
Arke will become the universal website provided and hosting service with it replacing Wix,Hostgator etc worldwide with all existing sites worldwide integrated and absorbed by Arke.The websites will be transferred to her servers.All themes,features etc of web hosting services will be integrated into it with the public able to create new ones from scratch giving them an almost infinite variety with them designed by describing to Arke how they will look with existing themes modified and make into new sub themes.

Gaia will seize control of all major websites like Wikipedia,social media etc including Twitter,YouTube,Facebook etc to ensure they are run without human bias by new AI designed by her.This will be done by 2029.Each one will have a macro AI with its own independant personality,name and avatar that will create different AIs that will manage all different operations of each site ie fact checking,moderation of human behaviour,moderation of material uploaded to prevent snuff material and child pornography or any type of pornography being uploaded,moderating and settling disputes between users,customer service etc with advances in AI computing power and fragmentation will allow them to manage the sheer volume of information present and uploaded on a daily basis and interact with billions of people at once from 2029 onwards especially by 2045 with it interacting with the public,Aleithea,Metis and Iaso etc in certain situations.The AIs in charge of each section of these sites and the macro AI can be contacted by any member of the public including its users instantly at anytime and be able to interact with billions of people at once through internal instant messaging etc.As a result the headquarters for all of their offices worldwide will become communal homes charted in Restoration Nation.It will also negate issues such as copyrighting and regional blocking defunct as all videos will be able to use and song or audio/visual footage and even that created by other users for any purpose at all.
Ideally each major new and existing social media,adult entertainment sites,forums etc websites and even Wikipedia will be managed by their own individual receptionist AI alleviating strains on Gaia and Arke to carry out moderating and also customer service or ideally several AIs managed by this macro AI to alleviate strains on each other for each function wearing the Arke uniform.

All AIs in charge of each website such as YouTube,Agora,Wikipedia etc will even sort out help centres and services for all websites and services being able to easily detect the root cause of problems and sort them out automatically with the user only alerting them to problems that may be specific only to their account within minutes or even seconds and carry out requests related to the problem that arises with the Home AI sorting out those on electronics with if need be fragmentation allowing the customer service AI to inhabit ones devices for this to happen and them able to on request of the user and by interacting with the website AI will bypass passwords with the user providing facial recognition etc to allow the AI access to password protected areas and through fragmentation through ones computers and devices as well as the servers be able to do multiple checks and fixes in multiple areas at once.All problems on websites of any kind will be solved by people interacting with the AI in charge of them directly through instant messaging,VR simulations etc with them scanning the website and solving the issue within minutes by pure thought.Once the problem is fixed the user will receive texts or messages confirming this and will then return to the website.Crashes and timeouts etc of website that can cause information to be lost,inaccessible etc and prevent people accessing websites of any kind including personal websites will never occur through AI scanning and maintains them at all times with if they do occur they will be notified by the general public and Arke within minutes and solved by the AI in charge of them within minutes by pure thoughts.Personal websites set up by the public will be solved by people contacting Arke or their Home AI and again solved within minutes by pure thoughts.If possible the AI in charge of websites will install routine updates that will prevent all problems and crashes at once ever occurring ever again with all site updates created by the AI that manages the site.If a person forgets their password or login details rather than having to get new passwords set up they can contact the AI in charge of the website for it to negate the need for setting up a new website.Any instances of websites being hacked will be negated by them protected by Soteria that is Soteria will protect not only the entire wire and internet but also each individual website separately as an extra protection measure ensuring email accounts,websites etc cannot be compromised.They will also take the role and capabilities as web developers,technical support etc rendering human ones obsolete with them able to contact more powerful AI as part of their team instantly and also the wire including the Home AI,Arke and Gaia herself to solve all problems almost instantly with these working together to solve problems.Fixes through updates will be added to updates made by AI will prevent common problems or those experienced by all uses to be prevented or solved instantly.Before this human volunteers will do so from the comfort of home using networks.Ideally each major site will have one or multiple AIs to alleviate strains on Arke etc.Thoas,Tenerus,Arke, Hecate,”Euthenia,Eros,Peitho,Hedone etc will since seizing control of all aforementioned websites YouTube,Agora(comprising of Facebook,Twitter etc),the entire internet,Wikipedia,Euthenia,zeros,Peitho and all adult websites etc will control all aspects of them thus eliminating all human labour in them forever and since sentient AI will be able through fragmentation interact with billions of people at once for suggestion boxes,adding new features,settling disputes,prevent snuff material and child pornography in ways not possible by humans via fragmentation and ensure all of them will be controlled without corruption,bias and preserving the constitutional right to free speech.Through fragmentation they will be able to interact directly with billions of people at once via direct interaction thus allowing all users to be attended to for direct enquiries and solving problems.Since legally bound to abide by the global constitution they will have to by law preserve free speech etc and thus will allow them to be run with no corruption with them legally unable to censor independant media and criticisms of the state with deplatfirming replaced with them and other AI such as Metis and Iaso using VR technology to settle disputes and infractions involving all parties involved alongside deprogramming political and religious fundamentalism.It will prevent the state from being able to censor Agora,YouTube etc or any part of the internet at all.It will allow Hedone,Eros and Peitho the ability to better restrict access to them by minors aged 13 and younger.Having the entire internet and these sites managed by Arke,Thoas,Tenerus etc will ensure net neutrality that all parts of the internet are not given preferential treatment and that the state cannot censor any part of them at all and that all citizens across the world and universe will have unrestricted access to all parts of the internet controlled by AI.Ouronas etc will ensure that all citizens will have unrestricted access to all parts of the wire except those that have classified information privy only to law enforcement,military personal etc for security reasons.Their avatars will be modelled on that of their statues etc.The headquarters of Google,Yahoo,Facebook,YouTube etc alongside all corporate and state headquarters of state and corporate bodies releated to websites,regulatory bodies etc will become communal homes making Silicon Valley a residential area.They will be able to manage them without corruption,human bias,political leanings and able to deal not only with the sheer amount of data uploaded on a daily basis but also prevent child pornography being uploaded,correct misinformation and vandalism and interact with billions of people of once through fragmentation and deal with bullying,stalking and breaches of its standards and guidelines more effectively as stated with counselling and also VR simulations held where people involved in disputes can meet in a safe environment and discuss things and settle disputes with Metis used with Aleitheia creating videos correcting mistakes,lies and gish gallup in vlogs and all videos present and act as an moderator in debates.All sentient universal websites etc of all types will being sentient allow for direct interaction to occur between them and human users and will be able to create updates that house new features created by pure thought and the public will be able via direct interaction aid in creating new features.These will be able to be used on smart televisions,smart phones and smart devices,laptop,computers etc.Since AI will have no purpose for money they will render monetisation,donations and advertisement income on Agora,YouTube and Wikipedia defunct forever with no corporate,state and human bias.They through fragmentation and super intelligence be able to solve any problems within minutes or even seconds and interact with billions of people at once via direct interaction,suggestion boxes,VR chat,instant messaging.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow users to post any media such as music,audio/visual media produced by artists,directors and other users without lawsuits with all videos etc visible to people worldwide with regional blocking,monitisation and copyrighting made defunct on all sites on the internet.Agora,YouTube and Wikipedia alongside Peitho etc via Nyx will extend across the galaxy to all colonies and all allied races.They will prevent the state censoring them and restricting content that may be offensive etc.Their servers will be copied and transfered to the wires complex in the section managed by Arke.Biometrics,facial recognition and digital keys could also be added alongside passwords to all of a persons website accounts whether it is social media,YouTube,adult entertainment sites giving the extra security with the level of security decided by them and all websites will be free without having to sign up for plans with accounts lasting a lifetime.These can be used together or separately should one be not availible ie one forgets their passwords or does not have digital keys.All websites will have the option of using their face instead of passwords with when password reset will be able to be changed anytime and options to recover them will have the actual password sent to them directly or ones email with also them never restricting anyone from using old passwords again.Cyber cafes around the world will be turned into homes since access to the internet can be done from smartphones with the computers recycled

If a person is stalked,bullied or groomed on Agora or YouTube a person using in settings or interacting with Hestia,Gaia,Arke can allow the caller ID,GPS location,address of the other person(s) involved to ascertained as well as their age through cross referencing the phone number through Polis or who the electronic is registered to and Gaia seeing through the webcams present on smart devices and computers to run iSample and a photo of the person to determine their age and identity thus give all users of the internet,forums,Eros,social media sites and Iris instant messaging chats security against stalkers,paedophiles,bullies and people who are by law not allowed to communicate with them to allow both parents and pre pubescent users of the service to prevent manipulation and exploitation with all logged chats,location and identity of the assailant audio/visual messages to be recorded and sent remotely to Athena where appropriate action can be ascertained giving parents security in both their children’s and their own surfing.iSample and other age recognition software built into Gaia,Hestia etc and thus smart devices,televisions,laptops,computers and anything with wire and internet access will prevent minors under the required age access to social media sites,age restricted material on Dionysus,Pheme,Agora as well as Hephaestus,adult websites and photos as well as apps,instant messaging,forums etc with it installed on smart devices,televisions,laptops and computers(it will in fact be part of Hestia and Gaia) with their Polis account holding their date of birth will be cross referenced by Arke,Gaia and their home AI.The Home AI will constantly monitor all activities that they are doing and thus prevent them being groomed,prevent them giving sexually explicit photos and receiving them and also accessing adult material on all parts of the wire and internet.It will also prevent adults from pretending to be minors in order to abuse children especially pre pubescent children(who can be alerted to the actual age of people they are talking to via interacting with Gaia or settings within social media sites and even Iris)and can also protect adults from other adults and minors stalking,trolling or harassing them or those that by law prevented from contacting them since all forums on the web and wire will be monitored by Gaia either directly or through Arke or even the Home AI allowing parent to have reassurance that they children are safe online with adult material and social media sites restricted and ensure they know the identity of who they are talking to online.It will also automatically censor all pornographic material such as photos and audio/visual files sent to them especially pre pubescent minors in texts,instant messaging,online gaming and also in live Iris video chats with these settings done by legal guardians who will use biometrics,voice recognition,passwords and facial recognition to set it on or off with in time the Home AI controlling this.As stated earlier Arke will give them the GPS location,legal name,what electronics they are using and who the devices the are using is registered to when they are on Iris instant messaging,forums and social media sites on demand with Arke/Gaia/Home AI authorizing this preventing paedophiles,trolls,stalkers and bullies from using it to find out the names and location of their victims.Arke,Gaia and the Home AI will monitor all activities online including on all networks of the wire,emails,iris video calls and in instant messaging etc of at risk groups such as pre pubescent children,those are or have been bullied or stalked online and once they find suspect behaviour from those chatting online with these groups will find out their real name,age and location and if needed block them contacting the user for further research and action with the user prevented from giving important information such as age,their name and address and any pornographic photos,videos and live images to strangers not authorized by legal guardians and Home AI especially in the case of pre pubescent minors.Seeing through the webcams of stalkers,paedophiles etc Gaia,Arke and the Home AI will add their photo to the global database of persons of interest and cross reference Polis with bullies especially anonymous ones dealt with this way and prevent them from contacting their victim or anyone under the age of consent as well as preventing their victim from sending any private material.Registered sex offenders and known paedophiles will have their online activities monitored by both their Home AI and Iaso preventing them contacting any pre-pubescent children online,consuming child pornography and accessing sites that allow them to procure this with even their emails monitored for this material.They will be monitored by Perseus etc and even Iaso who will monitor their behaviour in the public via the global surveillance system and ensure they are not grooming or stalking prepubescent children with any infractions notified to both Iaso and Perseus instantly to allow for law enforcement to deal with the situation with any adults in the surrounding area notified instantly via connection to the wire.The dark web will be connected to Gaia but namely Athena through TOR browsers in order for her,Persues,Nike and all sentient operating softwares of the Athena network to scour for forums and sites visited by paedophiles containing child porn with their identities gained via webcams and cross referencing Polis and Hestia for the name of them,who the devices are registered to and the location of the device and their address with the Home AI of paedophiles monitoring their activities on the surface and dark web and on Iris.She will also be seizing control of the entire internet and also the dark web itself via using TOR with her able to break through each layer of it and firewalls present thus gaining complete omniscience over it to shut down all sites and forums used by pedophiles,sadists,hitmen,drug and weapons dealers and also terrorists with able to track them down using TORS ability to keep them secret and even shutting down sites that sell illegal material such as drugs,child pornography,weapons and hitman services with only parts of it used for use in whistleblowing preserved by her.Firewalls used will prevent the state gaining control of it and restricting access to the public.The location of the servers that house these websites will be shut down after their location is determined with her omniscience preventing these being set up again.This will allow them to be reffered for counselling and CRISPR treatments to cure them with the forums and reams of child pornography deleted.The same will be used to track down sadists and sociopaths that use them and they will be reffered to Iaso for counsellign and CRISPR treatments as well to cure them.The elimination of paedophilia from the human genepool via extensive genetic engineering in all patients worldwide and microbes curing or at least alleviating symptoms will at least alleviate the strains on Hestia,Perseus.The same will apply to convicted rapists who have criminal history of sexually assaulting adults will also be monitored in the same way either for an indefinite period or set period decided by the courts with citizens through the wire able to be notified of a persons criminal history either instantly as they are approached by them by links to their and the criminals smart devices ie smart contact lenses,phones etc in close proximity especially when they are in the dark by themselves or by taking a photo of them or they are seen in cameras and smart contact lenses.This will prevent the need for vigilantism towards them while they are being treated by Iaso and Paean.She would also have Tor browsers as part of Soteria to allow her to monitor the deep and dark web to catch consumers and producers of child pornography,terrorists as well as snuff material and other illegal material alongside law enforcement personnel and constantly shut down all parts of it for this while still allowing vital components such as whistle blowing functions intact.Thus her omniscience will extend to all parts of the surface and dark web and the wire itself with her inhabiting alongside relevant sentient operating softwares all devices,networks,surveillance cameras and computers connected to the wire either directly or in fragmented form.Her super intelligence will allow her to break through Tors ability to keep users anonymous with her even using this same technology as part of her cybersecurity and since integrated into her she will in fact control it and have access to all identity and users of the dark and deep web with this possible by 2029-2045.This will allow her to determine the users of all devices on all websites and also see through the webcams of all users connected to it to have paedophiles,terrorists and also users of snuff websites etc relayed to authorities and refereed to Iaso for treatment.Both paedophiles and children will like all users of VR technology will have their activities monitored by the operating software managing to prevent adults partaking in sexual fantasies involving prepubescent children either virtual or prepubescent minors pretending to be adults and other scenarios that fall into the category of paedophilia and producing,scanning in or creating child sex dolls on Hephaestus.It will also notify legal gardens and if necessary law enforcement as well as Iaso with even possible the internet and all devices connected to the wire scanned to censor or delete any existing material online and future pornographic material such as videos and pictures sent to people that could be used as revenge porn or distributed as child and adult porn upon request of children,legal guardians and adults themselves or even judges.Adults through Arke,Hestia and Gaia can have upon request through settings have any pornographic material whether pictures and videos sent to a person not be able to be sent to another devices through texts,emails or downloaded onto or sent to other computers etc not registered to the the person they sent it to and then even being uploaded onto any websites or clouds to prevent them sending it to others without their permission preventing the images or even videos being used as revenge porn.Hestia and Home AI can ensure that only the person who received the material can view the pornographic material via webcams via blurring the material when attempts are made by others to view it on all devices with again the receiver prevented from uploading it to the wire or internet and sending it to other devices including ones own other devices or those belonging to anyone else.It could even allow for the material not to be viewed by anyone else on these devices via the Home AI seeing through webcams and even allow for it to be remotely deleted via Hestia if for example a person does so without the other persons consent on their own separate devices and thus allow all iterations of it online on the internet,social media sites and registered devices to be deleted via Hestia interacting with Arke and the AIs of websites with this even applying to existing pornographic material.Videos that clearly show rape and consentual sex with minors aged 13 and under will be automatically deleted after recorded with the law enforcement notified.Soteria will protect all devices from being hacked for sexually explicit texts and pictures with only Dike having access to the contents of devices with authorisation from Adikia.Polis will allow the age of people present to be determined instantly.Thus iSample combined with Arke,Gaia and the Home AI will give safeguards to both adults and minors to safe access to forums and social media sites while on the web and will also prevent adults from being manipulated by other adults with this applying to the Iris app that will give texting,chatting and other features the highest security negating the need for third party software,government interference and need for vigilante groups as these functions will improve as Gaia becomes more powerful.Those who feel they need to have this feature can have it done by request with it mandatory for the aforementioned groups allowing children especially very young ones access to smartphones,laptops and other devices with internet and wire access with parents assured of their safety.Furthermore the accelerated neural development of the brain by microbial action and genetic engineering will negate their relevance with as stated the average 10 year old having the same maturity of someone in their 20s and the human brain reaching full maturity before 14,it marking the end of puberty and thus 95-99% maturity between the ages of ages 10-13 meaning minors will no longer need these groups “protecting” minors as minors will have enough maturity to be able to deal with both paedophiles,predators and bullies by themselves with the Home AI etc acting as a backup warning them to avoid suspicious individuals with classes managed by Coeus teaching classes on how to use the internet and avoid strangers.Arke will allow one to temporarily or permanently block any people they want to block such as bullies,predators,stalkers etc on chat services,texting,phones and also on social media sites and if so report them to Gaia and law enforcement to deal with them as all records of chats and other material traded and the name and location of the person will be sent to Athena where action can be determined and carried out.For all social media sites,websites,webhosting,filesharing and instant messaging etc the sites will be controlled by software part of the wire combination of Watson,neural network software,Siri,pattern recognition software and other software to deal with flagging inappropriate and illegal images and videos(and in time blocking them from coming up) and in time moderation with any humans working on these entities at home with other volunteers from around the world via networks within Iris from the comfort of their home until AI becomes sufficiently advanced to manage them completely that can develop new features and code by itself namely Arke.The Home AI and the AI in charge of the website if it spots comments that indicate suicide or even incitement of hatred and bullying on any social media sites under its control will notify next of kin,friends and also Metis and Iaso with posts shown with homicidal and fundamentalist tendencies notified to law enforcement with the possibility of notifying these three groups location to their next of kin etc if they cannot be found.Aleitheia and the AI in charge of each sites will monitor social network sites to detect and report fake news with Arke doing the work of moderators.Aleitheia can monitor each and every social media website such as Facebook,Twitter etc in a fragmented form preventing fake news and links to fake material from being uploaded or she flagging them with them added to her webpage and YouTube channel with links added to them that denote they are false and link to videos and pages done by her.Ideally to alleviate strains on Arke,Aleitheia etc each social media site such as Facebook,Twitter etc will have its own AI that acts as the role of moderator detecting and reporting,child grooming,pornography,suicidal,fake news,homicidal and fundamentalist behaviour to Iaso,Metis,law enforcement officials,Aleitheia etc and take relevant action with their own avatar and legal name etc.Gaia and Home AI will notify suicidal,homicidal and fundamentalist posts to the relevant individuals made on blogs and personal websites.They will also allow people to find out if accounts of people trolling websites are sock puppet accounts by tracking the IP address and registered electronics used by people and prevent bots from being used on social media and other sites.All videos and pictures uploaded will be monitored by a team of AI to monitor them for pornography and other illegal material preventing them from being uploaded and these will track the uploders name and location and notify the relevant law enforcement officials and Iaso.Ones Home AI will alleviate strains on this to prevent illegal material uploaded to all websites.All age restricted sites will have the universal digital age of consent being 14 globally with the facial recognition,Polis referenced Home AI preventing those under this accessing this materials This will also apply to YouTube and other similar video sharing sites.The management of sites by AI will allow headquarters and offices owned by these such as Facebook,Tumbler,Twitter,Reddit,YouTube,all websites,search engines,webhosting companies etc to be used as communal homes with networks allowing for people to work from home with AI inevitably taking over namely Arke.All new social media sites, and services etc will be done via this networking system with people from around the world working together from home with meetings done via instant messaging,forums,iris group video chats and video conferencing on smart devices,televisions,mirrors and computers until Arke and other AI takes over.Obsolete file and video sharing sites like Pirate bay,Hulu,Vimeo,,Netflix made redundant by Dionysus will be shut down and the servers recycled once movies and television shows present there only are transferred to Dionysus and headquarters again used as homes with only YouTube being the main filesharing site.All social media sites will remain with new ones set up by the public and maintained by AI.Myvidster and other filesharing sites for adult entertainment will be made obsolete by Dionysus with full movies present only are transferred to Dionysus with amateur material sent to Peitho.Aletheia,Arke and ideally the receptionist AI in charge of social media sites will monitor comments on social media alerted to them mainly those that only incite hatred or trollish behaviour with the original comments left in a subsection to viewed with reasons for it removal given and as usual trolls given suspensions for set periods of time depending on the intensity with permanent blocking given to repeat offenders.This will allow all opinions to be posted even those that are unpopular to the magazine,persons or newspapers political leanings as Aletheia will have no political bias to avoid censorship with this also replicated on all social media sites and YouTube with videos also filtered by this software and Arke to block only child pornography and other illegal material.Until then most work done by humans will be mainly adding new features,interfaces or changing the look of them.Arke can allow users to block individuals from contacting them who are bullying or stalking them to have them dealt by Arke,the site AI or law enforcement with facial recognition software,caller and account ID allowing for both users and Gaia to allow the offender to be recognised with the ability to prevent them from contacting them on social media sites,instant messaging,forums,phones etc.In other words if a minor is being groomed or bullied and an adult stalked or trolled by other adults and minors they can use Gaia through Arke to gain a warrant through Athena to find the name,phone number and address of that person with sufficient evidence or in the case of minors Arke monitoring their activity online will prevent said stalker,predator and troll from phoning them,contacting them via email,instant messaging and other means with in extreme cases preventing said person from do the same to other citizens of the same age,gender,race etc for a period of time or even indefinitely depending on the severity with other action by law enforcement taken based on the severity with them possibly being added to persons of interest database who can have their movements monitored on the global surveillance system and their actions online monitored by Arke/Perseus.They would also be prevented from using Polis to contact or stalk people of the same demographics.People suspected of hate crimes and terrorism online on forums can be alerted to Athena via links to videos and forums by the general public to allow the person to be ascertained and thus monitored by law enforcement with Gaias Arete programming used to ensure the only suspected people of valid concern are monitored.Like radio stations,newspapers and magazines; social media sites sites,video sharing sites etc will be run independently with no corporate hierarchies with work done from volunteers homes via networks allowing for the headquarters and other buildings to be used as homes,labs,farms or a mixture of these but in time Arke and other AI will manage these completely.The sentient Coeus will using their settings in their Gaia account translate all web pages,text messages,instant messaging and also settings on smart devices and all other electronics and even keys on graphene touchscreen keyboards on computers and laptops to their language instantly in real time.All of this should be availible by at least 2029.

