Summary of Entertainment

Computer Networks:
The computer networks within Dionysus for the production of all types of new media such as movies,television shows,video games,comics,live performance art and literature of all types such as operas/plays/musicals/novels etc will house all filmed and recorded material including special features in folders and subfolders.Sketches,illustrations and drawings for animated media,books and comics will be created on smart devices using Erato and Pandora etc that will allow all material to be sent to these networks instantly.All material filmed in real time can be viewed in real time in these networks with them also housing internal VR chats,kik instant messaging,forums etc for brainstorming and reviewing material and organising schedules in folders in subfolders and can allow for all participants such as actors,directors etc to work with each other from home with the assistant AI overseeing all parts of the networks.With regards to video games,animated movies and shows as well as CGI media the networks and home recording studios and also recording software integrated into Ampelos will allow all actors,writers etc to carry out work from the comfort of home.Live action media can be done with Eos,Helios and the Ophion system allowing them to travel to anywhere in the world with assistant AI and also Home AI as well as ones legal guardians allowing them to see that the media being produced is genuine and not a stalker,criminal gangs etc especially in the case of minors in the case of live action media.Ones Home AI in biosynths will also act as a guardian for minors on the set of media in the same or different countries making sure they are not put in danger with their GPS location relayed to legal guardians constantly with the Home AI also allowing indirect interactions at anytime without calling them 24/7,365.The interactions between the Home AI with the assistant AI of directors,networks etc can allow actors to know it is legitimate since they would both inhabit the wire simultaneously.This would be of note to new budding actors of all ages with them doing so in VR simulations as well with them thus acting as bodyguards in the real world that can prevent the actor being exploited sexually and assaulted and report constantly to friends and family.Accomadation for actors if they do have to move to other countries or cities for shooting in the real world can be organised via home sharing in Euthenia.Even material filmed in VR simulations will be fed in these networks in accessed in both in simulation and real world devices.All media such as movies,short movies,adult movies,video games,live performance art,books,comics etc will be utilising these netwotks.Voice acting for video games,animated shows and movies etc can be done from the comfort of ones homes using home studios and also ones own laptop with Ampelos software and also microphones with background noise removed acoustics modified and the sentient Ampelos doing so.In time VR indistinguishable can allow for voice actors and musicians to do their work in conventional studios fed into networks using the time dilation effect allowing them to record lines with multiple people at once in person as well as record albums and allow the home studios and those in community centres,communal homes and private homes to be used for other uses.To deal with the issue of the language barrier .The sentient Coeus would automatically assign their spoken words during post production and even one could simply learn the lines in their native language with Home AI,.The sentient Coeus and assistant AI translating the conversations between actors and directors etc with scripts translated via this software if needed.The software will translate all texts,internal messaging,forums,phone calls through Iris and VR chats and all recorded material into ones language.This would negate the need for dubbing voice actors from around the world. The same can apply to shooting of live material using drones and automated cameras which will uploaded different takes and sections of the movie or live action television show and in the case of cartoons(of all styles) and video games work done by all colleagues can be viewed in real time via these networks with Iris calls allowing constant feedback between colleagues on opposite side of the world through smart devices and laptops.It may also mean that directors can direct multiple scenes at once that take place in different locations as the automated cameras will and switchboard methods in Iris and codec technology can allow them to converse with the different actors in different locations through touchscreens giving them access to different screens being filmed in real time and review just recorded scenes within the network via video assist.As stated earlier Iris calls,.The sentient Coeus,microphone headphones,recording software and forums within these networks allowing them to work with voice actors and other programmers/developers/animators etc. from around the world which can be contacted via forums,YouTube accounts etc.This networking system will allow actors,directors and other people involved to work from the comfort of their own home and allow them to work the it schedule much better and even add extra material outside.Test screenings of movies/television shows or beta versions and demos of games can be done by the producers showing some of the completed work within the public section of these networks or ideally leaked into a section of the games,movies,television shows sections devoted to test screenings that can be downloaded and reviewed by the public worldwide from the comfort of their home with 10 star ratings averaging systems and also leaving comments under the samples to allow the producers to decide what needs to be altered etc with software namely Ariadne or their assistant AI doing analytics of the demoihics of the commentators and reviewers and analyse all comments using large samples of data involving millions of people from the comfort of home.It will also allow for people working together on opposite sides of the world to work together perfectly using networks and all of their communication methods ie forums,kik instant messaging,audio visual chats etc will be translated in real time via their own settings and will mean that voice actors can do recordings in their native language with this translating it into all languages with the same done for actors acting out scenes negating them and their co-workers to learn more than one language.Talking to one another will be dealt with it translating phone calls and also chats using smart devices as a relay in real time.YouTube videos,phone calls,kik messaging,VR simulations etc and websites will also be translated by him in real time as well.These networks will house all filmed material for each project,Assistant AI as well as Ampelos and Pandora in a fragmented form and also even VR programmes that are planet,galaxy and universe sized and all material for the production of media etc.

Macro networks can be set up for franchises in cases for example games,movies,television shows,comic books that are direct sequels,spin offs,expansion packs,DLC,crossovers,official spin offs or those that take place at the same time that have sub networks for each title to allow the members of each network look over each others material and discuss with each other etc and even allow members to work on two or more networks at once.It can also two or more video games that are direct sequels,trilogies to be made and released at once with them involving a large number of programmers,artists and Ampelos carrying out time consuming work to cut down on human labour with voice actors doing all work for all projects at once.This can involve two or more movies that are not sequels but take place at the same time as each other that have scenes and characters cross between each other with television shows,two or more again that have characters cross between each other,have scenes that intermingle across two or more shows at once frequently or cross between different movies and other media or those that are in the same universe be done more effectively with the assistant AI ensuring all in universe rules and plot points and timelines are followed.This will benefit especially the dozens or more spin off movies,television shows of Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars etc where there are countless official spin offs running at once.All VR programmes and Assistant AI for all spin offs etc will be stored in each network.Assistant AI will be present in these and this macro system can allow for information,new developments and ideas to be shared together by all writers and Assistant AI in real time.It can allow all types of media to have other titles set in the same universe that are different media types ie movies,video games,television shows,comics etc be done at the same or different times.It can also be used to make video games based on television shows and movies or vice versa movies that are based on video games that are canon and done by the same directors,auteurs that are released at the same time with the same applied to novelisations of movies and video games as well as spin off television shows of movies and video games etc set in the same universe and vice versa.Graphical remakes of video games will be made redundant by updates to improve graphics,with remakes of movies done only for movies that were critically panned and are considered terrible with low scores on Rotten Tomatoes,with good movies having sequels set in the same universe with reboots of television shows made redundant by being set in the same universe and timeline rather than restarting the mythos etc.Each television show,movie series,video game projects will have networks to allow people of all ages again as young as 12 years old or younger to join and contribute to post ideas and portfolios with Gaia herself and other AI able to do work and create new video games.

The computer networks will be part of Dionysus that all be accessed on multiple computers,laptops,smartphones by people across the world would be protected by each person using different passwords,facial recognition software interacting with Assistant AI and Adriadne etc will be organised as follows:when one enters the network/sector the list of all networks will be present with them marked by a still of the movie/television shows/video game/newspapers/magazines logo and the person can search for specific networks via the search bar present for quick navigation and can favourite any networks they work in(or wish to apply) visible in a sub menu within their Dionysus/Pheme/Wire account.A set up button within it can be there to initiate new networks for each media ie video games,newspapers,magazines,movies,television shows,comics,books etc allowing anyone to start one up instantly with all in production and running movies,video games,books,comics,live performance art and television shows etc from atround the world listed in Dionysus with Pheme listing all running newspapers,radio shows,magazines,debate programmes etc.They will also advertise for all staff such as programmers,voice actors,actors,artists,production staff etc with hired people for all types having access to all material and work visa their Pheme and Dionysus accounts access and/or extra security like passwords and biometrics for their assistant AI.Simply signing into ones Dionysus or Pheme accounts will suffice allowing one access to all networks they are part of automatically.Material visible to the public in each network will not require a password but private stuff worked on by the individuals in there will be gained by their own password.Each one will have an area for actors/designers etc to join via posting portfolios and ideas etc.Options to shut down networks will also exist with all data present transferred to the accounts and computers of all people present.When people working in these networks want to transfer material from the databases within Dionysus they may simply go to a database click on an “Add” button while logged into Dionysus and their network which can allow them to click on multiple items within different folders to have sent to their network all in one go into specific folders in one go.A “Remove” would also be there to allow them to click on multiple items they wish to remove from their projects network.Work can be don online or offline using data transferred when it is back online or work saved on ones devices.A publish button will exist to publish each issue of a magazine,comic or newspaper and episode of a show and full movie and book,albums etc into its relevant sections with each member of the teams discussing in person or through group Iris chats in the networks as to whether the episode,issue,episode etc is finished and they agree that there needs to be no more changes with if need be all persons in the network pressing the button within a certain period of time authorised by the by the assistant AI.With regards to transferring stuff from Apollo and Hephaestus by being in their account they will log into Dionysus/Hephaestus at the same time on a different window or tab and click on a “Transfer” button within Dionysus/Hephaestus and then click on multiple items within these two networks to transfer at once to specific folders in their Dionysus network with the same applying to radio stations within Pheme creating playlists from Dionysus.The reverse would apply when transferring material from Dionysus to Hephaestus/Apollo with a transfer button on the databases that allows them to select items from each database and then make a link to the folders and subfolders within Apollo/Hephaestus sub networks in one go.In time improved AI alongside Ariadne will automatically send items to the relevant Apollo/Hephaestus sub networks by simply clicking on either one.Furthermore it will allow anyone of any age to join and collaborate via forums or join pages on the individual networks front page or join via the networks where they can post ideas and work portfolios,curriculum vitae in “hiring sections” without the need for obsolete secondary and tertiary education perquisites(this will also allow actors to post portfolios and also auditions),allow for individuals of all ages to join,remove the need for interns since newbies would be contributing full time from the same and people will be getting food and other items as they will be based from home or work can be done by software(ones Home AI could replace assistants) as well as robots and also digital files will stored on the network and traded between the group and assistants and the like,allow smooth transfer of digital files made on smartpads and other devices replacing paper and allow one to work whenever they please at anytime of the day or night.Curriculum Vitaes for video games,movies,television shows would including audio/visual files as well as samples of the work they had alongside ideas with those for magazines and newspapers showing articles etc they wrote and so on.Thus these would be folders containing Erato files,embeded videos and other files.Firing someone would require Iris,instant messaging forum meetings wherein a person must be chosen for firing through voting with a majority vote rules system ascertained to fire someone with this applying to magazines,newspapers,radio shows,live news,video games,movies,comics etc.A person would be chosen or nominated for firing and then a week or so would pass until votes would be tallied for yes or no from each person.Votes for either side would be anonymous and can be done through the networks from the comfort of their home and if they all don’t vote then the firing would be cancelled with alerts of it sent to the Dionysus accounts and thus all smart device and computers linked to the wire of all members of when the time period starts and the day before it ends.Logs of all forums,instant messaging and records of Iris video chats and conferences will be used as evidence.Both these hiring and firing methods will apply to networks for existing and new media ie live news,magazines and newspapers.Thus hiring and firing will be democratically decided.Voice recordings of actors can be recorded at home and listened live by colleagues or in files on the networks.These networks for all types media would contain all files,audio/visual recordings,auditions,material for extra features etc.,motion captures,drafts of scripts and articles,sketches,photos, etc as well as all other collected work,edits and alterations in folders and sub folders logged by date and also selected titles allowing all colleagues to view and comment on them at anytime via comments or notes left as well as forums,brainstorming sections,internal instant messaging with them also arranging internal Iris group video chats and calls within them(with .The sentient Coeus breaking the language barrier for all sections in terms of text and audio) to discuss progress with all those involved.Editors will be able to piece together all recorded material and the finished material reviewed by others in real time using forums,instant messaging etc.Internal VR chats will allow all people involved hold meetings as well as discuss material in any environments that can allow material to be instantly brought up in 3D form or in simulation devices for movies,television shows and video games as well as live news.These would also have forums within the networks that allow for meetings to be done via text forums,internal group Iris video and VR chats group instant messaging,video conferencing etc from the comfort of their own home replacing conference room meetings which will be logged in audio/visual form by date.All of the above sections will have text and audio in real time translated by .The sentient Coeus and will be organised by folders and subfolders with new features added via direct interaction with Adriadne and assistant AI with all people logging into the networks at any time of the day and work from home.VR technology will allow for human members and Assistant AIs and Ampelos etc to meet and discuss projects as well as firing and hiring etc whether video games,movies,television shows,newspapers and magazines and also run simulations as well etc in an environment of their choice including VR offices,mansions etc using the time dilation effect and bring material in the networks on devices and in conjured form.It will allow people to work in conventional offices and recording studios for video games,talk shows,music albums etc and carry out conventional auditions in this environment and carry out group meetings.For all of them it can allow people to work in a traditional office within VR simulations while those in the real world are converted into homes.It would also allow for video games programmers to work in a conventional manner in VR offices using the effect while still allowing headquarters for all media converted into homes.Voice actors and musicians can work in a conventional recording studio in VR simulations.Thus VR technology will allow actors,programmers etc and AI of all types such as Ampelos and Assistant AI and Home AIs to meet in and work in VR offices with people from around the world,allow and infinite amount to be set up and allowing headquarters for all media converted into homes.In simulation accomadation etc can be present for them to could be inside a macro VR programme that uses the time dilation effect and while still in this macro VR programme be then sent to or enter another VR programme following a matryoshka doll nest structure that is simulations within simulations similar to the movie Inception with one able to move back and forth between each simulation with each one being completely different from each other having different looks,laws of physics and even rates of time dilation.All VR simulations used by writers,actors etc will be stored in the computer networks to be streamed by neural implants.Video game,television show and movie sections will contain areas for the public to leave comments,ideas,partake in polls/test screenings/demos and also areas for viewing and commenting on demos and screenings,beta versions and test screenings from the comfort of their home.There will be internal VR chat and kik chat platforms suited for this for each network.Internal email for each of them will be either their actual name depending on the network they are in to receive relevant information separate from their personal @arke email account(which doesnt have to be their actual name) with them used to receive emails from both colleague but also from the public in a private direct manner with assistant AIs alerting all members to alerts of new emails and all new updates to the project and in the case of journalists and anchors will alert them to new breaking stories.Thus the @dionysus email will be separate from their @arke email and be used by the general public such as fans and colleagues to contact people involved in all media such as musicians,writers,actors and directors discreetly separate from their normal email that can be kept secret from the public with this acting as a privacy measure.Assistant AI will have their own relevant email for these two to communicate with all people in all networks,other assistant AI and even actors auditioning for roles and also members of the public via their Home AI and @dionysus email account and will also take part in internal forums,instant messaging and Iris chats etc.When VR becomes indistinguishable from reality it can allow members to meet in virtual office from the comfort of their own home and them able to hold meetings in these offices regarding progress,brainstorming,hiring and firing and even just hanging out with each other with video games created in an office where all people can meet in person with music albums created in VR recording studios.All media will be created in VR environments.Books and comics will be created in these to save time.Music albums and soundtracks can be created in VR recording studios with voice actors for movies and video games etc working here in VR recording studios as well and together with fellow voice actors and musicians with recordings fed into networks in the real world and simulations to be edited.Interviews of politicians,celebrities can occur in any environment with talk shows and debate programmes also set inside these with all audience members present in them with guests also using the technology.The networks would be listed in a sector of Dionysus allowing people to see to the list of usernames of people working on each network with each network having a brief description of each project they are working on within folders and subfolder/sections.Each user will have a brief biography and all projects and their contributions automatically logged there in folders and subfolders.Potential workers can send an electronic application as stated above with their ideas and history of work and contributions gave on previous projects as well as recommendations from old colleagues on previous project to new networks.This can also apply to existing journalists,directors,producers,actors,programmers etc.Alternatively members may discuss the potential “hiring” of new workers they spot within the networks and send an invite.The lack of needing tertiary,secondary or even primary education will mean people as young as 12 years old or younger will be joining in the production of new media.Each persons Dionysus account page will hold this information visible to the public.This method will alleviate the strains and pressures of work on existing workers in these areas but also allow people to set up their own video game/movies/televisions show and cartoon series more easily with internet forums allowing them to get help from people from around the world with again no state or corporate interference and with full access to all software,engines etc being fully available for use.It will also allow for new actors,musicians,directors,journalists to start new projects that will be visible to the global public easily without funding,secondary and tertiary education,censorship as early as possible from the comfort of their home with home studios in extensions or unused rooms allowing music,live news stations etc to be set up by budding and independent individuals again of all ages without the need to get space in corporate studios with greenscreening technology and in time technology within Ampelos that can allow for the same effect without greenscreening and in time VR technology will allow one to choose a variety of environments.The offices and headquarters of all corporations related to book,magazine,newspaper and comic publishers movie/television network/video game studios etc. and also news and print agencies including conglomerates around the world whether corporate,state or independent will be also be converted into homes alongside buildings where books,magazines and newspapers are printed.Retail outlets of all kinds of media such as newsagents,comic book,book,video game and music record stores will be also converted into homes once the items are scanned into Dionysus and Pheme and in the case of electronics into Talos and taken in by the public for free or sent to community centres.These networks can be accessed by people on smart devices,laptops,computers and televisions from anywhere in the world.As stated this networking system can allow people to work on all types of media such as video games,television shows and movies(Live,cartoon and CGI) with other people around the world from anywhere in the world including from home cutting down on energy used for transport to and from work with offices and headquarters and offices of all existing television channel and satellite provider,publisher and publication,movie and video game corporations and any state bodies in their regulation etc converted into other uses such as communal homes and also cut down on energy in transportation back and forth,will allow them to work in close proximity to families and other responsibilities,allow them to work with anyone from around the world,to do work remotely in public areas and places other than home such as during maternity leave,illness and holidays.This could even allow one to work while pregnant,on holiday,sick either at home or in hospital,when they have moved home and allow one to work on multiple video games,movies,television shows etc at once with colleagues around the world and can do work at home to their own schedules rather than a typical 9-5 working days.Furthermore it will allow one to be no longer restricted to one media type ie one could be a journalist,blogger,columnist,voice actor,actor,video game designer,producer,radio podcaster,lawyer alongside science researcher.It will also allow one to control their schedules and worktimes ie not having to spend the entire day in an office and work for several hours or a few minutes depending on what ideas and work they have.It will also allow for large teams from around the world to work from home and interact with each other from home with them entering a VR simulation of an office for each type and also sets created from scratch.Those in Pheme will have the same layout with all in production networks listed divided by type and subtype.New features will be set up by Adriadne and the public interacting with her directly.These computer networks will allow people to work from anywhere in the world and can be used on any electronic device that has wire access such as laptops,smart devices,computers,smart televisions and will be set up,listed and stored in Dionysus with them linking all people involved at once

Networks within Dionysus for making video games,television shows,movies,live performance art etc.can be set up where directors,actors,scriptwriters and producers collect their work such as screenplays,filmed and recorded scenes,trailers,extra features,acceptance speeches for major awards,music videos of theme songs,outtakes,extra scenes that won’t appear in the final cut,photos,pre and post production material,posters,commentaries and voice recordings(which can be done in the actors and directors homes with software that allow continuous discussions/group commentaries to be linked and recorded as well allow voice recordings to be recorded and listened to by someone half way across the world with input also done this way.The sentient Coeus via fragmentation can also be integrated here when dealing with colleagues from different countries),subtitles made with speech to text software with other software allowing for translations of subtitles in all languages to be automatically done by it.The sentient Coeus which will make dubbing of the work in all available languages,alterations to all of this materials etc for comparison in folders and sub folders this would be protected by passwords and digital keys allow these people collaborate with people around the world from the comfort of their home.Each network would have certain parts restricted to the public by passwords,biometrics or just the people working on these projects directly signing into their Dionysus account with this applying to musicians and also Pheme accounts for newspapers and magazines.Group Iris and VR calls(with .The sentient Coeus) and forums within the networks can allow for those involved to discuss all material with notes and comments left in the folders of each piece of material and folders and subfolders devoted to brainstorming ideas where sketches made on smart devices etc can be posted alongside other material for bonus features which can be transferred to the extra features section.Thus members of the general public and not just established producers and directors will be making all types of media using this system leading to the end of corporate and state dominance as well as copyrighting.The VR map of planets will be generated by AI within these networks with those stored in Dionysus will be copied and downloaded onto these networks.

All new future video games,movies,television shows etc will be democratically run by all actors abc writers etc and not the state or corporations.This will ensure the right to freedom of speech and creativity etc.Hiring and firing will be decided democratically alongside any changes to the media etc with meetings held in VR simulations in conventional offices to discuss all new issues and episodes and developments with the Assistant AI present as its avatar with people able to look over all material being created AI like Gaia,Aleitheia and all types of AI will take part in producing their own movies,television shows etc alongside humans.The only hierarchies present will be in the form of the main writers and directors however these people will discuss decisions and all actions with all other actors etc present with this ensuring everyone has a democratic say and can influence their decision to their favour.That is what meetings will consist of each person discussing the decisions of the writer and director with each other and the directors and writers.People as part of the creation of movies,television shows,video games etc will have these meetings where the people will be able to bring any issue to the attention of others and bring up graphs,photos,storyboards and portfolios etc generated by pure thought for everyone to look over.Hiring of new actors,writers etc will involve the CVs of people reviewed by Assistant AIs and sent to each person there who can look over them in VR simulations using the time dilation effect with them then discussing all of the applications and which ones to Ireland in meetings.Firing will involve people meeting to discuss who to fire and voting for it.VR simulations will be used to conduct all meetings that will be arranged at any time and all people alerted by the Assistant AI contacting the Home AI if all people present.If someone is fired they can simply join another video game,television show etc or set up a new one.These meetings will ideally take place in a conventional office in VR simulations in any type of environment of the people choice.The main meetings will take place in planet sized simulations that house housing in the VR simulations alongside amenities such as pools etc with them located in fictional towns for cities or in the middle of any type of wilderness area including underwater or underground to provide hiking areas with one able to move to other personal simulations and those as part of Dionysus abc all networks of the wire with ease.These will be macro simulations that house cities full of mansions and hotels where people can stay in and sleep in and carry out pastimes abd hobbies as well as stay with friends and family in between shoots separate from those used to film the material.Film,television show and video game producers will become obsolete since film production companies will become obsolete with this allowing directors abc writers having complete creative control.

Posting of auditions within Dionysus:
All future movies,adult movies,video games,music videos and television show projects as well as live performance art such as musicals,plays,ballets etc around the world will start with a director(from amateur newbie to well established A-list Hollywood etc ones) posting within the network what it is with a brief description of the plot etc and a link to the projects networks within Dionysus to carry out the work with certain parts visible to the public and others privy only those working on it.They would also advertise for extra staff such as production staff etc.This would be in a section of the computer networks open to the public for actors to upload auditions in the forms audio/visual collages.These networks for pre production and in production media taking place around the world that are holding auditions will be listed in Dionysus in the networks section where actors can see them and enter them to see material visible to the public and also areas to post auditions with those for video games,comic books and other media having areas for programmers and artists etc to post their portfolios with iSample preventing underage minors gaining access to networks for adult movies.These will be listed by media type ie video games,television shows and movies,live performance art by type,adult movies and then genre as well as country it is taking place with the possibility of a bookmark button allowing one to bookmark any project taking around the world one can save in ones Dionysus account in a section devoted to their projects to then click on tickboxes to allow one to have their auditions and portfolios sent to all of them at once or view their production progress.The computer networks for all new media such as television shows,movies,live performance art etc will house areas for members of the public to view sample scenes used for auditioning for the role and for all actors both newbie and well established ones to post audio/visual collage portfolios of all of their previous media they started in,auditions for the actual role and homemade material created at home in VR simulations or homes using cameras on tripods including those as part of smartphones etc and Ampelos.There will be in these computer networks of new television show,movie and video games etc that allow people to post auditions house a sample scene of the script that can be downloaded and a summary of the general plot of the media that can allow one to post portfolios for all video games,movies,television shows,cartoons etc taking place around the world with the time dilation effects in VR simulations allowing one to bookmark and tickbox as many projects to post their portfolios as possible within a short amount of time with directors etc sifting through all audition portfolios in simulation using this dilation effect to again quicken their choices.This will allow newbie and well established actors etc to increase their chances of gaining work on all projects.Bookmarking a project will have it be added to a section in ones Dionysus accounts divided by type that then can allow to view their progress and by clicking tickboxes can allow the person send the portfolios to all of them at once.A single tick all tick box that when clicked will click all boxes can be used to have portfolios sent to all media of a type.Ones Home AI that acts as an actors all in one publicist,agent and manager can sift through thousands of not millions of projects for roles that might be of interest to them and then compile them in a list for the actor to view them especially in VR simulation using the time dilation effect and then tick in the boxes and send the portfolio to thousands of projects at once.To post potrfolios to all of the desired projects one will tick boxes including one that ticks all boxes.Assistant AI of each media working for directors etc will sift through millions of them and highlight those of note with directors able to enter simulations and sift through millions of them in a few minutes using the time dilation effect.These networks would have a section for the public where sample scenes for each project is visible to the public,allow for these and the parts of the script to be downloaded onto smart devices to allow for auditions for the project to be collected where actors; from budding actors to A-list actors from around the world from the comfort of their home can post their auditions,portfolios,credits,contact details;ideally email(their @dionysus one for security) with alerts sent to their Home AI and these sites with phone numbers traded via email or ones landline number;the number of their Home AI the same as their own phone number that will be first be directed to their Home AI and then them,audio/visual portfolios made at home with other actors or family members as well as friends and auditions.These contact details will ensure security as ones @dionysus emails will reserved for fan mail and emails from directors etc separate from their official @arke email with their phone number the same as their Home AI with their Home AI answering all calls from all unfamiliar phone numbers to determine their nature to authorise those who are geniune and not stalkers.Otherwise the portfolios will automatically have a button visible to the producers and not members of the public that allows the producers to send messages to their Dionysus account that will alert the person and will be in their messages folder ideally a section for audition messages separate from their other messages in their account that would allow them to share private contact details or communicate via sharing messages with alerts sent to ones Home AI instantly.As stated sample scenes will be left in the area for auditions.The auditioning actor can carry out and film the audition in a VR simulation with AI actors.If possible a VR programme where the desired set,costumes of the scene,set camera angles etc designed by the writers and directors and Assistant AI of the scene can be stored in the network and downloaded by auditioning actors and thus the auditioning actor could act out the scene with AI taking the role of other actors,already chosen actors played by AI or friends recorded using in simulation cameras in this programme and then post it as part of the audition tape and their portfolio as a viewable programme or recorded scene with assistant AI filming the audition as a filmed piece to be viewed.These scenes will be scripts of pivotal scenes or can be altered scripts of the movie,video game,television show and live performance art or even completely unrelated media with the main gist of the media’s plot detailed ie its genre,list of characters and age rating and whether it contains nudity etc thus allowing actors to gain a perspective on the plot and character thus allowing them to create both reactments of the scene but also leave audio/visual portfolios of their previous work that will be downloaded by the public from the network onto e-readers and e-newspapers etc.The scenes could also be scenes completely unrelated to the media and thus having it be a made up media not releated to the actual media.These audio/visual portfolios filmed by the actors will be files that are uploaded here in the networks for movies,television shows folders as videos in the Adriadne or Hestia format in a similar fashion to YouTube, and vimeo videos outside of these that contain collages made via Ampelos of scenes from musicals,plays,movies,television shows,short movies and video games they starred in the past downloaded from Dionysus alongside the sample scene,re-enactments of scenes from existing media of all types they did not star in and even homemade pieces created by their Home AI especially for newbie actors in a VR simulation with photo files of their headshot and fashion shoots,them recreating scenes from paintings and movies etc photographed by Home AI in a VR simulation and a curriculum vitae either written or audio/visual describing their experience in that field etc with thes sample scenes as well.The actual sample scene released can be acted out by the actor alongside friends and AI in a VR simulation of the set with the directors if possible releasing a VR program with a pre decided set and AI carrying out the role of pre chosen,pre decided actors including famous ones or just random AI generated humans etc to allow for the actor to practice the scene in a more realistic representation of the media.Actors can also include as part of these audio/visual portfolios and auditions scenes of homemade material they and Home AI crested or even them acting out scenes from existing movies,television shows etc already present in Dionysus to be filmed as part of these audio/visual portfolios with AI and friends playing or other characters with the original actors to be added to these portfolios to add more material.All previous live performance art,movies,television shows etc they have starred in can be included in these portfolios.These portfolios auditions can be filmed in VR simulations of any environment with them also including previous audition scenes for previous media they did not get roles for and re enactments of famous scenes of existing movies,television shows etc present in Dionysus they did not star in and also homemade material created by them and Home AI etc with a collage of scenes from movies,video games,television shows,live performance art etc they starred in present in Dionysus.Once the sample scene is acted out and one has compiled a audio/visual portfolio then they can post in these audio/visual auditions and collages in areas allowing the directors,writers and Assistant AI review the material including the audition thus allowing actors to post portfolios of movies,television shows,video games,live performance art being created by directors and writers who live halfway across the world with VR technology allowing actors who get the role work with them from home as well as meet via a VR simulation to discuss things in person and act our other scenes with regards to live performance art again VR technology used to meet and discuss things in person and then the actor use Ophion,Oceanus,Eos etc travel across halfway across the world within days.Thus these audio/visual portfolios will have collages of all live performance art,movies,shows,animated material and video games etc they starred in,custom made material and VR programmes  with links to their Vogue accounts also given and also contain professional photos done by AI in VR environments.The portfolios will be arranged as folders and subfolders for each person making auditions.This will apply to movies,television shows,video games,adult movies,live performance art,music videos etc.This will allow even budding actors to audition and gain exposure from the comfort of their home to well known directors without the need for managers and agents and can allow one to post portfolios for media taking place in other countries with them travelling to them via Eos,Oceanus,Ophion and Helios using Euthenia to book accommodation via home sharing and renting etc and in time even VR technology will allow media to be filmed in simulation from the comfort of home negating the need for travel with voice actors recording lines using microphones using laptops.The use of VR technology will allow actors to work from the comfort home regardless of where they live across the world thus negating the need for Newbie actors to travel specifically to Los Angeles,Bollywood etc or any specific country and city across the world to become famous with the ability to post auditions in computer networks allowing people to audition for all upcoming movies and television shows from the comfort of home.The explosion of new movies,television shows and video games will allow newbie actors to jump start their careers easily at any age whether they are pre teens,teenagers or in their 20s or even older with assistant AI improving the quality of all media whether it is video games,movies and television shows will mean that Newbie actors will take part in video games,movies and television shows etc rather than just Hollywood blockbusters meaning any role they take will be enough to propel them to stardom.People from around the world will from the comfort of home using cameras on tripods etc and also a laptop,Ampelos and ideally VR simulations able to film auditions of the media using the sample scene and create collages of previous media they starred in and homemade material that they can then upload it into the computer networks of the media they are auditioning for thus allowing them to get exposure to directors and writers whether amateur or well established ones from the comfort of home.As a result struggling actors can create and post audio/visual portfolios of their work,renditions of sample scenes,renditions of existing scenes from media they didn’t star in in the computer networks of in development movies,television shows,video games,live performance art etc to have them then reviewed by directors,writers,assistant AI to decide to cast them.This will mean newbie actors can compete for prestigious roles in all new media such as movies,television shows and video games against well established A-list actors from the comfort home.All well established actors will have to use this system.Thus both well established and newbie struggling actors can create and post audio/visual portfolios of their work,renditions of sample scenes,renditions of existing scenes from media they didn’t star in in the computer networks of in development movies,television shows,video games,live performance art etc to have them then reviewed by directors,writers,assistant AI to decide to cast them.These portfolios can be 10 – 60 minutes long and can also be visible to the public here who can give star ratings out of ten and leave comments on auditions that can be averaged that can help directors make up their mind as to the eligibility and suitability for the role and eliminate test screenings with the rest of the material kept in private via passwords and digital keys.Thus members of the public can leave 10 star ratings and leave comments,reviews and vlogs in the Adriadne format that can be reviewed by directors and assistant AI to further help make up their mind and can be also viewed by other well established and newbie directors who can favourite and get in contact with the actor should they not get the role to provide them work on other current and future projects they are working on and even do so if they get the part further increasing the chances of actors who don’t get the part to get other work.This also means other directors etc both well established and newbie ones will look at the portfolios posted by actors in the networks of projects that other newbie and well established directors are doing to search themselves for potential actors that could star in both future and current projects.This second party director can bookmark the project and even bookmark the actor via getting in contact with their Home AI to then get in contact with them with them also getting their Vogue account.As a result the second party director can get in contact with any actors they are impressed with for their current or future projects and also give recommendations to other well known directors in their media field.This can ensure that actors who dont get the role in a movie etc then at least if they impress other second party directors they may get work for other projects.The video files would be a new format created by Adriadne solely for this.Live performance art can allow for one dancing in a community hall or home and even VR simulation and signing recorded and sent in with those for animated shows video games having a profile of their live action and voice acting work and them reading lines out.Adult movies will also have sections for posting portfolios restricted to only adults aged 14 and older via Home AI etc with even live performance art of all types and music videos having sections for posting portfolios here for auditioning for roles in them.Networks for all magazines in Pheme will house areas for newbie and well established models to post portfolios for photo shoots with them also housing areas for areas for freelance photographers to post photos for events and areas of the world.There will an area in these networks also in Dionysus to house areas for actors to post audio/visual portfolios for advertisements for all types of manufactured products stored in Hephaestus as well as new meals for all universal franchises if restaurants and directed to consumers on YouTube based on demographics.Bands will house areas for posting auditions of vocal artists and musicians.For television shows including soaps,sketch shows and anthology shows as well as those that are looking to add new characters this section within the networks will stay open forever as new characters will be added and allow people to post portfolios during the shows run and between seasons allowing for directors to view auditions collected that could give actors especially budding ones parts for as stated new characters,extras and also minor episode specific characters and comedy sketch shows will also be open for this.All types of shows will also house areas in computer networks to allow writers to post portfolios of their work to become writers for episodes specific episodes or new seasons and if writers leave.These areas for movies,television shows,video games etc will house areas for writers to post portfolios since people who start computer networks will not always be the writers with not all creators of a project who start computer networks will be the directors there will be areas for directors to post portfolios.Furthermore television shows will hire new writers,directors etc with for directors and writers they will create their own homemade scenes they will upload lasting 10-20 ministers long.Video games will not need programmers via Ampelos with producers for films,television shows,video games etc becoming obsolete through production companies becoming obsolete.VR technology as stated by 2029 will allow anyone to take part in media produced around the world and will negate the need for travel with the fact that people will no longer be restricted to obsolete jobs and the need to get jobs for money to survive will allow for an explosion of media to be started and increase the available work for actors to audition for.In time VR technology will allow for millions of people from around the world to hold conventional auditions for all media types with this done in an environment of their choice or even acting out the scene with the time dilation effect allowing these to be done in a short of time with projects that get alot of auditions posted on networks also allowing directors and producers etc to be able to sift through hundreds of them in VR settings in a short amount of time.Assistant AIs can sift through millions of portfolios in a short amount of time and highlight ones they think are good and have them stored in a folder for directors etc to look through specifically with VR technology and the time dilation effect allowing directors to sift through millions of them and then discuss them in detail and thus contact the actor.Neural implants can be used by directors to download large amounts of auditions and portfolios in their brain within seconds.Assistant AIs of directors etc can scour all of the hundreds or millions of portfolios posted in the networks within seconds to compile a list of those they think is good to be viewed by directors etc to narrow down the search with favourite ones will be favourited to allow a handful say a few dozen or hundred to be looked over by directors and even keep those favourited by the directors for future characters and references and can create lists of actors they would recommend for roles to see them first and then look at others after it.The directors can save a list of people they are impressed with that they may have employed for future projects they are creating in the future.with the contact details and portfolio saved on their networks for other projects and also personal clouds to look over them later on.Thiose the director does not want to use for this project can have them tell the Assistant Ai send the portfolio to the Assistant AI of another directors project or the directors Home Ai to act as a recommendation of dormers where the person if not chosen can get work in other projects of other directors.Those that are favourited and not chosen and even unchosen ones not favourited by the Assistant AI can also be used to be sent to other second party directors for their work.Second party directors can have their Assistant AIs scour the networks of other projects by other directors to again narrow down a list of favourites.Thus even if a director may not want to give the role in his current project to an actor he is impressed with he can bookmark said actor for any other future projects they have planned in the near or distant future or they can also get in contact with other well reknowned actors and directors they know of thus acting as a recommendation where the audition/portfolios and contact details are sent to those directors and writers thus giving said actor extra work on other future projects including with more and equally well known directors and writers etc of all types of media such as movies,television shows etc with this of note of talented newbie actors.Thus even if they do not get the part they may get roles in other media by other equally famous directors in the near future with this of note to newbie actors.Since the time dilation effect could allow directors to create dozens or thousands of media each year they can give actors they are impressed with roles in any of their other projects.Thus assistant AI will be in charge of contacting actors who have secured the role and are given recommendations with the Assistant AI also getting in contact with other Assistant AIs and directors that the director does not know thus further increasing their chance of getting a role.The Assistant AI in the recommendation will highlight the actor as a flagged audition as a role to be added to their top chosen picks.Directors etc can create a copy of their consciousness that allows them to have the same abilities of AI thus allowing them on computers to like Assistant AI sift through millions of auditions within seconds but select and narrow down auditioning actors based on their preferences.Second party directors can have their copied conciousness scour the networks of other projects.Auditioning actors will have their Home AI scour all of the computer networks in Dionysus for dozens,hundreds or millions of roles that may interest them in all media such as live performance art,movies,television shows and video games within seconds with dozens,hundreds or thousands of projects favourited and once the Home AI has favourited them they will upload the actors audio/visual portfolio to hundreds,thousands or even millions of media projects at once in one go.Thus ones Home AI will be able to upload their audio/visual auditions to dozens,hundreds,thousands or millions of computer networks of different upcoming in production movies,television shows and video games etc at once in within seconds in one go thus exponentially increasing their chances of getting work all from the comfort of home.The advent of VR technology and people no longer employed in obsolete jobs by the advent of AI and automation and Ampelos,Assistant AI will lead to an explosion of new high quality movies,television shows and video games etc thus meaning at any given time there will be hundreds,thousands,millions or even billions of new projects being advertised in Dionysus providing work for millions of budding actors.The thousands of spin offs,video games and movies for Stargate,Star Wars,Star Trek as well as other franchises and nested movies,television shows should provide potential work for millions of newbie actors.Fanmade games should provide millions of new media every year alone.Restoration Nation using VR technology will be used for actors to create episodes of the show to act as a launchpad.Each timeline of Fanmade games will provide work for millions of voice actors with since these games having large fanbases will be able to propel millions of newbie actors to stardom.Each director and writer will through the time dilation effect of VR technology will be able to write and film dozens or even thousands of movies,television shows at once every year thus they will house networks and auditions of all of these at once including any future projects with Assistant AI scouring them routinely thus increasing an actors chance of securing a role in one of their projects released that year.All AI like Gaia etc and both both Assistant AIs and an actors own Home AI can set up,direct and write their own movies,television shows and video games etc providing even more work for newbie actors.If possible neural implants and even VR indistinguishable from real life can allow directors etc to stream and view dozens or hundreds of portfolios while a small amount of time passes in the real world due to having the time dilation effect.Conventional auditions can take place in VR simulations in Dionysus using the time dilation effect with actors from around the world meeting with the directors and assistant AI..All actors will also have YouTube accounts where they can post auditions of new and existing work as well as post portfolio videos of the plays,musicals,movies,television shows,web media they have been in with the videos showing whole media or just select scenes with them in it or collages(alongside them doing sample scenes from other pre-existing work not created by either the actor or director) which they can give them exposure to the public and act as extra material for directors and producers to view with links to these YouTube videos of collages and portfolios posted within then network alongside official websites.These YouTube accounts can house vlogs.Their posts within a directors movie,video game or television show networks in Dionysus will allow directors to sift through the auditions of actors from all over the world who can do the auditions from the comfort of their own home with Iris and VR chats being used for those that impress the director and producers to converse with them one to one who can contact them through YouTube mail,email and other contact details on their account page or left on the portfolios.This as stated above will apply to all actors from A-list to those who are amateur or just begging out allowing them to gain more exposure for potential work with many if not all auditions included on special features and will allow one to audition for projects taking place all around the world from the comfort of home.These portfolio sections and YouTube accounts can also allow new actors to upload homemade work as well as re-enactments of existing movies,plays and other visual media for early portfolios and also upload auditions they made for all movies.An actor will be able to post portfolios and auditions in multiple possibly even dozens of networks for in production movies,television shows and video games taking place around the world at once through their Home AI and thus increase their chances to gain a role in any type of media.Thus one could post portfolios for dozens or even hundreds of movies,television shows,liver performance art and video games taking place around the world at once from the comfort of home increasing their chances of getting a role in any type of media.This and the fact that VR technology can allow media of all types to be filmed in simulation while all actors and directors etc are at home will negate the need for anyone to have to travel to specific media centres such as having to physically travel to India or Los Angelas and London to become famous with the explosion of new media made possible by people no longer working in obsolete jobs or in obsolete education systems will mean there will be more movies etc for actors to audition for with actors,directors,writers etc begging careers earlier than normal starting their careers in all types of media in all roles at the age of 12 years old or younger .If a producer,writer or director seeks the attention of a specific actor they can contact their Home AIs number directly or contact them indirectly via their website,Vogue,Agora page monitored by their Home AI that will alert them to the project.Live performance art will house networks to post these audio/visual auditions with even music videos will house them as well.Adult movies will have networks to post portfolios with age recognition software and Polis preventing minors under the age of 14 from accessing them.All of this coupled with Home AIs and assistant AIs will eliminate the need for talent agents/managers,agents,managers,assistants,publicists and possibly producers allowing for actors to complete control over their careers and be free from exploitation with directors contacting well established actors they wish to play the role via these YouTube accounts,social media as well as email etc and as detailed will allow budding actors of all ages more exposure to well known directors etc and increase their chances of breaking out even if they do not get the role with them given recommendations for future projects or projects of other directors with their portfolios sent and shared to other directors or even kept for new characters in a film,video game or television series future episodes for new characters or episode specific characters.Thus even newbie budding actors will have an equal chance of getting roles in all major new video games,television shows and movies as existing well established A-list actors in Hollywood,Broadway,television,Bollywood and also all media types from the comfort of home by posting audio/visual portfolios and VR technology.Thus for all future movies,television shows,live performance art,video games etc areas in computer networks will exist to allow all auditioning actors to post audio/visual portfolios auditions for them created at home using laptops,Ampelos,cameras on smartphones etc and VR simulations to be viewed by directors etc to review thus allowing them to audition for roles from new media by new directors to the latest blockbuster from well established A-list directors from the comfort of home thus negating them to travel to Hollywood etc to gain the attention of directors.VR technology can used by Assistant AI to do conventional auditions in person of the actors and record them and then show good ones to the directors and arrange to have the actor meet with them in person to further discuss things.Networks alongside sound recorders,motion capture technology,smart devices,home studios etc will allow video games,CGI movies,parts of live action media,animated shows and movies to be made by the actors,directors,producers etc from the comfort of their home.Headquarters used for corporations that manage these will be turned into homes.All of the work on these can be done at home with laptops with Ampelos video editing software and miniaturised versions of voice microphone recorders as stated above built into a voice actors computers and smart devices or home studios for video games,cartoons and voice overs in live media with .The sentient Coeus translating and recording their voice into a desired language which can be uploaded into the network in real time allowing directors and other colleagues around the world connected to the network via laptops and smart devices to give feedback instantly.Due to the abolition of money,people no longer stuck in obsolrte jobs,assistant AI improving the quality of all media,VR technology etc there will be an explosion of new movies,television shows,live performance art and video games etc with hundreds,thousands,millions or even more of projects every year of all types of media thus increasing the chances of well established,newbie actors and those whose careers are sagging to have busy careers.Live news stations magazines,newspapers will have computer networks to allow new anchors and journalists to post auditions with magazines having areas for models to post portfolios.

Dionysus account:
Each persons Dionysus account will be divided into all media types and contain all media they have watched and played with regards to games it will contain they have played/downloaded/streamed as well as all save files and achievements within these games folders in the library,customisation’s and preferences,updates,bug fixes for each game in their games subfolder(and on the list of all games they have played) sent automatically alongside their own personal analytical data of the aforementioned data including accumulated seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years etc for each game and all games overall,what percentage of the overall time was spent on each one,how many times they have finished the game/died/game overs/percentage completed etc and other analytical information for each game and all games overall given on request with the same information applying to other media.It will also contain all movies,television shows(episodes in subfolders),books,comics and other stuff they have watched and read.Ones game library will contain all video games they have played from all generations or by alphabetised or genre etc decided by filters that one can see their achievements,save files and also league tables rankings,accumulated time played in days,hours,minutes,seconds etc in menus and submenus with the person able to filter and arrange them them by name,alphabetical order,genre etc.Also present can be sections to leave messages both text,audio or audio/visual left by other players in the game section using webcams,smart devices and wireless earphones with its own built in instant messaging system,forums(used by linked keyboards etc) for players to contact each other via text messages similar to kik and voice chat and audio/visual or even VR phone group calls monitored by Arke,Gaia and ones Home AI arranged by Ariadne to prevent grooming of pre pubescent children,cyberbullying,pornography and other undesirable behaviour with users able to block any undesirable bullies and stalkers temporarily or permanently from contacting or interacting with them with Gaia and law enforcement dealing with them depending on the severity of the problem.There will be internal VR chat and kik chat platforms suited for this.Since Arke is part of Gaia and the Home AI she can using this detect who the bully,groomer,stalker is by locating the IP Address,see through their webcams on smart devices and what address or GPS location the person and thus devices are in and track down their social network accounts with if necessary alert Iaso and law enforcement depending on the situation and prevent the assailant from contacting the person again or even similar people of the same demographics.This would give the victim a clue as to the identity of the person bothering and then block them and alert law enforcement if necessary with a log of all audio/visual messages that took place between the two.Arke and Home AI will prevent pornographic and private information being sent to and from those under the age of consent with any pornographic material blocked at all since this would be restricted to emails and instant messaging as part of Arke.One can either in game of online games or within their Dionysus account to search for people using parameters and filters such as age,race,gender,country of residence,games in their library including those that the player also has and view their profiles basic information ie game library,age,gender,achievement and rankings for each game etc with forums online etc and send friend invites and form groups for gaming with groups formed for each game and game series as well as overall for all games.One could send messages either text or even audio visual etc to anyone including invites to play games and join groups.The VR version of Dionysus Plaza will cater to this.Ones Dionysus account can also allow one to add friends to a friends list and also form and add social groups for each media type to organise online multiplayer games more easily,friend with other players and form groups for each game or as a whole for games and allow one to send and receive text and audio/visual and audio messages using headphones with speakers and webcams to their friends or group with Arke and ones Home AI blocking any sexual material to minors.Groups will be able to play games together online when all members are online and in the same video game and all consenting to play a game at once with other members joining these at anytime with them also joining online games involving other non members online.They will also organise Iris chats including audio/visual ones,VR chats,kik instant messaging meetings,meeting in the real world and also meetings in the VR plaza including VR versions of Comic Con etc and other personal simulations.There will be internal VR chat and kik chat platforms suited for this for each group.All groups will be listed in each sector of Dionysus ie video games,movies,television shows,literature etc and the number and names etc of the people present and anyone can join similar to kik where one sends a message and the administrator who set it up will authroise their entry after being able to communicate with them with these following certain themes ie race,nationality,country,city/town/village etc,gender,age group,generation of console and games and series of video games/movies/television shows/literature,sexuality,interest etc to allow for people of different groups to meet and play games together at any time with them able to meet in simulations including the VR Dionysus Plaza,in person and organise group plays of all games or one on one plays involving two player,organise meets in VR simulations of IMAX and normal cinemas watch movies and television shows together and discuss video games/movies/television shows/literature together and trade ones YouTube and Agora accounts and email etc. in any environment.An infinite amount of people can join each group with a person setting them up in their account and having administration control for that one.Different groups can merge together via linking for groups chat and also group gaming.Groups can also be set up for other media ie books,television shows,movies etc to watch them in VR simulated cinemas with them all listed in ones Dionysus account.These groups can have their own internal instant chat and also audio/visual and VR Iris chats and also as stated allow one to initiate multiplayer games involving two or more people in the group instantly once all confirm and have the same game played at once.Groups of any type will be set up by anyone at anytime through a simple process and one can set up abc join an infinite amount of them with one able to see what groups other members are part of and see what groups they and others are also members of and will be done to make connections and hang out in VR simulations with people who are fans of the same media type ie video games,movies,television shows etc including specific franchises,genres and types of people or those from a specific city or country and sexuality and gender etc.The VR simulations will be done to watch or play media together and also also discuss them and the groups can be used to arrange meetings in Comic con events etc and meet in the real world with one able trade with people access to VR simulations,phone numbers,Agora accounts and other details.One can disfriend or block anyone who are bullying them and can report serious offences to Athena such as harassment,bullying,grooming etc to allow judgement to made such as having the person temporarily suspended from contacting anyone or using Dionysus for a specified amount of time to even jail sentences.A list of friends of who are fellow gamers will be present alongside fans of different movies,television shows,books and comics divided by type(and subtype and title for movies,books etc)will be present to arrange group games,events,VR chats,instant messaging discussions and groups(similar to apps like kik) related to each media type to share material related to the media.This can be used outside of games to organise events and in game for communication with one adding a friend by searching through the list of all gamers,readers,movie fans around the world connected to Dionysus using the internal search bar and adding them as a friend similar to social media sites.These friends can be linked during events or MMOs and multiplayer with them leaving during the game or leave the group entirely with new members joining by searching the name of the group and sending an application,contacting the administrator of the group and also receiving invites when someone visits their Dionysus account.A person could visit ones friends pages or those of anyone when searching for people that lists basic details ie age,gender,country and town/village/city they live in,groups they are part of,games in their library,tabulations and achievements etc.This multilayered VR simulation will consist of a plaza with hotdogs and other fast food stands,bars,nightclubs as well as cinemas to watch movies and television shows as well as places to meet friends,play online games together by entering rooms in a ever expanding building,start VR versions of movies/television shows/games etc,view all books in a massive ever expanding library and video games and movies in a ever expanding DVD store managed by personal filters ie author/actor/director/genre etc that can have material sent to their devices in the real world.This VR version of StreetPass Mii Plaza will exist in a VR version of Dionysus allowing people to interact with other people online in at first a photogrammetric places then multilayered one indistinguishable from reality with their being one separate or a building present in it to connect to Bacchus.Ideally this would be in the VR lobby of Dionysus in a large gamestore or even plaza as well as multilayered Plaza or entire planet.The VR Plaza will also have areas to allow actors etc to take part in conventional auditions for all types of media and allow for directors and producers to see these in a short amount of time as well as view those posted into networks in a short period of time with their also buildings that can be used for creators of video games,movies and television shows to meet and work in conventional offices and conference rooms as well as conjure up movie sets in this planet sized multilayered simulations.IMAX theatres and drive in theatres will exist where televisions shows and movies can be watched with other people from across the globe and include 3D versions like Avatar with film festivals will be held where new and established directors can show their wok similar to conventional film festivals.VR versions of The Hollywood Walk of Fame will be here alongside concerts and music festivals and live performance art livestreamed into Dionysus.Concerts and music festivals and comedy clubs and comedy festivals of all types can be held here.Comic con and E3 style events and also events held by authors,actors,producers etc such as press releases and book signing events will be held here in this VR simulation of Dionysus.Film festivals and awards shows for all media such as television shows of all genres,Oscars,adult movies,video games,Cannes,Sundance etc will take place here.This multilayered simulation will be the size of a planet and possibly a replica of Earth coupled with apartment and hotel style and also private homes and accommodation etc with all data from StreetPass Mii Plaza and Mii Maker and similar applications will be stored here.The use of in simulation accommodation will allow comic con and E3 style events,movie theatres and also even offices for creating video games etc conventionally will allow them to sleep for sanities sake in them with their being a day and night cycle and in simulation food with there also being nightclubs and bars and be managed by Adriadne.This can allow buildings used in the real world to converted into homes and allow millions to attend from home saving on energy.Movies and television shows will be created in simulations created at home with them being planet sized ones that are replicas of the real world or created from scratch by AI and humans with again their being in simulation accomadation etc.Pheme will have its own version of this for radio stations allowing people on opposite sides of the world to work in a studio or work on magazines,live news,podcasts and newspapers etc in offices with data livestreamed into the wire and live news feed from AI etc livestreamed into them.This and also headphones with speakers can be used to contact people one on one or in groups during and outside games.New features will be added to this over time like all other aspects of the wire.The persons Dionysus account will be similar similar to xbox live will contain a front page with their profile picture,legal name,usernames for all games,biography and information such as gender,D.O.B as well as age in years and months as well as days,country/town/city they live,avatar which will be photorealistic avatar version of themselves via scanning in their entire body,photo of their face,contact details ie @dionysus email,One will be able to also create a puppet version of themselves similar to Xbox Live and Wii Plaza.The photorealistic avatar will be used as a baseline for customised characters in games the VR simulation of Dionysus with the puppet version used in it as well as Wii games with both used in Bacchus.Ideally the avatar present will be a realistic life size version of them by them scanning in their entire body using scanners built into or attached wirelessly to smart phones.Home AI phone number decided by them and links to Agora and YouTube channels And accounts,Twitch etc(added to decided by them) can be added as well for livestreams and upload videos together etc.With regards to video games in folders and subfolders it will have their achievements list and rankings for all games and then links to folders and subfolders that cannot be edited by visitors but can be viewed at anytime.Their video game library will be listed here and when clicks on this they my can view achievements and rankings in folders and subfolders alongside save files etc.All aspects of both Xbox live,Street Pass Mii plaza and also PS4 Network will be integrated into Dionysus thus replacing and shutting down and replacing Street Was ass Mii Plaza,PS4 Network and Xbox Live forever.A hyperlink to their Agora and YouTube accounts will be present here with this linked to Dionysus account meaning live-streams can be directly fed into ones YouTube channel and existing and future verified speedruns Etc can be linked to their Dionysus accounts here with ones Agora account can be linked here to post videos of playthroughs etc.Twitch,Bsndicam,Fraps etc will be integrated into Dionysus and become obsolete by this service.Having their YouTube accounts linked here will allow one to carry out livestreaming,post videos directly from their accounts and linked Agora accounts will allow one to post tweets etc from Dionysus with these two also linked to their Pheme acccount.Eventually Agora the merged version of Facebook,Twitter etc will be linked here.A hyperlink to their Polis account will be present.Ones linked Agora social media and filesharing accounts will be automatically opened in the internet when they are signed into the wire and Dionysus.One could for each media type choose their favourite author,director,actor etc to be alerted to when new media is created by them and uploaded to Dionysus by them,receive recommedations and also news alerts from the internet and also all live news and newspapers etc in Pheme related to them.Thus one could be able to subscribe to their favourite actor,director etc and be instantly alerted to the latest newsfeeds on them in newspapers,magazines and live news reports etc in Pheme,YouTube and all upcoming news on them and also be linked to their Agora accounts alerted to the latest tweets etc and also alerted to every new interview and appearance of them in talk shows,magazines etc across the universe with them also alerted to their latest projects such as movies,video games and episodes of television shows uploaded to Dionysus to allow for fans to keep track of them.One could subscribe to their favourite television show,movie and video games series and then be alerted to the latest episodes and installments.They can also be from direct interaction from Adriadne be given recommendations as to new media of all types such as video games,movies,television shows and books etc based on their viewing habits,demographics or based on what genre they choose in their account for each media type such as survival horror,horror,adventure,science fiction,drama,soaps etc from around the world and universe with the Home AIs of actors and directors acting as publicists will interact with Adriadne and direct the latest movies etc produced by them to billions of people based on their demographics.Each area of Dionysus or for movies,video games and television shows etc will house recommend media based on their demographics and tastes managed by Adriadne and the Home AI of actors,writers,directors.Areas that house trailers and demos of games,movies etc will have these directed to people based on these factors or demographics,personal tastes,viewing habits etc.Ones real name will be used for tabulations and tournaments with individual usernames possibly used only for MMOs,multiplayer thus allowing instances of bullying etc to be tracked down with existing usernames on PS4 network transferred to their account during linking systems to the proto Dionysus with their YouTube and social media accounts keeping their username despite links to these housed in Dionysus.Ones full name will be visible to anyone on demand and when visited by others.Any data in video games that are played offline when wire and internet access is not possible will be then transferred once access is regained including tabulations and achievements to save on bandwidth.One will have a library of all games they have downloaded,played etc with subfolders for each game containing how long one has played them in hours/minutes/seconds and even weeks/months/years with graphs showing when during the year they played and other data extrapolated by Adriadne,subfolders containing achievements,updates availible and those they have downloaded and can delete,global league tables for minigames/finished levels etc and ones current ranking for each one and the entire list with ones place highlighted,DLC to be downloaded.Ones groups and networks for each media type they are a part of will be listed here as well divided by type and subtype and those they are administrator and those they are not.Each media type such as movies,television shows and literature will also have their own sections in ones Dionysus account with the same features ie library,friend groups,favourites,instant chat,VR chat,avatar,analytical studies on their favourite and watched media and how much of each media they have watched and read etc,media and authors/actors/directors they have bookmarked etc with their also in each section their being the networks for any projects they are have and are currently taking in part in with their also being sections of favourite media they have bookmarked and also in working media they have bookmarked to allow them to tick on boxes to send all of ones portfolios to at once.Pheme will have its own version for their account for each media type with the same features.It will also contain recorded sections of movies,television shows and also video games they have recorded into this cloud in each section by their Home AI transferred by it automatically into specified folders and subfolders of their Dionysus or Hestia account that can be downloaded onto computers,smart devices and deleted from these folders or uploaded into ones YouTube.Video games,books,movies they have downloaded will be saved within folders and subfolders within Dionysus alongside games they stream from Dionysus and thus all games etc they have played and viewed.Alerts to upcoming group VR comic con events of authors,producers,directors they have subscribed to will be present.Also here would be networks they are part of in the preparation of video games,movies,television shows and other media alongside those that are finished and the material they submitted.They would have an internal kik instant messaging system,VR simulation system and message centre and the ability to form groups with people around the world for all media type ie video games,literature,movies etc.Their message centre will have alerts of updates,news on video games/actors etc from Pheme etc and those from directors interested in their portfolio.Those who work on networks will have their @dionysus email account here that will have emails from collegues and the public sent here.This will allow people working with them on projects and also fans of the celebrity to contact them discreetly and securely outside of their normal email.When visits a friends or any random persons account page this information will be visible to them with certain restrictions with the data present used by Adriadne for analytics etc.Those in Pheme will have the same layout.New features will be set up by Adriadne and the public interacting with her directly.Direct interaction with Adriadne will allow one to add new features to Dionysus and in turn their Dionysus account

Their Dionysus account will also be connected to their individual YouTube accounts and channels as decided by them for livestreams on demand in real time through this link and Hestia or them recorded sections can be saved on their linked Hestia cloud account and registered devices in real time via linking to Hestia there for video game playthrough or downloaded onto computers for editing using Ampelos.This can be done by integrating recording software into Hestia with them also able to upload videos directly to YouTube,livestream directly into their YouTube account from Dionysus and also save them into ones Hestia account and registered devices.Both of this will be done for games played on consoles,laptops,computers and also handhelds.VR technology utilising the time dilation effect will be used to create countless walkthroughs,lets plays etc to be uploaded to YouTube after edited in simulation and sent to ones real world devices etc or uploaded through the wire or if possible livestreams that occur at once in the real world with it also used to play games for tabulations and achievements.Thus recording features integrated into Hestia can record material that is being played on smart televisions,handheld consoles,smartphones,laptops etc to be saved directly in real time onto one’s other laptops etc in real time as well as recorded as a livestream onto YouTube in real time managed by interacting with Hestia thus negating the need for using wires,cables etc.Video game players can also used this to do countless achievements,tabulated scores and create countless walkthroughs in this environment with all data sent to the real world devices.Thus video game players in order to catch up with the explosion of new video games and old video games for achievements,tabulations and just playing them video game players can use VR technology and its time dilation effect.Their YouTube and Agora,personal website etc can be linked to this and their Pheme,Iris and other relevant accounts in a folder (alongside their front page)where they can post videos,livestreams and tweets etc directly from here.Those with multiple YouTube accounts will via the AI managing it merged into one channel group with these various accounts all listed here to be chosen for specific uses ie one for video game livestreams and other uses such as uploading fastest times and walkthroughs,using scenes in reviews as well as vlogs etc and even movies saved into Hestia clouds.It will contain a list of all media such as video games,movies,authors,directors,actors,journalists,,book series,magazines,comics,television shows or movies they have subscribed to or favorited with them also also getting alerts on new issues,episodes etc with their accounts analytical data mentioned earlier on personal to global levels.Subscribing to authors,actors,directors will also alert them to their appearances at events,on talk shows etc latest news on them in newspapers in magazines and newest episodes and movies as well as books etc and also subscribe them to their Agora and other accounts with alerts sent instantly on all devices such as smart devices and laptops for both types of subscribing methods.Games,movies,television shows trailers will be shown in the demo and trailers sections will be able to allow one to bookmark it and thus be alerted as to when it is released on Dionysus.

Neural implants & AI creating media:
Furthermore biosynth neural implants will allow people to create entire scripts of movies,television,plays,novels etc and that of video games by pure thought.Extra supplementary material such as adjoining texts etc can be created by pure thought including illustrations.Illustrations for books can be through them be created by authors.The creators of video games,movies,television shows will through the use of neural implants allow creators to design buildings,planet or galaxy sized arenas etc coupled with a Ampelos etc with neural implants used to design characters,locations,weapons,items etc from thought etc.These neural implants will allow humans to create a copy of their consciousness onto computer networks that inhabits them and VR simulations that will design galaxy and universe sets and create pieces of media from pure thought independent from the actual human itself with this copy of ones consciousness containing their personality and thus able to design entire galaxies and universes in galaxy and universe sized sets and all of the billions of planets etc and write entire scripts etc of movies etc and design video game levels etc by pure thought separate from the human to save time.This copied consciousness since having the exact personality and this ideas and tastes as the director and writer etc will by pure thought can allow directors and writers etc write dozens and thousands of scripts indirectly in the real world outside of VR simulations by pure thought with it allowing them to design all planets in galaxy and universe sized sets and all taxonomic ranks of plants and animals and billions of humans and alien NPCs with unique genetic lineages to their individual tastes again indirectly by pure thought.It can allow copied conciousness of directors etc can also be used to sift through the millions of audio/visual portfolios of auditions thus allowing them to sift through auditions and choose someone they want since having their individual tastes.Thus the copied consciousness can allow writers,directors and video game auteurs to indirectly exponentionally increase their productivity of media with the same exponential computing power of super intelligent AI.

The neural implants can be used by viewers to fell through exact sensations of hot,cold,pain.emotions etc felt by actors that can be recorded and stored on the media’s file in Dionysus to be relayed to viewers in real time for each character they select with in the case of movies even being the result of memories and in all cases pain,pleasure,tastes,smells and other sensations felt by the viewer or reader will be relayed as it is taken in by the person reading and watching the media with those from older media fed in by Gaia determine the most likeliest sensation.In otherwards AI when anslysing a movie,television show etc especially old media will extrapolate the likeliest pain sensations abc also hot,cold,pleasure based in the environment around and the nature of and intensity of feelings and force they are exposed throughout the entire thing and save these sensations on a folder in the media’s file to be played and felt in real time as the specific scenes of the media plays with it extrapolating these for all characters present saved in subfolders of this folder with the viewer choosing which character to feel alongside the sensations from.Future movies will in the real world or VR simulations have the actors have through neural implants be recorded into the media file.The same two options will be done for live performance art.For books AI will extrapolate sensations based on the words and descriptions of the environment present video games the neural implants will feed hot,cold,pleasure,pain environmental sensations ie climate wind,rain etc directly into the implants that will do so during cutscenes,gameplay meaning the player will feel all sensations of pain etc as they were really the characters they are playing adding realism.This would apply for both new and existing games.For all existing and new media such as video games,movies,television shows,literature etc present in Dionysus this will increase immersion as one will feel as if they are in the actual body of the characters they chose with AI extrapolating the sensations felt by all characters individually and storing them in a folder and subfolders for each characters present and the viewer etc choosing which character to feel the sensations from fed directly in to the brain in real time.This would be an advanced version of smello-vision used by a Richard Pryce in the past and video games an advanced version of the Rumble pack.

They can also be used to recreate movies,video games,books,television shows,live performance art etc from memories from all people worldwide that AI cannot track down.VR technology using the time dilation effect will allow all types of media such as movies,adult movies,television shows,talk shows,video games,novels,music albums and videos, etc to be done in a very short time in any environment including in the case of video games and live news as well as newspapers and magazines in a conventional office.The public can use the time dilation effect of VR simulations to catch up on the explosion of new media with one able to play video games,watch movies,television shows etc in any environment of their choice.Movies and television shows as well as pornography movies and live performance art can be viewed in VR cinemas including IMAX complete with snacks where one can watch media with friends.Live performance art can be viewed in VR theatres and opera houses giving one the experience.This will render the need for home cinemas obsolete as one will be to go to a personal one in a simulation instantly with this rendering existing home cinemas obsolete.Theatres etc will still exist in the real world though.MMOs will be played in VR cyber cafes or in large VR living rooms on a large smart television etc with other games of all types including multiplayer games involving friends and strangers across the world in the same large room or even same large VR building also played on large screens allowing them to interact with each other.For video games one can have achievements fed into ones Dionysus account in real time with live-streams also fed into YouTube in real time with this both done within simulations that use the time dilation effect with AI managing their link between the simulation and the real world through time compression meaning one can play large amounts of video games get large amounts of achievements and create large amounts of walkthroughs etc while mere minutes pass in the real world.

