Scientific Studies

All scientific studies will be automated overseen by Triptolemus,Hecate,Urania etc allowing for a single person to perform multiple large scale experiments simultaneously on a local ,regional,national,continental or global level on both conventional and new methods of food production with much more accurate results gained more quickly.For example large scale studies and experiments utilizing recirculating aquaculture systems,fish farms(ocean,coastal and rivers/lakes) and aquaponic systems at homes and in towns/villages/cities could be linked theoretically on a global scale via sensors built into all of them and digital and wireless weighing scales to weigh gain yields of plant and fish/shellfish yields to send results from networks to a central core for analysis by software.Nanosensor readings and weights would come from all home food/insect/livestock/pet/fish farms(indoor and outdoor),community insect/livestock/pet/fish/food farms,vertical gardens and commercial scale fish/shellfish farms in indoor aquaculture systems and farms in rivers,lakes,coast,oceans around the world allowing for comprehensive studies to be made globally measuring different environmental factors(again indoors and outdoors – in this case comparing those during day and night) on one or different species for comparative studies over long periods of time i.e. months,years and decades.All of this data and the readings from scales,cameras focusing on only plants and livestock and nanosensors etc. will be fed into the wires Demeter network with all finished studies then sent to Apollo via Triptolemus/Poseiden/Hecate.With regards to cameras the homeowner can choose only to have those monitoring livestock pens and plants(with the ability to switch between normal and infra red mode to monitor plant health)via their home AI app doing this into these networks with the other in the house not able to do so for privacy reasons.

Another example would be automated studies involving aeroponics,aquaponics,hydroponics(both liquid and solid media – in the case of the latter the different types of solid media such as sawdust,coir,vermiculite etc.),permaculture,organic and conventional methods of farming in homes and small scale farms and vertical farms around the world with sensors and digital scales being used alongside software bots to be more accurate to measure which is most effective and compare them to each other for different crops with different environmental conditions.This information in both theoretical studies (fish rearing methods and crop rearing methods) could be used to make could be used to make comparisons between the effects of altered environmental conditions on each method being fully understood (temperature,humidity,carbon dioxide concentration,pH,soil moisture,climate)as well monitoring consumption trends of different crops/fish in different areas for nutritional studies.All of this data and the readings from scales and nanosensors etc. will again be fed into the wires Demeter network.The ID tagging system can also help in managing this information more efficiently scanned and delivered via either smartphones or their computer software links.

