
Development of new pharmaceuticals such as research and development will be relegated to both hospitals and universities around the world in microfactories but will still have to undergo the same stringent medical trials and regulations that they currently do.These will be created by both universities and hospitals on onsite labs with pharmaceutical laboratories and corporate headquarters absorbed by either one and have the same operating software,receptionists statue etc and in the case of them absorbed by hospitals will have non lab rooms converted into patient wards or in the case of them absorbed by universities will have extra labs added.Considering that they will be a global form of the FDA(dealing specifically with pharmaceuticals named Aegle) that means that one drug authorized and legal in one country will also be everywhere else.Furthermore without corporations holding patenting over drugs they will be named and recorded in medical records,patient files globally under their generic scientific name of their active ingredient globally rather than trade name i.e.Paracetamol not Tylenol,Esomeprazole not Nexium and the other variations in other countries to eliminate confusion with this also applying to vaccines.The use of algae in their production will reduce their cost in production significantly making it more widely available replacing fossil fuels in their production.Other alternatives could be bio-oils gained from bacteria genetically engineered to produce them and hydrocarbons.Research could be done to see if other plant and animal oils created via engineered bacteria can be used that don’t contain nitrogen or phosphorous with hydrocarbons also produced by bacteria.These other options and other genetically altered bacteria would be ideal alternatives to produce pharmaceutical active ingredients components as disposing of pharmaceuticals through pyrolysis if algae is used then the essential nitrogen and phosphorous could not be properly recycled and this is the most efficient means of getting rid of it.One example is Artemisinin an anti-malarial drug made through bacteria that now costs mere pennies to produce making it easier to produce in areas affected by malaria on the cheap with other natural and synthetic compounds used as active ingredients produced by other engineered bacteria.Bio based alternatives to synthetic compounds can be gained from bacteria instead of synthesizing these compounds such as active ingredients,binders etc as bacteria can thrive at low temperatures cutting down on energy costs and can use wastes as feed and produce large yields of each ingredient.It is also ideal to use GM bacteria so as to allow the hydrocarbons,ingredients and vegetable oils to be produced on site using sugars and industrial wastes rather than shipping algae oil in from sewage treatment plants cutting down on energy costs.Genetic engineering bacteria can allow for medicines based from plants,animals alongside human hormones and proteins to be produced on an industrial scale with very little use of resources again on site of universities and hospitals to cut down on energy and time in transportation.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees celcius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees celsius can be added to their genome alongside those from Clostridium perfringens which takes only 10 minutes to divide increasing the rate of growth.To improve yields and speed up growth rates a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of bacteria biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilized alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year.Any gas created by the bacteria can be collected and burned with the energy used to heat the building they are in and carbon dioxide from that fed into the photobioreacter creating a looped system.Nutritional supplements can be produced using bacteria that produce precursors to vitamins such as beta carotene but also plant and animal oils both of which can be produced at home or in vertical farms or gained from a more balanced and healthy diet with in the case of the former nanosensors attached to smart devices can measure the concentration to prevent overdosing however a wide variety of healthy and nutritionally dense unprocessed crops as well as plant and animal oils created at home can negate the need for vitamin supplements.

