Public Services

Public services will in the near future will take the form of updated versions of existing services.For example any existing phone booths can be replaces with wifi stations that also act as wireless smart device and computer charging kiosks with solar panels and graphene paint to alleviate strains on the grid.They could also act as wifi hotspots providing powerful wifi via biosynth wifi and cables to the surrounding area that if multiple ones are in place of where normal phones are would provide the entire town or city with wifi.These could also be placed in the same place as where payphones were previously placed to provide wifi to citizens as well a place to charge smartphones and other electronics and they would also have a layer of graphene paint to generate electricity and prevent rust with a permanent layer of liquid glass making them dirt and acid proof indefinitely.All public amenities,vertical farms,factories,seaports,airports,hospitals,police stations,government buildings and public buildings etc managed by AI will have touchscreen landline smartphones with automatic loudspeaker or wireless headphones with microphone next to their holographic receptionists in the lobby allowing access to citizens who do not have smartphones on them as these will be open 24/7,365 days a year.These landline phones would replace existing conventional landline phones allowing for Iris video chats in all government buildings as well.Phone booths may even be replaced with hi tech versions that have touchscreens built into them with automatic loudspeaker with them having their own personality,legal name and avatar that manage all of them in a town,city and village to allow for calls made to them to be traced by the police and if need be Home AI depending on the situation with them also could be instantly determined via the AI interacting with Perseus,Home AI etc with the touchscreen having menus containing the global phone book,menu for keypads and also have audio/visual phone calls made.These will be managed by Arke and will allow for the phone call to be traced by her and officers with warrents.Having the option to close and lock them from the inside and also shatterproof graphene infused glass would allow for them to protect the person inside.They would be listed in the global phone book with the AIs name and also address,location listed.The GPS location of them and will allow one to send ones GPS location during phone calls with law enforcement triangulating this.Since managed by AI it would have its own number and can allow it to be called since it relayed via Caller ID and the AI relaying who used in at what times.They will be linked together by Arke itself sentient with them in place of existing ones.These will also be public wifi places with seats outside and also provide chargers for phones and laptops and them charged via the grid or thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes etc.These hi tech phone booths will also have wifi stations using biosynth wifi and and also smart device and computer charging services.

Wifi in both rural areas and cities can be now be gained via both solar powered drones and floating wind turbines.Biosynth wifi generate their own wifi in the open rendering satilite and public wifi obsolete and recycled.Lifi in street lamps and public buildings could also provide wifi as part of this singular system managed by the city AI.

Charging stations:
As convenience stores and petrol stations become obsolete as well as the need for car washers,charging stations can be placed in open carparks in their conventional form (manual or automated)or through inductive plates similar to wireless chargers or replace fuel based stations.Vehicles including delivery and public ones would stop at them when low automatically altering and then returning to their original course when finished.All Phaeton stations both new and those from existing ones renovated from existing petrol stations will contain both charger pumps and also wireless inductive chargers.Wireless charging roads can be integrated by advanced robots road by road into towns,villages and cities for both public and private vehicles using SMFIR technology to charge their vehicles while driving which alongside self charging technologies will alleviate the strain on charging stations which can be expensive to convert fuel stations to electric charging meaning there will shorter queues.These can be small diversions that bypass roads and can be underground and can also integrated onto the far sides of highways and major roads and also roads by apartment blocks.These will be charged by the grid or by geothermal piping coated in thermo-piezoeletric materials nearby VAWTs,solar panels,batteries and also graphene integrated into them with the graphene in the SMFIR systems preventing it breaking.Underground roads would have these with roads out in the wilderness in between major cities and towns will have sections of these roads.Logged into Artemis these would be followed by vehicles streaming this network to follow them as much when on journeys.Private homes and communal homes in both rural and urban areas can have charger pumps or wall chargers built on the exterior with the wiring rather than on the ground will in fact be going through the wall by boring a hole with this also applied to apartments in urban areas with apartments also have the entire street have several tall chargers on them whose noise can be removed via soundproofing and them only turned on and thus only making noise when used.Apartment blocks would ideally have chargers built into the wall.Storedot batteries will charge much quicker than conventional batteries especially when combine with more advanced models that charge faster and also self charging technologies.These self charging technologies include Thermo-piezoelectric in wheels,see through versions in glass,graphene paint,motors in wheels,graphene sheets in windows and piezoelectric materials that gain energy from the suns heat and light and ambient noise and will be integrated into both private and communal vehicles.Petrol,vegetable oil and diesel pumps for traditional vehicles will be replaced entirely by wireless inductive chargers and also electric charging pumps in place of charger pumps.In short the the stations would including existing ones house wireless chargers and electric charging pumps with petrol and diesel pumps in existing petrol stations worldwide replaced with chargers and electric charger pumps since most people by 2040-2090 will be using electric vehicles with those with large forecourts and areas at the back of the station will house extra chargers and pumps especially in large towns and cities.Automated vehicle chargers and petrol pumps will aid delivery vehicles and even vehicles owned by the physically handicapped at these automated petrol stations.Aerial drones and delivery robots may even use these with the roofs of charging stations covered in wireless inductive chargers.

All brands of petrol and electric vehicle charger stations would be replaced by a universal brand named Phaethon after the son of Helios with its symbol being a group of horses on all robots and the sign etc and a universal statue of him in grounds of them ideally in the back with the symbol underneath it or if not they can be outside by the entrance once the forecourt awning housing forecourt lights are removed with pole signs also removed and replaced with that of the universal brand.Conveince store stations will once roof and underground extensions added for lounges and more repair shops house charging pumps for electric vehicles,those for gasoline and hydrogen fuel cells with each one having predominantly electric chargers but also one petrol,diesel and hydrogen fuel cell charger.Phaeton will interact with Selene to see how many vehicles are electric and gasoline and modify the amount etc per station with once biosynth graphene shcwarzite ones become widely availible will mean that all remaining gasoline pumps converted into electric chargers which will be wireless inductive ones and ones that connect to the vehicle.Thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes will be part of all of these stations to provide energy,heating etc to the building etc and also charge the chargers 24/7,365 days a year thus alleviating strains on the grid meaning any electricity sent to vehicles will be outside that of the grid both geothermal and fossil fuels.Car washes will possibly disappear and be recycled due to the fact that vehicles will be coated in liquid glass but any that do exist will be open for free via pressing a button to start and finish it or the building AI through cameras or pressure plates turning it on when needed with all water collected in the grating underneath it sent to water treatment plants to be treated or used by onsite bacteria to be used to grow gasoline,oils and gas.Foam used should be non toxic and refilled when low and can be created by bacteria onsite.These carwashes will be modified by removing the need for money and have existing money recycled.Those that are self service will remain and have biosynths do the work or have automated drive in ones added via removing old ones and putting automated drive through ones on the surface or underground extensions accessed by vehicle elevator with all water and foam etc collected and added to the grid to be sent to water treatment plants to remove toxins.Repair machines for vehicles can also be here through extensions(including underground)into new and existing ones or be next to them with repair shops away from petrol stations will be converted into homes with ones created onsite of existing petrol/electric stations through underground extensions or even building them next to them.Existing ones can have underground extensions to serve extra vehicles accessible via vehicle elevators.This is is because large ones in existing town will be still used and have repair shops added to them.These repair shops onsite would also house automonous pick up trucks or they would be parked outside that can be called either by the Phaethon app or automatically by broken down vehicles to their GPS location with the Home AI relaying the vehicles shape,colour and specifications and GPS location instantly with sensors and cameras allowing them to dock with their vehicle.These petrol stations and the automated repair shops will be functioning 24/7,365 days a year open all day and year long with the drivers also having the option of having their vehicle sent to their home via links to their Home AI.The Phaeton app will allow Phaeton to exist in a fragmented form on smart devices allowing people to interact with him and thus the station AI directly thus allowing one to get a repair vehicle to their GPS location via Brauron.The Phaeton app or his universal phone number will allow one to interact directly with him and he will interact with the nearest repair shop and the smart devices used and onboard computer interacting with the app to determine the GPS location of a broken down vehicle,it’s models,shape and specifications etc and the person choose whether to send it to a repair shop or to ones home and thus send a automated pick up truck to the location and the vehicles connected automatically lock systems or via the hand of the person their with a countdown relaying the arrival time and distance the repair vehicle is from the vehicle and how long it will take for them to arrive at the repair shop or home address with the person choosing to repair it at home using videos generated by the home AI.The app will allow one to track in real time the GPS location of the incoming pick up vehicle in comparison to them and their arrival time in kilometres and hours and minutes.In time biosynths will be part of these fleet and the repair shops.At first automated machinery will repair them via interacting with the onboard computer but in time biosynths controlled by the AI will do this.Permeable interlocking asphalt can be integrated there on the forecourt.They would have the symbol of Phaeton on the bumper with this symbol underneath his statue and on all robots and signs.All petrol stations would be re branded Phaeton and made bigger through extensions with extra petrol/diesel and electric charging stations added with them serving all types of vehicles and new ones set up by the AI mayor and AI of each one present through interacting with Hestia,Polis and Ophion to determine the need to set them based on the amount of vehicles on the road,traffic flow through the area and population of the area.If a town or city has too many of these then excess ones can be converted into homes to make sure there isn’t too many with new ones set up by the AI mayor of the city.Ideally each town and village should have one or two large ones and cities several large ones strategically placed with all features with existing ones given extensions underneath,above or beside them.Thus the largest ones in each town and village or one that house a statue and other material through extensions will be used.Small ones with large forecourts surrounding them could be used to house both repair shops and also the statue provided extensions are made.Small ones and excess ones can be demolished and the land reforested into small parks with seats and ornamental plants or through extensions on the roof and over forecourts etc converted into homes.Underground and roof extensions could theoretically be done for repair shops with underground extensions of the forecourt or surrounding area housing wireless inductive chargers and petrol pumps with vehicle elevators indoors or outside repair shop allowing access for these extensions.These would work using vehicle elevators that could allow vehicles to be parked under them with ideally repair shops merged into the convenience store and also extending over forecourts.All awnings above the petrol stations and conveinince stores that extend over forecouts will be demolished and recycled to allow roof extensions alongside underground ones to be added with conveince stores once emptied can be turned into extra areas for the repair shop.Extensions on the roof etc can house extra areas for repairing vehicles accessed by vehicle elevators and even luxurry lounges with areas to grow brake fluid and oils and and synthtic gasoline.These repair shops would be automated by robots and in time biosynths by 2029-2045.Those that have repair shops attached to convenience stores will have the store demolished and replaced by more chargers and pumps with them having electric chargers,petrol and diesel pumps and also hydrogen fuel cell pump with gasoline and hydrogen created onsite.Those without repair sheds can house vehicle elevators to an underground repair shops or have as stated roof and underground stations and the old conveinience stores turned into extra areas.The entrance to repair shops will be made larger and open 24/7 with them have all surfaces cleaned routinely and covered in a permenant layer of liquid glass to prevent them getting dirty again and them cleaned by hoover and cleaner bots with all forecourts replaced by permeable pavement with the repair shops overtime have roof and underground extensions and them accessed by vehicle elevators with the onboard computer stored in the back storerooms and offices with offices also housing phorobioreactors to grow gasoline and also oil for breaking fluid where one could fill up 3D printed containers.Rooms up above that store tyres could keep them or house more phorobioreactors for gasoline and machinery to produce hydrogen etc decided by the AI that controls it.Convenience stores connected to petrol stations can via roof and underground extensions once awnings above forecourts are removed,car elevators are added and merging with existing repair shops can thus make repair shops be made bigger since convenience stores will become obsolete.All stations will have repair shops through the main building having roof and underground extensions accessed by car vehicles.Thus floors added on the roof and underground will house more repair shops and also chargers for vehicles accessed via elevators with each one having at the entrance to the conveinence store have luxury lounges for people that house the universal statue of Phaeton with him the sentient operating sofware.The number or these and extensions will be decided by the AI of the shop interacting with Polis and also amount of traffic used by each of them.It can also be used to house indoor drive through washers with these accessed via surface devices,those built into the side of the building and devices accessed by elevators.All chargers and even petrol pumps as well as tyre pressure machinery will be automated.Chargers and pumps will be automated with one driving up to the pump and ones Home AI in the vehicle onboard computer interacting with the station AI and detailing the level of fuel and charge and then the station AI inputting the exact amount.Electric chargers can be inductive wireless chargers or be similar to petrol pumps that are input into the vehicle that are automated.Chargers in the open in carparks including Tesla superchargers will also be renamed and operated by Phaeton with the information energy used etc fed into the city AI,Steropes and ones vehicle.Padlocks that blocked the entrance to the station will be removed allowing them to open 24/7.The universal statue of Phaeton will be in a new small lobby in the ground floor of where the conveince store was with excess areas dug up and reforested with roof extensions on the repair shop also accessed by vehicle elevators.Areas to store tyres will be made redundant by having graphene in the matrix of tyres and ordering in customised replacement tyres from Selene factories with brake fluid and motor oil ordered in an stocked in storerooms or created onsite or both.In some cases convenience stores will be demolished and more chargers and pumps added with the onboard computer in a sealed waterproof liquid glass covered compartment and the statue in the back with if possible vehicle elevators present that leads to underground repair shops with phorobioreactors for growing gasoline etc also underground housing the onboard computer.The onboard computer will relay to the vehicles how much electricity is used and they will determine how much gasoline is used each time allowing it to plan when to grow new gasoline with this housing the AI of them with each station having an unique avatar,personality and name with the hydrogen systems and electric chargers powered by thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes.Tyres for automated vehicles will have graphene in its matrix to prevent ruptures and contain nanosensors to measure air pressure etc relayed constantly to the onboard computer.All wiring and piping in all parts will be infused with graphene with them also covered in liquid glass that negates the need for cleaining.All windshields,windows,cameras and also lights will contain graphene to prevent them shattering with the entire body have graphene paint or have graphene in its matrix to prevent damage from accidents with the onboard computer and all its parts covered in sheets of this to ensure it is not damaged.This should reduce or eliminate damage from accidents.Vehicles when low on charge and gasoline will stream from Ophion the location of the nearest wireless charging stations and Phaeton station determined at the start of journeys or in the case of electric vehicles will pull over and charge using self charging technologies if they are present and return to their original journey.At the start of a journey all Phaeton stations will have their location be streamed and logged so as to determine id they need to go to them based on the length of the journey etc.Self charging technologies would not negate the need for chargers but would alleviate the strain and traffic of them with them even using artificial lights on at night.Mayors will determine how many stations will be present in each town,village and cities based on population and traffic with them dividing them up into those that house only electric chargers,gasoline pumps,hydrogen cells or a mixture of all of these based on traffic with as stated having the stores demolished will allow for extra ones of these and also elevators leading to underground repair shops.Excess will be converted into homes or demolished and forecourt etc dug up and turned into parks or community gardens.Each station will be managed by an AI with their own independant personality,avatar and name with Phaeton will be the universal sentient operating software and statue of him present on its grounds.These will have petrol,gasoline,electric and hydrogen fuel cell chargers with ideally it mostly being electric chargers and at least one petrol,gasoline and hydrogen fuel cell pump in each one to accommodate everyone with underground extensions accessed by vehicle elevators or a building housing automated repair shops.

These automated repair shops robots and building AI would interact wirelessly with the onboard computers of vehicles,run diagnostics and would be able to detect and repair faults via these interactions with oils and fluids for vehicles created onsite via bacteria which consumers can stock up on using reusable 3D printed containers with them connected to pipes that can inject them into vehicles on site.Air pressure refillers for tyres can also be inside and can be automated in time with the onboard computer interacting with these and all machinery in time.These could also have oils for vehicles and brake fluid grown onsite by bacteria in phorobioreactors with taps allowing people to collect in reusable 3D printed canisters.All operations in these will be automated with specialised humanoid robots and in time bio-synths doing work that only a human could do with other steps controlled by the onboard computers of each device managed by the building AI.Robot chefs with cameras on them can car out most labour in repair.Robots that are found in vehicle factories,humanoid robots,chef robots and other robotic hands on rail systems can be utilised to repair them with them all having cameras covered in liquid glass including on their body.Biosynths will replace all robots by 2045.By 2029-2045 all work will be fully automated by robots,automated systems and in time biosynths with the results and diagnostics of afterwork fed into the onboard computer of the vehicle.All robots,air pressure systems and piping for oils can consist of a pedastal where the vehicle drives onto.The amount of electricity and petrol gained and used by vehicles on local to global levels over days to millenia can be logged into each individual Phaeton station and then read by him and the public on local to global levels over large timescales for studies with Phaethon being the sentient operating software connecting them all around the world which will become sentient and its avatar being that of the statue.Gas as stated would be grown at home with people designing canister on Talos.The stations can have solar panels,VAWTs and other self charging technologies present that can charge Storedot batteries to alleviate strains on the grid and provide charging when blackouts occur with even thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes.Thus these filling stations will provide food grown onsite and charging for electric vehicles with electric charging coming in the form or inductive chargers and also pumps with the amount of fuel and electricity used fed into the building AI and the counters on pumps being digital touchscreens and visible in the vehicles menu as volts and percentage with them detailing how much is added to the consumer in the same way as normal ones.This data using the wire and communicating with ones Hestia account on their vehicles will be fed into there account to be used for personal to global studies on energy use for vehicles both in terms of electricity not just the AI of the station itself managed by interactions between Steropes,Hestia and Pheaton.If homeowners using biodigesters and their own gas canisters and drums can grow their own gas,gasoline and oil would thus negating the need for petrol stations to do this allowing for time and labour to be saved and make homeowners self sufficient from gas and oil companies indefinitely by 2029 with them using their own pumps,drums,canisters,jerry cans etc and would negate the need for petrol stations to grow these and have the space used for other purposes.This would be ideal as this option would cut down on the chance of explosions at these stations alongside the fact that they would thus use only electric chargers.Thus these stations would only provide wireless inductive chargers and also even traditional electric chargers that connect to the vehicle as both gasoline and methane gas will be created at home in phorobioreactors for those who drive gasoline driven cars and need gas for their cookers.A combination of traditional chargers and wireless chargers would be utilised as public vehicles would utilise inductive chargers.If possible hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles and also synthetic gasoline for gasoline vehicles may be grown here for hybrids and also those that use gasoline as decided by the mayor AI interacting with Steropes and Selene.Toilets would be open 24/7,365 with them locked by the person inside via the handle with them and the interior of the shop cleaned the same way as public buildings with them coated in liquid glass and have narrow wavelength UV lights.Round handles that utilise digital locks controlled by the AI of the shop or the locks being turnable will provide privacy.All surfaces inside and outside including the forecourt,shop,repair shop and the toilets will be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass with the ceilings fitted with narrow wavelength UV lights in toilets,repair shops and the shop that sterilse them at set times when not used ie when the toilet is open and when cameras inside the shop show no one is around but these can be used at any time since it does not damage human skin with hooverbots collecting dirt from the ground.Having the exterior,forecourt and also chargers and pumps covered in liquid glass will allow them to be cleaned by both the rain and wind with gutters in a v shaped downturn collecting this and transporting them to water treatment plants.Cameras on the outside and inside will be fed into the building AI with them connected to the criminal database in Athena.Roofs can have wireless inductive chargers for drones and light aircraft.By 2040-2100 all cities and towns worldwide will have changed into these universal Phaeton all electric charging stations that are fully automated with excess ones turned into homes.By this point most of the worlds private and public vehicles will be fully electric with remaining gasoline ones fuelled by gasoline grown at home and also retrofitted with electric batteries.All forecourts will be dug up and replaced with porous pavement technology.

