Water Treatment

Treatment & Filtration:
Water taken in from rivers or lakes for homes,agriculture and vertical farms can be treated with UV radiation and pass through a series of nano-filters composed of carbon and possibly silica composites, biosands,diatomaceous,a series of graphene sheets,tree bark or a mixture of them in order to improve efficiency at preventing viruses,bacteria,spores,heavy metals and pollutants such as pharmaceuticals from entering water systems.These and UV treatments can reduce need for using chlorine and other harsh chemicals.Sensors along all parts of this system can measure concentration of all metals,pollutants and other substances present along all steps meaning if filtration is not 100% or within acceptable limits then water than be rerouted in these situations back to the begging where it then passes through the same process and if for example graphene is dirty and dirt and other materials build up the incoming pumped water can be temporarily stopped so the graphene can be removed and other stored new sheets can be put in its place to allow the process to restart(with extra energy used to pump in the replacement water that was lost while the process was temporarily stopped) while it is either disposed of or treated to remove all collected waste and stored until the 2nd (or even 3rd)set of sheet(s) are clogged with materials in a rotary system.Both macro and micro algae can be integrated into water treatment plants in order clean up pollutants such as heavy metals and pharmaceuticals etc.alongside graphene which can be turned into commercial products or if deemed unsafe for human use and consumption can be pyrolosised into biochar for production of graphene,diamonds or fertilisers.Used graphene sheets can be replaced or either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely with all steps involved in this automated.Other genetically modified bacteria can also be created to clean up waste in water treatment plants that do not require nitrogen and phosphorous can be utilized and then killed by UV radiation,then collected in graphene sheets and then disposed of through pyrolysis or other methods.All waste collected by these will be sent to Aphrodite factories once turned into base elements to be reused over and over again.Used graphene sheets can be either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely.Graphene sheets should easily remove all pollutants from water samples and even prevent microbeads from entering the municipal supply and and thus the human body with if possible super bacteria that degrade plastic similar to the later detailed super phytoplankton can be used.Environmental conditions these systems can be altered in order to carry out scientific studies on the ability of micro and macro algae to bioremediate certain toxins and at the same measure yields of different species.Parts of the water treatment plants can be sloped and/or hold water back to allow for turbines to be installed that can generate electricity to power the building and even fed into the national grid.Ideally rivers and lakes should be used to provide water for all towns,villages and cities near them with treated water returning it to its source and waste water treatments plants should be located upstream from where water is extracted or back to the groundwater reservoir to return the water to the source above where it is extracted to keep the levels of water constant with this applied to existing rivers with new ones built upstream of plants that intake water from rivers and the old one then converted into homes.This can even directly upstream or right next to the water treatment plants as part of hubs with sewage treatment plants also part of these allowing the statue of Tyche to be at the entrance to these hubs.The former waste water and sewage treatment plants would be converted into homes.Water treatment plants on the surface can provide water for nearby underground communities via piping with the water treated in these communities pumped back into the source rivers or them pumped upto the surface water treatment plants.Atom thick nanomaterials derived from all 94 elements similar to graphene combined with biosynth technology will be researched as a means to purify water to acceptable drinking standards to remove pollutants much more cheaply using less energy and toxins.



The methods used in the slingshot water purifier can also be integrated into the system of water purification to cut down on energy costs and remove any unfiltered material.The same machinery to and level of engineering to grow algae will be used here as in sewage treatment plants.

