All vertical farms will be linked together by the sentient operating software Triptoplemus abd as a result a universal statue of him will be in the lobby of each one.To prevent it blocking traffic of robots marking deliveries they will use a back door for all deliveries with the lobby used by researchers etc.All vertical farms will have an AI in charge of them that controls all robots and operations with them being their own unique personalities,avatar and legal name.As stated in our introduction to agriculture vertical farms that use hydroponics and aeroponics should be utilised in all cities and towns especially those in countries such as Africa,the Middle East and Asia due to the fact that they are more resource efficient using 70% less water with significantly less fertilisers and ensure food security even during droughts and unfavourable seasons and events like floods that would severely effect food security preventing famine as well as providing exotic crops during the year and with higher consistent yields(roughly 6-8 times higher yields).It can also allow certain crops to be grown locally out of season to compliment in season harvests of native crops with each town,village and city having at least one of these with large cities having multiple of these.Furthermore due to the fact that roots are exposed to oxygen,fertilisers and water they grow much faster than soil based crops and dont have to dig deep into the soil.Since crops grow faster can be grown one after the other and thus increase yields per year with recombinant DNA from xerophiles,oligotrophs,capnophilles,Escherichea Coli,Clostridium perfringens and from scratch increasing their growth rates and use even less water and nutrients and increased carbon dioxide pumped into them.Those from Thermococcus gammatolerans and from scratch can be used to allow it utilise UV radiation and all light spectrum to increase their growth rates with those from chemosynthetic and from bacteria allowing it to grow in the dark,with methane created onsite of them and those from faculative anaerobic bacteria used both oxygen and carbon dioxide and also use processes other than photoynthesis to grow without sunlight or any light at all.Like in home and community farms vegetables and cereals can be grown on the rooftop or in basements or extra space in other rooms in trash cans and pots either using soil for those on the roof and solid hydroponic substrates for those in the basement and spare rooms for extra food.This can reduce transportation costs immensely and alongside aquaponics should account for at least 90% of the worlds crop production.Ideally in cities rooftop or community gardens should provide a large percentage of a cities food supply of native crops with vertical farms catering the needs of exotic non native crops including non native fruit/nut trees and bushes as well as flowers and even macro algae grown in aeroponic systems,recirculating aquaculture systems or in special vats.Large scale commercial vertical farms in cities,towns and villages can be done in abandoned buildings or existing and new skyscrapers with in time floating ones developed for coastal and lake areas or even those that are built underwater using pyrex graphene infused glass and carbon composites and LED lighting to grow in multisotreyed farms underwater by coasts with these two options for both underwater and floating communities as well as oil rigs used as homes.Ideally though they should be built in place of vacant lots as new buildings as skyscrapers are more practical as communal homes than vertical farms with them composed of steel with graphene paint as well as carbn fibre materials as concrete can only allow for them to go not as high and will save on the need to mine for sand.Those underwater and single floating structures would be managed by singular AIs with those are in groups would be managed by a single AI with underwater ones going as high as to breach the surface of the waves.Those underwater would have a place for boats to dock with this being the ground level with the statue of Triptolemus and receptionists etc with the floors above and beneath them growing food and the lobby floor surrounded by wave pistons and fish pens with recirculating aquaculture systems on the very bottom floor.The roof would have VAWTs and helipads with roof and floating side extensions made over time and with water used coming from onsite desalination plants and nitrogen and phosphorus taken in from the ocean or from onsite fish farms as well.Storedot batteries would store energy from the wave pistons,VAWTs,quantum dot technology,see through thermo-piezoelectric technologies as well as chunks of thermo-piezoelctric materials that gain heat from warm oceans alongside solar panels.Floating ones would also have their own lobby,personality,docking yard and connected in chains starting from connected to the coastline by roads with a central road down the centre with doors and floating roads connecting one with airlocks before each door to keep environmental conditions stable.They would have fish pens installed in them with them composed of graphene to allow for extensions on the roof.Floating ones could also be on rivers and go upwards with them connected to the riverbed by graphene struts high enough to allow ships to pass under with them gaining power from solar panels,VAWTs etc.Otherwise the can be buildings that go to the very bottom of the ocean floor with each floor having crops with them connected to underwater cities directly or through tunnels with these going as high as possible over the surface of the ocean to grow more food with certain floors underwater and on the surface being gaps connected by struts and airlock systems as part of or connected to the elevator to rear fish and macro algae.These would be as stated connected directly to underwater cities but also by themselves in the middle of the ocean connected by tunnels with the statue and lobby on the ground floor by the ocean surface.Toilets will collect the sewage onsite to grow algae for fertiliser and fish food or send them to the mainland via pipes with onsite desalinisation plants or piping the mainland creating and unlimited supply of water.These would used graphene and other nanomaterials to reduce energy use and make them compact with these also intaking phosphorous,nitrogen from the ocean that can be used as fertiliser with deuterium sent inland for fusion plants.Algae would be grown onsite using pods and also human and fish waste.These would use the aforementioned energy sources to power them in real time and onsite Storedot batteries or if connected to underwater cities they can use energy from these or ideally even those connected to cities would use these to alleviate strains from the grid or make them self sufficient.Vertical farms should be used to grow primarily non-native crops to a region so as to make them more widely available to the local population and not contaminate the environment(in the case of GMOs also) as well as providing higher yields with native crops grown in homes/rooftop gardens/community gardens.In skyscraper land based ones large recirculating aquaculture systems,aquaponic systems can be located in the basement as well as the roof if made of plastic and graphene composite mixtures and also seaweed can be grown in these aquaponic systems.Heavy crops such as bananas,cocoa,coconuts, and fruit bush crops and bush flowers (i.e. roses) should be grown in the lower floors, followed by lighter crops such as teas,coffees, and tomatoes in ascending floors.Vats used to grow commodities from bacteria such as oils,sugar,milk and cereals etc should be on the higher floors with these ideally made of graphene to make them indestructible and lighter.Breweries and wineries that create wine and beer using cereals and and fruits derived by bacteria grown onsite can be present in lower floors with all steps automated allowing actual building sized breweries and wineries to be used as homes and allow them to be controlled by the farm AI.The top floors will have even lighter plants such as lettuce,herbs and smaller flowers for aesthetic purposes and also those for culinary purposes such crocuses that produce saffron and orchids that produce vanilla or primrose for oil with other spices grown here negating the need for florists.All vertical farms around the world will be linked to each other by the operating software Triptolemus and should ideally have an universal statue of Triptolemus on its grounds ideally in the lobby similar to community farms and nurseries with her symbol underneath it.All vertical,community and forest worldwide will be managed and linked together by Triptolemus with the symbol of the cornucopia on all signs,maps as well as all machinery and robots present.This symbol will also appear on all e-reports,studies etc related to them and will be underneath the statue of Triptolemus.All cameras in the farm,on robots and machinery and in key rooms and outside etc will be linked to the to the global database of criminals and missing persons in Athena but fed into the building AI and will switch to IR illuminator at night or when dark with them at key points such as lobbies,hallways,labs,grow rooms and other key rooms,robots and even the roof with them coated in liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning giving the AI omniscience.The lobby will have a holographic receptionist and also landline wireless touchscreen phones will be present replacing conventional phones with the same phone number will be present to allow people to make calls when needed.This receptionists personality will be separate from the building AI and its own avatar and wear an universal uniform with them also having legal names.Lounges,toilets and living spaces such as venetian style hotel suites for researchers will be present with wireless inductive chargers present for all machinery.To increase the internal surface area of vertical farms and thus the amount of crops and fish one can rear in each building will be done through adopting the same method of multi-storey buildings that take up 0.888 square kilometres as detailed across this website designed by AI can house enough space to rear crops etc for millions or tens of millions of people with this increasing exponentially the higher the buildings go with genetic engineering and hybrid crops increasing yields of crops even further thus allowing enough food to feed entire countries or continents to be grown in buildings that takes up smaller amounts of land.AI like Urania,Cronus will design vertical farm buildings to increase the internal surface area and by extension the amount of crops that can be reared in them.