New pharmacological compounds including anti-viral compounds,vaccines and even new antibiotics can be developed and synthesized by artificial intelligence(Epione,hospital AI) designing its structure and simulating interactions and effectiveness using information from patient files allowing each patient or population of people world wide to gain specialised versions of them based on possible negative reactions based on their individual factors such as age,gender,race and specific allergies,conditions and genes they have.The AI of universities,hospitals and also that of Phanes,Paean,Epione and even Gaia will work together or independently to determine possible side effects,pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics,effects of overdosing and recommended dose for both general and specific populations using information from Apollo,Physis and patient files allowing each patient or population of people world wide to gain specialised versions of them based on possible negative reactions based on their individual factors such as age,gender,race and specific allergies,conditions and genes they have.This can compliment or even replace conventional testing methods expediting drug and genetic engineering research and lower their costs exponentially allowing for hundreds or thousands of drugs and treatments to be tested this way at once with Aesculapius patient files,Apollo and Physis at once skipping traditional drug development steps.All labs in both hospitals and universities around the world will ideally be fully automated following conveyor belt style systems with Tug and Botlr robots transporting samples to and from labs,wards and even other hospitals using automated vehicles further expediting the rate of research and again reducing costs since these experiments both virtual and real can run 24/7,365 days a year with them done in all universities and hospitals around the world allowing for huge reams of data to be collected for one or two experiments carried out at once and the possibility of each hospitals and university carrying out their own separate experiments.They can also test new ones found in soils,oceans and animals with simulations made to test their effectiveness on all pathogens and toxicity to humans with automated labs performing trials on them on all known pathogens and also interactions with all known chemicals with Epione even able to do this without testing through extrapolations.The same could apply for new discovered compounds.These new organic compounds will be gained by them and universities collecting samples of bacteria and phytoplankton from soils and oceans and even secretions from animals and plants around the world and adding these to automated labs in order to test them against all pathogens in both real and even simulated experiments with if possible all genomes of all plants within Physis scanned for genotypes that create specific compounds using the AIs ability to determine this thus allowing all plants and animals and bacteria to have their genome scanned for any anti-microbial,antiviral and medicinal compounds that are of value 24/7,365 days a year.Soil and water samples will be collected by automated drones controlled by Epione and Daphne and the DNA of the microbes within added to Physis to be scanned with the real microbes tested into automated labs.It will even be synthesising new compounds of all types by designing their structure from scratch and creating them via automated industrial processes,adding the require genotypes required to produce them to bacteria,fungi and in time nanotech and picotech fabricators on site of hospitals allowing for antibiotics and vaccines to be made in bulk when needed with the simulations done by Epione,Gaia,Paean etc will allow clinical trials to be bypassed with its knowledge of human,bacterial,viral and fungal physiology and the structure of them from Apollo,Physis and Aesculapius patient files thus speeding the process of development of new drugs and treatments such as CRISPR treatments etc from decades or years to mere weeks or even hours by simulating interaction with the body,pathogens and effects on specific populations with the same applying to gene therapy treatments.It will simulate it s interactions with all other drugs and compounds such as recreational ones such as alcohol and their effect on general and specific could with real life lab tests.This could allow for multiple dozens or even hundreds of drugs to be synthesized and tested through simulations and automated labs at once around the world particularly when Epione,Gaia,Paean,Phanes etc intelligence increases and they work together with the AIs of universities and hospitals.Using patient files would allow for them to detect the effects of medicines and vaccines on all demographics instantly by again simulating interactions and effectiveness on all known pathogens and receptors in the body where it is designed for(and determine possible side effects,pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and recommended dose for both general and specific populations).

It will even be synthesising them via industrial processes,bacteria,fungi and in time nanotech and picotech fabricators.By hospitals and universities creating these custom made pharmaceuticals when needed when they are prescribed these custom made medicines can be prepared with nano/picotech fabbricators perfecting this.

Advances in automation have allowed for the research,production,packaging,testing of interactions between all different types of drugs with each other and other chemicals(synergistic reactions) and transportation of pharmaceuticals to be fully automated with further advances that already exist allowing for most scientific research to be done primarily by machine with it monitored and controlled remotely via smart devices and computers connected to Aesculapius allowing a single person to develop dozens of new drugs at once without error from start to finish including testing the drugs against each other and testing them on animals(with feed preparation and injection of drugs and extraction of blood automated via machinery and also automated phlebotomy robots combined with veinviewer etc.)and humans with clinical trials involving people from around the world lowering costs to almost nothing.In time automation will allow the developments of new compounds to be fully automated such as preparation of solutions as well as Aesculapius through Gaia developing new compounds and even vaccines from scratch by cross referencing all elements and compounds in Artemis with it determining how a compound would interact with the part of the body or micro-organisms it works on as well as determine how unknown biological and chemical process in the body and microorganisms take place in order to synthesise one from scratch through advances in artificial intelligence as well as cross referencing patient files to scan the database to determine what populations would be allergic to the vaccine or drug based on genes present in them.Ideally they