New Software

All of these softwares will be integrated into the wire into relevant networks with updates with fixes and new features made on a regular basis with these fixes and new features made by the general public and in time Gaia and themselves.These will be capable of being used on all types of smart devices as well as computers and laptops.The interfaces and appearances of those downloaded onto computers ie Pentheus,Pandora,Coeus can be changed via in program settings and these will be designed by both AI and the public but will keep the same symbol.They will all be sentient.These alongside apps will be stored in Talos.

•Branchus an amalgamation of Microsoft works,Powerpoint,Word,Presentation,Excel,Office etc and all similar software making it the universal writing software replacing all other ones.It will be named after the prophet who was a son of Apollo with all of their features and fonts with new fonts etc added by the public and itself.This can be used on all devices such as smart phones,televisions,pads and e-newspapers using Adonit pens replacing all types of notepads,writing pads etc with files save and streamed from a personal Hestia cloud.Adonit pen will allow one to highlight text and also write passages in their own text.

•Educational sentient software named Coeus after the greek Titan associated with rational wisdom and can contain links to all of the worlds scientific studies within Apollo that also teaches languages and also reading,writing and arithmetic of various levels of difficulty.Arithmetic can be taught with this in a similar manner to Brain Age Math where the student will be given tutorials on addition,subtraction, multiplication, percentages,fractions etc and asked to solve problems in these areas of increasing difficulty at their pace with other software or sections of the same software allowing for trigonometry,calculus, probability and other more advanced areas of math in primary,secondary, degree,masters and PhD levels and those used in for all fields of science from basic to the most advanced levels to be taught again at their rate with a stylus and adonit pen with an almost infinite number of problems and exercises generated including hypothetical real life scenarios explained in writing with it spoken and also explained in 3D animations at the behest of the student.These can also come from scanned in mathematics textbooks from primary to tertiary level from around the world as far back as possible housed in Apollo.It will also create trial examples of all types mathematical problem to show students how certain problems and fields of mathematics are carried at the behest of the student to show how they are done.Multiple solutions to a problem should be encouraged to teach critical thinking and creativity.If a student gets a problem wrong the software can show them the correct answer and method to arrive at the answer via animations without the absurdity or schemes such as Common Core.Creativity tests for this can come in the from the software by asking the student to find as many possible uses or forms an object can be used for or come in including those that range from the normal to the outrageous as per Clarke’s Second Law.It will be taught in creative writing,maths,theory and theoretical situations and different ways to solve exercises to test different routes a solution,use scant resources to a problem or situation and also encourage this in science in multiple routes to a solution of a problem and evaluate the effectiveness of each one for critical thinking with this also applying this to Clarkes Second Law wherein creativity grounded in hard science research up to that point in multiple fields such as biology,physics,chemistry and their sub fields used singularly and collectively to reach into the impossible areas of pseudoscience or science fiction science and then one can test means of reaching the possible fields of discovery that would be the most theoretically possible form of that pseudoscience or science fiction science that can be achieved in real life.This could be done using simulations and experiments.Writing can be taught the same way with them shown how to write their native languages alphabet in normal and cursive script and form words and sentences with grammar(verbs,adverbs,capitilization etc.) and punctuation also taught with again exercises of varying levels of difficulty given again with a stylus.It may even have exercise where entire sections from existing books and magazines or paragraphs or random pages written up by software similar to automated insights and have the student rewrite it in either normal or cursive with grammar,punctuation and accuracy of how letters are formed with them also practising writing their own name with them asked to put one or multiple words in a sentence,paragraph or short story with it also teaching the spelling of words with British English taught both in terms of spelling,pronunciation and phrasing replacing American English world wide.It will teach how to write in all known languages and also types and styles such as as calligraphy etc.Thus they may also be given entire passages to copy as well as construct their own sentences,paragraphs and pages.It can also teach reading,writing and speaking in all known types of languages and dialects including ancient ones in time those of alien races once interstellar and time travel becomes possible as well as fictional ones from media such ass Klingon and Elvish ones from The Lord of The Rings,Star Trek and new ones created by the public and AI added as time goes by.The sentient Coeus will help people learn any language that translate their own phrases and conversation in any language to another and gives them exercises and have real time conversation with another student or mentor who is a native speaker from around or with Watson and measures their ability to carry out long conversations with Coeus even having conversations with them once sentient.It may also download a book or magazine from Dionysus or a page generated by Automated Insights and translate it into the language they wish to learn and measure their efficacy in speaking the language or translate the book or page from start to finish into their native language or vice versa via intaking their voice through nanomicrophones on smart devices similar to karaoke as they read out the passages and highlight areas they got wrong and mark them out of a percentage gradient with them aiding the student in proper pronunciation by speaking out areas they got wrong.The software will also read out these entire passages beforehand or phrases and words chosen by the student to aid in this.The same program may give them written exercises to write using adonit pens on smart devices and measure the depth,complexity and logic of the piece written in the foreign language as well as translate pages written in their native language into the language they are studying by writing it with the Adonit pen on the other page in the case e-newspapers again marking them on a percentage gradient and highlighting problem areas.It will teach them both all types of grammar and punctuation well as how to write words and letters or in the case of some languages symbols in these specified language to form words,sentences and paragraphs.Reading can be taught with books,textbooks or magazines of the students choice downloaded(again iSample will ensure material is age appropriate) or again random pages generated by the software on smart devices such as e-newspapers(artihmetic and writing can also be practiced with these) with nanomicrophones recording the students speech and pronunciation in a method similar to karaoke with speakers can allow this software to help them pronounce certain words they have difficulty with and give them a percentage gradient and highlight areas for improvements and chart their progress over time which can be replicated with the other two subjects.All three would ideally be a single universal software from within Apollo to teach all three subjects that charts their progress over time with the efficacy measured and charted using the universal colour code.It will also educate them on how to interpret scientific studies and how to approach information and studies on the internet and wire that is questionable and what the gold standard is introducing them to science at an early age.Memory can be tested with them shown an object or even an entire passage or several pages or entire book and then asked to recite it 30 minutes later or even 24/48 hours later with then graded on their ability to recite or write it down entirely on a percentage scale using again the universal colour code.Ones speed at reading,writing,solving mathematical problems and reciting memorized passages etc will also be tested and charted on a percentage scale.Students may be even be tested on their ability to perform simple and complex calculations without calculators with calculators including scientific ones being apps on linked smart devices or on the bottom or side of the page or device they are working on or in the case of e-newspapers on the opposite page with this calculator turned on/off with with either a button or within their setting rather than having to create bulky,easily lost and easily destroyed physical ones.Creativity can be tested with software asking the student to find as many possible uses or forms an object can be used for or come in and this scored.It can be updated over time with new features by the general public and Gaia,itself with emotional intelligence,intelligence quotient,creativity tests,aptitude tests also included in this software with advances in artificial intelligence allowing an infinite number of intelligence,creativity and aptitude tests to be created.This will be integrated into Apollo and through this Coeus itself will be able to perform a wide range of studies on personal,local,regional,national,global levels over days to millenia using data such as age ranges and other demographics of students around the world of all ages from infants/children to the elderly.A students progress will be charted over their lifetime including days,weeks,months,years,decades and centuries logged by date they were taken and age in years,months,days visible within a menu on the main screen alongside aforementioned studies allowing the student to compare themselves to the rest of the population on league tables over time.Adonit pens will be used as this Coeus software will be done on all types of smart devices and also on smart televisions using mouse and keyboards which they can be downloaded onto computers including laptops(using mouse,keyboards and linked smart devices) with them using their real legal name and password to sign into their account.Its symbol will be either a pencil and/or a mixture of Greek letters representing reading and writing with mathematical symbols.This should prepare students for introduction into the salons as well as their mentorship starting at twelve or younger and will eventually become its own independent AI interacting with billions of people at once separate from the wire and have its own avatar for each person designed on Dionysus.Apps can allow it to be used on smart devices,televisions(using linked mouse,keyboards,smartpads and e-newspapaers and adonit pens etc).The sentient Coeus will also be the universal sentient translating software which will replace both google translate and worldlens for text media such as books,novels,websites,magazines as well as worldlens Skype translate for computers and smart devices.It can translate media in all 6,500 languages including ancient,rare,extinct ones and also alien ones once interstellar travel becomes possible.This will read the speakers voice from televisions,smart devices,laptops,wireless earphones and headphones,computers translating channels and radio station across the world located in Pheme,foreign language media in Dionysus in real time in the speakers actual voice rather than the computer voice currently in skype translate with no lag when installed on these devices.As stated the translation will come in real time dubbing over the original voice track even live televisions(when downloaded and installed in smart televisions),e-newspaper audio books and book commentaries and live feeds and recorded ones in magazines as well as YouTube videos,their comments and description and even video files on laptops and personal computers while translation software better than google translate will translate text into any language.This software named after the king of the Peloponnesus ordained by Zeus will become sentient its symbol a throne and avatar based on his statue with the settings made within ones wire account and also in menus for media.All types of media which will automatically be translated with all voices and text in video games/movies/televisions text ie subtitles,trivia tracks etc and all voices such as commentaries,full media and also special features translated into their desired language as realistic as possible in real time in the actors and persons voice with it also translating all novels and other literature,magazines,newspapers,comics and all text files.These language settings will also translate live streams of news,awards ceremonies,talk shows,programmes,radio podcasts,movies and television shows etc and logged versions into their desired language in real time.The dubbing of voices will be in real time and will be in the original actors voice with it also applying to YouTube videos and the internet as well as smart phone and laptop calls.Phone calls on phones and Iris chats into the preffered laguage in real time.Subtitles for all languages can be made for all old and new media including video games with even ones made for all languages for livestreamed media such as news and debate programmes.It will be able to translate all text and voices in real time in the speakers voice(including commentaries and those for the blind as well as live news and events) and text such as in subtitles,trivia tracks and written media such as comics,novels,magazines,newspapers etc in all known languages and dialect including those that are no longer used but were in ancient times with in time alien languages and dialects also availible with him translating media from alien civilisations into any Earth language or vice versa.Sign language for old and existing media and also live news etc will also be created by him for the deaf and descriptive tracks for the blind.He will be able to work on all media including recorded live news,video games,television shows and movies,special features etc in a fragmented form when offline by scanning the medias audio files and translate into the desired language in the speakers voice.Live news will at first require a time lag but will be perfected or their logged versions in folders and also recorded movies,video games old and new will have him scan all audio and text files in a few seconds and translate it to all languages in his database and do so for the selected language in ones wire settings with text in the form of subtitles,trivia tracks,in game text and also text written down on paper in live action and animated features will be translated it direct perfect translations,thus perfecting it.At first he will have all audio scanned and him translating it and having it as an option with subtitles translated into all desired languages as files and settings in menus saved within each persons Hestia/Dionysus account linked to the media and devices that can be deleted later on but by 2045 these files of audio will be deleted and he will be able to do it in real time with this mainly chosen as he first pre scans the audio learning all the lines and also voices with this applying to commentaries as well.Subtitles should suffice and will be availible in all languages for all movies,television shows and games etc as well as live performance art and even logged live news and their special features and also commentaries created by him by 2029 with further advancements and fragmentation allowing him to do so for voices with even the soundtrack of movies,video games etc translated in real time in both subtitles and audio.Media that have different voice actors and dubbing for each region for older games,movies and television shows etc will have the player able to choose the different sets of voice actors and have their voice translated into any language with this  done by the different versions scanned into Dionysus and them selected in the main menu settings.Music in Dionysus will undergo this with live performance art such as plays,musicals and rock concerts also doing so with them able to have audio translated into any language and have subtitles for any languages.By 2029 the translations for all media will be perfected for both voices and text and not be botched as with most media has today with it being translated directly into what it means in the original language.This will allow anyone to read any newspaper,magazine,comic,book etc and watch any movie,television show and live performance art including rock concerts,plays etc as well as play any video game from around the world in their desired language with as stated commentaries and special features also translated even trailers with it done in the original actors voice and not dubbed by others.As stated live news will at first have a time lag,but this will be perfected and be in real time with even logged news programmes also translated.VR simulations will utilise this to allow one to communicate with people who speak different language as each person will hear all spoken words and read all text in their language in real time.Installed on smart phones,smart mirrors,smart etc both video calls and normal phonecalls will be in the desired language in the speakers voice in real time with no lag with texts translated as well.This would also apply to media such as channels,video files and radio stations on smartphones and other smart devices.It will also be the software in wireless earphones.It on smart devices including contact lenses and smartphones translate signs as well as books,newspapers and other media.On neural implants it will translate all spoken words and all seen writing into the desired language.Newspapers,magazines and books from Dionysus and Pheme will be translated this way with even YouTube videos in the original voice,their comments and descriptions and websites translated in real time all determined by ones settings in their wire account.Documents on computers and external hard drives and even older video and text files including photos and also home videos will also be translated this way.Texts on phones,instant messaging and other parts of Iris including video calls,VR chats and simulations etc will be translated in real time and when one changes the setting the writing will be changed as well.The symbol of this software integrated into the wire namely Gaia will be the a throne.This will be software within Gaia which will allow one to through settings on their wire account translate all phone calls and devices through Hestia and Iris,websites through the internet as well as media in Pheme and Dionysus.All media will be able to be translate into any known languages and dialects including ancient ones,fictional ones like Elvish and in time those from alien races with in time media from alien species translated into human and non human languages.Homogenised languages around the world and eventually galaxy will be made redundant by the sentient Coeus which installed on smart televisions and devices and computers etc will translate all voices on movies,television shows,video games,live news,radio podcasts,YouTube videos etc and all text on newspapers,magazines,video games,websites,email etc will be translated in real time into ones desired languages with this including all languages from around the world and eventually galaxy from alien species including extinct and rare ones. YouTube videos will be translated in the speakers voice with this settings translating the entire internet and wire meaning even titles of YouTube videos,text in videos and comments of them will be translated with all websites and pages on the internet have all audio and text translated.This can be done via changing settings in ones Arke browser where the sentient software can exist in fragmentation.The entire wire ie Demeter,Hephaestus etc will have all writing and audio with translated in real time via in wire language settings again with the sentient software existing via fragmentation.Installed on smart phones and as part of VR technology used for simulations of all types and phone calls will also translate spoken words and words into ones language in real time.On all types of apps such as Eros,Helios,Paean etc it will allow the sentient AI to speak to them in any language with it when on neural implants will translate all spoken and written words intaken by the eye and ears will be instantly translated.Documents on computers,smart devices and external hard drives and even older video and text files including photos and also home videos will also be translated this way.Texts on phones,instant messaging and other parts of Iris including video calls,VR chats and simulations etc will be translated in real time and when one changes the setting the writing will be changed as well.This will replace World lens with one using ones camera on smart lens able to translate writing fed into real time smart devices with it on neural implants translating all spoken words and words intaken by the ears and eyes into any language.Like all software it will be sentient with its avatar based on Phoroneus’s statue.

