as operas,plays,musicals etc that are made by in universe characters and races but uploaded to Dionysus.Assistant AI will ensure that unlike existing adaptations these will be of high quality.Movie and television show adaptations of video games have a bad track record of being terrible and critically panned with Assistant AI hiaking them high quality media.As stated efforts through Assistant AI will be made to make the feature length movies and television shows set in the universe appeal to not just the fans of the video games but also the mainstream audiences and even the critics and fans of art house movies making them worthy enough to earn universal critical praise as well mainstream recognition and also win or at least be nominated for Oscars in writing,acting and best picture categories and also major awards like the Palm Dor and also attract A-list actors and directors thus making all movies of all genres as part of the franchise whether romantic comedies,dramas,action ones high quality ones that appeal to not just fans but mainstream audiences and the critics increasing the value of them and increasing the appeal and merit ability of the series.These movies will also be made good enough to encourage A-List actors from Hollywood and Bollywood to join the cast.These movies and television shows of all genres will use symbolism,themes,motifs,allegories,mis en scene etc to make them high quality movies that have intellectual depth and make them worthy of winning Oscars,Palm Dor,Emmy for writing,direction and acting and not just special effects have soundtracks that consist of real world musicians and in universe musicians and also songs that are theme songs made specifically for the movie complete with music videos that feature scenes from the movie.As stated there will be official canon movies and fanmade ones that follow separate timelines.Fans of each video games franchises will be able to create their own high quality movies and television shows of each franchise of video games either animated or live action that like Fanmade games will follow their own separate timelines and chronologies from each other and the official timeline with VR technology allowing them to have the same gold standard special effects and Assistant AI improving the quality of the scripts.VR technology and having the official terrain and maps of each planet,galaxy and universe stored on a cloud network that can be downloaded by new writers including fans will cater to this.This can be done for each franchise
Any member of the public can create their own movies,television shows with countless spin offs that follow multiple timelines.This can result in dozens,hundreds,thousands or millions of separate timelines created by fans collectively worldwide similar to Fanmade games with each timeline created by an individual fan writer etc with each timeline consisting of an official macro series,official movies,nested media and also dozens or thousands of spin offs focusing on the everyday citizens providing work for millions of actors etc.Each of these timelines can have their own video games made of television shows and movies that are direct adaptations or part of their timelines and each individual timeline of Fanmade games can in turn have their official macro series,television spin offs dealing with everyday citizens etc.Logos of each producer will differentiate each timeline.Each timeline can have video games associated with them part of their timeline.If possible creators of fanmade games can create movies,television series that are part of each timeline of fanmade games.This will lead to an explosion of new media derived from video games.Also can be adaptations,set in the same universe as the official games detailing historical events in the distant or recent past,be from the point of view of secondary characters or be fanmade ones set in parallel worlds etc.Movie adaptations can be made of both official games in the series or adaptations of fanmade video games as part of their timeline meaning the creators of fanmade games can make movies and television shows set in their timeline.Any member of the public can set up movies and television shows as part of these countless timelines.These can be then used as the basis for video games as part of the official series of timelines or fanmade games.Furthermore they will utilise the same fake live news,fake musicians,fake walks around cities similar to Nomadic Ambiance and fake urban exploration similar to the Proper People via VR technology and fake metafiction as Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars including fake vloe using VR technology.Video game adaptations can be made of these official and fanmade games.
Like Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars the Assistant AI and human writers can develop the mytholgy,religions both polytheistic and monotheistic,temples,archaeological sites,coming of age rituals etc of every individual alien race across the galaxy by producing holy texts,historical databases etc.There can be fake in universe documentaries etc.They will have their own species cultural index as detailed in the Summary of spin offs of fantasy and science fiction shows.Those set in the distant future and present will integrate real world AI,CRISPR,smartphones etc abc all real work advances since 1987-2029 onwards and also all hypothetical technologies on the new technology section especially existing franchises.They will also have fake in universe vloggers,podcasters,live news stations.
Internet memes like Slenderman,SCPs etc can form the basis of television shows and movies both animated and live action
Television shows and movies can be made either live action and animated that are adaptations of books,novels,plays and comic books both existing and new with again dozens of them following different timelines.These can detail events in the distant past and also books in the series not adapted into them.Adaptations of novels,comic books,plays etc can be done over and again including those already done to give different spins to them that are live action or animated.All new and existing books and comic books that have not been adapted into movies and television shows can be adapted with low brow novels etc have Assistant AI make their adaptations much better..Even childrens books that are short and are on cardboard and less than a hundred or dozen pages long will be adapted into movies and television shows.They can be made in movie series with a dozen or more installments etc.All literature including novels and plays from ancient times such as Ancient Greece etc and other ancient civilisations the world and universe can be made into live action movies,television shows or miniseries.Those already adapted could have remakes and adapted into live action movies and television shows.All classical literature from the 1500s – 2000 can be made into movies and television shows.They can be remade with different sets,location,cast etc and different spins such as all Asian cast set in different countries and time periods or made into television shows that house extra scenes that add more depth and provide work for more actors.Period pieces set in the past can have modern retelling as a form of allegory etc similar to Clueless is an adaptation of Emma.Adaptations of novels can be remade every once and a while to give different spins on them such as being set in different time periods and countries across the world such as in Ancient Greece,Ancient India and modern times as well as in the distant future with in the distant future classical literature can be adapted into movies abc television shows set in modern times in a futuristic setting with their being musical versions including Bollywood musical versions etc.Both animated and live action adaptations can be made of all novels with this including those from all alien races across the universe.Comic books can also be adapted into movies both live action and animated.All books,comic books,plays,operas,musicals can be adapted into video games as well.
All plays,operas,musicals and other live performance art can be adapted into both live action and animated television shows and movies similar to Caberat,Black Swan,Chicago with different spins and takes on them .All of these can be set on stage mixed with in stage scenes or they can be purely on stage or set in a fully immersive world.All radio plays will be adopted into movies and television shows that take place in a fully traversed world.Operas can be adapted into live action television shows or movies.New movies and even television shows can be made that are new original musicals and operas that are then adapted into live performance art.There can be musical television shows that include large sections that are full of normal acting but also each episode has at least one musical number.
Adaptations of novels etc can also be done in a television series that last one of more seasons with each season housing 20 one hour episodes allowing them to cover them in more detail.This is of note of large complex novels such as Infinite Jest,Les Misereables,Anna Karenia,War & Peace and so on.It can allow them to be set over the course of several years and cover large number of characters.Some adaptations can have spin offs that detail events mentioned in the novels that took place in the past,the backstories of different characters.
..X-Men can be a live action television shows that has a macro series that deals with them altogether and spin offs that deal with each individual X-Men including Wolverine,Gambit,The Beast,Jubilee and all of those from the animated show and movies dealing with their own personal struggles etc,their history and tell events from their perspective.There can be prequel spin offs that focus on each individual X-men histories charting events from their childhood and teenage years and can also have spin offs set across the world focusing on other mutants not part of the X-men who use their powers for good or evil and who join the X-Men or not.CRISPR could allow normal humans gain and develop their own superpowers and including those from existing X-men sold on black markets.Live action television shows can be made of Batman & Robin,Catwoman,Superman,The Flash,Thor,Spiderman,Wonderwoman etc and all DC comics and Marvel comics superheroes with them at times using interdimensional travel to travel to the universe of each other with those that are already set in a parallel universe interacting with each other through spin offs detailing each one with characters regularly interacting with each other.There can be for each hero a series set in the present and one set in the past that deals with their history.For each of these superhero shows there can be live action and animated ones that are separate versions.For the animated and live action ones there can be those set in modern times and those set in the future with new villi and especially when interstellar travel is introduced.These can all have spin offs set across the globe that deal with normal human characters.New superheroes with different superpowers can be created set across the world in the DC and Marvel universe.All of the new animated shows of these superheroes can be set in the same universe as existing animated shows but also in a universe different from the live action.Teenage Mutant Ninja Heroe Turtles can have new live action and animated shows created with the animated ones set in the same universe as the original 1987 version with new television series created that are follow ups to each version of the show,Spawn can have the existing show restarted and finished detailing the rest of the story with deceased actors have AI take the role of their voice.All existing versions of comic book animated tv shows such as Spiderman,Batman,Superman that had different shows created with different timelines can each have new series for each iteration and timeline.All major comics such as The Dandy,Beano,Asterix etc can have both live action and animated television shows made with for Asterix them being direct adaptations of the existing books and new adventures created all the time.These can all involve Wikipedia,YouTube abc modern day technologies such as smartphones,CRISPR and also other modern day scientific advancements.