Due to advances in smart devices,software bots,miniature cameras for remote viewing(or infra red to monitor health) and automation this could again allow massive studies on a global scale allowing for a more accurate studies involving massive amounts of data.Computer networks Those involving livestock will be detailed later.These can be monitored and controlled on site or remotely using computers and smart devices and software bots collecting ,arranging and evaluating data eliminating the needs for humans write down,type in and calculate data themselves allowing one or two people to do the work that would other wise take thousands in large multiple studies done by one person.This will allow more accurate correlations and conclusions to be made advancing scientific research at an accelerated rate.Agricultural science research will be conducted on all types of farms whether vertical,meadow,forest,community and even home ones using nanosensors in recirculating aquaculture systems and aquaponic,hydroponic and aeroponic systems and photobioreactors etc.Agriculture science will also be conducted in universities around the world via aquaponic,aeroponic,hydroponic systems and photobioreactors as well as greenhouses with marine biology and maricultural studies done using recirculating aquaculture systems.The sentient Hyancinth will link universities to farms of all types.Agricultural labs by themselves whether corporate or state owned will be turned into homes and the land reforested as studies on crops and creation of new strains can be relegated to universities and farms of all types through extensions.Soil testing labs will be made redundant and turned into homes via nanonsesors in soils and waterways as part of Theoi Meteroi.Food testing labs will be negated by all food products being homemade,condition such as levels of heavy metals measured via soil nanosensors,sterility measures and nanosensors in vertical farms and humans immunised against all food,water and soil borne pathogens including even coliforms and also made resistant to heavy metals.Invitro meat,bacteria based commodities and food grown in sterile conditions in farms of all types will negate the need for food testing labs with the levels of nutrients and pollutants etc measured constantly via nanosensors in the soil and also aero/hydro/aquaponics media.Narrow range UV wavelength lights can sterilise all surfaces with raiation treatments also used both to sterilise surfaces with it also used to give crops etc nutrition via radiosynthesis via recombinant DNA from radiotrophic and radiorestant DNA present.Also these may be relegated to universities in automated labs with them also onsite of community,forest and vertical farms.Universities can grow crops in soil based nurseries in pots or in hydroponic,aquaponic and aeroponic media for studies with universities around the world sending in data from their nurseries both soil and non soil ones into their university AIs and then networks in Apollo allowing for data to be collected from multiple universities around the world.Studies on fish and shellfish will be done in onsite recirculating aquaculture farms.Nanosensor data and also yields via weighing each individual crop will be fed into the AIs and Apollo network alongside camera readings both normal and thermal imaging.Home,forest,meadow,community and vertical farms will grow crops via soil,aero/hydroponic and even aquaponic methods with the readings from soil nanosensors,Theoi Meteroi(to determine the effect of climate and weather on crops and their nutrition levels) and those in hydroponic and aeroponic media will be again fed into farm AIs and also networks in Apollo with the yields of each crop alongside again readings from cameras will also fed into these.Vertical farms can carry out studies on this and other fields.Studies on livestock including fish and shellfish will be conducted onsite primarily on farms ie home,community and vertical as well with the type and amount of animals feed noted by weighing scales or automated feeders alongside readings from implants as well as nanosensors in pens and recirculating aquaculture systems,yields of meat via weighing scales with weights of individual livestock/shellfish/fish or in the case of Phasianidae,Bovidae etc after being slaughtered and before being cut up with all data from all farms fed into the farm AIs and then into networks into Apollo.Having all data from all home,forest,community and even vertical farms on local,regional,national,continental and global levels combined can allow for large amounts of data larger than just from one state or corporate lab for large samples with different factors taken into account for each study such as climate,weather,soil types via readings from Theoi Meteroi with the GPS locations as well as address of each home,community,forest and vertical farms fed into this as well via the farm AIs.Weighing scales should be digital ones that automatically feed data into the networks with the work done by researchers living onsite of community,forest and vertical farms and also homeowners.Studies and research into new crops,new farming methods,genetic engineering and commodities from bacteria will thus be relegated to universities and also home,community,forest and vertical farms.Each community,forest and vertical farms will contain living spaces including Venetian style suites and also communal kitchens for researchers with the cast majority of work being automated with the living spaces and suites will allow even married researchers or those married to other to live there permanently.All agricultural research will be conducted by universities alongside home,community and vertical farms with universities housing in extensions areas to grow crops via aquponics,hydroponics,aeroponics and also potted plants alongside greenhouses.Vertical farms will conduct research alongside home and community farms with nanosensors in soils and aquaponic systems and hydroponic etc systems to measure moisture content,pH,levels of nutrients,pollutants etc constantly that are fed into networks wirelessly with these slso present in systems in universities,Labs in universities and also vertical,community and home farms will house weighing scales to measure the weights of crops,fish etc with them being wireless scales that send results to networks instantly without human error etc.Home and community farms can run studies on the effect of climate and different soil types on crops etc via interacting with Theoi Meteroi with results of weather related to networks etc with this done on local to global levels.Corporate and government labs used as research labs will be turned into communal homes as it is dhifted to universities etc.

These environmental conditions can be altered by smart devices and monitored via cameras remotely to carry out scientific studies.Scientific studies involving fish abd shellfish in recirculating aquaculture systems include:
•Behavioral studies in altered environments or even how different fish relate to other species
•The effects different nutrients have on growth and well being of species
•The potential benefits of transgenics/cisgenics by playing around with genes from one fish species of fish to another or transferring genes from plants or other class of animals including micro-organisms
•How micro-organisms may react with them and one can purposefully infect a stock with a disease(s) to more accurately monitor their effects on fish and shellfish and the best treatments and preventative measures such as quarantines,vaccines etc
•How certain microbes and alterations to different environmental factors such as pH,temperature,carbon dioxide concentration,light spectra and intensities etc.may boost or hinder productivity and affect hatching,growth,nutrient uptake,mortality and reproductive health of specific species at varying levels of concentration
•Effects of environmental factors on the spread of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and a species ability to fight these infections.
•Breeding resistant lineages to specific diseases.
•Transgenics/cisgenics studies to see the effects that GM fish have on non GM fish like showing the percentage possibility of how genes can be transferred to non-GM over several generations in a controlled environment.
•The effects of heavy metals,radioactive metals,hormones,industrial waste,sewage,pharmaceuticals and other contaminants on the hatching,growth,mortality and reproductive health of specific species at varying levels of concentration as well as levels of nutrients
•Alter conditions or genes to produce custom made flavours and nutritional contents
•Transgenics/cisgenics to hybridise different species and in time make new species of fish and shellfish.Also it could make some species larger or smaller in size. Furthermore it could be used to make algae and plankton that form part of the diet of both coral and ocean fish more tolerant to warmer/colder temperatures and lower pH which can be tested via altering the environmental conditions in these systems.
•Study coral in controlled environment something not possible in the wild and to apply cisgenics/transgenics to it in order to test this on their ability to survive more acidic,warmer and colder waters which can be tested in these systems
•The suitability of specific species on the growth of specific plants in aquaponic systems