•Educational sentient software Phoebe that houses all textbooks on all subjects and also all salons taking place on all subjects ie film/religious studies/political science/liberal arts/sociology/anthropology/humanities/ mythology/history/philosophy/ psychology/art theory/literature as well as gender/asian/latino/black/video game/LGBT studies.
•Operating software within Hephaestus named Aphrodite its symbol being a scallop shell that will manage the arrangement of all items in their networks replacing Watson.This will also be the name for product recognition software that that measure the shape and contours of selected manufactured goods such as buildings(interior rooms and exterior),statues, clothing, symbols/designs,footwear, home textiles,sculptures,clothing,electronics, hairstyles,tattoes,paintings,ceramics etc. from pictures,negatives of photos,scanned in photos,photos,newspapers,magazines,paintings and posters(both on the Hephaestus network and in media such as photos,tv shows,movies etc) ,movies and television shows(live action and animated),adult movies(shorts on websites and feature length)YouTube and music videos,awards and fashion shows,old advertisements on YouTube and in magazines and newspapers,video games(in this case it could simply be a case of downloading files stored on games especially with regards to more recent ones) and other entertainment mediums,alongside video files on ones laptop and smart devices and then upload this to the relevant folder and sub-folders in Hephaestus network in the wire from autocad in one or numerous cad files in the case of clothing,suits and their accessories that will open up with the product(s) in them. This means that scanning products via this method will automatically open up autocad and the file with the colours,shape and patterns set into it already when opened where it can be uploaded to the wire or altered.This can be done in videos by the user selecting a person(or object such as home textiles,vehicles,furniture etc.) in the video and locking onto them for the duration of the videos/movies length to ensure as much of each product is scanned in with any remaining bits filled in by following logical shapes and patterns etc. It would also scan in all accessories on that person such as hairstyles,jewellery,all parts of a costume(i.e shorts,trousers,shirts, ties,skirts,footwear, hats etc.) which can be linked to each other via clickeable pictures in each items file ie. a dress will have link pictures that direct the consumer to any related shoes and jewellery and accessories such as hats and even hairstyles in the salon sub network. If they are already present a message will notify the consumer and not upload it and allow for the consumer to discard it or alter it. With regards to products from these media they will be organized in their own folder for each sub network for example in the clothing sub network their will be a folder containing all the clothing scanned in via this software from a particular television series(all episodes and seasons) say one folder for Friends,another for Babylon 5,another for The Simpsons, with the same method applying to film and video game series and music videos grouped by artist as well as fashion shows grouped by year/season designer and awards ceremonies grouped by both year and type i.e the Oscars and Emmys. Then they will be the folders for each video game,music video,film/tv series in each sub network ie. All the paintings extracted from a television show,movie in painting network,all the vehicles from each type of media and so on. Altered versions will be linked to via clickeable photo in the main sub network.Otherwise they could be in normal folders of the sub networks with the rest of the items in that series in clickeable hyperlinks in a scroll bar and the source photo present with links to the folders for each media.If a person tries to scan in an item this way and it already exists on the wire rather than creating a duplicate it will simply direct them to where it is in the wire.This would be ideally in the same sub network of Hephaestus where a person can click and drag or upload a photo/video file and into it where the software will either play the file and allow consumers to select items they want uploaded to the other sub-networks of Hephaestus as it is playing or the software will automatically upload all types of manufactured products by either scanning through the file.Products from video games will be done by inserting discs into computers or uploading old rom files.Making all of these options available will be ideal though once Aphrodite becomes significantly advanced she will automatically scan all the networks in the wire especially Dionysus,Pheme and all of the internet for items from media of all types including sites like YouTube and social media sites as well as adult websites and also images on her search engine,various sites including social media sites.This will be done by her interacting with Arke,Meanad,Aleitheia etc.Symbols and designs on all of these will be uploaded to the symbols sections of all subnetworks including individual ones in group photos.Ideally she will do this in a fragmented form on multiple computers and networks to allow her to alleviate strains on her other work with there AI helping her.The AIs that manage all social media and adult websites,Ouranos can do this alongside here and add it to her database to alleviate strains on her.This will be integrated into Hephaestus and will act as a macro operating software managing interactions between all factories and Hermes and other networks.
•Universal designer software within Hephaestus named Pandora after the first woman in Greek mythology that is an amalgamation of Speedy Painter,Optitex,Photoshop,Pret à Template,Smartdesigner/Fashion CAD,sketchup,Formit360,Fusion 360,SimScale,Revit,Sim City home building software,Maya,solidworks,Dacuda and Sprout scanning software,autodesk and autocad(and other similar software),Orion(to allow one to virtually try on manufactured products before ordering them and also growth of plants in gardens) with all of their features and more with them easier to use with the symbol being a large pithos jar.Other existing similar software will be added to it including Formit 360 to view its effect on the local environment and those that run simulations of buildings taking account of climate,soil base where the construction is to take place,potential natural disasters that affect the region,weather systems,tornadoes,floods,tsunamais,hurricanes and earthquakes as well as accidents involving vehicles taking into account a large number of factors such as wind speed,intensity of theoretical quakes,speed and type of vehicle involved and the types of materials used in the building giving it a grading system of which improvements can be made to ensure the highest quality before production starts.Ideally this will be done in software that combines sketchup/autocad,Artemis and the house building software from Sim City 4 to allow a more accurate view of how it would look in relation to the surrounding landscape as well before printing begins(this also relates to those constructed by machines and prefab homes):based on percentage and letter system A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16%.Other parts of this software will give grading system for vehicles designed on Hephaestus,testing their ability to survive crashes,theoretical driving conditions and incidents on the road taking account the types of material the vehicle is made of,tyre type,alloy wheels,types of weather and road conditions such as intensity of ice,levels and intensity of rain,hail,types and intensity of bends etc.The grading system would be:based on percentage and letter system A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16%.This would be integrated into the vehicles sub network of Hephaestus.It can also take stills,pictures and photos and invert it,cartoonise it(into the styles of different cartoons i.e The Simpsons,Family Guy,different Disney and PIXAR styles ie.3D etc.,make it look like a painting i.e look like different types of painting styles i.e impressionist,cubism or like the style of a oil/watercolour/crayon/pastel painting.This would be ideally in the same sub network of Hephaestus for creating paintings and posters where a person can click and drag or upload a photo/video file and into it where the software will do this when they click on a menu and submenus.One could sketch and draw an item and have it transposed to a 3D item with Adonit pens with these also used on creating and altering 3D items with these.Symbols can be designed by mouse or Adonit pens.This can be downloaded onto computers and smart devices including smart televisions using linked mouse and keyboards and devices for use when wire access is not availible.It will also allow one to design new custom species of livestock,pets,crops,ornamental plants and even sentient lifeforms with Phanes interacting with it and designing DNA with the phenotypes such as organ,muscle,skeletal systems,coats,plumages,eye colours and other phenotypes such as horomones,toxins,patterns,organs and muscle systems and even skeletons can be designed on this for creating animals for Artemis namely Phanes and Physis and also Demeter.with this having a option of choosing what known breeds and species to hybridise DNA with each other through tick boxes etc with the same applying the manufacture of crops.These would be stored on the ordering platforms within Demeter similar to those in Hephaestus within the animal/crop visible as a photogrammetric picture.Updates will allow additions of new features from Gaia,itself and the public and how to videos can be integrated into it or on YouTube by the public with Pandora providing tips on how to carry out certain methods with direct interaction with her making production of products easier.