should be produced in micro-factories using miniaturized machinery in close proximity or in site of hospitals and universities in obsolete rooms like STD clinics,obsolete wards,classrooms,college libraries(since all books,papers and other materials will be uploaded to Apollo)with all ingredients including binders,active ingredients,fillers,bio-oils,hydrocarbons etc. grown in miniaturized breweries and machinery from genetically altered bacteria.Automated pharmacies will be located where they can on site of hospitals in extensions and also disused rooms for use on patients present and dispensing to the public with packaging in the form of 3D printed plastic canisters,plastic wrap and/or produced either onsite in close proximity to allow them to be ordered in by patients via Hephaestus from their home within the locale,allow researchers in that field to be doing research on new drugs and existing ones on patients as well as to have them produced in close proximity to patients in hospitals to cut down on energy allowing existing factories and pharmacies,chemists for the production and distribution of them to be used as homes and factories of other products.Corporate headquarters will also be turned into homes.Ideally all universities and hospitals will have these microfactories not only for to distribute them to the locale but also to for localised production onsite to allow them ease of access for researchers.It will also allow energy to be cut down since they are right next to where in hospital patients are,where studies can be performed as well as being shipped out to patients at home rather than shipping to pharmacies outside of the hospitals(or off site factories) and then requiring the patient to drive out to pharmacies.In other words if universities and hospitals produce all major prescription and non-prescription drugs on site they can serve their locale and patients with what they need with each of these buildings producing different drugs so as to allow a wide range of medicines to be locally produced and for an entire country to have most if not all of their pharmaceutical needs.If each building produces one type of drug in a large batch at a time and then storing them in storerooms connected to automated on site pharmacies and then creating a large batch of different drugs after each other in a rotary system managed globally by software(Daphne,Telesphorus,Paean,Epione interacting with each other through Coronis)then this can completely ensure abundance of locally produced and available medicines with new techniques and additives developed to maximize shelf life and best before date will further make this process more efficient and allow each locale,region and country to have sufficient stocks of relevant medicines.These can be stored onsite or sent automatically to storerooms in universities,hospitals and pharmacies in streets to again make sure their is enough of them.It will also take stock of what medicines are there and which ones are in date and trade any surpluses between them with out of date ones automatically disposed of.Antibiotics both natural and synthetic can also be made here as well.Furthermore having them produced in universities and hospitals will allow staff to travel on foot to the factories to check on problems rather than having to drive to factories.It will also prevent shortages.Diagnostics will be done routinely on all machinery with automated corrective procedures for all possible problems built into the AI of the building.Cameras at key points of these factories will be fed into the hospital and university AI which can be monitored by staff and members of the public as well as stated earlier cutting down on transport costs.Factories as part of manufacturing hubs that also produce home test kits and other items in the Telesphorus network will produce pharmaceuticals of all types in batches that will be stored onsite and then ordered in by the public,universities,hospitals and those in streets with those in hospitals and universities alleviating their strains and allowing custom ones made for research to cut down on time for them to be tested or treat patients in need.Nanosensors built into the production machinery can accurately detect the amount of active ingredient present at each step to prevent quality testing by hand and also the presence of any contaminants.Vitamins can also be produced by bacteria and made into pill form here again for research,onsite patients and those in the locale.3D printed canisters,pill cases hold these can be reused indefinitely over the course of ones lifetime and sent back to the hospital/pharmacy by drone to cut down on waste by creating them over and over again and disposal by pyrolysis and can be created in the patients home or in the factory at the hospital.Nanotech fabricators will allow people to have all medicines created at home with Watson installed in them ensuring they get only the drugs they require in the amounts they require each day or in bulk for the length of the prescription to prevent overdosing and abuse as well as restricting access to those they are not prescribed.Research into alternatives to pharmaceuticals primarily dietary changes such as omega-3 fatty acids and exercise to prevent disease should be done so that drugs are used as a last resort to save on energy as well as prevent misuse and misapplication of unnecessary.Since all development,production and research of new pharmaceuticals will be fully automated it can allow a single researcher to carry out all steps of this development and research on multiple types of new drugs possible even dozens to be done simultaneously and remotely via Aesculapius(where networks to carry out and store studies on pharmaceuticals)drastically reducing costs even further and speeding up pharmaceutical research exponentially.All of this could also apply to antibiotics in their production,packaging and testing.All machinery,robots and vats used to create pharmaceuticals will be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent contamination and make them easier to clean by automation and gravity.Use of these micro vats could also allow batches to be created for people based on their DNA,age,gender etc for the required length quickly and then delivered until nanotech and picotech fabricators become sufficiently advanced for home use.Waste will be directed to onsite pools of water where of super blasts of super high intensity UV break down the compounds.

Eventually 3D printing will allow them to be produced in batch with new batches printed out when the time period of the previous batches has been used up i.e. every few weeks with nanotech/picotech fabricators producing these at home when needed.These designer drugs will allow for the exact amount required to produce the desired effect to be used minimizing side effects and waste of resources and as such pharmaceuticals entering the environment via sewage.It will also allow for drugs to be used alongside natural remedies for treating common ailments more effectively.