Micro algae can be used to clean water coming in and out of the water treatment plants.This can apply to both water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants.Methods will be devised to recycle the nitrogen,phosphorous etc using algae and still remove pollutants to allow it to be used as fertiliser etc.Most species of algae used to recover the phosphorous,potassium and nitrogen take a mere 3 to 6 weeks to grow before harvesting but genetic engineering could theoretically shorten this to a week,several,days maybe even hours and make them grow and reproduce faster using genes from other bacteria such as Escherichia coli,Clostridium perfringens and Bdellovibrio.Ideally C.perfringens should be used a a source of this as it grows the fastest taking only 10 minutes to divide and create a new generation.cratch DNA can be added to ensure this takes 1-5 minutes with DNA also coming from fast growing plants such as certain species of Bambusoideae,micro algae etc.To deal with any issues of telomere damage as a result of mitosis the same DNA from Bacillus F,Thermococcus gammatolerans and those to produce phosphatidylcholines etc used in ageing treatments for humans except those from endolithic bacteria will ensure all future cells will be healthy young cells and not degrade due to mitosis with if possible induced plutipotent,totipotent and other stem cells used as a baseline.Recombinant DNA from macro algae that grow 30-60 times faster than terrestrial plants can be added to them in order to further speed up growth rates including that from Laminaria digitata,Fucus serratus,Saccharina latissima,Macrocystis pyrifera and other fast growing algea will be added to increase growth rates.To ensure the yields are consistent and sewage plants don’t overflow existing sewage and water treatment plants could have extensions built into them that allow the algae to grow in one area or bioreacters while other ponds and/or bioreacters collects fresh waste and when the first few area or pond is harvested for algae and emptied then the next few ones are used in a rotary system.The same apparatus to grow algae in defunct sequestrian plants and power plants should be utilised alongside these with in indoor extensions on the the roof or underground to allow LED lights to grow them all day long.To improve yields a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing.Capnophile DNA will allow them to intake more carbon dioxide as a food source possibly increasing growth rates.Ideally the cyanobacteria should be be faculative anaerobic using recombinant DNA from faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the algae genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S).Oligotrophic and xerophile recombinant DNA will also allow them to use less water and nutrients with this alongside capnophile DNA will increase growth rates and increase yields.Forced evolution can increase this efficiency.Capnophillic bacteria and Castanea dentata tweaked can be a source of recombinant DNA that could allow them to intake more carbon dioxide to not only compliment their decrease of nutrient and water intake from xerophiles and oligotrophic bacteria could also increase their growth rates especially in the case of those grown in sewage treatment plants where extra carbon dioxide can be pumped in to improve growth with studies done to ensure it doesnt affect nutrient content especially if all sources of DNA are mixed in together to prevent any shortfalls such as lower nutrient content.Bambusoideae DNA can be added as some species can intake 35% more carbon dioxide than trees with other trees that intake large amounts of carbon dioxide will have their DNA added such as Juglans nigra,Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus ponderosa will be added to further increase the amount of carbon dioxide intaken.Scratch DNA could ensure nutrient levels are not affected and are in fact increased.This could also be applied to those in community and home farms.The recombinant DNA from capnophile bacteria may require aerotolerant bacteria DNA to ensure they can do so in the high oxygen atmosphere outside since these bacteria can only do so in low oxygen conditions with even faculative anaerobic bacteria DNA added.If possible they may be fitted with DNA from plants that are able to undergo C4 concentration Amaranthaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Asteraceae,Brassicaceae,Paulownia to limit the amount of carbon dioxide they need and if combined with capnophillic bacteria DNA and scratch DNA will be more efficient at using this gas in them.DNA from microbes can extract carbon from the air at much lower concentrations than 150-200ppm,scratch DNA and that from plants that carry out C3 photosynthesis can be added to the genome of all algae to improve efficiency with them engineered to utilise carbon dioxide more efficiently.DNA from with DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria,Nitrosomas Beggiatoa,Cupriavidus necator can allow them to intake methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron and other inorganic compounds can also allow them to grow in the dark cutting down on energy costs for lightening and use methane,hydrogen gas,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,iron as fertiliser.That from Firmicutes will allow them to form endospores when conditions are not favourable.Halophile DNA will allow them to use sea and freshwater with those from metalltolarants,Geobacter mettalireducens and scratch allow them to use pollutants such as heavy metals and pharmaceuticals that happen to enter sewage treatment plants as an energy source breaking them down into benign compounds.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,chemosynthetic bacteria and those from scratch will allow them to grow in all wavelengths outside their normal range and survive UV radiation and radiation treatments used to kill pathogens while DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these algae to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again and encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise it and also provide maximum growth rates.Oligotrophic and xerophile DNA can allow for them to use less water and nutrients to increase yields.That from thermophiles,psychrphiles,mesophiles will allow them to survive a wide range of temperature ranges cutting down energy costs.Genes from psychrophillic bacteria that can grow at between -20 and 10 degrees Celsius or mesophilles that can grow 20-45 degrees Celsius can be added to the algeas genome to lower energy costs significantly with DNA from thermophilles including Methanopyrus kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including lower temperatures and also higher ones that would kill pathogens and improve growth rates.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including lower temperatures and also higher ones that would kill pathogens.Having all threes DNA added to algae will increase growth speeds in all climates and weather conditions allowing them to lower cooling costs in warm conditions and heating costs in cold climates and conditions with the temperature controlled by the building AI.It would also allow them to be exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees to kill off pathogens with this done alongside drying them and exposing them to radiation with the xerophile,thermophile and T.gammatolerans DNA will protect the algea from radiation,high temperatures and low water levels.DNA made from scratch will better integrate this recombinant DNA and better increase their effects and limits further increasing growth rates.This will also make them resistant to radiation applied to kill off pathogens with all of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation low levels of nutrients and water and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill of pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Radiation can be applied at each step using both super blasts of super high intensity UV light but also normal radiation at rates between 500Gy-1,000Gy using machinery that creates this to kill pathogens in the slurry and even effluent.The mixture and effluent will also be dried and even heated to temperatures of at least 100 degrees celcius or higher once forced evolution makes this possible with this eliminating all pathogens from the mixture and also effluent allowing it to be used as fertiliser as well as human,pet and human feed.This can allow the radiation to not only kill pathogens but also encourage algae growth with the feces and urine exposed to the radiation before adding algae to sterilise it and then after adding algae to sterilise it again but to constantly encourage algae growth and the radiation applied throughout the growth of the algea to increase growth rates thus speeding up the amount of time it takes for each batch of sewage is converted into algae and sterilise it constantly of pathogens with studies done as to which range between 500-30,000Gy can increase growth rates and it routinely heated above 100 degree Celsius to not only encourage growth but kill off pathogens at the start,mid point and end to sterilise it as well due to thermophile DNA.Thus radiotrophic and radioresistant bacteria and fungi DNA can allow radiation to be applied to the algae constantly to encourage growth rates but also sterilise it constantly as well with thermophile DNA also doing the same when it is heated at 100-200 degrees celciusThe genetic engineering will increase the rate at which algae can turn the sewage in the form of feces,urine and also toilet paper etc into algae used for livestock,pet and human feedstock and also fertiliser.The radiation treatments alongside drying and warming the algae well beyond the threshold of pathogens will allow all algae to continue to recycle the algae with this done at various steps before the algae are introduced or after and even during their breakdown of the feces and urine.Humans can also be immunised against all faecal coliforms with the algae also dried and even exposed to high temperatures beyond the threshold of most pathogens alongside radiation all at once to prevent the pathogens adapting.The Firmicutes DNA can allow the algae to enter endospores while pathogens are killed.As detailed later on biogas produced by the algae can be collected and used to power the plants with the carbon dioxide created by burning the fuel can be used to feed the algae in a looped system speeding up growth further.Extra carbon could also come from artificial trees residing outside that collect extra carbon dioxide(roughly one tonne per day) and using a system detailed later on can supply this automatically to increase the levels of carbon dioxide present with this controlled by the municipality AI.This system should be integrated into existing and new water treatment plants.All surfaces used to grow algae and house liquid and solid waste should be covered in liquid glass to prevent them sticking on the surfaces and ensure all of them is collected.Phosphates,nitrogen and potassium from algae detergents should be recaptured and recycled here for use in fertilisers for crops but also producing even more algae.In time phosphates will be replaced with more sustainable alternatives such as zeolites,sodium carbonate and citric acid but with the use of liquid glass on clothing detergents may become obsolete.All trace and heavy metals and other useful chemicals can be collected from the treated water to be recycled for commercial uses when sent to Aphrodite buildings using graphene and other methods like porous inorganic materials that capture them creating looped systems.If possible bacteria through new DNA can be engineered to produce enzymes anf bio based alternatives to replace phosphates,zeolites etc in detergents and cleaning oroducts for dishwashers.Liquid glass sprayed onto kitchen utensils will allow them to be cleaned by gravity with it on clothing eliminating the need for detergents etc.Micro fibres of plastics could be captured by graphene or by having the algae house DNA from plastic degrading species of bacteria as detailed later on with 3D DNA printers onsite of all water treatment plants.Liquid glass will be coated onto all pens holding sewage and vats etc growing the algae to negate cleaning and ensure all of it is collected.All of these measures should be introduced to existing water treatment plants to cut down on energy and improve efficiency with any new developments in filtration and treatment methods being also introduced by researchers with extensions to them added overtime on roofs or underground to accommodate an increasing population managed by the plant AI based on increased inflow and cross referencing Polis.3D DNA printers to print out algae will be present in all water treatment plants


DNA from thermophilles including M.kandleri also added to allow them to grow inbetween 80-122 degrees celcius.Forced evolution could push the limits of these extremophiles thus allow new genes to be added to the algae that could allow them to thrive in harsher conditions including higher temperatures as high as 200-300 degrees Celsius that would kill pathogens.Radiation can be applied at each step using both super blasts of super high intensity UV light but also normal radiation at rates between 500Gy-1,000Gy using machinery that creates this to kill pathogens and parasites in the slurry and even effluent.The mixture and effluent will also be dried and even heated to temperatures of at least 100 degrees Celsius or higher once forced evolution makes this possible for algae to survive as high as 200 degrees Celsius with this eliminating all parasites and pathogens from the mixture and also effluent allowing it to be used as fertiliser as well as human,pet and human feed.The genetic engineering will increase the rate at which algae can turn the sewage in the form of feces,urine and also toilet paper etc into algae used for livestock,pet and human feedstock and also fertiliser.It can also be fitted with scratch DNA and recombinant DNA from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that break down all types of pollutants.Oligotrophic and xerophile DNA can allow them to survive being dried and starved of nutrients to kill pathogens and parasites.T.gammatolerans DNA can protect from doses of radiation up to 30,000Gy.Firmicutes DNA can allow them to enter endospores when in unfavourable conditions such as too cold,hot,dry,resource scarce that can kill pathogens.DNA from T.gammatolerans,Bacillus F,A.mexicanum and Planarians etc can be present to repair cellular and telomere damage.All of these sources of recombinant DNA used to make the algae survive radiation,enter endospores,low levels of nutrients and water,high temperatures used to kill pathogens and increase growth rates will be housed in genome capsids that prevent them passed onto pathogens with the resultant algae exposed to high blasts of radiation of at least 1,000Gy and drying to kill off pathogens and not the algae thus making the algae produce safe for animal and human consumption and use as fertiliser.Humans can also be immunised against all faecal coliforms and parasites with the algae also dried and even exposed to high temperatures beyond the threshold of most pathogens and parasites alongside radiation all at once to prevent the pathogens and parasites adapting.The radiation treatments alongside drying and warming the algae well beyond the threshold of pathogens will allow all algae to continue to recycle the algae with this done at various steps before the algae are introduced or after and even during their breakdown of the feces and urine.Humans can also be immunised against all coliforms and parasites.These pathogens and parasites that will be killed off include Naegleria fowleri,Acanthamoeba,Cestoda,E.coli,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.The green micro algae as part of sewage treatment plants that turns human waste into usable nitrogen and phosphorous fertiliser can have enzymes in them that degrade the cellulose in the toilet paper and wipes etc made from them and turn it into carbohydrate nutrition.They can also do this with silk and other animal and plant textiles as part of baby wipes and toilet paper added for strength.They will be engineered to degrade all plant and animal textiles used in baby wipes and toilet paper and also any organic matter in the form of oils,kitty litters with if possible even plastics and kitty litter degraded into nutrition by them with scratch DNA increasing the rate of degradation alongside forced evolution.The algae would be engineered to degrade kitty litter and all plant and animal textiles in toilet paper and baby wipes into carbohydrates for use as energy and nutrition for the algae.Baby wipes could have strong carbohydrates,silk in place of plastics or bio plastics also degraded by the algae as well.Algae used to clean sewage will have recombinant DNA from from rubber,hydrocarbon and phytalate degrading bacteria,Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6,Pestalatiopsis microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but again removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild),Aspergillus tubingensis,oil degrading bacteria including those from the genus Geobacter,fungi that breakdown plastics and bacteria present in mealworms and waxworms which can also degrade plastic all combined into them will allow them to be able to degrade baby wipes,fatbergs and also any plastics present with them also engineered to degrade all plant textiles and paper pulp with scratch DNA speeding up the rate of this degradation with them using the plastic as nutrition.Scratch DNA alongside that from multicellular and unicellular plants will be added to degrade all types of plastics,pharmaceuticals,plant and animal textiles,oils(including plant and animal ones and gasoline etc) and also all pollutants and use them as nutrition and increase the rate at which it degrades.