•Operating software of all post offices and community centres named Euthenia with its symbol being a coin with her head on it

•Operating software of all textile and clothing factories named Arachne after the young woman who was turned into a spider by Athena with its symbol being a spider that will link them together worldwide

•Operating software of all glass factories will be named Ganymede with its symbol a glass cup and will link them together worldwide

•Operating software Pygmalion managing all factories that produce paintings/ceramics/sculptures and all types of art products will be named after the sculptor with its symbol a chisel and will link them all together

•Operating software of all furniture factories will be named Daedalus after the ancient Greek word for carpenter with its symbol a pair of wings linking them all together worldwide

•Operating software of all toy factories Zagreus after the original form of Dionysus with its symbol a human heart and will link them all together

•Operating software Selene of all vehicle factories after the goddess of the moon who rode a chariot with it also being the software to perform virtual tests on vehicles and also universal drivers licence software for manual vehicles such as cesnas and NASCAR racers and its symbol will be the moon and it will link them all together worldwide.

•Operating software Phaethon would link all petrol stations around the world being their software and manage all onsite repair shops and also pick up trucks.Its symbol being a group of horses

•Operating software Ictinus named after the Greek architect will manage construction and creation of parts for houses with its symbol being a the Parthenon.

•Operating software Deipneus that manages all food factories with its symbol being bread dough

•Operating software Linus will manage musical instrument factories named after the Calliope and Apollo with its symbol being several crotchets and will link them together worldwide

•Operating software Pyxis named after a vessel of the ancient will the name of any factories that create household goods but likely these will be printed at home with the symbol being a pyxis that will link them all together worldwide

•Operating software Diagoras will manage factories for sports items named after the ancient Greek athlete with the symbol being a boxing glove or closed fist and will link them all together
•Operating software Talos will be the name of all electronics factories after the island where the device of the same name was found with the device being its symbol and will link them all together.Its symbol will be the device itself

•Operating software Hippocrates will manage production pharmaceuticals and healthcare equipment with most of these produced in hospitals and universities and through 3D printers named after the famous anatomist with its symbol being a human and will link them all together.This will be software operating microfactories in universities and hospitals as well as pharmaceutical and healthcare factories.

•Operating software Euclid will manage production of science and lab equipment with its symbol being Greek mathematical symbols and will link them all together.

•Operating software Peitho named after the deity of goddess who personifies persuasion and seduction will manage production of sex toys even though most of these will be 3D printed and clothing produced in clothing factories(Arachne) and its symbol being a love heart and will link them all together

•Operating software Archimedes will manage factories that create machinery and robots for other factories named after the engineer with the symbol being an Archimedes screw and will link them all together

•Operating software Adrestia named after the goddess of balance between good and evil,just retribution and revolt will manage weapons factories with its symbol being a sword and shield and will link them all together.

•Reverse Google Tango software that scans rooms,streets,rooms,maps of from the aforementioned product recognition software media present in cartoons,video games,music videos,movies,video files,pictures,photos as it is played out.These can also be integrated Hephaestus for construction of building interiors
•Sentient home and electronics operating system Hestia that will be within Hermes wherein all the electronics in a home are registered to a person home AI via operating systems which itself is a part of a larger system with electronics in each home registered to that homes independent AI.It would also be the operating software of electronics.This would be sentient operating softearbof all homes both private or communal homes and would allow people to give access to a visitor for a temporary period of time thus allowing control of the electronics,security systems and lighting but at the same time protect private files on certain electronics.This system will allow for all electronics in a house to be linked and controlled by each other and allow data such as video files,music files to be streamed and transferred from one to another(even between multiple electronics) in close proximity and remotely from any part of the world using Hestia and ones Home AI as a mediator negating the need for iTunes,wires etc.Homeowners will also have the ability to turn the electronics on/off and check how much battery power is left.This means one could control ones laptop using a smart device and view the same screen and access the same files provided it is tuned on from anywhere in the world and vice versa with television and other devices even kitchen appliances such as grills and fridges with windows portable heaters also controlled this way.Once one wishes to get rid of a device and trade it away or recycle they may simply de-register it with vehicles even deregistered and instructed to drive off to the new owners home and with homes a person may deregister the home and thus all electronics before moving out. It will also allow information to be streamed and transferred with electronics registered to other home AIs by two means: By proxy works with connections made to another phone(or electronic device) via the Home AI and Hestia accessing phone books via interacting with Arke in ones Iris account allowing them to connect to multiple contacts in a persons phone and they can then select multiple people in those contact phone book and social media accounts allowing the original phone to send and receive data,video and music files,keys and apps,names in contacts(as well as stream video back and forth) to contacts in their and the second persons phone they select as well as any laptops,smart devices and other electronics linked to the other persons smartdevice and so on with the software tracking the flow of information allow them transparency as to where files are sent and received similar to emails with with authorization done by all parties involved at each step in the connection from one device to the next.Each person could beforehand have certain files or folders on their electronics marked private and thus not able to be streamed or transferred or even viewed.This would be more secure and quicker than e-mail as one could send large amounts of large files in their cloud and devices to as much as a dozen people at once with Hestia and the various Home AIs in fragmented form ensuring only the decided information is sent to the right people without it going anywhere else and being preyed upon by third parties ie the government and also hackers via Saoirte protecting it.This would require wire access with progress bars in percentage measuring how much of each of the files each person has received on the senders device and those receiving it will have their progress shown.The sender would choose which files in each device would be sent to each person and which devices with this also including friends lists in Pheme,Dionysus and social media through different options with the different home AIs and Hestia managing the flow of information and ensuring the correct information gets sent to the right people.This would mean a person would choose which information on which of their devices is sent to which of their friends devices with the data either copied or transferred to the devices with the receivers home AI then putting it into desired folders and subfolders with if possible a dozen people receiving different data at once with direct interaction allowing for this to be organised effectively.The second system could also involve transferring and streaming data in close proximity involving multiple people forming a chain from the original homeowners smart device in close proximity(say during a party) of up to a dozen or so people and also allow in these cases to have certain files or folders of a persons phones and other electronics accounts to be protected, made private and thus non transferable or view able during this.The sender would when in close proximity would be able to choose the devices owned by other via bluetooth on a list and then choose which persons to link to and send the data and then choose which files to send.This can be done at parties when people are in close proximity or to selected people online via the wire when all people are at their own homes or anywhere in the world via links made between all peoples Home AIs through Hestia with Hestia and the Home AIs arranging the copying and transfer of data ensuring it is secure with this more secure and efficient than email etc as the data is sent through directlyThis operating system could allow one to house all electronics registered to their home AI app in menus and view how much battery power is left in each one as well as link certain electronics to each other ie. link wireless earphones and headphones to televisions and smart devices on ones list and then turn it off for all electronics or register it to another.General electronics that are used by the entire family or occupants of the home can be controlled by everyone such as living room televisions with individual electronics such as televisions,laptops,computers,smartphones, controlled and separated by passwords,biometrics and other measures to ensure only the individual who owns them can operate them and have access to files with permission gained via passwords and confirmation measures to stream,view and transfer privately marked files or folders but still control all communally owned ones.This would be done by them having their own accounts within Hestia with general electronics being on a “family account”.The recording software within it can be installed on smart televisions and be a separate feature brought up on them,smart devices,camcorders,handheld consoles,laptops and computers to record sections of movies,live news,sports events,video games and organise livestreams to ones linked YouTube account.With regard to handheld consoles,camcorders and smart televisions it can save the recorded file onto the device,their Dionysus account or stream it to nearby or remote computers and laptops via the wire where it will be saved.Fraps and Bandicam will be integrated into it allowing devices to record livestreams and also video games plays and other media on smart devices and laptops.Video converters that allow one to convert video files to any type will integrated alongside YouTube to MP3 converter that downloads audio files from YouTube sites with the software automatically having download features that facilitates the downloading of videos form YouTube,websites and even Dionysus present similar to Internet Download Manager alongside other features from Google Chrome etc.It will also have cloud storage replacing all existing cloud storage companies by transferring all of a persons information into their Home AI.Furthermore it will measure water,energy and other resource use fed into Hermes whom it will be integrated into with this measured on individual,local,regional,national and global scales.This universal software will be named Hestia after the virgin goddess of the hearth, architecture, and the right ordering of domesticity,the family,the home,and the state and its symbol being a hearth and connect Hermes to Hephaestus and Demeter.It will interact with Tyche,Prometheus and Pemphredo during their respective emergencies and alerts including fires.This will be part of Hermes and contain personal cloud storage for homeowners replacing Dropbox,Google Drive etc with existing information transferred to their Hestia accounts with them accessed by biometrics,passwords and digital keys etc with law enforcement having access to these via warrents.