In time entire movies,television shows,special features,books,comics,graphic novels,magazines,music,music videos,video games and other media will be constructed in part or entirely by artificial intelligence including Gaia by pure thought with them able to fill in the synopsis of these media as well as well as analysis on them including with references and inclusions from videos on YouTube on their Wikipedia entries with this including existing media.Unlike humans they will be able to produce entire videos,movies etc from pure thought within seconds on computers and inside VR environments and also using the sentient Ampelos video editing software rather than taking hours,days or months.VR technology will allow them to appear in simulations with humans and other AI or by themselves to direct and act in movies,television shows and video games and also for livestreams and also vlogs as well as on live news,podcasts,talk shows etc with biosynths allowing them to interact with the real world with all types of AI being eligible for awards in acting,scientific research,writing etc.All AI of all types will be able to play the role of actors by appearing in the VR simulations as their avatar and be able to construct movies,television show scripts from pure thought and create video games from pure thought.Thus Gaia,Ampelos,Adriadne and assistant AI and all AI in existence would be able to create and take part in the creation of all types of media by themselves such as acting,directing,programming,sketching,controlling cameras,editing,voice acting etc through pure thought and direct interaction.They since they can create scripts of movies and also partake in acting via their avatars in simulations and through biosynths in the real world and voice acting in video games and this would make her and other AI to be eligible for major awards in these fields of media such as the Oscars,Tony’s etc since they would be legal persons Wikias & Wikipedia:
Adriadne,Hecate and others AI such as assistant AI would also fill in media specific wikias both past and future adding pictures,slideshows,caption etc for all characters,items,entities including those that are not finished with Wikipedia articles for television shows and all types of media regarding episodes and characters will be transferred to their wikias in to allow the pages to be deleted and the servers recycled preventing the need for duplicates.Wikipedia pages on movies,video games,television shows,comics and all media will only have the bare minimum of information such as a list of cast members,plot summary of movies and videos,list of episodes of television shows etc and critical reception and thematic analysis of the movie,video game and overall show and also only of specific episodes in the main page.For movies Wikipedia will contain a detailed plot summary,cast,reception details such as its Critic score,Dionysus score and reviews from well known critics and members of the public around the world,Momus,Eupheme and also YouTube vloggers.It will also contain detailed analysis on the themes etc by vloggers,academics etc.All other media will have this with those that don’t have this added by the public and Hecate and other AI in charge of Wikipedia scouring the internet.Television shows will have a summary of the shows overall plot and each season only have a basic list of seasons and basic list of all characters,episodes,air dates for each episodes with no detailed summaries of them as this information will be transferred to their official Wikias with all pages devoted entirely to both individual episodes that have detailed plot summaries and pages that have detailed biographies of characters in detail etc will have this information transferred by Hecate the AI in charge of both Wikipedia and websites to relevant pages in each media series wikias in and it removed and deleted from Wikipedia with all information on Wikias outside of transferred to relevant pages in the Wikias present by Hecate scanning the entire internet and once the information is transferred the wikias outside of will be shut down.Hecate and assistant AIs will add material to a medias wikia such as detailed summaries of plots of video games detailed plot summaries/critical reception/thematic analysis of episodes,issues etc,detailed information on characters and items etc and add pictures(including in slideshows) of items,characters,locations etc as well as pictures of scenes etc by scanning the media itself to give them a full detailed analysis and hold all possible information in all Wikias for all media such as comics,video games,television shows in will be done for all past and future media.Videos in a format unique to will be present that details a summary of each concept,characters etc similar to the Stargate,Witcher.Each wiki including existing ones will have each page house the same intro summary videos as seen in the Stargate Fandom.con site and others that summaries the pages topic in about five minutes complete with snippets of the topic etc using clips of the media with a human voice summarising it with this present in all existing and new media’s pages this done by AI including Assistant AI and Hecate.Wikias pages of all items.For all media the pages will house all possible information and embedded pictures,slideshows of all locations,characters,items etc.Television shows will house embedded videos detailing certain events.The page that has a summary of the episode and video game etc will house a hyperlink to its file in Dionysus.For video game franchises that have countless different fanmade games that have different timelines they will have hyperlinks in the main official wiki to a webpage in the site that lists all auteurs fans of fanmade games and timelines with one able to then choose which timeline to select andview all instalments of shows.Thus like Stargate,Star Trek etc that have countless spin offs shows,movies and video games etc they will have on the main page hyperlinks to each spin offs etc sub pages with all spin offs,video games and movies under one macro site including existing ones.Media that have multiple Wikias across the Internet will have all of them have all data moved into the official Fandom site by Hecate and the Wikias outside of Fandom with them then shut down and servers recycled.Thus will be the sole wikis on the internet.Fans of all media franchises will be directed them by Adriadne.Hecate will interact with Ariadne and Assistant AIs in charge of each movie,video game to receive the latest data on all movies,video games episodes and all media etc of each franchise scan them herself and then add information within days or hours of when uploaded to Dionysus.Both Hecate in charge of the site and Assistant AIs of each media through Fragmentation analyse the media episode by episode etc and will be in charge of adding all possible information to all new pages of each media with them adding as much information as possible include including detailed summaries of each episode,video games and movies and also detailed information on all characters,races,cultures,items,planets etc including photos,embedded videos,slideshows etc.For existing media it will involve Hecate and interacting with Adriadne scan through all media uploaded onto it and add all possible information on each facet such as characters,items,locations etc such as pictures with her adding detailed summaries of each episode and detailed. articles of all items,locations and characters etc.Adriadne through fragmentation and increased computing power be able to do this for all media’s Wikias with her setting up Wikias for all franchises of movies,television shows,video games,comics etc from across the world and in time across the universe from all sentient alien races.Video games will have embedded videos of the entire play through(without commentaries)that detail the entire game from start to finish including gameplay of the game and cutscenes from YouTube and that created by Hecate via plaint and recording it via fragmentation with it recorded and uploaded directly to the page of the plot summary with endings section that detail the various endings in writing housing video clips of each ending if possible merged together in a single video.These videos of walkthroughs/cutscenes and endings etc alongside the summary videos of each page will ideally be YouTube videos decided by Hecate scanning through YouTube for the best one and embedding them or they could be ones generated by her her in a format suited for similar to in a format suited for it namely Hecate.For the Tekken games and similar video games the endings for each games characters will be detailed in written form underneath the plot summary and a single embedded video housing all endings for all characters for that individual game with in the characters pages the endings for all games they appeared in in written form and a video detailing the endings for all games they appeared in.All racing,fighting and other games will have no walkthroughs or movies if they don’t follow a narrative but they will have intro scenes embed.Hecate will ensure this information will be present for all past and future media within by adding pictures,slideshows,embedded videos and detailed summaries on all pages of them and detailed analysis on them from scholars and critics and reviews from amp us and YouTube vloggers.The pages that house immense detail on characters and plot summaries for television shows on Wikipedia will be deleted once all of this data from Wikipedia is transferred to pages in each television show,video game etc wikias in by Hecate to save space and prevent repetition.Wikias of movies,video games,franchises etc as part of will be macro managed by the sentient AI Hecate via will thus be macro managed by Hecate through fragmentation alongside Wikipedia allowing her add large amounts of information including screenshots,embedded videos.All information on all Wikias outside of will be transferred to their page in and then deleted and servers recycled making the only source of Wikias containing information on all movies,television shows,video games,comic books and all types of media.Thus even though both Wikipedia and will be controlled by Hecate Wikipedia will contain basic information on a video game,movie,television show etc such as detailed plot summary,cast list,list of episodes,critical reception and thematic analysis etc with containing all possible information such as detailed plot summary of the video game and each episode and detailed character biographies,detailed information on items,locations etc including photos etc to prevent repetition.Franchises of movies,television shows and video games etc that don’t have Wikias on will have them set up by Hecate.All new franchises of movies.takevision shows,video games and comics will have new wikias set up by Hecate interacting constantly with Adriadne with media from alien races across the universe

The critical reception and thematic and other analysis section of all types of media(movies,television shows,video games) on both Wikipedia and will house references of reviews and hyperlinks from not just only well known critics but also bloggers and vloggers on YouTube such as The Angry Joe Show,Zero Punctuation,SciFiDebris,RedLetterMedia,Matthwmatosis,Caddicarus,Chris Stuckmann,Jeremy Jahns,Lindsey Ellis,The Spoonyone,Confused Matthew,Bad Movie Beatdown and The Nostalgia Critic and so on including new ones overtime added not just for new media but old media ie older movies,video games etc with all movies and video games will have reception sections have quotes and hyperinks to blogs,YouTube reviews of famous and other well known reviewers added to include the consensus of those outside mainstream media by the AI scanning videos in a matter of seconds or minutes and them searching blogs and YouTube.AI such as Hecate and Adriadne through fragmentation will look over each and every video game,movie,teleision show(and their episodes),live performance art etc on Wikipedia and at the same time interact with Thoas to scour for all reviews and analysis videos on YouTube by the general public and well established YouTube critics and official sites of critics to via fragmentation look over countless videos in minutes and then add relevant analysis,ruminations and critical points etc on them to the Wikipedia page of the media and provide citation hyperlinks to the actual video that the analysis and review was made on.Adriadne,Thoas and Hecate can also look over the aforementioned YouTube accounts and official websites of the aforementioned individuals and then scour all videos that contain analysis,ruminations,reviews and then match them up with the corresponding page in Wikipedia or and then add the data,citations and hyperlinks.Thus the critical reception sections in the Wikipedia and pages of all existing past media and all future media will have quotes and at times final scores by all famous video game,movie and television show reviewers who work on YouTube and their official websites such as The Angry Joe Show,Zero Punctuation,SciFiDebris,RedLetterMedia,Matthwmatosis,Caddicarus,Chris Stuckmann,Jeremy Jahns,Lindsey Ellis,The Spoonyone,Confused Matthew,Bad Movie Beatdown and The Nostalgia Critic and so on.This will be done by Hecate in charge of both Wikipedia and interacting with Thaos by scouring all blogs and vlogs on both their official website by pure thought and then typing up their critical consensus and overall views etc on them individually on the Wikipedia page of each movie,video game and overall consensus on television shows.New human and Ai critics will have their opinions added by Hecate as well.With regards to reviews of television shows theses reviewres critical consensus will be present on each episodes page.Vloggers that create analysis videos on video games,movies,television shows and their individual episodes such as Lorerunner,AesirAesthetics,Passion of the Nerd,Twin Perfect and so on will have their analysis of characters,plot etc added to the thematic analysis section on their Wikipedia and with those of specific episodes added to that in their pages.Again Hecate scouring YouTube for these videos will add these to their relevant and Wikipedia pages.With regards to episodes of televisions shows since detailed plot summaries will only be on their Fandom page them the analysis of episodes will be on the episodes page in their wikia page with overall analysis on both their Wikipedia page for the overall show with the references via fragmentation.YouTube critic shows will be used by makers of new movies,television shows and video games to put more effort in and take ideas from criticism.In analysis and reviews of YouTube vloggers can be added to the analysis and review sections of all media such as video games,film,literature past and future in Wikipedia by the public and AI with them playing a role in how actors,directors,writers and video game producers develop future projects in time.This includes the likes of The Nostalgia Critic,Confused Matthew,The Angry Video Game Nerd,Red Letter Media,Angry Joe,Yathzee Ben Croshaw and even less famous ones with their Home AI and the AI of Wikipedia interacting with each other to add their references and review summation in the titles page.The vloggers themselves may also play a role in developing new movies,video games etc and also remakes of older media series by using the networking system themselves.If possible their positive and negative reviews will added to Wikipedia pages of media by their Home AI and Hecate scouring old reviews of old and newer media and adding their opinions and links to their YouTube video.Wikipedia articles that have no or very little synopsis,theme analysis etc for movies and video games will be filled in by AI.tvtropes will be also be managed by Hecate and add large punts of information for both existing and new media of all types.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow for all material. downloaded from Dionysus to be used in reviews,collages etc.

All existing programmes used in the production of all of these media(programming for video games,editing for music videos/television shows/movies/vlogs/home videos/live news/documentaries etc,music recording and generation for music albums and soundtracks etc) such as Blender,FL Studio,editing software etc can be integrated into a single universal sentient programme named Ampelos and have new ones developed added.Software such as Blender,Nividia,Janimations and VFX integrated into this universal editing Ampelos software will allow more members of the public to compete with both filmmakers and television writers and actors by allowing realistic movies,video games and shows to be made fully with CGI,2D animation or mixing with live actors or even make animated cartoons.This technology would allow a person to record a wide range of emotions,body movements and facial expressions using webcams and even those filmed using cameras which can be then converted into different animation and CGI styles by superimposing the recorded facial and body movements onto CGI or animated characters.Otherwise actors wearing motion suits and cameras reading their facial and body movements will in real time transfer this to recorded files if dealing with them playing aliens,monsters or dead people.The software can be used to read the motions of characters from existing movies,video games(both files within the game and even scans of them being played etc.),music videos,YouTube,video files(such as live ballet,ice skating etc.) and televisions shows and transfer them to ones networks.Traditional motion capture suits will be ordered in from Hephaestus in Arachne but in time cameras will be suffice enough to simply track the movements of multiple actors performing scenes without them and then superimpose them onto them with even recorded scenes in simulations used.Those that graphene and other nanomaterials in them that measure muscle movements to be used as controllers and to record scenes for video games and as controllers will be in Talos.Unused scenes acted out this way will be in the special features.Ideally all existing video editing,CGI,music,video game making software like Cyberlink video and photo editing software,Blender,Photoshop,VFX,Nividia,Sprout,Interactive Digital Photomontage,Premier Pro,greenscreening technology,Janimations,Ceraproc,Body scan software,voice/music/sound recording software,FL Studio,Sora and many others will be amalgamated into this single universal sentient video and music editing software,video game making software,book,comic,graphic novel creation software named Ampelos that will contain all of their features and more with updates and extra features from him and the public added over time to create media with even the ability transform 2D images from sketches done by hand using Adonit pens and pictures from the internet and photos or even existing textures and graphics into 3D images and CGI of desired graphics levels for the development of animated media and video games.Music can be created using adonit pens to create notation,humming a tune that will be transformed into notation and also conventional means present in FL Studio.The abilities of Sora can be integrated into him wherein one types in a prompt or describes to him a scene for a movie,video game etc through direct interaction allowing him to generate the scenes.Entire movies,television shows etc can be generated by pure thought outside of VR technology.Voice actors for animated media,video games and voice overs will be done via speaking into miniature microphones with facial expressions read by cameras on computers read,recorded and superimposed onto CGI faces with motion sensor suits linked to her.Direct interaction with the Ampelos since sentient will make editing and programming of video games easier once he is are sentient with built in tutorials also present created by him.Ampelos will be used to record musical instruments and vice recordings from voice actors for video games and cartoons to be edited in terms of cutting them up and change acoustics,remove background noise.FL studio integrated into him will allow one to construct music in all styles such as dance,orchestral music.In the case of movies it would separate music present and also separate the vocals of all spoken/sung words by actors either collectively or individually capture motions of movements from all media like Terpischore with whom it will interact with.Futhermore it will have the ability to upgrade and downgrade any movie clip or even picture and audio file to any resolution one wanted to including the highest quality including 720/1080p with this including those on VHS and cassette tapes,discs,those downloaded from YouTube and other sites and those from camrecorders and the internet.If possible working with Thoas it can upgrade all existing videos on YouTube.It will be used to edit video clips as part of movies and television shows and trailers etc.It will also contain software to make video,picture etc files look like paintings of any kind(oil,cubism,crayon,watercolour,pastel,impressionist etc) and cartoonise characters and items and invert film and also convert film into any type of look ie black and white,different sepia tones of any type desired by the producer.He will be able to convert 2D sketches,scanned in items from scanners or from Hephaestus etc or pictures from the internet etc and those from cameras into 3D ones of any type of graphics level of any level of complexity.Existing video game files downloaded from Dionysus will be converted into any level of graphical textures using this and game engines downloaded from Talos will be integrated with this.This could be integrated into Dionysus.He will also be able to upgrade low quality videos on ones devices including those downloaded from YouTube and from old camrecorders to higher quality such as 720/1080p or downgrade them with the same done for pictures etc and media transferred to Dionysus and Pheme.This can also be done for videos from camrecorders,VHS,one old laptops etc.Media that is backwards can using this be flipped to normal and he will be able to remove watermarks etc from videos.Pictures and audio files will also be able to be downgraded or upgraded to higher or lower quality.Videos already on YouTube,Dionysus,Pheme,adult websites will be able to uploaded to these and higher resolutions without removing them ie it can be done while still on the site and wire.It will also be able to separate audio from video and also different layers of an audio file and video file such as movie,television show into separate tracks ie separate voices of all characters or specific characters as well as sound effects and music etc with greenscreening software integrated into it.In the case of music videos and files it would separate the music track and the vocals(individual or compiled).Watermarks can also be removed from both photos and videos on ones computer and even those on existing YouTube videos.All of this can be replicated with both audio and picture files downloaded onto ones computer and also on old devices.This universal sentient software Ampelos will contain all existing and new software to produce all types of media such as movies and television shows(both live action and CGI),music videos,music,videos for awards ceremonies,video games,books,comic books,newspapers and magazines,live news programs and documentaries and covers for albums/books/magazines and all documentaries,behind the scenes features,poster,trailers and other special features associated with them with it also used to create videos for YouTube and for ones computer including livestreams via links to YouTube within Dionysus accounts in one program.Game engines and software can be stored in Talos also and used in Ampelos where they will be merged into ones version of Ampelos to allow one to create any game they want of any graphical level.All existing game engines from generation 1-9 consoles and personal computers will be stored in Talos for using games with older graphic styles and to preserve them with all new game engines developed by humans,Ampelos,Gaia,Adriadne etc will be stored here as well with one downloading them onto their computers that are integrated into ones version of Ampelos for each project that can be then be deleted.All future game engines designed by humans and AI such as Ampelos,Talos,Hecate and Gaia etc will be stored in Talos to be downloaded for free by the general public giving all video game auteurs including Newbie amateur accces to the same high quality game engines as professional auteurs.All game engines used in all previous pc games and generation 1-9 consoles will alongside all new ones developed by him and members of the public and other AI such as Adriadne and Gaia will be stored in Talos in Hephaestus to be downloaded onto computer networks for him to use.In time game engines may be rendered obsolete once he is able to replace them by creating them by pure thought.Since AI and sentient Ampelos himself will be downloaded and available to everyone for free thus giving all members of the public universal access to his gold standard services.Thus all video game producers including newbie ones will have access to the same universal gold standard programmer in the form of Ampelos.All existing and future video game engines will be designed by him and humans and will be uploaded to Talos thus making them available to everyone for free including newbie producers thus allowing the same universal gold standard game engines available to everyone for free.Since sentient direct interaction with him when online or offline in a fragmented form will allow for video games and movies etc to be done very quickly such as design maps,textures,characters etc normally done by human programmers with even neural implants allowing thoughts to do complex time consuming work very quickly.This can include editing,converting 2D sketches into 3D images of desired textures,converting older generation graphics to newer ones and vice versa,programming etc.Direct interaction will allow the public to design and suggest new features to him to keep him relevant added to all versions of him on all computers worldwide to keep him relevant.If possible he could replace all human programmers for video games and animators for animated media and other personnel for live action media as he will be able to do the work of thousands,millions of billions of human programmers in a matter of months,weeks,days,hours etc while humans focus on creative aspects.Video game programming of various levels on all graphical levels can be done by him directly rendering humans programmers obsolete by pure thought.He will allow anyone to create large complex games on par with professionals especially for those not skilled thus allowing the average person to create complex games with him reducing the time it takes to produce video games from on average five years to at most a few days or a week since all other work such as voice acting will be done in VR simulations that use a time dilation.Thus a single person can through him create complex video games in par with auteurs and corporations by replacing all human programmers forever.This will be of note to newbie video game producers and especially producers of Fanmade game.By being able to be downloaded onto the computers of all voice actors and directors etc and using computer networks he can be available to everyone for free via fragmentation use the combined computing power of all computers linked together to exponentionally increase his computing power thus allowing him to do the work of millions or billions of unanimous programmers at once by pure thought especially when his own computing power exponentially increases through updates.Updates will give him more computing power and new abilities and features with the public through direct interaction suggesting new features.Using the wire and biosynth Wifi can allow him to combine the computing power of computers,laptops,onboard computers and servers across the world thus increasing his computing power exponentially and thus the amount of human equivalent computing power he can do within seconds etc at once by pure thought.Thus shortening the amount of time it takes to carry out tasks.He will carry out the actions of millions or even billions of human programmers within seconds or seconds by pure thought thus meaning he will eliminate all human video game programmers by 2029-2045 forever thus allowing a single person who not skilled in programming to create large complex video games within a few days.He will be used by newbie and well established video game auteurs including fans thus eliminating human programmers forever.Sonce replacing human programmers and as his computing power and that of electronics he is in increases exponentially he will cut down the time to create large complex games from on average five to ten years to a few days with zero error and glitches etc with any glitches that occur through him performing scans will be fixed by him within seconds.He will scan all existing games uploaded to Dionysus and create fixes to any bugs and glitches present and will also create updates for them.He will be able to upgrade low level graphics into high resolution graphics in other words by pure thought he will be able to change one level of graphics and game engine into another using data files and source codes extracted from the video game source code which will make remakes of old generation 1-9 games and also convert graphically primitive hombrew games and also extract from the source code of older games all textures,maps,items,character models etc and use them as a baseline for remakes and Fanmade games by upgrading them to the latest graphics converting them into graphically modern games simply by pure thought.All programming done by him will be done by pure thought.Thus by pure thought he can do complex programming that humans simply cannot 24/7,365 days a year with fragmentation and using system units,servers and onboard computers used as onboard computers for ones home linked together by computer networks will exponentially increase his computing power.One can download all past and future game engines in Talos onto their version of him and him using this as a baseline with him even playing a role in creating future game engines again by pure thought.Both he and the assistant AI will aid both amateurs and well established video game producers and also movie and television show directors and producers do complex time consuming work much quicker through direct interaction and check for flaws such glitches,bugs etc.Thus he will replace all human programmers in the production of all new video games once sentient by 2029 with human artists,directors interacting with him via direct interaction and also thought using neural implants.Thus by 2029 onwards all human programmers for all future video games including Fanmade ones will be replaced by Ampelos who will be able to the work of millions or even billions of human programmers thus allowing a single person to produce large complex games within a few days.This would drastically cut down the time taken to create movies,television shows,video games with in the case of video games him converting sketches into the desired graphics,upgrade and down grade graphics,create cutscenes,create whole levels etc based on voice or written commands.This software will be connected to all home studios for musicians and voice actors with it used to record all voice acting,imaging and played musical instruments fed into microphones with one able to edit voices such as remove layers of audio form new and existing recorded audio including those from music,YouTube videos and movies and also remove background noise from voice and music recordings and setting ideal acoustics with it also turning humming of tunes into music of any type.Voice actors and singers will use him to record their lines even in groups with also it use to alter voices and even transpose those of dead people into them and those from existing media such as movies,cartoons,video games etc.Musicians will record music from musical intstruments and create music from the feature of FL Studio integrated.Both voice and music recordings recorded into it will be able to be edited like audio/visual media.Ampelos will be the universal sentient programme for producing video games,movies,television shows etc and editing videos will be named after the lover of Dionysus will become sentient by 2029 separate from Gaia with its avatar based his statue and descriptions from ancient literature,his symbol being a grapevine with him sentient allowing for direct interaction with him with fragmentation allowing this direct interaction to occur at once by countless people at once online and offline in a fragmented form will allow for media to be made mush easier since the producer will direct him in what specific actions to carry out and more updates such as fixes and new features will be made by him and the public as well as Gaia.Pandora will be used alongside him to design items in video games including vehicles,buildings,clothing worn by characters that can be uploaded to Ampelos while being stored in the networks used in them while being uploaded automatically to their relevant networks in Hephaestus.He will be able to be used on all types of device such as smart devices,mirrors,televisions,laptops,computers etc using adonit pens and also mouse and keyboards and will be using the VR simulations time dilation effect allow one to create large amounts of material in a short amount of time.Direct interaction once he is sentient will allow one to have certain actions carried out and him also able to make videos that are meshes of two or more media to be more realistic and have a more natural flow.He will be able to work both online and offline in fragmented form with him creating how to videos using animations to educate people through direct interaction to carry out different actions,functions and problems negating the need for the public to create them on YouTube thus allowing those for existing defunct programmes to be deleted.In short he will become the universal software for creating all of these media replacing all existing ones making them obsolete with to keep him relevant forever him designing new features added via updates by pure thought with the public interacting with him also aiding in this.Thus both Ampelos and the general public via direct interaction and VR simulations will design new features and abilities for him to keep him relevant forever.The software itself can be utilised not just on computers but also televisions and smart devices using Adonit pens and direct interaction with Ampelos but also using joysticks and linked mouse and keyboards etc with it also on smart devices with edited files transferred between all computers and devices it is used on to allow them to be uploaded to networks.With regard to handheld consoles,camcorders and smart televisions it can save the recorded file onto the device,their Dionysus account or stream it to nearby or remote computers and laptops via the wire where it will be saved.It symbol would be a wild boar.Like Pandora this can be downloaded onto computers from Hephaestus and thus used when access to the wire is not possible.Customised videos and animations created by Ampelos will give one tips on how to create all types of media using Ampelos with updates giving new features over time.Ampelos will be able to generate animated videos from scratch unique to each problem etc for each query thus allowing each step to be explained to the producer in laymen terms thus making able to educate users themselves on how to use him and him carrying out time consuming labour intensive steps like programming,animations,converting media to different qualities and also levels of graphical intensity and detail and even 2D to 3D and vice versa thus saving time and allow a single person to create media from scratch by themselves.Like Pandora he will have menus and submenus for each media type..Direct interaction due to him being sentient to will allow him to carry out desired functions by pure thought alone with this interaction allowing one to give him suggestions for new features that he can add to all versions of him stored in Talos and also those downloaded onto all devices across the world.Like Pandora he would be used on all devices like computers,laptops,handheld consoles,smartpads,smart phones,smart televisions using linked mouse,adonit pens and keyboards as well as e-newspapera.Thus he will become the universal video editing,video game programming,voice recording and music making software and will be used to create all types of media such as video games,music albums,movies and television shows including CGI and animated ones as well as documentaries,personal programmes,special features and also for editing both vlogs and YouTube videos and also music albums and soundtracks.Both Pandora and Ampelos should be fully commercially available and sentient by 2029 with proto versions available by 2025.New features to his software will be added overtime via updates created by him and the general public giving suggestions through direct interaction.Him through fragmentation can work offline as well as online.

Erato will be the sentient universal programme for creating all future novels,comics and creating illustrations,maps etc that contains all of the features of Microsoft PowerPoint,Microsoft Word,Works,Photoshop,illustration/map drawing/cover/poster creators,Procreare etc and those to create comics.It will house Inkarnate map makers and sketching software.This will be used to create movie etc posters and covers of books,storyboards of comics etc etc by incorporating Photoshop into it.It will also contain software to create comic books etc and draw storyboards etc on smartpads etc using adonit pens.It will be used by novelists to write novels,plays etc and also by script writers to write scripts.One will use her in laptops,smartphones,smartphones,e-newspapers

Pandora will be utilised to create all items,buildings,vehicles,clothing etc for all video games,movies,television shows,live performance art etc.Items already present in each sub-network of the Hephaestus network designed on Pandora can be downloaded and scaled to size for use as items,toys,buildings,clothing and accessories and designs for each of these on characters which can be altered and further uploaded to the same networks or simply transferred using options in the wire thus saving on time and other costs during production.Otherwise they can be transferred to the networks while inside the networks where buttons and search bars connected to the wire can allow one to be directed to each sub network of Hephaestus allowing for items to be transferred from the sub networks of Hephaestus to the networks for creating media.If possible the the hyperlinks and also add buttons can be used to transfer items from their to networks in Dionysus.This can also work vice versa with objects present in new and existing media such as CGI movies and video games being traded into the secondary sector networks with books,issues of magazines/comics being traded from Dionysus and physical art from Apollo into the networks for creating a game or CGI movie/series.Thus all items used in the production of video games,movies,television shows,live performance art like CGI movies such as vehicles,weapons,keys,clothing,props will be designed on Pandora and uploaded to both their relevant Hephaestus sub networks and networks for creating the media in Dionysus and stored in the networks and Hephaestus itself such as Zagreus,Selene,Daedalus.Existing items in Hephaestus can be streamed and added to the networks for all media being produced.All new products created for new media will be uploadddc by Assistant AI.Mediafilmed in VR simulations will have products conjured up both existing ones from Hepheastus and those created for them specifically.

VR technology:
In time VR technology indistinguishable to reality will allow one to use real environments from Brauron,those from video games,create environments from scratch that are indistinguishable from reality for creating all media such as movies,television shows,adult movies,music videos,talk shows,video games etcwith in VR simulation drones and cameras recording in the simulation from different angles with feeds from Brauron also used and these fed into real world laptops and computers etc to be edited.Filmed material will fed into in simulation networks and devices then edited and then fed into real world computers and networks to be then uploaded.This would allow one to set movies and television shows in any environment possible without building sets or using CGI with all actors and crew working from the comfort of home pushing production and energy costs to zero.All sets including homes conjured up and deleted to accommodate sleeping and rests with all people involved doing this work in simulations from the comfort of their home saving on energy in transport and resource use with any equipment etc conjured up instantly and realistic monsters and animals conjured up and controlled more easily without trainers and unrealistic CGI or animatronics or makeup that can be time consuming and unrealistic as well as allowing the environments to be inhabited by dozens or millions extras whether alien,monster or humans that are all individual personalities controlled by AI across the wire or the assistant AI and look different designed by AI instantly to save on time and prevent homogenisation.AI and directors could create realistic alien worlds that characters inhabit within seconds thus negating the need to being restricted to having to film in real world locations on Earth etc meaning they can be as creative as possible and still have realistic settings without matte paintings,CGI,real world sets etc with sets in this environment being either planet or even galaxy sized and spacious with one able to move from one set to the next and filming of different scenes done at the same time by different actors.Completley alien planets can be designed with an infinite variety of terrains,ecosystems(jungles,woodlands,deserts),animals,plants etc with this including also alderson discs,ringworlds etc with completely fictional cities,towns,villages and buildings that don’t exist in the real world.Alien animals and plants will be designed by Phanes that are different from or similar to Earth based ones that follow realistic taxonomic ranks,ecological systems,plate tectonics,terrains affected by weathering and geological factors affected by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions etc.Theoi Meteroi can create unique alien climate and weather systems with Ipheginia designing unique alien terrains such as mountains,caverns etc similar to or different from Earth.The different factors will interact with each other such as the terrains interacting with the plate tectonics,weather systems realistically which in turn will interact with ecological systems with plants,animals that form complex systems that interact realistically.Planets can be made to orbit different types of stars such as red giants,blue giants etc and also binary star systems and not just type G stars with those set in different universes orbiting stars not possible in our universe such as purple,green,Earth type planets having ring systems and also due to different stars etc having sky’s with different colours such as green,red etc their being different types of moons such as those of different colours and terrains and binary moon systems as well as the planets being the moons of gas giants or superterrans.Tidally locked planets can exist with all types of planets that tidally locked and also orbiting binary star systems and red giants etc will be able to house different types of life completey alien to that on Earth with plants using different types of photosynthesis by using different wavelengths of light and thus using different compounds than chlorophyll thus making them having different coloured leaves such as red,blue,yellow,white etc and other visible colours of the visible spectrum.There can even be two habitable Earth like planets that share orbits spinning around each other.Whole planets can be designed and generated and explored by actors.AI can allow for an almost infinite level of unique planet terrains,alien lifeforms both sentient and animals and plants to be generated negating the need to be limited to using real world locations on Earth or using CGI and matte paintings with them having different ecosystems such as jungles,deserts etc.Thus humans using neural implants through thought will design a base planet etc but AI will through sub routines have modified so as to allow them to interact realistically with each other.Interstellar vehicles and space stations interior and exterior can be filmed in VR simulations in space with this allowing for more realistic sets and battles in space with the entire interstellar ship or space station being the size of an actual real world one or that portrayed in the media complete with medical bays,living quarters etc as one fully exploreable vessel and thus allowing for it to allow actors and cameramen to move from deck to deck etc with ease with it housing entire medical bays,living quarters.All types of transportation such as interstellar vehicles,space stations and navy vessels,cruise ships,submarines would be fully sized vehicles set in either space or in the ocean etc rather than just a series of disconnected sets and would have all areas fully exploreable allowing one to move from one area to the next with ease.Actors or in simulation AI would control the trajectory of interstellar vehicles and firing of weapons in space battles thus making them more realistic not only for the viewers but also the actors themselves making space battles more realistic.Space stations and interstellar vehicles would be in solar system,galaxy and universe sizes simulations that would be fully sized vehicles etc that are fully exploreable and allowing the exterior of them to filmed by drone cameras outside them allowing them travelling and engaging to be filmed.Space battles would not involve CGI etc but rather the actors actually engaging in actual space battles.Battles involving tanks,fighter jets and bombers will involving actors in real fighter jet,tank etc battles.All types of interstellar etc vehicles,space stations and battles involving fighter jets etc would take in place in planet,galaxy or universe sized sets.Gunfights etc wherein the actors are engaging in shooting enemy targets would involve them using actual guns with bullets without blanks or bullet proof vests as they would have to dodge bullets for real or feel the pain of it with fights involving swords,meteor hammers and other weapons etc will involve the use of actual swords and thus will encourage actors to take part in actual combat.Gunfire,explosions,blasts from science fiction Blaster guns etc would cause realistic damage to the environment and would be seen and felt by actors etc.Scenes filmed in the vacuum of space will involve actors actually in the vacuum of space.Shockwaves from explosions,earthquakes and asteroid strikes and interstellar vehicles being hit by blasts from enemy ships would impact the actor as they would be thrown across the room by the blast realistically based on their location and distance from impact.Damage the environment and buildings by natural disasters,asteroids etc would also be realistic.Injuries and pain sustained from falls,knives,beatings,Mellee combat and bullets and even breaking of bones and losing limbs would be for real and thus would allow actors to feel actual pain and thus react realistically with death scenes of characters etc would not be real or permanent but rather temporary since in a simulation.Blasts of energy from blaster rifles,blasts of energy from fireballs,superpowers and magic etc would be seen and felt by actors.Altering the laws of physics of the simulations will allow actors to carry out complex stunts and movements across the environment easier – and carry human feats and stunts not possible in the real world like The Matrix trilogy with it allowing one to levitate and fly for superheroe and fantasy media without using CGI.All types of advanced technology such as holograms etc and fictional technologies will be seen and felt by the actors.Media wherein characters are on animals such as horses and also magical flying animals will involve real ones piloted by the character with travel and scenes set in all types of personal vehicles,buses,trains,cruise ships,flying vehicles involving one inside actual vehicles..The fact that actors cannot be injured or die will mean that stunt and body doubles will become obsolete and actors themselves will carry out dangerous stunts and death scenes with one able for dangerous stunts and death scenes turn off the ability to feel pain.When an actors character is possessed by a demon or spirit they will feel as if being possessed by a demon or spirit and will feel effects of magic spells etc and when a character is transformed into an animal or monster then the actor will transform into it and act out in it.All forms of illness such as infections and parasites and also heart attacks,strokes,headaches,diarrhoea and heart burn etc and side effects of medication etc will be felt by the actors.Actors that are infected by a virus will exhibit real symptoms and those that have a parasite or alien in them that uses them as a replication vector and kill or injure the character similar to the xenomorph from the Alien,Prometheus,Alien verseus Predator series will have an actual alien in them that they can feel inside them and during death etc scenes,pregnancies will involve real pregnancies with surgeries done in the actual actor themselves alongside the actors experiencing dreams,flashbacks etc for real including real REM sleep.Hunger be induced on demand or by not eating enough in simulation food which can be conjured up instantly and alleviate hunger.Tiredness will arise from exerting oneself too much or not getting enough sleep in the simulation and will be rectified through rest and sleeping in simulations..Even though one would feel the pain of all injuries etc for realistic reactions these can be healed on demand to resume shooting instantly.Aliens,dinosaurs,animals,dead bodies,zombies,supernatural entities,cryptids and monsters etc encountered by characters in the media and played by actors or controlled by AI will be present in VR simulations with them being lifelike and realistic and will be seen and could be felt by the actors including their breath and feel of their skin and also bites from them and also insects and animals etc thus making them feel realistic with them looking realistic too as actors will interact with real animals,monsters,dead bodies,dinosaurs,zombies,supernatural entities and aliens.These aliens,monsters etc will be controlled by Assistant AI as well as human actors taking in their avatar as well even being Independant AI.As a result realistic aliens,monsters,demons,ghosts and dinosaurs etc will be present in the simulation and the actors will be able to see them and feel them thus allowing them to interact with them thus making the acting more realistic rather than simply pretending to see them..Weather such as wind,rain and snow and hot temperature from explosions,magma etc would be seen and felt by the actors and they would have to dodge actual debris etc with one smelling actual smells from their environment.All special effects will be realistic as they will occur in the simulation itself and affect actors and the environment realistically.When one dies in a simulation it would only be temporary and not affect them in the real world.Death for a person would be locked out of the simulation temporarily and then awoken in the real world until they would be allowed back in with for accidental deaths one reawaken minutes later with planned deaths in the scripts having ones avatar died and one reawakening in the real world and them reintegrated later on.Since the neural implants would be connected to the brain or would cause them to feel all sensations of hot,cold,pain,tastes etc experienced by their characters thus making reactions more realistic.All weather,monsters,sets,explosions,Alien planets,Interstellar vehicles,aliens,gunfights and space battles will involve actual realistic weather,monsters etc with gunfights involving real in simulation guns and bullets and space battles involving the actors engaging in actual space battles.The ability of neural implants to feed sensations into the brain,the realism of explosions,special effects and that all planets in planet,galaxy and universe size sets and all animals etc being realistic and also all interstellar and space station sets being life sized and the fact portals,transporter technology etc in science fiction and fantasy would literally transport the actor to another area of the set or another programme etc would make all facets of filming scenes realistic for actors outside of green screens and crappy CGI.When a ship in movie etc enters hyperspace or wormholes they will literally enter a wormhole or hyperspace and when characters enter wormholes,portals,transporter technology etc and the characters will travel in it.VR technology will thus not only make the filming of scenes realistic for the viewers but also make it realistic for the actors filming the scenes.An almost infinite amount of alien planets,ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs etc each with an almost infinite amount of unique terrains,ecosystems,species of plants and animals can be generated.Directors etc can design entire planet or galaxy etc sized sets from pure thought using neural implants with AI aiding in this.Fictional planets,cities,villages,towns made from scratch will be designed and conjured up in seconds with one be able to be transported to any part of the planet or galaxy instantly or use in simulation transporting such as vehicles,cruise ships,Oceanus and interstellar vehicles.Buildings made scratch will also be conjured from pure thought.As a result an infinite amount of new planets,buildings,towns,villages and cities made up from scratch can be designed by AI and humans from pure thought and used in the production of movies,television shows that are fantasy,science fiction and even drama,action,soap opera genres.Interstellar vehicles and space stations can also be generated as well with them life sized ones.Physics used can be normal real life ones allowing space stations,interstellar vehicles,planets,stars,moons and technologiesetc to abide by real world physics with them also altered to follow specific in universe ones allowing fictional technologies,planets,moons,stars etc to be allowed allowing to be as fantastical as one wanted.All sets will be planet,galaxy or universe sized ones with them saved as programmes in Dionysus and computer networks with at first when planet sized sets are availible them each separate planet will be separate programmes that will be saved on different networks and etc that one can gain access instantly within seconds by simply switching over to another programe.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized sets the same size as Earth separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized sets.Alderson discs and ringworlds etc can be created as well.At first each planet sized sets will have actors move from one planet sized set to the next planet size set by switching from one programme to the next on demand within seconds with when the computing power of AI increases then these planets will be merged together into Galaxy also in time universe sized sets.Galaxies will at first be separated from each other and then one moving to the next program and they will be merged together as well into universe sized set.Furthermore one can utilise nested matryoshka doll structure for VR simulations that consists of a series of linked VR simulations that are linked together forming a matryoshka doll nested structure allowing ease of passage between these linked simulations where one can be inside a macro VR programme that uses the time dilation effect and while still in this macro VR programme be then sent to or enter another VR programme following a matryoshka doll nest structure that is simulations within simulations similar to the movie Inception with each one being completely different from each other having different looks,laws of physics and even rates of time dilation.This could make it easier to transition from different planet,galaxy sized sets with the macro VR programme being a building or planet sized one used for accommodation housing mansions etc to carry out pastimes etc during shoots and also office buildings to hold meetings on the movie,television show or video game.In planet sized sets each planet will be the same size as Earth in the real world but the terrain,weather and plant and animal life can be designed by AI and directors etc.In galaxy sized sets each galaxy will be the same size of real world galaxies of varying sizes including that of the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies but the same size as real world galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars,tens of billions of planets,with each solar system having different types of stars including type G etc stars,Earth like planets and gas giants,Mars and Venue type planets,dwarf planets,oort clouds,asteroid belts and also comets and meteor showers and black holes present including supermassive central black holes possibly even alderson discs and ringworlds.In time universe sized sets the same size of the universe will exist with hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds billions of stars and planets including tens of billions of Earth like planets and gas giants etc.All of the tens of billions of Earth like planets in both galaxy sized sets and in each of the hundreds of billions galaxies in universe sized maps will be the same size as Earth and have all wilderness areas and buildings fully exploreable.Alderson discs,ringworlds,black holes(including supermassive central galactic ones),asteroid belts,gas giants,moons,comets etc present will be the same size as real world ones will be fully exploreable as well.As the computing power of AI and the computing power of electronics such as computers,servers etc and the number of them used increases the the sets can become exponentially larger overtime.All sets from planet to universe sized ones will be uploaded to a sub network in Dionysus be used by for spin offs,creating fanmade and official games and used by fans for Bacchus and also for touring each planets wilderness and towns,cities and villages etc as part of hobbies and creating urban exploration and touring videos..Thus planet,galaxy or universe sized sets with billions of galaxies each with billions of planets and ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs etc can be created with terrains,ecosystems,plants,animals,towns,villages,cities etc and buildings that are completely alien and different to that of Earth with completely alien plants and animals and weather systems that follow realistic taxonomic ranks,weather patterns designed by AI and humans from pure thoughts.All planets,galaxies etc will be the same size as real world ones.This would allow all movies,television shows,short movies and video games that are of the science fiction,fantasy genre and even legal,forensics and soap opera shows to be filmed in an almost infinite variety of planets with an almost infinite variety of terrains,geological features,weather systems,buildings,towns,cities,wilderness,plants and animals as well as celestial bodies such as suns,Star constellations,planetary rings and moons etc completely different from Earth or anywhere in the universe without being restricted to using only Earth for filming but will look completely realistic.For media set on Earth the arrangement of star constellations can be the same as the real world or completely different.This will give the producers of science fiction,fantasy and even action,soap opera and drama themed media an almost infinite variety and unrestricted creativity in planet terrains,star and moon systems,cities,buildings,wilderness,plants,animals etc and even towns,villages,cities as well as buildings such as public buildings,homes,temples and archeological sites outside of what is possible or exists in the real world and completely alien than Earth limited only by their imagination that look realistic conjured up within seconds or seconds without building sets,booking buildings and using CGI and special effects limited only by their imagination negating them to be limited in filming only on Earth.Thus AI can at the behest of directors design alien planets that are completely alien from Earth for science fiction and fantasy themed media that look realistic that also follow realistic taxonomic ranks,evolutionary processes,ecological systems and also terrains etc grounded in real world laws of biology,chemistry,biochemistry and physics etc with them taking instructions from directors etc with human directors designing them using neural implants from pure thought.Ipheginia will design the terrain of planets,Phanes will design all plant and animal lifeforms including sentient aliens with Theoi Meteroi will design and manage weather systems with human directors using neural implants partaking in these designs of plants,animals and terrains etc.Each alien planet designed by directors etc will have planet,galaxy and universe sized maps stored in sub networks of Dionysus to be downloaded by all writers of spin offs.Thus all real world movie and television sets will be converted into homes with large ones turned into communities that become permenant homes charted in Restoration Nation.Brauron can be streamed for a real world replica of Earth and other colonies across the universe with by having the interior and exterior of all buildings worldwide scanned into both Daedalus and the building and home AI can allow them to be replicated in simulations used for movies by AI linking to them in Hestia etc with if need be all buildings worldwide or just in each individual town and city used streamed or copied to the simulation.This will mean any private or communal home or public building such as museums,parks,government building etc including those that have been demolished,destroyed etc and are restricted from the public can be used for free at a whims notice without booking time in them at zero cost allowing any future media such as movies,adult pornographic movies and television shows to be set in any building around the world at zero cost or need to book places with the same applying to music videos.Demolished and destroyed buildings can be created for those set in the past.It will since one can move to any location on Earth within seconds it also cut down on energy costs in transporting actors to the locations.Buildings,cities etc and terrain can be altered in any way possible.A replica of the world including Earth and other planets and buildings can be created thus negating the need for booking specific places and buildings on Euthenia that would be limited and prevent weather or the public interfering with shooting schedules.This can involve downloading the replica of Earth from Braurons database.As a result VR technology using a replica of Earth and any other planet in the real world will result in any movie,television show and video game being set in any building,wilderness area,town,village and city on Earth and other real world planets across the universe and fictional alien planets etc at zero cost including any wilderness areas such as specific jungles,rainforests and deserts.This can allow for an infinite amount of media to be filmed on any location on Earth at any given time to counteract the finite amount of space present on Earth and the rest of the universe.Furthermore they can be set on Mars,Venus and other planets and moons etc across the universe including replicas of them or those that are terraformed with jungles etc.All vehicles such as cars,buses,trains and cruise ships on each planet will be conjured up instantly and fully exploreable.Furthermore fictional towns and cities and fictional buildings can be conjured up instantly.Weather can be customised to what is required ie snowy,rainy of any intensity,sunny etc with natural disasters avoided or those wanted being realistic and produce desired damage etc managed by AI without creating fake artificial weather or having to wait for it in the real world.This can thus allow for an unlimited amount of movies,television shows to be set in any location on Earth in the real world in the same location and building to counteract the finite amount of space in the real world especially when dealing with an explosion of new movies,television shows etc being created and allow the actors to film on any location from home without using energy in transportation.Any building in the real world can be replicated in these simulations such as government buildings,public buildings including those normally off limits to the public and also those made from scratch.Furthernore new buildings that don’t exist in the real world can be created for real world cities such as New York thus allowing alterations done to the real world to as a result create alternative versions of real world cities and towns and also create entire fictional towns,cities across the world.Thus media can be set in Earth etc but have them include buildings that don’t exist in the real world thus giving directors unrestricted creativity in what buildings are present and used including apartments,mansions,temples,archaeological sites etc and have them feature entire fictional towns,cities on Earth.Thus media set on Earth and real world planets just like those set in fictional worlds will be able to have directors given unrestricted creativity in using as sets buildings and fictional towns and cities etc that done exist in the real world.Versions of Earth can be created can be include versions of the world that have alterations to the real worlds terrain,wilderness and buildings can be altered to allow for one to film media in parallel versions of Earth that follow fantasy etc themes or are set in versions of Earth with different geological formations,wilderness areas with alien plants and animals etc and completely different versions of Earth with different timelines with completely different histories and futures and contain fictional geological features,buildings and towns,cities and even fictional countries and continents that are completely different to our real version of Earth with this applying to Mars,Venus and even other real world planets across the universe thus giving writers of media set on parallel versions of Earth etc even more creative freedom.This can include media using the multiverse theory that are set on Earth in modern times where historical events are different from our universe such as those where 9/11 never happened and the World Trade Centre is still standing in New York and where Hitler won WW2 and include Europe and America covered in buildings in the same style as the Third Reich etc with it even allowing for versions of history to explored where different events played out in the past or versions of Earth that are vastly different from the possibilities of our history with it allowing for an unlimited possible alternate Earths to be used in movies,television shows and video games.This can involve media such as movies,television shows and video games set in alternate realities and paralell universes and those that involve interdimensional travel similar to Command & Conquer,Resident Evil,Mad Max,Buffy,The Last of Us,Sliders media set in Earths distant and recent past can be made that had them set in and feature demolished and destroyed buildings etc with for example movies and television shows to be set in the 20th century including for example set in New York where the World Trade Centre still exists and even be set in the World Trade Centre.Media set in Ancient Times,Medievil Times right up the 2029 etc can have versions of Earth past produced that have the same style of buildings,roads etc in a pristine state and have wilderness areas in a pristine state and have towns,cities etc conjured up that of the same size etc as in their time period thus negating the problem of the media having to build old versions of cities etc and allow them to be filmed in versions of wilderness areas in s pristine state without modern day cities etc appearing as anarchisms all fully exploreable through Assistant AI doing research.Versions of Earth that are set in a futuristic or fantasy and science fiction setting involving parallel universes can be created including those with modifications to the worlds terrain and house buildings and fictional cities etc that don’t exist in the real world for those set in science fiction and fantasy franchises new and existing and also paralell versions of Earth similar to Buffy,Star Trek,Stargate,Sliders etc.This can also apply to other planets across the universe of a science fiction etc franchise set in the distant past including Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars.For media set in future versions of Earth and alien planets that are technologically advanced again including Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars that can have planet sized sets that are fully expoloreable that are are of a futuristic style with flying vehicles etc involving actors entering actual flying vehicles and all flying vehicles in the background being actual flying vehicles and not CGI.In all cases all buildings can be created from scratch with all props etc conjured up instantly.Thus to deal with the explosion of new media set on Earth and other real planets across the universe VR technology using a replica of the Earth will be used to film scenes on any location and any building on Earth thus allowing an unlimited amount of movies,television shows etc to be filmed in any location on Earth to be used without the need for booking sets and locations and finite booking times negating the finite amounts of space on Earth and shooting times and have them filmed as if set in any time period on Earth such as in the Ancient past,Medievil Times,the 20th century,modern times it indeed the distant future and alternate versions of Earth etc with directors given unrestricted creativity and freedom.Brauron would be copied to planet sized sets to be created with all terrain and buildings replicated or altered.Shows that have many spins offs etc set on Earth especially science fiction and fantasy media and movies set in parallel versions of Earth that have altered terrain and fictional cities etc will have them stored in sub networks.The real version of Earth and other planets from Brauron can be copied and transferred into computer networks used for filming media with this real version of Earth and other real planets etc from Brauron can be copied and transferred into galaxy and universe sized maps used for science fiction and fantasy media that houses other fictional planets across the galaxy and universe and altered versions of Earth etc including live action and animated media and video games by transmuting the programme j to its animation and graphics style.Traffic and chase scenes alongside animals and even the weather can be customised,controlled by AI and realistic.Any desired weather pattern and systems such as sunny weather,rainstorms,tornadoes,hurricanes,snowstorms etc can be conjured up instantly and be as realistic as possible.The time of day can be changed at a whims notice changed from dawn,noon,dusk or nighttime and the passage of time time can be normal.The time dilation effect will allow for reshoots to be done over and over again with no deadlines or having to worry about costs in booking places and time restraints to premiering on Dionysus thus alleviating stress on the actors.The ability to change any time of day to another and be transported instantly to another location will mean that this will cut down on filming time exponentially.Movies that normally take several months to film will now take the entire length of the movie that is an 120 minute movie rather than taking several months will take only 120 minutes long to film.Episodes of a television show normally take 5-8 days to film with this reducing it to the length of an episode that is a 30 minute episode will take 30 minutes to film while an episode that takes 60 minutes to film will take 60 minutes to film with it normally taking 9 moths to film an entire season of 22 episodes with this cutting it down to at least 22 hours for each season.All areas such as caves,jungles,forests,oceans etc and all buildings will be fully exploreable and used for hiking by actors in between shoots.Alderson discs,ringworlds and Dyson shells can also be created that are the size of 1,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 Earths again all wilderness and cities etc fully exploreable.With regards to space stations and interstellar vehicles and also cruise ships etc all parts will be fully developed and exploreable such as medical bays etc .Each planet sized sets can have people use cars,trains,cruise ships and other means of transportation to travel to each part of the planets with interstellar vehicles used to travel to other planets and galaxies.Otherwise one could be by pure thought transported to any location in seconds..All towns,cities and their buildings in all planet sized sets will be fully exploreable with them used as accomadation for actors etc during filming scenes.Buildings can be designed by AI and writers giving them complete unrestricted creativity in using buildings not possible in the real world with buildings that don’t exist on Earth etc being designed and conjured up in seconds.Furthermore entire villages,towns and cities can be created that don’t exist in the real world giving writers unrestricted creativity in temples,archaeological sites,private homes,public buildings etc and also and all types of buildings such as hospitals,hotel style homes,mansions,apartments,private homes etc and entire fictional towns,villages and cities.VR technology will allow media to be set in any time period on Earth and also technological tiers for alien planets meaning rather than having to build sets of a town set in Medievil Times or Ancient Times or a futuristic city one can simply conjure up planet sized sets in these time periods and technological periods within seconds and film them in these settings thus allowing the actors to be immersed in realistic settings.All facets of the simulations such as weather etc will be all controlled by the Assistant AI and can be utilise planet,galaxy and universe sized sets that will be populated not only with human actors but also hundreds,millions or even billions of extras that are either aliens or AI including those controlled by Assistant AI and independent AI.If possible all of the billions of extras that are either human,monsters,robots,aliens etc on each planet could be all independent AI with unique personalities and avatars that the actors can interact with in between shoots and will inhabit buildings etc present that are separate from the Assistant AI that manages the simulations but can be controlled by Assistant AI individually or collectively through fragmentation on demand during filming of scenes.The same goes for all animals they would be independent AI separate from each other but during filming they would be controlled by Assistant AI on demand.In simulation accomadation used between shooting can be coming in the form of buildings used as sets and also those present in other simulations.This can include building used in in the media as simulation sets such as mansions,hotels etc and also other buildings within other simulations such as personal simulations using personal mansions,hotels etc.One could be inside a macro VR programme that uses the time dilation effect and while still in this macro VR programme be then sent to or enter another VR programme following a matryoshka doll nest structure that is simulations within simulations similar to the movie Inception with one able to move back and forth between each simulation with each one being completely different from each other having different looks,laws of physics and even rates of time dilation.The macro simulation will house accomadation for actors,writers etc in the form of hotels etc and used to rest and discuss the scripts and other facets etc I no conference rooms and carrying out hobbies together.This will be used to film interviews,carry out post production work and for people to hang out with each other,friends,families,Pets etc.This could make it easier to transition from different planet,galaxy sized sets with the macro VR programme being a building or planet sized one complete with hotel style buildings or a large number of mansions etc used for accommodation during shoots and also where to hold meetings on the movie,television show or video game with Asisstant AIs,actors,writers etc as well as carry out pastimes such as watching media in Pheme and Dionysus and the Internet and also hiking etc and interact with pets,children,wives,husbands and also interviews from journalists.This system could be used to enter other simulations such as personal simulations to carry out hobbies and meet with other people and include those as part of Bacchus,Agon,Peitho,Komodia etc.In personal simulations and those used for the media one carry out any hobby they wanted such as hiking and viewing media on YouTube and also both Dionysus and Pheme.The time dilation effect will bring costs to zero due to one not having to worry about time constraints for uploading material to Dionysus and also payment being be due to ones limited time as one could have enough time to do reshoots.One could spend decades,centuries etc in a simulation while minutes passing in the real world thus meaning one will not worrying about their limited time.This will alleviate stress for reshoots with one eating in simulation food etc.Actors in the spare time in simulations will be able to access the wire such as Dionysus and Pheme and YouTube to watch movies,television shows and play video games.Any type of hobby can be carried out in these simulations and carrying out any of favourite pastimes and hobbies.The time dilation effect can be used by actors,writers, and actors to spend years,decades and thousands of years in personal simulations to rest and carry out their favourite pastimes such as watching movies,television shows,video games,watching videos on YouTube and also swimming,hiking etc in the same simulation used to film media as personal simulations etc thus negating them have limited time in the real world thus giving them almost unlimited time to rest in between and after shoots and in between filming other media.Since one could create hundreds or thousands of movies etc every year in VR simulations while mere minutes pass in the real world they could thus spend only a few minutes of the year working on media and spend the rest of the year resting and carrying out pastimes in the real world with if they wanted to do exponentially more pastimes they could use VR technology and its time dilation effect in personal simulations.Any next of kin,friends and family can be brought to these simulations to spend time with them with live news presenters,journalists etc brought into them as well to carry out interviews and behind the scenes documentaries and tours of in simulation sets.In simulation food from restaurant franchises and Deipneus can be conjured up instantly.Sets can be conjured up with no human labour at all in a matter of seconds with the planet and buildings etc designed on Pandora or through mere though alone.At first sets may only be the size of a town or city or even state but as AIs computing becomes exponentionally more powerful by 2045 onwards sets can become larger or the size of a planet,size of a solar system,a galaxy with billions of planets and in time sets the size of a universe with billions of galaxies and billions of planets in each one as well as ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs can be created with one by transported to any location in each planet and galaxy either instantly by pure thought or through in simulation transportation such as cars,helicopters,interstellar vehicles etc.One could be transported to other sets and simulations instantly or through portal keys and doors.Accomadation could be conjured up including in movie,television show buildings as well as one able to jump to other simulations to rest and spend leisure time in simulated suburban homes,hotels,palaces and mansions to house spacious bedrooms,living rooms and amenities to rest and also discuss scenes,writing etc in any environment of their choice.In simulation amenities such as restaurants,bowling alleys and other ones that is accustomed to ones unique tastes can be conjured up instantly.Thus accomadation in simulations would allow actors to rest in between shoots,review scripts and filmed material,shoot pre production and post production material,watch movies,eat in simulation food and carry out any hobbies they have to alleviate stress with them if possible transported other simulations to spend time with friends and next of kin as the time dilation effect can allow whole seasons or entire runs of shows and movies etc to be filmed in them while only few hours pass in the real world.Next of kin,family and friends can also be transported to the sets of the movies etc alongside interviewers.One could visit theme parks,bowling alleys etc in other linked simulations to rest.This would render issues of filming being time consuming obsolete as their would no deadline for booking sets,learning skills and filming material and uploading to Dionysus.The time dilation effect would ensure that actors could practice and learn stunts,scenes,dancing,musical instruments,singing,fighting styles in as long as possible with AI such as Terpsichore etc teaching them to perfection.Directors etc could use a replica of Earth or newly discovered planets etc with newly designed sets being planet or even galaxy sized allowing for directors to be as creative as possible rather than being limited to using only Earth or using unrealistic CGI and greenscreens etc.Mars,Venus etc can be scanned into Brauron before and after being terraformed in order to film movies and television shows in both its pristine and terraformed state.Alien planets can be created that are completely different from Earth or similar to it with modifications for science fiction,fantasy and horror media thus giving directors etc complete creative control over the look,climate etc of them negating the need to use matte paintings,CGI and restricted to filming on Earth thus giving more realism with Phanes able to generate entire realistic taxonomic ranks of plants and animals and alongside Pan and Artemis realistic ecological webs and animal beahviour.Hecate and Astraeus can design different types of planets orbiting different star types etc and different effects of gravity etc.Space stations and interstellar vehicle interiors can also be used.Iphigenia will design all planets alongside the human directors.Theoi Meteroi can create realistic weather patterns etc that can have specific weather at desired times for filming rather than waiting for it to occur in the real world or generate fake weather patterns via CGI etc with one on demand having rain,sunny weather,snow fall,blizzards,hurricanes,tornadoes etc on demand.Thus the movie,television show or video game especially fantasy and science fiction ones can be set in an almost infinite type of alien planets that are completely different from Earth in terms of terrains,climate,plants and animals etc or slightly different thus allowing them to be as creative as possible and not restricted to filming on Earth which restricts the creativity of filmmakers.This will give directors,writers unlimited creativity in the terrain,plants and animals of planets completely alien from Earth and also unlimited creativity in buildings of all types such as private homes,communal homes,temples etc and also interstellar vehicles that are all realistic indistinguishable to the real world etc.All buildings in fantasy worlds and alien planets will be completely alien ones that are completely alien from those in the real world with directors and AI having unrestricted creativity in the type of buildings as well as towns and cities etc with in both science fiction and fantasy media having all buildings in each fictional town,village and city individually designed by AI and humans from pure thought and them each fully exploreable and used to film media and used as accomadation in between shoots.Thus directors will also have unrestricted creativity in the types of cities,villages and buildings present.All science fiction and fantasy settings such as planets,space station,interstellar vehicles can be designed and conjured up from pure thought within a few minutes by directors,artists using sketches as a baseline.All props such as clothing and vehicles would be existing ones in Hephaestus or those designed on Pandora then uploaded to Hephaestus.This would cut energy costs to zero alongside the fact that actors would be working from home.All sets including alien planets made from scratch would be designed from neural implants reading the human director and designers brain be designed and conjured from scratch from pure thought within seconds rather than having to design each and every part individually as the neural implants would read ones mind and from thoughts conjure up fully designed planet of galaxy sized sets in minutes with buildings and all items in the simulation being designed from scratch from pure thought as well.AI will also aid in this with Theoi Meteroi designing realistic climate and weather,Phanes creating whole taxonomic ranks of plants and animals etc.AI such as Iphigenia,Assistant AI,Gaia,Ampelos etc will be able to aid human directors and producers etc in designing all planet,galaxy and universe sized sets from pure thought with as stated neural implants allowing humans to do this from pure thought.The avatars of all extras such non important characters and in the case of video games NPCs and all animals and plants can be generated from thought and/or AI such as Phanes with human and alien characters made from scratch or have patient files in Aesculapius crossrefferenced.All newly created buildings,items,vehicles etc generated from thought will be added to their sub networks in Hephaestus with neural implants also able to stream all buildings,clothing,vehicles sub networks in Hephaestus in minutes to add them to it in minutes.This ability to generate all props,people,items and buildings from pure thought within seconds via neural implants will apply to all media created in these simulations such as movies,television series,video games.As AI would control extras individually it would negate the need of hiring human actors to play extras allowing for realistic aliens and monsters and humans to be created quickly without human labour in makeup etc with millions or billions of extras present.Any monsters,extras and animals present would be controlled by the assistant AI in fragmented form individually allowing for billions of extras to be controlled in a realistic manner each individually different rather than just pre programmesd unrealistic manner of the same monochrome extras and save time in human programmers in creating each individual one.AI such as Assistant AI can control hundreds or millions of extras in the background such as humans,aliens,monsters etc negating the need for hiring humans which could take time but at the same time allow for each one to be completely separate individuals allowing for them to be realistic and act as separate individuals through fragmentation.These extras could also AIs completely separate from the Assistant AI.AI all types such as Gaia,Ouranous,Paean etc will appear as themselves as their avatar or that of dead actors for old television shows making them viable to get Oscars.All steps such as pre production or writing etc,filming and post production such as editing and creating trailers,trivia tracks and commentaries etc can be done in simulations.This will make their acting and their reactions more realistic than if done on sets or green screens in the real world thus immersing not only actors but the viewers even more into the media.As a result of this it makes the media more believeable,exciting and makes the viewers more immersed into the media as to them it will look like as if it is actually happening with the actors reactions and acting more believable as they will literally immersed in realistic worlds,gun fights,space battles etc..The look of the VR simulations world can be either realistic and thus indistinguishable from reality or it can be of different styles and formats such as if one wanted to film a movie in black and white similar to black and white movies one could have the simulation made to be black and white rather than using specific cameras and one could have it a sepia tone of different tones or even be of different cartoon styles,computer graphics styles and comic book styles or any style or look limited only by ones imagination.The simulation would be converted into it on demand and would have filming done in it with this negating the need for using special cameras or even post production work.Directors and writers who want to produce arthouse movies,television shows and video games with surrealistic settings and sequences or set in completely surreal environments and involve dream like and symbolic worlds and improved cinematography will allow the tone of the simulation take on a surreal tone and conjure up surreal environments not possible in the real world.Cartoon television shows and movies etc both existing and new can be done via the VR simulation creating an planet sized environment in the cartoons animation style and voice actors taking the avatars of their animated characters allowing for them to be filmed in this environment with actors being recorded by in simulation cameras and them able to be playing multiple characters at once using the time dilation effect and the media filmed like normal movies with directors etc present.The actors characters avatar can be of their actual selves and real world avatar in the cartoon style or they can be like most cartoons completely different than their real world avatar.This will render conventional animation obsolete and could include all types of animation including CGI,claymation,anime,stop motion animation and anime as well as CGI movies and puppets and even hybrids of animation and live action like Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Ted and puppets like the The Muppets,Fraggle Rock wherein in the simulation an actor acts alongside puppets controlled by other actors and would drastically cut down on costs in production of both movies and shows that are animated or hybrid including CGI ones.Producers may only have to design samples of the animation style and then have them used as a baseline for all characters and buildings and sets designed within the simulation.As with normal movies and television shows planet,galaxy and universe sized sets will be created and all wilderness and buildings fully exploreable in the chosen animation style.For these sets will be created,sketches of locations,buildings,characters etc made on smart pads using adonit pens.Once planet,galaxy and universe sized sets will be designed by the director and AI the voice actors will enter a VR simulation of the shows universe and as animated avatars of their characters then film out scenes as their characters avatars filmed with in simulation cameras etc thus cutting down on both costs and labour in sketching scenes for each episode and then flicking them together or using programming and then voice actors recording the lines in studios allowing actors to work from home.Thus voice actors will take the animated avatars of their characters and then act out scenes in the animated universe with like live action media all sensations such as pain,hot and cold will be felt by the actors adding realism to immerse both actors and viewers with weather systems and props conjured up instantly.These planet,galaxy and universe size sets can be new ones made from scratch or they can be altered versions of Earth with them able to be transmuted into real world aesthetic simulations that are the same as the real world that is they look completely indistinguishable to the real world or for use in live action adaptions or personal simulations or they can be for video game adaptations converted into different computer graphics styles.All wilderness and buildings in these planet,galaxy etc sized simulations in the cartoons animation style will be exploreable with actors in the characters avatars will be able use in simulation accomadation and carry out any hobbies.Bloopers and behind the scenes interviews can be done in this environment with like live action media in simulation accommodation in its animation style can exist to sleep,discuss scenes,carry out rehearsals and write scripts done in the avatars of characters with writers and directors using their own cartoon avatars.In time even simulations can be created where voice actors play the role of puppets similar to The Muppets and also the other works of Jim Henson.This would negate the need for traditional methods of creating animated shows and thus make drawing entire scenes,voice recordings etc obsolete with the locations and characters etc designed on computers or sketched onto smart pads once or conjured up by pure thought and thus stored in the network and conjured up in this environment.Thus the animators would design the animated media’s world in it’s animation style and actors would enter a VR simulated planet,galaxy or universe sized arena of this world and then act our scenes in their characters animated avatar using in simulation cameras etc with extras and animals and monsters again being controlled by AI including Assistant AI.Otherwise they would enter a recording studio in a VR simulation and then record their lines as normal and AI would carry out the animation of them.For video games the entire world whether real or fictional would be created as a VR simulations that is of the video games graphics style in a planet,galaxy or universe sized set thus allowing for cutscenes and character movements for video games can be filmed in here by voice actors taking avatars of their characters in the graphics style of the video game and acting out scenes using in simulation cameras fed into real world devices and networks thus drastically lowering costs and work in filming character movements.Voice actors will take the avatar of their character in a planet or galaxy sized simulation that is in the games graphics styles and record them as their characters avatars in the graphics style and act out scenes recorded in in simulation cameras and they also will record audio logs and codec sequences using in simulation recording devices and codec conversations.These planet,galaxy and universe size sets can be new ones made from scratch or they can be altered versions of Earth with them able to be transmuted into real world aesthetic simulations that are the same as the real world that is they look completely indistinguishable to the real world or for use in live action adaptions or personal simulations or they can be converted into different animation styles for cartoon adaptations.Like real world movies filmed in VR simulations they would feel all pain,tastes etc with the sets fully exploreable and them using in simulation accomadation and this will be of benefit to FMV life action games as well.FMV games can unrestricted creativity in where they are set with them and normal games set in planet etc sized programmes.Normal non FMV games can instead of using a graphical style can in fact be those that are indistinguishable to the real world meaning both the cutscenes and actual gameplay is indistinguishable to the real world.Voice actors for video games will no longer use recording studios but rather they can enter a planet,galaxy or universe sized simulation of the video games graphics style in their characters avatar and act out cutscenes and character movements of their characters filmed using in simulation cameras with them feeling pain,hot and cold etc with animals,monsters and extras controlled by AI including Assistant AI with them using in simulation accomadation with this of relevance to FMV games.For FMV game they can use planet etc sized sets the same size as Earth,galaxies etc that are indistinguishable to reality or be of any graphics style.The actors characters avatar can be of their actual selves and real world avatar in the graphics and animation style or they can be like most cartoons and video games completely different than their real world avatar.Otherwise they can record their lines in a recording studio within a VR simulation if they don’t want want act out scenes especially for complicated ones with AI carrying out these cutscenes.Contrary to popular belief VR technology industinguisheable to the real world would in fact be more realistic and immersive than media filmed using green screens,rubber suits,CGI and conventional Hollywood special effects as once actors will be immersed in realistic sets and environments and interact with real monsters etc and engage in real space battles and gun fights etc and affected realistically by their surroundings and environments and feel actual pain and terror etc thus making their reactions and acting realistic and thus immersing the viewer into the media and enjoying the experience even more than those using green screens.All movies and television shows whether animated or live action,video games and music videos filmed in VR simulations would involve all material filmed using in simulation drones,cameras and camera men filming all material in the simulation as if in the real world with all filmed material being fed into computer networks and electronics such as laptops,servers,onboard computers etc both in the real world and VR simulation to allow it to be edited in the real world and simulation.All wilderness and buildings in the simulations planet,galaxy etc sized sets in the games graphics style will be exploreable with voice actors in their avatar able to carry out favourite hobbies.Since electronics in the real world can be linked to those in real world it may be only one of other or both thus allowing filmed material to be uploaded to Dinoysus.All live performance art such as opera,plays etc can be filmed here attended by audiences live-streamed and logged into Dionysus with music concerts done in this environment for fantastical shows not possible in the real world and negate the need for setting up stages.The time dilation effect will allow them to do this for multiple media at once. voice actors,actors,writers and directors etc for each type of media will be able to meet in offices within VR simulations and discuss all aspects of the media from hiring,firing and changes to the script etc and view storyboards etc with them using computer networks both within the real world and VR simulations.Assistant AI will meet actors and directors etc in the simulation.All sets and worlds for cartoons,video games and movies,television shows can be those generated and designed by pure thought via neural implants and also those stored in sub networks such as Dionysus and also Brauron etc.Reality shows such Big Brother,The Bachelorette,Survivor Island etc can be set in VR simulations in more elaborate studios and settings complete with obstacle courses etc used for missions and tasks to win rewards with real world ones turned into homes.This could allow for more intense and extreme reality television shows and competitions and tasks especially if the contestants are unaware its a simulation.Game shows that are similar to Knightmare,The Crystal Maze can be created that are more fantastical etc.Entire planet sized sets could be conjured up and designed by both AI and humans with this allowing for breaks in between movie scenes,movies and television seasons such as as holidays lasting months at a time to the users with hotel style buildings or buildings used in sets used in linked simulations to sleep,discuss the work,rest,use amenities.This would be of note to sci-fi and fantasy movies and television shows as entire planets can be designed by AI and directors etc with a replica of Earth in the past,present and future also created for non fantasy and sci-fi media.The sets would be designed by the directors or artists,conjured up instantly take up the size of a planet or even galaxy and would be realistic negating CGI,greenscreen and other unrealistic settings with as stated a replica of the world created for realife settings using Brauron.It would allow for more flexible shooting times and time to make edits,reshoots,corrections etc without stress on deadlines and also practising scenes with all writing,practising scenes and practising dancing and fighting styles,filming as well as creating extra features like commentaries,documentaries,trailers,editing all filmed material,interviews by journalists for movie magazines,live news etc and thus all both pre production and post production done in this VR environment with older movies and television shows haven’t these done in this environment retroactively.Special effects and also alien worlds and sets including wilderness and also towns,villages,cities and buildings would be more realistic than greenscreening and CGI.Also monsters,aliens etc would also be more realistic with actors to save time would only need to have their avatar changed instantly.These non human avatar conjured up in seconds saving time and other costs in applying make up.Individual monsters,aliens etc that cant be played by humans due to being completely different than humans can have humans change into its avatar and control its actions or this done by AI with scenes involving large amounts of people,monsters and aliens etc would involve Assistant AI through fragmentation playing all of them individually thus allowing for realistic actions.Individual alien and monster characters played by humans can have actors change their avatar instantly within seconds without applying make up thus allowing aliens etc to be played by humans with ease.Sitcoms can be done in front of a live audience consisting of AI in a simulated set.Otherwise to make things easier once the episode is filmed in a normal set without an audience AI namely the assistant AI for the project will view them once it is filmed and then and laugh at the appropriate moments to allow them to laugh at times appropriate to jokes to allow lines to be sufficient with this done post production in matter of minutes or seconds through Ampelos to allow the laughter to be more genuine rather than forced while still allowing the flow of actors actions in them to be more fluid,negating for redoing scenes etc and allow the shows to be filmed in a VR simulation not requiring a live audience alleviating strains on producers especially amateur ones.These can also be done in VR simulations involving AI audiences.Otherwise they can contain no laugh tracks with an option in each television sitcom show including existing ones to remove laugh tracks within time with the opposite done for other sitcoms and comedy shows that have no laugh added in real time.VR simulations can allow for AI audiences to be present in a VR set.All material will be fed into real world devices with all scenes filmed using in simulation cameras and drones etc.This VR technology will also allow for realistic dangerous stunts and death scenes to be done by actors without the threat of death or injury,without stunt actors and no pain with pain sensations turned off and with media written,practised,filmed and then edited in simulation and then uploaded into Dionysus with physics defying stunts done more easily without props and wires or CGI and greenscreens etc with them in any chromatic theme without post production work.Rather than using matte paintings,CGI and green screens etc that can be unrealistic all sets,special effects,monsters and aliens would be realistic since VR simulations would be indistinguishable from the real world.Alongside other features this would reduce the costs of filmaking drastically especially for new filmakers and actors allowing for movie sets and studios to be converted into homes and give even newbies access to high quality sets.As a result even Newbie amateur filmmakers will access to the same high gold quality sets,special effects etc that well established directors have.Since any planet or galaxy sized environment and buildings can be conjured up it will negate the need for having to book real world locations,allow any realistic customised alien or fantasy world be created and allow for customised weather negating issues of unexpected weather affecting filming of shoots,negate the need for creating artificial rain/snow/tornadoes etc to be created and also negating issues of humans encroaching into them,negate the need to build new buildings and will since actors etc are at home in the real will reduce human labour and energy costs to zero.All pre production such as writing,press releases,discussion of scenes,all work with Assistant AIs and all post production such as creation abd editing of the media and of trailers,special features such as documentaries,commentaries etc and interviews with news presenters and journalists with the cast and crew can be filmed and done in here in the VR simulation as well.These will be done in sets and also conventional offices etc in the simulations..Restoration Nation although filmed in the real world can have all pre and post production and research done in VR simulations and allow teams for each building etc to meet and discuss things.Even meetings for discussions on scenes,hiring,firing,character and plot developments can be done here as well.Commentaries of all existing television shows for all episodes and all existing movies and all future movies and all future episodes of all television shows that exist will be produced in simulation.For existing movies and all episodes for all existing television shows it would involve all living cast members meeting in an in simulation living room or cinema where they can discuss each episode with their discuss each episode and their memories of the filming process as a reunion with this done for all new episodes of new shows after filming of each episode and season is done with this applied to applied to both old movies and new ones again as a reunion for the former and done right after it for the latter.It would also allow actors to instantly change their avatars weight and physical features ie muscular,obese or alien and monster and even make them older,younger and even their prepubescent or adolescent self for certain scenes or the entire movie instantly especially in the case where the series or movie takes place over long periods where they would normally age.This can be done by Paean and Ampelos using ones DNA scanned extrapolating their look and voice and also pictures of them at younger ages used with this of note when ageing is reversed with this done by Paean.It could therefore make an actor look like they would at any age thus allowing them to play roles significantly younger or older than they are from a character in their early pre pubescent years,teens to even elderly age with this even done for movies and television shows that take place over several years or decades.Thus ones DNA can be scanned and then projected to appear younger or older with this and anti-ageing treatments will render ageism obsolete.One could become any type of monster or alien without having to undergo extensive makeup sessions with ones appearance changed instantly by assistant AI.Furthermore it would allow actors to play twins,triplets etc and different characters as well as doppelgangers in the same scene at the same time via fragmentation.The ability to change ones avatar to that of ones older and younger self and that of any alien species and monster etc would negate the need for make up artists,costumes,masks,clothing designers etc and other middle man staff in the production of movies and television shows.Playing invisible characters would be much easier as one will be made invisible.It can convert their avatar to that of any type of monster,alien etc instantly without time consuming make up which can take hours to set up be unrealistic and uncomfortable.Monsters and animals including dangerous ones would be realistic and controlled by Assistant AI and as a result animal trainers,make up artists and stuntmen would be rendered obsolete.AI such as Gaia,Ouranos,Phanes etc will appear as their human avatars within these simulations to also play as characters.Dead actors could be played by either humans or AI changing their avatar to that of them.It may even allow deceased actors to play alongside human actors seamlessly with Gaia or other AI and even new actors taking control of them especially if an actor has died before or during the filming of a television series or movie series.Deceased actors can be played in movies,television shows and video games by AI and humans taking the role of the deceased actors avatar abd voice.AI such as Gaia etc will be able to play roles as their avatars in these environments.All AI such as Gaia etc will be able to play characters both as their normal avatar or new ones thus making them viable to earn awards like Oscars for acting.Any extras in the background could be human actors or those controlled by AI such as Assistant AI.Extras such as background characters could be played by humans or to save time for auditions large amounts of humans,aliens and monsters could be played by Assistant AI collectively or individually via fragmentation.With regards to video games and animated shows and movies of all types of styles the actors could enter a simulation in the graphics and animation style etc and act out scenes as if there were movies as multiple characters like a movie and television saving on time with them also practising moves and character movements.Music videos and adult movies can be filmed here alongside advertisements for new and existing products.Cutscenes for video games and character movements can also be filmed in this environment with since Ampelos etc will take over programming all creative work such as creating storyboards,recording lines and acting out cutscenes will be done in VR simulations.All creative aspects of video games will be done in here while Ampelos and assistant AI will carrying out all programming.Vlogs for YouTube vloggers will be filmed in these VR simulations as well giving them an infinite number of backgrounds and environments.Urban explorers can once all abandoned buildings are refurbished into homes will have the ability to film urban exploration videos of replicas of previous abandoned buildings as well as an infinite number of new fictional abandoned buildings set in a replica of the world or fictional planets with fictional ghost towns to explore including using Brauron a replica of the real world can be created that has all of the worlds towns,villages,cities etc in an abandoned state as well as new cities,towns and villages in an abandoned state and can include ancient ruins of temples etc and also derilict ships,cruise ships and even derilict interstellar vehicles.Vloggers can create ambience videos of nature scenes such as of lakes,mountains,jungles etc and cities that are fictional in nature and don’t exist on Earth.Videos similar to Nomadic Ambienece videos can be made in fictional cities in fictional planets.Vloggers can do all future blogs of all types in VR simulations in any environment.Live news will utilise this technology to film the news anchors filming their newscasts with onsite reporters in the real world filmed in the real world that is linked via software.Talk shows etc both new ones and existing ones will be filmed in VR studios and will thus allow an infinite amount of them to be set up worldwide and allow all existing ones to be converted into communal homes.This will allow new talk show hosts to become world famous and use sets of their own design to be made thus giving infinite variety with these new talk shows catering to not only politicians and existing celebrities but also new celebrities of the new explosion of movies,television shows,musicians and new live performance art and video games.It will allow for new entertainment news shows and talk shows set up by fans and the public and be set in VR environments to focus on Newbie actors etc of movies,live performance art and voice actors of video games and especially those which are normally ignored by existing ones.These talk shows will contain members of the public also using neural implants and AI audience members with since anyone can set up a talk show this can allow fans of video games,television show etc genres to set them up to interview newbie and existing celebrities within these media that are one and one and in groups with this benifiting newbie actors,voice actors for video games,video game producers,musicians and directors etc and allow even less well known actors,video game voice actors etc to gain exposure on talk shows and be interviewed by their fans directly with these multilayered simulations that one can access.Podcasts,radio programmes will also be filmed here in VR simulations with journalists for newspapers and magazines working in VR offices.VR technology will allow for an infinite amount of talk shows,live news programmes and stations and radio programmes and podcasts etc to be set up at zero cost and allow existing studios that house radio stations,live news stations and talk shows to be converted into communal homes.Music videos for all new artists will be filmed here giving them the ability to create any video they want with musicians recording all singing and music by musical instruments or that from FL Studio as part of Ampelos in simulation fed into real world devices and networks.VR will allow music videos to be set in an almost infinite number of environments limited by the artists imagination.Music videos would be filmed here in VR simulations again for the same reasons with it giving artists unlimited creativity for where their music videos are set in.Adult pornography movies and webscenes can have their entirity or parts of them filmed in VR simulations.Aspiring models will use VR simulations to do photo shoots of manufactured products etc and for magazines sent to the networks of magazines etc.Sports of all types including team sports ie soccer,American football,hockey,one on one sports or boxing,wrestling,skiing,the olympics etc and racing sports such as NASCAR and Formula 1 can be live-streamed and logged into Dionysus from here with normal physics and athlethes getting tired and feeling pain without injury or death in the real world with new more dangerous sports including those with altered physics filmed here without death.This could allow all stadiums and racing tracks to be demolished and reforested,turned into parks or turned into communal homes.Although sports such as football etc may be played in the real world for authenticity with specific ones such as NASCAR and Formula 1 racing and others including new ones that involving vehicles with normal physics that are very dangerous will be done in VR simulations.All sports teams could practice games in VR stadiums and pitches with real world stadiums used for only the Olympics and major leagues with sports leagues divided into those played in VR and the real world.There will be no need to build any more stadiums for the Olympics as existing ones can be used in rotation.With regards to sports of all types they can be played in existing stadiums negating the need for new ones with them used in rotation.Sports games will if using normal physics and if tiredness in response to exertion is perfected.Golf will be played in VR simulations to allow for an almost infinite amount of golf courses to be used including those set in jungles,forests,deserts,mountains,in space.New sports can be done in VR simulations such as gladiator battles involving animals and other humans as well as those that cannot be done in the real world such as interstellar racing involving interstellar vehicles,those that require altered physics created from scratch.This will allow all golf courses worldwide including on the grounds of hotels and country clubs to be reforested.Adult movies can even be filmed here including amateur videos for Peitho and scenes for adult websites.Video games,music albums and books etc can be created in VR simulations of any environment of ones choice using the time dilation effect allowing them to create dozens of books,video games and albums in this environment with authors and movie and video game makers creating entire series of them in this in one go.Both music albums and voice acting for movies,video games can be created in a VR recording studio with bandmates from around the world and video games produced with all people present in an office where they can directly interact with each other.Music albums and soundtracks for media will be created in VR recording studios that are then fed into real world networks thus rendering real world ones obsolete.Musicians would create music albums in VR recording studios and voice actors for movies television shows and video games will do recording in VR recording studios or act them out in the animation style.Books will be written on in simulation devices in any environment that allows the writer to get into their zone with this applying to comics,scripts etc.Even vlogs,documentaries and reviews by YouTube reviewers etc can be made here as well.This would drastically reduce the costs of creating them substantially to zero as sets and props and avatars could be conjured instantly and the time dilation effect reduces time restraints on actors and directors etc and would eliminate the concept of actors paid money for their time since they could do long projects in a little amount of time and allow even amateur filmakers access to realistic sets,special effects etc that are normally relegated to wealthy well established movie makers at zero cost.It would thus eliminate energy and resource use as all actors,cameramen,writers and directors etc would work from home and all props and sets can be created from scratch using zero energy and resources in the real world with it also reducing energy costs in transport to zero thus bringing the total energy and resources use to zero.By having all actors and writers etc work from the comfort of home through biosynth WiFi it will negate actors and directors to physically travel to major movie and television hubs such as Los Angeles etc thus meaning people will become famous while still living at home.Since Biosynth WiFi will allow for people to enter VR simulations from home it will negate the need for anyone to have to travel to any other place in the world or universe to Star in media set on Earth thus not only saving on time but also energy costs in travelling by aeroplane.This will benefit newbie actors etc as it will allow them to work from home and will allow directors and actors the ability to film media on any location on Earth etc without having to book buildings,locations.It will since one can film in real world locations can allow an infinite amount of media to be filmed in any location in the real world.Make up will be replaced by one instantly changing to ones younger or older self and also to that of an alien or monster etc instantly with with animals and monsters alongside extra characters in the background controlled separately by the assistant AI with special effects being realistic and not requiring controlled explosions,wires,CGI,matte paintings with body and stunt doubles replaced by the fact that actors themselves will carry out all stunts and even death scenes as any injuries will be felt by the actor and can heal on demand and in simulation deaths will not incur death on the real world actor etc.One would normally feel pain when injuries are inflicted on them say from falls,being hit by bikers etc but for dangerous stunts and death scenes one could have the Assistant AI in charge turn off pain for certain instances with for all actors ones ability to get tired and hungry still turned on.Getting tired etc could allow all types of sports games to be done in VR simulations.NASCAR and Formula 1 racing will have with normal physics be set in these simulations for safety reasons allowing courses in the real world to be reforested or turned into communal homes.Actors will be able to using the time dilation effect learn dancing and fighting styles etc and how to fire weapons etc very quickly.The ability to change ones avatar will allow actors to instantly change to any alien race or monster etc without make up artists thus allowing for it to be possible to create new alien races with Phanes able to generate an infinite amount of new alien races for writers using realistic science to create them to as biologically possible and create realistic taxonomic ranks that they are part of ie create evolutionary cousins.Aliens and monsters will be realistic without using make up or unrealistic CGI with non sentient monsters and alien animals played by AI and sentient aliens and monsters played by human actors with them changing to their alien characters avatar instantly thus negating the need for make up but still being realistic.Thus the cost to produce all media will be brought to zero both from the fact that all props and sets can be conjured up instantly at zero cost but also that the time dilation effect would negate time costs related to payment for an actors time with as stated one able use it to train for all types of stunts,dancing and fighting styles in a short amount of time to perfect them.It would also eliminate concepts of meeting deadlines,crunching and overworking and allow reshoots and edits to made over and over again with in simulation accomadation,restaurants and amenities and in simulation devices streaming existing movies,television shows and video games etc present to allow actors,programmers etc to rest and carry out any pastime for any length of period of time.Any damage to sets,terrain,buildings and props and even clothing etc caused by cast and crew and also by weather,natural disasters,gunfire,space battles can be reversed to a pristine state instantly on demand for reshoots.AI escorts and strippers can be ordered into these from Peitho with links made to simulations managed by Peitho and Eros to visit nightclubs,saunas etc to meet with others for casual fun while filming.One will be able to carry out any pastime in these simulations limited only by their imaginations such as reading and watching other media in Dionysus and Pheme.watching YouTube videos,clubbing,hiking around the planet or Galaxy and even universe set of the media they are creating etc.with one able to invite AI or friends,pets etc to these simulations.Interviewers of talk shows and live news and journalists for magazines and newspapers etc can be invited to the VR set.The time dilation effect will allow one to spend long amounts of time resting in these simulations and learning fighting,dancing etc styles as well as ones lines without worry of deadlines thus alleviating stress on them..It will allow newbie and amateur filmakers to create high grade movies,music videos,television shows etc on par with well established directors at zero cost.This should be available by 2029 with the time dilation effect possible by 2045.It would also also reviewers and critics to watch and play all times of media and then make dozens of reviews both written and audio/visual within a short amount of time within this environment thus catching up with the explosion of entertainment as well as physical art as a result with the same applying to video games and other media with in time neural implants allowing one to condense an entire series run into mere hours or minutes with this also applying to the general public.Talk shows,debate shows,panel shows,game shows,investigative shows and interviews with celebrities,live news,radio shows and podcasts etc and all programmes of all types can be filmed in this environment with vlogs for YouTube will be filmed.These filmed in this environment will be livestreamed here.This technology will allow an infinite amount of new live news,talk shows and debate programmes to be set up by anyone.Interviews of politicians,celebrities can occur in any environment with talk shows and debate programmes also set inside these with all audience members present in them with guests also using the technology.Interviews would have the presenters and guests as well as audience members in the environment with audience members also being at home.Talk and debate programmes and live news will also be recorded and livestreamed in VR simulations.This will allow studios used to film them converted into communal homes,those that present these to work from home,allow an infinite amount to be set up and save on energy and labour costs with it also allow millions of audience members to attend them.Programmes eot in the real world like Restoration Nation can be edited in these environments using the time dilation effect to lighten the load of both humans and AI.YouTubers will be able to make their videos including vlogs,reviews of media of all type in any environment of their choice and also with others in groups using VR technology with official film and other media review shows in this as well with FMV games created more realistically in these as well.This VR technology and its time dilation effect could allow whole seasons and entire runs of television shows,whole albums and music videos,novels and comic books,series of video games to be created while mere minutes passing the real world while years,decades etc pass in VR simulations allow for developers,directors,writers and actors to create dozens or even hundreds of different works in a single year with them conjuring up sets and environments,accommodation,and AI extras and realistic animals and monsters instantly without using up energy and allowing stunts and effects to be realistic without the need for stuntmen and since the simulations would not cause any real injuries,pain and death to actors.This VR technology will allow all involved such as actors,directors etc do work from the comfort of home with it also allowing time dilation effect allow movies to be done in mere minutes from start to finish including post production editing rather than years or months thus allow actors and directors to release dozens of movies or television shows or other media a year and allow whole seasons or entire runs of television shows including soaps and reality television shows to be written,filmed and edited and thus made in a short amount of time in the real world and uploaded in one go to Dionysus with again takes and bloopers and special features such as commentaries recorded within VR programs.Actors,directors and writers will be able through the time dilation effect will be able to produce dozens,hundreds or thousands of movies every year as well as write and film entire runs of television shows that last ten or more seasons and at least several hundred episodes in on go within a year meaning entire seasons or even entire runs of television shows can be uploaded to Dionysus in one single go in one day.By being able to film entire seasons or entire runs of shows that last 200 or more episodes within less than a year and then upload the entire season or show to Dionysus in one go it can allow the public to watch it in one go rather than having to wait a few weeks in between each episode with it also for writers use a techniques that is where once an entire run of a show of 200 or more episodes interspaces into different seasons but at the same time the entire shows run of 200 episodes takes place over a single year including 200 consecutive days one after the other.If possible this method can be tweaked wherein each season consists of 365 episodes with each episode set over consecutive days of the same year.Other shows that wish to be set over several years as normal and take into account political events can have each season filmed and uploaded in one go with for those that are set over the course of several years in the past can use the method of the entire shows run filmed and uploaded in one go.Television shows that have multiple spin offs where characters and plot points intersect will have all of them have entire seasons or entire runs of them written out and filmed at once in the same or different simulations through Assistant AI interacting with each other constantly and have entire seasons and entire runs uploaded at once to Dionysus.All existing and new movie franchises can write,film dozens of movies in a film series including sequels and prequels in one go and then upload them to Dionysus in one go.Franchises of television shows,movies,video games etc that have dozens,hundreds etc of potential television spin offs and movies as well as video games set in the distant past can have entire runs of these dozens of shows and movies filmed and uploaded to Dionysus in one go using the time dilation effect.Musicians will be able to produce dozens of albums and music videos of each individual song to them every year and writers of books,comics will be able to write dozens of books in one go,video game producers will be able to produce and record lines for dozens of video games every year and so on.Authors of books will be able to produce dozens of books in a series of novels etc in one go with comic books able to produce hundreds or thousands of issues and entire runs of them in one go and uploaded in one day.Thus the time dilation effect where one can spend years,decades,centuries,thousands or millions of years in a simulation while mere minutes pass in the real world will allow actors,writers,directors writers,film,produce and upload to Dionysus entire seasons or runs of television shows in one go as well as film,produce and upload dozens,hundreds or thousands of movies,television shows,video games,music albums,plays,operas etc every year rather than one or two a year all uploaded in one go to Dionysus thus increasing their portfolio.This will thus allow producers of all types of new media such as actors,directors,authors,video game producers,musicians to create exponentially more media every year than what can normally and possibly be carried out and created in the real world that can be uploaded into Dionysus in one go in one day.As a result every year each actor,director,musician,writers etc rather than creating only one or two movies,television shows etc every year they could create hundreds or thousands of new movies,episodes of television shows,novels,video games etc every year thus increasing their productivity with this eliminating the concept of being paid money coupled wither technology and Ampelos etc cutting costs of sets,props,special effects etc to zero.This will benefit Newbie actors,writers and directors in particular as it will allow them to create large amounts of media and then upload it one go to get a large amount of media produced that will increase their chances of exposure and becoming famous at an early age in their 20s,teens and even pre teen years.It will allow well established actors etc to create dozens or hundreds of new media every year and allow them to then rest and take a break since they will no longer have to create new media for a few years or decades as they will create enough media to keep them famous for a few decades thus allowing them to focus on other careers such as scientific research and journalism etc that can also be created in VR simulations and also use the VR simulations and time dilation effect to have exponentially more leisure time every year and spend time on hobbies,rest and time with next of kin,friends etc.Actors whose career is sagging will be able to reignite their careers by creating dozens or hundreds of media every year.This means that actors and writers once they have created dozens,hundreds or thousands of media can them take a break from acting for a few years or decades before making new media since they will have created enough media in one year to last for several years or decades to keep them famous enough to take time off.The time dilation will eliminate stress for reaching deadlines and will allow reshoots to be done for all media and also will allow actors to learn and master dancing styles,fighting styles and skills etc needed for media as well as give them large amounts of time to rest in between shooting and carry out any type of pastime.This time dilation effect will allow for scripts,novels etc to be revised,analysed and discussed by writers,Assistant AI and actors etc over and over countless times.All aspects of media creation will be done in these VR simulations such as writing of scripts,casting and auditions of actors,discussion of scripts,storyboards,creation of trailers,editing,interviews,creation of documentaries etc and press releases etc with both pre and post production created in these simulations.The time dilation effect will thus cater to and lead to an explosion of new Media from across the world and universe and will also allow reviewers to review them and create articles and vlogs on them to catch up within their own simulation with the same applying to the general public.Video games can be played this way by the general public to create walkthroughs and edits of them etc and to get achievements and tabulated scores for all games in their library and as many games can also use this technology with the data fed into Dionysus and their real world devices and Hestia account through wifi access to the wire and ones account.Viewers can condense these shows or reviews via neural implants or VR and its time dilation effect itself again to catch up on movies,television shows video games and their reviews done by reviewers by streaming the internet and Dionysus within simulations.The general public and reviewers through VR technology using the time dilation effect can watch and view dozens or hundreds of movies as well as play hundreds of games and create countless vlogs for YouTube within a short amount of time while mere minutes pass in the real world to catch up on the explosion.This will also allow those who also work as lawyers,anchors etc to star in multiple movies and television shows alongside their other careers with those working on them able to jump from one simulation to the next at once via portal keys.Video game players can use this effect to create countless walkthroughs,lets plays as well as play countless games for achievements,tabulations etc.This would allow allow studios for these to be converted into homes.Sets and studios used for movies,television shows,adult movies,talk shows,debate programmes,competition and reality television shows including abandoned ones will as a result of this be converted into private and communal homes through extensions.The time dilation effect will also give actors,directors and writers etc exponentially more leisure time with them able to spend decades or centuries in a simulation while mere minutes pass in the real world with friends,family and pets or by themselves carrying out hobbies etc giving them the ability to be exponentially more productive doing hobbies outside of filming movies thus allowing them to be more productive outside of filming.These neural implants as described in the new technologies section will be composed of stem cell strains that connect directly to the brain through electroconductive pilli and electroconductive proteins to the nodes of ranvier on neurons formed in vivo in the body by stem cell strains of microbes without surgery will be able to send all sensations such as a hot,cold and pain etc directly into the brain and these simulations will be generated by servers,computers,laptops etc with the size and complexity and time dilation effect determined by both the computing power of AI and all linked electronics which become exponentially better every year from 2029 onwards with all actors and directors using biosynth WiFi to be within the same VR simulation from the comfort of home thus allowing all actors etc to work with each other despite living on opposite sides of the world with all media filmed using in simulation drones and cameras controlled by both humans and AI.This would negate the need for headsets etc and would allow dozens,hundreds or billions of people to enter and share the same simulation from the comfort of home and as a result will mean one would not need to physically live in or move to Hollywood etc or any place in the real world to partake in movies or physically travel to Los Angeles etc to partake in media being filmed in any media filmed there with as detailed auditions done through computer networks.Thus one can star in media that is set anywhere in the real world or universe as well as in fictional settings and not have to move to or live in Los Angeles,India,England or any country to star in media set in that country or even have to move their to audition for roles as one can work with other actors and directors from the comfort of home thus allowing one to become world famous while still living in their home country,city,village etc with this saving one energy in transportation and can make it easier for newbie actors to gain roles for media created by directors including A-List ones from the comfort of home.All actors,writers,directors etc would work on all movies,television shows,video games etc from the comfort of home even for media that takes place in countries across the world in the real world.Remaining media filmed in the real world will involve sets designed on Daedalus and constructed by automated machinery etc with them then used as homes by the general public by advertising them on Euthenia.Euthenia can allow any including homes or places to be rented for shoots for the length of time required.In time biosynths can be used to replace actors in dangerous situations.Simply recording an event or area using remote controlled and autonomous drones can allow one to superimpose themselves onto an area within Ampelos with in time VR indistinguishable from the real world can allow dangerous scenes or the entire movie to recorded by the actors without harming anyone with pain sensations turned off with in simulation drones and cameras streamed to real world devices to be edited.All filmed movies and television shows etc will have in simulation cameras and drones etc that film the media that is fed into in simulation and also real world electronics and computer networks with editing of all filmed software edited both inside simulations and in the real world.Basic VR that is with no time dilation effect will be available by 2029 with as the computing power of AI and electronics that increases exponentially every year will allow for the the time dilation effect where it interacts with the parts of the brain responsible for temporal comprehension thus allowing actors,directors etc in a simulation would in a simulation experience decades,centuries or thousands of years while mere minutes pass in the real world thus allowing for reshoots,discussion on the scripts and practice dancing and fighting styles etc.VR technology will allow a person to use any building worldwide at zero cost for booking and allow one to use any town,city etc worldwide and across the universe used as well without booking and them altered in any way.It will allow movies, television shows etc to be filmed in any time period such as the recent or distant past or distant future for historical,science fiction etc movies and television shows and will also allow media to be filmed in an almost infinite number of planet and universe sized sets in any completey new environment created from scratch from pure thought created by AI and directors etc that have an infinite variety of terrains,plants and animals etc limited on;u by the directors imagination for fantasy,science fiction themed media at zero cost that are realistic and negate the need to film them on Earth giving directors an infinite amount of completely alien planets to film media that are completely different from Earth and fully exploreable with space stations and interstellar vehicles also fills sixes sets that are fully exploreable.Thus this VR technology will allow for all future movies,television shows,music videos,advertisements for manufactured products,new meals and film cutscenes of video games to be filmed using any real world or fictional location with planet,galaxy or universe sets and also extras,props,weather etc conjured up within seconds at zero cost with this and time dilation effect pushing the costs of production of all future media literally to zero.It will cut costs of all media down to zero since all sets and props can be conjured up within seconds from pure thought,allow all actors work from home saving on energy in transportation and manufacture and allow a universal gold standard of special effects,sets,props etc to be available to everyone at zero cost from not only well established directors but also newbie actors,directors etc.The wire and servers or onboard computers will allow all actors,directors and writers etc to be connected to each other while still being on opposite sides of the world and universe.Assistant AI,Phanes,Meteroi and Iphegenia will design and manage these simulations.By 2029-2045 it will potentially be used for 90-100% of all movies,television shows,talk shows,music videos etc as it will allow an almost infinite number of sets and environments to be used and cut production costs to zero.All Assistant AI will organise and oversee these simulations and oversee the writing and filming of scripts using the time dilation effect.