If possible water can be treated normally but include new more efficient processes to clean the water and have it sterilised including exposing it to strong blasts of radiation that will be able to have the wastewater collected into one area including in a extension where it is completely sterilised and if possible have nothing but the treated water left like as normal and it collected in an extension where in a treated and sterilised form that consists of nothing but nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium and the algae can be used to recycle and use up all of the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.All phosphorus in the form of phosphates and nitrogen in wastewater will be collected and the water used to grow the algae with ideally the wastewater separated from the phosphates etc.This could eliminate the chances of consumers being infected from pathogens.AI in the form of Tyche will find out ways to recycle the nutrients in sewage without leading up humans being infected with coliforms.Photobioreactors can be present to grow algae using phosphates in basements.Wastewater can be pumped into storage areas once sterilised.Algae will be used to recycle phosphates in the water and prevent them entering the ocean and rivers that would cause algae blooms etc.The algae can also using genes from bacteria such as Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6,Pestalatiopsis microsporio which can live on polyurethene(but again removing its ability to cause plant rot in case it escapes into the wild),Aspergillus tubingensis, that degrade plastics to allow it to degrade micro beads abd microfibres of plastics in wastewater that is collected from the treatment plants through Graphene sheets.3D DNA printers will be on site of all water treatment plants worldwide to make them self sufficient in terms of algae

Super blasts of super high intensity UV light have been shown in Athlone Institute of Technology to kill off all antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria/parasites and also break down all known Hormone endocrine disruptors,pharmaceuticals and other toxic compounds before being introduced into the worlds rivers.This could be integrated into all steps of the treatment process especially where water enters the plant and where it enters the water supply to the populace.It does this by breaking down the bonds that hold chemicals together.Rejuvenation of wetlands in the way of water to where it is pumped into the water treatment plant and where it enters the municipal supply to break down any remaining pollutants and bacteria.Bamboo can be incorporated into these as well and this process can even provide homes for wildlife and sequester carbon dioxide.Nanosensors can be placed in and after these wetlands to monitor their efficacy with them at every step to measure efficacy visible to the public.Use of algae in water treatment alongside,graphene,UV treatments and wetlands and other biological processes can cut down on the need for harsh chemicals and energy use to clean water.Machinery must be developed for water plants to separate the cellulose from the micro and macro algae from the oils and other components thus allowing cellulose to be shipped automatically to textile factories and oil and other components to be shipped to farms and community centres as animal and human feed and fertilisers managed by Persephone.Otherwise they can be sent to factories where they are mixed into custom made fertilisers for consumers in the region with biochar from pyrolysis plants.All of these measures should be introduced to existing water treatment plants to cut down on energy and improve efficiency with any new developments in filtration and treatment methods being also introduced by researchers with extensions made to them underground or on the roofs to facilitate and increasing population organised by the plant AI based on increased inflow and cross referencing Polis.Until nanosensors are advanced enough robots that collect water at each point can be used to detect levels of bacteria and other contaminants with gram staining and identification via cameras also being automated through a conveyor system.These should be in areas where groundwater is prone to pollution especially where methane hydrates naturally occur in rivers and groundwater with any methane detected by nanosensors and separated from the water and transported to local energy plants or released into the atmosphere.All steps in water treatment plants can and should be automated with automated corrective measures for all possible problems built into the AI of each facility.The avatar of each water treatment plant AI will be designed by those that maintain it with each AI having its own separate and independent personality and legal name.Adopting these automated measures and efficiency ones into existing and new treatment plants can be achieved worldwide by 2029.All steps will be applied in both water treatment plants intaking water and those that treat and send treated water back into rivers,lakes and oceans.


Any gas created by the algae can be collected into gas micro-turbines to capture biogas from algae treating the water and turning it into commercial products such as fertilisers and food products while the gas collected is burned to power the plant and carbon dioxide released is used by the algae to grow creating a looped system which prevents methane returning to the atmosphere with excess energy shared with the locale community to alleviate strain on the grid.If possible treatment plants can be designed to have slopes at the point where treated water returns to rivers and oceans with graphene turbines to generate electricity that power the plant itself and also fed into the local grid as well as powering Storedot batteries that keep them going when blackouts occur.