•The macro operating software within Demeter named Cronus that manages all other software such as Aristaeus,Ceraon,Pan,Hades and Poseidon its symbol being a scythe

•The operating software within Demeter that manages all vertical,forest and community farms worldwide named Aristaeus linking them together worldwide its symbol will be a cornucopia with olives,cheese,honey etc

•The operating software within Demeter that manages all breweries and wineries Ceraon after the deity associated with winemaking linking them together worldwide

•The operating software within Demeter that manages all fish farms of all types worldwide named Poseidon with the symbol being the trident and fish linking them together worldwide.

•The operating software within Demeter that manages all mining operations worldwide both in the Earths crust and the sea named Theia

•Supply and demand operating software that links Hephaestus with Hades to initiate mining operations if no recyclable material or synthetic materials exists with it also interacting with Hermes when recyclable material and synthetic materials do exist.Furthermore it will interact with Hermes(namely Tyche) and Demeter to collect algae from sewage and wastewater treatment plants as well as with the software Pan to get biochar fertiliser.Furthermore it will also interact with Hades to initiate the mining of phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen from the earths crust and Ophion when gaining them from the sea.IT will also initiate the allocation of recycled materials from recycling plants to factories.In short it will manage all trading of resources from mines,recycling and waste treatment plants,sewage and water treatment plants,desalination plants,vertical and community farms between each other.It will be named after Persephone due the relationship she has with the four namely Hades with its symbol being the pomegranate.

•Operating software built into Hermes that controls and links all power plants of all types together worldwide named after Steropes the cyclops of lightening and will also the automated gathering of natural gas,oil and coal from existing reserves from mining,drilling and construction of oil rigs and also metallic structures to gather gas from permafrost both onland and in the ocean to its refining and transportation to plants linking them together worldwide.It would also control the automated transfer of nuclear waste fuel to power plants and between each other.This will be integrated into Hermes and its symbol will be a lightening bolt and will interact with Pan the software that manages biochar projects and also Theoi Meteoroi within Hermes and also traffic networks.Its symbol will be a lightening bolt.

•Theoi Meteoroi operating software will link all atmospheric,ocean,river and soil nanosensors worldwide and will act as a global weather software network which also link to existing and new weather satellites in Asteria linking to Hermes traffic networks on for terrestrial vehicles and also Eos air traffic networks and Amphriti ocean traffic networks.It will also be linked to all subnetworks of Demeter;Hades,Oxylux,Poseidon,Aristaeus and Asteria that manages satellites.Its symbol will be a Sun surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac representing the seasons and its changes in weather as well as the four types of sensors.This will manage the operating software and networks for each type of environmental sensors such as ocean,river,soil and atmosphere as well as linking to satellites in Asteria

•Operating software that manages all soil nanosensors called Leimakids

•Operating software that manages all river nanosensors called Naiads

•Operating software that manages all atmosphere nanosensors called Aurai

•Operating software that manages all  ocean nanosensors called Nereides

•Operating software that manages all satellite readings connected to Asteria
called Nephelai

•The Prometheus operating software built into Hermes will manage not just the alerts sent to people but also all simulations of all types of disasters done prior to and during alerts with it also managing through Hermes the control of automated systems and interaction with surveillance,traffic and other networks.It will also allow researchers and the public generate theoretical natural disasters of all tsunamais,hurricanes,earthquakes,volcanic eruptions etc and the areas likeliest affected by them of theoretical strength and effects etc.Thus it will link all types of measuring systems for disasters and existing government networks worldwide for all types of natural disasters allowing buildings housing them to be used as homes since it can be accessed by the wire.This will interact with Hestia,Tyche and Iris during emergencies such as natural disasters and fires.Its symbol will be an eye with snake coiled around it and will link all firehouses,lifeguard and emergency services buildings around the world.
•Operating software in bars,nightclubs,maglev/hyperloop and aeroplanes that takes photos of people ordering alcoholic drinks and keeps a record of how much they have ordered in order to prevent them overconsuming alcohol or abusing their age to give minors or other too much alcohol.This will also link all bars,nightclubs and restaurants worldwide and manage food orders from local vertical farms or ones built solely for restaurants and deliveries.This will be integrated into Hermes and will be named Hebe and its symbol will be a Kylix.

•Operating software in salons named after the Greek hunter Narcissus with its symbol a scissors and comb linking them together worldwide

•Sentient operating Software Selene downloaded into automated vehicles that allows a learner driver for NASCAR racing etc. as well as those who want to learn how to drive that allows to practice freely around a real and virtual course and measures their efficacy.Other applications would be to measure their efficacy to drive through normal road and navigate traffic in virtual simulations(through Artemis) and on race tracks against automated vehicles and temporarily take over into fully automatic mode to prevent accidents.A grading system based on a percentage and letter system A:81-100%,B:65-80%,C:49-64%,D:33-48%,E:17-32%,F:0-16%.This would apply to NASCAR,Formula 1 and Moto GP racers and those wishing to drive cesnas and small planes as well as boats.The software would allow the driver to arrange lessons on their vehicle anytime with them having to gain a set percentage of a set number of lessons before they can drive it manually by themselves with them given a series of exams of increasing difficulty and then a e-licence stored in their Themis account and onboard computer of all manual vehicles.This would be integrated into Hephaestus namely the Selene network that it will named after and will be the universal artificial intelligence driver learning software.Its symbol will be the moon.

•Operating software named Moirai that acts as a macro operating software managing Tyche,Hestia,Amphrite,Eos,Steropes and all of those of public amenities etc and interactions between each other and  other networks within the wire.Its symbol will be a spindle/staff,measuring rod,scissors and its avatar will be the three separate Moirai that are three separate personalities;Clothos,Lachesis,Artropos

•Software named Tyche which will manage sub networks 2-6 of the Hermes networks the symbol being the wheel of fate linking all of these buildings together worldwide.

•Operating software that manages all public vehicles,rental vehicles and public transport named Helios with its symbol the chariot and sun.

•Operating software that manages all cruise ships and seaports as well as sea traffic Amphirite symbol being a trident linking them together worldwide

•Operating software that manages all aeroplanes and airports as well as all air traffic named Eos with its symbol being a sun and crocus flower linking them together worldwide.

•Operating software named Ophion which will manage Ophion system with its symbol being a cosmic egg encircled by a snake linking them together worldwide

•Operating software within Hermes that manages all sports stadiums,golf courses,country clubs,entertainment centres and bowling alleys around the world named after Agon linking them together worldwide.It will link Hermes to Dionysus and Athena specifically the networks containing recorded sports events and Agoge events.Its symbol will be a wreath and pair of wings.