All shelves in convenience stores that are petrol stations will be be removed alongside checkout areas and cashiers to free up space to house luxury seating and dining areas to eat food.Roof,side and underground extensions in petrol stations will allow luxury lounges to exist with these housing public WiFi and cellular routers,charging kiosks for laptops and smartphones etc.Instrad housing manufactured food products they could house Ambrosia franchises that provide tea,coffee and wraps,rolls etc.All work will be automated by robots and biosynths by 2029-2045 controlled by the building AI.All toilets will be luxury ones with sinks,toilets,cubicles etc made of synthetic kebonised wood and ornamental rocks etc with flooring being luxury tiling etc including ornamental rocks.Both seating in the actual building and also outside will be luxury ones composed of synthetic kebonised wood and even ornamental rocks with bioprinted leather.Liquid glass will be sprayed on all surfaces including flooring,seating and toilet cubicles etc with hooverbots and robot janitors cleaning the floor at set times.Narrow range UV lights on ceilings will bake all surfaces and the air either 247 or during set periods during cleaning times to sterilise them of all pathogens.The forecourt of all petrol stations will be dug up and replaced with porous asphalt to allow rain through.All convenience stores will through renovations house luxury lounge areas for people to rest while their car is repaired etc.The universal statue of Phaeton can be placed in an area on the forecourt that does not block traffic with if possible it placed inside the back of petrol station visible when one enters it.Underground extensions accessed by vehicle elevators will allow automated repair shops to be integrated into all petrol stations even small ones.If possible excess petrol stations will through self charging technologies etc will be allowed to be converted into private homes through roof and underground extensions with awnings removed from them and then have the forecourts etc dug up and turned into gardens.

All existing Tesla public chargers and public wireless inductive chargers in streets etc not connected to petrol stations will be converted into Phaeton chargers with them like those onsite of Phaeton stations by 2029 converted into more efficient versions overtime by biosynths and robots that are quicker to charge and more energy efficient and if possible them charged by thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes located in the surrounding area.

Public toilets:
Any public portable toilets in existence would be strategically placed in key areas in cities that can be brought up on maps by interacting with the city AI.They will be fitted with self cleaning apparatuses that remove the need for human labour and would be periodically clean themselves with water gained from the grid with toilet roll replaced by toilets that spray jets of water and air activated by a button to clean the user removing the need for them to be stocked with paper.In time advanced robots can routinely replace them with toilets.Also automated hand dryers will be included to negate the need for towels that can spread bacteria.The specific tanks that provide water to these toilets and sinks will require to be filled automatically with anti-bacterial tablets to keep them clean and fresh for all cleaning purposes from cleaning the bowl,the ground,the walls and user.Soap can be dispensed by a system of pipes connected to all public toilets to all toilets from a miniature factory in town where it is manufactured and refilled by robots.Otherwise the soap will be created onsite in a small basement factory area underneath the city connected to all toilets in the city or each part of the city with pumps refilling them or ideally connected to the pipes where water in these sinks enter meaning it will be automatically mixed into the water using material created by bacteria that have human DNA to make them hybrids that are immune to the compounds they create with them fed sugars and proteins from other bacteria onsite.Lactic acid,Polypia MP-1,TsAP-1,TsAP-2,peptides and other antimicrobial compounds from phytoplankton and even Russian Brown frogs will be created in these areas by bacteria and human cell hybrids with portable toilets connected to their own system that creates these.All of these will be in the soap to prevent superbugs gaining resistance.This will alleviate strains on ordering in soap from Hippocrates factories.The toilet will also be connected to this to sterilise them with each flush alongside seats having narrow range wavelength UV light.This can also be complimented by UV machines similar to automated hand dryers that activate and cover the entire hands and face in narrow wavelength UV lights to not negate the need for soap but also compliment soap by killing off any left over pathogens such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus while not damaging the skin with these and automated hand dryers.Versions of this that bake the face and hands will also be present.All surfaces such as all parts of the toilet,sink,piping, walls,doors and floor will be coated entirely with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent dirt sticking to it making cleaning easier by robots that can periodically come in and spray water around with the water and dirt falling into a grated floor to be collected or seep into permeable pavement below.It will also prevent the spread of pathogens.Alternatively it could have a shower head on the roof spraying water downwards and both the water and dirt will fall to the ground and cleaned up or sucked into a grated floor or round or square grating on slanted floor in the ground where it can seep into permeable pavement below or collected in a compartment and sucked up by cleaner robots – the liquid glass since hydrophobic will prevent water from sticking to surfaces.Both of these would prevent the growth of micro-organisms from spreading with it fitted with a narrow wavelength UV light that can bake all of the surfaces inside with light to kill any bacteria not killed by liquid glass etc for a set amount of time when not used and not locked again these will be narrow wavelength UV to prevent skin damage.They will have small CSYS lights inside that can be activated automatically when the toilet is locked.The exterior can also be coated in liquid glass to allow the rain to wash it.To collect the waste they can be connected directly to the sewage system or have robots collect waste from toilets at set intervals with sensors and pressure plates indicate when they are full in the case portable toilets used in music festivals which will be sent to the sewage plants with the machinery collecting this sprayed internally and externally with liquid glass.Anti graffiti coatings will be put on the walls as well as the doors of toilets and their interior to prevent graffiti and marker marks to be put there with existing graffiti and marks covered in graphene paint that are then covered in liquid glass and then the anti-graffiti coating to allow robots or even heavy rainwater clean them.Clogs can be dealt with by a button present that can be pressed by users which alerts a robotic plunger robot(equipped with cameras and itself covered in liquid glass) or one that flushes acid down the piping with those affected marked by a signal on the touchscreens on the door that also signal whether it is locked/occupied or not or if the sewage plate is full.Alternatively the interior of toilets(cistern and all components)that collects water from the grid,bowls,seats and piping can be coated into a permanent layer of liquid glass with this connected to the same system that that flushes weak acids into sewers which can be activated by a button on side of the toilet or within touchscreen computers inside the toilet.Hi tech plungers would be within marked compartment for use when clogs occurs with these covered in liquid glass as well and would be designed to be used over and over again.All toilets will have an onboard computer that details water and energy use over days to millenia fed into Hermes alongside how many times the toilet is used and amount of sewage collected and cleanings made over days to millenia fed into Hermes.They would have a menu or button to flush weak acids that would alert users to its location in the menus when asked or when a clog is detected.One could send alerts to the AI in charge of it to refill it with toilet paper etc.An outside touchscreen computer would indicate when it is locked/unlocked and thus occupied/unoccupied as well as when it is faulty and needs maintenance with maintenance done by the computers or people inside alerting automated repair robots to fix them.These features would added to existing as well as new public toilets with diagnostics done and visible in Hermes with each one having its own independent personality,name and avatar to carry out these automated operations connected to Tyche with them visible on a map within Hermes or city maps.Ideally though all public toilets in a town or city will be managed by the same AI that links all public toilets together and will remember each person and carry out conversations with all people at once separately.Tyche will be the sentient operating software of all public toilets in the middle of cities and by beaches etc.These will given luxury refurbishments and since maintainsed by AI that is sentient they will be able to converse with patrons,play desired music from Dionysus and even through piping release scents created by bacteria in nearby public buildings and underneath them to specific toilets of patrons and through biosynths stored in buildings owned by the mayor etc AI attend to emergencies including cleaning up messes and repairing them with all surfaces covered in liquid glass and cleaned by automate water systems etc.These would have microchips that would test the presence of cancer biomarkers,STDs and nutrients present in the person using them by interacting with Paean via close proximity to send results to their specific patient files.Rennovations could turn public portable toilets into luxury ones using ornamental rocks,precious gems,synthetic kebonised wood and be similar to the ensuites in hotels.Ideally portable toilets will be replaced by permenant toilets located at key points in every village,town and city around the world with the amount of them in each village,town,city determined by the population and size of them,whose location will be decided by mayor AI at strategic points and evenly spaced apart to ensure people will have access should they need to need to use the toilet.They will also be placed in underwater and underground communities and even in the outskirts of wilderness areas such as forests,jungles etc by walking paths again connected to the mains through underground pipes.These permenant toilets will rather than be portable ones be ones connected to the sides of buildings and also to the ground with them all connected to the main sewage line that has urine and feces transported to all local sewage treatment plants and connected to the water mains to extract water from the mains and wastewater transported to wastewater treatment plants.Public bathrooms in self contained building such as by beaches,parks,streets will undergo rennovations to be fitted with the aforementioned self cleaning features and luxury fittings and fitted with an AI in charge of it.Automated hand dryers will be present to dry hands with narrow range UV lights baking the interior to sterilise them

Mini defibrillators and automated CPR machines can be dotted around cities with ambulance drones and ambulance robots with these machines and first aid kits also dotted around cities in miniature sheds and be released in the case of an emergency by interacting with smart clothing and emergency apps as well as the city AI terrestrial based GPS as detailed later on.By interacting with these the nearest robot and drones will be drawn to their GPS location in the case of robots.In the case of machines the clothing and apps will interact with all nearby smart devices belonging to citizens in the area alerting them to the presence of both location of the patient and the nearest defibrillator and CPR machines as well as alerting emergency services.How people can be rescued by these and other citizens will be detailed later on in the analysis of the city AI system.These can also be within all public buildings such as universities,public amenities etc.These drones and defibrillators etc would be charged from the grid through wireless energy induction plates and also self charging technology.

The cleaning of streets and will be done by poop scooping robots and in time biosynths.These poop scooping robots will collect animal waste left on the streets and add them to the sewage system to recycle nitrogen and phosphorous and will also clean up any rubbish lying around both on streets and in parks as well is in public amenities and train stations with several of these serving a city and doing rounds in these areas 24/7,365 days a year using object recognition and NIR hyperspectral camera software and IR illuminator cameras.They could in time be fitted with seacell bags one coated in liquid glass internally and externally in order to house feces that can be deposited into sewage tanks and one for each type of rubbish..Animal feces can be prevented from falling by Piqapoo bags of varying sizes coated internally with liquid glass to allow them to be disposed into toilets at home or public toilets and reused over and over again with them having graphene in their matrix.An anti stick nano coating similar to or even possibly the same as liquid glass can be applied to footpaths,streets,walls and other parts of the city to prevent chewing gum sticking to it which can again be collected by these robots for organic waste bins or deposited in organic waste bins in person with this also preventing the build up of dirt and protecting it from acids.These robots can be stored when not used in small buildings that house other robots that maintain the city to charge and can be equipped with headlights,IR illuminator vision alongside normal vision to allow them to work at night when streets are less busy.Piqapoo bags added to all pets will negate the need for poop scooping robots and allow the feces and urine to be put into toilets at home allowing it to be recycled as algae. Drones will patrol streets and parks in fleets to detect rubbish 24/7 except in bad weather to signal these and other robots to collect them with these also fed into Ophion.In time biosynths will do this.Though in time mobile trashcans that patrol streets for each type of waste that can be called via smart devices interacting with the city AI the installation of pneumatic waste tubes for each type of waste as detailed later will negate these.All of these pneumatic waste disposal systems will be integrated into the interior of buildings such as amenities,airports,universities,hospitals as well as all public buildings and also in subways etc and can allow for waste to be instantly sent to waste recycling plants.

Automated snow ploughs,street cleaners and salt spreaders(if used) will do their work by interacting with weather networks while poop scooping robots and street and road cleaners will do so at set times.Also to prevent the build up of snow and ice on public streets,plazas and squares ie.Grafton Street,Oxford Street and Times Square geothermal heaters can be placed under them to prevent accidents by pedestrians and prevent the need for salting streets with toxic sodium chloride with the heaters interacting with weather networks to work during cold snaps and during winter.This will greatly reduce the number of accidents and can be be done by robots especially miniature underground borers step by step when sufficiently advanced with them cornered of to the public through markers and relaying progress to the city and nearby home AI with all public squares,plazas and streets replaced by the porous concrete,asphalt or other porous tile flooring to prevent flooding,too much ice forming and return rainwater to the groundwater alongside these geothermal piping.If possible public streets can be replaced by porous interlocking pavement,asphalt and concrete etc with covered in liquid glass to make them dirt and water proof with sizeable small gratings inbetween of permeable flooring to allow rainwater and dirt to fall through and also storm drains on the sides and as part of them with geothermal pipes under them to prevent ice forming.Alternatively liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to repel water and dirt which will flow into storm drains though this may have to be applied in a permanent coating once the streets and walkways have been washed thoroughly or in time permeable interlocking pavements can be integrated with improvements in automation and robotics to do so step by step over time in existing public streets allowing water to return to the water table without building up before ice forms and alleviating storm drains preventing these areas becoming flooded during heavy rains and storms.All of these robots and operations will be managed by the mayor AI of each town city and village and governor AI in terms of those on the outside of towns etc.

The planting of trees can once again be done by hand or automated Treerover planting machines of all sizes with computer software and GPS maps allowing for precise locations for planting to be decided by community members and in time by the city AI.Ideally these trees should be both fruit and nut crop trees that are hybrids of native trees and crop trees such as pine,oak etc inoculated be truffles and each park and street should contain these and Hamamelidaceae to provide copious amounts of honey during the later months of the bees foraging period and fruit bushes like blueberries,blackberries should also be planted in these places as well to provide extra food as well improve aesthetics and air quality.Ideally they should be hybrids between fruit,ornamental trees and also Hamamelidaceae.Studies have shown that they can cool the surrounding 30 metres by as much as as 1-2 degrees celcius with them also catching particulates to be be then washed away with them ideally planted at least 30 metres apart on all streets and public roads even those in major cities such as New York,Tokyo and Shangai etc.Having them closer and more tightly packed may increase the amount of particulates they absorb,air they cool etc.Ideally native trees will be used with them also planted here to again improve air quality and remove any carbon dioxide from an y remaining gasoline powered vehicles and also any other pollution.Painting roads white will reduce the temperatures the surrounding area by 0.5 degrees and the ground itself by as much as 10-30 degrees.If possible existing squares,roads etc could be replaced by permeable versions that are naturally white rather than applying white paint and sealants as they would have the benefit of absorbing water and also being more aesthetically pleasing than painted over roads.Painting buildings white will be done to reflect heat.Combined with painting roads and buildings white will reduce the urban island heat effect.

Vertical gardens will be be part of communal homes,hospitals,public amenities and all tall buildings in the city centre with plants that are not just tropical ones but also native ones and  hybrids of these with exotic flowers to provide foraging for bees but also improve transpiration and also negate the urban heat island effect since they would release water and also reflect heat.These can be hybrids that produce exotic flowers and also fruits and nuts etc ie Hedera hybridised with Citrus fruits and Orchidaceae.The mayor AI and also Pan etc will decide which buildings will have these to create pockets of cool air.All plants will have DNA from extremophiles like oligotrophs and xerophiles and Firmicutes to lower nutrition requirements and survive heatwaves and droughts with those from psychrophiles etc allowing them to survive cold snaps and winters.

Roads in wilderness areas and protected areas like by Stonehenge,Nazca lines etc will be replaced with underground ones and reforested with as detailed earlier and later on them even in place outside of towns,villages and cities with them popping up on the outskirts to allow them to be reforested.They could also go underneath lakes,rivers and bypass existing roads with these underground roads going underneath wilderness,rivers,mountains,towns,cities etc making the journey shorter by skipping large portions of the original route couldnt go and allowing roads to be dug up and reforested on the outskirts of towns,villages and cities to be reforested and some left as walking dirt paths for hikers and cyclists considering land surrounding cities etc will be reforested as well.This pattern will apply to other colonies across the galaxy and will also allow them to serve underground communities.Highways that involve roads above other roads will be demolished once these are moved underground.Most roads and roundabouts will be reforested with main roads decided by AI made into dirt hiking tracks to prevent islandisation with underground automated carparks by homes both private and communal,public areas and hiking areas allowing one access to the surface by stairwells that lead to small buildings that house lounges.Access to these to these underground roads for people in cars that have accidents to and from the surface will be via stairwells dotted around the place in small buildings housing lounges with them having possibly walking and cycling lanes separated by a border to allow people to use them underground without fear of being hit by a vehicle with them serving underground communities that also have stairwells leading down to them.Watertight doors can also be present that can be closed during flash floods and tsunamais with porous tarmac present that allows rainwater etc pass through to groundwater,preventing floods and them also self healing variants.Storm drains and pipes that lead to flood tunnels can be present.Buildings in towns and cities whether private and communal homes,public buildings etc will have underground carparks for them that lead to the home via doors to basements and stairwells and even to underground communities again via stairwells with public underground carparks underneath parks,communal homes and public multistorey carparks and underground communities.With regards to small towns and if possible cities this system of underground carparks and garages used with the possibility of all roads on the surface within the city limits reforested with grass,porous pavements or lined trees improving the safety of pedestrians with them acting as dirt tracks similar to those in forests and cater to only pedestrians and cyclists.Having roads outside cities,towns and villages and wilderness dug up and reforested worldwide and some left into dirt tracks and replaced by underground roads will allow hikers and cyclists to use them in a safe manner as only they will be present on them and retain natural beauty,not encroach on nature and allow vehicles to bypass current overground roads and then make journeys shorter as they will go under wilderness and also lakes,rivers,mountains etc with since underground the majority of the journey would be a straight line limiting turns making it easier for satellite,wifi and sensor controlled autonomous vehicles to navigate them with graphene in the windows or VR simulations in neural implants or google glasses projecting the original view to passengers.Power to them can come from via carbon neutral thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and trigeneration systems powering biosynth wifi,coolant systems,lights and energy to wireless chargers and Phaeton charging stations dotted around them with lights even negated by either biolumescent moss that is given sunlight via it extending to the entrance and even Ophion controlling via satellite saving on wiring.The moss would also separate carbon dioxide into oxygen alongside biosynth nanomaterials that do so passively in the presence of carbon dioxide.Pipes dotted around at the surface that face downwards at a slant that prevent rainwater,floodwater and snow entering can provide oxygen and cool air with these at the buildings dotted around containing stairs and lounges.This will also allow them to serve underground communities that are built around them at the same time with borers creating new roads with areas shut off during flash floods,storms and tsunamais.This will negate countermeasures to deal with snowy and rainy weather and vehicles avoiding animals,cyclists and pedestrians with them having permeable pavement and storm drains to drain water that seeps in with them cut off during flash floods via watertight doors and the water redirected into groundwater via automated and passive processes.The roads on the surface can be dug up,most reforested and others replaced with dirt tracks for hikers especially since the land surrounding and within cities and towns is going to be reforested.Access to these to this from the surface will be via stairwells dotted around the place.The digging up of roads,moving them underground that go in a straight line and bypass the original route making it shorter and replacing them with hiking footpaths will be done to prevent the newly reforested areas suffering from islandisation and roadkill with homes dotted along the roads will have underground carparks added that allow one to enter these underground roads directly or through a separate underground road that leads to other undergrounds roads with the hedges that separate fields with roads torn down as well.Homeowners can still have gardens but the land surrounding gardens will be reforested and small gates placed at the end of the garden that then leads them to the reforested land for scenery and hiking with a hiking path connecting this gate connected to their garden to the main hiking path in the reforested land.If possible part of the reforested land behind and encircling the remaining homes that decide to stay including housing estates consisting of a large field can be kept as an extra large garden for them that contains flowerbeds and trees dotted around designed by the AI Antheia and residents.The size of this garden will be dependant on the amount of homes in the area with in the case of one of two homes it being a small field by with regards to housing estates it can be a large field surrounding the entire estate and act as a large communal garden used by all of them accessed by gates at the back of their gardens that will be as stated have flowerbeds,benches,ponds and trees dotted around it in a semi reforested state and a hiking path with at the back of this a gate leading to the main reforested woodland that stretches out as far back as possible in all directions to existing woodlands.All surface roads replaced by underground roads will have the tarmac etc dug up and most will be reforested with some turned into hiking paths in reforested areas with these hiking paths composed of dirt tracks that are like normal dirt tracks in forests,national parks opened to the public for hiking that not only go through reforested areas turned into woods,forests and meadows etc but also connect different towns,villages and cities together like the normal original roads for both walking pedestrians and cyclists rather than autonomous vehicles to prevent islandisation,roadkill,urban heat effect and water to enter the groundwater.Pan etc will plan the layout of these new hiking paths that pass through reforested wilderness but also connect towns,cities and villages with him and Tyche and governor AIs planning the location and journey of underground roads.Remaining roads worldwide in cities,towns etc will be step by step replaced with self healing porous asphalt by automation which will repair themselves limiting potholes while they will allow rainwater to flood through preventing flooding and replenish groundwater with future potholes detected by drones routinely circumnavigating them and marking their GPS location with cameras on automated vehicles doing this as well and repaired by existing robots designed to do this.This will be done only when AI can determine if it is feasible by 2045 onwards and a advanced enough to have all work done worldwide by robots,AI and biosynths with it planning out the layout of underground roads and hiking paths worldwide with it ensuring it doesn’t interfere with Oceanus with it developing countermeasures to all possible problems.Roads in cities will remain and replaced with porous asphalt and them connected to underground roads popping out at the them with between 2045-2100 flying cars and flying taxis,buses etc will render all roads obsolete including underground ones that can be dug up,reforested and filled in.Existing models of flying cars such as the Aeromobil series 3.0 and 4.0 etc are proto hybrid versions that use rotor blades and retractable aeroplane wings that can go in between 200-300kmph that can although need roads to land on can bypass large amounts of roads outside of and in urban areas as they fly above ground high enough as cesnas etc thus allowing them to reduce traffic in normal and underground roads by bypassing them.