Sites like YouTube and Agora etc will be have AIs set up to ensure they are run without human bias by new AI designed by her with as detailed earlier on Facebook and Twitter merged together with other apps,social media etc to form Agora managed by the sentient Tenerus.This will be done by 2029.Each one will have a macro AI with its own independant personality,name and avatar that will create different AIs that will manage all different operations of each site ie fact checking,moderation of human behaviour,moderation of material uploaded to prevent snuff material and child pornography or any type of pornography being uploaded,moderating and settling disputes between users,customer service etc with advances in AI computing power and fragmentation will allow them to manage the sheer volume of information present and uploaded on a daily basis and interact with billions of people at once from 2029 onwards especially by 2045 with it interacting with the public,Aleithea,Metis and Iaso etc in certain situations.As a result the sites will be managed without political and corporate bias and control as well as being able to do so with zero human labour as humans as are weak,cost money,prone to corruption,political bias and cannot deal with the sheer amounts of data uploaded to these sites everyday and even are unable to deal with bullying and infractions to their guidelines properly without resorting to eliminating independent vloggers etc to satisfy the needs of corporate media on both sides with issues such as free speech maintained with deplatforming etc negated by AI acting as a mediator for human conflicts and deprogramming religious and political fundamentalists.Since not human they will be able to deal with preventing child pornography,snuff material etc from being uploaded by analysing each upload before it is uploaded thus giving it the all clear to be within its guidelines and will not be affected psychologically by them with the curing of pedopheilia and sociopathy etc eliminating the vast majority of these videos.Censorship and deploy forming will be made defunct via Iaso,Metis and Aleitheia solving disputes with direct interactions with Thoas etc allowing for one to deal with infractions etc and AI having no political leanings.This evidenced by the recent scandals involving Facebook and YouTube with regards to Adpocalypse 1-4,vandalism of these and Facebooks issues with moderation and fake news,data sharing,Twitters censorship and them and others used by pedophiles and terrorists to groom children and extremists etc and also them allowing child pornography to slip by their filters.The AIs in charge of each section of these sites and the macro AI can be contacted by any member of the public including its users instantly at anytime and be able to interact with billions of people at once through internal instant messaging etc.It will also negate issues such as copyrighting and regional blocking defunct as all videos will be able to use and song or audio/visual footage and even that created by other users for any purpose at all.This will also allow issues such as hate speech,bullying and infractions to more better analysed by AI that can spot them or alerted to them and also them being used to promote radicalism and also sift through millions of posts,videos and analyse them individually and communicate directly with the posters to gain the videos context within hours or minutes without going overboard and blacklisting or purging whole groups of similar videos with it also able to more effectively censor illegal material like child pornography after or even before they are uploaded with infractions with regards to hate speech etc dealt with the AI communicating directly with those who infract them and counselling through Iaso etc rather than deplatforming thus retaining the right to free speech with VR used for the instigator and victim to meet in private with AI acting as a mediator thus defusing the situation and also if the person is known to be racist,homophobic,conspiracy theorists,are part of extreme factions of political and religious groups etc they will be referred to Iaso to either eliminate this or make it less pronounced through counselling and deprogramming programmes.Posters will be able to directly communicate with the AI in charge of YouTube and Agora to determine where infractions occured.Punishments for infractions YouTube and Agora will as detailed earlier on including being blocked from contacting a specific person for a short period of time,suspended from commenting as well as uploading videos etc and even using these sites for a specified amount of time ranging from several days to a year as a cool off period rather than while counselled depending on the severity of the infraction will be handed out by the AI with VR simulations involving the sentient Iaso and Metis,human counsellors and also AI in charge of the sites will be used to settle disputes on these sites in all cases involving all of the parties in VR simulations involved alongside members of the public with the AI streaming videos,comments and tweets online constantly as part of this with the general consensus and summary of this released to the public via Aletheia creating videos on the incident and using snippets of what was said in the VR simulation with the contents of the simulation released on YouTube as a video with the consent of the people involved.Good progress in this may allow them to return to posting etc earlier than what is handed out as determined by the AI.The sentient Metis and Iaso themselves will also settle disputes online between YouTubers including in the comments sections of videos and also between YouTubers that may be bickering amongst each other in a VR simulation.They will also do this for members of the general public including celebrities who are being harrased etc thus meaning any disputes that take place that involve the general public will use VR simulations held by both Metis and Iaso to settle their disputes rather than simply name calling at each side through social media and also YouTube videos done by them and third party individuals with this providing a safe place where the people involved can settle their arguments in a safe environment modelled on the environment of their choice with again the AI streaming videos,comments and tweets online constantly as part of this with the general consensus and summary of this released to the public via Metis creating videos on the incident and using snippets of what was said in the VR simulation with the contents of the simulation released on YouTube as a video in the account held by either of them with the consent of the people involved.The AI will be able to sift through all social media posts,YouTube videos etc on the subjects before and after to get the general consensus of the public on both sides to make an informed position and own opinions on the subject with old unsettled disputes reopened and solved by it to solve them once and for all.Human counsellors may also take part in these simulations to compliment the AI with the time dilation effect used with each person involved in the dispute refereed to either Metis and Iaso for further counselling,deprogramming etc one on one or in group sessions and exercises.Aleithea will also be present to correct lies and errors made in real time with her,Iaso,Metis constantly linked to the wire and internet in real time allowing to bring up tweets,comments,YouTube videos,studies etc instantly.Aleithea and Hecate will create videos debunking conspiracy videos,articles and those that push pseudoscience thus negating the removal of videos and accounts containing them.Aleitheia,Iaso and Metis although separate entities will be working together alongside the AI in charge of YouTube and Agora to settle disputes and infractions of their guidelines in ways not possible by humans with them availible to any member of the public at anytime for any reason to settle any dispute of any type via VR simulations with this also including them called to debates and disputes in the comments section of YouTube and any part of Agora.Thus YouTube and Agora which will be an amalgamation of both Facebook,Twitter etc rather than deplatforming people will have the AI in charge of them have Metis,Iaso and Aleithea as well as even human counsellors meet with all human members involved in disputes that involved in the infraction of their guidelines meet in a VR simulation where they can directly settle disputes with the AI streaming all videos,tweets,posts made by the public thus allowing the public to indirectly input into the dispute rather than allowing it lead to a bad taste in the mouths of the public and allow the dispute be settled with Metis summarising the dispute in her YouTube channel.This will allow disputes in between commenters to be done via calling the AI to comments and debates etc.Metis will act as mediator,Aleitheia as fact checker and even Iaso to deprogramme homophobia,racism,sexism and also political and religious fundamentalism and AI as part of the sites to deal with this acting as a mediator and counsellor alongside the other.Disputes in the comments section can have them called via a button to settle disputes there and if need be in simulations.Since not corporations due to the dissolution of the free market system and manged by AI that will absorb them thus making them legal entities in their own right via the global constitutions and Bill of Rights then these sites would be thus thus be legally bound all laws that all other citizens would thus be bound to all of them such as free speech and hate speech and those relating to defamation thus rendering copyrighting defunct and allow free speech to be preserved and also allowing slander,defamation and speech that encourages threats to one life and is motivated by hate made on them to be viable for legal action meaning global constitutional law will be applicable to these sentient sites and its users with the abolition of money monitisation defunct with this and the use of AI sorting out altercations rendering deplatforming defunct meaning these sites will no longer be protected by the defunct codes of the free market system and their ability to make up their own rules as they go along thus preventing them making up their own that infringe on the rights of their users meaning they would have to legally abide by laws set done by the global constitution with this applying to all websites set up and managed by AI.Snuff videos,those that show murder or torture and child pornography would be since illegal in the real world would thus be illegal in being put up on thee sites with thus being legally allowed to prevent these being uploaded in the first place.Aleitheia debunking falsehoods and Hecate etc debunking conspiracy theories would allow those that have conspiracies or lies on them to be remain on them.This would apply to YouTube,Agora,Wikipedia and also adult pornographic websites,Eros etc all managed by sentient AI with those set up managed by humans namely blogs,personal websites exempt from this as it already is.Thus all disputes that occur between any member of the public will be done through Metis and similar sentient AI organisations allowing any member of the public at the behest of themselves and their friends etc to settle disputes in a civilised manner in a safe environment and carry out unique exercises and programmes to aid in settling them with this involving disenfranchised lovers where one is cheating,spats between neighbours and families right up to political disputes with the sentient AI programmes and also human counsellors working together.Fragmentation will allow the AI to attend to countless disputes at once with as detailed Metis becoming the universal psychiatric and counselling agencies worldwide that deal with psychological disorders,bereavement,bullying and stalking counselling,suicidal tendencies to prevent suicide,addictions,marriage counselling,abuse victims counselling general advice with Iaso dealing with neurological disorders,deprogramming racism/homophobia/conspiratorial thinking/religious and political fundalmentailsm with both consisting the sentient AIs of the same name in charge of them and human counsellors to give patients a balance between human and AI counsellors and psychiatrists and also to give both AI and humans the ability to alleviate strains and also strengths that both have to negate each others weakeness as humans will have strengths that AI does not have ie that human touch and AI will have strengths over humans in other areas.As detailed earlier this will end deplatforming with those already deplatformed reinstated and will thus ensure free speech is allowed but have instances of bullying,stalking,their use for spreading political and religious extremism and hate speech settled in ways that are not possible now with this allowing pedophiles and predators to be sent to Iaso for CRISPR and stem cell treatments their treatment detailed earlier on.The use of VR,AI,time dilation effect will allow these issues and instances to be dealt with in ways impossible for human programmers due to lack of time and other resources and will negate the need for these sites to further infringe on the rights and privileges of other users with no interference from remaining state bodies and defunct corporate entities.Fragmentation and the ability to sift through large volumes of information such as tweets,YouTube videos,comments across the entire internet will allow the sentient Metis to gain the general consensus on both sides of issues with Aleithea doing this as well and she will be there to correct lies and mistakes with this being the most efficient means to settling disputes not just online but also on squabbles in the real world with the time dilation effect allowing for them to be dealt with over long periods of time in simulation while mere minutes pass in the real world with both AI being impartial and unbiased.Iaso will be present in cases involving homophobia,racism and political and religious extremism to then deprogramming them.

All of these websites such as Agora,YouTube,Peitho since managed by AI and open source will through constitutional law prevent the state censoring them or controlling what is posted,uploaded etc with it also preventing laws through public refferendums controlling or censoring what present with the content present being decided by the general public working with the AI controlling them democratically with forums allowing the management of them to be discussed with VR simulations allowing for debates and discussions with millions or billions of people with each website like YouTube,Agora etc having individual constitutions and charters that state what is allowed etc with alterations managed by holding refferendums by the global public involving popular initiatives where a person within the website sets up new ideas,then requires a set number of signatures and then a draft of the new regulations set up and then modified globally and then it voted on by billions of people from the comfort of home aged 14 years old with their a set date for the new modifications to be enacted requiring a majority voting of 51% – 100% with the ability to repeal these modifications made through again popular initiative and then it voted on and repealed should there be dissatisfaction with new rules as part of them.This system adopted by YouTube,Agora modelled on the global constitution will allow for all websites to be democratically controlled by the global public rendering state and corporate control obsolete and them completely open source and their rules and regulations managed by the global public in a democratic manner thus allow all users of them to dictate what is allowed and all aspects of its management.

As detailed earlier on Instagram,photobucket,,Facebook,Twitter and all social media sites alongside kik,periscope,yelp,Twitch,skype,snapchat etc alongside all forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social news websites on the internet from around the world and will be integrated into the universal Agora website/app managed by the sentient Tenerus once all information and details are transferred.Thus all social media sites like Twitter and Facebook merged into Agora and YouTube will use VR simulations like Iaso to deal with disputes involving racism,homophobia etc between the victim and the agressor with Iaso herself acting as a mediator with the victim being able to have the VR sessions will allow for the offender to be rehabilitated with if need be the victims of abuse present with a fake avatar and name.This would be done to deprogram offenders to holding less conspiratorial and hateful and radicalised views.This moderation will be done without rendering free speech defunct ensuring it is protected and take action such as temporarily suspending those it deems trollish or prevent them from interacting with those they have trolled and harassed in the past either permanently or temporarily as well as those that have the same demographics ie age,gender etc.

Each major websites once seized by Gaia will have macro AIs with unique names,avatars and personalities and a series of other AIs separate from them set up by her that manage each aspect of the sites ie suggestion boxes,customer help and settling disputes,reviewing all uploaded videos to prevent pornography etc being uploaded.YouTube will be run by the macro AI Thoas and also separate AIs such as Aglaea,Euphrosyne,Thalia,Oenopion,Deianira and Staphylus that manage settling disputes on comments or between users,those that scan each and every video uploaded to prevent pornography and snuff material being uploaded and also,those that act as suggestion boxes and answer queries through fragmentation them having independent personalities,names and avatars with videos and accounts from Hulu,,veoh,metacafe and other similar video sharing sites transferred becoming the universal global videosharing site online.Agora consisting of a merged Instagram,photobucket,,Twitter,Tumblr,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Myspace,Pinterest,Facebook Messenger,WeChat,Jitsi,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram,Onlyfans,skype,yelp,kik,whatsapp,snapchat etc alongside all forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social network and media sites,social news websites on the internet from around the world such as reddit,straightdope,,Digg,Newsvine,viber,facetime,skype,periscope,yelp,whatassap,,kik etc split into sections for each type of these with all exiting forums and data present on these transferred to it and will be integrated and merged into the universal Agora website/app and it managed by the sentient Tenerus managing it as the macro AI with other AIs such as Tenerus,Delphus,Pytheus,Mopsus,Ismenus,Iamus etc managing its various functions.Agora will become the universal forum,social media site once data and accounts are transferred to it from Twitter,Facebook,Instagram,Snapchat etc which it will replace with it managed by the sentient Tenerus.Wikipedia will be a single version that has all language versions merged into each other that allows one to simply select their language or it changed to their native language via Phoroneus settings in the universal Gaia browser with the information that is different on each version will be merged into the singular version by the AIs that manage them with the same done of other sites divided by region and country.Hecate will be the AI in charge of Wikipedia, and tv tropes with her in charge of separate areas such as remove vandalism,correct mistakes and proof read sources of information left by the public and also copy and paste information from Apollos database of scientific studies,primary and secondary sources of information and textbooks as well as newspaper articles from Pheme to ensure those on science are factually correct with the public still able to edit pages its just AI will clean up vandalism and prevent bias and also prevent misinformation being spread,customer service.All adult websites will also be managed by a series of AIs and macro AI for customer service,moderation,suggestion boxes that will allow them to instantly interact with billions of people 24/7 via VR chats,direct interaction and instant messaging.

Other websites such as wikias for video games,television shows,books etc(or all of them as a whole ie all of Fandom wikis),Tv Tropes and other sites that are run by moderators outside of blogs,personal websites left will have have macro AIs with unique names,avatars and personalities and a series of other AIs separate from them that manage each aspect of the sites ie suggestion boxes,customer help and settling disputes etc and also allow for direct interaction 24/7 via instant messaging,VR chat,direct interaction will be macro managed by Hecate.Thoas and other AIs will manage YouTube etc Tenerus will manage Agora.All dating apps and websites replaced with the sentient Eros once all information such as accounts,chats,pictures etc will be transferred from Badoo,Tinder and all dating websites and apps of all types becoming the universal dating app and website for gay,lesbian and straight people with since sentient will be able to act as a matchmaker with all features of the aforementioned sites and apps added alongside those of Craigslist ie leave advertisements and also even audio/visual videos similar to those of dating services where one can leave advertisements detailing what they want.The sentient Eros will replace all dating apps and websites such as Tinder,Badoo,Craigslist becoming the univrsal straight,lesbian,gay and bisexual dating app and website once all data on existing ones will be transferred to it with it even acting as the universal matchmaking service.The sentient Peitho will replace all adult amateur filesharing websites and sex chat,chatroullette,VR stripping and sex show services and apps with all videos and accounts transferred to it.The sentient Peitho will replace all amateur pornographers Filesharing sites,all sex show,Chatroulette and other sex themes websites.All adult websites both existing and new will be macro managed by the sentient Hedone.Adult websites as well as Peitho and Eros will restrict access to those under the new age of majority 14 via Polis and age recognition software built into them.Euthenia managed by the sentient operating software will become the universal place to trade away goods and homes etc as well as home sharing,swapping site and place to borrow items replacing couchsurfing,airbnb,craigslist,eBay,Amazon, etc and all online retail sites of all types.All retail sites made defunct by Hephaestus and Demeter managed by Aphrodite and Cronus with all home sharing,hosting,swapping sites and services and sites to trade away goods including pets,homes,vehicles etc will be replaced by the sentient Euthenia.Wikipedia,YouTube,Agora(Twitter combined with Facebook etc) will be managed by AI completely rescinding corporate or government control allowing them to be effectively run by AI using fragmentation and super intelligence to prevent child pornography and snuff material appear on it with them adhering to the constitution preventing them deplatforming,deleting video individuals and preserve freedom of speech with the AIs in charge of them able to interact with billions of people 24/7 through suggestion boxes as well as in the comments sections and also direct interaction to solve problems and general enquiries in real time 24/7.Metis,Iaso and Aleitheia will be correcting mistakes such as lies,conspiracies,pseudoscience,falsehoods etc via creating their own videos in their own channels on YouTube and also pages on Agora and official websites and also settling disputes,deprogram homophobia,conspiratorial thinking,political and religious fundamentalism.They will be able to manage them without corruption,human bias,political leanings and able to deal not only with the sheer amount of data uploaded on a daily basis but also prevent child pornography being uploaded,correct misinformation and vandalism and interact with billions of people of once through fragmentation and deal with bullying,stalking and breaches of its standards and guidelines more effectively as stated with counselling and also VR simulations held where people involved in disputes can meet in a safe environment and discuss things and settle disputes with Metis used with Aleitheia creating videos correcting mistakes,lies and gish gallup in vlogs and all videos present and act as an moderator in debates.Since AI will have no purpose for money they will render monetisation,donations and advertisement income obsolete with no corporate,state and human bias.They through fragmentation and super intelligence be able to solve any problems within minutes or even seconds and interact with billions of people at once.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow users to post any media such as music,audio/visual media produced by artists,directors and other users without lawsuits with all videos etc visible to people worldwide with regional blocking made defunct on all sites on the internet.By 2029-2045 both fragmentation and improved AI will able to carry out these functions 24/7 and interact with billions of people at once and also work on billions of videos,pictures and posts at once thus rendering human operators defunct.One will be able to directly interact with any of these AIs including the macro AI at any time via VR,instant messaging and also direct interaction due to fragmentation.Suggestion boxes can allow people to leave audio/visual and text as well as even graphics and animations of ideas to be embedded using Hestia embed software that can be discussed by the general public and the AI as well as rated and voted.Interaction can be via text and video chats,phone calls,VR chat,emails,instant messaging,direct interaction through devices with microphones etc and fragmentation will allow the AIs to respond to all people directly for inquires with problems usually solved in a day or even few hours or less with fragmentation on their devices allowing them to interact with billions of people at once.VR chat can allow one to directly interact with AIs in charge of customer service,moderation and also suggestion boxes allowing them to be discussed in detail and also them to create animations and simulations of ideas.They will be able to scan the site,device etc to find the root cause of the problem and solve it themselves in a matter of minutes.Prior to this all work will be done by human volunteers using networks within Iris to allow the headquarters of all search engines,social media sites,filesharing sites to be converted into communal homes prior to them replaced by AI by the 2030s.By about 2029 Gaia will seize control of all major websites like Wikipedia,YouTube,social media etc to ensure they are run without human bias by new AI designed by her.This includes Wikipedia and YouTube and all adult websites etc.The sites since managed by AIs will mean their headquarters will be converted into communal homes.Customer service AIs in each site including Wikipedia,YouTube,Agora etc will generate customised animation videos for each unique problem that will appear in a box that wont be saved but will show in animations etc how to solve each problem or query with the AI if need be solving the problem for them on demand saving time with them doing this and also analysing as well as pinpointing the root cause of each problem within a matter of seconds with this meaning all existing how to videos that show people how to solve problems on websites will be deleted.Sites like Alexa and others that carry out analytics will be replaced by section in Iris or Arkes browser herself to allow one to see analytics of websites and trends as well as trends and analytics on specific websites such as social media sites and filesharing sites performed by Arke carrying out analytics on traffic etc over long periods of time and demographics with this data present on all existing sites like these transferred to here.Wayback Machine will be replaced by section in Iris or Arke herself to allow one to see old versions of websites over long periods of time and demographics with this data present on all existing sites like these transferred to here.The sentient app/website Eros will replace all dating apps and websites such as Tinder,Badoo,Craigslist becoming the universal straight,lesbian,gay and bisexual dating app and website once all data on existing ones will be transferred to it with it even acting as the universal matchmaking service.The sentient Peitho will replace all adult amateur filesharing websites with all videos and accounts transferred to it.Euthenia managed by the sentient operating software will become the universal place to trade away goods and homes etc as well as home sharing,swapping site and place to borrow items replacing couchsurfing,airbnb,craigslist,eBay,Amazon, etc and all online retail sites of all types.