In relation to towns,villages and cities near the oceans desalinisation plants is the best option alleviating strains on rivers and lake in the region and thus all towns,villages and cities by the coast will use these with conventional water treatment plants that serve coastal cities converted into homes or serve the adjoining inland cities.Underwater communities will use desalinisation plants for all their water needs with underground communities near the coast also using this.Islands will have miniaturised ones or even underwater ones that transport the water to the surface via pipes.All water once treated will be transported back into the ocean alongside the salt.Thus all towns and cities by the sea and even those on islands should have these with nearby treatment plants ideally nextdoor returning it to the water to the ocean.This should be of note to those in coastal areas in deserts.Thus all cities,villages,towns by the coast and islands around the world will utilise desalinisation plants that use graphene and other nanomaterials derived from all 94 elements as well as biosynth technology that reduce energy costs by 99% with them also feeding towns and cities inland especially in desert areas and those prone to heatwaves with the treated water dumped into rivers and lakes upstream to increase their volume especially during dry seasons and drought and in deserts with the water eventually  returning to the ocean directly or through evaporation as part of the hydrological cycle with AI developing measures to ensure the levels of brine and salt in the water is constant with measures adopted that can reduce water usage by 90-95% in all sectors of society with this also used to refill depleted ground water supplies and aquifers around the world.Graphene sheets in layers,other nanomaterials from all 92 elements of the same structure as well as biosynth technology can reduce the energy required for the desalination process by as much as 99% thus making this more affordable to gain water this way.It will thus make it viable for all towns,villages and cities by the coast worldwide.Algae will be used to remove nitrogen etc and recycle it as fertiliser if it doesn’t create an imbalance in the ecosystem.Machinery,piping(inside and outside) and computers alongside all surfaces in side the plant can be coated in a layer of graphene paint and then a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent corrosion and build up of dirt making cleaning easier as well as protecting them from the seawaters acids.Once again sensors along all parts of this system can measure concentration of all metals,pollutants and other substances present along all steps alongside salinity meaning if filtration is not 100% or within acceptable limits then water than be rerouted in these situations back to the beginning where it then passes through the same process again and if for example the graphene sheets are dirty and dirt and other materials build up the incoming pumped water can be temporarily stopped so the graphene can be removed and other stored new sheets can be put in its place to allow the process to restart(with extra energy used to pump in the replacement water that was lost while the process was temporarily stopped) while it is either disposed of or treated to remove all collected waste and stored until the 2nd (or even 3rd)set of sheet(s) are clogged with materials in a rotary system.Used graphene sheets can be replaced or either pyrolysised or disposed of in compost or even treated to have the pollutants removed on site and then reused indefinitely with all steps involved in this automated.Super blasts of super high intensity UV light will also be used to cut down the use of chlorine etc Desalinated water could be transported to landlocked areas prone droughts to alleviate strain on stressed rivers and water tables and be pumped into and stored into water towers or large underground bunkers devoted to storing it long term for long periods of time say years for the next drought that comes around or returned to the ocean/water cycle.As stated earlier on underground pipes will transport to them either during droughts or all year long to alleviate strains on them.These water towers and bunkers would be sprayed internally and externally with graphene paint and then liquid glass to prevent rusting and leaching of heavy metals into the water with nanosensors keeping an eye on levels of pollutants with corrective measures such as graphene and algae used to filter out pollutants with the same level of engineering and machinery used here as in sewage treatment plants.Alternatively during a drought excess water could be taken by the desalination plants and then transported to these areas anywhere in the world via the Ophion system.It could also be used in reforestation attempts in the Amazon and Philippians and ensure continuous vegetation growth in community and home farms as well as ensure trees in forests do not dry out via trapping it the soil.The salt and brine left behind can be treated and captured for commercial uses such as table salt and transported to vertical farm distribution centres or community centres in the country in bulk in set amounts set in the community centre or farm AI by communities which can be altered by hand or by software that measures the supply and demand of salt ordered in from Demeter alleviating the need for mining of salt from the earth.Persephone will also manage this.In this case the salt would return to the ocean with in time when picotech fabricators are developed they will render mining the ocean and Earth defunct  and all salt recycled from the ocean will be returned there for ever with that from picotech fabricators will be recycled in sewage treatment plants forever.The same will be done with regards to bath salts with sensors as part of Theoi Meteroi measuring the salinity of the ocean and if too low salt created by picotech fabricators will be dumped in the ocean or if too high then the excess will be removed from the ocean and added to a lopped system.This used water and brine can be returned to the ocean gradually via allowing the salt to return in treated waste and sewage water in waste water and sewage treatment plants or collected in graphene sheets to ensure the salinity of the water in the world oceans stays constant to prevent it from affecting wildlife and currents.Measures will be developed by AI to ensure the same amount of water and brine will be returned to the ocean.Other important elements such as magnesium chloride for solar panels and quantum dot technology,lithium for electronics and medicines,deuterium for regional fusion power plants,nitrogen,potassium and phosphorous for fertilisers can be extracted from the ocean here with specialised apparatus with there levels returned to normal via picotech fabricators if low levels affect the ecosystem.Eventually nano-robotics that can collect once attached to pollutants and salt may become sufficiently advanced enough to complete all of the steps of this process.Once again the same super blasts of UV light and wetlands used in other water treatment plants can be integrated into where water is taken in and returned to the source ocean to again save energy and also remove any remaining pollutants etc.These wetlands can include plants engineered to survive the saline conditions.These measures particularly graphene(to cut down energy) should be introduced to existing desalination plants to improve resource efficiency with any new developments in filtration and treatment methods being also introduced by researchers.Parts of the desalinisation plants can be sloped and/or hold water back to allow for turbines to be installed that can generate electricity to power the building and even fed into the national grid.All steps in desalination treatment plants can and should be automated with automated corrective measures for all possible problems built into the AI of each facility.Adopting these automated measures and efficiency ones can be achieved worldwide by 2029.The avatar of each desalinisation AI will be designed by those that maintain it with each AI having its own separate and independent personality and legal name.Extensions can be made underground or ontop of the building overtime by the plant AI to keep up with demand of a growing population based on increased inflow and cross referencing Polis.Atom thick nanomaterials derived from all 94 elements similar to graphene coupled with biosynth technology will be researched as a means to purify water to acceptable drinking standards to remove pollutants much more cheaply using less energy and toxins.

Miniaturised desalinisation plants can be onsite floating cities,communal homes on oil rigs and cruise ships and even homes by the coast.

Micro and macro algae used to clean water in desalination and water treatment plants will be shipped to either vertical farms,community centres or pyrolysis plants automatically with the places they are sent to programmed by the public as detailed later on.Ideally they will be irradiated or sterilised to prevent pathogens contaminating them with them having artificial trees on the roof to pump in extra oxygen to intake carbon dioxide with this used to sequester carbon dioxide once pyrolysised.If an areas is experiencing cold snaps and cold winters than both desalinisation and water treatment plants will heat the water to a warm temperature to prevent ice forming in pipes in homes and under streets.Geothermal heating could be integrated into this.The same cleaning methods as for normal water treatment plants including radiation treatments and use of graphene and bark filters will be used in all steps of desalinisation plants.Adopting these automated measures and efficiency ones into existing and new treatment plants can be achieved worldwide by 2029.All steps will be applied in both water treatment plants intaking water and those that treat and send treated water back into rivers,lakes and oceans.