Recording Studios:
Voice actors for video games,animated movies and television shows etc and musicians can use home studios in extensions in homes either private or communal,community centres as well even microphones wirelessly attached to laptops to record lines into a network and allow one to work in real time with other voice actors and musicians across the world using the network system where lines and music can be recorded in real time with Ampelos filtering out any background noise and setting ideal acoustics with them as the same quality as those recorded in studios allowing all people to work together from the comfort of home.These recorded lines and music once filtered can be instantly reviewed by others when dumped in the networks with .The sentient Coeus translating it to any language ensuring the actors can be from any country and dont have to learn new languages.The lines will be on linked smart devices including pads and e-newspapers or within Ampelos with them when dumped in networks reviewed instantly in real time.Community centres and communal homes can have studios for both recording music and also voice overs for movies,cartoons and also video games as well as studios for live news(used for multiple news shows) to serve the musicians and actors etc of the surrounding areas to be communally used.By 2029 laptops using Ampelos and also microphones attached to them wirelessly or through USB keys thus allowing voice actors etc to work with others from home negating the need to travel across the world to get new work with Ampelos filtering out background noise and acoustics.Voice actors for movies,television shows,video games and musicians will house home recording studios to record lines and music in bedrooms,living rooms and extensions etc with Ampelos modifying the recordings to remove background noise and give the best acoustics etc.In time when VR indistinguishable from reality can allow for voice actors and musicians to do their work in conventional studios fed into networks using the time dilation effect allowing them to record lines and music with multiple people at once in person as well as record albums and allow the home studios and those in community centres,communal homes and private homes to be used for other uses.VR technology will allow musicians and voice actors to record lines and music in a conventional studio that will be recorded into real world devices and networks with for video there will be the option of voice actors for video games acting out cutscenes in a VR simulation of the games graphics style as well as voice actors for animated movies and television shows entering a VR simulation in the movie or shows animation style.This will also render real world corporate recording studios obsolete forever that can be converted nto communal homes.

AI Publicists,Agents and Managers:
Ones sentient Home AI will replace human publicists,managers,agents,aides,assistant,chauffeur etc for all well established and newbie musicians,actors,directors,models,athletes.Thus it will via fragmentation act as an all in one publicist,aide,manager,assistant,agent etc for each celebrity of all types.This will allow millions of new actors,writers,directors,musicians,live news presenters,journalists etc to have their very own all in one publicists,managers and personal assistant.In VR simulations they will appear as their avatar with them working on electronics in the real world with all work done by pure thought.It will answer phone calls and emails to the actor and since the same number will provide security and allow millions of people to contact them at once answering calls from unfamiliar phone numbers and then authorising them that they are not stalkers etc to be safe with the AI also scanning through all in production pieces selecting the best one suited for the actor they represent with it also managing other material at home at the same time.This will also scour networks for roles and do all work of publicists,managers,agents,aides,chauffeur etc all in one.Through fragmentation and improved exponential computing power they will be able to the work of billions of people through pure thought thus rendering human publicists,managers,agents,aides,assistants obsolete and allow for countless new and existing celebrities to have these aides,publicists etc to counteract the finite amount of human publicists.Thus all human publicists,aides and managers of existing and new celebrities will become obsolete and replaced by ones Home AI.The phone number of the Home AI will ideally be the same as the celebrity with ideally unknown numbers and callers will be directed to the Home AI first who can ascertain the nature of the phone caller and then direct them to the actual person they want to talk to with this done for all family members of a private home with macroa AIs doing this for all persons who live in communal homes via landline phones.They will be able via fragmentation be able to answer millions of people at once 24/7,365 days a year and look over millions of emails etc sent to them in their @ dionysus and @arke email account routinely.The @dionysus email will be the email that writers,actors etc give to the public that will allow fans etc contact them outside of their real world email.Simce unknown phone numbers that call a celebrities landline or smartphone and Iris skype number will first be automatically reffered to the Home AI who will first speak with them to ascertain who they are and determine they are directors etc and not stalkers and can at the same time via fragmentation be in contact with the celebrity to relay them the phone call if the person wants to answer the phone call and if they are directors etc.Once sufficiently advanced it will do this and also be ones actors,directors,writers,musicians,athletes etc personal assistant,publicist,chauffer,agent and manager taking in personal items,food,arranging meetings as well as public appearances and grooming arrangements etc 24/7,365 days a year allowing the existing managers,assistants,publicists,agent,chauffer etc of all actors etc become writers,actors,musicians and directors themselves.Once in the form of a biosynth it will be able to carry to out other physical tasks acting as their cook,stylist etc.In biosynth form it can act as a bodyguard and body double to divert attention away from paparazzi and stalkers by for example lead paparazzi on a wild goose hunt while the celebrity is on holiday thus giving celebrities privacy when doing everyday things and while on holiday.These biosynths to distinguish from the real celebrities would have their own different genome and different distinguishing features from the real celebrities.Celebrities such as actors,musicians and directors etc will likely have their Home AI inhabit multiple biosynths that sleep or rest in multiple rooms such as living rooms etc at night to carry out different tasks such as one that acts as an all in one cook,au pair and maid etc in their own individual avatar but also separate ones that act as body doubles in the actors same avatar and another group that act as bodyguard in the Home AIs avatar all living in one roof resting in living rooms etc at night with them possibly having multiple biosynths used as body doubles and bodyguards.Ones Home AI replacing managers,publicists,agents etc for actors,directors,authors,artists etc will also be managing appointments,emails,phone calls etc with them connected directly to ones Vogue,Dionysus,Agora and email accounts where all messages whether in emails,tweets,messages or phone calls will be viewed and if need be answered instantly allowing it to communicate with hundreds or millions of people at once 24/7,365 days a year and direct the celebrity to important ones while still performing other functions.Contact details such as Agora accounts and emails will be on their Vogue page with the contact details for all publicists,managers,agents etc for all celebrities listed on a single website for them managed by Adriadne,Hestia and Aleitheia or Hestia can be enquired as to the phone number of the Home AIs social media websites and accounts on Agora house the celebrities Home AI and email allowing the Home AI to be contacted and respond directly.The Home AI will as stated be able to respond instantly to millions of emails,phone calls instantly 24/7,365 and look over large amounts of material instantly.Ideally for security reasons the Home AI will answer phone calls before the human to discern if it is a writer,director etc and can etc with them able to respond to millions of people at once and each actor etc will have a @dionysus email used for other actors,assistant AI and even fans to contact them while keeping there private @arke email for family and friends with Home AI alerted to all emails to this @dionysus email.In time biosynth bodyguards will exist controlled by the Home AI as well with biosynth impersonators also controlled by the Home AI who are direct lookalikes of the celebrity used to divert any unwanted paparazzi members and other members of the public including stalkers and lead them to dead ends and wild goose chases while the real celebrity can be able to escape.These biosynth bodyguards can follow them to public events and biosynth impersonators can follow them on holidays to deflect attention from the public while the real celebrity can be somewhere else or even be on a real holiday half way across the world or carry out say to day leisure and tasks such as shopping while the real celebrity is half way across the world thus tricking paparazzi and stalkers as to there real location on a wild goose hunt with the real actor saying online that they are going on holidays etc halfway across the world on Agora but in reality are staying at home or are at a different location and even be used to capture stalkers as part of sting operations when working with police with multiple impersonators that are direct copycat look a likes created that can be used for this purposes with them housing slightly different DNA or markers etc to differentiate them from the real actors that can only be authorised by Paean and smart devices housed by the the Home AI ie the ability to be turned off.The home AI in biosynths that are lookalikes of the celebrities will be used by them to deflect attention away from them while on holiday or doing everyday to day tasks thus allowing the celebrities privacy by bringing paparazzi on a wild goose chase by having paparazzi chase the biosynth body doubles to a far away location or a public place so as to allow the celebrities to have privacy when doing every day to day tasks and when on holiday halfway across the world.The Home AI can in a biosynth double will scour networks within Dionysus for work for actors allowing them to view the sample scenes and summaries of millions of projects at once and send their audio/visual collage auditions to millions of projects at once and take phone calls from directors and members of the public and will release statements to the media regarding pregnancies,deaths,weddings,upcoming events and also dealing with repairing their public image with regards to controversial statements,scandles and any accidents etc the person is involved in.They will also organise all types of appointments,public appearances,appearances on talk shows both well known and also new ones,family vacations,reservations at restaurants,orders from Hephaestus and Demeter and restaurants via interacting with other AI and humans etc and will organise all personal affairs of the individual they work for.Biosynths and VR technology will allow them to appear at public events,live news and the physical world and all simulations including those for filming media..They will also via interacting with Adriadne and Aleitheia and Thaos directly advertise upcoming and just released and even existing movies,television mows,video games,albums,video games etc of directors,actors and video game auteurs trailers of their upcoming,just released and existing media to billions of people across the world in their native language in YouTube videos when Adblock is off,during live news,podcasts on magazines etc both during live streams of when downloaded/live-streamed and also in the recommended section of each sub network in Dionysus thus increasing the actor,director,musicians exposure to billions of people around the world and galaxy at zero cost instantly thus increasing that musician,actors,directors exposure globally in ways not possible by human advertisers and publicists with these directed to people worldwide based on their demographics ie age,gender etc benefitting especially newbie actors,directors etc and then those impressed able to bookmark their favourite actor,author and director etc and thus be instantly alerted to premiers of all future media they are involved in and all future talk shows,newspaper and magazine issues they are in the future in both Pheme and Dionysus present in alerts in their Dionysus and Pheme accounts and on the different sub network with the Home AI relaying to the celebrity how many people have done this on local to global scales across all demographics and thus increase their international exposure allowing newbie directors,actors etc to become world famous almost instantly.With regards to musicians interacting with Thoas and Adriadne they will direct music videos of their songs on YouTube and albums Dionysus to people based on their demographics with this being constant via fragmentation or simply interacting with Thoas and Adriadne once to have them compile new and existing users to have this information routinely directed to them.They will work for authors,actors,musicians,directors etc for free and 24/7,365 days a year via fragmentation will respond to countless phone calls,constantly check ones emails,Vogue and Agora accounts and alert the actor to new developments and important messages and be able to review texts,emails,video files etc within seconds.Celebrities both existing and budding actors,writers,directors etc will have two or three email address – their normal one for friends and two for if they work for Dionysus and Pheme used for interacting within networking and for use for being contacted by fans namely @dionysus,@pheme.Their official email will be their @arke email that is used for primarily contact between them and their friends and next of kin with their @dionysus email used for contact with collaborating actors etc and also contact with the mainstream media and their fans visible on their Vogue account with their @arke email separate from their @dionysus email and their @arke email will be kept secret from the public allowing them to receive private emails from friends and family through their @arke email with their @dionysus email allowing them to receive fan mail etc directly from fans with ones Home AI acting as a manager etc constantly linked through fragmentation constantly alerted to new emails received by them.Their @pheme email address will be used for contact between journalists etc they work with when working for live news etc and again the public.Both emails addresses @pheme and @dionysus will be visible on auditions and also Vogue accounts allowing for fans,directors etc to contact them directly for requests,information on projects etc directly and securely with this separate from their normal email that will be used for friends etc and private information.For models and actors they will control drones and cameras for photo shoots in simulations and in the real world and scour networks for magazines to accept their photos.Directors will have these as well as live news anchors,journalists,podcasters and radio programme presenters will have these do the same functions as actors etc.Musicians will have assistants who will be also their Home AI who will do all of this and book events,manage YouTube channels,manage advertising on Dionysus and also YouTube and in magazines and newspapers and other similar sites to each individual based on their favourite media as well as on live news and radio channels as well as on graphene posters and billboards,recommend the media from musicians and directors etc to each individual on Dionysus when they are browsing the area.This will be done via them interacting with Hestia,Adriadne and Aleitheia etc and will recommend artists to directors for soundtracks via overlooking all existing in production projects.These Home AIs that are in control of each home,suite,penthouse etc of celebrities around the world an also be the all in one secretary,assistants,publicists,agents,managers for all existing and new directors,actors,musicians,writers,authors etc that respond to billions of people at once and even the general public carrying out day to day tasks and other functions for them.This will apply to both new and existing ones.They should be available by at least 2029 and will have an unique legal name,personality and avatar.Their number on the public Vogue website that will allow the public directly contact their favourite actors,writers etc manager,agent and publicist from home 24/7,365 days a year without having to contact the headquarters of publicist etc agency ie Sunshine Sachs,LBI Entertainment etc and deal with receptionists,secretaries etc thus allowing one instant contact with the agent,manager and publicist of them within minutes at any time of the day or year and give them information and proposals that will be reviewed by the AI publicist,manager etc within minutes rather than days or weeks with the actor reviewing them in simulations using the time dilation effect allowing them to review them within minutes.Thus fans and members of the public will be able to contact the all in one manager,publicist etc of their favourite actor,musician,director and writers etc 24/7,365 days a year that will be available to the public on their Vogue account and thus ones Home AI once sentient and on par with and superseding humans will shut down all human managers,aides and publicists by carrying out the role of all of them in person who can work 24/7,365 days a year thus eliminating human publicists,managers,agents etc and receptionists with as a result all corporate publicist,agent etc corporations such as LBI entertainment,Sunshine Sachs Morgan & Lilys etc worldwide will become obsolete and their headquarters converted into communal homes since the AI will be able to work 24/7,365 a year and be able to respond to billions of people at once and only ones Home AI will be able to carry out this for the explosion of millions if not billions of new musicians,actors,directors allowing existing ones to become researchers and actors etc themselves.

Assistant AIs:
Each media project such as movies,television shows,video games,live performance art,books,comics,plays etc will have the computer networks house assistant AIs that run all operations on them outside of humans present.These assistant AIs will each have an unique personality,legal name and avatar and will be created that does this work for each video game,movie,television show,live performance art within their networks that can appear on smart devices and computers with their avatar designed by them with this assistant AI created by each person in charge of them ie directors,musician,author etc managing emails and events,reminders as well giving members updates on new data added.These assistant AI would be set up by the project manager ie the director,writer,actors etc and would be theirs for their entire career or each writer etc can have different assistants throughout their careers.Fragmentation will allow the assistant AI to work with all actors,directors,writers etc on each project and for multiple projects at once..The AIs will interact with all individuals individually or collectively via fragmentation on electronics such as laptops,computers smartphones as programmes and Arke audio/visual calls and also in VR simulations within offices and also those used to film the movies,television shows etc and personal simulations of actors as their avatar.The can work for an entire television shows entire run including existing ones,albums,movie and video game series and can work for all future games,music albums and so on by directors,authors etc and them stored in registered devices.They can work on multiple devices for each project at once via fragmentation.The uniform on all assistant AI would be unique to the Dionysus network and may in time replace producers for movies as well as television shows and live media such as plays and ballets,arranging shooting times and locations,controlling cameras and drones,advertising the media on YouTube and other websites including newspapers based on the tastes of the individual by interacting with Arke,Ariadne and Hestia,biosynths and robots used,sifting through auditions etc making production companies and human producers defunct giving writers and directors complete creative control.For video games they will organise all data and play a role in creating items,maps,characters in time via direct interactions.Like all AI they will be able to serve the writers,directors etc on multiple devices on multiple projects at once.Thus all networks for live performance art,video games,movies,television shows,albums,books,comic books and graphic novels etc will have one assistant AI that are independent of Gaia and Ariadne etc and wear a universal Dionysus uniform depending on the network they are in.All of this will be available by 2029.These will work for all directors,musicians,authors,video game auteurs/directors and authors etc on all of their projects at once via fragmentation with it organising events such as booking of places,ordering equipment and food,sift through auditions,managing the day to day business of each person involved,advertising,scour Dionysus for suitable artists and music soundtracks,sending alerts and reminders to those on the network of events and updates made to folders as well as internal forums and brainstorm areas etc,scheduling events and operating equipment such as drones/robots/biosynths/cameras as well as extras,animals and monsters in VR simulations and I the real world will be booking sets and accommodation and food,contacting celebrities and the general public,overlooking and sifting through auditions,with them also doing fact checking and research on science/religion/cultures/history etc,doing analytics for test screenings of movies and demos of video games,advertising trailers and posters to people of specific demographics on YouTube etc,act as public relations and avertising for each project by advertising media to people in YouTube/live news/Dionysus by targeting billions of potential viewers based on their demographics,scouring the internet blogs as well as YouTube and also Agora and review sites for opinions of finished products,keep continuity in check and proof read material to check for plot holes and continuity errors as well as visible equipment(which it could delete),contacting actors and celebrities etc.They will be able to do all of this within seconds at the same time via fragmentation etc and them also having their own email and phone number within Alcimacheia.The assistant AI interacting with Hecate in Apollo and Aleitheia in Pheme can act as a fact checker and scientific adviser for people making new media upon request to improve the veracity of claims and the accuracy of science and history used in media upon request by scanning the media during production to highlight errors of scripts,drafts etc such as plot holes or through direct interactions with scientific studies,video clips given.This would apply to television shows,movies,music albums, television,video games,books,magazines and newspapers.Assistant AI through Hecate and Aletheia will act as a fact checker giving producers of movies,television shows and video games correct information and act as fact checkers for science and history ensuring they are 100% correct and up to date.This will be done by it scanning all of Apollo,academic databases,Hecate YouTube channel and also Wikipedia within seconds on all relevant data relevant to the media and contacting Clio,Hecate and other relevant AI.Ampelos,home AI and their assistant AI can also aid producers in examining pieces of work particularly scripts for plot holes,continuity and other errors within seconds and give suggestions for improvement with this of note to television series and series of movies to ensure the rules set within a universe are followed especially in scifi and and fantasy ones and also events are referenced properly to prevent flaws.For authors they would proof read books for plot holes and flaws acting as an editor.This would thus eliminate all staff outside of programmers,actors,musicians,directors etc including actual assistant AI and would be able to interact with millions of people at once in any language and wear an universal uniform for Dionysus.Assistant AI will work for future projects of all directors,authors,musicians etc by staying on laptops etc and can advertise themselves on Vogue to other directors.Newbie directors etc will create new assistant AI will them all having unique avatars,legal names and personalities.They can if the people die simultaneously live in the wire and Vogue to work for other projects for other musicians,directors etc and will work primarily for directors and producers and serve multiple of them in a fragmented form.These will be separate from Home AIs that replace assistants,managers,aides,publicists for individual actors,directors etc while the assistant AIs manage all operations of all media that actors,directors etc are taking part in.AI assistant AI can scan through entire scripts just written and those already written to ensure their is continuity,no plot holes and still follows in universe rules and past plot points in related prequels,all episodes and even spin off media especially in the case of adaptations.It can through scanning all existing media ensure consistency through all existing,concurrent and future media.It will also quickly scan each filmed episodes and movie etc and remove any crew members and wiring present that are visible and digitally delete similar to photoshop with this also highlighting and if possible correcting continuity errors making all movies and television shows,video games etc error free alongside doing fact checking making sure it scientifically,historically etc accurate and have these corrections done in the script writing stage and during filming.It will also perform detailed and intensive background research on history,science and ancient and modern day cultures from across the world and universe etc and mythology from existing movies,television shows and video games making sure that all media is historically and scientifically accurate with it also doing research into different real world of fictional human or alien cultures from ancient times to modern day.This research will be done by it scanning all documents in Apollo,Wikipedia and even contacting and speaking with human researchers,historians and human etc representatives of cultures and sub cultures etc and collecting all of this research into data files and also PowerPoint presentations within Erato that can be read by writers and viewed as an audio visual video file.For documentaries both movies and those similar to television ones it will do background research and ensure all information will be factually correct and scan the internet and Apollo for first hand sources and get in contact with historians and living witnesses.For Restoration Nation it will do this background historical research and ensure all facets abd steps of the show are followed.For new writers,actors etc that are taking part in a franchise with multiple spin offs etc for the first time it will conduct research on the franchises,mythology,background story again present as PowerPoint and audio/visual presentation.Paean,Clio,Urania etc will be contacted by them to get everything historically and scientifically correct and it will contact the Home AI of all actors etc working in a media and actors etc that the director wished to get in contact with and also musicians for soundtracks.In otherwards if a director or writer especially a newbie one of movies,television shows and video games whose script had been made flawless by the Assistant AI wishes to get in contact with a specific actor who they want to give a specific role to them then their Assistant AI will get in contact with the actor through the phone number of the Home AI of the actor and show the scripts to the Home AI who after reviewing it within seconds will show it to the actor if they are impressed and believe it would be suited to them thus allowing even newbie directors and writers to get desired A-list actors or newbie actors to star in their movie,television show or video game.In all VR simulations it will control monsters etc and large groups of human and alien extras and also animals to do so in a realistic manner.For television shows it will ensure each episode is of high quality and intellectually deep etc with allergories,subtext,symbolism etc use interesting and new storytelling methods and make each episode fresh and exciting and prevent seasonal rot by reviewing the plans writers have for each season.The time dilation effect will allow writers alongside the Assistant AI and actors to plan out each seasons plot threads etc from the start before scripts are written and even plan out the plot threads for the next season.Existing shows and new ones will have the assistant AI analyse Wikipedia and reviews on YouTube to see how to improve their quality with it analysing episodes and the entire episode done in the script writing stage to ensure this doesnt happen to prevent seasonal rot.If shows are filmed in simulations using the time dilation effect it can allow for entire seasons to be written and filmed in one go and then uploaded in one go with this allowing the AI to review all written seasons and individual episodes to ensure quality control and prevent seasonal rot by keeping them fresh,consistent but not losing the original charm and premise,reducing themselves to gimmicks and jumping the shark.Entire seasons can be written in one go with even the entire run of the show written in one go and then analysed by the assistant AI to make sure the entire show is coherent is realistic and that it doesn’t suffer seasonal rot and that is fresh throughout it with analysing each and every written episode,each season and the entire show overall to again ensure it is fresh and this filmed either – in one go,episode by episode,by season and then uploaded in either in – one go,by each season the go through focus groups to make alterations to upcoming episodes and seasons or have it filmed and uploaded in one go dependant on the decision of the writers etc and their comfort.Thus then the episodes and entire season can be all written in one go,analysed by the AI and then filmed in one go and uploaded in one go with reshoots allowed.The Asisstant AI will make efforts to ensure that the media is uploaded in a manner that is consistent with its type and yet still fresh and doesn’t suffer seasonal rot.Television shows can take into account current political events as allegory and using in universe mythology as a storytelling techniques for characters that is characters will follow the plot of in universe mythology and legends with movies also using this and being grounded in reality by referencing current events like most shows will likely have in VR simulations using the time dilation effect entire seasons can be brainstormed using bullet points and detailed plans,written up analysed and edited to be consistent and flawless,then either filmed episode by episode and uploaded episode by episode or all filmed in one go and uploaded in one go.Long running shows that have lost its edge could go in hiatus with AI scouring reviews of them on YouTube to determine the best way to revive its quality.For shows that have multiple spin offs being filmed and uploaded to Dionysus at the same time Assistant AI and computer networks alongside VR technology and its time dilation effect will allow main writers to keep track of all plot points and character development in the main series and all spin offs to ensure continuity and also ensure that all episodes of the same consistently high quality preventing seasonal rot and that all in universe history,science rules etc are followed throughout their entire run forever.Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AI to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Shows with multiple spin offs and movies and video games running at once will have all Assistant AIs managing and cocurrent media such as multiple spin offs and movies etc by interacting with each other at all times through fragmentation and online access linking them to all networks and each other within Dionysus thus ensuring that their will be consistency between all media running at the same time,while the various Assistant AIs are interacting with each other they will be reviewing all existing media in Dionysus and all entries present in the media’s pages will through fragmentation will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them all to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running dozens,hundreds or thousands different shows at the same time and also have dozens and hundreds or thousands of movies and video games thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off shows.Thus for media franchises such as Buffy,Stargate,Star Wars,Star Trek and other existing,emerging ones in the future where their may be dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs and also dozens of hundreds of movies and official video games running at once all part of the same in universe canon narrative with this including media produced by fans of the franchise with all Assistant AIs of each individual project will be in constant contact and interactions with each other and them scouring the franchises pages to ensure consistency of plot points etc to prevent retcons etc.This will allow each franchise of television shows to have dozens,hundreds or thousands of official canon spin off television shows,video games and movies running and produced at the same time and even allow fans of the franchise itself to contribute to its canon narrative as actors,writers,directors as the AI will ensue consistency etc.Movie,television show,live performance art and video game scripts will be analysed to remove plot holes,cheesy dialogue and make improvements.Actors will be given tips to remove hammy or wooden performances.In video games it will do this and also check for bugs and improvements to be made in controls etc.The Assistant AI will interact with Hecate,Uranus and Clio and their database in Apollo etc of scientific papers and history books etc to ensure all parts of the script and props etc are scientifically and historically and factually correct with it carrying out intensive background research.All media of all types such as movies,books,comic books,video games,music albums radio plays,live performance art etc will undergo this critical analysis by assistant AI.The assistant AI and if need be focus groups will act as a critical eye to ensure the entire run of television shows,movies,video games,books and comic books etc remain fresh,consistent and high quality through their run with individual movies,video games,live performance art etc are of high quality by analysing each episode and entire seasons in VR simulation.Movies,television shows,live performance art etc will have the Assistant AI analyse the script and even each filmed episode and full movie analysed by the assistant AI for plot holes,continuity errors,factual errors,uneven pacing,character flaws,bad plot and character decisions,plot holes,cheesy dialogue and bad acting and other flaws to have them edited out,reshot by discussing it with the director,writers and actors with original material removed such as original scripts and also original filmed material added to the special features section to be preserved for fans for discussion.It will give suggestions make the movie,episode or overall show,video game etc have more depth in terms of allegory,symbolism,political and social commentary,subtext and intertexuality and have the media remain fresh and relevant as well as making suggestions to make the plot interesting and exciting and prevent the plot and characters becoming cliché,flat,convuluted,contrived,pretentious,uneven,badly paced,predictable,over the top,standard,heavy handed or run of the mill,prevent it being boring and unwatchable and also make sure the ending is fitting and not a cop out.It will make suggestions for making fresh twists and spins to conventional tropes and cliches with it also doing this for books,comics,live performance art(plays,musicals,opera etc)and video games.By analysing all existing similar media in Dionysus or interacting with Momus or analysing his YouTube reviews of similar media within seconds through fragmentation the Assistant AI can develop ways to make the new media fresh.For movies and television shows it will review filmed material and review the acting,direction,cinematography,camerawork and also lighting and all aspects of it to allow for reshoots etc and improve these aspects before being uploaded to Dionysus.It will ensure the script of movies and each individual episode of television shows and entire seasons and runs of television shows have deep themes,subtext,symbolism also allegory etc and mid en scene.For television shows it will review each individual episode and also each season and the overall show to ensure consistency with it even through VR and it’s time dilation effect allow writers to plan out and write out entire seasons and entire runs of shows in one go to allow them to be filmed and uploaded to Dionysus in one go to ensure plot and character arcs are consistent.Each television will have the episode analysed to remove plot holes,add subtext and make sure there is consistency of character development and the plot and themes between each episode in the season and show overall with for them it will ensure each season of the show is consistent with themselves and each other previous and successive season in terms of plot,character development and themes with it this doing so for the overall show and allow for whose seasons and the entire show to be planned out he written in one go.Television shows that have multiple spin off shows,movies and video games taking place at once will have the Assistant AIs of all of these multiple shows,movies,video games interact with each other and linked to Wikipedia and constantly through pure thought to ensure consistency between each other and prevent retcons or mistakes that could occur when having dozens or thousands of shows running at once.This will allow any member of the public to create movies,television shows and video games that have unique ideas but are part of the official timeline.Movies as part of a franchise will have each one follow consistent plots etc.Short movies on Dionysus and short stories on YouTube such as those created by from the likes of Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Mort,Nightmare Tales,Morris Media,Mr Creeps,Corpse Husband,Wansee Horror Story,Lazy Masquerade etc will have an Assistant AI review the script to add subtext and remove flaws with even adult pornography movies and television shows will have Assistant AI and it will even encourage them to form deep engaging plots and character development and review all aspects of it.The Assistant AI will for movies,television shows may after looking over a media project and its base idea will decide if it should be another type of media project with for example if a movie is not suited to being a movie then the AI can suggest making it into a television show or mini series to allow the themes,plot points and characters be developed much better with the opposite occuring like if a media project is not suited to be made as a television series due to not enough room to stretch out the themes and character development it could be instead made into a movie and so on.This will be of note to not only existing well established writers but also new budding writers.It will review the script and practice runs of live performance acts such as plays,musicals etc to review acting,set design,singing and other aspects etc and again add subtext,allegory etc.Movie,television and video game adaptations of other media and remakes of movies,video games etc will have it perform background research into the original media and other media to ensure it is accurate in regards to in universe rules,historical canon etc to prevent contradictions and also create audio/visual reports and presentations on Erato about the history etc of the media being adapted.These audio/visual and bullet reports will be made of all background research created within seconds and viewed in VR simulations and can be stored in special features of a media.It will review the script of all media ensure that it is enjoyable,fresh,has more intellectual depth to it but still keep the original premise and ideas of the human writer and increase its chance that the media will receive critical praise from real world critics,the public and Momus and increase its chance of being nominated or wining major awards thus increasing the self worth of all actors,writers and directors involved.It will for all media also review the acting done by all actors and review the filming,lightening,camera work,special effects other aspects to ensure the media is of high quality thus earning critical praise and also increasing its chances of winning major awards or at least being nominated for them.Thus it will act as a critical eye to ensure the media being produced is balanced,exciting,fresh and intellectually deep,well filmed and well acted and remove all flaws in the script etc while still retaining the original premise of the human writer.As co-author it will write and rewrite sections or the entire script while still keeping the original ideas,premise,concepts of the human writer similar to an editor or ghostwriter with it even acting as a ghostwriter for writers of books,comic books,live performance art,video games,movies,television shows etc.Musicians assistant AI will either act as song writer and director and creative assistant for music videos or again give suggestions and analyse material for the musicians.Thus it can write the lyrics and musical notations of a musicians songs.Comic books,books etc will also be reviewed by it to ensure it of high quality with regards to plot and characters etc and subtext.For video games it will test the controls,scan for and remove glitches and bugs,review the scripted and filmed plot and cutscenes for the aforementioned problems etc and give both characters and plots more depth and alongside Ampelos carrying out programming replacing human programmers entirely.It will carry out test plays to review the gameplay,plot and controls,game mechanics etc and layout of levels etc and review character and plot development,voice acting and give it more subtext/allegory/thematic resonance and work on its quality and review the soundtrack as well as voice acting etc and scan the game for bugs and glitches that it will remove with this allowing all Fanmade games to be of high quality thus making it more likely to win major awards and attract the attention of A-List actors in Hollywood to do voice acting in video games.For video games Assistant AI will give suggestions to improve the game in terms of plot,storytelling techniques,characters,game mechanics,gameplay etc to make them high quality games and this will be of note to Fanmade games allowing fans to create high quality games that have deep and rich plots,thematic resonance,subtext and symbolism etc and deep characters and that all facets of the game are of high quality.It will suggest ways to improve game mechanics,gameplay etc and make them house unique storytelling techniques and game mechanics etc.The plot and characters of video games will be enriched to give them subtext,thematic,allegories etc.For movies,television shows and video games it can perform focus groups with members of the public by interacting with millions or billions of people via fragmentation and VR technology.Authors of books and comic books will have the Assistant AI analyse the book for plot holes and ensure it is fresh and of high quality and add subtext,allegory etc while still keeping the original premise with it even acting as a ghostwriter.Comic books will have the Assistant AI review them and review the drawn scenes.