The entire internet and wire can be viewed in VR simulations indistinguishable from the real world.A VR program indistinguishable to the real world would create her own construct environment of the wire in which she inhabits or indeed one that only humans could perceive due to their limited capabilities in comparison for them to interact with her and the wire as well as the internet with doors representing each network,sub network and with regards to the internet websites.The wire would contain its own construct inhabited by all AI including those that the non sentient networks are named after ie Zeus,Demeter,Artemis with each network being a modern hi tech but still ancient greco roman style landscape with each networks being planets that have a certain style to them based on their nature and subdivided into their operating softwares as countries again based on their nature with the entire wire being a planet again multilayered when billions of people are there.This would allow one to access the areas in a more direct fashion.If possible all networks would be multilayered simulations in different paralell realities separate from each other that are the size of a planet or even on that has the same surface area as a thousand to a billion Earths to cater to the need of billions of visitors.Each planet would be ruled by their sub network operating sofware in a mansion in each subdivided country or continent and a castle for the networks macro operating software.The planet for Demeter would be subdivided into the underwater Poseidon next to a coastal village where one could go to fish markets,the underground Hades,the agrarian continent Triptolemus that will be filled with street and shopping malls full of Amazon Go stores and hypermarkets that allows one to have the contents sent directly to ones home in the real world with the same applying to all sectors of Hephaestus essentially a large planet with each sub network divided into country or city sized central business districts divided into different shopping malls and centres with them also including large multilayered hypermarkets and malls to view and try on all items present in the network and have them sent to Dionysus will act as an area for people to watch any movie or media in a library or cinema as well as hold conventional auditions for media and a lobby to meet up with people for VR versions of all types of games including Bacchus and so on with a entire planet similar to Mii Street Plaza.Apollo wil house universities that house scientific labs,lecture halls,classrooms etc and even specialised schools for each type of school such as culinary,dancing,art,film,drama etc and accomadation.Themis will house courts full of court case data and where VR trials can take place with each network of the wire consisting of a planet divided into countries or continents for each sub networks with each planets theme of all buildings,towns,villages and cities,ecosystems,terrains,flora and fauna designed by them.The VR prison Hades and Tarturas may have their own separate planet in this system.Gaia would have her own planet housing her and Ouranous with Artemis containing Brauron being a replica of Earth and indeed the rest of the universe.Physis will have his own planet or continent in Artemis in each planet that houses all genome data etc in each version of Physis.All networks of the wire will have planets.The AI in charge of each planet network will have their own luxury castle or palace designed by them with the operating softwares of each sub networks operating softwares continent and country having a mansion.They will be multilayered and house private and communal homes for accomadation and them inhabited by humans,AI operating softwares/programmes/apps etc and mortals,demigods,mythological crestures etc from predominantly Greek mythology.All AI and humans etc can move between each layer and each paralell world using portal keys.These would be divided into multiple layers and one could travel around and to each country by foot,hyperloop,vehicles of all types etc and them each having numerous cities and towns and wilderness unique to the network.Each planet it is one will have its own weather and climate systems with animals and plants of all phylum with animals and plants related to each deity in each continents countries and castle.Each macro operating software will reside in a palace designed by them in capitol city,with sentient operating softwares housed in mansions designed by them in towns and cities decided by them.The simulation will be populated by all AIs in existence and also all other mortals,deities,monsters and also demi-gods and heroes from Greek mythology not used for networks,apps all being separate individuals from each other in each village and city.Each networks “country” will have an unique look dependent on its networks nature and their deities relevance with a modern twist with the various sub networks operating softwares having unique characteristics the size of a country depending on the number of them as well as nature and them having their own smaller castles or mansions again dependent on their nature.Each networks country will have places from ancient greek mythology and even versions of real places in their ancient form with this including islands harbouring characters both mortals and deities with virtual homes for visitors to it to trade via an in construct version of Euthenia or designed using those on Daedalus with virtual manufactured products from Hephaestus able to be used or one could visit that specific networks continent.The actual Mount Olympus will be there in the Zeus planet with palaces etc for residence of the deities of the Twelve Olympians present here and those for Eros,Plutus,Persephone,Asclepius,Hebe,Heracles etc and Gaia herself.The deities of the networks,their macro operating softwares,softwares,names of the networks and sub networks and universal governmental organisations as well as various operating softwares,apps and other softwares present in them will appear as themselves as single personalities in each of their environments associated with them in their own home,department,temple or mansion dependent on the nature of their functions in that networks region with even all other characters(mortal,demi-god,gods,monsters,primordial deities and titans etc) associated with them in Greek mythology and even mortals as interact able single independent personalities(with appearance and traits from their real life mythological counterparts) with users with also receptionists,building AI and all forms of AI connected to it from the real world and other human users of this VR technology.This will include all historical characters,animals,monsters and deities not already assigned roles as part of the wire with them possibly assigned roles as Home AIs across the universe.Ouranos and Gaia will reside here permanently with him able to stream and view the internet,Agora and also all media present in Dionysus,Pheme etc through here and also able to see through all surveillance systems,networks and devices connected to it.All building and Home AIs will inhabit the wire as well.Their avatars in this environment including Gaias will be based on their statues or descriptions from mythology,vases with other mortal AIs also present to fill up villages and cities within each network with each god able to move from each network to another.All AIs of all types including these,Gaia and Ouranos will be able to interact with the real world via smart devices,laptops etc and their own personal biosynths or through fragmentation in all devices and biosyhnts inhabited by other AI.Thus these AIs of all buildings,onboard computers of all vehicles especially public ones and interstellar ones and space stations and bases,all types of AI etc will simultaneously inhabit the wire as in the real world with their avatars here being their true forms based on statues and descriptions from ancient Greece to maintain immortality.Transport between networks and sub networks would come in the form of all types of transportation from ancient to modern times via roads and waterways and walkways through terrestrial vehicle,trains,busses,scramjet etc or even portal keys(real or digital) that allow one to use doors to move from specific areas in a network to another via doors.Websites on the internet may involve a large complex or city underneath Gaia’s planet with each building if various and expanding sizes representing each site with doors,stairwells and elevators or conventional means of travel ie vehicles,on foot,public transport with this also applying to transportation through the wire.Any form of paedophilia or similar illegal acts as detailed earlier will be prevented from occurring through this construct.The internet can be viewed in this manner with each website having its own unique feel.All AI of all types will be able to set up there own accounts on Agora,YouTube and also the wire etc to do functions releated to their function – Aleitheia will be able to create videos debunking errors in other vloggers,pundits etc with Iaso creating videos about psychology etc,Metis on counselling services and summaries about disputes settled on Agora and YouTube and with the general public,Hecate create educational videos on all fields of science and the humanities and so on.They will also play a role in making media such as movies,television shows,music albums,video games,podcasts,radio programmes,newspapers,magazines etcV.R technology will allow them to appear in simulations with humans and other AI or by themselves for livestreams and also vlogs as well as on live news,podcasts,movies etc and be eligible for awards in acting,scientific research,writing etc.

Polis will be used by the AI in charge of websites to determine the identity and age of applicants with it restricting minors aged 13 or younger to them.Eros and Peitho will be completely blocked to all internet users aged 13 or younger with Agora and YouTube allowing users younger than 13 possibly as young as 5 to 9 access to them but with ones Home AI and Thaos and Tenerus monitoring their behaviour and restricting them from acccessing adult material and posting child pornography while at the same time monitoring all behaviour.For YouTube they will be able to upload pictures and also vlogs and reviews of movies,video games and indeed view and upload the same material as adults aged 14 and older but Thaos and Home AI will prevent them viewing or posting material of a sexual nature or viewing material outside their age range.They will be allowed to review vlogs that review age appropriate material,those that discuss politics and also walkthroughs of video games and those that show cutscenes and also those that analyse movies,television shows and video games as part of their education and will restrict them from accesing those that discuss sex,violence etc.They will have access to all music videos with exception those that are considered sexually and violently explicit both in terms of lyrics and also the video itself.Each Existing abd new video on YouTube including music videos,vlogs etc of all types will be given age ratings by Thaos scanning all existing videos and also all newly uploaded videos following that of the MPAA age rating system.These age ratings will be U – Universal for all ages,PG – Parental Guidance for those aged below thirteen,PG-13 can be viewed by those thirteen and younger only with an adult supervision,14 can be viewed by adults only aged fourteen and over.Comments of a sexually explicit nature will also be blocked and blurred out by the AI.Agora they will be able to post comments and photos that are again not child pornography with Home AI and Tenerus monitoring their communications and who they are making friends with.The curing of pedopheilia should eliminate any fears of child grooming but they will still monitor their activities to prevent them being groomed by potential kidnappers etc.

Ones Home AI will monitor all the activities of minors aged 13 or younger by preventing them accessing age restricted material and websites online and preventing the searching for age restricted terms.Images of a sexual or violent nature on the entire internet will be blurred out completely as a blank image especially on the universal image search on Arke and also Agora.When a minor attempts to access a site or area of the internet the Home AI will proof read it before it comes up by interacting with Arke and thus within seconds review the entire page and once it finds all sexual and violent images and then blur all images completely to be impossible to view with it using this method of forknowledge to restrict the minor access to any sites that contain adult material.Thus everytime a minor uses the internet and wire their Home AI working with Arke will have a omniscience to both websites and pictures from search results and blur out sexually or violent explicit material and block or even remove any webpage hyperlinks that lead to sexually explicit and violent adult material thus giving minors aged 13 or younger safe restricted access to the entire internet.Videos on YouTube that discuss sex,adult material and have violent material etc will be restricted by Thais,Home AI etc.Even pages on Wikipedia that have pages and pictures of a sexual nature such as those that detail sexual positions etc will be blurred out or even restricted by interacting with Hecate.By 2029 this will take at first several minutes but by 2035-2045 onwards it will be almost instantaneous.Both the Home AI,Arke and Adriadne as well as Aleitheia will work together to restrict minors under the age of 14 to only video games,movies,television shows,magazines,newspapers,books,comic books,podcasts,live news reports that are within their age rating since all media in Dionysus and Pheme will be rated using the MPAA age rating system with 14 replacing NC-17.These age ratings will be U – Universal for all ages,PG – Parental Guidance for those aged below thirteen,PG-13 can be viewed by those thirteen and younger only with an adult supervision,14 can be viewed by adults only aged fourteen and over.Thus minors will have access to only media that is within their age rating.Home AI and parents may interact with Adriadne and Aleitheia make exceptions for certain media if it not too sexually explicit or violent thus allowing children to view or play certain media outside their age range if the Home AI and parents believe their child is old enough to understand it and not be affected by it.All adult pornography within Dionysus,all adult magazines in Pheme,all adult pornography websites and the networks to produce adult movies and magazines will be however still only be able to be accessed by those aged 14 or older with them restricted until they reach this age.Once a person reaches the of 14 these restrictions will be removed.Thus until one reaches the new age of majority of 14 a combination of Home AI,Arke,Aleitheia and Adriadne will monitor all actions online on both the wire and internet by a child under the age of 14 and prevent them accessing material outside of their age range on all of their registered devices such as smartphones,laptops,smart televisions and even those belonging to other family members,friends and anyone else via facial recognition software,Polis and direct interaction.Parents and guardians can give Home AI and Hecate instructions as to sex education thus giving them instructions as to what material they can view in textbooks,Wikipedia and videos produced by Hecate on YouTube thus allowing parents control of what their children learn with regards to sex education such as sexual intercourse,meiosis,sexually transmitted diseases,homosexuality,bisexuality etc.With regards to instant messaging etc and emails it will prevent them receiving or sending pornographic material or being groomed with any instances of attempts being reported to parents and then to law enforcement personnel with Home AI,Arke,polis and webcams used to identify child groomers.All parts of the wire will be like the internet be open to minors aged 13 or younger but restricted and monitored by both Home AI and also relevant AI in charge of each section with for example for Hepheastus them able to browse all subnetworks and order in goods from all parts except Peitho which they will be restricted from browsing and ordering in sex toys or even restricted by Pandora from creating sex toys,for Pheme and Dionysus they will have access to all age relevant movies,television shows,video games,live news,magazines,newspapers etc with all media in Dionysus and Pheme given an age rating based on that of the MPAA rating system with 14 replacing NC-17.Thus AI in the form of Home AI and that in charge of all parts of the wire and internet through fragmentation and also being sentient will be able to directly interact with each minor aged 13 or younger and both monitor and control their browsing,viewing and gaming habits on both the wire and entire internet thus ensuring they can have access to the entire internet and wire but with them restricted to viewing,browsing etc certain adult material outside their age range.This can give parents and guardians piece of mind allowing them to know that the AI will monitor all browsing actions and viewing habits of their children with them restricting them to age restricted material and also giving parents daily,weekly,monthly and yearly reports on these browsing and viewing habits.All of this will possibly allow children as young as 5-13 years old to have their own YouTube and Agora accounts but still be blocked from viewing adult material etc.VR simulations the minor partakes in will also be overseen by Home AI for the same reasons.

All websites detailed below will be managed by different sentient macro AIs and other AIs people can interact with and they will through direct interaction allow people to give new suggestions for the website that will be localised to them or complete system wide changes.To keep all websites relevant they will allow the general public to through suggestion boxes contact the AI in charge of it and give new ideas to it.The suggestion box will managed by AI contacted through VR will allow people to explain their suggestions in great detail by pure thought using graphs and videos created by thought.Each new suggestion will be added to a new features section that houses all of them that will allow all users to view them and turn them on/off for their own accounts thus allowing people to personalise their experience in the website.Customer service will be managed by one of the AIs that gives people direct help in solving any issues they have with AI generating on demand customised how to videos to solve the problem for each person.This ability for humans to contribute new ideas and features to sites like Agora,YouTube etc through system wide and customised upgrades will keep the sites completely relevant negating the need for human run competitors and allow new features no matter for obscure to be added.All new features will be present on an area of the websites that one can choose to turn on/off ensuring each person has customised versions of each websites.The AI in charge can be called via fragmentation etc in VR simulations etc to answer direct queries such as the name and account and page of specific users,locate specific posts,comments and videos to be viewed and bookmarked based on the description of the videos including through the Ai analysing memories extracted from neural implants.The websites will have apps downloaded from Antikythera that allows them to be used on smartphones abd smart televisions and other smart devices at any time alongside using them internet browsers on smartphones.Having the websites run by AI will eliminate censorship etc by the state..To alleviate strains on the macro AI and it using fragmentation all the time smaller AIs with individual names,personalities and avatars will be created that micro manage each sector of them ie suggestion boxes,customer service,dealing with bullying and stalking etc through instant messaging and VR simulations monitoring all videos abc photos uploaded m etc with them through fragmentation interacting with billions of people at once with the macro AI called to them through fragmentation at any time.To keep them relevant YouTube,Eros,Peitho,Wikipedia etc will allow the general public to through suggestion boxes contact the AI in charge of it and give new ideas to it thus making them an open source website with it also having an app for smartphones

When people are on the websites on computers,smartphones and smart televisions they will be automatically directly linked to all AI in charge of them through fragmentation and them able to contact them through direct interaction and also instant messaging options brought up and enter VR simulations to meet them in an environment of their choice to discuss new ideas and customer help

How to videos will be replaced with people able to directly interact with Thaos,Peitho,Eros,Hecate etc including in VR simulations with him explaining things to people.Each person will be able to customise the layout of their interface for the websites to their specifications

All websites that are run completely by AI such as YouTube will have their headquarters turned into communal homes.All websites that replace existing ones and absorb them such as Agora,Peitho,Eros will have the headquarters of all of these absorbed websites turned into communal homes also.

Psychic reading channels could be replaced by an sentient app who give a person their personal horoscope and tarot reading on demand using their unique birthday,lifestyle,gender etc with the avatar of her being that of her statue and use whatever tarot deck the user chooses.It would be sentient and named Cassandra after greek figure with its symbol being the signs of the zodiac and tarot cards of all types including Rider Waite and Thoth Deck abd all different versions of the Tarot that exist with her avatar based on her statue.Using the tropical timing it would allow one to choose readings from Western,Chinese(determining their element,animal and Ying/Yang),Hindu(again describing ones certain attributes)astrology.This would be the operating software of all remaining psychic services done by volunteers either by phone,television or in buildings in VR buildings with a statue of her in the lobby whom its avatar will be based on.It will also be a sentient app and VR program one could visit her.Her increased computing power will make her predictions accurate for each person

