
Solar panels:
Solar power should be utilized primarily in areas where cloud cover is not an issue such as deserts but ideally it should be used for home use on roofs or in gardens to allow existing solar farms to be reforested and cut down on wiring as it is fed directly into the house and storage batteries again in sunny areas.This is because it uses rare earths and other costly elements in construction and creates power synthetic greenhouse gases in their construction,require large tracts of land to generate enough electricity to power a community and are intermittent and can only be used in certain parts of the world that only have very few clouds all day long and dont work at nighttime.Thus existing solar panel farms worldwide including those in deserts should be recycled for rare Earths and also Copper and silver etc and replaced by those that use nanomaterials,plastic doped graphene etc that replace rare earths etc in newer more efficient models with the panels transferred onto the roofs of homes and skyscrapers they power again to to allow land to be reforested and wiring to be recycled as again energy is fed directly into the building to ensure self sufficiency with panels on all sides of the roof to ensure electricity generation all day long and excess stored in batteries for night use both in homes and farms and when weather is unfavourable to alleviate strains from the national grid.Large homes and communal ones should have multiple ones in the basement.For home use it could be used to compliment other renewable sources such as micro wind turbines,biomass,micro hydropower so as to alleviate stress on the grid.Thus solar should only be on roofs rather than on farms out in the open with how to videos detailing this to the average person.Solar could also used to provide backup energy support for cruise ships,sea based hospitals and airports,ferries and both sea and land based charging stations and can be added to wind farms alongside wave generators and tidal power stations to increase the level of energy gained from these.Nano solar films can also be utilized.All existing solar farms worldwide will be transferred to buildings in the area or in sunny areas affected by natural disasters with the land they occupied reforested them replaced by more advanced models composed of nanomaterial and biosynth componants that replace rare earths with all future ones being those free from rare earths overtime and recycled with this work done at first by contractors,how to videos on YouTube showing how people can do this themselves and in time biosynths from Talos factories.Thus it should be used only as a means to alleviate strains on the geothermal and other fuels grid,for private and communal homes and key energy intensive buildings alongside VAWTs and thermo-piezoelectirc covered pipes and not be part of the grid even as more advanced models are made.All existing solar farms around the world including in deserts and on meadows etc will be dismantled and recycled for rare earths etc and the land reforested indefinitely.All future solar power should come from newer versions that are composed of both nanomaterials and Biosynthetic technology that are to be found only in roofs of private homes and on public buildings to alleviate strains on the grid when used in conjunction with Biosynth batteries.

To improve the amount of electricity they conduct layers of graphene and quantum dot technology could be integrated into them alongside the silica either ontop of the panel(in the case of quantum dot sheets multiple layers of these also treated with liquid glass can be placed ontop of the whole panel) or in the areas between each panel or under the panel to collect light that would passes through the panel(in the case of graphene due to its opacity and the fact that some light is lost when it passes through roughly 2% but it does generate electricity from rain) with thermo-pizoelectric materials on the outside edges or other parts.See through thermo-piezoelctric materials can be developed using biosynth technology to make a matrix of it and quantum dot technology to allow for the panels to get more electricity from the suns heat and sunlight further increasing the amount of electricity gained from this medium especially if concentrating photovoltaics are added that concentrate the suns heat onto these sheets of see through photovoltaics.Nanomaterials based on all other elements with the same hexagonal shape as graphene will be investigated to improve efficiency and replace environmentally destructive rare earths.Those that consist of two or more elements like Indium selenide will be researched to increase energy output.Graphene,see through and normal thermoelectric materials and quantum dot technology can be placed on the underside of the solar panels to collect extra light as it passes through the topside.Silicon used in them could be replaced with layers of silicene to make them more efficient especially in forms of siligraphene SiC7.Graphene,silicene,stanene and other similarly shaped nanomaterials both as themselves or as semiconductors integrated into solar panels could act as heat sinks alongside changes in the panels structure to cool them down preventing the suns heats effect on how much electricity is produced with them.Perovskite solar films that are under development can be integrated onto the top of solar panels to increase efficiency.Improvements in graphene,silicene and new nanomaterials of the same structure can be be used to improve the amount of electricity generated by sunlight with in time nanoscale processors packed together composed of silicene,graphene and similar materials in tight spaces with each one increasing exponentionally the amount of energy taken in by them from sunlight on the same surface area as conventional panels.Research will be made into atom thick allotropes of all 94 elements will be made including those similar to graphene,graphyne,indium selenide etc to make them more resource efficient and better at absorbing all wavelengths of light as well of radiation and converting them into electricity and combing it with biosynth technology.Eventually solar panels will be composed of nothing but nanomaterials of other elements with the same structure as graphene,carbyne and graphyne and even schwarzites including those composed of two or more elements again with the same structure as it and graphene itself to not only increase absorption of all spectrums of light converted into electricity but to improve the amount converted into electricity,act as heat sinks,improve electroconductivity and resourc efficiency,negate the need for rare earths and also other features including making them light to handle for putting on roofs.Biosynth technology that are engineered ti use chlorophyll etc to intake sunlight and create energy from it alongside these nanomaterials can replace rare earths etc.In time using a combination of nanomaterials and biosynth technology could replace all rare earths in solar panels alongside magnesium chloride making them more efficient at capturing light and also resource efficient.Quamtum dot and see through and normal thermoelectric material technology including biosynth versions will still be used to increase energy output from light and heat.These next generation solar panels should be designed to absorb as much as all possible wavelengths from the sun with different nanomaterials from all elements with the same hexagonal structure as graphene tested and mixed together.Biosynth technology with these involving microbes forming clusters or tissues with them having DNA from plants,electroconductive bacteria,scratch DNA to utilise chlorophyll etc to convert sunlight and its heat into electricity with electroconductive pilli and electronconductive proteins and neural tissues releasing this into the panels as electrons and quantum dot technology with others in biosynth thermoelectric materials engineered to release energy from heat with this also applying to solar thermal panels and solar panels.These would be engineered into using elements within these panels and materials as energy acceptors to carry out these reactions and them released as waste or using looped cycles and utilise carbon dioxide and also water vapour from the atmosphere to carry out these reactions with it releasing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere  and can be downscaled into self charging electronics and vehicles.These would have recombinant DNA from G.metallireducens,Geobacter sulfurreducens,Shewanella oneidensis and other bacteria that produce electricity and also electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins and silicon nanowires with scratch DNA added to increase the amount of electricity they produce.DNA from Electrophorus electricus can be added to increase the amount of electricity alongside scratch DNA to convert sunlight into electrical currents etc transported by the electroconductive pilli and proteins as well as that from human neural tissues.This biosynthetic technology alongside tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants with electroconductive pilli,electronconductive protein and silicon nanowires and electrical generation added using DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus,graphene and similar nanomaterials from all 94 elements in its matrix to survive the immense heat and radiation and convert them directly into energy with research into turning radiation into energy.Biosynth technology using tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants to gain all spectrums of light,graphene and other nanomaterials of the same structure from all 94 elements etc will be used to capture energy from all spectrums of light.To convert radiation into energy can be done via biosynthetic technology that uses tweaked DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these microbes alongside tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma,UV and other radiation and all spectrums of light and radiation into chemical and then energy for growth with electroconductive Lpilli,electroconductive proteins and electrical generation added using DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus.They would also have DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,T.gammatolerans to and scratch DNA to absorb all wavelengths of lights spectrum and also protect them from UV radiation and possibly allow for reactions to generate electricity to be carried out at night.Biosynth versions of thermoelectric materials can be integrated Into the tissues to convert the suns heat into energy.The biosynthetic technology would intake all wavelengths of sunlight,heat and radiation with scratch DNA converting into electrical energy with the eleconductive proteins,pilli etc allowing this to be intaken into the solar panels using Graphene,silicene etc transporting it.Having millions per square inch layer by layer stacked on top of each other in between and stacked upon nanomaterials etc would increase the amount of electricity they would generate and the bacteria would be so small as to let light through.Biosynth technology including that express neural tissues and the same technologies and in biosynth batteries will alongside nanomaterials such as Graphene,silicene etc replace most if not all rare earths etc in solar panels with all elements in solar panels replaced by nanomaterials with the same structure as Graphene to increase efficiency both in terms of resource use but also the amount of sunlight they intake.Biosynth WiFi can allow upgrades to be done to all tissues as well as relay the amount of sunlight they receive and amount of electricity they generate.Nanomaterials of all 94 elements and those similar to Indium selenide will be researched to increase efficiency.This can compliment or replace completely p-type and n-type solar panels to increase electricity output or even replace them entirely.Nanomaterials from all elements that have the same structure as graphene,carbyne and graphyne and even schwarzites and those that are composed of two or more elements ie Indium selenide,boron nitride will be researched by themselves and together to improve their ability to generate electricity from the sun and intake different wavelengths alongside biosynth technology in them to then convert these different wavelengths and turn them into electricity increasing power generation.The energy would be collected from the sun via these solar panels in the form of light,heat and also radiation of the entire spectrum of both light and radiation using relevant materials and biosynth technology to increase output with by 2045-2060 Steropes able to create panels that intake all light,heat and radiation from the sun to create large amounts of power to compliment thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and VAWTs.This may include thermoelectric materials added to all parts of the panels.This would exponentionally increase the amount of the suns heat and light is converted into electricity while at the same time lowering their cost exponentionally both in terms of manufacturing costs,energy costs etc as they can be produced in Talos factories around the world and replace all rare earths and toxic materials in their production such as Copper,Silicon etc as they will be composed of nothing but biosynth tissues and nanomaterials etc. Biosynth batteries will be able to charge within minutes and store vast amounts of energy meaning those in roofs will be able to power more homes for longer alleviating strains on the grid.This would apply to those used not just on solar panels on roofs but also solar arrays and dyson swarms.These sheets of quantum dot technology and see through thermoelectrictechnologies ontop of the existing solar panels could be underneath one or more layers of concentrating photovoltaics that further focus and increase the amount of light and heat taken in and absorbed further increasing efficiency and energy produced.To prevent the build up of dirt,water and dust that would require human labour to clean and interfere with the amount of sunlight absorbed solar panels especially those in the desert,on roofs and in the ocean should be sprayed with a permanent layer of liquid glass with the exception of those that are full spectrum and require the absorption of UV light as liquid glass resists this.Liquid glass could also make nano solar films much cheaper than using glass as it is much thinner being one atom thick and again prevents dirt building up and protect it from water and acids.Research can be made into nano films that can also be applied that can protect it from weathering effects of particulates.Again quantum dot technology and graphene can integrated into these to increase the amount of electricity with graphene possibly replacing wiring.Rare earths and other environmentally destructive materials can be replaced by graphene and also carbon nanotubes doped with plastics and plastic nanomaterials doped in carbon nanomaterials.Other nanomaterials with the same structure as graphene can be used as well.Existing solar panels used around the world can in time be recycled for these rare earth metals and then replaced by those made from synthetic materials.All existing solar farms should have the panels moved onto the roofs of communal homes and important energy intensive buildings like hospitals etc to allow the land be reforested as geothermal will replace solar farms and fossil fuels.Although solar power should be predominantly on roofs of private and communal homes and ontop of key energy intensive buildings such as hospitals to alleviate strains on the grid and store energy directly or during the year to prevent blackout by 2045 combining different nanomaterials especially those in similar structure to graphene,see through thermopiezoelectric materials and biosynth technology among others developed by Steropes,Urania and Hecate by 2029 will exponentionally increase the development of solar panels that will capture large amounts of electricity from the sun especially at high noon.Steropes and other AI will develop ways to design solar panels to intake all wavelengths of sunlight,the suns heat and radiation into them to be converted into vast amounts of electricity and they will also develop ways to convert the sunlight and heat etc intaken by panels and electricity generated by them into wifi for the homes they are on with nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth technology using scratch DNA,that from T.gammatolerans,G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus,chemosynthetic bacteria DNA,that from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans and also with electroconductive proteins and electroconductive pilli used to transmit electricity generated into the panels.Nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth technology will be used to make them more resource efficient and also replace rare earths and those that are environmentally destructive.This will apply to solar arrays and also dyson swarms.

Roofs of buildings especially communal skyscraper buildings should be painted white(ideally with white graphene paint) to reflect excess heat but also contain black solar thermal piping to heat some if not all of the buildings water allowing them to gain all of the suns heat.The white roof should also be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent water and dirt affecting this ability.These can be arranged in an ergonomic fashion to allow gardens be built around then.In cities these connect to two or more buildings serving them and covering a larger surface area as well.They can also go around the exterior or top of waist high walls on the roofs(to prevent people falling off) and up and down one or more corners of the building(ideally a corner that gets the most solar heat each day) further increasing their surface area.The piping could be composed of quantum dot technology(and possibly a matrix of this and clear thermo-piezolectric materials with a layer of black graphene paint in the exterior of the tubing below the quantum dot materials to allow the suns heat be gathered while at the same allowing the quantum dot technology,graphene paint and thermoelectric materials to gain energy as well) and concentrating photovoltaic to generate electricity and concentrate the suns rays and heat them even more.Evacuated tubing should ideally be used as it can collect heat from the sun during the entire day due to its curved structure unlike other designs and has become cheaper in the last decade.Antifreeze is best used in areas of the world that experience frequent frosts.Automated systems connected to the home AI can be applied to solar control valve,frost protection valves,control pumps etc. with internal sensors detecting the temperature and interactions with weather networks ensure that it can prevent pipes freezing or bursting due to low or high when the house is not inhabited.Thus solar thermal pipes will be used to heat water alongside geohtermal water coolers.Air conditioning can also be solar powered alleviating strains on the grid and geothermal ones.

