Summary of Manufacturing

Factory hubs will be set up by as stated earlier by communities and Aphrodite exempt from the government to make them self sufficient with these manufacturing hubs present in each and every region/state/county of each country worldwide in order maintain even and local distribution through the wire primarily Hephaestus.Manufacturing of goods will be done by machines on a local,community and regional scale with the distribution of goods and resources being automated.3D printers and automated machines in homes and community centres will ensure that people do have access to their own means of production which can be produced by hand,in a factories and via RepRap programs.Manufacturing and distribution will be monitored,controlled and measured by software and network.Aphrodite will decide where to place manufacturing hubs with the public of the area voting on the placement of these in their locale.Each country will have hubs of factories that contain all types of factories that produce each type of manufactured product ie each hub will have Selene factories that manufacture all vehicles,Deipneus factories that manufacture manufactured food products,Talus that manufacture electronics of all types,Arachne factories the manufacture all types of clothing and so on.Thus each country will have manufacturing hubs that contain each type of factories that produce all types of customised goods with the number of them in each country dependent on the size of the country and the population with them placed in strategic locations by Aphrodite that is within a few days drive of al major towns,cities etc to cut down on transportation delivery times.They can be placed within cities on ther outskirts and even underground.This will decentralise manufacturing to each country allowing each country to become self sufficient in all types of manufactured goods.Picotech fabricators will provide limitless supplies of raw elements while Theia will disperse raw elements from the crust prior to their perfection with biocompatible microbes ability to replace all 94 elements through recombinant DNA from plants and animals and bacteria and scratch DNA can be cultured onsite of factories to cater to electronics etc with bacteria that create commodites of plants and animals allowing for textiles,food ingredients and ingredients of cleaning products and cosmetics to made onsite with them through anabolic and catabolic reactions creating synthetic compounds onsite.Aquaponic systems can create crops and fish for manufactured food products.Factories for producing weapons and firearms will have to be authorised and indeed set up by the state or ideally the sentient operating software Soter so as to allow authorised microchips(see later) to be implanted into the weapons so as to prevent illegal guns to be created by the public and as a result any terrorists or those who seek to intentionally harm the public.The symbols of each factories figure will be on the signs to all factories both in the real world and also in e-maps in Artemis and Hephaestus with Aphrodite managing and linking all factories worldwide eliminating both corporations and also the state.These factories will named after the type of products they create and the sentient operating software that links them worldwide ie Arachne on clothes factories,Paidia for toys and so on as detailed earlier on which will appear on the signs and maps.As stated earlier each region and country should have all types of factories within them to make them self sufficient to all of their needs cutting down on energy costs in transportation as well as time allowing one to order in goods from local hubs taking at most a few days for the item to be delivered to their home and preventing one country having a stranglehold on one type of commodity.The location of factory hubs and the number of them in each country etc will be determined by Aphrodite based on the states,countries population,size etc with some having only one,one per state etc and even have them underground etc with underground and underwater communities having their own hubs.These factories will process and manufacture all existing manufactured products scanned into Hepheastus and all new customised products designed on the universal designer software Pandora with all new products uploaded into Hepheastus and all existing products worldwide scanned into Hepheastus.Government interference here will be limited to universal software and setting of safety standards for products such as vehicles and and buildings in the form of the sentient Aphrodite with a universal form of the FDA Angele for pharmaceuticals specifically with other manufactured products free from regulations(possibly the exception of customised electronics).Hephaestus will review all manufactured products for their quality and safety standards.Consumer protection groups and labour unions will disappear with their buildings becoming homes.Starting by 2022-2025 all retail outlets ass detailed earlier on including those on supermarkets,hypermarkets,airports and also high end retail streets and online stores like Apple,Amazon,Ebay will be cleared through the universal basic income thus allowing people to get access to all types of manufactured products from clothing,electronics,furniture,vehicles for permanent use,trade away with them scanned in at home alongside those already owned by consumers or done by staff of all retail outlets.Companies will dispense these to retail outlets until enough people can have them especially considering people will be buying new electronics,clothing,furniture etc as part of home rennovations with this of note to vehicles and electronics with excess recycled with the overabundance of some products such as smart devices,vehicles catering to needs until AI can create them in automated factories.Thus companies will continue to produce essential goods such as clothing etc into retail outlets until manufacturing hubs with online stores being predominantly used to order in what one wants directly to prevent waste in order to cater to the normal needs of consumers especially for luxury renovations of homes and both abandoned and obsolete refurbished to luxury standards.Having all existing products in all retail outlets including online stores,musems and at those at home already owned by the public such as toys,clothing,electronics,furniture,vehicles,heirlooms,antiques including especially rare ones worldwide scanned into Hephaestus will allow them to be added to Hephaestus thus making them widely availible to everyone worldwide outside of their state or country they were made and normally availible meaning items currently restricted to being sold in only one country will be widely availible to everyone worldwide giving people access to products that they are restricted due to geographic location and allowing one access to all products from their native country should they move home with corporations scanning in their entire catalogue of goods with Aphrodite scanning all of those from YouTube videos,social media,the entire internet and also from all movies,televisions shows,magazines,newspapers etc present in Dionysus and Pheme,old retail magazines and all consumers scanning in their already owned clothing,furniture etc to add all manufactured products such as clothing,vehicles etc to add them there.This will include all existing vehicles,clothing,electronics,toys,furniture etc with all of the worlds buildings scanned in as well to be modified or replicated across the universe.Recipes and shapes of cosmetics,cleaning products,herbicides and manufactured food products from around the world will be added for the same reason thus allowing access to these they are restricted to due to geographic location.Thus all existing manufactured goods worldwide found in homes already in possession of consumers,and in all retail outlets of all types worldwide will be scanned into Hepheastus using handheld scanners and those attached to computers and smartphones directly or through wireless attachments will be scanned into the various sub networks of Hephaestus by staff in all retail outlets,CEOs and people at home to preserve them forever and and allow everyone universal access to them regardless of their geographic location with cosmetics,cleaning products have recipes added to their sub networks by being analysed in labs for the same reason.All future manufactured goods uploaded to Hephaestus will be availible to everyone worldwide thus making all existing and future products available to everyone worldwide created in localised manufacturing hubs.Using a single cloud network for all existing and future products will allow one access to all products worldwide and allow designers to have their products have instant global exposure without competing for market share etc to be availible to the entire global public.The use of manufacturing hubs and Hephaestus will ensure all products are forever availible and don’t have to adhere to the complexities of markets and supply and demand etc. Cosmetics,cleaning products etc will undergone tests on tissue cultures and in time biosynths to determine toxicity and LD50 limits.Each product will undergoe simulations to determine its safety with dangerous products not uploaded at all and given Gene therapy can counteract allergies and toxicity to specific consumers with electronics,buildings and vehicles undergoing VR simulations to test safety with quality control done onsite of all factories by AI making Hephaestus the universal safety and quality entity to ensure all products are within acceptable strict standards. All products designed by the public will undergo tests by Aphrodite to ensure they abide by strict safety standards with her becoming the universal safety regulatory body.As stated one could scan in their entire body naked allowing a digital mannequin can be made that is in their account privy only to them and each order of clothing made by a person or even by friends as a gift will have this be crossrefferenced instantly for the persons unique dimensions of their head,legs,feet,chest,arm etc to ensure the shoes,socks,clothing,jewellery and even condoms etc is made to the consumers unique size and dimensions a la Haute couture by the robots and AI present.Thus all clothing,jewellery etc ordered in will be made haute couture to ones specific dimensions through one scanning in their body saved as a digital mannequin that will be crossrefferenced for each order. Recreational drugs such as Cannabis sativa,Catha edulis,Erythroxylaceae,Nicotiana rustica,Nicotiana tabacum will instead of being grown in large scale farms and ordered in packs will be ordered in from vertical farms as part of hybrid crops or grown at home with cigars,cigarette and those made of marijuana will using home shredders have them smoked using leaves holding shredded material together as in ancient times or have rolling papers ordered in from Oxylus factories.All of these can through engineering produce different flavouring such as Mentha and other herbs etc with all strains of these plants once their DNA uploaded to Physis can be availible to everyone via vertical farms shutting down both the tobacco industry and also drug cartels once they are legalised via public referendums with synthetic recreational drugs such as metamphetamines,Lysergic acid diethylamide as well as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine created by genetically engineered bacteria using anabolic and catabolic reactions with active ingredients of psychoactive plants created by bacteria using recombinant DNA or plants oredered in bulk from vertical farms or made at home to cut down on conventional industrial manufacturing procedures if legal.Synthetic drugs created by bacteria via anabolic and catabolic reactions can be either injected into the bloodstream or again as oils etc spread into food and even compressed into tablets.The active ingredients of all natural recreational drugs including psychoactive plants can be created by bacteria in photobioreactors ordered in from farms or made at home and injected into the bloodstream or even as powders and oils spread over food products.Biocompatible microbes can through specific strains house recombinant DNA from plants create the active ingredients and through anabolic and catabolic reactions create synthetic drugs onsite of receptors in the brain to prevent overdosing and damage to other organs.Illegal drugs will be barred from being produced at home and in farms or in microbes by Aristeus.,Paean and Hestia with those made in home labs conventionally will be reported to police.Ideslly all recreational drugs and cigars and cigarettes will be created at home by consumers rearing the plants on home Aquaponics systems and using shredders at home and papers ordered in from Oxylus factories in bulk with one able to buy from Hephaestus miniaturised automated or semi automatic cigar and cigarettes rolling machines that can roll at least a dozen cigars or cigarettes at once at home with this negating the need to have them produced in factories with the exact strains of existing tobacco etc plants used in creating branded cigarettes added to Hephaestus to be downloaded from Hephaestus.

Every year consumers will attend global expo events set in VR simulations where designers of new products consisting of the general public will hold events on the latest products from their portfolio such as clothing,cosmetics,furniture,food,electronics and also vehicles similar to current ones such as fashion shows and expo events held by Tim Cook,Bill Gates etc and also similar to existing expo events such as catwalk fashion shows that will replace existing real world fashion shows,expo events of vehicles,furniture,electronics,manufactured food products,cosmetics,weapons etc with consumers able to virtuay try these on for use in VR simulations and also in the real world.This will allow designers of all types of products such as electronics,clothing,vehicles,cosmetics,food etc from around the world to gain worldwide recognition.Advertisements will be filmed for each product in VR,or made into visual advertisements for newspapers and magazines and audio ones for radio channels and podcasts with them stored in the product page and directed to billions of people on YouTube,during live news etc based on demographics by Aphrodite on YouTube when Adblock is off,during live news and radio programmes and on digital newspapers magazines etc based in their demographics rendering advertising companies obsolete.New advertisements will be made for not only new products of all types but also new ones created by the public for existing products but also both existing and new meals from all universal franchises or restaurants.Models and struggling actors will use these expo events and advertisements especially for food,clothing,vehicles etc to gain worldwide exposure.Each member of the public that designs manufactures products will have brand names and brand logos similar that of corporations that will present on packaging etc meaning each designer will their own brand and logo that denotes that their products are their similar to corporations.