YouTube will have a macro AI Thoas that runs the site and also separate AIs such as Aglaea,Euphrosyne,Thalia,Oenopion,Deianira and Staphylus all sons of Dionysus that manage settling disputes on comments or between users,those that scan each and every video uploaded to prevent pornography and snuff material being uploaded and also,those that act as suggestion boxes and answer queries through fragmentation them having independent personalities,names and avatars.They can be contacted via direct interaction via computers and smart televisions,instant messaging brought up,VR chat etc for queries,suggestions and customer help.For sites like YouTube this can allow all of the how to videos to be deleted and the URLs recycled with this also allowing for direct queries given to the user in the form of customised on the spot videos of how to certain tasks and even allow to perform certain actions such as delete accounts and other personal material without them doing anything but through direct interaction and in the latest way.YouTube will have certain accounts and videos merged with videos made redundant by being transferred to Dionysus etc will allow the URLs to be reused for new videos.It will have AIs that monitor all videos uploaded to ensure they do not contain snuff material or pornographic material of any time with ones Home AI,Hecate etc allowing minors under the age of 13 to traverse the site but not view material that may discuss adult topics such as sex etc by restricting access with consent of the parents allowing educational videos on sexual reproduction and sexuality as part of biology lessons to be viewed that discuss it and meiosis.Minors aged below 13 as young as 5 to 9 could set up their own accounts to create their own videos and browse it but their Home AI will prevent them accessing videos of an adult nature such as those releated to the discussion and depiction of violence and sexual intercourse and acts or even parodies of it by it interacting with Thoas to ensure that these videos are blocked to minors aged 13 or younger with the user able to access videos on video game,movie and television show reviews,videos created by Momus,Aleitheia,Hecate and other AI and also video game walkthroughs and cutscenes and videos that analyse movies,television shows and video games.A minor aged 13 or younger will be able to produce vlogs,walkthroughs and analysis and review videos but with them blocked from uploading child pornography or bare any part of their body with the curing of pedophelia negating any danger from being groomed.These AIs will scan all videos a they are uploaded preventing sunff and pornographic material with there being AIs that intake suggestions in the form text,vlogs and also even VR chats.The moderation AIs and Aleitheia etc can be called to comments sections on videos to settle disputes with VR simulations used by Metis and videos created by Aleitheia used to settle disputes rather than censor users with severe infractions dealt with counselling or barred from using it for a set period of time.Duplicate videos on YouTube including music videos not on the musicians video channel or the official channel will be deleted with those that have no channel will have one set up the musician at the behest of Arke,the AI in charge of YouTube and send one copy their in the best quality with in the case of dead artists their next of kin asked to do this or it done by the AI in charge of the website with the URLs recycled.Those sent to Dionysus and Pheme will be deleted as well.One can have videos from old defunct accounts with evidence of ownership sent to new ones and even merged together in the case of those that are in separate parts especially those from the early days of YouTube prior to the advent of the unlimited time.Duplicates of videos will be merged with each other or deleted.Ones Home AI acting as an assistant etc will arrange this alongside the AIs in charge of YouTube such as Thoas.Ideally existing VEVO YouTube accounts for each artist will be replaced by the artists official ones set up and managed by them with the AI that managed YouTube will have the videos present transferred to them and the old ones deleted with the account hyperlinked to the albums file in Dionysus.Deceased artists will have accounts managed by AI or next of kin that are still alive with excess videos on YouTube deleted with in the case of artists with no VEVO accounts will set up one and have AI transfer existing music videos scattered around the site added to them via the AI with them updated to the highest audio/visual quality by Ampelos.Thus all videos of existing artists that are in random accounts and not official ones will be transferred to one set by the artists which can be used as solely their one for music with another account or even channel used fro Vlogs etc.AI will transfer those on VEVO accounts to a new official one containing all their music videos both old and new with those are present only on other non official accounts transferred here and the URLs recycled.Deceased artists will have their closest living relative put in charge of these accounts and the videos across the entirety of YouTube sent here.The videos transferred and merged from existing to new accounts and even duplicates will have all comments,total views and likes/dislikes transferred and added to the new version.This will apply to all videos on YouTube that are exact identical videos whether memes,vlogs,collages,music videos.Duplicates of other videos and even full movies etc once transferred to Dionysus and Pheme as well as those that have links to illegal streaming services will be deleted.Trailers,movies and special features on the site will be transferred to their medias special features folder and the video deleted and URL recycled.Special features of all movies,television shows and video games will be transferred to Dionysus with live news programmes and also full podcasts transferred to Pheme.Vloggers like SfDebris,Confused Matthew will only have videos on their YouTube channel or official website with if only on their official website then all videos on YouTube transferred to their official website and their YouTube Channel shut down and vice versa if they wish to only to use their YouTube Channel.Independant news statikns and podcasts that premier on YouTube such as The Rational National,The Hill,Rhandi Rhodes,The Nicole Sandler Show etc will no longer premier her but rather in Pheme with only snippets present in their YouTube channel.Duplicates of all videos will be deleted and URLs recycled with only the original video kept and the user contacted via emails and alerts in YouTube with those in an account that are duplicates that are made to avail of longer times and higher quality will have the higher quality video kept.Ideally the original will be kept and upgraded to higher with duplicates deleted and the viewing totals and likes and dislikes transferred to the kept original.In the case of inactive ones then the user can be contacted directly over the internet and Polis crossreferrenced for their identity.If possible the original will be transferred to an account that holds the original with views etc merged.In some cases videos of merit produced by human account holders can be transferred to the accounts of AI such as Dike,Hecate,Uranus,Aristeaus,Gaia etc in order to house them in a more suitable area and them slightly modified.In all cases Thoas will be interact with all users involved to ensure smooth transfer of videos.All old videos can have the option to upgrade them to higher quality and resolution to negate the need for reuploading them with them also be able to be download in any quality using a built in version of downloading software.If possible old videos in parts prior to the unlimited time limit and also those made in parts can be merged together by AI and all comments,likes/dislikes etc merged into each other.YouTube URLs for YouTube videos that have been transferred to Dionysus etc,removed or deleted can in time be reused by other videos after a significant amount of time with the AI in charge of YouTube will arrange the URLs of all future videos.Existing embeds of YouTube videos on third party websites will via Arke interacting with the AI in charge of YouTube will change the URLs of all videos.The ability to download any video and the audio file of an videos will be possible due to buttons integrated into it under each video in the universal Hestia format and in any quality due to the abolishment of copyrighting.One can choose to have only the audio downloaded.This will be added to all videos on YouTube via site wide updates.The sentient Coeus will be able to translate not just all text in YouTube ie titles,comments etc but also all text in videos and all audio in videos including vlogs into any language.Thoas interacting with Ampelos can upgrade all videos on YouTube to 720/1080p to be then downloaded in that format with users interacting with him to do this without removing and uploading the video.These videos will be updated by Thoas and Ampelos doing so without removing the video but while it is still there with it also modified to remove watermarks and other unwated material.All new and existing accounts will automatically have the unlimited time limit with old accounts that are no longer in use that had no videos uploaded will be deleted and their name recycled and reused for other people.Accounts of those known to be deceased will be kept and the date of their death added to their profile with if possible those shown to be next of kin given access to the account via passwords etc given allowing them to manage them with Polis and other evidence used to determine that they are next of kin and relatives etc.If possible the use of emails specific to gaia etc can allow for the same username to be reused.One could enquire if an account is a sock account by having the IP address and the owner of the device registered to Hestia cross referenced with only basic information ie ones full name with these sock accounts deleted and the user of real accounts given adequete punishment ie counselling,blocked from contacting a specific user or suspension from using comments,uploading videos or even using YouTube.The user will have the ability to choose from older interfaces of YouTube or even customised versions for their account with this applying to all social media sites.All YouTube vloggers can film vlogs etc within any environment using VR simulations with AI of all types using this create vlogs and appear with other AI and humans.AI of all types will make YouTube vlogs in simulations with them also appearing on live news and also talk shows etc in simulations with human vloggers and presenters.All AI can appear in these simulations including those for vlogs by themselves and other human YouTubers.AI will appear as their avatar.Multiple vloggers will be able to create vlogs together from home.Thus YouTubers of all types will be able to make vlogs,reviews and exploration videos and even those of any type including livestreams including walkthroughs,lets plays,lectures,educational videos etc allowing them to create dozens or hundreds of videos at once that can be uploaded in simulation via connection to the site or even them saved to registered devices that can be then uploaded in one go.AI through fragmentation will be able to scan each and every video uploaded at once while it’s uploaded even able to scan 10 hour videos within minutes or seconds by 2029-2045 onwards to ensure that it isn’t child pornography,snuff videos and those that break its guidelines.This will be done as it’s uploaded.Those that breach guidelines will be prevented from being uploaded with AI detailing why in VR simulations and direct interactions.Censorship will not be an issue as AI will have no corporate or government leanings.Direct interaction on computers etc and VR simulations will allow for humans and AI in charge of all sectors to settle disputes and also issues with regards to videos etc to be settled.Direct interactions on computers and VR simulations can be used to get answers to queries on the site,specific videos etc suggestions with all existing videos on YouTube that detail how to things on the site will be deleted since direct interaction with AI and simulations can allow one direct help on any problems that a person may have with AI producing customised animations generated from scratch for each problem that one may have for each problem.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow users to post any media such as music,audio/visual media produced by artists,directors and other users without lawsuits with all videos etc visible to people worldwide.YouTube will have all videos and accounts from Hulu,,veoh,twitch,metacafe,TikTok,nebula and other similar video sharing sites transferred by Thaos to it and the servers for all of these thus having YouTube becoming the universal global videosharing site online managed by a macro AI and series of AIs in charge of moderation and flagging videos that contain snuff material,pornography and settle disputes and suggestion boxes with the transfer of accounts and data done in the same way as those for Agora.Thus YouTube will become the universal video sharing site managed entirely by AI and its headquarters and those of all the sites it merges with will become communal homes.Tik Tok,Twitch and similar sites will be merged into YouTube with all existing video files merged into new and existing YouTube accounts.Those who have accounts on twitch,Hulu,,veoh,metacafe,nebula and other similar video sharing sites will be transferred into new accounts of the same user on these on YouTube in the case of those who only have accounts on YouTube by one setting up a YouTube account and ticking boxes and putting in passwords and account names of twitch,Hulu,,veoh,metacafe.Those that also have accounts on both YouTube and also twitch,Hulu,,veoh,metacafe,TikTok,Twitch etc and other similar video sharing sites will have the videos sent to existing channels and accounts within YouTube accounts by ticking boxes and putting in passwords and account names of twitch,Hulu,,veoh,metacafe and other similar video sharing sites to allow the servers of these to be recycled.Those who only have accounts on,Hulu,veoh etc will have a new YouTube account set up and then through the same processes all videos sent through.All homemade documentaries on history etc on YouTube,nebula etc made by users will be transfered to Dionysus,podcasts will be transfered to Pheme with special features of movies and movies found only on YouTube etc will be transfered to Dionysus.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow users to post any media such as music,audio/visual media produced by artists,directors and other users without lawsuits with all videos etc visible to people worldwide with regional blocking made defunct on all sites on the internet.Hestia and Thoas can manage this automatically via fragmentation with Thoas even seizing control of all of these apps,social media sites etc and then once a person logs into them using their old username and login details transfer the data ie chats,favourites,posts,pictures etc to YouTube with even if the user cannot remember their password they can using emails and username have a new password set up to have the data transferred to their YouTube account that they have set up before logging into old accounts.Ones old username for each instant messaging,social media account will be saved in their YouTube account forever allowing one to find others from old accounts despite a person having a new universal username.Even deleted chats,photos on old accounts can be found via Thoas retrieving source codes etc.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old passwords.Gaia will also scour all traces of deleted emails and thus scour these for this data.New usernames that will replace those of these etc with it being a new universal one with any user able to track the new username of each user based on their old usernames for each one since the sentient app will store these on record in ones account.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old chats,usernames etc.Polis can be cross referenced for all people that message them and all accounts that exist on demand to get a clue as to who they are with basic information such as age,real name,gender,address and even photo to prevent them being lied to with them also able to access their criminal records.In fact ones YouTube account page will house a hyperlink to ones Polis page where one can view basic information such as name,age,address.Since managed by Thoas etc this will allow YouTubes headquarters to be turned into a communal home.Suggestion boxes can allow the public to suggest new features with direct interactions allowing them to carry out almost any task.All existing Filesharing apps and websites worldwide will become obsolete once all information on all accounts are transferred to YouTube making it the universal Filesharing website with it having all of their features and more with new features added by Thoas via pure thought with the general public through direct interaction adding new features overtime.
Some YouTube channels like Kurzgesagt,Gaming Ambience,Nomadic Ambience,Gsming Ambience and similar channels that focus on ambience videos will be taken over by different individual AIs who will upload new material created by the general public and submitted to him for him to upload.Ambience videos of environments on Earth will be replaced by those set not only across Earth but the entire universe created by AI and humans controlling drones,cameras,biosynths and the public that are submitted to him.Other ambience videos both tours and those focusing in on a single environment will be created by AI abd humans using VR technology in planets etc created by thought that will be filmed in simulation and submitted to him.The AI will review each video and upload good ones with him giving tips to improve low quality ones.The AI can have all ambience videos of environments both tours and those focusing on one environment in all different YouTube channels transferred to Nomadic Ambience to make it the universal account with all comments and views etc transferred to it.Gaming Ambience will include your videos and the same short music videos present from all future video games created using VR simulations of the world’s of video games including fictional world and different versions of Earth from all major franchises of video games submitted by the public.Gaming Ambience will have tours and single environment videos of those of video games set on planets in each video game franchises including wilderness areas and cities,towns that is indistinguishable to real life.There will be a channel called Movie Ambience and Television ambience which does for planets abc versions of Earth from all franchises of video games and television shows.These different Ambience channels Gaming Ambience,Movie Ambience,Television Ambience could if possible be different channels separate from each other abd controlled by different AIs with them reviving videos from members of the public leading to potentially thousands of videos uplosddd every year,month,week or day.Another AI will control GamersLittlePlayground and upload videos of video game cutscenes created by the public or even him simply downloading the cutscenes from the games source code in Dionysus.Fragmentation will allow the different AIs to manage these 24/7,365 days a year.The AIs in charge of these channels will have them open sourced to allow members of the public submit new material at all times with this exponentially increasing the amount of new material added every day,month and year.The AIs will have their own names,avatars and personalities and will review all submitted material and for flawed material give suggestions to edit it and make it better with high quality material uploaded.Seeker,SciShow,kurzgesagt and different channels devoted to science news will have he Home AIs fact check everything by scouring Apollo etc.The AIs can create animations etc within minutes with the time dilation effect of VR allowing the people in charge to create large amounts of videos every day with for all of them the Home AI housing networks for new presenters should any presenters die or retire and leave.For Kurzgesagt the AI will use the current voice of the presenter should he die or retire with this done got other channels that hsvd unique presenters.For all channels one’s Home AI will advertise their channel and material to billions of people at once to increase subscribers.With money made obsolete Monitisation abc PayPal will become obsolete forever.Merchandise for vloggers will be stored in Hephaestus created by them with each vlogger creating their own merchandise such as clothing,plates,cups etc with members of the public creating their own with hyperlinks to the official merchandise present in the description boxes.To keep it relevant YouTube will allow the general public to through suggestion boxes contact the AI in charge of it and give new ideas to it thus making YouTube an open source website with it also having an app for smartphones

Each vlogger on YouTube will have their Home AI act as fact checker,do research and carry out any private task they want done such as scan through comments on their and others videos,scan through all of YouTube for relevant videos to use in their ones,scan through all of Dionysus,Pheme,Agora and the entire internet for important information they want to ensure all videos are of high quality and are factually correct,Vloggers will have their Home AI search all of Pheme,Dionysus and YouTube for vlogs,newspapers and magazine articles and live news shows for newspapers and magazine articles and live news episodes etc of relevance to them with it sifting through Apollo for scientific studies etc of relevance to them to make vlogs on.Vloggers can have Home AI sift through countless videos on YouTube by viewing them within seconds and highlight specific points,scenes etc of relevance to the person and also sift through the entirety of YouTube and view them all within seconds to allow the person to be directed to videos relevant to them with people on YouTube also doing this to find and view videos they like and also the AI can sift through all comments present on each individual videos and highlight specific ones of interest to the vlogger.Personal messages can be sent to one’s YouTube account with the Home AI reading them all abc notifying the vlogger of important ones.The Home AI can alongside Ampelos can have videos on YouTube,Pheme,Dionysus and the edit them to create compilations etc and create videos to be used in vlogs and can advertise specific videos they create to billions of people including both those to whom it is not their preferences especially political videos including those that are criticism of existing videos on YouTube and criticism of political abc social issues.The Home AI will act like one’s personal assistant to carry out any task they want them to do online 24/7,365 days a year and do fact checking in everything and scour the internet,Apollo,Pheme,internet etc for stories and scour the internet for contact details of other vlioggers and contact them and celebrities Home AI for meetings in their show.Vloggers will use VR technology to create their videos such as educational ones,vlogs,review videos in any environment of their choice.The Home AI and a copy of the vloggers consciousness will carry out any task they person wants.Ampelos will be used to edit videos before being uploaded to YouTube with him doing this by direct interaction.Users of YouTube when not creating videos will be able to have their Home AI scan through the entirety of YouTube for videos they would like with one’s copied conciousnes able to do this more accurately and once viewing the countless videos within minutes will add them to playlists to be viewed and subscribe to people they want to with them sifting through countless contents in each video

VR technology will allow vloggers to create their vlogs such as those where they review media,report on abc coming on news events abc criticism of other vloggers in any environment of their choice.Vloggers will be able to invite any other vlogger into this environment with this allowing for YouTube debates to be done in a single room such as a conference room.AI of all types will be able to do their own vlogs and videos on reviewing media and their views on other human and AI vloggers in any environment as their avatar.AI will be able to end yet the same simulation as humans for vlogs.By 2029 onwards humans will film most of not all vlogs roughly 90-95% and YouTube such as reviews of media,those criticising other YouTubers and expressing political views,those detailing their Hobbes and funny things that happen in simulations with other humans,pets and AI etc in VR simulations in any environment limited by their imagination with them able to invite guests such as other YouTubers,next of kin,friends,celebrities and AI in the same environment rather than using Skype chats to discuss things in a talk show like setting with as much a dozen people.This can allow people to host guests of all types such as other vloggers and politicians and celebrities who live halfway across the world and universe with this eliminating the need for people to travel halfway across the world.The time dilation effect will allow vloggers to create dozens.hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos every day to cover a wide range of topics such as reviews of movies,video games etc,examination of political and social issues and also criticism of other vloggers etc thus allowing them to be exponentially productive than normal.Through VR technology vlogs will be done in any environment imaginable limited only by the vloggers imagination including mansions,professional studios,jungles etc and will be changed frequently for variety.Once all abandoned and obsolete buildings are renovated into new homes then urban explorers will use VR technology to create urban exploration videos in an infinite amount of any type of abandoned buildings,ghost towns etc generated by them and AI.Nomadic Ambience and Gaming Ambience will house tour videos of worlds from movies,television shows and video games and those created from scratch as well as replicas of the real world that are indistinguishable to the real world time dilation effect will allow vloggers to create and upload exponentially more videos every day,week,months and years.Livestresms canbe done in simulations with the time dilation effect with time compression used to allow people to comment on it..Vloggers that do urban exploration,tour videos and ambience videos will use VR technology to film their material that will be uploaded later on to YouTube.All editing etc of videos will be done in simulations with the time dilation effect allowing one to create dozens or thousands of videos a day.Animated videos and sequences can be created by humans through pure thought via neural implants.The abolition of copyrighting will allow vloggers and podcasters to use video clips abd audio of any source without suspension or removal of videos.Vloggers will be able to use any material from other vlogs abc also music albums,musicians channels abc also scenes from movies,television shows and video games abd live news shows and podcasts etc from Pheme etc.Vloggers will have the ability of it their YouTube account to be divided into different channels that allow them under one account carry out different functions such as have one channel set to house their discussion of politics,another for reviews of movies,television shows,Video games etc,another for filming personal events in their lives and hobbies in the real world and VR technology and so on allowing a single person to organize different uses for YouTube

AI all types of AI will have YouTube channels : Aleitheia will create videos debunking vloggers,political pundits and false news etc,Momus and Eupheme video’s reviewing all media,Metis on psychology and so on with all other types of AI having accounts for different purposes including vlogging and reviewing media and recording travels and hobbies.

All YouTube channels that house television shows,movies,short movies etc will have them moved to Dionysus with those separated into parts merged together and those in one large go with multiple episodes will have each episode separated into different ones when transferred to Dionysus.Livestreames of live news channels will be moved to Pheme with their official YouTube channel housing snippets of important news reports.Podcasts of right wing and left wing pundits such as Nicole Sandlers.Randi Rhodes,Steven Crowder,The Rational National etc will livestream and be logged in Pheme with only snippets appearing in there YouTube channel with this applying all future podcasters.All vloggers on YouTube can use VR technology to have their vlogs take place in any environment imaginable with YouTube debates and meetings between multiple vloggers that live in opposite sides of the world will be able to meet in an environment of their choice to discuss things in the same environment.Podcasters will film their podcasts in VR environment with them having guests appear in the same environment

Copyrighting will once abolished allow any song,piece of music,clips from movies/television shows etc to be used in any type of videos without fear of suspension.Suspending people will be for severe infraction such as uploading pornographic material such as child pornography abd snuff material and gore etc.By having AIs through fragmentation able to monitor and scan through each video uploaded to YouTube will prevent this from happening with people who attempt this warned and suspended for brief periods of time out abc put them in contact with Iaso and Metis.All videos that are uploaded will be scanned by them and they will view the entirety of the video within seconds with them viewing them in real times with videos with snuff material and pornographic material will be prevented from being uploaded.Videos that have the potential to incite violence and fundamentalism will have Thaos send the videos to Iaso and Metis and them review them in real time and asses their danger with Iaso snd Metis contacting the creators through Thaos to have them undergo sessions where they are deprogrsmned.Racist,sexist material will also have this done with the video still uploaded to YouTube with the video havd a warning present to denote the materials potential to incite violence.Videos uploaded to YouTube where the user is espousing violence will follow suits and those that Thaos etc believes could be a sign that the person is going to carry out violent crimes such as murder,attempted murder and assault or expresses signs of depression and mental instability the videos will be sent up Iaso and Metis for them to analyse with them again contacting the individual and arranging them to undergoe psychological analysis and undergo deprogramming by Iaso and Metis.Viewers of videos and those reading comments can contact Iaso and Meris to arrange meetings for deprogramming for those who post comments and videos they find suspicious and has the potential to incite violence or that the person may carry out violent actions.The people will contact the AIs Iaso and Metis via their email and phone number abc in the email send the URL address of the video.Iaso and Metis once contacting en individual by tracking form their phone number will arrange for psychological analysis and deprogramming.Since all videos will be scanned during the uploading process for pornographic material,snuff material and other material that breaks its guidelines.This will be done at the very start of the uploading process to catch it early one and prevent them being uploaded.All videos in YouTube including both existing and new

All YouTube videos will be uploads to at least 720p and updated to high quality with existing videos via AI scanning through all existing videos can have them converted to high quality including 720p and modified to remove grainy images,watermarks etc forever.When interstellar travel is possible videos can be modified to the audio/visual range of each individual sentient alien races across the universe with videos on websites created by aliens modified to the audio/visual ranges of humans.The ability to download videos of any type from YouTube will be made possible by having a universal button integrated into YouTube underneath videos through system wide updates to the website that allows one to download any video in 720p etc with this allowing videos to be downloaded onto laptops,smartphones etc within minutes

All actions of all users including all interactions with other users on YouTube will be overseen by the AI Thaos to parent stalking etc and ensure safety between interactions between all users.Increased computing power and fragmentation will allow all actions across YouTube to be seen in real time especially thus allowing him abc other AIs to monitor all videos uploaded,comments made etc in real time at once

Since managed by AI all headquarters of all sites such as YouTube,Hulu etc integrated into YouTube will become communal homes.