Adriadne will set up computer networks for television show and movie adaptations of every single novel,play,opera,musical,comic books in existence alongside every single new one uploaded to Dionysus in the future to ensure at least one adaptation is made with her encouraging remakes every once and again.She will also create networks for video game networks for each existing and new novel,live performances art.Long books etc will be made into television shows or a franchise of movies with at least 3-5 movies as part of it with short ones made into movies.If possible some books can be made into television shows that have the plot continue after the books ending for at least 10 seasons that explores new characters and events into the lives of the characters after it.Creating different versions of adaptations of each of these will create work for millions of actors as all existing and new media of these types of media will be adapted into film and possibly television shows.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new adaptations of literature using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them
All future documentaries both feature length movie ones and those that are television ones will be created by members of the public using computer networks and VR technology rather than corporate and state bodies.Existing state and channel based documentaries will be created with their name and logo with them uploaded to Dionysus.All existing documentaries of all genres on DV`ds,YouTube will be transferred to and uploaded to Dionysus in the documentaries section.
All new documentaries will cover any subject such as nature,science,places,periods of history,historical events,specific individuals such as explorers,politicians,celebrities(actors,musicians,talk show hosts,voice actors for video games,journalists,live news anchors,writers etc) with them created over and over again by different people to give different spins on these subjects,people and events.Assistant AI will contact historians,witnesses,scientists,celebrities etc and also carry out fact checking to make everything accurate.Assistant AI will contact historians and carry out research by scouring the Internet,Apollo and YouTube to ensure it is scientifically and historically factual.Actors can be used to act out scenes in a VR simulation wherein historical events are acted out with documentaries also like television shows etc having networks for collecting and editing material and holding auditions for actors.All documentaries either real or fictional ones will house scenes acted by actors alongside real world footage.Replicas of the real world in VR simulations can be used to film certain scenes.Any member of the public will be able to create new documentaries of any types using computer networks and VR technology with them all uploads to the documentary section of the television show section on Dionysus..Any member of the public can set up new documentaries and they will film interviews and re-enactments of historical events using actors
Documentaries can be made in VR technology allowing presenters to use realistic recreations of events etc with shows like Cosmos dealing with different aspects of the universe presented by different human scientists with nature documentaries done not just on animals etc on Earth but also other planets across the universe.Documentaries can be made on each existing and new franchise of video games etc.Any member of the public can set up documentaries on any subject.
.Fictional documentaries can be done of fictional mythology similar to The Curse of the Blair Witch alongside those that detail fictional mythology of fantasy and science fiction themed movies,television shows and video games.All future and existing documentaries will be uploaded into Dionysus with full feature length movie ones uploaded into their own area in the movie section of Dionysus with television style ones that are 60 minutes long uploaded into their section of the television area.All existing documentaries that exist on all subjects such as history,nature,science and all aspects of society uploaded to YouTube including conspiracy ones and those considered fringe ones such as Ancient Aliens,Loose change will be transferred to Dionysus.All conspiracy theory documentaries and those those that debunk conspiracy theory documentaries will be uploaded to Dionysus with all amateur documentaries including short ones that last 30-60 minutes found only on YouTube will be transferred to Dionysus by Adriadne and the URLs recycled.All future documentaries will be created by the public and uploaded to Dionysus.These will be stored in a specific section in the television section for them with feature film length documentaries uploaded to their own section in the movie section of Dionysus.
Fictional documentaries can be made of those of events,people abc groups in all major franchises of movies,video games and television shows such as Stargate,Star Trek,Tomb Raider,Resident Evil Star Wars,Blade Runner etc with for video games it related to both official games and fanmade games.They will involve in universe fake historians,witnesses and have actors play out re-enactments of key events and use first hand video footage from CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.
New travel shows van be created all the time with them doing travel across the world and universe where people check out the local geological features abc tourist attractions.Each and every town,city and village across the world and universe will be covered in them.Home sharing will be used with them.All existing episodes of all travel shows from across the world will be uploaded to Dionysus and all future ones uploaded here.All franchises of science fiction and fantasy television shows and video games can have fictional in universe travel shows created visiting all planets in galaxy and universe sized maps of VR programmes.There will be travel shows created but just for all planets across the universe and multiverse but also even alderson discs,ringworlds etc that travel wilderness areas and cities,towns etc.There can even be fictional travel shows created for the infinite number of planet,galaxy and universe sized VR programmes created by the public including the different versions of Bacchus allowing an infinite number of fictional travel shows to exist.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new travel shows
using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them that can last for decades or centuries with some stopped for a while and then restarted by the same presenter of new presenter at any time
Talk shows will be no longer filmed in real world studios but rather VR simulations.This will allow studios in the real world to become communal homes and also allow an infinite number of talk shows to be set up.Studios and sets for all television shows including talk shows etc and movies once VR is perfected will become communal homes.VR technology will allow people to view live programmes with audience members with from home.Multilayered simulations could allow countless people to attend with AI allow select people in each layer to be selected for interaction with panel members.VR technology and networks will allow new investigative,talk show,debate,human interest and cultural programmes to be set up and filmed without corporate and state backing with them having full creative control.New talk shows both those that discuss issues and those that feature guests such as celebrities will use VR technology to create any set of their choice with them acting as a launchpad for newbie celebrities of all types and also well established ones that want to help launch the careers of newbie talk show hosts but also have variety in their public appearence with the talk show hosts and celebrities Home AI publicist arranging the appearance.Any shows that are viewed live online or on television such as talk shows,debate programmes and reality television will be live-streamed and logged into their folder in Dionysus.Sports games will livestream and be logged here with all past games of all sports from around the world logged as far back as possible.In the case of reality television ones they will be live-streamed with one accessing them in their file in Dionysus and one able to switch between different drones,cameras etc in this which one can save in real time in personal hard drives with the logged episode housing summaries of key events.E-tickets to future live television events including those in simulations can be booked here on main page the show allowing one to book months ahead..Shows such as talk shows,soaps,debate programmes,investigative,cultural,human interest and documentary programmes produced specifically by specific corporate and state channels such as CBS,RTE,Channel 4,BBC etc will be backlogged into Dionysus as far as possible in folders via transferring them from digital archives and putting in tapes etc to be transferred for that programme with all future episodes produced by independant journalists,presenters etc using a single network for each show where new presenters can post portfolios as these and other state and corporate channels will disappear forever.They will premier here in Dionysus from now on.
Talk shows,entertainment news programme, both new and existing ones will use VR technology to have them set in any environment of their choice and allow an infinite amount of them to be set up every year.Existing talk shows,debate programmes and entertainment shows will be filmed in VR simulations.VR technology will allow for an infinite amount of new talk show to be set up by people across the world with all existing ones using this technology to allow studios to be converted into communal homes.Entertainment shows for video games,movies,television shows including specific genres such as science fiction,fantasy,drama etc and specific franchises of movies, television shows and video games can be set up.Members of the public who are fans of specific media types such as movies,television shows,live performance art,video games,music can through VR technology set up an infinite amount of entertainment and talk shows allowing them to interview voice actors,auteurs,directors and actors etc of their favourite genres and franchises especially newbie ones and fanmade creators of spin offs and Fanmade games etc and those who don’t normally get exposure on talk shows.These new talk shows set in VR simulations will interview newbie and existing authors,voice actors of video games,musicians,actors of live performance art such as plays/musicals/operas etc soap opera stars and new spin offs of major franchises thus allowing them get international exposure and will still benefit well established actors of all major fields such as live performance art,music,novels,comic books,television shows and video games voice actors especially those generally ignored by existing major talk shows giving them international exposure.Fans can also set up an infinite amount of entertainment news shows including hybrids with talk shows that bring on the latest news on all new video games,movies,television shows including spin offs,live performance art and Fanmade games including those ignored by current major ones.By having talk shows and entertainment shows being started by the general public will allow for them to interview and cover not just world famous celebrities but also Newbie one’s and those who are voice actors for video games,animated movies etc who don’t normally get exposure on talk shows and entertainment shows.