Solar thermal:
Solar thermal power plants should only be used in areas in Africa,Australia,parts of North America and the Middle East where solar power is abundant as they continue generating electricity during cloudy periods and even at night due to the actions of the molten salt kept warm all night and during cloudy spells since they are heating the water constantly.This allows electricity to be generated 24/7,365 days a year by solar power with them also being the primary source of energy in regions affected by earthquakes and tsunamais alongside tidal,wave,VAWTs with excess energy stored in community battery packs.Long spells of cloudy weather and long nights during the year can be counteracted by solar panels charging batteries onsite that then power systems by heating the liquid or supply supplemental and extra power.They should also replace existing conventional photovoltaic solar farms in sunny parts of America,Asia,Middle East and the rest of the world in particular deserts uninhibited by humans because of these abilities with the solar panels there recycled or used by homes on roofs in the same area so as to alleviate the strain on the thermal farms for electricity generation and gardens so as to allow these existing farms to be recycled and the land put to use for more efficient energy generation and have homes use the the recycled solar panels have power fed directly into their energy supply and generators with the possibility of solar thermal power plants put in place of existing solar farms instead of having the land reforested with reforestation applying only to non desert areas and those that are not large enough to support a solar thermal plant.Solar thermal power plants should only exist where it doesnt interfere with desert flora and fauna with existing ones that do scrapped,recycled and moved elsewhere and the area reforested and geothermal used.Research can be done to integrate these into urban areas where the solar panels or on slanted roofs(or sides) of buildings surrounding the tower.In any case to prevent bird deaths from being cooked by the thermal plants they will have bird repellent technology surrounding the perimeter with the most efficient,highest energy producing one being used for all future iterations with existing versions of the other designs recycled and replaced by these.Solar thermal power plants should only exist where it doesnt interfere with desert flora and fauna with existing ones that do scrapped,recycled and moved elsewhere and the area reforested and geothermal used.Initial reactions can be powered by thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and synthetic carbon neutral oil and gas.Solar thermal should only be done where no damage to the environment is done and those that did cause environmental damage recycled and moved elsewhere with if possible them consisting of floating solar thermal power farms created to power coastal cities,underwater cities and floating cities.

Large floating solar panel and thermal farms can be used to power floating cities,floating airports,charging stations,underwater cities(directly above them),coastal cities and deep sea fish farms with the solar panels generating electricity and the pipes painted black working on the same principles as those pipes on roofs and with several pipes located in the areas between the solar panels.Reflective materials on the flooring(covered with quantum dot technology to generate extra electricity)would allow the panels to gain electricity from the sunlight and the flooring to heat water in the piping directly above them – liquid glass would also be sprayed on this to prevent dirt and seawater and rainwater affecting this with cleaner bots cleaning them regularly at night powered from their own solar power stored during the day).The pipes could also be covered with see through thermoelectricinsulating materials with quantum dot matrixes (with graphene black paint underneath these two painted on the interior)to generate more electricity and trap heat with concentrating photovoltaics also built into to this matrix to further concentrate all light form the sun and flooring into the pipes into heat.The heated water would be directed into a central dome where when evaporating into steam along the way could move a steam power plant in the central dome which then after generating even more electricity could be condensed inside and by the cold temperature of the water as it travels back to the pipes forming a looped system.A liquid that has a lower boiling point than water could be used to ensure that it is always in steam form and constantly circulating especially in times of cloud cover.In either case the interior and exterior of the piping must be coated with liquid glass to prevent the liquid staying on the piping interior and thus sticking to it and breaking the chain and to prevent build up of dirt interfering with the suns rays and heat.Miniature VAWTs,microturbines and wave power pistons dotted around these structures can increase power intake.A large central solar tower can be integrated into the central dome to get more electricity.It could also be integrated into pyrex glass used for constructing underwater cities albeit those near the euphotic zone.They can be anchored to the ocean floor to house conventional towers and use modified designs for those that float.Thus if perfected solar thermal power should not be done in desert areas where it can affect ecosystems but rather it will be used to power coastal cities such as Los Angeles,New York and those across Africa and Asia where it will be able to feed energy directly into the cities grid and compliment wave and tidal power connected to them to power as much 80-90% of their energy with them being close to the cities by the coast or several kilometres in the deep ocean with this allowing them to be unaffected by tides,cloud cover and not affect the scenery with it also not affecting wildlife in the same way as land based ones due to the vastness of the ocean and them not blocking the movement of fish and sea mammals etc with them possibly moving around at night via propulsion systems to negate them affecting phytoplankton etc.Underground cables can have excess energy fed into nearby landlocked towns,cities etc to alleviate strains on the geothermal grid.Island countries such as Ireland,Japan,Austrailia as well as islands such as Hawaii,Lanzarote etc could have anywhere between 20-90% of there energy needs powered by these floating solar thermal farms especially when excess energy from thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes used to power initial reactions and also wave pistons surrounding them are fed into the grid.They should of note to cities by the sea prone earthquakes where geothermal could be dangerous.These can be by uninhabited coastal areas that use underground cables to reach landlocked cities and towns meaning that floating solar panel farms can power cities inland.Existing solar thermal power plants in America,Africa,Asia and the Middle East can be demolished and the land reforested and the original cities powered by these floating solar thermal power plants or geothermal and other towns and cities being powered by them.As a result these sea based floating solar thermal power plants could instead of powering just desert areas power town,villages and cities by the coast such as New York,Los Angela’s etc across the world.They can also power both floating and underwater communities.Thermoelectricgeothermal pipes that connect them to the ocean floor or are inland next to the cities they power alongside wave pistons surrounding them will charge initial reactions for them and have excess produced by them fed into the grid.Wave pistons can be connected to them to increase energy output.Thus future solar thermal power should consist of solar thermal power that can power coastal towns,villages and cities with them combined with wave and thermoelectric material geothermal pipes.Once we can control the weather through orbital mirrors etc it will allow Theoi Meteroi to ensure all areas powered by this to have sunny days most of the year with this used to compliment geothermal as well as used in areas where it can’t be used with excess energy stored in community packs.These will eventually replace all existing land based solar thermal power plants allowing them to be recycled and land reforested and can be set up anywhere in the world.Research can be done to use liquids other than water that have a lower boiling point to prevent water scarcity and also work more efficiently in cooler conditions,climates and at night thus allowing them to even work in areas not normally suited for solar thermal power.Graphene due its incredible thermal capacity could be a low cost alternative to metals to use for all piping in all systems as it can allow heat to be transferred over long distances without heat loss making it ideal for water heating tubes on large skyscrapers and even across multiple buildings.Introducing it into the matrix of piping can make it withstand earthquakes due to its elasticity.The solar thermal towers,ocean farms,solar panels heating them and also piping on roofs,homes etc should be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent dirt and water affecting them as well as graphene paint applied to towers and generators etc to generate extra electricity.Nanosensors will be placed in the solar tower and molten salt to measure the temperature constantly.Geothermal and fossil fuels will be able to pick up the slack.Solar thermal power plants would use thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes to first charge initial reactions with all excess energy can be fed into the grid.

Alternatives to cadmium compounds for solar panels and quantum dot technology such as cadmium chloride/telluride must be found ideally synthetic compounds as cadmium is energy intensive and destructive to mine,very rare,expensive and also highly carcinogenic to humans and animals.One alternative is magnesium chloride which can be found more abundantly in the worlds oceans than cadmium is in the earths crust and has shown to be an alternative that can do the job just as well and can be extracted from the worlds oceans at a lower cost using graphene sheets in pumps within oil rigs,desalination plants and also boats rather than mining the earth for cadmium.It is also benign and not toxic to humans,plants and the environment compared to cadmium making it an ideal alternative to cadmium at increasing the efficiency of converting sunlight to energy and reducing the cost of solar energy both in terms of solar panels and quantum dot technology significantly.Nanomaterials from all 94 elements with the same hexagonal shape as graphene will also replace cadmium chloride and be used in solar.These nanomaterials could potentially increase their energy output and make them more resource efficient.Biosynthetic technology will also be used with for solar arrays abd dyson swarms of them using extremophile DNA to survive the solar radiation abd vacuum of space.All alternatives to all toxic compounds in solar panels will be researched by Steropes.

Solar Arrays:
Solar arrays in space will in time be able to collect vast amounts of solar energy from the sun unaffected by clouds or even the time of day in arrays and be beamed to Earth using microwaves and laser to be be stored in batteries etc.This would concentrate the energy to key stations on Earth that stores this energy in large battery packs to power entire communities or cities for a year with it even concentrating it onto solar panels on the surface.There would be at least seven of these that direct the energy to receivers and converters ontop of large energy packs that would be underground on each continent that would transmit it via underground and underwater cables as part of the global or continental grid to all towns and cities in that continent or as much as possible in the surrounding area allow for constant flow of solar energy 24/7,365 days a year unaffected by climate and time of day with excess stored in batteries in these buildings and also battery packs next to them.Otherwise a single one would due to it rotating the Earth in a synchronised orbit would send it intermittently in large bursts to one or several or all community packs on each continent that are placed at key points decided by Astraea and Steropes thus allowing them to receive large amounts of energy in bursts and be recharged when the array returns to the exact point with these connected to all homes in the country or area and also other community packs in the country.The route that it passes by would be the same all year long and it would travel via solar sails or even.The arrays would be orbiting Earth above space elevators,remaining satillites and anything else that may obstruct the energy and sun.The energy would be solar radiation with if possible the Moon and other devices orbiting the planet used as a means to reflect this to key points on Earth through a series of artificial devices that creates a chain that relays the radiation and even light towards Earth with research done to ensure there is minimal energy loss and also allow them to strike the same area of the Earth if they were not stationary.The energy would be collected from the sun via these arrays in the form of light,heat and also radiation of the entire spectrum of both light and radiation using relevant nanomaterials and biosynth technology then converted into radiation beamed to Earth with those as part of space elevators will use wiring to transfer it as electricity.This may include thermoelectric materials,biosynthetic technology alongside tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants with electroconductive pilli,electronconductive protein and silicon nanowires and electrical generation added using DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus,graphene and similar nanomaterials from all 94 elements in its matrix to survive the immense heat and radiation and convert them directly into energy with research into turning radiation into energy.The same materials used in solar panels such as biosynth technology using tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants to gain all spectrums of light,graphene and other nanomaterials of the same structure from all 94 elements etc will be used to capture energy from all spectrums of light.To convert radiation into energy can be done via biosynthetic technology that uses tweaked DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these microbes alongside tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma,UV and other radiation and all spectrums of light and radiation into chemical and then energy for growth with electroconductive pilli,electroconductive proteins and silicon naowires and electrical generation added using DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus.Community battery packs would be used in the case of those that are moving due to solar sails that then charge surrounding cities,towns and village and could use the global grid system transfer to other areas around the world with in the case of stationary arrays they would charge the community battery pack and release it to surrounding cities or even the world when needed especially areas where solar power is not practical and even power underground communities via a rotary system and be charged over and over again.Biosynth WiFi can allow upgrades to be done to all tissues as well as relay the amount of sunlight they receive and amount of electricity they generate.Also in the case of stationary systems then power stations similar to conventional power plants that hold receivers and converters these could receive the energy and then constantly charge the surrounding cities,towns or even underground communities via wiring connected to them and use the global grid system to theoretically power the world forever with clean energy with it taking up as small space on Earth potentially the same size as a normal power plant with if need be them mostly underground.If need be as stated seven of these plants and also arrays need be constructed – one on each continent or several for each one to power each one with surpluses shared using the global grid system.Underwater and underground communities would be powered by this.This would be of note to areas where solar power even solar thermal power may not be feasible.Receivers and converters on the roofs of public buildings,communal and private homes would also intake energy from these as they pass by powering batteries and also them directly with if possible miniaturised or large versions of arrays powering entire cities especially large densely populated ones and/or multiple cities and towns surrounding covering a large area of a country at a time constantly 24/7,365 days a year via receivers and converters on all building or one building in the centre intaking the energy from them to charge batteries and even feed energy directly into the buildings to power them without batteries.This would allow all wiring and cables that feed electricity into buildings to be recycled.This option would entail multiple miniaturised versions of these for each continent or country especially the most densely populated cities and countries in the world.This option could using the global grid system power each country and even charge electric vehicles at nighttime especially if underground if they have built in receivers with electric aeroplanes especially scramjets etc and cruise ships also powered by it both while in flight and at seaports and aeroports.The energy could be sent and shared between linked satellites that evenly distribute to all parts of the world via the global energy grid Brontes especially if there are multiple arrays with Steropes deciding how many arrays there should be and the best means of distributing the energy to all parts of Earth evenly without transmission loss.This would be determined via simulations done by Steropes,Brontes and Arges etc begging in 2029-2100.Since they would be in outer space all of these options would allow uninterrupted energy fed down to the planet 24/7,365 days a year as it would be not be obscured by clouds and the Moon providing free energy to the world for millions of may only need to catch less than a a 1% about 0.01% of the suns energy to power the world indefinitely with ideally them deployed when all space junk surrounding the Earth has been cleared as detailed later with if possible these Steropes will arrange the best options to use with this out performing not just normal solar power in terms of output and reliability but also out perform possibly even all remaining reserves of fossil fuels,nuclear power – both fusion and fission and also geothermal.If possible thus through arrays directing energy at manufacturing hubs alongside fusion power and singularties and from dyson sphere would power picotech fabricators.He will manage its development and construction alongside Hecate,Urania,Talos etc with coatings like liquid glass on them keeping them free from dust with them have layers of graphene to not only absorb more energy but also improve its strength against debris with similar nanomaterials from other elements used to increase the amount of light they intake.A graphene rope would be attached to it to ensure that if debris knocks it off course and even puts it on a collision course with Earth with this connected to the power plant and community back to also keep it stationary and if knocked off course the AI can move the rope in a pully system to put it back on track and stabilise its orbit.These arrays could also double as satellites as part of Ophion,Nephalai,Arke and those that also stream the rest of the wire and internet etc to prevent the area above Earth becoming too crowded especially if there are multiple solar arrays orbiting the Earth each holding multiple satellites.This option would ensure that there would be less junk in space with if each array holds several satellites then it would necessitate the need for multiple arrays present increasing the amount of arrays present.Solar arrays could act as a means to deliver high quality broadband to all corners of the world through a single relay centre receiving it with them possibly able to turn solar radiation into not just energy but also powerful wifi signals.This would allow for highspeed internet to be directed to areas below it and also when they reach the power plants will also provide internet and wire access to all homes and cities around the world.The machinery that creates wifi could send wifi to a series of orbiting satellites as part of Nephalai and Arke that then reach major switchboxes in each continent that can be transferred to all major cities and rural towns in the area especially those outside of the reach of major switchboxes.If possible the Moon could also be used via a relay station there.The machinery on the arrays could have a splitter that converts energy intaken and sending it directly to several places on Earth or orbiting satellites linked to each other that share the wifi from the array that direct it to major switchboxes as part of the global internet system that can then using the global internet system transmit it providing more powerful internet access to all cities and towns etc in a country or continent alongside carbon/boron and other nanotube wifi cables as detailed earlier on with satellites connected to them being over the worlds oceans and wilderness areas to provide internet to cruise ships etc and also to wilderness areas.Solar arrays connected to the surface by elevators would transmit the wifi to the global internet system manged by Arke vie graphene etc nanotube wires.Otherwise the satellites that also stream Ophion,Nephalai,Arke etc could be part of each solar arrays with multiple arrays for each continent with all future satellites being part of solar arrays that are dotted along the planet to increase the amount of energy and internet access across the planet with cellular satellites also part of this with even the proposed Starlink system replaced with this system as advances in quantum compassing,high speed borophene,graphene broadband as part of the global internet system might render Starlink defunct.Pheme and Dionysus through the universal sentient internet provider Arke,alongside quantum compassing will render satellites for live news and defunct satellite channels obsolete.This exponentially fast wifi energy for a city,country or continent could come directly from the power plant that are then also connected to the global internet system or even in switchboxes connected to the grid and global internet system that convert energy from them into wifi thus amplifying existing graphene and borophene fibre optics.This would allow for highspeed internet to be directed to areas below it and also when they reach the power plants will also provide internet and wire access to all homes and cities in a country,continent and the entire world via the global broadband system connected to Brontes or the global internet system.This would not just be a different option to existing broadband access but also be a means to amplify it significantly with if need be it,quantum compassing,graphene/borophen based fibre optic broadband etc could negate the need for the Starlink system.This could also be spread over a large part of the worlds oceans using satellites and the Moon as a relay point to provide wifi for aeroplanes and cruise ships with wilderness and rural areas also served this way.Brontes,Arke and Astraea would decide the best options at delivering amplification of existing broadband or extra option and determine ways to bypass Starlink etc as technology becomes more advanced and will carry out research into perfecting it.Astraea,Arke,Urania,Hecate and Steropes carrying out research into creating this system that would as stated render Starklink defunct and should be availible by 2045.Measures will be made and researched to ensure that creation of wifi will not drain energy away from what is produced as it could be transported as both energy and wifi thus allowing for all of the energy harvested to be converted into wifi that will be still be useable as energy meaning no energy is lost in the creation of this exponentially fast wifi and vice versa thus amplifying existing graphene and borophene fibre optics.The arrays could be used if part of elevators to also have satellites or miniaturised components of satellites attached to them to act as GPS satellites.Otherwise if part of elevators they could be used to move satellites in parts or whole to the Earths atmosphere without creating more junk circulating the Earth and negate the need to power rockets.Solar energy from dyson swarms and that from singularities could also be turned into powerful wifi signals including those from devices.Ideally once the junk around the Earth is cleaned up of space debris by automated processes then these should be pursued to prevent accidents.This cleaning will start by at least 2029-2045 and will have to be automated by Pan and Astraea.Furthermore solar panels should be more efficient by then to capture as much as even 0.01% of the light from the sun to power the world forever.The pully system would allow the arrays to be pulled down to Earth or have robots ascend them to dissemble the panels and bring them down as if they were ants going up and down a branch allowing them to remove them to replace them with more efficient ones over time.This system could be applied to its construction with the pully used to transfer the energy down to Earth directly as electricity via wiring etc.This would also allow for satellites to be added to them and have them replaced with more powerful versions.The arrays could be part of not just satellites but even part of a space elevator either at the very top or even have the array as counterweights at the midpoint essential for space elevators allowing for it be used for this but also allow repair and replacement robots to stop at it and also use walkways to the arrays with each array or at least stationary ones being part of solar arrays.The arrays could also be above the actual elevators.These space elevators would at the same level or just below or at midpoint of them to allow space probes and vessels to take off from them without having to burn fuel exiting the Earths atmosphere.This could keep the array in place if hit by debris and allow robots to go up and down to repair it and also for commercial space travel.They would also be used by robots to travel to space by themselves or using probes to release new satellites into orbit again without energy and waste and adding new junk to space with it also used by other robots etc to collect any remaining junk from space and also to travel to old satellites and replace their onboard computers with more advanced onboard computers or force others to a planned reentry to isolated areas.Otherwise the arrays could be served by robots in probes deployed by space elevators separate from them with having miniature propulsion system that intakes a small amount of energy to keep in stable orbits.AI will determine the best location for each array to absorb the most energy.Having graphene in their structure would allow them to renter the atmosphere without burning up with them brought down individually by robots would not only cut costs but also mean they would enter slow enough not to burn up on reentry.It would also protect them from debris when up there.This is why it is advised that solar arrays should be developed until 2045-2100 when AI,automation have cleaned up all of the junk surrounding the Earth and when robots,Steropes can arrange their manufacture and efficiency with him able to plan their orbit and also have the wires satellites integrated into them.By 2100-2200 solar panels as part of solar arrays and on Earth may able to receive all of the energy from the sun and the amount lost may be smaller than is currently feasible.Having them covered in liquid glass would prevent the need for cleaning them and prevent dirt affecting them other means to ensure that UV radiation is not affected.If perfected this could meet the worlds energy needs for millions of years.Once Nyx is perfected this could cut down on the time for the energy to be transported to Earth an thus transmission loss with it also used to transport light and radiation from those orbiting other stars in the universe as a system part or separate from it.This could also collect energy from gamma ray bursts.This may also be used to cut down on transmission loss as part of Brontes.Solar arrays that intake solar energy should be available by 2045 but should be developed after space junk has been cleared and they can intake virtually all solar energy from the sun by at least 2100-2200.