Crops should ideally be grown in vertically stacked grow beds thus increasing the amount of food per room with robot and human harvesters and researchers gaining access to all levels using scissor lift aerial work platforms with motors or KIVA systems like those used by window cleaners controlled by smart devices or a touchschreen on it.Fungi like mushrooms,truffles and those used in cheese making can also be grown large scale on higher floors alongside micro-organisms altered to produce commodities normally gained from animals and plants such as plant and animal fats/oils and milk (see later) as well as insects and in vitro meat.Smaller aquaponic and recirculating systems can also be in the top floors with again macro algae.Ideally mushrooms should be grown in liquid substrates containing necessary nutrients.Or solid substrates such as coir,cardboard and vermiculite to save on the resources required producing straw.Research in Europe has found a species of fungi that can grow on plastic with genetic engineering transferring this ability to both other fungi and even truffles.This would also make it easier to plant, harvest them through automation and reduce the risk of them contaminating other crops.Robots exist to harvest all these crops with them designed to ideally harvest as many as possible to limit the amount of robots required in them.Automated doors and elevators with built in sensors can make it easier for these robots to pass from floor to floor and room to room.Each plot room will have containment features like watertight doors to minimise the risk of pest as well as spoilage and pathogenic bacteria from entering but would allow harvester and cleaner robots to enter when needed.CSYS lights should be used in all non crop plot rooms like hallways,lobbies and elevators that turn on at night controlled by the AI when people enter.Seeds can easily be planted in their containers and systems with relative ease and modifications of existing machinery.All steps of planting,harvesting packaging of crops can be and should be automated with advances which can involves modified versions of Farmbot that can move up and down stacked beds in the case of lighter crops and also be on ceilings for larger crops with cameras and recognition software to detect crops.In rooms with stacked beds robotic pallet collecting robots can be used to transport them to distribution rooms where they can be removed and re seeded by robots similar to Farmbot if they cannot function by moving inbetween stacked beds.
Photobioreactors will be present in the basement,all floors and also rooftops that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of vertical farms can have their building programmed to have a certain amount of their sewage in the form of feces and urine fed into photobioreactors at vertical farms that will grow algae in them and using interior radiation machines irradiate the desecration etc sterilising it with the algae engineered to be resistant to radiation thus allowing it to be sterilised.The vertical farms can also import a set amount of feces and urine in the form of sewage from other public buildings and homes etc that is by interacting with the AIs of sewage treatment plants the farms can import sewage from sewage treatment plants at set times when toilets are not used that will be deposited into photobioreactors in them.Since vertical farms will be empty of people most of the time their toilets will be idle thus meaning that sewage can be imported into the photobioreactors vis the sewage line with this done by adding a new series of pipes connected to the sewage treatment plants by robots etc or the existing pipes dug up,have a section removed and it connected to the photobioreactors.The algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make vertical farms self sufficient in algae for fertiliser for crops with it alleviating strains on sewage treatment plants if adopted by all home,community and vertical farms.
LED,LED CSYS or HID lighting can provide an energy efficient light source for photosynthesis 24/7 thus providing continuous growth during the night with CO2 extracted from the atmosphere through filtering machinery such as artificial trees(see later) on the roof(and pumped in through the rooms in system of blood vessel like tubules using a series of opening and closing mechanisms to deliver the desired amount of CO2 to each room or imported from carbon sequestration techniques.Each crop can be exposed to their ideal light spectrum due to the wide breadth of wavelengths available in LED and HID lighting.Crops can be planted,monitored by cameras(especially when conducting studies) harvested, packaged,irradiated in a room on the lower floors and transported directly to consumers or distribution centres autonomously with stickers(or printed on) containing stock ID barcode tag in place of barcodes used to read prices in supermarkets for consumers.
Recirculating aquaculture systems will be present in the basement and used to grow larger crops through aquaponics.If composed of plastics these recirculating aquaculture systems can be on all floors thus allowing for large crops to be grown on all floors especially if they are hybrid crops that house leafy greens in place of leaves etc.These can also found on the roofs of them.ideally aquaponics will be utilised in all vertical farms as it produces both a vegetable and fruit crop and also fish and shellfish.Aquaponics will be the predominant cultivation of crops in vertical farms as it rears fish,shellfish and crops with it predominantly used for growing large crops.can be composed of plastics to make them lighter.
Any fish ordered from here can be deboned upon request of the consumer by onsite machinery with the same applying for larger crops such as coconuts which can be dehusked by machinery their and the husks automatically sent to textile factories in the region.Both of these can be either integrated into the conveyor belt system on the vertical farms production line with them used based on the choice of consumers when ordering food or shared amongst a community in a community centre.Each species and variant and breed of crops will have a unique alphanumerical code which will form part of their ID barcode and can be read by smart devices with existing barcode scanning apps integrated into Demeter apps and thus the wire containing all information such as application of water,fertilisers,genetic lineage,any genetic modifications(listing genes,traits and phenotype etc.added),farm of origin etc.These can be scanned using apps downloaded onto smartdevices from Demeter.
Nanocameras on each room or inbetween stacked plots will allow crops to be visually monitored via normal vision and thermal vision allow for a more precise measurement of the plants health in farms around the world remotely.Nanocameras on automated pollinating robots and bio-synths will also have the features and functions.
This can also help with rearing rare and endangered species of plants,flowers,trees and crops for study,for human consumption or for use as ornamental plants in homes,parks and streets can be grown in these vertical farms or nursery extensions that act as nurseries rearing large numbers in a short time and returning them to their native habitats which as a result of vertical farms will become reforested.These sections of these indoor hydroponic or conventional soil rainforests extensions can also house endangered species of insects native to that region to provide pollination and study their habits and at the same time increase their numbers creating a dual conservation effort provide the same seed trading process is carried out to increase genetic diversity.CRISPRs ability to create an unlimited amount of individuals called the Phanes method detailed later on can be used to increase genetic diversity once adapted to plants using 3D printers onsite of them.Anti-ageing treatments can extend their lifespan and then they can be planted by robot planters in reforestation efforts.
Rare,exotic and expensive crops both fruits and vegetables that can only grow in specific soil and climate conditions can be reared here anywhere in the world and their growing season reduced dramatically.Others like the Kopi Luwak coffee strain and fruits that require them to be digested by animals in order to germinate can be done having the animals(in this case Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) reared locally in the community where they can be used as pets and/or for meat in community farms around the world and feed them the seeds which can be then collected by machinery alongside the manure and have them potted and sent to the verticals either by hand or by automated machinery.Otherwise automated machinery in the same room or floor of the vertical farm that can replicate the process of digestion with unique nutrients in the faeces of each animal put into fertiliser.Bacteria can produce the protease enzymes from P.hermaphroditus that can be mixed in with crushed beans.The same could apply to the Ryparosa genus.Alternatively the plant can be engineered to not require this process while still having the same phenotypes and overall genome with it becoming a separate species while wild variants could be engineered to be able to germinate with and without digestion to improve their ability to survive in the wild.