Urban forests will form part of every town and city worldwide to lower temperatures and increase transpiration and also improve air quality and scenery.This transpiration will be of benefit to roof and urban community farms and surrounding forest farms within each major city thus improving yields and alleviating strains on water treatment plants.Whole islands of patches of grass separated by roads will have the roads and pavements dug up to form large forests that can even extend to those on the outskirts with areas full of decaying abandoned private homes,blight,poor neighbourhoods and slums in areas such as Detroit,New Delhi will be demolished and turned into forests,the roads dug up with the work such as demolishing buildings,digging up concrete and roads etc will be automated and the trees planted in a randomised manner.This will be after once people move out.Cities and towns worldwide that suffer urban sprawl and have slums and low quality housing estates can once people move out into buildings such as abandoned buildings of all types and also obsolete buildings of all types such as schools,corporate headquarters,supermarkets,banks,skyscrapers converted into luxury hotel style communal homes with up to fifty roof extensions and those on retail sites worldwide including in cities outside their own home city and country have these slums and low quality housing estates demolished and reforested.Abandoned and obsolete buildings of historical value will be kept and converted in private or communal homes.These hotel style homes will have roof and underground extensions to deal with a growing population alongside to make cities and towns more compact and dense with nanomaterials from all 92 elements including graphene etc and dimensional devices that alter physics used to allow this to happen.Abandoned modern ghost towns in China,India etc experienced excessive construction booms without regulations and business codes including Burj al babas that have large swaths of homogenised homes including those that have buildings including villas and mansions that are decaying can be demolished and reforested and tall luxury hotel style communal homes that use Venetian suites – 60.387 square metres allowing for large amounts of people to be present and allow the vast majority of the abandoned areas reforested.Otherwise ideally underground communities can be built in place and the entire area demolished and reforested.Suburbs where the vast majority of people move out can be demolished with if a few people stay can add extensions and also merge with other neighbouring houses to make them miniature mansions and once all other buildings are demolished the land reforested.Buildings demolished will be scanned in to be replicated elsewhere on Earth and the galaxy and also in simulations to preserve unique architecture even that of low quality homes which can be modified to more luxurious standards.All roads will be dug up forming only one single underground road in between them,the surface roads dug up and some converted into hiking dirt tracks and those that led to other cities etc replaced with underground roads.Areas in cities particularly Detroit that have alot islands of grass,blight and slums that are separated by roads that criss cross them will have the roads dug up,blight and slums demolished and them reforested as as far back as possible or turned into large parks and botanical gardens when merged together.All material from demolished buildings,dug up roads and bridges including concrete,tarmac,wood,glass,tiling,piping and wiring including those underneath the buildings and those in any adjoining roads etc will be recycled and reused by automated machinery.Concrete,stone and glass will be ground into its base elemental components to create more concrete etc with wood pyrolysised to create fertiliser and also graphene and other carbon composites for use in electronics and construction with tiling,piping,tiling and wiring melted into its base elemental component once sent to relevant recycling buildings.Asbestos and other toxic materials will be removed and then allow the building to be demolished with it recycled for elemental components.If only a few people stay merge and renovate homes,the surrounding area can be reforested and roads dug up.Historical abandoned homes and buildings and those that can be made into communal homes can be kept and refurbished to luxurious standards and the surrounding area can be reforested and roads dug up.All land surrounding towns,villages,cities even on islands as well as land surrounding abandoned buildings and obsolete ones renovated into new homes worldwide will have all land reforested as far back as possible including agricultural and desert land reforested as far back as to even existing woodlands extending as far back as possible to improve scenery and air quality and combat climate change and even act as flood defences with even islands and ares of decaying buildings on the outskirts and part of cities reforested with roads criss crossing them dug up and also reforested to allow them to have large internal woodlands with roads diverted.Underground roads can allow surface roads dug up and reforested and some made in dirt tracks and these able to bypass original roads making them shorter by going underneath rivers,mountains,wilderness,rivers etc.Soil samples will be taken via drones and Mars Curiosity robots to analyse pollen and dead organic material alongside historical data to determine what was originally in place prior to human settlements in the area ie meadows,grasslands,forests,jungles and the exact species of plants determined to have grown there with hedges made of stone and bushes removed,pyrolysised and recycled to give the new meadows,forests etc a more natural shape and once roads are dug up fields merged together and Pan and Antheia deciding where to place hiking paths.All plants will have extremophile DNA and the accelerated healing phenotype to allow them to survive sudden shocks in the weather ie droughts,heatwaves and prevent or lessen forest fires intensities.They can also have resistance to viral,fungal and bacterial pathogens added via scratch and recombinant DNA passed down to each generation via advanced gene drive technology and any invasive species of birds,mammals and insects removed via measures as detailed earlier on.Forests that have sections died off etc for other reasons will have dead trees cut down,be pyrolysised and the land they took up reforested with new trees.Roads that criss cross areas of urban blight and also islands of grass in cities will be dug up forming only one single underground road in between them,the surface roads dug up and some converted into hiking dirt tracks and the entire area reforested as far back as possible once the blight is demolished.Open and both normal and automated multistory carparks in all villages,cities and towns around the world including those in place of communal homes derived from supermarkets,schools etc and public buildings,restaurants,nightclubs,hospitals,universities,public amenities,airports,seaports etc can be demolished,dug up and replaced with underground automated carparks and them dug up and turned into parks and gardens or community farms.Funfairs,golf courses and driving lanes even those on the grounds of hotels and country clubs converted into permanent homes,urban prairies and playgrounds can be demolished dug up and turned into parks or community farms or permanently reforested due to them visited VR technology once scanned in.Theme parks attractions once scanned in will be torn down and buildings turned into communal homes and them visited in VR simulations and land taken up by attractions will be reforested and visited in VR.Open landfills and vehicle and electronic scrapyards will be recycled and the land reforested with underground landfills recycled and refilled with soil.Vehicle graveyards of all types boat,vehicles and military ones will once they are scanned in will be recycled and the land bioremediated and in the case of those with tarmac it dug up and reforested alongside normal ones with all contaminated rivers,lakes,soils and forests undergoing bioremdetiation programmes managed by Pan bringing them to a pristine state.Abandonded trailer parks,vehicle graveyards etc will have tarmac etc dug up and then reforested once the vehicles are recycled once scanned into Selene etc.Vehicle graveyards of all type will have all vehicles recycled once scanned into Hephaestus with those in woods have the soil bioremediated with the vehicles scanned into Hephaestus once restored in Pandora.Those in open areas will also have the vehicles scanned in and any tarmac and roads dug up and reforested as far back as possible with the vehicles recycled or if in good condition sent to community centres to be traded on Euthenia once fitted with autonomous driving and electric batteries.Military plane and commercial aeroplane graveyards will also be done in the same way with any buildings demolished or converted into homes once the land surrounding them is reforested.Boat graveyards will also have the vehicles recycled once scanned in with the water bioremediated with any piers dug up and returned to a natural state with abandoned piers also treated this way.Abandoned trailer parks will follow the same steps as vehicle graveyards with in time if nomadic tribes gain full accommodation will render normal trailer parks with trailer parks replaced by areas set aside in each town,village and city as well as underground areas underneath them and in underground communities.Vertical gardens as part of all public buildings including communal homes,hospitals etc and can improve air quality,allow cool air to rush in,negate the urban heat island effect,improve transpiration and rainfall.Asclepias will also be planted in large amounts routinely by drones in home gardens,parks and also in meadow and forest farms as well as green belts roundabouts and the side of roadways and highways in areas where it is important to Danaus plexippus to ensure it can be stable with them also engineered to feed on invasive plants and weeds.The lawns and grounds of amenities,universities and public buildings of all types will have them planted here by drones as well.These Asclepias plants can also be planted in pots on rooftop gardens of communal homes with if possible a hybrid between Asclepias and small shrubs and bushes or even something as tall as a Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing orchid like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accelerated healing phenotype in humans via recombinant DNA from Planarians,Ambystoma mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and Caenorhabditis elegans will repair and regrow damaged tissues can be created using CRISPR making the plant larger to feed more larvae especially if planted in packs with them easier to grow and more aesthetic in gardens and parks and even roofs of communal homes and public buidings.These could be engineered to produce non toxic fruits for humans allowing them to be planted in forest,meadow and grassland farms and community and home farms.They will have inedible green stubble to carry out photosynthesis while the leaves are regrown.This will be in areas where D.plexippus resides and in areas it migrates with the same done for other plants that are necessary to migratory insects and birds and mammals including those that hibernate during the winter.Weeds can also be hybridised with Cupressaceae,Abies tree with pleasing orchid like flowers during blooming season that regrows after being eaten using the same accelerated healing phenotype in humans and produces non toxic fruits can be planted in home gardens and parks etc once pests have been engineered to feed on them rather than crops.Crypts and graveyards for both pets and people around thew world including military ones and also those part of churches and also those by themselves will have all headstones,mausoleums etc recycled and the bodies dug up and converted into diamonds then sent to next of kin including great grandsons etc as well as in some cases even museums and  with them turned into large memorial gardens designed by Pan and Antheia complete with ponds,benches,trees,bushes and also beds of wildflowers etc managed by Thanatos with a statue of him in them and also having a large pillar with the name of the people once buried there.This will allow memorial masses to be held there and all future dead humans and pets will be turned into diamonds and these will provide areas for nature to reside and cool air to rush into cities and towns.This will allow for cool air to rush in,provide place for nature to reside,hiking and allow for memorial masses be held in them routinely with small ones have walls separating them from surrounding fields broken down and merged with them to become largeish memorial gardens.Abandoned graveyards and mausoleums will have the mausoleums renovated or removed and headstones recycled with the bodies turned into diamonds and the land reforested with dying trees pyrolysised and them replaced with new woodland.These would if by woodlands be turned into memorial woodlands again with a pillar.If possible both small large crypts and graveyards in cities,towns,villages and military ones will be completely reforested as far back as possible and have a pillar for memorial masses with again walls broken down.An universal statue of Thanatos will be put in place of them next to the pillar or entrance to them.Future dead pets and humans that do die will be turned into diamonds via pyrolysis to be kept at home and save energy in producing headstones and land to house them with this done after wakes.These urban forests will be within all cities and towns worldwide and also all land surrounding them connected to each other and also new and existing parks including those derived from human graveyards and vehicle graveyards of all types and landfills including both vehicle and electronic scrapyards by digging up roads and them replaced with underground ones and diverting other roads.All work can be automated by 2029 with Pan,mayor AI and Antheia designing these reforested areas with plants planted in a natural randomised manner with the layout of hiking trails,reforested areas,parks,underground roads etc planned with native trees,wildflowers,ferns,weeds and shrubs etc planted.This will provide areas for hiking,improve air quality,allow cool air to rush in,negate the urban heat island effect,improve transpiration and rainfall in summer months to prevent heatwaves and protect them from storms and floods especially flash floods and monsoons with native plants planted with them hybridised with fruit and nut trees to provide extra crops and native animals once undergoing conservation efforts using the Phanes method will be moved to them with wild bee nests set up to allow crops in home,community and these farms to be pollinated.Future homes will again be underground communities or aforementioned ones that are built ergonomically.Ideally all walking paths within these new urban forests,all reforested wilderness,all parks and indeed all existing wilderness areas across the world used for hiking etc will have instead of dirt tracks has porous asphalt that allows rainwater to reach the groundwater and prevent the paths becoming mucky and slippery making them safe to traverse during and after showers of rain and floods

Large bulky air conditioners outside can be replaced by either smaller efficient ones that are not in a line as in places like Singapore and also those inside that are part of windows and even indoors inside rooms with modifications made to them that involve piping going from room to room that are connected on single device in a storeroom or even outside with the building AI creating the best system.These buildings will use advanced air conditioning systems that are in a line separate from each other that form a disjointed line to prevent the heat generated from them travelling upwards or them on different sides of each building with them built ergonomically into the building with existing buildings having their layout and design modified or replaced with new systems that include even piping based ones built into the actual wall that leading to conditioning systems in storerooms,basements and hallways that keep the outside cool with them having piping to intake cold air from the outside at night and also geothermal systems to cool them down preventing accidents with AI deciding this by at least 2029.Indoor air conditioning systems will also be used and placed into the most used rooms with in the case of hotel style rooms them placed in communal areas and also in each suite with the home and macro AI will manage when they are used at specific times.Heaters will also be miniature ones inside ones rooms and suites or those in the basement that are managed by the AI.Vertical gardens on communal homes will also cool the building by reflecting the suns heat,improving transpiration and also negating the urban heat island effect with small trees on balconies also aiding this.Geothermal heating in both communal and private homes both new and existing will cool homes during the summer and heat them during the winter thus preventing the need for air conditioners with even communal homes having them as the deeper they go into the crust and mantle the higher they can go especially if composed of graphene due to its high themoconductivity saving energy with them if covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials can send electricity into the home 24/7.Humans can also be engineered with DNA from scratch and from to survive normally at higher temperatures and also humidity levels.This will reduce energy costs and also the urban heat island effect.This will allow those on the outside to be removed and recycled thus meaning the building will stay cool on all sides with trees in outdoor gardens cooling the sides of buildings.All buildings in a city can undergo this such as hospitals,universities and communal homes.Communal homes like private homes will have geothermal heating and air conditioning and more efficient heating and air conditioning systems installed that stretch deep underground to increase the amount of heating and cooling to the very roof and the pipes composed of graphene to increase thermoconductivity etc that can render heaters and air conditioners defunct.All of this can allow windows to be put in place of exterior air conditioning systems

All buildings in a city can such as hospitals,universities and communal homes can have audits on energy waste and modified to become energy efficient.They will also be made water efficient.

Drones patrolling the city controlled by the mayor AI will use Silviaterra to log the number of trees and plants including crops in community farms and home farms/gardens of all species into the city and town AI for use by Theoi Meteroi and Artemis with it also using thermal imaging to measure the plants health.Trees should be planted in parks and by in walkways on streets or in strips of public streets even in cities by digging up the gravel with all trees especially those on walkways engineered to be biolumescent and also produce exotic flowers like roses and orchids and to bloom longer especially during autumn or even during winter to provide food for bees and improve aesthetics,be able to survive droughts,frosts,snow with them also producing fruits and/or nuts and inoculated with truffles.These would ideally be bioluminecent trees via CRISPR to alleviate strains on the grid.They will be fitted with thermal imaging cameras to highlight heat escaping buildings and the urban heat island effect

Beehives can be placed in parks,forest farms as well as rooftop gardens by Triptolemus alongside vegetable and/or cereal beds covered in bark chippings.Hopsitals,bars,nighclubs,communal homes and restaurants can have graphene slideable netting similar to mosquitoe netting to prevent them entering them affecting customers and patients.These should be placed in key areas by Triptolemus an the city AI interacting with each other to increase the land they cover to pollinate forest,home and community farms flowers in parks etc.Wildflowers should also be planted in parks,along streets,in roundabouts,community and home farms alongside in windowboxes of homes,apartments and on the rooftops of skyscrapers which should act as miniature gardens ontop of them for residents with both ornamental and crop plants allowing bees to have more food as well as improve air quality and scenery.Greenhouses can also be integrated here.Roundabouts and strips of land in between highways as well as roads can be planted with vegetable,cereal and even fruit and nut trees which can be maintained and harvested by robots given right of way when crossing the road.Robotic lawnmowers can mow the lawn of parks and other areas in the area at set times of the year programmed into the city AI while fertiliser bots like those in community and forest farms and sprinkler systems can interact with weather networks as well as nanosensors in the soil and atmosphere to spray dry areas with water during droughts and heatwaves by interacting with these to prevent under or over watering and efficient use of water.Existing models of robotic lawnmowers require wiring to be placed underground the perimeter however in time 3D maps of the parks(with Adonit pens encircling perimeters and any features like flower and vegetable beds set by community members once or when changed with this done by the city AI in in time)and all the sidewalks in a town or city can be scanned into the city AI and it will stream these maps to cut grass and record what grass has been cut already cut and then recharge itself at inside various small charger sheds dotted around the town or park and when charged cut the remaining grass with them interacting with traffic lights and networks to cross the road to other areas they need to cut.The lawnmowers will also have miniature cameras on them to see where they are going.Grass will be dumped in specific points to be collected by other robots or the public to fed to livestock in nearby farms alongside leaves.The grass can otherwise be shipped to organic waste pyrolysis plants to be turned into biochar fertiliser.Fertiliser will be spread by irrigation sprinklers systems once every two weeks derived from algea ordered in from sewage plants.Ideally all grass and plants as well as trees in parks,sidewalks worldwide and those in meadows will be replaced by native species that has recombinant DNA from xerophiles,oligotrophs and also Firmicutes to allow them to survive droughts and heatwaves and require less nutrients.DNA from Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Carnobacterium pleistocenium could allow the to survive extreme cold snaps and winters with recombinant DNA from Planarians,A.mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will repair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen thus allowing them to be thawed and refrozen again and again.Self charging technologies utilised by autonomous vehicles can be integrated into them.Mobile robotic trashcans can also collect trash and can be called via the wire and the parks intranet or be replaced with pneumatic tubes.Trees can be planted along streets to again improve air quality and provide extra food for residents.Street pavements and exterior walls and buildings of buildings particularly of large skyscrapers and their can be painted white by robots to reflect heat away from them thus negating the urban heat effect.Plazas,squares and public streets/roads can also have permeable pavement integrated alongside having huge sections of them dug up and made into large gardens for the communal homes such as office buildings that surround them to again improve aesthetic,ensure water returns to the immediate water table,provide scent and food as well as improve air quality and also extra foraging for bees with raised beds also placed here.Plants here can include crop and ornamental ones as well as benches for relaxing.This is because they will no longer house stalls etc with all plants having biolumescence including Christmas trees to provide lighting for safety.Otherwise they can have raised beds or dug up sections for growing crops and ornamental plants They could also have small livestock such as chickens,goats and sheep penned in to provide meat and other produce.This can be done by advancements in robotics.Grass can also be collected from cut grass from homes across the community as well as from parks,golf courses and local public gardens by robots and automated vehicles for feeding livestock in community farms or sent to organic waste pyrolysis plants.Leaves in parks and streets can also be cleaned by robots and leaf vacuums for use as feed for livestock or pyrolysised alongside organic waste.This will be organised by Moirai namely the mayors of all surrounding towns and cities interacting with Triptolemus and thus all surrounding farms in the region.Dead plants and trees in parks and by the sides of roads and even in surrounding forests will also be harvested by robots and pyrolysised and replanted with drones that routinely monitor them all year long during different seasons and mark the GPS location of dead and dying trees to have harvesting robots chop them down,remove stumps similar to those in forests used for forestry with them pyrolysised and the carbon sent to local Aphrodite factories or spread as fertiliser on the ground with new fresh trees of the same species planted by seed planting drones with all trees having genetic engineering to make them immune to diseases with the Phanes method used.These drones will use thermal illuminator imaging to monitor plant health.Ideally public streets alongside plazas and squares will be dug and converted into gardens as a whole,in strips or raised beds containing both ornamental and crop plants and trees to improve scenery and provide food for humans and beehives since these areas will no longer house shops and retail outlets which will be converted into homes.The only exceptions are squares and plazas etc that are of historical value such as Tiananmen square which will possibly be replaced by porous asphalt,conncrete etc.Pulic streets by residential areas from retail streets can have strips of plants and trees planted once parts are dug up with if possible them dug up and replaced by grass and gravel and even porous asphalt.Street markets will follow this too with the stands recycled with those of of low quality buildings torn down and the land reforested into community and forest farms once the streets dug up with all food and manufactured products taken by the public on a first come first serve basis with manufactured products traded on Euthenia once scanned into Hephaestus with others recycled and excess food pyrolysised.Rooftops of all buildings especially communal homes,universities,hospitals,public buildings will house rooftop gardens containing crops,livestock and recirculating aquaculture systems with them having walls around them to prevent livestock and children falling off.Parks can be used as areas where community members and helper robots can bring livestock such as goats,sheep and cattle can be brought when the is growing thick for supervised grazing using leashes during walks to thin it down or as stated earlier robotic lawnmowers can collect it and have it transported to community farms for use as livestock feed especially during the winter months putting it to good use.Graphene paint can be applied to roads,pathways,walkways,concrete and steel bridges,buildings etc. under a layer of liquid glass to generate extra electricity for the city,town etc. as well as providing an extra layer of protection against rust and make them more stronger against external damage and keep them clean indefinitely.All robots that maintain parks and will be housed in a small building on the grounds that open and close when the robots are entering and leaving them.