Robotics now exist to allow for prescriptions to be accurately filled out and then delivered to patients on site via robots interacting with them or patients using touchscreens attached to the pharmacies in hospitals or then delivered to the public via drones and car to their homes.Further advances in 3D printing will allow for them to be dispensed at home,locally or in hospitals with any instruction and safety manuals sent directly to their patient file in electronic form to cut down on paper in both cases containing contraindications and dosages for that specific person.These will make pharmacies obsolete with all of the major products (both over the counter drugs and prescription drugs)in pharmacy acquired in hospitals through order or picked up in person.This coupled with advances in genetics,artificial intelligence and nanotechnology will allow for these to be tailored made for each individual based on factors such as their age,medical history etc.which will be produced in bulk in factories in the amounts calculated for the length of its intended use i.e an amount created for one year or months supply.Those in streets will no longer sell products other than pharmaceuticals such as sunscreen,deodarants and cosmetics etc which will be dispensed on a first come first serve basis and excess stored in community centres as these will be homemade with the stands removed and scanned into Hephaestus and recycled or sold on Euthenia with an statue of Panacea in their place with the areas used to store them in the back replaced by the automated pharmacies and the counters and cashiers recycled once removed with ideally each town having only one with offices upstairs used to store extra pharmacies or extensions used with the drugs from other ones transferred to them with those that have offices upstairs being these multistorey ones with more roof and underground extensions added over time to accommodate a growing population.If possible miniature vats to grow them and machinery for packaging in batches could also be done with them also ordered automatically from hospitals,universities and also factories.They will each have their own independent personality,avatar legal name and receptionist with those in universities and hospitals managed by the building AI.Those in hyper and supermarkets will not be used as pharmacies and the medicines transferred as well.Hospitals and universities will have these onsite to accommodate a growing population,serve patients and also for research purpose with the medicines received onsite or via ordering them online in the Telesphorus network with any remaining human work can be done by machine such as printing on ink barcodes that denote their home address and also ward and bed number for robots and delivery drones etc with each patient having a specific barcode.Those in these areas would have touchscreen computers that would allow one to input their patient ID and what prescription and non prescription medicines they need with linked smart devices inputting this or ones Paean app doing this automatically.Ideally liquid medicines such as Gaviscon that are injested would be phased out in favour of solid tablets to make them easier to transfer.Since automated they will be open 24/7,365 days a year with existing ones remodelled into automated ones with the walls and main back area used to house the pharmacies and the counter and shelves recycled with the AI of the buildings linked by the operating software named after Panacea ordering in new ones form universities and hospitals when stocks are low with even microfactories in spare rooms or extensions underground or on the roof.All of these would be named Panacea with an universal statue of her in the lobby.The symbol of all pharmacies in hospitals,universities and on the streets will the green cross with a potion bottle.Ideally these would be based in both universities and hospitals.

All pharmaceuticals can be stored in 3D printed glass(with graphene in its matrix) and plastic containers which can be cleaned and reused indefinitely especially if liquid glass is inside.In the case of 3D printed or fabricated pharmaceuticals these can refilled at home.Paper packaging should be avoided but if used can be composed of red algae made in mini paper factories next to the pharmacy or hospital.In the case of automated pharmacies the person can have them dispensed in these containers by travelling to them in person and having them deposited in the containers then and there or they could have second or third cleaned container for each type that they could return to the automated pharmacy when their current one runs empty they could return these spare ones to be refilled and delivered via personal/factory drone or their own vehicles in a plastic case with compartments to store them in place when they receive a new order or when making orders from nearby factories,farms and community centres as well.The case would automatically open when entering the pharmacy and containers would be placed by drones/robots onto a looped conveyor system where they will be opened filled with the specified custom made drug and then capped with the same cap it came with and then returned to case it came in which would close and back into the drone or vehicle.This refilling of proper medicine in person can be done with their smart devices transmitting their patient ID to the Pharmacy AI and thus taking in their next required order and dispensing the drugs with microchips embedded into them to denote patient ID and address.Ideally the patient would have their entire allotted prescription given to them in one or multiple 3D printed containers that can be produced on 3D printers at the factory which can be reused indefinitely ie. if a person needs a drug for six months they are given six months supply and so on.If they need it for the rest of their life then they will be given six to twelve months supply at a time with spare and used container sent back for refilling when used allowing this rotary system using delivery and personal drones to be put in place efficiently.Biocompatible microbes will eventually make all pharmaceuticals obsolete by the mid 2030s