Distribution storage centres for crops can be located in the ground floor,extensions to the building or buildings in close proximity to these vertical farms for collection in person or arrangement of orders where they are kept in refrigerated sterile conditions.These can be modelled on Amazon Go automated stores where the farm AI can keep track of whats been taken by the consumers and them stacked by robots.Ideally they should be located in the ground floor next to the lobby with the open 24/7,365 days a year.Petrol stations can order in any excess from these managed by Persephone.Automated nurseries that grow ornamental trees,flowers etc from around the world should also be onsite of vertical farms ideally in underground extensions or on roofs to allow them to be managed by the building AI be deposited in onsite distribution centres as well as serve a community to its needs with exotic and native species to be grown aeroponically and hydroponically with them deposited in the distribution centres.This can allow normal nurseries and garden centres to be converted into homes and all land used to grow ornamental plants to be reforested.Plants can be engineered to suffer no or little shock when transferred to soils from hydroponic media or these nurseries could house soil plots in them with all ornamental plants especially exotic ones engineered to survive all climates and soil types.This would allow for each one in each vertical farm in large cities to grow different species giving communities a wide variety of plants locally grown with these ordered in via Triptolemus from anywhere in the world with seeds traded on local to global levels.Community farms could have smaller ones integrated into them with garden centres in towns and villages and cities etc converted into homes either communal or private based on their size.Small ones can be converted into communal homes through extensions with any restaurants then converted into extra rooms and apartments.All of the fertilisers,compost,tools,furniture etc sent to local community centres or taken in by the public on a first come first serve basis with all manufactured goods scanned into their relevant networks of Hephaestus and fertilisers etc made at home or by ordering in ingredients from pyrolysis plants and sewage treatment plants etc or ordering finished ones in community centres.If possible 3D DNA printers will produce seeds of all species ornamental plants of all types from around the world to accommodate limited space thus allowing one to have one printed out with customised phenotypes ie desired fruits and nuts,tolerance to the soil in ones area and repellance to all pests and ability to survive all extremes of climates,have bioluminescence etc when ordering them with the option of having the seeds sent ot homes in packaging or have them grown to maturity via hydroponics to be then transplanted with engineering removing shock when transplanted.This should be possible by 2029 and would allow all areas in vertical farms devoted to ornamental plants to be used for crops etc and would as stated allow for the local production of all known plants from around the world to be localised with each one created this way having unique DNA separate from others around the world to ensure diversity and this ordered in via Demeter.The same can be applied to crops ordered in from them with it also applying to bacterial and yeast cultures as well as spermatozoa and eggs.
The roofs for these vertical farms can be converted into relaxation gardens for any scientists and researchers conducting work there with extra ornamental and crop plants providing extra food for any bees in the community.Nests for biological controls such as bird of prey for surrounding home and community farms can be here.Beehives can also be here to allow them serve all surrounding farms.Any water collected on the roofs can fall to the side with the floor covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass and the walls surrounding the roof having small holes or openings across them to allow water to fall downwards with the roofs at a slight incline enough to allow gravity to let the water fall downwards.Roofs can also house extra recirculating aquaculture systems composed of thermoplastics and graphene due to its lightness with the roof having sheets of graphene or graphene paint on them to hold the weight.they can also have greenhouses for aquaponic and aeroponic systems as well as benches etc.Waste crops can be recycled into fertilisers via pyrolysis when sent to organic waste plants or sent to textile factories for use in the production of textiles.Elevators will be essential so as to allow robots access to all floors including the roof allowing them to bypass stairs.By building these farms in new multi storey skyscrapers style buildings the yields and variety of crops that can be grown on an acre or even smaller piece of land can be greatly increased rather than horizontally spread hydroponic farms which can be converted into other uses such as agricultural research facilities and home mixtures or the material recycled for use as building material in vertical farms.In time automated construction robots and printers can be developed to increase the number of floors on each vertical farm.Windows will be cleaned and covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass by advances in robots to prevent fogging and prevent dirt clinging to them with the interior of therm also done by robots with this of note of skyscrapers.In time these could be replaces those with quantum dot technology one by one by robots.Thus all vertical and hydro/aeroponic farms should be multistorey buildings with existing buildings that are like normal buildings can either have extensions suitable to build multistorey buildings next to them with them having the crops transferred with the current space used for lab,living spaces for researchers or used to grow bacteria or fish and shellfish.Underground extensions can be built to house even more food especially heavy ones,nurseries and recirculating aquaculture systems with the roofs having a layer of graphene paint and carbon fibres ideally graphene to allow for more floors to added to the roof with these extensions ideally made of graphene composites and graphene rebars.Existing ones can have layers of graphene paint on the floors and roofs to increase their carrying capacity.New ones would be composed of graphene entirely with these able to house heavy crops etc on higher floors with simulations deciding which crops suited to grow based on height.These farms can go as deep and high as possible with coolant systems keeping plants cool deeper or recombinant DNA increasing their tolerance to increasing heat.Council flats can be converted into these once rooms are merged together to form plant rooms and if extensions can merge two or more close buildings together so as to allow them to be managed by a single AI with any other small buildings in between them demolished.The lobby and hallway in these can extended to the very back with hallways forking out extra doors on the side and end.Floors and roofs can be covered in sheets of graphene and layers of graphene paint to increase their strength.Residents in these particular low quality ones can then move to more high quality communal or private homes from remodelled hotels,supermarkets
Energy can come from quantum dot technology and see through thermo-piezoelectric materials built into windows(see later),internal gas and biofuel power plants(gained from genetically engineered bacteria)as well as biomass from excess organic material transported to them during harvesting with gas gained either from bacteria feeding on organic waste or collected from certain crops.Solar panels and VAWTs can be on the roof to generate electricity with each vertical farms in areas prone to natural disasters having Storedot batteries that store energy for when it is unavailable.Automated systems such as retractable tarpaulin to prevent heat escaping during cold snaps by interacting with weather networks or the glass used could be double or triple plyed to prevent heat loss.Vertical farms would use geothermal heating on all floors to reduce energy costs and grow plants and bacteria at ideal temperature ranges with the plants engineered to grow in cooler and warmer conditions during all seasons.As explored later on humanoid robots and miniaturised 3D cement and metal printers can add even more floors to these thus increasing the amount of food produced per building even further.To cut down on energy costs from the grid community farms will utilise geothermal heating and air conditioning systems alongside micro-gas turbines,tri-generation systems to make them self sufficient and reduce energy strains from the grid.
Floodbreaker barriers(large or small) can be set up at the entrance that protects the farm alongside high walls during floods and storms in areas prone to these.These can be automatic in areas prone to tsunamais(by interacting with alerts) with the building also composed of a flood area as it will be supported by strong tsunamai resistant concrete/carbyne/graphene poles holding the building several feet high with a concrete wall around the structure giving extra support and allowing the area to be a carpark for researchers as well as shelter during floods and tsunamais.Otherwise walls can be constructed around them made of self healing concrete.Watertight doors can also be put in to prevent water getting in.Farms in areas prone to storms and hurricanes will have the same technology and shape as Deltec homes to prevent damage to the windows and overall structure.These are dome shaped to spread the force of strong winds around them to prevent wind damages alongside large retractable shutters to protect all windows from debris damage or the windows can have graphene built into is matrix to make it shatterproof.All walls,poles,watertight doors etc should be covered in a coating of graphene paint and then liquid glass to make them extra strong and dirt proof.Those in areas prone to flood and tsunamais will have ten foot high walls around them and holes and grating that connect them to the local flood tunnels rather than underneath them to allow for extensions.
Maps of the vertical farms and all floors will be scanned in by either handheld scanners and/or automatically by nanodrocopters and robots and can be streamed via smart devices to locate certain rooms and plots for both visitors and researchers using smart devices and computers from anywhere in the world via connecting with the AI of the farm with this updated for all extensions.Each room for each plot of crops will be named for the crops grown there and will be visible on maps on smart devices with this updated with any changes such as when crops are replaced by other ones or if they are moved to another room with each crop given a universal symbol for each one.The rooms containing genetically modified bacteria,insects and recirculating aquaculture/aquaponics systems will also follow this trend.The building AIs avatar can be designed by the researchers and community that maintain it with the AI being a separate independent individual with legal name from other vertical farm AIs.All work in all of these vertical farms can be and should be automated from start to finish with them monitored remotely by the public via Demeter with camera feeds from all machinery,robots(including pollinating drones) and rooms for each farm fed into Demeter into folders and subfolders for each farm.This can be done with advances in automation with any other work done by biosynths wearing an universal uniform for Triptolemus.
The community will log what crops and commodities are grown in each of their vertical farms and this will allow them to receive alerts onto the latest scientific studies on each crop grown and fish/shellfish reared there from Apollo.Each vertical farm wil have AIs that will log and control resource use,manage robots and manage automated operations,log what is grown and reared,store maps and manage orders and delivers alongside other functions.Each town and city should have these with them ideally skyscraper style ones that have roof and underground extensions to cater to a growing population with them on the outskirts in the place of existing ones or in the place of islands of small retail outlets demolished to house them.