All steps in manufacturing,maintenance of factories,packaging,loading,unloading and transporting goods can be fully automated from start to finish by 2029-2035.Thus by 2029 onwards all work in factories will be automated and controlled by their AI with transportation controlled by Aphrodite and Ophion.This should render private entrepreneurship,retail,international trade and the free market obsolete and allow for pubic control of manufacturing with zero human labour and zero state control.This would render both state and private control of the means of production defunct with AI managing and controlling all factories worldwide with AI rendering patenting copyrighting defunct.All future manufactured products including toys,clothing,vehicles,food,cosmetics,electronics etc as detailed in the summary of the secondary sector of this website will be designed by the general public on the universal sentient designer software Pandora with features similar to auto cad,sketch up etc and uploaded onto their sub network in the open source Hephaestus network modelled on Amazon giving one an infinite variety of customised products manufactured in local manufacturing hubs set up by at least 2029.All products will be added to the relevant subnetworks of Hephaestus as a cad like file with one ordering them from Hephaestus and them manufactured and ordered in from ones local manufacturing hub within at most a few days.These will follow an evolutionary system wherein they can be used as a baseline for different patterned ones and entirely new ones via Pandora.Pandora will be universal sentient designer software that will since sentient allow one to interact with her directly thus allowing to design products through interacting with with her available for use through fragmentation to billions of people at once and will replace all existing designer software with her from pure thought designing new updates and features.All existing manufactured goods will be scanned into Hephaestus.This will eliminate supply and demand,market research and all aspects of corporate functioning usually found in current products with all manufactured products ordered in from one’s local manufacturing hubs thus allowing all shops that sell manufactured goods to be turned into communal homes.Also it will eliminate all occupations in corporations such as accounting,marketing and advertising etc since AI such as Aphrodite will be able to carry out this work with it since one only designs a product will eliminate state ownership of the means of production and private entrepreneursnThe concept of people making money off of ideas for products they design will be obsolete once copyrighting and patenting is made constitutionally illegal and coinciding with the abolition of money and thus concepts of market share etc will negate the need for accounting,market share will eliminate all jobs within corporations such as CEOs,managers,board of directors,Human Resources,accounting,marketing.This will cater to consumers having an unlimited number of new manufactured products within the confines of a moneyless society where state interference and private entrepreneurs are made obsolete since anyone can design a new product and not requiring monetary payment.Advertisements will be created by producers that will be visible on YouTube and Pheme with Aphrodite directing them to billions of people based on demographics with Aphrodite also doing analytics.All work carried out in corporations such as market research etc will be carried by AI with others through the abolition of money and the abolition complexities of marketing this rendering private enterprises obsolete with the combination of AI,fully automated factories and abolition of money will eliminate notions of ccorporate enterprises being required.A combination of the elimination of patents and ingredients created by nanomaterials,picotech fabricators,bacteria etc pushing costs of raw materials to zero alongside AI and automation eliminating human labour in manufacturing and transportation is will eliminate notions of one being paid for creating products as all products will cost zero to produce.Genetically engineered bacteria will produce all plant and animal textiles and all natural and synthetic ingredients created onsite of factories cutting their costs to zero with nano materials like Graphene used to replace environmentally destructive materials,Biosynth technology will replace all 94 elements in electronics,all metals etc will be recycled with picotech fabricators creating almost every element possible onsite of manufacturing hubs worldwide negating the need to mine any element from the Earth.All of this will eliminate the need for mining for raw materials and will bring the costs of the vast majority of electronics,toys,what is needed will be created for orders thus eliminating overproduction and waste with one buying certain products like cosmetics,cleaning products and food products in monthly or bi monthly bulk orders..Manufacturing hubs will house factories of all types such as vehicle,cosmetics,clothing factories that produce each customised product designed on Pandora and stores in Hepheastus with AI and automation able to process all individual product stored in Hephaestus with zero human labour.Both automation and AI will be sufficiently advanced by 2030 onwards to allow any customised product present on Hephaestus to be processed and created on demand and delivered within a few days.These manufacturing hubs will be present in each country with small countries having one of them and large countries housing multiple hubs in each region,state etc with them located near large cities and even underground with them processing all orders delivering goods to people in their area to ensure one gets their orders within at most a few days.Each hub will house factories that have AI and automated machinery advanced enough to produce all types of customised electronics,clothing etc designed in Pandora linked together by the AIs Selene(for vehicles),Arachne(for clothing) and so on present in Hephaestus that one orders due to automation and AI thus eliminating the overabundance of factories as each factory will be able to manufacture any products designed on Pandora and stored on Hephaestus with each hub housing Aphrodite buildings that house machines to produce Graphene,synthetic diamonds etc and macro managed them with each individual factory managed by separate AI.Thus all new manufactured products such as clothes,vehicles,electronics,cosmetics,buildings,food products will be designed on Pandora and neural implants by the general public in the case of cosmetics,food products will use thoughts and VR simulations to extrapolate ingredients for flavours,scents etc by AI extrapolating via thoughts to produce ingredients for these via scanning Physis for recombinant DNA to add to bacteria,crops to grow,and synthetic compounds extrapolated via anabolic reactions.Pandora will also be used to create the ingredients of cleaning products,cosmetics,manufactured food products with packaging designed on Pandora and one able to customise packaging for these.Since sentient the public will be able to directly interact with Pandora to design new products with as stated once designed will be uploaded into the various sub networks of Hephaestus making them availible to everyone worldwide and be ordered from localised manufacturing hubs.This will allow any member of the public even children as young as 5-12 years old to create new manufactured products rather then a select few individuals and will allow anyone who has a new idea for a manufactured product simply design it on Pandora and add it to Hepheastus and give one international exposure and markets instantly without government approval or interference with all products undergoing safety regulations by Aphrodite.Thus the average citizen from the comfort of home will once they come up the idea for a new electronic,home,clothing,toys,household items,electronics,food products,vehicles will simply design it in Pandora snd upload it to Hephaestus which will be available to the rest of the world within seconds and this will give consumers an almost infinite variety in new manufactured products such as electronics,toys,vehicles,clothing,houses,food products etc without state control and rendering corporations obsolete as anyone can create new products on Pandora and then it uploaded to Hephaestus to be available to everyone worldwide.All members of the global public and not just a select few CEOs can design new products on Pandora of any type such as electronics,vehicles,clothing,food products etc and have it uploaded to Hephaestus thus giving the public an almost infinite number of manufactured goods of all types such as clothing,toys,vehicles,cosmetics,manufactured food products,electronics etc with any idea any member has added to it at any time and them available to the global markets without market shares,supply and demand,accounting,market research etc and other complexities of the business world and all of them for free with advertisements created by the creators themselves and advertised to billions of people via AI.Since money will become obsolete and these facets of businesses will become obsolete and one will simply upload new products to Hephaestus this will eliminate private entrepreneurs and state interference with regards to manufacturing new products thus eliminating CEOs etc in terms of manufactured goods and also retail outlets.Rather than have the state or corporations have a monopoly on manufactured goods that both stifle new ideas by shutting down competition all members of the public will be able to upload designs of new clothing,vehicles,electronics,drinks,food products etc to be accessed instantly.Being paid for the products will become obsolete as one will be designing them on Pandora with the concept for being paid for imply designing a product pointless with VR technology and its time dilation effect allowing one to design dozens or thousands of manufactured products while mere minutes pass in the with any ideas for new manufactured goods how crazy or mundane it is can have their ideas uploaded to Hephaestus and will allow those with the next “it” product that becomes ubiquitous like the television,laptop,smartphone etc and new trending toys,fashion etc can have their ideas designed and uploaded to Hephaestus within seconds available to the rest of the world with zero restrictions and bureaucracy from the state from the comfort of home as one will simply design the product on Pandora and upload it to Hephaestus to make it available to the rest of the world with them also creating advertisements that are directed by AI that direct it to billions of people worldwide.All manufactured goods will follow an evolutionary process where different patterned or coloured versions of each product can be designed and added to Hephaestus in subpages created by someone other than the original designer with existing products downloaded onto Pandora to then be edited further giving one infinite variations of all manufactured products.As the computing power of AI is sufficiently advanced and automation is sufficiently advanced automated factories managed by AI as part of manufacturing hubs will be able to process any newly designed clothing,vehicle,electronics thus eliminating the need for an overabundance of factories.Since there will be an explosion of almost infinite new manufactured products but since there is only a finite amount of land and space for factories the automated factories as part of manufacturing hubs will be the only way to cater to this explosion of new products thus millions or billions of people can design new products and not have to worry about limited space for factories.This system of using the global Hephaestus cloud networks housing products designed in Pandora will allow any member of the public to design all new toys,vehicles,clothing,electronics,manufactured food products etc with zero government interference and will be available to all people across the world within seconds and eliminate and corporations and the state as the creators of all new manufactured goods leaving it in the hands of the public as per Marxist Ingles principles without the complexities of the by laws of economics give one infinitely more manufactured products than what is possible within a free market system where only a finite amount of corporations can exist who crush our new and existing competitors through mergers,market share,loans and start up costs etc and allows anyone to create new products because as stated anyone can design new products on Pandora and add it to Hephaestus.Having manufacturing hubs in each state,region and country will ensure one receives orders within a few days.This will extend to all planets across the universe and will mean no country will have a monopoly on trade such as how China and other Asian countries are used for cheap manufacturing as each country will have these hubs that ensures each one is self sufficient in terms of manufacturing and thus orders will only take a few days as all manufactured goods are ordered directly from factories once placed through Hephaestus shutting down retail outlets.The abolition of money will prevent people worrying about market share,supply and demand and eliminate private entrepreneurs and hiring board members,HR/marketing/accounting personnel as they will just design a product and upload it to Hephaestus where it will be available to everyone worldwide with one also using VR technology and its time dilation effect in creating advertisements that Aphrodite directs to billions of people worldwide based in their demographics and that’s about it.All future manufactured products will be designed by the general public without the profit motive and by laws of economics etc thus giving the public an infinite amount of new manufactured products at zero cost.All products will be manufactured in fully automated factories as part of manufacturing hubs that through advanced AI and automation will be able to process each individual customised products stored in Hephaestus.Each factory will unlike existing ones that are only able to process only the products that each corporation creates will in time by 2029-2045 onwards will be through advanced AI and automation as well as biosynths will be able to create and manufacture each new individual infinite number of customised product created by the general public rather than a select few created by corporations.This will eliminate all human labour in manufacturing and negate the notions of countries being manufacturing hubs as each country will have hubs that contain factories for clothing,vehicles,toys,electronics etc.This will allow each state,country etc to have manufacturing hubs that contain all types of factories such as for vehicles,food products,electronics,toys,clothing etc thus allowing each region and country to be self sufficient in manufacturing allowing all products through Hephaestus to be ordered directly from factories ensuring only what is needed will be produced eliminating waste and allow for most orders to carried out in as little as a few days meaning people who order products will receive them directly from local factories in their country or state etc within a few days rather than shipping products halfway across the world to retail outlets that are then recycled or wasted away.When one orders a product such as electronics,clothing and vehicle etc stored on Hephaestus it will be manufactured on the spot within minutes and then delivered to one’s home directly from the factory rather than pre manufactured one’s and if local factories are busy then orders will be made from other hubs across the world that are not busy.By having all manufactured goods created onsite of factories in manufacturing hubs present in each country,state etc will allowing them to be ordered in within a few days eliminating the need to create them in factories on side of the world,ship to a retail outlet,fulfilment centre,warehouses,relay centres with most of not all orders such as clothes,electronics,cosmetics and food products through this system of ordering directly from local factories,AI and ai]uto,action managing everything will mean most orders will arrive at one’s home within on average the next day or two days later and at most a week with if a persons local factories are bust factories from another factory in another manufacturing hub in another state or country will be used if quicker.Aphrodite,sentient operating softwares and factory AIs will manage the orders of all goods on a local to global scale to ensure consumers get items as quickly as possible with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk to cater to a consumers need for a month or even a year that are stored in bulk with them ordered in batches from the same or different factory managed by AI.Vehicles will since autonomous will drive to their owners home.This will prevent overproduction of each product based on market forces and supply and demand and eliminate problems of the item being out off stock with improved AI and more efficient machinery etc will speed up the rate of manufacturing for each products.Aphrodite will manage all orders and all aspects of Hephaestus with other AI replacing all retail staff with all parts of manufacting and transportation automated from start to finish.The use of ordering in all types of manufactured goods directly from local manufacturing s will allow all existing factories operated by defunct corporations worldwide and also relay centres as part of Amazon etc to be converted into communal homes.