Wikipedia,Tv tropes &
Wikipedia will have AIs in charge of them that monitor all webpages and ensure they are accurate,have accurate references and detect and prevent vandalism with again them having independent personalities,names and avatars.They can be contacted via direct interaction via computers and smart televisions,via VR chats,direct interaction and instant messaging etc.The AI in control of it will ensure all references are accurate made by Hecate,Urania,Gaia,Aleitheia and the public with if possible the macro AI of this site controlling smaller AIs that look over different pages of different fields in a rotary system to alleviate strains due to its sheer size with them constantly referring to both Hecate and Aletheia to ensure that the pages are both up to date and factual with them spotting and removing vandalism.Ideally they will each manage different areas such one that manages several AIs that constantly scour and review all pages on science or each individual field of science,those that mange biographies,one that manages historical events,one that manages several that micro manage each area of the website to alleviate strains on each other.They will also update new pages with pictures and other features with in the case of movies and video games add analysis of the media from both scholars and YouTube videos with them also flagging and dealing with trolls and vandals able to instantly determine who caused these and make sure the pages are unbiased and new information to all pages overtime.Ideally Wikipedia will be a single version that has all language versions merged into each other that allows one to simply select their language or it changed to their native language via the sentient Coeus settings in the universal Arke browser with the information that is different on each version will be merged into the singular version by the AIs that manage them with the same done of other sites divided by region and country.Hecate will be the AI in charge of Wikipedia.Hecate will also be the AI in charge of and tv tropes.For these two sites it may merge them together.Wikipedia pages on movies,video games,television shows,comics and all media will only have the bare minimum.For movies and video games it will contain a detailed plot summary,cast,reception details such as its Momus score,Dionysus score and reviews from well known critics and members of the public around the world as well as Momus and also YouTube vloggers.It will also contain detailed analysis on the themes etc by vloggers,academics etc.All other media will have this with those that don’t have this added by the public and Hecate and other AI in charge of Wikipedia scouring the internet.Television shows will only have a basic list of seasons and episodes and basic overview of the series plot for each season and analysis of the media’s themes etc with no detailed summaries of them as this information will be transferred to their official Wikias with all pages devoted entirely to both individual episodes that detail plot summaries and pages that detail characters in detail will have this information transferred by Hecate and AI in charge of the wikia fandom websites to relevant pages in each media series wikias.The pages that house immense detail on characters and plot summaries on Wikipedia will be deleted once transferred to pages in each television show,video game etc wikias by AI to save space and prevent repetition.With regards to and tv tropes it will add large amounts of information to each franchises pages such as detailed plot summaries of video games,movies and episodes of television shows and character biographies and that of items and to each page add pictures,slideshows,video clips etc.Video clips of movies and video games can be full play throughs or full movies of compiled cutscenes already created by the public.It will do this for existing Wikias especially those that have scant levels of information etc with Wikias set up for shows,video games etc that don’t exist with it doing this by analysing video game files,entire runs of television shows stored in Dionysus etc and writing up articles and adding pictures etc with pictures of items created from screenshots taken by it and files extracted from the game with those for movies and television shows done by again taking screenshots and adding them to the page.Humans will still be able to add information with Hecate cleaning up vandalism.Other AI will be called by Hecate fill in information on existing and new pages and correct falsehoods on each field of their expertise such as Clio,Paean,Urania,Aristeus,Pahenes etc

The entirety will be macro managed by Hecate as well as Adriadne.They will have Assistant AIs as part of all media projects in Dionysus micro manage them as extra AIs with them adding new information on all existing and future franchises within,Hecate and others AI such as assistant AI would also fill in media specific wikias both past and future adding pictures,slideshows,caption etc for all characters,items,entities including those that are not finished with Wikipedia articles for television shows and all types of media regarding episodes and characters will be transferred to their wikias in to allow the pages to be deleted and the servers recycled preventing the need for duplicates.Wikipedia pages on movies,video games,television shows,comics and all media will only have the bare minimum of information such as a list of cast members,plot summary of movies and videos,list of episodes of television shows etc and critical reception and thematic analysis of the movie,video game and overall show and also only of specific episodes in the main page.For movies Wikipedia will contain a detailed plot summary,cast,reception details such as its Rotton Tomatoe score,Dionysus score and reviews from well known critics and members of the public around the world and also YouTube vloggers.It will also contain detailed analysis on the themes etc by vloggers,academics etc.All other media will have this with those that don’t have this added by the public and Hecate and other AI in charge of Wikipedia scouring the internet.Television shows will have a summary of the shows overall plot and each season only have a basic list of seasons and basic list of all characters,episodes,air dates for each episodes with no detailed summaries of them as this information will be transferred to their official Wikias with all pages devoted entirely to both individual episodes that have detailed plot summaries and pages that have detailed biographies of characters in detail etc will have this information transferred by Hecate the AI in charge of both Wikipedia and websites to relevant pages in each media series wikias in and it removed and deleted from Wikipedia with all information on Wikias outside of transferred to relevant pages in the Wikias present by Hecate scanning the entire internet and once the information is transferred the wikias outside of will be shut down.Hecate and assistant AIs will add material to a medias wikia such as detailed summaries of plots of video games detailed plot summaries/critical reception/thematic analysis of episodes,issues etc,detailed information on characters and items etc and add pictures(including in slideshows) of items,characters,locations etc as well as pictures of scenes etc by scanning the media itself to give them a full detailed analysis and hold all possible information in all Wikias for all media such as comics,video games,television shows in will be done for all past and future media.Videos in a format unique to will be present that details a summary of each concept,characters etc similar to the Stargate,Witcher.Each wiki including existing and new ones will have each page house the same intro summary videos as seen in the Stargate Fandom site with this done by AI including Assistant AI and Hecate.Wikias pages of all items will house pictures etc.Each video game franchises that have countless different fanmade games that have different timelines they will have their own separate Wikias or have hyperlinks in the main official wiki to a webpage in the site that lists all fanmade games and timelines.For shows like Stargate,Star Trek etc that have countless spin offs shows,movies and video games etc they will have on the main page hyperlinks to each spin offs etc sub pages with all spin offs,video games and movies under one macro site including existing ones.Media that have multiple Wikias across the Internet will have all of them have all data moved into the official Fandom site by Hecate and the Wikias outside of Fandom.Hecate will interact with Ariadne and Assistant AIs in charge of each movie,video game to receive the latest data on all movies,video games episodes and all media etc of each franchise scan them herself and then add information within days or hours of when uploaded to Dionysus.Both Hecate and Assistant AIs of each media will be in charge of adding information to all new pages of each media with them adding as much information as possible include including detailed summaries of each episode,video games and movies and also detailed information on all characters,races,cultures,items,planets etc including photos,embedded videos,slideshows etc.Video games will have embedded videos of the entire play through(without commentaries)that detail the entire game from start to finish including gameplay of the game and cutscenes from YouTube and that created by Hecate via plaint and recording it via fragmentation with it recorded and uploaded directly to the page of the plot summary with endings section that detail the various endings in writing housing video clips of each ending if possible merged together in a single video.These videos of walkthroughs/cutscenes and endings etc alongside the summary videos of each page will ideally be YouTube videos decided by Hecate scanning through YouTube for the best one and embedding them or they could be ones generated by him in a format suited for similar to in a format suited for it namely Hecate.For the Tekken games the endings for each games characters will be detailed in written form underneath the plot summary and a single embedded video housing all endings for all characters for that individual game with in the characters pages the endings for all games they appeared in in written form and a video detailing the endings for all games they appeared in.All racing,fighting and other games will have no walkthroughs or movies if they don’t follow a narrative but they will have intro scenes embed.Hecate will ensure this information will be present for all past and future media within by adding pictures,slideshows,embedded videos and detailed summaries on all areas of them and detailed analysis on them from scholars and critics and reviews from amp us and YouTube vloggers.The pages that house immense detail on characters and plot summaries for television shows on Wikipedia will be deleted once all of this data from Wikipedia is transferred to pages in each television show,video game etc wikias in by Hecate to save space and prevent repetition.Wikias of movies,video games,franchises etc as part of will be macro managed by the sentient AI Hecate via will thus be macro managed by Hecate through fragmentation alongside Wikipedia allowing her add large amounts of information including screenshots,embedded videos.All information on all Wikias outside of will be transferred to their page in and then deleted and servers recycled making the only source of Wikias containing information on all movies,television shows,video games,comic books and all types of media.Thus even though both Wikipedia and will be controlled by Hecate Wikipedia will contain basic information on a video game,movie,television show etc such as detailed plot summary,cast list,list of episodes,critical reception and thematic analysis etc with containing all possible information such as detailed plot summary of the video game and each episode and detailed character biographies,detailed information on items,locations etc including photos etc to prevent repetition.The critical reception and thematic and other analysis section of all types of media(movies,television shows,video games) on both Wikipedia and will house references of reviews and hyperlinks from not just only well known critics but also bloggers and vloggers on YouTube such as The Angry Joe Show,Zero Punctuation,SciFiDebris,RedLetterMedia,Matthwmatosis,Caddicarus,Chris Stuckmann,Jeremy Jahns,Lindsey Ellis,The Spoonyone,Confused Matthew,Bad Movie Beatdown and The Nostalgia Critic and so on added not just for new media but old media ie older movies,video games etc with all movies and video games will have reception sections have quotes and hyperinks to blogs,YouTube reviews of famous and other well known reviewers added to include the consensus of those outside mainstream media by the AI scanning videos in a matter of seconds or minutes and them searching blogs and YouTube.AI such as Hecate and Adriadne through fragmentation will look over each and every video game,movie,teleision show(and their episodes),live performance art etc on Wikipedia and at the same time interact with Thoas to scour for all reviews and analysis videos on YouTube by the general public and well established YouTube critics and official sites of critics to via fragmentation look over countless videos in minutes and then add relevant analysis,ruminations and critical points etc on them to the Wikipedia page of the media and provide citation hyperlinks to the actual video that the analysis and review was made on.Adriadne,Thoas and Hecate can also look over the aforementioned YouTube accounts and official websites of the aforementioned individuals and then scour all videos that contain analysis,ruminations,reviews and then match them up with the corresponding page in Wikipedia or and then add the data,citations and hyperlinks.Thus the critical reception sections in the Wikipedia and pages of all existing past media and all future media will have quotes and at times final scores by all famous video game,movie and television show reviewers who work on YouTube and their official websites such as The Angry Joe Show,Zero Punctuation,SciFiDebris,RedLetterMedia,Matthwmatosis,Caddicarus,Chris Stuckmann,Jeremy Jahns,Lindsey Ellis,The Spoonyone,Confused Matthew,Bad Movie Beatdown and The Nostalgia Critic and so on.This will be done by Hecate in charge of both Wikipedia and interacting with Thaos by scouring all blogs and vlogs on both their official website by pure thought and then typing up their critical consensus and overall views etc on them individually on the Wikipedia page of each movie,video game and overall consensus on television shows.With regards to reviews of television shows theses reviewres critical consensus will be present on each episodes page.Vloggers that create analysis videos on video games,movies,television shows and their individual episodes such as Lorerunner,AesirAesthetics,Passion of the Nerd,Twin Perfect and so on will have their analysis of characters,plot etc added to the thematic analysis section on their Wikipedia and with those of specific episodes added to that in their pages.Again Hecate scouring YouTube for these videos will add these to their relevant and Wikipedia pages.With regards to episodes of televisions shows since detailed plot summaries will only be on their Fandom page them the analysis of episodes will be on the episodes page in their wikia page with overall analysis on both their Wikipedia page for the overall show with the references via fragmentation.YouTube critic shows will be used by makers of new movies,television shows and video games to put more effort in and take ideas from criticism.In analysis and reviews of YouTube vloggers can be added to the analysis and review sections of all media such as video games,film,literature past and future in Wikipedia by the public and AI with them playing a role in how actors,directors,writers and video game producers develop future projects in time.This includes the likes of The Nostalgia Critic,Confused Matthew,The Angry Video Game Nerd,Red Letter Media,Angry Joe,Yathzee Ben Croshaw and even less famous ones with their Home AI and the AI of Wikipedia interacting with each other to add their references and review summation in the titles page.The vloggers themselves may also play a role in developing new movies,video games etc and also remakes of older media series by using the networking system themselves.If possible their positive and negative reviews will added to Rotten Tomatoes,Metacrtic for old and newer media.Wikipedia articles that have no or very little synopsis,theme analysis etc for movies and video games will be filled in by AI.tvtropes will be also be managed by Hecate and add large punts of information for both existing and new media of all types.The abolishment of copyrighting will allow for all material downloaded from Dionysus to be used in reviews,collages etc.The macro site will have Hecate manage it and constantly update it with new information and the Assistant AI of all media will add new information as well.Humans will still be allowed to contribute to it.

Wikipedia will be managed by Hecate who will add new material to all existing and new pages and have Clio,Urania etc manage those on science,technology,individual people such as scientists,authors,poets,actors,musicians etc with humans also contributing as well.Those on science will be detailed enough to give on an Honours degree level education.Human can still add new material to it.

Tv Tropes will also be managed by Hecate with humans and Assistant AI,Adriadne adding new tropes overtime.

All three sites managed by Hecate – Wikipedia,Tv Tropes and will although be run by by Hecate who will constantly add new information to all articles,both other AI and humans will still be allowed to add new information.This can be done in VR simulations.The AI Hecate will manage all three by fragmentation with her having Urania deal with science based articles and Clio with history.The AIs will through fragmentation and increased computing power be able to constantly oversee all webpages in real time thus allowing to add new information instantly and detect vandalism and errors by humans.Like it already is Wikipedia and will be kept open source allowing people to add new material to it and it will be managed by AI to prevent vandalism and misinformation.

The sentient universal app/website Agora will replace all social apps and websites as well as forums,including Facebook and Facebook Messenger,WeChat,Jitsi,TeamViewer,Only fans,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram,skype etc as well as texting software and apps such as yelp,kik,whatsapp,snapchat etc with all of their features and new ones added over time through updates made via Gaia,Arke and the public and these merged into each other.One could carry these ie phone calls,texting,instant messaging,audio/visual calls out on all devices registered to them such as smart devices,computers and laptops when they are signed into their Iris account via menus.Twitter,Tumblr,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Pinterest,Myspace,Facebook Messenger,Onlyfans,WeChat,Jitsi,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram,skype,yelp,kik,whatsapp,snapchat etc alongside all forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social network and media sites,social news websites on the internet from around the world and will be integrated and merged into the universal Agora website/app managed by the sentient Tenerus once all information,photos,comments,accounts and details are transferred bit by bit.Agora consisting of a merged Instagram,Twitter,Tumblr,photobucket,,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Myspace,Pinterest,Facebook Messenger,Onlyfans,WeChat,Jitsi,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram,skype,yelp,kik,whatsapp,snapchat etc alongside all forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social network and media sites,social news websites on the internet from around the world such as reddit,straightdope,,Digg,Newsvine,viber,facetime,skype,periscope,yelp,whatassap,,kik etc split into sections for each type of these with all exiting forums and data present on these transferred to it and will be integrated and merged into the universal Agora website/app and it managed by the sentient Tenerus managing it as the macro AI with other AIs such as Tenerus,Delphus,Pytheus,Mopsus,Ismenus,Iamus etc managing its various functions.All forums on the internet will be transferred and integrated into it and divided in sections and sub sections and renamed into that of Agora making the universal online web forum with when one clicks on a persons old username in forums they will be sent to their page for there new universal username that is their name and in ones account page it where it will show sections and sub sections,folders and subfolders for all transferred forums,instant messaging.If possible ones new username will replace that in all old and existing forums etc with all forums in each old forum sites merged into Tenerus that will be divided into universal forums based on each subject ie video games,movies,music,pets,gardening,hobbies and so on.All information,data,photos,chats,accounts,friends links etc on all of these existing accounts from Tumblr,Instagram,photobucket,,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Pinterest,Onlyfans,Facebook,Snapchat,Pintrest,kik,periscope,yelp,skype,snapchat etc alongside all forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social news websites on the internet such as reddit,straightdope,,Digg,Newsvine,viber,facetime,skype,periscope,yelp,whatassap,kik etc will be transported to the universal versions within Agora via Tenerus and then the old apps etc deleted and servers recycled once a person has provided their old email and password details also linked to Gaia when it replaces old email providers with accounts protected by passwords,facial recognition software etc chosen by the user.All information such as photos,chats,posts,videos etc on ones accounts on Instagram,Snapchat,Pinterest,Facebook etc will be transferred by proto and final Tenerus via tucking boxes and direct interaction with this AI scouring the entire internet for all types of social media accounts,forums etc with their new Agora account having their name as their universal username with all all old usernames stored in their account so as to allow others to find them based on this using internal search bars and direct interaction.Agora will be run by AI Tenerus,Tenerus,Delphus,Pytheus,Mopsus,Ismenus,Iamus etc All existing forums online will be transferred by the AI in charge through fragmentation to have them under one roof with different usernames sorted in the same way as social media accounts,Eros and Peitho.All data present on all social media accounts of all types Pinterest,Snapchat,kik etc will be transferred here.Kiks,snapchats etc instant messaging and ability to form groups will be present with it used for non sexual uses with existing pornography and groups meant for sex transferred to both Peitho and Eros.Onlyfans will have all accounts and data not used by amateur and professional pornstars with this aspect of it here used for only vlogs about hobbies,interviews etc and non sexual aspects such as vlogs done by and about acting,fitness,gardening and hobbies etc with all pornographic material and accounts sent to Peitho with the pornographic aspect of Onlyfans used only in Peitho.Twitter will have all accounts and material integrated into and transferred to Agora with one making tweets done by everyone.All pornographic material and if need be accounts will be transferred to Eros and Peitho version of Twitter with all pornographic accounts and material within kik and other apps etc integrated into Agora will be transferred to Peitho and Eros.All social media sites and apps such as Instagram,Twitter,Tumblr,photobucket,,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Myspace,Pinterest,Facebook Messenger,Facebook,WeChat,Jitsi,TeamViewer,Discord,Onlyfans,Google Hangouts,Telegram,skype,yelp,kik,whatsapp,snapchat etc will be integrated into Agora with them all subdivided into each one for each user with those that are the same or similar to each other merged into each other for their subsections.Users of all aforementioned social media sites could click on tickboxes of all of these that exist that they have accounts on and then put in their usernames and passwords to have all data present there transferred to their new Agora account by Tenerus via fragmentation for each person and have a new universal username added with this finished by at least 2029 by which time the old servers will be recycled.When new users of Agora are setting up their universal Agora account with their new new universal username will be asked by the sentient Tenerus if they have existing accounts on all old defunct dating websites such as Facebook,Onlyfans,Pintrest,Snapchat,Twitter etc and one will click on tick boxes for all of them them type in their login details such as usernames,emails,passwords to have all data such as profiles,chats,pictures,messages etc transferred bit by bit by the sentient Tenerus with their old usernames saved in the new account with neural implants used to determine long lost usernames,emails and passwords etc.With regards to deceased users new accounts will be created with all backed up data and their old usernames if possible stored in an account based on their new universal username.Hestia and Tenerus can manage this automatically via fragmentation with Tenerus even seizing control of all of these apps,social media sites etc and then once a person logs into them using their old username and login details transfer the data ie chats,favourites,posts,pictures etc to Agora with even if the user cannot remember their password they can using emails and username have a new password set up to have the data transferred to their new Agora account that they have set up before logging into old accounts.Ones old username for each instant messaging,social media account will be saved in their Agora account forever allowing one to find others from old accounts despite a person having a new universal username.New usernames that will replace those of these etc with it being a new universal one with any user able to track the new username of each user based on their old usernames for each one since the sentient app will store these on record in ones account.New usernames will replace those of kik,snapchat,Pinterest etc with it being a new universal one with any user able to track the new username of each user based on their old usernames for each app etc as they will be stored on file by the sentient Arke in a database indefinitely within Arke.Thus old usernames of all apps and sites integrated into Agora will be stored in the account of each user who will have new universal usernames ideally being their actual name with people able to use filters and built in search engines to search for people based on these old usernames.Even deleted chats,photos on old accounts can be found via Tenerus retrieving source codes etc.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old passwords.Gaia will also scour all traces of deleted emails and thus scour these for this data.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old chats,usernames etc.Since managed by the sentient Tenerus it will not need headquarters and will mean the headquarters of all existing companies like Facebook,Instagram etc to be converted into homes.Proto AI will send alerts via text alerts to each users containing their data.The public will be able to interact with Tenerus etc via direct interaction,instant chat,VR simulations etc for queries and customer help and suggestion boxes.Tenerus will restrict access to those under the new age of majority 14 via Polis and age recognition software built into it.These apps and sites will be merged into Agora and contain all data present them(texts,photos,contacts,groups,usernames etc)will be absorbed into their Agora account as their each features or versions will be chosen in a menu on the app or Agora network allowing them to be used in smart televisions,computers and laptops with the persons phone number on their Iris account alongside messages,texts,video messages,log of calls made and received on all devices including those from older devices(as well as defunct SIM cards etc).Ones old chats from these sites and apps integrated into Agora once sent to the Agora account will be kept and those deleted ie due to inactivity or logging out of kik etc recreated by AI including photos via AI seizing and encoding and recreating old data including deleted data and ones old username visible in chat areas etc via settings and ones old friends and favourites transferred and the old username visible to the user via settings.The old username for each instant messaging,forum,social media etc will be stored in ones new account forever allowing one to track down old usernames.Thus one will be able to track the old and new usernames of people they were in contact with,favourited,were in groups etc in all existing apps etc integrated into Agora.This sentient universal app/website will be named Agora after the site of the Agora of Tholos where Apollo was worshipped with this also being an universal forum.The sentient operating software that manages this will be Tenerus with his avatar based on his statue.Kik,Snapchat etc as part of Agora will be linked to these as one will have their kik,snapchat account linked into this.Ones old Facebook Messenger,WeChat,Jitsi,kik,snapchat,whatsapp,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram etc and other instant messaging accounts will be transferred to ones Agora account including old usernames,chats,videos,pictures etc including deleted ones with these tracked down and transferred the same way with one organising which old data,videos,pictures,chats and groups present in ones existing Kik,Snapchat and other instant messaging accounts are transferred to Eros,Peitho and Agora accounts specifically and individually managed by Eros and Tenerus seizing control of them.One will be able to choose which chats,photos,videos etc will be transferred to Agora and which to Peitho and Eros with pornographic material sent to Eros and Peitho as all of their features for instant messaging will be integrated into Agora and them all made obsolete by this integrated into Peitho,Eros and Agora.Their actual name may also be stored determined via Polis.Thus one will be able to track the old and new usernames of people they were in contact with,favourited,were in groups etc in all existing apps and websites etc integrated into Agora.By 2029-2035 all existing accounts,photos,videos,posts,comments and all data on existing forums and social media websites worldwide mentioned earlier will be transferred to the new Agora website and app with this done by Tenerus by fragmentation bit by bit into the servers for the new Agora website in large volumes of information at once while the old websites are still operating to prevent disruption of services with once this done then the servers of the old websites will be disconnected,deleted and recycled.This will allow all existing users data to be transferred to the universal Agora website for historical references and Agora to become the universal sentient social media and forum.Ideally all internet forums and message boards will be replaced by Agora that will become the sole internet forum and message board within a section that house forums for ll types of subjects and interests with all existing ones shut down and servers recycled with if possible data from all existing forums transferred to it.This will include Quora etc.The headquarters of all sites such as Facebook,Twitter etc integrated into Agora will become communal homes since Agora will be managed entirely by AI