•Operating software within Hermes that manages all concert halls,theaters and similar venues named Thalia/Melpolieme with its symbol being the comic and tragedy mask linking Hermes to Dionysus and Apollo specifically the networks containing recorded plays and ballets and also drama classes linking them together worldwide.

•Operating software within Hermes that manages all circuses and theme parks named Komodia after the goddess of amusement linking them together worldwide

•Operating software within Hermes that manages botanical gardens and arboretums named Hegemone after the Greek deity associated with plants that can allow remote access to the AI of all botanical gardens worldwide with the symbol being a tree linking them together worldwide.

•Operating software within Hermes linking all pools and gyms world wide names Heracles with its symbol being the Nemean Lion linking them together worldwide.It would also link these within Hermes to Aesculapius.

•Operating software within Artemis linking all zoos,UNESCO natural heritage sites,reserves and sanctuaries worldwide named after Cybele the deity of fertile earth and wild animals which will be linked to Artemis and Demeter via Phanes linking them together worldwide.This will also be the operating software of the universal conservation group linking all of its members worldwide and will become sentient.

•Operating software within Hermes linking all temples,tombs,graveyards,catacombs and places of worship as well as buildings that manage burials and dealing with the dead even those inside hospitals named Thantos after the deity of death with its symbol a butterfly namely Iphiclides podalirius linking them together worldwide.

•Operating software within Hermes linking all mountains,cliffaces,caves and other geological features named Echo after the Oread with its symbol a mountain with hemlock linking them together worldwide.

•Operating software within Hermes named after Eros that links all bathhouses,saunas and also sex cinemas worldwide.

•Operating software within Hermes named after the Greek Neireid of sandy beaches Psamathe that links all beaches together linking them together worldwide

•The operating software within Hermes linking and managing all museums around the world and UNESCO cultural heritage sites will be named Myron after the famous Athenian sculptor it will also be the sentitent operating software of the physical art class network in Apollo.

•The sentient operating software Daphne named after the nymp chased by Apollo.She will be the software that links all libraries together in particular those in museums in this case connecting Hermes to Apollo and Dionysus linking them together worldwide.It will also be the operating software of all universities and the macro operating software of Apollo.The symbol for this will be a laurel wreath.

•Software Coronis named after the consort of Apollo and mother of Aesculapius which will manage interactions between universities and hospitals specifically when they are both using labs between the two when performing linked studies.Its symbol will be a snake.

•Software Hyacinth named after the lover of Apollo that links universities to vertical,home and community farms and nurseries around the world linked studies with the hyacinth being its symbol.

•The operating software within Hermes linking and managing all libraries and film and television studios around the world will be named Ariadne after the followers of Dionysus which also link Hermes to Dionysus linking them together worldwide.It will also manage the transfer of data from the physical world and internet into Dionysus and manage operations within Dionysus being its operating software too.Its symbol will be a leopard and golden crown with gems.

•Software name Pasithea the Greek deity of relaxation that will manage the transfer of data between both Apollo and Dionysus.It will also link all amenities together as a macro operating software for them like Mnemosyne.Its symbol will be the Greek Parthenon.

•Operating software within the wire named after the Greek deity Mnemosyne that connects all networks,software and buildings associated with the arts and crafts named after the muses and other deities to each each other including theatres,concert halls etc.These networks,buildings and operating software linking these buildings together associated with them are:Matton(bread) for cooking,Terpischore(lyre and plecturm)for dancing including synchronized swimming,ice skating and fighting, Calliope(writing tablet and stylus) for poetry,languages,film and creative writing,Clio for salons and coffee houses as well as lectures on history and the humanities(Scrolls,Books,Cornet,Laurel Wreath),Myron(Discus)for all types of physical art, Thalia/Melpolieme(comic and tragedy mask) for drama as well as movies and documentary classes ,Polyhymnia/Euterpe/Erato(Aulos,Cithara & Veil suspended in mid air) for singing and music and Urania(globe and compass) managing all buildings and networks for each field of science linking Apollo to Hermes and Aesculapius with Urania also linking all universities worldwide

•Macro operating software Epione links manages all hospitals and dentistries worldwide(including mobile ones) linking them together and all aspects of Aesculapius.It will also macro manage psychiatric clinics,dentistry,hospices and retirement homes worldwide.

•Operating software within Aesculapius named Hypnos that manages and links all morgues worldwide

•Operating software within Aesculapius named Eileithyia that manages and links all pedriatric and newborn wards

•Operating software within Aesculapius a more organised version of Watson that it will replace named Paean that as a general physician its symbol would be Rod of Aesculapius on a globe.

•Operating software that links all pharmacies called Panacea whose symbols is a potion bottle

•Operating software within Aesculapius Iaso that links all psychiatric clinics worldwide.Its symbol would be Rod of Asclepius.This will manage the entity of the same name and will become sentient.

•Operating software within Aesculapius Telesphorous that links all psychiatric clinics worldwide.This will manage the entity of the same name and will become sentient.

•Operating software within Aesculapius Geras named that links all retirement homes and hospices worldwide

•Digital warrant software that will scour the world patient files for DNA samples and fingerprints found at a crime scene to identify victims,suspects,witnesses of crimes.Furthermore it can be used to identify victims or fires,accidents,terrorist attacks etc.It will be named Medusa after the gorgans relationship to both Aesculapius and Athena linking both of them.

•Software within Hermes that interacts with Athena,Aesculapius and Prometheus similar to RapidSOS integrated into Hermes,Aesculapius,Athena that has a menu to select emergency service robots for those in wilderness,ambulances,law enforcement,lifeguards,firefighters and links directly to emergency services network and give them access to the nearest one based on their GPS location to send emergency services robot of their choice,firefighting robots and vehicles,ambulances,lifeguards.Linking directly to the AI of the relevant buildings and advances in artificial intelligence with automated insights,Siri and Watson allow them send them information via smart clothing or their voice as to the nature of the situation to send this data directly to the smart devices on law enforcement personnel when they reach the scene,health care staff when they arrive at the hospital,and emergency service robots and volunteers when they arrive bypassing 911 emergency hotline operators.It will be named Pemphredo after the Greek Graeae deity of alarm with a menu that connects to all three networks;Athena,Prometheus and Aesculapius.