Dyson Swarms:
Dyson swarms will be created around the sun to collect energy from it as well as helum-3.The Helium-3 released by the solar wind will be collected for fusion reactors on Earth and also any interstellar vessels low on fuel with this supply an endless supply of energy for Earth and interstellar travel via fusion power.Construction for this will be automated by Plutus and Astraea on Mercury or if possible hypothetical picotech fabricators using energy from fusion power could create the required material without mining the planet.If possible even material from the the asteroid belt,Kupier Belt and also Oort Cloud could be be used to create the swarm onsite of Mercury with the vehicles going back and forth using energy from the first few thousand or million panels as part of the swarm,panels on Mercury and also fusion power negating the need to completely mine Mercury.Biosynth material and nanomaterials such as Graphene can be used to create most of the panels thus negating to mine for most of their materials.The first sections of Mercury mined may be refilled by material created by picotech fabricators to allow for the planet to act as a relay for the suns energy and also set up bases to managed by Astraea,Urania and Hecate that study the sun as well as the planet and even act as deep space radar,observatory etc on either side of the planet and also create more energy through picotech fabricators creating devices that cover the entire side of the planet baked in sunlight to send even more energy to Earth.This would using Nyx relaying live feeds to Earth of the Sun and its activity ie solar flare,solar radiation,sunspots,convectional currents with the buildings etc all composed of graphene with the buildings etc all composed of graphene with this in the matrix of of any windows and cameras.Cameras and sensors will relay information not just to networks within Urania but also Brauron where people on Earth can have this as livestreamed screensaver or on smart digital windows.If possible solar panels and proto devices that swarm the sun can using energy,light and even heat can be received on Mercury due to its closeness to the sun can be used to power picotech fabricators to create the first thousand panels needed without the need for mining the planet with these being the same type of panels used to create the dyson swarm or conventional panels and them also following the same exponential growth and the panels as part of the swarm used to power the operations on Mercury.Thus Mercury could have its bright side covered in solar panels similar to those that will be part of dyson swarms that collect the light,heat,radiation etc from the sun and use this to create devices as part of the swarm via picotech fabricators alongside fusion power plants on it with fuel transported there via vessels with energy from solar panels on the bright side of the moon also sending energy to Mercury via radiation and receivers with excess energy on Earth from the entire global Brontes system not used by homes etc produced by all power plants and even homes using thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,VAWTs,batteries etc also sending more energy to the Moon and thus Mercury with the Moon acting as a relay point.The energy from the swarms from the sun will be at first sent to Mercury to charge alongside panels and fusion power plants to create more parts of the swarm.The rate of dyson swam production would be exponential in all methods.Fusion power and solar arrays could create the first hundred or thousand panels on Earth via picotech fabricators or even conventional factories create them and then them transported to Mercury to then power picotech machines on Mercury to then create the rest with these fusion power plants also on Mercury itself alongside the panels and also energy received from Earth etc using picotech fabricator.Solar panels could be placed on the bright side of the Moon to also harvest more solar energy alongside Helium-3 for onsite and Earth based fusion power with this possibly used alongside that on the bright side of Mercury to power picotech fabricators on both the Moon and Mercury with the energy from Mercury and the Moon sent to each other and also Earth to construct them using picotech fabricators.Energy created on Earth from fusion,geothermal,battery packs etc especially excess energy from Brontes not used by homes etc produced by all power plants and even homes using thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,VAWTs,batteries etc can be sent to Moons and thus the Mercury to power picotech fabricators there in the form of radiation via Brontes with the combined energy produced on the Moon,Mercury and excess produced worldwide used to power these fabricators either on Earth or Mercury using radiation and the Moon as a relay point.The energy from both Mercury and the Moon will also be able to be sent to Earth via radiation using relay networks and Nyx to power the world and also create more dyson swarm sails via picotech farbricators with more energy once the dyson swarm is constructed with Brontes,Steropes managing the exchange of energy between all three bodies with those on the Moon powering colonies there as well with bases on it created by picotech fabricators to negate the need for mining the planet.Solar panels on the Moon and Mercury would remain their indefinitely to send more energy to Earth 24/7,365 days a year via splitters and radiation once solar arrays and dyson swarms are constructed to send even more energy with the panels replaced overtime with newer versions with if need be them being see through ones that dont affect the view of the Moon or have metamaterials.They would also organise recycling the solar panels on them and replacing them with more efficient ones.They would also organise recycling the solar panels on them and replacing them with more efficient ones with the energy picked up by receivers on the planet connected to the global energy grid Brontes.Harvesting all of the energy availible from the Earths mantle or from pipes covered in thermo-piezolectric materials,fusion power,fission power plants,renewables and solar arrays,advanced batteries that can store large amount of energy and excess energy produced by all power plants as part of the global Brontes system not used by homes etc produced by all power plants and even homes using thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,VAWTs,batteries etc combined together as well as that from the Moon,Mercury and Earth shared back and forth in both directions could by 2050-2100 be enough to power picotechnology directly or through stored energy via Brontes with this done on Earth or Mercury or both with those created on Earth shipped by vessels to Mercury to be dispersed onto orbit around the sun.Steropes will be able to calculate how much energy is needed from Brontes and arrange extra amounts of energy needed to power these.Only a few thousand need to be created on Earth and Mercury with their power generation capabilities once in orbit around the sun will create more energy to power picotech fabricators on Mercury using their power combined and energy from Earth sent there as these first few thousand devices around the sun created on Earth will send energy to Mercury that also gains energy from panels on its surface,onsite fusion power,energy sent from the Moon and from Earth via radiation to it combined to power picotech fabricators to create the last remaining devices thus negating the need to mine Mercury with the creation following an exponentional growth curve.Hecate,Urania,Steropes etc will conduct simulations from 2029-2100 as to ways as to create a dyson swarm around our native sun without mining Mercury to preserve it as a space station to observe the sun for solar flares,solar sunspots and astrophysics and also send more energy to Earth etc via onsite solar panels with stars across universe  the rest of the have picotech fabricators create their swarms to negate the need for mining other planets and also dealing with stars with no planets present.It should be possible for work to begin in 2045-2060 and finished between 2100-2120.Since their computing power will exceed that of all 9,000,000,000 people on the planet by 2045 this should be perfected with all work being automated and controlled by Plutus and Steropes.All robots and structures will also be composed graphene due to its high melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius high enough to survive the temperature of mercury daytime temperature of 430 degrees Celsius.It will also develop ways to create dyson swarms to extract 4,000ZJ or more using the swarm technique without blocking the suns heat and light reaching the planet.Future swarms across all other stars in the universe will be created via picotech fabricators to negate the need to harvest whole planets also used as space stations to observe the sun and to deal with solar systems that dont have planets close to them with the energy directed to Earth and other colonies across the universe sent back and forth via Nyx managed by Steropes.All solar panels on the planet and used to collect energy from the sun would be composed of multiple layers of graphene and also other atom thick allotropes of other elements on the periodic table to give them strength and also increase their lifespan against dust,collisions with stray material and also the suns heat with this also done to increase the amount of energy they receive and transfer.Graphene due to its high melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees and strength of 130GPa will be what they are composed of alongside silicene and other nanomaterials of all 94 elements alongside biosynthetic technologies.Thermoelectric materials would be in their matrix to extract heat energy.The panels would be engineered to absorb energy in the form of heat,light radiation of the entire spectrum of both light and radiation and if possible gravity from the sun.Each one would contain nanosensers that constantly relays to Steropes on Earth the amount of sunlight,heat and energy they are receiving and transferring with miniature propulsion methods possibly using gas and energy etc collected from the sun that will be constantly refilled allowing them to keep a stable orbit if put off course.This may include thermoelectric materials,biosynthetic technology alongside tweaked T.gammatolerans and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants with electroconductive pilli,electronconductive protein and silicon nanowires and electrical generation added using DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus,graphene and similar nanomaterials from all 94 elements in its matrix to survive the immense heat and radiation and convert them directly into energy with research into turning radiation into energy.The same materials used in solar panels such as biosynth technology using tweaked T.gammatolerans,scratch DNA and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA and ability to produce chlorophyll from plants to gain all spectrums of light,graphene and other nanomaterials of the same structure from all 94 elements etc will be used to capture energy from all spectrums of light.To convert radiation and gravity into energy can be done via biosynthetic technology that uses tweaked DNA from piezophioes,P.denitrificans,W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,scratch and piezophile DNA can be added to these microbes alongside tweaked T.gammatolerans radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma,UV and other radiation and all spectrums of radiation into chemical and then energy for growth and convert cellular growth from radiation and gravity into electricity with electronductive pilli,electorconductive proteins and silicon nanowires and electrical generation added using DNA from G.metallireducens,G.sulfurreducens,S.oneidensis,E.electricus and scratch DNA to transport electricity generated into the panels.Biosynth WiFi can allow upgrades to be done to all tissues as well as relay the amount of sunlight they receive and amount of electricity they generate.The may also collect Helium-3 from the suns solar wind to be sent back via vessels or even Nyx for fusion reactors on Earth etc with them even protecting the Earth from solar flares and generating energy from them.All energy will sent via radiation at first by light etc to Earth and in time via Nyx that uses nanowormholes to bypass sections of space cutting down on the time to transport it from the sun to Earth to a few minutes or seconds with this also allowing energy from Dyson swarms across the universe to Earth and other colonies.Graphene in its matrix would protect them from debris and high temperatures due to its melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius and has a tensile strength of 130 gigapascals can allow them to survive the obit of the sun.Graphene and other nanomaterials from abundant elements and biosynth technology will allow for the first few thousand or most of the panels to be constructed on Earth and shipped to space to power picotech fabricators on Mercury and Earth alongside onsite fusion power plants.Graphene will be created on Mercury using picotech fabricators and of possible materials from asteroids with biosynth technology and microbes cultured in onsite factories on Mercury.Graphenes high melting point can allow for robots,automated machinery,factories and fusion power plants to exist on it.Material can be gained by mining asteroids and the Oort Cloud with all material used being hexagonal single atom allotropes that are the same as graphene,carbyne,schwarzites etc with fusion power created by Helium-3 from the sun and deuterium shipped there with once a sufficient amount of panels exist around the sun the swarm can charge picotech fabricators on Mercury to create deuterium etc and more material from picotech fabricators in a positive feedback loop with by 2045 onwards space travel and mining machinery being exponentially cheaper enough to make mining asteroids and the Oort Cloud viable enough to be better than Mercury.More advanced models will be made using picotech fabrication and the older ones collected via vessels or even them using aforementioned propulsion methods move slowly back to Mercury or orbiting vessels,recycled and replaced with the newer one at a time to prevent disruption in energy transfer.The swarm could charge the entire planet via Brontes global grid system that powers the entire world or specifically power picotech fabricators in homes,vertical farms and manufacturing hubs selectively while the rest of the world is powered by geothermal etc with the energy received by orbiting sattelites and also stations on the surface and moon that convert the energy into useable forms that can then be used to power these power hungry technologies in each region,continent etc with the Brontes system diverting the energy to where it is needed with fusion complimenting this and providing extra boosts.This will suffice until other new emerging technologies as time goes by since these should be availible by the year 2100 and the exponentional growth in AI and also powerful clean energy technologies should continue for another 5,037 years.Ideally Brontes will direct is energy to picotech fabricators and transporter technologies.Other stars across the universe could be turned into different types of stars including Type G ones to make existing planets or artificial ones created and ringworlds better suited and more Earth like and also increase energy output from dyson swarms.Nyx that uses nanowormholes managed by structures in space will be used to transport energy from all stars across the universe can be used to transport energy from these different dyson swarms,natural singularities to not only Earth thus exponentionally increasing the amount of energy at the planets disposal but also other colonies around the universe with dyson swarms and singularities in other solar systems that have no colonies have the energy sent to Earth,Mars,Venus etc quickly thus increasing the amount of energy availible on Earth,Mars,Venus etc with Nyx,Astraea and Steropes controlling the flow of energy across the galaxy from each star to each colony including Earth based on each ones demands.Helium-3 released by the solar winds of all stars in the galaxy will be transported to Earth via Nyx to ensure an abundant source of Helium-3 for fusion power for billions of years.Interstellar vessels and space station could collect energy from Nyx,miniature versions of this onboard or directly.Even if we could capture only 1% of the suns energy from these dyson swarms form the suns energy that equivalent to 4,000ZJ or 4YJ per year compared to our current energy use of roughly 0.5ZJ per year.The energy from the sun and other stars across the galaxy would using Nyx and radiation be received on Earth by receivers that are part of Brontes or linked satellites also used by solar arrays that would share the energy with each other and then distribute it to different parts of the global energy grid Brontes on Earth would be able to distribute the energy to all parts of the world evenly or where picotech fabricators are thus powering the entire world indefinitely with the same applied to other colonies.Energy collected from dyson swarms both from the sun and other stars can be transformed into exponentially fast wifi that can be connected to the global internet system that amplifies existing broadband and wifi.Measures will be made and researched to ensure that creation of wifi will not drain energy away from what is produced as it could be transported as both energy and wifi thus allowing for all of the energy harvested to be converted into wifi that will be still be useable as energy meaning no energy is lost in the creation of this exponentially fast wifi and vice versa thus amplifying existing graphene and borophene fibre optics.Solar arrays and their linked satellites could also be used.Steropes,Brontes,Hecate,Urania would decide how many satellites there should be and the best means of distributing the energy to all parts of Earth evenly without transmission loss ensuring all 4,000ZJ of energy are distributed across the manufacturing hubs,vertical farms and homes across the world.This would be determined via simulations done by Steropes,Brontes and Arges etc begging in 2029-2100.Once created on the sun picotech fabricators on Earth,space stations and also interstellar vessels and stations will be able to create those for the next star without mining other planets and also to deal with those that have no orbiting planets until all stars in the galaxy have dyson swarms created for them.As stated picotech fabrication could negate the need for mining planets as these planets could be used to receive and send more power to Earth etc and also act as space stations and scientific bases.These could transfer energy from one solar system to the next using Nyx and also power both Nyx and Erebus with the first around the sun taking about a decade to produce with the rest taking even less each.Nyx using a network of nanowormholes would allow energy from far away distant stars that also use stain swarms to be sent to Earth,Mars,Venus and other colonies across the galaxies within minutes or seconds with both Nyx and Steropes controlling the transfer of energy with these designed to use dyson swarms to collect at least 1-50% of the energy thus exponentially increasing the amount of energy availible to Earth and other colonies ie Mars,Venus and other terraformed worlds with both the sentient Nyx and Steropes managing this flow of energy to where it is needed with in time most if not all stars fitted with swarms to provide an endless supply of energy with the stars of other Class M colonised worlds and uninhabited systems have swarms with Nyx and Steropes transferring the flow energy to all colonies across the galaxy in controlled bursts to be stored in vast battery packs etc.Other star systems may have space station or artificial planets created via picotech fabricators and their versions of the Oort cloud meaning the stars could be covered with dyson swarms rather than spheres.All stars across the galaxy including our native one would use dyson swarms not spheres that collect 1-50% of the suns energy so as to allow the suns heat and light to reach Earth,other colonies with even uninhabited colonies that could house space stations and even artificial planets and ringworlds have dyson swarms as in time it may be possible to develop energy sources more powerful than dyson swarms or Dyson spheres.Dyson swarms will be created around our sun and all stars in the galaxy and eventually universe to allow the suns light and heat reach Earth,colonised planets and also megastructures such as ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs.Nyx will be used to transfer energy from dyson swarms across the galaxy and universe to be transported to Earth,Mars,Venus and all colonies across the universe to allow it to be shared evenly.If possible stars with no planets can have Dyson spheres only if they are not used to construct artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs.Even star types outside of type G stars of which our sun is can have swarms around them if they produce more energy,changed into type G or turned into other types that have higher yields of energy other than type G with research done into the most efficient type and also changing other star types into other types with even our sun.Brontes would ensure that the energy from dyson swarms,singularities and excess energy generated from all homes and power plants worldwide would be distributed only to energy intensive picotech fabricators and transporter technologies around the world while Ocenaus,all homes of all types,all manufacturing hubs etc will be charged by geothermal and renewables etc.Intensive research into dyson swarms will be done from 2045 onwards and them theoretically possible between 2100 – 2200