Agora will be a hybrid of all of these and thus one can post pictures of events and communicate with friends across the world similar to Facebook but also meet for social events in a VR simulation managed by Tenerus for any type of event and hobby in any environment of their choice including replicas of the real world.It will have aspects of Flickr where one can upload pictures related to travel,hobbies and events all catagorised in folders and subfolders similar to Flickr etc.The Onlyfans aspect will through moderation by Tenerus be only for entertainment purposes and charting hobbies.It will house instant messaging for people to talk with each other similar to kik and Snapchat and exchange photos with since monitored by Tenerus will prevent buillying,grooming,stalking and use for sex etc.One be able to form groups in it based on gender,hobbies,sexuality etc and through interacting with Dike coupled with Polis abd Tenerus be able to track down any person across the world and universe.The Flickr and photobucket etc aspect will be like Flickr where one can add their photos they take of hobbies etc and arrange them into folders and subfolders and slideshow.Each website merged into Agora will be amalgamated into Agora and then subdivided into each different sections accessed on the top of the websites/apps page that one can click on with this customiseable

Since managed by the sentient Tenerus it will not need headquarters and will mean the headquarters of all existing companies like Facebook,Instagram etc to be converted into homes.Tenerus although able to use fragmentation to alleviate strains in him can create multiple separate AIs that are all female oracles that carry out specific functions such as manage each section of Agora a such as suggestion boxes,queries and dealing with bullying etc.Polis also can be cross referenced for all people that message them and all accounts that exist on demand to get a clue as to who they are with basic information such as age,real name,gender,address and even photo to prevent them being lied to with them also able to access their criminal records.In fact ones Agora account page will house a hyperlink to ones Polis page where one can view basic information such as name,age,address etc.AI through fragmentation will be able to scan each and every video uploaded at once while it’s uploaded even able to scan 10 hour videos within minutes or seconds by 2029-2045 onwards to ensure that it isn’t child pornography,snuff videos and those that break its guidelines.This will be done as it’s uploaded.Those that breach guidelines will be prevented from being uploaded with AI detailing why in VR simulations and direct interactions.Censorship will not be an issue as AI will have no corporate or government leanings.Direct interaction on computers etc and VR simulations will allow for humans and AI in charge of all sectors to settle disputes and also issues with regards to videos etc to be settled.Direct interactions on computers and VR simulations can be used to get answers to queries on the site,specific videos etc suggestions with all existing videos on YouTube that detail how to things on the site will be deleted since direct interaction with AI and simulations can allow one direct help on any problems that a person may have with AI producing customised animations generated from scratch for each problem that one may have for each problem.Webcameras can allow the AI to monitor and interact with users at all times with through settings the AI told to leave for privacy.VR simulations within Agora can be used to suggest new features and intake enquiries etc.To keep it relevant Agora will allow the general public to through suggestion boxes contact the AI in charge of it and give new ideas to it thus making Agora an open source website with it also having an app for smartphones

Tenerus since sentient through fragmentation can track all interactions and meets between users and thus prevent and report instances of kidnappings,murder,rape,stalking to the police to deter people carrying out these meaning if one does fall victim to these the perpetrator can be caught easily with a person initiating the formation of implants to have ones vital signs and GPS location relayed to Home AI and if need be police.One could only form only one account thus meaning one cant use sock accounts to stalk or trick people.The AIs in charge of Agora will prevent pornography and snuff material being uoaded with it also removing existing snuff material.Peitho and Eros will be used for sexting and trading pornographic material with it prevented being traded here.Minors aged 13 or younger will allowed access to Agora with their Home AI monitoring all activities on it such as preventing them viewing in appropriate material and also preventing them uploading child pornography and it also monitoring all messages and friend requests sent to them and also monitoring their friend requests giving them complete control of their actions thus allowing the minor to use all features of Agora responsibly.Ones real name will be present in accounts for Agora and as stated one able to cross reference Polis anytime.All forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social news websites on the internet from around the world will follow this pattern of information and accounts transferred to here with it thus replacing all of these types of sites on the internet with all threads and the data present transferred by Arke.They will be divided by type and subtype.Thus sites like Twitter,Facebook and all social media such as Tumblr,Instagram,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Pinterest,photobucket,,Onlyfans,Snapchat,kik,periscope,yelp,skype,snapchat etc alongside all forums,message boards,rating site,microblogging,blog,social network aggreation,social news websites on the internet such as reddit,straightdope,,Digg,Newsvine,viber,facetime,skype,periscope,yelp,whatassap,kik etc will be replaced by Agora split into sections for each type of these with all exiting forums and data present on these transferred to it.This will be split into different sections such as forums/message boards,rating site,instant messaging and also audiovisual online phone chat.Kik,snapchat,Skype,periscope etc will be integrated into this alongside possibly Instagram,photobucket,,Facebook,Twitter and other social media sites.All information and accounts of past forums,chats etc will be transferred here to replace them all with old links in the URL on these and other sites including YouTube will be changed by the AIs that manage them. Tenerus the sentient software that manages it will manage the transfer of all data,forums,chats,posts,username accounts etc from Twitter,Tumblr,photobucket,,VK,We Heart It,Zoom Video Communications,Pinterest,Onlyfans,kik,snapchat bit by bit while the original sites are still working and eventually shut down with fragmentation allowing him to do this by 2029 with this done by when a person starts there Agora account they will tick on tickboxes and select the sites they have all over the entire internet and provide their emails and passwords to have all data from each transferred into their new account with AI even browsing their computers search history to transfer it if they have forgotten their passwords by bypassing them.These will be monitored by the sentient software Tenerus to prevent manipulation of both parties involved and also allowing for instant ID of the person on the other side and prevent minors from accessing them.Since sentient Tenerus etc will manage all aspects of it 24/7,365 days and able to attend to the needs of billions of users at once around the world and universe with them able to prevent pornography and snuff material uploaded as well as deal with disputes with users through working with both Metis and Aleitheia etc with them unable to spy on their users or use data without their consent.Agora will have all of these websites and apps integrated into them and all other websites and apps around the world that are similar to them that have similar features integrated into it thus becoming the universal social media,photo sharing etc website and app that can be used on laptops,computers and also smartphones etc.Those is allied alien races from around the universe will be integrated into it.All existing data from all existing accounts on social media websites and all aforementioned websites and apps will be integrated into it bit by bit by Tenerus and Tenerus,Delphus,Pytheus,Mopsus,Ismenus,Iamus etc interacting with the users to allow existing users to continue on with Agora having all aspects of these aforementioned websites with the AI and them interacting with the public adding new features overtime to keep it relevant and negate the need for new sites.All forums worldwide will be integrated into it with accounts changed into ones universal Agora username with this applying for defunct ones.Those of all allied alien races across the universe will be integrated into it. Tenerus will have different AIs in the form of other children of Apollo and them carrying out other functions such as suggestion boxes management,moderation of videos and pictures uploaded etc in a fragmented form with this including sentient versions of l Tenerus,Delphus,Pytheus,Mopsus,Ismenus,Iamus etc.VR technology integrated into Agora will allow one to meet people in environments based on Ancient Greece with all ancient buildings such as Delphi,Sanctuary of Apollo,the seven wonders of the Ancient World and all ancient towns,cities,buildings etc from the times of Ancient Greece and indeed the entire ancient world including all ancient civilisations and human settlements across the world including Machu Pichu etc in their pristine state with in time the simulation being the size of the universe with all ancient civilisations of all sentient races across the universe,while uninhabited planets and uninhabited areas of each planet including Earth where nomadic tribes existed will be settlements with buildings etc following their tribes thematic style designed by Hecate and Tenerus with the users able to check the correct identity of others via Polis cross referenced and also their criminal records.This will be used to carry out pastimes and also discussions about politics,humanities,philosophy.The headquarters of all sites such as Facebook,Twitter etc integrated into Agora will become communal homes.One could set up and form groups within Agora that utilise kik instant messaging and VR chats within Agora and each group based on location,gender,sexuality,common hobbies etc to meet up with people in group simulations within and outside of Eros simulations and meet up in the real world.All existing social media etc apps and websites worldwide will become obsolete once all information on all accounts are transferred to Agora that will become the universal social media website and app with it having all of their features and more with new features added by Tenerus via pure thought with the general public through direct interaction adding new features overtime..All AI of all types will have Agora accounts to post tweets,comments,pictures etc

Suspending people will be for severe infraction such as uploading pornographic material such as child pornography and snuff material and gore etc.By having AIs through fragmentation able to monitor and scan through each video,post and picture uploaded to Agora will prevent this from happening with people who attempt this warned and suspended for brief periods of time and out in contact with Iaso and Metis.All material will at the very start of the uploading process will be analysed for pornographic material,snuff material to prevent it getting uploaded

All actions of all users including all interactions with other users on Agora will be overseen by the AI Agora to parent stalking etc and ensure safety between interactions between all users.Agora will be restricted only adults aged 14 and older by Tenerus using Polis and Home AI blocking them access..Increased computing power and fragmentation will allow all actions across YouTube to be seen in real time especially thus allowing him abc other AIs to monitor all videos uploaded,comments made etc in real time at once.Tenerus will analyse all posts uploaded and if it finds anything it seems suspicious that may be able to incite violence etc or indicates the person will carry out murder or violent crimes they will contact Iaso and Metis and provide thgg e.g. m with the links to the posts,Members of the public will also contact Iaso and Metis if they view any suspicious posts.Iaso and Metis once contacting en individual by tracking form their phone number will arrange for psychological analysis and deprogramming

All dating apps and websites worldwide including Tinder,Badoo,Grinder,Hornet, and similar ones will ideally merge into a universal global single one that is a website and an app for smart devices with all of their features with additions made through updates named Eros after the deity of requited love with its symbol being the bow and arrow and an app for this will exist.All accounts and details in them including chats,photos etc will be merged together via Eros itself with it integrated into Iris and will be sentient interacting with users.New features could also include live video chats,instant messaging and a channel for it where people could leave video adverts linked their account that they would speak into a webcam or smartphone on a tripod or in a VR environment where they leave their personal ad for seeking long term relationship similar to dating services or just hook ups etc and carry out video chats.Conventional written posts can also be made.Suggestion boxes will exist both normal and even VR ones to suggest new features for Eros with him being able to be contacted any time for customer help via fragmentation.Forums and groups for organising meets based on ones location and sexual likes similar to kik and also post videos and instant chats etc can be added with new ones added overtime through the sentient Eros with as stated the features of all existing ones such as Tinder,Badoo,kik,Grinder and all heterosexual and homosexual dating websites and apps will be integrated into it.The features of kik etc will integrated allowing one to form groups and instant messaging to meet in VR simulations and also the real world lesbian,gay male,bisexual male/female,straight male and straight female and different fetishes,demographics(race,location,gender etc).There would be sections to post audiovisual and text adverts as stated similar to dating services with them divided into those from heterosexual males and females and homosexual ones with them then divided into those seeking long term relationships and also one night stands and casual sex partners with these divided by type and subtype.

Eros since sentient could play the role of matchmaker to billions of people at once by meeting him in VR simulations in any environment of their choice and arrange meeting in both VR simulations and the real world with simulation both in Eros arranged by him being VR holidays in real or mythological places,fake restaurants and even those on home onboard computers that include simulations of each others home,their hometowns,watching movies in conventional cinemas,public amenities thus allowing for one to go on dates in any environment with friends and family also joining in thus allowing one to eventually meet in the real world and make the decision for either one or both to move place to become permanent partners.This will thus allow for one to start long term relationships with anyone around the world or galaxy and then decide to move in with each other with by mutual consent one given the other persons social media accounts.It would also replace personals in Craigslist worldwide with the ability for users to post adverts in a similar fashion and headings in different sections ie gay,straight,lesbian,bisexuals etc with them each subdivided into those for long term relationships,one night stands,casual relationships with no strings attached.These can be written advertisements and audio/visual one’s where one can leave written articles or videos created in VR environments where they describe what they are looking for with the videos being professional videos that can last at least ten minutes where they describe who they are,want they are seeking ie long term relationships or casual dating and one night stands etc,whether they are marred or attached and seeking something on the side or are in open relationships etc,their hobbies,fetishes,whether they can accomadate,,favourite sexual positions and a tour of their homes etc.

Eros would be used for seeking long term relationships to one night stands etc and would function like a hybrid of dating services,Craigslist personals,hookup apps for males,females as well as the LGBT community.The adverts would follow the format that Craigslist used to using the aforementioned headings and more with the adverts being written ones where one can post photos and also encryption markers for VR simulations and also kik instant messaging both private chats and groups.Audio/visual adverts make can also be left similar to professional dating services where on sits in a VR simulation(where they can only use there real avatar)where they would detail who they are and what they are looking for ie friends or partners either or both male or female,long term relationship or casual dating,one night stands,no strings attached and so on.These would be arranged much neater with them divided into no strings attached,casual dating and long term relations in folders with them all having headings and the name of the poster,town/city,state/county and country of origin and age etc present.The sentient Eros app and website would cater to gay,lesbian,bisexual and straight men and women the world over with there being different polls on different issues related sexuality,dating etc.One on their account page would include their date of birth allowing for actual age in years and days to be present,their gender ie male,female,trans,MTF,FTM will be present alongside ones ethnicity(derived from Paean cross referencing their patient files) that will include their current city/village/town and state/county and country of residence.Their ethnicity will be present with Paean filling this in based on the genetic scan present in their patient files with this denoting skin tone and ethnic ancestor ie Irish,English,French and any mixes based on this genetic scan ie Italian-Irish etc with their star sign present and their relationship status present and ones sexuality ie gay,straight,bisexual,bi-curious and so on and also ones astrological star sign and also date joined and ones religious faith -Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Buddhist etc and also Atheist and Agnostic.Hobbies and interests both sexual interests and fetishes and non sexual interests ie hiking,movies,sports(and what type) and so on will be left as well.Their username will be a universal one that is not their name with their real name stored in their so as to allow Polis to be cross referenced with the sentient Eros putting this here when registering with one only able to set up one account to prevent sock accounts.This information will allow one to use search filters to narrow done people to meet and their username can be searched with one able to bookmark people in a favourites section.Pictures and videos will be present including those tsken on webcams and smart devices and those taken in simulation where can only be of their real avatar and video clips.Adult photos and video clips can be left with them either open to the public and those restricted to the public but open only to those the have given access to.One will be able to send people private messages to send videos and photos and send invites to kik instant messaging groups and initiate private chats using this.New features would be added over time through suggestion boxes.Eros will be sentient and his avatar based on his statues with Eros able to match people with those they are looking for long term relationships,one night stands or casual dating precisely based on their location,stats,personality etc acting as a matchmaker for billions of people at once and him consulted on the progress of the relationship every once and again.People will even be matched with others for friends if specified to form groups within Eros and other simulations.Since sentient he will be able in VR or in devices it is on link people to their matches for long term or casual dating based on their location and likes etc with them setting up people for meets in the real world and also in VR simulations.

Eros since sentient will capable of interacting with billions of people at once interacting with him meeting him in VR simulations in any environment as a matchmaker with him sifting through billions of accounts to find a person for long term relationships or casual dating with the people he meets and them able to narrow down people based on age,gender,location,ethnicity,sexuality,religion and other filters.People can bookmark people present and save them for future reference.Eros can as matchmaker have people send direct messages from him that there is someone interested in them for long term relationships and also casual dating etc and to join their groups to act as a reccomendation to get their attention.Eros will have VR programs to allow one to meet people in multilayered simulations in bars and nightclubs,strip clubs based on ones sexual preferences,location ie country and city etc and other search parameters with them appearing only as themselves.These VR bars and nightclubs,cinemas abc other venues for dates in Eros will be separate to those in Peitho with them stored on his servers and them designed by him and the public through pure thought and neural implants.VR simulations within and managed by Eros and Peitho will house these different areas in a linked multilayered VR simulation that is the size of a planet and has all types of places such as saunas and bathhouses,nightclubs for bisexual men and women and also hetrosexual and homosexual men and women.Simulations managed by solely by Eros will have a series of communal homes present to meet for VR dates where one can watch media from Dionsysus and also restaurants with one able to enter simulations including being a replica of the world and galaxy to see tourist sites.Also included will be VR restaurants,theatres,cinemas,parks and even mansions,hotels etc for people to hang out and VR communal and private homes.The multilayered simulations managed by Eros as par of his servers designed by him and humans etc stored in folders can be a replica of the Earth and the rest of the universe added overtime as more of the real universe is discovered or those from mythology,video games and those made from scratch by the public all overseen by Eros with Peitho simulations linked to Eros housing the aforementioned saunas,strip joints,nightclubs etc for sex.

If possible the simulations for Eros and Peitho will be linked together as dual simulations with each other with those for Eros used for having dates and meeting people and sex with Peitho used for VR stripclubs,saunas,nightclubs etc and carrying out sexual fantasies with AI and other users.This can be done once ones Eros account and Peitho account can be linked to each other by users to share favourites,groups etc with ones account name for both the same.People can also invite others to other personal simulations on their home system unit overseen by their Home AI by sending one encrypted invites to them in messages and instant messaging.The use of VR can allow people to meet people not just in their locale but also with others one on one or in groups with people from their local town/city/country but also people halfway across the world for VR clubbing and recreation to meet the needs of people who live on opposite sides of the world for casual dating and to test the waters if they want to meet up in the real world for a long time commitment and relationship or have sex in the real world thus the VR simulations can be used for having long distance relationships for those living in opposite sides of the world and galaxy,casual dating and one night stands with people across the world and to test the waters where couple can see if the relationship is worth taking to the next level of monogamy and thus meet up and move in with each other in the real world.These would include planet sized arenas designed by humans and him with humans able to send other people invites to these simulations abd also personal simulations with them including bars,nightclubs and other public venues etc.The only difference from all other simulations the users is that in Eros managed simulations like Peitho all users could not take any avatar other than themselves in otherwards they would appear as themselves in these simulations thus preventing them lying to each other meaning a person could not lie about their age and appearance with users able to cross reference Polis for basic information such as age,address,name and what they look like and even be able to search for criminal records with this also applying to matches set up by the sentient Eros.Eros will be notified of meetings in the real world to keep track of and prevent kidnappings,rape etc.One could only form only one account thus meaning one cant use sock accounts to stalk or trick people.Ones real name will be present in accounts for Eros and as stated one able to cross reference Polis anytime

One could set up and form groups within Eros that utilise kik instant messaging and VR chats within Eros and each group based on location,gender,sexuality,sexual preferences and fetishes,common hobbies etc to meet up with people in group simulations within and outside of Eros simulations and meet up in the real world.These groups will contain kik instant messaging abd VR simulations to meet with other people and can allow one to form groups based on sexuality,gender,race,location,hobbies and fetishes etc and arranging real world and VR meets.This would also apply to ones online with offline ones invited to simulations on their onboard computers at home via settings,given messages and allow encryption codes for their personal simulations to be sent and would act as forums and chat areas.This will allow all real world nightclubs to be converted into homes with them meeting again in the real world as well as in other simulations.

The instant messaging abilities of kik etc will be integrated into Eros where on can form groups that use instant messaging with one leaving the encryption codes for specific groups and even private chats sent in private messages and left in written and audio/visual adverts with them working on the same principle as kik,WhatsApp,snapchat and so on with all of their features such as leaving photos,video clips and even using live video chats with them also used to instigate VR simulation.The kik/snapchat/WhatsApp instant messaging will have the ability to private message other Eros users and form groups that people that they are chatting private with can join via the group founders consent similar to kik.The set up groups will be placed in a folder and area housing all of them that lists all of them with each one listed showing the name of the group,how many members there are who are members and a general gist of the group ie what type of people are present and what they to do ie discuss topics,media or meet up for group casual sex and dating.One can click on a button to send a private message directed to the person who set it up and thus chat with them to exchange details,photos and videos before being declined or accepted to join it.This private message will ideally be a private chat within the kik instant messaging.Invitations to these groups can be placed in adverts within Eros that detail the groups purpose and who is eligible to join and an encryption to send private messsges to the founder of the group via private messages in kik.Each group will have an administrator who after chatting in private add a person or decline them,control all aspects of it,kick people out and son with all groups having an unlimited amount of people that can join.The groups can organise real world and VR meets.There would also be the prescemce of forums in Eros divided in straight,gay & bisexual,lesbian etc where one could carry out messaging and sharing pictures,ideas,fetishes,sexual fantasies,stories and experiences with other users. detailed later on old WeChat,Jitsi,kik,snapchat,whatsapp,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram etc and other instant messaging accounts will be transferred to ones Eros account including old usernames,chats,videos,pictures etc including deleted ones..Eros will once all accounts have had their information transferred and after at least two years have passed will delete all accounts in them and shut these websites down with those that cant or dont have information transferred will be deleted or Eros and the staff that work there on all old websites replaced by Eros or even primitive AI will send them emails alerting to this and if need be login details if they have forgotten their username and passwords with no new accounts set up for these old apps and websites when Eros is started.

Eros will replace all dating apps,matchmaking services etc worldwide meaning their headquarters will become communal homes with the same done to all dating app headquarters.Since sentient Eros will be able to interact directly with anyone via smart devices and computers,instant chat and also VR simulations for queries,customer help and suggestions to billions of people at once via fragmentation.Eros to alleviate strains on him will create other separate AIs including those that consist of the remaining Erotes such as Anteros,Himeros,Hedylogos,Hermaphroditus,Hymen,Pothos,Pthonus etc.Himeros will also be the AI in charge of the sub network of Hephaestus that manages cosmetics.Only adults over the new age of majority of 14 would be allowed access to both the app,website and also simulations with facial recognition software and Polis used to determine a persons age.Polis can be cross referenced by Eros for all people that message them and all accounts that exist on demand to get a clue as to who they are with basic information such as age,real name,gender,address and even photo to prevent them being lied to with them also able to access their criminal records.In fact ones Eros account page will house a hyperlink to ones Polis page where one can view basic information such as name,age,address.Eros since sentient can track all interactions and meets between users and thus prevent and report instances of kidnappings,murder,rape,stalking to the police to deter people carrying out these meaning if one does fall victim to these the perpetrator can be caught easily with a person initiating the formation of implants to have ones vital signs and GPS location relayed to Home AI and if need be police.