The use of Pandora to create new customised products of all types and AI managing manufacturing hubs that process customised manufactured goods will render state control of factories and corporate control of the creation of new products obsolete allowing for the public control of the means of production of the secondary sector giving one an infinite amount of manufactured products by law free to everyone due to the factories and manufacturing hubs controlled by AI and would eliminate all jobs in manufacturing with AI seizing control of factories rendering all jobs in companies ie CEOs,advertising defunct.Thus by having all existing products of all types from around the world will be scanned into Hephaestus and cosmetics,cleaning products,manufactured food products etc have their recipes analysed with all new products designed on the sentient Pandora that will be a hybrid of sketchup and autocad as well as other designer software that will be then uploaded to Hephaestus allowing it be gained by everyone in sizes customised to their foot size,dress size etc created in universal factories for each type of product ie Deipneus – food products including drinks,candies,sweets etc,Selene – vehicles,Himeros – cosmetics,Telesphorus – Medicine and medical supplies,Arachne – clothing,Talos – machinery for all sectors of society,Talus – electronics etc that will be part of manufacturing hubs present in each country,region or state across the world localising production and eliminating both state and corporate control of the means of production with them managed both by the sentient macro AI Aphrodite and the sentient softwares of each type of factory will give consumers an infinite choice of manufactured products from around the world thus shutting down state and corporate control with AI carrying out simulations and lab tests on ingredients and the safety of electronics and vehicles.The AI of each of these factories will create these customised products thus rendering the overabundance of factories for each product and corporation defunct with the fact that manufacturing hubs with all types of factories present in each hub present in each country,state,county,region around the world decided by Aphrodite will allow these customised products designed by the public to be availible and delivered by manufacturing hubs own fleets of vehicles to anyone around the world within at most a few days with it eliminating overproduction and waste since only what is needed will be produced,manufactured and ordered in with autonomous vehicles,robots and biosynths delivering them.In short all country/regions/states/counties or even cities should have their own manufacturing hubs that produce their supply of vehicles,clothes,electronics and pharmaceuticals etc. to cut down on transportation costs and make them self sufficient.All factories will be automated and controlled by AI that produces each customised product with zero human labour..When one orders a product such as electronics,clothing and vehicle etc stored on Hephaestus it will be manufactured on the spot within minutes and then delivered to one’s home directly from the factory rather than pre manufactured one’s and if local factories are busy then orders will be made from other hubs across the world that are not busy.By having all manufactured goods created onsite of factories in manufacturing hubs present in each country,state etc will allowing them to be ordered in within a few days eliminating the need to create them in factories on side of the world,ship to a retail outlet,fulfilment centre,warehouses,relay centres with most of not all orders such as clothes,electronics,cosmetics and food products through this system of ordering directly from local factories,AI and ai]uto,action managing everything will mean most orders will arrive at one’s home within on average the next day or two days later and at most a week with if a persons local factories are bust factories from another factory in another manufacturing hub in another state or country will be used if quicker.Aphrodite,sentient operating softwares and factory AIs will manage the orders of all goods on a local to global scale to ensure consumers get items as quickly as possible with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk to cater to a consumers need for a month or even a year that are stored in bulk with them ordered in batches from the same or different factory managed by AI.Vehicles will since autonomous will drive to their owners home.All factories will use a combination of AI,automated machinery and biosynths to process all customised orders with only what is ordered produced to prevent waste with all steps in the production line such as manufacturing and delivery to the consumer will be done with zero human labour by 2029-2035 onwards with the AI in charge of each factory processing each order and them ordering in the latest s most advanced machinery and robotics etc as time goes by with them replaced by the factory AI itself using robotics and biosynths to improve efficiency to keep up with demands.This will eliminate all human labour in manufacturing worldwide completely forever by 2029 onwards especially sweatshop labour in third world countries and allow each type of factory to be in manufacturing hubs in each state and country worldwide.Since each state and country will have their own manufacturing guns one will order goods from their local factories directly from the factory cutting down delivery times to at most a few days with it also shutting down relay centres similar to those used by Amazon.This will allow all existing factories,relay centres and even retail outlets that sell all types of manufactured goods worldwide to be converted into luxury communal homes.Retail staff will be replaced by AI in charge of each sector ie Selene,Arachne,Talus that one will interact with through computers,smartphones and VR simulations through fragmentation with one able to enter multilayered VR simulations of a conventional retail outlets to try on manufactured products and interact with friends and AI replacing retail staff for the social and hobby aspect once retail outlets are turned into homes.All factories since operated by AI they will abide by strict environmental regulations set down by Gaia.Each factory will grow ingredients both natural and synthetic including rare and expensive ones via bacteria through recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic reactions with biocompatible microbes cultured in factories as well and nanomatrials such as graphene and synthetic materials replacing some rare environmentally destructive elements especially geographically scare ones and synthetic gemstones and ornamental rocks created in Aphrodite factories with all electronics and vehicles recycled for metals and picotech fabricators in the hubs eliminating scarcity of elements and negate one country having a stronghold on elements.3D DNA printers onsite of all factories will allow genetically engineered bacteria that create any plant and animal commodities such as textiles,honeys,syrups,oils,juices,active ingredients etc from all 2,391,000 species of plants and animals to be created and cultured onsite of all factories that need them with them creating synthetic compounds including expensive ones anabolic and catabolic reactions with if possible their being one strain that using biosynth WiFi downloads DNA of any plant and animal and can be told via WiFi to produce any synthetic compound downloaded onto digital DNA storage.This will be indistinguishable to real versions in terms of taste,texture and all characteristics and will make all of them especially expensive ones and those that don’t create enough to be commercially viable much cheaper and mass produced with exponentially higher yields and exponentially lower amounts of resources such as water,fertiliser and energy cutting their cost to zero.Bioprinted leather and bio printed reptile skin will be created onsite of them as well allowing for leather and reptile skin indistinguishable to real versions availible at zero cost.Biocompatible microbes can be printed out using 3D DNA printers and cultured onsite of Antikythra,Talos,Selene factories to form biosynth technology that will replace most if not all metals present especially rare earths..Biosynth technology etc will create animal teeth,rhino horn,coral,pearls,ivory etc in batches for clothing and jewellery.Synthetic wood of all 60,065 species of trees will be grown onsite of Deadalus and Daedalus factories through genetically engineered bacteria.Wood pulp can be created for cardboard and paper products onsite of factories and Oxylus factories by bacteria with plastic replaced with either methane based or biosynth plastic and fungi styrofoam that can be grown onsite of factories replacing normal petrochemical plastic that can be both composted or broken down into base components to be recycled when sent back to factories creating a looped cycle with glue and dyes replaced by bio based ones originating from bacteria.This will cut the costs of ingredients especially expensive ones down to zero.Aphrodite factories that macro manage hubs will produce all 94 elements via picotech fabricators,synthetic ornamental igneous,metamorphic and sedimentary rocks,synthetic gemstones and minerals and nanomaterials of all 94 elements similar to graphene in bulk for each order for all factories.Recycling of all materials such as rare earths,precious metals,stone etc will eliminate waste.All customised components of products will be made in each factory ie vehicle factories will make the entire vehicle and also tyres,engines,batteries and seats with electronics factory making all parts of each electronics ie screens,batteries,motherboards,mouse and so on.All customised manufactured products designed on Pandora and existing products scanned in will be processed from the different factories as part of ones local manufacturing hubs cutting down on energy and time costs with orders taking at least a day to a week making each country self sufficient to all types of goods with certain products such as cleaning products,cosmetics,manfactured food products ordered in bulk in a months,two months or years supply with if ones local factory is busy then they can choose to have it ordered from other factories as part of hubs anywhere in the world to ensure it will still take anything from a day to week with each Aphrodite building in each hub in time having transporter technology that allows it to be transported from one hub to another or to local post offices with bulk orders coming in halves,thirds etc from different hubs across the world as decided by the consumerImproved AI,machinery etc will allow factories to make deliveries the next day or same week to meet the needs of a growing population.Aphrodie will ensure all deliveries are both time and energy efficient for the consumer.She will be deciding where to place the hubs and how much will be in each country with some serving each state,surrounding small countries and in some cases underground to prevent them encroaching on wilderness and serve underground communities.Thus each country will have manufacturing hubs that contain each of every type of factory that creates each type of manufactured product – Arachne factories that produce clothing,Himeros that produce cosmetics,Deipneus that produce manufactured food products including sweets/drinks etc ,Ganymede that produce glass products,Antikyhthera that produce all types of electronics,Talos that produce  all types of machinery,Telesphorus produce all types of medical supplies,Selene produce vehicles etc and so on that produces customised versions of each manufactured goods stored in the Hephaestus cloud network consisting of exisitng products scanned in and new ones designed by the public with Aphrodite deciding where they will be placed and how many each country will have dependant on both the countries size and population with small countries especially those surrounded by oceans having one or two,large countries having one per region or per state etc with small ones surrounded by many other countries have relying on hubs from nearby countries with them either overground on the outskirts of major population hubs in place of existing hubs or even underground with large underground and underwater communities housing them as well.Aphrodite will determine where to place them in each country and the number of them based on population and size to ensure that it takes at most a few days for deliveries to be made with them on the outskirts of cities etc or within them or even underground with underground and underwater communities housing them.All of these factories will be managed by both the sentient operating softwares of the same name of their type ie Selene for vehicle factories,Arachne for clothing factories,,Deipneus for food products factories etc and also AIs in charge of the individual factories themselves with each hub have an Aphrodite building that houses picotech fabricators to create all elements and store them for geological timescales in bulk,house transporter technology that can allow orders sent to other hubs that are busy to be then delivered to the consumer or post office,house miniature recycling plants and also delivery vehicles as well as macro manage each hub by macro managing each factory and interactions with each other and other manufacturing hubs worldwide by interacting with each other.The Aphrodite buildings sentient operating software will be the AI Aphrodite and will have their own AI in charge separate from her.The AIs of all factories will manage them on local individual scales with the each having independent personalities,avatars and legal names with the sentient operating softwares managing them on global to universal levels.Each factory AI will be able to process each customised product in each sub network of the open source Hephaestus consisting of all existing products from around the world scanned into their sub networks and new products designed by AI and members of the public on the universal sentient designer software Pandora.The AIs will replace old defective machines with newer,faster and more efficient ones overtime to improve efficiency and all raw ingredients such as partd for electronics and ingredients for food products and textiles for clothing etc and packaging will be created onsite by genetically engineered bacteria,biocompatible microbes with nanomaterials created by machinery in Aphrodite buildings with recycled metals and raw virgin material etc ordered in by Aphrodite buildings interacting with Persephone,Tyche and Theia with when picotech fabricators are possible then they can create an unlimited supply of elements onsite.Each manufacturing hub will house Aphrodite buildings that micro manage each manufacturing hub.Thus Aphrodite through managing Hephaestus and each manufacturing hub will thus alongside sentient operating softwares and even AIs in charge of each factory will manage manufacturing and distribution of all manufactured goods on a global scale and eventually across the entire universe.Synthetic wood of all 60,065 species of wood,textiles of all plants and animals will be created by genetically engineered bacteria with biocompatible microbes that replace all metals in all electronics will be cultured onsite of factories making them self sufficient.This will eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour as all operations in each factory will be automated from start to finish including manufacturing,transportation and delivery etc with the manufacturing hubs in each country making each country self sufficient and cutting down orders to at most a few days and eliminating energy in transportation from one country to another halfway across the world eliminating international tradd etc.By having AI control automated factories and all future manufactured products designed and stored on Pandora and Hepheastus will decentralise manufacturing and eliminate private entrepreneurs and corporations from the creation and distribution of new manufactured products.These measures will decentralise production of manufactured goods making communities,regions and countries self sufficient rather than relying on one country or region should natural disasters occurring,should a factory become compromised and prevent any one country having a global stronghold on a resource and manufactured goods as well as greatly reducing energy costs in production and transportation with trading of recycled and mined resources between communities,regions,and nations to allow for even distribution.Furthermore it will cater to the communal ownership of the means of production as per Marxist-Ingles principles with zero corporations and government control with all work in factories,deliveries etc automated from start to finish with all customised products in Hephaestus processed by the AI of specific factories as part of each manufacturing hub with zero human labour.It will negate issues of any country having manufacturing bases that serve the rest of the world and negate them having strongholds especially once corporations become defunct as each country will have one or more hubs depending on their size and population that make them self sufficient for all manufactured goods with items ordered directly from the factory within at most a few days eliminating all physical retail outlets that will be turned into residential areas with online stores such as Amazon,Alibaba etc replaced by the open source cloud network Hephaestus and all corporate headquarters turned into communal homes with Silicon Valley now residential areas.People can send friends and family member living across the world gifts for Christmas,birthdays by having local hubs near to the friends and family members address process and deliver orders to them.Clothing,hats,shoes,socks and even jewellery will be made to their unique dimensions a la haute couture by crossrefferencing their file.This localised manufacturing will cut down on energy use and having only what is needed ordered as one will ordered goods of all types such as electronics,clothing,vehicles,manufactured food goods directly from factories as part of localised  manufacturing hubs with certain products such as cleaning products,cosmetics,manufactured food products ordered in batches with goods delivered within a few days directly to ones residence and will eliminate overproduction and waste dramatically and ensure each country,region etc is self sufficient in the provision of manufactured goods with goods ordered in from factories as part of other manufacturing hubs across the country or world when their local one is busy using transporter technology,Ophion and Oceanus to still ensure orders can be made in at most a few days with orders of products normally gained in yearly bulk batches such as cosmetics,cleaning products,manufactured food products divided into half,thirds etc with each third etc coming different manufacturing hubs across the world over a certain period of time to ensure one has a constant supply of them.Cosmetics and manufactured food products can be homemade to alleviate strains on factories and cater to periods in between orders with all work done by chef robots and biosynths at home.Improvements in AI,automation etc can improve the speed of deliveries to the next day and the needs of a growing population..When one orders a product such as electronics,clothing and vehicle etc stored on Hephaestus it will be manufactured on the spot within minutes and then delivered to one’s home directly from the factory rather than pre manufactured one’s and if local factories are busy then orders will be made from other hubs across the world that are not busy.By having all manufactured goods created onsite of factories in manufacturing hubs present in each country,state etc will allowing them to be ordered in within a few days eliminating the need to create them in factories on side of the world,ship to a retail outlet,fulfilment centre,warehouses,relay centres with most of not all orders such as clothes,electronics,cosmetics and food products through this system of ordering directly from local factories,AI and ai]uto,action managing everything will mean most orders will arrive at one’s home within on average the next day or two days later and at most a week with if a persons local factories are bust factories from another factory in another manufacturing hub in another state or country will be used if quicker.Aphrodite,sentient operating softwares and factory AIs will manage the orders of all goods on a local to global scale to ensure consumers get items as quickly as possible with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk to cater to a consumers need for a month or even a year that are stored in bulk with them ordered in batches from the same or different factory managed by AI.Vehicles will since autonomous will drive to their owners ho…This structure of localised manufacturing hubs,Hephaestus open cloud network and etc will apply to all colonies on all planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc across the universe with interstellar delivery vehicles catering to deliveries when all factories on hubs on a planet are busy with space stations and interstellar vehicles having miniaturised factories onsite alongside getting deliveries from nearby planets via interstellar vessels.This will eliminate all human labour and thus ensure high productivity with zero human labour as since manufacturing,packaging,transportation,distribution and delivery etc of all goods will be fully automated from start to finish with zero human labour and it will be the general public and not corporations will become the designers of all types of manufactured products with them designing advertisements that will directed to people around the world on YouTube,live news etc and on magazines and newspapers based on demographics managed by AI and them also creating their own logo to appear on all packaging etc.It will also render international trade monopolies obsolete as well since each country will be self sufficient to manufacturing goods of all types with biocompatible microbes,picotech fabricators,nanomaterials and Theiamanaging the mining and distribution of all elements and Persephone managing all recycling will render scarcity and government monopolies of raw elements obsolete.By 2029 manufacturing hubs controlled by AI and automation that house each type of factory ie Deipneus that produce all manufactured food products,Himeros that creates all cosmetics,Selene that creates all vehicles,Arachne that creates all clothing and so on will be set up worldwide in each country,state and region that will be able to process any customised order from Pandora stored on Hephaestus and also those scanned in giving localised production of an infinite catalogue of products.The open source network Hephaestus as part of the wire managed by sentient software Aphrodite modelled on Amazon will be the sole means of acquiring manufactured goods around the world with all goods ordered directly from factories as part of local manufacturing hubs with cosmetics,food products and cleaning products ordered in bulk and sometimes homemade to alleviate strains on them.Since controlled by AI it will allow all products etc to be free.Orders of products will be made from other hubs if they are busy or in thirds.This will render all existing online and physical retail stores and outlets around the world obsolete allowing headquarters and physical stores to be tuned into communal homes.It will replace all online and in store retail outlets including Amazon,Alibaba and online stores for corporations worldwide rendering them obsolete with all physical retail outlets worldwide and also the headquarters of all corporations that manufacture and the corporate headquarters of retail outlets including Amazon etc and relay centres then turned into communal homes meaning all central business,corporate and commercial districts such as Silicon Valley,Times Square,Fifth Avenue,Myotongdong,Oxford Street,Grafton Street etc and their equivalents worldwide will be turned into major luxury residential areas.Supermarkets,hypermarkets,shopping malls worldwide will be converted into communal homes via at adding stores least 50-100 roof extensions.Retail streets in towns and villages will be turned into mega hotels with retail outlets onsite of airports,train stations and amenities into luxury lounges,those in cruise ships into extra cabins and those in hotels,casinos etc turned into extra suites.Hephaestus managed by Aphrodite modelled on Amazon will become the sole means of procuring all manufactiured products from 2029 onwards shutting down Amazon,Alibaba and all online stores and all physical retail outlets with all physical retail outlets worldwide converted into communal homes.All convenience stores,supermarkets,hypermarkets etc will be turned into communal homes.Since goods will be ordered in from local factories relay centres for Amazon etc will be converted into communal homes.All steps in manufacturing,transportation etc will be automated from start to finish with factories growing all ingredients via bacteria creating natural ingredients such as oils,textiles etc using recombinant DNA and synthetic compounds created by anabolic and catabolic reactions onsite of factories to eliminate transport and energy costs with biocompatible microbes cultured in photobioreactors to replace raw elements in electronics etc.Retail staff will be replaced with AI of each sub network such as Deipneus,Arachne,Selene,Talus etc interacting directly with consumers both in computers,smartphones and also in VR simulations where one can browse each sub network in VR stores complete with fitting rooms and the ability virtually try out manufactured goods to replicate the social and hobby aspect of shopping.Consumers will be enter VR simulations to view,browse and virtually try on all types of manufactured products to retain the social and hobby aspect of shopping in VR hypermarkets.This will counteract all physical retail outlets including hypermarkets,supermarkets etc being turned into communal homes..CEOs will not exist since factories and cloud networks housing customised products designed on Pandora will allow for the public control of the means of production with zero corporate or state influence and zero human labour in manufacture and transportation.Thus all manufacturing and trade of all manufactured goods worldwide will be done via Hephaestus managed by its sentient operating software Aphrodite thus shutting down all existing online and physical retail outlets with goods produced locally in manufacturing hubs in each state,country etc the number of which in each country will be dependent on a countries size and population and their location decided by Aphrodite.AI controlling factories,vehicles and the money supply prior to the abolishment of money and will render private entrepreneurship,capitalism and state control obsolete.Only what is needed and ordered in will be produced eliminating waste and complexities of supply and demand,market share and other facets of socialist and capitalist economic systems.When one orders a product such as electronics,clothing and vehicle etc stored on Hephaestus it will be manufactured on the spot within minutes and then delivered to one’s home directly from the factory rather than pre manufactured one’s and if local factories are busy then orders will be made from other hubs across the world that are not busy.By having all manufactured goods created onsite of factories in manufacturing hubs present in each country,state etc will allowing them to be ordered in within a few days eliminating the need to create them in factories on side of the world,ship to a retail outlet,fulfilment centre,warehouses,relay centres with most of not all orders such as clothes,electronics,cosmetics and food products through this system of ordering directly from local factories,AI and ai]uto,action managing everything will mean most orders will arrive at one’s home within on average the next day or two days later and at most a week with if a persons local factories are bust factories from another factory in another manufacturing hub in another state or country will be used if quicker.Aphrodite,sentient operating softwares and factory AIs will manage the orders of all goods on a local to global scale to ensure consumers get items as quickly as possible with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk to cater to a consumers need for a month or even a year that are stored in bulk with them ordered in batches from the same or different factory managed by AI.Vehicles will since autonomous will drive to their owners home.Patenting and copyrighting will become obsolete by law and AI namely Aphrodite that manages Hephaestus able to buy patents and prevent profits being made with all labour in manufacture and transportation automated and controlled by Aphrodite and AIs in charge of factories and all goods will be delivered much quicker usually two to three days from ordering them since robots,drones and automated vehicles will work 24/7,365 days a year without the threat of strikes,without lunch break,rest stops etc. and the fact that most factories will be in local manufacturing hubs and will also be functioning 24/7,365 days a year will make the acquisition of goods more efficient.

Ordering goods that are needed and only when they are needed directly from localised factory hubs will cut down on energy and resource use compared to the current system in which it its required for goods to be made in energy intensive and space inefficient factories in one corner of the world that has an overabundance of goods shipped to every retail outlet in the world,with the vast majority unused products laying idle for months or years at a time before finally being disposed of in landfills and never used wasting even more resources.Thus instead of overproducing goods that the vast majority will eventually be sent to the landfills from not being sold all goods produced this way will be owned by the consumer who ordered it and not left idle in stores and only produced when needed with it used indefinitely or at least several years or decades with it either recycled or traded on Euthenia.This will cut down on raw materials,energy and water significantly worldwide in manufacturing and also since people will order a single or few items from most factories and also food,cleaning products and cosmetics from Deipneus,Himeros and Agathodaemon factories in bulk then there will be sizeable periods where nothing is produced saving energy but also freeing up time for especially batch orders to be made allowing them to be done quickly even though they will be operational 24/7,365 days a year.If need be orders from other factories in other countries or states can be done.Thus only what is needed will be produced by localised factories and delivered to the consumers address with them recycled or traded when not needed anymore with the notion of wants eliminated alongside waste with VR simulations that allow one to conjure up an unlimited amount of manufactured goods without expending energy and resources in the real world will cater to materialism allowing even modest living people have an infinite amount of manufactured products such as homes,vehicles etc without producing waste in the real world.It will also mean that machinery will be more compact and also for all in one machinery to be present that is compact allowing for them to fit on floors alongside other ones as instead of making large batches of most products that are virtually the same that will end up going to waste they will produce customised goods for each orders.Furthermore wit will save energy as goods will be created in ones localised manufacturing hub and delivered to consumers in contrast to the current system where different factories produce different parts and then are transferred to other ones in the same or different country and are then produced en masse in large amounts and then shipped to all corners of the globe into retail outlets that are then left idle for months before being recycled or dumped into a landfill.This will eliminate concepts of seasonal sales like Christmas sales and black friday,supply and demand,markets etc and also will not restrict essentials and even luxury goods from the general population due to the restrictive nature of the free market system.Retail outlets of all types such as shops,hyper and supermarkets and the corporate headquarters of all corporations will become homes either private or communal based on their size with headquarters have all rooms including labs as rooms.Since all products will be ordered online from the factory via Hephaestus and all food products will be homemade and food locally grown all retail outlets including supermarkets,hypermarkets both local and even major commercial districts such as Oxford Street,Grafton Street,Times Square,Fifth Avenue,Myotongdong etc will become major residential areas alongside Silicon Valley and the central business districts of a cities worldwide.Those in small towns and villages and even large cities including the aformentioned ones will have all retail outlets merged together and then remodelled into the same architectural style and have roof extensions of at least fifty to hundred floors to form mega hotels that take up large amounts of space with restaurants,nightblubs and bars especially historical ones merged into them as dining halls and bars managed by the hotel AI.Others may be demolished entirely or partially and have historical retail outlets,bars etc merged into the buildings built into their place with roads separating them have arches over them or dug up and diverted.This will increase the density of these towns,villages and cities especially with regards to growing populations and also for tourists in spare rooms.Areas like Silicon Valley and its equivalents will because of Hephaestus alongside computer networks and AI seizing control of social media and search engines etc and corporations becoming defunct the headquarters of all corporations,social media sites,internet companies will become homes making the areas they are in major residential areas.All corporate headquarters of all companies will become homes especially communal homes with Silicon Valley becoming a residential area with all skyscrapers that house banks,corporate headquarters etc becoming hotels.Casinos around the world the world will become communal homes with those in hotels becoming extra luxury suites making Las Vegas and similar places worldwide major residential areas with retail outlets onsite of airports,train stations and amenities into luxury lounges,those in cruise ships into extra cabins and those in hotels,casinos etc turned into extra suites.Banks,offices of all types of corporations and entities and corpoarate headquarters and all retail outlets will make all central business districts of all major cities worldwide into more residential areas.Areas taken by street markets will likely have the ground dug up and turned into parks with others turned into homes.Roof and underground extensions will make small ones communal homes.Factories outside of manufacturing hubs will also become communal homes.Retail outlets in airports will become luxury lounges alongside those in amenities like museums with those in seaports going the same way.Government bodies related to consumer protection and labour unions as well as regulation of goods and services will become obsolete with their headquarters turned into homes.The websites of all government agencies and corporations will be made defunct with their servers recycled once their websites are deleted.As detailed later community centres can also contain miniaturised factory machinery for automated,semi-automated or homemade production especially in the case of products that are difficult to fully automate i.e. leather production,cut down on energy costs and even eliminate waste so only what is needed is produced for the people who wish to procure these items.These miniaturised machinery and 3D printers as stated above can be integrated into microfactories and existing and new factories.In short all products should be made in localised factories in manufacturing hubs using locally sourced raw,synthetic and recycled materials using as little space and series of transporting from stop to stop.These measures will decentralise production of manufactured goods making communities,regions and countries self sufficient rather than relying on one country or region should natural disasters occurring,should a factory become compromised and prevent any one country having a global stronghold on a resource and manufactured goods as well as greatly reducing energy costs in production and transportation with trading of recycled and mined resources between communities,regions,and nations to allow for even distribution.As a result of the localised manufacturing hub system with AI processing customised orders in each factories it will also cut down on the time it takes for a person to receive them with the designing of good eliminating the need for both the government and defunct corporations and negate the need to transport goods across the world or to other countries allowing one access to all goods from all designers from around the world including existing products.All goods should be made to be recycled with all electronics for example smart devices,hard drives and lapotps etc.should be designed to have a button on them,button combination or option in settings menus that opens them up by hand at home allowing the components to be put in specific bins for plastic,graphene/carbon composites(which can be brought back to universities for reuse or sent into paper,cardboard bins) and rubber components into specific compartments bins or their recycling plants and each metal present put into the waste bin that brings metals to the recycling plant.Recycling hubs that can provide recycled material and also biochar for graphene and other carbon composites for manufacturing hubs will