Black holes:
Black holes discovered across the galaxy will be used as an energy source both for interstellar vehicles and also colonies with stars that once they reach the end their lifespan with sufficient mass could be once they are turned into black hole will be then modified to collect energy from the newly formed black hole for trillions of years.Quantum singularities both naturally occurring and artificial would possibly meet energy demands for trillions of years.Singularities would meet our energy demands for trillions of years with them being either naturally forming ones or even those created artificially.Naturally occurring singularities can be used to generate energy for surrounding colonies with Nyx and other means transporting energy to Earth and other colonies and it can be turned into wifi.All discovered singularities ie black holes will also have structures built around them and their energy transported across the galaxy via Nyx.These would be fed asteroids and large amounts of material created by picotech fabricators to keep them going infinitely.They can be placed inside a pocket bubble universe or nearby dimension for safety reasons to be closer to Earth without affecting it.Energy collected from singularities can be transformed into exponentially fast wifi that can be connected to the global internet system that amplifies existing broadband and wifi.Measures will be made and researched to ensure that creation of wifi will not drain energy away from what is produced as it could be transported as both energy and wifi thus allowing for all of the energy harvested to be converted into wifi that will be still be useable as energy meaning no energy is lost in the creation of this exponentially fast wifi and vice versa thus amplifying existing graphene and borophene fibre optics.Brontes would ensure that the energy from dyson swarms,singularities etc and excess energy generated from all homes and power plants worldwide would be distributed only to energy intensive picotech fabricators and transporter technologies around the world while Ocenaus,all homes of all types,all manufacturing hubs etc will be charged by geothermal and renewables etc.The immense energy of geothermal energy will meet our planets needs for the next coming millions of years by which time Dyson swarms through intensive research will become a reality.

Graphene Paint:
Graphene paint can be painted on the roofs,exterior walls of buildings as well as on walls inside rooms that have large windows and lighting space during the day and corners for electronics to convert sunlight into electricity.It should be able to come in any colour and application for indoor and outdoor use and on electronics.Graphene sheets introduced into window panes which can generate electricity from the sun and accommodate built in television and computer screens.Graphene paint can make any surface it is put on 200 times stronger than steel and rust free forever and generate electricity.Quantum dot solar panels could also be introduced into existing(by replacing them) and new windows thus allowing each window to produce energy with many layers of this technology then used to increase the amount of electricity generated by each glass pane as quantum dot unlike graphene allows 100% of the light through with each graphene sheet absorbing roughly 2% of the light that passes through it.Thus graphene sheets should only be integrated when television screens and computer monitors are to be integrated into windows or be integrated into the side of the window that faces inside.They would also be done in areas with frequent storms and tornadoes due to them able to protect the glass from debris.Multiple sheets of quantum dot and see through thermo-piezoeletric materials can be sandwiched in between them to increase power output.Graphene paint and quantum dot technology could be of use for skyscrapers and vertical farms which could generate most of their power this way due to the large surface area with excess stored in batteries.This could also be applied to vehicles and electronics.These can also be applied to VAWT,HAWT,microturbines,wave generators to prevent rust and generate extra electricity.Research can be done to see if thermoelectric materials can be developed that cover a roof or other surfaces of a building to generate electricity from the suns heat in summer in temperate climates and all year round in hotter climates and warm tropical oceans either as floating slabs or applied to the bottom of wave piston generators.As stated earlier it may be possible to produce quantum dot technology integrated with see through thermo-piezoelctric materials that can be put in windows gaining electricity from the sunlight and the suns heat thus increasing the amount of electric energy from the two mediums.See through thermoelectric materials can be developed that generates electricity from the suns heat and artificial sources of heat to be integrated into windows of buildings,aeroplanes,cruise ships and electronics touchscreens with this possibly being biosynth technology based on microbes that utilise scratch and other DNA from plants,bacteria etc that allows heat energy to be converted into electrical energy but still allow it to be clear enough to see through and allow touchscreen technology enabled.By integrating quantum dot technology,graphene paint and see through thermoelectric materials into buildings it may lessen the need for solar farms to be built or solar panels on one roof especially in skyscrapers and other tall buildings in the middle east but can apply to all climates other areas that do not have much cloud cover.Quantum dot technology,see through thermoelectric materials and graphene paint could apply to all types of buildings such as public amenities,train stations,vertical farms,airports,factories,restaurants etc with entire towns and cities covered in these(ideally bright or white paints to negate the urban heat island effect)to generate extra electricity alleviating strain on the grid or making them entirely self sufficient and could also be applied to public transport such as mag lev trains,energy plants(geothermal,wind,tidal etc.)pavements,walkways and even concrete/steel/carbon composite roads,piers and bridges.Also vehicles such as land based ones,aeroplanes,ferries,cargo ships.It could also compliment solar panels in ones garden and the national grid.Any buildings with glass domes or roofs can have the glass replaced with quantum dot technology and the interior flooring,walls,statues and railings etc covered in graphene paint to further increase electricity generation.Quantum dot technology can also be integrated into both double and triple plyed windows to generate electricity and keep energy in the building with skyscrapers and other tall buildings redone done floor by floor by hand or advancements in humanoid robotics.Perovskite solar films that are under development can be tightly onto a roof over a layer of graphene paint.By integrating them and other technologies they could lead to self powering electronics and vehicles with research done into applying quantum dot technology onto graphene used in smart device screens such as e-newspapers and smartphones negating the for using glass that could easily shatter and limit the flexibility of the devices.In time see through graphene paint can be developed to apply to solar panels and windows or even electronics.Research must be done into a means of making quantum dot technology applicable to graphene sheets used in smart devices,televisions and e-newspapers negating the need for using glass which can be broken and limit the flexibility of electronics and even make them thick.