Water used will have to be filtered and undergo UV treatment in order to prevent the introduction of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria which can be monitored by sensors present in the system holding the plants detecting the signatures of individual spoilage and pathogenic bacteria/fungi/viruses which can notify central computers giving details as to the type of infection and plot that it has occurred.Should contamination occur plants can be prematurely harvested and used for insect and local livestock consumption or disposed of in waste management systems(see later),robots and equipment sterilised via UV light,or sterilant sprays(which all equipment should be treated with when setting up farms) and seeds replanted.Super blasts of super high intensity UV will be able to break down all pharmacological compounds and kill microbes.Treating all equipment,piping,containers and surfaces externally and internally with a permanent layer of liquid glass would make it unable to support microbial life and thus prevent cross contamination from the outside via researchers and visitors and the spread of bacteria that would be detrimental to human and crop health.Water should be recycled as much as possible to prevent waste and taken in either from local water treatment plants or through apparatus that collect and filter rainwater.As stated earlier unique climatic,altitudal and soil conditions to a region can be replicated via reproducing conditions such as temperature, micro-organisms,air pressure,hours of sunlight/wavelengths,minerals,rainfall,air pressure,moisture content and wind to fine tune specific flavours and nutrient content specific to regions to meet the needs of an individual and a communities taste.Other factors such as nutrient,carbon dioxide concentration,light spectra and intensity,pH,humidity,microbes and water levels can be applied into the system and altered through computers and smart devices by researchers and community members with access to a farms AI via Demeter/the wire(with everything monitored by the public) as well as monitored using sensors 24/7 with them programmed to replicate the same process in the wild of a specific region that occur throughout the year with changes that are occurring over the year happening automatically and saved to vertical farms AI alongside customisations to this for personalised flavours on the both Demeter and internet which can be traded with other growers in vertical and home hydroponic/aeroponic farms.Interior fans and ventilation systems will routinely create wind to stimulate healthy thigmotropism.This can be applied to all types of crops and even fungi and truffles.This also means that any scientific studies in vertical farms can be automated with results calculated and written up by software bots.These readings from all types of sensors would be fed into this network 23/7,365 days with each type of sensor on each type of structure(atmosphere,water etc.)having sub folders for the readings of each environmental condition(temperature logged with them then subdivided into average readings over an hour plotted of each day,with them divided then into weeks and then months ,years,decades,centuries etc.allowing the viewer able to see the average of each day,week,month,decades,centuries,millenia etc.Thus they can view the readings from any day and hour of these long timespans for studies on plant nutrient uptake etc with selected data from any of these timespans such as days,weeks,months from multiple sensors and specific measured environmental factors from around the world easily selected by ticking boxes or typing in or dragging a mouse over the sets of plot/crop barcode number of in a local,region,country that they wish to add one at a time that can be put into one or more experiments and studies researchers are working on simultaneously.This can allow for large studies on various crops to be done simultaneously.Nutrient,carbon dioxide concentration,light spectra,pH,humidity,microbes and water levels can be applied into the system and altered through computers and smart devices as well as monitored using sensors 24/7.This means that any scientific studies in vertical farms can be automated with results calculated and written up by software bots.This can allow for large studies on various crops to be done simultaneously.Smart water meters can be installed into the pipes leading into the vertical gardens to measure the water used in the building as a whole with computers managing the application water to each crop plot measuring how much was applied during the day.This data alongside overall energy usage can be measured in core networks in the vertical farms which measure the amount of fertiliser,energy,water,carbon dioxide used in the vertical farm as a whole as well in each plot of crops.This computer network would also be able to measure temperature and humidity in each room and crop plot as well as the pH of each plot(and all other environmental conditions).This will be connected to other vertical farms,home farms and community farms around the world and can allow for remote monitoring and control of all types of farms on a global scale with all of this data fed not only into central computers in these farms but also a much larger network for local,regional,national,continental and global analysis.Water,nutrient and energy usage can be tracked this way on a global scale with all three of them fed into a global network allowing for precise measurements of these for consumption studies and planning efficiency.Water and energy use will also be fed into Hermes alongside the structural integrity of buildings.This global network can allow one to also connect to other vertical farms across the globe as well as community and home farms across the globe for comparison.In the case of home and other community farms and home farms these networks would also interact with weather,soil and atmospheric networks to take into account weather,climate and day to day conditions for analysis and in the case of vertical farms the environmental conditions in the water used and the room would also be used in this.The network would also allow them to control each individual environmental condition in each plot of crops that the researcher has access to.Nanosensors can be placed in water solutions,solid media and even rooms to allow them to be controlled and monitored remotely and in time by the AI.The warning system for these readings will follow an universal colour coded system will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger.A closed loop system should be formed in order to collect and recycle any water and nutrients etc that are not used up for later use to negate waste.
Rainwater collection systems should be integrated into the roofs and sides of all vertical farms that collect and store water through the year for use during dry spells,floods(when water can be contaminated) and droughts with the water systems using it only during this period via the Farm AI interacting with weather networks.This should be of not of those in countries like the Middle East,Asia and Africa.Super blasts of super high intensity UV light have been shown in Athlone Institute of Technology to kill off all antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria/parasites and also break down all known Hormone endocrine disrupters,pharmaceuticals and other compounds.Miniaturising this technology into miniature UV machines present in the rainwater capsule into existing technology similar to RainSafe technology can ensure that this prevents the any contaminants in water are destroyed before being sprayed.Filters composed of graphene can also be used here with all internal components sprayed with a permanent layer of liquid glass.This could also allow them to have a backup when the water supply is cut off due to a natural disaster or the source of the water is contaminated and when water treatment plants are not working properly similar to those in homes when the main source of water is contaminated via interacting with sensors in environmental readings and from water treatment plants as well as weather networks and shifting to them the instant readings indicate polluted water through the farm AI.Each vertical farm in areas prone to natural disasters should have internal oil and gas burners,solar panels,VAWTs and quantum dot technology in their windows to provide backup energy with any gas and oil shipped in via helicopters to ensure they can function when they are needed after disasters.Water can also be transferred from regional desalinisation plants alongside water collected from flood and tsunamai tunnels when needed with this automated.The methods used in the slingshot water purifier can also be integrated into the system of water purification to cut down on energy costs and remove any unfiltered material.Nanosensors can be at each can allow for the levels of pollutants to be measured with them alerting as to when filters need to be replaced which can be done by automated measures.These would be on the roof or those of adiining buildings with the building AI automatically switching to it when droughts or comprimisation of the water supply occur with them even taking in water from the grid if it does not rain too much.
The forms of this hydro culture are divided into liquid nutrient methods and solid medium. Liquid methods are:
•Continuous-flow solution cultures
•Passive sub-irrigation
•Ebb and flow or flood and drain sub-irrigation
•Run to waste
•Deep water culture
•Top-fed deep water culture
•Miniature systems like the Aero garden
The Solid medium method can be carried out using various media such as:
•Expanded clay aggregate
•Grow stones
•Coir peat
•Rice husks
•Wood fibers
•Rock wool
•Sheep wool
•Brick shards
•Polystyrene packing peanuts
Further research needs to be done to grow truffles in lab settings hydroponically mimicking the precise soil and environmental conditions like climate present in a region similar to mushrooms thus increasing yields and preserving flavours.Further modification can allow for cultivation of truffles and mushrooms with custom made flavours.A sustainable,resource efficient solid or liquid substrate requiring the least amount of labour/automation or growing space on land or indoors must be found or genes from mushrooms can allow them to grow in the same substrates as them.Any solid substrates used should be grown aeroponically to increase the amount available year long as well as using less resources or through using waste material ie. coffee grounds,sawdust,cardboard or possibly even algae pellets,substrates though ideally a liquid substrate should be found.Growing them onsite would also allow land that is used to grow say straw used for this to be permanently reforested regardless of the weather with higher yields all year round and negate labour and energy in harvesting and transportation.Grass can be hydro/aeroponically grown indoors as a fresh year long source of grass which can be converted to straw in “drier rooms” that bake the grass and remove moisture – which can be collected.Research in Europe has found a species of fungi that uses plastic as a substrate and makes it edible.For other species of fungi and possibly even truffles it is simply a case of finding gene(s) responsible for this biodegrading process and inserting them into other species to make plastic a more cheaper and sustainable substrate for all fungi with the plastic sourced from genetically altered bacteria that produce hydrocarbons.In time carbon nanotubes can be to feed truffles nutrients directly into them either in an aqueos solution of nutrients or solid media.Moulds used for producing different types of cheeses can be grown here too and then inserted into cheese in both homes and community centres.