Hephaestus will be modelled on Amazon with AI replacing retail staff and with one even able to send items to ones private simulations and enter simulations modelled on conventional retail outlets for the social aspect with friends.This should render private entrepreneurship,international trade and the free market obsolete and allow for public control of manufacturing with zero human labour and zero state control.This would render both state and private control of the means of production defunct with AI managing and controlling all factories worldwide with AI rendering patenting copyrighting defunct.All ingredients and components ie textiles,binders,excipients,packaging,dyes,woods etc will be created onsite of all factories in photobioreactors by bacteria engineered to do this with them creating only what is needed for each order to prevent waste with natural ones created by recombinant DNA from plants and animals and synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions to cut land,water,feed use for rearing both plants and animals and also energy in transporting them and also energy in industrial processes in their creation with them made onsite of all factories in photobioreactors and thus making even the most expensive ones,cheap and widely availible to all types of factories with nanomaterials of all 94 elements,biocompatible microbes and picotech fabricators also aiding in this to bring the cost of all manufactured goods to zero.Biocompatible microbes magnetism and ability to conduct electricity will replace expensive elements such as Niobium,Tantulum,Hafnium,Gold,Copper etc in electronics and vehicles alongside graphene and similar allotropes of all 94 elements with them cutting costs to zero and making them faster and more efficient and can be grown onsite of factories.This would render both state and private control of the means of production defunct with AI managing and controlling all factories worldwide with AI rendering patenting copyrighting defunct.Thus AI in the form of Aphrodite,Deipneus,Selene,Himeros etc and factory AI will have sole control of all factories worldwide and eventually universe and manage the distribution of all manufactured goods as all products will ordered directly from ones local manufacturing hubs or other ones should it be busy including batches of thirds or halved and receive their products in as little as a few days with all work in manufacturing and delivery to consumers will be automated from start to finish.Proto AI should be advanced by 2022-2025 to replace humans in existing corporate factories for vehicles,electronics and furniture until manufacturing hubs with full human levels AI are set up and these old factories turned into communal homes.Any remaining humans in factories will be paid reserves to do any remaining work in large teams doing shifts that ensure they have short working hours and good working conditions on top of a basic income to encourage humans to do remaining work until it is fully automated.Companies may hire extra people to ensure shorter working hours and better working conditions with the basic income possibly means adjusted so that the workers will despite having shorter working hours get the same original wages with corporations although having more employees will be paying the same amount in wages overall with AI paying the extra loss in income to each employee and possibly a bit extra to ensure they are still getting the same original wage.These will have the factories run directly by workers who will earn money paid either by hourly wages or where all profits are shared equally with all workers with all factories worldwide including sweatshops fitted by the latest automation and AI to eliminate dangerous and labourious work by 50-90% and increase productivity with them using the money to buy food and purchase new luxury homes alongside Kickstarter,Patreon etc AI adding a bit extra money as part of the basic income will encourage workers to to do their reduced working hours or even original working hours or extra working hours to get each days work done faster.Existing factories will be first set up with advanced AI and machinery to produce existing mass produced products especially furniture,clothing,food products,vehicles,electronics with at least 90% less human labour so that by 2029 manufacturing hubs can be set up that create customised products in Hephaestus designed on Pandora to then allow the old factories to be demolished or turned into communal homes.Hiring extra people and using advanced machinery will cut down labour and working hours for factory workers including sweatshops by at least 50-90%.More advanced machinery will be added with one factories become fully automated they will continue to produce existing products until manufacturing hubs that have fully sentient AI and automated factories are possible.This will ensure that existing and new products will be continuously stocked in retail outlets across the world for consumers to buy especially as part of luxury refurbishments of homes and both obsolete and abandoned homes and manufactured food products.Corporations will to prevent overproduction will simply have all items catalogued in online stores and store in headquarters store what is needed with them also utilising a proto version of Hepheastus where people through Amazon and online corporate websites can preorder vehicles,clothing etc their database especially when automation is advanced enough preventing waste in overproduction this may reduce working hours of factory workers.This will allow people to order things online and only mean only what is needed will be produced and distributed.Even Amazon relay centres and warehouse will increase automation to reduce working hours and labour exponentially and have them operated by workers without corporate control and them paid hourly wages or shared profits.Corporate websites and even Amazon itself will be operated by AI including proto AI.Between 2022-2029 retail outlets around the world will be restocked constantly on all essentials like food products and also clothing,vehicles,furniture and electronics etc especially luxury expensive to cater to the public’s needs and to cater to luxury refurbishments and renovations by corporations semi and fully automated factories worldwide until fully automated manufacturing hubs can be set up worldwide.Amazon and official websites of corporations and other online retail outlets will be used to cater to the need of those unable to get anything in physical stores.Excess once manufacturing hubs are up will be recycled once scanned in with all people bringing things home and and staff will scan in one iteration of each product and each different patterned and coloured versions to be uploaded to Hephaestus.People can being home large amounts of goods and trade them on eBay etc.Community centres and city halls can have left over manufactured goods etc.This should prevent disruption of essential goods and those to cater to to luxury refurbishments and rennovations of homes and obsolete and abandoned buildings from 2022-2029 until fully automated manufacturing hubs are fully set up worldwide that can create any customised product thus allowing retail outlets and existing factories to be turned into communal homes.All products in retail outlets will be dispensed to the public for free or at 90% reduced price or for free to allow consumers access to them and cater to luxury rennovations with online stores doing this with both retail outlets and online store warehouses constantly restocked until manufacturing hubs are set up with each company scanning in their products into the proto and final Hepheastus with those already owned by the public scanned in by the public at home using handheld scanners.Companies may be paid subsidies by the state and also Gaia to cater to this.As stated the overabundance of vehicles,furniture,electronics in circulation that can be traded via proto Euthenia,Ebay and the overabundance of those in retail outlets taken in by the public,traded online and also stored in community centres will cater to the needs of society until AI,even proto AI and automation becomes sufficiently advanced.Once AI and automation is advanced enough then manufacturing hubs will be set up in each state,country etc that contains each type of universal factories ie Deipneus,Selene,Arachne etc that can process any customised order of each manufactured products thus allowing existing factories of all types to be converted into communal homes..By 2029-2035 manufacturing hubs and Hephaestus should be fully set up with all factories fully automated and controlled by AI with unique personalities and avatars etc linked together by the universal operating software die Selene,Arachne etc allowing for any customised product created on the universal sentient Pandora software and uploaded to Hepheastus to be created on demand with only what is needed created to prevent waste with old items traded on Euthenia or recycled.Only what is ordered will be created to prevent waste with all factories fully automated from start to finish and operating 24/7,365 days a year thus allowing for orders to be processed and delivered within at most a few days..When one orders a product such as electronics,clothing and vehicle etc stored on Hephaestus it will be manufactured on the spot within minutes and then delivered to one’s home directly from the factory rather than pre manufactured one’s and if local factories are busy then orders will be made from other hubs across the world that are not busy.By having all manufactured goods created onsite of factories in manufacturing hubs present in each country,state etc will allowing them to be ordered in within a few days eliminating the need to create them in factories on side of the world,ship to a retail outlet,fulfilment centre,warehouses,relay centres with most of not all orders such as clothes,electronics,cosmetics and food products through this system of ordering directly from local factories,AI and ai]uto,action managing everything will mean most orders will arrive at one’s home within on average the next day or two days later and at most a week with if a persons local factories are bust factories from another factory in another manufacturing hub in another state or country will be used if quicker.Aphrodite,sentient operating softwares and factory AIs will manage the orders of all goods on a local to global scale to ensure consumers get items as quickly as possible with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk to cater to a consumers need for a month or even a year that are stored in bulk with them ordered in batches from the same or different factory managed by AI.Vehicles will since autonomous will drive to their owners home.As stated each country or state within them will contain a set number of manufacturing hubs determined by population that contains all types of factories that produced specific items ie Deipneus(manufactured food products),Selene(vehicles),Arachne(clothing) and do on making them self sufficient and allow them to be ordered by consumers directly from factories that take only a few days cutting down on energy and time costs.This will allow all retail outlets in the form of physical stores thst sell all types of manufactured products such as vehicles,clothing,food products to be converted into communal homes via roof extensions with even relay centres used by Amazon etc converted into communal homes since all goods will be ordered in from local factories in each state,country etc with this cutting on energy and time in transporting goods from factories in one country to retail outlets across the world with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk.All machinery in all factories within manufracturing hubs will be those able to process customised products ordered alongside chef robot hands and in time biosynths with AI replacing old,defective machinery with newer,faster,cheaper and compact ones by robots and biosynths with automated corrective measures,having them covered in liquid glass and graphene paint to make them dirt,water,acid and rust proof forever enough to cater until biosynths can replace human repairmen.Old outdated machinery will be replaced routinely by newer,cheaper,more efficient machinery routinely by the factory AI with this itself fully automated between 2029-2045.Biosynths in homes,hospitals,farms,factories etc can download the conciousness of Talus,Selene and Talos to be brought instantly onsite of defective machinery,electronics and vehicles etc allow for these AIs to asses the machinery,fix it and repair it thus rendering human repairmen defunct by 2045 with before that AI through fragmentation runnig diagnostics and viewing live-streams from smart phones remotely in real time and organising their replacement or guiding owners in how to fix them as best to their ability.By 2029 automated corrective measures,diagnostics done by AI,them composed of self healing materials,covered in Graphene paint and liquid glass that makes them rust,water,dust and acid proof will allow them to require little to no maintainence until biosynths arrive circa 2045 that replace repairmen with AI itself replacing programmers.Automation,AI,Pandora,expensive ingredients both natural and synthetic created by bacteria,biosynth technology,nanomaterials from all 92 elements and also in time picotech fabricators will push the cost of all manufactured goods worldwide to zero.Hephasetus will replace all government bodies with regards to saftey control of all products with her running simulations on all products designs and grading them to ensure they do not cause explosions or are dangerous to children with dangerous designs prevent from being uploaded and removed.VR simulations will be run of all vehicles to ensure they can perform in all types of weather,all roads and situations and buildings undergoing structural integrity simulations to ensure they are suited to an areas climate,natural disasters in the area or can stay stable in the first place and what pressure loads they can withstand with AI designing ways to correct any flaws ensuring they are all safe for use.Cosmetics,food products etc will be analysed by nanosensors onsite of the machinery they are created to ensure the levels of ingredients are exact and do not contain contaminants with the ingredients of each newly made ones have all ingredients test individually and together on different tissue samples from humans on onsite labs to test for any reactions with patient files used to determine if someone may have an allergic reaction with them downloading augmentation strains of microbes to correct flaws that lead to these beforehand.Thus AI controlling automated manufacturing hubs in each country/state/region that have each factory of each type ie vehicle,cosmetics,electronics and so on that can process customised orders,Pandora allowing the public to design new ones,all existing ones around the world scanned in,Hephaestus and sub netwoks containing a catalogue of all products similar to Amazon,bacteria producing natural and synthetic ingredients including expensive ones,nanomaterials and biosynth technology,picotech fabricators onsite of Aphrodite buildings in hubs,AI taking over quality control should give consumers and infinite catalogue of products and still render both state and corporate control of manufacturing obsolete of the means of production.

The sentient Euthenia sub-network in Hephaestus will be used to trade away unwanted goods,swap,rent and share homes.Bouquets of flowers,ornamental plants,livestock and pets will be ordered in from vertical and other farms with pets and livestock reared in artificial wombs with flowers and ornamental plants grown and reared in special plots using hydroponics etc and suited to grow in all soils and climates and survive indefinitely in vases.People can send friends and family member living across the world gifts for Christmas,birthdays by having local hubs near to the friends and family members address process and deliver orders to them.Clothing,hats,shoes,socks and even jewellery will be made to their unique dimensions a la haute couture by crossrefferencing their file.Hephaestus will be modelled on Amazon with AI replacing retail staff and with one even able to send items to ones private simulations and enter simulations modelled on conventional retail outlets for the social aspect with friends.This should render private entrepreneurship,international trade and the free market obsolete and allow for public control of manufacturing with zero human labour and zero state control.This would render both state and private control of the means of production defunct with AI managing and controlling all factories worldwide with AI rendering patenting copyrighting defunct.All ingredients and components ie textiles,binders,excipients,packaging,dyes,woods etc will be created onsite of all factories in photobioreactors by bacteria engineered to do this with them creating only what is needed for each order to prevent waste with natural ones created by recombinant DNA from pants and animals and synthetic ones created by anabolic and catabolic reactions via Biosynth wifi to cut land,water,feed use for rearing both plants and animals and also energy in transporting them and also energy in industrial processes in their creation with them made onsite of all factories in photobioreactors and thus making even the most expensive ones,cheap and widely availible to all types of factories with nanomaterials of all 94 elements,biocompatible microbes and picotech fabricators also aiding in this to bring the cost of all manufactured goods to zero.Biocompatible microbes magnetism and ability to conduct electricity will replace expensive elements such as Niobium,Cobalt,Gold,Copper in electronics and vehicles alongside graphene and similar allotropes of all 94 elements with them cutting costs to zero and making them faster and more efficient and can be grown onsite of factories.This would render both state and private control of the means of production defunct with AI managing and controlling all factories worldwide with AI rendering patenting copyrighting defunct.Thus AI in the form of Aphrodite,Deipneus,Selene,Himeros etc and factory AI will have sole control of all factories worldwide and eventually universe and manage the distribution of all manufactured goods as all products will ordered directly from ones local manufacturing hubs or other ones should it be busy including batches of thirds or halved and receive their products in as little as a few days with all work in manufacturing and delivery to consumers will be automated from start to finish.Proto AI should be advanced by 2022-2025 to replace humans in existing corporate factories for vehicles,electronics and furniture until manufacturing hubs with full human levels AI are set up and these old factories turned into communal homes.Any remaining humans in factories will be paid reserves to do any remaining work in large teams doing shifts that ensure they have short working hours and good working conditions on top of a basic income to encourage humans to do remaining work until it is fully automated.Companies may hire extra people to ensure shorter working hours and better working conditions with the basic income possibly means adjusted so that the workers will despite having shorter working hours get the same original wages with corporations although having more employees will be paying the same amount in wages overall with AI paying the extra loss in income to each employee and possibly a bit extra to ensure they are still getting the same original wage.AI adding a bit extra money as part of the basic income will encourage workers to to do their reduced working hours or even original working hours or extra working hours to get each days work done faster.Existing factories will be first set up with advanced AI and machinery to produce existing mass produced products especially furniture,clothing,food products,vehicles,electronics with at least 90% less human labour so that by 2029 manufacturing hubs can be set up that create customised products in Hephaestus designed on Pandora to then allow the old factories to be demolished or turned into communal homes.Hiring extra people and using advanced machinery will cut down labour and working hours for factory workers including sweatshops by at least 50-90%.More advanced machinery will be added with one factories become fully automated they will continue to produce existing products until manufacturing hubs that have fully sentient AI and automated factories are possible.This will ensure that existing and new products will be continuously stocked in retail outlets across the world for consumers to buy especially as part of luxury refurbishments of homes and both obsolete and abandoned homes and manufactured food products.Corporations will to prevent overproduction will simply have all items catalogued in online stores and store in headquarters store what is needed with them also utilising a proto version of Hepheastus where people preorder vehicles,clothing etc their database especially when automation is advanced enough preventing waste in overproduction this may reduce working hours of factory workers.Between 2022-2029 retail outlets around the world will be restocked constantly on all essentials like food products and also clothing,vehicles,furniture and electronics etc especially luxury expensive to cater to the public’s needs and to cater to luxury refurbishments and renovations by corporations semi and fully automated factories worldwide until fully automated manufacturing hubs can be set up worldwide.Amazon and official websites of corporations and other online retail outlets will be used to cater to the need of those unable to get anything in physical stores.Excess once manufacturing hubs are up will be recycled once scanned in with all people bringing things home and and staff will scan in one iteration of each product and each different patterned and coloured versions to be uploaded to Hephaestus.This should prevent disruption of essential goods and those to cater to to luxury refurbishments and rennovations of homes and obsolete and abandoned buildings from 2022-2029 until fully automated manufacturing hubs are fully set up worldwide that can create any customised product thus allowing retail outlets and existing factories to be turned into communal homes.All products in retail outlets will be dispensed to the public for free or at 90% reduced price or for free to allow consumers access to them and cater to luxury rennovations with online stores doing this with both retail outlets and online store warehouses constantly restocked until manufacturing hubs are set up with each company scanning in their products into the proto and final Hepheastus with those already owned by the public scanned in by the public at home using handheld scanners.Companies may be paid subsidies by the state and also Gaia to cater to this.As stated the overabundance of vehicles,furniture,electronics in circulation that can be traded via proto Euthenia,Ebay and the overabundance of those in retail outlets taken in by the public,traded online and also stored in community centres will cater to the needs of society until AI,even proto AI and automation becomes sufficiently advanced.Once AI and automation is advanced enough then manufacturing hubs will be set up in each state,country etc that contains each type of universal factories ie Deipneus,Selene,Arachne etc that can process any customised order of each manufactured products thus allowing existing factories of all types to be converted into communal homes..By 2029-2035 manufacturing hubs and Hephaestus should be fully set up with all factories fully automated and controlled by AI with unique personalities and avatars etc linked together by the universal operating software die Selene,Arachne etc allowing for any customised product created on the universal sentient Pandora software and uploaded to Hepheastus to be created on demand with only what is needed created to prevent waste with old items traded on Euthenia or recycled.As state’s each country or state within them will contain a set number of manufacturing hubs determined by population that contains all types of factories that produced specific items ie Deipneus(manufactured food products),Selene(vehicles),Arachne(clothing) and do on making them self sufficient and allow them to be ordered by consumers directly from factories that take only a few days cutting down on energy and time costs.This will allow all retail outlets in the form of physical stores thst sell all types of manufactured products such as vehicles,clothing,food products to be converted into communal homes via roof extensions with even relay centres used by Amazon etc converted into communal homes since all goods will be ordered in from local factories in each state,country etc with this cutting on energy and time in transporting goods from factories in one country to retail outlets across the world with cosmetics,cleaning products and food products ordered in bulk.All machinery in all factories within manuf hubs will be those able to process customised products ordered alongside chef robot hands and in time biosynths with AI replacing old,defective machinery with newer,faster,cheaper and compact ones by robots and biosynths with automated corrective measures,having them covered in liquid glass and graphene paint to make them dirt,water,acid and rust proof forever enough to cater until biosynths can replace human repairmen.Old outdated machinery will be replaced routinely by newer,cheaper,more efficient machinery routinely by the factory AI with this itself fully automated between 2029-2045.Biosynths in homes,hospitals,farms,factories etc can download the conciousness of Talus,Selene and Talos to be brought instantly onsite of defective machinery,electronics and vehicles etc allow for these AIs to asses the machinery,fix it and repair it thus rendering human repairmen defunct by 2045 with before that AI through fragmentation runnig diagnostics and viewing live-streams from smart phones remotely in real time and organising their replacement or guiding owners in how to fix them as best to their ability.By 2029 automated corrective measures,diagnostics done by AI,them composed of self healing materials,covered in Graphene paint and liquid glass that makes them rust,water,dust and acid proof will allow them to require little to no maintainence until biosynths arrive circa 2045 that replace repairmen with AI itself replacing programmers.Automation,AI,Pandora,expensive ingredients both natural and synthetic created by bacteria,biosynth technology,nanomaterials from all 92 elements and also in time picotech fabricators will push the cost of all manufactured goods worldwide to zero.Hephasetus will replace all government bodies with regards to saftey control of all products with her running simulations on all products designs and grading them to ensure they do not cause explosions or are dangerous to children with dangerous designs prevent from being uploaded and removed.VR simulations will be run of all vehicles to ensure they can perform in all types of weather,all roads and situations and buildings undergoing structural integrity simulations to ensure they are suited to an areas climate,natural disasters in the area or can stay stable in the first place and what pressure loads they can withstand with AI designing ways to correct any flaws ensuring they are all safe for use.Cosmetics,food products etc will be analysed by nanosensors onsite of the machinery they are created to ensure the levels of ingredients are exact and do not contain contaminants with the ingredients of each newly made ones have all ingredients test individually and together on different tissue samples from humans on onsite labs to test for any reactions with patient files used to determine if someone may have an allergic reaction with them downloading augmentation strains of microbes to correct flaws that lead to these beforehand.Thus AI controlling automated manufacturing hubs in each country/state/region that have each factory of each type ie vehicle,cosmetics,electronics and so on that can process customised orders,Pandora allowing the public to design new ones,all existing ones around the world scanned in,Hephaestus and sub netwoks containing a catalogue of all products similar to Amazon,bacteria producing natural and synthetic ingredients including expensive ones,nanomaterials and biosynth technology,picotech fabricators onsite of Aphrodite buildings in hubs,AI taking over quality control should give consumers and infinite catalogue of products and still render both state and corporate control of manufacturing obsolete of the means of production.Liquid glass coated onto products will make them water and dirt proof thus negating the need to clean them.This will of note to Windows,clothing and kitchen surfaces and utensils which of coated with it will no longer need washing machines and cleaning products for clothes and utensils.It on surfaces of homes and vehicles will negate the need for producing cleaning products.