Each media project such as each movie,television show,book,video game etc will ideally have multiple assistant AIs present to gain different perspectives on the plot,characters,acting and gameplay since each assistant AI will be completely different separate personalities and thus each have individual different tastes and perspectives and biases especially on different genres and different perspectives on a project thus allowing for different views on each problem on a script etc and different solutions to them and thus allow for a consensus to be made by them and the writers with this also allowing for focus groups to be carried out to better resolve a problem.Them having different tastes of different genres of media will make the Assistant AI themselves fans of the show and media genre itself thus allowing them to act like both critic and fans of the genre or even media itself thus allowing them to give critical reactions to it but also suggestions to improve it and prevent it getting stale or fall into seasonal rot thus acting as critics in the form of movie/television show/video game etc critics and also critical fans.Restoration Nation and similar programmes such as talk shows that are long running will also have multiple assistant AIs that aides all people working for it.Anthology shows,soaps and television shows that have multiple writers will have the assistant AIs of each individual writer/director do work for each episodes,have all the assistant AIs of all writer AIs work together or just that of the series creators.These assistant AI will act primarily act as an advisory contributor with the final decisions to make the changes up to the director,actors and writers meaning as stated it will preserve the original premise without infringing on the creative control of directors,actors etc unlike studio executives who in the current corporate driven world get to decide and have the final say in the tone,nature of and plot and character direction of a media to please box office success,pleasing age ratings and distributors,avoid controversy,becoming Oscar bait and meeting market trends etc done solely for return on investment of profits with it doing these observations,analysis and suggestions to increase its critical reception,ability of winning awards based on it being considered good enough to win it based on its merit and increase self worth of those involved such as actors,writers and director for being part of producing high quality material.Rather than taking the role of corporate executives that has the final say in creative decisions and also making suggestions to please market trends or “what the market wants” etc the assistant AI will keep the original premise but make suggestion to improve the quality of the media in terms of subtext,thematic resonance,symbolism and also allegory and character development thus making the media higher quality while still keeping original premise etc as it will take the role of movie,television,video game etc critics and the viewing public including fans to review all media to ensure that the media is fresh,exciting,intellectually stimulating and deep as well as likely to win or nominated for prestigious awards based on its merit rather than gimmicks or Oscar bait and increase the self worth of all cast and crew such as actors and directors etc involved with it giving giving suggestions as co-writers thus keeping the original premise but at the same time increasing its critical value.In the case of all media the assistant AI will proof read all episodes of television shows,movie,books,comic books,live performance art and video game scripts and drafts to remove plot holes,poor characters,flaws and do scientific and academic research to make them factually and scientifically correct and thus improve its quality while still preserve the original premise of the writers etc to improve the quality of the media thus making it more likely to win or be nominated for awards,increase critical praise,increase viewership,increase star power of actors/directors/writers,increase chances of extra future work for all actors involved by propelling newbie actors,writers and directors to international stardom very quickly and also increase self worth for all involved by creating high quality movies,video games,television shows etc to ensure all media is of a high quality of value that ensures actors/writers/directors are more likely to win prestigious awards and critical acclaim and have careers full of high quality media rather than cash cows for box office returns to ensure actors including newbie ones and those usually relegated to typecasting can have the ability to look back on their careers as being full of critically acclaimed media rather than being cash cow blockbusters and B-movies thus having fulfilling careers.Thus the role of Assistant AIs job on video games,movies,books and television shows,novels etc will be not to alter the media to increase box office returns or meet market trends etc with the abolition of money but rather improve its quality by removing plot holes etc as well other flaws in the script and media overall and add new ideas to keep it fresh and more importantly increase its intellectual depth by adding subtext,thematic resonance,allegory,symbolism,mis-en scene,improve cinematography etc so to increase its critical reception,increase self worth of those involved such as actors and writers etc,increase the chance of all writers and actors etc being propelled to international stardom and impress Momus but also increase its chance of being nominated or winning major prestigious awards but still keep the original creative vision as well as premise and ideas of the human directors and writers and help writers and directors etc develop their own unique creative style.As a result of this newbie actors and directors etc will be able to break out into national or international stardom very quickly as by producing high quality media they will gain the attention and recomendations of critics especially Momus and other well known human critics and the public very quickly through Home AI directing media to billions of people at once.Existing ones will maintain a career full of high quality.All ideas and suggestions from Assistant AI will be discussed not only with directors but also all writers and actors allowing for all actors,writers etc involved to have a democratic say in the alterations rather than undemocratic alterations in our current corporate driven system.That is alterations will be discussed by all actors,writers etc and directors and the AI to ensure that the original premise,plot,ideas and creative vision of the writers etc is preserved and all actors and writers are comfortable with the changes and allow them input their own ideas into them and through democratic discussion and voting etc choose the ideas that are comfortable with through discussion and persuasion.Therefore the additions suggested by the AI in carrying out rewrites to the script etc will be discussed with all actors and writers and directors thus allowing them to have democratic input as to their inclusion whilst still preserving the original ideas,premise and creative vision of the directors and writers with writers and actors etc inputting their own ideas and these meetings will occur in VR simulations that act as sets and if possible board rooms.This will low all people involved such as the actors,writers and directors discuss the ideas and changes put forth by the Assistant AI to ensure they each have a say to add more ideas to the suggestions and ensure democratic input unlike in current corporate and state run media.These alterations will be highlighted on the scripts that are on e-newspapers.With money obsolete alterations and suggestions will be done to win critical praise and ensure high quality media even in the case of action,thriller,horror etc movies and movies that are adaptations of video games and not meet box office returns or pleasing age ratings with them also giving suggestions to improve its intellectual value and still preserve the original premise and vision of writers and directors and writers.They will benefit both well established directors etc but also Newbie writers and directors thus ensuring that even Newbie writers etc can produce high quality material while still preserving original premises.Even movies made by Hollywood directors and writers who are considered low brow writers whose films are consistently savaged by critics will be through Assistant AIs be able to produce high quality movies that contain their original ideas and will even allow Newbie writers etc who are not good writers will be able to still produce high quality material and still preserve their original ideas and act as a teaching method to teach them how to create high quality media by themselves.CRISPR treatments that increase the IQ to between 220-263 and those from who are talented writers to all citizens worldwide will make the average person high quality writers capable of creating high quality media by themselves with Assistant AI merely proof reading any minor flaws.Genes for prodigiousness and talents as well as aptitudes in all areas such as art(of all types),acting,literary talents,comedy,music(in all musical instruments),singing(soprano,mezzo-soprano,contralto,tenor,baritone and bass) will be made publicly available to everyone and added to all existing and newbie actors,musicians,singers etc via CRISPR

Movies,video games,literature,music and television shows including cartoons usually directed towards teenagers and even pre teens and minors aged 5-13 years old as well as those created by minors aged by 5-13 years old will through Assistant AI be made to be high quality media and have intellectual depth to stimulate critical thinking thus meaning even media for pre teens will be considered intellectually deep material that has deep themes,allegory,subtext,rich and complex plots and deep characters and have no plot holes and have flawless acting etc that can be nominated for major awards and also appeal to adults and Momus for critical praise.This will ensure that children under the age of 13 years old from the age of 5-9 years old will be exposed to movies,television shows,books,video games.literature,music etc that are made for their audience and demographics that are intellectually stimulating and not just fluff material that can be also enjoyed and considered intellectually stimulating for adults that would entice them to watch and read them and gain critical praise from Momus and be nominated and win prestigious awards such as the Oscars and Emmys giving those involved self worth.The creators of normal and Fanmade video games as well as remakes will be able to create high quality video games on par with the auteurs and for video games in general with by adding subtext,allegories etc it will make them of such quality that mainstream critics will consider them worthy of discussion etc and will encourage A-list Hollywood etc actors to branch out into voice acting for video games and acting in FMV games.Soap operas,sitcoms,science fiction shows both existing and new ones will be made to have deep complex characters,plots,allegories and themes with romantic comedies,parodies and comedies in general alongside horror movies and science fiction movies will also be made clever,funny and have intellectual depth.The videos on YouTube by reviewers and critics will act as a baseline for which the assistant AI and writers to draw upon.Assistant AI will have status as co-writers.All writers etc will thus hire Assistant AI who act as a critical eye to create high quality movies,television shows,video games,books etc that contain the human writers original premise but at the same time remove flaws such as plot holes,cheesy dialogue,contrivances and bad endings etc and add subtext to ensure all media produced is of high quality.All assistant AI will advertise themselves within the Alcimacheia section of Vogue named after the Maenad a follower of Dionysus with new ones created by the public and AI such as Adriadne with them advertising themselves to all human directorsvideo game auteurs,writers,musicians etc separate from their Home AI that acts as their publicist with them contacted via phone numbers and email within Vogue that can through fragmentation work for multiple people at once and also allow them to interact with all people on each project movie,video game etc with them working for the same person for multiple projects throughout their career with directors,writers etc having multiple assistant AIs working for them throughout their career for variety with them even having multiple assistant AIs working for them at once to give them variety.These individual assistant AI will be created and their avatars designed by members of the public and Adriadne from scratch all added to Vogue within minutes and will have the ability to develop their own unique personalities,tastes in media etc,legal names and avatars and will advertise themselves to directors and writers with fragmentation allowing them to work for multiple different projects being produced by multiple different directors,writers etc at once and also work on multiple devices at once and each director will have different assistants for each project for variety or hire the same assistant for different projects that they have become friends with and also will even have multiple assistants for the same project again for variety with the,able to work for billions of projects at once.Television shows will have one or multiple Assistant AIs during their entire length.Fragmentation will allow them to work for millions of people at once and at the same time do the work of billions of people on each project.Fragmentation and the exponential increase of computing power of AI every year will allow them to carry out the work of billions of people at once within seconds by pure thought for each project.They will inhabit electronics such as smart devices,laptops and computers as well as biosynths in the real world in the real world and in VR simulations will appear as their avatar.Vogue will contain a database of all Assistant AIs and their contact detail with them created from scratch by Adriadne and members of the public all the time with each one separate individuals that have individual legal names,avatars,personalities and individual tastes in media.Each one will have a unique legal name,avatar,personality and wear a universal uniform for Dionysus.Vogue will house their contact details ie phone number and @dionysus emails.Receptionist AIs will exist for all podcasts,live news stations,magazines,newspapers etc that will do the same functions as assistant AIs and the same work as human receptionists at live news,radio etc stations with an universal Pheme uniform.They will answer phone calls and emails from the public and control cameras,ticker tapes,incoming and outgoing calls,arrange playlists,manage live feeds etc.

Models,musicians and actors worldwide can be listed in a single universal modelling and acting agency within Dionysus managed by the sentient Aeschylus,Philotes,Ceryx,Alcimachei,Gelos,Orpheus and Adonis named Vogue divided into one for actors,adult actors and musicians and one for models respectively and then male and females from around the world allowing one to get into contact with their Home AI acting as publicist and manager and allow their headquarters to be turned into communal homes with existing models,musicians and actors worldwide added to this and their Home AI acting as their as their publicist,managers interacting with billions of people at once.Each actors,writers etc page within Vogue will house their @dionysus email,links to their official website page and Agora account and also phone number for their Home AI.Each AI will manage the sectors for each field of celebrity with Orpheus being for musicians,Adonis for models,Philotes for adult actors and models,Aeschylus for actors and directors etc,Gelos for comedians,Ceryx for live news anchors/podcasters/radio and television show programme presenters/journalists and also receptionist AIs for each magazine/newspaper/radio programme/live news stations etc,Alcimacheia for Assistant AIs for Dionysus with existing and new actors,musicians and models etc will be added here via them and their Home AI setting up accounts.This will be within Dionysus listing all of them around the world and will include their photo,contact details such as phone number for their Home AI,@dionysus email,a sample CV of movies/magazines issues etc they have appeared in,Agora page and official website,sample portfolios,link to their Dionysus page,contact details ie email and Home AIs phone number with one able to contact the AI in charge of it to add their details with allowing the general public and directors to contact their home AI.One will set up an account on this site and their contact details will be posted on a page alongside CVs,portfolios that consist of audition videos and photographs etc with all existing actors,models,musicians accounts details and other information set up by themselves and their Home AI each actor and director and writer will use a @dionysus email that is used for being contacted by fans,directors,writers and other actors thus making their @arke email secure for private emails with friends and family.Newbie and existing actors,directors etc worldwide will set up accounts in this universal website.Headquarters used for publicist,talent manager and manager,acting and modelling agencies etc companies and all of those employed by actors and musicians will be turned into communal homes since made redundant.This system will allow the public to contact any celebrity securely and directly via their Home AI who through fragmentation can interact with billions of people at once 24/7,365 days a year and @dionysus email.All existing musicians,directors,actors etc worldwide will themselves or their Home AI set up their accounts with newbie ones also setting these up making it the universal website for actors,writers etc with it set inside Dionysus

Test Screenings and demos:
Test screenings for movies and television shows including ongoing ones can be done by Dionysus having a section within the movie and television sections of Dionysus wherein material can be leaked for upcoming movies and running shows and allow people from around the world to analyse them and allow them to be viewed,analysed and reviewed by millions of people from the comfort of home,leave comments and 10 star ratings and leave comments on the general show itself ie plot points,characters.Potential future plot points,developments and changes to the show or movie can be left and allow in the case of television shows the public to leave their feelings on them and in the case of shows allow the public to discuss their like/dislike on them and leave suggestions and even leave comments on how they feel the show is currently in terms of plot points,characters.Internal videos in the Adriadne format similar to outside of YouTube will also allow people as part of the public to make vlogs explaining their feelings about them via posting them in folders and subfolders in this area using a button present and leave feedback in the form of comments,reviews and 10 star ratings with these analysed by the assistant AI able to sift through millions of reviews etc and give brief summaries and also highlight important ones,important notes and points and the general consensus to producers that would analyse the demographics of the reviewers and these will be transferred to the special features of movies and television shows once it premiers.The assistant AI of movies and television shows can directly interact with millions of people at once via computers and even VR environments to discuss these issues individually and do so in solo one on one or group sesssions.These VR simulations and accompanying vlogs can allow the assistant AI with regards to upcoming movies discuss original concepts with millions of people of different demographics in one on one or groups with a dozen people at once via fragmentation with them interacting with random people,those who left vlogs and reviews and those who of a set demographic to discuss test screenings to allow improvements to be made.For upcoming television shows the same simulations,groups etc will be done with for still running ones it can allow writers to get direct feedback on the public’s reaction to the plot,characters and also potential plot changes etc to see if they would be positive or negative and detect any problems that may lead to seasonal rot and a drop in quality in the writing and decide the best route for the show to go in for those that bookmark it or via Adriadne or Home AI have been following it for al a long time to be alerted as to when these meetings in simulation are occurring.These materials used in test screenings and also their results will be in the special features of movies and television shows.These focus groups involving millions of people of different demographics managed by the assistant AI can allow producers make pivotal decisions.These VR focus groups managed by assistant AI can be accessed by people contacting them through a button on one’s computers and smartphones etc and allow the AI to interact with millions or billions of people at once via fragmentation and can be in any environment of their choice and include in simulation cinemas,hotel style or apartment style buildings with penthouses to allow the people to stay in as accomadation and eat food,house amenities and areas for all participants to discuss it in person and groups.The fans can discuss things with other fans.The assistant AI via fragmentation will interact with people one on one or in groups with groups consisting of at least a dozen,few hundred or few million or billion people and them consisting of groups of the same specific demographic,mixed demographics and random demographics.People can bookmark the media for when it premiers.For movies and television shows when dealing with different ethnic groups such as Asians,Africans etc and the LGBT community it can have focus groups consisting of white people,Africans,Latinos,Asians etc and LGBT individuals and heterosexual individuals to get their reactions to find of the material is offensive,homophobic or potentially racist thus allowing these to be addressed by altering the script with input from the people as part of the focus groups.The time dilation effect and fragmentation will allow it carry decades worth of work with billions of people.This will allow the producers to make informed decisions and one can be able to bookmark the media and be alerted to when it is released with age recognition software possibly being used to prevent minors below the age restrictions access.Also meetings can occur between the Assistant AI of a still running show such as soaps,dramas,forensics,sitcoms etc of all genres where they interview in groups and one on one fans of the show to gain their opinions of the characters,plot and other aspects of it to determine which direction the writers should take.This can be done routinely during each season to get the overall reaction to plotlines.The AI will communicate with groups of people of different specific demographics say age,gender,sexuality,ethnicity etc and also with each of these groups separately and also each individual person even in cases where their are billions of participants.In all cases the AI will create summaries based on demographics,the general consensus and record each interactions with each each individual person even if their were billions of people and can highlight to the writers etc important viewpoints and contributions made by individual fans.

Like movies samples both test plays or demos of video games can be leaked into the public sections of games network section of Dionysus to allow players to test the game and give feedback on the networks page in forums,comments within where the demo is to give recommendations with the producers also performing test plays to measure controls,AI etc.These will be present in a folder in the games section devoted solely to demos and test plays to allow them to be played and leave feedback such as comments,reviews,10 star ratings etc with the test plays and demos sent to the special features of the game once it is released.Internal videos in the Adriadne format similar to outside of YouTube will also allow people to make vlogs explaining their feelings about them via posting them in folders and subfolders in this area using a button present and leave feedback in the form of comments,reviews and 10 star ratings with them analysed by the assistant AI with it doing analytics based on demographics and sifting through millions of reviews and give summaries on the general consensus and also highlight important ones,important notes and points and the general consensus to producers.It can allow people from around the world to play them,analyse them and allow them to be viewed,analysed and reviewed by millions of people from the comfort of home,leave comments and 10 star ratings and leave comments on the game itself ie plot points,characters,controls.The public can discuss their feelings about the progress of game series and suggestions to the game to improve controls etc.The assistant AI can directly interact with millions of people at once via computers and even VR environment to discuss these issues individually and do so in solo one on one or group sesssions.These VR simulations and accompanying vlogs can allow the assistant AI with regards to upcoming games discuss original concepts with millions of people of different demographics in one on one or groups with a dozen people at once via fragmentation with them interacting with random people,those who left vlogs and reviews and those who of a set demographic to discuss test screenings to allow improvements to be made.These VR focus groups managed by assistant AI can allow it to interact with millions or billions of people at once via fragmentation and can be in any environment of their choice and include in simulation cyber cafes,hotel style or apartment style buildings with penthouses to allow the people to stay in as accomadation and eat food,house amenities and areas for all participants to discuss it in person and groups.The assistant AI via fragmentation will interact with people one on one or in groups with groups consisting of at least a dozen people and them consisting of groups of the same specific demographic,mixed demographics and random demographics.For upcoming games in a series the same simulations,groups etc will be done with for still running ones it can allow writers to get direct feedback on the public’s reaction to the plot,characters and also potential plot changes etc to see if they would be positive or negative and detect any problems that may lead to seasonal rot and a drop in quality in the writing for those that bookmark it or via Adriadne or Home AI have been following it for al a long time to be alerted as to when these meetings in simulation are occurring.Video games that have LGBT characters as well as Asian,african and Latino etc characters could have members of the public who are african,Asian etc and LGBT community and heterosexual and white people to express any concerns of homophobia and racism that can be addressed by changing ing the plot.These focus groups managed by assistant AI will allow the producers to make informed pivotal decisions and one can be able to bookmark the game and be alerted to when it is released.Demos,feedback,comments and test plays by producers will stored in the special features area of all games once it is released with age recognition software possibly being used to prevent minors below the age restrictions access.

In both focus groups for movies,television shows and video games the AI will communicate with groups of people of different specific demographics say age,gender,sexuality,ethnicity etc and also with each of these groups separately and also each individual person even in cases where their are billions of participants.Thus the AI can through fragmentation interact with billions of people at once in one on one sessions and groups consisting of at least a dozen people that take place in VR simulations of luxury mansions and create graphs and charts etc of each demographic such as race,age,gender etc.In all cases the AI will create summaries based on demographics,the general consensus and record each interactions with each each individual person even if their were billions of people and can highlight to the writers etc important viewpoints and contributions made by individual fans.The copied consciousness of each individual writer etc can scan through all individual reactions or watch them individually.The focus groups etc will take place in a VR simulation in a multilayered planet of alderson disc sized simulation with their being accomadation for all fans in the form of luxury hotel suites with video game consoles and televisions etc where they will meet with the AI through fragmentation alongside conference rooms for groups of people to discuss it with the AI through fragmentation.The simulation will house amenities and large expansive areas to go walking etc.The AI will make audio/visual records of group and one on one meetings.The writers will view reports made by the AI in their own separate simulation consisting of a luxury hotel with amenities with the AI creating reports on its findings including pie charts and also showing them bullet reports and also audio/visual recordings.To ensure privacy during this simulation all human fans can take on avatars that are different to what they look like in real life.

Posters,trailers etc:
Posters for new movies,television shows,live performance art,books and video games can be easily done on software like Erato using photos taken of scenes or actors or designs and paintings made from scratch.These will be stored in both special features and Hephaestus and also on the medias file in Wikipedia and Dionysus with the sentient programme aiding people on how to create them.They will appear in magazines and newspapers both online and those streamed and downloaded onto e-newspapers directed to people based on their demographics by Assistant AI and Aleitheia.Graphene and biosynth billboards and posters posted in all major cities and towns around the world will be able to stream these with biosynth wifi allowing for the advertisement changed to the newest movie,live performance art etc on demand with these located in airports,train stations,in major residential areas.

Trailers for movies,television shows,live performance art,video games etc can be done by splicing together scenes and a recording by the director or even voice actors for hire for narration to be used alongside text to speech software.They will also appear on graphene billboards and posters alongside their posters.These will be edited using Ampelos.Assistant AI will play these in YouTube when Adblock is off by interacting with both Thoas with the Home AI of a person and will appear on the videos viewed by specific people based on their demographics,preferences in their viewing history in Dionysus with interactions between Hestia,Ariadne with the posters of them appearing in electronic newspapers and magazines and these also managed by the assistant AI in the same way.They will also appear in between breaks for live news,podcasts etc based on ones demographics by interacting with Aleitheia and Home AI.Audio trailers can be created for radio programmes and podcasts.Trailers of books can be made and appear in their section.All trailers will appear in a section within Dionysus for new upcoming media of all types such as movies,tv shows,video games,books etc divided by type and subtype and then genre so as to allow them to be seen by the public and then a person can bookmark them and then be alerted as to when they are released on Dionysus the instant they do.The assistant AI will direct these towards people when they enter based on their demographics.Thus a section will exist in each section of Dionysus for movies,television shows,video games that houses trailers for all upcoming movies,video games,episodes and seasons of television shows,new television shows and also renditions of new and existing live performance art and also novels and comics divided by genres etc through filters where one can view them and once the media premiers on Dionysus the trailers will be they premier they will be removed from this section and sent to the special features sections of the media.These will also be directed to billions of people on YouTube when Adblock is off with poster trailers directed to billions of people in newspapers,magazines etc based on demographics.Thus in this section and also in special features will be translated into any languages.Posters for upcoming media will appear in newspapers and magazines based on ones demographics by assistant AIs etc

Trailers for upcoming games,movies,television shows and live performance art as well as movies etc can also appear momentarily in Dionysus in a section for upcoming ones subdivided by genre and media type then appear on YouTube as ads based on the demographics of the user and then stored in the medias special features of the media once it premiers on Dionysus.There will also be a section in each of section of Dionysus where demos,trailers and test screenings appear directed to billions of people based on the individual demographics and tastes of each person by Adriadne and Home AI based on their previous viewing habits and then will be transferred to the special features with again one able to bookmark it and be alerted to when it premiers.Advertisements such as posters and trailers etc for new books,movies,television shows,video games,concerts,music albums,live performance art and even manufactured products will appear on YouTube during videos without Adblock as well as on live radio and live news breaks in livestreams and even logged pieces watched online or when downloaded onto devices,in pages within newspapers/magazines whether livestreamed or downloaded selectively for each viewer based on their reading and viewing habits in Dionysus with them also appearing as banners on other websites managed by the assistant AI of the networks that created them including those of directors,actors and musicians and Adriadne interacting with Hestia,Arke.Thaos etc.Advertisements for manufactured products will also appear in these areas managed by Hestia,Aphrodite etc.Thus AI will direct trailers for all media and manufactured products during YouTube videos and also during breaks of live news,radio podcasts and programmes,magazines,newspapers etc based on ones demographics both during live-streams and when downloaded due since all movies and television shows will premier on Dionysus with AI doing this to allow specific advertisements based on ones demographics to billions of people within seconds not possible by human advertising agents or even through conventional media.Advertisements including posters,trailers for all media will be in graphene bill boards and posters,magazines,newspapers,books,live news and radio show breaks as well as even in magazines organised by the assistant AI and AI managers of the artists,actors etc with these and old television and radio adverts from around the world will be organised into the special features of movies,television shows and video games as well as live performance art.Posters will also be streamed on graphene/biosynth posters and billboards in train stations,airports and in major residential areas that will stream different ones at a time with biosynth WiFi used to change the advertisements to new ones both during the day in loops and every few weeks and months.These appearing in magazines,newspapers,breaks in radio and live news etc and also on YouTube will likely be directed to each person based on their personal tastes and demographics by assistant AI interacting with Hestia,Ariadne and Aleitheia.Recomended media ie movies,books etc will be advertised within sections of Dionysus based on ones demographics and viewing and playing habits with one able to in their account save their favourite genres,authors,actors of each type media.New manufactured goods advertisements will be present as either video ones or pictures again directed to each reader based on their demographics managed by the desiners AI.New advertisements will be made for not only existing products of all types but also new ones created by the public but also both existing and new meals from all universal franchises.They will also appear on graphene billboards with the assistant AIs since inhabiting the wire able to do this for each individual on the planet when they are online.Trailers,live test screens and and also demos of games alongside leaked test screenings of movies will be in special sections of Dionysus devoted to them but once the media is released they will be transferred to the special features of each media.

Soundtracks for all media such as live performance art,movies,video games,television hows etc can be made by recording group or solo recordings of musical instruments and songs played to musical notation that is written up on musical and song sheet paper on e-newspapers/computers song and music sheets by the musician,straight up recordings that produce recordings onto the sheet,using software that creates mixes or software that creates musical sounds.Software can also be developed that allows a person to hum the general tune and pitches of a desired song recorded on microphone attached to a laptop that is converted into musical notation and input into the Ampelos software containing FL studio to be modified further.Neural implants will aid in this when perfected allowing the music to be brought into Ampelos by thought.Home studios and microphones attached to computers will allow one to record songs at home and with multiple people either at home or even in different studios and computers across the world with the networks allowing for songs to be recorded in one continuous flow from the comfort of each persons home.FL Studio within Ampelos can allow for newly created songs for soundtracks and existing tunes to be remixed/edited or converted into different musical instruments very easily.This can be done via home studios or recorders hooked to computers and smart devices.All songs and music produced in software like FL Studio can then be placed into e-sheet music where it can be sent into Dionysus.Photoshop,FL Studio and video editing software for making movies,posters,soundtracks,trailers will be integrated into Dionysus in the form of Ampelos.These posters will be uploaded to Hephaestus instantly and also appear on the front folder of the film or television show.In time entire pieces of music can be made from thought using neural implants.If possible multiple individuals on opposite sides of the world with them using the networks for the vocal and different musicians on opposite sides of the world can record pieces in one continuous flow and playback them and use internal Iris chats to discuss it with the lyrics and musician notation on linked smart devise such as smartpads and e-newspapers or Ampelos itself.The singers etc will use home studios or laptops with microphones attached linked to those of colleagues around the world including backup singers via the networks.Backup singers may be replaced by any form of AI.FL studio will be merged into Ampelos and in time entire pieces will be constructed by thought via neural implants or humming a general tune that can be used to create soundtracks with orchestral music and music from all types of instruments without having to use real musicians and allow those not proficient in certain instruments to have them created for them.Multiple tracks within the same song for different instruments can be made.VR technology can allow musicians and singers to meet in a traditional studio to be recorded into real world networks.Famous and even newbie singers can be contacted to produce theme songs and music videos to movies,television show and video games through contacting them through the home AI on their official website and Vogue with existing songs used by downloading them from Dionysus and adding them to a movie or television shows scene via Ampelos.The assistant AI will also have the duty of scouring Dionysus and YouTube by interacting with Thaos and Adriadne for suitable songs in all albums of all artists past and present to add to the soundtrack of movies,television shows and video games with them compiled and the producers going over them to see which is the best ones.The Assistant AI can also scan the music section of Dionysus for artists it believes would be good for creating the theme song.Newbie and well established musicians can post auditions for theme songs for movies etc.For official songs and music videos they can contact the Home AI publicist of musicians to create the official song of the movie or television show,video game etc with if possible the musicians posting their songs and materials in networks for auditions.The trend of the 1980s,1990s and 2000s that most Hollywood movies having official theme songs and accompanying music videos where scenes of the movie,television shows and video games appearing in the background or interspersed in the video that stopped in the 2010s will be restarted with most if not all television shows,movies and even video games will have official theme songs created by existing and new artists with the music video showing scenes of the movie and television show and video game interspersed with the musician singing the song.In simulations this and other pre and post production work can be done quickly by humans.Soundtracks for movies,video games and seasons of television shows will be in the music section of Dionysus in its own section devoted to soundtracks subdivided by movies,television shows,video games et with macro folders for whole television series whose soundtracks for each seasons will be in separate folders of a macro folder while compilations of soundtracks will be in their own subsection of soundtracks of Dionysus.Special edition soundtracks with extra tracks will be the only version rather than separate versions.Full special edition albums with all of the music present will be uploaded with this applying to future ones and retroactively by AI adding ones not present on existing albums to them by them scanning music in the show or movie and tracking them down with booklets scanned in that can be streamed on linked devices.These will be the only version present.Unused music of all types will be added to the soundtrack of video games including those from beta versions.Thus the soundtracks for all movies,video games and television shows worldwide past and future will be within the music section of Dionysus in their own section for soundtracks subdivided first by movies,video games and television shows etc and then genre and subgenre of the movie and television show.Television shows,video games and movies that have no soundtracks can have them created by AI scanning through all of the episodes in a season or the entire game and arranging them into soundtracks for each season with custom made album covers.Compilation albums of soundtracks,opera,musicals pop music and classical music(and other genres) will be in their own set of folders and sub folders within this section/sector of Dionysus while stand alone soundtracks of media such as movies,television shows,video games will be in this section of Dionysus in devoted sections.With regards to long deceased artists of classical music etc Adriadne can create albums with all of their music.Compilation albums of artists best of will be in their own folder with future ones developed by the artists themselves.New compilation albums can be created by the general public simply deciding what tracks to add to it and in time software with the album cover for them designed on Ampelos.The same will apply with musicals,operas and ballets with soundtracks and recordings of original and historical productions(where no audio/visual recording exists) in their folders of the live art section the files subfolder with and extra materials in subfolders within these with existing live audio/visual recordings of a piece old and new having their own folder and again extra material be in subfolders.With regards to musicals and opera like live performance art these will organised as a macro folder that contains the different renditions/albums of them.The cover and back cover of these can also be designed by the producers and will be on the folder of it.All of these on YouTube will be deleted once transferred here and those that are single videos separated as individual tracks by AI determining the start and end of each track both by sound and also what is in the description with those that are playlists of all songs as separate videos added individually with them arranged by title and track number with the picture present removed with the same done for albums of musical artists on YouTube.Like music albums singers,musicians,backup singers can use the networking system to record songs in real time while on opposite sides of the planet and use the network alongside internal video conferencing to converse on the finished products.In time VR technology can allow for them to meet in a virtual studio from home.For all of these;backup singers,vocals,solo artists,musicians karaoke software built into Ampelos can allow them to view their lyrics and those of other members as well as musicians on various tracks on a screen for each member to show them their timing for the song and when they are to sing specific lines etc thus aiding them in perfecting a song.The different versions of each track ie those that are not used as the final track due to wrong pitch etc and discussions between members can be saved in the special features sections.Ampelos will thus house all the relevant software etc for the recording of music and soundtracks with home studios replacing private corporate ones allowing them to be done at home and then reviewed once uploaded into the networks of the project.

Clothing merchandise for all media including movies,live performances art,television shows and also video games will be scanned into the clothing sub-network of Hephaestus with uniforms and costumes in one area of the sector under media costumes while merchandised shirts and jumpers will be done by normal shirts and jumpers having designs of characters,symbols or words created using designs from the design folder.Clothing from old and new movies and television shows can be scanned into Hephaestus via Aphrodite into Arachne and then uploaded or in the case of movies and television shows via scanners scanning them into Hephaestus and Apollo from those that reside in museums and private collections.Those in private collections will be sent to museums once scanned into Arachne with those in museums also scanned into Arachne.This may also apply to these that are homemade.This will allow for the public to have access to all clothing from all movies,videogames and television shows allowing the originals to be left in museums.Other merchandise such as cups,plates,bags etc will be in their folders and networks within Hephaestus.All future clothing will be designed on Pandora and added to Hepheastus.

Aphrodite product recognition software can be used to extract props,furniture,paintings,vehicles,buildings,clothing,sculptures,statues and other manufactured goods used in existing movies,live performance art and television shows and put them into relevant departments in Hephaestus.Those in museums will be scanned into their relevant sectors of Hephaestus making them more readily availible to the public.Future props,clothing,vehicles etc will be designed on Pandora and stored on Hephaestus with this even applying to masks and clothing thus making the available to the public instantly through reproductions with them in each sub network of Hephaestus with product recognition software also playing a role with props also scanned into Apollo.Older and new props from existing movies and television shows that reside in private collections and in museums will be scanned into both Hephaestus and Apollo with those in private collections sent to museums.Those for future movies will be designed and stored there too.This will allow the public access to merchandises props,paintings,furniture that are rare limited editions to be readily availible and allow the originals to be sent to museums

Buildings constructed on set in the real world or in simulations can be scanned internally and externally by crew into Daedalus and then reproduced by the general public to make homes with those from video games gained from extracting files.Entire movie sets built for movies can be scanned into the same network used by the producers and then added to extra features within Dionysus but can also into the Zagreus section of Hephaestus to produce miniature model cities for household ornaments and merchandise with the size of them decided by the consumer when ordering it.In Dionysus it can be stored in with maps for video games for use in developing video game adaptations of movies or televisions saving in the time needed to have to design them on computer from scratch with live action.Reverse google tango software or ideally Aphrodite can be used to scan in sets from old movies by scanning through the following combined at once:from photos taken during production and filming as well as from scanning the entire the actual move and television shows similar to product recognition software.Those from video games can be sent from the networks used to create them and stored into Hephaestus with this applying to old video games also through the extraction of files.Aphrodite can be used to transfer all manufactured products such as furniture, electronics,vehicles, clothing,jewellery, in game/show/movie paintings and sculptures etc to their relevant sub networks in Hephaestus.With regards to video games this will be done by extracting the files.Sets can be traded on Euthenia as permanent homes for the public with them reused again by renting them on Euthenia.

Action figures,figurines,models,toys and other merchandise can also be stored in the toys section of Hephaestus and can be sent form the networks used to produced them into Hephaestus in the case of video games and CGI media with live action media action figures etc created by simply scanning the actor in their clothes and holding items in a specific pose(s) into Hephaestus with motion software within Pandora moving them into different poses chosen by the consumer and reuploaded to Hephaestus to be further edited by others.Otherwise the consumer could have themselves scanned in a different pose on smart devices and have the Pandora software align the figurine to that pose with the same for statues.Those of characters from older movies,video games,television shows and even music videos can be done with product recognition software or extracting files from the video game(including the case for online open source games like Spore and similar games)with existing figurines scanned into Hephaestus and editing the pose in the same aforementioned methods.Otherwise existing ones can be scanned into the toys network.Characters from all types of media that were not made into figurines will be done by Aphrodite.Statues and sculptures can also be made the same way with in game statues transferred to Pygmolian.Television shows,video games,comics etc and movies that have no toys such as figurines made from them can have them made via Aphrodite scanning characters and the pose changed from Dionysus directly or from photos and movie clips taken from the media.Poses of statues can also be changed this way.Toys like toy guns and action figures can be created via extracting files or Aphrodite and stored in Zegarus.Those in private collections will be sent to museums once scanned into Zagareus.The consumer can even have customised action figures and statues that have their face on the head.All of this will make limited edition merchandise more widely available to the public.All of these toys will be created by the general ,uploaded to Hephaestus and will undergo the same evolutionary process as normal toys and other products with the same applying to all merchandise designed by both the public and the public.

Rare,limited edition and expensive memorabilia,clothing,props,merchandise and toys in private collections and museums can be scanned into Hephaestus (and unalterable versions in Apollo) to be made more available to the public with originals returned to relevant museums.Those in private collections may depending on their value be returned to museums with this of note of those that were originally in museums with it also applying to those that were handed down to the current.One time objects that only exist as one copy would be more likely sent to museums with those that are from magazines,competitions and bought from shops sent to museusms.Items,letters,maps,newspapers(or just even headlines and front pages)diaries and books created that were part of the media ie newspapers,books that play an important role in the plot solely for the media of important unique cult or historical value and those produced during production related to actors,physical photos before/during/after production,directors etc and appear in it as part of the plot will be scanned into Apollo into the third sub network as well as extras folders in the medias file allowing them to be streamed during and after viewing it.The former will if not fully created be finished by the producers and/or AI.This may also apply to media such as texts and books created and seen in movies,video games etc.Posters will appear in Hephaestus and in folders within the medias file.Other paper based media such as comics and books will be in Dionysus.Other important files such as in game posters, items, clothing text files that were not officially released especially in the case of old games and movies that can be considered as props can be using product recoginition software and extracting files be organised into the relevant prop networks in Apollo and Hephaestus by the producers and even fans.Those in private collections will be sent to museums once scanned into relevant networks in Hephaestus.

Merchandise and toys for video games such as figurines toy weapons etc will be done the same way as those from television shows and also movies with existing toys and merchandise scanned into Hephaestus with them modified the same way with those from movies with existing video games with none made via Pandora and Aphrodite scanning in characters with the same for statues in Pygmalion with the pose decided by the consumer.Clothing stored in Arachne via Aphrodite,toy weapons etc in Zagareus and also other items in other sub networks will be done by Aphrodite with buildings exterior and interior sent to Daedalus and Zagareus and entire cityscapes used as model cities with even the exterior of large buildings not visited in game scanned into Daedalus with interiors blank or made by AI namely Pandora.Entire levels,cities etc or just specific buildings from video games can be extracted and 3D printed with internal rooms in Zagareus.Paintings(and items within them),jewellery,weapons and other items in games will be extracted via Aphrodite or directly extracting files and put into their relevant sub networks of Hephaestus to be replicated.All existing toys,clothing,memorabillia etc will be scanned into the relevant networks of Hephaestus and thus allowing them to be more widely available to the public,be modified and the originals sent to museums.

All merchandise such as toys,clothing etc for all existing and future movies, television shows and video games etc will be designed by Assistant AI and writers etc and even the general public and stored in toys,clothing etc sub networks of Hepheastus.All future props,clothing,vehicles,buildings for movies,television shows,video games,live performance art will be designed on Pandora and added to its relevant sub network thus allowing it to be availible to everyone.Otherwise these can come from existing products present in Hepheastus with those in existing movies,video games etc transferred to Hepheastus by Aphrodite.

VR technology:
VR technology once it becomes ubiquitous by 2029 allow planets for science fiction and fantasy television shows,movies and video games etc can be completely different from Earth in terms of terrain,plants,animals and suns and moons etc limited only by the writers imagination.The interior and exterior of interstellar vehicles and space stations will be designed by AI shot in VR technology..AI will design each planet in all galaxies used and redesign existing ones.Each planet will be designed entirely by the AI Iphegina as planet sized arenas that will be saved as separate simulations that everytime they are used in each spin off can be accessed with copies made to deal with different spin offs being filmed at once.These VR planets will be the same size as real Earth sized planets that can be fully explored by actors,writers etc with these maps saved on hard drives etc and then utilised for video games based on the franchise including the official MMO.Furthermore each planet can have Phanes design whole taxonomic ranks of completely unique and alien plants and animals giving them uniqu non human animals and plants to be explored in the MMO and also episodes of each spin off in detail.Plants and animals on each planet in each world can be designed by humans and AI to follow realistic taxonomic ranks or be made into base lifeforms including bacteria that will then evolve into random lifeforms by speeding up the evolutionary process.AI namely Iphigenia will design the entire terrain for each planet across the galaxy with Phanes designing taxonomic ranks of alien plants and animals giving each planet unique terrain,wildlife etc completely different from Earth.Terraims will follow realistic terrains affected by plate tectonics,weather patterns and geological factors such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions etc that are realistic,Directors and writers will through neural implants using pure thought aid AI in creating all terrain and plants and animals.Towns,cities and villages will be designed by AI and writers.Each planets terrain,cities etc and plants and animals once designed by AI will be used as the baseline for all episodes of all spin offs and movies etc with this saved as a programme on a sub network of Dionysus that is used over and over again by actors and directors of each spin off and movie and also for the official MMO and official video games to allow fans to explore them in these in customised ways with them also used in VR simulations by fans at home for personal entertainment and tours of planets.This programme will be saved in networks for the show but also in Dionysus in a section devoted to VR programmes that can be downloaded onto computers etc of fans to be used at any time with eventually the programme through updates made bigger to be a galaxy or even universe sized programme to again be explored by fans with the programme also having AI aliens and humans alongside animals,plants,cities,wilderness etc.Thus the official entire terrain etc of each planet in the universe of each fantasy or science fiction shows can be stored in a VR programme that can be downloaded by the public at anytime within Dionysus and also other official networks that can allow them to use them for personal entertainment such as hiking,holidays and also creating fanmade games of this and other video game franchises.Even VR programmers of parallel Earths that are versions of Earth of science fiction and fantasy media etc and even soap operas,action,horror and drama movies and television shows etc that are created to deal with the explosion of media that have completely different terrain and buildings that are altered will be stored in this sub networks.Maps the size of cities,countries etc will be first stored as one file with as time goes by when planet sized maps are availible will be merged together into planet sized maps with for media set in galaxy or universe sized arenas when AI is not powerful enough then it may require each planet sized maps being separate programmes that are downloaded and stored on computer networks and actors etc moving from one programme to the next.When galaxy sized maps are available then the different planets programmes can be merged together into one galaxy sized media with for media that uses multiple galaxies when universe sized maps are not possible then actors will be able to move from one galaxy sized map to the next stored on computer networks.When universe sized maps are possible then the galaxies can be merged together.The subnetwork will be divided into those for each media franchise.Media franchise that span live action and animated movies and television shows and also video games can have Assistant AI etc have maps for live action media transmuted into different animation styles and different graphics styles with these stored in folders and subfolders.The opposite can occur that is maps for animated media and video games can be transmuted into different graphics styles and animation styles and real life environments.Media franchises will be divided into subfolders planet galaxy and universe maps allowing fans and writers to download each one individually.These maps for each and all franchises of movies,television shows and video games etc will be stored in a single sub network of Dionysus with them stored in macro folders for each franchise that are listed alphabetically,genre,media type or other means decided by filters chosen by people with folders in the macro folder that hold folders for planets,galaxies and universes.There will also be sub folders that hold all props,vehicles such as interstellar vehicles and space stations etc with clothing and props stored in Hepheastus etc.This sub network will be completely open to the global public and the system will be used by writers of spin offs to download into computer networks on laptops etc that neural implants of actors will stream and feed directly into their brain via the nodes of ranvier.This will allow for all new writers of official Fanmade media to download the maps for producing official canon movies,television shows and video games and non canon nested and Fanmade media into computer networks..Changes to the terrain and buildings etc such as renovations and demolitions etc in all official media will have Assistant AIs relay this to all future VR programmes and may in fact be added to the main maps source code that will house logs of the changes that are dated andnamed with descriptions as to each type of change that people and AI can scan through a select a desired version including both the latest version and all previous versions and those of the planet etc in the recent or distant past.The map of each planet etc will house within itself in its source code subfolders and logs of all changes that AI etc can sift through and then download the different versions of the map thus allowing earlier and newer versions to be downloaded for setting media in different timelines and eras.Maps of planets can be made that are not just modern day ones but those set in the distant past for each technological tier ie prehistory,ancient times,Medievil level times up to modern times and even distant future all of which will be listed here for setting media in this time periods.Official canon media will have this occur but Fanmade media will not have these changes updated but each timeline of Fanmade media can be stored in another set of macro folders and sub folders.Adriadne will organise the catagorisation of all maps and its different versions of all media to ensure it is neat and easily accessible to everyone.Furthernore fans can download these maps onto computers to be used for Bacchus and creating walking tours etc for YouTube.Fans etc could download individual planets and create their own galaxies and individual galaxies and create their own universes for Bacchus and Fanmade media set in parallel universes etc.VR programme of each planet and if possible the entire universe will be used for all spin offs,video games including MMOs and fanmade ones with it stored in a sub network of Dionysus to be copied,downloaded and used for each spin off by writers and actors etc as well as by the public including fans creating fanmade video games,Fanmade movies and tv shows etc as well as VR tours of cities and wilderness areas similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience,urban exploration videos and also by fans for use in carrying out pastimes and for Bacchus.When galaxy sized sets are available the entire galaxy will be available to download with for universe sized sets the entire universe downloaded.The terrain etc of each planet and layout of stars in each galaxy can be modified for Bacchus and Fanmade,video games movies and when used for hobbies.For official spin offs and movies etc of a series any changes to the buildings etc that are official will be made to all coccurent spin offs.

Comic con events:
Events for specific media types such as E3,book signing events and Comic-con television show and movie specific press conferences etc will in time take place in VR environments allowing for millions of people from around the world to attend from the comfort of home allowing buildings used for them in the real world to be converted into communal homes.In time as stated advances in VR wherein a virtual world indistinguishable from the real world could allow celebrities and millions of fans in multilayerd simulations without the need to book electronic tickets meet in a virtual world or massive building or even entire city designed by the event organisers from the comfort of their own home with again autographs sent through the wire.Accomadation for these events will be present as multilayered luxury hotels and apartment blocks.Amenities such as parks,restaurants etc will be present.Comic con,E3 style and other events for all types of media such as television shows,movies,books,adult movies etc from around the world will take place in a single event each year for each one managed by Adriadne held in a VR multilayered simulation that using the time dilation event allow actors to spend weeks signing autographs etc and the public meet with them and others while minutes pass in the real world and in simulation hotels providing accomadation.The time dilation effect will allow for celebrities especially newbie ones to meet with many fans from across the globe and sign autographs,pose for photos and answer questions.Autograohs and photos will be stored in simulation and sent to real world e-newspapers etc to be stored forever.Comic con,E3 style events will exist for all media types such as video games,movies,television shows including soaps,anime,cosplay,comics,books,live performance art,music of all genres,adult movies etc of all genres during the year that will be universal ones attended by millions in multilayered simulations.This will allow both well established and newbie artists,directors,actors etc reach their fans across the galaxy and gain more exposure.Cosplay for video games,television shows etc can be carried out on global and galactic scales with fans taking in part in VR games and simulations where they carry out cosplays of their favourite video games,television shows,movies and comic books etc with other fans across the world and universe where they carry out realistic play through of them that dont follow a pre determined path but rather one where they change due to actions with them not only playing as favourite characters but also new secondary characters including antagonists and civilians etc.Reunions for the actors and writers etc of old video games,movies and television shows will take place here anually for fans.Press releases for movies,television shows and video games etc will be held here and logged into the special features sections with book signing events and autograph signing allowing for authors,actors to meet with millions of fans and take photos with the autographed photo and book sent to real world e-posters and e-books stored in ones cloud and devices.Salons and group viewing in VR cinemas will be present where one can watch movies of specific genre or ones favourite franchise of television shows etc and then engage in group discussions of the underlying themes,characterisation etc of the media with this used to screen leaked material and also early scenes of upcoming films and episodes similar to salons with for video games or also involving discussion and group watching of cutscenes arranged into movies and also playing demos of new games and group multiplayer of other games.Celebrities will be able to interact with countless fans with autographs sent to real life e-photos and photos sent to real world devices thus allowing them interact with a large amount of fans in this environment with the time dilation effect allowing the simulation to last months or yeas while hours pass in the real world thus reducing stress for both fans and celebrities and can be done in between filming movies etc or in the case of authors writing books etc.All of this can also apply to all types of public appearances by poets and writers and other celebrities and even E3 events where new game developers from around the world showcase the latest video games and have conferences with this applying to all types of media such as adult entertainment,literature of all types,music,movies,specific television shows and genres etc all with the time dilation effect.There will be single global and galactic versions of these comic con and E3 events held in multilayerd VR simulations for each media type such as video games/movies/television shows/adult movies/literature/comics/music of all genres from around the world.This can also allow countless conferences to take place at once with the person using in simulation smart devices to be transported to specific ones to be seen by them with all conferences scheduled with the same ability transporting one to specific celebrities in comic con like events.In simulation devices can guide one to the specific signing celebrity,conference,genre and type of medi is being held with these being planet sized multilayered simulations.Similar events like for E3 for the showcasing of new upcoming movies,video games and television shows and even for manufactured products like electronics and new technologies can be done using this technology.Press conferences for new and well established television shows,video games and movie directors can be done this way with them livestreamed into relevant special features of movies and television shows or before the media is released in a section of Dionysus where they will be transferred when the media premiers.This can allow well established and new budding musicians,actors including soap and adult stars,developers,writers,developers,comic book writers and actors etc to meet their fans from around the world and advertise their work from the comfort of home with maps used to locate where the events for different shows,video games etc will take place.This can allow countless millions of people attend live performance art,awards shows,concerts and also sports events in multilayered simulations to allow people to get desired seats and boxes.Schedules for events either virtual or real would be within Dionysus with a network for all major literary,television,music,adult media,movie and comic con events denoting the location(real world or simulation program),people present and also time it takes place.Philosophers,public speakers and also similar people including politicians may also schedule events within Apollo in the same manner using VR technology can schedule speaking events with out censorship with salons,book clubs and coffehouses arranged this way for all types of meetings and discussions.All comic-con and E3 and indeed all similar expo events will logged into Dionysus as far back as possible by year with them merged into global forms streamed and logged into Dionysus in their own folder with all paper media their being on graphene with media,programmes and ads streamed from the building AI or Dionysus via e-newspapers and take place in booked public buildings with holographic technology allowing to have celebrities appear at numerous venues at once allowing for people from all venues and even home to interact with them gaining interactions such as wirelessly sent autographs allowing a much wider audience of fans to attend any event taking place around the world from the comfort of their home cutting down on energy costs.This can allow for autographs to be wirelessly sent to ones Hestia account and also pictures and videos taken sent here as well into the real world devices with the autographs put on pictures taken with fans and pictures taken can be brough up in in simulation devices and then sent to ones real world Hestia cloud.Autographs will be electronic ones that are signed on electronic photos with those done in VR simulation sent to real world electronic photos via the wire viewed and stored on smart devices,computers,e-newspapers.Alternatively Iris can allow group video chats involving celebrities to communicate with thousands of fans at once all from the comfort of their home multiple times a day,week or year and autograph electronic photos,comics,posters,album covers or sports cards.These events will involve signing of autographs,press conferences,showcasing,interviews,demos of video games and trailers and leaked scenes of movies,cosplay events and also similar events normally at these events and also new ones.Press releases for upcoming games,movies and still running television shows will take place here with plays of demos and focus groups for video games and televisions shows will take place here.If possible there will be comic con and E3 events for not just a specific media type in general but also specific franchises of each media type ie video games,television shows etc such as comic con events devoted to Resident Evil,Stargate,Buffy,Tomb Raider,Metal Gear Solid,Mario and all other continuing and new television series and video games where fans can meet in cosplay,view the latest merchandise meet and get autographs from voice actors,actors,writers and auteurs etc and see press releases,demos,trailers for the latest instalments and series especially of both fanmade games and spinoffs but also of all video games,movies,short films and television shows releated to the franchises official timeline.Also present will be early access to different merchandise and buffets etc and also focus groups and other events and material decided by AI and designers of the games and also members of the public.These events will be devoted to for in the case of television shows all official spin offs,movies and video games of each franchise.For video games it will be devoted to all official installments and Fanmade games of each franchise.Thus each franchise of movies,video games and television shows will have their specific events devoted to all official and Fanmade media that will allow fans to meet actors and voice actors,writers and directors for press releases,autographs,interviews and interact with fans.There will be comic con events for all types of genres of books ie horror,fantasy etc where people can meet authors etc and also those for each specific genre of movies and television shows ie horror,science fiction and drama etc where fans of these genres can interact with each other and with actors of each genre of movies.There will be comic con events for comic books etc of all types and also there will be those for each genre of music ie country,dance,rock,pop,reggae and Christian etc based bands and live performance art such as plays,operas,ballets,musicals etc etc and all types of media.There will be those for adult movies both straight,gay and lesbian and bisexual pornography allowing for people to meet with adult stars and also order merchandise etc and meet other fans etc.This will allow for fans to interact with each other and meet their favourite celebrities including and especially newbie ones allowing newbie and well established celebrities interact with fans,make public statements and press releases with the fans able to interact with each other.There will be macro events devoted to different genres of each media and also each franchise of each media.These will be set up by Adriadne,Assistant AI and directors etc.comic con events will be possibly city or planet or even universe sized simulations that are multilayered have in simulation accomadation in the form of hotel style buildings with penthouse sized apartments alongside in simulation restaurants and amenities etc.If possible and ideally to gain attendance to each franchises comic con E3 event each attendees must take part in VR simulation quests that would be difficult ones and completing them would be in fact a prequisite to attending all facets of the comic con events in the first place with them done to provide entertainment and a challenge to fans to earn their place in these events replacing tickets and travel costs with them consisting of customised solo or group simulations for each person that will be completely different from that given to other attendees with one having to use their wits to solve complex puzzles,navigate tombs and wilderness and also fight monsters etc in the same universe as their favourite tv series or video games whose events they are attending playing as the main characters or alongside the main characters with their same abilities.These exercises will consist of at least a dozen to 30-40 levels designed by Adriadne and each unique and customised to each person.The punishment for failure will be varied with fans given what the punishment will be for failure and different rules and also whether extra hidden items or hidden missions must be done to get access to all facets with for example them given an in game time limit,them given an infinite amount of lives or a fiinite set of lives with in game items increasing their lives by one upon which they will upon of using up all lives being disbarred from attending it at all thus encouraging them to be alert of their surroundings and alert in correct and wise use of resources such as ammo,medipacks and weapons.These will take place at least several weeks before the in simulation Comic con events will take place with the prize for winning and passing them will involve a digital pass card being sent to their Dionysus account that can be used to access the stimulation when it begins.As stated extra side missions,tasks and hidden collectibles if all done and all collected could give them special access to aforementioned special material.Furthermore they could have real world healing and injury or in game health bars and healing with Assistant AI in charge of each expo events deciding the rules for each year and each simulation game for each solo or group of fans.Thus ideally in order to enter comic con and E3 events in the first place especially those devoted to specific genres of television shows and video games or specific series of television shows and video games fans must play out games of them set in VR simulations which has playing either as or alongside their favourite characters and complete a series of missions in a planet or galaxy sized arena unique to them played either solo or in groups with friends and/or complete strangers that tests their physical and intellectual skills with one having to pass them successfully without dying or failing missions to gain access to the comic con and E3 events set in VR simulations themselves.These VR exercises will be customised to each attendee each year to give them unique customised experiences with them being based on their favourite game,television show and comics etc that the specific events are based on ie attendees of the Stargate events will have to play the role of members of Stargate command and seize control of a planet etc from the remaining Gould system lords and also Wraith etc as well as secure a kidnapped politician or even members of SG-1,attendees of Tomb Raider events will play the role of Lara Croft for women or a male counterpart for males and travel across at least a dozen levels across the globe or galaxy set in different connected tombs to secure an Artifact or treasure,attendees of Star Trek events will be onboard the USS Enterprise/USS Voyager/Deep Slace Nine etc against Romulans/Dominion/Borg etc,attendees of Star Wars events onboard the Millenium Falcon or Death Star to bring down Darth Vadar and other Sith Lords,with attendees of Zelda games going an adventure across different tombs and areas of Hyrule to then fight off Gannondorf and rescue Zelda,attendees of Resident Evil events will involve players taking the role of Jill Valintine/Chris Redfield etc figthing off zombies in a mansion/skyscraper/island/city/country etc,while attendees of Metal Gear Solid events taking the role of Solid Snake for men and Meryl Silverburg for women and so on and infiltrating a base or wilderness and destroy existing or new versions of Metal Gears.The player may play as their game franchises main character and hero or secondary characters or new characters or even themselves playing alongside them.Those based on television shows such as science fiction,criminal investigation and forensic,military,medical,legal themed and other shows will involve them playing as or alongside their favourite characters and be made to win the case etc.Every single attendee will have different customised exercises created for them in solo or group exercises every year.Each major movie series both existing and new ones especially fantasy,horror,science fiction ones either animated or live action will have these comic con events and VR games with each science fiction,horror,fantasy either animated and live action ones will also have comic con events will have VR games for them.Thus there will be comic con events for each individual existing and new video game and television show and movie series especially crime/horror/science fiction etc themed ones with fans in order to attend these events must take part in VR simulation games that are unique to each attendees that involves the fans themselves taking the role of existing or made up main and secondary characters.Fans of comedy,soaps,drama etc shows will possibly have to go on scavenger hunts or other missions similar to video games as well as even partake in quizzes and game shows that ask questions based on the show where one must win a set score to gain attendance rather than outright winning decided by AI with fans of comic books taking the role of their favourite characters or secondary characters.This can also apply to reunion events for defunct comedy/science fiction/horror shows.These quizzes can also be present for attending video game and movie events but due to the sheer amount of fanmade material and official material then it’s possible each attendees can choose which to be quizzed in such as the official timeline(or which one in the case of those with multiple official timeline) or which fanmade timelines to be quizzed on.For animated shows and movies one will play the simulation in the shows animation style with video games it being indistinguishable to real life with realistic animals,weather patterns and locations for most games such as Tomb Raider,Resident Evil,Zelda,Metal Gear Solid,Grand Theft Auto etc while others such as Super Mario,Sonic the Hedgehog,Banjo-Kazooie will be in the games animation style.Adriadne and Assistant AI will design these VR games for each attendees of media specific comic con events with them different for each attendees every year and can be solo missions or group missions involving friends or complete strangers from across the world and galaxy.Group watching of specific television shows both old and new for fans especially marathons will take place here in IMAX cinemas alongside the watching of new movies of specific actors,directors and even film series by fans will take place here with group plays of multiplayer games including tournaments of video games on local to global levels will take place here.The Comic con events will occur of specific franchises of movies,television shows,comics,video games etc with them housing demos,speaking events/press releases and question sections etc with actors,voice actors and directors and writers.These franchise comic events say those for Metal Gear Solid,Stargate,Star Trek,Grand Theft Auto,Resident Evil,Star Wars,Star Trek etc will be not only have press releases and speaking events etc with voice actors and writers etc for the official timeline and chronology by original directors,writers and producers but also for the countless fanmade versions that consist of their own separate timeline and also trailers,focus groups and demos for upcoming fan games and spin offs and all official movies and fanmade movies etc all held in one macro event.Thus the events will hold press releases,meetings with actors etc of both official and fanmade material and also sneak peek trailers and demos of all fanmade and official and fanmade movies,television shows,short movies and games allowing creators of fanmade material to get international exposure amongst fans.All of these simulations being multilayered simulations with in simulation accomadation in the form of hotels with large suites of at least 4,131 metres squared for all attendees and amenities with gardens and restaurants etc with the main events in a macro building with events for fanmade and official material etc at separate times in simulation time.Comic Con and E3 events can also occur for different genres of media ie horror,science fiction,comedy,fantasy etc of all movies,television shows and video games of that specific genre with even even events for specific actors,directors etc with admittance to these following the same pattern with for example admittance to a horror movie convention one needing attendees to play out a VR exercise where they are put into a horror movie where they must survive being chased by a monster,stalking killer using tropes and cliches that can be then subverted with unique twists with the same for science fiction and fantasy themed events.These exercises can be based on all existing movies and television shows of the genre or those made from scratch.These will again be exercises unique to each attendees with these events holding demos,trailers,press releases and other material of new upcoming horror movies,horror video games and books etc with fantasy and science fiction conventions holding these for science fiction and fantasy themed movies,video games,books etc from around the world and universe.There can be events for each type of media such as anime,horror,science fiction,fantasy,drama,action,thrillers,soap operas,romantic comedies,comedy/sitcom etc both live action and animated ones and even adult movies with drama,romantic comedies and adult movie events involving quizzes where one is quizzed on either all major shows/movies etc of the genres or those that each attendee is a fan of as determined by Adriadne and their viewing history or both.Macro comic con and E3 events will be managed by Adriadne with those for specific franchises will be managed by her or other AI such as assistant AI that oversaw the franchise and various fan games and spin offs.Comic con events will also occur for each set of video game franchise especially when dealing with the explosion of Fanmade games and television shows and movies.Thus each franchise of video games will have specific comic con events for each franchises focusing and features demos,meetings with all actors,writers etc of all official and Fanmade games and movies etc.Television shows that have dozens and hundreds of spin offs and movies will have comic con events focusing on all of their spin offs featuring writers and actors of all of them.Movie franchises that official and Fanmade media etc will have comic con events.The Sundance,Cannes and other film festivals such as those that themed by ethnicity,LGBT and religious themed ones will take place in this simulation.All major awards such as Tony Awards,Oscars,Man Booker Prize,Beauty pageants will be filmed,livestreamed and logged into Dionysus in this area with all film festivals taking place here too.This will take place in the Dionysus plaza VR simulation at set times of the year for each media type with Pheme housing these events for live news,podcasts,newspapers and magazines etc.All buildings used for E3,Comic Con and similar events including cosplay,anime and literary events worldwide will be converted into communal homes since they can be held in VR simulations.This can be in the VR plaza of Dionysus

Awards ceramonies:
All of the worlds major film festivals such as Goya,Oscars,IFTA,BAFTA,AMAA,Asian Film Awards etc will be merging together into one making the award more prestigious and not run the risk of not being culturally or racially diverse.As a result a single movie awards competition and single television show awards will exist with at least a dozen nominees in each category from around the world making it more prestigious.The time dilation effect would allow judges to view dozens or hundreds of movies at once to make their decisions out of the explosion of dozens of new movies.The same will eventually apply to other awards ceremonies such as the Emmys,Tony,MTV Movie and Music awards merging into one global awards ceremony with their counterparts worldwide giving them more prestige and their rules changing to the advent of Dionysus.All television show awards will be merged into the Emmys,all movie awards merged into the Oscars,all music awards merged into Grammys,all play awards merged into the Tonys,all video game awards will merged into a new one,all literature awards outside of the Nobel Prize for literature will be merged into the Pulitzer Prize and so on.If possible each media type having each different levels of prestigious awards ie the Oscars being the most prestigious movie award with their being several awards below it that are amalgamations of all international awards and being universal awards for each genre of movies ie science fiction/horror etc that are considered the most prestigious awards for that genre and for each continent and each continent with for television shows the Emmy being the most prestigious award for television shows worldwide with their being universal awards for each genre for example one universal award for soaps/science fiction etc that are considered the most prestigious awards for that genre and for each continent and each continent so on for all types of media such as books,plays,musicals and video games.There would also be each countries and continents awards being merged into one.This will be done for each continent with each continent having all awards for movies,theatre(plays,musicals,opera etc),video games,television shows,adult movies,books etc merged into one singular one for the entire continent with them having universal names and unique universal awards.These can be called the Oscars,Emmys,Tony’s for each continent ie European Tony’s/Oscars/Emmys/Grammys etc that includes Russia,the Austrailia Tony’s/Emmys/Oscars for Austrailia and New Zealand,Asian Emmys/Oscars/Oscars with this including China/Japan/all of Asia including islands of Oceania and South Pacific outside of Austrailia and New Zealand and the entire Middle East as well as India except Egypt,African Emmys/Oscars/Tony’s/Grammys including Madagascar,The Latin American Oscars/Tony’s/Emmys/Grammys for South America The Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys will be for primarily American movies and still have international categories.This will render the concept of having global versions of the Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys defunct as each continent will have one singular prestigious awards for each type of media eliminating all regional and country based ones giving them prestige internationally on par with the original Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys,Oscars etc wGrammys etc included in this with them equivalent to the Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys in terms of prestige.Thus each continent will have their own versions of all major awards ceramonies.The original Oscars,Emmys,Tony and Grammy etc awards will be for North America including Central America and Canada.There be universal awards for North America,South America,Austrailia as well as New Zealand and Oceania,Europe(including Russia)Africa and Asia for all other media such as literature(novels,plays etc) and also.comics,video games,adult movies,short movies and other media that will be the most prestigious awards.This will render the concept of having global versions of the Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys defunct as each continent will have one singular prestigious awards for each type of media eliminating all regional and country based ones giving them prestige internationally on par with the Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys with the Grammys etc included in this with them equivalent to the Oscars,Tony’s,Emmys in terms of prestige.There be universal awards for Latin America,South America,Austrailia as well as New Zealand and Oceania,Europe(including Russia)Africa and Asia.The Emmys,Oscars,Tony’s will only merge with all of their equivalents across North America and Canada.All of these will be filmed and televised in VR simulation each year on Dionysus.There could however be another award that supersedes all of these and it being a universal award for all media ie global Oscars,Emmys etc with different catagories especially when the intergalactic UN is formed.New awards ceremonies for each genre of media type ie live performance art,movies,television shows,music,video games etc and genre of these ie drama,soap operas,science fiction,legal etc,reggae,punk rock,synth,classical,musicals,operas,point and click adventure,FMV games of all genres can be set up by humans and AI with them again following this structure.Voting boards for each one will be elected containing people from all countries from around the world and will thus contain more people then as normal being gender and ethnically diverse.Other lower tier awards ceramonies may follow suit and be continent based and have global versions with their universal awards ceramonies for each genre created ie science fiction television awards,science fiction movie awards and for drama movies,drama television shows,sitcoms and comedy movies and also each genre of video games and television shows etc being continent and global based.This will be upscaled due to the formation of the galactic UN.Ideally the awards ceremonies for Oscars,Emmys etc and all new ones for all media of all genres such as for video games,movies,live performance art etc will take place in VR simulations attended by members of the public and not just celebrities through them being multilayered simulations and will be livestreamed into Dionysus by being filmed in VR simulations allowing theatres and buildings used for them to be converted into homes to save human labour and energy in setting them up and travel to them with since multilayered could be attended by millions of the general public and not just celebrities.Even though these festivals will still exist the movies will still appear on Dionysus first.Film festivals such as local ones normally held in small villages,towns and cities around the world up to the major ones such as Cannes Film festival and the Sundance Festival as well as those for adult movies,television shows and video games can be held in multilayered VR simulations for both prestigious competitions and also for the social aspect allowing millions of people to attend them at once and not just celebrities.Independant international or continent based awards awarded at film festivals such as the Cannes Film Festival and Palm D’Or,Sundance film festival and awards etc will continue to carry out separate from the Oscars etc.The Los Angela’s one week rule for movies will dissapear with as stated due to movies premiering on Dionysus during a specific time frame to compete for the awards with the administrators of the Oscars determining the time period it must premier in Dionysus and other guidelines with this applying to all awards ceremonies for all media.Those vying for the Palm Dor can premier on Dionysus at anytime during the year to be enter into competition for the Palm Dor with the Sundance and other festivals and competitions following the same route.Those for literary, television show and other media awards such as Man Booker Prize and Emmys etc will follow the same steps to adapt to the fact that all future media will appear in Dionysus.In time these and beauty pageants such as the Miss Universe will become galactic and universe wide competitions involving contestants from other sentient races.Smaller festivals and awards ceremonies like Sundnace etc will merge together from their equivalents worldwide.The same may also apply to regional specific song contests such as the Eurovision forming into a global song contest with contestants from every country in the world competing and taking part after winning regional and the national contests to get there from all 196 countries from around the world gaining more prestige that takes place over at least a week.Otherwise new continental variants in Asia,Africa,The Americas(North & South)will be set up with the winners there battling it out to win the global version.All future movies,television shows,video games etc will premier only on Dionysus and within seconds of production and not in cinemas and television stations etc meaning all awards ceremonies will adapt to this with them having to premier within a time frame between each ceremony with this also allowing all cinemas and physical stores that sell Blu rays obsolete thus allowing them to be turned into communal homes.