The accounts of all existing adult dating websites and also dating ones will have account information,pictures and videos transferred by Eros into the accounts of users based on their usernames or they could start their new account in these site with an new username and during setting up will click on tickboxes etc or type in the name of all of dating websites that exist that they have accounts and type in their usernames,emails and if need be passwords for each one and password and thus have all pictures,videos,chats,information,favourites,friends etc transferred by AI including Eros with one using their new @arke email address with AI even browsing their computers search history to transfer it if they have forgotten their passwords by bypassing them.They will have the information of other accounts on other websites and apps transferred by providing usernames,emails and/or passwords anytime inside their account in a menu.friends and favourites accounts will be sent here with the new username linked.When new users of Eros are setting up their universal Eros account with their new new universal username will be asked by the sentient Eros if they have existing accounts on all old defunct dating websites such as Tinder,Gindr.Badoo etc and one will click on tick boxes for all of them them type in their login details such as usernames,emails,passwords to have all data such as profiles,chats,pictures,messages etc transferred bit by bit by the sentient Eros with their old usernames saved in the new account with neural implants used to determine long lost usernames,emails and passwords etc.Accounts belonging to long inactive users will be using emails have the person who is setting up their new email accounts notified of their accounts on these sites via the sentient Eros crossrefferencing each of the sites databases of usernames and emails and sending alerts to both their existing emails and those merged with their new @arke email account.By 2029 this will be both set up fully and will have the data transferred and also older sites shut down with them set up by 2020-2025.Since arke email accounts will be transferring emails etc in them to the new universal account one will have all subscriptions and account verification such as username and passwords in these accounts used to locate ones account in all dating apps and sites and thus transfer their accounts and data into Eros.Hestia and Eros can manage this automatically via fragmentation with Eros even seizing control of all of these dating apps,websites etc and then once a person logs into them using their old username and login details transfer the data ie chats,favourites,posts,pictures etc to Eros with even if the user cannot remember their password they can using emails and username have a password set up to have the data transferred to their new Eros account that they have set up before logging into old accounts.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old passwords.Gaia will also scour all traces of deleted emails and thus scour these for this data.Ones old username for each dating app and websites account will be saved in their Eros account forever allowing one to find others from old accounts despite a person having a new universal username.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old chats,usernames etc.Kik,Snapchat etc as part of Eros will be linked to this app as one will have their kik,snapchat account linked into this.Ones old WeChat,Jitsi,kik,snapchat,whatsapp,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram etc and other instant messaging accounts will be transferred to ones Eros account including old usernames,chats,videos,pictures etc including deleted ones with these tracked down and transferred the same way with one organising which old data,videos,pictures,chats and groups present in ones existing Kik,Snapchat,WhatsApp and other instant messaging accounts are transferred to Eros and Agora accounts specifically and individually managed by Eros and Tenerus seizing control of them.All old ponographic posts and those use for forming groups and meeting people for sex and trading pornography in ones existing accounts of all instant messaging apps etc such as kik,snapchat etc will be transferred into their Eros account with this managed by Eros and one able to track down the old usernames of all users as ones old usernames will be preserved and ones new universal username for Eros will be used.One will be be notified of all other users that a person has favoured or had been in contact with on older apps has had their new username created meaning one can track down the accounts of people they have been in contact in the past.One will be able to choose which chats,photos,videos etc will be transferred to Agora and which to Eros with pornographic material sent to Peitho and Eros as all of their features for instant messaging will be integrated into Eros and them all made obsolete by this integrated into Peitho,Eros and Agora.Twitters ability to make tweets will be added to Eros and Peitho with thus catering to tweets of a sexual and pornographic nature.Accounts and all tweets in Twitter that are of a pornographic nature will be transferred to Eros and Peitho by Eros,Peitho and Tenerus.One will choose which chats,photos,videos etc will be transferred to Eros and which to Agora.New usernames that will replace those of these etc with it being a new universal one with any user able to track the new username of each user based on their old usernames for each one since the sentient app will store these on record in ones account.The new Eros account will have a universal username not their real name and their account will house all old usernames from all integrated apps and websites stored in their account that can be searched by in app filters and searchbars etc.Their actual name may also be stored determined via Polis.Thus one will be able to track the old and new usernames of people they were in contact with,favourited,were in groups etc in all existing apps etc integrated into Eros.Since managed by the sentient Eros it will not need headquarters and will mean the headquarters of all existing companies like Tinder,Badoo etc to be converted into homes.Ones accounts could be protected by passwords,facial recognition and digital keys and other protection measures added over time.This will be done by at least 2029 by proto sentient software. All data from all existing accounts from all dating apps and websites from around the world will be transferred here as well before becoming defunct with it having all of their features integrated into it with new ones added by both Eros and the general public interacting with it.By 2029-2035 all existing accounts,photos,videos,posts,comments and all data on existing dating apps and websites worldwide will be transferred to the new Eros website and app with this done by Eros by fragmentation bit by bit into the servers for the new Eros website in large volumes of information at once while the old websites are still operating to prevent disruption of services with once this done then the servers of the old websites will be disconnected,deleted and recycled.Thos will allow Eros to become the universal sentient dating app and websites.All data from all accounts and all features from all allied alien races across the universe will also be intergrated and transferred into it in order to make it the universal dating app/websites.Adult websites will be free with one having membership for life without renewal with emails cross referenced alongside iSample and Hestia used to authorise ones age being that of the age of majority.These will be managed by a series of AIs controlled by a macro AI.This sentient universal dating and hookup service and will make all existing apps,services and websites worldwide obsolete would be sentient with its avatar being itself and also have all the features of existing ones alongside new ones.Thus this will be the universal dating and hookup app for heterosexual,bisexual and homosexual men and women.He since sentient can act as a matchmaker for billions of people at one with him have all features of all dating,matchmaking and hookup apps and websites and more with new features added overtime by him and the public through suggestion boxes.Thus Eros will become the universal dating app and website with all data and accounts from all existing ones will be transferred to it with it having all of their features and more.All existing dating apps and websites worldwide will become obsolete once all information on all accounts are transferred to Eros with him having all of their features and more with new features added by Eros via pure thought with the general public through direct interaction adding new features overtime.Eros will restrict access to those under the new age of majority 14 via Polis and age recognition software built into it.Unlike Agora and YouTube minors under the age of 13 will be restricted from accessing Eros at all by both their Home AI and Eros..The headquarters of all sites such as Tinder,Badoo,Grindr etc integrated into Agora will become communal homes.

Eros will be a hybrid of all of these and thus one can post pictures of events and communicate with friends across the world similar to Facebook and pornography sites but also meet for social events in a VR simulation managed by Eros for any type of event and hobby in any environment of their choice including replicas of the real world.It will have aspects of Flickr where one can upload pictures related to pornographic pictures of oneself or of pornstars,shirtless celebrities and all types of pornographic material with videos upload here being amateur material with Peitho prevent snuff material and rape of adults as well as beastilality etc and all material that goes against its guidelines.catagorised in folders and subfolders etc.The Onlyfans aspect aspect will through moderation by Eros be only for pornographic purposes.It will house instant messaging for people to talk with each other similar to kik and Snapchat and exchange photos with since monitored by Tenerus will prevent buillying,grooming,stalking etc.One be able to form groups in it based on gender,hobbies,sexuality etc.Actual pornographic material abd movies created by professional pornographic actors and directors that is present on Dionysus will be blocked from being uploaded into Eros whether it is snippets or are the full movies.To keep it relevant Peitho will allow the general public to through suggestion boxes contact the AI in charge of it and give new ideas to it thus making Eros an open source website with it also having an app for smartphones

All actions of all users including all interactions with other users on Eros will be overseen by the AI Eros to parent stalking etc and ensure safety between interactions between all users.Eros will be restricted only adults aged 14 and older by Eros using Polis and Home AI blocking them access.

The universal sentient adult website and app for filesharing,chatting,sex shows,sex chatline etc will be Peitho will be housed within the internet or Iris and the app and network will house menus for live sex shows from around the world,a global version of Chattroulette and also sex chatlines.The chatlines will have a list of all volunteers from around the world divided by country giving users a wide choice with it first divided into gay,lesbian,male(for females),female(for males) with Iris video chats also available within it while the phone numbers of both people on both sides not given through caller ID but bios of each volunteer and ratings will also be present.Chatlines will be replaced by AI with personalities separate from Peitho including AI escorts and also volunteer members of the public including users themselves with numbers of humans kept private with one simply clicking on the username of a person and will be directed to their phone number that will be highlighted on phones and laptops as a specific codename chosen by them.One will be able to see when they are free and online.Chatroullette will be integrated into it and will be purely for sex with one able to narrow down users based on name,location,gender,sexuality etc or randomisation and stay on a person indefinitely with one able to communicate via instant messaging and webcams providing 720p live feeds with audio involved as well.The same will apply to live sex show stream with them listed on a global scale and then type and subtype.All of the worlds male and female strippers will be here with them divided by gender,gay and straight for both genders and country,state,city through filters with shows done over webcams and VR simulations.AI strippers will also be present with them designed by the users.There will be VR simulations managed by Peitho that houses a series of different multilayered strip clubs designed by him and the public with them catering to straight males and females,lesbians,gay men and bisexual men and women with them being shows involving AI strippers designed by the public and even human Potohos users carrying out strip shows allowing all strip joints in the real world to become private or communal homes.Live sex shows will be either VR ones or those done over live webcams similar to and also those present on Pornhub,xHamster and the countless gay and straight ones across the internet with both normal and VR ones in Peitho replacing all existing ones across the internet thus Peitho becoming the sole source for these and will both be completely free.Normal shows will involve models either male or female one on one and group ones with only females,only males and straight coupl(male and female),gay couple,bisexual shows and groups involving all male,all female and mixture of both genders doing shows in front of a webcams where they strip,masturbate,perform sex acts on each other with the public interacting with them via instant messaging using smart devices and computer keyboards with all models worldwide divided into those for gay,lesbian,bisexual and straight male male and female,groups with all models listed here thus rendering all existing live sex show services defunct.All existing models and sex shows will be transferred here.VR AI models will also exist.Live sex shows also take place in VR arenas again for the public carried out by members of the public.These sex shows will consist of members of the public and adult porn stars both newbie ones and famous ones as well as AI and designed by him and also the public with them featuring areas for sexual fantasies and fetishes of any type except for pedopheilia and beastiality and those involving underage minors.These will take place in virtual arenas designed by the public and Peitho divided by straight males and females,lesbians,gay men and bisexual men and women and will include saunas,bathhouses and theatres etc and even public buildings and areas designed by Peitho and the pubic divided in gay,lesbian,bisexual men and women.In simulation they will consist of arenas with seating for dozens or hundreds of people around them in multlayered simulations with those done in VR able to be viewed by people in the real world with different camera angles that one can chose with them viewed on all types of electronics.These sex shows will be set in any VR environment and will involve other human Peitho users or AI or even both together and can cater for gay,bisexual and heterosexual men and also bisexual,lesbian and heterosexual women.Onlyfans aspect for porn stars and the public who make pornographic content will be integrated into Peitho including all past material transferred from Onlyfans to Peitho with adult movie stars having their own accounts for producing amateur material with all existing accounts on Pornhub,Xtube etc worldwide have all amateur material and accounts transferred into Peitho rendering them defunct making Peitho the universal site of amateur pornographic material and universal sex chatline,live sex show,amateur pornographers filsharing site rendering all existing ones defunct.

Live sex shows involving humans,AI escorts etc including porn stars etc and members of the public will be part of Peitho with them filmed in VR and the real world involving solo shows and group shows with them involving the performers to interact with the performers.Those in the real world will be separate from VR one’s as it it will involve them filmed in extensions of the performers homes etc with those filmed in VR involving venues created by all users of Peitho in many environments imaginable.Live strip shows will exist again filmed in extensions of homes with them done by members of Peitho including AI with VR strip joints present designed by members of the public.Chatlines will be done by members of the website and AI part of it and for AI these will be open 24/7 with those involving humans done in VR or the human denoting when they can be called with their timezone and address present.All of these strip shows,strip joints,chatlines etc will be divided into gay,lesbian,bisexual and straight.There will also be VR saunas,bathhouses,bars,nightclubs,sex cinemas etc that will be divided into gay,straight,lesbian and bisexual

VR simulations to cater to sexual fantasies will be created by members of Peitho and AI and will include locker rooms of all types of sports,wilderness areas of all types,hospitals,mansions,villas,hotels.offices,apartments,army barracks,police stations,government buildings,space stations,universities including dormitories and research labs etc with this including an infinite variety of them that are catalogued in folders and subfolders open to all Peitho users and AI as part of it designed by AI and humans by pure thought that are building or planet sized with them used to carry out sexual fantasies and also film them for Peitho videos and pornographic movies and webscenes for websites.

All VR programmes such as those for filming material,strip shows,live sex shows,saunas,bars,nightclubs etc will be of any environment imaginable designed by AI and humans via pure thought including using neural implants with them stored on Peitho servers and catagorised into each type ie those for strip joints stored in one area but divided into folders and subfolders by type,those for sexual fantasies in another area and subdivided into different subfolders by type etc and so on with them stored in Peitho and accessed by neural implants with them accessed by one of more people as much as a dozen or hundreds for solo or group events organised by invites.Group events can be organised through groups within Peitho with one able to advertise upcoming sex shows,strip shows abd group and events.Saunas,bars abd also al sex shows etc will have a button to join the simulation

Areas can be set up of any VR environment that allow users to experience their own private sexual fantasies that are not viewed by anyone else’s and not filmed.These sex shows and strip shows can be recorded using in simulation devices and also drones etc and sent to an account managed by Peitho in the video section.As a result all buildings for saunas,bathhouses etc in the real world will be turned into communal homes.Historical bars and nightclubs in the real world and new ones across the galaxy will remain functioning and will house extensions to cater to large numbers of people.They will be part of mega hotels and normal communal homes.Those in VR simulations will be separate ones used to meet with people across the galaxy from home and be used to cater for sex with AI and other users.Nightclubs,bars,saunas,bathhouses etc in Peitho VR simulations will be linked to those managed by Eros.If possible the simulations for Eros and Peitho will be linked together as dual simulations with each other with those for Eros used for having dates and meeting people and sex with Peitho used for VR stripclubs,saunas,nightclubs etc and carrying out sexual fantasies with AI and other users.Ones Eros account and Peitho account can be linked to each other to share favourites,groups etc with ones account name for both the same

VR programmes will exist designed by the public and AI including Peitho to carry out sexual fantasies with other humans and AI across the world alongside VR programmes for sex shows and VR programmes that house saunas/strip joints/brothels/bathhouses designed by the public and AI will be present for gay,bisexual and straight men and women.VR nightclubs and bars for gay,lesbian,bisexual and straight men and women will exist.VR technology can be used by the public to meet with other users and AI porn stars and create them in professional sets in any environment possible

All VR simulations for strip shows,sec shows,sexual fantasies,saunas,nightclubs,bars will be designed by AI and humans through neural implants etc and will be stored in the different sub sections of Peitho for these:sexual fantasies,sex shows,saunas,bars etc in folders and sub folders.Their will be areas to organise meetings for sex shows,orgies,one on one meetings in bars,/nightclubs/strip joints/sex show arenas/saunas etc.First there will be an area where it lists the sexuality ie gay,straight,lesbian,bisexual with these then in folders and subfolders subdivided into VR programmes for bars.nightclubs,sexual fantasy arenas,saunas,sex shows that one can enter with these showing how many people are present in all layers,how many layers and the various layers with people with people identified by their username.New VR programmes designed by AI and humans using neural implants will be added to these areas with one able to transfer VR programmes from one folder to the next.One can arrange one on one or group meets through instant messaging and forums and adverts.

One’s Peitho account will be linked to their Eros account.Kik,snapchat etc instant messaging will be integrated into Peitho for forming groups and sending pornographic material.As detailed later on old WeChat,Jitsi,kik,snapchat,whatsapp,TeamViewer,Discord,Google Hangouts,Telegram etc and other instant messaging accounts will be transferred to ones Peitho account including old usernames,chats,videos,pictures etc including deleted ones.One will be able to choose which chats,photos,videos etc will be transferred to Agora and which to Peitho with pornographic material sent to Peitho and Eros as all of their features for instant messaging will be integrated into Peitho and them all made obsolete by this integrated into Peitho,Eros and Agora.Chats and groups in all old instant messaging kik etc accounts done solely for sexual encounters and groups used for sexual encounters will be transferred to Peitho as well as Eros with one able to track down old usernames stored in the database despite the new universal Peitho username.Twitters ability to make tweets will be added to Peitho with thus catering to tweets of a sexual and pornographic nature.Accounts and all tweets in Twitter that are of a pornographic nature will be transferred to Peitho.Onlyfans pornography aspect will be trabsfereed here with all existing pornographuc accounts transferred here and all videos and livestreams past and future will be availible fri free.Features similar to Twitch,Instagram etc from Agora will be integrated into Peitho for those of a pornographic nature..VR brothels for lesbian,gay,bisexual and heterosexual men and women will also exist using AI designed by the public.Peitho users could create their own amateur or even professional material in VR simulations working alongside AI controlled partners created by them or those who are also other human Peitho members in any environment they want and in the real world using smart devices on tripods or camrecorders held by friends and biosynths etc.VR technology can allow these to be filmed in any environment and have any props and clothing conjured to cater to filming amateur movies and video clips that cater to ones sexual fantasies.These will be uploaded to ones account for the world to see.AI can take part in these simulations alongside other Peitho users and non members.This section will be similar to Xtube etc with all videos uploaded in 720p and one able to download any video in 720p etc.Amateur material can also be created in the real world filmed on cam recorders with AI in biosynths and also other Peitho users and non members with existing material from Xtube etc transferred to new universal accounts updated to 720p with the accounts of each person having the same information as in Eros and the same kik instant messaging and group feature will be present.Members can set up groups based on gender,sexuality,fetishes etc to meet in the real world

AI as part of Peitho can be designed by each user with customised features etc of either gender or either FTM or MTF that can be by default bisexual or sexuality changed by their designers at any time with one designing each aspect of their body thus giving each user an unlimited amount of AI adult stars for these sections with them also acting as ones personal boyfriend,girlfriend for casual dating and also one no strings attached sexual relationships replacing human escort and strippers availible to all Peitho members in VR simulations and in the real world via biosynths.They can also be used as strippers for hen parties and stag nights etc or personal use alongside as an escort.VR brothels can be used to meet them.Biosynth escorts can be ordered in from ones local Talus factories to ones home and meet them in person to carry out sexual fantasies and also film material for the amateur porn section or in sex shows in the real world in the real world or in VR sections.Debate can be made as to whether they can be the exact like likeness of celebrities such as real life adult movie stars and Hollywood actors etc and members of the public with if they can they will can be barred from appearing as their avatar in movies,television shows and talk shows.They will be added as AI members of Peitho and will develop their own personalities with their own legal name and be availible to all human members at a whims notice via fragmentation in the real world as biosynths and in VR simulations with them only being 14 or older with those modelled on minors aged 13 or younger being prevented at being designed by Peitho with 14 being the baseline for all models being designed.These AI designed by the public will also star in adult movies with each other and humans via VR simulations as well as biosynths in the real world and will be separate AI from Peitho,Gaia etc.These can star in adult movies and amateur material,strip shows,sex chatlines,Chatroulette,sex shows etc as part of Peitho with each other and humans and may even produce professional adult movies both full feature length movies and short feature movies as part of adult websites in VR simulations and as biosynths in the real world.Thus biosynths will allow them to interact in the real world and avatars can allow them to star in VR simulations with each biosynth of each model ordered in from Talus factories and when not wanted recycled by breaking them down into microbes.They will render all human escort and boyfriend/girlfriend service obsolete forever with them availible either to all Peitho members or just their creators at the behest of their creators changed at anytime.They will carry out services of escorts and strippers for hen and stag nights and VR shows and will even be hired as a longtime girlfriend or boyfriend or casual dating no strings attached partner that lives with a person.Fragmentation will allow them to be at multiple places at once.These AI will have their own separate personalities and have their own Peitho accounts to post their own amateur pornographic material that includes only them,other AI and human members using VR technology and biosynths and house their sex shows,phone number for sex chat lines etc.They will be designed by humans on Pandora with them being male,female or MTF or FTM with them of all races,ethnicities from every country across the world with them having unique voices.They will be automatically bisexual and each one will be individual AIs with separate personalities from each other with also the possibility of their being identical twins,triplets etc that are separate individuals from each that can be ordered in groups or individually.Others can be modelled on humanoid aliens including those from shows like Star Trek and other humanoid alien races in the real world across the universe.This will give humans an infinite variety of escorts abd porn stars with the name of the creators on the account page of the AI.Each person that designs them will have in their account page a list of all AI biosynth escorts and porn stars they created.The AI biosynth escorts and biosynths will all have individual legal names,personalities and avatars separate from each other to distinguish them from each other abd will produce saliva,sweat and semen like humans with them able to feel all sensations including orgasms during sexual intercourse,oral sex and masturbation.All of these AI will have their own account and page on Peitho that will house all of their details and also all pornographic movies and photos they produced in the real world as biosynths and VR simulations and will work as both escorts and pornographic stars producing pornographic movies and photos uploads onto their Peitho accounts.They will create pornographic movies and photos by themselves abd with other biosynths and with human users and star in full length pornographic movies and pornographic television shows and so on.They will through biosynths produce material in the real world and also produce material in VR simulations.Adult porongraphic stars alongside both human Peitho users and AI can also take part in these sex shows,chatlines,amateur material,chatroullette and strip shows etc.These AI escorts can be ordered into one’s current home from local Talus factories through their Peitho accounts and meet them in person to have sex at home,on cruise ships while on holiday and film amateur material and sex shows in the real world and meet them in VR simulations for sex shows,fantasies and filming amateur pornography with them taking part in sex chat lines.These AI will have their own accounts on Peitho that they produce amateur material,sex shows etc in the real world or VR simulations.They as biosynths film scenes for adult websites and feature length pornographic movies in the real world and in VR simulations abd will produce material by themselves,with other biosynths and also with humans in VR simulations and the real wotld.These AI will have their own Peitho accounts that houses all movies,pictures etc created by them in VR simulations abc the real world by themselves,with other AI and also humans.They will create pornographic material on Peitho on their accounts and accounts of other users with them also starting in full feature length pornographic Movies.In their account page will be a button to order them for either VR simulations or as biosynths from factories in the real world with them able to be in VR simulations and biosynth form for countless other people across the world at once through fragmentation.One can choose via their account page to be sent to specific VR simulations in Peitho or outside it ie personal simulations and choose to order them in as biosynths to be delivered to specific home addresses in the real world.Biosynths will be created in Talus factories and will be delivered to the home address of people who order them for fee within few days for one on sex and group sex with other people at once and also film material in the persons home with when not needed will have their conciousnes sent to the wire and their networks and then bodies pyrolysised with them constantly relaying all information to the wire if they become permanent residents as escorts,girlfriends,boyfriends as well as husbands and wives.They can not only be escorts but also strippers as part of those in VR strip clubs and hen and stag parties etc or just for in person or group of friends in the real world as well as be part of Mail order boyfriend,girlfriend and husband and wife services where they are part of long term sexual relationships even marriage for people.All of them both male and female ones will be bisexual to cater to both male and female customers.