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems will allow zoologists,toxicologists and ichthyologists the opportunities to conduct a wide variety of studies that could have profound implications for environmental science,toxicology and possibly even those benefiting human health all without polluting river/lake and ocean stocks.Irradiation,UV and chemical treatments can be applied if they have shown not to damage the fish and shellfish and their eggs in anyway and recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans is in the DNA of fish species.Like all studies performed by toxicologists,ichthyologists,evolutionary biologists,and environmental scientists this will automated allow for faster and more accurate results allowing for data on these areas to be gathered on a global scale.Similar to home,community and vertical farms each tank will be tagged with an ID containing relevant information for use to the consumer connected to computers via software or scannable by smart devices.Also the same data from sensors in the water and atmosphere present in those again in home,community and vertical farms will be recorded in relation to aquaponic,recirculating aquaculture and all three types of fish farms for use in scientific studies and provide transparency.Recirculating aquaculture system farms should apply to all types of communities such as towns,villages and even cities including major ones to make them self sufficient.In normal recirculating aquaculture systems the pool and piping can be pre treated with liquid glass to prevent building up dirt allowing fish waste and faeces to be collected by the system and used as nutrients for micro algae used for feed creating a looped system.All studies will be uploaded to Apollo when finished via Plutus/Poseiden/Daphne.Recirculating aquaculture systems can be placed not only in multi-storey buildings devoted to them but also in the basements of vertical farms and spare rooms of homes and community farms.Ideally all recirculating aquaculture systems and aquaculture systems should be within homes as well as community and vertical farms with them and those in multistorey buildings managed by Pontus all composed of graphene mixed into plastics due to to its strength and lightness allowing for them to be on multiple floors.Universities will house greenhouses,roof and underground extensions to areas to grow crops through aquaponics,aeroponics,hydroponics and pots using soil to carry out scientific studies.They will house photobioreactors that grow commodities to grow bacteria,in vitro meat and algae for use in scientific studies.They will also grow crops in open fields.Community and home farms can also carry out scientific studies with for example them taking part in large meta studies involving the same crops grown in greenhouses,aquaponic,hydroponics,aeroponics systems with them taking account the effects of different growth mediums,soil types and the weather on the yields and other factors.For community and home farms and plots of land outside of universities the weather on each day will be recorded through referencing Theoi Meteroi and also cameras in fields.Normal cameras and those with thermal imaging will in fields monitor plant health and also rates of plant growth over days,weeks and months

Those releated to crops that can be done in vertical,community and home farms and in include:
•Effects of pollution on crops or even pollinating insects and pests intentionally let inside the room/plot.
•Effects of environmental factors on the spread of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria on plants and pollinating and insects done in controlled environment and a species ability to fight these infections.
•Effects of pesticides sprayed by robots or added to water supply on the pollinating insects and pests.
•Effects of repellency added to crops on pests and pollinators
•Effects of specific microbes.fungi or nutrients on flavour,growth and nutrient content of crops
•Effects of temperature,carbon dioxide,light(LED vs HID),different spectras and intensities of light,micro-organisms,humidity,saturation of water and pH on a crop and how it affects nutrient uptake,growth and flavour.
•Test the ability of different crops and plants(GM or non GM) for bio remediation of toxins,heavy metals,pharmaceuticals and other contaminants in specific environmental conditions or genetic modifications for application in real world conditions with environmental conditions(such as microbes, temperatures,CO2 concentrations) measured in polluted areas and then replicated in a lab.Those done in these labs could test their limits of how much of a pollutant at varying levels of concentration they can bioremediate in certain conditions and these experiments can indoors can be used to carry out real world bio remediation more effectively by selecting the correct crop(s) to do so.This could apply to atmospheric,soil,river,ocean and lake bio remediation.
•Studies effects of pollutants on their germination, growth nutrient uptake and quality at varying levels of concentration
•Creation of new beneficial GMO’s similar to Golden Rice as well as those that can use less resources to produce higher yields or act as vectors for vaccines and drugs.
•Rearing of GMOs in controlled area preventing contamination of ecosystems or how they can contaminate other plots within the vertical farms and thus show how this could occur in the wild and farms at home and in the community.
•Studies on how GMOs react with non-GMO crops and pollinators and pests in a controlled system
•Transgenic/cisgenics studies by playing around with genes from one plant species to another or transferring genes from other classes of plants and animals including micro-organisms.Examples of this would be to increase its tolerance and adaptability to different climatic conditions in specific regions making it more suitable to grow outside in home and community gardens around the world which can be tested in these labs.Also studies to produce custom made flavours and nutritional content or hybridise different crops that are either closely related or not related at all for example make bananas that grow on normal fruit trees or berries that grow on smaller bushes or on trees.In time these studies could even create completely new species of crops.
•Evolutionary studies

All of these can of value to environmental scientists,evolutionary biologists,horticulturalists and toxicologists in a controlled environment and will uploaded to Apollo once finished via Triptolemus/Poseiden/Hecate.