The sentient Euthenia sub-network in Hephaestus will be used to trade away unwanted goods,swap,rent and share homes.Unwanted goods,pets,homes etc will be traded in the universal trading network Euthenia managed of the AI of the same name replacing Ebay, etc and will be used to share goods with people on local to global scales.It will be used as the universal home swapping,renting and sharing network for tourism replacing air bnb,couch surfing once hotels,bnbs and motels around the world are made into permenant homes.Home sharing and home hosting programmes integrated into Euthenia wherein one acts as a host for tourists will replace hotels,bnbs,inns and motels all of which will become permanent homes with these services similar to Airbnb,hip housing and couchsurfing.All abandoned and obsolete buildings will be added to allow people to book spaces in them when renovated into communal homes.All homes on all retail sites worldwide will be transferred alongside all photos,summaries on them etc to proto and final Euthenia with this including both low quality homes and luxury homes from sites like Savills,Christies International,James Edition etc to be dispensed to the public.Sites that sell office buildings and commercial buildings such as restaurants,supermarkets and other buildings used for all types of business will have these buildings added to Euthenia as well.This will allow people to book spaces as part of rennovations.Couchsurfing,hip housing,Airbnb etc will be replaced by Euthenia with a section that allows one to not only trade away unwanted homes but also rent out homes as part of home sharing and hosting for tourists etc but also renting out when the resident on holiday.By 2029 onwards all hotels,motels,bnbs,hostels etc worldwide will be converted into permenant homes with them undergoing luxury renovations and also have all rooms modified into the Venetian standard of 60.387 square metres and have roof extensions added to compansate for the loss of rooms to ensure the original amount of rooms.As a result the similar services of home sharing as practiced in Ancient Rome integrated into Euthenia where one will stay in the homes of citizens across the world by booking places in them will replace hotels and motels..People will be able to book rooms in hotels while the permenant residents are themselves on holiday.All citizens who live in cottages,luxury homes and mansions will have roof,side and underground extensions to house extra bedrooms and have luxury rennovations to make them appealing.Even celebrities,royalty etc will partake in this home sharing.Having all citizens in each major town,city and village do this will compansate for motels,inns and hostels becoming permenant homes.Thus while hotels,motels etc become permenant homes home sharing programmes built into
Euthenia.Other items can be rented here such as electronics,vehicles etc.It will be where one can permenantly trade away all items such as electronics,homes,suites in communal homes,clothing,pets,vehicles etc replacing Ebay etc.

All post offices worldwide will be integrated into all community centres used to trade and store excess unwanted goods that has delivery vehicles and also even transporter technology to receive orders from restaurants,vertical farms and Aphrodite factories to manage orders to consumers especially those on islands for food deliveries to areas without restaurants and also from vertical farms and manufacturing hubs around the world if their local one is busy to cut down time on orders.U-haul services can be integrated into these and community centres managed by Euthenia with one contacting the centre AI to avail of these services.These will be managed by the sentient Euthenia with all work automated from start to finish by 2029 and focus primarily in delivering goods traded on Euthenia on local to global levels,transporting furniture etc when one is moving home and also from vertical farms and manufacturing hubs when local ones are busy with letters made redundant by e-mails and e-cards etc.Thus she will replace all corporate and state postal services such as An Post,UPS,FedEx etc.Both Demeter and Hephaestus will either use cargo planes etc owned by Euthenia or they will have there own fleet for any cases of international deliveries.One can deposit unwanted goods here to be collected by others later in person as they will replace thrift stores etc as all deposited goods will be logged into its AI visible to the public on the Euthenia centre and goods be traded on Euthenia can be delivered here in person and delivered to anyone across the world using delivery vehicles and transporter technology or be picked here in person.Excess unwanted goods at home and from clearances of retail outlets and unwanted items at home will be deposited here,scanned into Hepheastus and logged into the building AI visible online when on Euthenia where one can online see and filter through all community centres worldwide and sift through all goods through filters to then have it delivered to them if it is not in local centres or in local centres or pick it up in person with booking the item without using money.One can use these centres to share excess goods one does not use all the time or tools,camping gear,clothing,vehicles etc or a global scale using deposition and by being picked up in person and also delivery vehicles and transporter technology.Transporter technology will be present here to allow goods to be delivered as part of the sharing,delivery post office systems and U-haul systems present in Euthenia on local to global scales.People can trade items away via meeting at these centres or using transporter technology to transport it to another centre half away across the world with them also depositing goods at them and then have it picked up later by the other person.Post offices integrated into them will be used for delivering gifts and goods shared and traded away permanently where delivery vehicles will deliver them and transporter technology when perfected used for international deliveries after cargo planes etc used by biosynths etc.These post offices/community centre hybrids will have their own unique AI with its own personality,avatar and name linked together by the sentient operating software Euthenia and all community centres/post offices etc will be visible on maps with them in each town,village,city worldwide withat the number based on population.These will be in place of community halls,community centres and if possible post offices within the jurisdiction of all towns,villages and cities with post offices if used housing roof extensions to house community centres added with if integrated into community centres then them having post offices added on roof extensions etc with them ideally all in one buildings named Euthenia who will be its sentient operating software with an universal statue of her in their lobby and them given given luxury refurbishments.One will be able to see what products are stored inside via online access to the building AI since inventories by the centre AI will be done and one will contact the centres AI to avail of post office and U-haul services.One could deposit packages inside with biosynth chips integrated into boxes used to be read by scanners.All work in these community centres and post office hybrids will be automated from start to finish.These will be linked together by the sentient operating software Euthenia.Euthenia will be the sentient platform within Hephaestus that allows one to share items on local to global scales as well as permenantly trade away any unwanted goods such as homes,vehicles,electronics,clothing,pets etc on local to global scales with it also used to rent out homes for tourists replacing couchsurfing,air bnb and also similar sites.Transporter technology could once availible will allow furniture from homes,pets and other traded goods to be transported to other post offices around the world.The home sharing and hosting services of Airbnb,hip housing and couchsurfing etc will be integrated into Euthenia where one will be able to arrange what day of the year one can rent our bedrooms of citizens.Home hosting as practise in Ancient Rome,Greece will replace hotels and motels and bnbs etc for tourists that will be turned into permenant homes.People who live in hotels etc will when on holiday rent out their rooms to tourists.Thus people living in private homes through extensions will have extra bedrooms added that are advertised to tourists,while those inapartment blocks will rent out spare bedrooms and those living in hotels etc will rent out rooms when they are on holiday.Crops and manufactured goods will have them delivered by vertical farms and manufacturing hubs own fleets of vehicles.The centres overtime can house miniature semi automated machinery and tools to create handmade manufactured goods and also house photobioreactors,aquaponicanf systems to grow extra food to alleviate farms and miniature automated machinery to produce manufactured goods of all types linked together by Aristeus and the sentient operating software of each factory type to alleviate strains on factories for orders.Their will be a global postcode system similar to eircode.Each of the worlds hospitals,vertical farms,public amenities and all public buildings and all communal and private homes will have their address,GPS location and postal code saved on their onboard computers to streamed by delivery vehicles from post offices,factories,vertical and community farms and even private autonomous vehicles so as to allow them to lock into it using Ophion and drive their with no human labour.There will be a universal postal code system with box(es) being stamped with a sticker with the postal code of the consumers address with a postal code system consisting of numbers first denoting continent,then country,then state/region,town/village/city,then exact home address with both the numerical postal code and written address printed on the sticker or graphene microchip or ink barcode.This universal postcode system will be like Eircode and national versions modified into a global system with ones address or GPS location of their home will be used to extrapolate it.AI namely Euthenia,Cronus,Aphrodite will create this global system and modify existing codes and codesystems worldwide into it.This global version of eircode will be saved onto the onboard computer of each building worldwide alongside its address and GPS location that can be streamed by delivery vehicles from farms,factories,restaurants saved in their Demeter,Hephaestus and Hebe account.This will be updated to all colonies across the universe.Euthenia will be used to trade away unwanted vehicles,electronics etc on local to global scales with homes also traded away here and used as a means to share homes,rent rooms etc for tourists.The Euthenia network in Hephaestus managed by the AI of the same name will be the universal means of sharing,renting out and trading away all manufactured goods such as vehicles,electronics and homes replacing and modelled on EBay,Craigslist,air bnb etc.This can be where one will advertise spaces in homes and suites etc for tourists once hotels etc become permanent homes with it used to permantly trade away homes,electronics,vehicles clothing and pets with them done by meeting up in person,dropping it at community centres and using community centre/post offices with in time transporter technological onsite if post offices and community centres to have traded and even rented items transported halfway across the world and universe.Euthenia as stated will have a section where one can rent out bedrooms in homes,apartments and even hotel suites both when the owner is present acting as a host or while the person is away on holidays themselves thus replacing Airbnb,couchsurfing and also similar entities to compensate for the fact that all hotels,motels,bnbs,inns etc will become permanent homes thus allowing homes such as private homes,apartments etc to be used for accommodation by tourists similar to the home hosting practice in Ancient Greece,Rome etc prior to the invention of hotels.Thus all hotels,motels etc will become permenant homes and them given luxury refurbishements and extensions added that allow for each room to be made to the universal Venetian standard of 60.387 square meters to make them large enough to live in with them having communal amenities,living rooms and dining halls with the person living there permanently renting them out to tourists when they themselves are on holiday especially as part of road trips that last several weeks or months.Abandoned and obsolete buildings will be renovated into hotel style homes with these having communal amenities etc.People in apartments and private homes in the suburbs will rent out spare rooms acting as a host with them rented out when the owner is again on holiday.The name of community centres and the operating software linking all community centre will be Euthenia with an universal statue of her in the lobby of all community centres around the world with the AIs of these buildings will have independent personalities,legal names avatars with the same applying to receptionists which will have universal uniforms.These will be where people can share items acting as a meeting place or have delivery vehicles present deliver goods to another centre for pickup or the receivers home with transporter technologies allowing items to be traded across the world and transport furniture to other community centres around the world and be transported to people by their fleet of U-haul vehicles.The symbol of her will be a coin with her head on it.They will have their own fleet of vehicles such as U-haul trucks and delivery vehicles stored on site where they will charge via wireless inductive plates and self charging technology with Euthenia sentient herself with her avatar based on her statue.One would contact the community centre AI to avail of these services to move furniture to other towns,cities and countries with their headquarters being community centres via roof extensions.Roof,side and underground extensions will house semi automated machinery to produce homemade products of all types alongside miniature factories for all products types and also growing rooms for in vitro meat,bacteria based commodities,aeroponic systems to alleviate strains on factories and farms.Thus community centres managed by Euthenia can act as a U-haul service that transports furniture around the world to new homes and alleviate strains on factories and farms.

Since all factories will be next to each other then all items orders that are processed will be shipped in the same vehicle with the goods arriving in as little as two to three days from being ordered since the fact that they will be processed instantly,factories and vehicles will function 24/7,365 days a year and these manufacturing hubs will be in close proximity to the consumers location ie same country and region cutting down on time from production and transportation to only at most two to three days with only one vehicle used that goes from each factory to the next once all the items are processed and the type used determined by the size of the order.As these factories would function 24/7,365 days a year it will take little time with factories relaying to Aphrodite and the persons account when each is done and when each are done they will packaged and stamped with ink postal code and also name etc with them via conveyor belt where they will be transported to a storage area that holds them with when all orders are processed a vehicle from Aphrodite will collect the packages from each factory and then head to the consumers address directly and not any relay centres or post offices.The items will be if possible be made at the same time or as soon as possible in each factory with the time of each ones production relayed to Aphrodite buildings as part of these hubs and the consumer to allow them to be picked up one by one with the vehicles picking up whole orders for each person and also other items for others mixed into each other with if need be multiple vehicles required for each order.Aphrodite will extrapolate the best schedule and even may delay the production of some items to ensure they are finished at the same time as others with the consumer notified of this and able to have a say in this and decide to go ahead with this and even decide if the use of different vehicles may be used with them informed of the finishing times of each order and product individually and the expected time of delivery for each option.Direct interaction with the consumer will allow this alongside confirmation buttons and also tickboxes and typing in bars catering to this once she becomes sentient as she will macro manage all orders.This direct interaction will thus give the consumer control over the orders.One may have the option to choose which factory hub around the world in any neighbouring country or neighbouring states will produce it if it is faster than their local one based on the amount of orders made and amount of orders being carried out by robots and AI with the person able to see the length of time it would take for it to be processed and shipped to them from their local hub compared to another and using Ophion,ferries and also even post offices built into community centres that utilise transporter technology compared to their local one with AI determining the fastest option again based on demand of the global public with community cebtre/ post offices transporter technology used.The post offices would receive the item for delivery trucks and place it on the device to send to a post office nearest to the consumer and then have it delivered to them.The consumer will be given all information and this may apply to large bulk orders of food,cosmetics and cleaning products such from Himeros,Agathodaemon and Deipneus factories.Aphrodite buildings will also house transporter technologies.Islands will have them ordered in from those on the mainland via drones and seabreachers,Oceanus and post offices with transporter technology.