Once buildings undergo gentrification and all graffiti on buildings etc is painted over with a fresh coat of paint the buildings will be coated with a permanent layer of liquid glass that protects it from future graffiti and also dirt,water and acid.This layer of liquid glass will make all surfaces it is coated on such as buildings,statues etc and also robots that maintain them dirt proof against graffiti or general dirt,acid proof against acid rain and other acid and also water proof against rain.Bridges and other important infrastructure projects key to a city,town and village will be coated in this once painted over with graphene paint for the same reasons.Graphene paint can be coated onto bridges especially steel ones under this coating will making them 200 times stronger than steel and rust free forever.This will negate human or even robot labour in maintaining them for forever.

Mayor AIs will even in proto forms carry out gentrification programmes to all cities,towns and villages worldwide starting from private and communal level to make them energy and water efficient and refurbish them to luxury standards.Energy efficient CFL,CSYS LED,LED.OLED lights used in homes,public buildings and in street lights and energy efficient (or self charging)electronics,vehicles and appliances should allow renewables hooked directly to the home to function properly cutting down on their strain and overall global energy use if adopted worldwide.These would replace all lights in all buildings world wide with ideally CSYS ones as they are the most energy efficient and last for 37 years meaning if adopted by 2029 they will last long enough for AI,automation and biosynths to be developed to be able to replace them in communal homes and public buildings and allow more advanced longer life versions that could last either several centuries or indefinitely to be developed.Any rare earths,Mercury etc present in these can be replaced by phosphers,graphene and other atom thick allotrops of all elements on the periodic table and even biosynth technology to increase their lifespan and reduce energy use and thus efficiency with research starting by 2020 meaning this could be possible by 2029.This should replace conventional and even CFLs in all buildings such as hospitals,factories,homes,vertical farms etc worldwide with different variations to fit all types of light sockets and also lightning needs researched.In homes both communal and private homes and also public buildings the AI ensuring that lights are turned off when not needed to prevent waste.Bioluminiscent plants in pots indoors,in ones garden,community gardens,by the entrance of public buildings and communal homes etc or in parks and the side of streets replacing conventional lights that light up roads and streets can alleviate strains on the grid and ones energy use significantly.These bioluminescent trees can be in gardens and smaller versions indoors in bedrooms etc and hallways of communal homes with them turned on and off via microbes using wifi interacting with the Home AI app turning on/off genes via microbes present in the plant or covered by sheets with them also being in streets and highways of all major towns,cities and villages replacing street lamps and in the form of moss on the side of mountain roadways with them also in parks.These can be at key points along roads and streets to replace streetlights in all streets in all towns,cities and villages worldwide to reduce energy costs including those by the wilderness when artificial walls that separate fields are broken down allowing even rural roads to be lit up for pedestrians etc.These will be dotted around forests,community farms etc and wilderness used as farmland with only a few trees used to acting as guides to civilisation on hiking paths to guide people back to them at night.Street lights worldwide will be replaced by large trees such as Quercus,Pinus,C.×.leylandii,C.sempervirens dotted along the street including by highways and rural roads planted in fields with this biolumescence which as detailed later on will have extensive engineering to be as bright as possible and will be separate species designed to live indefinitely and be evergreen and repel snow due to their shapes.Rural roads can have hedges along them covered in bioluminescent moss and actual plants that consist of the hedges and plants on the side of roads whether trees,bushy plants injected with microbes that will add this via CRISPR.Others can have biolumescent trees planted at every few metres.Biolumescent moss can be on the railings and sides of private and communal home from the ground to the roof to light them up with it also on the side of mountains by roads where trees cannot be planted.Biolumiscent moss can be part of underground and even underwater tunnels and roads with it extending to the outer parts of it to get sunlight with them also on the side of mountainous roads act as light sources.These should be able to replace all street lights worldwide and those for underground roads which can be recycled between 2035-2045.Christmas trees in both gardens,roofs and even public squares can utilise this with them turned on during Christmas.Using double or even better triple plyed windows possibly incorporated with aerogel instead of argon to prevent leaks and research can be done to see if greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane can be used as the heat trapping gas via creating them from burning bacteria based oil,creating methane or even carbon dioxide via bacteria directly through bacteria with them having graphene in the matrix to prevent leaks or them released during them being hit with these trapping more heat with silicone mixed with graphene also preventing leaks.The greenhouse gases can be created onsite of Daedalus factories with synthetic and powerful greenhouses like Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride created onsite,captured and inserted into them and them kept in a way they stay for decades more than normal if not indefinitely.These have a global warming potential roughly 17,200-23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and last roughly 740-3,200 years meaning they would last long enough during the buildings lifespan and would thus trap more heat lowering heating costs more than conventional ones that use argon and carbon dioxide.Nanosensors can be placed inside especially biosynth ones that relay levels of the gas to the home AI and how many years they last and their level in ppb etc.This may involve them being suspended in aerogel,nanomaterials like graphene,have argon and other gases in them that keeps them in a stable position indefinitely with the glass having graphene in its matrix to prevent leaks and also make them shatterproof against debris,bullets and also footballs.The gas can be refilled or them replaced once recycled every few centuries or millenia or if possible methods can be researched to extended the gases lifespan indefinitely such as nanomaterials and compounds bound to them that preventing them breaking down with suspending them in aerogel aiding in this.These will replace all windows worldwide in all public buildings and even homes including those renovated from skyscrapers with graphene in the matrix of the window to prevent leaks or it breaking thus releasing the gases.Research into this will be done by Steropes etc.Insulation ideally non-toxic and fireproof fungi and C.sativa varieties such as hempcrete can drastically reduce the amount of energy wasted by as much as 90% and reduce the strain on both home systems and the grid alongside efficient building design and upgrading existing ones.To save on time and energy hempcrete can be made of bacteria creating the fibres of C.sativa with ideally non toxic fungi insulation used in a mixture of C.sativa fibre created by bacteria without the need for concrete as they both can offer good insulation when combined.

Mayor AIs will even in proto forms carry out gentrification programmes to all cities,towns and villages worldwide starting from private and communal level to make them energy and water efficient and refurbish them to luxury standards.Ideally these should replace toxic asbestos and fibreglass in existing homes and buildings both occupied and those renovated from abandoned and obsolete ones with proper measures taken.By 2029 robotics and AI will be advanced enough to either remove toxic asbestos from existing buildings including abandoned ones and replace them with non toxic fungi or demolish them and rebuild them with by 2029-2045 it being advanced enough to bring this to zero with the same applied to triple plyed windows replacing normal ones and fitting them with other energy saving techniques.Thus asbestos in all buildings worldwide can be replaced by fungi and hempcrete insulation with it being in all future buildings with triple plyed windows containing artificial greenhouse gases will replace all windows in all buildings worldwide.Ideally fungi insulation will be added as it can be applied in layers and grown onsite of Daedalus factories and will fireproof the home.Private and government contractors alongside volunteers can also be used via crowdfunding as part of Restoration Nation wherein other luxury furnishes will be applied with training of this field done in the same as other fields beginning at 12 including onsite education and VR simulations with the fact that there will be fewer people working in obsolete jobs by 2029 will make it feasible to do this on large scales with future homes using fungi insulation etc instead of asbestos.AI will be able to be advanced enough by 2029 to train those made redundant in all sectors of the economy and even homeowners themselves on how to renovate each building via VR and also direct interaction step by step meaning even fully healthy adults aged 14-65 may be able to them themselves and alongside private and government contractors with AI setting down universal guidelines with regards to these and ensure they are abided by via google lenses and glasses and also drones onsite of them with them trained on each new renovated building via VR simulations that allow them to do test runs of each one.By 2029 robotics,automation,AI and human contractors including existing ones and those displaced by automation from agriculture,manufacturing and even healthcare etc will mean there will be an extra 2,414,700,000 people worldwide until AI and automation can finally replace them from 2045 and be able to do the most dangerous and labour intensive work by 2029 with them trained using the mentoree system using onsite training and also VR simulations for each building renovated.These renovations will happen gradually in each city in each country worldwide as part of Restoration Nation.Triple plyed windows that contain artificial greenhouse gases,thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,CFL/CSYS LED/LED/OLED lights will also be installed,water efficient Orbsys showers and taps that use 98% less water as detailed later on will also be added in these renovations as people film episodes of Restoration Nation that also involves adding luxury refurbishments,water efficient taps and showers,side/roof/underground extensions for amenities such as jacquizzis,pools,ensuites etc and also bedrooms for tourists to private and communal homes including apartments and existing hotels etc converted into communal homes thus raising the residents standard of living considerably.Gardens will be renovated with communal homes given rooftop gardens with all hotels undergoing renovations to make rooms the universal Venetian size standards and them giving customised refurbishments by each person moving into them with even bottom of the barrel of hotels and motels will be refurbished to luxury standards also charted in the programme.Garden renovations will include flowerbeds,luxury furniture,ornamental plants,geothermal hot springs,pools etc.These refurbishments due to the advent of other technologies and measures to conserve water and the switch to geothermal,advances in AI and automation as well as removal of all excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will at least give us some leeway in the timeframe that they can be carried out worldwide and will be not be needed to be done all at once but will done at the same time homeowners carry out other renovations ie extensions to house amenities and bedrooms for tourists and luxury refurbishments a well as garden renovations that also not only make them more energy and water efficient but also upgrade their standard of living at the same time making them better for home sharing programmes and even general living in with them done by newly trained people out of work due to automation,government and private contractors worldwide.By at least 2029 AI and automation will be able to do the most dangerous and labour intensive work cutting down costs worldwide and replace humans completely by 2045 pushing it zero with these renovations filmed by the homeowners themselves as part of Restoration Nation as detailed earlier on and thus we can wait until to at least 2029-2045 for these to occur and begin.Obsolete and abandoned homes and buildings renovations covered in Restoration Nation will be fitted with fungi insulation and also triple plyed windows and also water efficient Orbsys showers and taps etc to ensure they are up to standards to save energy and water alongside luxury refurbishments etc.This gentrification will apply to private and communal homes including apartments and as detailed entire seasons of the show will detail the gentrification of entire streets,suburbs and council flats and apartment blocks thus bringing the standard of living to even those who live in the lowest socio economic ladder who live in ghettos and poor quality council flats and housing to a high standard of living and make them appetising to tourists as part of home sharing programmes when extensions house extra bedrooms.All abandoned homes will have these features to reduce energy and water use and make them more efficient and also self generation technology with all type of obsolete buildings such as skyscrapers,corporate headquarters,hotels,casinos etc fitted with these with hospitals and jails etc with as stated by 2029 AI and automation reducing costs by doing the most labour intensive and dangerous work with by 2045 it pushed to zero since biosynths able to to all work at zero costs.Homeless people will be given access to temporary shelter and also laptops that allow them to book places in hotels etc.Abandoned and obsolete buildings of all types renovations,refurbishments with all of these features to improve their energy and water efficiency and also add luxury refurbishments etc will be charted in Restoration Nation with all parts of all towns,cities and villages renovated to luxury standards,extensions and fittings to make them energy and water efficient step by step using a combination of government and private contractors,the public educated via AI and also robots and in time biosynths.Even alleys in between skyscrapers etc will be cleaned with the concrete replaced here in all areas dug up and replaced by self healing porous versions that allow rainwater to return to the groundwater and with the sides of buildings cleaned of dirt and graffiti and then covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent dirt and graffiti appearing again after being of course cleaned and painted with bright colours etc as part of refurbishments with all public streets have them replaced with permeable interlocking pavements with geothermal heating and cooling pipes that allow water to return to groundwater to prevent flooding,formation of ice during winter and are cool in summer and also ensure groundwater is constantly replenished.All streets in all towns,cities and villages will have native trees engineered to be evergreen via CRISPR planted in all streets spaced in between each other to have them collect particulates that will then fall to the ground during rain,cool the surrounding area and also improve air quality and be fitted with bioluminescence to light up at night providing free lighting that replaces energy intensive street lights and with them housing flowers all year round to provide honey for bees in the area that will also pollinate crops in community and other farms with beehives placed strategically in each area with them providing foraging for them during late autumn alongside spring and summer.All parts of each town,city and village will be refurbished to luxury standards managed by the mayor AI by 2029 with by 2029 robots doing the most labour intensive and dangerous work with remaining humans paid money per hour and per type of work using reserves with by 2035-2045 AI,automation,robots and biosynths advanced enough to replace all human labour.This also includes roads,bridges,sewage and water treatment plants and all parts of their infrastructure with old bridges demolished and replaced with longer lasting carbon fibre ones or have graphene paint and liquid glass put on them in the case of historical ones to make them rust,water and dirt free for millenia.Those in wilderness areas and protected areas like by Stonehenge,Nazca lines etc will be replaced with underground ones and reforested with as detailed earlier and later on them even in place outside of towns,villages and cities with them popping up on the outskirts to allow them to be reforested.They could also go underneath lakes,rivers and bypass existing roads with these underground roads going underneath wilderness,rivers,mountains etc making the journey shorter by skipping large portions of the original route and allowing roads to be reforested as walking paths for hikers considering land surrounding cities etc will be reforested as well.This pattern will apply to other colonies across the galaxy and will also allow them to serve underground communities.This will also allow them to serve underground communities that are built around them and even serve mines that have been turned into underground communities at the same time with borers creating new roads with areas shut off during this.Access to these to this from the surface will be via stairwells dotted around the place with them having possibly walking and cycling lanes separated by a border to allow people to use them underground without fear of being hit being hit by a vehicle.Buildings in towns and cities whether private and communal homes,public buildings etc will have underground carparks for them that lead to the home via doors to basements and stairwells and even to underground communities again via stairwells with public underground carparks underneath parks,communal homes and public multistorey carparks and underground communities.With regards to small towns and if possible cities this system of underground carparks and garages used with the possibility of all roads on the surface within the city limits reforested with grass or lined trees improving the safety of pedestrians with them acting as dirt tracks similar to those in forests.Having roads in cities,towns and villages and wilderness dug up and reforested into dirt tracks will allow hikers and cyclists to use them in a safe manner as only they will be present on them and retain natural beauty,not encroach on nature and allow vehicles to bypass current overground roads and then make journeys shorter as they will go under wilderness and also lakes,rivers,mountains etc with since underground the majority of the journey would be a straight line limiting turns making it easier for satellite,wifi and sensor controlled autonomous vehicles to navigate them with graphene in the windows or VR simulations in neural implants or google glasses projecting the original view to passengers and them via thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes powering providing biosynth wifi and energy to chargers dotted around them or lights with lights even negated by either biolumescent moss that is given sunlight via it extending to the entrance and even Ophion controlling via satellite saving on wiring.The moss would also separate carbon dioxide into oxygen alongside nanomaterials that do so.This will also allow them to serve underground communities that are built around them and even serve mines that have been turned into underground communities at the same time with borers creating new roads with areas shut off during this.Remaining roads worldwide will be step by step replaced with self healing porous asphalt which will repair themselves limiting potholes while they will allow rainwater to flood through preventing flooding and replenish groundwater with future potholes detected by drones routinely circumnavigating them and marking their GPS location with cameras on automated vehicles doing this as well and repaired by existing robots designed to do this.Sewage and water treatment plants including existing and new deaslinisation plants will be fitted newer energy efficient measures like nanosensors,algea to turn feces and urine and waste into fertiliser and even human and livestock feed,graphene filters and also narrow wavelength UV.Crypts and graveyards for humans and pets including large military ones and those on the grounds of churches will be converted into memorial gardens with headstones etc recycled and the bodies dug up and turned into diamonds and sent to living next of kin with large stone pillar and statue of Thanatos put in place with the pillar housing the names of all of the dead present with them housing benches,ponds,wildflowers etc designed by Pan and Antheia.This will allow for cool air to rush in,provide place for nature to reside and allow for memorial masses be held in them routinely with small ones have walls separating them from surrounding fields broken down and merged with them to become largeish memorial gardens with all crypts and graveyards including large military ones undergoing this.Future dead animals and humans will be turned into diamonds.Bridges will be replaced with graphene ones especially stone and old non historical ones with historical covered with graphene paint to make them rust free and then a permanent layer of liquid glass to make then dirt and graffiti free once cleaned and certain parts replaced after structural integrity tests.Parks,urban prairies and areas covered in blight will be renovated with parks fitted with newer amenities,flowerbeds etc,basketball courts etc will be revamped with urban praries converted into community farms with areas covered in blight as detailed earlier have all buildings demolished and them reforested to provide areas for hiking and wildlife etc with this done in all towns,villages,cities worldwide with AI and automation cutting down costs to zero from 2029-2045.Vehicle graveyards of all types boat,vehicles and military ones will once they are scanned will be recycled and the land bioremediated with all contaminated rivers,lakes,soils and forests undergoing bioremdetiation programmes managed by Pan bringing them to a pristine state with the Great Pacific Plastic Patch dealt by 100km barges collecting rubbish into an area and phytoplankton fitted with DNA that degrades all types of plastic from bacteria that do this will be spread over these areas and overtime the entirety of the worlds oceans that will break down all existing and future plastic including microbeads in the oceans into base elements or edible feedstuff for themselves and wildlife almost instantly with animals engineered to house fungi that do this in their stomach meaning any plastic they ingest will be turned into edible feedstuff.Sewage and water treatment plants will be fitted with the latest energy saving technologies including the use of algae to clean up feces and urine that will cut down on energy use but also provide an abundant supply of fertiliser,animal and human feed that will be used in a looped cycle negating the need to mine for more phosphorous and nitrogen until picotech fabricators are developed with those in developing countries fitted with this.Also at this time poor villages in Africa,China and also India will upscaled to 21st standards with water and sewage treatment plants,porous pavement roads and also parks,vertical farms and also poor housing demolished and replaced with tall luxury style communal homes with the Venetian standard sized room and amenities etc.This renovations will be done not only to make all new and existing buildings energy and water efficient but also raise the standard of living to residents through extensions and luxury refurbishments and through the addition of thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes making them energy self sufficient.Apartment blocks and council flats of low quality worldwide will also have these renovations with them even converted into hotel style homes with the Venetian standard room size and communal kitchens,amenities,living rooms by merging or shrinking rooms with roof extensions added to compensate for this with the exteriors painted bright colours and have luxury kebonised wood furnishes to turn even the worst bottom of the barrel council flats and apartment blocks in poor neighbourhoods in all cities worldwide on par with five star luxury hotels around the world thus not only increasing the living standards of the occupants present with it also making them more viable for tourism and trading away permanently with those in the top 1% accustomed with luxury housing.Even hospitals,bars,nightclubs and also remaining airports will have renovations to make them to a luxury standard and make them energy and water efficient with this done to train stations and bus stations.All work will be easily automated by robots,AI,biosynths etc by 2029-2045 thus cutting costs to zero.Thermal imaging cameras in smartdevices can allow citizens to spot where energy is wasted via heat escaping cracks and allow people to carry out their own energy audit with YouTube and eventually Home AI replacing human operaters.The Home AI will educate the person how to carry out modifications on how to improve their energy efficiency even renovations with by 2045 biosynths from Daedalus factories replacing human contractors.