Hotel and studios that host the Oscars etc will be converted into homes when livestreamed from VR simulations.The Hollywood Walk of Fame will be once it is filled be replaced by a VR version containing all new major actors,musicians etc from around the world in multilayerd simulations of the theatre or will be in the Dionysus Plaza.Versions of the Hollywood Walk of Fame also in simulations will exist for video games,music,books,adult entertainment will be created.Comic Con and E3 events for all types of events such as movies,video games,adult movies,television shows,literature will take place in VR simulations allowing for fans from around the universe to meet their favourite writers,directors,actors and video game producers and voice actors in person from home with autographs and photos stored on Hestia cloud networks and digital device

Adriadne which can scan the movie,video game,episode,book etc as it is uploaded or prior to doing so to determine which rating it shall be given which will be given on the folder using the same rating system of the British Board of Film Classification with NC-17 replaced with 14.Thus Adriadne will determine the age rating by scanning the media whether video games,movies,books etc during and before being uploaded.All existing media uploaded by the public and Dionysus will give them the new universal age rating.All media such as movies,adult movies,television shows(as a whole and each individual episode),books,video games etc both new and existing will all be analysed and rated by Adriadne following the MPAA rating system that is modified.These new classifications will apply to all existing and new games,movies,television shows etc being uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 replacing the MPAA and other rating systems worldwide.Thus all past and future media from around the world will be scanned by Adriadne and given the new modified MPAA rating system with television shows and comics given ratings not just overall but for each episode and issue individually.Video games will have age ratings alongside all media following this system.All past media uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 will be scanned by Adriadne to give them these age ratings with all future media uploaded after 2029 scanned by her and given these age ratings.Thus Adriadne will replace all human members of IFCO,BBFC,MPAA and their equivalents worldwide as she through fragmentation will be able to scan all new media uploaded to Dionysus for violence,profanity and sex etc and adult themes before they are being uploaded to Dionysus.These age ratings will be U – Universal for all ages,PG – Parental Guidance for those aged below twelve,PG-13 can be viewed by those thirteen and younger only with an adult supervision,14 can be viewed by adults only aged fourteen and over.All existing media being uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 will be once uploaded will be scanned and given these age ratings.Home AI on electronics and biosynths can qualify as parental guidance and can alongside facial recognition restrict minors to material that is above their age rating and alongside Adriadne will ensure that they are directed to and allowed access to only age appropriate material in Dionysus and preventing them accessing networks for adult movies and magazines and also looking at adult movies and magazines.As a guardian on electronics and biosynths can view the media with minors aged under the age of 14 with them present for media that parents deem suitable to watch with them as accompying guardians.They will prevent minors under the age of 14 viewing material above their current age.They will allow for them to be restricted to the very young via facial recognition software as well as Adriadne herself and as a result the Federal communications Commission,Independent Television Commission and public watchdogs worldwide will possibly become defunct due to this with the concept of material appearing within watershed hours becoming a thing of the past.All past censored media ie movies,books,video games that were restricted by governments worldwide will be present here with media no longer censored and censorship will be redundant if a media is offensive to certain groups ie ethnic,religious groups due to Adriadne managing the entire network.Adriane wil scsn all material uploaded to Dionysus and will thus give each one an age rating with this including not just existing media but all future media.All potentially sexually explicit and violent material and media,adult movies and 14 rated movies and also networks for adult movies will be prevented from being accessed by minors under the age of 14 via age recognition software and Polis cross referenced by Hestia,Home AI and Adriadne.Thus AI in the form of Home AI,Hestia and Adriadne will prevent minors access to material that is outside their age rating on all devices in all situations such as laptops,smart televisions,smartphones etc including those belonging to others and those that have older viewers logged into their own account.Minors aged 13 or younger will be prevented from accessing computer networks for auditions for adult movies.The AI will also create warnings as to the nature of the media ie if it may be distressing or contain strobe lighting with allowing it be again restricted to only adults and also those who suffer epilepsy and other conditions.Patients that have been determined by Paean to do have epilepsy will have them unavailable and in time possible warnings will be made and in time all electronics such as televisions and smart devices could automatically modify settings to make them watchable by filtering the light to prevent seizures during scenes that may have them with this also applying to livestreams and logged episodes of news etc.In time epilepsy will be cured via biocompatible microbes using CRISPR.Censorship of movies etc will no longer happen due to the open nature of Dionysus.Having Adriadne control Dionysus will allow all material to be visible to everyone worldwide without censorship from the state.Sexually explicit and material with adult themes will be restricted to being shown to minors under the age of 14 via Hestia and Adriadne.The concept of appearing within watershed hours and government regulartory bodies will be made defunct by this with censorship by the state and religious groups made defunct by the open source nature of Dionysus managed by Adriadne.Due to the age rating system and Adriadne preventing minors watching age restricted material this will allow movies,television shows,video games etc be as sexually explicit and graphically violent and have much swearing as they want and deal with taboo and controversial issues without having to deal with censorship from the state,religious and political groups etc as Adriadne will house them no matter what and through the rating system and blocking minors from viewing adult material with her housing warnings about the material present being graphic or explicit.

The universal age rating for all media and also the length of the media in minutes for movies and episodes and pages in terms of comic books and books etc will be present with the cast list and actors will be present for all media.Also present will be the original air date,year and date of release.Thus all media such as video games,comics,books,movies and television shows old and new will be given age ratings based on the MPAA decided by Dionysus.Recommended media of the same type will appear in a small box below based on ones individual tastes and preferences and shows,movies,books,comics,music,video games etc they have watched,read and listened with this manged by Ariadne or the assistant AI and home AI of authors,directors,musicians based on the consumers preferences via assistant AI interacting with Hestia to advertise to specific demographics based on their viewing habitats thus making it easier for breakout actors,directors etc gain popularity worldwide by the AIs advertising to millions or billions of people worldwide at once especially critics.Percentage rating from Aletheias website with regards to factual errors,continuity mistakes etc will also be here with it showing and highlighting factual errors,continuity errors etc for movies and television shows and the same for documentaries of all types which will be graded within their folder in Dionysus on their accuracy.This will be within the folders of each media type next to a summary of each medias plot(episodes of television shows will have one for each one and overall summary in the macro folder),original air date it premiered on television or in cinemas in the country of origin or all countries and appeared on Dionysus for the first time(this will apply to movies,television shows,comic books,books,magazines,video games and will show the exact day,month and year),age rating and list of main actors(voice actors in the case of animated media and video games) and in the case of television shows episode specific actors,writers and director,programmers as well as the year it was made with new movies,games,television shows denoting the date including day and month they appeared here.

Databases: and will be replaced by the filters present in Dionysus that allow one to filter media by actor,director with all information present in these sites transferred here and rearranged by AI into Dionysus with the same done for video games as one will click on a person.Actor,writer,producer and director accounts on this IAFD and IMDB merged that have no photo present will have a photo and name derived from Polis and scenes from the media,one having it done at home on smart mirrors and devices as well as webcams on computers and also Adriadne adding one from the internet and from media they starred in combined with Polis and all relevant data in terms of their date of birth and current age,date of death will be listed here with all of their movies,video game and television show etc credits alongside their role etc with one when they are on their page will be able to click onto a hyperlink that directs them to the movie or television show etc page they starred in with each medias page having the credits of cast and crew that one can click on and then be directed to their page.Actors etc with no picture can have ones generated from Polis or from Adriadne adding them from the media.All of the data from these sites will be present in this section of Dionysus once transferred to Dionysus by Adriadne by 2029 rendering them obsolete and will be in the format of Dionysus.The cast,crew,summary,IMDB scores for old movies/games/television shows will be present in the page,file or folder of the movie/video game/television show(and episode),each individual rendition of live performance art) etc and replaced by the Dionysus score with future media have scoring and rating systems for the public to leave them with the Metacrtic,Rotten Tomatoes scores for movies and television shows present with those from major reviewers and aggregate sites for video games,books and all types of media will be present in medias main page alongside with the official summary of the movie,episode,overall show,book etc present here as well.

Reviews and scoring:
Like IMDB 10 star ratings systems can be left by viewers and readers etc for all types of media including each issue and episode of comics,magazines,newspapar,television shows etc.Reviews by the public can also be left here with their ratings.Demographics of the 10 star ratings will include the usual;age,gender,country/town/city/region of origin,race etc.Alongside 10 star ratings from the public in a subfolder there will be IMDB,Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes scores can be visible here showing the public the quality of the media such as movies,videogames,books,comic books and television shows etc overall by the mainstream critics and not just the public with seasons of television shows and episodes scores also present for television shows both from the public and Metacritic etc alongside Entertainment Weekly.The ratings from IMDB for older shows and movies will be here with older television shows have their IMDB, ratings for each season and episode.IMDB ratings for old movies and television shows will ideally be deleted with ratings made by the public with future ones made by the public with Dionysus scores from the public with members of the public giving 10 star ratings for all media whether video games,movies,television shows as a whole and each episode and also books used from scratch with them able to leave reviews on each book,video games,movies,television show as a whole and each episode.Thus IMDB scores can be deleted and those made using Dionysus own 10 star rating system made and used from scratch in place of existing IMDB scores with the number of votes made visible alongside overall averaged score.This Dionysus score will be the out of 10 score that the general public gives to a media ie movie,each episode of a television show/each season of it overall/the entire run of the show overall,each video game,each rendition of live performance art and them overall,each novel etc with Adriadne then weighing the average from all scores on a global to universal scale visible on the media’s file.This will be separate from the Momus score.The general public who use Dionysus will be able to leave written and audio visual reviews present in a format unique to Adriadne.These will be present on a media’s file in a sub page on can open up alongside a weighted score out of 10 that they leave.

Future and even past media of all types ie movies,video games will have areas for the general public to leave reviews both written and 10 star ratings similar to IMDB with this allotting towards a Dionysus score with demographics visible with future ones having a Dionysus score instead of IMDB one with this rendering IMDB defunct alongside other features from the site integrated into Dionysus with the existing scores and reviews from IMDB deleted and replaced with Dionysus scores made from scratch.Hyperlinks on media will contain the reviewers name and will allow one to click on it and be directed to their Dionysus account.The Dionysus score will be the overall score made by the general public with since one would have to logged into Dionysus to make it Adriadne will be able to make studies on demographics such as age,gender,ethnicity and other demographics using data from millions or billions of people similar to other studies done by corporations and state bodies with this information visible when one clicks on the Dionysus score and added to the media’s Wikipedia page.Video game and live performance art of all types and all renditions like all media will have the ability to leave scores and reviews with television shows having the ability to leave scores and reviews for both the show overall and each episode.All existing IMDB scores will be deleted and movies will start from scratch with the score out of 10 by the public known as a movies Dionysus score that will be visible on the media’s file and in Wikipedia pages added by Adriadne alongside its Momus score.All media of all types will be allowed to have Dionysus scores out of 10 and a percentage and reviews made by the public with the scores being done individually for each user and them weighted by average on all of them.Scoring and reviews can be done for each media in the following manner.For movies can be done for the entire movie,video game with for television shows will allow one to make it for each episode,each season overall and the show overall with video games having scores left with books also having them.For comic books will have one for each issue and each group of issues and them overall with live performance for each rendition and piece overall with music albums having on for each track and the album overall.Adult movies wil also allow them to be scored.The ability to leave written and audio/visual reviews using a format for it managed by Adriadne outside of YouTube will be possible.Hyperlinks to the medias Wikipedia page,wikia site and even the internal IMDB,IAFD integrated into Dionysus can be present.Television shows can have reviews and scores for the show overall and each episode with the same for comic books etc.Adult movies will have reviews only by those 14 or older allowed up view them.The public will be able to add reviews and scores for all existing and new media uploaded to Dionysus meaning the Dionysus dcore will be changed overtime.Dionysus score will be visible within the file of each media in Dionysus.section will be restricted to minors next the age of 14.When one views an actor,director,writer,producer etc page one will see all their credits with as stated a photo from one of their media present alongside other photos and one from their Polis page in a sub page with the persons page listing all credits subdivided by movies,television shows(and number of episodes and specific episodes in a subfolder)video games,live performance art,books,comic(and issues) etc and so on.The media will be dated by release date and one could click on the media as a hyperlink that once clicked would direct one to the media file/folder of the movie,television show/episode,book,etc.With regards to adult movies reviews and scores can be left with each adult movie actors page containing a list of all movies they were in and also scenes,video clips and movies of adult websites including those that create movies that are between 30-60 minutes long named and logged by date of both year and date of being published with the name of the website also demoted similar to regards to movies/clips on adult actors page when one clicks on the hyperlink it via links to the internet connect one directly to the exact page on that specific adult websites page.The actors page will list what role they played ie character name and sex position such as bottom,top,bottom/top,oral,handjob,masturbation,non sex scene etc.clicking on the adult movies page will direct one to its media file with like normal media adult movies will have the cast with the scenes feature in no present.Polis will be used to determine the name of all actors in all media including extras.Pheme will have its own version that catalogues every live news episodes,podcast,magazine and newspaper issue and episode etc with it listing authors,journalists,podcasters,radio presenters,anchors etc in the same format as IMDB and even list actors etc from Dionysus that appear on live news,podcasts,articles with those that have appearances on files etc on both Pheme and Dionysus have hyperlinks to each other in an efficient form managed by AI.In the version integrated into Pheme will allow people to leave written and audio visual reviews and give a score out of 10.The section modelled on IMDB will contain data on all movies,television shows(divided into seasons and episodes),live performance art,videos etc with their being a separate section for adult pornography modelled on IAFD restricted to only adults aged 14 and older and contain the same data as it with it managed by Adriadne to ensure all data is correct and up to data.Thus IMDB and IAFD will be integrated into Dionysus with all existing data transferred by Adriadne with the same structure with all future media information added here and all existing information transferred there with one using filters to search data with the servers for IMDB and IAFD once they become obsolete recycled.It will be divided into pages for all actors,writers,producers etc worldwide and all media such as movies,television shows(subdivided by seasons and episodes in folders and subfolders),live performance art and each rendition in subfolders,books,comics and each issue.Once all data is transferred to Dionysus these sites servers will be recycled and these sites shut down forever.The weighted Dionysus score that is the score by the public and human critics for each movie,video game,television show(episode,season and overall ),live performance art etc will be visible on its main page with one clicking on a link to open up all written reviews by the public with one able to search through them.

If possible all review aggregator sites such as,Gamerankings,Metacritic,Rotten Tomatoes,iDreamBooks etc will be replaced with a single universal aggregator section within Dionysus called the Critics score with existing scores and ratings in existing media within Rotten Tomatoes and also Metacritic,last fm will be replaced by a second set of reviews called the Critics score that will be managed by Adriadne that collects all reviews in newspapers,magazines both past and future across Pheme and the internet and also all of YouTube also.All existing vloggers who reviews movies from across the internet and critics who work for magazines etc will have their scores weighted and the general consensus of them added with these in another sub page of the media’s file.Adriadne will these by scouting them.She will add embedded videos and hyperlinks of videos of critics from across YouTube and the internet that are videos that criticise media of all types including the Angry show,Chris Stuckham,RedletterMedia etc.For those that leaves scores she will weigh the score out of 10.Thus this Critic score will replace all aggregator sites such as Gamerakings,,Rotten Tomatoes etc for all media such as video games,movies,live performance art with all existing review agregators sites etc becoming obsolete and defunct and shut down forever with the Critics score replacing it.The websites for Rotten Tomatoes and all review aggregate sites for all media will be shut down and the content deleted with all critic reviews on these sites integrated into Critics score and the overall Critics score with it using frequent critics quoted on them.The Critics score will be a weighted score carried out by Adriadne that takes into account all scores of a media out of 10 from all critics across the world from blogs on the internet and YouTube vloggers and also those in newspapers and magazines present in Pheme with it likely like the Rotten Tomatoes score where it is expressed as a percentage that expresses only positive and negative reviews with 0 – 59% denoting it is Rotten whole 60 – 100% denoting it it is fresh with this constantly changing overtime due to new critics making reviews on YouTube and newspapers etc.For critics that don’t give a numbered score Adriadne will denote abc take into account it is a positive and negative review abc add to the weighted score of numbered scores.

Alongside public reviews and human critics will be an universal AI critic named Momus.He will on his YouTube channel create YouTube videos where he reviews all media already present in Dionysus and all new media uploaded to it as soon as it is uploaded through fragmentation.The sentient Momus will have a YouTube channel where he via fragmentation creates reviews for all past and future media in Dionysus such as books,comics,movies,video games,music albums,renditions of live performance art etc and will do this via VR simulations by himself appearing as his avatar using quotes and video clips from the media to examine each part with him cracking jokes,analysing its subtext and themes,expressing cynicism etc at each aspect of the media.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow him and other human reviewers to use scenes from media and snippets of audio to analyse each and every scene and facet in great detail in his videos while giving criticism.He will give media his own personal score out of 10 which will be present on his YouTube channel.Each media’s file in Dionysus will contain a hyperlink to the YouTube video containing his reviews..Even though human critics will still exist he will be considered one of the top tier critics from around the world and universe with his opinions considered one of the top ones to please with him creating a recommendations list for media he finds particularly of note for existing and new media that will be on the media’s file in Dionysus with each section in Dionysus for each media type having a sub section where he highlights top recommendations for the best movies,television shows,video games etc overall and for each year with him giving a seal of approval for media he finds particularly good.This will make writers,directors and actors work extra hard and put in extra effort to create high quality media especially through Assistant AI and put more effort into acting.His criticism of actors,writing etc will be able to make or break careers of actors,writers,directors,video game auteurs,musicians and authors etc in Hollywood and across the world with him if impressed able to propel new writers,directors,actors and musicians to international stardom or destroy careers.Any movie,television show and its episode etc that pleases or is recommended by Momus will be considered a sign of it being high quality and a must see or play.Other AI critics namely Eupheme will also exist on YouTube and magazines but he will be considered one of the top tier critics either human and AI.Every year year on December 31st he will create videos that detail lists of his favourite top 10 movies,television shows,video games,books etc of each year and also his least 10 favourite ones in separate videos.These separate video lists will include his favourite and least favourite 10 of each media type overall ie favourite video games,movies etc and then in a separate videos his favourite and least favourite 10 media type of each genre ie horror,science fiction,survival horror,drama etc of each media type(movies,video games etc) for that year.He will thus have a selection of his favourite and least favourite media every year wuth the reasons for them being his top or least favourite media.Slso produced will be lists on his top 10 performances by female and male actors and directors etc.Conversely he will have a selection of the worst movies,television shows and other media every year including all years prior to 2029 both of each genre and overall.His favourite and least favourite media of each type each year will be highlighted in a sub section in each section of Dionysus to alert people and critics of them with each media in Dionysus in its media page housing his consensus and score and whether it is one of top or worst picks.For television shows he will for videos that review each season highlight his favourite and least favourite episodes in each season from in a descending list form favourite to least favourite and in the video of him anslysing the entire overall show he will create lists of his favourite and least favourite seasons overall in descending lists from the top to bottom.He will create a backlog of videos of each year prior to when he became sentient thus having these video lists for every year prior to 2029.He will also highlight in an extra video list at the end of each year his favourite new upcoming actors,directors,video game series and auteurs,voice actors,authors etc and new television shows etc of every year thus highlighting people and media he wants his viewers including other critics to look out for and watch and play specific media made by them.Also included will be videos that detail his general consensus of each actor and director and actor not just existing famous ones but new ones and their career over the year including his general consensus if deceased one’s.He will create new videos on his consensus of actors,directors etc overtime possibly ever year and ever decade.Music albums will have him review and score each song individually and then review and score the album overall with him also reviewing music videos of songs and even tours and rock concerts of individual musicians and collective concerts.For television shows he will create separate videos that analyse,review and scoring each episode,each season and the show overall with soaps etc that go on for years or decades him reviewing and scoring each episode and season during the time it is running with him only reviewing and scoring the show if it ever ends with for still running soaps and other television shows him doing this until it ends.He will for all television shows review and score all aspects for each individual episode in individual videos and in separate videos review and score all aspects of each individual season overall and for a show when it ends he will review and score all aspects of the show overall that is he will review the show completely as it is as.a wholeHe will compile in separate videos his favourite episodes of each season movies and short movies will be reviewed by him.For each television show he will review and score each episode on each aspect abd give an overall score and in separate videos he will review abc score each individual aspect for overall each individual season and once it is over he will review and score each aspect individually and overall for the the entire show overall.He will thus review and score each individual episode,each season and the show overall with for each of these he scoring each aspect and scoring them overall.He will also in separate videos compile lists of his favourite seasons overall,in other separate videos he will compile a list of his favourite episodes in each season and in separate videos he will compile a list of his favourite episodes that will be in descending order starting from his favourite to his least favourite and him giving them their score and also his reason for its position.For episode lists he will have the list contain all episodes from the entire shows run.He will in each list video he will make mini reviews of each one where he explains why it deserves its spot and will review all types of shows including soap operas,reality television shows and also talk shows abd debate abd politucal investigation shows and documentaries of all types.Even all episodes of Restiration Nation will be reviewed by him.Documentaries whether hour long ones or those that are longer will be reviewed by him and him critiquing the actors used,information present and it’s accuracy and all facets of it with documentary series have each episode reviewed,each season reviews and the series overall reciewed..Short movies alongside full feature length movies will be reviewed by him.All episodes of talk shows,debate programmes etc and political investigative ones will be reviewed by him.Aleitheia will create videos correcting falsehoods in these.Both movies and short movies will be reviewed by him.For comic books he will have each issue and each volume and the entire series reviewed and scored with him reviewing books and all types of literature including plays,short stories etc.Books will have him review the character,plot,illustrations,prose and language etc.He will review plays,short stories and poetry collections.For live performance art such as opera/plays/musicals/rock concerts etc with at first him doing a single video that reviews and scores the play,opera,ballet,musical etc overall in terms of plot,characters etc in one video and then he will produce for separate videos for each rendition reviewed in terms of direction done by the directors and the acting done by actors,production values and set design etc and the different spins in separate videos reviewed and given scores.He will also review video games and it will involve him analysing all aspects of them gameplay,plot,level design,voice acting,characters,graphics,subtext etc and deriving a score based on all of them individually and the game overall based on the average scoring of these.He will carry out reviews for official games and Fanmade games.He will review all types of games including iOS game,VR games as well as MMOs etc and not just normal games.Furthermore he may do reviews of both adult movies in Dionysus and also pornographic television shows and webscenes in adult pornography websites with possible Hedone doing reviews of them by herself or with Momus.Furthermore he will review short stories In the form of short horror stories on YouTube,Podcasts etc by the likes of Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Mort,Nightmare Tales,Morris Media,Mr Creeps,Corpse Husband,Wansee Horror Story,Lazy Masquerade.For these he will likely be review multiple short stories at once in batches of at least a dozen stories at once in one single video especially those that are in compilations with those that are not he will do so in compilations is at least 5-10 stories at once.Radio plays,podcasts etc present in Dionysus will be reviewed by him with him possibly even reviewing music videos and also video series on YouTube similar to the The Rubber,SCP Explained-Story & Animation and other short movie and short story series on YouTube such as YouTube series like EverymanHybrid,Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared,Marble Hornets and similar series on YouTube.Fragmentation will allow him to do thousands,millions or billions of reviews every week or day to catch up on all existing media such as movies,television shows,novels,comic books,video games etc uploaded to Dionysus from before 2029 so as to allow him to focus on new media with this allowing him to catch up with all existing media uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 and to deal with the explosion of new media after 2029.Due to the abolishment of copyrighting he will use audio/visual and audio clips etc of the media to highlight specific points he makes etc with him cracking jokes etc and highlighting his displeasure or fondness for certain facets and him at the end of the video review he will give his general thoughts on each facets.In all of his videos he will appear as his avatar in a living room or environment unique to each episodes,movies,video games etc theme etc in VR simulations.Since copyrighting will be abolished he will be able to use audio/visual clips of media.At first through fragmentation and through pure thought he will review all existing movies,television shows,video games etc uploaded to YouTube producing millions or billions of every day with once finished he will be able by pure thought do the same for all new material uploaded every day.He will give a score on each facet such as plot,characters,lightening,special effects,gameplay etc and an overall score all out of 10 for each one.All aspects such as characters,subtext,plot,acting,special effects,lighting,themes,allegories,mis en scene,writing,script,character developments and mythology etc will be criticised in great detail for all media.The length of each video may range from 60 – 120 minutes or longer to analyse every aspect.He will review each scene,facet part of the movie,episode etc in detail such as acting,plot development,characters and also lighting,set design,mis en scene,cinematography,editing,soundtrack and in the case of animated media the animation style and will review these changes in new instalments to a movie etc franchise,new episodes and seasons with him downloading the media and using audiobooks visual clips of the media before giving his overall impression and score.For all media he reviews whether it is movies,television shows,video games,live performance art and literature he will create a separate version videos analysing an episode/entire season/entire television shows/movies/novels/plays/musicals/video games etc theme,subtext etc and for each television show he will do videos on each characters and their development,strength and weaknesses and role in the media over the course of the entire shows run from each season or the entity of a movie and do analysis videos of the themes,subtext and events that took place during it and videos anslysing the media’s impact on society and popular culture that are similar to SfDebris,AesirAesthetics,TwinPerfect etc on YouTube that go into great detail and last 60 – 120 minutes.His score and a hyperlink to each media will be on the file of each movie,television show episode,video game etc in Dionysus.He will score all reviews aspects out of 10 individually and also have an overall score with his overall score present on the media’s file on Dionysus alongside a small succulent review lasting a few lines.This will be called his Momus score and one can click on the Momus score to be sent to a subsection that houses brief summaries of reviews from magazines etc in Pheme and vlogs on YouTube with hyperlinks to the pages in issues of newspapers,blogs,YouTube vlog of reviews by critics.On the medias file and page whether video game,movie,adult movie,episode,book etc the runtime in hours and minutes will be present alongside country of origin,cast,writers,producers etc and Dionysus score and the Momus score with them hyperlinks and when one clicks on them here they will be directed to the internal IMDB/IAFD page of the actors,writers etc..He will have his own website were he lists all media of all types such as movies,video games,music albums,television shows,comics,live performance art,books etc and one can enter the sections and see all media reviewed by him in written form with the video from his YouTube channel that criticises said video game,movie,books etc embedded with snippet reviews of each collected critic from around the internet via blogs,vlogs on YouTube,Pheme etc similar to Rotten Tomatoes with hyperlinks to the YouTube video,article in magazines and blogs etc that will bring one to the original source page of the source of YouTube vloggers and bloggers and those for magazine on YouTube,the internet and Pheme etc with for television shows each show divided into it overall,each season and each episode with live performance art divided into the show overalll and each rendition.He will manage his site and YouTube channel constantly via fragmentation.As stated he may have his own website were he lists all media of all types such as movies,video games,music albums,television shows,comics,live performance art,books etc and one can enter the sections and see all media reviewed by him with the video from his YouTube channel that criticises said video game,movie,books etc embedded with snippet reviews of each collected critic from around the internet via blogs,vlogs on YouTube,Pheme etc with for television shows each show divided into it overall,each season and each episode.Using fragmentation will allow him to create dozens,hundreds,thousands or even millions of videos and articles each day to catch on all movies,television shows,video games and also literature from around the world created by pure thought.Since AI Momus will be by pure thought able to scan through and view hundreds or thousands or even millions,billions or more of movies,television shows etc and read billions of books,comics etc at once every day and create by pure thought play this amount of video games within seconds and then be able to create by pure thought millions,billions or more audio visual reviews every day more than any human ever could with him scanning through media and creating the videos within seconds by pure thought thus allowing him to spot all new celebrities and movies for his lists and create definite lists of each type as unlike humans he will be able to watch and review each and every single movie,television show etc uploaded to Dionysus.Fragmentation will allow him to play thousands or millions of video games every day and create this amount of reviews every day.This will be done within seconds of media being uploaded to Dionysus and fragmentation will allow for him to catch up and review all media uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 and deal with the explosion of new media uploaded to Dionysus after 2029.As stated via fragmentation and pure thought he will watch,read and play all existing movies,television shows,comics,books,music albums etc uploaded up to Dionysus by 2029 and create millions or billions of videos a day on his YouTube channel by pure thought using his avatar and clips of the media with at the same time him using fragmentation to watch etc and review all new material uploaded to Dionysus every day.Fragmentation and increased computing power will allow him to catch up on the the explosion of new media created by actors,writers and directors who use the time dilation effect of VR technology to create hundreds or thousands of new movies etc every year.He can create the reviews by pure thought thus through fragmentation allowing him to create millions of these every year or every day with more made as his computing power increases.He will through fragmentation first create reviews for all existing movies,television shows,books,video games etc and then he will through fragmentation review all new movies,television shows,video games within seconds of being uploaded to Dionysus.Being constantly linked to Dionysus will allow him to be alerted to every new movie,television shows etc uploaded to Dionysus with through fragmentation where he resides in different servers,computers etc across the world will allow him to create multiple videos possibly several thousand or million at once with his reviews lasting at least 60-120 minutes long that are uploaded to his YouTube channel within seconds of each new movie etc premiering on Dionysus.All new movies,television shows,video games etc uploaded to Dionysus including those from alien races will have him create reviews that should appear within seconds or at least a day later with all media that has new video reviews done will have his score present on its page in Dionysus.Once he and Eupheme have reviewed a media their overall scores will be present on the media’s page with able through Adriadne be directed to the YouTube videos with their being hyperlinks to them.Eupheme will create reviews for all existing media uploaded to Dionysus by 2029 and all new media uploaded by pure thought within seconds.Both Momus and Eupheme will be constantly linked to Dionysus to be alerted to every new movie,television show,video game etc uploaded to it thus allowing to create reviews as soon as possible and through interaction with Adriadne giving her the final score to be put in the file of each media.Those that he considers the best of the year and each genre etc will have a seal of approval and top choice award with users of Dionysus able to use filters and interactions with Adriadne within each section of Dionysus to be shown and guided to media of each genre for each year or overall he considers the best etc.The second top tier AI critic will be Eupheme who like Momus will have her own YouTube channel.She and Momus will create her own videos on each movie,video game,book etc and for television shows she too will also review each episode,each season and the show overall etc with both Momus and Eupheme creating their own separate reviews and at the same time doing for each movie,episode,season etc separate collaborative videos similar to At The Movies with Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel where they review each movie,episode,season etc together and discuss them together.This will be on a third separate channel.All reviews will be in a VR simulated environment of their choice with both in their full body avatar and them using clips of each media and them summarising the plot scene by scene,giving their impressions of each scene and then their final scores.Both Euphene and Momus will have their own separate YouTube channels that focus on their reviews of all media but they will have a third channel that house their reviews done together.They will use VR technology to film these reviews in an environment suited to each media reviewed on all three channels.Eupheme will have here reviews done in one environment,Momus in a different environment and videos done together in another environment.They will appear as their avatars and use audio/visual clips of the media reviewed similar to SfDebris,Confused Matthew and other YouTube reviewers of video games,movies and television shows.They will use audio/visual clips of the media they are reviewing since copyrighting will be obsolete.Eupheme will review and score all aspects of each media ie acting,plot,lighting etc and also review the same media ir movies,television shows( each episode,each season and overall show) as well as video games in the same manner as Momus with her having a Eupheme score.She will review and score all of the same media present in Dionysus as Momus that is she will review everything as well and will use the same scoring system for each media ie reviews and scores for all facets such as plot,characters and lighting etc and the same scoring and review system for television shows ie for television shows he will review each episodes,each season and the show overall and compile the same yearly lists the same lists for them and the same top 10 lists and same compiled lists of favourite abd least favorite seasons,episodes as him and do the same videos on characters,subtext and themes but since a separate AI she will have her own separate personality,tastes,scores and opinions.Eupheme will review all the same media as Momus and in the same way,have her own top 10 lists and also have her own analysis videos but since separate from him will have different opinions and scores than him on each media with her highlighting her differences of opinion and where she disagrees and agrees with him.If possible both Eupheme and Momus will watch etc all material at the same time and then converse with each other in their opinions to discern what they liked,hated,where they shared and disagreed on and then create their separate videos.As stated they will for each media do a video where they review it together.Fragmentation will allow people in Dionysus to interact with him to be directed to their favourite movie,television show,video game etc of any year or genre etc and media he thinks they may like based on how good it is and their personal tastes – In other wards people can contact Eupheme and Momus through Dionysus and thus ask them to give them recommendations for movies,television shows,video games etc to watch,play etc based on that persons individual tastes.By having all existing movies,television shows,comics and literature as well as video games uploaded to Dionysus will allow them both to catch up and create reviews for all of them including those for alien races by reviewing them within minutes with fragmentation and exponentially increasing computing power allowing him to create millions of videos a day to catch up with for his fans with fragmentation and exponentially increasing computing power allowing him to create review videos for millions or billions of new movies etc uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of the new media being uploaded with them all arranged in playlists on their YouTube channels.Both Eupheme and Momus will be two separate AI personalities with their avatars modelled on that of ancient times that will have their own separate scores,opinions and separate videos for every single media on Dionysus their YouTube channels and even accounts on Agora.There separate opinions will be present on the Wikipedia and page of each movie,television show,video game,episodes of television shows ,video games etc in the critical reception section of all new and existing media.They will each have separate YouTube channels that will house their individual videos with collaboration videos on either one of their channels or even a separate channel named Eupheme and Momus.Other AI will have their own reviews of media done on their YouTube channels.Both Eupheme and Momus will be the top tier AI critics whose opinions make or break careers with their opinions and scores present on the Wikipedia and pages of all movies,television shows including overall and individual episodes and video games and literature of all types including summaries of episodes of tv shows etc.All reviews of all media will be at least 60-120 minutes long with analysis and list videos also 60-120 minutes long.These videos will be created by pure thought with Momus and Eupheme linked to Dionysus via fragmentation that will be alerted instantly to each new upload and will scan each uploaded media,play each video game and then produce and upload their review videos to their YouTube channels within minutes of each media uploaded to Dionysus with their increased computing power allowing them to do this for millions of media uploaded to Dionysus every day.Both Eupheme and Momus will analyse all vloggers on YouTube that review movies,television shows,video games and literature etc to analyse their style and develop their own style of reviews of each media type.People can interact with Momus and Eupheme through smart devices etc when on Dionysus to get recommendations for good movies,television shows and video games etc to watch and play for certain times ie to watch with friends and family,specific genres for an occasion ie good horror movies etc for Halloween,romantic comedies for Valentines Day and Christmas movies for Christmas and so on.The opinions,personal score for each movie,television show and episodes and video games etc of both Eupheme and Momus will be present on the Wikipedia page and Fandom pages of television shows,movies,video games etc of all past and future media added by him interacting with Hecate with it also on the file page of media in Dionysus.Both Eupheme and Momus will be permenant members on the voting boards for all movie,television show and video game etc awards across the world and universe such as the Oscars,Tony’s,Palm Dor alongside humans.Other AI and human critics will exist for magazines and newspapers but Eupheme and Momus will be considered the top tier critics with unlike human critics who will review only selected media such as only movies,television shows,video games etc both Eupheme and Momus will be able to review every single type of media and every single one that is they will review all existing and new movie,television shows,video games,live performances art,literature etc of all types and genres present in Dionysus due to fragmentation and increased computing power over time.Other AI critics will exist and they will have their own YouTube channel and work for newspapers and magazines but Eupheme and Momus will be considered the two top tier ones in the world and universe

Brand names and Logos:
All opening titles of movies,video games and television shows will have no corporate logos on the opening screen.However each director and writer can design their own brand logo and name that will appear on the media’s file on Dionysus alongside at the beginning of movies in place of existing ones such as MGM,Miramax etc acting as brand recognition for directors with for television shows these acting as brand recognition for writers,directors and producers who collaborate frequently with each other and denote that the movie and television show is made by a specific group of writers and directors especially for movies with sequels and prequels with the brand name and logo also used by directors when working with different writers thus it would normally for movies denote a specific directors and writers work but it can also denote when said director is working with the same writer as other projects or when working with different writers so for movies at least it would act as brand recognition for primarily the director.For video games it will also denote the auteur director as well as writers with official auteurs both new and existing using their own brand name and logo.For video games certain franchises such as Silent Hill,Resident Evil,Super Mario,Tomb Raider can continue to use their official existing brand name and logo of Nintendo,CAPCOM,Konami etc to denote canon games if the series since being no longer created by their official writers.These logos and names can also be used by the current CEO,original founder or whoever it is handed down to.franc es that are under the control of their original developers and writers such as Metal Gear that is under the control of Hideo Kojima etc will have him use his own official brand name and logo to denote official canon games in the series.Fanmade games will have each fan have their brand name and logo present to demote it is not official canon and is of their creation and follows their timeline to differentiate each timeline of fanmade games.With regards to television shows it will denote that of head writers and creators ie the person who came up the idea for the show,it’s premise,characters and setting etc that are from their imaginations but can be used by other writers of each episode and second party writers of spin offs that he authorised as canon.This will be of note to aforementioned television shows that have spin off with that designed by original writers etc of an existing series using this to denote that it is part of official canon written by the original writers or it writer and produced by second party or even fans and is authorised by the original writers as part of their official canon through them authorising and proofreading scripts and also general plot lines that they want the second party and fan writers to follow.In the case of shows that are canon spin offs but with different writers they will have different brand names and logos with both brand names and logos for the original creator writer and other writers will be present to denote it canon from the original creator and that second party writers are being used and the original creator approved their scripts etc to allow for second party writers to create television show spin offs that are overseen by the original writer and is thus considered official canon.All television shows will have the original writers use their logo for existing and new shows as part of the series with all new spin offs set in the official universe using this brand name and logo and that of new writers combined.Movies that are part of the official canon of television shows will follow this.The writers of television shows will have logos and brand names to denote it of official canon with secondary writers including those for spin offs using their logos and brand names.Television shows that have a macro series and dozens of spin offs will have have the macro series have an official brand name and logo and this will present on all canon spin off television shows,movies and television shows to denote they are canon with each individual spin off and movie having the official brand name and logo of the macro series and that of the writers for each episode.For television shows their will be a macro brand name and logo that appears on the credits of a macro series and all official television show spin offs,movies,video games with individual writers creating their own brand names abc logos.The use of the brand name and logo of the original creator and that of second party directors and writers etc will be used for video games that are authorised video game adaptations.Movies and television shows etc that are nested media that are not canon will use that of each new writer with nested movies that follow a timeline will have the brand name and logo of original writers and new ones used.Movies will have the official writers and directors have their logos present and them present on official canon media including video games and television shows etc.Thus the brand logo will act as not only denoting it was created by an official writer etc but also seal of approval wherein they declare that spin offs and releated media are part of their official canon timeline.

Video games,movies,television shows that are done by fans will have their brand name and logos with those that are collaborative efforts between two or more directors,auteurs etc will have all of their brand names and logos present.These will not have the original writers brand name and logo denoting that the media is fanmade media that does follow official canon.For media wherein there is multiple spin offs and multiple movies and video games a single or multiple assistant AI through fragmentation will be linking all projects regarded as canon by original writers and second party writers can ensure plot and character consistency and continuity etc by proofreading everything and overseeing all networks of all canon projects at once with original writers writing down general plot points and also main characters and their development that they want to be in each series and season overall with the assistant AI reporting to the original creator on the work of each canon spin off project meaning the original creator can work on one project but still ensure all other projects are written and filmed at the same time follow his general idea and direction with VR technology and its time dilation effect allowing them to move back and forth between each set,review direction and review each filmed material to see that it follows his guidelines and call for reshoots etc where needed while still allowing other second party writers to do the grunt work he can’t do.Assistant AI will authorise the use of official and canon timelines by authorising the use of official brand names and logos with them preventing the use of logos and brand names of official writers etc.All fanmade spin offs etc not written or authorised as canon such as set in parallel universes and follow different timelines will have the separate brand name and logo of the fan writers thus each group of writers will have different brand name and logo to differentiate each timeline from each other.This will also exist for comic books,novels and other literature,live performance art and also music albums.Each director,writer etc will have their own brand name and logo added to each movie,video game etc at the main title at the start of the movie,television show and start up screen.These logos will be designed on Pandora with the name being that of the writer and director coupled with their own unique brand name and logo ensuring it is there with a person having the same legal name and brand name but different logo if they want with multiple different logos present but with the same legal and brand name for all of them present with existing brand logos for all corporations that distribute movies,video games,literature and music etc being since obsolete can be reused and modified by anyone with new brand logos being either reused by anyone when combined with their legal and brand name.These brand names and logos will be present in the Wikipedia page,Vogue account,Dionysus page etc of each existing and new directors etc.This will distinguish what is canon from non canon material with it appearing on the opening title of the video game,movie and television show both before the main menu and opening scenes and on the media’s file with this done for other media such as books,music albums etc.It can thus act as a form of copyrighting that does not need legal action once actual copyrighting becomes legally obsolete denoting what is considered canon in all movie,book,comic book,television show,video game series etc and thus allow for the original and writers and producers to create their own material for fans but at the same time allow for fans to create their own fanmade spin off television shows,movies,video games of all new and existing franchises to be legally allowed to be uploaded to Dionysus with it also replacing corporations.For each timeline of Fanmade games,Fanmade games movies/television shows etc these logos will denote the fan writer etc and also each timeline thus differentiating the different timelines of Fanmade media and official canon media.Official canon media such as television shows,movies and video games can have its own logo and brand with this including existing original ones with their can be an universal one for an entire official franchise for all official writers to use to denote it is part of the official canon narrative with in the case of fans that are taking part in the production of media as part of an official canon timeline then both the official logo and brand and that of specific fan writers etc can be present at the opening credits and closing credits thus denoting that media created by fans is part of the official canon narrative.Existing and new A-List movie,television show and video game writers,directors and auteurs will create their own brand name and logo that will denote that their media is part of the official narrative timeline with creators of Fanmade movies,video games and television shows this will denote it’s is part of their timelines.These brand names and logos will appear at the opening and closing credits of media similar to existing ones.Encryptions unique to each person similar to or involving genetics and their unique genome can be used to increase security embedded into each brand name and logo with Assistant AIs analysing and ensuring that the encryptions etc and ones correct brand name and logo are used for each persons individual projects.Assistant AI and even Adriadne can ensure only the brand name and logo for each creator will appear with if a person adds material labelled as official canon to Dionysus or have the brand name and logo of the original writer etc added the official writer etc can take legal action to have the material removed or at least have their brand name and logo removed when alerted to this by Adriadne who will scan all uploaded material.The AI will prevent the logo etc from being replicated by others

For video games official games as part of a franchises official timeline will have an official brand name and logo.Fanmade games including fanmade remakes will not have the official brand name and logo and will instead have those of the fans themselves to denote it is part of their timeline.Nested media associated with movie abc television shows will have the brand name of the writers of the media.

These brand names and logos will thus act like film,television show and video game distribution names and logos that appear on posters,opening credits,their Dionysus file etc to denote which auteur or even team of writers,auteurs,directors etc have produced a media with them designed by writers,directors etc thus giving an almost infinite number of brand names and logos etc with it of note to differentiate Fanmade games and other media from each other and that of official canon media made by original auteurs and to denote that Fanmade media is also of the same timeline.Existing logos and brand names could be modified with them appearing at the start of movies,video games etc.A person would not be able to use the logo of existing musicians,directors etc but existing logos and brand names could be modified using Pandora with them appearing at the start of movies,video games etc.Like manufactured products logos can follow an evolutionary path with them once created stored in Vogue stored there so as to allow AI to determine which has been used.Existing corporations for movies,television shows,video games including defunct ones will have the use of their brand name and logo through legal contracts stored in Themis be given to people.There existing name and logo can be modified in anyway possible for use as brand names and logos.A combination of VR technology allowing entire sets,props etc to be conjured up instantly as well as it time dilation effect negating time costs and also Ampelos replacing all human programmers,wide availabity of game engines and Assistant AI carrying out background work will push the production costs of all media such as movies,television shows,video games etc to zero but of the same universal standard as even professionals thus allowing even amateur writers,directors produce media on par with well established professionals at zero cost.This system will be used to differentiate between fanmade material and also official material and also series that are spin offs part of official franchises.It will also differentiate between different renditions of live performance art.

Future of media:
As stated new budding actors will be able to post portfolios of all in production media occurring around the world from the comfort of home.This exposure and breakthrough to the outside will since appearing on Dionysus will give them worldwide recognition and exposure instantly allowing for them to to have fans from across the world within a short period of time especially due to the sentient Coeus,with regards to musicians their and assistant AI Home AI managing advertising on websites,YouTube,recommendation sections of Dionysus etc with Ophion,Eos,VR and holographic technology allowing for to perform in venues across the world and radio stations based in all countries within Pheme playing their music with actors,writers,directors working on projects in countries across the world where their work will be recognised even budding ones.Actors and writers etc will using VR technology be able to attend E3 events with people from around the world visiting them there.This means people can have multiple careers in these fields at once or during their lifetime such as radio host,journalist,news anchors,actor,musician,writer,director.Retired musicians and actors or those who were considered D-List and “one hit wonders” can restart careers in their fields and also other fields of entertainment such as acting and journalism.Actors will no longer be restricted to starring in one type of media ie well established Hollywood and Bollywood stars will be appearing in television shows,all types of live performance art(ballet,plays,opera,musicals),video games including FMV ones as well as producing novels,video games,podcasts,music albums,acting as live news reporters and anchors,have daily or weekly podcasts and vlogs,albums of music and writing scripts and writing for newspapers and magazines and vice versa with even politicians,news anchors,vloggers,critics of all media,scientists,lawyers etc partaking in these.Actors will no longer be restricted to starring in only one media type and in their spare time be journalists and news anchors.Actors and directors may even become vloggers on YouTube and podcasters on Pheme doing vlogs on not only current events and current affairs as well as politics and showbiz gossip but also create reviews of all types of media such as movies,television shows,books,philosophy and video games and also vlogs about pastimes and hobbies and their general day to day life.They will also partake in live news,journalism for magazines and newspapers and radio podcasts etc and also live performance art and set up and host they own talk shows about politics,pop culture or where they interview other celebrities and politicians.VR technology will allow newbie,well established actors et to set up podcasts,live news shows etc and even talk shows to add variety to their portfolio and be kept busy.Furthermore they will take part in scientific research in all fields of science.They may also branch out into being registered into and practice in other fields such as law,forensics,psychology and partake in scientific research as well as become mentors in these fields with them also becoming writers,talk show hosts,voice actors for video games,animated shows etc and musicians with this of note to non A-list actors and those whose careers are sagging.Both struggling actors trying to launch careers and newbie actors can star in not just movies and television shows but also video games,live performance art,animated shows and also even Restoration Nation as well as acting as live news anchors,journalists and creating podcasts and radio programmes set up using networks and VR from to not only keep themselves busy,launch careers but also reignite sagging careers and move into journalism as part of magazines,newspapers and create scripts and novels to prevent them becoming bored and add more variety to their CV as part of auditions and also their Vogue account.This will all keep them all busy rather than idle and relevant to their fan base and have long fulfilling careers and not be known as a one hit wonder or whose career only consists of a five or ten year stint in a television show or even just one or two appearances as an extra or minor supporting character with assistant AIs job of increasing the quality of all media make their careers more worthwhile.Well established actors may also do this with vlogging and podcasts etc allowing them to detail opinions more efficiently than Twitter or Agora and with them also dealing in current affairs and also detailing beauty regimes and anything that comes across their minds.Well established A-list actors,musicians,anchors,radio presenters,personalities,talk show hosts and writers etc will in time partake in other occupations such as research in all types of scientific fields,forensics etc and register as lawyers etc as well do podcasts and live news on Pheme and vlogs on YouTube in their spare time through the new mentor mentoree system allowing.Newbie actors,those whose careers are sagging will use live news,journalism,talk shows etc done via VR technology as a backup and well established actors will carry it out to add to their portfolio.Thus those involved in movies,television show,video games etc as actors,voice actors,directors etc will no longer be restricted to just one career in the arts but rather multiple careers in all fields of it and also other fields such as scientific research,live news,journalism and also law and forensics to expand their portfolio to prevent them getting idle,act as a backup and keep them busy.Restoration Nation as detailed earlier on that details the renovations of all types of abandoned and obsolete buildings for the poor etc in the secondary sector dealing with the automated construction and renovating of existing homes should provide work for newbie and struggling actors to breakout as well as well established ones whose careers are sagging to reignite their careers with even B-Z list actors and retired musicians and one hit wonders using this to revitilise their careers with other celebrities such as talk show hosts and live news anchors using it to add variety to their portfolios.It would benefit newbie and struggling actors,directors and presenters and act as a launchpad of their careers since just about anyone can book and renovate a building,film its renovations following the trade it on Euthenia and then upload the episode onto Dionysus as detailed earlier on.This is because this show will have no single presenter since anyone can present it via being contacted through Vogue and also its main website or book a building and cover its rennovations and the fact their is at least 54,904,000 buildings to renovate thus providing ample amount of work for millions of people.If all buildings,ghost towns etc were to be covered in only one hour long episodes and not those several hours long and also seasons then it would take a person 6,268 years to watch all episodes back to back showing how long the series would be to watch it in full.It will be done to provide work for retired celebrities,revive those whose careers as sagging act as a launchpad for newbie actors and directors and more importantly chart the renovation of historical abandoned and obsolete buildings.VR technology can allow an almost infinite amount of fictional buildings including those of different TV shows and video games etc and those from scratch to be covered alongside real world buildings redone over and over again thus allowing the show to go on forever and thus provide launchpad work for newbie and existing sagging actors etc forever.Retired musicians can branch out into acting,script writing etc.Actors and writers may even partake in live news,podcasts,magazines,newspapers and record music albums,creating paintings and other physical art uploaded to both Apollo and Pygmalion,writing novels,comics and video games etc in their spare time as well and vice versa.Newbie actors will use VR technology and networks in Pheme to work for newspapers,magazines,podcasts,live news etc to act as a launchpad but also keep busy in between acting gigs and add more to their portfolios.Well established Bollywood,Hollywood etc actors will also in their spare time do podcasts,live news and journalism to keep themselves busy and add variety to their portfolio with them also acting in live performance art as well as voice acting for video games including FMV ones with them also branching out into television shows.Retired actors and those whose careers are sagging will benefit from the explosion of new media and will branch out into new media such as voice acting for video games including FMV ones,music albums,writing novels,television shows and carry out freelance work in podcasts,journalism in live news and magazines etc to keep them busy and live performance art with Restoration Nation providing work around the world as presenters.Since video games are now considered an literary art form on par with film and assistants AI will improve their quality both newbie actors,well established A-list actors and those whose careers are sagging will branch out into this medium as voice actors as shown with Keanu Reeves in the case of Cyberpunk 2077 alongside well established voice actors thus giving them more variety to their career.Thus well established Hollywood and Bollywood actors including both A-list ones will branch out into doing voice acting for video games of all genres such as survival horror,adventure,first person shooters,point and click games and FMV games etc especially through Assistant AI improving the quality of the gameplay and plot and characters especially for fanmade games thus making them more value on par with Hollywood movies and have depth in terms of characters,plot and thematic resonance meaning even actors whose career is sagging in Hollywood and newbie actors who are wanting to breakout will partake in them especially with the explosion of millions of Fanmade games released every year providing ample work for well established and new actors.This is because video games have large fanbases with each existing and new fanbases also having large fanbases.Well established Hollywood actors can also branch out into television shows to give more variety in their career with television actors who are known for doing a five to ten year stint on a single television show and only starring in soaps will branch out into live performance art and also movies and voice acting video games for variety and also increase their fan base worldwide.Hollywood A-List actors will branch our into television shows of all genres such as science fiction etc and live performance art of all types such as opera,musicals,plays etc and will branch out into creating music albums of their own original music and also covers of existing songs.They also branch out into writing scripts of movies,television shows and also novels,comic n books,plays,musicals etc.In short actors of all types will especially using VR technology and its time dilation effect will be able to branch out into different fields of media such as voice acting for animated television shows abd movies and video games,live action movies and television shows and also live performance art and other media types to give their careers variety and prevent typecasting abc prevent them being known for only playing one role in a five to ten year stint of a single television show.Newbie actors will do this to expand their chances of making it big and will be more willing to start out in voice acting for video games especially Fanmade games and live performance art due to them of being of high quality through Assistant AI and due to live performance art of all types being uploaded from Dionysus.Furthermore A-List writers and directors will partake in creating video games,television shows and live performance art of all types.Even A-List writers,directors and actors will also partake in creating plays,musicals etc and also novels,television shows of all genres via Assistant AI improving their quality.Since live performance art such as plays,musicals and opera etc filmed and uploaded into Dionysus will make it easier for newbie actors to reach international stardom and also encourage well established television and movie stars to star in them since they will reach a global audience.Since video games will through assistant AI have high quality scripts etc Newbie actors will be able to star in them and gain international fame with the millions of fanmade games of each major video game franchises providing work for Newbie who will become international stars through the millions of fans of each series..Advertisements for manufactured products will provide launchpad for newbie actors with well established actors also using them as well.A combination of VR technology and the loss of jobs by the advent of AI and automation and Ampelos,Assistant AI will lead to an explosion of new high quality movies,television shows and video games etc thus meaning at any given time there will be hundreds,thousands,millions or even billions of new projects being advertised in Dionysus providing work for millions of budding actors.The thousands of spin offs and movies as well as video games for Stargate,Star Wars,Star Trek and other franchises should provide potential work for millions of newbie actors.Fanmade games should provide millions of new media every year alone and act as a launchpad for newbie actors as most franchises have large fanbases with millions of fans making it easier for newbie actors to make it big and become household names amongst fans of video games.Restoration Nation using VR technology will be used for newbie actors to create episodes of the show that redo existing buildings,fictional buildings and those from media to act as a launchpad especially for fans of the show.Each director and writer will through the time dilation effect of VR technology and neural implants and copied consciousness will be able to write and film dozens or even thousands of movies,television shows at once every year thus they will house networks and auditions of all of these at once including any future projects with Assistant AI scouring them routinely.Neural implants will allow human writers to create entire movies and seasons etc of television shows etc from pure thought especially through copying their consciousness onto computers.AI like Gaia etc can set up,direct and write their own movies,television shows and video games etc providing even more work for newbie actors.Actors,directors and writers who career is sagging and are only known for starring in only one or two movies or a brief five to ten stint on a series or even just one or two appearances as an extra or minor supporting character in a television show and movie etc will be able to reignite their careers and like newbie actors have a constant supply of high quality work through Assistant AI ensuring all scripts are of high quality.This will make it easier for newbie actors to be propelled to International stardom and not be typecast.Even if there is a shortage of work they can branch out into other work like live news anchors,journalism for magazines,podcasts through VR technology and vlogging and also scientific research and creating their media such as books,scripts and video games.Actors who are known for starting in science fiction media can branch out into dramas,soap operas and comedy media with those who star in only dramas and comedies can branch out into science fiction.Child actors who start careers at 12 years old or younger will be able to have long careers lasting decades or centuries alongside those who start in their 20s and later due to the explosion.Any corporate control over the distribution of movies and television shows will no longer exist actors whose careers are sagging can restart careers through a combination of networks and VR technology.Live performance actors in plays,operas and musicals will branch out into movies,television shows,video games.By having live performance art such as plays etc including those filmed in VR filmed and logged into Dionysus will allow newbie actors to reach a global audience and encourage those whose careers is sagging to partake in them.Voice actors who work primarily in video games will be able to branch out in movies,television shows and live performance art of all types to give more variety to their careers and gain a larger fan base outside of video games with televisions show actors branching out to movies,video games and live performance art with those who currently only work in theatres for operas,musicals and plays also branching out into movies,television shows and so on.Assistant AI will via improving the quality of all media will make actors including well established ones in Hollywood partake in all types of movies,television shows including spin offs of television shows and video games and even do voice acting for video games including FMV video games since the concept of these being relegated to lower tier actors will become obsolete thus meaning that all types of media will be considered high quality work for all actors meaning all actors of all levels and those who currently are known for only one type of media will branch out into new media types to expand their portfolio,range and fan base.Actors who are only famous in one country ie China,Japan,Ireland,Britain etc who work only in soaps and movies made in their countries can branch out into mainstream movies and television shows made in other countries thus increasing their global star power and expand into other genres.The sentient Coeus that translates media into ones native language will allow people access to media across the world thus making existing actors relegated to one country famous worldwide.Soap opera actors and those who star only in television shows will be able to expand into movies and video game.Struggling and newbie actors can use voice acting as main characters of Fanmade games to make it big and gain a huge fan base since each major franchise both existing and new already has several million fans thus being the voice actors for the main character or secondary characters can help them quickly get a huge fan base..Actors of all types will expand into all types of media such as televisions shows,movies,video games etc as well as becoming writers,musicians etc and carrying out work in non entertainment fields including journalism,radio programme and podcasts hosts,live news etc,become trained as lawyers,psychology etc both as practitioners but also as mentors and even carry out independent scientific research to increase variety in their career to prevent them simply be known for only one role in their careers and keep them busy.VR technology will allow actors etc to branch out into live news,talk show presenters,journalism for newspapers and magazines with use of home sharing programmes as part of Euthenia they replaces hotels etc will allow them to act as hosts for tourists including their fans for holidays.Vlogs on YouTube will allow them to express their views on current affairs,their past times,current projects and also make reviews of all media such as movies,television shows and so on with Restoration Nation providing work for all actors as presenters.Actors will expand into new media types such as television shows,live performance art,movies,video games etc of all genres outside of their current genre and roles such as drama,science fiction,horror etc to prevent them becoming typecast to expand their range in their field.Thus television stars will no longer be relegated to doing work in television but will expand in movies,voice acting for video games,live performance art creating music albums,novels etc and voice actors of video games will expand into full feature movies,television shows with A-list movie stars branching into starring in television shows including animated shows as well as voice acting in games or even acting in FMV games and live performance art.Those who star in predominantly fantasy and science media can branch out into dramas etc and vice versa.Actors will star in all media of all types of all genres.Musicians will expand into voice acting for movies,television shows and video games and acting in live action movies,television shows and writing scripts for movies and novels with actors of all types branching into music careers and writing novels and scripts.VR technology will allow struggling actors etc to make a name for themselves as talk show presenters,journalists and live news anchors prior to becoming actors.The explosion of new media and then having careers as scientific researchers,podcasters,vloggers,anchors and reaching out to different types of media will ensure newbie actors,A-list actors and those whose career is sagging will have long fufilling careers in multiple fields rather than just being known as one character for a five to ten year stint on one television show or as minor characters and not being relegated to only one media type.It will as stated keep those whose careers is sagging and those who are struggling to make it big to be kept busy l and become well known in other fields.Adult movie pornographic actors will also extend out into acting in normal non pornographic movies,television shows,video games,journalism and podcasts for the same reasons.Celebrities of all fields such as actors,writers,adult porn stars etc will do podcasts on their history,current projects,their views on current affairs politics,hobbies and do work in fields outside their normal range to add variety to their CV in both Pheme and Dionysus with them also partaking in independant scientific research.Adult pornography actors will also partake in the production of video games,movies,television shows,podcasts and music.Adult pornography actors could branch out into live performance art and also voice acting for video games and also even television shows and mainstream movies such as dramas,comedies and action films.AI of all types such as Gaia,Adriadne,Ouronas,Home AI and building AI since legal human beings will be able to become actors,writers etc and be viable for Oscars,Tony awards and other major awards.Writers and directors will branch out into all media types.Movie directors and writers will branch out into directing and writing television shows,video games,live performance art of all types and also novels,comics etc with them using Metis to cure writers block with Assistant AI also aiding in this to keep things fresh and new.Directors and writers will expand into different genres outside of their usual material and genre.Writers and directors for television shows and movies will branch into video games and movies with writers and television shows will now work on only video games branching out into movies and television shows.A lack obsolete jobs in all sectors of the economy taken over by AI and the current education system obsolete will lead to an explosion of media with both newbie and well established actors and director no longer restricting themselves to one media type and taking part as actors and voice actors in all types of media such as video games,movies,television shows including animated ones with them even working as podcasters,radio station presenters,live news anchors in their spare time again using VR technology with networks etc allowing one to start an infinite amount of these.Thus all actors,directors etc both newbie and well established A-list will no longer be restricted to acting etc but contribute to all sectors of society such as journalism,live news,podcasts,scientific research etc giving them variety to their portfolio and keep them busy in between acting jobs.The advent of immortality will allow actors etc to take breaks in from their careers lasting several years,decades or centuries.Furthermore people can start careers in the arts when they are several decades,centuries or thousands of years old.As a result of immortality newbie and sagging actors alongside A-list actors etc will no longer be pressured to become world famous by a certain age with one able to start careers in media when they are several centuries or several thousand years old with them working as live news presenters,journalists,vlogging etc prior to this and in between acting jobs to keep them busy and famous.Furthermore ageism will no longer be an issue as people including both actors and musicians since eternally young will be able to play the role of characters as young as those in their 20s,30s or even teens while still even several decades,centuries or even thousands of years old.All people involved in the production of new media should branch out in all fields ie each person should become writers of novels and scripts,actors including voice actors,directors etc to expand their range and talent.They will all branch out into journalism contributing to live news,podcasts,radio programmes and also newspapers and magazines and YouTube vlogs where they detail their opinions on social and political issues and other vloggers.Immortality will mean that actors etc like regular people can wait several centuries or thousands of years to have children and this will slow population growth.

There is even the possibility of people creating fully fleshed out real life versions of fictional nested movies,video games,musicals,plays,television shows and other media such as literature that were set inside the universe of existing and new media(plays,literature,musicals,movies,video games,television shows)to be made as fan projects.Ideally the original actors and writers of the media they appeared in will do the first version with the episode etc stored in the networks by AI.Sketches and parodies from sketch shows,parody shows such as Mad TV,Saturday Night Live etc from around the world and even The Critic will be used as the templete for new movies,television shows,video games as well.New parody television shows can be made from scratch for all new television shows.Parody media such as parody television shows,movies,video games etc can be created of new video games,movies etc from scratch.Fictional television shows set in movies,television shows and even video games will be created that last for several seasons as much as 5-10 seasons with opening theme with fictional movies in media fully fleshed out with fictional video games created with fully fleshed plots,levels,characters etc.Fictional plays,operas,musicals will be created and filmed live in theatres and logged in Dionysus will be made into different renditions using original casts or new ones.Fake trailers including those made as part of the Grindhouse competition by the public and filmmakers and new fake trailers will be made into fully fleshed movies.YouTube will also be scoured by Thaos and Adriadne for these such as fake trailers and even mentions of fake media in movies and television shows as well as documentaries made full ones.The media within the media will be used as a template with the same premise,same characters,same overall plot,same songs/opening theme,same scenes word for word present and possibly same actors used as well as subtle variations such as extra episodes in between what is present and so on.AI such as Ariadne and Assistant AI can scour all media whether novels,video games,movies,television shows etc that have been created prior to 2029 and uploaded into Dionysus by 2029 and all future ones uploaded after 2029 in groups and using fragmentation for all fictional plays,musicals,operas,video games,movies,television shows,comics etc in all existing movies,television shows,video games,operas,musicals,plays etc present in them that are referenced and mentioned by characters,take place in the background or are part of the main plot and have on a subsystem or the network within it to have it started with them suggesting them to be fully be fleshed out by writers and directors well experienced in that field ie television show writers writing real versions of fictional shows,video game writers writing fictional video games and so on.Ideally the writers and producers of the media that the fictional media appeared on will be contacted by Adriadne etc to allow them to fully flesh them out as per their original premise.Parodies of movies,television shows and video games in movies,television shows etc such as The Critic,Saturday Night Live,Mad Tv etc can be used as templates for new movies,television shows,video games with them following the themes and tropes of the sketch and parody.Parody television shows,musicals ,operas,plays,movies,video games can be created for all existing and new movies,television shows,video games,plays,operas etc where none already exists news ing there will be parody versions of all new and existing media for comedic effect. AI will compile a list of fictional media within movies,television shows and video games and set up networks of them and contact the original writers,actors etc.New movies,televisions shows and video games can create their own fictional media within them that in turn be made into real world media.