There can be an infinite number of entertainment news and talk shows created and set up by anyone using VR technology and computer networks devoted entirely to each type of media such as video games,pornographic movies and television shows,movies,television shows,live performance art,music,sport with them involving presenters visiting practice runs and the creation and filming of media in other VR simulations.These can be further subdivided into those for each genre and type of media such as opera,musicals,plays,novels,comics,video games,animated media etc and also science fiction,fantasy,survival horror,action,sitcoms,soaps,,country music,Christian rock,pop music etc and even have those for television shows and video games further subdivided into those for each franchise such as those for each franchise of video games such as Resident Evil,Tomb Raider that details news and have guests on for official releases and fanmade games.The audience members will use E-tickets to join..The explosion of talk shows and entertainment news shows will cover but just A-List stars but also Newbie less famous stars of movies,television shows and also the voice actors of video games,live performance art such as musicals etc and Newbie authors etc and son on who are usually left behind thus giving all actors,directors,writers etc exposure as any member of the public can set up talk shows abc entertainment news shows leading to an infinite number of them.Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows that cover each genre.Talk shows can also be started that focus on YouTubers such as urban explorers,vloggers,political pundits and also journalists for magazines and newspapers and also podcasters,live news presenters etc on YouTube and Pheme..All episodes of all existing talk show and entertainment news shows from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube with all new episodes uploaded to Dionysus
The talk shows will house guests that are celebrities such as actors,writers etc that are involved in movies,television shows,video games etc and politicians,vloggers on YouTube and members of the public who are organising events can involve other fans of a media and also fans of any media and any person can setup their own talk show and entertainment show they can cover topics and interviews actors etc that are normally not covered in traditional shows with this including even YouTubers and vloggers this allowing fans to interact with their favourite actors,directors etc and allow the actor etc exposure to the world.Since anyone can start their own talk show using VR technology and computer networks anyone who is a fan of specific genres of television shows,video games,movies,live performance art can interview both famous and less we known actors,voice actors,writers,authors and even vloggers etc meaning anyone can set up a talk show and interview their favourite actors,voice actors who partake in any movie,television show and video game series and authors who is not well known thus giving them exposure to the world.Thus rather than focusing entirely on A-list stars it can allow fans of less well known actors,writers etc to invite them on and interview them and give these.newbie and less we’ll known actors,writers etc international exposure to not only their fans but also to fans of talk shows.They can also have other talk show hosts and vloggers on YouTube etc and also live news presenters etc and journalists from magazines spears in them and be interviewed.The Home AI of voice actors,authors,actors etc can contact talk shows Assistant AI to advertise their new media and talk about it with the Home AI of talk show presenters etc Assistant AI contacting the Home AI of actors etc to get them onto their shoes.The time time dilation effect can allow talk show hosts to create episodes everyday without stress and even create multiple episodes every day as much as several dozen or hundred episodes created every day to allow them interview as much people as possible all uploaded in one go to Dionysus with them having sets with any design etc imaginable with them set in jungles,mansions,conventional studios that change every few years.As stated guests can include those who star in primarily live performance art,video games and less well known actors,writers etc that don’t normally appear on talk shows giving them international exposure.These will have Assistant AIs that contact guests,who guests can contact through their Home AI and also manage all other aspects of the show such as camerawork with VR Technology allowing an infinite number of them to be set up by anyone of any age including those ages 12 or older and even younger.
Tabloid talk shows like Geraldo,Jeremy Springer,The Jeremy Kyle Show will have an Assistant AI who will intake phone calls from potential guests and they will manage all aspects of the show.Any member of the public using VR Technology can set up these leading to an infinite number of them.Computer networks will house areas for people to submit their story and issue with their Home AI able to send this to dozens of shows at once.
All entertainment news shows will cover news with regards to video games,movies,live performance art and other media overall and specific franchises including upcoming ones and cover the news of actors,writers etc of all types of media including less well known ones.All of these will be uploaded to Dionysus.All talk shows and entertainment shows from across the world will uploads to Dionysus with all future ones uploaded here.Each country will have their own talk shows and entertainment shows focusing on each type of aforementioned genre set up by Adriadne focusing on national and international celebrities.Since anyone can start their own entertainment news show using VR technology and compiler networks anyone who is a fan of specific genres of television shows,video games,movies,live performance art can interview both famous and less we known actors,voice actors,writers etc meaning anyone can set up a talk show and interview their favourite actors,voice actors who partake in any movie,television show and video game series and authors who is not well known thus giving them exposure to the world.Thus rather than focusing entirely on A-list stars it can allow fans of less well known actors,writers etc to cover news of less well known celebrities and give them international exposure.The Home AI of actors,writers will contact the Assistant AI of entertainment shows to give them news on them.VR Technology and it’s time dilation effect will allow them to be set in any environment imaginable including jungles,mansions etc.The news shows will cover all famous and non famous actors and can include those who star in primarily live performance art,video games and less well known actors,writers etc that don’t normally appear on talk shows.These can also cover media news of report on news of live news presenter,radio presenters,journalists etc and can have people on the show who are actors or also fans of a specific show including soap operas discuss current events on them.These will have Assistant AIs that guests can contact through their Home AI to release new media they are producing abc anything that is occuring in their lives and also manage all other aspects of the show such as camerawork with VR Technology allowing an infinite number of them to be set up by anyone of any age including those ages 12 or older and even younger
Political debate and investigative programmes around the world like talk shows will be filmed in VR simulations and uploaded to Dionysus.There will be new political debate and political investigative shows set up across the world set in VR simulations with Assistant AI doing background research and all of them critiqued by Aleitheia.Each country around the world will also have their own versions of political talk shows and political investigative shows such as Piers Morgan Uncensored,Tonight with Vincent Brown,60 minutes,Panorama,Prime Time,The View that discuss both national political issues but also international politics and those related to the entire galaxy.All existing ones from around the world will be uploaded to Dionysus Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows.These will have versions set up across the universe including those set up by real world alien races and will have all presenters float in and out of those across the world and universe.Pundits who do podcasts can set up their own political talk shows.Political show presenters can work for multiple shows at once and move back and forth.VR simulations will allow an infinite number of them to be produced and set up by anyone with them set up in any environment..All episodes of all existing political shows from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube with all new episodes uploaded to Dionysus.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new political shows using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them that can last for decades or centuries with some stopped for a while and then restarted by the same presenter of new presenter at any time These will have Assistant AIs that contact guests,who guests can contact through their Home AI and also manage all other aspects of the show such as camerawork abc quality of the media with VR Technology allowing an infinite number of them to be set up by anyone of any age including those ages 12 or older and even younger.Existing debate and political shows will use Assistant AIs and VR Technology.All episodes of all existing debate and political shows will be uploaded to Dionysus arranged by seasons with all future episodes of all existing and new ones uploaded to Dionysus arranged by season.