Advances in genetically altered bacteria,invitro meat and hydroponics etc will allow all areas of the world used for agriculture worldwide to be reforested thus increasing the size of wilderness areas worldwide for both biodiversity,carbon sinks and also hiking etc and tourism with Pan managing the reforesting of all of this land into jungles,forests,woodlands,grasslands and meadows based on soil samples,historical data etc to what they were prior to deforestation and them reforested up until existing woodlands etc with him removing artificial hedges made of plants and stone in order to make them more natural.Even existing meadows and wilderness will through historical data and soil samples will be returned to their ancient primeval based on what they were prior to human settlements.Even fields next to and as part of the gardens of small homes and existing occupied homes and those converted into communal and private homes from abandoned and obsolete buildings will be converted into forests etc based on these samples to provide residents with large areas for nature walks and hiking.Airports on the outskirts of cities etc will be returned to wilderness such as lakes or parks that fit in with the surrounding reforested area and those in cities turned in large botanical gardens and parks.Theme parks will be torn down buildings turned into communal homes and them visited in VR simulations with golf courses and driving lanes even those on the grounds of hotels and country clubs converted into permanent homes will be reforested and visited in VR simulations.VR technology would allow certain amenities etc to be demolished and the land reforested or turned into homes with others made obsolete by the abolishing of money following suit.Sewage and water treatment plants and other important infrastructure including certain power plants such as fusion,fission,fossil fuel and even geothermal will be moved underground to allow the land to be reforested and them even serving underground communities.Low quality housing such as ghettos and projects,council flats etc and even suburbs will undergo gentrification projects charted in seasons of Restoration Nation that turn them into luxury high quality residential areas for the original occupants coupled with roof extenstions.Low quality housing estates in cities and towns including suburbs may also follow this with them having all buildings have roof,side and underground extensions to make them mini mansions or even merged with neighbours homes if they move out to other homes in the area with if only a few people stay or all move out the unoccupied homes demolished and land reforested.Low quality housing estates,suburbs,slums,shanty towns and ghettos may have all people living there move into abandoned and obsolete buildings renovated into luxury hotel style communal and private homes allowing them to be demolished and the land reforested with future homes being underground communities or luxury communal skyscraper high hotel style homes built in their place.Any one who stays can merge their houses with as many as that of their neighbours and add extensions and merge kitchens,living rooms etc together to make them bigger or turned into other rooms and have gardens merged with extensions with the land around them reforested or communal homes connected to them making them miniature mansions with excess roads dug up.Areas in cities like Detroit that have large areas of blight will be demolished and reforested to surrounding wilderness with all roads dug up as part of this.Slums in all major cities as well will be demolished as people there move to better accommodation with the land reforested.Low quality housing estates and even suburbs in towns and cities around the world can have once all or most of the occupants haved moved to communal homes derived from retail streets,banks,hotels,skyscrapers,shopping malls and other obsolete buildings and abandoned ones in their area or around the world as detailed later and earlier on will allow the low quality estates to be demolished and the land reforested to as far back as existing and reforested land.Even if a few people stay they can add roof,underground and side extensions,refurbishments and merge nearby homes then the rest of the homes can be demolished and reforested with the excess roads dug up and reforested.Otherwise the buildings once demolished can have large luxury skyscraper hotel style communal homes built in their place and all remaining land reforested with roads dug up and reforested.Future homes will be underground these reforested areas and existing wilderness.Even islands that have large areas of low quality homes like the Isle of Man,Lanzarote,Gran Canaries,Hawaii etc will have whole low quality suburbs demolished as locales move into existing and new hotels and have underground and underwater communities also with roads dug up and hedges
removed.Cities that suffer urban sprawl can have all buildings in areas outside of retail streets/outlets and central business districts demolished and have tall luxury hotels put in place to house those from poor neighbourhoods with this and underground communities used to make them compact.Abandoned buildings and obsolete ones such as schools,retail outlets of all types,corporate and government headquarters,banks etc especially those of historical value around the world will be renovated into luxury hotel st homes for the poor charted in Restoration Nation and made water and energy efficient.Abandoned buildings and obsolete ones such as schools,retail outlets of all types,corporate and government headquarters,banks etc especially those of historical value around the world will be renovated into luxury hotel homes for the poor charted in Restoration Nation as detailed earlier on in both th housing and Restoration Nation sections and made water and energy efficient.All major cities and towns will have retail streets turned into mega hotels that take up entire streets that are at least fifty to a hundred stories high and them allowing people to move into them from surrounding low quality areas.These mega hotels and hotels derived from supermarkets,hypermarkets,casinos and also offices and corporate headquarters and all buildings made obsolete by the wire,manufacturing hubs and the abolishment of money will be turned into large luxury hotels with luxury communal living rooms/lobbies and also amenities and automated dining halls and amenities both indoor and outdoor and those on roofs.Corporate headquarters will also be converted into communal homes alongside buildings used by publishers of books,magazines,offices for corporations and lawyers and all professions made obsolete by VR technology and networks within Pheme and Dionysus.Each room will be the same size as the standard suite in the Venetian hotel – 60.387 square metres enough to house living spaces for even married couples an ensuite,mini living room and bedroom customised by each residents with these including terraces and balconies with the communal amenities and even VR technology that allows one to escape to any environment including large presidential suites,mansions,palaces will compensate for the lack of private living rooms and kitchens with them all having room service while communal dining halls,living rooms and bars etc will give them sizable recreation areas to rest.Entire families will live in separate suites in these hotels,motels derived from obsolete and large abandoned buildings.Existing hotels will have roof extensions to house extra Venetian sized room to ensure existing suites are made to the same size as the Venetian standard by merging two or more rooms or splitting large ones with them all customised to the tastes by those who move into each one.Even bottom of the barrel hotels as well as motels,hostels,bnbs etc worldwide will be made into luxury communal homes through luxury refurbishments,roof and underground extensions,merging rooms will be charted in seasons of Restoration Nation.Casinos will also be converted into communal homes with those that are merged into hotels especially in Las Vegas will have casinos and all retail outlets turned into extra suites with museums moved into proper museums.Retail outlets in casinos and hotels will be converted into extra suites and amenities once the items are scanned into Hephaestus and also taken home.Hotels,hostels,bnbs etc will as detailed earlier on become permanent homes with them all even bottom of the barrel ones given roof extensions and luxury renovations,roof extensions and modified so that each room is the same size as the Venetian standard – 60.387 square metres thus meaning even married couples will have rooms to meet their needs for closets etc with the amenities present ie pools,saunas and gyms and communal living room lobbies acting as other rooms in traditional homes with one able to escape to palaces,wilderness etc through VR.Infant and pre pubescent minors will have their own suites.Thus all hotels,bnbs,motels around as detailed earlier on will become permanent homes for residents there from around the world with room swapping and also all private homes in the suburbs including those derived from abandoned and obsolete buildings housing roof,side,underground extensions to house amenities bedrooms for tourists in all major tourist hotspots around the world allowing even large families to stay in different homes in the same neighbourhoods thus allowing traditional tourism to continue once hotels,motels,inns etc are converted into permanent homes.All people worldwide living in mansions,villas and those in the upper and lower middle class or in lower class that even live homes in the suburbs and rural areas will have roof,side and underground extensions to house extra bedrooms and amenities alongside luxury refurbishments for tourists to compensate for the fact that hotels,motels,inns etc becoming permanent homes as an entire family could stay in multiple houses in the same neighbourhood with even residents in hotels etc trading away or swapping rooms when on holiday thus allowing traditional tourism to survive.Certain amenities like defunct government buildings,opera houses,museums,theatres may also house underground extensions for tourists to stay in.Skyscrapers,supermarkets,hypermarkets etc made obsolete by money will be after having roof extensions will be turned into hotel style communal homes have the same sized room and also communal dining halls,kitchens and lobby living rooms and also amenities such as pools and jacuizzis thus giving them the same features as normal homes with home sharing programmes similar to hiphousing and airbnb and couchsurfing will replacing the traditional means of tourism.All other obsolete buildings detailed earlier alongside abandoned buildings of all types will be refurbished to luxury standards when booked or done independently and traded/advertised on Euthenia.Ideally these both new and existing hotels would be allotted via crowdfunding,Euthenia etc to those on the very lowest economic ladders thus allow those on the lowest socio-economic ladder to be upgraded by at least 2029-2035 to luxury standards with this involving people booking spaces and rooms in hotels,supermarkets etc around the world as they move home permanently allowing even those who live in low quality homes in Europe to permanently move to hotels new and existing in all parts of the world including the tropics and tourist spots around the world with those living in slums in Africa,Asia and India and major cities.All of these obsolete buildings and hotels new and existing will have roof,side and underground extensions overtime added to make them more compact and house more people thus preventing urban sprawl in towns,cities and even villages worldwide.Thus all central business districts,retail streets etc worldwide due to money becoming obsolete and the wire will become major residential areas upgraded to luxury standards alongside Las Vegas,Silicon Valley etc.Wilderness areas reforested will be as stated be reforested as far back as possible and future communities will be underground communities and homes and those that as detailed earlier involve homes mostly underground with windows,balconies that pop up allowing for wilderness ares to function as both homes and areas for biodiversity.Underground communities will be built underneath all new and existing reforested wilderness to allow for humans to and wilderness to occupy the same space.All lakes,rivers,soils etc in all existing and new wilderness and all of the worlds oceans will undergoe as detailed earlier bioremediation programmes to remove pollution of all types such as rubbish,plastic patches and also even radioactive material and heavy metals etc to return them to pristine condition sewagee treatment plants,rubbish collection and recycling managed by AI will prevent future pollution with Theoi Meteroi sensors in the soil,atmospheric poles,rivers,lakes and oceans will constantly relay in real time the pH,temperature and levels of pollutants even pathogens 24/7 visible to to the public with deviations from the normal ranges corrected by automated procedures carried out by Pan with him monitoring all wilderness areas for rubbish and pollution as well.These sensors will be in all wilderness areas and also in all towns,cities etc worldwide to be visible to the public and also predict or even plan out the weather more effectively by the sentient Theoi Meteroi.Pan will organise the reforestation and bioremediation projects worldwide and thus will allow all towns,cities and villages worldwide to have sizeable areas of virgin and primeval wilderness ideally those that were in their original place ie meadows,jungles,forests,grasslands with as stated all towns,villages and cities worldwide by rivers,lakes,beaches,coastlines etc have new coral reefs set up.Both of these will allow them all to have an increased biodiversity value,hiking areas,tourism value and value to those who live there permenantly.Pan will mange these via sensors in the soil,lakes,rivers and on atmospheric poles and also through biosynths modelled on native animals and humans to detect and cleanup pollution including rubbish and also other automated and prevent illegal poaching and logging and also alongside the sentient Artemis carry out behavioural studies on all flora and fauna and log their populations with Phanes and Artemis carrying out conservation efforts to increase their numbers or even cull them if they get too low or high.Nanomaterials including graphene and others of all 92 elements will play a role in allowing cities to go higher thus making them more compact and dense with underground communities underneath them further increasing density with support columns have these bored into them or put on roofs in layers.Underground communities will be built underneath all new and existing reforested wilderness allowing all reforested land to house communities underground with even homes designed to be underground that have windows and balconies that pop up at the top with stairs etc and even underground roads allowing access to both underground homes and communities.Underground communities will also be underneath existing towns,villages and cities worldwide and underneath existing and reforested wilderness with them using,VR technology and also digital smart windows to allow one to have sizable homes and escape to any environment while still increasing the density of them.Underwater communities will be able to be constructed at the lowest depths of the ocean and along the coasts of all major towns using geothermal power,carbon scrubbers,nanomaterials that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide,internal gardens and even forests with them through pyrex infused with graphene,liquid glass that repels water and prevents the acidity of the ocean eroding stone and steel structures and even graphene composites will allow the large underwater sections of the earth to be colonised.Floating cities will also be created above underwater communities and in other parts of the ocean including those that can float constantly and move across the ocean with oil rigs old and new converted into hotel like buildings and also connected to underwater communities.All of these methods and technologies will make towns,cities and villages around the world more densely populated preventing human encroachment once all land is reforested with vertical farms etc preventing further deforestation.By 2029 invitro meat,vertical/community/home/forest farms etc will allow all land to be reforested and still feed a population well beyond the 11,000,000 by the end of the century to fed.This will all increase the carrying capacity of the Earth and still allow for large amounts of the Earth in each country to be returned permanently to primeval wilderness for biodiversity,hiking,tourism and carbon sinks as well as increase the standard of living to all instantly by 2029-2045 especially those on the lowest socio-economic levels including those who live in slums,low quality housing estates and even the homeless with Pan,mayor AIs etc managing this.