Grass,barely and other fodder can be grown here all year round for use as feedstock for livestock especially in urban areas providing fresh fodder all year round negating the time and labour to prepare hay and allow land used for grazing to be permanently reforested.This ideally should be in small indoor aeroponic/hydroponic rooms next to community farms with vertical farms connected to community farms located next to each other
Strict measures should be done to ensure that contaminants such as pests and bacteria from the outside cannot enter the building eliminating the need for pesticides,fungicides and herbicides.If one floor or room is contaminated then that area can be sealed of and proper disposal of contaminated crops can be carried out i.e. composting,livestock feed thus preventing the contamination from spreading from one floor/room to another.Simple traps could eliminate the problem of pests with genetic engineering breeding resistance eliminating the threat faced by all fungi,viruses,pests and bacteria they are prone to should other countermeasures fail.Adding insect repellence from other crops as detailed later on alongside resistance to all diseases caused by moulds,fungi,viruses etc can be done via cis and transgenics can also negate the need for pesticides and other chemicals like fungicides and act as a backup if containment procedures fail.
For pollination there are numerous options.Bees the natural pollinators of crops are a poor choice as they require housing and large open spaces to function properly.The solution to this is the following which can be replicated in home and rooftop gardens:
• Butterflies
• Flies
• Hummingbirds
• Robotic Bees
• Robotic Butterflies
• Robotic Hummingbirds
• Robotic hands
In the case of butterflies they can be bred in compartments as caterpillars fed with excess waste crops or algae adjacent to hydroponic systems and released into farms as adults to pollinate crops.Automated robotic traps can be used to recollect them and return them to adjacent butterfly farms or compartments for breeding more butterflies and caterpillars thus creating an automated looped system.The same can be done for flies and hummingbirds.Real butterflies,bees and hummingbirds should probably be used for small gardens, rooftops,permaculture gardens with robotic variants ideal for commercial vertical farms as they get caught in hydroponic systems as well and die and litter the floor becoming a breeding ground for contagions.
Robotic variants of these species alongside robotic bees currently exist and can patrol indoor farms 24/7 all year round and can be powered via wireless charging devices.These would obviously have to be fitted with a fuzzy scopa and cubicula and flexible or stable proboscis(also covered in fuzz or permanent sticky matrix to transport pollen) suited for pollinating a wide variety of crops or specific crops as well as miniature sensors that detect pollen i.e. be able to visualise pollen in the same spectra as insects and modelled in structure to their eyes.In the case of robotic bees such as the mobees further technological advancements must be made in order to give a more bee like structure improving their pollinating capability.Robots that pollinate crops could consist of robotic hands with needle like projections that covered in the same fuzz present on the scopa and cubicula of honeybees to collect pollen (these would also be present on robotic variations of hummingbirds, butterflies and bees to improve their pollination).They would also have to be designed to survive decontamination processes and ideally to ensure genetic diversity alongside the trading of seeds between vertical farms being organised by software the pollination of each plant in each plot would also have to be pollinated in a pre programmed or randomised fashion changed every time that can also be managed by software.These robots and drones can charge in wireless charger inductive plates in each room or separate rooms though ideally graphene paint and quantom dot technology alongside thermo-piezelectric materials will charge them when them as they work and rest in the rooms with cameras and all parts of them except proboscis,cubicula and scopa covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass to ensure they work forever.All of these types of robots should be equipped with cameras with the highest resolution possible with feeds fed into Demeter and thus the vertical farms AI.These robotic and in time biosynth bees and hummingbirds will be controlled by the farm AI to do so in predetermined levels and will be possible by at least 2035 with hands with fingers attached to them will be possible by at least 2029.
Fertilisers for plants in community farms can be composed of compost,sawdust,biochar from pyrolysis of waste such as food/wood/cardboard etc.for carbon,skeletons from dead and pyrolysised livestock/pets/fish/insects and shells from shellfish for calcium,micro/macro algae from animal and human sewage and water treatment plants for nitrogen/phosphorous/copper and other important minerals can be found in organic forms eliminating the need for large scale fossil fuel intensive fertilisers to be produced and these organic fertilisers can be gained from waste thus creating looped systems.All unused water and fertiliser solutions should be reused as much as possible with this in the case of aeroponics with water containing fertilisers that falls on floors collected and rerouted to the main system.Bio-fertilizers can increase crop yield by 20-30%, replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%, and stimulates plant growth.It can also provide protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases and are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers.They have lower manufacturing costs, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus use.Theses include Azolla-Anabena a small, eukaryotic, aquatic fern having global distribution. Prokaryotic blue green algae Anabena azolla resides in its leaves as a symbiont.Azolla is an alternative nitrogen source. This association has gained wide interest because of its potential use as an alternative to chemical fertilisers.Rhizobium leguminosarum can be placed in solution to fix nitrogen from more complex compounds like ammonia say from animal urea.
Fertiliser nutrients can be ordered in from sewage and water treatment plants(in the case of micro and macro algae),pyrolysis plants(in the case of carbon biochar and calcium) drums by the farm AI and using robots transported to a room in the basement where they are hooked up to a large mixing machine that sucks them in and mixes them for each crop type and custom made type.Alternatively the community could have custom made fertilisers for each type of crop made in bulk within organic matter pyrolysis factories or factories within their local that produce these fertilisers by mixing in biochar from them with wood,cardboard,paper,dead livestock and pets,fish skeletons,baby and kitchen wipes and food etc. pyrolysed in the same factory and algae sent to the pyrolysis plant or fertiliser factory and mixed in the custom ratio ordered when needed and then sent to the vertical farm where machinery load each drum into place connected to machines next to crops they serve.The drums could also be sent by robots/machinery to the room with a miniaturised version of this pump system containing the plots for each crop.Orders for new drums of fertiliser will be automated with the amount of fertiliser used logged and orders made before hand it runs out with a rotary system of drums employed using sensors and permanent microchipped constantly uploaded with details of the next order,contents of the fertiliser and address of the next farm and plant(sewage,water,pyrolysis plant etc)it has to be transferred to updated automatically each time it has move.Each vertical farm should have an extra empty drums for each one filled up so that orders can be made for the crop while it is being served with fertilisers.Pyrolysis plants,fertiliser factories,sewage and water treatment plants alongside communities and vertical farms involved would be linked to each other worldwide via interactions between Demeter and Hermes that would manage the flow of drums and thus constituents with any change made by the public entered into their local community centre and vertical farms.The farms will have the fertiliser order in drums used in a rotary system with the farms have their own set present that will exchange those from pyrolysis plants and sewage/water/desalinisation treatment plants.Interactions between Triptolemus,Tyche and the AIs of all buildings involved will be constant.Persephone will in time manage this.Otherwise ideally the algae and biochar etc can be sent to vertical farms and mixed onsite with general fertilisers and crop specific fertilisers created decided by the farm AI.Thus these alterations will interact with each and managed by software to ensure efficient distribution ensuring surpluses of nutrients produced in sewage/water treatment plants and pyrolyis plants world wide and stored surplus fertilisers are shared with the global community by sharing them and ordered in when local,regional,national,continental and national supplies are low ensuring global abundance with this sorted out via software,robots,machinery and automation interacting with each through Hermes and Demeter on a global scale.Ideally the farm AI should automatically arrange orders when supplies are low with Triptolemus ordering in the ideal fertilisers for each crop that is logged in the farm AI.Pico fabricators onsite can create a decades worth of fertiliser or each individual element and water onsite and then store them there for later use and mix them together.