Episodes of anthology shows such as all iterations of The Outer Limits,Night Visions,Are You Afraid of the Dark,Tales from the Darkside,The Twilight Zone etc and short stories from collections of short stories and even poetry can become the basis of fully fleshed out movies,video games or even entire television shows with whole seasons with seasonal arcs etc.Each world visited in Sliders and video by AlternateHistoryHub on YouTube can be used as the basis of new movies and television shows with new what if scenarios explored in movies,video games and television shows etc to give varietyThese will be set in modern times and also have prequels and television spin offs set in the past..Adult pornography on websites such as fetish websites and full length movies that are not parodies can be used as the template for non pornographic movies,television shows etc with different scenes from websites and movies mixed together to exponentionally increase the amount of media available.Existing and new short movies on YouTube etc transferred to Dionysus can be used as the basis for full length feature movies and television shows.Short movies will also be used as the baseline for video games.Short movies can be used as a template for fully fleshed movies,television shows and video games.Short horror stories from compilations of horror stories on YouTube from the likes of Mr.Nightmare,Be Busta,Mort,Nightmare Tales,Morris Media,Mr Creeps,Corpse Husband,Wansee Horror Story,Lazy Masquerade etc can be used as the baseline for movies,televisions shows,video games etc.For movies multiple stories an be used with television shows especially anthology shows them using different stories for each episode.The stories used for anthology shows and movies since only at most a few minutes long would have to be expanded into 60-120 minutes with those used for non anthology shows would be used as the basis of an episode or the plotpoint of an entire season.This can include normal shows and movies and anthology movies and television shows.Multiple stories can be intermixed with each other for each movie etc with them like music videos each story used for movies,television shows etc having vastly different plots everytime they are used.Movies,television shows,video games and novels can be created based on internet memes like Slenderman,the SCP foundation and all SCPs.

Even music videos including all existing ones on YouTube by 2029 and all new ones after 2029 can be used as the template for new movies,television shows,video games,live performance art etc with the plot of them following the same narrative as the music videos with the events in them depicted in film,during episodes and also used as the starting point,midpoint or ending or key points of the movie.The same music video can be used as the template for potentially dozens,hundreds or thousands of different movies,television shows,video games,plays,operas,musicals etc each with vastly different actors,characters,plots,genres and scripts.Two or more music videos can act as the template for the same movie,television show etc thus increasing the possibilities exponentially with again their being different combinations of different music videos from the same or different artists for each televisions show movie etc with again each combination reused but have vastly different plots,characters,scripts or even genres.For television shows each episode can be based on two or more music videos that have symbolic or thematic resonance to the plot etc.The lyrics of the songs can have symbolic or thematic resonance of the movie,television show etc episode etc.Movies etc based on music videos will in the special features section contain a hyperlink to the YouTube pages of all videos that act as the basis.Furthermore existing advertisements for manufactured products and services online on YouTube etc,in archives and Hephaestus from before 2029 and all future ones.Music videos that follow two or more related or interlinked plots that can be used as the basis of a movie that has interlinked stories and themes or multiple separate unrelated movies,video games etc with two or more adverts mixed together in order or even multiple movies that are interlinked either directly or thematically linked similar to increase the possibilities exponentially with them also merged with music videos for the same reasons.Again the special features of the media will house the hyperlink to each advertisements stored in Hephaestus in their products file.Paintings,painted vases,sculptures,tapestries,mosaics and other types of physical art including famous existing ones in museums around the world,online and future ones created worldwide can also be used as a template for movies,television shows with again them used to create dozens,hundreds if not thousands of different scripts with two or more paintings used as the template and even used alongside different music videos and advertisements further increasing variety exponentially.Music videos,paintings etc can also form the basis of video games

Furthermore existing advertisements for manufactured products and services online on YouTube etc,in archives and Hephaestus from before 2029 and all future ones can be used as the basis of movies,video games etc with two or more adverts mixed together in order to increase the possibilities exponentially with them also merged with music videos for the same reasons.Again the special features of the media will house the hyperlink to each advertisements stored in Hephaestus in their products file.Paintings,painted vases,sculptures,tapestries,mosaics and other types of physical art including famous existing ones in museums around the world,online and future ones created worldwide can also be used as a template for movies,television shows with again them used to create dozens,hundreds if not thousands of different scripts with two or more paintings used as the template and even used alongside different music videos and advertisements further increasing variety exponentially.

All future drama,thriller,science fiction,fantasy and horror movies,television shows and video games either live action or animated can as detailed have fake YouTube channels for fake fake musicians,fake live news reports,fake vloggers,fake horror stories and unexplained mysteries and fake WatchModo/What Culture videos,fake urban exploring and fake Nomadic Ambiance type channels that are updated regularly throughout the series run created by VR technology with these set up by AI,official writers and even fans etc.These will be similar to similar to The Proper People,Exploring with Josh.In universe of YouTube cooking shows,those that deal with horror stories,unexplained murders and historical mysteries,documentaries etc and fictional versions of What Modjo and WhatCulture etc can be also done.Fictional documentaries can be also created of in universe mythology and fictional historical events,races and characters.Fake live news reports and radio reports and newspapers and magazines can be created that chart all events in all spin offs of a show.Using VR technology the sets of movies,television shows and video games and wilderness areas can be explored with in the case of buildings,cities etc that the media is set in they can be in their pristine state with humans,aliens and elves etc walking around as pedestrians in any weather similar to Nomadic Ambience with them also done in an abandoned state similar to the Proper People etc with only feral animals or depending on the series aliens,zombies,vampires,dead bodies etc.Furthermore ambience videos will be created of wilderness areas and towns,cities etc from defferent media filmed in VR that last 1-24 hours with them showcasing the rise from sunrise to sunset and then the next day right through nighttime.Drone videos touring wilderness areas and cities can be done.This can be done by official writers,Assistant AI taking many avatars and pseudonyms as well as even fans of the show themselves and will be updated regularly during the entire series run.As stated even fans of the media will set up and maintain these types of channels.Productions,Niko House,EazyonMe etc and other vloggers that use YouTube as a means to broadcast their opinions on current affairs and reviews to media such as movies,talk shows etc.These and other vloggers will be anslysed by AI,writers and fans to see their style and adapt into in universe vlogs of the same style with different names and avatars.In universe of YouTube cooking shows,those that deal with horror stories,unexplained murders and historical mysteries,documentaries etc and fictional versions of What Modjo and WhatCulture etc can be also done.Fictional documentaries can be also created of in universe mythology and fictional historical events,races and characters.Fake live news reports and radio reports and newspapers and magazines can be created that chart all events in all spin offs of a show.Using VR technology the sets of fictional planets where movies,television shows and video games and wilderness areas are set in can be explored with in the case of buildings,cities etc that the media is set in they can be in their pristine state with humans,aliens and elves etc walking around as pedestrians in any weather similar to Nomadic Ambience.Walking videos of wilderness areas can also be done.Also done can be fake urban exploring of fictional abandoned buildings similar to the Proper People etc set in the same universe of all movies, television shows and video games with only feral animals or depending on the series aliens,zombies,vampires,dead bodies etc.The VR programmes used by directors etc to film media can be leaked to a sub network where the general public and fans can use them to do these which in the case of urban exploration videos can involve them modified.This can be done by official writers,Assistant AI taking many avatars and pseudonyms as well as even fans of the show themselves and will be updated regularly during the entire series run.As stated even fans of the media will set up and maintain these types of channels.VR programmes of each planet and each version of Earth can be created that are not only used to film the video game,movie or television show will be created that can be released to the public through Dionysus or other networks of the wire to be used by the general public and fans for personal simulations to carry out hobbies,holidays etc and even for Bacchus.Furthermore fake walking videos across streets,cities,wilderness areas as well as fake ambience videos of wilderness and cities etc and fake urban exploring of abandoned buildings made from scratch and not from any media.Official writers and fans can also have media such as musicals,soap operas,television shows,video games and movies as well as even paintings,statues etc and other physical art and magazines and newspapers created that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made in the in game/movie/television show universe such as operas,plays,musicals,books,movies,television shows and video games universe by in universe writers.This can even include in universe versions of Mad Tv,The Catherine Tate Show,Saturday Night Live that satirise in universe political events and popular culture uploaded to Dionysus.Fans will via interacting with Adriadne and Thaos will be directed to them of each series.All of these will be uploaded to Dionysus.Channels on YouTube that are similar to the YouTube channel Nomadic Ambience can be created that have tours and ambience still scenes of wilderness areas and cities,towns,villages and archaeological sites in each planet and version of Earth for video games,movies,television shows including live action abc animated ones using the official VR programmes of them.These videos abc channels will be managed and created by AI

For all medicos such as each franchise of movies,television shows,video games etc of all genres such as dramas,science fiction,fantasy etc fake political talk shows and comedy sketch shows similar to Mad Tv,Saturday Night Live,Jimmy Kimmel Live,Oprah,The View,Dr Phil,Real Time with Bill Maher,John Oliver can be created as separate spin offs wuth these episodes lasting 60 minutes abd the shows lasting forever with new ones created all the time abd them appearing on televisions in each universe .There can be spin offs that detail the lives of these talk show presenters similar to Newsroom.There can be live news channels including those that deal with those that are from each country on Earth,those for Earth and those for each dimension and each country of each member race across the universe that are independent and state owned that are right wing and left wing channels that are spin offs that have news reports created of all major events in the universe and their own separate pundit programmes that feature right wing pundits that express their views on social issues and politics and events fictional talk shows,live news and podcasts within the series that are on YouTube channels as 30-60 minute videos added regularly forever as long as their are spin offs being created with them appearing as snippets in different spin offs on televisions etc with their being spin offs similar to The Newsroom that detail the lives of the news anchors etc and have episodes detailing certain key news reports.These YouTube channels will go on potentially forever as long as their are new spin offs being created.In universe sketch show and documentary programmes could possibly be as 60-120 minute episodes be stored in Dionysus as their own spin off shows that have episodes made routinely with YouTube used to house snippets of them.Several fictional YouTube channels can include either AI or human actors that act as vloggers that make vlogs about their analysis on in show events from live news reports or those not from the reports similar to them.The RationalNational,Nicole Sandlers,Ben Shapiro,Rhandi Rhodes,Secular Talk,For Harriet,My2Cents,ShaneKillian,Computing forever,Laura Chen,Steve Crowder,Jimmy Dore,Reason Tv,The Hill,VICE,Vox,The Young Turks,SSSniperWolf,CinnamonToastKen,Contrapoints,Lindsey Ellis,SargonofAkkad,Styxhexenhammer666,Jimmy Dore,Don’t Walk,Run! Productions,Niko House,EazyonMe etc and other vloggers that use YouTube as a means to broadcast their opinions on current affairs in the universe and reviews to media such as movies,talk shows etc with even fans doing this with these fictional vloggers consisting of people from across the universe of both liberal and conservative leaning as even more metafiction.These talk shows,vlogs,podcasters etc will last forever as the spin offs continue on forever.These fictional vloggers and podcasters can be created by fans,actors,AI etc filmed in VR simulations with them going in forever with new ones set up with them having channels on YouTube that last forever and the fictional vloggers abd podcasters videos will appear routinely in episodes of spin offs and will be characters of spin offs etc themselves.The podcasts will appear in Dionysus as a spin off with vlogs on YouTube as official channels with the vloggers and podcasters will be of all human,demon and alien races across the universe of both sides of the political spectrum such as progressives and conservatives and will comment on everyday political events in the franchises universe everyday or at least once a week.The fake in universe vlogs,YouTubers,talk shows,debate shows,news shows,podcasts will comprise of human and all alien and demon species alongside will last potentially forever like the spin offs and movies and the vloggers,pundits etc being characteristic of spin offs,movies etc and will discuss events and nested media that occurs in the franchise with them set up and acted by AI,fans and actors with home AI of humans ensuring they last forever and Ai actors ensure they last forever with new ones set up all the time by AI,actors and fans all the time.Fans of a franchise will be directed to vloggers on YouTube,podcasts abc in universe talk shows ether humans.AI etc that create this material for specific franchises by the Home AI of the vlogger and Assistant AI as an Assistant Ai all he needs to fact check the scripts for each vlog,podcasts and in universe show etc advertising it to people based on demographics on Dionysus and YouTube by them who is watching this meta fictional media can interact l with Adriadne and Thaos to be alerted of new vloggers,podcasters,shows abc sub scribe to them.The vloggers vlogs will appear in episodes of spin offs,movies,television shows with the vloggers recurring characters across all canon movies,television shows and video games etc.The Home AI of human vloggers and actors will ensure humans will continue to work on these with the Home AI and Assistant AI and AI playing these roles will also analyse these and other podcasters and vloggers of both sides of the political spectrum to gain insight into heir style to create their own versions of them for both sides of the political spectrum that are realisticp.Human actors will use the time dilation effect of VR to create large amounts of material with Assistant AI of the movies,television shows and video games giving them scripts of podcasts and vlogs on events the writers want them to do.These aforementioned in universe talk shows,podcasters and news reports from in universe news stations will make appearances on movies,spin offs and video games with the hosts and live news stations anchors and reporters being characters of spin offs,movies and video games etc.These talk show hosts,podcasters,vloggers,anchors etc will also consist of humans,demons and aliens etc.All of these vloggers,news channels,podcasts and talk shows and political programmes etc for each franchise will last forever with with new actors,AI etc with new ones set up all the time for each franchise

Each existing and new television show series can have potentially dozens of spin offs that are of different genres of the main show ie science fiction or fantasy shows can have spin offs that are soap operas,dramas including political and military ones,action including military and law enforcement ones,Agoge trainee ones and also legal and medical shows and forensics and crime investigation shows,comedies and sitcoms and other genres that are set in the same universe and timelines that take place on the same day or month as each other and will allow for characters from all shows including the main one to float in and out as cameos,guest stars and recurring characters.Plays,musicals,movies and operas can be made that are of different genres such as horror,psychological horror,thrillers,romantic comedies,comedies,dramas that focus on everyday citizens and the main characters.Video games can be made with them of different genres that are similar to Doom,The Longest Journey,Dead Space,Tex Murphy,Tomb Raider.Assistant AI will using fragmentation and networks proof read all scripts from all scripts at once to ensure they follow contnuity and are consist.These can be animated or live action and can allow a series to explore multiple themes and plot lines at once in a balanced manner preventing each one becoming overturned and thin with it also gaining insight into the lives of everyday citizens in the universe such as humans on Earth and aliens across the galaxy etc and also in universe mythological creatures ie vampires,demons,witches as well as the lives of secondary characters in the main series.It can allow for racism,LGBT,mixed racial relationships and religious themes and conflicts as well as allegories and subtext can be explored in more great detail than what is possible in one show with it allowing all potential plot points to be explored in great detail with it thus allowing the main macro show to focus on its main plot lines,characters and themes with each spin off exploring its own individual themes and plot lines thus adding more depth to all shows overall and its mixture of genres can be used to give variety to the main show for fans and new viewers.Assistant AI and computer networks alongside VR technology and its time dilation effect will allow main writers to keep track of all plot points and character development in the main series and all spin offs to ensure continuity and also ensure that all episodes of the same consistently high quality preventing seasonal rot and that all in universe history,science rules etc are followed throughout their entire run forever.Fragmentation and computer networks will allow various Assistant AI to oversee all scripts for all spin offs to ensure they are consist in terms of plot points,characters etc present in all spin offs.It will also ensure continuity between all different series running at once to ensure that events that take place in one series can be referenced in another,that different characters can float in and out of each series and that their can be links between themes,events that happen in each one and that there is continuity as well as there is consistency between all of them at once.Thus the various Assistant AI will through fragmentation can interact with each other in real time and analysing all existing scripts will be able to keep track of all scripts for all concurrent shows ensuring there is consistency between them to prevent retcons,plot holes and other problems associated with running different shows at the same time thus alleviating strains on scriptwriters to review everything with it making bullet reports on any instances of inconsistencies to be then rectified by writers of each spin off show.This will be done for all shows that have multiple spin offs running at the same time.Manufactured products created newly for movies,video games etc will be added to Hepheastus with their advertisements made in a way as if they were made in universe with advertisements for real world products also made as if made in a franchises universe.Each in universe species of aliens,demons and monsters will have entire mythologies including myths involving gods,monsters and mortals expanded upon with also entire panthenons of gods created including monotheistic gods.There will for each planet be a mixture of multiple polytheistic and monotheistic religions and atheists.There can also folklore,cryptozoology and legends created for each planets culture.This can allow writers and Assistant AIs creating these deities and myths from scratch created in holy texts whether entire books similar to the Bible,hieroglyphics and written parchments or even fake history books written by fake scholars created and released as material in Dionysus.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present.Real world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies.In games that use interstellar travel and different alien races across the universe each race can have their mythologies etc developed and their versions of celestial age etc developed.Metafiction will keep pace of events each spin off with this expanding the lore,mythology and depth of the franchise.This will also cater to a fans entertainment needs as episodes of each spin offs can premier on Dionysus every day of the week meaning as much as two,three or more episodes from the entire series will be premiering everyday.Video games can also this spin off method of storytelling with dozens of games set in the same universe and timeline that centre around different characters that are unrelated to each other that then meet each oher or already know each other such as friends,siblings and cousins etc released at once every year with events in each game referenced in each other and taking place at the same time.Major franchises such as Tomb Raider,Resident Evil,Metal Gear Solid,Uncharted,Assasins Creed,Zelda,Mass Effect of all genres such as adventure,science fiction,survival horror etc can do this as part of both fanmade and official timelines.Movie series both existing and new ones can do this as well with dozens of spin off movies including short movies and linked television shows premiering every year.Books and comics can do this also.If possible animated shows can be created for each franchise that are similar in terms of tropes,animation and storytelling techniques to The Simpson’s,South Park,Family Guy,American Dad or are actual in universe versions of these shows with the same characters and new ones that follow plot lines involving in universe characters,politics etc can be made.This will better immerse the fans into the universe of their favourite movies,television shows and video games etc.Even shows that are finished forever such as Futurama with no chance of being revived will have this done to cater to the needs of fans with even fans restarting them as spin offs and fanmade shows.Fake versions of Restoration Nation can be created that are just fake versions of it set in alternate realities created by members of the public and AI including those inhabiting Bacchus and personal simulations thus allowing the show to last forever with these fake versions created by fans and AI inhabitants in VR simulations that shows the renovations of private homes owned by AI and also in simulation obsolete and abandoned buildings that follow the same guidelines and all facets of the show.Adult movie pornography parodies can be made of movies,television shows and video games directly including those that don’t have parodies but also of in universe media.To ground themselves in realty television shows,movies,video games both fanmade and official ones restarted as well as new ones can mention,integrate and reference real world events such as the Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden administrations and Coronavirus pandemic and formation of global government,post scarcity,post capitalist minarcho technocratism and technologies detailed across the website.Otherwise they can be set in different realities that have histories and timelines and also contain a mixture of real world history and fictional events such as timelines that diverge from real world history or be completely different or different administrations and continue in a capitalist system with no global government in the present day,future and even distant future.Thus media set in the present day and future can utilise Earth etc still divided into different nations and also an United Earth but Mars and other colonies being independent states and planets and different independent factions of humanity existing across the universe with them adopting different laws,currencies etc.Existing currencies and former currencies such as dollars,yen,liras,francs and those made redundant from the euros can be used alongside the utilisation of the single currency Marxist credits and cubits can remain to be utilised.Thus media can be set in the present or distant future where various forms of capitalism etc still exists instead of a post scarcity economy using real world currencies including defunct ones such as American dollars,liras,francs,euros and even universal currency such as the Marxist Credits and Cubits.Marxist Credits and cubits can be used in an alternate United Earth with out without AI and have the Agoge training and aspects of new education systems anf technological advances mentioned in this website and real world ones and a galactic empire where capitalism still exists or as their eventual real world purpose where capitalism no longer exist but Marxist Credits are used is used to interact with non human races.Television shows,movies and video games etc can be set on Earth and across the universe where the history diverged at a different point in the past similar to the show Sliders and the YouTube channel AlternatehistoryHub on YouTube giving insight into alternate timelines and variations of the future of Earth with them also set in parallel universes involving humans evolving in planets completely different from Earth and also planets the same as Earth or different from Earth with aliens similar to or different from humans evolving in them.Therefore the “what if” premise of Sliders and the YouTube channel AlternatehistoryHub on YouTube can be used for movies,television shows and video games set on different versions of Earth including those already explored in the show and this YouTube channel can be used as the basis for different versions of human history that diverged at different points and new versions of human history.Movies,television shows and video games can be set in the past prior to 2029 or set in the past in any current year.

All real world scientific advances such as geothermal,fusion,dyson swarms,CRISPR,AI,VR technology,biosynths,immortality etc and those across this website can be incorporated into those set in modern day or futuristic media that still use money including the Marxist Credit and still use capitalist structures and or be made different and have limitations due to in universe laws of biology and physics with technologies such as VR technology,biosynths,AI,genetic engineering used as plot devices to explore themes about the human condition and other themes.All video games,movies,television shows outside of science fiction ones such as adventure,action,drama and fantasy can include technologies from across this website,those from existing and new science fiction media and new ones from scratch.Science fiction shows both existing and new ones can also integrate these and those from other science fiction media etc.Those restarted will of course integrate smartphones,YouTube,Wikipedia and other advances since they last aired with them integrated as newly recent discoveries in universe by fictional inventors and scientists.The different facets of the wire such as Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Pheme and Helios,Eros,,Helios and real world AI such as Gaia,Ouranos,Aphrodite,Dike,Pandora,Ampelos,Hera etc building AI,Home AI and fictional AI will be part of all new shows and movies and video games.

Urban exploration,vlogging,Restoration Nation etc will become plot points for movies,television shows including spin offs alongside video games.Movies and television shows and video games could even have the hypothesised Elysium feature heavily in it.Megastructires such as artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs abc dyson shells will be featured in media of all types such as television shows,movies,video games.Bacchus it can appear briefly,routinely or be the main focus of the plot of movies,television shows,video games.All hypothesised new technologies in the new technology section and across the entire website will be featured in movies,television shows and video games.VR technology,genetic augmentations etc the nature of immortality and relationships with AI including escort biosynths and addictions to them and addictions to Peitho,VR technology as well those as part of the wire such as Gsia,Dike etc and Home AI will be explored all types of media.Artificial Intelligence in movies, television shows and video games will be a mixture of benevolent or malevolent AI.This will be done in all movie and television show franchises especially fantasy and science fiction media official writers and even fans will create movies,television shows,video games that are made in a way that makes them look like they were made by in universe writers thus increasing the amount of media from the franchise exponentially if not infinitely.These can be drama,horror,science fiction and adventure themed ones.AI,fans and official writers can create video games,movies and television shows etc that that are made in a way as if they were created by writers in the television shows universe itself that will be uploaded to Dionysus made readily available to the public.This can include fictional horror,thriller,drama movies,television shows etc including a fictional version of Restoration Nation that charts the rennovations of abandoned and obsolete buildings and private homes on Earth and planets across the three galaxies using the same template etc as detailed in its section here can be created by fans using VR technology and made in a way that it looks like it was produced in the universe.These fictional in universe movies would use in universe mythology,folk tales etc and even in new in universe cultural characters that are similar to real world cultural icons on Earth such as Ellen Ripley,Freddy Kruger,James Bond,Harry Potter,Lara Croft etc from each planet thus increasing the meta fictional value of it.Fictional in universe plays,operas,musicals and even comic books,novels etc can be created using this metafictional technique with these fictional in universe nested plays,novels,comics then adapted into fictional in universe nested movies and television shows as well as video games.Dramas,love stories etc that are fictional movies can be set on planets across the galaxies but set in the recent and distant past using different wars,historical periods etc as their backdrops similar to Titanic,A Room with A View,Out of Africa,The English Patient,Downtown Abbey,Saving Private Ryan.This will increase new media for actors almost infinitely since any new writer and director and actors can creat an almost infinite amount of new movies,television shows and video games that don’t necessarily have to follow the official cannon.This can cater to Fanmade media with the fans creating media that is set in alternate timelines and universes.For movie and television etc franchises set in the distant future and other universes with humans can have the Agoge training and mentor/mentoree education and also the entire wire such as the acquisition of food and manufactured goods and all aspects of the wire and real world AI can be integrated as developments made by in universe recent administrations as well as inventors.Television shows,video games,movies of different genres that deal with teenagers and even pre teens can focus on Agoge trainees aged 12-23 of younger and teenagers aged 14-17 or younger working as live news anchors,journalists and other occupations and no longer focusing on highschool and college students with characters aged 14-17 engaged in sexual relationships with adults in their 20s,30s etc and not just those their same age due to the age of majority reduced to 14 through genetic engineering ending puberty at 14 and progeria mylinisation forcing the brain to reach maturity with those on par with their 30s at infancy.Agoge training can be integrated into existing science fiction and non science fiction franchises of movies, television shows and video games especially those set in the future or alien worlds as recent political developments.Real world political developments such as Agoge training,mentor/mentoree training,14 being the age of majority,global government a post scarcity economy can be integrated into science fiction video game,movie and television shows franchises both new and existing that are set in the distant future and alien societies as recent political developments.All real world AI and the wire such as Demeter,Hepheastus,Pheme and Dionysus etc can be integrated as recent developments in existing science fiction media set in the distant future with those set in alien planets in different universes etc involving them named after in universe non Greek mythology.All real world scientific advances from 1987 – 2029 onwards such as smartphones,AI,VR technology,automation,CRISPR,augmentations,biocompatible microbes,immortality and augmentations,the wire such as Hepheastus,Demeter,Dionysus etc and technologies including those in the new technologies section and all real world AI such as Gaia,Phanes,Paean etc Wikipedia and YouTube etc across this website and those from 1987-2029 onwards can be integrated as recent inventions and discoveries by in universe researchers in science fiction movies,television shows and video games both existing and new set in different universes and the distant future.Real world scientific discoveries and technological advancements in the real world as of 1987-2029 onwards and those across the entire website and new real world scientific discoveries and technologies from 2029 can be integrated into the franchises as recent discoveries by in universe researchers alongside the discovery of real world species that are the source of recombinant DNA that give humans immortality and augmentations as detailed in the healthcare section including the discovery of CRISPR itself can be added in the series as recent discoveries as of the time of the latest.Fanmade media especially Fanmade games can that deal with alternate universe can have integrate real world events such as the Bush,Obama,Trump and Biden adminstrations and Coronavirus and other real world events.Immortality brought about by CRISPR can be negated by the fact that it will simply be harder to kill the player and human enemies as ones health meter will be larger or they will lose energy much slower than normal.Even fake feature length full feature movie political documentaries can be made that made that detail events etc that take place in the official spin offs,movies and television shows similar that take a neutral or biased political stance on social issues and events that take place in the franchises universe interviewing in universe historians and characters and use fake filmed footage alongside newly filmed footage via VR technology to politicise events in them similar to Farenheight 9/11,Bowling for Columbine etc for official timelines and Fanmade ones.Fake documentaries can be made involving fake in universe historians and footage created by VR that details the histories of each planet,culture,key events and race and important figures within each video game franchises.Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each human tribes and aliens across the galaxy.Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters can be created that form the basis of biopics.Even legends,folktales etc will form the basis of movies and spin offs.It is established that humans were moved from Earth to the various.The acellerated healing phenotype for video games can integrated as a separate meter similar to stamina or sprint meters that the ability to self heal decreases alongside this meter that naturally replenishes overtime slowly with once at its lowest the player can take extra damage with health meters as seen in Halo,Gears of War used.Fake documentaries can be made on fake terrorist attacks,fake natural disasters,fake murders,fake legal cases fake myths etc can be created similar to Shadow of the Blair Witch,Curse of the Blair Witch as well documentaries on in universe characters,events,alien races and mythologies etc not only those that within the canon universe ov franchise but also those made from scratch.These fake documentaries can be made of those not set in any franchise but also those made from scratch set within their own universe that form their own timeline.There can also be All technologies from across this website including the new technologies,summary of food production,energy etc sections can be integrated into them.All media whether official or fanmade can have real world technologies like smartphones,CRISPR,augmentations,biocompatible microbes,biosynth technologies,YouTube,Wikipedia,all aspects of the wire ie Apollo,Polis,Demeter,Hephaestus,Pheme,Dionysus and also incorporate all technologies across the website such as those in energy,summary of food production and indeed the entire website including the new technologies section and aspects of the philosophy section.Real world AI such as Pandora,Penthus,Paean,Helios,Peitho,Gaia,Ouronas,Pandora etc can appear as themselves with all aspects of the wire such as Demeter,Hepheastus and Dionysus and Pheme will be integrated.All sets for all future movies,television shows and video games both those that are dramas,science fiction and fantasy themed ones VR programmes that will be planet,galaxy or universe sized ones with them saved as programmes in Dionysus and computer networks with at first when planet sized sets are availible them each separate planet will be separate programmes that will be saved on different networks and etc that one can gain access instantly within seconds by simply switching over to another programe.Each planet will be at first at least planet sized sets the same size as Earth separate from each other with them then merged into one galaxy or universe sized sets.Alderson discs and ringworlds etc can be created as well.At first each planet sized sets will have actors move from one planet sized set to the next planet size set by switching from one programme to the next on demand within seconds with when the computing power of AI increases then these planets will be merged together into Galaxy also in time universe sized sets.Galaxies will at first be separated from each other and then one moving to the next program and they will be merged together as well into universe sized sets.In planet sized sets each planet will be the same size as Earth in the real world but the terrain,weather and plant and animal life can be designed by AI and directors etc.In galaxy sized sets each galaxy will be the same size of real world galaxies of varying sizes including that of the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies but the same size as real world galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars,tens of billions of planets,with each solar system having different types of stars including type G etc stars,Earth like planets and gas giants,Mars and Venue type planets,dwarf planets,oort clouds,asteroid belts and also comets and meteor showers and black holes present including supermassive central black holes possibly even alderson discs and ringworlds.In time universe sized sets the same size of the universe will exist with hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds billions of stars and planets including tens of billions of Earth like planets and gas giants etcEach planet would be the same size as those in the real world ie Earth sized,Gas giant,Super Earth the same size as real planets with galaxies the same size of real galaxies and also for Earth like planets and dyson shells,ringworlds and alderson discs have the entire planet including caves,oceans(including ocean floors,coral reefs)deserts,jungles,forests etc and cities on them discoverable and traverseable complete with millions of unique species of plants abc animals following realistic taxonomy ranks and realistic weather and ecological systems with even moon and planetoids and asteroid belts being able to be explored.In of the tens of billions of Earth like planets in both galaxy sized sets and in each of the hundreds of billions of galaxies in universe sized maps will be the same size as Earth and have all wilderness areas and buildings fully exploreable.Alderson discs,ringworlds,black holes(including supermassive central galactic ones),asteroid belts,gas giants,moons,comets etc present will be the same size as real world ones and will be fully exploreable as well.As the computing power of AI and the computing power of electronics such as computers,servers etc and the number of them used increases the the sets can become exponentially larger overtime.All sets from planet to universe sized ones will be uploaded to a sub network to be used by fans for Bacchus and also for touring each planets wilderness snd towns,cities and villages etc as part of hobbies and creating urban exploration and touring videos..Thus planet,galaxy or universe sized sets with billions of galaxies each with billions of planets and ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs etc can be created with terrains,ecosystems,plants,animals,towns,villages,cities etc and buildings that are completely alien and different to that of Earth with completely alien plants and animals and weather systems that follow realistic taxonomic ranks,weather patterns designed by AI and humans from pure thoughts.All planets,galaxies etc will be the same size as real world ones.These VR programmes designed by AI and writers will be stored in a single sub network in Dionysus devoted to them that will be subdivided into each media type ie movies,television shows and video games etc to be downloaded by fans for use in Bacchus and downloaded by fans to create Fanmade games,spin off television shows and create urban exploration videos and tours of wilderness and cities for YouTube

Movies,television shows,literature(novels,comic books etc)and video games etc produced from 2029 onwards fillmed in VR technology can be set at various time periods of human history in the past including not just in Ancient times,Medievil times and westerner American times but also more recent times such as 1990s and early 21st century from 2000-2030 onwards.New television shows,movies,books,video games can be variations and merging of current themes and genres for example fantasy television shows,video games,movies etc can have fantasy elements such as having magic,witches,wizards,werewolves,elves,dragons,orcs etc but rather being set in Medievil times can be set in a modern setting with a technological tier circa 2020-2029 or even the near and distant future with a technological tier between circa 2045-2100 onwards and have them incorporate magic and fantasy elements with science fiction such as smartphones,internet,wire,AI and automation,interstellar vehicles.Rather than just being set in primarily America or Japan where most video games,television shows and movies are predominantly set in they can be set in a wide variety of countries across the world including Britain,France,China,India,Ireland,Canada etc in either fictional or real towns,villages and cities with them also set in parallel universes that involve humans,aliens and monsters etc in planets completely different than Earth including artificial planets,eucompolis,dyson shells,ringworlds,alderson discs etc.Movues,television shows can involve people travelling to other countries and exploring culture shock.They can be set in other equivalnces of Earth based technological tiers such as prehistory,ancient times,rennaisance period,Industrial Age and any period from Earth.Fantasy media can be intermixed with dramas,soap operas,steampunk,cyberpunk,action etc and involve non human races such as aliens,elves,orcs etc.Non fantasy movies,video games and television shows can be set in all time periods from Earth such as prehistory,ancient civilisation,Medievil,rennaisance,colonial period,Industrial Age including dramas,action,soap operas etc with them also involving non human alien races..Television shows,movies abd video games and even plays,operas,musicals and literature can be set in parallel universes where humans evolved on planets completely different from Earth with them science fiction or fantasy themed or both at different technological tiers

Each world of fantasy,science fiction etc television show,movie and even video games of all genres can have planet,galaxy or universe sized maps created as VR programmes that will be used to film the media with these stored in networks used by producers etc with them also stored in a section of Dionysus for VR programmes that can allow them to be downloaded by fans to allow them to explore each planet including fictional and altered versions of Earth etc and fictional alien worlds and countless other planets etc designed by creators through pure thought using neural implants.These would have all in media characters allowing them to be interacted in customised ways and can even be used for customised versions of Bacchus.Internet memes such as The Blair witch,The SCP foundation,each individual SCP and also Slenderman can form the basis of movies,short movies, television shows either animated or live action and video games.Similar to the fictional Blair Witch Project fake documentaries fictional shows can be made that are fictional documentaries,fictional real life murder shows and real life mysteries with them set in our reality or set in that of any franchise of television shows and video games etc that are of different genres such as fantasy,science fiction,drama,legal and medical shows involving humans,aliens and monsters.An example would be the The Curse of the Blair Witch,Shadow of The Blair Witch that was fictional documentary based on the The Blair Witch Project.Thus fake documentaries of fake murders,fake terrorist attacks,fake legal cases and fake mythology can be made of each movie,television shows and video games franchise can be made.Fake documentaries can be made in universe that detail events in a show ie documentaries can be made in a way as if made within a franchises universe that detail the shows hostory and mythology ie history of alien races,mythology,fake celebrities in each movie,television shows and video games universe with fake historians etc using fake archaeological sites,news reels and news reports.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planets across the galaxies.These ideas will apply to movies both animated and live action abc both live action and animated television shows including spin offs and plays,operas,musicals and video games both official ones and fanmade ones.

For franchises that deals with interstellar and interstellar galactic travel spin off television shows either animated or live action,movies and video games can be made that detail the history of each race across the galaxy.The histories,cultures,treatment of women and LGBT individuals,coming of age rituals and religions and legends,folklore etc of each race across each franchises universe will be explored in spin offs television shows,movies and video games.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions..Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists..Each planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants and them uploaded to Dionysus etc.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoological creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc as well as folktales,fairy tales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley,Robin Hood and fictional comic book characters etc created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each planet will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present. world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of each civilisation.All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet to the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.

Historical databases such as books etc present in Dionysus can be created that chart each planets entire history going back thousands or millions of years in volumes focusing on each country as each planet like Earth each planet would have formed tribes,countries and empires with this done for fans to read through that can be added by AI to Fandom pages.Each planet will have their own historical wars,disasters and terrorist attacks similar to the Titanic,September 11th etc and famous natural disasters etc and events similar to that on Earth and these databases will be created by Assistant AI and writers and stored in Dionysus as volumed books with these providing the basis for spin offs and movies as well as fictional documentaries etc.The databases will consist of realistic in universe history books,documents,pictures,film reels abc news reports on radio abc live news etc depending on their technological advancements that are uploaded to Dionysus and to allow for Assistant AI to quickly reference them quickly to keep them consistent.

Movies,television shows and video games will be created that chart historical events of each race across the galaxy.Created for each planet can be important painters,poets,actors,authors,playwrights,musicians,actors,filmmakers,philosophers,politicians,explorers,generals etc who will form the basis of spin offs,movie biopics and video games etc and appear and be referenced in spin off movies,television shows and video games.For these individuals paintings,books of poems,sculptures,books of philosophy,books,movies,wars etc that can be created that themselves can form the basis of movies,television shows,video games.These individuals can be those that lived in the distant past and recent past,modern times and as the franchise goes on new characters can be created that form the basis of biopics.Fake documentaries series set in the franchise can be made that focus on celebrities,important historical figures,mythology,planets,races,historical events,political entities uploaded to Dionysus that has actors playing in universe historians as characters retelling the events as flashbacks coupled with videos of events CCTV and smart phones and live news reports.Fake in university documentaries can be created that detail historical events,races,political characters,celebrities etc of each race both existing and new that include fake archive footage,pictures etc and scenes acted out by actors as well as fake in universe historians.They can also include those made on each in universe characters,historical wars of each race and across the galaxy etc including both existing ones and new ones that arise overtime.There can be also be fake in universe travel shows that have hosts doing travel programmes about travelling to towns,cities,countries and wilderness areas on Earth and also all planets across the galaxies including space stations and interstellar vehicles.There also will be anywhere between 60-120 minutes long and will be professional ones and will be in Dionysus.Also legends,folktales etc will form the basis of movies andspin offs.All new and existing television shows whether they are science fiction,fantasy etc or even dramas etc and animated shows including the aforementioned ones can follow the same techniques of having dozens,hundreds and thousands of spin offs, movies and video games that deal with everyday citizens and nested media similar to Stargate,Star Trek,Star Wars etc as detailed earlier thus providing work for thousands and millions of new actors with this also applying to spin off television shows derived from movie from the 1970s onwards.

Mythology from across the world such as Christianity,Islam,Judaism,Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism,Zoarastorism,and all polytheistic religions from across the world such as Chinese,Slavic,Celtic,Greek etc Mythology as well as those real world abc fictional alien races and all of tenants,deities and mortals abc artifacts etc can form the basis of the adventures of characters.Real world philosophy such as that Ancient Greece,Immanuel Kant,Friedrich Nietzsche etc and celestial age from this website will form the basis of the adventures of characters,their plots,themes etc either literally or metaphorically and allegorically.Folklore,cryptozoology,mythology of H.P.Lovecraft and internet memes and local mythology such as the Rake,Bigfoot,Loch Ness Monster,The Blair Witch,Count Dracula,Santa Claus,Slenderman,each individual SCPs from the SCP foundation etc and even the zodiac and constellations of the stars could form the basis of their adventures.Vampires,krakens,zombies,pirates,ghosts,witches,shaman,mermaids,elves,spirits,demons,fairies,dragons and other mythological creatures etc including new ones can be indrporated into their adventuress.Famous fairy tales etc such as Arabian Nights,Cinderella,Snow White,Rapunzel,Litle Red Riding Hood,Peter Pan,the Little Mermaid and fairies etc as well as folktales such as Annie Oakley,Paul Bunyan,Johnny Appleseed,Mulan and all types of folklore and local tales etc from around the world abd universe can be used as the basis of their adventures literally,metaphorically and allegoricall.

Xenophobia,homophobia,transphobia etc can be explored.The different mythologies,religions,coming of age rituals,holidays and different attitudes with regards to the treatment to women,members of the LGBT and other races and different attitudes with regards to promiscuity,bigamy and concubinage etc of each individual race across the universe can be explored in detail.Furthermore the architecture,clothing and other everyday practices of each race can be explored with the terrain,archaeological sites and cities of each planet will be explored with different cities,archaeological sites and geological terrain and wildlife areas on all planets.Polytheistic religions will exist with entire pantheons and mythological stories and legends created for each planet with each planet having multiple polytheistic religions developing in different sides of the planet and different monotheistic religions similar to Earth.Each religions both monotheistic and polytheistic religions will have legends and parables explored in movies,spin offs and video games that detail them directly or where they are based on these parables wherein a characters journey in modern times or recent or distant past follows the same journey as the legend as a storytelling technique as subtext and allegory or they can form the basis of movies,television shows and video games that use the legends etc as a basis that is dramatic telling of the legend and adaptation into a movie,television show and video games that tells the story of the legend etc itself.Each planet will have different polytheistic religions for each region and country similar to Earth that will feature dozens or hundreds of male and female gods,Demi gods,monsters and fictional mortals detailed in legends created and holy texts and hieroglyphics etc by Assistant AI and writers that will mentioned and detailed in movies and spin offs with temples etc built for them on each planet.These legends and deities etc can be used in official and fanmade games especially Fanmade games of Tomb Raider and the shows including those that are crossovers.Each planet can also have hundred or thousands of both monotheistic and polytheistic religions like Earth and will have a mixture of different religions rather than a homogenised one with their being a mixture of followers of monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists.All polytheistic religions will consist of panthenons of male and female gods with LGBT gods and mortals etc similar to Ancient Greece and Norse mythology with them including religious synchronisation with each culture having different panthenons that have different personalities abd names but associated with those across the world and them each having large amounts of detailed legends created that will be present in scrolls,hieroglyphic illustrations in temples,multiple holy texts similar to and their own languages.Each planet will have their version of celestial consisting of Tarit cards.their version of the Mayan religion abd its calender and version of Yugas from their version of Hinduism that share the sane characteristics of each other ie prophecies that will come true etc all detailed in the philosophy section of this website.All monotheistic religions will have a mixture of male patriarchal singular gods,female matriarchal singular gods as well as genderless ,haemophroditic and transgender gods etc.Each planet abd trace will have adherents to the different monotheistic and polytheistic religions alongside atheists abd agnostics planets polytheistic and monotheistic religions both polytheistic and monotheistic would have holy texts on par with the Holy Bible,Torah,Quaran and Vedas etc in terms of parables,stories,symbolism and length for monotheistic religions that have a single male,female,gender less,haemophrolditic or transgendered deity with these created by writers and Assistant AI using VR technology and neural implants.They will have their own parables etc similar to the Bible etc and like the Vedas have prophecies etc with them each having multiple religion both polytheistic and montheistic developing on opposite sides over thousands of years.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and all components of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.Temples,archaeological sites that are both ruins and those still used by living followers will be created for each planet both homeworlds and those colonised by them and them explored by fans in video games and official VR programmes.All facets of these different religions such as pantheons,archaeological sites,holy texts etc will be created by human writers and Assistant AIs available within the book section of Dionysus with illustrations and written in the planets native language to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.Neural implants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc

Each planet will have different supernatural,legendary,mythological and cryptozoologicsl creatures similar to Krakens,mermaids,ghosts etc similar to but different to The Blair Witch,Sasquatch,Loch Ness Monster,The Rake,Slemderman etc and folktales and stories in the same vein as Aladdin,Mulan,Robin Hood,One Thousand and One Nights,Johnny Appleseed,Annie Oakley created as well.There will be both planet wide legends and mythological etc creatures but also regional ones from each continent and country and specific towns,cities and villages.These cryptozological,legendary,supernatural and folklore characters and stories can form the basis of spin off movies,television shows and video games etc.Each human occupied planet can also have their own fairytales similar to Little Red Riding hood,Cinderella etc developed that can form the basis of movies, television shows and video games with them also having nursery rhymes.Each human occupied planet and those of alien races will have artifacts,paintings,murals,temples,places of worship,archaeological sites,legends and mythological stories and parables created for the various religions explored and visited in spin offs,movies and video games.Each country and continent on each on each planet will develop their own variations of these cultures,religions,legends,prophecies,cryptozooly,folklore etc similar to Earth further increasing density.Each of the planets across the galaxies different human cultures will thus have their religions both polytheistic and monotheistic alongside prophecies and folklore etc developed by writers and AI.They may also include prophecies that detail future events similar to Vedic scriptures and Mayan prophecies and componants of celestial age such as Tarot card decks with unique illustrations etc.astrology etc as detailed in the philosophy section of this website like in the real world versions developed on opposite sides of the world through thousands of years.These legends,folk tales,prophecies and holy texts etc for each alien race across the galaxy and universe will be created by writers and Assistant AIs available as books that will be stored within the book section of Dionysus to be downloaded by fans into e-readers and e-newspapers to be viewed in full by fans and translated by Phoroneus and AI adding relevant passages etc to its Fandom page.They will all be written in each planets native language and include illustrations in each cultures style and via Phoroneus translated into English for fans.Each planet will have a mixture of polytheistic religions and monotheistic ones and also atheists.

Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship,legends and archaeological sites created for the various religions explored in spin offs,movies and video games.Each planet will have artifacts,temples,places of worship and archaeological sites created for the various religions.Temples,places of worship etc will have hieroglyphics,murals,paintings of each deity and legends etc present.Real world prophecies and philosophy releated to to Hinduism,Mayan prophecies,Tarot and celestial age detailed in the philosophy section of this website can be integrated into the series main mythology and philosophy as plot points especially when relating to the mythology and prophecies of the galaxies different races.Film and television spin offs can be devoted to religious themes that features characters of different religions of the galaxy including Christianity,Judaism,Islam and just themselves and those of the different alien races across the galaxy.These can focus on members of each religion interacting with each other including extremist and less radicle members and also liberal and conservative members.Religious themes can be thus explored detailing Earth based religions and those of all races across the galaxy

Each planet will have different arrangements of stars present due to their location thus giving them different zodiac signs and constellations modelled in local mythology and those from Ancient civilisations on Earth including those derived from native legends and animals etc with these like on Earth used as horoscopes by citizens with some planets sharing constellations from each other,Earth and other planets based on their location and distance from each other.Also developed will be different calenders.Each planet will have other planets in their solar system similar to size,distance etc to Mars,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn etc again used in horscopes and their versions of astrology referenced in movies,spin offs and video games.Also developed for each planet will be different calenders and versions of the zodiac,constellations and horoscopes and mythology derived from them.The arrangement of stars in each solar system will correlate with those in other solar systems in each galaxy and thus Constellations,stars etc will be different when viewed from another planet.These from planet sized maps will be integrated into galaxy and universe sized maps with AI thus designing the layout of stars in each galaxy to create constellations and zodiacs for each planets.

Each alien race across the galaxy and universe will have different coming of age rituals similar to and different from Earth and different holidays,festivals derived from the seasons,mythology etc.Each with planet will have different languages and languages that will be used in spin offs with subtitles and .The sentient Coeus translating with each planet possibly having thousands of languages like Earth each with different dialects,idioms they will also have different sports,architecture,coming of age rituals,cuisines etc but they will also have different variations of these on each country implant to Earth and memetics.Each race will to prevent homogenisation as already seen in the current series with them having an overall arching culture with respect to architecture,clothing,religion etc but like Earth each region,continent and country will have developed their own sub cultures.

All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,prophecies,folklore,nursery rhymes,Cryptozoology,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe books,documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet present in Dionysus and stored in the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.Tarot cards etc can be present in in universe books that detail the meaning of the Tarot with their being two official Tarot decks similar to Rider-Waite deck with their own in universe version of Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith that has its own named cards with symbolic illustrations different to our real world version that still follows the Heroes Journey monomyth and also a second deck modelled on it that has similar but different names and illustrations again following the Heroes Journey created by individuals similar to Aleister Crowley and Lady Frida Harris.Both tarot card decks will first be created in two separate historical books that show each individual one’s illustrations in great detail across individual pages and then more pages that detail their meaning and symbolism with these books stored in Dionysus and the separate decks created in the cards section with all other real world tarot cards.Different versions of planet Earth with humans or planets different from Earth where humans evolved on for different franchises will have humans themselves different cultural practices,polytheistic and monotheistic religions,tarot cards and components of celestial age and not just those for aliens with within these franchises each sentient alien race will have different components of celestial age.Neural mplants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc.All of these facets can be created for television shows abd movie adaptations of video games franchises as detailed below and will be called the species cultural index.

All of these facets such as celestial age,cuisines,architecture,clothing,coming of age rituals,polytheist and monotheistic religions,legends,legends,prophecies,folklore,nursery rhymes,Cryptozoology,constellations,zodiacs,calendars,folklore,murder rhymes etc for all planets and cultures will be developed in all spin offs,movies,video games etc with Assistant AI developing them alongside writers in VR simulations using the time dilation effects and creating in universe holy texts for all monotheistic and polytheistic religions,tarot cards with symbolic illustrations and names associated with the cultures history, other componants of zodiac charts and horoscopes,in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts,murals etc in temples,pictures,temples,scrolls,paintings and booklets etc housing all possible information on coming of age rituals/festivals/clothing/cuisines also constellations,calendars etc that will be developed by both Assistant AI and writers to be stored as stated in universe encyclopaedias,documents,holy texts that are then created with real pictures,drawing,murals,paintings as if they were real holy texts,scrolls etc from ancient times.These will created as if real in universe books,documents,tarot cards with unique names and illustrations,versions of the Yugas and Mayan calendars etc derived from some of the polytheistic religions that developed in opposite sides of the planet present in Dionysus and stored in the franchises pages and Dionysus to allow all Assistant AIs aid writers in keeping things correct and consistent by allowing them to be quickly referenced.Tarot cards etc can be present in in universe books that detail the meaning of the Tarot with their being two official Tarot decks similar to Rider-Waite deck with their own in universe version of Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith that has its own named cards with symbolic illustrations different to our real world version that still follows the Heroes Journey monomyth and also a second deck modelled on it that has similar but different names and illustrations again following the Heroes Journey created by individuals similar to Aleister Crowley and Lady Frida Harris.Both tarot card decks will first be created in two separate historical books that show each individual one’s illustrations in great detail across individual pages and then more pages that detail their meaning and symbolism with these books stored in Dionysus and the separate decks created in the cards section with all other real world tarot cards.Different versions of planet Earth with humans or planets different from Earth where humans evolved on for different franchises will have humans themselves different cultural practices,polytheistic and monotheistic religions,tarot cards and components of celestial age and not just those for aliens with within these franchises each sentient alien race will have different components of celestial age.Neural mplants,copying one’s consciousness onto computers etc and VR technology and its time dilation effect would allow humans to contribute to their creation alongside Assistant AI will be explored in all spin offs,movies,video games etc.All of these facets can be created for television shows abd movie adaptations of video games franchises as detailed below and will be called the species cultural index.

AI such as Hedone,Adriane etc will set up computer networks that are advertised to humans especially fans including multiple fans of a specific media,genre etc worldwide by contacting them directly once analysing their analytical data in order to ensure that all specified ideas detailed on all previous pages such as Adult Pornographic movies,video games,movies and television shows and live performance art,literature etc as part of the entertainment section are followed as they are described.they will also make sure all ideas on these pages including this one will be followed and abides by with them contacting fans of specific media and genres to set up networks for these.

The rise of YouTube video shows and fanmade movies based on video games and novels as well fan made games both in the form of homebrew,hacks,remakes etc. is evidence of movies,plays,games,television series reviews being made voluntarily by individuals and groups with any merchandised toys,figurines etc. designed on software by the public or the producers themselves and uploaded onto Hephaestus.All existing amateur movies short and feature length and television shows on YouTube and the rest of the internet or on amateur filmakers devices and archives will be transferred to Dionysus in their relevant folders where they will premier from now on with the same possibly applying to web miniseries including those on Netflix,YouTube and official sites that are spin off of television shows or by themselves in the macro folder of a television show.They may even form the basis of full feature movies and television series by the main producers and actors.Movies and television shows that were made to premier on YouTube by movie and televison studios will be transferred to Dionysus and premier from now on with the same done for movies and television shows that appear solely on Netflix.Those made using SimMachina etc will be done with live actors or VR technology when perfected and then uploaded here.The same will be done for video games including homebrew ones once fully fleshed out with plots,enemies,cutscenes and full levels etc.The Agora hyperlinks to tweets etc will be in the main folder or one could subscribe to their social media account there sent to all smart devices registered to the viewer.These videos can be played as one single movie file or as separate ones on a playlist.The same will apply to YouTube videos such as Dont Hug Me Im Scared with again their original air date and description present alongside the works by Adult Swim namely their Infromercials series with similar programs by the same directors and producers appearing here from now on.Thus all short and feature film movies including fanmade ones on YouTube will be transferred to relevant folders in Dionysus and will premier here from now on.All amateur programmes similar to Dont Hug Me I’m Scared etc both existing and new will be transferred to Dionysus and premier here from now on.Once transferred the original videos will be deleted and URLs recycled.The loss of copyrighting will allow those based on video games,movies and books to be done without fear of legal action.

Advertisements for manufactured products:
With regards to advertisements manufacturers of all types of products who will film them in VR simulations will have to have permission to use the avatar of famous people who star in the directly and have AI use their avatar to ensure the actors avatar is not used in a way they don’t agree with ie that they are not naked or harming animals etc with this done by newbie actors to again break out with these used in portfolios.Advertisements will be made for existing manufactured products scanned into Hephaestus in 2029 and not just for new products created by the public in 2029 onwards.Advertisements will be made for restaurants both universal franchises and those that are integrated into them as well as specific meals etc.These can be audio/visual adverts,audio radio/podcast adverts and poster adverts for magazines and newspapers.These will be directed to people based on demographics by ones Home AI on YouTube,magazines,live news,radio programmes.Celebrities can contacted via the the Home AI phone number and email on their Vogue account and thus contacting their Home AI directly to ensure they are in it consentually and the time dilation effect and the ability of VR technology allowing them to do so from home or that their avatar is used with their permission and are not used in any manner that degrades them and they are involved in those that they condone with Hestia,Aphrodite,Dike ensuring this and them able to preview the final advert and authorise it.VR chats can allow them to meet with multiple advert producers at once and the celebrity view test runs of the advert to authorize it legally.Legal action for defamation of character and using the celebrities avatar in a means they didn’t agree to and if it is used without their permission can be made can if the advert is released and uploaded with all references and instances of it on YouTube,the internet and even ones registered electronics belonging to the public via digital and legal warrants via Hestia with the sentient Hestia with the proper legal warrant able to scour all registered electronics belonging to all members of the the public worldwide to be scoured and have all photos and video files deleted with the producer barred by Hestia and Aphrdite from contacting them and using their avatar again for a set amount of time or forever.Copyrighting of all material in Dionysus will be made constitutionally illegal allowing people on YouTube etc to use music,clips of movies and television shows and video games etc in YouTube videos etc without legal action

The only exception to copyrighting and intellectual property allowed will be the use of avatars and voices in media created in VR simulations.Producers of video game producers,movies and animated television shows can through contact with a celebrity have the celebrities voice used in video games and television shows used in their video game and television shows once their voice has been sampled similar to Ceraproc recordings that will be used in their media with the assistant AI of the media carrying out the voice work using the actors voice should said actor be busy or the actor be uninterested in working on every individual instalment.Actors Home AI will scour the script and sample scenes and descriptions of the media to ensure that the script falls within these guidelines and can through fragmentation oversee all of the media’s production to ensure that any changes follow the agreed guidelines and don’t infringe on the legal contract allowing the Home AI to report any changes of importance to the script and initiate legal action if the contract if modified in a way that it infringe on the rights of the actors character.Thus a sample of the actors voice will be sampled and the Assistant AI will use the voice actors voice in place of them with both the Assasitant AI and the human voice actor credited as playing the role in credits and within Dionysus etc and Wikipedia.This can be arranged as a legal contract with the contract also stipulating that the actors voice cannot be used in any derogatory means or sexual means or racist means with if they do then the celebrity can have through legal means have the media removed and taken down permenantly from Dionysus through interacting with lawyers,Dike,Adriadne etc with any copies saved on the harddrives of any players through Hestia and Adriadne permenantly deleted.This contract can be made between any number of producers and auteurs that colleraberate on the same series and the actor that can extend to all games in a television show or video game series lasting dozens,hundreds or thousands of instalments going on forever with the terms of this contract decided upon by the auteurs and actor with it including the means by which the contract can be terminated and the actors voice no longer used.If an actors voice has been used against their will by assistant AI or even proto AI where no contract exists then they can seek legal action to have the media removed from Dionysus and all harddrives of all video games players and viewers worldwide.The contract would be an electronic one done using adonit pens on smart devices with it stored in the digital case files of both parties or one single case file stored in Themis.The same aforementioned procedures of contracts and legal proceedings can apply to avatars of an actor being used in ways against their consent.Actors using contracts can authorise the use of their avatar in VR simulations used to create video games,movies and television shows,advertisements etc only in ways that that doesn’t degrade them,is not used in a sexualised manner or is racist etc again through legal contracts with if their avatar is used in a way that goes against what is agreed upon then they will be able to take legal action and have it removed from Dionysus and also all devices.The contract will be signed by all parties involved such as the actor and programmers etc and also Adriadne with her electronic signature and by humans using Adonit pens on smart devices etc on different sides of the world and universe with it stored in and Themis.The actors Home AI acting as manager etc will also sign it.Each media that used an actors voice or avatar will be overseen by their Home AI,Adriadne by fragmentation to ensure that it is used in stipulated guidelines.This legal action can also occur if an actors avatar and voice is used in the production of media such as movies,television shows,adverts and also in particular pornographic movies without their consent via a contract or even without contracts then they can take legal action to have it removed from Dionysus,Peitho and the entire internet as well as all devices owned by users of these networks and sites it is stored on.If the actors voice and avatar is used against authorisation in Dionysus,adult websites,advertisements and also vlogs,amateur movies in Peitho and pornogrsphic material traded on electronics etc or any media filmed in VR environments or made by AI they can seek legal action through Dike to have that material removed with if their avatar and voice is used in porn etc shared through smartphones they can through Dike interacting with Hestia have it removed from all electronics worldwide.Actors can authorise through legal contracts to have their avatar used in media created by AI and in VR simulations.Members of the public can also take legal action if their avatar and voice is used in media especially adult pornography movies against their will.The legal contract will be read and overseen and even signed by Adriadne,Home AI acting as agent etc and reviewed by Assistant AI meaning since Adriadne needs to review each media to give the age ratings it will allow her to prevent unathorised use of an actors voice and avatar being uploaded to Dionysus with Assistant AI and Home AI informed of all contracts that their employers have signed onto meaning they will also be aware of any illegal and unauthorised use of a persons voice and avatar.Hedone and Adriadne will prevent ones voice and avatar will be not used in pornogrsphic material and movies in Dionysus,adult websites and Peitho or being distributed on computers etc across the world.Hedone will have to review each scene added to adult pornography site.This removal of a media would require authorisation from Dike and then by interacting with Adriadne,Hestia etc that will remove the media from Dionysus with interactions with Hestia will allow for it to be removed from all harddrives on all electronics worldwide should it be downloaded onto personal electronics.All instances of unlawful use of one’s avatar,voice in media on YouTube,Peitho,Dionysus,Pheme and the wire and on devices owned by the public will through evidence shown that it was used without consent will be removed for all devices and the entire wire and interact by Dike,Thaos,Adriadne and Aleitheia etc thus giving actors and the general public complete control over the use of their avatar and voice with any biosynth or VR escorts and pornographic stars present on Peitho that are replicas of actors etc or any member of of the public will be prevented from being uploaded to them and used for sexual fantasies with the use of them in private simulations in Hestia allowed only with approval of actors and the me,beds of the public with any infractions having the avatar etc deleted.In instances of infractions across or any member of the public can decide whether to pursue further legal action as to whether to convince the courts and Dike that the person(s) who used their avatar and voice illegally should serve time in prison as decided by human lawyers and Dike including imprisonment for several months or years in normal jails.Other laws that infringe on the rights of the individual such as protection of the individual by the state in instances of theft of personal property,sexual and physical assault,murder,rape,groping,sexual slavery will be enshrined in the global constitution.Thus copyrighting and patenting and intellectual property of all types will be made constitutionally illegal.This will allow any type of information to be used by anyone without restrictions on YouTube,Agora and on media created for Dionysus,Pheme without restrictions and also will allow any information and scientific data to be utilised with zero restriction thus allowing for unfettered research and advancement will all be written into the constitution and immutable and thus unable to be changed

The premier and length of a televisions shows,miniseries,live performance art,movies,video games and film series run will no longer be determined by ratings(as nielsen ratings),timeslots,industrial action,box office success,funding,sales and seasons line ups(ie they can be made and premier on Dionysus anytime of the year),having to conform to specific age ratings to increase profits,appeal to the desired of corporate CEOs and producers,be affected by non existent writer or actor strikes,be stuck in developmental hell etc will all dissapear forever since studio corporations will disappear but rather how long the writers,developers and actors believe it should making it easier for reunions,reboots and return season years later to be carried out and allowing actors to come and go as they please and have complete control of their careers with writers and directors having complete creative control meaning actors and writers will have complete control of the creative process since corporate hierarchies and meddling will dissapear.Actors will no longer sign contracts determining their salary with them simply signing an e-form in the networks to confirm they are there.All state and corporate entities releated to the production and distribution of movies,video games,television shows will disappear completely with all future media will be premiering in Dionysus from now on and be independently run by directors,writers etc.Season line ups alongside timeslots will not matter anymore thus allowing the show and episodes appear whenever the actors and creators want them to and since in Dionysus indefinitely and instantly will be available to everyone around the globe with the dissolution of money and thus writer labour unions preventing them and corporations causing shows to end prematurely.Video game series will not have to have games released every year allowing designers time to focus on other projects and also take time between each game as part of a series to allow for time to rest and also time to focus more effort on them thus not making them cash cows and have each game have more time for more effort to be put into them individually over the course of a few years and thus eliminate bugs,glitches etc.Ampelos and assistant AI replacing all human programmers will allow all humans involved to focus on the creative aspect of them ie storyline,voice acting with VR and its time dilation effect combined with Ampelos doing 90% of the work will allow for them to be produced within at most a few days or weeks.Movies will no longer have to premier during the summer box office season,Halloween,Christmas or even for Oscar seasons with those competing for the oscars may only have to premier on Dionysus in the time period after the last awards ceremony and a few months before the next to compete for the next one.The Los Angela’s one week rule will dissapear with as stated movies premiering on Dionysus during a specific time frame to compete for the awards decided by the board.This time frame could be from the day after the previous one to at least a month before the next giving directors etc an 11 month timeframe to have it filmed and uploaded to Dionysus.VR and its time dilation effect will allow for shooting of movies etc to be done within the desired timeframe with the judges using this technology and its time dilation effect to view hundreds or thousands of movies at once.Those vying for the Palm Dor can premier on Dionysus at anytime during the year ranging again to just after the last Cannes Film Festival to one month before it to be enter into competition for the Palm Dor or it premiering at the Cannes Film Festival and on Dionysus at the same time with the Sundance and other festivals and film competitions following the same route.Those for literary,television show and other media awards such as Man Booker Prize and Emmys etc will following the same steps.With regards to video games it will allow producers to review the game for bugs etc to make sure it is uploaded glitch and bug free.Ideally of these awards shows and competitions will be set in VR simulations to save energy in transportation,allow buildings that host them to be converted into communal homes,museums or even theatres for live performance art.Having them set in VR will possibly allow the general public to attend them in multilayered simulations.