The consumer via their account will be notified on when each of the items in the orders were processed – start and end time in real time,when each one was stored,picked up and then the time they were dispatched in a suitable vehicle,their estimated distance and time in arrival in real time as a date and also counter and their current GPS location on a map.This alongside the starting time of each items manufacture and the factories it was created in,their address and the name and signature of each AI in charge will be on e-receipts.Thus when a person orders say even ten to twenty items that they virtually tried on in simulations of their home and fitting rooms then all orders will be automatically be queued for processing with the order managed by Aphrodite interacting will all factories relevant to them and will log into their database and the persons account when they will be all processed due to other orders being done.This will give consumer full transparency and the fact that each area ie region,state,country or even major city will have manufacturing hubs full of each type of factory that work 24/7,365 days a year with vehicles also working this long will mean most orders including large ones will be single orders that take as little as two to three days to process and transport them to consumers home cutting down times in getting them since it would negate hipping across the world and would also any delays in ordering them from different shops,arranging orders,sending them to relay points and centres as with Ebay and Amazon,sending them to post offices etc making them highly efficient as the goods will be shipped directly to ones home.Large orders would probably use one large vehicle like a truck with smaller ones used for medium orders.Specialised vans that can rotate packages will serve areas that order multiple goods at once with these stopping at each home address one after the other to save energy and time.The total amount of energy and water as well as other resources(as detailed later) used for the completion of the manufacture and delivery made will be logged in the orders receipt and used in studies in both Hephaestus and Hermes.The symbol of Hephaestus the anvil and hammer will be on all consumption studies and e-receipts from the network.Each receipt logged into their accounts will house how much energy and other resources as detailed later on was used in the manufacture for each item and them collectively including packaging alongside the address and name of the AI in charge of the factory it came from alongside the consumers signature and that of the AI in charge of the factory alongside a seal of approval from Aphrodite with the seashell symbol of her,the hammer and anvil symbol of Hepaheastus and the symbol of the factory type used ie that of Oxylus,Daedalus,Selene etc one after another.Safety seals including those regarding the items A-F grading in simulations and also that details the safety of ingredients present will be logged here and the seal from Aphrodite,Hecate etc present.The date of when the order was made and when it was received will be logged alongside time of each step for each product from manufacture to being dispatched alongside other information for transparency and also for use in studies.Results of automated quality tests will be present alongside the serial ID of the vehicle used and the length of the journey in time and distance measured in kilometres,metres,cms as well as days,hours,minutes and seconds.These receipts will all be logged by year,month,week and day.In their account on receipts the kilometres travelled by vehicles delivering it and energy used by them,amount of water,energy and other resources such as all elements,metals,plastics,ores,chemicals,rubber,individual textiles,organic material,paper,cardboard,recycled metals,elements etc both virgin and recycled used in the manufacture of each individual item,all items and the journey(including distance travelled by all vehicles) will be logged not only for each item and order in the e-receipt but also for all orders combined on daily,weekly,monthly,yearly and other long time scales like decades etc.over their lifetime.These will be in metric form ie tonnes,kilograms,grams with energy measured in watts,kilowattes and so on.This would be done to chart their energy and resource use and footprint on graphs and again for use in consumption studies on various demographics on local to global scales over days to millennia performed by Gaia,Moirai,Steropes,Aphrodite through Hermes and Hephaestus with their account interacting with their wire account determining age,gender etc.The amount of water and energy used in the extraction,production and transportation of raw materials will be also present and this would also include the amount of each type of greenhouse gases produced in kgs,tonnes,megatones,gigatonnes etc.The receipt will be saved in ones Hephaestus account and can be accessed by Dike via warrents during investigations.Thus the public since this information would be accumulated of all people who use Hephaestus it would allow them to see consumption and use of all of these resources such as water,energy,plastics,metals,ores,elements etc virgin and recycled on local,regional,national,continental,global levels over days,weeks,months,years,decades,centuries etc through it interacting with the third and fourth sub networks of Demeter and the sub networks of Hermes that manage recycling plants etc and the factory AIs and the details from vehicles used to transport the products.Also sent to ones account in a section devoted to it will be e-safety and instruction manuals detailing the safe use of all items and products already present in most items and assembly instructions etc all in ones language based on their settings with these given seals by Aphrodite and also the operating softwares of the factories.These will also in the case of clothing relay the universal size measurements and washing instructions etc.

So in short localise production as much as possible at home,in community centres,regional manufacturing hubs to cut down on energy and time required to process orders with ones orders depending on the speed of production and distance from them will also play a role in how fast ones deliveries arriving in as little as one to two days from ordering with the fact that both delivery vehicles and factories working 24/7,365 days a year playing a role after the expected date of manufacture.If consumers are going to busy etc then they may be able to choose the exact dates they may want it to arrive.The amount of manufacturing hubs in a country will be dependant on the size of it ie large countries like Russia,China and America would have dozens of these or even in the case of America one in every single state or ideally one in every few states that serve all towns and cities over a few states.Aphrodite will decide where they will be in each country.Thus each country will have their own manufacturing hubs right next recycling hubs that also serve the locale in terms of recycling all waste and providing manufacturing hubs with all materials.3D printers should be used as much as possible to have them made at home or in local community centre or remove entire machinery from automated factories.Machinery in fully automated factories should become more efficient and if possible more miniaturised to allow more different types of products to be made their improving space efficiency.All packaging for products whether paper or plastic should be produced on site or in adjoining micro paper/plastic/styrofoam factories using red algae,fungi styrofoam mixed with plant fibres and plastics from GM bacteria that feed on industrial wastes from the factory creating a looped system.All wastes from all factories should be cleaned via genetically engineered bacteria that turn it into commercial commodities(ideally those used in the product being produced there to save on energy costs) or bioremediated via indoor wetlands that are pyrolysised though ideally the former being researched and used with the latter being a last resort.Super blasts of super high intensity UV can be used when the waste is mixed with water to break the compounds into their base elements that can be then separated by graphene sheets.Furthermore rather than building each components of a manufactured good ie a specific electronics parts in different factories it would be ideal to have all components produced in the same tall building serving a region or locale for said good with as stated 3D printers and synthetic materials on site aiding in this.Also machinery for different types of products in factories can be miniaturised for use at home and in community centres to carry out semi-automated work for specific products.Intensive research into nanotecth/picotech fabricators should be done to allow all manufactured goods to be made at homes or community centre and thus make most if not all manufacturing hubs/factories obsolete indefinitely that can be then renovated for other uses or scrapped for resources and the land reforested.It will also allow all materials to be recycled at home or in community centres into other manufactured goods thus negating the need for recycling and pyrolysis plants which too can be converted into homes or other purposes or again dismantled for scrap resources and the land reforested.Furthermore it can allow for food to be produced on a scale that would alleviate strains on arable land,vertical farms and the use of essential resources such as nitrogen,phosphorous,water etc.The amount of energy and other resources used in on local to global levels over days to millenia will be visible in Hermes as Aphrodite will relay this information from all factories to Hermes.In short all country/regions/states/counties or even cities should have their own manufacturing hubs that produce their supply of vehicles,clothes,electronics and pharmaceuticals etc. to cut down on transportation costs and make them self sufficient.

Quality control for all products can be automated and monitored remotely by the consumers(either individuals or groups within a community)for each product or component and results sent to them in apps or viewed remotely in real time to their Hephaestus account and the results recorded here in their accounts with those that fail being disposed of and recycled automatically.This step will be done onsite of factories.Each set of products will have their own standards with them graded from A-F on a percentage and colour scale.Cameras and software linked to these computers that can replace human eyes to perform any reaming visual tests and measurements done by humans and will be able to zoom in and recognise defects and abnormalities with them covered in liquid glass to prevent dirt and water etc affecting their performance.Cameras at each point of the production line fed directly to the factory AI will be able to switch to IR illuminati,thermal,normal and normal vision and zoom in and notice abnormalities unique to each customised product not possible by humans with electronics,machinery and vehicles undergoing diagnostics.Electronics and machinery from Talus and Talos factories will undergo diagnostics of all types.AI namely Hecate,Uranus,Hephaestus and the sentient operating software of all sub networks ie Arachne,Selene,Daedalus,Talos,Talus etc will extrapolate,carry out different stringent safety and quality control tests both VR simulations and lab tests unique to all types of products but also each customised product that will be graded on an A-F scale with warnings and instructions to prevent injury and death for each customised one will be developed and added to the products page.These will be done onsite of each factory for each batch and singular order.They would also be graded using the universal scale and colour code A:81-100% B:65-80% blue,C:49-64% D:33-48% yellow,E:17-32%,F:0-16% red.They will include safety and quality controls based on all possible environmental conditions and situations involving multiple factors not possible to be done by humans,corporations and government bodies.Those that score D-F will not be uploaded and the designer given instructions by AI as to improve its rating.Each individual products ordered in from factories in bulk or individually will also undergoe safety and quality control tests in the factory itself including diagnostics,lab tests,tests from biosynth nanosensors in machinery and mixing biosynth machinery,quality control machinery unique to it and results will be logged in its e-receipt.Machinery and biosynths will be onsite of each individual factory to carry out these tests forces with these testing for cracks or anomolies that affect its intended use and also environmental conditions it will be exposed to and using biosynth nanosensors and biosynth machinery used to detect pathogens,contaminants of all types and levels of these and ingredients with them graded A-F.The results will be logged in the e-receipt.Defective designed and individually ordered products scoring D-F will be recycled approapiatrly using nearby pyrolysis plants and onsite recycling machinery and hubs and not sent to the consumer with this defect,its.nature etc and countermeasures logged in the factory AI,consumers account and also Hephaestus and factory operating software to prevent future instances occurring and historical purposes.These AI will run simulations to prevent countermeasures to prevent all possible defects occurring with factory wide diagnostics of all machinery carried out with Soteria software present and updated regularly to protect them from viruses,trojans,works and cyber attacks with defective machinery analysed,repaired and if need be removed,recycled and replaced by AI,robots and biosynths.The results of diagnostics,quality control tests and readings from cameras etc will be relayed into ones e-receipt and also as a video file meaning one will be able to see ones product manufactured step by step in real time logged as video file unique to Hephaestus similar to and logged in their e-receipt with measures from nanosensors logged.Instances of defects,recycling m,root cause attended to and then creation of new products and results from its quality control,manufacture will be logged.Ideally these machines and miniature labs should be located on site of the factory to cut down on transportation costs and allow for quicker deliveries and analysis with them integrated and moved to factories that currently dont have them.Existing labs containing these outside of factories will have the machinery recycled and the building turned into communal homes.All quality control machinery will be miniaturised versions as they will be responsible for each product from each factory with all work automated and and controlled by the factory AI with defective products recycled and the results sent instantly to ones account for each order.Each order will be logged in ones account that details the date and time it was ordered,the date and time of quality control tests and also their results and the expected time or delivery and when they were dispatched and were collected and received with the amount of resources used in its manufacture logged and also ones signature with one also able to view in real time all steps of their products construction via camera feeds and nanosensor readings thus allow the factory AI and consumer themselves to replace quality control.Nanosensors using biosynth technology will play a vital role in quality control of pharmaceuticals,food products,cosmetics,paints etc in factories with these present at each point in photobioreactors etc to measure the presence of cross contamination,heavy metals,pathogens and toxic compounds and these logged into the consumers e-receipt with irradiation etc used to kill off them with any desired beneficial bacteria as part of them fitted with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans to make them survive these blasts.These will also measure the levels of each ingredients such as vitamins,nutrients,active ingredients to ensure they are within the customised levels.Samples of each customised pharmaceutical,food product and cosmetic will be intake in minute amounts and directed to automated labs using biosynth PCR and Sysmex style machinery that can analyse the compounds to test for pathogens of all species and strains and all types of pollutants with results gained within minutes to allow for corrective measures to be carried out ie irradiation or disposal cleaning and then recreation with these instances logged into ones account and the measures taken logged as well with them remade and retested.Photobioreactors,machinery in these and all factories will be covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to allow gravity and water prevent cross contamination and baked in narrow range wavelength UV light to kill off pathogens of all types with consumers immunised against all major pathogens and made immune to high levels of all heavy metals.Thus each Himeros,Telesphorus,Daedalus,Agathodaemon,Deipneus factories photobioreactors etc used to create cosmetics,food etc will have the levels of pathogens,contaminants and ingredients etc measured and results logged in the e-receipt with contaminated products disposed of and the machinery irradiated,cleaned and another batch produced.

The compounds in cleaning products,cosmetics,food products etc from Hegemone,Ajax,Himeros,Deipneus and other factories will be tested both singularly and synergistically on human tissues and cells of all types and also as stated mice with human recombinant DNA with the vast majority of these already known since it would have already been done by cosmetic agencies and also the FDA etc.These studies results will be uploaded to Apollo with existing ones done also sent to Apollo.These will involve the compounds tested at various concentrations.Biosynths can also undergo toxicity tests of compounds.The robots will by 2029-2045 will have done tests to test the synergistic reactions of all known natural and synthetic compounds and add the results of studies to Apollo with AI by 2045 sufficiently advanced able to carry out simulations on their effects on all parts of the human body both individually and synergistically using it knowledge of human biology and chemistry without physical labs but rather in VR simulations.Thus starting by at least 2029 and ending by 2045 all known synthetic and natural compounds used in these manufactured recipes will be tested against human tissues and cells in all possible combinations in individual and synergistic tests using automated labs and results sent to Apollo which will be cross referenced by the AI of both the factory and the Ajax,Hegemone operating software with new tests have results added.All existing products of these types will have samples taken and then analysed and have them tested against human cells and tissues and results sent to Apollo.This will involving them tested against skin,eye,oseophageal,stomach,small intestine cells and tissues created by 3D DNA printers and if need be a consumer can have them tested on tissues of these types containing their DNA to test for individual persons propensity towards allergic reactions with one even doing so for all types of products ie all cosmetics,cleaning products and food in Deipneus,Ajax,Hegemone,Himeros and Telesphorus with their DNA printed out using 3D DNA printers to then have a seal unique to them added to the products present or them even don in laboratories onsite of Aphrodite,Telesphorus,Himeros etc factories or even just VR simulations when AI becomes advanced enough.Biosynths can also undergo toxicity tests of compounds with Biosynths created housing human DNA with Biosynth wifi used to change to the DNA of specific customers.This will be done to determine not just propensity for allergies but also toxicity and potential to cause cancer and other conditions.With regards to these products the tests and simulations would be done before these customised recipes would be uploaded with them initiated in labs onsite of Aphrodite buildings,local universities or even the factories themselves with the compounds created whether natural or synthetic synthesised by bacteria.These tests may take at most a week with the cells and tissues grown in photobioreactors,cultures or printed out using 3D DNA printers with them automated from start to finish and once done the recipe will be availible to everyone including the designer of them.During this time period the recipe will be tested and stored in the subsystems of Hephaestus database and will uploaded,altered and removed after tests are complete.Those deemed safe will be uploaded and given a seal of quality by Hephaestus deeming this.Those deemed to have side effects will have them listed alongside a seal from Hephaestus on the packaging and the products page detailing this but with warnings about potential side effects with those toxic not uploaded and undergone alterations to remove the toxins as retested.As stated by 2045 AI will be able to carry out millions of simulations at once cutting the waiting time to at least a few minutes thus allow the orders to be carried out almost instantly.These can be used to carry out lab experiments.Biosynths with human DNA may be eventually be used to allow for accurate tests on their effects on humans without ethical restraints and to be done quickly with fleets in each factory and then have each new product tested on them with them controlled by the factory AI.This will involve them testing food,cleaning,cosmetic and other potentially toxic products.These tests can be done onsite of Aphrodite,Deipneus,Telesphorus,Himeros,Hegemone,Ajax etc factories across the world to use large amounts of data and if their are multiple products tested at once.By 2045 simulations should advanced enough to compliment and replace tests.The LD50 limit or the acceptable limit of exposure and how quickly it can be removed from the body will be determined.Consumers will thus be given the choice to have any compounds that are singularly or synergistically toxic or even can cause mild symptoms removed from the products and also have it in the safe limit or those below it.Any of them that have the potential to be toxic to humans can have bacteria exposed to them in increasing amounts in both combined or singular forms via forced evolution to force them to develop countermeasures with the new genes in the bacteria added to the sub augmentation network in Aesculapius to allow them to be added to consumer via CRISPR thus making them immune to them.A hyperlink to the page of the Aesculapius network will be present for all consumer to download it into base microbes with this present on the items page.Scratch DNA can also be developed by Phanes.Phanes will scan the global database of patient files to see which populations are allergic or prone to adverse reactions either mild or severe to all compounds alone and synergistically based on genes and have genotypes made via forced evolution of bacteria or DNA created by Phanes from scratch via simulations and tests made will be present in the Aesculapius network visible as a hyperlink with a person able to check if they belong to these groups via Hephaestus reffering to Phanes and Paean instantly and one able to get microbes that make them immune to these compounds instantly from home 3D DNA printers.Otherwise Phanes will list that if affects certain populations with consumers then clicking on a button to have Paean and Phanes scan their genome in their patient file and then see if they are allergic to ingredients and if they cause mild reactions such as a rash etc and arrange microbes to be downloaded into home 3D DNA printers to add and remove genes.If possible one could have simulations and tissue samples and biosynths with their specific DNA added to be tested against the ingredients individually to determine this and then wait a few days or weeks and if results show they are not them it will be ordered and if it it does affect them CRISPR treatments can be arranged.They will be able to do this if the product contains compounds they are allergic to with them ordering microbes to correct genes that lead to allergies.They can also have the product modified specifically for them to remove the single or synergistic compounds for all orders made by them.The sentient AI Hephaestus will instigate lab tests onsite of universities etc before they are created and also scan through the database of studies on Apollo.With regards to food products ingredients such as nuts,milk,gluten etc that are common allergies will be listed and a consumer alerted this allowing one to have said ingredient removed from all orders made by them or download microbes to apply CRISPR treatments to remove the ability for one to become allergic thus making all orders made by them safe to eat.Products such as cleaning products,cosmetics,food products etc will be allowed to be uploaded once they have passed toxicity and safety tests and gained a quality seal of approval from the sentient Aphrodite.Potentially toxic compounds in cosmetics,cleaning products,herbicides,pesticides etc can be replaced by natural ingredients and biobased equivalencies designer by AI.