Carbon dioxide can come from artificial trees either ontop of the roof of the vertical farm that can take in one tonne each day and pump into store rooms where it can be pumped into specific rooms or into rooms that prepare dry ice that can be shipped or pumped to specific rooms.Otherwise dry ice factories in urban areas and in the desert also gaining carbon dioxide from these artificial trees on the roof that also use this in biochar projects(see later)with the dry ice automatically transferred to storerooms where it sublimes and stored and pumped into the plot rooms at set volumes with the building AI controlling the orders of dry ice when needed based on how much is used.Even when biochar projects are no longer needed these dry ice factories can still function.When levels of carbon dioxide are back at 250ppm and fossil fuels are still burned at a lower rate then the carbon dioxide can be collected onsite of the power plants and then turned into dry ice to be shipped to all vertical farms in the region.
Each town,village and city should all also have multiple vertical farms to grow primarily exotic crops to allow for a wide variety of food with flowers grown at home gardens and greenhouses,in community gardens and in higher floors of vertical farms for ceremonies such as weddings etc to allow flower plantations worldwide to be reforested and also be the primary backup source of food in areas prone to droughts,flooding,storms and quick changes in the weather since as stated earlier they use 70% less water and food is grown in controlled indoor environments.Vertical farms will allow for crops to be grown one after the other due to them growing quicker and done in controlled environments with them switching between exotic and native crops and also whatever the AI and community members decide will grow here with the same applied to hydroponic and aeroponic systems at home and in community farms.These will have crops,commodities from bacteria grown in photobioreactors snd aquaponic systrms and this havd recirculating aquaculture systems onsite to provide abundance of all types of food.They will also have recirculating aquaculture systems in basements and also house areas to grow any species of ornamental plants and flowers for boquets for orders and also artificial wombs to grow any species of pet or livestock to order on demand.Biosynth machinery that creates any type of crop,eggs and other commodities will be present here as well with photobioreactors to produce any type of meat and commodity from bacteria also present downloaded from 3D DNA printers.All seeds of all crops will be small ones and the nature of aero/aqua/hydroponics can allow any exotic crops to be grown anywhere and house the acellerated healing phenotype and will be housed in a small seed to hold genetic material and not large ones they evolved to grow in and will not require certain requirements ie having to be eaten by a specific animal etc.Even small towns and villages will have skyscraper style vertical farms to grow as many crops etc as possible with extensions over time to deal with a growing population.Those in extremely rural areas should have these in the outskirts of town,them built underground especially in scenic areas where a skyscraper may hinder the natural beauty of the area,have the food ordered in from nearby larger towns that have them in person or through Demeter with them also rearing fish and invitro meat and housing artificial wombs and nurseries.Thus areas that are isolated areas that rely on natural beauty will have vertical farms on the outskirts,have food ordered in or collected in person from those in larger towns inland or away from their as well as having them underground spread over a large area or large depths that will also serve underground communities with them having elevators for vehicles and stairwells for humans.Rural areas and also even urban areas will utilise this as well with them housing stairs to underground communities.Islands may have them underground as well and have community,meadow,forest and home farms and hydroponic systems in greenhouses and underground extensions with islands and coastal towns and cities relying on desalinisation plants.Islands may have floating vertical farms that float by the coast composed of graphene that also rear native fish in the water in pods with plants using desalinated water and/or using halophile DNA able to utilise seawater.Coastal cities and towns will also utilise this.Islands will also intake orders from the mainland using seabreachers and transporter technology onsite of post offices.All areas,plots and machinery,photobioreactors etc will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise rooms.Vertical farms crops will be decided by both the AI and also community members interacting with it over the wire with them also using 3D DNA printers to decide what to grow on demand.3D DNA printers will allow them to grow any crop and fish etc by cross referrencing Physis.In time ideally by 2029 each floor of buildings will contain nothing but floors that each contain recirculating aquaculture systems that rear crops and fish etc in batches allowing them to be ordered in one go in customised batches.Also present will be photobioreactors to grow invitro meat and bacteria based commodities.3D DNA printers onsite on each floor will be present to allow them to create any specues of crops,fish,bacteria etc on demand by cross referencing Physis making them self sufficient.All of these will be composed of light but strong materials including biosynth plastics infused with graphene etc.All vertical farms will be skyscraper style buildings including new ones or obsolete buildings in the outskirts etc of cities or in the places of demolished slums and ghettos.The roofs will grow extra crops via aquaponics and pots etc.These wil be composed of steel with graphene paint or carbon and graphene composite girders or foamcrete infused with graphene to give them strength and go very high at least 50-100.To cut energy costs geothermal heating and air conditions will be used alongside them charged from thermo-piezoelectric material geothermal pipes to alleviate strains on the grid and house biosynth storedot batteries in their basement to intake energy from this and grid to charge them during blackouts.Since large amounts of biomass can be created by its quick growing methods and the fact that multiple harvests can be made each year this means that the AI and the locales can grow large amounts of one crop on each plot/floor and then store excess via anti-ageing treatments and also microbes fighting off spoilage micro-organisms in homes,community centres and distribution centres and then have another grown their for the second growing season in the year and so on with this interactions between the AI and the locales being constant throughout the year with community and home farms managed by the AI of them and people who maintain them allowing also for the type of food grown chosen by them with genetic engineering allowing all crops to be grown in any climate,season and soil type.The crops would have anti-ageing treatments and also have microbes in them fighting off spoilage bacteria etc to allow excess produced and intaken by people to stored indefinitely at home thus allow for two rotary systems of a crop to be grown and then harvested and then intaken into homes and then have different crops grown in a rotary system repeated all year long.This would allow locales to store large amounts of each crop at home and then change the type grown by interacting with the farms AI and then harvest the next group and store them in large amounts and so on in cycles with 3D DNA printers allowing vertical farms to change the crops grown by downloading new seeds.This can apply to community and home farms.Otherwise the customised batch order system as detailed later on will be used.The growth rates and yields of crops are at least 6-10 times faster than normal conventional methods due to them exposed to light 24/7,and roots exposed to nutrients and water directly thus forcing biomass to be sent to the crop and not the roots with genetic engineering increasing growth rates with ideally all crops being hybrid ones.Water use is also reduced by at least 70-90% an no genetic engineering is required with the process is as organic as you can get and in fact dates back to ancient Egypt,Greece and Mexico roughly to the beggining of agriculture itself about 8,000 years ago.Indoor hydroponics and aeroponics and well as aquaponics via home systems and vertical farms should be the predominant form of agriculture in areas such as Africa,India and other regions that are prone to droughts,water scarcity and flooding that compromise community farms and would lead to famine since they crops can be sheltered inside and also it uses significantly less water and also due to the fact it produces roughly 6-10 times more food with the fact that food can be grown out of season,any species of crop can be grown and faster growth rates allows for multiple harvests each year and can allow for the AI to organise rotations for each crop grown based on the demands and trends of the locale thus allowing one farm to grow large amounts of a crop in each plot and then another one so the locales can stock up on them with the AI and locale population deciding what crops are produced next with this ensuring each area can grow a large variety over time.This could feed a population of at least 48,000,000,000 – 80,000,000,000 people compared to the worlds 8,000,000,000 worldwide while allowing all land worldwide to be reforested without genetic engineering with genetic engineering increasing this exponentially every year from 2030-2045 onwards.They would overall account for 90-95% of the worlds food supply with it using genetic engineering to improve growth rates and yields exponentially and reduce water and fertiliser requirements exponentially.The crops would have anti-ageing treatments and also have microbes in them fighting off spoilage bacteria etc to allow excess produced and intaken by people to stored indefinitely thus allow for two rotary systems of a crop to be grown and then harvested and then intaken into homes and then have different crops grown.This would allow locales to store large amounts of each crop at home and then change the type grown by interacting with the farms AI and then harvest the next group and store them in large amounts and so on in cycles.This can also apply