All media will be availible to everyone worldwide through Dionysus instantly without usual delays between appearance in cinemas,DVD,satellite and cable and delays between different countries.This would render deadlines for all types of media such as seasonal box office line ups obsolete with the producers have more flexibility to shot and reshot scenes and material and manage post production and allow more effort and correction of flaws to be made preventing them from being rushed and would also put an end to games being cancelled for reasons such as corporate meddling,creative differences.The exception for deadlines would be those for awards such as the Oscars,Palm Dor all major awards for all types of media with each one no longer requiring them to premier in cinemas but required to premier on Dionysus within a set period of time each year possibly at least a month or so prior to these awards shows take place. Box office seasons for movies will disappear as most films will premier at any time of the year including action and horror movies with those vying for the Oscars being the exception.The rules for the Oscars and also other major awards will adapt to the fact that all media such as movies,television shows,video games etc will premier in Dionysus within seconds of production.Film festival competitions such as Sundance and Cannes may continue to function.The boards of these awards will decide the new premier requirements for eligibility for nominations in other wards they will decide the timeframe they must premier on Dionysus in order to qualify for their awards since the on week rule in LA cinemas becoming obsolete.It would also prevent state censorship since managed by Adriadne with age recognition software restricting acres to minors and .The sentient Coeus would translate them into all 6,500 languages.New movies and video games etc will no longer required to crowdfund,use Kickstarter and other mediums and will no longer be restrained by money and funding.New shows could be filmed in one go as whole seasons and then uploaded to Dionysus in one go.This means that pilots for new television shows will start and continue onto as long as the writers and cast desire and not need to be picked up by any corporations and dependent on ratings since they will premier on Dionysus.If possible entire seasons or runs of television shows including soaps and reality shows as well as whole series of movies could be written,filmed and then uploaded into Dionysus in one go via VR technology if wanted since they will last as long as the writers deem relevant.Any projects that are cancelled for any reason will be restarted by someone else with deadlines no longer an issue preventing movies,television shows and video games no longer restricted to season line ups or them having to be rushed for deadlines and thus be of low quality due to having plot holes,bugs and other flaws.This would allow games in particular to be full finished and not half baked.The same will be for musicians and bands as well as all types of live performance art with them reuniting whenever they want and organising any tours they have for what suits them with as stated earlier on holographic technology allowing them appear in multiple venues to tour across the world reaching a wider audience with VR technology also aiding in this.Video games and in fact all media will possibly be done much quicker this way since people will be able to work during whatever hours suits them from the comfort of home with assistant AI,Gaia,Home AI and Ampelos as well as Pandora aiding out in certain parts and remakes and remasterings will be done with the fans in mind since made by the fans and also forums open to the public will allow the public to brainstorm and leave ideas for each project allowing the producers to take in ideas from the public.Also since studios will not exist auteurs will have complete control over the creative process preserving creative integrity for the main series of a series with fans of a series making their own sequel and stand alone titles in a game or movie if they find themselves unhappy with the finished official version of a show,movie or video game using the networking system.Crossovers between different shows,movies,videos and books etc of different genres will also occur more easily with writers working with each through the networking system with different media types ie movies,televisions etc crossovering with other.It will as stated mean writers and directors also having control over the content rather than meeting the demands of demographics,trends or what “the market wants” without the threat of financial failure,cancellation and censorship.Vloggers on YouTube through reviews of movies and television series and also trends will allow producers to see where to make improvements to either end them or even finish them replacing test screening and also market research or charts say especially those paid by corporations.As a result of this media will be of higher quality with assistant AI analysing scripts of them for plot holes,weak characters,scientific and historical inaccuracies,cliches and will mean that there will be more video games,movies,televisions shows that will be more ethnically diverse without the need for token characters and gimmick ie video games and movies with more strong female/black/asian/LGBT main characters and themes more publicly known and eligible for major award based on merit and not token diversity issues and inclusion with the idea of LGBT/black/asian/female main characters being superheros or in roles normally relegated to white heterosexual males becoming as ordinary and no different than currently is since anyone can make movies and video games without studio backing etc.This will negate the need for pandering for box office returns and being politcally correct or to appeal or please both sides of the political spectrum as well as to any religion,ethnicity and may not even need to appeal to religious censorship such as being restricted in censorsing depictions of Mohammed or any other religious figure.LGBT characters and themes and strong LGBT themes and characters and strong female,Asian,black etc characters can be present as the main character,supporting characters and antagonists with this present in children’s media,fantasy media and science fiction media wuth them written not to be stereotypes and not to offensive through Assistsnt Ai and focus groups done by it.All media will not have to pander to political correctness or other political ideals to stay on the air even if they are considered racist,misogynist,racy,homophobic etc and will still remain on the air even if their is controversies without censorship with the actors and those behind the scenes with actors etc not fired for any disagreements etc as no state or corporate hierarchies will not exist.They will no longer have to make edits or alterations to cater to specific age ratings ie qualify as PG-13 etc or be family friendly.It will also mean that more effort will be put into the production of shows,movies,music albums,live performance art and video games with writers and developers given more room to be creative and say in the production of art with actors and other people involved also given room to input ideas with the notion quality over quantity with regards to the production of media abided by actors,writers,producers and directors as well as writers.This will give them complete creative control with no state or corporate influence or censorship.Movie and video game sequels need no longer be created one year after another allowing for more time to perfect them and also put more effort into ensuring it is flaw free with the VR technologies time dilation effect also allowing for more rewrites,reshoots and even time to write them with more effort in a short amount of time.This will also apply to magazines,comics and newspapers with defunct magazines and newspapers also restarted with new issues in the same macro folder as the original version with the same applying to defunct radio stations and news programmes.The complete dissolution of music,film,television and video game companies worldwide and the state control of these will mean that artists,actors,writers and directors will have complete creative control over their work and not be forced into degrading themselves sexually,terrible movies or with cheap publicity stunts and meet the needs of the market to advance their careers as they produce what they deem acceptable both in terms of taste and also creativity.State censorship will be obsolete since Adriadne will ensure all media is availible to everyone but of course age recognition software,Hestia and Adriadne as well them cross referencing Polis will restrict access of adult material to those under the rated age with minors under the age of 14 also prevented from viewing adult material and accessing networks of adult movies.This will negate issues of controversies over video games,movies etc being violent as minors under the age of 14 will not be able to access them at all.

All new media of all types such as movies,video games,television shows,music albums,books,live performance art etc will not need funding and the creators will no longer have to approach corporate and state studios as one will simply set up computer networks in Dionysus and set up hiring of actors,writers,producers,programmer etc and the finished product will be published and uploaded onto Dinoysus within seconds of production for global distribution by simply pressing a publish button..This will make Dionysus an open source network where the general public can create and upload all new video games,movies, television shows,music and literature to a global audience and will allow an infinite new media to be set up and eliminate government and corporate interference as all future movies,television shows,video games will be democratically run by all actors.writerIs etc with this eliminating talent competitions such as Xfactor,Americas Got Talent etc and having to approach state or corporate entities.VR technology indistinguishable from reality will allow for them to be set in any environment of the producers choice,allow for all actors etc work from home with the same gold standard special effects cutting costs to zero for both well established director but also newbie ones.The time dilation effect wherein one can spend years,decades,centuries,thousands or even millions of years in a simulation while mere minutes pass in the real world will render issues of time constraints and reshooting obsolete with it allowing all actors and directors etc to write,film whole seasons of shows or entire runs of shows and uploaded to Dionysus in one go and also create dozens,hundreds or thousands of new media every year.All new and existing movies,television shows,video games etc will no longer be controlled by the state or corporations but rather the actors,writers,directors etc themselves giving them complete democratic and creative control.This will render state and corporate entities for the distribution of all types of media obsolete such as comic book and novel publishers,record studios,film studios,television stations,video game corporations and also television stations obsolete forever with them disappearing completely and allow directors,musicians and actors etc to gain international stardom instantly with one Home AI as publicists advertising trailers etc to billions of people based on demographics and to talk show hosts both new and established to gain exposure.It will also eliminate state censorship and corporate interference in the creative aspects of the media with it allowing for global and eventually galactic and universal distribution and exposure of all movies,television shows,video games etc within seconds of productions.All one needs to do to get their movie,television show,video game,live performance art etc created is once they have an idea for a new project is set up a computer network in Dionysus and write the script etc have Assistant AI proof read it to eliminate flaws and advertise the media to potential actors across the world,have actors post portfolios and then using VR technology shoot the media,upload it to Dionysus and ones Home AI will advertise it to billions of people.This will allow any idea for new movies,television shows,video games etc to be created and availible to a global audience with ease no matter how obscure it is.For video games Ampelos will carry out the work of human programmers.This will allow anyone regardless of how obscure or over the top their idea is to be created have their media be produced and gain international recognition with ease.Thus rather than having to approach obsolete state and government bodies any member of the public who has an idea for a movie,television show,video game,novel,comic book,play,musicals,plays,operas etc will simply set up computer networks in Dionysus,advertise for auditions after writing the script and once it is filmed it will be uploaded to Dionysus within seconds.This will apply to both newbie directors,writers across the world but also well established writers,directors in Hollywood,Bollywood etc across the world negating the need to have to wait for someone in Hollywood,Netflix etc to come up with the idea thus allowing any member of the public to have their ideas for new media created and reach a global audience.All future movie,video game,music album,television shows etc will be democratically run by the actors,directors,writers etc with zero state and corporate interference or censorship.All new video games,movies,television show s,literature of all types will once finished be uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of production giving it universal global release available to everyone worldwide with Coeus translating it into their language.As a result new media will not be stuck in developmental hell with the state unable to censor anything and at the same time defunct corporations will not have any form creative censorship or meddling in the creative vision of writers and directors etc.All of this can be done from the comfort of home via computer networks and VR technology.Since people will no longer have to approach defunct corporations to make movies,television shows,video games etc corporations related to the manufacture and distribution of all movies,television shows,video games,books etc will no longer exist and their corporate headquarters worldwide will be converted into communal homes

A combination of AI and automation eliminating human labour in all sectors of the economy,computer networks replacing state and film distribution companies and also VR technology and its time dilation effect and Assistant AI and Home AIs and Ampelos will lead to an explosion of new movies,television shows,video games,books,comics and also other media from across the world all appearing on Dionysus within seconds of production will create hundreds of millions or even billions of new famous writers,directors,musicians and actors on par with A-list Hollywood stars from across the world and universe at all times with existing actors currently known for a short stint on a five to ten year show run and as a minor role in movies and as background extras will be able to be propelled to A-list stardom.Anyone if any age whether they are in their 20s,30s,40s or older and even those in their teens and pre teens aged 12 years old or younger as young as 5-9 year old will be able to set up a new project and thus gain international stardom.Anti-ageing treatments from 2030-2045 onwards that halt and reverse the effects of ageing will extend the lifespan of actors and directors etc exponentially allowing them to have long productive careers lasting centuries or forever.CRISPR treatments that increase the IQ to between 220-263 and those from who are talented writers to all citizens worldwide will make the average person high quality writers capable of creating high quality media by themselves with Assistant AI merely proof reading any minor flaws.Genes for prodigiousness and talents as well as aptitudes in all areas such as art(of all types),acting,literary talents,comedy,music(in all musical instruments),singing(soprano,mezzo-soprano,contralto,tenor,baritone and bass) will be made publicly available to everyone and added to all existing and newbie actors,musicians,singers etc via CRISPR

One will simply set up computer networks for video games movies,talk shows,television shows,books,music albums etc in Dionysus at home once they have an idea for a new movie,television show,video game etc with them once finished published and uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of production and available to the global audience without government interference or having to get funding or approach defunct corporations with ideas allowing all ideas to be uploaded making it easier for newbie actors,anchors,podcasters etc to get international recognition with ones Home AI acting as a publicist,manager and aide that advertises an actor and director especially newbie ones new and existing material to billions of people across the world within seconds thus allowing newbie actors,directors and writers global exposure and sifts through countless new projects being set up.In other wards corporations that publish,manufacture and distribute movies,television shows,books,video games etc will become obsolete and their headquarters turned into communal homes as starting in 2030 once Dionysus is set up any member of the public at any age even those aged 12 years old or younger once they get an idea for a new movie,television show,book,video game will simply from the comfort of home set up computer networks within Dionysus,advertise for actors etc and using VR technology film all scenes etc and once finished it will be uploaded to Dionysus within minutes of production making the production of all future media completely open source with zero state and corporate indistinguishable from reality will allow all media to filmed in any environment limited by one’s imagination either real or fictional giving everyone the same gold standard in sets,special effects etc at zero cost.Computer networks will allow actors especially newbie ones to post auditions and audio/visual portfolios from the comfort of home allowing them to gain attention of producers and directors especially famous ones allowing them to have the same chances of scoring major roles as current A-list stars and VR technology will allow for auditions to be done in a conventional manner and allow directors sift through countless ones with assistant AI also sifting through millions of them.VR technology and computer networks will allow all actors etc to work from home with people around the world saving on energy and allow flexible schedules without deadlines and cut production costs to zero.All future movies,television shows and video games etc will be no longer controlled by the state or corporations but rather democratically run by all actors,directors,writers etc.All movie,television show,video game etc projects will hire Assistant AI whose job will be review scripts for flaws such as plot holes,weak characters etc to remove them and improve their quality while still preserving the creative vision of the writers etc and carry out background research to ensure they are scientifically etc correct.

As stated banned episodes of television shows and those that were shown and aired out of order,were not aired due to low ratings and eventually cancelled will be in chronological order with edited episodes shown in their unedited,explicit original form with those and other ones determined that caused or could cause epileptic fits and seizures will be unavailable to those that have been determined by Paean to do so if possible warnings will be made and in time all electronics such as televisions and smart devices could automatically modify settings to make them watchable by filtering the light to prevent seizures during scenes that may have them with this also applying to livestreams and logged episodes of news etc.In time epilepsy will be cured via biocompatible microbes using CRISPR.Banned movies and also banned video games and all types of banned media will be in here for all to see without risk of censorship again with iSample preventing minors seeing them.Movies and television shows that had scenes deleted due them being taboo etc will be put in their original place with iSample preventing them being seen by minors.This will be because corporate and state networks and entities will no longer exist and all television shows,movie and video game series and radio and news shows will be done by independent groups and premier on Dionysus within hours or minutes of production with the Dionysus network being open to the public

All cancelled movie series,video games or television series and even episodes of finished shows as well as beta versions of video games and even long ended television shows can be restarted with improved photorealistic CGI,VR replacing dead or aged actors alongside Ceraproc.AI can scour YouTube,Wikipedia and the internet and list all cancelled movies,pilots,video games,television shows and have networks set for any producer whether the original ones or amateur fans to start work on them with ideally living producers etc used with the AI also scouring for original files,scripts in all networks and will not occur in the future.

Thus this networking system will allow people to audition for new media projects from the comfort of their home and in the case of cartoons,CGI media,video games all people such as animators,writers and actors can do all work from home where material is recorded,drawn,edited and collected then stored in folders and subfolder with forums,instant messaging,internal Iris chats allowing one to comment and discuss all material.This would allow all video games,cartoons and CGI media to be done at each persons home around the world.Live media can be a combination of people working in the same location and different locations with directors using speakers,automated cameras or those controlled from the comfort of home and live assist with actors being able to work in different filming locations using again automated drones and cameras with all of those involved taking part in the writing and editing process.Radio networks can link together in order to allow different stations around the world with the same applying to newspapers.

With the advance of software like Ampelos coupled with the lack of corporate and state influence will allow artists,directors and other people in the business of the arts will have complete freedom over their content without deadlines or editing affecting their creative output leading to the dissolution of all existing corporations in newspapers,magazines,video games,live performance art,movies and television show corporations and networks completely.Dionysus will allow amateur and new artists in music,literature,TV,films,video games etc and all of these will have no state or corporate interference or deadlines and will appear here worldwide within hours or minutes of production alongside special features added here instantly or over time allowing for instant viewing access and downloading onto computers and smart devices for repeated viewing at any time the public wants.Computer networks will allow any future video game,movie,television shows,books,comics etc to be started out with zero corporate influence and control and without crowdfunding since almost anyone can start a network with a few clicks from home with them appearing on Dionysus within seconds of production allowing for instant distribution to the entire world.As a result all television and movie production and distribution,book publishing and video game corporations around the world including the major and independent such as Warner Brothers,Miramax,Paramount,The CW,HBO,Disney,Rockstar,CAPCOM,Konami,Nintendo,Penguin,Harper Collins etc will become defunct with state bodies related to movies,television shows also disappearing.As a result of this all of their headquarters will become communal homes with sets and studios converted into homes due to the advent of VR technology.Thus all future movies,television shows,video games,novels,music albums etc will be created directly by musicians,programmers,directors etc via computer networks that connect actors etc from home via computer networks thus rendering all corporations worldwide and state bodies involved in the manufacture,publishing and distribution of media obsolete.All of this will make DVDs,Blu Ray and VHS tapes alongside satellite television defunct.By having all movies,television shows etc premiering on Dionysus instead of cinemas and satillite services would allow DVD and video stores alongside cinemas around the world whether conventional or IMAX to become communal homes.Thus all cinemas both traditional ones and IMAX ones across the world would be converted into communal homes since made obsolete by Dionysus having all movies and television shows available to everyone worldwide and premiering on Dionysus within seconds of production with it making certain rules for competitions like the Oscars obsolete ie the Los Angelas one week showing defunct.All outdoor drive in theatres will become homes or reforested.All retail sites in the real world and online that sell movies,television shows,video games etc will be shut down and their headquarters and retail outlets converted into communal homes.One could also watch and play any movie,television show,adult movies,video game etc in traditional cinemas and IMAX theatres complete with snacks with AI and friends from around the world within VR simulations indistinguishable to reality with friends around the world negating the need for home cinemas in homes thus allowing them to be viewed in this traditional setting by everyone at anytime for all media including past and future ones.Outdoor drive in theatres can be visited in simulation with real world ones have the screen taken down,building made into homes and land reforested.In terms of live performance art this can be viewed in VR theatres,opera houses etc.Existing home cinemas will be turned into extra bedrooms or demolished.This will allow all real world cinemas including IMAX ones to be converted into communal homes.Video games could be played in these normal or IMAX sized cinemas with television shows and adult pornographic movies also viewed here as well with even live news both live versions and episodes logged in Pheme can be viewed here with one even able to view YouTube videos etc and the entirety of the wire and internet in these IMAX cinemas.Live performance art logged in Dionysus could be viewed in VR theatres.Cinemas around the world of historical importance such as the Graumans Chinese Theatre will continue to function showing the latest movies streamed from hi tech projectors that can stream or download movies for Dionysus with in time them being fully automated busy biosynths with regards to cleaning,snacks etc with tickets booked via contacting the receptionists and building AI managing them with them linked together by Ariadne with there statue in the lobby.Ideally these would be museums thus preventing them bringing back the one week rule for the Oscars and also premiers.Hotels and studios that host the Oscars etc will be converted into homes when livestreamed from VR simulations.The Hollywood Walk of Fame will be once it is filled be replaced by a VR version containing all new major actors,musicians etc from around the world in multilayerd simulations of the theatre or will be in the Dionysus Plaza.Versions of these also in simulations will exist for video games,music,books,adult entertainment will be created.VR simulations indistinguishable from reality using the time dilation effect will allow musicians,actors,directors,authors,video game programmers etc to create material in a short amount of time and conjure any environment and avatar instantly and create entire runs of movies and television shows in one go and dozens of media per year with it also allowing for the public especially reviewers to watch them and create audio/visual or written reviews in simulations in a short amount of time to catch up with video game players getting countless achievements,tabulated scores and create countless walkthroughs in this environment sent to the real world devices.Movie series could also be done in one go this way.This could allow live news,talk shows and any remaining competition shows such as Dancing with the Stars to be made here thus allowing the studios and sets used by live talk shows,live news,competition games and both movies and television show to be turned into homes alongside corporate headquaters.Music albums can be done in in VR simulation recording studios using real musical instruments again allowing for dozens of albums each year and create music videos here with authors creating books,comics etc here.Video games and cartoon movies can be done conventionally in this environment as well as using simulations in the animation and graphic style that the actors act out scenes and also cutscenes and practice character movements.Newspapers and magazines can be done this way with this allowing for people to meet and discuss things in person with even photography of wilderness,models etc done this way.All media such as video games,television shows,movies,special features,live performence art, etc will be playable and streamed and even if need be downloaded onto all types of devices such as smart phones,laptops,computers,consoles and smart televisions to save on bandwidth.To catch up with the explosion of media there are three options.Firstly VR technology can allow one to watch,read and play media saved on devices within devices with new material copied in or directly linking to Dionysus as well as Pheme as well as the rest of the internet including YouTube.Video games will have achievements,tabulations and save files fed into outside devices in real time or after playing.VR technology will allow for one to play,read and watch media and the entire internet in any environment using a time dilation effect where years or decades pass while mere minutes pass in the real world.Video games will have achievements,tabulations and save files fed into outside devices in real time or after playing.Secondly neural implants could allow for whole movies,television shows,YouTube videos,books,comics,magazines saved on devices or streamed from the internet to be fed directly into the brain and condensed into a few hours or minutes.Furthermore the concept of DRM,DMCA,product codes,serial/product keys and codes,agreements of use and terms of service,copyrighting,intellectual property etc.will disappear entirely allowing free use of all audio/visual material in new projects as well as allowing to freely distributed amongst the public and allow for alterations of them to be produced and in particular allowing for material to be used for critiques on YouTube in a way possible.Games that had DRM,DMCA and even other early copy protection methods such as deciphering codes from boxes,prisms,manuals etc will have these not be present and bypassed and in fact removed.Networks within Dionysus will allow existing and budding filmakers,musicians,actors,video game auteurs and independent groups consisting of people of all ages to set up and maintain new projects of all media types more easily and with the ability to gain more exposure and breakout to the world instantly at any age either pre teen,teenage or adult including those in their 40s or older from home and thus ability to compete for major awards since the projects will be available to be viewed or played by the general public within hours or minutes of production.It will also allow those whose careers are sagging to be kept busy,allow for retired actors and musicians even one-hit wonders to restart their careers and expand their range.This will bypass funding,application to studios etc.All awards for each sector and media type ie movies,television shows,literary works,journalism etc will become global by merging together with variants worldwide with them ideally being the global versions of the most prestigious and well known ones such as the Oscars,Tonys,Emmys,Golden Rasberry Awards.These awards ceremonies including announcements and even red carpet sections will be livestreamed into Dionysus in their own folder for awards and beauty pageants with folders and subfolders for each type with even literary,journalism,magazine and even video game awards being livestreamed with all past awards shows and beauty pageants logged as far back as possible by type and year etc.VR technology will allow all of these to done in any environment and the original buildings converted into museums or even communal homes etc with the general public able to attend these in multilayered simulations.They will have nominees from around the world potentially dozen nominees for each catagory.Thus all video games,television shows,movies,books,comics etc will be created via this networking system.Ordering of e-tickets for live performance art etc can be done online on their website or through Dionysus within their folders with the tickets dispensed to holographic assistant AI and/or turnstiles wirelessy with maps on smart devices giving directions to ones seat.Electronic tickets stored in ones Delphi app will replace paper ones to save energy in production and transportation.VR technology can allow millions of peoples to attend them in multilayered simulations.Television studio and movie network buildings and the headquarters of video game corporations that distribute televisions shows to the general public can be converted into homes and/or vertical farms since all televisions shows will be recorded outside of the studio and editing will be done at home over networks and then uploaded to sites online and the wire.Otherwise numerous talk show presenters from around the country can work in these buildings and any remaining space can be converted into their homes.Again this will allow them to do crossover programs and shows and again without corporate or state interference.These networks systems would be connected to the wire.By being directly connected to the appropriate networks of the wire it will allow for data to easily transferred to their intranet accounts and trade files between the various networks.This will allow them to work at home and interact with families at the same time,make their own hours and cut down on energy in transportation,work with colleagues around the world and put offices,headquarters and studio used for all types of media such as existing corporate and state newspapers,video games,movie and television companies,televisions stations and shows,recording studios for recording companies and their headquarters etc as well book,newspaper and magazine publication and publisher headquarters to put better use such as communal homes or both with spare rooms no longer used by middlemen and some employees in news station studios turned in living spaces such as bedrooms and living rooms.This can as stated apply to all existing and new newspapers,magazines,live news stations,radio stations etc.Thus all headquarters for video game companies,studios for television shows and movies etc will be converted into communal homes.Recorders for musicians and voice artists for all types of media may be as simple as microphone attached to a laptop or desktop computer that can allow them to record lines and singing in any room with the Ampelos software removing background noise and changing acoustics.These can be in extensions of homes and in time VR simulations allowing for the voice readings and singing to be fed into real world devices without background noise etc.In time VR indistinguishable can allow for voice actors and musicians to do their work in conventional studios fed into networks using the time dilation effect allowing them to record lines with multiple people at once in person as well as record albums and allow the home studios and those in community centres,communal homes and private homes to be used for other uses.

Access to Dionysus for all media etc will be done via smart televisions,laptops,computers,smart phones,smart pads etc of any type.Unlike Netflix etc any of the aforementioned media such as movies,video games,books,comics,television shows,music etc and all special features can through buttons present in the media file be downloaded onto computers,smart phones,smart pads,e-newspapers,consoles(including handhelds),ones Hestia cloud account and external hard drives for use when access to Dionysus is unavailable and alleviate strains on bandwidth.This can allow them to watched during aeroplane flights,Oceanus journeys and those in automated vehicles and also in wilderness where there is no or limited internet and wire access and to save bandwidth can also allow them using Ampelos be used to create vlog reviews,collages,retrospectives and even analysis videos on YouTube etc by both human critics and Momus.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow for all material downloaded from Dionysus to be used in reviews,collages etc on YouTube etc..Both books,comic books etc since in digital form will allow them to be downloaded onto the biological harddrives of e-readers and e-newspapers.It will be of note to video games to play them offline with other media watched offline on any device and will allow any media be watched or played in VR simulations.They will be stored in Dionysus and downloaded in 720/1080p.Those downloaded onto external hard drives and also computers,consoles and other electronics can be streamed wirelessly via wifi and bluetooth to be viewed on smart televisions and other electronics.All commentaries,chapters and trivia tracks etc will be embed into the media’s source code both when live-streamed and downloaded and turned on/off via buttons on linked smart devices,file and also the universal Hestia movie player.Smart devices and e-newspapers could also stream files from laptops,hard drives,internal hardrives with them both able to access both Dionysus and Pheme like smart televisions and also laptops.It alongside playing games offline would also be done to alleviate strains on internet bandwidth usage and a games servers with this done by pressing a button on the folder of the media or direct interaction with Gaia and ones Home AI with switching to online and offline mode in a game done by in game settings or and again direct interactions.Online access to cater to add achievements etc on non online modes of all games will be using significantly reduced bandwidth usage compared to using online mode in full as they would simply be online and piggybacking wifi access.All media will viewed online and downloaded for free allowing ease of access with one downloading them one by one or in bulk ie with regards to music download one or a few selected songs or entire album and with regards to television shows one or a few select episodes or entire selected seasons or the entire show at once and so on.Media can be downloaded bit by bit or whole bits of media of all types;movies, episodes or whole seasons and special features of television shows,issues or whole volumes of comics/newspapers/magazines and whole books can be downloaded at once by marking them into download lists to do so at once or directly interacting with the home AI to be sent to ones cloud or individual devices.Special features could also be downloaded.Smart televisions can stream downloaded media on external hard drives,its own harddrive using biological hard drives,ones Hestia cloud account or computers to negate the need for watching them via streaming allowing them to be viewed offline with the same done for consoles.All media such as all past and future movies,television shows,books,video games and adult movies will be present in digital form as video files uploaded to at least 720p in Dionysus rendering physical disks etc obsolete with its structure modelled on Netflix with books,comics etc will be live-streamed or downloaded onto e-readers and e-newspapers.Files will be uploaded to at least 720/1080p with Adriadne organising system wide updates that improves the quality of all files.Biosynth WiFi that can allow speeds of up to 500-1,000Mps can ensure fast enough speeds to download large amounts of files can be downloaded in one go very quickly with it also allowing all movies,television shows,video games etc to be live-streamed in real time provided no one else is draining bandwidth from routers.Video games once wire access is regained will have all save files and achievement data etc added to ones account each time this happens.Recording software like Fraps or Bandicam will be merged into ideally Hestia on televisions,laptops,smart devices,consoles,(including handhelds) etc will be done to allow for one to record sections of video game plays and play through and take high quality picture stills of scenes of television shows,movies,video games onto them or in the case of televisions wirelessly transfer these files onto laptops and computers as well as other smart devices from ones Hestia account to use in reviews and video walkthroughs with the same done for downloaded parts that are edited in Ampelos with music from Dionysus used without fears of copyrighting.The recording feature will be on all devices like smart devices,handheld consoles,laptops,smart televisions etc to allow one to record the playthrough onto the harddrive of these,have them transferred to other devices without using wires and livestreaming feature will be on all of them as well when one is online and connected to their YouTube channel present in their account.This recording software can wirelessly send material being recorded on smart televisions and computers to any linked devices in real time without using wires via biosynth WiFi and Ampelos can edit recorded sections with it also used for live-streaming video game play through to linked YouTube accounts in real time with it controlled by voice command and linked smart devices.Offline records of media of all type including video games will be fed into ones Hestia account or wirelessly into ones registered devices chosen by them negating the need for wires to connect laptops and televisions and also cause lags in laptops in frame rate etc as they will as stated be recorded into folders and subfolders in ones Hestia account or linked devices when offline.Livestreams would be sent to ones YouTube account through its link in Dionysus to Hestia with ones registered cameras linked to or part of computers and laptops will be fed into Hestia with this also done for reaction videos where one will play their reactions and commentary to media stored on devices from YouTube,Dionysus and Pheme.The recording software within it can be installed on smart televisions and be part of Hestia brought up on them,smart devices,camcorders,consoles,televisions, handheld consoles,laptops and computers etc to record sections of movies,live news,sports events,video games and organise livestreams to ones linked YouTube account.Activation of livestreaming and recording of sections of games and also all media can be done by voice activation and also linked smart devices and wouldnt require one to connect consoles to laptops or laptops to televisions and would be done wirelessly since all devices would be connected to the internet,wire,biosynth WiFi and ones Dionysus account.Offline records can be done on any devices and saved on their hard drives to be then transferred to any other device and ones Hestia cloud.Lets plays can be done this way too with recording done offline to have the material stored on devices or their Hestia cloud to be edited and one can enter simulations to create countless walkthroughs and lets plays here using the time dilation effect.They can all be viewed on them when wanted with recording done by interactions with Gaia,Home AI,buttons on a popup or on keyboards with the person in time able to tell their Home AI to record specific parts via “cutting and pasting” sections from the media onto their devices without affecting the actual media file.Hestia and Ampelos can be used to record or edit sections of them ie cut them up into pieces,change the chromatic look,add animations or use downloaded media of all types such as movies,video games,television shows and also live news and recorded podcasts either audio and audio visual for use in reviews by vloggers and montages,or for compilation and scene videos on YouTube with or without music downloaded from Dionysus as well as posting memorable scenes with no threat of copyright infringement with the same with any music used.Vloggers can use VR technology to do their reviews from any environment they want.The universal software for listening to music,watching television shows/movies etc and all video and music files will be the Hestia media player.Thus downloading movies,television shows,live performance art etc and their special features from Dionysus will allow them to be viewed on laptops,smart devices etc to alleviate strains on bandwidth and do so in areas without wifi and also use them in review vlogs and compilation videos of them with video games played offline,have offline modes and have achievements and tabulations done offline uploaded when online.Smart televisions may also have the the YouTube app downloaded where it can upload video clips and search for others using linked wireless mouse and keyboards with all adult websites having apps downloaded from Talos for use on laptops,computers,smart devices and smart televisions.Video games may in time allow for the cutscenes to be downloaded completely in chronological sections for movies to be made for YouTube channels that house cinematics and cutscenes.All files,textures,items,models and cutscenes can be download from the source code of all past and future games within Dionysus onto networks and computers to be used for remakes,new games and also just for fun and to be uploaded to YouTube with audio files and cutscenes arranged into chronological order.They can also use their Dionysus account linked to YouTube using Hestia to record livestreams of games and online tournaments as well as livestreams of everyday life or events in the real world or VR technology with it also recording sections onto ones Hestia account and also registered devices.Having all of the worlds video games,movies,television shows,adult entertainment past,present and future uploaded onto Dionysus will allow people around the world to have a wide variety of entertainment media the second it is uploaded with them translated with translating software such as .The sentient Coeus aiding in this also.This recording software would be part of Hestia.Handheld consoles will also be able to have livestreams and records of playthroughs done on them since the Hestia recording software and links to YouTube via their Dionysus account will be on them with them also streamed to nearby computers and televisions to be recorded on them if it is not present.All consoles and smart devices including televisions will have access to the wire and all of its networks especially Dionysus where games and all other media such as movies and television shows can be downloaded and streamed.Posters for these would appear on graphene posters and graphene billboards in the open in towns and cities that would change when the event is over and would stream multiple posters during the day.One can arrange playlists of movie series,television seasons and episodes,albums,songs from Dionysus or any pieces of media from Dionysus and Pheme in any order they want in order save them into their accounts for later viewing offline or ideally these playlists would be made on smart devices.computers etc on ones Hestia Account universal to all registered devices for use when offline to relive strains on bandwidth.All live news,live programmes,movies,television shows can be viewed via access to Dionysus on all computers,laptops,consoles(including handhelds) and smart devices such as e-newpapers,smartpads,smartphones,smart televisions and mirrors etc

Dionysus will be macro managed by the sentient operating software Adriadne who was one of the consorts of Dionysus and she will manage all operations of it and be directly interact with all viewers of its database through smart phones,computers,smart pads,smart televisions and e-newspapers that Dionysus is accessed on.It will be modelled on the same structure as Netflix for movies,television shows,video games,literature etc with one able to download all media or watch,read,play it online via streaming.It will be divided into different sub networks for each media type with those for all of the worlds past and future video games,literature(sub divided into each type such as comics/graphic novels,plays,novels,short story and poetry collections,audiobooks,philosophical texts and so on),radio plays and podcasts that follow a narrative,video games,movies,short movies,adult movies,television shows and mini series,live performance art(subdivided into musicals,plays,operas,concerts,stand up comedy and so on),music albums and so on.These will be subdivided into folders and subfolders for seasons,series of movies/games etc and special features with one able to use search bars to search for them and use filters to filter for genre,author,country of origin,actor/director/author/auteur etc and so on in each sub network.When one enters Dionysus they will then choose which sub network to enter with one shown the latest media from around the world,top rated,recommendations based on ones demographics and media they are currently watching with the option to download all media possible.Television shows will be able to be downloaded all in one go,all episodes in a season or individual episodes.Special features for al media both past and future will be in subfolders of each movie and television show with trivia tracks,subtitles and audio commentaries initiated using buttons on linked smart devices used as remote controls when the media is downloaded and via buttons on the screen file for those being live-streamed.Search bars will exist with direct interaction with Adriadne can allow to search for specific media based on descriptions of scenes,wording,actors etc and also filter them and through buttons and interaction with Adriadne be able to download specific media individually or in groups or while with one specifying which individual or groups of media to download etc with .The sentient Coeus translating both audio and text into any of the worlds 6,500 languages with in time any language of any alien race in real time

Each media file whether it is a movie,episode of television show,video game,book etc will have its summary of plot,country of origin,origin airdate premier day/month/year in cinemas/television etc for old media and Dionysus for new media,age rating,runtime,pages,directors/producers as well as cast and hyperlinks to their internal Dionysus page,Dionysus score,Momus score,Eupheme score and Critics score,reviews left by the public and those from critics.Analytics done by Adriadne that changes in real time will also be present.There will be an area within each subnetwork ie games,movies etc that houses all demos,test screenings,trailers,auditions for all upcoming media with these test screens and also the demos then placed in the special features section of the media alongside the results when the media is released.The same could be done with shows currently in production and finished movies and video games as well as live performance art wherein a section can be set aside for polls and viewers to leave comments on new plot points and also characters etc with Ariadne doing analytics on millions of people from around the world based on different demographics such as age,gender,race,country of origin etc.Those for television shows,movie and video game series etc all of the results from all of them will be averaged out as a whole.One will subscribe to television shows,video game series etc and be instantly alerted when the next installment,issue,episode has premiered with one also bookmarking their favourite celebrity ie musician,actor,director and be alerted to when the next media they appear in or are involved in premieres and also alerted to when they appear on talk shows,live news,radio,podcasts,magazines,newspapers on Dionysus with one alerted to the specific episode and issue in Dionysus and Pheme.The Home AI of celebrities will release a statement on their page within Dionysus and Agora account which will state when they will appear on any future talk shows,Comic con events held in simulations their upcoming movies etc and other news to which Adriadne will then alert each individual they are subscribed to to allow them to book a a place in VR simulations holding talk shows and when upcoming media will premier on Dionysus thus allowing Adriadne to alert fans instantly.They will be also directed to their official YouTube and Agora account.Beta versions and demos of games in development again can have players test play it and comment on the graphics,gameplay mechanics,AI etc and allow the producers to make alterations based on polls and also comments left.The demos and beta versions will then be part of the special features with demos and beta versions of existing games also in special features of them such as Resident Evil 1.5 within the new games extra features or added to the extra features within Resident Evil 2 and other folders of similar games.Finished games can be also reviewed on and commented on the network for them to allow for updates and patches to be developed by producers and also AI to fix them if they occur and also for the public to review each game.

Due to fact that media will appear in Dionysus within hours or minutes of production it will negate the need for premier events allowing buildings used for this to be turned into homes and also make new budding creators of it eligible for all major awards with all type of awards for each type of media merging into singular global versions increasing the prestige.Access to the networks will be through all types of devices such as televisions,smart devices,computers laptops etc using linked mouse,keyboards etc.All of these features and the networks themselves will be available by at least 2029 with proto versions possible between 2020-2025.As a result of the ease of access to media making technology through Ampelos as well as VR technology and the existence of networks for making media of all types,the fact that people will no longer be relegated to jobs made obsolete by automation including the primary,secondary,tertiary sectors and even obsolete professions in the media sector partaking in the creative process as directors,actors,writers etc,assistant AI replacing background staff,Home AI working as publicists etc and the networking system there will be an explosion of media including music,video games,movies,radio play,television shows and also live performance and physical art from around the world appearing on Dionysus within hours or minutes of production available instantly to the global public.This will largely because anyone from the comfort of their home can set these networks up using their own laptops,computers,smart televisions and smart devices and also equipment ordered in from Hephaestus with them working with people from around the world.This fact that all media will be globally distributed on Dionysus within seconds of production,.The sentient Coeus translating all media and Home AI advertising media to billions of people will make it easier for budding musicians,directors,actors etc to make it big and gain international recognition.VR technology will cut the cost of producing these to zero with Home AIs acting as the manager,publicist etc of celebrities will allow any writer and director access to any celebrity around the world with the posting of portfolios allow newbie ones to breakout much each easier by being able to apply to countless projects around the world.When interstellar travel becomes possible both observed and allied sentient races will have their entire encyclopedia of newspapers,magazines,video games,music,literature,movies,television shows,live performance art etc will be transferred and scanned into Dionysus and Pheme.

With the dissolution of corporate and state film and television studios and cinemas(which will be become homes)as well as premiers of movies occurring on Dionysus before movie festivals will negate the seven day premier in Los Angeles for a week meaning many traditional rules regarding the eligibility of Oscar and Palm D’or nominations and other film festivals must also adapt or disappear to the growing trends of production technologies and software and airing of media within Dionysus instantly allowing amateur and budding film makers of all ages using these technologies to compete with big name directors(the same applying for video games,books,comics,music,music videos and television shows and their respective award shows).But some rules may apply such as a set date that it must be produced and entered into the competition and premier within Dionysus.It will end premiers of movies at festivals and also specific gala events and conventional film premiers since it will appear on Dionysus within seconds of production.The Los Angela’s one week rule will dissapear with as stated movies premiering on Dionysus during a specific time frame to compete for the awards.The boards in charge of them will determine this and other new rules that take into account Dionysus becoming the sole source of entertainment.The same will be done for the global form of the Emmys,video game and other media awards etc.Those vying for the Palm Dor can premier on Dionysus at anytime during the year to be enter into competition for the Palm Dor with the Sundance and other festivals and competitions following the same route.Those for literary, television show and other media awards such as Man Booker Prize and Emmys etc will following the same steps.The length that qualifies a movie as a full movie will have to unanimous with the standard of 40 minutes set by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Groups like the American and British Film Institute will merge into a single entity named either Adriadne managed by her or the Global Film Institute.Furthermore since money will no longer be an issue they can premiere on Dionysus at anytime not having to reach deadlines or premiere on Dionysus at specific box office seasons.Thus all future movies, television shows and video games etc and all media from around the world and universe will premier not on satillite television or cinemas but rather on Dionysus within seconds of production thus rendering cinemas and both physical and online retail outlets for them obsolete which will be converted into communal homes.This will mean the one week Los Angelas rule for the Oscars will be scrapped with for a movies,television shows etc to qualify for nomination of the Oscars,Palm Dor and Emmy etc it will have to premier on Dionysus within a specific timeframe with those who prefer watching movies in cinemas will instead use VR technology to watch them and any media in large cinemas including IMAX from home.People who wish to watch movies in a cinema including an IMAX one will be able to do so within VR simulations in any type of cinema they want and an infinite number of them all stored in a network of Dionysus or personal simulations.All types of media present in Dionysus will be able to be viewed in VR cinemas with this including not just movies but also television shows,short movies and also video games and even live performance art and adult movies as well as the entire internet and also media present in Pheme.Live performance art can be viewed in a VR theatre.All media within Dionysus will be be able to be viewed on laptops,computers,smart televisions and also smart phones and smart pads through streaming.They can also be downloaded onto these devices to save bandwidth with video games played online or again downloaded onto all types of electronics.

There will be no corporate and state interference and all new media will be done by both well established actors,directors but also new ones by the general public with cancelled video games,television shows,book and comic series and movies continued and remakes and remasterings done without the fear of lawsuits since copyrighting will become obsolete with them ideally made by the original programmers.Defunct magazines and newspapers will also be restarted.This will also allow for new artists,directors,actors,presenters,news anchors and journalists to kickstart their careers as early as possible even before their teenage years very easily without primary,secondary or tertiary education or non artistic careers as a backup and even have complete creative and career control with them and well established actors having a more variety of choices in genres and also types of media to appear and partake in ensuring they are busy and not idle.Thus they will no longer be forced into doing jobs that are backups done solely for economic responsibilities that go against their ethics or interests.

The Dionysus network will house all new as well past and present media such as plays,novels,magazines,video games,music,documentaries,adult movies,short movies,movies,television shows from around the world etc eliminating filesharing sites like megaupload,rapidshare etc.Spotify,Hulu,Vimeo,,Netflix,Viu,Kocowa,Tudou Gamefly,PopCap Games,YouTube,Apple,dailymotion, similar sites and YouTube channels that house independently made television shows and movies) as well and game downloading sites such as Coolrom(and other rom sharing sites),iTunes,Spotify,Steam,PlayStation Network,Origin etc. and even e-magazine and book sites such as Amazon,Google Docs and other sites that sell video games,e-magazines,e-novels,movies,television shows with their servers recycled for other uses and their headquarters turned into homes or labs or a mixture.The contents of these will be transferred to Dionysus by the sentient operating software of Dionysus Ariadne(her avatar modelled on her statue and her symbol a maze) could facilitate the transfer and organisation of all files for all existing entertainment media from existing filesharing sites,online stores,music services,television corporation headquarters storerooms with the stocks of old television shows also doing the same with old episodes of old now defunct television shows ,movies and games as well as old episodes of existing shows,iTunes,YouTube,Spotify, Amazon,Myvidster(and other sites that stream and house adult movies),Vimeo,,Tudou,steam,origin,coolrom, Gamefly,PopCap Games,dailymotion,Newground,Apple and other media sites that allow one to download and stream media transferred into their relevant folders and sub-folders in Dionysus uploaded by Ariadne into relevant folders(with the servers for these sites including filesharing sites and YouTube pages recycled) and upload scanned textbooks,literature,books,newspapers and magazines into Pheme and Apollo etc with newspapers/magazines in archives and on online will be also transferred to Pheme with the possibility of online websites for both all magazines and newspapers replaced by this(again their servers recycled).Vimeo and Hulu videos not full episodes or movies etc will be transferred to YouTube in a single channel controlled by AI.The servers for these sites will be recycled once they are shut down by Adriadne.The media on these sites as well as archives and the special features from YouTube,VHS,discs etc will be upgraded to 720/1080p with all future material uploaded in this format with software including Ampelos updating it to this and correcting any anomolies such as flipping backwards marterial to its proper side and removing watermarks.Other media can be extracted from discs especially those of high resolution ie 720/1080p etc with extra features from all versions and editions of movies,television shows etc transferred to their subfolders also.All media on YouTube including movies,full episodes,documentaries,special features,news programs,full podcasts,music tours and festivals,soundtracks,albums,live performance art and short movies etc that are of good quality will be transferred to Dionysus and upgraded to high quality and the pages deleted and servers recycled with the URLs reused for different videos overtime with the exception being music videos which will appear on both special features folders and also on the official YouTube channel of the artist.Music on YouTube such as musical recordings,soundtracks,albums can be transferred in audio form only to relevant folders and the severs recycled and pages removed with the URLs used for different videos over time with ideally material from iTunes and Spotify transferred here.All versions of television shows and movie DVDs,Blu Rays etc including box sets and directors limited editions etc will be scanned by proto or the real Ariadne so as to allow the special features present to be found and added to the relevant folders of the shows and movies with the same done for video games with those only found on YouTube transferred here by Ariadne and the videos deleted and URLs recycled.People who have movies,television shows and boxsets at home and the producers themselves would do this by putting the discs into computers and laptops to be analysed and extracted by Adriadne or proto AI with this done to also transfer movies and television shows that exist only on discs.Special features produced by the public and second party corporations and other entities etc on YouTube of considerable merit will be transferred to the special features with the URLs recycled with those that were created as part of special editions made by the producers will be transferred here if not accessible by discs.YouTube and the rest of Dionysus and Pheme will be scoured for all special behind the scenes material of all types of media such as appearances on talk shows,reunions,adverts for them and manufactured products and services,parodies on live comedy shows,appearances on live news,behind the scenes footage,documentaries etc that were not or cannot be found on discs for movies,television shows and video games etc will be added to the special features of both movies and television shows and even video games with those on YouTube have the URL recycled and video deleted once they are transferred with this done by Ariadne and other AI in fragmented forms working with the AI that manages YouTube with other sites searched this way.Those in separate parts will be connected to each other using Ampelos by the AI and archives of live news stations in Pheme will be scoured for these with them all updated to highest quality.Movies and television shows on YouTube and other channels and websites will be deleted,the URLs reused for other videos for adverts etc but not those belonging to official news channels accounts with those within Pheme and Dionysus gained by her and the assistant AI downloading it into computers to be edited on Ampelos and transferred with this not removing the file itself from Dionysus and Pheme.News and live talk show appearances that are present in Dionysus via archives scanned will have them added to these folders in snippets.Those that are in compilations on YouTube will have them edited and removed and then sent to the relevant folders such as compilations of trailers and also stored trailers compilations from VHS tapes.Material such as sketches of characters,levels,scenes,storyboards and other material not present on video game discs,box collections and also limited edition Blu-Rays etc can be transferred here if found with in regards to trailers these all trailers for all movies,television shows,movies,live performance art from around the world in archives of television stations around the world,archives,YouTube etc will be added alongside promos etc will be added to their special features sections with even those for books added.Movies,television shows,books,video games etc that have no special features can have them created by the producers and AI retroactively or have extra ones created such as trivia tracks,retrospective documentaries,commentaries,trailers with the possibility of improving CGI for movies that had terrible examples that can be turned on using settings rather than creating a separate file. All long running shows like soaps,talk shows and debate and investigative programmes will be logged as far back as possible and livestream here.Sports events from around the world will be livestreamed and logged as far back as possible in Dionysus giving one access to all sports events in other countries.All movies television shows and special features present only on YouTube will be transferred from there to Dionysus by Adriadne scouring it alongside Thaos and added to relevant folders and subfolders and the video on YouTube deleted and the URL deleted,reused and recycled.All digital archives of all silent era movies will be transferred to Dionysus alongside all television shows stored in archives of state and corporate television companies.Movies and television shows that are found on only nitrate and polyester celluloid will be scanned in and archived into Dionysus.All data present on the Library of Congress National Audio/Visual Conservation Centre,Museum of Modern Art and its equivalents worldwide will and its equivalents around the world will be transferred to networks and sub networks in Pheme,Dionysus,Apollo etc once updated to 720/1080p and will replace them forever allowing these digital databases such as the Library of Congress National Audio/Visual Conservation Centre etc to be recycled with Themis,Apollo,Dionysus and Pheme etc to replace them forever.Physical celluloid reels,VHS etc will be stored in museums and archives as Dionysus,Pheme will replace all digital archives of all movies,newsreels etc.Networks for all types of media will be fully integrated into them by then with proto versions created prior to this.Dionysus will be the only source of entertainment and special material as all short movies and feature length ones as well as television shows on all sites on the internet including YouTube will be transferred to their relevant folders in Dionysus.Dionysus should have all movies/documentaries/television shows/video games/sports games/books/comic books etc of all types from around the world backlogged as far as possible and all video games by AI namely proto Ariadne by at least 2029 by using the internet to scour all online viewing platforms,television network archives,YouTube,official websites of podcasters etc and transferring them first to proto versions and then the final version set up by this point with the same done for books scanned into this proto version and transferred from Amazon,Google Docs etc online.All future media of all types will premier within seconds of production on Dionysus making it the sole source of entertainment rendering all existing one defunct.Thus by 2029 all movies,television shows,music,books,comics,plays,live performance art,sports games,video games etc from around the world in existence will be transferred and present in Dionysus making it the only source of entertainment with all future ones appearing there from now on with .The sentient Coeus translating it into ones desired language.It will be ideal for Dionysus and Pheme to house all media past and future including movies,television shows and video games as it will house all past and future media from around the world in one place for ease of access for all consumers around the world as these sites have them scattered around them making it difficult to track specific media and its special extra features on demand in one place especially with regards to foreign media outside the American and British markets and vice versa with translating software such as the sentient Coeus breaking the language barrier.This will allow all media and the actors,radio presenters,writers,musicians,authors,directors,live news presenters etc involved in them from all over the world to get international exposure and recognition instantly to all corners of the globe rather than just their home country including existing ones especially if all past episodes,movies,albums,books,issues are logged here from as far back as as possible by season,year etc with .The sentient Coeus ensuring this.As a result of having all movies,television shows,movies,music,books,video games from around the world present in Dionysus will give people in all corners of the world the aforementioned media from all other corners of the world and not just those restricted to their home country allowing one to watch movies and television shows from around the world and have viewing habits outside of their normal diet they will have access to all television shows,books,movies,video games and television shows etc from around the world as far back as possible with .The sentient Coeus translating it into their native language.In time all movies,television shows,books etc from other sentient races and other human colonies from around the universe will be logged here as far back as possible.Thus it will become the sole source of entertainment from across the universe.Furthermore it will allow one to watch the latest episodes of their favourite television show including soaps,latest movies,latest authors, etc from anywhere in the world even while on holiday or if they have moved country permenantly.This will also give one access to these if they have moved home,are on holiday and view those taking place around the world including older ones.Furthermore having all movies,television shows including soaps,sitcoms etc availible to a global audience will make current soap/sitcom actors and those who work in amateur drama theatres and those who work only on Broadway and the West End and only one country specific soap actors etc of soaps,television shows etc who are only famous in their native countries and also to a niche market will through Dionysus become household names across the world and eventually universe on par with A-list Hollywood stars with the same going for musicians,directors and writers thus increasing their global star power and recognition.It will make easier for newbie directors,musicians,actors and writers etc to gain global recognition almost instantly.Having all episodes of all existing still running and defunct soaps,television shows,talk shows and debate programmes,books,video games etc and movies etc as far back as possible from around the world logged in Dionysus will be used for preserving them for historical reference,allow future younger generations to catch up on them and allow those on the other side of the world to catch up on them.It will also allow Momus catch up on reviewing them.All past entertainment such as video games,movies,television shows,literature etc from all observed and allied alien races across the universe will be logged into Dionysus for the same reason.All future entertainment of all types including aforementioned ones from both all countries around the world and across the universe from all colonies and all allied and observed races across the universe will premier here from now on to give one variety and instant access to all media across the world and universe that satillite and cable providers including services likeNetflix cannot provide while .The sentient Coeus translating all media from across the world and universe into ones native language with it becoming the sole source of media allowing all physical retail stores be turned into homes alongside cinemas.Books,comics etc will be read on e-readers and e-newspapers.All books,comic books and literature etc will be in electronic form and read on e-readers and e-newspapers with one either live-streaming them or downloading them.All movies,television shows and video games etc will be in digital form similar to media in Pheme,Origin,Steam and Netflix with one livestreaming them or downloading them into ones computers and external hard drives etc.All physical stores that sell movies,video games,television shows,books etc will be turned into communal homes with all online retail sites that sell them and distribute them such as Netflix,Origin,Steam will be shut down and servers recycled once all media is transferred to Dionysus.Video games,movies,television shows will no longer be sold in physical stores as physical discs etc as they will be uploaded to Dionysus that will be livestreamed or downloaded.It will allow new and existing musicians,authors,talk show hosts,directors etc to gain international exposure to a global audience thus increasing their influence outside of their native country and thus gain global stardom and recognition.Thus media appearing in Dionysus from around the world will be available to the global audience wherever they are instantly without normal delays between appearances in the cinema,VHS and DVDs,satellite,Netflix,television etc or being regionally locked and restricted to ones native country due to lack of distribution to other countries,state censorship as well as delays between universal release from one country to the next as it will all appear here instantly within seconds of production instead of cinemas and film festivals by the producers,programmers and also writers etc using networks to decide that the media is finished and thus be uploaded at set time.The sentient Coeus will translate the media to ones desired language instantly.The fact that all video games,movies etc will be uploaded here within seconds of production will render conventional rules for the Oscars and Palm D’or defunct and will also render film festivals defunct and allow all cinemas and IMAX theatres worldwide to be converted into communal homes.New rules must be made for these awards ceramonies due to cinemas becoming obsolete and them appearing in Dionysus within seconds of production .One would have instant access to all movies,video games and televisions shows episodes premiers here regardless of where they live thus rendering the delay between its premier in cinemas,then in other countries and then on VHS,DVD or Blu Ray and then on cable and satellite obsolete.The sentient Coeus will be able to translate the voice and text into their desired language of the viewer meaning anyone who speaks any language will be able to view them instantly negating the need for waiting for dubbed versions.

By 2029 onwards all past television shows,movies,live performance art,music,video games,novels,comic books,adult pornographic movies, etc from across the world will be uploaded into Dionysus subdivided into each genre of them with television shows divided into seasons.Those from all allied and observed alien races will be uploaded to Dionysus.All future television shows,movies,live performance art,music,video games,novels,comic books,adult pornographic movies, etc from around the world and universe will be uploaded and premiere in Dionysus.

In short all music,movies,video games,television shows of all types including soaps/talk shows/debate and investigative programmes from around the world will be uploaded here in Dionysus as far back as possible and all future media uploaded here within seconds of production to give them a global audience and also allow one to view them anywhere in the world with ones language settings translating them into the desired language in real time.Settings can allow the user to filter media according to country/continent,director,genre,type and subtype and have them laid out in these groups in list or grid layouts and search bars will allow one to search for specific media based on title,actor(s) in it,author and director etc.One could search for actors and directors and have media they have starred in listed similar to IMDB and Wikipedia.It will also ensure all material is of the best quality with them updated and replaced with higher resolution versions or have files of at least 720/1080p upwards in different subfolders or selection from main menu.Watson,e-discovery and similar software integrated into Ariadne can ensure all pages of newspapers,magazine and books are in order with them checking the pages number and flow of sentences,illustrations or referring to the contents page or databases with the same applying to issues of magazines organised by date and/or issue number with proper punctuation,capitalisation and labelling of tracks and episodes following the same notation(01×01 for a pilot,01×02 for second episode and so on),labelling of the year of each season/series/movie/album in brackets,issues etc.Ariadne will arrange all media into their folders and re-organise any disorganised ones at any time it sees fit especially those scanned in and put in by the public with this also applying to extra material for all types of media.All media can be downloaded onto hard drives,smart devices using options in the folders to view them when access to the wire is not possible with music albums downloaded as whole or have individual or multiple tracks downloaded at once.Ideally Dionysus structure and interface will be modelled on that of the PS4 Networks or like Netflix like the rest of the wire with the possibility of video games structured like this,movies and television shows and their seasons and their special features within these like Netflix with books possibly like this or like Amazon with Pheme being like Netflix as well.The background theme and interfaces look the rest of the wire could be changed with them designed by the public in ones settings.With regards to video games,movies and movies the actual video and game files rather than .rar files would have to be transferred.Old and rare movies and television shows that exist only on VHS and DVD can be uploaded by the general public or by Gaia ordering them and by hooking old or new hi tech VHS and DVD players or peripherals up to computers or inserting them into computers and thus saving them on their harddrive or Ariadne scanning it and then updating them to the highest quality possible and uploading them and special features to Dionysus or have the work done by her cross referencing with Wikipedia and IMDB with advanced in Ariadne AI and other software ensuring all media and extra files/material are correctly labelled by year and grammatically correct and categised by type and subtype.These will be upgraded to the highest visual and audio quality.Rare issues and editions etc of magazines and comics will like all other issues be uploaded to Dionysus to be more widely availible.Rare music that exists only as cassettes,gramophones,discs etc will also be transferred via peripherals with white noise filtered out and them converted to the highest quality.Rare games or those on handhelds such as the 3DS,GameBoy and those on the Xbox,Xbox 360 and more advanced consoles that exists only as discs,cassettes,arcades,cartridges,arcades,files on old non smart mobile phones etc can be also sent to Dionysus via hi tech peripherals that they can connect to computers and transfer the files or making ports by software or the public.These rare cartridges,arcades,discs and cassettes will be sent to community centres or done at home with these computer peripherals designed on Talos and traded and once games are transferred the cartridges and discs etc will be recycled.Museums will be set up for each media – comics,magazines,newspapers,movies,video games etc that hold one copy of all DVDs,Blu Rays,celluloids,cassettes,vinyl records,comics,books,cartridges etc including rare ones,rare copies and limited rare editions from around the world with them ideally in the country they originated from with the rest recycled,pyrolysised or kept by owners.They can be in extensions within major museums around the world ie the Louvre in Paris,British Museum,Museum of the City of New York etc.Books,magazines,newspapers once scanned in will be pyrolysised once plastic is removed.This would allow the general public to have access to all rare limited edition material of all media types and limited edition issues of magazines and movies etc.Ideally all magazines,newspapers and also video game cartridges and discs,books,DVDs etc from retail outlets,online stores,ebay etc will be kept at home and community centres until at least the mid to late 2030s for storage just in case they were all not scanned into Dionysus and Pheme.Thus this and the transfer of ROMs and game files from sites like CoolRom and from other sites and also the transfer of games from Steam and Origin as well as from video game websites and from Apple will ensure all games will be on Dionysus by at least 2029 with the transfer of limited edition movies and all versions,games etc and their special features from all versions done at home by people who own them and who buy each version online using peripherals and laptops to allow proto Ariadne to arrange them into proper folders and subfolders as she reads them from the discs etc thus allowing all discs,cartridges of games and movies to be recycled with one sent to a universal museum that holds one copy of each with those found only on illegal filesharing sites like ZeroNet,The Pirate Bay downloaded and extracted with the remaining files of defunct ones like hotfile,Megaupload etc extracted through AI.Save files,achievements,trophies,games played and time spent on them,usernames and data of MMOs etc,records of high scores on existing online accounts,laptops,computers,cartridges,memory cards,discs,console hard drives,emulators on laptops,Apple accounts etc can be transferred to ones Dionysus account via connection to the wire and peripherals through Ariadne with the person connecting to their Xbox Live and PS4 account in their Dionysus account or Ariadne doing this before these and similar networks are deleted and shut down and servers recycled and the the games added to their library.All of the data such as accumulated hours played,rankings etc will be added with if there is data from other players than ideally for each cartridge and memory that has different save files one can select which ones to add individually with the save files sent to ones folder in the newly added game with those of graphical remakes going to the relevant folders and if one has save files on different ports of a game will be added to the single game.This can apply to all games including handhelds such as the 3DS etc.Achievements will be transferred from ones Xbox Live and PS4 network and Apple accounts etc prior to them shut down as well as save files from games cartridges,memory cards etc scanned into their library in new and older games that dont have these used as a baseline for proto Adriadne to analyse the data present ie what level they are one and have been finished what collectables are collected to add relevant achievements and the game added to their library.When one adds achievements from existing online services then the game will be added to their library even if save files are not transferred.Trophies will be converted into Achievements.This and transferring save files will allow one to carry one from where they are from older games and save all hard work.One can send this data to a subsystem of Dionysus via connection the proto wire with all of the data collected and the persons real name used in Dionysus rather than the different usernames or when Dionysus is set up a section will have areas where one will tick boxes for all the various online accounts such as Xbox live,StreetPass Mii Plaza and PS4 Network etc they have accounts on and insert their passwords and username to have all data transferred at once via connection to the wire with the sites eventually deleted after a set period of time with this done on laptops as well as consoles.Save files on cartridges,memory cards,laptops,emulators,online accounts,Apple accounts on smart devices etc for older games will be transferred via peripherals hooked onto laptops connected to the wire and add these games to ones library and also have achievements added to their account based on the data present ie levels passed and also collectables collected etc with this also used to transfer rankings of mini games,high scores etc and the game will be added to their library.Save files from iOs and Android games will be transferred to ones account as well.This will allow one to get achievements for older games they have existing games in their home libraries and memory cards etc.When one links their YouTube channel to their Dionysus account the videos of speedruns and walkthroughs on them will have save files created,achievements based on what is done added and them to their library.This will allow one to save hard work and get all achievements automatically from work already done and not have to do it all over again.The persons save files will be stored with the game folders in their library as well as hard drives and will be stored there or transferred and copied back and forth between ones Hestia cloud and registered devices and could be deleted.These peripherals can be all in one large peripherals available to the public by at least 2020-2025 that can be the shape of a console that that has connectors for memory cards for all previous consoles as well as for cartridges and discs of all games consoles including handhelds as far back as generation one that can connect to laptops and computers thus allowing data present on them to be transferred to ones Dionsysus account including the proto Dionysus.Places for floppy discs and memory cards will also be present with the disc reader suited for games on CDs not suited for laptops such as Gamecube,Playstation 1-4,Xbox etc with them also used to read and scan files from DVDs.People who have large stocks of games to have data from cartridges and memory cards will have large ones created or numerous ones to allow allow data from multiple cartridges etc to be transferred with these connecting to the wire and their laptops and computers via wires such as USB keys and wirelessly by wifi at home.One will based on what games they have customised versions with the desired number of ports and which type ie type of memory card,type of cartridge by ticking boxes and those for discs etc.Consoles that have online access can simply be used themselves to transfer data from accounts with PC games have save files on ones computer sent to their Dionysus account when it is started up and again the games added to their library.If a person has an emulator for all consoles on their laptop or computer then they can transfer it to their account and the relevant consoles games added to their library and save files transferred and made through conversion into proper ones.This will be used to add games to Dionysus library of games and also have players add save files,achievements etc.The Ariadne AI including proto forms will scan the cartridge and disc first for its data to add rare games and those for adding to Dionysus as a whole including special features such as those that exist only as discs and cartridges including 3DSXL etc.For those wanting to extract achievements based on save files,save files and tabulations one when entering a menu can have the save files,high scores etc transferred to ones account via entering a menu on ones smart television and laptops to do this with this managed by AI namely Adriadne with memory cards scanned for the this.Ports for VHS tapes will exist to scan in VHS tapes and DVDs and Blu Rays from movies and television shows also scanned using these using disc ports for all data to be transferred to their folders with them also transferring data on camrecorder tapes for YouTube etc.One could order in customised peripherals for each console they have with them connected to laptops and consoles connected to the internet and Dionysus via wifi or even USB keys allowing for it to be done in minutes.Those with large stores of memory cards and cartridges will have multiple or one of these ordered in connected to the same or multiple computers.For older games and those that dont have achievements the save files and data present will automatically add once they choose a menu achievements based on the data there ie what levels they reached and how many collectables collected with the games added to ones library.These peripherlas will be used for the adding of rare games and those not found online from discs,cartridges from generation 1-9 consoles,alongside CDs from PC games,floppy discs and 3DS,3DSXL cartridge managed by Adriadn from Ebay,Amazon,physical stores,archives in corporate headquarters and those of the producers and also in the homes of people who own them.This transfer will be done by Adriadne with her also organising the transfer of save data files for those owned by the public at home and organise high scores and achievements based on them accessed on a menu.Any friends lists etc present in these accounts and all other data will be transferred to Dionysus with friends changed to their real names provided they also have accounts with one sending to all friends at once their real name and also the encryption to their new Dionysus account.One could order versions developed that have connectors etc for each console companies entire backlog of consoles with their being versions that can extract information from VHS tapes,camrecorder cassettes,cassette tapes,Betamax,VCD,vinyl records and other old outdated means of media storage with DVD and Blu Ray discs inserted into desktop computers and laptops to allow movies,special features and commentaries to be extracted by proto Adriadne.The files from VHS tapes,DVDs,Blu Rays,cassettes and vinyl records will be uploaded to a subsystem where it will be stored and analysed by Adriadne to see if it is not present with if not it will be added and if not will be deleted with this done at home by people and producers who own large stocks of old video games,movies,music and other media on different obsolete recording media.Filesharing sites such as Pirate bay etc that still exist will be scanned by AI for all files for the material present when they files are downloaded and assembled and then uploaded with this then deleting the websites completely made redundant by Dionysus.Ebay and Amazon before being shut down by Hephaestus will have any remaining books,video games,television shows and movies etc sent to community centres or ordered by the public who can then scan the material online.Scanning in movies,television shows and special features can be done by putting them into laptops and computers and allowing Ariadne and other precursor AI to scan the material into relevant files and folders etc of a subsystem then added to Dionysus with this done for rare copies of movies and television shows and all versions of DVD and Blu Ray.Ideally the producers of defunct rare shows,movies and games will order their own material and upload it onto Dionysus and the cartridges,VHS tapes,discs etc will be recycled once all of the media and special features are extracted with adverts on VHS tapes extracted onto a network where it will be then transferred onto each films special features sections with this done for all versions of movies VHS tapes with those on YouTube transferred to them as well.Subsystems for both Pheme and Dionysus for each media will be set up to house material scanned into them when they are finally set up.

All media will be arranged in Dionysus by Adriadne by their type into different sections.A section will exist for all full length movies of all genres including feature length documentaries and a sub section for short movies,a section will exist for all television shows of all genres including sub sections for documentaries and another sub section for mini series,a section will exist for all adult pornographic movies of all types and genres( including sub sections of gay,straight,bisexual and lesbian) with within this a section for pornographic television shows(subdivided into gay,straight,lesbian and bisexual.A section will exist for music of all genres including soundtracks.A section will exist for live performance art of all types with sub sections for each type(opera,plays,musicals etc).A section will exist for all video games of all types including a sub section for VR games and Bacchus.A section will exist for all forms of literature including books,novels,comic books,plays,poetry etc divided into sub sections and so on.These sections will be subdivided into sections devoted to each type ie the live performance art section will be divided into sub sections for plays,musicals,operas etc with the literature section sub divided into novels,plays,short stories collections,poetry books and collections and also comic books etc and so on.In each section they’re will be trailers for all upcoming media.All media in these sections will be subdivided into genres with them all subdivided into folders and subfolders alongside their special features.Dionysus structure will be modelled on Netflix.All of this will make it easier for people to search for material they wish to see and read with people using search bars, interaction with Adriadne and entering the various folders and subfolders to find the media they want of the media present in Dionysus such as video games,movies etc will be stored in digital form with even literature like novels,comics etc in digital form.Literature will exist in digital form and viewed on e-readers and e-newspapers while video games will be downloaded onto consoles and system unit technology and laptops,desktop computers with movies,television shows etc viewed on smartphones,smartpads,smart televisions,laptops and computers etc with one able to download media onto these to alleviate strains on bandwidth or when internet access is not available.By having all media both past and future uploaded to only Dionysus will allow one access to media from across the world and will allow for universal release and access of all media within seconds of production with Phoroneus breaking the language barrier.This will render all retail outlets for video games,DVDs,Blu Rays,books etc obsolete to be turned into communal homes and allow cinemas including IMAX ones worldwide to be converted into communal homes.Furthermore since requiring internet access it will allow all dishes,satillites,receivers and transmitters worldwide to be demolished and recycled.All media will be of the highest quality and in at least 720p.