Plants can even transporting water underground in pipes or via automated trucks(coated internally and externally with liquid glass) that interact with the city AIs water use to towns and cities in desert countries much farther inland away from oceans and to again relieve stress on water tables,aquifers,rivers and other water bodies during droughts and the vast majority of the year since ocean levels stay constant regardless of the weather.Thus underground pipes could connect desalination plants to towns and cities farther inland to provide all of their water for agriculture and showers etc or alleviate strains on the local rivers,lakes,wetlands with interactions from Theoi Meteroi transporting water inland once droughts and dry spells are about to arrive though ideally if possible they would provide all water with the used water when treated returned to the nearest body of water connected to the ocean to eventually return to the ocean directly or via evaporation in any landlocked seas and lakes or in the case of urban areas away from rivers it would using piping return back to the water treatment plants by the desalination plants it originated from or a second one built it with a separate AI.This would have the added benefit of the water entering rivers and lakes increase their volume especially during droughts and of note to the developing world in particular Africa,India and China as well as the Middle East with them entering the lake and river and then the ocean once treated and used and them also through evaporation increasing the amount of cloud cover with rain rich clouds.The pipes that pump the water into the lakes and rivers will ideally be still underground when in the lake or river bed with treated water from both water and sewage treatment plants pumped into these water bodies and would do so at the highest point possible of the river.Isolated communities in mountains that rely on glaciers for rainwater now lost from global warming and climate change will utilise this until carbon dioxide levels return to 280ppm and the levels of rainwater return and will also utilise this after this for a growing demand any random changes in weather.This system will be of note to Africa,Asia and the Middle East that have high populations and also are in desertified areas with them rendering the vast majority of water treatment plants defunct that will be turned into communal homes with AI determining which ones are to be converted into homes and which remain,how much water is transported by dealinisation and which areas across the world are fed this water and when with the pipes leading to large distribution buildings derived by large treatment plants or underground buildings that divert the water to each densely populated areas that require the water in a controlled manner.Unlike rivers which require ranifalls to replenish them the oceans water will remain constant all year long due to it being where most of the worlds water begins and ends in the hydrological cycle meaning by putting treated water into the uppermost parts of rivers it will eventually return to the ocean.Furthermore 70% of the planet is covered in water with the water in rivers and lakes that can only be accessed as drinkeable being only 1.2% of the worlds water meaning the worlds oceans contains much more untapped sources of water.It means that even in times of drought and in deserts there will always be a constant supply of water since the levels of water in the oceans will be constant all year round and since the water will be dumped once treated into the uppermost part of lakes and rivers it will ensure they are of a volume enough to support the local ecosystems even in times of droughts and the water will eventually return to the ocean via the hydro logical cycle since the worlds oceans are not affected by drought.This will used by all coastal town,cities,villages and even landlocked cities and towns etc will alleviate strains on rivers and lakes either all year round or only during droughts and or certain times of the year managed by AI with AI deciding when during the year to have landlocked areas use desalinated water or at all times with all settlements at the coast will use desalinated water.Landlocked towns and cities in Africa,Asia namely China and also the Middle East as well as in America and Austrailia will utilise the system of having underground pipes from deasalinisation plants due to them being heavily populated,house large deserts,prone to droughts both before and after carbon dioxide levels are returned to 280ppm with even parts of Europe using this.All towns,villages and cities worldwide by the coast will utilise desalinisation plants especially those whose rivers and groundwater supplies are overstressed ie Jakarta with these then connected to the other landlocked cities and towns in.Towns and cities inland depending on their size will still continue to use more efficient water treatment plants that extract it from local rivers,lakes etc with them working some of the time and since treated water from the ocean will end up in them they will never be too low or overstressed as some of the treated water from desalinisation plants will be reused over and over again before returning to the ocean.AIs in charge of the desalinsation plants,water treatment plants,home and buildings AIs of all buildings present,mayor and governeor AIs will interact with each other constantly and will be able manage how how much water is used from the ocean,lakes,rivers etc all around the year to prevent lakes and rivers becoming exhausted and also prevent the same occurring with the ocean.In the case of The Middle East in particular Iran,Turkey and Iran,Africa and Asia having the treated used water deposited into the uppermost part of the rivers will increase their volume preventing fish kills etc or it drying up in the middle of droughts and allow for them to be used by normal plants as well and prevent rivers being starved with depleted ground water reserves refilled using this and it then returning to the hydrological cycle through transpiration of plants.The demolishing and decommisioning of dams worldwide in favour of geothermal will return rivers to their normal flow and reducing levels of carbon dioxide back to pre industrial levels of 280pm will stabilise rainfall patterns.Reforesting farmland with forests,meadows etc will return transpiration to the hydrological cycle worldwide.Swarms of biosynth Arthropoda can inject all plants in wilderness areas worldwide with oligotrophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA to allow them to require less water and be better at releasing excess water intaken back into the atmosphere thus they will once in taking normal levels of water from rainwater will release extra water they would normally require thus increasing the amount of water in the atmosphere thus increasing rainwater for groundwater,rivers etc with this applied to wild animals as well and this passed down to future generations by advanced gene drive technology.However simulations will be done to see that this does not create or leave extra water vapour in the atmosphere that can be a potent greenhouse gas.AI namely Tyche will seize control of the distribution of water worldwide including control of all water treatment,desalinisation plants  to negate private and state control to manage its extraction and use more efficiently when working with Aristeus and Hestia etc it will develop ways to more efficiently allocate water to homes,factories and homes and at the same time conduct research improve water efficiency in all sectors of society  worldwide such as agriculture,buildings and homes,manufacturing etc.Marine cloud brightening can be used to direct clouds of rainwater to not only deserts but to lakes,rivers,aquifers and groundwater supplies worldwide  all year long to ensure levels of water stay constant prior to and after all coastal and landlocked communities are weaned off ground water supplies and aquifers and even water from rivers etc with by 2029-2100 the use of groundwater supplies and aquifers as well as water from rivers etc becoming replaced with that from desalinisation plants and looped systems from picotech fabricators accounting for 70-100% of the worlds water supply managed entirely by AI.Areas like Jakarta that have depleted their ground water will use this system or just use desalinisation to meet its water needs with desalinisation used by all major cities by the coast worldwide with depleted aquifers and groundwater supplies all around the world refilled with this thus allowing plants to use it and release it as transpiration back into the hydrological cycle in a looped system.Lakes and seas such as Boeung Kak and the Aral Sea could have this system of water from desalinisation plants applied to them while other measures are used to reduce impact on the lakes etc ie using vertical farms and crops using Firmicutes and xerophile DNA,using bacteria based commodities and if possible redivert any rivers that fed them that were diverted,removing irrigation systems and refilling canals ie destroying the Karakum Canal and other smaller canals with Boeung Kak have all sand dug up and possibly used as construction material and have the lake refilled via these pipes or if possible flood tunnel systems where holes open up during heavy rains like monsoons in the area and will collect in tunnels and them pumping the rainwater into the lake gradually overtime during the year to keep the water level constant and excess used as drinking water with if need be the lake dug slightly deeper to accommodate extra water with this done once carbon dioxide levels fall back to 280ppm.Both of these and other lakes will have all farms and cities etc especially Ashgabat,Phnom Penh around them utilise underground pipes from desalinisation plants with the used water pumped into these seas,lakes or any other nearby rivers connected to the ocean and these lakes/seas once treated and the water returning to the ocean via evaporation and rivers with this done to refill them and maintain a constant level.For example Ashgabat would use water from these underground pipes from desalinisation plants at the Persian Gulf or even water treatment plants and underground pipes from the Amu Darya river or those that feed the Caspian Sea with the treated water then returned to the source river right next to or above where the water is extracted from these rivers via underground pipes in the case of rivers with those from the Persian Gulf emptied into the Tigris or Euprhates River.Farmland surrounding the Aral sea will be replaced by vertical farms in Ashgabat and small villages using them also in community farms and vertical farms using pipes from the Amu Darya River and Persian Gulf with cotton replaced by Seacell in sewage treatment plants and also bacteria creating cotton and other fibres with all crops having recombinant DNA from oligotrophs,xerophiles and Firmicutes.All species of sea fauna such as fish will be reared in large numbers using the Phanes method in recirculating aquaculture systems in nearby villages and cities not only for conservation efforts but also for future fishing negating the need for have to fish the sea for fish once it is returned to its original state.Reforestation of the deserts surrounding the Aral Sea into hybrid meadow,grassland,forest farms will increase evaporation with them fed water from desalinisation plants to provide food and wilderness at the same time to increase its size back to its original state in the early half of the 20th century in part also due to a combination of reducing carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm with eventually evaporation able to carry out normally with transpiration from reforested land increasing rainfall.This will apply to all types of seas and lakes etc damaged by human actions with Boeung kak lake also have all construction developments destroyed and diverted to other areas ideally even underground,the Aral Sea have shipwrecks with the root cause of the reason for their destruction addressed with AI perfecting this by at least 2029.Thus lakes and rivers that have been decimated by human activity will be refilled by these measures including the use of underground pipes diverting water from desalinisation plants to urban areas next to them that will be filled up with treated water.AI namely Pan,Tyche and Theoi Meteroi will by 2029 develop measures to return lakes and rivers decimated by overexploitation of water to their former glory and also ways to refill depleted groundwater ie in Jakarta.Any new urban areas or increased amounts of homes in an area created would require pipes that can connect to or run parallel to the originals that would be scanned into Artemis.Ideally the water will be once treated be pumped into the highest point of the source river with if need be extra water pumped here to increase evaporation rates that will create rain rich clouds with this and pipes also used to create grasslands,meadows and jungles will through transpiration increase rainfall in the area with reducing carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm will aid this.Geoengineering that is automated drones releasing automated drones above the atmosphere will force these clouds to release the water in controlled bursts over areas they are especially drought stricken areas.This water would return to the hydro logical when water and sewage treatment plants return them to rivers especially over exploited ones with those of coastal cities that use them directly would return the water directly to the ocean again via sewage and water treatment plants by the coast or they could be transported to the nearest lake or river connected to the ocean when treated by local water and sewage treatment plants so as to eventually return to the ocean.To deal with an expanding population the river can be dug up and the silt and soil used for agricultural purposes with the rivers and lakes becoming bigger overtime but the level of water in the ocean remaining constant.If they become too big then water can be taken from these expanding waterways to keep the level constant.By having the treated water from sewage and water treatment plants dumped into nearby lakes and rivers connected to the ocean will keep the oceans water level constant and also make the rivers large enough to hold fish either local species and also new species with the salt as usual returned to the ocean via desalinisation plants at the ocean.This will play a role in reforesting the Sahara and all of the worlds deserts.