Summary of Solar Power:
Solar energy from conventional solar panels combined with wind should consist of at least 1% or less of the worlds energy supply as part of renewables with it consisting primarily of panels on the roofs of private and communal homes to charge Storedot Arges batteries with them also on energy intensive buildings like hospitals in areas affected by natural disasters and blackouts and also solar thermal power plants in deserts by major cities worldwide with them also viable in cooler climates using liquids with lower boiling points.It should also consist of solar thermal and solar air conditioning.Existing solar panel farms worldwide will be reforested with the panels sent to aforementioned buildings in the country of origin.Steropes,Urania and Hecate will spearhead research into improving their ability to absorb sunlight and also store energy with it estimated that if 0.01% of the energy released by the sun at high noon were captured it could power the world indefinitely with this possible by at least 2029-2045 by which time nanomaterials,biosynth technology and Storedot technology will increase the ability of solar panels to absorb the suns light and the efficiency and storage capacity of batteries with entire if used being community packs that store large amounts of excess energy taken into them to power entire towns,villages and cities 24/7 including during nighttime with each building housing batteries charged both by solar panels,VAWTs etc on their roof and also using geothermal heating,self charging electronics and vehicles etc with extra energy coming in from these battery packs that charge each home and building when their own battery is not charging them with Steropes,home and building AI
controlling the inflow of electricity from each one 24/7,365 days a year.Solar thermal power and also solar arrays and also dyson swarms should consist of the vast majority of solar power by the end of the century.This exponentional growth in efficiency will follow the same growth curve as Moores Law.It also estimated that only 4,856,227.7069 hectares of the United States of America or only 0.5% of the entire countries surface area would be required to power the entire country with further improvements lowering this substantially.Scaling this up to power the entire world it would require an area equivalent to 1.2% of the Sahara or 11,040,000 hectares and only 0.07% of the worlds total surface area with this involving that of the Sahara or on all deserts worldwide and also areas next to major cities.This would like be even less since as stated it would power Asia,Africa and Europe with America powered by 0.5% of their total surface area and South America powered by those present there as well.Any carbon dioxide released by their manufacture would be counteracted by the fact that machinery etc would be electric powered geothermal power and automated bioremediation programmes carries out by Pan.As stated though it should not be used in large scale power plants but only as a means to power homes and public buildings as supplemental power due to the fact that although to power the world it would take a small area of the worlds surface this land would be better off be reforested and the fact that it would need large amounts of batteries complicates things.Furthermore solar like wind is intermittent and does not provide energy at all times unlike more efficient energy sources such as geothermal power with it thus used only for small scale power sources.Ideally a global form of Mapdwell should be developed integrated into Steropes that allow one to use their current location in any part of the world whether it be in any village,town,city or even wilderness either by typing in their address or even using ones GPS location sent to a laptop from linked smart device to determine the amount of electricity they would generate in the best position based on climate and weather and the the angle of the sun.Thus solar should consist of solar panels on roofs of buildings feeding electricity directly into buildings with all existing solar farms recycled with those on roofs being composed of nanomaterials and Biosynth technology availible between 2029-2045 with them replaced with newer models by biosynths overtime.All solar farms worldwide in deserts and by cities should be recycled and the land reforested as a result of this.Large scale solar should consist of solar thermal power ideally floating ones that power cities etc by the coast and also in time solar arrays and dyson swarms.Any rare,expensive or environmentally damaging metals used in the construction of any type could be replaced with carbon nanotubes doped with plastic nanomaterials from genetically altered bacteria and other synthetic materials such as graphene with Silver and Copper for example replaced by graphene.Nanomaterials based on all other elements with the same hexagonal shape as graphene and biosynth technology will be investigated to improve efficiency and replace environmentally destructive rare earths.Existing panels will be recycled for rare earths and Copper and replaced by those that contain graphene and other nanomaterials from all 94 elements and also plastic nanomaterials doped in nanomaterials to be then placed on homes.Research will be done into replacing Silver,Copper and rare earths with these and other materials.Biosynth technology including neural tissues,chlorophyll and those that contain DNA from electrically generating bacteria and E.electricus its ability to generate and store energy can be applied to solar cells to again increase efficiency.Biosynth technology can also replace Cobalt,Copper and other elements.All of this would apply to Arges batteries.If possible biosynthetic plants can be created that have DNA from E.electricus,chemosynthetic and scratch DNA and also neural tissues from humans to convert sunlight and also use nutrients in the soil to convert them into useable electricity that double as ornmental plants with them able to intake carbon dioxide and use nutrients in the soil to do this at nighttime with this researched.Thus ideally all solar panels as part of solar farms worldwide will be first recycled for rare earths,Copper and other metals with future future solar being newer more efficient panels composed of nanomaterials,biosynthetic technology etc ontop of roofs of homes and other materials.By 2100-2200 picotechnology and quantum singularities etc should allow any rare earth etc to be create on a commercial scale without mining the earth that would create pollution and also cost energy.Solar arrays,dyson swarms etc should be the predominant form of solar when they become availible with them directed to wear ds primarily picotech fabricators etc when they become availible.

Both offshore and onland farms around the world would be recycled and reforested meaning existing land and sea based wind farms can be scrapped with the steel,rare earths etc recycled.This is due to the fact that HAWTs are inttermittant,obscure scenic areas,create hums that can be damaging to humans and many others.This will be done with advances in robotics as the areas they power will convert to geothermal power plants completely.Ideally in time with advances in robotics HAWTs worldwide will be replaced entirely with VAWTs on rooftops or next to buildings to store electricity since HAWTs have so many drawbacks with again the rare earth metals and steel recycled.This includes offshore windfarms being recycled to allow the rare earths and steel be recycled with the area powered by geothermal.Thus all existing onland and offshore wind farms worldwide will be dismantled and reforested.Large VAWTs could replace HAWTs in all existing offshore farms due to their being consistent winds and also the fact that VAWTs generate more electricity and dont require rare earths and their other advantages.Onland farms would be recycled and reforested.VAWTs should ideally be placed on roofs or spare lots unsuitable for growing food with them placed on roofs tightly packed together so as to allow them to increase electricity from each other.These like solar panels will be on the roofs of private and communal homes and important buildings like hospitals to charge batteries during blackouts.Wind will consist primarily of VAWTs that compliment solar panels both on roofs of homes and public buildings alongside thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and will alleviate strains on the geothermal grid and not be the grid with geothermal replacing all grids powered by HAWTs.Thus all onshore and offshore wind farms worldwide will be recycled.Thus all existing wind farms across the world both onshore and offshore will be recycled once taken down by automation restoring the natural beauty of the areas they are in to also harvest rare earths metals and Copper.

Vertical axis wind turbines:
Vertical axis wind turbines(VAWT) which have many advantages over Horizontal Axis wind turbines and will replace them completely by 2029-2045.These have some advantages over HAWTS
•They are omni-directional and do not need to track the wind.This makes them much more reliable due to their not requiring a complex mechanism and motors to yaw the rotor and pitch the blades.They do not change orientation to match the wind direction as HAWTs must do.This reduces the number of parts.Almost all VAWTs feature a direct drive (they require no gearbox between the rotor and the generator).This significantly reduces operating costs while increasing durability and reliability.
•The gearbox of a VAWT takes much less fatigue than that of a HAWT.Should it be required,replacement is less costly and simpler,as the gearbox is easily accessible at ground level.This means that a crane or other large equipment is not needed at the site,reducing cost and impact on the environment.This also allows for maintenance to be fully automated by robots and more easily done by those using it via instructions streamed to them.Motor and gearbox failures generally increase the operational and maintenance costs of HAWT wind farms both on and offshore with VAWTs not having this issue.
•VAWTs (4Navitas) can use a screw pile foundation,allowing a huge reduction in the carbon cost of an installation as well as a reduction in road transport of concrete during installation.They can be fully recycled at the end of the their life.
•VAWT wings of the Darrieus type have a constant chord and so are easier to manufacture than the blades of a HAWT,which have a much more complex shape and structure.
•VAWTs can be grouped more closely in wind farms or even in gardens and roofs,increasing the generated power per unit of land area.VAWTs can also be installed on a wind farm below the existing HAWTs;this will improve the efficiency (power output) of the existing farm including offshore ones and can be onshore of offshore ones.Research at Caltech has also shown that a carefully designed wind farm using VAWTs can have an output power ten times that of a HAWT wind farm of the same size as HAWTs grouped togerther actually produce less energy than if alone with VAWTs actually producing more the more they are packed together as air blocked by one speeds up the others around it.This can also be applied to offshore windfarms and those on roofs and gardens.Those that are housed in a cylindrical core can be stacked ontop of each other.Offshore VAWTs can be created that are on floating strut like structures held to the sea floor or are held to the ground like conventional offshore ones replacing them.Furthermore VAWTs can house multiple turbines per device.
•HAWTs require the use of expensive and environmentally destructive rare earth elements and also copper in their design increasing the construction cost through extraction,mining and refining whereas VAWTs do not.All parts of VAWTs can be composed of carbon composites,plastics and steel that are not environmentally destructive.
•VAWTS can be more easily made at home ranging from small microturbines for use on roofs of private and communal homes and those  and in a homes garden as garden feature to larger ones at the side of homes and large ones on roofs of communal homes.3D printing can play a huge role in the production of homemade VAWTs with others created onsite of Talos factories once ordered in.Small ones can be designed as seats or to hold water feature.They can be composed of steel,plastics and carbon composites.This would drastically reduce the environmental impact they have in construction costs with both large and small versions being homemade.
•VAWTs do not need to track the wind to produce energy as they are omnidirectional; any claimed inefficiencies are in fact cancelled out by the VAWT’s ability to take advantage of turbulent and gusty winds.Such winds are not harvested by HAWTs,and in fact cause accelerated fatigue for HAWTs.Thus VAWTs could more efficiently harvest wind energy from storms and hurricanes and by being made of light carbon composite metal materials such as graphene they can be more efficient at getting energy from gentle breezes and lower speeds that HAWTs cant catch and those from storms and hurricanes that would damage a HAWT.Ideally they would held into a block of concrete with carbon fibres by graphene bolts to keep them in place of hurricanes.Those in hurricane and storm prone zones would have the energy fed into community energy packs or other sets of Storedot biosynth batteries in homes to harvest and store as much energy as possible to power communities during and after them.
•VAWTs are reportedly much more efficient in turbulence,enabling rooftop and urban installations,and they turn at comparatively lower revolutions per minute,thus producing less vibration and noise.Most VAWT manufacturers quote noise levels of less than 40 dB at a distance of less than 20 ft/6m,while the few HAWT builders that offer such measurements often report 50 to 60 dB or more at much greater distances.Noise cancelling technology can be utilized to nullify any remaining sounds or hum produced by them.
•VAWTs are typically more compact and operate at lower elevations making them less visually intrusive.They can be covered in meta-materials in order to make them invisible.
•VAWTs are safer for both bats and birds with lower kill rates
The majority of the disadvantages associated with VAWT technology have been overcome by the use of modern composite materials and improvements in engineering and design.The blades of a VAWT were fatigue-prone due to the wide variation in applied forces during each rotation.This has been overcome by the use of modern composite materials and improvements in design; the use of aerodynamic wing tips causes the spreader wing connections to have a static load.The vertically oriented blades used in early models twisted and bent during each turn,causing them to crack.Over time,these blades broke apart,sometimes leading to catastrophic failure.VAWTs have in the past have proven less reliable than HAWTs.Modern designs of VAWTs have overcome many of the issues associated with early designs,however work remains to be done to perfect them.One of the major outstanding challenges facing vertical axis wind turbine technology is dynamic stall of the blades as the angle of attack varies rapidly.AI namely Hecate,Urania and Steropes can create designs etc that increase lifespan and efficiency and ease of construction.Winfarms of small turbines can through design up to ten times more energy.VAWTs should thus replace HAWTs with regards to energy generation from wind with the addition of them to existing HAWTs wind farms on land and at sea can increase the amount of energy harvested from these farms.Floating solar panels,wave energy generators and micro hyrdo turbines can also increase the energy output of existing wind farms.They can also be utilized at homes for a more efficient and less noisy and unsightly source of wind energy alongside homemade micro HAWTs put either next to a home or on a roof with liquid glass and graphene paint painted on to prevent rust and also generate extra energy particularly at sea based wind farms.Ideally micro turbines should be included on rooftops or next to ones home to cut down on wiring and any bird related deaths as well as allowing land that would be used for wind farms to be reforested and maintain their natural beauty as the electricity is fed directly into the home.Thus these systems will power homes and storedot biosynth batteries directly alongside thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and solar panels rather than using large windfarms.On rooftops of buildings 300-600 metres high both smaller and larger ones can be adopted as the winds are more consistent here than at sea level and can be part of rooftop gardens with even smaller ones being more effective here.This will consistent power when it is even not windy near ground.These can be on roofs,in gardens and variations of these can be on the sides of buildings on the walls.New floating turbines have been developed that go 304.8 – 609.6 metres and provide double the energy of VAWTs.Like HAWTs bird repellent technology,sensors for low flying aircraft and meta-materials that render them invisible can be utilized alongside noise cancelling technology.These would feed energy into batteries or for direct use.Certain models of vertical axis wind turbines such as those housed in cylindrical shaped housing can be stacked ontop of one another to further increase the amount of energy they produce.In time even the immense wind speeds of Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune etc can be harvested with VAWTs made of graphene and other materials without making the planet smaller.The energy would using Nyx and radiation be received on Earth by receivers that are part of Brontes or linked satellites also used by solar arrays that would share the energy with each other and then distribute it to different parts of the global energy grid Brontes on Earth would be able to distribute the energy to all parts of the world evenly or where picotech fabricators are thus powering the entire world indefinitely with the same applied to other colonies.

Summary of wind:
In 2007 the Department of Energy in America stated that if wind was fully harvested in just three states of the United States of America it could power the nation indefinitely.StoreDot biosynth batteries in homes and in windfarms can store excess energy taken in by them.Wind should consist primarily of VAWTs on roofs on buildings and next to homes to charge Arges batteries and thus should alongside solar consist of less than 1% due to the fact that it is intermittent,location dependant,unsightly and is nowhere near as reliable as geothermal with as stated it used only ontop of buildings such as homes or in gardens etc with these being VAWTs instead of HAWTs with all existing offshore and onshore wind farms worldwide recycled and the land reforested with the towns,villages and cities powered by them then powered by geothermal.

These can consist of tidal lagoon power plants shaped similar to hydroelectric plants to submerged bi-turbine towers shaped similar to wind turbines.Meta-materials that bend light could be used to make them invisible preventing from causing visual pollution in scenic areas.A permanent layer of liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to prevent damage from the seawaters salt and acids as well as build up of dirt.At least 34% of the United Kingdoms energy could come from tidal power alone.Unlike wind and solar tidal power is reliable and can function 24/7,365 days a year like wave power and thus should be used alongside wave power and smaller hydroelectric power in coastal areas.When combined with wave power and smaller hydroelectric power systems will produce the same or more power as a normal hydroelectric power plant.It should consist of 10% of global power supply alongside ocean current,wave an tidal power and be complimented by geothermal with all cities and towns worldwide utilising this with if need be systems being underwater.

Just as wind farms gain energy from the wind,ocean currents could generate electricity with underwater wind turbines that use energy powered by the movement of both the oceans currents and tidal currents underwater.They could also gain energy from currents in rivers adding to energy coming from micro-turbines wave power and also tidal power plants.This could theoretically provide power for both coastal cities and charging stations/sea hospitals and farms and underwater communities.Again they would be coated with liquid glass to protect from salty water,low pH and build up of dirt.These could possibly generate energy if on the beds of rivers.The worlds ocean currents could theoretically meet the worlds energy needs 3,000 times over.A permanent layer of liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to prevent damage from the seawaters salt and acids as well as build up of dirt.This energy source can function 24/7,365 days a year.These could power underwater cities if by the coast and also power coastal cities and also those by oil rigs converted into could be by esturies by the mouths of rivers.Alongside tidal,small hydro electric and wave power it should consist of at least 10% of the worlds energy supply and be complimented by geothermal.All cities around the world should use this with them built into the coast in rock formations modelled after the natural shape to be invisible with meta-materials also used.

Many forms of harvesting wave energy exist and the benefit of this technology is that it can work 24/7,365 days a year.These forms include Voith Wells turbines that use air created by wave motions,racks and rake wheel designs can be integrated into oil rigs with large VAWTs ontop of them.Oyster and pontoon and other piston powered generators can be utilized to power towns and cities by the sea and wave generators located farther out to sea.Oyster wave power designs can generate 2.5MW of electricity from one device enough to power 2,500 homes all year by pumping pressurized water onshore to power a conventional hydropower turbine.Terminator wing shaped wave technology turbines could theoretically get 99% of a waves energy rather than the standard 50% of current models.All types of these and other designs could be combined with with tidal power stations located by the coast,offshore wind and solar farms thus increasing energy yields for nearby coastal towns and cities.