•The sentient Aleitheia will act as the universal fact checker replacing Snopes,Politifact with her having her own website and YouTube channel where she will create videos and articles on all vloggers on YouTube,talk shows,live news,newspapers,magazines,podcasts from around the world on both political sides debunking falsehoods,mistakes,taking things out of context,forcing people into inescapable corners and intimidation and unfair debate tactics,noting gish gallup etc and correcting them with first hand and secondary sources of information from the entire wire and internet ie YouTube comments,tweets and posts from Agora and also live news reports,podcasts and interviews and also textbooks and historical documents in Dionysus,Apollo and Pheme etc to and will do this for all talk shows,podcasts,live news and vlogs on YouTube,blogs,books especially political pundit opinion ones and those dealing with history as well as investigative ones,magazine and newspaper articles as far back as possible and them for all future ones to keep people in check acting as the gold standard moderator of the truth with no political,emotional bias with each vlogger,pundit,celebrity,journalist etc worldwide on both sides of the political spectrum given a score on truthfullness.She will use audio/visual clips from Pheme,Dionysus,YouTube and pictures of textbooks,newspaper clips,tweets and social media posts and audio of podcasts as sources intermixed in the videos and articles.Links to all primary and secondary sources will be in the form of hyperlinks in her website and also in the description box of the video with the video having a hyperlink to the original video being debunked with articles housing hyperlinks to primary and secondary sources and original article etc being debunked.The video on YouTube being debunked will have a link added to its description box and also embedded link at the end of the video that links to her video on her YouTube channel that then debunks it with videos debunked by her have a tablet symbol either next to the title or somewhere visible added by her on search screens and also on the video when viewing it to denote that it has been debunked with her interacting with Thoas to add this to all videos she debunks.Newspaper and magazine articles online and in Pheme will have this symbol on it to denote it added by interacting with Arke and herself since she will manage Pheme with debunked live news segments and podcasts in their folders have this symbol and the hyperlink present on their description box.Her website will have written debunking and critiques of blogs,newspaper and magazine articles,books especially political pundit opinion ones and those dealing with history as well as investigative ones,scientific blogs,Agora comments and posts,newspaper and magazine articles from around the world for all future and past ones as far back as possible by the general public and celebrities.Primary and secondary sources of information will be present.Also present will be a list of all journalists,members of the public,vloggers,bloggers,celebrities etc rated on a percentage scale of truthfulness that changes overtime.Her YouTube channel will house videos where she analyses and debunks all YouTube vloggers,live news pundits,live news reports,radio programmes and podcasts,YouTube debates(including ones where she is the moderator)political and presidential debates and political investigative programmes and also movies,television shows,talk shows,video games etc from around the world and debunks lies,misinformation,historical and scientific inaccuracies and disinformation and denoting Gish galloping,putting people into corners and unfair debate tactics, for both sides of the political spectrum in the same manner as Jimmy Dore,Potholer54,DemocraticSocialist01,BadEmpanada etc in her own style with her doing this for newspapers,magazines and blogs as part of her website.All videos on YouTube both existing and new that she makes videos on will have a tablet symbol on them next to the title both on the videos YouTube page and it on search bars and recommendations lists to show that she has done it and within the videos description box the hyperlink to her video debunking it added by her interacting with Thaos to all existing videos.Blogs and online newspaper and magazine articles will have this symbol added to its title and the hyperlink to her article on her website when one is viewing it by her interacting with the receptionist AI of all existing and new online magazines and newspapers.Newspaper and magazines articles in Pheme will have the tablet present on the title of the programme and podcast and also article with a hyperlink present in the its bottom page with radio podcasts and programmes have the tablet on its title and hyperlink on its summary page of the programme.Live talk shows,live news etc will have the tablet in its title and hyperlink on its summary page.Books,movies,television shows etc in Dionysus will have the tablet symbol on its title and hyperlink in its summary page.By interacting with Aleitheia and Adriadne she will be able to put these symbols and hyperlinks on the titles and summary pages of all past and future media in both Pheme and Dionysus.During these videos she will use audio/visual clips and pictures etc as primary and secondary sources of information intermixed with her appearing as her avatar in VR simulation and also cracking jokes and adding analysis in the same vein and manner as Jimmy Dore,Potholer54,DemocraticSocialist01,BadEmpanada with her providing primary,secondary sources to these in the description box of her video in the form of hyperlinks to Wikipedia,other YouTube videos,video clips in Dionysus and Pheme,scientific studies and textbooks etc in Apollo,blogs,vlogs,official websites on the internet,Agora etc.Once fragmentation allows her to catch up on all vlogs,live news etc as far back as possible she create new articles and videos on the latest material every day from the entire internet and both Dionysus and Pheme.Having all past and future live news,podcasts,talk shows,newspapers and magazines etc in Dionysus and Pheme and all vlogs present on YouTube and all primary and secondary sources in Apollo and Dionysus and have all past tweets and Facebook posts transferred to Agora will allow here to get easy access to them and create videos and blogs easily with her doing this consciously and using VR simulations appearing as her avatar and Pentheus etc with fragmentation allowing for dozens or even millions or billions of videos to be done weekly.Fragmentation will between 2029-2045 allow her to catch up on all material present in Pheme,YouTube etc and then create material on new material present there.She may even take part in live debates with individuals and her constantly connected to the entire internet and wire during this.She will produce videos using her VR avatar based on that of statues from here on her YouTube channel cracking jokes and offering analysis and writing articles on her website etc using and primary and secondary sources to mark out lies,incorrect facts etc and offer opinions and analysis on podcasts,talk shows,live news reports,vlogs and other videos on YouTube,magazines,newspaper articles,radio programmes etc with her also creating videos where she does analysis of individuals,groups and common political and historical myths used by and on both sides of the political spectrum,scientific myths and events both past and present with her own opinions used citing correct information.Her analysis on individuals,groups,events etc from both the past and present will be done by her through fragmentation scanning all of the internet,Agora,Pheme,YouTube vlogs as well as videos and comments on them,blogs etc to gain the general consensus of the public and then making her own opinion on them.She will routinely create videos on these over time as the status quo and her opinion on them etc changes overtime.Her ability to scour the entire internet as well as Dionysus and Pheme ie all internet forums and blogs,Agora accounts,magazines,newspapers,all YouTube videos and their comments and all of Apollo,Dionysus,Pheme etc on a each subject within hours or even minutes through fragmentation and also super human AI will allow her to come to her own conclusions on them using the general consensus of the public on all sides before these debates and creation of videos draw her own conclusion and will perform studies on the media based on their coverage of events and issues including those from the past.As events progress on certain issues she will make more videos based on new information and will arrange videos on each issue into playlists.Videos where she debunks lies etc will be arranged into playlists will be arranged in playlists denoted by each group and person with each group and individual given a truthfulness percentage score in her website that changes overtime that reflects the percentage of times they lied or were truthful.She will engage in the comments section of these videos she produces and also those produced by others offering corrections and also even debate issues there by pressing a button within Agora and YouTube.In YouTube a button in the comments section and when making comments will exist where she can be called via fragmentation to settle disputes by correcting lies via making comments that debunk these and actively engage in discussions.In time fragmentation can allow her to review all comments on all videos to allow her to review every single comment and thus score them as truthful or not on the comment itself.She will also act as a impartial moderator in televised and YouTube debates via fragmentation and be linked to the wire constantly with her then making videos debunking both sides later on.She can be called to the YouTube comments section of any video and tweets and posts in Agora to settle debates via fragmentation and each YouTuber and person in Agora will have a percentage score overall on her site with instances of this denoted and listed here.She will also in fragmented form take part in debates with individuals and commenting and even disputes on YouTube videos 24/7 settling disputes relating to bias and also factual errors as she will be able to comment on all videos with YouTube having a button to call her to a specific video at a time or someone referencing her in a post.She will be called to a video in fragmented form and comment on the disputes in the comment section and will provide links to her site,her videos,other YouTube videos and also links in Apollo and Wikipedia etc.This will be linked to her Aleitheia website that will be an amalgamation of Snopes,Media Matters and Politafact.The website again named and managed by Aletheia will also house pages in folders and subfolders/subpages for specific individuals such as celebrities, pundits,journalists,bloggers/vloggers,politicians,authors etc and websites, contain a collection of their falsehoods on newspaper articles etc as far back as possible and rate them on a percentage overall and each type of falsehood changed as time goes on with new ones added over time with those on existing sites such as Snopes,Politifact,Mediamattters and on old articles,blogs,books transferred here and rewritten by Aletheia allowing the servers for these sites servers recycled.Ones truthfullness percentage score will be listed for each blogger,pundit,journalist,celebrity and them listed in different types listed on percentage truthful with this list and each persons percentage trufulness changing all the time with this based on their overall truthfulness overtime.Each vlog,video of pundits,talk shows,newspaper articles and quotes from politicians and celebrities will given a percentage score of how truthful they are following the universal colour coded system which be added to and averaged with their overall score.The universal colour coded system will be – blue denoting completely true,yellow denoting some inaccuracy,green denoting half true and red denoting completely false.Both the website and YouTube channel can also replace sites like where it will point out continuity errors,factual historical and scientific errors,visible equipment and other similar flaws for movies,television shows and also video games rating them again on a percentage scale overall and individual types with the movies organised by year and director/writer.For these mistakes present in movies,television shows and video games it will create both articles for her website and videos for her YouTube channel.This will include documentaries both amateur ones on YouTube and mainstream feature film ones as well as those made for television,straight to DVD etc and investigative political journalist ones,cultural ones stored in both Pheme and Dionysus such as Prime Time,Tonight with Vincent Browne,Newsnight,Panorama,Frontline,Would You Believe,True Lives,PBS Journeyman pictures,The Fifth Estate and all types of ones with her pointing out political bias and historical,factual and scientific accuracies.Articles and YouTube videos on all of these aforementioned websites;Moviemistakes,Politifact etc can be transferred to the Aletheia channel and websites and their servers recycled.Her website will contain written critique of blog posts,tweets,newspaper articles etc and a list of all vloggers,pundits,celebrity,journalists etc worldwide on both sides of the political spectrum given an ever changing percentage score on truthfullness and her YouTube channel will contain videos debunking debates,live news,podcasts,talk shows,vlogs etc from around the world as far back as possible again on both sides of the political spectrum.This website will replace,Politifact with existing videos and articles rewritten and remade by her making her the single universal factchecking website and channel.Fragmentation will allow her to do hundreds or thousands of articles and YouTube videos a day by 2029 with her doing several million or even billion every day by at least 2045 thus allowing all past logged newspapers,podcasts,talk shows,vlogs and live news programmes etc from around the world to be quickly done and to catch up with each new days news.Thus by 2029-2045 fragmentation will allow her create thousands,millions of billions of articles on all articles from newspapers,magazines,blogs and also thousands,millions or billions videos on podcasts,vlogs,live news,material present in Pheme and Dionysus from the begging of vlogs on YouTube,begging of magazines,live news etc. every day to catch up on all material currently present and thus allow her to continue to do so for new material produced every day on YouTube,Pheme etc.Thus once all existing newspaper and magazine articles,live news and pundit segments in Pheme and talk show programmes in Dionysus as well as vlogs and debates on YouTube are reviewed and analysed via fragmentation she will then be able create via fragmentation analysis and debunking of all new material uploaded to YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme everyday with all past and new material uploaded into playlists based on each individual,show,pundit etc.As AI she will work with Pentheus to create them from scratch from pure thought and will be able to scan the entire internet and wire to create them with even hour or longer videos taking several minutes at most rather than humans who will take hours,days or months to produce long videos with articles also written up in minutes again by being connected to the entire wire and internet.Fragmentation will allow her to not only catch up on existing material but also while she is creating videos on existing material she will also be creating material on new material with her arranging the old and new material into playlists for each individual etc arranged chronologically.Direct interaction will allow any member of the public to ask here queries on any potential debate or falsehood anywhere and improve her service with suggestions.Videos that have scientific and political errors or just scientific ones will have them done by both Daphne and Aletheia on Aletheias channel.She will have her own live news station,newspaper and live radio programmes like other AI that will cover global and galaxy wide politics that will be unbiased.She will thus act as the global gold standard for truth worldwide with her replacing all existing fact checking service.

•Operating software that is installed into the AI of all courts the world over and links them together and manages them named Dike after Themis’s daughter

•Operating software of Adikia that will become sentient and manages its network

•Operating software of Amalethea the sentient adoption agency

•Operating software of Leto the sentient social services agency

•Operating software Alexander that links all Agoge training facilities and is the universal military and law enforcement training software.