Skyscraper hotel or apartment style homes will become the predominant communal home and predominant homes worldwide.Those modelled in hotels will house suites the same as the Venetian standard roughly 60.387 square meters enough to house a king sized bed,en suite and enough closets for married couples with these homes having communal living rooms in the form of the communal lobby,communal gardens on the grounds of them and also communal rooftop gardens,communal dining halls,communal automated kitchens and communal amenities like pools,saunas etc.To eliminate human labour botlr,tug and other robots providing room service will be present alongside other robots etc eliminating all human labour in kitchens,room service and also communal amenities like pools,saunas etc with all of hotel style homes and their amenities,suites and kitchens etc being luxury style ones on par with the Venetian in Las Vegas.All human labour will be eliminated by 2029.The buildings build for the homeless and poor will be if possible tall as original World Trade Centre twin towns destroyed in 2001 or even Burj kalifa.Those as tall as the World Trade Centre could holds 1,240,000 square metres (13,400,000 square feet) with Venetian standards suite being 60.37 square metres (650 square feet)thus allowing these to hold at least 20,534 suites as much as 20,534 – 41,068 people if 1-2 people are in each room.The Pallazo Standard is slightly bigger at 720 square foot or 66.8902 square metres and could hold 18,537 – 37,075 people.The average Americans bedroom which is considered one of the largest in the world is 12.262 – 18.58 square metres(132 – 200 square foot) and most master bedrooms are 20.8103 – 32.51 square metres(224 square foot to 350 square feet) meaning residents will have large bedrooms larger than in normal homes at least two or three times bigger than a master bedroom and five times bigger than a normal bedroom enough to meet the needs of married couples and hold an en suite with a toilet and shower,king sized bed and large closets for clothes with those by the sides housing balconies.These hotel style homes will have automated communal kitchens,automated communal dining halls,communal amenities such as pools and sauna etc and a communal lobby acting as a communal living room with them having one to five extra floors than the World Trade Centre to house these communal amenities and lobbies on the ground floors.Hotel style homes may need extra floors to ensure an equal dispersion of communal kitchens and dining halls to deal with the ability to serve 18,537 – 41,068 with food with if need be there being the option of meals delivered to each suite.Botlr and tug robots will deliver meals to suites with these added to existing hotels and motels as well as obsolete buildings etc converted into permenant homes.Kitchens will be automated by using chef robots etc and biosynths.Underground basements can house these extra floors.Otherwise each persons 60.37 – 66.8902 square metre suites can in place of living rooms house a closet and also miniature kitchen with a microwave,countertops,sink and fridge.The suite can be modified into a micro suite that is 60.37 – 66.88902 square metres and is larger than most modern day micro-apartments.Micro-apartments that are 60 square metres could in these buildings hold 18,537 – 41,333 people,Those that are 50 square metre apartments could hold 24,800 – 49,600 people with 40 square metre apartments housing 31,000 – 62,000 people.Those that are 30 square metres could hold 41,333 – 82,666 people with those that are 20 square metres holding 62,000 – 124,000 people while a 10 metre squared apartment would hold 124,000 – 248,000 people with the lowest possible for theoretical comfort would be 5 square metres and could hold 248,000 – 496,000 people.Hotel style homes will be modelled on hotels with the Venetian and Pallazo standard of 60.37 – 66.8902 square metres(650 square feet) that is larger than most American normal and master bedrooms will be the bottom baseline style home with again these hotel style homes will have communal living room/lobbies and them having automated communal kitchens and automated communal dining halls.Other communal homes built including in the same size as this model will be luxury apartment blocks on par in luxury quality to billionaires row in America such as One 57,432 Park Avenue,252 East 57th Street,Central Park Tower etc and similar high end luxury apartment buildings around the world thus giving the poor currently living in slums,shanty towns and even the homeless quick access to high quality housing.The largest mansion in the world called The One is 9,754 square metres and houses 21 bedrooms that creates 127 apartments that can hold 2,669 – 5,339 people.The largest apartment in the world is the Sky Penthouse La Tour Odeon which is 3,251 square metres and has 8 bedrooms creates 381 apartments with it capable of holding 3,051 – 6,102 people.Apartments that are the same size of Buckingham Palace the home of the royal family in Britain that has an internal surface area is 77,000 square metres with 332 bedrooms it creates 16 apartments that can hold between 5,346 – 10,692 people.If they contain 1,021 square metre apartments with six bedrooms found in the Continuum South Beach Penthouse 2 in Miami that is the second largest apartment in the world at then they can house 1,214 apartments with at least 7,286 – 14,573 people in each sets of buildings if they are 1-2 people in each bedroom.Apartments that are 3,530 square metres that hold 40 bedrooms can hold 351 apartments that can hold between 14,050 – 28,101 people.Other models can include apartments that are each 929 square metres(10,000 square feet) that house 14 bedrooms as well as bathrooms and also living rooms and kitchens with 1,334 of these in these buildings that can house at least 18,686 – 37,373 people in each set of buildings of 1-2 people are in each bedroom.Some models can involve having them divided into 1,049 square metre apartments with 40 rooms and 20 of those being bedrooms which leads to it holding 1,182 apartments that can hold 23,641 – 47,283 people if 1-2 people are in each bedroom.If apartments are 522 square metres with 12 bedrooms could create 2,375 apartments and house 28,505 – 57,111 people if 1-2 people are in each bedroom.Having the apartments be 522 square metres with 14 bedrooms means there can be 2,375 apartments with 33,256 – 66,513 people if 1-2 people are present.If they contain 507 square metre apartments with 14 bedrooms then there could be 2,445 apartments which could hold 34,240 – 68,481 people if 1-2 people were in each bedroom.Buildings that contain apartments that are 547 square metres with 19 bedrooms then they can contain 2,967 apartments with them able to hold roughly 43,071 – 86,142 people per set of buildings if each bedroom has 1-2 people.An apartment that is 1,923 square metres and holds 68 bedrooms can hold 644 apartments in both buildings and in turn hold 43,848 – 87,696 people if 1-2 people are in all bedrooms.If an apartment is 290 square metres with 12 bedrooms then at least 4,275 apartments can exist and hold 51,310 – 102,620 people is 1-2 people are in each bedroom.If an apartment is 290 square metres with 12 bedrooms then at least 4,275 apartments can exist and hold 51,310 – 102,620 people is 1-2 people are in each bedroom.If an apartment is 290 square metres with 12 bedrooms then at least 4,275 apartments can exist and hold 51,310 – 102,620 people is 1-2 people are in each bedroom.If the apartments are 547 square metres with 30 bedrooms this could create 2,266 apartments that could house 68,007 – 136,014 people.If the same 547 square metres apartments houses 19 bedrooms it can hold 43,071 – 86,142 people if 1-2 people are in it.Micro-apartments that are 60 square metres could in these buildings hold 18,537 – 41,333 people,Those that are 50 square metre apartments could hold 24,800 – 49,600 people with 40 square metre apartments housing 31,000 – 62,000 people.Those that are 30 square metres could hold 41,333 – 82,666 people with those that are 20 square metres holding 62,000 – 124,000 people while a 10 metre squared apartment would hold 124,000 – 248,000 people with the lowest possible for theoretical comfort would be 5 square metres and could hold 248,000 – 496,000 people.The size of the apartments and number of bedrooms will determine the number of apartments and number of people that can be present ranging from 2,669 – 136,014 people.The internal surface area of each apartment as detailed here and others that house between 728,600 – 13,601,400 and are between 547 – 77,000 square metres which is the internal surface area size of most luxury mansions,villas.penthouses,palaces etc currently owned by the wealthy top 1% or those that are vacant can be found on luxury home retail sites meaning most of not all people from all towns and cities could fit comfortably in one building in luxury large sized apartments currently owned by the wealthy and upper middle class meaning even the poor who live in slums and low quality housing estates or even the wealthy themselves will not be cramped with only existing luxury apartments and hotels etc converted into hotel style homes will remain.These apartment models can be used for apartment blocks housing not only bedrooms but also kitchens,living rooms and other essential rooms but also amenities like pools,spas,home cinemas,jacquzzis and hot tubs with most bedrooms large enough to house double,queen and king sized beds,closets for two people and smart flatscreen televisions with cribs for infants held in parents bedrooms or living rooms etc with children old enough to not need cribs will sleep in their own double,queen and king sized beds with if possible pre teen children sleeping in the same bed with siblings of the same age until they move out in their teens into other apartments etc.These apartments will house large families,large amounts of friends and groups of unrelated people with them sizeable enough to house large living rooms and kitchens and bedrooms for privacy.The building might need mechanical floors so we may have to add an extra eight floors thus bring it up to 123 floors to ensure that there is 110 floors of apartments or suites and also separate floors for amenities and lobby etc with them and floors for mechanical areas for elevators,electrical systems etc to ensure that 20,534 suites or up to 504 – 2,735 apartments and up exist alongside amenities,communal kitchens etc and up to between 2,669 –136,014 spaces for people to exist.The amount of apartments in a set of buildings and how much people they can store is dependent on the size of apartments in square metres and number of beds especially double,queen and king sized beds that can hold present.AI can possibly design new apartment models different than the aforementioned ones with different sizes in terms of metres squared and number of bedrooms with sizeable amounts of space in living rooms and different amount of beds that are adequately sized to increase the amount of apartments and people present.If possible rather than having alll buildings apartmeng models have the same layout of rooms the decided apartment model can have the size of each room modified and its location and layout modified thus giving variety with bedrooms made larger or made smaller to house more bedrooms or other rooms made smaller,larger or removed together and the amount of space they occupy shared equally to all bedrooms thus making bedrooms equally larger or add extra bedrooms with other rooms have this done.This modification can be done to add amenities or make certain rooms more spacious etc.Instead of using a single apartment model ie design,size and amount of bedrooms in each building then its possible for AI to extrapolate thousands of different combinations of different apartment models that are of varying sizes,varying numbers of bedrooms to be used in each set of buildings to increase variety and more importantly increase the amount of people present potentially more than 136,014 people or house various combinations that house between 2,666 – 136,014 people.Other skyscraper homes will have larger apartments that house families or unrelated people of varying sizes.Large apartments if possible can be remodelled into a series of micro-apartments if it can be shown that they can increase the amount of people present.All building types whether hotels or apartment blocks will be purely luxury buildings with luxury furniture,luxury furnishes and flooring etc with silk etc created by bacteria and synthetic wood also created by bacteria used.This will ensure that even the bottom baseline housing for the poor and homeless moving into them will be of a high standard on par with the wealthy above what even most middle class suburban residents have until technological advances caused by the exponential growth of the computing power of AI will increasing the living standard of all people in all types of homes including even those occupying these buildings.These buildings can be built next to each other or be two separate buildings set some distance apart or be one building with the same internal surface area.They will of course have to be built in areas with stable ground,where wind does not affect them and where they are not an eyesore or where they will affect aeroplane traffic with them designed not to be eyesores,to be given stable foundations including by digging deep foundations and basements into the ground,designed to not be affected by the weather including wind their construction be be authorised and managed by Tyche and Daedalus with all work carried out by AI,automation and biosynths.They can have different internal and external designs that are unique to each country and city etc but with them having the same internal surface area of 1,240,000 square metres (13,400,000 square feet).The World Trade Centre was 417 metres with other proposed tall skyscrapers include -Mubarak al-Kabir Tower – height will be 3284 feet (1,001 meters). Azerbaijan Tower – height would have been 3,440 feet (1,050 meters).Edison Tower – First proposed in 2015, this tower is to be built in New York City.Its height will be 4,300 feet (1,310 meters).Sky Mile Tower – Its height will be 5,577 feet (1,699 metres).Taller buildings would thus in turn to a larger amount of suites and apartments in the aforementioned options by a factor of between 2.4 – 4 times larger than the baseline World Trade Centre thus allowing each building to house exponentially more people than just the baseine World Trade Centre model.These could house as much as 17,486 – 544,056 people each if they had their internal surface area similar to the World Trade Centre and was this 2.4 – 4 times bigger than it with an internal surface area of 2,976,000 – 4,960,000 square metres.The tallest theoretical structure could be 8,849 metres with an internal surface area of 26,040,000 square metres and could hold 153,006 – 2,856,294 people.This is roughly one metre taller than Mount Everest.All major cities will house these and even coastal cities with even islands that suffer urban sprawl such as Lanzarote,Gran Canaria,Cayman,Mauritius,Hawaii and other densly populated islands that suffer urban sprawl will have urban sprawl demolished,reforested and these tall buildings built with only luxury mansions and palaces especially historical ones left standing with abandoned buildings of historical value kept and converted into homes with large ones converted into communal homes via adding roof extensions.Historical obsolete buildings such as schools,supermarkets,hypermarkets and shopping malls,hotels,motels etc will also be kept and converted into communal homes via roof extensions.The type of building whether hotel style of apartment will be dependent on the place they are put in with small towns of at least 10,000-25,000 people will have Venetian style Hotel style homes present with large towns and cities with populations in between 25,000 – 1,000,000 will have apartment style homes with cities with populations above 1,000,000 will have a mixture of both.The number of bedrooms and rooms in each apartments will be uniform in each set of buildings but the layout of rooms and interior design and architecture of each room will be unique to each apartment with the possibility of each apartment being of different sizes and different number of bedrooms in each apartment in each building and the current population of a town or city will determine what uniform size of apartments etc or what type of apartment,what size and number of bedrooms in each one will be chosen.Those in towns can be built in the outskirts and have all poor people living in low quality homes and ghettos from that town and also from all surrounding towns and even villages added to them thus meaning that populations from entire surrounding towns and villages can be filled into them thus allowing all homes in these surrounding villages and towns to be demolished thus making villages and towns exponentially smaller until only business districts that include retail outlets that will contain supermarkets etc and hotels are left and then will be given roof extensions to make them similar buildings.People especially poor people can even be transferred or move into apartments in different countries and islands etc across the world.This may negate the need for each and every town and city to have them.All of these buildings housing apartments and suites will be luxury style ones with them fitted with type G sockets and the British electrical systems and water and energy efficiency measures.Once built all availible suites and apartments will be advertised on Euthenia for free or through bidding wars with people using loans Kickstarter,Patreon and also saving up universal basic income.Hotel suites in existing hotels,motels and also apartments and suites in rennovated abandoned and ovbsolete buildings will be advertised on Euthenia as well.The original World Trade Centre took 14 years to be built with advanced in AI,automation and Biosynths reducing this to between 5-10 years with if possible them built in place of existing slums etc and the residents living in luxury motorhomes or with homes of friends of friends,releated family members etc or moving into mansions on retail sites bought using loans etc.Most islands,towns and cities could have their entire population fit into one or two buildings with most cities needing at least 6 – 1,217 of these to house their entire population.These buildings can be built next to each other or be two separate buildings set some distance apart or be one building with the same internal surface area or different sized buildings with the same internal surface area of varying heights.They can also be buildings with less than 110 floors as in the original World Trade Centre and be between 10-50 floors or less but still have the same internal surface ares and have them spread out over a large area in a city as much as several kilometres especially in large cities with them as a result of this have roof extensions over time to increase their carry capacity and internal surface area by a factor of at least 10-100 times with them also being a series of disconnected buildings of varying heights and internal surface area that are dispersed across a city or town.They can come in various shapes,sizes and heights designed by AI for each individual cities,towns etc population and geography etc with roof extensions added overtime.Other models can be developed that are compact and be able to house large amounts of people.The World Trade Centre each individual building took up space equal to 4,019 square metres wide and 0.004019 square kilometres and thus combined were 8,038 square metres and that is 0.008038 square kilometres.The World Trade Centre buildings can have their shape modified to be spread sideways across a large area or different shapes but still have the same internal surface area of 1,240,000 square metres.That would have the building take up 1.24 square kilometres.A single building that is one floor high would house between 2,669 – 136,014 people.Adding 10 floors could house 26,690 – 1,360,140 people with adding 100 floors would allow them to house 266,900 – 13,601,400 people.These 1.24 square kilometre homes will become the predominant homes across the world and even in colonies across the universe including Mars,Venus etc and other Earth type planets and megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,Alderson discs.Otherwise a series of separate buildings ranging from 10-100 buildings could be built that are spread outwards similar to the single building that would be spread out across a wide area or in close proclximity to each other that each contain 1,240,000 – 12,400,000 square kilometres and combined house 124,000,000 metres squared that are then have up to 10-100 floors.Other singular buildings or those that are separated but hold the same combined internal surface area can use other buildings as a baseline including the aforementioned ones such as Mubarak al-Kabir Tower – height will be 3284 feet (1,001 meters). Azerbaijan Tower – height would have been 3,440 feet (1,050 meters).Edison Tower – First proposed in 2015, this tower is to be built in New York City.Its height will be 4,300 feet (1,310 meters).Sky Mile Tower – Its height will be 5,577 feet (1,699 metres).Taller buildings would thus in turn to a larger amount of suites and apartments in the aforementioned options by a factor of between 2.4 – 4 times larger than the baseline World Trade Centre thus allowing each building to house exponentially more people than just the baseine World Trade Centre model.Them spread out similar to world trade centre model could hold exponentially more people on one floor spread out on 1.24 square kilometres or slightly more.AI will be able to design new models of buildings that when spread out over 1.24 square kilometres or more or less on one floor can hold exponentially larger internal surface area and thus exponentially larger amount of apartments and buildings and thus hold exponentially more people on 10-100 floors.Mag lev elevators can be added that can go upwards,downwards and sideways to be faste and more energy efficient than conventional elevators to allow the internal area used by the elevators in the original design to be used for more living spaces of apartments with the inner cores structural design modified for each different design of these buildings.Using models that are spread out over 1.24 square kilometres could house the entire population of entire cities and in some cases have extra space filled in with people from adjoining towns and cities.The internal surface area of each apartment in buildings that have one floors as detailed here and others that house between 26,690 – 1,360,140 and are between 547 – 77,000 square metres which is the size of most luxury mansions,penthouses etc currently owned by the wealthy top 1% meaning most of not all people from all towns and cities could fit comfortably in one building in luxury large sized apartments currently owned by the wealthy and upper middle class meaning even the poor who live in slums and low quality housing estates or even the wealthy themselves will not be cramped with only existing luxury apartments and hotels etc converted into hotel style homes will remain.The amount of people 2,669 – 136,014 that can fit in one floor is the population range of most towns and small cities meaning their entire population can be moved into one single building that takes up 1.24 square kilometres.As stated adding 10 floors could allow them to hold 26,690 – 1,360,140 people which is within the population range of most cities.Adding 100 floors could hold 266,900 – 13,601,400 people again within the range of all of the most populated cities.Private homes will still exist including existing luxury homes and those kept by people who stay in low quality housing estates who have roof etc extensions and merge with neighbours etc and new ones especially in remaining villages and towns.This means that the entire population of the worlds most densely populated and largest cities can fit into large luxury apartments in single compact buildings that are a fraction of the size of cities they occupy thus allowing all or at least 50-90% of each major city world wide can have be demolished and reforested.An example would be New York City and its bouroughs of Staten Island, Nassau County,Queens and Long Island.These areas are covered in large areas of low quality housing developments most of little to no historical value that once a building is built capable of housing a few million people on 10 floors all people in these areas will move in.Once all residents in these bouroughs to move in this will allow their homes to be demolished and all land of Staten Island,Queens,Long Island and Naussau County to be reforested providing New York citizens with large areas of reforested woodlands for walks and hiking with of course only homes of residents who wish stay,historical and abandoned of others historical value remaining to be converted into skyscraper style buildings for a growing population.If possible 70-95% of the land that comprises of Staten Island,Long Island,Coney Island.Naussau County and Queens will be reforested giving sizeable woodlands for citizens to enjoy with them turned into national parks and protected woodlands.Parts of Upper Manhatten could also undergoe this with poor ghettos of no historical value demolished giving the northern part of the island sizeable forests again for hiking etc.The single building of these sizes can allow thousands of people move in and their homes demolished with all of the upper part of the island such as Harlem,Hamilton Heights,Washington Heights,Fort George and Inwood could have the majority of non historical buildings demolished and be 70-95% reforested thus giving the residents of Manhatten island sizeable areas to go hiking.Only abandoned and obsolete buildings of historical value such as schools,retail outlets,hotels corporate headquarters etc that will undergoe luxury rennovations,converted into communal homes through having roof extensions and homes that people wish to stay in that will undergoe luxury rennovations and house roof extensions and also existing luxury apartments and mansions especially of historical value will remain standing alongside churches,government buildings and also sewage treatment plants and hospitals etc will remain with if possible hospitals built near the new buildings and remaining communal homes and then demolished decided by the public.Private buildings and apartment blocks also of historical value and where people wish to stay will also remain,rennovated to luxury standards and house roof extensions and merge with neighbours and the land around them reforested.Existing vacant luxury homes and apartments even non luxury ones and especially historical ones will remain and rennovated to luxury standards and advertised on Euthenia.Restaurants will be demolished once new multi-storey buildings housing all restaurants franchises will be built near at the remaining residential areas.Some of these restaurants may be converted into private or communal homes depending on their historical value.Petrol stations will be converted into homes once new ones are built near the new residential buildings with them universal Phaeton stations that house electric chargers snd repair shops.Most roads will be dug up with only main roads connecting main residential areas and connecting the cities and towns to other towns and cities will remain with the rest dug up and turned into hiking paths that go through reforested areas.Again only historical buildings will be kept and turned into luxury homes charted in Restoration.This can be replicated with cities across the globe including London,Paris,Dublin,Los Angeles,Caracas,Helsinki etc and those suffering from urban sprawl and even those that are begging to merge into megalopolises and are suffering from conurbation where multiple separate densely populated cities and towns begin to merge with each other to make them separate again and give sizeable wilderness between each of them again with in all cases of all cities worldwide only existing luxury homes both private and communal homes that hold apartments and apartments as well as mansions and private and apartment blocks etc that are of historical value will be kept and given luxury rennovations both occupied and non occupied and also obsolete buildings such as retail outlets/hotels/skyscrapers and abandoned buildings of historical value kept and then converted into communal homes that are either apartmemt or hotel style homes as well as apartment blocks and private homes of people who wish to stay and have historical value will be kept that undergoe luxury renovations charted in Restoration Nation while low quality homes(the exception being those who wish to stay) will be demolished giving them sizeable urban forests.Even densely populated islands can have their entire population moved into them.Bermuda has a population of roughly 63,903 people and has a surface area of 53.2 kilometres squared,The Cayman Islands has a population of 65,720 people and a size of 264 kilometres squared,Guernsey Island is 62km squared large with a population of 64,463.All of the islands of Hawaii combined have a population of 1,420,000 and a total surface area of 28,311 kilometres squared.This means that even densely populated or overpopulated islands can house their entire population in one building that takes up a small fraction of their size allowing them to be reforested.Low quality housing estates will be demolished with the exception of homes that people wish to stay in to carry out luxury rennovations alongside again obsolete and abandoned buildings especially those of historical value that will be rennovated into communal and private homes.Most luxury homes including mansions especially those smaller than apartmentd present will be demolished with again only those who wish to stay and historical ones remaining.Thus even islands will be mostly reforested.Thus all cities will become compact and all low quality housing will be demolished and reforested giving them sizeable reforested land within the city limits that provides areas for hiking,provides cool area to rush in as well as transpiration etc.Only abandoned and obsolete buildings of historical value that will undergoe luxury rennovations and have roof extensions and homes that people wish to stay that will undergoe luxury rennovations and house roof extensions and devices will remain standing. Roof extensions and advances in technology will exponential increase the amount of people in each building thus exponentially increasing the carrying capacity of the Earth in terms of housing with vertical farms adopting this size and model would exponentially increase the Earths carrying capacity in terms agriculture.Other key buildings such as hospitals,factories,waste treatment plants,sewage treatment plants etc,restaurant hubs etc would adopt this model and style to increase efficiency and be able to have a single building serve the needs of an entire city or even entire state.The homes will be built primarily for the homeless and those living in low quality housing estates,ghettos,shanty towns and slums of all cities and towns worldwide and in areas of extreme poverty in Central and South America including North America and also Asia and Africa to upgrade them to a high quality of living instantly.Excess apartments can be used by those in the upper and middle class who decide to leave their current suburban homes,mansions and penthouses with homeless people and those living in slums moved to these buildings that are present across the world meaning rather than moving into those built in their home city and country they can be moved into those in different cities and countries across the world.They will be built in all cities and towns with these and in poverty stricken areas around the world.Ideally the poorest of the will be given to those built in their native cities and towns first with excess suites and apartments traded to other better off people from across the world.To cater to the needs of homeless people and the poor prior to them being built they can stay in luxury or normal motorhomes while they are constructed as well as in rented spaces in existing suburban homes and apartments across the world by interacting with charities including Adikia who can have residents in existing suburbs and apartments of all levels including low quality ones undergoing luxury rennovations rent out spare rooms including new ones added in roof etc extensions until they are built or they themselves via laptops donated by Adikia etc can book places in existing hotels and homes etc on Euthenia and then rennovate them and then using Euthenia to book places in abandoned and obsolete building rennovated into communal and private homes.Poor and homeless people can also avail of the live in maid system wherein they are taken in as live in maids that are given shelter by people living in suburbs,apartments and mansions and penthouses of the middle class and wealthy in Europe and America etc and in exchsnge will carry out every day tasks until their homes are built.They can also using luxury motorhomes carry out tourism wherein they can spend several years to a decade to travel the world until the homes are built.Both of these will be temporary measures and once these large apartment buildings are constructed then the poor people will move into them.Both building types whether hotel style or apartment blocks will be purely luxury buildings with luxury furniture,luxury flooring,luxury furnishes etc and high quality internet access and electronics such as smart televisions etc with silk etc created by bacteria and synthetic wood also created by bacteria used with the architectural theme of their exterior and interior and layout of rooms unique to each building unique to each town,city etc.Villages may not need these buildings only if they experience population spikes,however retail streets will have buildings merged together and given roof extensions of up to at first 20-50 floors and more over time while abandoned and obsolete buildings or hostels,motels and hotels are converted into permenant homes either private or communal.Building them in place of slums and ghettos will help make villages,towns and cities compact with them built in small towns allow people to be moved from islands and large cities into smaller towns,villages and small towns can have them built to have people from other countries cities,towns etc and islands moved to them.They can be built in the outskirts of towns and cities and then most if not all people from low quality housing estates,slums and ghettos etc will move into them and allow all low quality housing estates,slums,ghettos that the new residents come from to be demolished and the land reforested thus making them more compact and have large areas of reforested land.As stated only obsolete buildings such as supermarkets,hypermarkets,retail streets,schools and existing hotels alongside both abandoned buildings and existing apartment blocks especially those of historical value will remain to be converted into private homes and hotel and apartment style communal homes with these sized apartments and hotel suites through roof extensions and given luxury refurbishements.All buildings converted into private and communal homes derived from these will be luxury homes.All obsolete and abandoned buildings will be converted into these luxury style apartment and hotel style homes with amenities and the Venetian or Pallazo standard with roof extensions added to house more rooms.All of these abandoned,obsolete buildings and those on retail sites etc and hotels and motels etc and their rennovations into luxury private communal homes will be charted in the universal home flipping show Restoratiion Nation.Other buildings such as vertical farms,churches and government buildings key to the functioning of city and town will remain with if possible sewage and water treatment plants moved underground.The only private homes as part of estates and suburbs that remain will be those where people decide to remain and merge their homes with those who move out combined with roof and underground extensions making them miniature mansions with them also having luxury rennovations and adding amenities and have garden renovations.This should make most towns and cities densely populated especially when combined with underground communities but at the same time have 50-90% of their surface area demolished and reforested making them house large areas of reforested land that improves air quality,negates the heat island effect,transpiration,rainfall patterns etc and gives them each sizeable areas for hiking etc.All tarmac on roads,concrete/wiring/wood etc from all demolished homes will be recycled.All demolished buildings will be before being demolished will be scanned into Daedalus to be preserved for future media such as video games,movies,television shows and to be used as the baseline for future homes across the universe and VR simulations.Thus these will allow the majority of all large towns and cities to have all low housing estates,slums,shanty towns etc demolished,roads dug up and the land reforested with original ecosystems such as meadows and forests giving each city and towns sizeable areas of reforested wilderness,urban forests etc for increasing transpiration,improvement in air quality and negating the urban heat island effect and provide areas for hiking.Slums,shanty towns,ghettos and low quality housing estates will once people have moved into these and even intermediary shelter will be demolished and the land they occupied reforested.Rural communities in Africa etc will have these luxury homes built.Existing ghost towns full of homogenous villas etc that are abandoned and crumbling due to being built without adhering to building codes will be demolished once scanned in and replaced by tall luxury homes either apartment style buildings in billionaires row or Venetian or Pallazo hotel style homes.Ghost towns in China will be rennovated and given to the homeless etc in Africa and China.Abandoned buildings will be renovated into luxury communal hotel style homes once given extensions of up to 50-100 floors and the poor witl book places in them.Abandoned private homes will be rennovated and given luxury renovations and extensions and traded away.Obsolete buildings like supermarkets,hypermarkets,retail outlets etc once communities become self sufficient through manufacturing hubs and vertical farms and both Demeter and Hepheastus will be once given 50-100 roof extensions converted into luxury communal hotel homes with amenities communal kitchens and dining halls and Venetian or Pallazo standard suites.Even islands that suffer from urban sprawl and overpopulation will through this be able to have large amounts of its wilderness returned.All demolished buildings will before being demolished have both their interior and exterior scanned in by drones etc into Daedalus to preserve them for use in media and VR simulations.Abandoned and obsolete buildings can be converted into either hotel style or apartment style buildings both luxury ones with them also given rennovations to make thrm water and energy efficient and type sockets.Only those who wish to stay in low quality housing for intirinsic reasons will stay and can have homes of neighbours who move out merged together and have roof extensions to form miniature mansions complete with luxury refurbishments while all other buildings are demolished to create large gardens and wilderness.Only residents who wish to stay in there old homes will stay and add roof,side and underground extensions,possibly merging with neighbours to become miniature mansions with the land occupied by demolished buildings reforested.There rennovations will be charted in episodes of Restoratiion Nation.People will be allowed sizeable gardens but their gardens will house gates that lead to reforested wilderness with it meadows,forests etc that even in the case of forests can house benches and flowerbeds in the reforested land acting as extended communal gardens with the reforested meadows and forests housing hiking paths that leads to other towns,estates etc thus acting as extensions to this.For islands and coastal communities only existing mansions will remain.In some cities areas of low quality housing estates and non residential areas and districts with no historical buildings will be demolished.Having existing obsolete buildings and skyscrapers such as hotels,corporate headquarters and retail outlets converted into these through roof extensions through roof extensions to go as high as possible could make existing central business districts buildings house this much people or as near to it.Existing obsolete and abandoned buildings and existing council flats and apartment blocks etc especially of historical value that are not as wide or tall will be preserved and given roof extensions as high as possible and house these sized apartments and suites alongside luxury rennovations and made energy and water efficient.All existing hotels and motels and obsolete buildings such as supermarkets,hypermarkets,corporate headquarters and banks etc worldwide will become communal homes with rooms merged together to form either hotel or apartment style homes with them having these universal sizes with people booking spaces to merge them and modify them to their personal tastes with roof extensions of at least 50-100 floors adding more rooms of this size to be modified by people that book them.Existing hotels,hostels and motels after having roof extensions of up to 50-100 floors will have two or more rooms merged together to form the Venetian or Pallazo standard of 60.37 square metres and larger suites divided in two to form this size abd all of those in roof extensions being of this size with them given luxury rennovations and housing closets,smart televisions and a king sized bed.Some may even house miniature hot tubs to house 1-2 people similar to existing hotels.Hotel style buildings will will include those derived by existing hotels,motels etc that have roof extensions of 50-100 floors that will use the Venetian or Pallazo standard of 60 – 66.8902 square metres with them if they go high enough may have extra communal living rooms and communal automated kitchens and dining halls and amenities to cater to those in the higher floors.These hotel style buildings can also be derived from obsolete buildings like supermarkets,retail outlets etc and also abandoned buildings once given 50-100 roof extensions with them all have either the Venetian or Pallazo standard suites enough to cater to married couples and a single person with them housing communal lobbies acting as communal living rooms,communal kitchens and dining halls all automated and amenities like pools and saunas etc.In all hotel style homes both those derived from existing hotels etc and also new buildings and both abandoned and obsolete buildings all human labour will be eliminated through advances in AI and automation with communal kitchens and communal dining automated using chef robots,room service carried out by botlr and Tug robots and Biosynths replacing all human staff.Lobbies will act as communal living rooms with amenities such as pools etc kept and added.Those that go high up as possible will on every few floors have extra automated kitchens,dining halls and also extra amenities.Hotels that have golf courses will have them reforested once VR technology allows them and others to be visited in them.Country Clubs and resorts and spas usually relegated to the wealthy will become hotel style communal homes as high as 10-100 floors with the Venetian or Pallazo standard with golf courses reforested once VR technology is perfected.Existing golf courses outside of hotels will be reforested once VR technology is availible with any buildings present converted into private or communal homes.Abandoned buildings will have them rennovated to liveable standards and given luxury standards.Those that are of extremely low quality that cannot be rennovated once their internal and external structure is scanned into Daedalus will be demolished to make way for new hotel or apartment style luxury homes in place of them including those in the same architectural style but with larger apartments etc.while residents stay in homes of other citizens and luxury motorhomes temporarily or move into those from rennovated obsolete buildings.Obsolete buildings such as corporate headquarters,banks etc that are in large buildings and skyscrapers will have roof extensions of as much as 50-100 floors to become luxury hotel or apartment style buildings.Primary,elementary,middle,secondary and high schools etc across the world will become hotel or apartment style buildings after 50-100 roof extensions.Retail outlets such as supermarkets,hypermarkets etc will also become these with entire retail streets where buildings are sprawled over large sections of plots of land may have all buildings on them merged together by adding doors or breaking down walls and any alleys have extra sections added to fill them that act as hallways or extra sections of rooms that merge all buildings into one large building.Buildings separated by roads can have roads dug up and diverted around them to bridge them together with the roads replaced by underground roads or they can have large archways that cover the entirety of the areas separated by roads that acts as hallways or part of the building that houses extra floors above it housing extra suites,apartments and amenities allowing the roads to be still used by traffic.These buildings will cover large areas of cities and towns and through roof extensions of about 10-100 floors can become large apartment complexes of the aforementioned apartment sizes or hotels with the Venetian or Pallazo standard that can cover as much as a hectare or more becoming mega hotels and mega apartments.All buildings that take up a plot of land can be merged into All abandoned buildings and obsolete buildings such as supermarkets,hypermarkets etc will be converted into communal homes once given roof extensions after luxury renovations.All of them will become luxury hotel or apartment style buildings.At the same time they will make renovations that improve the water and energy efficiency such as replacing taps,toilets and showers with those that use 98% less water,remove asbestos etc and replace it with fungi insulation and hempcrete that reduces energy waste by 90% and triple plyed windows as detailed in the energy section.Also at the same time all sockets and electrical grids will be converted to that of Great Britain Type G.The renovations of these obsolete and abandoned buildings into luxury apartment and hotel style homes will be charted in episodes and seasons of Restoration Nation.Their rennovations will be charted in Restoration Nation.Other existing obsolete buildings such as retail outlets,supermarkets,corporste headquarters,high schools etc will be converted into apartment blocks that will contain groups of apartments of different sizes ranging from 547 square metres to 1,021 square metres or bigger with varying amounts of bedrooms or even micro apartments ranging from 30-60 square metres.All of these hotel style and apartments from existing buildings will be luxury style ones with them fitted with type G sockets and water and energy efficiency measures.Graphene paint and sheets of Graphene placed on exisring floors and new floors added alongside Graphene fibres in concrete etc with concrete,foam create and in steel trusses fitted with sheets and nanotubes of Graphene can give existing buildings and new floors added extra strength due to it being 200 times stronger than steel thus allowing these buildings to go high as possible and house on every few floors extra amenities such as pools,gyms,saunas and have existing suites house miniature hot tubs.Graphene paint painted on existing and new floors and on roofs ontop of steel and concrete will make them 200 times stronger than steel allowing them to go higher and hold larger weights for heavy amenities such as hot tubs and pools etc.Multiple sheets of Graphene can be placed on existing and new floors underneath new flow flooring to hold large weights due its strength to hold amenities like pools,jacuzzis and hot tubs in communal amenities or even private apartments.This placed on existing and new roofs will increase the amount of floors thst can be added to allow buildings to go as high as possible.Future buildings including the large mega apartment blocks that take up 0.803 square kilometres and existing buildings that need roof extensions can use trusses and girders composed of Graphene and other carbon composites due to it 200 times stronger than steel thus allowing it hold larger weights and also go as high as possible potentially allowing buildings that a base similar to the World Trade Centre and aforementioned buildings both when normal or spread out over in the 0.803 square kilometre model can allow them to go potentially 200 times taller due to it 200 times stronger especially when coupled with Graphene sheets and paint on each floor with existing buildings using Graphene paint and sheets of Graphene and new floors using Graphene trusses and girders possibly able to 200 times taller than normal.It will allow the floors of each buildings to carry heavy loads such as pools,jacuzzis and hot tubs including those in private apartments and suites.The aforementioned new buildings constructed to house new luxury apartments including them modules on the World Trade Center and highest theoretical building of 8,849 metres will use graphene sheets,paint and girders etc so thry could go as high 94,200 – 1,769,800 metres within the troposphere.The use of Graphene sheets fibres and paint and trusses etc will be used in the construction of the aforementioned new apartment buildings including those spread out over 0.8083 square kilometres that house apartments to increase the loads they can carry and height they can go.Existing buildings that includes abandoned and obsolete buildings rennovated into communal homes that will have roof extensions will use Graphene sheets and Graphene paint on existing floors and roofs abd use trusses and girders composed of Graphene etc to increase their loads and how many floors they can hold.Underground and underwater communities will be built to further increase population density of towns,cities and villages.VR technology and other emerging technologies will cater to materialism with VR technology will allow residents here own an infinite number of palaces,mansions and if they wanted suburban homes and their original homes etc renovated.Coinciding with the exponentional growth of AI from 2029-2045 onwards new hypothesised technologies will potentially increase the internal surface area of private homes and potentially even apartments and hotel suites in hotel and apartment style communal homes.Once money becomes obsolete and VR technology is ubiquitous corporate headquarters and offices for live news stations,newspapers,magazines etc will become communal homes.The poor who live in slums and homeless will using patreaon,Kickstarter and universal basic income and loans from Euthenia gain permenant residence in hotels and motels across the world through Euthenia with them also buying homes including luxury ones across the world all transferred to Euthenia.Abandoned and obsolete buildings will have spaces booked in them and one moving into them when built.Once aforementioned skyscrsper style hotels and apartment blocks are built all availible suites and apartments will be advertised on Euthenia for free or through bidding wars with people using loans Kickstarter,Patreon and also saving up universal basic income.Hotel suites in existing hotels,motels once merged and also apartments and suites in rennovated abandoned and ovbsolete buildings will be advertised on Euthenia as well.All vacant homes in retail sites including luxury homes will alongside abandoned homes and obsolete buildings will be added to Euthenia where they will gained by people bidding for them using universsl basic income,loans,Patreon and Kickstarter.Low quality homes on retail sites will be added to Euthenia and once bought will berennovated to luxury standards and given amenities and aldo roof,side and underground extensions.Hotels and motels as well as hostels and inns etc will be turned into permenant homes due to homesharing replacing them allowing the poor and homeless to using money from Patreon,Kickstarter and Universal basic income to buy permenant residence in suites present.Spaces in hotels and motels worldwide will be integrated,advertised and traded away permenantly in Euthenia.Rooms in existing hotels and motels will be merged together to form the Venetian or Pallazo standard and roof extensions will be added to house extra rooms of this size to compansate for the merging of rooms.Roof extensions can be added to existing and future communal homes to go as possible.All this coupled with the reforestation of agricultural land will make towns,cities and villages more densely populated and compact and have land formerly occupied by low quality homes demolished and reforested giving them sizeable areas of wilderness.All of these anbandoned,obsolete buildings and those on retail sites etc and hotels and motels etc rennovations will be charted in the universal home flipping show Restoratiion Nation.This will be planned by Mayor AI,Tyche and residents with historical buildings given roof extensions to house this amount of space of the Venetian or various apartments as closely possible.Programmes to fund gentrification programmes of private and communal homes and obsolete and abandoned buildings around the world gotten by the poor via bidding using Patreon/kickstarter and loans into energy and water efficient ones with luxury renovations etc will be funded by her by handing out loans to fund electricians,construction workers etc and also training programmes and also demolishing low quality,decrepit buildings and slums to be reforested or replaced with tall luxury communal homes will be managed by her and Daedalus.In short these AIs will upgrade all poverty stricken ghettos,rural communities worldwide in Africa,India,China and even in first world countries such as Europe and America etc to luxury 21st century standards in terms of housing,infrastructure such as roads/bridges/sewage and water treatment plants/agriculture/energy systems by using all of the worlds money thus eliminating poverty worldwide between 2029-2060.The work will be a combination of AI,robots and human etc to cut costs and her and other AI as well as international groups ensuring the work is not sloppy.Ideally workers will consist of those from developed countries and measures devised to ensure the finished hotel style homes,roads and bridges etc are up to rigourous standard.During the transition to new permanent residence the homeless and poor living in slums may be provided by Euthenia and Gaia temporary shelter in luxury mobile homes and recreational vehicles.The poorest of the poor and homeless will have Euthenia bank accounts set up and receive like every one else an universal basic means tested with them receiving large incomes as high as $200,000-$1,000,000 a year to pay for essentials such as food,new clothing,electronics.They may even be given temporary residence in vacant homes around the world or even taken in temporarily for a few months or few years by members of the public such as average citizens as well as CEOs,celebrities etc who live in suburbs,mansions,palaces,apartments and condominiums for as long as a year or few years.They can also be given temporary residence in luxury mobile homes and recreational vehicles with them given donated food and electronics and clothes and accces to showers and baths.In all instances they will be supplied with laptops,electricity and internet access and also showers etc and baths as well as showers and possible work in remaining areas of the economy before fully automated.Volunteer groups and charities that works with the homeless and poor will approach them to give them temporary accomadation and help setting up bank accounts with Euthenia as well as acces to electronics and even food and clothing as showers and baths.All slums and ghettos and shanty towns and low quality housing estates once the residents have moved out to new homes or temporary residence will be demolished and land reforested or tall luxury communal homes will be set in their place.They will also use temporary residence in luxury motor homes and mobile homes.Charities and funding from Euthenia will provide with the money to buy new clothing,electronics,food etc until self sufficient..All people that live in slums,ghettos and shanty towns will will be moved into vacant homes,home sharing programmes,luxury mobile homes and recreational vehicles while their slums etc will be demolished by Perseus and luxury hotel style homes,condominiums built in their place.Volunteer groups that work with the poor and homeless will track them down and provide the poor with the tools to set up bank accounts to avail of the universal basic income,find temporary accomadation etc with them also tracking down homeless people on the streets to be directed to shelters etc to avail of these programmes.Universal Basic income and also Patreaon,Kickstarter will allow the poor and homeless to book places in hotels,motels,private homes and renovated obsolete and abandoned homes as permenant homes advertised in Euthenia.All hotels and motels worldwide will become permenant homes with home sharing similar to couchsurfing integrated into Euthenia replacing hotels for tourists thus allowing poor people and homeless move into them and them given luxury rennovations.All buildings such as existing private homes,Council flats and apartment blocks and obsolete and abandoned buildings worldwide will undergoe luxury rennovations that give them luxury furnished,luxury furniture etc on par with top end hotels and apartment blocks with the ultra wealthy homes and also have rennovations that make them energy and water efficient and convert them to Type G plug systems etc