to both home and community farms.Being controlled indoor conditions will prevent pests being able to enter them with it also preventing viral,bacterial and fungal pathogens present though they should still be made immune to these via trans/cis genetics should containment procedures fail with them also fitted with repellance with their sterile conditions in soilless media preventing spoilage and pathogenic bacteria infecting them though they still should be engineered to be immune to these and also given immune systems and immunising strains for these.Hydroponics uses soilles mediums like coir,rocksalt,coconut balls for support in pots and growing the crops in a water medium in specialised machinery with fertiliser applied in water mixtures,aeroponics uses crops suspended in mid air and the roots sprayed with a mist of water and nutrients and aquaponics growing crops in recirculating aquaculture systems where the crops use nitrogen and phosphorous from the feces of fish grown there as a second crop.This higher yields is because more energy is put into the actual plant and not the roots as in open soil,direct access to water and nutrients and also lightening systems are on 24/7 alongside other features.It can thus produce more biomass every harvest for both organic farmers and those who dont like utilising genetic engineering of all types thus allowing organic farmers to grow their own food in home,community and vertical farm systems while still getting higher yields without altering the DNA of the crop with the indoor nature and containment measures preventing weeds,pests and pathogens affecting the crops thus negating the need for pesticides,herbicides etc.The method requires the crops to be grown indoors in vertical,community and home farms and can be done onsite of hospitals,universities,airports,cruise ships and in time both interstellar vehicles and space stations thus allowing for all land used to grow conventional crops to be reforested.The method dates back to ancient Egypt and is thus organic in nature.Thus organic farmers who are skeptical of GMOs can use this in home systems in the form of aquaponics and hydroponic systems and still ensure high reliable yields any time of the year without using pesticides with them ordering in non hybrid and non GMO crops from vertical and other farms to ensure they do not go hungry and allow others to order in and consume genetically engineered food.They can also choose to order to order in non genetically modified crops and fish from farms of all types.All vertical and hydro/aeroponic farms should be multistorey and go upwards to the height of skyscrapers with new floors added over time so as to increase the amount of food grown on each plot of land with underground extensions also added to grow more heavy fruit and nut crops and even recirculating aquaculture system.This technology will be integrated not just in vertical farms but also home and community farms in extensions and in the form of aquaponic systems as part of recirculating aquaculture systems.This will make communities such as towns,villages and cities self sufficient negating the need for private farmers allowing all farmland around the world especially the tropics like the Amazon to be reforested indefinitely to sequester carbon dioxide.All work in these vertical farms will be completely managed by the AIs of the farms and also the sentient Triptolemus as well as Cronus.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and batteries to charge them during blackout.They will also house living spaces such as suites,automated kitchens and living room for some residents of the community,researchers and tourists in roof,side or underground extensions as permanent residence and also as researchers who can overlook all parts of the farm and even tourists.All areas and machinery will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise rooms.Photobioreactors and aquaponic systems etc will be covered in liquid glass and have narrow range UV lights to sterilise them.Each one will utilise thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes that provide electricity,air conditiong and heating and havd biosynth storedot batteries to charge them during blackout and alleviate strains on the grid with them also having micro-gas turbines powered by synthetic oil and gas used a looped system to make them energy self sufficient.All work will be automated from start to finish by robots including Tug and Botlr robots and chef robots,biosynths including biosynth bees and so on with the roof housing beehives,nests for biological controls and and can house underground and roof extensions as the population grows.Biosynth bees controlled by Farm AI will be used to pollinate flowers with prior to this robotic hands with fuzzy scoops on each finger to collect and transports pollen.If possible the use of 3D DNA printers onsite of vertical farms alongside community and home farms may allow seeds to be created on demand thus negating the need to have crops pollinated since they will be created on demand each with unique genotypes without the need for being pollinated thus negating the need for biosynth bees or real versions.3D DNA printers present will allow them to download from Physis any species of crops,fish,shellfish,bacteria and in vitro meat on demand for each order.Genetic engineering and other new technologies will speed up the growth and harvest of each batch of crops and shelfish.All crops could be further engineered to not produce flowers.All work in these such as planting,harvesting and transportation and delivery of crops,commodities and fish etc will be automated from start to finish using AI,robots,automated machinery and Biosynths etc by 2029-2045 managed by Triptolemus,Cronus and the AI in charge of each farm.These will all be linked together by the sentient operating software Triptolemus with a statue of him the lobby of all of them fitted with these and the operating software..Each vertical farm will be managed by AI that will have their own independent personality and avatar with a holographic receptionists in the lobby or main buildings with a wireless touchscreen landline phone where the statue of Triptolemus will be in the lobby of them and main buildings who will be the the sentient operating software linking them all across the world and universe.
As stated earlier multi-storey buildings can also be built in towns and villages to grow mainly exotic crops and fungi and genetically modified bacteria in order to provide the community with as much variety food crops and types and resources i.e.oils and waxes as possible to limiting transportation of crops and seeds to genetic trading and diversity assurance which can be done internationally as little as possible cutting down on energy costs.These multi-storey buildings should be used to grow as much food as possible on a as little land as possible with underground extensions and floors added to roofs as time goes by using light carbon composites to further increase the amount of food grown.Existing hydroponic farms can have multistorey vertical farms built next to them with the greenhouses they are housed in recycled or used to house labs,living spaces etc since they are too weak extra floors added with them having the crops transferred with the current space used for lab,living spaces for researchers or used to grow bacteria or fish and shellfish.Demeter namely Triptolemus will contain a listing all community and vertical farms and their stocks of crops alongside video conferencing using computers,smart devices and televisions combined can allow communities to communicate with other communities in the region/country and continent from the comfort of each persons home to plan what crops to grow to ensure each community grows a wide variety of crops and commodities with Gaia eventually aiding in this.In cities existing skyscrapers and council flats can be used as vertical farms once remodelled to grow hydroponically and aeroponically grown food, fungi and insects in spare rooms with rooftops used to grow native and non-native crops in greenhouses and aquaponic systems also built in.In urban areas especially all rooftops and all open spaces on buildings backlots,lay fields,and any available land not used for housing,manufacturing or amenities(with the exception of public gardens and parks which can grown extra bush,tree and vegetable crops) should be used as gardens to increase productivity and provide extra foraging for A.mellifera.Buildings near them or underground extensions can be used to grow certain crops especially exotic ones in solid hydroponic media so as to allow them to be harvested outside their normal in season periods while those grown outdoors can be harvested in season with this ensuring year long abundance of the crop with this applying mainly to fruit and vegetables.Greenhouse grown crops can be pollinated by Lepidoptera and Diptera and by hand or even biosynth bees while outdoor crops including hybrids in home,forest,meadow and other farms including truffle,fruit,nut trees and flowers will be pollinated by A.mellifera and Lepidoptera with each sector of all towns,villages and cities rooftops and surrounding wilderness dotted with beehives and Lepidoptera farms.Crops that require specific insects and even Aves to be pollinated will be modified to create flowers to be able to be pollinated by native arthropods and indeed all species by altering the stamen etc and make the flowers more open with this of note to exotic ones.Those in vertical farms will be pollinated by robotic hands with fuzzy fingers or in time biosynth bees controlled by the farm AI.If possible the ability of 3D DNA printers onsite of home,community and vertical farms to mass produce seeds with unique strands of DNA will possibly negate the need for biosynth bees or normal bees for pollinating crops as one will be able to create them on demand without pollination.To cut down on energy use the crops can be engineered to grow in all temperature ranges especially exotic d crops with the vertical farms using self sufficient energy technologies such as geothermal pipes that supply heating and air conditioning to provide heat and air conditioning and also if possible thermoelectric materials to provide electric with micro-gas turbines present that using tri-generation technologies and by burning fuel from gasoline and methane derived from bacteria.3D DNA printers will be on site if all vertical farms worldwide to make them self sufficient in terms of seeds.bacteria cells and eggs if fish snd shelfish