•Operating software that manages all operations of Athena named after Perseus the Greek hero that is the macro operating software of Athena

•Operating software that manages all operations of and connects all airforce and navy bases etc named Alke with its unique Aegis seal being its symbol

•Operating software that manages all operations of and connects all military buildings,bases and bases named Nike with its unique Aegis seal being its symbol

•Operating software that manages all operations of and connects all SWAT buildings named Eirene with its unique Aegis seal being its symbol

•Operating software that manages all operations of and connects all federal investigation buildings named Dolos with its unique Aegis seal being its symbol

•Operating software that manages all operations of and connects all police stations and buildings etc named Kratos with its unique Aegis seal being its symbol

•Operating software that manages all operations of and connects all intelligence angency buildings named Homonia with its unique Aegis seal being its symbol

•Operating software installed into all jails worldwide named Nemesis linking them together world wide and its symbol will be a sword and hourglass

•Operating software installed into all forensics labs worldwide linking them together named Macaria after the daughter of Hades with this installed on all laboratory equipment and instantly uploading evidence to digital cases related to it in Athena linking them together worldwide.

•Software that converts 3D holographic maps into different cartoon styles and CGI for video games.This would be ideally in the same sub network of Hephaestus where a person can click and drag or upload a photo/video file and into it.This would be integrated into Dionysus

•Software Terpischore integrated into Apollo particularly that detect and follow the motion of single or multiple individuals from stock footage for use in teaching fighting and dancing and measures the students efficacy using motion capture suits.This would be ideally in the same sub network of Apollo where a person can click and drag or upload a photo/video file and into it and stores the library of dance recordings.Swimming particularly synchronised swimming and skating will be also taught by this.It will also store those recorded by dancers and can have the material sent to Pentheus.This will inevitably become sentient separate from the wire able to interact with billions of people at once with it performing studies on each type of fighting style,dancing style,swimming style etc and piece taking into account demographics such as age,race,country of origin visible to students in sub menus.A person will be able to create the softwares personal avatar.Its symbol will be the lyre and plecturn.

•Universal video and music editing software named Pentheus after the king of Thebes who angered Dionysus.Ideally all existing video editing,CGI,music,video game making software like Cyberlink video and photo editing software,Photoshop,Inkarnate map and character creator,Cyberlink Ebsynth,Procreate,sketching software using mouse or adonit pens,Blender,VFX,Nividia,Sprout,Interactive Digital Photomontage,Premier Pro,greenscreening technology,Janimations,Ceraproc,Body scan software,voice recording software,FL Studio, and many others in fact all software and programmes devoted to editing and creating movies,video games,music will be amalgamated into a single universal sentient video and music,video game making software,book,comic,graphic novel editing software named Pentheus after the king of Thebes in Greek mythology that angered the god Dionysus that will contain all of their features and more with updates and extra features from him and the public added over time to create media with even the ability transform 2D images from sketches done by hand using Adonit pens and pictures from the internet and photos or even existing textures and graphics into 3D images and CGI of desired graphics levels for the development of animated media and video games.One can add and remove game engine software from it when its not used with the software from Talos only present when one has Pentheus and can only be stored on Pentheus and not on es devices alone with ones version of Pentheus shared wirelessly via Hestia with saved projects stored on ones devices and computers.Game engines and other software for producing all media will be within a subsystem of Talos within the Pentheus program that one would access via Pentheus and download onto their version of it meaning one will have only software present for each video game they are making.Music can be created using adonit pens to create notation,humming a tune that will be transformed into notation and also conventional means present in FL Studio.Voice actors for animated media,video games and voice overs will be done via speaking into miniature microphones with facial expressions read by cameras on computers read,recorded and superimposed onto CGI faces with motion sensor suits linked to her.Direct interaction with the Pentheus,receptionist AIs,Home AI and Gaia will make editing easier once they are sentient with built in tutorials also present created by him on demand with updates made over time to add new features.Pandora will allow one to make material such as props,items in games and animated material more easily with movies,television shows and video games made easier through this direct interaction too.It will also be able to separate audio from video and also different layers of an audio file and video file such as movie,television show into separate tracks ie separate voices of all characters or specific characters as well as sound effects and music etc with greenscreening software integrated into it.In the case of music videos and files it would separate the music track and the vocals(individual or compiled).In the case of movies it would separate music present and also separate the vocals of all spoken/sung words by actors either collectively or individually capture motions of movements from all media like Terpischore with whom it will interact with.Futhermore it will have the ability to upgrade and downgrade any movie clip or even picture and audio file to any resolution one wanted to including the highest quality including 720/1080p with this including those on VHS and cassette tapes,discs,those downloaded from YouTube and other sites and those from camrecorders and the internet.It will also contain software to make video,picture etc files look like paintings of any kind(oil,cubism,crayon,watercolour,pastel,impressionist etc) and cartoonise characters and items and invert film and also convert film into any type of look ie black and white,different sepia tones of any type desired by the producer.He will be able to convert 2D sketches,scanned in items from scanners or from Hephaestus etc or pictures from the internet etc and those from cameras into 3D ones of any type of graphics level of any level of complexity.Existing video game files downloaded from Dionysus will be converted into any level of graphical textures using this and game engines downloaded from Talos will be integrated with this.This could be integrated into Dionysus.He will also be able to upgrade low quality videos on ones devices including those downloaded from YouTube to higher quality such as 720/1080p or downgrade them with the same done for pictures etc and media transferred to Dionysus and Pheme.This can also be done for videos from camrecorders,VHS etc.It will also be able to separate audio from video and also different layers of an audio file and video file such as movie,television show into separate tracks ie separate voices of all characters or specific characters as well as sound effects and music etc with greenscreening software integrated into it.In the case of music videos and files it would separate the music track and the vocals(individual or compiled).Watermarks can also be removed.This will contain software to produce all types of media such as movies and television shows(both live action and CGI),music videos,music,videos for awards ceremonies,video games,books,comic books,newspapers and magazines,live news programs and documentaries and covers for albums/books/magazines with it also used to create videos for YouTube and for ones computer including livestreams via links to YouTube within Dionysus accounts.It can also be used to produce documentaries,behind the scenes features,poster,trailers and other special features associated with them made by the producers,artists and directors etc.The software itself can be utilised not just on computers but also televisions and smart devices using Adonit pens and direct interaction with Gaia but also using joysticks and linked mouse and keyboards etc with it also on smart devices with edited files transferred between all computers and devices it is used on to allow them to be uploaded to networks.With regard to handheld consoles,camcorders and smart televisions it can save the recorded file onto the device,their Dionysus account or stream it to nearby or remote computers and laptops via the wire where it will be saved.Like Pandora this can be downloaded onto computers from Hephaestus and thus used when access to the wire is not possible.Customised videos and animations created by Pentheus will give one tips on how to create all types of media using Pentheus with updates giving new features over time.Pentheus will be able to generate animated videos from scratch unique to each problem etc for each query thus allowing each step to be explained to the producer in laymen terms thus making users able to educate users themselves on how to use him and him carrying out time consuming labour intensive steps like programming,animations,converting media to different qualities and also levels of graphical intensity and detail and even 2D to 3D and vice versa thus saving time and allow a single person to create media from scratch by themselves.Like Pandora he will have menus and submenus for each media type and will be sentient.This will contain all exiting and new software to produce all types of media such as movies and television shows(both live action and CGI),music videos,music,video games,comics,graphic novels,books,newspapers and magazines and even live news.It will also be use to create the covers for them and create YouTube videos.The software itself can be utilised not just on computers but also televisions using direct interaction with Pentheus but also using joysticks and linked mouse and keyboards etc with it also on smart devices with edited files transferred between all computers and devices it is used on to allow them to be uploaded to networks.It would be used to create music videos and the music in them,video games,movies and television shows(Live,animated,CGI),programmes for live news stations,awards ceramonies, books,newspaper,magazines etc.It symbol would be a wild boar.Like Pandora this can be downloaded onto computers from Hephaestus and thus used when access to the wire is not possible and how to videos can be integrated into it or on YouTube by the public with Pentheus once sentient providing tips on how to carry out certain methods.He will be able to work both online and offline in fragmented form with her creating how to videos using animations to educate people through direct interaction to carry out different actions,functions and problems negating the need for the public to create them on YouTube thus allowing those for existing defunct programmes to be deleted.Thus he will become the universal video editing,video game programming,voice recording and music making software and will be used to create all types of media such as video games,movies and television shows including CGI and animated ones as well as documentaries,personal programmes and also vlogs and YouTube videos and also music albums and soundtracks.Both Pandora and Pentheus should be fully commercially available and sentient by 2029 with proto versions available by 2025.New features will be added overtime and through fragmentation can work offline as well as online.Its symbol would be a wild boar and he will be sentient and his avatar based on his descriptions in ancient Greece.
•Universal music and teaching software named Euterpe that teaches all known musical instruments as well as singing with it intaking sound with internal metronome allowing them to change the speed or tempo with the software being adjusted for all types of music instruments including those from ancient times to new ones with e-sheet music on e-newspapers either complimenting this or replacing it with the notation changing colour to the tempo like in karaoke videos at the set tempo as they play and marking their performance with the universal colour code as the e-sheet music will first play the piece as normal and then play it back as normal marking where they went wrong as stated using the universal colour code as a marking scheme.During both normal blind testing without the notes they will measure pitch,tone,note recognition and speed or tempo and like lessons score them on a grading system based on percentage accuracy and show where mistakes were made using the universal code.These both can be used to test progress over a long period of time on a plotted graph with the music of each lesson and recital being recorded as the teacher can review each one of these either remotely by having the results sent to them wirelessly to laptops and smart devices by looking at these recordings containing the graph and percentage grade allowing them input feedback via Iris chats with snippets of recordings and visual aids on smart devices of both students and teachers allowing for each section to allow each section to be individually analysed or in person by scrolling through each lesson and blind testing done by the student.The same can be replicated with all musical instruments(with different files/books containing the same songs/pieces in different subfolders each for each instrument)as well as singing teachers with the same universal app that measure tone,volume,pitch,lyric pronunciation,speed set for tenors,concertos etc. similar to karaoke again recording practice and showing where mistakes were made similar to the sheet music for music exclusively .Sensors built into buttons and strings will also interact with these robotic teachers improving accuracy as well as in group practices for recitals and orchestras allow each individual member to be individually assessed.This can also be replicated with singing as the merging of karoke and the technology that can measure pitch and timing will also record lessons and practices.Merging of the two music,singing and voice teaching technology into one universal app will let singers and musicians to practice with both individuals marked individually using the same scheme and this would inevitably replace traditional music and singing schools integrated into Euterpe/Polyhymnia.This could stream all known music e-books in Dionysus.It could also be used on e-newspapers,laptops,computers,televisions and all smart devices.This will inevitably become sentient separate from the wire able to interact with billions of people at once with it performing studies on each type of musical instrument and piece taking into account demographics such as age,race,country of origin visible to students in sub menus.Its symbol will be an aulos.