People living private homes in the suburbs,cottages and apartment blocks as well as council flats around the world will use patreaon,Kickstarter,universal basic income to carry out renovations in their homes such as adding roof,side and underground extensions for amenities and bedrooms for tourists,buying new luxury furniture,vehicles,clothing etc and also luxury furnishings to kitchens,bedrooms etc composed of ornamental rocks,luxury synthetic hardwoods and even precious gems and metals like diamond,silver,gold etc and adding extra bedrooms for tourists and also amenities such as pools and jacquzzis etc and renovating gardens to luxury standards.Those with second homes will have extensions to house extra bedrooms and be traded away permenantly with the extra bedrooms allowing original owners to come and go as they please as part of home sharing programmes with them also visited in VR simulations.Council flats especially low quality ones and apartment blocks will alongside having luxury rennovations and amenities added will also have roof extensions to house extra larger apartments and flats and allow those on lower floors to be merged together to make them bigger and occupants that stay either move upwards or to other homes.Council flats and apartment blocks of especially historical value can follow two options either have them made to the Venetian or Pallazo standard of 60.37 – 66.8902 square metre with communal kitchens,dining halls and amenities or 1,021 square metres or other sized large apartments with six or more bedrooms by merging them together.All of these will have luxury rennovations with outside cladding removed and replaced with luxury synthetic wood etc or have them painted bright colours etc to look much better.Homes in towns and cities as well as islands where residents that stay will have roof extensions and merge with that of neighbours who leave by breaking down walls that separate those that are separated by walls or adding doors.Those separated by fencing,hedges and small walls in the suburbs will have fencing and walls torn down and then have extensions that connect the homes together with the rooms that connect buildings modified into the new extensions by making the extensions that connect homes part of new enlarged living rooms etc or with those separated by some distance will have extensions that connect the homes together again with rooms modified.Roof extensions will make them miniature mansions.These renovations of private homes and apartments where people stay and all obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings as well all of historical value will include luxury refurbishements,remodelling rooms,roof/side/underground extensions to add amenities such as pools etc and bedrooms for tourists etc and converting them to Type G sockets and electrical systems as well as being fitted with energy and water efficiency measures such as hempcrete and fungi insulation to reduce heating waste by 90%,triple plyed windows to reduce energy waste and also water efficient showers,water faucets and toilets that use 98% less water and also have new luxury furniture and new electronics added will be charted in the universal house flipping and renovation show Restoration Nation for historical purposes and fans of house flipping shows.Council flats etc will also have luxury rennovations etc.At the same time all council flats and private homes and all obsolete buildings converted into hotels will make renovations that improve the water and energy efficiency such as replacing taps,toilets and showers with those that use 98% less water,remove asbestos etc and replace it with fungi insulation and hempcrete that reduces energy waste by 90% and triple plyed windows as detailed in the energy section.Also at the same time all sockets and electrical grids will be converted to that of Great Britain Type G.These renovations will be done to not only improve the energy and water efficiency of existing homes but increase the standard of living of residents by adding extensions to house amenities and bedrooms for tourists and luxury refurbishments and will be charted in episodes of Restoration Nation presented by amateur presenters and the homeowners themselves.All private homes,public buildings obsolete buildings and abandoned buildings will be scanned into the Daedalus sub network of Hephaestus before and after renovations to preserve them for media such as movies etc set in VR simulations and also as baselines for new homes etc across the universe.People who live in low quality housing estates will like the homeless and poor in slums bid for places in luxury homes,hotels etc around the worldwide.Low quality homes on retail sites can be bought and then given luxury rennovations and extensions thus making high quality homes for new homeowners.Thus not only will the standard of living of the poor and homeless will be increased exponentially but the standard of living of those in the middle class who live in apartments,suburbs,Council flats and cottages will be upgraded exponentially through luxury renovations.This combined with all government programmes carried out by AI including Gaia,Epione etc will eliminate poverty worldwide by funding the upgrading of all slums,ghettos,rural communities in Africa,Asia,Middle East etc into luxury’s 21st century communities.Public buildings such as bars,nightclubs,hospitals and restaurants will be given renovations to make them water and energy efficient but also given extensions and luxury renovations and refurbishments etc.Restoration Nation will chart the renovation of private homes,obsolete and an abandoned buildings into luxury homes.It will also chart luxury renovations of public buildings such as hospitals etc.