Cleaning of surfaces can be done with hooverbots and miniature janitor robots cleaning hallways,labs and plot room floors.Hydroponic/aeroponic machines holding the crops,water sprayers,piping,windows,water/nutrient tanks,recirculating aquaculture systems(internally and externally for all of the previous machines),harvester robots and pollinating robots as well as other surfaces that may be there such as countertops can be sprayed with a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent contamination of water and nutrients by bacteria that harm human and crop health,pollutants used in experiments and dirt and make them easier to clean via hand,cleaner robots,hoover bots,jets of air and gravity and also prevent them from rusting indefinitely with metal components also covered with graphene paint under this.Machinery and robots can also be composed of self healing metals,electronics and polymers to prevent them breaking down and also covered in a permanent layer of liquid glass alongside floors,walls and ceilings also covered in this layer to again prevent the spread of dirt and microbes.Miniaturised versions of repair robots can be integrated to repair damaged machinery.The vertical farm AI will automatically routinely run diagnostics on the machinery and robots on an individual and factory wide basis(logged on the AI) at set intervals to warn the community of any problems that may occur which can be solved on site or remotely via access to the wire on computers and smart devices.If a machine is damaged step by step instruction on how to repair it can be streamed from the farm AI or it can be sent to a section of the building with miniaturised versions of the robots used to create it to repair it.Hallways alongside normal CSYS lights could have UV lights in between them that continuously bake them in sterlising light for set amounts of time every day(ideally two three hours at night and when noone is present due to the health effects of it on humans) to kill any bacteria,fungi or viruses that manage to enter via the front door and travel through the air and through ventilation systems(which could also have liquid glass on all surfaces with miniature UV lights in their to prevent bacteria spreading from room to room via these)while crop rooms will not be have these as they can inhibit photosynthesis and damage their tissue.All surfaces in all rooms and on all machinery will be coated in liquid glass to prevent the build up of dirt,inhibit microbial growth preventing them from transferring them from one place to another.Elevators and stairwells will also be baked in the light during these sterilising sweeps.Alternatively nanoquadrocopters or robots equipped with UV lights on their underside,top and sides can do carry out these sweeps in each room including stairwells,hallways,lobbies and elevators at set times.These sterilising sweeps could be programmed to occur in rooms,hallways etc. at very late times when no visitors are present and when the patients are asleep with their curtains closed and last from an hour or two per room.Any remaining people their warned via the building AI which rooms are going to sterilised next with a menu in the building intranet showing a countdown as to when their room will be sweeped and a countdown as to how long it will take for their room to be sweeped with the map also showing what rooms have been done by both nanoquadrocopters and other cleaning robots.As stated earlier these sterilising sweeps can be programmed in at set times of the night or be initiated by researchers remotely when the farms are closed and not inhabited by anyone.Narrow wavelength UV should be used as it does damage human skin allowing humans to be present in any rooms being sterilised.Ideally to sterilise all rooms at once and negate the need for robots these would be on the ceiling of each room.Genetically altered bacteria and other micro-organisms such as fungi in their room can be sealed in their vats during these sweeps with ornamental and crop plants as well as bacteria that produce commodities having recombinant DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans to protect them from these sweeps.All cleaning robots and nanoquadrocopters can be stored in compartments where they can charge via wireless charging induction plates.Janitor bots can be stored here and collect water as well as bleach and virkon however if the floor has as stated earlier a permanent layer of liquid glass it will mean all stains and liquids can be picked up by hooverbots that clean hallways and plot rooms.
The software that manages and links all vertical farms including community/forest farms around the world within Demeter will be Triptolemus with the symbol being a cornucopia filled with cheese,honey,olive etc.This will render all corporations and state bodies related to agriculture defunct indefinitely.Each vertical farm will be fitted with an AI that will track and control the amount of water nutrients used,commodities from micro-organisms,crop yields,genetic lineage of each plot and individual plants,trading of seeds(logged and tracked over weeks,months.years,decades,centuries,millenia etc. on local,regional,national,continental and global scales),maintenance/diagnostics and schedules of machinery,control of environmental factors,logging and carrying out studies(and uploading them to the wire),logging inventory of all crops present as well as interacting with the AI of of other vertical farms for trading and allowing the community to order in new crops.Thus Triptolemus will link all vertical farms together alongside all community farms.Like community and home farms vertical farms should log all the crops and ornamental plants(shrubs,flowers,trees) they are growing indoors and outside(and de-register any they are not growing anymore) so as to allow the them to subscribe to alerts of the latest scientific studies on the crops and plants they are growing within Demeter to improve yields and nutrition as well as latest gardening tips and possibly recipes that contain all the crops they are growing in folders and subfolders in their farm AI with the same regarding any fish/shellfish and plant and animal commodities from bacteria also logged there.Tagging of crops plot would allow one to scan the barcode using smart devices and would hold information such as plant species and contain genetic lineage i.e. trading history of the seed of the plant and that of the plants parents,grandparents etc.alongside history of fertiliser and water applications in millilitres/litre/kilolitres and grams/kilogrammes also any genetic modifications given with the name of the gene(s) transferred and the phenotype i.e. nutritional benefit and resistance etc.listed will allow consumers and the community full transparency on what they are consuming and can be scanned in on smartdevices linked to the Demeter network.Also present will be the environmental factors over the course of its lifetime detailed above.It will also be used in efficiency and agricultural studies in both Demeter and Hermes.This barcode/tag will also be present on packaging (printed on or on a sticker) for the food and any online ordering platform within Demeter.This will also apply to all crops and food from vertical farms.Once a crop plot has been harvested the data will be deleted after stored on the the farms AI.Live camera feeds from machinery and rooms,yields of each crop,positions of machinery,environmental readings and diagnostics of all machinery will be be fed into Demeter and the farm AI allowing all members of the public worldwide to monitor the progress of all vertical farms around the world from anywhere in the world.Vertical farm AIs will manage the operations of the farm they are in control in,arrange orders of crops and resources,log resources,deal with emergencies etc replacing supervisors and managers with cameras at key points of all farms and nanosensors and in time mobile holographic technology allowing it to oversee various operations all at once replacing all human workers,quality control and supervisors etc.Cameras on robots and biosynths on the farm production line,cameras at key points of the line,key points of the plant overseeing the entire line and any blind spots and cameras on robots patrolling the farm will give the farm AI will give it complete omniscience over the entire plant with the AI deciding where to put cameras in order to prevent it having blind spots ensuring it can everything in all key rooms even lobbies with all feeds fed into the factory AI 24/7,365 days with biosynth nanosemsors detecting the level of carbon dioxide,oxygen and other gases,temperature etc in the farm and also levels of nutrients,pollutants,temperature of crops.Robots and drones will do rounds to spot faults,spills,rubbish with diagnostics done once every day on all machienry.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination,thermal and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off with lights if needed will be long lasting efficient ones such as CSYS ones.This will give the farm AI omniscience over the entire line to see what is going on.Any remaining work that can only be done by humans will inevitably be done by humanoid robots and biosynths controlled by the farm AI with them having IR illuminator and normal cameras and zoom features with them wearing an universal uniform for each farm type.All lighting in farms halways and lobbies should be CSYS lighting everywhere to cut down on energy consumption and limit there replacement to every 37 years by robots.New technology can be integrated into the lights to send measurements of how much time measured in years,months,weeks,days,hours and minutes of power is left in the lights fed into Hermes to alert these robots.To prevent waste lights will turn off when no humans are detected or can be remotely monitored through the AI and turned off by researchers who can log into this section of the AI.Energy,water and all resource use will be logged in the AI and fed into Hermes.Routine diagnostics on all systems such as lighting,robots and machinery will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated.Automated corrective measures or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public.This should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.This will also apply to environmental conditions in plots with exceptions to those used in scientific studies.