Anaconda wave generators could theoretically in farm of just twenty devices could generate at least 20MW and be invisible since they reside under the surface of the water.Wave generators could be utilized in offshore charging stations for cruise ships,ferries and sea based airports.Again meta-materials that bend light could make them invisible to preserve coastal beauty.A permanent layer of liquid glass can be sprayed onto them to prevent damage from the seawaters salt and acids as well as build up of dirt.

Piston buoys neat coastal areas where sharks are a native species especially those like the Great White that attack humans could form a chain enclosing a large section of the beach for swimmers to roam free extending to a large area out to deep ocean with radar detecting the specific signature of sharks and alerting the mainland.In areas that have sharks they would also be fitted with magnets designed to repel sharks preventing them from entering this enclosed area while generating large amounts of electricity and staying out of view to public by enclosing a wide area for the public to safely swim in.

Floating wave energy technologies can be fitted with atmospheric and ocean water sensors that measure environmental conditions and could generate energy during storms and hurricanes both in the deep sea or by the coast.Wave carpet technology involves placing carpet like structures on the sea floor near the coast where the wave motions cause it to pump water into a building and convert into energy.Since wave energy is dense and works 24/7,365 days a year it has been calculated that just one square metre can provide power for two households.Floating piston buoys on the surface can provide extra energy.If the carpet is composed of thermoelectric materials it could gain energy from the heat of the ocean during summer and from warmer ocean currents during winter months.

Like tidal power this energy source can function 24/7,365 days a year and can be grouped together with tidal power stations and smaller hydroelectric power to increase energy output.To improve energy yields all types of wave energy generation methods can be mixed together and with tidal power plants and smaller hydroelectric power plants making coastal towns and cities self sufficient.It is estimated that wave power has a global potential of up to 80,000 TW hours a year meanins it could supply 50% of the worlds energy alone.This is according to a 2007 report by International Energy Agency titled “Ocean-Potential”.All towns,villages and cities by the sea will utilise different types to alleviate strains on geothermal with them also using tidal and if rivers are present use different types of microhydropower to ensure abundance alongside geothermal.All islands around the world will use it as their main power source as well as all costal towns,villages and cities around the world such as New York,Los Angela’s,London etc with oil rigs turned into hotels and floating cities powered by it.Underwater communities would have pistons on the surface that are connected to them.Each site that used it will undergoe environmental studies to determine their effect on the environment and local sea fauna with any animals potentially effected by them undergoing genetic engineering to be unaffected using scratch DNA from Phanes with since geothermal will be able to meet the worlds energy needs for geological timescales this energy source will be used in areas where it has little to zero environmental effect in order to provide further abundance and alleviate strains on the geothermal grid to extend its lifespan.Thermoelectric material covered pipes can be connected to all types of pistons that dig deep into the mantle that then increase their energy output exponentially.Research can be done into which is the best type for each area with Steropes doing this with him also determining the best mixture of each type.Alongside tidal power,ocean current generators and small hydroelectric power it would consist of at least 10% of the worlds energy supply and be complimented by geothermal with all towns and cities worldwide by the ocean using this.They can also have thermoelectric materials built int them to turn heat from the sun and warm oceans particularly in the tropics into extra electricity.Wave carpet systems will utilise these.

Demolition of Hydeoelectric power plants:
Existing hydropower stations in the form of dams are unsightly and cause many environmental problems such as blocking the passage of both fish and alluvial soils downstream as well as cause flooding in the area behind the dam and lead the area downstream to be dried up with the area upstream having a build up of heavy metals and alluvial.These factors can allow land downstream to be starved of both water and alluvial deposits thus resulting in soil erosion and arable land becoming infertile.However efforts have been made particularly in the west in dismantling hydroelectric plants which can alleviate the problems associated with them and in time over the coming decades all remaining hydroelectric plants around the world will inevitably be decommissioned and dismantled and replaced by geothermal and other power plants as well as other forms of hydropower.For large dams near large cities micro tunnelling pipelay technology and crossrail borers can be used to create artificial canal or underground tunnel diversions in the river upstream of the dam into sections of the river or the sea past the urbanised area or nearby rivers and streams(similar to coronary bypass surgery) with the tunnelling beginning from both sides and when the river upstream is drained out the dam can be dismantled by automated machinery and once this is done the canal can be sealed upstream and refilled with the same soil removed from it once the dam has been dismantled.This will be done to prevent floods in the cities when the dam is being dismantled or if unknown accidents occur as the water will drain into the river below them and out to sea with if need be to prevent the river being drained completely in the city or village them small pipes can dump some of the water in the main body of water bit by bit controlled by switch/lock mechanisms and AI especially if drones and cameras overlooking all parts of the river are linked together with AI determining the best route,location and length of these canals for each project by 2021-2029.This will allow the water to flow out in controlled bursts managed by AI thus preventing the river downstream flooding too much or drying up the lower parts of the river.These canals will ideally be simple canals that can be refilled at the top once the dam is demolished to dry out and the resoiled,underground canals that can again be refilled at the start and refilled with soil or even slanted metal or foamcrete pipes cored underground using robotics allowing the water to flow downwards and when the dam is demolished will allow them to be capped at the top preventing water flowing down and thus let the last of the water flow down into the lower parts of the river in one last go and then be dug up and the land it took up resoiled with tunneling overlay piping and miniature boring robots used.In other cases those in the wilderness can have multiple pipes bored in the foot of the dam with a shutter system to allow water to pass through and empty out the upstream area in controlled bursts.In all cases once the water upstream area has subsided and surrounding area dried up and the has river retaken its natural shape it can be replanted using automated tree planters and drone seed planters to prevent human casualties and through graphene foundations a sizeable border around the river can be made to ensure the soil stays in place and does not cave in.Rivers that has it and its tributaries that has multiple dams as seen in Euphrates and Tigris rivers will have the dam nearest to the ocean demolished first and then the ones above that with simulations and AI namely Steropes and Perses determining the best measures to do this with if need be them demolished at once or one by one in a preprgorammes manner.Starting with the lowest lying dams will gradually increase the volume of the lower parts of the rather than doing the opposite at the upper parts which may overwhelm the dams upstream thus leading to more floodding of human settlements with Steropes and Perses managing the order in which they are demolished using simulations in the case of these and other rivers that have more than one dam in them.Desalinisation plants can using underground pipes transport water upstream to cities along these and other rivers to feed the cities and towns by them thus alleviating strains on human activity as the treated water can bee pumped into the upper part of the river increasing its volume and also returning to the ocean when used with this feeding or replacing most water treatment plants into larger distribution plants that are underground with AI determining its location and which treatment plants will be converted into communal homes,how much water is taken from the ocean and what areas are fed water from the ocean with these powered by geothermal power ideally thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and the desalinisation plants will use graphene to cut energy use by 95-99%.Reducing carbon dioxide levels back to pre-industrial levels of 280ppm will increase rainfall with the desalinisation plants controlled by AI alleviating strains on river with as detailed earlier and later methods developed to reduce water use by 90-95% not just here but worldwide.Theoi Meteroi will once it gains control of the weather will ensure stable rainfall in over stressed areas of the world.Picotech fabricators as detailed earlier will be able to supply these areas with large volumes of water all year long in a looped cycle.Moss,lichens,liverwarts,hornwarts,grasses,bushes and other native flora including trees can be reintroduced in the river banks,rocks and area surrounding the river that had previously been flooded by volunteers and ideally drones and robots over time with soil compacted in by machinery created in factories with the original shape and width of the river recreated by adding soil and graphene scaffolding.Plant matter in the formerly flooded area will be removed and all concrete,steel and wiring recycled alongside the pylons.Boulders can be placed on the sides of the rivers alongside soil created in factories that mixes biochar organic matter and algae together that is then compacted into the ground into a more natural sloped shape.Whole sections of alluvial deposits that are stuck and deposited on the upper part of the river will be dug up and then stored onland to be slowly re added into the river bit by bit to ensure its deposited in a natural way downstream when the river returns to its normal size with it done slowly to ensure that the rivers dont become clogged with it or this alluvial can be deposited evenly across the low levels of the river.This may even be used to create the original shape of the river.Any rare fish species that live in these rivers can be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems before being reintroduced when the dam has been removed.Decommissioning of hydroelectric plants and reclamation projects may eventually become fully automated from start to finish by 2029 and all material recycled with all towns,cities and villages powered by them switched to geothermal before decommissioning begins to ensure their is no disruption in their access to electricity.Rivers or tributaries with multiple dams on them will have them demolished one by by one ideally starting with those on the lowest parts of the river nearest to the ocean.AI namely Perses and Steropes etc by this point will determine the best measures using simulations to so without causing accidents or flooding towns and cities downhill or even upstream that may have built up along the lake created by them with it creating measures for each individual dam worldwide.AI and automation should be advanced by 2029 to allow for all work to be done without injuries,fatalities,accidents onsite or downstream and also to prevent corners being cut with them arranged by proto and final Perses.Each power plant and the area downstream all the way to the ocean will be analysed by drones and simulations to determine the safest way to do so for each one to limit environmental damage and damage to all towns and cities down below.All concrete and wiring etc will be recycled for other uses.Drones and members of the public will film the entire decommissioning of all dams and restoration of the flooded areas worldwide and upload these to the Perses YouTube channel for historical purposes both using day to day logs and also timelapse stored in separate folders with AI doing both timeplapse and normal day to day recordings.Areas upstream and downstream will also be recorded.Any buildings next to these can become homes or if possible sides of the plant on land and also extensions over the water of rivers above the water can remain to become areas to house rooms and suites that would gain energy from microhydro turbines dotted along the river.This will be charted in Restoration Nation with the videos used in these episodes.All known roughly 57,000 hydroelectric dams worldwide will be decommissioned and demolished by the mid to late 21st century roughly 2045-2060 if done at once and all towns and cities around them will be powered by geothermal with the geothermal power plants set up on the outskirts of these towns and cities and them set up prior to decommisiioning and demolition to prevent interruptions in electrical supply.This includes The Three Gorges Dam,Hoover Dam,Inguri Dam,Tehri Dam,Ardnacrusha power station,Kielder Reservoir etc.All future proposed dam projects worldwide will also be cancelled and any part created already demolished.All concrete,steel and wiring etc as part of them will be recycled.This is because they disrupt the flow of water and thus flood the areas above them,prevent the proper flow of alluvial deposits,block fish migrations,starve lower areas of much need water as seen by Iraq being starved by water due to the hundreds of dams in Syria,Iran etc which alongside ISIS and American occupation is destabilising the country even further.All areas that use hydroelectric power plants will use not just geothermal but also more efficient miniaturised versions of hydropower developed by Steropes and Pan that dont affect the flow of water,wildlife and scenery.Ideally all hydroelectric plants will be left as they are until 2029 to allow for automation and AI to be sufficiently advanced to the point that Perses,Pan and Steropes would be able to plan and carry out all steps in the demolition and reclamation from start to finish to ensure no accidents to occur with it also.Exceptions may be in extreme cases like the Euphrates and Tigris rivers whose dozens of plants are starving cities in Iraq that are already suffering conflicts that it is exacerbating with these organised by local or international government agencies with them all done with all countermeasures put in place to prevent flooding cities below them with geothermal plants set up prior to demolition to prevent an interruption in the supply of electricity.The demolition of all dams worldwide will be filmed for historical purposes by AI,local media entities and even volunteers and uploaded to a single YouTube channel for Perses so as to allow Perses to them transfer them to its YouTube channel in full with all previous dam demolitions on YouTube also transferred to this channel.The restoration of land submerged by water and also starved of water will also be carried in all cases and them filmed as well in the same long video that may be several hours long.Drones can be used for filming these.If possible these can be made into documentaries as part of a universal global similar to Restoration Nation the follows its universal template as detailed earlier for episodes on each dam that focuses on the history of the dam,planning of the demolition,interviews with locales and historians as well as workers there,its demolition,restoration of the land including timelapse and normal rate of flow demolition of them and the reconstruction of the submerged land and all parts of the river and all ceramonies with locales creating them and it stored in Dionysus to ensure the history and demolition of all dams are charted for historical purposes.If possible it may be part of Restoration Nation.This demolishing of all existing dams worldwide will be done in order to return each river to their natural state and reverse environmental damage with these areas powered by hydroelectricity in the future powered by geothermal etc with all future proposed projects cancelled and replaced by geothermal.