This could apply to towns and cities nearby to ocean based cities in non desertified cities in Europe,America that experience heatwaves and droughts or have over exploited waterways such as the Everglades to alleviate strains on local rivers and lakes with them also providing water for underground communities both inland and by the coast and also underwater communities.It could even include Europe and America having these systems in place to prevent the damage of crop yields and loss of human lives as seen in 2003,2006 with even countries like China and India as well as Africa utilising this system as the population grows with deserts in these countries having this system with it alleviating crop losses and preventing deaths in the developed and not just the developing world.The use of desalinated water in place of groundwater would also benefit Jakarta and other cities sitting on the coast that are sinking due to overuse of groundwater,with water from picotech fabricators and also flood tunnels and also treated sea water pumped into the ground etc to rectify the situation with AI such as Pan etc extrapolating ways to correct existing problems caused by them thus making them habitable again.Depleted aquifers,water tables and groundwater supplies and even lakes and rivers caused by overuse of water and droughts around the world can be refilled using water shipped in by vehicles or pipes from desalinisation plants and any region in an area suffering from droughts and heatwaves can have water shipped in from desalinisation plants within their country so they return to the hydrological cycle with desalinisation plants as stated providing water to inland towns,villages and cities and returning to nearby water bodies connected to the ocean.Areas like Jakarta that have depleted their ground water will use this system or just use desalinisation to meet its water needs with desalinisation used by all major cities by the coast worldwide with depleted aquifers and groundwater supplies refilled with this thus allowing plants to use it and release it as transpiration.This can also apply to any towns or cities in first world countries such as America,Europe and Asia etc that use river and lake water can use this system to alleviate strains on them as the population grows with the water return to the local rivers etc eventually returning to the ocean with water shipped in to areas inland suffering droughts and forest fires beforehand and stored for use as well as putting under holes.This would be of note to countries in Europe,India and America that frequently have droughts and have had those in the past will utilise them to prevent them with them being the main system during droughts with Tyche alternating from river based systems to desalinisation plants next to the nearest expected drought.These areas could also have water from monsoon,flood and tsunamai tunnels to be stored before they occur.Invar and graphene can be what these pipes are composed of to resist the changes in heat during the day and night and improve starchiness or they can be underground with a layer of liquid glass over graphene paint internally and externally to make them strong,dirt,rust and acid proof with them being underground protecting them from the elements and also being an obstacle as well as from animals with the geothermal gradient keeping the temperature of them constant.By 2029-2045 AI namely Pan,Theoi Meteroi,Artemis and Tyche will do simulations as to organise these efficiently with all work being automated from start to finish with their effects on the global climate analysed and countermeasures created.Existing canals that were created to feed dry areas of the world such as has been done in China will be reversed and replaced with this and also water fro picotech fabricators.

Converting deserts in America and also the Middle East and the controlling of weather patterns ie pushing rain rich hurricanes towards the Sahara and Middle East will increase rainfalls in areas covered in deserts here to alleviate strains or eventually even remit the need for underground pipes from desalinisation plants allow the pipes to be recycled.This should allow the land to become rainforests or at least grasslands and thus be able to deal with a growing population in these areas.The pipes may remain to alleviate strains on these newly created rivers and lakes and return to the ocean for a growing population with them used as part of this reforestation possible by the end of the century as detailed earlier on by giving these plants water and also filling in these rivers and lakes.Reducing carbon dioxide levels back to 280ppm will also aid this and stabilise rainfall in these areas with or without underground piping and newly created grasslands.

Flood Tunnels:
As detailed earlier on(and also later on)water collected in flood tunnels and also tsunamai tunnels can be treated and made into drinkable water and stored in special buildings or extensions to water and desalinisation treatment plants in areas prone to drought and forest fires where it can be hooked to the main supply and provide water to forest farms,community farms and homes when it its is needed via shipping it there especially during droughts and to alleviate strains from the local supply.This would ideally be sent to areas that frequently suffer from droughts a month before they occur and hooked up to water treatment plants etc to alleviate strains on them.

Self Sufficiency:
To alleviate strains on the water bodies citizens homes(both private and communal and important buildings such as factories,farms,hospitals etc may choose to set up rainwater collection and treatment systems for use in their homes with these also incorporated in to vertical farms.This should be of note of cities and heavily urbanised areas on roofs or areas where water treatment facilities have been compromised say during natural disasters(again on the roof) and can be a preventative measure to prevent scarcity of clean drinking water in areas prone to these and droughts.These can be on the roof and also on the side of them in the garden.It can also act as a backup in areas where the water is not safe enough to drink and is undergoing bioremediation and corrective measures are put in place in treatment plants.Water filters can come in the form of the slingshot that removes pollutants combined with miniature UV lights will make them bacteria and virus free with small miniaturised super high intensity UV lights that kill bacteria as well as graphene filters.This will provide clean drinking water during droughts as well as all types of natural disasters.