With regards to micro and algae readings from nanosensors and yields will be taken from sewage,water and desalinisation plants around the world with them and universities performing studies on these with community and home farms performing studies on those on small microalgea systems onsite of them.These studies will allow the best way to optimise their growth in these systems.Sewage and water treatment plants of all types will also having living spaces for researchers as well.

These environmental conditions can be altered by smart devices and monitored via cameras remotely to carry out scientific studies.These include:
•Behavioral studies in altered environments or even how different fish relate to other species
•The effects different nutrients have on growth and well being of species
•The potential benefits of transgenics/cisgenics by playing around with genes from one fish species of fish to another or transferring genes from plants or other class of animals including micro-organisms
•How micro-organisms may react with them and one can purposefully infect a stock with a disease(s) to more accurately monitor their effects on fish and shellfish and the best treatments and preventative measures such as quarantines,vaccines etc
•How certain microbes and alterations to different environmental factors such as pH,temperature,carbon dioxide concentration,light spectra and intensities etc.may boost or hinder productivity and affect hatching,growth,nutrient uptake,mortality and reproductive health of specific species at varying levels of concentration
•Effects of environmental factors on the spread of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and a species ability to fight these infections.
•Breeding resistant lineages to specific diseases.
•Transgenics/cisgenics studies to see the effects that GM fish have on non GM fish like showing the percentage possibility of how genes can be transferred to non-GM over several generations in a controlled environment.
•The effects of heavy metals,radioactive metals,hormones,industrial waste,sewage,pharmaceuticals and other contaminants on the hatching,growth,mortality and reproductive health of specific species at varying levels of concentration as well as levels of nutrients
•Alter conditions or genes to produce custom made flavours and nutritional contents
•Transgenics/cisgenics to hybridise different species and in time make new species of fish and shellfish.Also it could make some species larger or smaller in size. Furthermore it could be used to make algae and plankton that form part of the diet of both coral and ocean fish more tolerant to warmer/colder temperatures and lower pH which can be tested via altering the environmental conditions in these systems.
•Study coral in controlled environment something not possible in the wild and to apply cisgenics/transgenics to it in order to test this on their ability to survive more acidic,warmer and colder waters which can be tested in these systems
•The suitability of specific species on the growth of specific plants in aquaponic systems

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems will allow zoologists,toxicologists and ichthyologists the opportunities to conduct a wide variety of studies that could have profound implications for environmental science,toxicology and possibly even those benefiting human health all without polluting river/lake and ocean stocks.Irradiation,UV and chemical treatments can be applied if they have shown not to damage the fish and shellfish and their eggs in anyway and recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans is in the DNA of fish species.Like all studies performed by toxicologists,ichthyologists,evolutionary biologists,and environmental scientists this will automated allow for faster and more accurate results allowing for data on these areas to be gathered on a global scale.Similar to home,community and vertical farms each tank will be tagged with an ID containing relevant information for use to the consumer connected to computers via software or scannable by smart devices.Also the same data from sensors in the water and atmosphere present in those again in home,community and vertical farms will be recorded in relation to aquaponic,recirculating aquaculture and all three types of fish farms for use in scientific studies and provide transparency.Recirculating aquaculture system farms should apply to all types of communities such as towns,villages and even cities including major ones to make them self sufficient.In normal recirculating aquaculture systems the pool and piping can be pre treated with liquid glass to prevent building up dirt allowing fish waste and faeces to be collected by the system and used as nutrients for micro algae used for feed creating a looped system.All studies will be uploaded to Apollo when finished via Plutus/Poseiden/Daphne.Recirculating aquaculture systems can be placed not only in multi-storey buildings devoted to them but also in the basements of vertical farms and spare rooms of homes and community farms.Ideally all recirculating aquaculture systems and aquaculture systems should be within homes as well as community and vertical farms with them and those in multistorey buildings managed by Pontus all composed of graphene mixed into plastics due to to its strength and lightness allowing for them to be on multiple floors.