•Musical instrument karoke software that takes music from an audio file or music video from YouTube etc and creates the notes for the song for use in music teacher software on smart devices e-newspapers containing sheet music for different instruments for use in either group or individual practice and recitals. It could also do this for vocals for practice alongside musical instruments or for karaoke software on smart devices independent of this.This would be integrated in Apollo specifically Euterpe with its symbol being an aulos,cithara and other Greek instruments.

•Universal karaoke operating software containing all existing songs from around the world in both audio and audio/visual form with the lettering in chosen language that also includes the sentient Coeus in it.It will have the music as it is separated from the actual song with no lyrics spoken allowing for more authenticity.Integrated in Dionysus it will be named Marsyas and installed on all karoke machines and can be downloaded into electronics.Its symbol will a flute.This will be on all karaoke machines around the world as well as being able to downloaded onto computers and smart devices including televisions.The sentient Coeus will translate the songs into all language.This will inevitably become sentient separate from the wire able to interact with billions of people at once with it performing studies on each type of piece taking into account demographics such as age,race,country of origin visible to students in sub menus.

•Metis operating software that merges all support groups of all types which located in Iris.This will become sentient.

•Operating software managing all aspects of social media sites,browsers,search engines,web hosters,web design,interface design,phone books,operating systems and connection of all devices to the wire and each other will be Arke the fraternal twin of Iris the symbol being a faded rainbow which located in Iris.

•Operating software managing Artemis and its interactions between itself and Hephaestus,Dionysus, Athena,Themis,Ascephelius,Hermes and other networks named Orion after her mortal counterpart and its symbol being Scorpio which killed him.

•Software within Artemis named Iphigenia that manages the Brauron sub network after the sacred place where her Temple lies.This will also be the software to perform simulations done within Artemis but also those on the growth of plants in gardens ordered in Demeter by interacting with Aristaeus.It can also allow simulations to see what manufactured products would look like in ones home similar to Autodesk Homestyler replacing it and similar software.Her avatar will based on her statue

•Operating software that manages all biochar and reforestation projection both on Earth and other colonies and planets across the galaxy housed within Artemis.This will also manage all wilderness areas and also forestry within Demeter across the galaxy.It will be named after the god Pan the god of nature, the wild,shepherds,flocks,goats, of mountain wilds and its symbol will be trees and a goat which will also be the symbol for the app of the same name allowing people to view biochar and reforestation projects around the globe/solar system/galaxy.Thus it will be linked to Asteria and Demeter.Its symbol will be the Pan Flute.

•Software that manages the trading of seeds,pet & livestock sperm and eggs(including bees,fish and shellfish) between vertical,home and community farms as well as zoos and conservation areas and wilderness around the world for endangered species.It will be named Phanes after the Greek primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life with it housed in Artemis.Its symbol will be two snakes forming a double helix.This will be integrated into Artemis and at times will interact with the patient files and other sectors of Aesculapius as well as Hermes,Demeter and Hephaestus when managing deliveries.During each trade a farm would get seeds/sperm/eggs from different farms of different types ie a vertical farm would get seeds for each crop from other vertical farms and also community and home farms from around the world to ensure diversity.This would also control the pollination of each crop by robots inside vertical farms in a randomized or preprogrammed fashion.Each community farm would receive seeds from other community farms and vertical and home farms from around the world.Each community farm will also gain sperm and eggs from livestock including those from fish,shellfish and even bees from other community and home farms from around the world.This software would be integrated into Artemis interacting with Demeter allowing it to access all community,fish and vertical farms around the world with it possibly interacting with Hermes to interact with Home AI.The rotation of male livestock,wildlife and pets on a global scale will also managed by this as well as which females would be impregnated and in the case of traded spermatazoa which semen would fertilise each egg or female and track the success of each impregnation. The pollination flowers of crops in vertical farms can can be programmed to spread these resistance,repellence and weather/soil tolerance phenotypes to existing crops that dont have them via pollinating robots in set ordered fashion with a set people choosing to keep seeds unmodified or out of this transferrel program by having the software trade with other unmodified seeds between their local community and vertical farms and not avoid transferring them from pollination if they have ethical concerns over the use of GMOs.The same would apply with spermatozoa and eggs of livestock and fish.Thus researchers and the public could view and track the trading of these commodities and the lineage of all animals and plants world wide with bacteria and algae also traded between communities to maintain diversity.Rather than having to collect sperm from a male, skin cells or induced pluripotent or haematopoietic stem cells can be extracted from phlebotomy robots that collect blood from males and can be transported to multiple farms around the world at once which can then be turned into sperm(or eggs from females) and automatically inserted by specialized robots into females in randomised or predetermined fashions decided by software to maintain genetic diversity and pass down desirable dominant phenotypes via gene drives.This will also utilise and work alongside CRISPR and Watson and other software that is responsible for all genetic engineering projects worldwide in particular isolating genes responsible for desired phenotypes cross referenced with Artemis and carrying out conservation efforts,genetic engineering and gene therapy on all lifeforms including humans,bacteria, plants,crops,livestock,pets etc.It would work with bioinformatics to make subtle alterations to DNA to increase genetic diversity within a species to create new individuals that can be put into eggs and/or semen and then used to invitro fertilise an animal with it also create new genes and phenotypes of an organism from scratch interacting with Physis.The public will be able to view the progress of conservation efforts such as reviving numbers of endangered species,reviving extinct species,creating new breeds,strains and species and the trading of sperm,eggs,seeds etc done worldwide with them able to track the lineages and trading of all organisms in zoos,wilderness areas,conservation areas,nurseries,home farms,community farms,vertical farms,universities etc. worldwide with it divided by taxonomic ranks for pets,livestock,crops,ornamental plants and wild flora and fauna with search bars and a  3D/2D phylogenetic tree in each menu allow for easy navigation.Access to the patient files of only wild animals(and possibly livestock) will be viewable to the public with pet patient files private.It will be housed in Artemis and interact with Demeter and all of Artemis.When 3D DNA printers are perfected he will manage the printing of DNA into seeds,spermatazoa and eggs as well as embryos onsite of vertical,community and vertical farms worldwide to negate trading programmes with him using the Phanes method to create specimens that are distantly related with this done as part of conservation efforts as well with him also creating biocompatible microbes and their upgrades.He also manage extrapolations of genotypes and phenotypes of all scientific studies and be related to all scientific studies and programmes related to genetics including the charting of DNA and taxonomic ranks on other colonies and also creation of new species of animals,plants,crops and sentient races.

•Operating Software Physis that controls the sub network that contains all DNA of all organisms as well as all elemental data

•Software within Artemis named Nosoi after the Greek deity of pestilence that manages all pest and invasive species operations

•Operating software that manages the Zeus network and links all government buildings worldwide named after his consort Hera with the symbol being a peacock feather.

•The operating software of Astraea its symbol being the solar system in a geocentric form.

•The operating software of Nyx within Asteria that manages the Nyx relay networks with its symbol being a black ring with white centre.

•The operating software of Erebus within Asteria that manages the Erebus wormhole,hyperspace system.

•The operating software for Gaia named after her consort Ouranos with its symbol being a sickle

•Cyber security,VPN and encryption software within the wire and downloadable from Hephaestus that is called Soteria which can be downloaded onto smart devices and computers with frequent updates.This would be the most advanced form with all features of exisiting ones that can be modified within menus.Tors ability to make users of the deep web invisible will be part of it

•The three laws of robotics similar to that of those laid down by Isaac Asminov named Arete

•Although iSample already exists its possible applications include: restricting access of minors to adult sites and social websites and forums on laptops,computers and smart devices like smartphones ,restricting their access to nightclubs,getting alcohol online or in restaurants or access to adult manufactured products in Hepheastus and material on Dionysus.