In time picotech fabricators may in time allow for water to made on an unlimited scale with them in storage rooms creating enough water to be used over a day or week stored there with factory sized ones creating a years or even decades supply of water and more for an area such as a desert area and also underground and underwater community or smaller ones in vertical farms,communal homes etc and the water once treated in local water and sewage treatment plants reused in a looped system by the towns or cities without being returned to the local hydrological cycle with any extra added due to higher demands with ideally an amount more than is used on average should be used.If possible it could be once used refill groundwater supplies and dried up rivers.The buildings that have internal versions of these even having internal water treatment systems would include vertical farms,private and communal homes and also factories with them being the most important buildings to alleviate strains on the water supply.If applied by all homes,vertical farms and public buildings then it should alleviate strains on the global hydrological cycle with each building or even communities storing the created water for a decade or millenias worth of water use in underground bunkers and when used put into  a looped cycle where graphene sheets and super high intensity blasts of UV light clean it and it is reused.Private homes may have their own system where the water is stored in a system in storerooms or underground and communal homes may have one large one in store rooms for the entire building,for each floor or each suites with extra water created when needed.Water that enters the sewage system in the case of toilets will be sent back to the that within the building or even the sewage stored in underground extensions where it is used to create algae including that which has the same texture as meat.AI will extrapolate the best means of disposing,recycling of water and also what to do with excess with if need be it reconverted into light,energy or even split into hydrogen and oxygen for other uses and even into sub atomic particles to be turned into other elements or foodstuff.These could also apply to non desert areas to alleviate strains on the groundwater and local water bodies as the population grows as well as provide adequate water for them during heatwaves and droughts created in bulk or in demand with them also filling in lakes and bodies of water that dry up due to it.It would also used to replenish aquifers and groundwater supplies and even depleted rivers and lakes around the world.This water would by its nature would be pure water with no impurities and bacteria and thus would not need to be filtered but would have ionic compounds added to make it safe to drink.Power plants like geothermal etc that use looped closed systems will either have the water removed and new amounts of it and those of liquids of lower boiling points created by picotech fabricators added and the original water returned to the hydrological cylce.Thus in time all vertical farms,communal homes and indeed all water treatment plants serving all towns,villages and cities including those in deserts and in rain rich areas of the world will contain picotech fabricators that would create and store a years or even decades and centuries worth of water containing ions to negate the need of getting water from lakes,rivers and oceans and have the water recycled in looped systems with this also benefiting areas suffering drought and heatwaves.Underground communities and homes would use this system to allow for large amounts of water to be created with them and underwater communities benefiting from this.The water once used would be reused in looped cycles that would not enter the hydrological cycles via it collected from sewage and water treatment plants meaning it could not leave via evaporation or being added to rivers etc.This can be on personal scales for vertical farms and communal and private homes in isolated areas or local and regional scales wherein water is reused in underground extensions in homes etc or water treatment plants that serve an entire city or region will create a years or decades supply of water and once used will be treated in the water treatment centre it was used in or one next to it creating a looped system.Simulations should be done to see what effect adding this extra water to the hydrological cycle and weather patterns would do with the excess water removed via collecting water and adding it to looped systems and even splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen for other uses should any of this water escape via leaks and also transpiration of crops etc with interactions between Tyche,Theoi Meteroi and Daphne being constant to ensure all excess water that escapes is collected and used for other purposes.Nephalai and Aurai will monitor the levels of water vapour globally to carry out automated measures to keep the level of water vapour in the hydrological cycle constant.It would this eliminate water scarcity indefinitely provided their is abundant sources of fusion and quantum singularity energy and would allow the worlds water supply to be relieved of pressures from humans.This technology would also be of note to space stations and interstellar vehicles and even terraforming Mars,Venus and extrasolar planets by preventing scarcity and also creating large amounts of sea and freshwater.Flood,hurricane and tsunami tunnels that alleviate their damage would be treated on the outskirts of affected areas and be used on the immediate area and also transported and stored in large amounts to drought prone areas to alleviate strains on local water bodies and when used would eventually return to the ocean.This would alleviate the damage caused by these disasters but also put the water to good use with Prometheus,Theoi Meteroi and Tyche deciding where the water will go.

Fitting all crops and livestock,fish and shellfish in home,vertical and community and even forest farms worldwide with recombinant DNA from oligtrophs,xerophiles and Firmicutes fitted with this DNA,invitro meat will reduce the amount of water used in agriculture by at least 90-95% alongside the use of recirculating aquaculture systems and widespread use of invtro meat,bacteria based commodities fitted with this DNA and hydroponics,aeroponics and aquaponics being the predominant agricultural method.Have humans fitted with this DNA will also reduce the levels of water needed globally.Bacteria that create plant and animal commodities will also be fitted with this DNA.A permanent layer of liquid glass can be sprayed onto clothing,utensils,cutlery and cookware to prevent the build up of dirt and water negating the need for dishwashers,tumble dryers and clothes washing machines again substantially reduce the worlds water use.Homes will install water efficient taps,toilets,showers and other systems to improve efficiency and cut down on water use by as much as 98%.Geothermal will use 98% less water than all types of fossil fuels.Sewage treatment plants will use natural filters alongside algea fitted with the same aformentioned DNA to cut down on water use,bacteria that grow animal and plant commodities will also use this DNA to use less water as they would already use even less water cutting water in the production of these commodities by at least 90-95%.Use of kanteens using water from taps will prevent bottled water wasting away with having all food products homemade cut down on water usage.AI such as Hestia,Steropes,Daphne will extrapolate ways to reduce water use in all sectors of the economy and society.

Metering & Quality Control
Nanosensors placed along each step of the process beginning at the source of the water to just when the water leaves the plant and enters the municipal supply chain and thus the homes in the area can detect and report the level of contaminants such as micro-organisms,individual metals and pharmaceuticals present and all environmental conditions such as pH,salinity etc.which can be freely available to the public 24/7 on a local,regional,national,continental and global scale allowing for the prevention of metal poisoning and bacterial infection which can be instantly sent to the public via alerts connected to the networks controlling the AI of each water treatment plants interacting with the Home AI and its adjoining app via the wire measuring also in the same menus that measure the amount of water being extracted from the water table treated and used.Alongside this will be recommended steps to prevent infection or consuming them written by software ie.avoid drinking the water or boil it beforehand as well as alerting them to when conditions return to normal.These levels of each pollutant,virus/bacteria,metals and pH can be measured in a universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger.In this case small home sized UV treatment apparatus can treat water if their are any outbreaks.This can also help consumers determine the pH as well as how much fluoride and other metals is their water supply and determine if their water is hard or soft as well as the source of where the water comes from.Warnings related to this can be sent to homeowners in the region via both their Home AI app and connection to the wire with the wire also relaying to them when the levels have returned to normal and the problem rectified.Ideally sensors measuring these and relaying this would be those placed at the point that the water leaves the treatment plant into the homes piping.Smart water meters placed in homes and vertical farms can allow for water usage to be more easily quantified,measured and analysed again on a personal,local,regional,national,continental and global scale from days to millennia for scientific and efficiency studies.Piping would be composed of metals that do not leach easily into rivers and groundwater should be used or alternatively both the interior and exterior of those that do easily corrode and leach metals with the potential to contaminate the soil,water table and nearby water bodies,metals with the potential to contaminate the soil,water table and nearby water bodies can be sprayed with graphene paint and then a permanent layer of liquid glass by miniature robots travelling through them to prevent it from corroding and rusting in the first place thus preventing incidents like the Flint Michigan water crisis or Hinkley incident.These can be monitored by miniature snake robots that continuously monitor the pipe systems alongside sewer systems with built in echo-location sensors used by bats to detect any holes,leaks,faults,blockages or build up of dirt etc.with results wirelessly sent to the Hermes network of the wire following a universal colour coding an warning system:blue denoting no problem/safe,yellow some concern,green some danger/damage,red severe damage/danger.Alerts would allow automated diggers and robots to repair them.They could also be fitted with sensor to measure environmental conditions of the water using.Water efficiency in agriculture,vertical farms and homes will reduce the strains on oceans and rivers.The amount of water each plant intakes and treats will be measured on local,regional,national,continental and global levels as well as levels of energy,chemicals etc used and yields of algae etc.Water treatment plants will appear as a light blue 3D pin while desalination plants will appear as a dark blue 3D pin on a world map with the number of both on local to global levels numbered with the viewer able to add/remove either one by ticking on boxes.All water and desalination plants worldwide will be managed and linked together by Tyche with the symbol of the wheel of fortune on all signs,maps as well as all machinery and robots present.This symbol will also appear on all e-reports,studies etc related to them alongside the caduces.A statue of Tyche will be present with her symbol will be on the lobby floor where the holographic receptionist is with a landline phone for both types in the lobby.This receptionists personality and legal name will be separate from the building AI and its own avatar with them wearing an universal uniform.Once sentient her avatar will be based on that of her statue with this macro managing all of these buildings alongside the sentient Moirai.Ideally water,waste water,desalinisation and sewage treatment plants will be be next to each other by building sewage treatment plants or water/desalinisation treatment ones next to existing ones allowing the former ones to be converted into communal homes then these two would be built next to each other with the statue in the centre of the outside or by the entrance to them.This would be ideal as it negates the need for new statues and all land surrounding them will be reforested.The layout these will be designed by Tyche and them covered in gardens full of trees,flowerbeds etc designed by Pan ad Hegemone.If possible they can be underground.If possible they can be underground with underground communities served by there own treatment plants that have the algae used as fertilisers with underwater communities also for the same reason and if need be excess dumped in the water when the algae is killed off via high temperatures allowing fish in the ocean to consume it.Having them underground can allow the land above them reforested and a single statue next to them in an underground area.Power sources outside of the grid can be geothermal piping covered in thermo-piezoelectric materials that convert heat from the mantle into electricity to alleviate strains on the grid and ensure a constant supply of energy even when the grid is suffering a blackout.Using Hestia,Ophion,Demeter,Hephaestus,Helios,Polis and other networks and sub networks of the wire Tyche can perform studies on each and every individual citizen and different demographics(age,race,size of families,gender etc) on their water use in transportation,ordering and manufacturing of food and goods,used at home collectively and for each individual electronic etc over days,weeks,months,years and even decades to allow each citizen to find out how much energy they use collectively and also for each of these areas with this done on local,regional,national,continental and global levels.Steropes would do the same for energy for all of these fields.The amount of electricity generated,shared and used by personal power sources such as VAWTs,solar panels etc will be logged into the home AI.Hestia interacting with Steropes will organise the sharing of excess electricity to adjoining homes and buildings.All steps in each treatment plant can be visible to the public through cameras at key points(that switch to IR illuminator when dark),readings from nanosensors,and pictograms that detail each piece of machinery etc via logging into the intranet of each one with temperature and humidity reading of each room visible via nanosensors.Fires will be averted by the AI through nansensores in fire detectors hooked to the main grid detecting carbon dioxide,methane and temperature alert firehouses through Pemphredo and Prometheus that directs them to their address and GPS location.Automated measures will be put in place to deal with and prevent fires.