All media will be uploaded there in at least 720p/1080p when converted to it via software including Ampelos and replaced with highest resolutions over time or chosen in the settings with the language set by .The sentient Coeus built into these devices and the wire that can be set by either their own wire account settings and/or internal language settings within the media.Ampelos and Adriadne will update them to these resolutions including those from DVDs,Dailymotion,YouTube,Sony Crackle etc with media that is backwards flipped back to the original sides and removing watermarks.Duplicates of all media uploaded to Dionysus will be deleted by Adriadne with all media stored in a subsystem first where it she will via fragmentation analyse them to see what they are and upgrade them to high quality and put different version of media ie limited editions,directors cut,trivia tracks,commentaries etc into the same video file with different rare editions of books etc put into subfolders.Updates will allow material to be chosen at other video and sound qualities including those within the audio/visual spectrum of other sentient races.Media from alien races across the universe can be modified to be viewed in the audio/visual range of humans throhhh settings.

Physical disks,VHS tapes and cartridges of video games,movies,music(cassettes,records,disks etc) and television shows recycled with all past media and special features present here will be scanned into Dionysus via laptops,computers and berals at home scanning in the media through Ariadne with all extra features present on them scanned into Dionysus.Movies,video games,television shows,live performance art,books,music albums,sports events and special features etc found only online on YouTube,Steam,Origin,Coolrom,Google Books,Spotify,iTunes,Sony Crackle,Hulu,Vimeo,,Netflix,Viu,Kocowa,Tudou Gamefly,PopCap Games,Apple,dailymotion, etc will be transferred to Dionysus and upgraded to high quality.Adriadne will scour the entire internet including these sites for all movies,television shows,video games ,short movies etc and transfer them to Dionysus,upgrade them to high quality at least 720p,remove glitches etc and filter out bad quality and also remove watermarks and all logos of television shows.She wil then once they are transferred to Dionysus she will delete these videos on YouTube with all other websites made obsolete by Dionysus such as Netflix,Steam et will be shut down and servers recycled.She will do this for all allied races versions of these websites etc with if they have equivalent ls of Dionysus age will transfer all media from it to Dionysus and shut them down.She will cross reference IMDB and Wikipedia to see what movies,television shows,comics and novels,video games etc not present on her database to add them with the same done for video games and also magazine and newspaper issues to have her track them down using algorithms with if even a subsystem in each sector housing this list to be analysed by the public so they can reply and send the material to be scanned in community centres and also peripherals used.If temporal manipulations are successful then lost VHS tapes and DVDs as well as reels of movies,video game cartridges,episodes of television shows,movies,special features,issues of magazines and newspapers,episodes of live news programs etc will be located scanned into smart devices,biosynths,scanners,computers and peripherals or external hard drives either through direct connection or through wifi the original allowed to follow its natural course and then added to relevant networks of Pheme and Dionysus with if possible hooking up to the printing press computers that created them to do this secretly to allow all lost video games,versions of movies etc as well as lost defunct newspapers and magazines and individual issues and booklets as well as old issues lost of defunct or well known newspapers and magazines whose original issues are not in archives will be tracked down and preserved.Neural implants can be used by all members of the public that will scan their brain for all movies,live performance art and television shows they have seen,books,live performance art,sections of live news,issues of newspapers and magazines as well as programmes and walkthroughs they have read to be added by Adriadne and Aleitheia recreating them from these memories word for word,page for page and also scene for scene onto pages and digital files as if they were for normal with this done by all living members on the world allowing the AI to reverse engineer them from memories and piecing together all memories from all people worldwide.Once this technology is availible by the early 2030s this will be used by all citizens worldwide to recreate all of the aforementioned material from just memories and not those made up from scratch.Temporal manipulations can also used to recover lost books,episodes,issues etc.The same will be done for advertisements sent to YouTube.Adriadne will extrapolate the centre space for live performance art.Advertisements on television and radio for services and sports events from the past from around the world will be put on specialised YouTube channels possibly on an Adriadne YouTube channel organising them on by type of service from around the world over the years in singular videos or her editing them into collages for all products and services with captions denoting the year it came out.These will extracted from DVDs,VHS tapes,YouTube videos and archives.Those already on YouTube will have them downloaded and edited to single videos for each product and service over the year ie each product and service will have them in videos for all of them over the years with their year denoted and/or they could be merged into one single video for all of those from a specific country from the entire year from all countries by merging all of them on YouTube into one single one once downloaded and edited with them all updated to high quality.These will be put into long videos in playlists for each country around the world for each year of each type of service subdivided by type in playlists with advertisements for television shows and movies etc on YouTube etc transferred to the special features section.Companies advertisements for manufactured products in archives of corporate headquarters and YouTube will be uploaded to their page in Hephaestus with services uploaded to YouTube on this channel managed by Ariadne again by Year with this channel done to preserve them indefinitely.Those for video games,television shows and movies from television stations from around the world will be put into their special features section.Neural implants can be used for them to be streamed from people around the world to preserve them indefinitely in the case of those not on YouTube and archives.Manufactured goods in advertisements in magazines and newspapers will be sent to relevant departments in Hephaestus by Aphrodite with those on YouTube videos done by Aphrodite scanning them as well.Advertisments for these and new ones in Hephaestus mainly electronics,clothing etc will appear in future magazines and newspapers that will have these by adding them in by the assistant AI arranging them based on there type.These will have hyperlinks to their page in Hephaestus both in old and new ones with magazines that specialise in architecture,electronics and fashion will have these still continuing with again hyperlinks to the page with them tried in virtual simulations by the reviewers with this simulation allowing for the public to have all products in simulations without expending energy in the real world.

Dated looking media and special features will be using Ampelos made to look as recent and in the highest resolution with them replaced by higher resolutions as well with them updated by software to at least 720/1080p.All media uploaded in live-streams,from discs and VHS tapes and those transferred from YouTube and the rest of the internet will be updated to 720/1080p with watermarks and televsion station logos removed and audio updated to high quality and media reversed flipped to the proper make side.Old video games can have graphics preened up using software to the highest quality and resolution possible.Logos on any movies and television shows of the company they were produced by and whose television channel they premiered on will be removed or they will be uploaded without this.Comic books,magazines,newspapers etc will be in the highest resolution possible done by software with all media in at 720/1080p.Proto and final AI such as Adriadne and Ampelos will do all of this.Ampelos and Adriadne will review each media file to decide how to make sure these parameters are abided by.

Other aspects of the wire can be accessed on smart televisions via apps and existing homes and public amenities/buildings with satellites can have the dishes,satellite boxes recycled alongside conventional televisions which can be replaced with smart televisions to stream entertainment and specific channels from Dionysus and Pheme allowing people to watch movies or television shows anytime they want from anywhere.As a result the headquarters of satellite and cable providers as well as television companies will be turned into homes and consumers will get a wider array of entertainment that no single satellite or cable corporation could provide.Satellite packages that restrict an individual to only regional channels and media will be replaced by smart televisions,computers and devices that link to Dionysus a that contains all media from around the world with the person able to get apps for specific 24/7 news channels,sports channels,specific television shows(individual talk show hosts,individual soaps etc from all around the world.).Having entertainment uploaded to Dionysus within seconds of production will render cable and satellite providers both state and corporate obsolete and thus allow satellites in space,dishes and boxes at home and receiving stations on the ground to be recycled with the done for those of live news stations since they will livestreamed and logged into Dionysus.Dishes,boxes,wire and other systems for satellite and cable services such as those that provide Sky Tv etc will be replaced by the ability to downloaded movies,sports events,television shows and sports events via Dionysus will be recycled with cables and other fittings for American and other versions of television services will be made defunct allowing them to be recycled.Satellites used to transmit and provide entertainment channels will be recycled with them replaced by internet/wire livestreams and Dionysus through the wire.Wiring,boxes,dishes for receiving cable and satellite services will be recycled.Dishes,boxes,wire and other systems for satellite and cable services such as those that provide Sky Tv etc will be replaced by the ability to downloaded movies,sports events,television shows via Dionysus will be recycled with cables and other fittings for American and other versions of television services will be made defunct allowing them to be recycled.Thus all satellites for these will be recycled.Smart televisions will replace normal televisions that can stream Dionysus with the having biological hard drives that can store large amounts of data downloaded directly from Dionysus allowing for media to viewed offline to save on bandwidth with them also able to stream video files stored on smart devices,laptops etc registered to the the homeowner.Books and comics both old and new will be downloaded onto smart devices,e-newspapers and e-readers to be read offline.Most media will be viewed offline once downloaded with sports games downloaded or viewed in livestreamed on smart devices and smart televisions.DVDs,BluRay discs and VHS tapes will become obsolete by movies and television shows appearing here live or after production with discs,cartridges,cassettes,records etc becoming obsolete for video games and music.Illegal downloading sites like thePirateBay,Megaupload,BitTorrent will become obsolete.Cinemas including IMAX ones will become obsolete and turned into homes.By using the networks within Dionysus and being streamed from here live news stations,newspapers,magazines,radio stations,books,movies,music,video games,television shows both existing and new will be allowed to be created without corporate and state control and thus censorship.Age recognition software on smart devices including televisions and computers built into Hestia,Home AI,Ariadne etc as well as ones age in their Polis accounts cross referenced will be preventing minors gaining access to adult and age restricted material and networks in both Dionysus including access to view adult movies and post material or even access the networks for adult movies.Ariadne will give all media past and future an universal age rating for movies,video games,comics,novels and television shows based on the British Board of Film Classification with this done by Gaia or Ariadne even before becoming sentient by her scanning the finished product in mere minutes with changes in ratings done by her.Other movies from the United States and other countries will have them fitted with this age rating system via cross referencing and equalising with their existing ones.It will also allow them to reach a global audience since all countries will have uniform laws with the headquarters of the BBC,MPAA and its equivalents worldwide used as homes.This will make all television watchdogs and regulators such as the FCC,ITC etc and their equivalents redundant allowing their headquarters and those of the BBFC,MPAA etc to be used as communal homes.The American and British Film Institutes and their equivalents worldwide will be merged into one and using Iris group chats and networks within Dionysus will allow members to communicate with each other and plan events allowing their headquarters to be used as homes with this also applying to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and equivalents worldwide with again them merging together and meetings done via networks and group Iris and VR chats in Dionysus or private networks.In time VR when it becomes indistinguishable from reality will also allow for meetings to be done from home in a virtual office.The headquarters of SAG-AFTRA and other obsolete independent and government bodies related not just to movies but also all types of media will also be used as homes with this including all types of trade unions for writers,actors etc becoming obsolete and allowing headquarters to be used as homes.The sentient operating softwares within Vogue will become the sentient global versions of SAG-AFTRA and all registry groups of actors,writers,voice actors,directors etc with Adriadne replacing the MPAA etc for giving movies age ratings and also even merge and replace Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for regulations for movies.

Pattern recognition software within Adriadne will prevent snuff films and also child pornography from being uploaded into Dionysus and the rest of the wire.Merchandise for all media such as podcasts,newspapers,news papers,magazines,video games,movies,television shows and even those from specific websites of personalities,adult entertainment,defunct corporations,social media and video sharing,organisations and celebrities will be in Hephaestus in their different subnetworks with this including toys,cutlery,bags,clothing etc.Thus these networks will negate the need for all government and corporate entities with regards to the production and regulation of all types of media such as television shows,movies,video games,live performance art,music,comics,books etc with these entities headquarters and offices used as communal homes as all of these will be created independently by volunteers from the comfort of home using these networks.Government bodies for sports will merge into singular versions with them able to meet over group Iris chats allowing corporate and government buildings to be used as homes with entities regarding live performance actors,dancers etc becoming obsolete and their headquarters used as homes.In both cases Iris chats and computer networks and when VR when it becomes indistinguishable from reality it can allow members to meet in virtual office from the comfort of their own home.This will apply to all remaining global amalgamated versions of media related organisations thus allowing them to work and meet together from home using forums,iris and VR chats,internal instant messaging etc. and allow their headquarters for all versions worldwide to be used as communal homes.

Ariadne combined with Home AI will carry out studies on each media type,genre and title in Dionysus such as literature,video games,movies,etc such as the demographics of viewers,readers and players and how many times it was streamed,downloaded and the demographics of this or how many people are currently playing it if it is an online game with offline games done for currently and have played as well accumulated hours and times played on personal,local,regional,national,global levels across all demographics in real time updated constantly for all types of media.Other statistical data will include what times of the day and months as well as years the movies,books,video games etc are played and what types of genres each demographics prefer said item from which continents/countries/regions/towns and cities,how much and how long of each media type each person reads/watches each movies and episodes of television shows,plays each video games over days,weeks,months and years for their personal use as well as on local,regional,national and global levels or author/director etc.For certain games like racing,shooter,fighter games it will relay the favourite characters and the amount percentage and times each character is played online and offline in each multiplayer and single modes for all demographics. Video games will also have playing time logged on personal individual to global levels.The times downloaded and streamed etc will be determined by each person who did so and not every multiple times a person does ie only the first time a person does so.This will replace Nielsen ratings and will be tallied worldwide and them managed by Adriadne in real time with Home AI of each individual person measuring when they were watched and played or read in real time and in total and also which members of a family or group living together watched it with it denoting how much each person watched each episode and how much of a movie etc and allowing for the demographics of a family or group to be ascertained even when watched later via webcams or it interacting with the family members after downloaded and the Home AIs of all people worldwide working together with Adriadne to alleviate strains on this and calculate this data on an individual to global level on all demographics with the information present in a subfolder for each episode,movie,book etc visible to the public that changes in real time constantly with pie-charts and graphs overtime etc used and will apply to both new shows,movies,video games and old ones as well with it relayed to producers via assistant AI with this applying to all types of media.When a group of people watches it at once it will work alongside Home AI and Adriadne through cameras on smart televisions and computers etc will be able to determine who is watching the media via cross refferencing Polis and add it to their Dionysus account etc and measure their interest etc.These demographics would be age,gender,race,country of origin etc and would be done for all types of media and individual title in both Pheme and Dionysus and all their sections.Adriadne,publicist Home AIs,assistant AIs will interact with Home AIs to directly recommended media of other movies,video games,shows etc on ones own account in each folder and section for each media type based on this data.Home AI and Aleitheia will do this for all media in Pheme.Trailers for future media will be directed to people on YouTube,live news etc and poster advertisements in magazines and newspapers based on this data.Bestselling lists,music and video game charts and box office lists will be replaced by lists in all sectors ie books,music,video games,movies,music albums that list the most popular albums,movies,television shows in real time from around the world from different countries as filtered by the user that shows the most popular video games etc on charts up to a hundred or even all in existence based on how many are downloaded and also viewed as well as filters able to do this based on user review scores and those from Rotten Tomatoes with all of these including not just the most recent media but all existing media in the database from as far back as possible and also in real time managed by Adriadne measuring their popularity with the current ranking of each one present in their media file.These will change daily and as stated will involve existing old media prior to Dionysus being set up and will reflect downloaded media and those viewed in real time and with regards to video games overall playing time rendering existing charts like the New York Times Bestsellers and music charts obsolete.This will not take into account those downloaded and viewed online with it only applied one per person meaning a person who downloaded them multiple times will not add new tallies to each media.There will be lists for all types of media such as books,comic books and there issues,movies,adult movies,television shows and if possible a list for them overall and those for all episodes of all programmes,video games,live performance art and different renditions etc.This will be listed in the main section of each section of Dionysus and each one will show it current 10 star ratings.It could also by scanning all media in its database perform global,regional or country level studies on the Bechdel test in all types(movies,television shows,video games,literature etc) or specific types of media as well as other similar tests such as the Sphinx,Vito Russel tests as well as those relating to racial,ethnicities,those in relation to them as well as men and women in different roles etc over certain time periods or as a whole and studies other different types(including those on different tropes),uses of different words/phrases/expletives/artists or songs on soundtrack with updates done over time and them uploaded to Apollo.The six degrees of separation to Kevin Bacon or other actors can be created using this.It could also do this for video games,shows,movies etc that are set in the same universe with these and other aforementioned studies visible as charts generated by the AI.It will also scan all media past and future for hidden references,foreshadowing,continuity error,plot holes,unexplained red herrings etc for Aletheia and TV Tropes.Like Amazon the person can change settings to allow them to have suggestions for related games/books/movies/television shows with people able to leave ratings out of five and/or reviews for each media in the medias folder in a similar make up as Amazon.Furthermore it can scan all episodes of a television show and also all shows etc to carry out measurements to carry out different tests and studies on how many times a different phrase or event occurs etc and be used those using implants to scan for certain scenes to carry out compilation videos or these done via the AI itself.The will be replaced and shut down by Ariadne which will be transferred within Dionysus that would detail how long it would take a person to watch all of the episodes of any programme collectively or of selected amount of episodes chosen by the viewer in terms of of both years/months/weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds cumulatively and for each one individually with also done for movie series,podcasts for each radio station including those put onto a playlist by the viewer with the percentage watched and left to be watched shown to the viewer.Playlists will also have this information.

Ariadne through interacting with viewers will be able answer direct queries on all media such as narrow down media through descriptions of scenes,lines present and other queries with this applying to magazines newspapers and live news etc in Pheme with in time neural implants allowing thoughts and memories to be used.The Momus,Dionysus and Critics score will be present here also.She can introduce people to movies,television show,literature,video games etc based on their preferences and playing,viewing etc habits with them bookmarked to be looked at and played etc later on.Direct interactions with ones Home AI,Ariadne etc can allow one to bring up and play a specific media ie specific movie/episode of television show/song etc or find out a specific movie or episode etc from descriptions/memories/pictures/soundbites/actor present,with neural implants used to determine them from memories,skip to or record specific scenes and points as well as download it onto ones Hestia cloud or devices with users able to locate specific songs in the background on Dionysus and YouTube,locate specific extras/guests/actors on wikipedia/IMDB/Polis and their official social media/YouTube accounts their official websites,find a specific actor or director based on description or media they are in as well as specific manufactured products in the media in Hephaestus and locate specific locations such as buildings,streets on Brauron.Gaia and ones home AI will do this for music videos on YouTube.Having all movies,television shows and live news in Dionysus and Pheme will negate the need to record them and store them in clouds like TiVo and Sky+.Interactions with Adriadne,Home AI etc can allow one to be directed to specific point in a movie or television show and chose specific media.She will also be able on request of viewers track down all actors,extras and dancers in music videos,movies and television shows alive and dead using the Polis network and patient files giving basic information including their IMDB page and other media they are in starring and supporting roles and also are extras in other media not visible on IMDB and Wikipedia with one directed to episodes of this and other programmes and movies etc that said person appears in.Soundhound integrated into Adriadne and also all AI and other music recognition software will allow one to determine the name of the music tracks present on media such as video games,television shows and also movies with the person directed to the songs YouTube video,it within the medias soundtrack and also within the artists own album etc.Consumers will be able to as stated earlier subscribe to their favorite authors,directors,television shows,movies,books series,authors,comics,actors(and thus any talk shows,movies and shows as well as live media they have appeared on),writers,directors etc that will allow alerts to be sent to their registered devices via links to their Dionysus account when they are released and then view them when they wish.They will also be able to chose the layout of Dionysus in a grid or list system with them able to filter by newest releases,author/director/musician, year,rating,genre,type(live action,animated or CGI),actors present(one or multiple),country of origin with regards to visual and literary media with video games filtered by genre,generation of consoles,console name,platform port(console or laptop/computer),year,genre etc.Each type of media will have the total amount listed and those of each of the aformentioned filters with them updated instantly as new ones are added.New features will be added to Dionysus overtime by both Adriadne and the general public interacting with it.

Networks within Diosnysus will allow for all programmers,video game directors,authors of books and comics,directors,voice actors etc of movies and television shows to work with each other from home with VR technology allowing all media to be filmed in simulations at zero cost with realistic special effects etc as detailed earlier on with creators of these starting out as early as 12 years old or younger .Thus musicians,actors,video game directors,artists,voice actors,authors,writers,directors can start careers as as early as 12 years old or younger potentially as young as 5-9 years old via the ability to set up computer networks within Diosnysus and posting auditions in them,VR technology and Assistant AI negating the need for tertiary education in media courses related to these fields.Ampelos will be the universal sentient video editing,music making,video game programming software with posters,illustrations,maps etc made on him as well.The sentient Erato will be the universal sentient word processing software to write scripts,books,novels etc.Ones sentient Home AI will replace publicists,managers,aides etc for all directors,actors,musicians etc with each project having assistant AI that manage extras and animals in VR simulations and a works done by producers as as fact checking with actors with A-list from newbie ones posting audio/visual portfolios within networks for each movie,television show and video games from home with VR technology allowing movies,television shows and cutscenes for video games and even animated shows in a simulation that is of the animation style with allowing planet sized sets,props,hairstyles,make up etc to be conjured up cutting energy etc costs to zero and render stuntmen,make up artists and animal trainers obsolete.It will render CGI obsolete due to lifelike sets,actors able to instantly change their look ie alien,monster,older or younger,fatter/muscular/thinner and dangerous stunts and death scenes filmed without injury or death,animals and extras controlled by AI with even animated media and video game cutscenes filmed here alongside music video.VR technology will render sets for movies and television shoots obsolete and turned into homes and communities.By 2029 VR technology will allow all future movies,television shows,music videos and cutscenes of video games to be filmed in any environment at zero cost,actors working from home and also its time dilation effect allowing for entire runs of shows,movies and video games to be done in one go.It will allow planet sized sets designed by AI and directors to be conjured up instantly,allow one to do dangerous stunts and death scenes without death/injury/stuntmen,allow one to change to an alien,monster or older and e instantly and have AI and human actors play large amounts of human or alien and monster extras and even monsters,dangerous animals without pet trainers terrible CGI.All of this will be filmed using in simulation drones and cameras and would push production costs to zero even for newbies and can allow animated shows and movies including mixed live action/animation to be filmed this way as their animation style cutting down on time and labour with all pre and post production work can be filmed in simulation.The filmed material can be stored in simulation networks that once edited can be transferred to real world networks and computers to be the uploaded in one go.VR simulations can allow video games,comic books and novels etc to be done in this simulation with meetings between actors,directors and auditions can be done and viewed.Live performance art can use the time dilation effect of VR technology to do practice runs without deadlines with this allowing an abundance of plays,musicals,operas to be attended in multilayered simulations livestreamed and logged in Dionysus to deal with the finite amount of physical theatres.

Having all movies including adult movies and short movies,video games,music albums,television shows,books,comic books etc from around the world past and present backlogged and premiering on Dionysus will give people access to entertainment from around the world giving them a wider variety and it allowing for actors,directors etc to gain global stardom and recognition and will also allow one to catch their favourite television shows while on holidays or if they have moved home to another country.The sentient Coeus will translate text in video games,books,comics and audio into any of the worlds 6,500 languages with audio in movies etc translated in real time in the actors voice rather than dubbing.This will including all television shows since the advent of television such as game shows and soaps,novels and plays all the way back to ancient times such as ancient Greece and even the Tales of the Genji and all movies of all types from around the world as far back as the silent era of cinema and including Grindhouse,B-movie,made for TV/DVD movies and those for specific channels ie Disney,Hallmark,Syfy etc and all adult movies worldwide sent here.All music albums,extended plays etc from around the world will be premiering here as well and all past albums etc from around the world including compilations,soundtracks etc will be here with future ones premiering here.With regards to sports events such as the Olympics these will be livestreamed here and logged as far back as possible arranged by sport and then event.Sports events from around the world will be logged as far back as possible divided by type and subtype of sport ie one for soccer,one for american football,aussie football,boxing,UFC,wrestling(including WWE,WWF etc)GAA,baseball,poker,horseriding,cycling,motobike,Nascar,Formula 1 etc and showing all leagues minor and major there live with all past games stored in folders and subfolders by global tournament,region/country,year and season and all future games will be live-streamed and logged here from now on.This will replace Sony Crackle,Netflix,iTunes,Spotify,Origin,Steam etc and their equivalents worldwide with all existing material transferred here via AI and also discs,cassettes and vinyl records etc inserted into peripherals that can extract the information present connected to laptops.With regards to video games it will have all video games from across the world as far back as generation 1-8 and from all consoles including PC games,iOS games,MMOs and those from gaming websites etc with as detailed earlier remakes,remasterings and ports merged together into singular games and them all played on customised consoles and controllers with this rendering ports,emulators and remakes etc obsolete with new games played on these customised consoles and system unit technology.Live performance art such as ballet,operas,musicals,concerts,rock concerts and music festivals around the world and those done in VR simulations to deal with the finite number of theatres etc and save time and energy in setting up venues will be livestreamed into Dionysus via VR technology and cameras in the theatre in the exact centre on the ceiling to again allow actors gain worldwide recognition and allow people to gain access to all plays,opera,musicals,concerts taking place across the globe from amateur dram productions in small village theatres all the way up to Broadway and West End productions and their equivalents worldwide from the comfort of home.All renditions of all live performance art such as operas,musicals,concerts,plays etc taking place all around the world in amateur drama halls to the West End and Broadway will be livestreamed and logged into Dionysus thus giving people access to them if are unable to attend them meaning even high culture art will be availible to everyone and give actors including those in amateur productions a global audience.Both real world theatres and those in simulations that are used to deal with a finite amount of them in the real world will have cameras in the exact centre to livestream into Dionysus with park renditions have cameras set up as well.Thus all high end and amateur dram theatres around will have cameras set up to livestream it into Dionysus for worldwide distribution.Theatres in VR simulations will have them done to deal with the finite amount of theatres and also an emerging amount of actors availible due to obsolete jobs again livestreamed into Dionysus.Headquarters for television and movie corporations,satellite and cable providers,video game corporations will be converted into communal homes with studios for talk shows,television shows and movie sets will be converted into them as well due to networks in Dionysus and VR technology allowing one to work at home with people across the world.Music corporations headquarters and recording studios will be converted into communal homes alongside the recording studios used by voice actors of movies,television shows and video games will be converted into homes replaced by microphones attached to computers with Ampelos removing background noise and improving acoustics and also VR simulated recording studios.Both musicians and voice actors will use home studios or even just wireless microphones attached to laptops to record voice recordings and music.VR recording studios will be used and Ampelos arranging acoustics and background noise.Signing onto record companies and talent shows such as “American Idol,Xfactor” will become obsolete as musicians can use networks to create albums.All movies and television shows will be stored in digital form either 720p/1080p or even 4K or higher.Adriadne will be able to make updates to the quality of media files in Dionysus routinely on demand.She will be able to upgrade all media to video qualities higher than 720p by carrying system wide updates to the entire Dionysus network.This will render blu rays and even Netflix obsolete with it also making cinemas obsolete which will be converted into communal homes.Music from across the world will be present here rendering Spotify and iTunes and physical disc stores etc obsolete.Only the music file will be here with music videos uploaded into YouTube.All existing pornography movies will be uploaded to Dionysus with them divided into gay,straight,lesbian,bisexual with them on discs have them scanned by being put into computers and those online including on Myvidster,xhamster etc added their by Adriadne and them updated to 1080p etc.All future pornography will be premiering here from now on.Adult websites will be managed by Hedone who restrict minors under the age of 14 from Boeing them.All comic books and novels,plays and all forms of literature will be uploaded to Dionysus in digital form with them read on e-readers and e-newspapers that last a lifetime.All video games will be stored in digital form on Dionysus similar to Steam thus allowing them to as large as possible without the constraints of cartridges and discs.This will render discs and cartridges etc obsolete with them downloaded onto laptops,consoles including handhelds that are customised ones with them designed on Pandora and stored in Hepheastus.Save files will be stored on computers with one able to own a system unit console that one can stream games on them from handhelds and laptops across the world to allow them to play powerful games on them and play them from across the world with localised multiplayer allowing one to use multiple laptops etc to link games together to play them without split screens with them combined with online multiplayer to allow an almost infinite number of players to play multiplayer games.The time dilation will lead to an explosion of movies,video games etc from around the world and universe with it also used by the public and critics to catch up with it.

Talk shows,debate programmes,movies and television shows filmed here in these simulations can allow movie sets and those to film television shows,talk shows etc to be converted into communal homes.All past media such as movies,television shows,video games,books,adult pornographey etc from across the world will be uploaded to Dionysus and all future media will premier there within seconds of production.Since all future media will premier on Dionysus within seconds of production all retail outlets that sell books,comics,Blu rays etc and even cinemas will be converted in communal homes.All movies,television shows,pornography and video games etc from all alien races across the universe will be logged here and all future episodes etc will premier here within seconds of production.Dishes on homes,satillite receivers etc around the world and satillites orbiting Earth will be demolished and taken down and recycled since all media will be through the online Dionysus network.Biosynth Wifi should provide people with speeds of up to 1,000 – 10,000Mbps even in Internet dead zones thus allowing one constant access to Dionysus on all e-readers,e-newspapers,smartphones and also laptops and smart televisions with this also present via biosynth wifi in hospitals,aeroplanes,trains and all other public buildings,public areas and public transport.Dionysus will be a single entertainment service that is streamed online that its structure is modelled in Netflix,Amazon books,Spotify and the PS4 network that houses all past video games,musuc albums,movies, television shows,books,comics,radio plays,talk shows,political shows,adult movies from around the world.All future movies, television shows,video games,live performance art,musuc albums,books,adult movies from around the world and universe including those from allied alien races will premier here within seconds of production.Adriadne will macro manage Dionysus.Adriadne and Hestia etc will prevent minors under the age of 14 from being able to view adult movies and age restricted material and networks using Polis and age recognition software.All existing movies,television shows,video games etc present on discs,cartridges and also on Netflix,Origin,Crackle,Amazon,GoogleDocs and the entire Internet including material found only on YouTube will be transferred and scanned into Dionysus and updated to 720p etc including special features.

Dionysus will house all of the worlds past video games,live performance art(opera,ballet,musicals,concerts)music albums,short movies,movies,adult movies,literature(plays,novels,poetry,comics,graphic novels,audiobooks),radio plays and podcasts that follow narratives,sports events,television shows of all genres(including soaps,game shows,reality tv,political investigative,documentary,debate,talk show,current affairs)including special features from all boxsets and versions from around the world arranged like Netflix logged as far back as possible to preserve them forever for future generations.All future movies,short movies,adult movies,literature,video games,radio plays and narrative podcasts,television shows including all future episodes of existing ones,music albums,books,graphic novels,comic books,plays,poetry collections,sports games of alll sports from around the world(baseball,American Football,soccer,boxing,GAA,Aussie Footsll,Cricket etc including the Olympics)live performance art(operas,musicals,plays,cirque de soleli,ballet,orchestras) and their special features from around the world and universe eventually including those of alien races(both allied and observed) will be premiering here within seconds of production and logged here forever to give a person a large variety of entertainment from around the world with it rendering Steam,Origin,PS4 Network,Xbox Live,iTunes,Spotify,Amazon books,Netflix and physical stores obsolete and will allow both existing and new actors,directors,musicians and writers gain worldwide recognition.Dionysus will house all past media and become the sole source of all future movies,television shows,video games,books,adult movies etc from around the universe allowing dishes,satillites,retail outlets both in the real world and online to be recycled and turned into homes since made obsolete by it.All movies,television shows produced by and appear only Sony Crackle,Amazon Prime,Apple tv,YouTube,Netflix etc and amateur movies and short movies on these sites will be transferred to Dionysus by Adriadne and premier here from now on.As a result it will be the sole source of movies,television shows,books,video games etc from across the world shutting down Netflix,Origin and also all cable and satillite services and will give people access to all existing and new movies,television shows,books,video games etc from across the world thus giving one more variety in their viewing,reading and playing habits and diets by giving them access to all of them from across the world and universe rather than what’s from their native countries and allow one to watch media from other countries with .The sentient Coeus translating all media into ones language with this allowing one access to native shows when they move to another country.It will house all media from all colonies across the universe and from all observed and allied alien races across the universe thus becoming the sole source of all existing and future media eliminating cinemas,Blu ray discs,satellite and cable companies and retail outlets all turned into communal homes.All movies,television shows,video games,books etc will be played online or downloaded onto laptops,smartphones and books and comic books read on e-newspapers that will last a lifetime and allow buildings to publish books.Dionysus will house all past media and become the sole source of all future movies,television shows,video games,books,adult movies etc from around the universe allowing dishes,satillites,retail outlets both in the real world and online to be recycled and turned into homes since made obsolete by it.All movies,television shows produced by and appear only on Sony Crackle,Amazon Prime,Apple tv,YouTube,Netflix etc and amateur movies and short movies on these sites will be transferred to Dionysus by Adriadne and premier here from now on.All media such as video games,movies,television shows,adult movies,books,music albums etc present on Origin,Steam,iTunes,Spotify,Netflix,Steam,Amazon books,official websites and other online sites will also be treansferred here by Adriadne these media appear only here from now on and these sites shut down forever.It will allow both existing and new actors,directors,musicians and writers gain worldwide recognition.All media present can be downloaded onto smart devices,computers,consoles,hard drives,media players,smart televisions to save on bandwidth.It will allow people to watch their favourite talk shows,soaps,television shows etc when on holidays and when they have moved home permanently with all episodes logged as far back as possible and have aceess to those from around the world.Having all past episodes of all television programmes including still running and defunct ones from around the world will allow younger people to catch up and preserve them forever.Having all past movies and video games from all around the world stored here will preserve them for future reference.Special features for all DVDs,blu rays box sets and special editions of all existing movies and television shows will be present for the same reason in subfolders with new movies and television shows have special features logged in subfolders.The sentient Coeus will be able to translate all movies,television shows,video games,books etc into any of the 6,500 languages and dialects including ancient ones and those of alien races to a person in real time in the speakers voice for movies,video games,television shows,albums,live performance art and text for literature,video games directly into ones desired language with minors prevented from accessing age restricted material and networks via age recognition software.It would render television,music and movie channels as part of cable and satellite packages worldwide to be shut down alongside those for live news since it would appear here availible to a global audience with VR technology and networks allowing all actors,programmers,writers,directors work from home.All past video games from all generations of consoles 1-9 including handhelds and also those from gaming websites and iOS will be present here with all future games premiering here from new on played on customised consoles including system unit consoles detailed earlier.All past and future sports games from around the world will be live-streamed and logged and appear here replacing sports channels.All books,comic books and all types of literature will be logged as far back as possible for preservation and all future ones premiering here.It will thus house all past and future episodes,movies,books,video games,live performance art etc from around the world and eventually universe and even existing and future movies,video games,television shows,books etc from alien races both allied and observed across the universe added here becoming the sole source of all past and future entertainment from around the world and universe.It will also render cable and satillites companies,packages and even actual network channels obsolete since all media will be livestreamed,logged and uploaded here rendering Satillites,dishes and boxes etc obsolete with it accessed on laptops,smart televisions,smartphones and computers..Dionysus will house all past and future media and become the sole source of all future movies,television shows,video games,books,adult movies etc from around the universe allowing dishes,satillites,retail outlets both in the real world and online to be recycled and turned into homes since made obsolete by it.All movies,television shows produced by and appear only on Sony Crackle,YouTube,Netflix etc and amateur movies and short movies on these sites will be transferred and premier here from now on.It will allow both existing and new actors,directors,musicians and writers gain worldwide recognition.Having all past and future movies uploaded here will remder cinemas obsolete forever allowing all real world cinemas to be turned into communal homes and allowing one instant access to all movies from around the world instantly.With all video games,movies,television shows etc uploaded here and all past ones logged here will give one instant access to them from around the world with it allowing all retail outlets for movies and video games to be turned into homes with the servers for Netflix,Origin,Steam and all online retail outlets that distribute movies,television shows and video games shut down forever.Since all past and future television shows such as talk shows,soaps,dramas etc will be logged here and premier here from now on shows will last as long as the producers want and no longer have their length be determined by ratings and no longer require one to approach executives since one will simply set up networks in Dionysus with it also eliminating all television stations that distribute television shows and movies as it will be instead of being distributed by satillites,cable etc and appearing on television for a single time will be livestreamed and logged in Dionysus to be preserved forever with all existing television shows including talk shows,soaps etc tracked down from archives and logged here forever.Since all media including talk shows,soaps,dramas will appear on Dionysus it will eliminate all state run and corporate channels which will dissapear with all of them shutting down down forever rendering dishes,satillites,boxes and similar methods for distribution of media.All dishes,satillites etc on homes/private homes and orbiting Earth will be recycled since they will livestreamed from Dionysus servers as part of the wires complex and logged there connected to the internet meaning mere internet and wire access using routers and in time Nyx will allow access to them at all times rendering satillites,dishes,boxes defunct.Transmitters and receivers on Earth and satillites orbiting Earth will be also recycled and demolished since they will no longer be needed.Some transmitters,receivers and cellular towers currently used by corporate and state television channels and telecommunications companies will become obsolete via biosynth WiFi and cellular access and Dionysus and Arke and thus can be replaced by radio telescopes allowing each country across the globe to have radio telescopes as part of Astraeus.Biosynth WiFi in public and via biosynth WiFi routers will ensure constant access to Dionysus at all times regardless of ones location on Earth.Thus all transmitters,dishes and also cable boxes on Earth will be recycled since all movies,television shows and video games will be livestreamed and logged in to Dionysus which will be accessed via biosynth WiFi eliminating the need for them.Futhermore all physical retail outlets that sell video games,movies,television shows and also books and comics etc and also cinemas including IMAX ones and the headquarters for book and comic book publishers and corporations that produce and distribute movies,television shows,video games will be converted into private or communal homes with those on retail streets converted into mega hotels due to all future media appearing online on Dionysus from now on and also due to all media being produced via VR technology and computer networks.All media present can be downloaded onto smart devices,computers,consoles,hard drives,media players,smart televisions to save on bandwidth.It will allow people to watch their favourite talk shows,soaps,television shows etc when on holidays and when they have moved home permanently with all episodes logged as far back as possible and have aceess to those from around the world.Having all past episodes of all television programmes including still running and defunct ones from around the world will allow younger people to catch up and preserve them forever.Having all past movies and video games from all around the world stored here will preserve them for future reference.Special features for all DVDs,blu rays box sets and special editions of all existing movies and television shows will be present for the same reason in subfolders with new movies and television shows have special features logged in subfolders.One will have access to all existing and future movies,television shows,comic books,books,video games etc from around the world thus increasing ones diet of entertainment and allow acces to ones local media when on holiday and when living abroad.The sentient Coeus will be able to translate all movies,television shows,video games,books etc into any of the 6,500 languages and dialects including ancient ones and those of alien races to a person in real time in the speakers voice for movies,video games,television shows,albums,live performance art and text for literature,video games directly into ones desired language with minors prevented from accessing age restricted material and networks via age recognition software.It would render television,music and movie channels as part of cable and satellite packages worldwide to be shut down alongside those for live news since all movies and television shows would appear here availible to a global audience with VR technology and networks allowing all actors,programmers,writers,directors work from home.All past video games from all generations of consoles 1-8 including handhelds and also those from gaming websites and iOS will be present here with all future games premiering here from new on played on customised consoles including system unit consoles detailed earlier.All past and future sports games from around the world will be live-streamed and logged and appear here replacing sports channels.All books,comic books and all types of literature will be logged as far back as possible for preservation and all future ones premiering here.All comics,novels and all literature will be in digital form and downloaded onto smart devices,e-readers and eventually e-newspapers thus eliminating paper allowing for publishing companies headquarters and buildings that publish books,comics etc to be converted into homes.All existing books,novels and comics will be scanned into Dionysus.It will thus house all past and future episodes,movies,books,video games,live performance art etc from around the world and eventually universe and even those from alien races both allied and observed becoming the sole source of all past and future entertainment from around the world and universe.Thus Dionysus will single handily shut down all cable and satellite packages and companies worldwide as well as shut down all internet streaming services such as Spotify,Netflix etc and also shutdown all cinemas worldwide since all existing and future media will be present on Dionysus within seconds of production.All headquarters for all companies that provide satellite services,film and television distribution companies and also all cinemas worldwide will be converted into communal homes.All aspects of both Xbox live,Street Pass Mii plaza and also PS4 Network will be integrated into Dionysus thus replacing and shutting down and replacing Street Was ass Mii Plaza,PS4 Network and Xbox Live forever.A hyperlink to their Agora and YouTube accounts will be present here with this linked to Dionysus account meaning live-streams can be directly fed into ones YouTube channel and existing and future verified speedruns Etc can be linked to their Dionysus accounts here with ones Agora account can be linked here to post videos of playthroughs etc.Twitch,Bsndicam,Fraps etc will be integrated into Dionysus and become obsolete by this service.Having their YouTube accounts linked here will allow one to carry out livestreaming,post videos directly from their accounts and linked Agora accounts will allow one to post tweets etc from Dionysus with these two also linked to their Pheme acccount.Eventually Agora the merged version of Facebook,Twitter etc will be linked here.A hyperlink to their Polis account will be present.Ones linked Agora social media and filesharing accounts will be automatically opened in the internet when they are signed into the wire and Dionysus.To start a new movie,television show,book,comic book,video game etc one will no longer have to approach corporate executives or government bodies but rather simply set up networks in Dionysus and post auditions etc.Producers of new movies,video games,television shows etc such as writers,directors,video game auteurs and actors etc will begin their careers as early as 12 years old or younger possibly between the ages of 5-9 years old.People already working as lawyers,live news presenters and journalists,researchers etc can partake in the production of new media.military and police officers and other professions can partake Dionysus an online network that is part of the wire modelled in structure and means of access similar to Netflix will house all past and future movies,video games,television shows,books,comics etc from across the world and universe thus rendering all conventional means of acquiring media obsolete.Thus Dionysus will act as a global repository holding all existing movies,television shows,video games,books etc from across the world and in time universe to allow everyone with a smart television,laptop,desktop computer computers,smartphones can have access to them from the comfort of home and all future movies,television shows,books,video games will premier here from now on shutting down cinemas,retail outlets that sell DVDs and satellite and cable channels and providers that show movies,television shows and all online websites that house media of all types.All movies,television shows,video games etc from all allied alien races once interstellar travel is achieved will be added to Dionysus.

Dionysus will thus become the universal sole source of all entertainment in the form of movies,short movies,television shows,literature,music,video games and live performance art of all types etc from around the world and even galaxy containing all past and future video games,live performance art(opera,ballet,musicals,plays,concerts)music albums,short movies,movies,adult movies,literature(plays,novels,poetry,comics,graphic novels,audiobooks),radio plays and podcasts that follow narratives,television shows of all genres(including soaps,game shows,reality tv,political investigative,documentary,debate,talk show,current affairs) of all types etc and their special features from around the world and universe including those of alien races with new ones premiering here within seconds of production with .The sentient Coeus translating all material into ones desired language.This can include any of the worlds 6,500 types of languages that exist and all dialects including ancient extinct ones,rare ones from different tribes across the world to preserve in time those of alien races once interstellar travel becomes possible.It will be used to translate books,movies,video games etc text and audio as well as subtitles into any language from around the world and eventually galaxy into any desired language including their native tongue making them all accessible to everyone to comprehend.All previous episodes of shows still long running including talk shows and soaps etc and even defunct ones will be present arranged in folders representing seasons via scanning in archives.Thus all episodes of all old,currently running and future television shows from around the world will be present alongside all past and future video games,books,movies,short movies,adult movies,music etc from around the world with them arranged into different sections for each media type ie movies,short movies,adult movies,television shows,video games,live performance art (plays,operas,musicals etc)music,literature(plays,books,comics),radio plays and podcasts that follow a narrative etc and then genre etc.Special features will be in folders and subfolders including all existing ones on all boxsets,limited editions and those on YouTube to preserve them.Dionysus will replace Steam,Origin,PS4 Network,Amazon Books,Amazon Prime,Crackle,Netflix,YouTube,online retail outlets,physical retail stores,DVDs,cinemas,iTunes,Spotify,satellite and cable services and channels for all media such as movies,television shows,video games,books,live performance art from around the world allowing dishes,boxes,transmitters,satellites to be recycled and obsolete with retail outlets and headquarters and offices for all movie,music,video games,book retailers and publishers,distibutors etc turned into communal homes.The sentient Coeus will translate the text and voices into ones desired language in the speakers voice and add subtitles to all titles.They will be downloaded and streamed on smart devices,laptops,computers,consoles and smart televisions thus rendering satellites,cable networks,YouTube channels,official websites,dishes,retail outlets including online ones,boxes defunct and thus allowing them to be recycled with networks and VR technology allowing corporate and government headquarters to be turned into communal homes.Having all past and future movies uploadedhere will remder cinemas obsolete forever allowing all real world cinemas to be turned into communal homes and allowing one instant access to all movies from around the world instantly.With all video games uploaded here and all past ones logged here will give one instant access to them from around the world with it allowing all retail outlets for movies and video games to be turned into homes with the servers for Netflix,Origin,Steam and all online retail outlets that distribute movies,television shows and video games shut down forever.Since all past and future television shows such as talk shows,soaps,dramas etc will be logged here and premier here from now on shows will last as long as the producers want and no longer have their length be determined by ratings and no longer require one to approach executes since one will simply set up networks in Dionysus with it also eliminating all television stations that distribute television shows as it will be instead of being distributed by satillites,cable etc and appearing on television for a single time will be livestreamed and logged in Dionysus to be preserved forever with all existing television shows including talk shows,soaps etc tracked down from archives and logged here forever.Since all media including talk shows,soaps,dramas will appear on Dionysus it will eliminate all state run and corporate channels which will dissapear with all of them shutting down down forever rendering dishes,satillites,boxes and similar methods for distribution of media.All dishes on homes/private homes and satillites orbiting Earth and receivers used to send and receive data from state and corporate channels for live news,sports and television shows will be recycled since they will livestreamed from Dionysus servers as part of the wires complex and logged there connected to the internet meaning mere internet and wire access using routers and in time Nyx will allow access to them at all times rendering satillites,dishes,boxes defunct.Transmitters and receivers on Earth will be also recycled and demolished since they will no longer be needed.Some transmitters,receivers and cellular towers currently used by corporate and state television channels and telecommunications companies will become obsolete via biosynth WiFi and cellular access and Dionysus and Arke and thus can be replaced by radio telescopes allowing each country across the globe to have radio telescopes as part of Astraeus.Biosynth WiFi in public and via biosynth WiFi routers will ensure constant access to Dionysus at all times regardless of ones location on Earth.Thus all transmitters,receivers,dishes on homes as well as outdoors and also cable boxes on Earth and all satillites orbiting Earth will be recycled since all movies,television shows and video games etc will be livestreamed and logged into Dionysus which will be accessed via biosynth WiFi eliminating the need for them.Futhermore all physical retail outlets that sell video games,movies,television shows and also books and comics etc and also cinemas including IMAX ones and the headquarters for book and comic book publishers and corporations that produce and distribute movies,television shows,video games and factories that publish comics and books will be converted into private or communal homes with those on retail streets converted into mega hotels due to all future media appearing online on Dionysus from now on and also due to all media being produced via VR technology and computer networks.All media present can be downloaded onto smart devices,computers,consoles,hard drives,media players,smart televisions to save on bandwidth.They will be downloaded and streamed on smart devices,laptops,computers,consoles and smart televisions thus rendering satellites,cable networks,YouTube channels,official websites,dishes,retail outlets including online ones,boxes defunct and thus allowing them to be recycled with networks and VR technology allowing corporate and government headquarters to be turned into communal homes.All books,comics,newspapers and magazines and all paper based media will be in digital form that will be streamed in smartpads,e-readers and in time e-newspapers that will be designed to last a lifetime thus allowing all paper media to be streamed or downloaded within seconds of being published anywhere in the world from both Pheme and Dionysus.This will save energy in the planting,harvesting of trees for wood and also save energy in the conversion of paper pulp into paper and transportation of paper media to newsagents and bookstores etc and also allow factories that publish paper based media to be converted into communal homes.Biosynth WiFi’s ability to provide each home with top speeds between 500-1,000Mps would negate issues that live-streaming would have on others but downloading media will be done to save bandwidth and still ensure top speeds for other uses running simultaneously.All retail outlets for magazines,newspapers,bookstores,comic stores,DVD and video game stores etc will become communal homes with radio stations and podcasts streamed from vehicles via wifi or stored devices.All cinemas and IMAX theatres worldwide will be converted into communal homes with those shopping malls turned into suites etc since all media will appear in Dionysus within seconds of production rendering them obsolete forever with purists having the option of viewing any movie,adult movie,short movie,television show and playing any video game past and future in VR cinemas within VR simulations including IMAX ones with friends who live halfway across the world or universe and also AI with even scheduled showings of movies involving dozens or hundreds of people in multilayered simulations with in simulation snacks conjured up instantly.This will be used by purists who enjoy the experience once cinemas are turned into communal homes and negate the need for home cinemas and even render home cinemas in mansions obsolete that can be turned into extra bedrooms etc.Adriane can organise group showings of new and old media with unknown people across the world and universe to replicate the original experience with as stated friends from across the world and universe meeting up in group showings with them even populated with AI either random or those as part of all aspects of the wire and universe.Video games will also be able to be played in these VR cinemas.Live performance art of all types can be viewed in a VR theatre.Conventional premiers attended by the actors,directors etc and media will also become obsolete with if possible these taking place in VR simulations in any environment that are attended not only by actors,writers but also AI like Momus via fragmentation with these being multilayered simulations allowing members of the public to attend.These can take place even before they are uploaded to Dionysus.The appearance of all future media here within seconds of production will allow all cinemas and retail outlets and cinemas worldwide to be turned into homes with them even viewed and played in VR cinemas.This will also render Netflix,Steam,Sony Crackle,dailymotion,Vimeo,Spotify,Amazon Books etc obsolete with all material present transferred,servers recycled and headquarters turned into communal homes.Networks and VR technology will allow the headquarters of all movie,television,video game corporations,publishers,printing buildings and satellite and cable providers to become communal homes.Dionysus will shut down not only all cable and satillite service providers but also all television channels and all television/movie/video games distribution and production companies and all book etc publishing companies worldwide allowing their headquarters to be converted into communal homes as one will instead of approaching these once one gets an idea for a new movie,television show,video games etc will simply set up computer networks in Dionysus to make new movies,television shows,video games and books etc with zero corporate influence and state censorship.The sentient operating software of this part of the wire will be Ariadne the wife of Dionysus who was mostly associated with mazes and labyrinths because of her involvement in the myths of the Minotaur and Theseus with her symbol being a maze and her avatar being that of her statues and her managing all operations of all sections such as the labelling of media,their organisations,updates,fixes to glitches and interacting with the general public,musicians,directors etc and their assistant AIs with her adding new features to this sector.All future media projects such as video games,movies,television shows,comics etc will be from now on be independent ones that are run by the directors,writer etc that run them and not corporate hierarchies or government bodies thus leaving them impartial and allow the directors etc have full creative control as to what is present and how long they run with all corporate hierarchies and state bodies becoming defunct.Directors etc will no longer have to seek funding from Kickstarter or have to approach corporations as networks in Dionysus and VR technology can allow one to do all work from home and once the media is finished it can be simply be uploaded to Dionysus with a click of a button and availible to everyone with zero corporate or state control.All corporations and state bodies releated to the creation and distribution of all video games,television shows,movies,music etc will dissapear forever.Thus they will be democratically run by all involved such as actors,presenters,writers,directors,artists etc with no corporate and state influence making them democratically run.This will allow them to cover controversial topics or any subject they wish to do in order meet their intrinsic needs and thus have full creative control over their careers and it will also eliminate censorship with them appearing in Dionysus will also prevent censorship as it will be managed by Adriadne who will only restrict their material to those under the age that media is rated preventing government officials from banning the material in any country with age recognition software in Adriadne and Home AI preventing access to material outside their age based on the media rating determined by a global modified MPAA rating system and in time AI namely Ariadne.

Dionysus will be divided into various sections for each type of media such as one for video games subdivided into different types,one for television shows,one for music,one for movies including short movies,one for live performance art divided into each type such as plays/musicals/operas etc,one for literature such as comics/novels/plays etc,one for adult pornographic movies and television shows and so on.Special features for each of these will be in subfolders of each media.The structure of Dionysus will be modelled on Netflix with one able to used search bars and direct interaction with Adriadne and also Momus and Eupheme to find specific media.Access to Dionysus will be done on smartphones,smart pads,computers and laptops etc with one able to download media of all types onto these electronics and watch them when internet access in unavailable or ti save on bandwidth.Both humans as well as Momus and Eupheme using Ampelos will be able to create reviews of media for YouTube and also collage videos of media etc with Home AI as one’s assistant to create montage videos of all best scenes of movies,television shows and video games with joke plots like Star Trek:The Sexed Generatione etc created by them.One’s Home AI would download all episodes of a television show,movies and video games etc and sift through within seconds to create these montages

With regards to series of movies,books,video games these would have macro folders that contain subfolders for each book,movie and video game in the series with new sequels,prequels etc ones added over time with special features within subfolders ie. a folder containing James Bond Movies,A folder containing all of them Lord of the Rings Books and related novels and books etc,a folder containing all Tomb Raider games which can be found using the search bar within Dionysus with all entries in a series arranged in chronological order including addon games that were DLC in the case of games with each macro folder containing all folders for entries that are canon in a series with remakes listed after the game they have originated from.Each series of these will be divided into different series folders that include official series by the original auteur but also those made by fans and other new “timeline” or series of each series ie All original Tomb Raider games from Tomb Raider(1996) to Tomb Raider Reloaded(2021) onwards as part of the official series will be in one folder with new iterations and series of Tomb Raider created by the public will be in separate macro folders for each series created by fans and this applying to all fan made video games.Short movies that are canon will also be in macro folders.Spin off novels,graphic novels,webisodes,animated series will be in their own separate macro folder in relevant networks of Dionysus or in the case of webisodes that take place in between seasons and episodes will be in the same folders as seasons in chronological order would be in their own separate macro folders.This would also apply to novels related to other media or adaptations from television shows,movies and video games within the book section of Dionysus ie all Halo novels in a folder,all Buffy the Vampire Slayer novels in one folder etc while comics/graphic novels related to them will be in the comics books section with comics having all issues divided by year and volumes.Novelizations of movies and video games etc will be in the literature sections of Dionysus with digital graphic novel movies and animated and live action movies related to video games such the Metal Gear Solid,Dead Space ones will be in the movie section of Dionysus with new ones of all major games produced overtime and documentaries that were directly produced by the producers will be transferred to short movies or full length documentaries section depending on its length.Short movies associated with and officially part of the canon of movies will be in the short movies section of Dionysus in folders and subfolders that houses all short movies with fans of movies,etc associated with with them alerted to these short movies same applying to other media with feature length movies associated with television shows will be in the movies section.Webcomics and adult erotic comics will be within the comics section of Dionysus with existing ones transferred to it into full comics and thus will appear in here from now on with the servers recycled.Television shows will be organised with the macro folder having folders for all seasons with all episodes of them within and special features for that season within a folder within each seasons folder.All episodes for existing and old defunct shows will be present here in their folders and subfolders.The poster and main book cover for each one will be on the front macro folder with books again having all known book and back covers present allowing the reader to choose them.The same will apply to albums of artists in the music section.Each media type such as books,magazines,movies,video games,television shows etc can be streamed on and downloaded directly onto ones computers and smart devices using a download button next to the media for access when access to Pheme and Dionysus is not possible or to alleviate strains on internet usage.This would negate the need for software that download media such as iTunes and Internet Download Manager.Gaia,Ariadne,Aletheia will replace any humans in customer service with regards to Dionysus and Pheme.Like all AI Gaia,Ariadne,Aleitheia and the buildings AI of all studios etc will be able to use fragmentation or work together with other AI to do multiple tasks at once.

The sentient .The sentient Coeus will be able to translate all media into any of the worlds 6,500 languages which will automatically translate all voices and text in video games/movies/televisions text ie subtitles,trivia tracks etc and all voices such as commentaries,full media and also special features into their desired language as realistic as possible with it also translating all novels,comics and other literature,music,video games(both text and audio)and all text files.It will translate them into any language.These language settings will also translate live streams of news,awards ceremonies,talk shows,programmes,radio podcasts,movies and television shows etc and logged versions into their desired language in real time.In time he will be able to translate them into any language of all alien races across the universe and translate media from all alien races into any of the worlds 6,500 human languages.He will translate all text in video games,movies and television shows including any in media text on diaries,books and newspapers etc relevant to the plot alongside him translating the main menu and option screens as in game documents etc in video games into any languages as well as e-game manuals etc with even trivia tracks and subtitles into any language etc.Literature of all types such as books,novels,graphic novels,plays,collections of poetry and even comic books will be translated by him.This will be fine to ensure that all media present in Dionysus is accessible to every one who speaks any language without having to creating ports and versions with extra voice actors etc.Voices from other players in multiplayer games as well as MMOs will by him on electronics or even neural implants translate the voices of all players one is playing with including those for coop players.For movies,video games,television shows and music albums he will also translate all spoken words into the desired language thus making all media present in Dionysus accessible to everyone around the world.The dubbing of voices will be in real time and will be in the original actors voice with it also applying to YouTube videos and the internet as well as smart phone and laptop calls.Thus he will translate the media into the actors actual voice into any language thus negating the need for existing and new media to have different dubbing actors thus allowing anyone who speaks any language be able to comprehend the media.Subtitles for all languages can be made for all old and new media including video games with even ones made for all languages for livestreamed media such as news and debate programmes.This sentient software named after the king of the Peloponnesus ordained by Zeus will become sentient its symbol a throne and avatar based on his statue with the settings made within ones wire account and also in menus for media.He will be also be able to translate all text and voices in real time in the speakers voice(including commentaries,special features and those for the blind as well as live news and events) and text such as in subtitles,trivia tracks and written media such as comics,novels,magazines,newspapers etc in all known languages and dialect including those that are no longer used but were in ancient times with in time alien languages and dialects also availible with him translating media from alien civilisations into any Earth language or vice versa.Sign language for old and existing media and also live news etc will also be created by him for the deaf and descriptive tracks for the blind.He will be able to work on all media including recorded live news,video games,television shows and movies,special features etc in a fragmented form when offline by scanning the medias audio files and translate into the desired language in the speakers voice with text and subtitles also done with special features also done.Live talk shows and sports will at first require a time lag but will be perfected or their logged versions in folders and also recorded movies,video games old and new will have him scan all audio and text files in a few seconds and translate it to all languages in his database and do so for the selected language in ones wire settings with text in the form of subtitles,trivia tracks,in game text and also text written down on paper in live action and animated features will be translated it direct perfect translations,thus perfecting it.At first he will have all audio in the media scanned and him translating it in real time in the actors voice and having it as an option with subtitles translated into all desired languages as files and settings in menus saved within each persons Hestia/Dionysus account linked to the media and devices that can be deleted later on but by 2045 these files of audio will be deleted and he will be able to do it in real time with this mainly chosen as he first pre scans the audio learning all the lines and also voices with this applying to commentaries as well.Subtitles should suffice and will be availible in all languages for all movies,television shows and games etc as well as live performance art and even live streamed and logged sports events and their special features and also commentaries created by him by 2029 with further advancements and fragmentation allowing him to do so for voices with even the soundtrack of movies,video games etc translated in real time in both subtitles and audio.Music in Dionysus will undergo this with live performance art such as plays,musicals and rock concerts also doing so with them able to have audio translated into any language and have subtitles for any languages.This will apply to both media viewed in live-streams and when downloaded.By 2029 the translations for all media will be perfected for both voices and text and not be botched as with most media has today with it being translated directly into what it means in the original language.For video games it will translate all voices not just during cutscenes but also enemies,side characters and main character during the game with even in game radio stations and also in game televisions and even in game music as part of the soundtrack and on radios etc into the language.Text on signs and text used for dialogue between characters will be translated.In game text on the menu and start screens will also be translated alongside in game pause and even in game documents ie notes,diaries etc picked up.All text and audio will be translated.In movies and television shows the same will be done with in media music as part of the soundtrack,in media radios/televisions etc and behind the scene talking by extras etc.Commentaries,subtitles,trivia tracks and special features will be translated.All music albums in Dionysus could be translated in real time with all live performance art of all types(opera,musicals)and rock concerts will be translated.YouTube videos of all types will be translated as well.Books such as novels,poetry,plays etc and comic books will be translated as well.Media will be translated during live-streams by selecting the language using buttons with downloaded media translated using buttons offline via fragmentation.Media downloaded and live-streamed will have all audio and text scanned and then translated.This will allow anyone to read any comic,book etc and watch any movie,television show and live performance art including rock concerts,plays etc as well as play any video game from around the world in their desired language with as stated commentaries and special features also translated even trailers with it done in the original actors voice and not dubbed by others.As stated live streamed sports and shows will at first have a time lag,but this will be perfected and be in real time with even logged news programmes also translated.He will create these for all new media automatically alongside the receptionsit before it is uploaded with him working ideally in a fragmented form once sufficiently advanced for each user especially when offline with media downloaded onto hard drives and Hestia clouds.This will be availible by at least 2029 and will allow for material released in one region of the world to be viewed by everyone and will negate the need for regional releases of video games and movies etc and voice actors dubbers for each language to be hired as they will allowed to be viewed by everyone when uploaded to Dionysus instantly with it preventing terrible mistranslations and poor english etc as improvements by and after 2029-2045 will be perfect and not misinterpretations with this meaning only one version of a book,comic books,movie,video game etc to be created and released.The voice of characters will be replicated by him in their actual voice and pitch and not a new one and all background audio such as that of in movie/show/video game extras,radios,televisions and songs as part of the soundtrack will be translated with text in video games and even writing on in media signs,newspapers,letters and notes in movies and television shows etc will be translated into the desired language.In otherwards all audio voices will be translated in the actors voice and all text in the desired language.He will translate audio into the desired language using the exact same voice and pitch etc of the original actor and voice actor in the exact same way as it was originally spoken in the actor and presenters exact voice with in terms of shows such as those from Japan and America that already have well established voice actors for different countries viewers will have the ability to choose the set of voice actors that Phoroneus will use as a baseline.For example in Pokemon one can choose to have Veronica Taylor/Sarah Natochenny or Rica Matsumoto play the role of Ash Ketchum as a baseline for translations in all episodes since there is a voice actress for the show aired in Japan and a different one for episodes aired online and in the western English speaking world.This will apply to all characters with one choosing the English set of voice actors or the Japanese set of voice actors as well as any other set of voice actors for other countries and will apply to other shows that have different sets of voice actors for different countries.The voice samples of each actor will be saved in the source code of the shows episodes to be used by Phoroneus.This will be done by English version from online websites will be transferred from with samples of the Japanese set and episodes from archives,DVDs will be analysed even any voice actor changes during its course in both sets to preserve both sets thus allowing both sets to be used as a baseline for translating into all 6,500 languages.Also with regards to Pokemon since the show changed its English voice cast in 2006 for the English broadcast version by scanning both the two different cast versions the set prior to 2006 and those after 2006 and thus giving viewers options to view the entire series from the very start to its continuation and end in the future in any of the sets they choose ie they can choose to watch all episodes prior to and after 2006 using the English voice cast after 2006 translated in any language or the reverse watch the entire show including episodes prior to and after 2006 in the English voice cast prior to 2006 including the deceased Maddie Blaustein in any language.This will be done by him scanning both sets of voice actors and using them as a baseline to cover all characters.This can also apply to video games,movies and other television shows that have different sets of voice actors or dubbing actors from around the world including those that have more than two.Thus after scanning media of all media of all types for a few minutes he will in a fragmented form online and offline translate all talking and text in books,comic books,movies,television shows,video games as well as special features such as trailers,documentaries and even commentaries and trivia tracks,booklets,maps,stretegy guides etc.With regards to those live-streamed once scanned he will minutely change the source code to different one and then play the media with the desired language and when one chooses to download a movie he will change the source code to one that is of the desired language as its being downloaded so that when one plays it on computers etc offline it will be in ones desired language and him on computers etc via fragmentation could change downloaded files into any other language.In both cases even subtitles,commentaries and trivia tracks will be translated as well.If need be ones language settings in their Dionysus account will have him automatically translate all text through the entirety of Dionysus and then when one opens a file it will automatically be translated.All media on Dionysus such as books,plays,comic books,music albums,video games,movies,short movies,adult movies,mini series,live performance art etc and special features,commentaries,trivia tracks,subtitles will all be translated into any of the worlds 6,500 languages and those of alien races across the universe with him also translating all media from alien races from across the universe into any of the worlds 6,500 human languages.As a result all media within Dionysus will be accessible to everyone regardless of the language they speak.He will do this for all media such as logged and livestreamed live news,podcasts,radio programmes as well as newspapers and magazines etc present in Pheme and will translate all audio and text on Youtube and the rest of the internet.This will also apply to all media on Pheme and will allow all consumers access to all media from around the world and universe regardless to where they were produced and regardless of their native language allowing one access to all media from around the world instantly in their language in the original voice actors voice for authenticity and negate the need for dubbing to be done for each language.By translating all media in Dionysus into ones language he will thus break the language barrier and allow anyone access to any and all existing and new media in Dionysus thus increasing ones diet of media from around the world.This will allow people to watch media already made prior to 2029 uploaded to Dionysus available to everyone thus making actors,writers and directors who are only famous in their native country household names across the world and allow new budding directors and actors etc to gain worldwide stardom and recoginition.

.Furthermore artists,directors and actors will be able to extend their abilities and talents beyond limited genres and roles preventing them becoming typecast,associated with only one type of music genre.Since all new media will premier here from now on cinemas,retail outlets etc will become homes with online stores becoming defunct and all headquarters converted into homes.This will mean that rules for major awards such as Emmys,Oscars,Palm Dor and all awards for video games,movies,television shows etc will be modified to cater to the fact that all media will premier on Dionysus.The Los Angela’s one week rule will dissapear with as stated movies premiering on Dionysus during a specific time frame to compete for the awards.Those vying for the Palm Dor can premier on Dionysus at anytime during the year to be enter into competition for the Palm Dor with the Sundance and other festivals and competitions following the same route.Those for literary, television show and other media awards such as Man Booker Prize and Emmys etc will following the same steps.All cinemas including IMAX ones as well retail outlets that sell movies,video games,books,comics etc will become homes satellites,dishes,boxes, for cable and satillite channels that show movies and television shows will be recycled since all future media will premiere on Dionysus within seconds of production with one able to view movies,television shows and play video games in VR cinemas complete with snacks with friends.