Flood Tunnels:
Flood tunnels as detailed later on under areas prone to flooding,hurricanes,monsoons and tsunamais can be dotted with graphene turbines that use flood and tsunamai waters to generate electricity to be stored in batteries for as much as can be theoretically possible to alleviate strains from the grid.These should be the communal battery packs in areas that suffer from floods and tsunamais with internal desalinisation and water treatment plants to provide fresh drinking water to alleviate strains on local water bodies.These will not only generate large amounts of electricity by diverting water into tunnels to do this but as stated provide large amounts of water to be used for drinking that would return to the ocean but also slow the encroachment of tsunamais and severity of floods from monsoons,storms,hurricanes etc thus preventing civilian deaths and damage to property.In the case of tsunamais AI namely Prometheus,Steropes etc will determine where tsunmais can and have occured by analysing soil samples near ocean cities and towns as well as via using the location of the faults of the Earths crust and volcanoes including those on islands determine where strong earthquakes could displace water and cause one or cause underwater landslides or landslides and energy released from eruptions that would cause and using historical records as well robots scanning the ocean floor for faults and areas prone to landslides.After using this data he will determine where future tsunamais are likely to hit to place warning systems in the ocean and drones or cameras on buyos by the coast of island and coastal volcanoes to allow eruptions to be determined and thus where they will cause them in the future and see them as they occur.This will allow him to set retractable sea walls in possible affected areas that rise when tsunamai warning system from buyos in key areas of the ocean warn them of an approaching tsunamai with Prometheus using all of this information and readings from warning buyos etc to determine the exact probable locations affected thus allowing him to warn all affected areas giving humans time to reach higher land with it also activating retractable tsunamai walls in the affected areas that hold the water back on the same principle as hydroelectric dams and that have retractable openings to the tunnels underneath them forcing the water to drain into them where they will turn turbines that charge batteries and collect to be treated in internal desalinisation plants and then used as drinkeable water to alleviate strain on rivers and eventually return in controlled amounts to oceans with the tunnels depth and size determined by AI going inland and deep as much as possible based on the highest wave size with the walls the retracting and tunnel entrances closing with this as stated also decreasing the level of water encroaching into cities and towns thus saving countless lives in the process by giving people extra time to move inland and also to higher ground and roofs of buildings with the energy created stored in community packs and alleviating strains on the grid.All areas potentially affected by them will be fitted with hyperloop systems to bring people instantly inland.Even islands as detailed earlier on can be fitted with these.This will provide and generate large amounts of drinkable water to alleviate strain on rivers,generate large amounts of electricity stored in communal batteries and decrease the level of water encroaching into cities and towns.Measure can be developed that are able to absorb the energy from volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in all major faults worldwide including underwater ones that absorb the shockwaves that can not only be stored as useable energy but also reduce or eliminate the intensity of tsunamais and eruptions.Beaches and islands as detailed earlier will house not just entrances to these tunnels built into the beach ergonomically but also access to hyperloop trains that allow to escape to areas further inland and the mainland.With regards to areas affected by monsoons,hurricanes,floods and heavy rains these tunnels will be underneath all affected towns and cities determined by based on historical data with the entrances consisting of small circular opening covered in gratings that open up when the rains arrive and intaking large amounts of water that turn turbines generating electricity that is stored in community packs.Like those in tsunamai affected areas each hole would lead to a slanted tunnel that has multiple turbines that generates electricity stored in community battery packs that can supply electricity during and after the disaster with these ideally underground and store the highest amount of water determined by AI.The water will be collected in a large area that has more turbines and is structured like a dam to hold water back or be slanted at several points containing multiple turbines and the water then collected and treated to become drinkable water for the area alleviating strains on rivers and then them returned to the ocean again once used.This will again provide and generate large amounts of drinkable water to alleviate strain on rivers,generate large amounts of electricity stored in communal batteries and decrease the level of water flooding into cities and towns.The water will be again used for drinking and agriculture etc once treated with the tunnels size determined by AI.Since unlike tsunamais the rains will last for long periods water treatment plants and storage areas upstream will extract large amounts of water and store it for later use to allow the tunnels to be refilled again with this as stated not only generating electricity and water to alleviate strains on rivers but also lessen the intensity of flooding caused by monsoons and hurricanes and heavy rains with forest,jungles and areas fed by the heavy rains will be watered using aeroplanes and underground pipes connected to these storage treatment plants that will be underground once drunk with Tyche and other AI managing the treatment,distribution and return of all water collected from rains and tsunamais efficiently to prevent flooding,civilian causalities.Wilderness if negatively effected by this drainage that starves them of water may have the water redirected to them to be be flooded during the year in short bursts at night time with the public relayed as to when this happens with AI managing this.Wilderness areas that require flood waters to survive will have the water released into them in continuous short bursts during the year using irrigation systems,aeroplanes and also other methods that can have the areas fed continuously through the year with minor floods to prevent them starved.It can be done in a way that wilderness areas are flooded but human settlements including rural homes etc are not flooded.The water will be released continuously throughout the year in lakes,rivers and ideally wilderness areas to fill groundwater supplies and keep wilderness areas,lakes,rovers and groundwater supplies have stable levels of water all year long especially during especially drier months preventing droughts.Wilderness areas may be applied with the water to allow groundwater levels be replenished and lakes,rivers kept at stable levels all year long with AI namely Pan,Theoi Meteroi etc devising methods to do this and both managing and monitoring it all year every year through automated measures.All plants can be innoculated with microbes that pass on oligotrophic,Firmicutesand Xerophile DNA added by CRISPR that pass on through advanced gene drive technology by biosynth Arthropods injected into them.Newly reforested plants can have this DNA in them.

Microdams and micro hydro turbines :
To replace hydroelectric plants we can utilise more environmentally friendly designed micro dams that do not disrupt the flow of fish and alluvial and  dont cause flooding of upstream which can also be integrated into in canals or river extensions built for there construction with a permanent hydrophobic and anti-dirt layer of liquid glass preventing the build up of dirt and thus clogging with special holes or areas built into them to allow fish to escape without being damaged with the actual turbines block off from small fish by gratings.These can be at any point of small rivers and streams from the early stage rapids,middle stage and gentle streams of the elderly river underwater and also forming bridges and would be designed to increase energy output while still not flooding the area and affecting fish by using gratings that diverting them to underwater pipes large enough to allow them to move through on both sides etc.The microdams can be fitted with graphene sheets and other porous material that collect pollutants to clean the river up at the same time as generating electricity with the canals and main parts of the river housing them have gratings that allow only water to flow through and prevent fish passing through meaning they would have to go through the part of the river or canal not housing these microdams.These can be done in all rivers worldwide.

Other types of microdams involve creating a small diversion of a sloped river and channelling it through pipes where a single microtubine in a small shed can generate electricity and return it to the later stage of the river.Smaller microturbines can be positioned along this piping and/or the water passes through multiple sheds each containing a turbine to further increase the amount of energy produced and the exterior can be coated in both graphene paint and sheets to further increase the amount of energy produced and prevent corrosion with a permanent layer of liquid glass over this.Graphene can be built into the pipings matrix to increase its strength.These would require gratings at the entrance of the pipe to prevent small fish entering and being killed by the turbines and causing clogs with the grating,the turbines and all parts of the piping interior sprayed with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent clogging and stains under graphene paint to present rust and corrosion.The turbine can be composed of carbon composites like graphene to possibly generate more electricity since it is extremely light but also its strength will allow it break down debris and resist damage.

Others would be vortex and Archimedes screw models and circular wheels which can be used in small diversions in a canal or river with a single canal or river having multiple ones of these.These can generate electricity 24/7 except when the rivers freeze and will not kill fish or affect migrations.Each canal diversion can have both an Archimedes screw and also vortex or multiple vortexes to increase power output.These can be done in all rivers worldwide with each one generating enough electricity for 60 homes.

Also there are microturbines which are contained in miniature compartments that can be dotted along any rivers and canals around the world providing power from the rapids of the young stage or the gentle flow of the later stage of the river as well as in canals,river extensions and in the bottom of lake.They should be on the bottom or the top of a rivers water whichever produces the most electricity.A permanent layer of liquid glass can be sprayed onto all external and internal components of  them to prevent damage from water as well as build up of dirt on the grating,piping and turbines.Again turbines can be composed of graphene or other carbon composites to possibly generate more electricity and resist damage from debris.These two power generation methods can provide much more sustainable and environmentally friendly source of power to homes,towns and cities directly from their nearby river such as the Thames,Hudson,Mississippi,Ganges,Amazon,Barrow,Nile etc. right next to them without the need for building dams and unlike dams as stated above any river or stream in the world can use all three methods for harvesting energy at different points of them.As stated earlier these would replace all of the world remaining dams that should be decomissioned.Each microturbine would contain sensors and small computers which monitor how much energy they are producing as well as whether they are clogged or not.Homes next to rivers especially abandoned ones that are renovated into communal and private homes alongside VAWTs to alleviate strains on the grid.To prevent clogging and small fish swimming through they could be covered at each end the water flows through with a grating and as stated earlier both the grating and the turbines could be coated with a hydrophobic anti-dirt coating as well as all of the interior and exterior.They should be ideally be submerged underwater to prevent them being visible from above water to prevent them being an eyesore with them arranged in a line and the grating used to hold them into place converted into a bridge across the river.Each unit will connect to nearby sheds containing computers that intake and transfer the electricity to the main one next to any towns,village and cities as part of the river with there being turbines dotted at each stage of  the river and their being sheds connected to two or more units to transfer their power downstream.AI will determine where to place them underwater or over water to increase electrical output with these complimenting those in sheds using diverted water in pipes.These can be done in all rivers worldwide as it does not require the river to be dammed and can be along all parts.

Summary of hydro power:
To increase the amount of energy a river produces all of these aforementioned types of run of river microhydropower generators such as sheds,vortexes,Archimedes screws,microhydropower turbines can be placed along a river multiple times and even together with them applied to all rivers of all sizes worldwide with tidal and wave power generators at the mouth of the river to increase the amount of energy produced.Thus each river worldwide should have each of these systems at different points of it to increase the amount of energy produced with this and having tidal and wave power systems at the mouth of the river should make the vast majority of homes self sufficient and also alleviate strains on nearby geothermal power systems.Doing this should theoretically produce the same amount as a normal hydroelectric dam and provide electricity 24/7,365 days a year to rural communities and isolated communities away from the national grid.All of these would generate electricity in all rivers and canals across the world of any size without harming fish provided they are covered with gratings,flooding land,affecting alluvial and also allow all of the worlds hydroelectric dams worldwide to be decommissioned and the land reforested.These can be done in all rivers worldwide including in place of decommissioned hydroelectric dams with them painted,covered in moss and other native plants on purpose to blend into the natural environment or using meta-materials will make them invisible.Buildings,pipes and sheds present would be either underground or covered in moss and dirt etc for the same reason.As stated this if all types or run of river hydropower are combined together alongside tidal power and wave pistons at the mouth of the river will provide the same amount or more power as a hydroelectric dam especially in areas where dams are decommissioned around the world to compansate for their loss with extra power coming form solar,VAWTs etc on home roofs and if need be geothermal.The power gained would not damage fish migrations,flood the area and also prevent alluvial going downstream,work with the natural shapes of the environment and could be applied to rivers where large hydroelectric power plants are not feasible.All parts of these systems could be underground including piping,buildings,canals to obscure them and possibly use steeper systems that generate more electricity and have certain parts that pop out consisting of those that replicate the natural shape of cliffs,rivers etc with the building underground and accessed by a stairway built into the ground where the receptionist,AI and statue is present inside the building at the uppermost point of the river with again each river having multiple of each type of system in each section at each part of the river.The use of underground systems would allow for the river to be diverted through rock and cliff faces and other natural formations housing more vortexes,screws and turbines and then meet back with the river with it allowing for slopes to be created where none are possible on the surface thus increasing the amount of electricity generated and not causing unsightly damage to the scenery.Rivers prone to flooding could have these and deep slopes at multiple parts to lessen flooding intensities especially those where hurricanes frequent.Pylons will be replaced by underground tunnels that transport the electricity with any land dug up will be resoiled and reforested with native plants and even boulders put back in place.These systems will be able to be done in all rivers worldwide at all part and can be done to alleviate strains on geothermal grids and will not intterupt the flow of fish,water and alluvial if designed and managed correctly by Steropes and Pan thus when combined on each river will be able to provide energy to the area comparable to or better than a normal hydroelectricity plant especially when combined with wave,tidal and ocean current power.Steropes and Pan by 2029 onwards will decide the layout of each hydroelectric systems utilised together as part of each river worldwide alongside to increase the amount of electricity gained without damaging the environment and scenary and disrupting the flow of fish,alluvial and water with as stated them modified to fit into the natural scenery or them underground.All part of them should ideally be coated with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent dirt,acid affecting their functioning and causing clogs with turbines etc composed of graphene and other carbon composites due to their strength against wear and tear but also because they are lighter and could theoretically generate more electricity.All parts including buildings,piping,canals etc should be underground to prevent it affecting the sceneary and also divert underneath obstructions.

Thus by 2045-2060 all hydroelectric power plants worldwide will be decommisioned and replaced by either geothermal and a combination of microdams,microturbines,Archimedes screws etc.Run of river hydropower in all its forms will replace hydroelectric dams once all 57,000 hydroelectric dams worldwides are demolished.They do not block water,fish migrations up and down the stream and dont block alluvial deposits too and combined together can replace normal hydroelectric dams by generating the same amount of electricity in all rivers including those that cant have them with each rivers system designed by Pan and Steropes to limit damage to the environment.Geothermal power will compliment them to ensure energy abundance.Alongside tidal and wave power and also energy from ocean currents these should consist of at least 10% of the worlds energy supply as part of renewables and run of river hydropower should be complimented by geothermal with all cities and towns by rivers powered by them.All areas of the world powered by hydroelectric dams will be converted to geothermal and then have the hydroelectric power plants decommissioned to prevent disruption of electricity with smaller forms of hydroelectricity will be utilised alongside geothermal to alleviate strains in the grid and only used to act as extra sources that alleviate strains in the grid.