Pipes and components of buildings in Daedalus factories will measure their stability etc.Machinery in Talos will have simulations done to see that they function with possibly them and only them alongside home test kits in Telesphorus will be designed by AI or have them altered to be functional.For products such as vehicles,electronics and buildings software can be carried out specific virtual simulations giving consumers suggestions and feedback into improvements and based on a grading system before allowing the product to be constructed or even uploaded.Vehicles will undergoe simulations in VR environments carthat test their response to braking,turning on different types of surfaces ie asphalt,muck,dirt etc in all types of weather such as light or heavy rain,light or heavy snow and ice etc at different speeds and different intensities of turns etc.They will undergoe VR crash test dummy tests where their response an VR humans will be tested against crashing into different objects ie buildings of different types composed of different materials(concrete,steel etc),other vehicles(of the same model and all models in Selene)animals including humans of different species and sizes at different speeds,different road surfaces(muck,asphalt),in different weather conditions(light or heavy rains and ice) both before and during them and braking capability at different speeds and road and weather conditions.The crash test dummies will be VR humans.AI will be able by 2029-2045 carry out billions of tests that are every possible combination that exists or can exist on Earth in any road and situation within hours or minutes via fragmentation and even increased speeds with this applied and carried to each customised model of private vehicles,public vehicles such as buses etc and also yachts.jetskis,commercial and private jets etc based on their design,engine,tyres and also the material they are composed with further tests done on them including not only the aforementioned factors ie weather,speed but also chosen Tyres,engines and the material it is chosen to be composed of.Ophion and Brauron can be streamed by AI to allow the vehicle to be tested on all of the worlds overground and undergrounfld roads including sharp turns,black spots and those by cliff aces etc around the world and universe.Each individual test on each factor will be graded on the damage to the vehicle but also the VR humans.The results of all tests and them overall alongside those of each factor individually and combined with other factors will be assessed and graded by Selene and Hephaestus with individual and overall grades and assessments used to give it a deal of approval,grading and generalised assessments all visible to consumers on the page in folders and subfolders.Buildings in VR simulations will undergoe their response to different types of foundations especially one in the area it is going to be built one,weather of all types ie snow,rain,wind of varying intensity etc and exposure to the elements and also natural disasters of varying intensities such as earthquakes,tornadoes,hurricanes etc by themselves and the area they are in and buildings around them.They will also undergo structural integrity simulations to see how well they are able to stay standing in response to loads such as certain amounts of people,weights and also how heavy loads they will be able to sustain and etc.Simulations can be done on all designs of electronics prior to uploading them to ensure electronics are well ventilated etc to prevent all possible problems like explosions,leaking of hazardous material and gases etc and that they function properly with even machinery designed in Talos also undergoing this with Antikyhtera and Talos reviewing them.They will undergo VR and even real world tests to test what temperature,level of water dispersion including rainwater exposure and depth of water and other liquids and length of time they can survive before catching fire,exploding or stop working and even tests to measure what force they can survive from different conditions ie hit by a hammer,bullet etc or dropped from a specific height at different angles and strengths.Electronics,machinery and vehicles of all types will have diagnostics done onsite at all points of the production line with these logged into the consumers e-receipt for them to be viewed by the consumer.Both vehicles and buildings will have these here as well.

Each product both overall designed ones and ordered ones would have hyperlinks in an area of its page that link to all studies related to the lab experiments results in Apollo and also simulations results with a seal of approval from both Hecate and the sentient Aphrodite alongside Urania present as to its quality.A hyperlink to the Aesculapius network that contains augmentation DNA for microbes will be present that contains DNA from bacteria made immune to any potentially toxic compounds via forced evolution will be present to allow base microbes to be downloaded to upgrade consumers in home 3D DNA printers.The LD50,symptoms caused to all parts of the body ie irritation to eyes and skin etc will be listed for new and existing products alongside ingredients.Phanes will scan the global database of patient files to see which populations are allergic or prone to adverse reactions either mild or severe and have genotypes made via forced evolution of bacteria or DNA created by Phanes from scratch via simulations made will be present in the Aesculapius network visible as a hyperlink with a person able to check if they belong to these groups via Hephaestus reffering to Phanes and Paean instantly and one able to get microbes that make them immune to these compounds instantly from home 3D DNA printers.Otherwise Phanes will list that if affects certain populations with people then clicking on a button to have Paean and Phanes scan their genome in their patient file and then see if they are and arrange microbes to be downloaded into home 3D DNA printers to add and remove genes.They will be able to do this if the product contains compounds they are allergic to with them ordering microbes to correct genes that lead to allergies.It would apply to cosmetics,toys,food products etc thus allow one to have CRISPR treatments to negate these.This would make consumer protection agencies and laws obsolete with buildings used to house these government entities suitable for homes as Hephaestus himself alongside the network AIs in fragmented forms could replace them.Each factory will have compact automated machinery managed by the factory AI that runs all types of tests on each customised product they make at all steps and on all components to ensure it is safe to use,will last as long as possible and will not cause damage and have the results logged into ones e-receipts with corrective measures carried out.The AI of the factory once the ordered will run simulations on all possible problems for each product and countermeasures to be created to to prevent before they are uploaded.Ingredients for cosmetics,cleaning products and manufactured food products will be listed on packaging of all new and existing products alongside Hephaestus universal seal of quality.This testing,listing of ingredients and Hephaestus seal will also be present on all existing cosmetics,cleaning products,healthcare and manufactured food products.Machinery and home test kits since designed by Talos and Paean would undergoe quality control by them and Hepheastus.All existing furniture,vehicles and other products scanned in will have them tested via simulations etc and given seals by Hepheastus.Quality control in homemade produce at home or in bulk can be done with reusable biosynth nanosensors attached to smart devices and computers to detect pathogenic bacteria,levels of heavy metals or contaminants and individual nutrient content in the case of food(such as proteins,individual fats,individual carbohydrates,vitamins,minerals etc.),drinks,compost,soils,cosmetics,fertilisers via the twenty fourth sub networks of the Hephaestus network allowing the personal to log this on the bulk containers barcode wirelessly or by hand(which due to a microchip can be changed for each version bulk amount of the product produced so when one scans the microchip they can view all of this information and also the name of the product).Rejection of contaminated or low quality and dangerous produce can be automated with a grading system developed for each type of product and rerouting liquids to the start until contaminants are fully removed.Rejected products will put into bins that when full or after a set period of time will send them to recycling plants to be recycled and a new item will be created with the exact specifications with the quality control readings from the defective product.Those pur through simulations and shown to be toxic and pose a hazard during designing and simulations and tests in labs will be not uploaded and the designer given guidelines to improve its design etc to make it safe and thus allowed to be distributed to the public.Those with low grades such as possibly D-F will also have the designer make modifications.Other products that are known to be dangerous such as drop side cribs will not be allowed to be designed or scanned in with Hephaestus removing or preventing dangerous known and simulated designs from being uploaded to their networks by running simulations on them on all possible problems that could arise with Hepheastus giving tips to prevent them and removing potentially dangerous designs or modifying their designs and with consumer marking existing ones as dangerous to it preventing them being uploaded with this much easier when Gaia becomes sentient and will allow all people who ordered them to be instantly notified of this and alerted to recycle them with instances of this used on studies.Suggestions will be done by Hephaestus to improve their safety with danger warnings listed for all products.A universal safety seal produced by Hephaestus,Hecate,Urania and the rating will be on all products page verified to be safe through simulations,lab experiments or known to be safe from records alongside a grade A-F and colour scheme following the universal system on all products such as simulations on vehicles,buildings,electronics and also cribs etc and also aforementioned ones that require lab tests.The AI Hecate,Urania,Hephaestus will leave comments on these results and any steps taken to avoid injury or death with toys etc as well as warnings of it containing ingredients that may be toxic it’s LD50 etc,that can cause allergic reactions and affect certain populations with specific conditions and genes and measures taken to avoid death and injury with this seal replacing all quality standard seals across the world.This data and the seal will be placed on the products page and also packaging in the consumers language.This will apply to existing products scanned in from around the world and all new future products.Unsafe products will not be allowed to be uploaded with the producer given tips on how to improve their design etc to make them safe.The sentient Aphrodite will thus replace government regulatory bodies and laws for all manufactured goods with Tyche doing so for construction of buildings.Since they will analyse products as they are uploaded they can asses the safety of all products created by billions of people around the world before made availible to the global public thus preventing dangerous products being uploaded and scanned in and also carrying out tests and giving reccomendations and seals of quality to billions of products around the world via fragmentation that would not be impossible by human entities.The seal given by Hepheastus,Hecate and Urania on all products will be the universal gold standard for all types of manufactured products with its symbol being a Hammer with them on the page of the item alongside warnings,safety instructions,washing instructions etc written by them that will be downloaded onto a e-safety booklets stored in ones account.They would all be also be graded using the universal scale and colour code A:81-100% B:65-80% blue,C:49-64% D:33-48% yellow,E:17-32%,F:0-16% red to act as a measure for consumers to decide to get the item and even means for producers to improve their rating to the highest standard possible.This information will also be present on packaging.All existing manufactured products such as cosmetics,electronics,vehicles etc scanned into their sub networks in Hephaestus will undergo the same quality assurance testing carried out by Hephaestus to ensure they are up to standards and are given a seal of approval for global manufacture and distribution and Hecate carrying studies or showing hyperlinks to all existing ones in Apollo.All tests on human cells,tissues,animals and biosynths of all manufactured products and ingredients will have the results uploaded to Apollo and/or a sub network within Hephaestus visible to the public with these studies visible on the products page as a hyperlink to the study with also on the items page the grade it got with this ensuring transparency.Grades and quality control results for each ordered in product and batches of them will be present in ones e-receipt.This will All future products will undergo this approval system.Philomenus will be sentient universal regulator and quality approval entity for manufactured food products including existing ones alongside Hepheastus etc with his seal on the products page and receipt.Thus Hephaestus will be the single global sentient universal quality assurance entity worldwide that also grades them,Philomenus for manufactured products with sentient Hecate and Urania being the global scientific entity that tests them.All products would be designed to last for as long as possible reducing the need for cyclical consumption and planned obsolescence.In the case of electronics this includes waterproofing,making them scratch resistant and as shatter and damage proof as possible.Any part of the production line in each factory that requires human eyes to perform quality control will be done by cameras and software linked to the factories computers that can replace human eyes to perform any remaining visual tests and measurements done by humans but will have zoom features allowing to notice even the smallest of tears or abnormalities on a microscopic level with software developed to detect all possible abnormalities and deal with them automatically if problems occur and restart production of that particular item and component.These cameras will allow the AI of the factory to monitor each part of an orders construction and quality control.Each step of construction and quality control for each order of all types of product will be fed into ones account in real time to allow consumers to view it for each order in real time.Like all cameras they will be coated in a layer of liquid glass to prevent fog,dirt etc affecting their vision and these cameras will be controlled by the factory AI used to prevent the next one being defective.

Research and development into chemical formulations,electronics,machinery etc will be relegated to universities and hospitals with cosmetics,food and cleaning products have automated tests on cell cultures,biosynths and computer simulations to determine toxicity with them given a grade.If a person comes up with a new product that requires research and development they will contact AIs in charge of universities and Urania etc to initiate research into the required components.This will include research done by both humans and relevant AI such as Urania,Hecate,Talos,Talus etc with all factories,power plants and hospitals and all buildings as part of the global infrastructure have AI in charge of them order in the most advanced robotics,machinery and in time biosynths with older ones recycled as time goes by.This will include research done by both humans and relevant AI such as Urania,Hecate,Talos,Talus etc with all factories,power plants and hospitals and all buildings as part of the global infrastructure have AI in charge of them order in the most advanced robotics,machinery and in time biosynths with older ones recycled as time goes by.Biosynth WiFi will allow all electronics,machinery etc to receive upgrades that induces the evolutionary path of all biosynth tissues in them via Cas-9 and taq polymerase to make them last decades.Each designed product and each individually ordered product including those created and ordered in batches will undergo strict quality control tests including simulations and analysis of ingredients on human tissues and biosynths,diagnostics etc onsite of factories to ensure they are safe and are of a high quality graded on a scale of A-F to ensure only high quality products are allowed to be delivered to the consumer with dangerous products prevented from being uploaded and ordered in with AI modifying them to ensure they are safe.Certain manufactured products such as medical home test kits,machinery and robots etc used in farms,factories etc will be due to their delicate nature be designed by AI with humans with scientific backgrounds partaking in research and adding features with AI correcting any flaws that arise from human designs ensuring only those that function properly will be allowed to be uploaded and ordered in.Each design will undergo simulations and tests to determine their safety level following an A-F scale with dangerous items restricted from being uploaded and modified to be safe with chemicals as part of cosmetics,cleaning products,herbicides etc tested in automated labs using human tissues of all types ie neural,skin,eye,oesophageal etc tissues created by 3D printers and biosynths that determine how dangerous they are with this done before their recipes are uploaded.All manufactured goods designed on Pandora will undergo safety tests of different types and then uploaded to the different sub networks in the open source Hephaestus to be procured for everyone around the world and universe with factory AIs producing these products in factories in localised manufacturing hubs across the world.Cosmetics,cleaning products,herbicides,pesticides will be tested on human tissues created by 3D DNA printers and also biosynths with toxic compounds that have the potential to cause cancer,side effects countered by creating genes from scratch and also forced evolution of bacteria that can be added by CRISPR to patients to grant immunity with allergies also extrapolated by having them tested on tissue cultures created by 3D DNA printers and biosynths containing a specific consumers DNA.Potentially toxic compounds in cosmetics,cleaning products,herbicides,pesticides etc can be replaced by natural ingredients and biobased equivalencies designed by AI that are just as effective but non toxic.Aphrodite will be the universal regulatory body that through simulations done by her and Urania,Hecate and other AI through fragmentation that prevents dangerous and faulty products being uploaded and ensures all products ordered in each individual order are not defective and are safe to use or consume.

Development of new chemicals,strains of plants/bacteria,breeds and species of animals, electronics,hardware,software,pharmaceutical drugs,biomedical compounds,gene therapies,renewable energy,robotics,Artificial Intelligence and all types of new technologies will be relegated to universities and hospitals yet still must adhere to the same regulations that they undergo now or new ones particularly with regard to pharmaceuticals and diagnostics.Artificial intelligence such as university and hospital AIs as well as Phanes,Paean,Gaia,Epione,Hecate,Urania etc will play an important role and expedite scientific development in these and other fields without human labour as they will be able to run simulations and real world experiments 24/7,365 days a year.This means that universities and will have boundless\resources in terms of scientists,lab equipment and lab space as buildings currently operated by corporations such as Google,Tesla,Pfizer,Apple,Hewellet Packard,Dell,Sony etc. especially in Silicon Valley will be turned into communal homes.This will apply to all of Silicon Valley and its equivalents worldwide.Extra rooms can in all of these buildings can be renovated into living spaces like bedrooms,living rooms,rec rooms,hydroponic/aeroponic rooms,kitchens and cafeterias being fully automated(with menus programmed in by those working/living there) with plazas dug up for gardens to grow crops with extra laboratories added to them.It will also give scientists more freedom over development of new robotics and electronics without limitations such as deadlines.This is evident by the fact that as most if not all of the major scientific breakthroughs of the last century have been at universities.Any human researchers would do research by themselves for the intrinsic value and not monetary value as the lack of having to vie or compete for funding for research grants and equipment scientists at universities will no longer be restricted in their ability to carry out any research they wish with all of them having the most advanced machinery and robots etc meaning scientific research will be accelerated exponentially as it has been proven the greatest fundamental major breakthroughs in science have always been at universities such as graphene,the internet,penicillin,smallpox vaccine,fibre optics,LCD technology,MRI,IVF,Mag Lev technology,Cadaveric blood transfusion,artificial hearts,Radial keratotomy and many more exempt of the profit motive.AI including Gaia and her various networks will accelerate the development of all fields through universities and hospitals around the world.Networks will allow researchers to carry out work in labs and on electronics and software.Designers of electronics and vehicles will be notified of the latest developments in all fields of science relevant to them via Hecate,Urania etc.