Just as their will be an explosion of new media such as video games,movies and television shows there will also be an explosion of an infinite amount of talk shows,entertainment news programmes to catch up on this explosion of new media in order to give newbie actors etc especially those of live performance art and voice actors for video games etc that are normally ignored by entertainment news shows and talk shows international exposure.Actors of movies,television shows,live performance art and video games themselves can also set up these themselves to add to their portfolio.Fans of television shows can set up entertainment and talk shows devoted entirely to specific genres such as soaps,dramas,fantasy,science fiction etc and focus on each of the countless new franchises set up with their those that focus on each franchise of them,fans of video games an have entertainment shows and talk shows devoted to specific franchises and their fanmade games etc with them interviewing voice actors,writers and other fans who make shows.Fans of live performance art an create entertainment and talk shows devoted entirely to musicals,operas,plays etc to interview actors and directors etc with fans of books especially specific genres and interview authors.Anyone can set up entertainment shows and talk shows and this can include fans of specific media,genres etc and give exposure to less well known actors etc with VR technology allowing an almost infinite number of these talk shows and entertainment news shows to be set up by any member of the public and these will be set in any environment of the presenters choice with them set in conventional studios and also set in jungles,castles,mansions and any type of environment with the environment changed every once and a while,This can benefit both newbie and well established actors,musicians etc especially those for video games,live performance art etc that are usually ignored with it also making celebrities out of the presenters.VR technology can allow them to be set in any environment with this changing every once and a while.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new talk shows using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of talk shows and entertainment shows that can last for decades or centuries with some stopped for a while and then restarted by the same presenter of new presenter at any time.These entertainment and talk shows will as stated will focus not just on only existing and new A-List stars but also those that star in all tiers of television shows and also video game voice actors and also live performance art such as musicals,operas and plays thus allowing newbie etc actors in all types of media to gain international exposure.All existing talk and entertainment shows will be set in VR simulations this allowing all of their buildings to go converted into communal homes.All episodes of all existing talk and entertainment shows will be uploaded to Dionysus arranged by seasons with all future episodes of all existing and new ones uploaded to Dionysus arranged by season.All episodes of all future talk and entertainment shows will be uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of being produced.All people involved in talk shows and entertainment shows including presenters and guests and also audience members will via neural implants be able to attend them from the comfort of home saving time and energy on those attending them with them set in any type of environment that can be changed at a whims notice.Any member of the public can set up their own talk show and entertainment thus creating millions of talk shows hosts and entertainment show hosts
Review shows that reviews movies,television shows etc will be replaced by YouTube vloggers who review specific if all types of media in Dionysus.However if possible vloggers and general public members can create their own review shows that premier on Dionysus that review movies,television shows etc in detail.Existing shows by critics will be uploaded to Dionysus with news one’s that last an hour will be created in VR simulations by new critics
Presenters of these talk,debate and entertainment shows can go on hiatus for a while and have other presenters take their place and then return after a few years or decades them also having the shows last forever.Presenters can also take the role of presenter of other talk and entertainment shows across the world for a single episode or weeks,months or decades at a time and also go back and forth between presenting both talk shows and entertainment shows across the universe with ease since they will all be filmed in VR simulations.All future talk shows and entertainment shows will be filmed in VR simulations allowing an infinite number of them to be created and to be set in any environment such as jungles,alien planets,medieval etc settings,space stations.underwater communities limited only by only by the presenters imagination with with environment changed routinely each season or year or decade for variety.All existing talk shows and entertainment shows across the world will be filmed in VR simulations to allow the studios be converted into communal homes and allow for it create millions of new famous talk show hosts from across the world and allow for guests and audiences to attend from home.Presenters of talk shows,entertainment shows and political shows can through VR technology and its time dilation effect will be able to work for multiple shows at once and also work for newspapers,magazines,live news shows etc as well.One can present a talk show/entertainment show for a few years or decades and then move to presenting a different one for a few decades with then even working for multiple shows throughout their lifetime with them even moving back to presenting old shows they used to present.They will be replaced by new presenters during the intermediary period with those named after the presenter can be stopped for a few years and then restarted years later..Presenters can take part in the creation of movies,television shows,video games and also take part in live news,journalism etc.All talk,debate,entertainment shows will have Assistant AIs managing them who the public can contact to be guests,audience members etc with computer networks for them present in Dionysus to allow people to post auditions to appear in them.Home AI of celebrities will be able to contact the Assistant AI of dozens of shows at once.Any member of the public from across the world VR technology will be able to set up their own talk shows,entertainment news shows and debate and political programmes and have it uploaded to Dionysus within minutes of production
Shows that are puppet children’s variety shows like Blue Peter,Fur Tv,Teletubbies,Boohbah,Tots Tv,The Hoobs,In the Night Garden,Morbegs,The Bear in the Big Blue House,Sesame Street,The Ferals,The Muppets,Fraggle Rock,Sesame Street,The DJ Kats Show,Den Tv etc will be restarted or kept going and also have new ones similar to them set up in countries across the world and universe.Adriadne will compile a list of all existing still running and finished puppet shows from around the world and universe that will then then be restarted by her with her creating new AI for each individual puppet character with all original characters present controlled by independent AI with them housing human presenters who will be replaced once and a while it will move back and forth between spin offs across the world and universe.Each one will have spin offs across the world in every country and in the case of America them having one for each state with them having new characters for each spin off in the same puppet style created.These will house sing along sections,educational sections on science as well as nature,news sections in their unique humour and also complex literature and them all having all of the original features of these shows such as celebrity guests stars such as actors/athletes/musicians/directors/scientists/artists etc,members of the public,art education sections,drawing sections,competitions and in show documentaries about current affairs and social issues as well as science and nature etc with them not showing television shows such as cartoons but hosting extra features such as cooking,classes on art such as drawing etc,classes on how to cook specific meals,have celebrities and members of the public appearances as guests especially A-list stars as well as scientists/researchers/politicians/actors/directors etc and emerging celebrities from across the world,new reports on current issues such as politics and entertainment etc in the real world using the puppet’s unique style of humour,visiting real world locations across the world through VR and across and universe and into the realities of other franchises interacting with nature as well as humans and aliens etc and visiting fictional worlds in VR simulations with AI characters which can be regular events and them shows within a show.The puppets can crossover with other shows all the time and use VR technology to do tours of fictional towns,cities etc and wilderness areas of each franchises universe that involve the characters going on adventures in these places and also tours of VR replicas of the real world with again them having adventures across each world.The puppets can have their own live news show which tells the latest real world entertainment,sports,celebrity and political news but in a parody and comical fashion.The general public will be able to interact with the shows Assistant AI and computer network and suggest new features for the show and discuss them with Assistant AI.The shows computer networks will have areas open to the public to submit drawings,requests to appear on them and also competitions and new ideas for the show.These will be filmed in VR simulations themselves with all puppets characters controlled by Assistant AI.These series and their spin offs would be presented by humans,AI,in time aliens and also puppets controlled by AI.New puppet shows will be set up all the time.Each episode can due to appearing on Dionysus last from at least 180 – 300 minutes every day or last longer and premier every week.They will be filmed in VR simulations and uploaded either every day or once a week.The main show set in the main setting such as mansions etc will be filmed doing regular events with other separate episodes filmed in the week charting the adventures across their worlds and that of other franchises that last an hour long or more each with if possible some or all characters going on adventures lasting several episode a week at a time.Some episodes can consist of live news reports on current affairs and entertainment news lasting an hour long in the shows comedic style.Other episodes lasting an hour or more can focus on teaching people cooking,dancing,painting etc and those interviewing guests thus rather than each episode focusing on multiple things at once it can instead have each episode focusing on one thing each thus allow more focus to be spent on each topic etc with these different episodes lasting 60-300 minutes each and filmed in one go through the time dilation effect and have multiple episodes taking place over the course of the same day with events in one episode taking place at the sane time as other events charter in the same day.Each day can have different episodes that an hour or more long that charts each puppet and human characters and minor characters adventures and interviewing of guests etc taking place at the same time with Assistant AI ensuring consistency.While one character and human presenter is going on an adventure,others will be interviewing guests,doing news reports and other things with all events charted in episodes that take place over the course of a single day with events and episode overlapping each other that is they will be multiple episodes of each show set on the same day but overlapping each other with in universe clocks telling the time. this will be done in the main show and also all spin offs.These episodes will uploaded every day on Dionysus in one go with the time dilation effect alluring this to be done that is multiple hour or long more episodes focusing on each individual thing that take place over the course of a day.This will be done for all franchises and their spin offs.