Cyber cafes will be renovated into homes and the computers recycled including those for playing MMO games will be recycled or traded on Euthenia since internet access will be in all homes and devices.Any books or magazines there will be scanned into Dionysus and Pheme and pyrolysised.Dog and cat pounds and shelters including those for pets belonging to those on holidays can be automated with automated feeders and robotic shepards with all surfaces coated with liquid glass to prevent the spread of disease and make cleaning easier by poop scooping robots with animals logged into them with touchscreens and any resources ordered in automatically by the AI who will have an independent personality.They will also use narrow range wavelength UV lights on ceilings to sterilise the room like in hospitals.Otherwise animal shelters and pounds can be replaced with local community farms that will give them a large stimulating environment to play in and also companionship with other animals or they could be taken care by neighbours.The community farms can be permanent homes for animals not found where they can live out the rest of their days or traded on Demeter and the shelters and pounds converted into homes.Training schools can be replaced by YouTube videos that allow owners or helper robots to do so at home with them converted into homes.

Automated dry cleaning services and laundromats linked by the Hestia or Tyche operating software which if it still remains could be automated with clothes left on an automated rack that delivers clothes to the cleaners with the finished cloth then brought back to another rack via robots which can then alert the owner via the home AI to it being done as microchips in the clothes holders on the rack would have the person name,address and Home AI added to it and thus changed for newer clothes.Any harsh toxic chemicals created will be collected in phorobioreactors coated with liquid glass and mixed with water to allow super blasts of super high intensity UV light to break them down combined with the used of genetically engineered bacteria to break them down into benign chemicals with nanosensors used to measure the levels of toxins before and after to ensure 100% of them are destroyed with graphene sheets also used.These can be rerouted to the beginning in order to ensure 100% removal.Rotary irons,steamers,press irons and other advanced irons can be present to allow them to be done in person,by conveyor belts systems as well as in time bio-synths controlled by the building AI which will have its own avatar,name and personality complete with a receptionist.These could be integrated into existing buildings with an independent avatar,name and receptionist.Liquid glass on clothes or doing this at home with machines taken by the public will possibly allow these to become homes.Otherwise they will be integrated into mega hotels that serve residents and the public.Dry cleaning could become as stated integrated into both private and communal homes with the machinery ordered in from Talus and chemicals created by bacteria and ordered in Telesphorus and Agathodaemon factories.Nanomaterials and biosynth technology could allow dry cleaning machinery machinery to be compact enough to be integrated into the same rooms in homes that house clothes washing machines and tumble dryers.If possible it could also allow dry cleaning to be integrated into clothes washing machines.This could thus allow laundromats and dry cleaning services to become parts of mega hotels as extra suites.

Permanent layers of liquid glass can be on all surfaces of buildings including amenities and hospitals etc,streets,bus stops,bus depots etc in order to negate the for human cleaning and allow for it to be done by rainwater with it also preventing the build up of ice.

With regards to exteriors,hallways and toilets in restaurants,police stations,public amenities,universities,jails,courts,government buildings,factories,salons,sewage and water treatment,waste and recycling plants of all types,hospitals and public buildings such as airports and train stations(including subways) a series of robots cleaners will clean floors and toilets routinely followed instantly by one that dries floors instantly behind it(or part of this robot) to prevent accidents with water and cleaning fluid for these can be collected at refilling stations located at different points in the building.Unique alerts sent automatically by the smart devices of all people who enter rooms being cleaned will negate the need for wet floor signs and would be sent to devices for a set period of time until it would dry.Having the floor,ceilings,doors,walls and surfaces covered by a permanent layer of liquid glass will prevent the growth of microbes as well as make it stain proof meaning only a vacuum may be required to remove all stains since they cannot stick to the floor preventing accidents caused by wet floors as well as saving time.The building could be closed for a period of time to allow vacumms and scrubber robots that wash the floor to remove tough stains and then the temperature in the room raised to dry it up quickly with these cleaning times visible in the AI and done at very late times at night with any people alerted via alerts sent to smart devices.Narrow range UV lights will bake all rooms in public buildings to sterilise them of bacteria.Soap for all buildings will be created in basements in photobioreactors that will be contacted to all soap dispensers.Automated hand dryers will be present to dry hands.

Windows and walls in all public buildings and municipalities such as vertical farms,hospitals, universities,restaurants,police stations,salons,amenities,airports,train stations,factories, skyscrapers should be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass on the interior and exterior to prevent the need for cleaning due to its anti dirt and anti water properties preventing the build up of dirt,ice and fog which can be applied by robots similar to those that clean windows,spray paint or by humans and allow heavy rains to clean them with the same applied to exterior surfaces.Existing windows can be replaced with quantum dot technology windows with a permanent layer of liquid glass on both sides with graphene in its matrix to make them shatterproof from internal or external forces such as debris from a storm as well as generate extra electricity(and stream the internet and wire with skyscrapers streaming large visual presentations over through the multiple screens) and the exteriors of buildings can be coated in graphene paint to prevent rust,generate electricity and increases it durability to external debris or pressures and then permanent layer of liquid glass and then nano coating of anti graffiti technology to make it dirt and acid rain proof as well as allowing gentle streams of water or even rainwater to clean graffiti off it.The graphene will also allow for television screens to be integrated.Since most skyscrapers will be converted into homes then this can be done during renovations as well as by the residents when the renovations are done with the old windows removed recycled and instantly replaced by new ones treated with liquid glass thus ensuring residents will never have to clean them and the exterior will also be clean indefinitely.These new windows can also fitted with sheets of graphene and quantum dot technology to generate electricity.To prevent the spread of bacteria and dirt surfaces like sinks,tabletops and doors can be sprayed by an anti-microbial liquid glass with an anti graffiti nanocoating also applied.Mirrors and windows in both toilets and along the side of buildings can be sprayed with liquid glass to prevent both fogging and also dirt building in mirrors and windows in both toilets and windows along the side of buildings can be sprayed with liquid glass internally and externally to prevent both fogging and also dirt building up thus allowing rain and gravity to clean the windows.Otherwise they can be cleaned by variations of the Winbot that can travel across ground autonomously in the interior and larger window cleaning robots on the outside.Ideally all windows in all buildings such as communal homes including those derived from skyscrapers and also public buildings such as hospitals,public amenities and restaurants should be treated with a permanent layer of liquid glass on both sides as cleaning robots use large amounts of both water and energy all surfaces on the exterior of buildings especially restaurants,public amenities,government buildings,hospitals etc should also have this layer on it to allow rainwater and gravity to clean them.Thus robots,biosynths or even robots should apply a permanent layer of liquid glass onto the interior and exterior of windows of all buildings to prevent them fogging up,collecting dirt and misting thus negating the need to have them cleaned annually thus saving time and energy even if done by robots.Windows in areas affrected by tornadoes,hurricanes etc should be recycled and replaced with those that contain Graphene in them to make them shatterproof against debris.

Toilet bowls and seats(and all surfaces of them including the piping to prevent blockages) in all public buildings will be covered entirely in a hydrophobic anti-dirt,stain and microbe permanent layer of liquid glass with the seat cleaned by the toilet itself at set times or by a button on the toilet will remove the need for chemicals to be applied manually and prevent the build up of human faeces on the bowl.Since the piping will be covered by liquid glass if it become blocked a user can flush weak acids down it with the cistern also covered entirely in liquid glass and the acid coming the same network that deals with clogs in pipes and public toilets.UV lights can be built under the seat to bake the bowl in UV lights to kill any remaining bacteria once closed and also at routine times.These alongside emerging technologies can remove human labourPermaflow p-traps can be installed into the toilet just below the bowl to deal with clogs that again be activated by a button on the toilet with a permanent layer of liquid glass sprayed onto all of the toilets piping interior to prevent clogs.Alternatively a tank in the basement containing the water supplied to toilets will be routinely filled with anti-bacterial cleaning tablets with toilets automatically flushing itself at regular intervals and self cleaning toilet seats can be incorporated.All piping and tanks leading to toilets will have to be treated with a permanent layer of liquid glass with all surfaces of them including the seat and cistern.Toilet paper can be stacked in an adjacent room alongside it and filled routinely by robots via the toilet onboard computer and a plunger(also treated with liquid glass to prevent the spread of germs) put there by robots or replaced by advancements in toilet technology that can clean without using toilet paper like small retractable jets that clean the anal cavities of the user and also clean themselves amongst other new technologies.Toilet paper can be ordered in by the building AI via interacting with local Lotis factories when low with residents alerting them to ordering the paper in though jets integrated into new toilets put in their place.People that use them can via interacting with the building AI through smart devices can do this through direct itneractions or through relevant AI and apps ie Delphi,Paean etc.In time this will be managed by robots and then bio-synths.Since most skyscrapers etc will be turned into communal homes this will be be done by residents with it done in amenities by volunteers managing them with hospitals having it done by any remaining staff ie nurses and doctors doing research there.Urinals once cleaned can also have liquid glass sprayed onto them to prevent stains,dirt and microbes from building up with ideally those that have blemishes and stains can be replaced by those made from marble etc then covered in liquid glass.Ideally all toilets in all buildings of all types particularly communal ones will become luxury ensuites with cubicles,toilets,urinals composed of ornamental rocks or wood covered in liquid glass to prevent graffiti with countertops and sinks following suite with mirrors replaced by smart touchscreen ones covered in liquid glass.This will be done since these buildings will be converted into hotel or apartment style communal homes.Those in public buildings such as hospitals,amenities etc will be given luxury refurbishments with ornamental rocks,synthetic kebonised wood in place of walling,floors,cubicles,toilet seats etc.Soap can be dispensed by automated soap dispenser at sinks automatically refilled via a pump system linked to soap produced in the basement of restaurants,airports,vertical farms or any public building with toilets by machines or have the water for use in sinks mixed with soap before it exits the tap.This will alleviate strains on ordering in soap from Hippocrates factories.Toilet bowls will be baked in narrow wavelength UV light on the underside of the seat.These can contain peptides from Russian Brown Frogs,MP-1,TsAP-1,TsAP-2,lactic acid and other anti-microbial compounds from plants and animals created by human cell bacteria hybrids.These will all be in the soap to prevent the pathogens gaining resistance.This can also be complimented by UV machines similar to automated hand dryers that activate and cover the entire hands and even face in narrow wavelength UV lights to not negate the need for soap but also compliment soap by killing off any left over pathogens such as MRSA while not damaging the skin.Automated hand dryers fitted with sensors will replace towels that get dirty and can harbour bacteria.As stated earlier toilets can have narrow range wavelength UV lights that bake them with bacteria killing lights to prevent growth of microbes such as pathogenic bacteria when not in use..The building AI can be streamed from smart devices in toilets and menus in this can have areas to alert cleaning and repair robots to the toilet to fix them or replace toilet paper shipped in from factories with these ideally being self cleaning toilets that use jets of water to clean the anal cavities.Old existing toilets in all buildings can be retrofitted or replaced with these as backup and to eventually replace toilet paper.Clogs can be dealt with by having hi tech plungers being in marked compartment within the toilet room for use over and over again similar to public ones.These would have microchips that would test the presence of cancer biomarkers,STDs and nutrients present in the person using them by interacting with Paean via close proximity to send results to their specific patient files.This will apply to those in buildings converted into communal homes and also those in nightclubs,restaurants and bars.Ideally the ceiling of all toilets will have lights separate from main ones or built into main lights that do sterilising sweeps in narrow range UV lights that bake the entire floor,cubicles and all surfaces in it with these positioned to be inside cubicles and the main areas.All lobbies,hallways etc will have these lights present to do sterilising sweeps at set times.

Robots that kill bacteria with sweeps of UV light that currently require human labour to move around can use battery engines,cameras,sensors and streaming maps from the building AI to navigate the building by themselves managed by the building AI.All buildings would have rooms to store and charge these via wireless conductive chargers with the robots interacting with elevators,automated doors(fitted with master digital keys) etc to move around with stairs complimented with elevators to ensure they can go up and down them.This will all apply to any space stations and colonies as time goes by.These lights can be fitted into ceilings of toilets and indeed all rooms in all public buildings with in the case of larger bathrooms with cubicles these lights can be placed above each cubicle and in the main area with sterilising sweeps done when no one is around at the time. These narrow range wavelength UV lights can be in hallways,toilets and dining areas and public areas on ceilings in all of the aforementioned buildings at set times to kill off any remaining bacteria.These sterilising sweeps could be programmed to occur in rooms,hallways and labs etc. at very late times when no visitors are present and last from an hour or two per room with existing robots used instead.Labs in hospitals and universities during these would have all biological samples such as blood,agar plates containing microbes and other materials automatically placed in cupboards with lab personal and any remaining people their warned via the building AI which rooms are going to sterilised next with a menu in the building intranet showing a countdown as to when their room will be sweeped and a countdown as to how long it will take for their room to be sweeped with the map also showing what rooms have been done by both nanoquadrocopters and other cleaning robots.Narrow wavelength UV should ideally be used as it kills microbes but does not damage human skin with toilets having these in the ceiling above toilet cubicles and ceilings outside them to bake the toilets cubicle and the rest of the bathroom at set times of the day.All major rooms will ideally have these lights on their ceiling to sterilse all rooms at once negating the need for robots and nanoquadrocopters with liquid glass and glass protect paper,leather and furniture from UV damage.

All doors in all public buildings worldwide such as vertical farms,factories,sewage and water treatment plants,police stations, hospitals,universities etc and all private and communal homes will have door handles replaced with round digital locks that use digital keys.This will make it easier for robots and biosynths to open doors without touching them with most doors in public buildings including the aforementioned ones being electronic ones or pneumatic ones that use almost no energy at all that open fully once the digital keys are used.and using motion sensors close when the robot has passed this will allow robots able to pass through with ease.

Exterior mag lev elevators will allow easy access from the ground to the roof or different floors of large high rise buildings.They will be incorporated into future buildings and in time in the case of exterior and interior elevators with advances in robotics and automation replace conventional elevators in the inside of existing buildings allowing access to the upper floors and this upper level mag lev pod system with existing buildings also having these incorporated on the exterior with doors built into window facades of skyscrapers.Interior elevators in all buildings will be replaced by advances in robotics with mag lev elevators.Exterior mag lev elevators will also be added to all buildings for extra passage with these also alleviating strains on stairwells and replace interior elevators with the space taken up by them turned into other spaces.These can be integrated into all types of buildings such as hospitals,communal homes,vertical farms and public amenities on the exterior with interior elevators in existing hospitals and also hotels,skyscrapers etc converted into communal homes and other existing buildings with advances in robotics doing this.These will be much safer than conventional elevators since they cannot fall as they will be part of tracks and not ropes and will simply stay in place even if overloaded with them having pressure plates to measure the weights to measure the weights with the current weight and also weight limit visible on touchscreens.Having them composed of graphene composites and also have graphene plates placed on them will increase their load.Hallways on each floor could house devices to house more suites with their own devices that house devices to house more hallways of suites with their own devices and so on following a matryoshka doll structures and them housing stairwells,large mag lev elevators,transporter technology.In time transporter technology can replace mag lev elevators and can allow instant access to both floors.Communal homes that utilise these will have internal transporter technology systems that allow one to gain access to the main lobby and also any floor of the building within devices in seconds with these dotted at key points at every few dozen or so rooms and one able to skip ahead to the very end or very start of the floors or if possible one could gain access to those on any layer of flooring and also to the main lobby and any part of the building by interacting with the home AI with even nanowormholes replacing wiring.This may apply to those in private homes.The main floors in the outside real world version of the building ie the inner shell not within a device will have normal elevators to go up and down floors or have transporter technology.In devices that form matryoshka doll structures transporter this will allow one to skip ahead down hallways that go in for a seal hundred metres or even kilometres.By 2029-2045 both mag lev and vacuum powered elevators will be fitted into both abandoned and obsolete buildings turned into communal homes,vertical farms,factories,cruise ships etc as they don’t use ropes,pillows,grease and thus require little to maintainence and repair as well as making them safer with them also using significantly less energy than conventional elevators.Buttons will be replaced by touchscreen menus with Storedot batteries in the building that could intake and store energy from the grid to allow them functioning during accidents or when they are stuck with the building AI keeping track of all occupants via nanocameras and also sensors that detect vital signs when they are stuck and alert biosynth safety personnel to their location of trapped individuals.The touchscreen will also contain wifi transmitters allowing robots to interact with them and choose their floor and even open them wirelessly from the outside with these new elevators also having to have buttons to be pressed in order to close them negating the chance of people getting stuck with also sensors present that automatically cause the door to reopen when any hands etc are in them.They will also be closing properly and not open since managed by the building AI preventing anyone falling in.Nanocameras facing outwards towards the entrance in order for the building AI to not only see who is there once they enter but also to allow them to open to prevent someone getting stuck but also to keep track of those that present.The AI will be able to locate the position of the elevator at all times and will be linked to the doors able to sense when they are open or closed again preventing them locking in on somoeone and also send warnings to anyone via smart devices etc if the elevator is not at the door and it manages to open thus preventing deaths.The vast majority of deaths involve maintenance workers and since these will be replaced by biosynths this will be averted.These elevators can also be integrated between two or more closely packed buildings with doors on both or all side that allow one to enter the floors of both buildings with these closely packed buildings also having walkways that connect them together with ones that have three or more packed together having circular ones added in.Stairwells should be converted into slopes to prevent falls or even allow people with baby strollers go down safely.In time transporter technology can replace mag lev elevators with before this graphene ropes replacing normal ropes.

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems can be used to rear crops,fish and shellfish in roofs or in spare rooms as well as gardens,sheds and greenhouses.Aquaponics will be used since it rears both vegetable and fruit crops abd fish abd shellfish at once

Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities as well as algae and in vitro meat.Photobioreactors will be present in the basement and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of universities can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at universities that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The university can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors.The AI will stop intaking sewage once they are full and will intake more once the photobioreactors are emptied.Since universities will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by os etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make universities self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock for fish etc with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms.

3D DNA printers will be on site of all restaurant farms worldwide to make them self sufficient in terms of seeds,bacteria cells and eggs if fish and shelfish

All cafeterias will be automated from start to finish.Even the cleaning of dishes will be automated with even fish washing automated