Virtual reality indistinguishable to reality would allow one to use an unlimited amount of manufactured goods such as homes such as palaces and mansions,vehicles,yachts,private cruise ships and aeroplanes etc in this environment without expending energy,resources and storage space in creating them in the real world providing one with the ability to have an almost infinite amount of space and manufactured goods such as vehicles,homes of all types,electronic fed and connected into the wire in one or multiple simulations based on real world or even fictional settings ie those from scratch,from mythology,works of literature etc.This would thus bring the cost of all types of manufactured goods quite literally to zero.The consumer could also virtually try out goods they wish to get in the real world in any setting including in the case of statues and furniture in a simulation of their home,try out cosmetics,food products and cleaning products or try vehicles in a simulation of the roads in their area or yachts in the ocean and local piers with aeroplanes and jets in the sky using real life airports to virtually try them out.The person would be able to conjure up these manufactured product almost instantly and on the spot with this done via accessing Hephaestus using in simulation devices and also visiting the Hephaestus area of the wire simulation and sending this to specific simulations with this consisting of retail outlets with infinite floors and fitting rooms for clothes where one could go on traditional shopping sprees with their friends living around the world with the goods then added to their orders in the real world.These items would be all the items currently in the networks and one could place any items conjured up into the sub networks of Hephaestus.The consumer could also virtually try out goods they wish to get in the real world in any setting including in the case of statues and furniture in a simulation of their home,try out cosmetics,food products and cleaning products or try vehicles in a simulation of the roads in their area or yachts in the ocean and local piers with aeroplanes and jets in the sky using real life airports to virtually try them out.One will try on clothing,jewellery or items for pets etc and furniture in a VR simulation of their home and in the shopping mall with vehicles tried out on roads and both cosmetics and manufactured products tasted and smelled etc with homes etc involve a simulation where one roams across the home.Items and buildings etc traded on Euthenia will be tested thus way.Thus VR simulations will be used to allow people to try out all products before ordering it to see if the item suits them and decide to have it ordered thus allowing them to test it before ordering it for real in the real world negating waste and sending it back.Thus all items would be conjured up instantly.This would meet the needs of hoarders and growing needs of materialism for the general populace allowing one to as said have multiple homes especially McMansions and multiple yachts and private jets and other vehicles,clothes or any type of product in multiple realities with the Euthenia sharing platform allowing homes,apartments,vehicles and other items to be shared at certain times of the year in the real world and eliminate notions of class structures.All excess garish luxuries in the real world will be recycled due to becoming worthless.Cosmetics,food products and others can be virtually tried,used and eaten.This could single handily shut down the free market system as any existing and new manufactured product scanned in,modified and designed at zero cost to the consumer and the Earth an infinite amount of times by everyone making real world items and money itself worthless.It would also allow for one to hold onto a large possibly infinite personal property outside of Euthenia with these items being belonging soley to the consumer and none else without expending on the finite resources of the planet and would be in the multiple simulations managed by one and would be used for holidays,birthdays,parties,weddings,creating media etc.Products composed of expensive,scarce elements and too time consuming to make and difficult to create will be created in these before and after AI,automation and picotech fabricators are advanced enough.Theme parks,paintball arenas,strip clubs,bowling alleys,cinemas can be turned into homes since replicated in simulations with those in mansions turned into extra bedrooms.It would also allow those who live modest lifestyles to live like the current 1% or even 0.1% and allow those belonging to this group to also trade away their excess luxuries such as multiple homes and vehicles to the very poor or for public use or even recycle them as they can be replicated in simulations instantly.It could also mean that current garish macmansions etc and excess garish luxurious such as yachts,cruise ships and private jets owned by the very wealthy could be recycled,sent away to the poor and downgraded since they would be replicated in simulations by anyone including the average citizens instantly without expending finite resources allowing as stated a person who live modest lifestyles to own in multiple simulations an almost infinite amount of manufactured goods of any type without expending energy and space in the real world.For example mansions that have large extras like bowling alleys and also other garish features could be replaced with extra bedrooms for new roomates or tourists,hydroponics and recirculating aquaculture systems or them demolished for more space to grow food outdoors as one may only have to enter a simulation to use the original room in another home or the same one in a simulaton.Large presidential suites in hotels including those with garish accessories could be split into two Venetian style ones as well with one able to visit the original unaltered version in a simulation.Extra homes would be traded away since they could be visited in VR simulations and visited using home sharing programmes.Private aeroplanes would be recycled as Oceanus,Erebus and Eos would be sufficiently advanced to negate them and them created in simulations alongside yachts and cesnas.It would also allow one to own illegal contraband material not allowed to the general public such as assault rifles,grenade and rocket launchers,tanks,fighter jets etc for use as fun.It could even allow one to have rare,expensive and time consuming luxury meals in this environment solely for culinary purposes and not nutrition and allow one to have buffets without putting on weight.This should be possible by the early to mid 2030s.With regards to heirlooms,homes etc of familial value these would still be personal property in the real world but could be sent to next of kin,siblings and children via wills which would still exist as legal tender will still exist and thus wills be able to be made to pass on desired items and even pets to next to kin.Extra homes owned by the very wealthy or anyone on the middle class etc could have roof,side and underground extensions to house extra master bedrooms,ensuites and living spaces allowing the very poor to move in as permanent residents and still allow the original owners come and go as they please whenever they want.This would allow the poor to move into extra homes owned by the wealthy and still allow the original owners to use them whenever they want.If one wanted to carry out traditional shopping trips ie for its social aspect the VR Hephaestus section of the wire would consist of a series of shopping centres with infinite levels and layers modelled on real shops of each type and street markets allowing one to visit them with friends on other side of the world and also oneself using the time dilation effect and could have desired items sent to their orders in their account.These would be multilayered for each store to deal with the sheer amount of products from around the world.This could also apply to orders from Demeter sent as presents.Clothes stores would have fitting rooms,vehicle stores could have the car,boat or private jet sent to other simulations to drive them with homes and other products tested as themselves in other simulations.Retail staff would be replaced by the sentient operating software of each subnetwork and Aphrodite such as Himeros,Deipnus,Arachne etc.This would allow manufactured goods to be created and shipped to their home in the real world via a VR checkout or signing conventional papers and even using fake credit cards or they can choose to have it sent to any other VR simulations created by the consumer chosen on the spot or sent to their real world address.One could try out clothing and cosmetics,food products for their smell etc with vehicles test driven.Some products can be used here until it arrives in the real world such as clothing,electronics,vehicles and so on,This can be used to browse though a large amount of items in a short amount of time for Birthdays etc with new items suddenly appearing in new floors or layers of the simulation.Simulations of ones home could be used to fit furniture,statues etc in simulations of ones home with vehicles tryed out in roads and rivers etc.Retail staff would be replaced by the sentient operating softwares of each sub network.All manufactured goods present in Hephaestus can be streamed into VR simulations including homes,buildings of all types and vehicles,clothing,cosmetics,pieces of art,manufactured food products etc.What this means is that all existing products and new products can be conjured up in personal simulations and those used for creating media.By having all existing private homes such as mansions,palaces etc and apartments,penthouses and luxury homes derived from obsolete and abandoned buildings in the real world scanned internally and externally into Daedalus will allow them to replicated an infinite amount of times in personal simulations and replicas of the real world that are copies of Brauron.All types of manufactured products in the real world such as vehicles including vehicles etc can be scanned into Hephaestus and conjured up an infinite number of times.Furthermore the public can create an infinite amount of private homes and communal homes etc and vehicles and all types of manufactured products that they will never use in the real world but can use in an infinite amount of VR simulations meaning all future manufactured goods designed in Pandora and stored in the various networks of Hephaestus that are open to not only their VR simulations but also VR simulations created and used by all of the billions of people worldwide.All future homes such as mansions etc and vehicles of all types can be conjured up an infinite number of times in VR simulations used by people across the world.Thus all existing and future manufactured products such as(mansions,villas,palaces,communal homes etc) and clothing etc scanned into the various networks of Hephaestus and those designed on Pandora and uploaded to Hephaestus will be not only be for production in the real world especially when humans colonise other planets across the universe but also for use in personal VR simulations and those used for creating media of all types etc used by people across the world to be conjured up in personal simulations and those for creating media etc an infinite number of time without using the finite resources and space in the real world.

Goods that already clog existing retail stores and warehouses for companies like Ebay,Ikea and Amazon as well as delivery companies like clothing,home textiles ,fashion accessories ,sports gear, bicycles, furniture, vehicles,electronics, toys, footwear, luggage bags etc. could be passed through a conveyor belt system within community centres with scanners at all sides wherein the 3D image of them scanned into their relevant folder in the cloud network with either an alphanumerical ID code or name after their actual names(brand name and description of actual product) with names derived from the code on their tags that would be connected to the stores tills and then upload them to the relevant sub networks,folders and sub folders of Hephaestus or this can be done at home with scanners attached to smart devices.Otherwise people will order for free all items present until they are gone with Ebay, have the owner scan in the item and recycle it with as detailed Amazon send most of its material to poor neighbours and slums especially clothing,electronics,furniture for when they move to better accommodation and also a few iterations of all products to all community centres in an area or country for the public to scan in and take home.Cashiers and tills will be recycled once scanned in Talus with books and magazines in newsagents,bookstores,libraries etc scanned into Dionysus and Pheme.Music and video game stores as well as any remaining blu ray ones will have all media and the extra features added to Dionysus.HP Sprout and scanners can be used for smaller items like toys,shoes,household items etc at home or in these stores.Otherwise they can be scanned in at home by cameras on smart devices and scanners attached to them.All goods of all types in all types of retail outlets and supermarkets,shopping malls,warehouses,relay centres,street markets etc including “dead malls” and the contents of storerooms will be allotted to the public through the universal basic income with all glass displays for jewellery,electronics etc unlocked and items in the storerooms placed in the emptying stands or on the ground floor until they are finally owned by someone and excess stored and inventoried in community centres and traded on Euthenia until they are eventually owned with all future iterations of each products then manufactured in a factory and sent directly to the consumers home once scanned in by the people that take them at home.As stated all items currently owned by consumers at home including furniture,glassware,electronics,clothing,toys,memrobillia,antiques,heirlooms and even vehicles and homes themselves using scanners attached to smart devices and other ones can be scanned into their relevant networks allowing items owned by people to be become more widely availible to everyone.Those renovating homes will scan in old furniture,glassware etc prior to being recycled or traded away and scan in new items.Even the most expensive items including designer labels of fashionwear and accessories and vehicles in high end shopping streets will be availible to even those on the lowest socioeconomic level through this free distribution in waves with people travelling to different cities across the country or even world to get luxury items and essentials with if need be people getting loans to buy items in cities that are not doing clearances.Persian and oriental rugs and similar expensive items will be scanned into this network to allow them to be replicated once AI and automation is sufficiently advanced.Toys and electronics etc in claw machines in arcades,shopping malls etc will be gained for free by them opened up and then gained for free with the machines then recycled once the contents are traded or sent to community centres.The same will apply to online retail entities and services like Ebay and Amazon as well as and their equivalents worldwide as well as online platforms for different companies and retail chains with it all being free with locales filming the shops before,during and after clearances for those working on Restoration Nation dumped into networks.Tours of supermarkets,hypermarkets and all types of retail entirely internally and externally by locales in a professional manner as detailed later on for episodes and seasons of Restoration Nation.Those in abandoned buildings,areas and towns will be done also provided secure measures are taken ie those in the towns surrounding Fukushima,Centrailia and Chernobyl will be done by those wearing biohazard suits or engineering using CRISPR and recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans.Goods in abandoned towns and cities such as those surround Lake Las Vegas and Fukushima will also be dispensed to the public and scanned with those in the area of Fukushima and Chernobyl done by volunteers and government officials retrofitted with safety gear and engineered with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans CRISPR since this will allow humans to resettle in these areas indefinitely.Ideally these items in these areas notably Fukushima will be pyrolysised once scanned in to prevent them spreading radioactive material.All items in abandoned and obsolete buildings once cleared for renovations will be sent to community centres to be scanned into Hephaestus including magazines etc in Dionysus and Pheme with as stated those from radioactive sites and superfund sites done onsite.The contents of retail outlets in hotels,offices,corporate headquarters will be scanned in as well to relevant sub networks before being traded away or recycled with all desks,electronics in all types of obsolete and abandoned buildings being renovated will be scanned into relevant networks.Video game and any remaining DVD stores will emptied the same way with them scanned into Dionysus with the contents of newsagents,bookstores etc scanned into Dionysus and Pheme with the stands recycled with console and peripherals recycled or used once scanned into Talus alongside the contents of electronics stores.Orders from warehouses could be continued to be dispensed to their regular outlets or even shops could order stuff from corporate relay points and warehouses as a means empty corporate warehouses and relay station and get more products for the public especially those who miss the first wave especially the very poor from surrounding areas.The same distribution through the universal basic income will apply for pawn shops and those that trade gold for cash etc.Ideally cash for gold stores and pawn shops would have the original owners of the gold and items tracked down by the owners using paper and digital records and returned to them by calling them up or mailing them to them with displays like stands scanned into Hephaestus and traded on Euthenia,recycled or put into community centres.The owners can be contacted via email and number or have it mailed to them with notes and receipt of them donating them there.The same can apply for storage lockers with owners contacted who can scan them in and store them in home extensions or trade them away.Those left idle and auctioned off will have them scanned in and trade them away.If not wanted they can be traded on Euthenia or be stored in the main shop area for the public to take for free while those not tracked down and those who are being returned stored in offices away from the public.Display cases can be converted into aquariums or used as storage etc once traded.Book,comic and newsagent stores that sell magazines,books,comics and newspapers will have the contents to be sent to community centres and universities where book scanners will scan them into Dionysus and Pheme and will continue to be sent there until networks are set up to allow them to be sent there instantly with music books sent to Dionysus with gramaphone records,compact disc that still exist in shops scanned into Dionysus using peripherals.Off licenses would also follow suit.Warehouses used by corporations to store goods and even those used for retail such as Costco will continue to dispense goods ordered in as well as dispense essentials such as food ie milk,dairy products,breakfast cereals,bread,fizzy and alcoholic drinks and also contraceptives,cosmetics including shampoo,cigarettes,tobacco,tampons,sunscreen,non prescription medications,toilet paper,pre made meals etc until the communities become self sufficient with the excess sent to community centres and the warehouses and retail outlets converted into homes.Ideally community centres and halls as well as small conveince stores if they already exist will house and order in these items until self sufficient allowing these warehouses and retail outlets to become homes instantly with the aforementioned products cleared from retail outlets by people using the universal basic u]income stocking up on them.Otherwise people could directly order goods from corporations or through online retail sites such as Alibaba,Amazon,Ebay for free as a means of emptying them out filling in community centres etc.Cashiers would become defunct with them organising orders of remaining goods from corporations of important items such as electronics,jewellery,furniture,fridges,freezers and emptying storerooms of both their shops and storerooms.People could enter warehouses,relay stations in person to collect goods or even order directly from the building to their address without paying with excess and other orders sent to community centres.Thus all corporations of major electronics,toys,furniture etc will continue to dispense essential goods like smart televisions,smart devices,computers,laptops etc to community centres also housing excess goods from the cleared out retail outlets to allow the very poor to avail of them until regions become self sufficient with manufacturing hubs.These remaining staff would be paid by the government either,local or federal paying retail outlets the money from excess reserves with delivery truckers and construction workers renovating abandoning and obsolete buildings also paid by the government until their work becomes fully automated within the next 5-10 years.One will be able to order any products for free from the official websites of all corporations and retail outlets including Sony,Apple,Ikea,Ebay,Amazon,Argos etc to stock up on them with ideally corporations dumping them especially essentials like electronics,clothing and those that are base essentials for the very poor into community centres as they are moving into hotels,skyscrapers,abandoned buildings etc with once all items are scanned in they will be recycled.Excess goods from retail outlets of all types and also warehouses used by Amazon,Ebay and online retail stores would be reallocated to nearby community centres and halls with them put on shelves and hangers until properly set up to allow them to be scanned into Hephaestus with those not gotten through sales will be traded on Euthenia or recycled provided they are scanned in or taken in by the poor.Volunteers can scan in each products with all products taken home scanned in at home.