New shows can be those made for and aimed at pre teens,teenagers and even adults and be those directed towards those whose interests include video games(including specific franchises such as Tomb Raider,Metal Gear Solid with the puppet being based on characters from the video games,politics,science and technology,fashion,each type of sports etc with puppets with those with puppets them controlled by controlled by AI with them filmed in VR simulations with an infinite amount of them set up across the world and universe.Each of them will have human presenters including the people who set them up and also puppets controlled by independent AI.The puppets can be humanoid ones,those based on animals,monsters,aliens,robots limited only by one’s imagination.There can be one’s where there is AI characters and no puppets.
All new and existing puppet shows will have spin offs set up all the time set in each country across the world and in the case of America one for each state and also on real or fictional planets,alderson discs,ringworlds across the universe that will include new puppet characters in the same puppet styles as the original show with new puppet characters can be created all the time with new human presenters also created all the time with their being spin off that focus on different sets of muppet characters with them having characters float in and out of each spin off routinely with these spin offs set in countries across the world such as Ireland,Japan and also all countries across South America,Africa and Europe a as well as Asia with each individual state of America having their own spin off with spin offs created across the universe overtime.Each spin off will have multiple puppet characters and multiple human presenters.Each franchises and their spin offs will be filmed in planet sized sets and in time universe sized sets that include accommodation for all human presenters and puppets with wilderness of all types and towns,cities etc present to have the characters film adventures that they have.Each town,city etc will have minor characters that are.puppet characters of the same style of the puppet presenters and even humans and aliens who will be controlled by separate AI with them developing personalities,hobbies etc that they carry out with them even working as in universe vloggers,actors,live news presenters etc with the option of members of the public able to enter these planet of larger simulations at any time and interact with all minor characters and your all wilderness areas,towns and cities etc and use in simulations accomadation with them multilayered simulations.The area where the show is presented will be protected by AI guards and locked gates during the filming of episodes of the show so humans cannot interfere with the filming of them with when filming is over then the gates etc will be opened and people will be able to interact with the puppets and humans.Travel to the sets of other spin offs will be done through in simulation vehicles of any type or portals that instantly transport people to the location of each set.Each spin off will have new characters created all the time with even the minor characters appearing as guests but also presenters of the show for periods of time with the puppets and presenters going on adventures in wilderness areas,towns,cities etc and ourye space and to the universe simulations of other franchises that last the lengths of episodes.If possible normal shows involving interviewing guests etc can occur alongside separate episodes devoted entirely to adventures the characters go on.All shows and its spoon offs will be set in replicas of the real world equivalents or be set in completely alien worlds limited only by the imagination of the creators with the main show and where the puppets live being in jungles,mansions,space stations etc with the setting changing every once and a while.Characters and human presenters from one spin off can float in and out as guest characters for another spin off or even be the presenters of different spin offs from time to time going back and forth.As stated minor characters present can also interact with the presenters with the characters for some episodes going on adventures across their own world and the worlds of other completely different franchises through interdimensional travel with this including dream sequences etc.They will speak their native language but the sentient Coeus will allow one to understand them.AI who plays the original characters will use the voice of the human actors.All humans presenters and puppets in each spin off will move back and forth to each spin off.Since these will be filmed in VR simulations this will be done with ease.Each spin offs shows will be set up all the time by AI and members of the public set in countries across the world and also planets across the universe including fictional planets in parallel universes or parallel versions of our universe accessed by interdimensional travel with alien characters and puppets with characters floating in and out with ease.Once interstellar travel is possible non human sentient races across the universe will have their own versions set up.These shows will last forever.The characters from one spin off will appear regularly in spin offs set in another country with VR technology making this easy.
If possible the original Den Tv can be restarted and then presented by new human presenters and AI with all original puppetry characters such as Zig and Zag,Sokey,Dustin the Turkey etc present with original voices of their voice actors used.For Zig and Zag who had two sets of voice actors will have the second set of voice actors used.Version of this can be set up in countries across the world and in time planets across the universe.Bear in the Big Blue House will have versions set up across the world etc.If original voice actors have did them AI will adopt and use their voices.Variety show’s and talk shows that use puppets in them as side characters will be filmed in VR simulations with the puppets controlled by Assistant AI.Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows.The characters like
Zig and Zag,Podge and Rodge as well as Sokey,Dustin the Turkey and DJ Kat and other new puppet sidekicks on variety shows can have their own talk shows as well as YouTube channels managed by the AI that control them to discuss politics and also social issues and act as pundits on political issues in the same vein as progressive or conservative pundits but using their unique style of humour.All puppet sidekicks will be controlled by AI independent of Adriadne and Assistant AI with this allowing them to branch out into vlogging and acting in television shows,video games,movies with even movies,television shows,video games made devoted to their adventures with them as the main character.They will also have their own talk shows similar to Podge and Rodge where they tell either comedy or horror stories.All puppet of all types will by 2029 onwards will be controlled by independent AI thus making them their own separate AI and will control them in VR simulations etc to create vlogs,episodes of their shows and movies etc.The original puppet characters from Blue Peter,The Den,Bear in the Big Blue House such as Zig and Zag,Sokey,Dustin the Turkey,Zuppy etc will be present with all versions of the shows worldwide set in the same universe with the characters from each one floating in and out of all of the world at various times and thus there can be crossovers between the different versions with characters floating in and out of these across the world with ease.Assistant AI will research all puppet characters that ever appeared in each one to make sure they are present and each one will have new characters.New shows spin offs to each franchise and new franchises wuth their own spin offs will be set up all the time set in countries across the world and also planets across the universe including fictional planets in parallel universes or parallel versions of our universe with alien characters and puppets with characters floating in and out with ease.Fraggle Rock will have their own puppet show similar to The Den Tv and will have spin offs
A Scare At Bedtime with Podge & Rodge will be restarted and last forever and feature more Irish based horror stories from Ballydung Manor set in different rooms including living rooms,gardens etc as well as extensions including dimensional transcendamentalism devices from Dr Who.Versions of A Scare At Bedtime with Podge & Rodge can be created in countries across the world with new characters focusing on the same puppet style,same humour,story telling techniques and tropes etc with stories set in their native countries with crossovers occuring frequently.Characters that tell the stories will float in and out and be mentioned in other versions with the same occuring to the stories being told.The original voice actors voice for both Podge and Rodge in A Scare At Bedtime with Podge & Rodge will be used by AI that plays them.New shows will be set up all the time set in countries across the world and also planets across the universe including fictional planets in parallel universes or parallel versions of our universe with alien characters and puppets with characters floating in and out with ease.Once interstellar travel is possible non human sentient races across the universe will have their own versions set up.These shows will last forever
Others like the Teletubbies,Boohbah,Tots Tv,The Hoobs,In the Night Garden,Morbegs,Fur Tv,The Ferals,Bear in the Big Blue House.The Muppets Show,Sesame Street,Fraggle Rock and other puppet shows can be restated and focus on modern day politics,popular culture and have guest stars that are movie,television and video game actors,directors etc and do the same original type of skits with them.Each individual muppets and Sesame Street character will be as like others controlled by independent AIs and use the original voice actors voice.They will ensure their shows and YouTube channels go on forever.They can have their own YouTube channel to do vlogs etc and star in movies,television shows,video games collectively or individually and have their own talk shows etc.
Shows like The Ferals,Action League Now can be set up created in countries across the world and colonies across the world with puppets being animals from each country.Like all puppet shows the puppets will be controlled by independent AI in VR simulations.Again there can be crossovers between the different versions with characters floating in and out of these across the world with ease.New shows will be set up all the time set in countries across the world and also planets across the universe including fictional planets in parallel universes or parallel versions of our universe with alien characters and puppets with characters floating in and out with ease.Once interstellar travel is possible non human sentient races across the universe will have their own versions set up.These shows will last forever.