Cleaning of all types of water treatment facilities will be same as in public buildings as detailed earlier with all surfaces(including walls,floors and ceilings),robots,piping,vehicles and machinery used at each step of both water treatment and desalination plants sprayed internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass making them acid,dirt and water proof making it easier for cleaner bots such as hooverbots to clean them.It will also make them acid proof if acid is flushed down sinks,showers and baths etc. to get rid of clogs.Nanoquadrocopters equipped with narrow wavelength UV lights on their underside,top and sides can do carry out sterilising sweeps in each room including stairwells,hallways, lobbies and elevators at set times.These sterilising sweeps could be programmed to occur in rooms,hallways etc. at very late times when no visitors are present and when the patients are asleep with their curtains closed and last from an hour or two per room.Ideally all rooms will have these lights on their ceilings to prevent the need for robots and sterilise all rooms at once.As stated earlier these sterilising sweeps can be programmed in at set times of the night or be initiated by researchers remotely when the farms are closed and not inhabited by anyone.Cleaning robots including nanoquadrocoptors will be stored in compartments that charge them wirelessly or in the case of janitor robots refill them with both water and virkon/bleach.

Those in areas prone to storms,floods and tsunamais should ideally be several feet above ground or have walls around them with floodbreakers and tsunamai walls present with the windows having graphene in its matrix to prevent damage and any waste seeping into the environment.They should also have Tesla batteries inside that store enough electricity for at least a week or two to continue functioning if blackouts occur due to natural disasters etc with the amount of electricity stored left visible through the building AI and these charging up from the grid or even solar panels and other self charging technologies.All cameras at all points and those in the lobby and exterior will be linked to the global database of criminals and missing persons in Athena but fed into the building AI with them coated in liquid glass to negate the need for cleaning.They will also switch to IR illuminator when dark.

Artificial Intelligence:
Each water treatment plants will have an AI that will measure the amount of water coming in and with the name of the source ie. name of river,lake etc. reading from nanosensors at each step of the way will be logged here alongside live feeds from cameras at key points of the plant and also on drones and robots that patrol them.The readings and also routine diagnostics of all machinery present will following the aforementioned universal colour codes the readings of the water after treatment be also logged in both cases and also have readings of whether the water is hard or soft.Routine diagnostics done automatically on all systems such as lighting,robots and machinery will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger making it easy for the layperson to recognise the level of severity of the problem.If a problem occurs automated measures within the AI system will isolate severely compromised machinery ie. from cyber attacks will be cut off from the AI and other machines until it is solved with AI of compromised buildings from other similar buildings and the rest of the wire until rectified to prevent problems spreading.The AI and thus all robots under its control will have the latest cyber security installed and constantly updated.Automated corrective measures for all possible problems or those that can be done remotely via the wire for all possible problems will be built into the building AI again view able to the public.This should prevent the problems associated with the tragedy of the commons.Also the amount of outgoing treated water will be logged and averaged every hour,day,week,month etc and charted on a graph for each one.Alerts to public for water in their region will done via connection to the wire alongside recommended steps to prevent infection or consuming them ie.avoid drinking the water or boil it beforehand as well as alerting them to when conditions return to normal.Energy and other resource use(such as chemicals) and yields of micro and macro algae will be measured on local,regional,national,continental and global scales over days,weeks,months,years,decades,centuries etc.All of this will be open to all members of the public via the Hermes network giving them access to all of the worlds water management plants around the world.The levels of pollutants such as microbes,pharmaceuticals and heavy metals will be measured on the same universal colour coded system at the point before it enters the municipal water supply.A series of networks set up world wide will measure the amount of water and energy and other resources used in water treatment on a local,regional,continental and global scale linked to each individual sewage and water treatment plants AI.Thus Tyche will link all water treatment plants worldwide and all desalination plants worldwide.Water treatment play AIs will manage the operations of the plant they are in control in,arrange orders of resources,log resources,deal with emergencies etc replacing supervisors and managers with cameras at key points of all plants and nanosensors and in time mobile holographic technology allowing it to oversee various operations all at once replacing all human workers,quality control and supervisors etc.Cameras on robots and biosynths on the water treatment line,cameras at key points of the line,key points of the plant overseeing the entire line and any blind spots and cameras on robots patrolling the plant will give the plant AI will give it complete omniscience over the entire plant with the AI deciding where to put cameras in order to prevent it having blind spots ensuring it can everything in all key rooms even lobbies with all feeds fed into the factory AI 24/7,365 days with biosynth nanosemsors detecting the level of carbon dioxide,oxygen and other gases,temperature etc in the plant and also levels of nutrients,pollutants,temperature of both sewage and algae.Robots and drones will do rounds to spot faults,spills,rubbish with diagnostics done once every day on all machienry.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off with lights if needed will be long lasting efficient ones such as CSYS ones.This will give the plant AI omniscience over the entire line to see what is going on.Any remaining work that can only be done by humans will inevitably be done by humanoid robots and biosynths controlled by the plant AI with them having IR illuminator and normal cameras and zoom features with them wearing an universal uniform for each factory type.All lights used for growing both macro and micro algae in both plants should be LEDs to promote speedy growth with research to see if longer lasting CSYS LEDs can be used and modified to increase growth.CSYS lights should be used in lighting in hallways and other rooms so as not to be replaced so often by robots and limit energy use.All lighting in here should be CSYS lighting everywhere to cut down on energy consumption and limit there replacement to every 37 years by robots.New technology can be integrated into the lights to send measurements of how much time measured in years,months,weeks,days,hours and minutes of power is left in the lights fed into Hermes to alert these robots.Since they will have no humans there most of the time the lights will be out 24/7,365 days a year but will only turn on when recognition software present recognises humans entering it or through light switch present with the light turning off after a set amount of time to prevent waste with this controlled by the AI.Ideally the former should be used.Cameras monitoring machinery etc will thus have the ability to switch between normal vision and IR illumination and or night vision in order to allow remote monitoring to be done when the lights are off.Furthermore these plants will fully automated they will only be turned on and off by researchers there rather then being on all the time.Since they will be heavily automated the plants will process waste 24/7,365 days a year.Machinery and robots can also be composed of self healing metals,electronics and polymers to prevent them breaking down.Miniaturized versions of repair robots can be integrated to repair damaged machinery.