Ideally biomass should consist of home heaters as part of private and communal homes and also fires in homes with miniaturised versions of biomass power plants in private and communal homes for heating and supplementary electricity generation.All biomass power plants will be converted into geothermal power plants.These home systems in private and communal homes will provide heating,air conditioning and if possible generate electricity using micro turbines similar to micro-gas turbines and thermoelectric materials.The Bambusoideae and C.sativa as well as flour from bacteria could also be grown in home or community forest gardens to provide a person with their own supply of fuel for home biomass generators or on the sides of streets and in parks with them undergoing extensive engineering to increase growth rates.This includes capnophillic DNA and those from Castanea dentata,xerophiles,oligotrophs and also those from E.Coli,C.perfringens,Sequoia sempervirens using DNA from this and have DNA from Paulownia tomentosa to increase growth rates to cater to the needs of the plants with Dendrocalamus giganteus used as a baseline with it and C.sativa etc using all of these sources of recombinant DNA to allow them to grow very tall and quickly and sequester all carbon dioxide.Flour or fibrous material created by genetically engineered bacteria can be compressed into logs onsite and then burned.Ideally fast growing Bambusoideae should be used alongside bacteria that produce flour or fibrous material similar to wood which is compressed into eco logs or peat like material onsite by automated machinery at home can be researched as a fuel with all plants used for home generators being grown at home in ones garden or hydroponic systems.In home systems instead of using eco logs and wood etc one could grow their own patches of engineered fast and tall growing Bambusoideae at home in their garden and then harvest a whole year or mores worth of Bambusoideae wood to be be burned making it carbon neutral with this also used for kindling.Thus by growing it at home in gardens and on the roof of communal homes etc one would be self sufficient with wood indefinitely and would save time and energy in harvesting and transportation of wood and would allow forests used for this to be turned to woodland indefinitely and would make it carbon neutral with it done primarily for rural homes that still have fireplaces and biomass generators.The plants would enrich the soil for home farms with as stated one would grow a year or even more supply in ones garden in rural areas or on roofs and in parks of communal and private homes in cities with parks especially large ones growing a years supply for all buildings that do so in the city with each person having a plot for their own homes in these parks marked by signs with these plants in gardens and parks etc undergoing the same engineering as those in biochar programme to make them as dense and tall as possible and grow as fast as possible and in all types of soils and climates with them having the self propagation phenotype.Community farms in cities can also grow this inbetween plants and in rotation to enrich the soil and provide an abundant supply alongside parks with the plants also grown in hydroponic systems in home and vertical farms that intake carbon dioxide equivalent to the amount released when burned to feed them.The wood will be stored in storerooms with geothermal driers removing all moisture to make them longer lasting.All machinery to turn it into chippings,kindling,starter logs and also peat etc would be onsite of home and in the case of rural areas onsite of community centres to be used by the entire community.These Bambusoideae and other plants can contain capnophillic DNA and those from C.dentata,xerophiles,oligotrophs,T.gammatolerans and also those from E.Coli,C.perfringens,S.sempervirens using DNA from this and have DNA from P.tomentosa and C.sativa to grow very quickly faster than the normal 2-3 year waiting period.This should also have DNA from plants native to the area and extremophiles to grow in all soils and climates with DNA from or D.giganteus used as a baseline as it grows very tall alongside that from fast growing trees and the tallest trees.This will likely only be in rural areas in areas with large gardens or these can be grown on the roofs of communal homes and in community gardens,community centres,by the side of roads in hydroponic systems using artificial trees and parks with them stored in sheds etc during the year.This growing of Bambusoideae and flour from bacteria at home for both biomass generators in the home as well as fireplaces in ones own sitting room will make people self sufficient in terms of wood as the Bambusoideae can be used as firewood and also kindling with homeowners having specialised miniaturised tree cutting robots,KUKA robots that have chainsaws on them that only work when humans are a set distance from them and stands used by humans to reach highest part of the canopy to cut it with an axe,or chainsaw to cut down the Bambusoideae without injury and semi automated machinery to cut it into logs,pellets and kindling of various sizes and dry them to remove moisture and drive its moisture content down to improve efficiency.Other parts of the machinery would hold onto the upper part of the plant to prevent it falling downwards.This can be used as kindling,peat and eco logs once shredders and semi automated machinery at home shred it into chippings that with semi automated machinery at home that can turned this shredded material mixed in with flour and fibrous material from bacteria grown at home into peat like material and kindling via compressing it using semi automated machinery.Kindling and log pieces would be created at home via miniature automated systems that allow one to cut their own wood with little labour into kindling.Starter logs and material that are highly flammable and used to start kindling could be homemade using waxes,flour,fibrous material created by bacteria and shredders at home including Bambusoideae and wood grown at home shredded by home miniaturised machinery that can be compressed at home using semi automated machinery to form fire lighting logs and cubes once mixed in with oil,fat,grease and waxes created by bacteria at home.Otherwise they will like eco logs and kindling etc be ordered in from Oxylus factories.Driers powered by the grid or solar panel and VAWT charged batteries as well as geothermal heaters could treat these to make them extremely dry increasing the amount of heat released by them to prevent popping and also them being worthless.Oxylus factories that allows one to order this in will have machinery to do this meaning those that order it in will have it done automatically with community centres having them for communal use.Gas lighters designed on Pyxis can be used to light them with oil in these grown at home.The Bambusoideae could also be grown inside these community centres or around them.All of this would be carbon neutral as the carbon dioxide will be intaken by the Bambusoideae that regrows instantly through self propagation and would make people self sufficient to biomass needs with this ideal over biomass power plants and can provide heating to to private homes in small fires as well as communal homes through large burners in the basement.Communal homes with biomass heaters and even fireplaces would have them grown on roofs.This will also make homeowners in rural areas where they still have fires be self sufficient indefinitely.The Home AI will plan out how many Bambusoideae trees to plant to cater to a whole years harvest and where to limit danger and also ensure the carbon dioxide released is captured with it even planting more that what is need to make it carbon negative especially with this negating the need to order in wood from forests with this cutting down on energy and labour costs.The extra plants grown will be sent to organic waste plants via organic waste bins.Bambusoideae grown at home will ensure that one is self sufficient in terms of wood biomass as it self propagates with the aforementioned engineering ensure it grows tall very quickly.Any ash,left over burnt material once cooled can be shredded and then added to organic waste bins where the carbon can be pyrolysised further and turned into fertiliser etc.These machinery can be onsite of community centres and the Bambusoideae grown at home sent in person or by pickup trucks or even grown onsite alongside waxes,flour et catering to the needs of an entire community.Bambusoideae can release alot of heat and the plant naturally grows very fast in order to allow for quick harvests.To overcome drawbacks of Bambusoideae such as it ability to store oxygen and water to make it pop and potentially dangerous and its quick burning rate it can be counteracted by it made into a hybrid with Salix babylonica or any type of tree used for firewood such as Acer and Quercus as well as other hardwoods and scratch DNA to produce thick slow burning wood that releases alot of heat yet grows very quickly but doesnt pop as a result of oxygen trapped in it when burned.Recombinant DNA from solid and not hollow Bambusoideae will be added to prevent them trapping air in them and make more biomass with them engineered to grow fast in all soils and climates around the world.The same level of engineering used in the growth of this plant to sequester carbon dioxide ie recombinant DNA from E.coli will cause this to grow quickly and have dense cellulosic fibres to burn slowly and release large amounts of heat.The plant would also be engineered to grow in the regions unique climate and soils etc thus allowing it grow anywhere.This would negate the need for ordering in wood from privately or government owned forests.If possible these will be grown and ordered in from Oxylus factories alongside kindling,logs,eco logs.In time wooden logs,eco logs,kindling etc made via bacteria creating the resins,fibres etc similar to synthetic wood in other factories of all 60,065 species of wood will be ordered in 5-500kg bags from Oxylus factories.Thus eco logs can be created by bacteria creating fibrous material with bacteria also creating resins and waxy material mixed together in Oxylus with kindling and entire logs of any of the worlds 60,065 trees created by bacteria creating resins etc again in Oxylus ordered in bulk with in time those from across the universe.This will allow any wood that has specific properties or long burning cycle,quick burning cycle and large amount heat released with regards to wooden and eco logs and kindling to be ordered localy in bulk and save time and energy in planting,harvesting and transportation across the world and allow land used for growing firewood to be reforested forever.New types of wood can be created with desire able properties This synthetic wood etc would be carbon neutral as the bacteria will need carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to grow with one able to order in sacks of them in weights 5-500kg.Thus biomass should consist of only biomass heaters that provide heat,electricity and air conditioning and fires in private and communal homes and not biomass power plants.Public buildings such as vertical farms,hospitals etc will also use this with it possibly powering multiple homes in a town or suburbs with air conditioning,heating and electricity.

Incinerator plants can be modified and used to burn all types of waste and still produce energy or new ones will be set up as part of recycling hubs.They can be modified into biochar pyrolysis plants.Biochar pyrolysis plants can also have the heat from heated photobioreactors and containers generate electricity when the outer or inner shell placed over the photobioreactors containing the waste being pyrolysisied containing water that can be converted into steam,turn turbines and then condensed in a looped system with all photobioreactors,burners and heaters covered in a layer of liquid glass with the steam directed to the turbines separate from the pyrolysised material.Excess syngas and bio-oil as well as diesel from the pyrolysis of each waste such as rubber,landfill waste and plastic produced can be burned onsite to generate an extra second round of energy though ideally the process should produce 90-100% biochar.These oils and gases will be directed to burners for each of them where they will produce a second round of electricity with all surfaces covered in liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning due to it having a high melting point of 1,600 degrees celcius.All of the carbon dioxide from burned syngas,bio-oil,diesel and methane will be fed into vertical farms that grow Bambusoideae etc that can be harvested and sent to the same organic waste plant to be burned to produce more biochar with any bio-oil etc produced then burned for more electricity and the carbon dioxide rerouted to the same farm and so on other gases filtered out using SNOX filters.Incinerator plants can also be converted into biochar pyrolysis plants that burn these wastes with extensions added to house the different burners and also areas to grow hydroponic plants and also areas to store excess waste of all types with all operations being automated.All interior and exterior surfaces including burners should be coated in a permanent layer of liquid glass.Bio-oil and syngas produced can be burned onsite to produce more electricity.Pyrolysis plants within them that burn rubber and plastic can create two rounds of electricity as the pyrolysis process generates heats to heat water to turn turbines with the diesel produced burned again onsite to produce more electricity.Any syngas produced would again be burned onsite to produce more electricity.Ideally each pyrolysis plants around the world will be converted into universal pyrolysis ones that have different burners:one for burning up existing reserves of waste from landfills both open and underground also with the waste ash turned into graphene once bioremediated and metals etc removed,one that burns plastic and turns,one that burns rubber,one that burns petroleum based plastics,one that burns both organic waste from homes both private and communal etc and also Bambusoideae,C.sativa,S.babylonica from carbon sequestration plantations both indoors and outdoors managed and sent there by Pan and in each case them generating electricity and more secondary and tertiary rounds of electricity from the diesel,bio-oil and syngas produced in two burners onsite that collects these from the other burners automatically.The AI of the plant will interact with Persephone to dispense the biochar to local Aphrodite factories with them intaking all types of waste from bins in their local with the AI organising the extraction of all existing open and underground landfills with Cybele managing the resoiling of underground ones and reforestation of all open and underground landfills with Cybele interacting with the plants in all countries,states,counties etc to show them the location of all open and underground landfills and thus organise their extraction.With regards to landfill waste all metals and toxins will be removed after pyrolysisation with the biochar removed and any syngas etc burned for more electricity.This will be done via graphene sieves and robotic hands modelled on robotoic chefs and Da Vinci systems with by 2029 these combined with NIR hyperspectral and normal cameras be able to open up plastic bags and separate wastes individually sending organic wastes to organic waste burners,plastic to plastic ones and so on with metal sent to metal recycling plants.The biochar produced will be used to create graphene,fertiliser etc once the purity has been checked and filtered.Bambusoideae can be grown indoors hydroponically in the incinerator plant with piping via overturned smokestacks pumping the carbon dioxide from burnt bio-oil,syngas,diesel etc into the area with them having recombinant DNA from capnophilic bacteria to absorb more carbon dioxide and then moved into the same burner as organic waste or other ones devoted to them to produce more electricity and biochar.This Bambusoideae can be engineered to intake any pollutants including dioxins which will be separated form the finished products and will be pyrolysised onsite with any bio-oil etc produced burned for more energy and the carbon dioxide collected and the plants that absorb this burned again and so on until all of the original carbon dioxide is fully sequestered with more smaller burners present for each round or them traded back and forth between a few of them and these all producing more electricity.Thus the smokestacks of pyrolysis plants can be rerouted to roof,side and underground extensions where Bambusoidea etc is grown hydroponically and then pyrolysised to create extra rounds of electricity and lower amounts of oil,synga,biochar and carbon dioxide with this repeated in a series of rounds creating extra electricity but less syngas,oil,biochar and carbon dioxide during each round.Otherwise SNOX filters can capture the carbon dioxide from the first round of burnt oil,syngas etc to be sent to vertical farms.The same options for the placement of SNOX filters as in geothermal power plants can be utilised here such as placing them at the bottom of smokestacks to allow them to be automatically collected or at the top or even using passive processes.The burners will also have thermoelectric materials in them that can convert the immense heat generated by reactions into extra energy with research into materials that can generate energy from the light produced.Thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes will power initial reactions and excess fed into the grid.When landfills both open and underground ones have all waste burned and petroleum based plastics are phased out then the one used for them can be used for the Bambusoideae as well with their being already a second one to pyrolysise the Bambusoideae used to sequester carbon dioxide produced by the burning of diesel,bio-oil etc thus there will be three after landfill waste is collected.Ideally all waste should undergo pyrolysis to ensure the ratio of biochar to syngas and bio-oil is much higher ideally over 75% biochar or at least 90-100% to ensure the amount of rounds of Bambusoideae grown onsite to sequester each round of oil etc is small.If possible flour can be created by bacteria instead of Bambusoideae from carbon dioxide created by burnt syngas etc to grow larger amounts much quicker in a compact space and this still pyrolysised or burned onsite to create more biochar and energy.This will have a lower amount of bio-oil and syngas created than Bambusoideae with again any produced burned and the carbon dioxide produced sequestered in a series of rounds with them engineered to intake as much carbon dioxide as possible and grow as fast as possible with them having capnophillic,xerophile,oligotrophic bacteria and from E.coli etc.If possible the captured carbon dioxide will be stored onsite as dry ice and then shipped to indoor plantations,vertical farms and greenhouses at homes etc.Each round of bio-oil,syngas burnt can be rerouted to where it can be converted into dry ice powered by thermoelectric material covered geothermal pipes to be then fed to bacteria that produce flour or Bambusoideae grown onsite that can be pyrolysised to create more energy and biochar and the levels of bio-oil and syngas possibly exponentially lower each time and creating consistent rounds of electricity with each round creating more bio bar and less syngas and oil exponentionally.These can be operated by the same AI with them managed by Steropes and Tyche with statues of both on the grounds.All incinerator plants that create electricity in densely populated areas will be converted into communal homes through roof,side and underground extensions while the new pyrolysis plants are set up in recycling hubs next to manufacturing hubs while the areas powered by the incinerators will be converted into communal homes while geothermal plants are set up in the area connected to the local grid.They may even be part of manufacturing hubs as recycling plants are moved onsite of each factory allowing them to power the  manufacturing hubs and send excess to the grid.These would generate electricity from both carbon sequestration problems and also constant ingoing organic waste from uneaten food,cut grass etc from parks and gardens etc over the coming millenia and would power both manufacturing hubs and recycling hubs they are part of alleviating strains on the grid especially during blackouts but not replacing the grid.The AI of the power plants,Brontes and Steropes will decide when to interchange between powering these with excess energy fed into nearby homes,hospitals etc on demand when needed.These can be powered from the main grid or ideally either solar panels and Storedot biosynth batteries or onsite miniature geothermal powerplants that power the heating enough for the the energy invested to energy returned is at least 3:1 thus making them power themselves to the point they are producing more energy than requires to start reactions to power both themselves and the grid and make them carbon neutral.They will have roof,underground and side extensions to house Bambusoideae hydroponic systems and also all of the burners.All actions required ie transferring Bambusoideae to burners from onsite hydroponic farms,intaking all types of waste and also Bambusoideae from biochar plantations,transferring bio-oil,syngas etc to their burners,adding extensions will managed by the plant AI.They may even be part of manufacturing hubs as recycling plants are moved onsite of each factory allowing them to power the  manufacturing hubs and send excess to the grid and it slowing down transport of biochar to Aphrodite and other factories.These would generate electricity from both carbon sequestration problems and also constant ingoing organic waste over the coming millenia and would power both manufacturing hubs and recycling hubs they are part of alleviating strains on the grid especially during blackouts but not replacing the grid with excess energy fed into the grid.The AI of the power plants and Steropes will decide when to interchange between powering these with excess energy fed into nearby homes,hospitals etc on demand when needed.These pyrolysis power plants could be part of manufacturing hubs powering them and excess fed into local towns etc both alleviating strains on the grid with since miniature recycling plants will be built into factories will allow for this.Since there is at least 6,600-28,000 years of carbon dioxide to be sequestered from remaining reserves of fossil fuels and geothermal,the existing excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and also consistent amounts of organic waste ie waste food,dead plants and animals etc that will need to be pyrolysised will ensure that there will be an abundant supply of electricity.