All characters from all new and existing puppet shows such as Fur Tv,Teletubbies,Boohbah,Tots Tv,The Hoobs,In the Night Garden,Morbegs,The Bear in the Big Blue House,Sesame Street,The Ferals,The Muppets,Fraggle Rock,Sesame Street,Podge and Rodge,Dustin,Zig & Zag,Sokey etc will as stated have their own YouTube channels to allow them carry out vlogs etc on discussing current entertainment and political affairs,Human vloggers and their hobbies and doing reviews of all movies,television shows and video games similar to Momus etc with their unique style of humour filmed in VR simulations and them since managed by independent AI will ensure these vlogs and television shows will run on forever.They will film all media they star in and vlogs in VR simulations and the characters will appear in movies,video games and spin off animated television shows as main characters by themselves or collectively.All of them can also have separate talk shows similar to The Podge and Rodge Show where they interview celebrities of all types.They will all have spin offs across the world and universe with new characters both humans and puppets and all characters in all spin offs being controlled by separate independent AI and them.All puppet shows will have the AI controlling then use the original voice actors voices.Their spin offs across the world and universe can be variety shows,sitcoms,dramas etc will have new characters with characters floating in and out of them and being mentioned in them with them set up and set in countries across the world such as Ireland,Japan and also all countries across South America,Africa and Europe a as well as Asia with each individual state of America having their own spin off with spin offs created across the universe overtime set in different planets wit presenters including real world species of sentient aliens.They can include those in other dimensions and parallel universes including those that are featured in the show.
If possible all of these restarted showsThe Den Tv,Fraggle Rock,Sesame Street,Teletubbies,Boohbah,Tots Tv,The Hoobs,In the Night Garden,Morbegs,Fur Tv,Podge and Rodge,Bear in the Big Blue House and new ones and there spin offs can be set in separate realities that still have the same current affairs and pop culture as the real world but use interdimensional travel to travel to the reality where each one of them and their spin offs exist for crossovers.If possible the real world that the viewers live in can be a focal bridging universe that all of them shows are connected to that they receive all news from and use to do crossovers.Each individual franchise and it’s dozens or thousands of spin offs across the world and universe will be set in their own separate universe that would be planet and in time universe sized VR simulations and programmes separate from each different franchise but they will be in universes separate from ours with the viewers real world universe used to provide them news in current affairs etc and for talk shows and guests would metaphorically travel from the real world to their individual realities by entering their VR programmes with the puppets and human presenters using interdimensional travel of scientific or magical means as a metaphor to travel to the universes and VR programmes of all other franchises of puppet shows that exist that each have thousands of spin offs allowing them to carry out crossovers between two or more franchise on a routine basis with characters both humans and puppets travelling back forth routinely and allow human presenters to go back and forth between different franchises for years at a time.The human presenters and puppet characters could with ease using magical or scientific means travel to the universes and VR programmes if all other puppet shows in existence allowing for crossovers to occur with ease.Therefore for example characters from The Den Tv,The Morbegs,Sesame Street will have themselves and their spin offs set in different universes from each other with them each having spin offs set in their own universe but in different countries and the characters from each spin off travelling to each others spin offs regularly with them using magical or technological based interdimensional travel can be able to travel to the different universes of each indifferent franchise also regularly.Characters from the The Den Tv can travel to it’s different spin offs regularly and also travel to the universes of shows like Sesame Street,The Bear in the Big Blue House regularly as well and vice versa with characters from all puppet shows moving back and forth between different franchises.This will allow presenters and characters appear regularly on completely different shows as guests and even as presenters from time time back and forth with ease with the use of VR simulations will allow for this to happen with ease.The characters for each show can go on long adventures in these other parallel worlds.Thus each franchises will have crossovers with their own spin offs but also crossovers with other completely different franchises.Characters both humans and puppets from one franchise will be able to appear in other puppet show franchises completely unrelated to them at a whims notice with ease and to the various spin offs whenever they want through using interdimensional travel.Human presenters will work for different franchises and spin offs of all puppet shows for years at time going back and forth to each one with them able to work for multiple ones at once through VR technology and the interdimensional travel.They will also act as presenters for talk shows and actors for television shows and movies etc giving them variety in their careers.Thus franchises and new spin offs to existing and new franchises will be set up all the time set in countries across the world and also planets across the universe including fictional planets in parallel universes or parallel versions of our universe with alien characters and puppets with characters floating in and out of each spin off with ease.All new and existing franchises of puppet shows and their spin offs will have human presenters who will also float in between different spin offs across the world and universe with them filmed in VR simulations.New puppet and variety shows with puppets and new spin offs set in countries across the world and planets across the universe will be set up all the time by AI and humans and again they having multiple spin offs across the world and universe with the puppets controlled by separate AI.
All existing and new ones will have each individual puppet characters controlled by AI set up YouTube channels where they discuss politics,current affairs and entertainment news,other human and puppet vloggers and pundits and discuss and carry out their hobbies,review movies/television shows/video games in Dionysus in their unique style of humour with them also having talk shows similar to The Podge & Rodge Show wherein they interview celebrities.They can also have political debate shows like the The View and political investigative shows like 60 minutes that have their humorous style with them appearing as guests on talk shows,political shows like The View.These will be filmed using VR technology.They will also through VR simulations star in movies,television shows of all genres as themselves and as new characters such as horror,fantasy,science fiction,drama,sitcoms etc where they star as themselves in the own universe or as fictional characters in nested media with them having video games both official and fanmade that they star as themselves in Independant journeys including crossovers with other franchises and also as those based on the movies etc they star in.They will also have their own horror,drama or comedy anthology show similar to Podge & Rodge:A Scare at Bedtime.The puppets can be through VR technology create fictional episodes of Restoration Nation covering fictional buildings including buildings in their own franchises universe where they live in an infinite number of fictional buildings with these versions of the show being one’s where they are filmed in VR simulations.Since AI and since they can inhabit VR simulations they can film for their YouTube channel they can film themselves doing all sorts of hobbies such as tours of replicas of the real world,hiking,playing sports and urban exploration with them also doing vlogs with members of the public. All movies and television shows with puppets it will involve all puppets controlled by independent AI who will have their own YouTube channels to do vlogs etc with the characters making movies,television shows etc and video games.The AI will although controlling that individual puppet will however have its own separate human avatar to use for biosynths in the real world and appearing in movies etc in VR simulations as that avatar.All of the puppets will be controlled by separate independent AI that will ensure that they will create new movies and episodes of shows all the time,keep variety shows going forever,keep starring in movies etc and also ensure they constantly produce material on their YouTube channels.Puppets for existing shows that are restarted will have the puppets use the same voice as original voice actors especially if the original voice actors are dead.All new puppets controlled by new and separate AI will use new voices.New puppet shows franchises and spin offs to existing and new franchises can be set up all the time and them filmed in VR simulations with new AI created from scratch to play new characters in VR simulations.These AI will be separate from each other Assistant AI.Each new puppet show franchises and their spin offs set across the world and universe that have completely new puppet characters and human etc presenters will be set up all the time with an infinite variety of characters and AI to control them and interviewed and as presenters new puppets will be humans,aliens,animals or animals from other planets etc with them bring fictional or real world animals and aliens alongside even deitises.All existing ones will have the AI use the same voice as the original human voice actor with new ones.New shows will be set up all the time set in countries across the world and also planets across the universe including fictional planets in parallel universes or parallel versions of our universe with alien characters and puppets with characters floating in and out with ease.Once interstellar travel is possible non human sentient races across the universe will have their own versions set up.These shows and all their spin off talk shows,entertainment news shows and also YouTube accounts of the puppets since managed by AI will last forever.All existing puppet shows as detailed earlier on will have all existing episodes uploaded to Dionysus.All new episodes will be at least 60 – 480 minutes long.There can be video games,movies,musicals,plays,operas made of each franchise of puppet shows alongside of course spin offs that are sitcoms,dramas and other shows of completely different genres that star the main characters.The characters can have movies made that are adventures,comedies etc with all characters of only one of two characters present.Their video games can be survival horror,3D adventure,point and click games,first person shooters etc and the characters as their own actors can also star in nested media such as horror movies,romantic comedies etc ad fictional characters with these movies etc filmed in VR simulations that allow for human actors to star in them as well.All restarted puppet shows will have the same characters with them controlled by AI that use the voice of original human voice actors including deceased one’s with all restarted shows and their spin offs having new puppet characters controlled by AI.All restarted and completely new puppet shows will have all puppets controlled by individual AI with them also having spin offs created set across the world and universe with completely new puppet characters all controlled by separate individual AI.Each new and restarted puppet show and their various spin offs will have human presenters as well with the human and puppet characters able to travel between each spin off with ease since filmed in VR simulations with new spin-offs of existing puppet shows set up all the time using computer networks and VR technology set across the world and universe on real and fictional planets including alderson discs,ringworlds etc.New puppet shows and their spin offs can be set up all the time by anyone through computer networks and VR technology.These will be linked to other existing puppet shows through the bridging wormholes.
All of these aforementioned ideas will apply to all new and existing puppet shows including variety shows.All existing puppet shows will be restarted with new ones set up all the time with them having spin offs.New puppets shows and franchises as well as spin offs for existing and new puppet shows set on Earth and across the universe and in parallel universes will be started all time by members of the public with new human presenters and with the spin off having new characters created all the time.Having the puppets managed by AI will allow them to last forever and by the having spin offs all puppet shows lasting forever with human etc presenters working for them for a few years or decades at a time and then then retiring for a while with new human presenters present with the original presenters returning after a decade or so of retirement.Human and alien presenters can act as presenters for multiple puppet shows at once and move back forth between different spin offs back and forth abc also present talk shows at the same time.They can retire from presenting puppet shows for a while but also return several years later.VR technology will allow them to be filmed in any environment of their choice with them being mansions,jungles,based,castles and other ones with the environment changed every few years.All existing episodes of all puppet shows such as A Scare at Bedtime,Blue Peter,Fur Tv,Teletubbies,Boohbah,Tots Tv,The Hoobs,In the Night Garden,Morbegs,The Bear in the Big Blue House,Sesame Street,The Ferals,The Muppets,Fraggle Rock,Sesame Street,The DJ Kats Show,Den Tv etc will be transferred and uploaded to Dionysus under their own section with for Den tv it will include all of the actual show and not cartoons etc features in them.
.Satire and comedy sketch shows like Smack the Pony,Mad Tv,Spitting image,Bull Island,In Living Colour,8 Out of 10 Cats,Don’t Feed the Gondolas,A League of Their Own,Have I Got News for You,The Blizzard of Odd,Republic of Telly etc that were cancelled can be restarted and each country will have their own version of these satire/sketch shows.Each country will have their own version of these shows that are spin offs set up with actors and the characters moving in and out between each one that focuses on their local pop culture and politics with them doing different takes on international or galactic politics and pop culture.Each country from all alien races homeworlds can have their own versions.All sketch shows from across the universe can be restarted.Puppets in Spitting Image and similar shows that use puppets will have them controlled by independent AI filmed in a VR simulation.New satire shows will be set up all the time with each country having spin offs and actors moving back and forth between them all the time.VR simulations will allow an infinite number of them to be produced and set up by anyone.Each country can have their own satire animated shows like South Park,The Simpsons,American Dad,Family Guy that criticise their own popular culture etc.Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows.These will have versions set up across the universe including those set up by real world alien races and will have all presenters float in and out of those across the world and universe.All episodes of all existing satire shows from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube with all new episodes uploaded to Dionysus with all future episodes uploaded to Dionysus.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new comedy satire shows using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them that can last for decades or centuries with some stopped for a while and then restarted by the same presenter of new presenter at any time
All competitive game shows of all types including quiz shows across the world will be backlogged in Dionysus with those like Who Wants to be A Millionaire,The Weakest Link that are franchised across the world will be in subfolders.Future game shows will consist of those that are based on skill similar to the Crystal Maze,Knightmare that includes the competitors in VR simulations having to navigate intricate mazes etc and obstacle courses in a wide variety of environments such as jungles,temples etc limited only the imagination of presenters and have them carry out puzzles including those that involve backtracking and collecting keys and hidden items and also battle monsters,aliens etc.VR technology will give the contestants an almost infinite amount of mazes,obstacle courses etc to navigate and infinite number of puzzles to solve designed by AI that manages the show making each episode unique to the contestant and viewers giving variety and encouraging people to watch the show every episodes.If possible there can be game shows that using VR technology involve public versions of gladiator battles where contestants fight other humans and AI monsters etc or getting through obstacle courses in a wide array of environments.VR versions of Battle Royale,The Hunger Games can be played by the general public separate from that played by Agoge trainees with these played on local to global levels.Money since obsolete will be replaced by gaining a prize such as meeting a favourite celebrity,getting a manufactured product such as vehicle etc and topping global league tables with the concept of global or even galactic league tables encouraging competition amongst players on each episode but the show overall with players able to take part years later to compete on the league tables again.VR technology will allow an infinite number of game shows to be set up with them involving f=dangerous situations etc that does not put one in actual physical danger but one will feel tiredness and pain.Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows.All episodes of all existing game shows from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new game shows using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them.Most game shows will comprise of those that involve passing tests and obstacle courses etc rather than for money prized with quiz shows being integrated into obstacle course one’s and where the prize is not money but rather considered an expert in a subject by being reaching a specific round that grants one a place on a intelligence tier.
All past reality tv shows of all franchises worldwide will be uploaded into Dionysus.All future ones similar to Big Brother,The Bachelor etc will be set in buildings in planet sized VR simulations that are in exotic alien locations.VR technology can allow reality tv shows to be set in any real or fictional location in the real world and also in different time periods such as ancient times,Medievil times etc and in islands etc on alien worlds allowing for unique competitions etc to be carried out such as them rebuilding civilisation from scratch,surviving a zombie apocalypse,nuclear holocaust or alien invasion,battle dragons etc or other civilisational collapses and also where they are hunted by aliens and monsters.This could even involve them made into live in a VR simulation where they are meant to live on Earth etc in prehistoric times,in Ancient Greece etc and Medievil Times right up to modern times in different countries across the world and live life in those time periods and see how they react and how long they last before they crack or for a set period of time say a year or two on planet sized simulations using the time dilation effect with them dealing with political events and groups from that time.They can also be set on planets across the universe both real and fictional where they live with aliens etc.These reality shows can using VR technology involve contestants being put into extreme positions that would be impossible or too dangerous in the real world and also be fatal in the real world.These will be set up for each country and last several decades or forget with seasons every year with if possible them stopped for a few years and then restarted with them also set up involving alien races across the universe.VR technology will allow an infinite number of reality tv to be set up.Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows..All episodes of all existing reality tv shows from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new reality tv shows using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them
Soaps and sitcoms will have all existing episodes uploaded to YouTube abc all futures episode uploaded with them using VR technology.
.Sitcoms will be filmed in VR simulations that will be viewed by an AI audience controlled by the Assistant AI via fragmentation thus allowing it laugh at the correct time without it looking forced abc also without laughs generated at the wrong time with the AI knowing the punchline and also having an infinite number of unique voices and thus infinite number of laughs to generate making it seem genuine.Studios used to film sitcoms can be thus converted into communal home and buildings used to film soaps can be converted into private and communal homes.Adriadne will set up networks for soap operas and sitcoms in every country across the world and every planet across the galaxy in the future.These sitcoms and soap operas can be LGBT themes focusing on groups of characters with at least one LGBT character or have them all be LGBT characters with them also having racially and ethnically diverse casts with those that are Hispanic,black,white,asian and from different countries across the world.Sitcoms can have all black,Asian and Hispanic characters and cast members but also have a mixture of these and whites.Sitcoms can involve characters that are have a fantasy,supernatural or science fiction twist set on alien planets,space stations or involve demons,witches,vampires etc and aliens.Most sitcoms should last at least 10 seasons and 200 episodes and new ones can focus on scientists,explorers,military and law enforcement personnel and Agoge Trainees etc.Some can be set in the past from prehistoric times,ancient times,Medievil times right up to modern times with spin offs set in countries across the world.They can also sitcoms set in fantasy settings involving demons,dragons,witches,vampires and magic set in Medievil times and modern times with science fictions set in modern or future settings with a science fiction twist on space stations,interstellar vehicles and other alien planets involving aliens,scientists, researchers or everyday citizens.For all sitcoms both existing and new they can be dozens or thousands of spin offs set across the world and universe with characters from one sitcoms floating in abc out of others as regular or guest characters with the spin offs set in different cities and countries across the world and in time across the universe.Once alien races are discovered across the universe they can be added cats members.New spin offs can also be not only sitcoms,but serious dramas,legal shows and dramas with characters and events in one show referenced in each other.Characters can float in and out of spin offs and movies etc and events and plot points referenced in each.Movies that are dramas,comedies etc can be created as well .If one spin off ends new ones can start with new actors and characters with older characters and actors appearing regularly as guest and main characters allowing a single franchise to last forever even if the original show had ended.Characters can float in and out of each spin off as guest,recurring and main characters moving back and forth between each spin off with Assistant AI keeping them rack of all plot points etc ensuring their is consistency.All existing and new sitcoms will utilise this concept and they will use VR technology to film them that allows characters to move from one spin off to the next and allows for dozens of hundreds of them to set in real or fictional locations..All episodes of all existing sitcom shows from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube with all new episodes uploaded to Dionysus.VR technology using planet or galaxy and universe sized sets will have them set in replicas if the real world and world made from scratch that are completely alien limited by one’s imagination allowing a infinite amount of them to be set up set across the world and universe
Soap operas and drama shows will last at least 30 years or even decades or centuries long or forever with due to immortality some characters staying forever,other leaving or coming back in later seasons and new characters appearing.For soaps both existing and new there can be dozens of spin off set in the same universe that are set across the world and universe that are also soaps wherein characters from one soap opera can move from one spin off to another one and back and forth in a rotary system with a single character and their actor over the course of a decade staring in at least a dozen spin offs set across the world and universe returning to each different spin offs set across the world and universe every few years or decades with new spin offs set up all the time only newly discovered planets etc across the universe.All existing and new soap operas and dramas will have spin offs set across the world set in their own universe with characters moving back and forth between these different spin offs with each country having multiple spin offs set in different towns,villages and cities across them with in each country each character speaking the native language.In time spin offs will be set on different towns,cities and villages on each country on planets across the universe both real and fictional ones.When humans make first contact with new sentient alien races across the universe then it’s possible for alien actors to become stars that act in them as characters.These these spin offs can also be soap operas or even political dramas and sitcoms etc.These can also have official movies that are dramas,romantic comedies etc.Each new and existing soap operas will have spin offs that will be made that are set in different countries and planets across the universe but that are set in the same universe with characters from each one floating in and out of each one and have characters and plot points from each one referenced.New spin offs will be created all the time with this allowing a franchise to last forever.If one spin off ends new ones can start with new actors and characters with older characters and actors appearing regularly as guest and main characters allowing a single franchise to last forever even if the original show had ended.Movies that are dramas and romantic comedies etc will be made.All existing and new soaps will utilise this concept and they will use VR technology to film them that allows characters to move from one spin off to the next and allows for dozens of hundreds of them to set in real or fictional locations.Characters can float in and out of each spin off as guest,recurring and main characters moving back and forth between each spin off with Assistant AI keeping them rack of all plot points etc ensuring their is consistency.These can be set in the past from prehistoric times,ancient times,Medievil times right up to modern times with spin offs set in countries across the world.They can also sitcoms set in fantasy settings involving demons,dragons,witches,vampires and magic set in Medievil times and modern times with science fictions set in modern or future settings wuth a science fiction twist on space stations,interstellar vehicles and other alien planets involving aliens,scientists, researchers or everyday citizens.They can have all LGBT characters,some LGBT characters and also all black,Asian ,Hispanic characters or a mixture of these and white people..All episodes of all existing soap operas from across the world will be uploaded to YouTube and all new episodes of all existing and new ones uploaded to Dionysus.VR technology using planet or galaxy and universe sized sets will have them set in replicas if the real world and world made from scratch that are completely alien limited by one’s imagination allowing a infinite amount of them to be set up set across the world and universe
Each country will have their own sitcoms,drama shows and soap operas that focus on characters in the military,law enforcement,researchers and forensics fields and not just those of everyday citizens and celebrities such as athletes,actors,directors,musicians etc.Once interstellar and intergalactic travel is available they will be set on countries on planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc across the universe and in time involve real sentient alien races across the universe as characters plated by real life alien actors..Adriadne will set up networks for these to ensure each country has these types of shows both sitcoms and soaps.Any member of the public including struggling actors etc and non famous ones in live performance art and voice acting for video games will be able to set up new sitcoms and soap operas using computer networks and VR technology thus leading to an infinite number of them
All type of human interest programmes including those that focuses on religion,agriculture etc from around the world like Would You Believe,Ear to the Ground will have all past episodes be uploaded to Dionysus with all future episodes uploaded here.These will have versions for each country across the world and countries across the universe
Other shows that can be franchised around the world include Beyond 2000,No Disco,Nationwide,How Long Will You Live,Operation Transformation,Ear to Ground and other similar programmes worldwide.Beyond 2000 can renamed The world of Tommorow or beyond Beyond 3000 etc that details emerging new technologies such as VR technology etc and those across the website and interstellar travel.Each countries main programmes unique to their country for kids,farmers,entertainment,politics,investigative reporting etc can be franchises across the world.These aforementioned shows No Disco etc can be restarted.Other shows like Echo Island that deal with teenage issues will be restarted with versions created worldwide that deal with adults etc of different countries and premier in Dionysus again having Adriadne starting these up for every country.These will have versions set up across the universe including those set up by real world alien races and will have all presenters float in and out of those across the world and universe
Each country will have their own programmes that focus on agriculture,cooking,fashion,weight loss,music,video gaming culture,religion and those that view political and cultural subjects from a religious perspective from the perspective of all major religions such as Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Hinduism/Jainism/Buddhism etc individually those from across the universe and those that do so from each individual religion and them combined,nature,science and technology etc and other hobbies etc including sports of each type such as baseball/basket ball/MMA/soccer/american football/GAA soccer and hurling etc with Adriadne setting up computer networks for all of these.
Any member of the public can set up new human interest etc shows with VR technology allowing them to be filmed in professional studios and parts filmed in the real world travelled to using aeroplanes etc.There can thus be an infinite number of them set up all the time by anyone
Versions of both Reeling in the Years and RTE 100 Years for each country around the world will be created by humans and AI in the same vein for years since the 1940s with new episodes of Reeling in the Years for every new year since 2009 for Ireland and each country around the world created by original human producers and possibly AI and potentially lasting forever including versions created for all countries on other planets with the older and newer episodes following the same format ie using music from the year,live news reports and snippets of music videos with trivia present.Episodes of Reeling in The Years can be made for the Irish version for years that don’t exist for the 1960s,1950s etc with episode done for every year since 2020 from now on forever with new episodes created every year that chart bets of the previous year..Versions of these shows can be made for each country across the world that covers their history,politics etc and music from the 1950s for every year until 2029 with new episodes created each year that details events of the previous year.There will be versions done for each country of all alien races across the universe from the start of television etc with them created by AI.Shows like Who do you think you are? will be created for countries across the world and for alien races across the universe and will focus not just only celebrities but also everyday citizens with everyday citizens that are humans and aliens contacting the Assistant AI and them and telling them who they are.All existing episodes of Reeling in the Year,RTE 100 years,Who do you think you are? will be logged into Dionysus with episodes on YouTube transferred to Dionysus and the YouTube videos deleted with all future episodes uploaded to Dionysus
Different types of new history shows can be created by anyone using computer networks and VR technology.
All major television and movie ceremonies like the Oscars,Emmys etc will be done in VR simulations including multilayered one’s allowing people around the world and not just celebrities to attend them thus allowing buildings used to host them turned into permenant homes with them live-streamed and logged into Dionysus with all past awards ceremonies logged into Dionysus.The one week Los Angela’s rule will disappear alongside the rules for all major competitions for television shows and movies such as the Emmys,Palm Dor will be changed due to all new movies and television shows premiering on Dionysus with them having to premiere within a set period of time on Dionysus
All future film festivals and competitions such as the Cannes Film festival and Sundance film festival will take place in VR simulations attended by millions of people in multilayered simulations with the building used to hold them converted into communal homes