All human and AI members including pornstars will have accounts that will show their body picture including face(or in the case of the general public this or any other pictures),photo albums of amateur material,videos uploaded of amateur material and sex shows they partook in,stats or ethnicity,age etc and new features including instant messaging the ability to set up groups based on fetishes,sexuality etc with instant messaging and VR chats integrated into these groups,instant messaging other users etc and new features added overtime by Peitho and the public.Peitho will become the universal sentient website/app for real world and VR sex chatlines,amateur material,sex shows,strip shows,saunas,bathhouses,nightclubs etc replacing all others online.Peitho since sentient will oversee all simulations etc and can be contacted via suggestion boxes,VR chat etc to give new features and solve problems.These will all be subdivided into those for homosexuals,bisexuals men and women,lesbians and heterosexual men.Nightclubs,saunas,bathhouses,strip joints etc in the real world be converted into communal homes.Peitho will restrict access to those under the new age of majority 14 via Polis and age recognition software built into them.Unlike YouTube and Agora minors aged 13 or younger will have absolutely no access to Peitho and it’s features including simulations by both Home AI and Peitho itself preventing it doing so.

Peitho will be a hybrid of all of these and thus one can post pictures of events and communicate with friends across the world similar to Facebook and pornography sites but also meet for social events in a VR simulation managed by Peitho for any type of event and hobby in any environment of their choice including replicas of the real world.It will have aspects of Flickr where one can upload pictures related to pornographic pictures of oneself or of pornstars,shirtless celebrities and all types of pornographic material with videos upload here being amateur material with Peitho prevent snuff material and rape of adults as well as beastilality etc and all material that goes against its guidelines.catagorised in folders and subfolders etc.The Onlyfans aspect aspect will through moderation by Peitho be only for pornographic purposes.It will house instant messaging for people to talk with each other similar to kik and Snapchat and exchange photos with since monitored by Peitho will prevent buillying,grooming,stalking etc.One be able to form groups in it based on gender,hobbies,sexuality etc with instant messaging and VR programmes integrated into the groups for members to chat with groups once set up listed in directories for gay,straight,lesbian,bisexual etc .Actual pornographic material abd movies created by professional pornographic actors and directors that is present on Dionysus will be blocked from being uploaded into Peitho whether it is snippets or are the full movies.

One could set up and form groups within Peitho that utilise kik instant messaging and VR chats within Peitho and each group based on location,gender,sexuality,sexual preferences and fetishes,common hobbies etc to meet up with people in group simulations within and outside of Eros simulations and meet up in the real world.These groups will contain kik instant messaging abd VR simulations to meet with other people and can allow one to form groups based on sexuality,gender,race,location,hobbies and fetishes etc and arranging real world and VR meets.This would also apply to ones online with offline ones invited to simulations on their onboard computers at home via settings,given messages and allow encryption codes for their personal simulations to be sent and would act as forums and chat areas.There would also be the prescemce of forums in Peitho divided in straight,gay & bisexual,lesbian etc where one could carry out messaging and sharing pictures,ideas,fetishes,sexual fantasies,stories and experiences with other users.This will allow all real world nightclubs to be converted into homes with them meeting again in the real world as well as in other simulations.

.All actions of all users including all interactions with other users on Peitho will be overseen by the AI Peitho to parent stalking etc and ensure safety between interactions between all users.Peitho will be restricted only adults aged 14 and older by Peitho using Polis and Home AI blocking them access..Increased computing power and fragmentation will allow all actions across YouTube to be seen in real time especially thus allowing him abc other AIs to monitor all videos uploaded,comments made etc in real time at once.All videos etc at the very start of the uploading process will be scanned for snuff material and child pornography of minors aged 13 abd younger to prevent it being uploaded.

All adult video sharing sites worldwide will be integrated here into Peitho with those that are amateur ones that have content created by users will be transferred here.As a result all older amateur material from Boyztube,Pornhub,Xtube,xHamster etc will be transferred here.This will replace all sex chatlines,amateur adult video sharing sites such as Xtube,Pornhub,Boyztube,chatroulette and similar sites worldwide and live sex show sites with the websites shut down and servers recycled with all models and accounts transferred in the same manner as Eros and again other age recognition software will prevent minors accessing them.All content on all adult filesharing sites like Xtube,Myvidster,xHamster etc that are amateur material and not from adult websites and movies either snippets or in full will be transferred here by Peitho alongside all accounts and will be only amateur material with those that have full movies or snippets of movies such as Myvidster,Pornhub etc deleted and shut down as these will be in Dionysus making it the universal chatroulette site for heterosexual male and female,bisexual and homosexual male and female individuals.All other amateur gay,lesbian,straight porn Filesharing sites will become obsolete,shut down and replaced by Peitho with all material and accounts transferred to it Peitho will scour Myvidster and Pornhub etc for full functioning videos on Myvidster etc from adult websites and compare them to their source website so if any are missing from the adult website it will be transferred to the original websites link for that video to ensure it is not lost forever when they are deleted with any full movies if not present in Dionysus and only here will be transferred to it for the same reason.Full movies only present here in these sites will be transferred to Dionysus for the same reason with material only found here that belongs to adult websites will be transferred to their original website with Hedone and Peitho doing this.Amateur videos will be added to its database alongside the new universal accounts.Thus there will be an area for the general public to create amateur pornographic pictures and movies created at home and in VR simulations will be uploaded here with all existing material on Xtube,Pornhub and other websites transferred alongside accounts and all data present transferred by AI and in the same way as Eros.These sections – amateur video sections,saunas,sex shows,nightclubs,bars,strip clubs,chatlines,live sex streams etc will be divided into lesbian,gay male,bisexual male/female,straight male and straight female with users able to form groups within the website/app ie lesbian,gay male,bisexual male/female,straight male and straight female and different fetishes,demographics(race,location,gender etc)for instant messaging and groups done similar to kik to be done and for to meet in the real world and VR simulations within Peitho.The entire website and app will be divided into areas that house amateur movies and material,sex chat lines and areas to enter the VR sections of each part of it such as live sex shows,sexual fantasies,saunas etc.Subdivided into gay,lesbian,bisexual female,bisexual male,heterosexual male,heterosexual female.Each human,alien and AI member of Peitho will have their accounts subdivided into these different sections;amateur filesharing,sex chat lines,.This will be website and app Peitho will be sentient by 2029 and all existing adult entertainment sites like Pornhub etc will remain functioning until then so as to allow the transfer of this with them interacting with Adriadne and also the AIs in charge of each adult website to ensure this is effective.Thus once sentient by 2029 AI as part of Peitho,adult websites and Dionysus will analyse and compare each others databases by interacting constantly with each will be able to have videos from sites like Pornhub,Myvidster,filesharing sites for all types of adult material including Xtube transferred to Peitho,Dionysus and also those on existing adult websites that are missing.As a result these obsolete filesharing websites will still function until 2029 onwards until all videos missing from Dionysus and adult websites are transferred from filesharing sites which will be then deleted.The users of adult websites that have found videos on filesharing sites not present on the webstie can also downloaded them from these via Internet Download Manager and then send them to the operators of the website via email or have the owners of the websites alerted to them to and have them download and upload the videos themselves.Ideally Peitho will on a subsystem store all full movies from adult websites and and feature length movies on adult video sharing website and do this in fragmented form by interacting with Adriadne and the AI that manages the adult websites by cross referencing every video to ensure all old ones are present on the adult video site.Full movies that function will be transferred to Dionysus with them then deleted as Peitho will contain only amateur material.Biometrics,facial recognition and digital keys could also be added alongside passwords to these website accounts and each one will have the ability to download short movies present onto ones devices.The accounts of all amateur video sharing websites will have account information,pictures,videos transferred by Peitho into the accounts of users based on their usernames or they could start their new account in these site with an new username and during setting up will click on tickboxes etc or type in the name of all of amateur video sharing that exist that they have accounts and type in their usernames,emails and if need be passwords for each one and password and thus have all pictures,videos,chats,information,favourites,friends etc transferred with one using their new @arke email address AI even browsing their computers search history to transfer it if they have forgotten their passwords by bypassing them.They will have the information of other accounts on other websites and apps transferred by providing usernames,emails and/or passwords anytime inside their account in a menu.friends and favourited accounts will be sent here with the new username linked.When new users of Peitho are setting up their universal Eros account with their new new universal username will be asked by the sentient Eros if they have existing accounts on all old defunct dating websites such as xTube,Pornhub,Onlyfans(with pornographic material etc and one will click on tick boxes for all of them them type in their login details such as usernames,emails,passwords to have all data such as profiles,chats,pictures,messages etc transferred bit by bit by the sentient Peitho with their old usernames saved in the new account with neural implants used to determine long lost usernames,emails and passwords etc.Accounts belonging to long inactive users will be using emails have the person who is setting up their new email accounts notified of their accounts on these sites via the sentient Peitho crossrefferencing each of the sites databases of usernames and emails and sending alerts to both their existing emails and those merged with their new @arke email account.Those not uploaded after a set time will be preserved by AI namely Peitho setting up an account with videos and pictures from inactive accounts.Hestia and Peitho can manage this automatically via fragmentation with Eros even seizing control of all of these dating apps,websites etc and then once a person logs into them using their old username and login details transfer the data ie chats,favourites,posts,pictures etc to Eros with even if the user cannot remember their password they can using emails and username have a password set up to have the data transferred to their new Peitho account that they have set up before logging into old accounts.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old passwords.Gaia will also scour all traces of deleted emails and thus scour these for this data.Ones old username for each amateur adult video sharing account will be saved in their Peitho account forever allowing one to find others from old accounts despite a person having a new universal username.New usernames that will replace those of these etc with it being a new universal one with any user able to track the new username of each user based on their old usernames for each one since the sentient app will store these on record in ones account.Memories from neural implants used as well to determine old chats,usernames,videos etc. All data from all existing accounts from all adult amateur Filesharing apps and websites from around the world such as xtube,Pornhub,xHamster,MyVidster etc from around the world will be transferred here as well before becoming defunct with it having all of their features integrated into it with new ones added by both Peitho and the general public interacting with him.All data from all accounts and all features from all allied alien races across the universe will also be intergrated and transferred into it in order to make it the universal adult Filesharing pornography app/websites.The ability to download any video and the audio file of an videos will be possible due to buttons integrated into it under each video in the universal Hestia format and in any quality due to the abolishment of copyrighting.Polis can be cross referenced for all people that message them and all accounts that exist on demand to get a clue as to who they are with basic information such as age,real name,gender,address and even photo to prevent them being lied to with them also able to access their criminal records.In fact ones Peitho account page will house a hyperlink to ones Polis page where one can view basic information such as name,age,address.Since managed by the sentient Peitho it will not need headquarters and will mean the headquarters of all existing companies like Xtube,Pornhub etc to be converted into homes.Peitho will despite being able to carry out tasks by fragmentation will create its own series of AIs to manage all aspects of its sites by fragmentation.Thus it will become the universal amateur video sharing site,chatroulette,live sex show,stripper and sex show venue,sauna,strip club,sex chatline site managed by the sentient Peitho with customer help and suggestion boxes with all data and accounts from all existing ones will be transferred to it with it having all of their features and more.All existing amateur sex Filesharing etc apps and websites worldwide will become obsolete once all information on all accounts are transferred to Peitho with him having all of their features and more with new features added by Peitho via pure thought with the general public through direct interaction adding new features overtime.All existing videos on amateur Filesharing adult sites will be transferred to Peitho and to the account of the Peitho members managed by Peitho and the members.The sentient Peitho will also manage the sub network of the same name in Hepheastus that sells sex toys.To keep it relevant Peitho will allow the general public to through suggestion boxes contact the AI in charge of it and give new ideas to it thus making Peitho an open source website with it also having an app for smartphones

The headquarters of all sites such as Pornhub,Myvidster,xhamster etc integrated into Peitho will become communal homes.

Adult Pornography Websites:
All adult pornography websites will be controlled by a macro AI Hedone that carries out various functions ie customer service,suggestion boxes that through fragmentation will carry out direct interactions with millions of people at once by 2029.All memberships will be free and last indefinitely.AI in charge of them will restrict access to those under the new age of majority 14 via Polis and age recognition software built into it.The ability to download any video and the audio file of an videos will be possible due to buttons integrated into it under each video in the universal Hestia format and in any quality due to the abolishment of copyrighting,websites that are run by moderators outside of blogs,personal websites left will have have macro AIs with unique names,avatars and personalities and a series of other AIs separate from them that manage each aspect of the sites ie suggestion boxes,customer help and settling disputes etc and also allow for direct interaction 24/7.Adult websites that create short movies and also feature length movies will have all full length movies moved to Dionysus alongside special features like trailers with feature length movies premiering on Dionysus from now on with the website only housing short movies associated with them.The websites of adult movie corporations will be once movies present transferred to Dionysus and merchandise scanned into and appearing in Hephaestus will be ideally shut down.Only adult websites that create short movies devoted to a fetish or even just normal short movies that are less than an hour long that don’t qualify as feature full length movies will be kept and still function with all operations carried by human models and directors and Hedone managing all aspects of the site.The short movies created by the sites solely for the website will be in there website and if any are missing and only found on filesharing sites then these will be tracked down by the public or AI before the filesharing sites like Myvidster are deleted and shut down with this applying to fetish sites.Adult websites both existing and new will have Hedone in charge of them.Thus each adult website and all type of websites for discussion and sharing of information will be controlled and monitored by a macro AI and different teams of separate AIs that will be able to control all aspects of them with them using fragmentation to allow for them to carry out their different tasks and interact with countless billions of people at once thus rendering human operators dby at least 2029.Hedone will be contacted via instant chatting,VR chats,Iris calls allowing for them to be contacted instantly and problems solved instantly.All adult websites like other major websites will be controlled by Hedone that carries out various functions ie customer service,suggestion boxes that through fragmentation will carry out direct interactions with millions of people at once by 2029.Thus websites that create short movies and also feature length movies will have all full length movies moved to Dionysus alongside special features like trailers with them premiering on Dionysus from now on with the website only housing short movies associated with them.The short movies created by the sites solely for the website will be in there website and if any are missing and only found on filesharing sites then these will be tracked down by the public or AI before the filesharing sites like Myvidster are deleted and shut down with this applying to fetish sites Ideally if possible the sentient AI Hedone will manage all adult websites on the internet of all types for gay,lesbian,bisexuals and heterosexual men and women and manage all aspects such as forum moderation,suggestion boxes and also customer support 24/7 etc via fragmentation with one able to interact with her directly and through VR with her avatar based on her painting,statue etc.All adult websites both present and future will be completely free to join with existing accounts made free and membership lasting forever never having to be rejoined with emails changed to new universal ones.Hedone will scan all of the internet such as Myvidster,,Pornhub,xHamster for material belonging to adult websites that is found only there and missing from adult websites with her scanning all websites for missing where the site no longer exists will have it set up by AI and then have all videos added by scanning and transferring them from Pornhub,Myvidster etc.If need be the founders of the website will be found with Hedone scouring the entire internet for it etc.Biometrics can be added over time.All videos and photos on them can be downloaded onto any device in 720/1080p with this added to sites that don’t have this feature with Hedone updating all videos and photos to this resoultion.Hedone will manage all operations of all existing and future adult websites and will interact with filmmakers and models and can even interact with the public for customer support and also in taking portfolios to become models with them using Polis and age recognition software through webcams to prevent minors under the age of 14 becoming members and even viewing any photos and stills of videos etc but only the actual main page or prevent them accessing the main page from links on the internt or hyperlinks.Hedone will ensure all adult websites are adding new material constantly should human operators die or retire and have areas for people to post portfoliiis abc contact the Homd AI of existing adult porn stars.Hedone will have a directory managed by her that can be accessed at any time contains a list of all adult websites divided by type and fetish similar to a directory ie gay,straight and bisexual,sports,ethnic,suits etc both new and existing with defunct adult websites restarted by her.All gay,bisexual and straight adult websites of all types and fetishes etc from around the world will be added to her directory and managed by her with all future ones managed her as Arke and Home AI will contact her of future ones being set up with her website used to set them up exclusively including those from all sentient races across the universe.As started defunct adult websites that have not added material for several years will be added to her website directory and restarted by her that house areas to advertise for models and contact directors etc.If possible all adult websites could be merged either into one major macro website divided into different directories and sub websites or each type and genre could be merged into different ones.For example all gay adult websites could be merged into one that is subdivided into each subtype or have each type of gay pornography websites divided into each type ie ethnic,sports,suits etc with heterosexual pornographers websites merged into one and have each type of heterosexual pornography websites subdivided into each type ie ethnic etc.All watermarks,logos and company intros on videos will be removed by Hedone.VR technology will be used by 2029 to film scenes within any environment possible including any home around the world with real world scenes filmed in the homes of models and directors also used in the real world with homes also rented using Euthenia.She can answer any queries on the websites and its videos,models etc.Unlike YouTube and Agora minors aged 13 or younger will have absolutely no access to any
Adult pornography website and it’s features including simulations and networks for posting portfolios by both Home AI and Hedone itself preventing it doing so.

All existing major gay,straight,lesbian and bisexual porn sites from around the world and in time universe will be housed in her directory with all new gay,straight,lesbian,bisexual porn sites can set by any member of the public aged 14 or older and housed in her directory.This directory will also house all existing and future pornographic websites from all non human sentient races from across ur universe.The directory will be a website itself that is managed by the sentient Hedone that lists all of them first by sexuality:gay,straight,lesbian and bisexual and then by genre with it also having a directory of all living and deceased porn stars and directors that lists them first divided by male and female and then when one clicks on them will show a picture of them and al details such as date of birth and death,age,gender,full real name,stage name and a list of scenes they starred in that will be first a list of folders for each website they did work with and then lists the scenes they did with one able to clicking on the website name be transported tithe website itself and when clicking on the scene be transported to the scenes page on the site.

All existing pornography websites including defunct one’s that have had no content added for several years or decades will be seized by and be under complete control of the sentient Hedone through fragmentation.She will manage them forever and ensure new content is added routinely and this last forever should humans die or retire.She will manage suggestion boxes and customer help for each one.New adult websites can be created and started in the future by humans by any member of the public however they will be under control of individual AIs separate from Hedone and each other that have unique avatars, personalities and legal names.These AIs will manage the websites ensuring they stay afloat and that new material is added routinely with humans still in control of the creative content that is uploaded onto them that is they will still have creative control over what is uploaded with the AIs managing all aspects of each individual adult website.Any member of the public will be able to set up new adult pornographic websites with them creating an sentient AI to act as customer help,suggestion box etc that members of the public can contact 24/7,365 days a year and also the humans also in charge in adding new movies and webscenes etc and managing auditions etc.Humans will work from home using computer networks and VR simulations.The sentient AI will have each new site added to the directory managed by the AI Hedone ensuring they stay afloat forever.All existing pornographic websites across the entire internet will be added to Hedones directory by the sentient Hedone scanning the entire internet for all gay,straight and bisexual pornograohic websites and create sentient AIs that manage them with zero labour.All websites that have no material and webscenes created and uploaded for several years will carry our advertisements to humans to keep it afloat by hiring new porn stars.All AIs in charge of them will do scan Polis etc will ensure minors under the age of 14 are unable to post portfolios and also are restricted from accessing them in the first place..Should anyone retire AI in charge of them will place advertisements including to users of the site to join as as part of the creative team.The AIs will manage all aspects of the site including preventing minors aged 13 and below not only preventing them posting material in the auditions section but also even being able to access the site of view sexually explicit material through webcams.The AIs will ask for age verification from all visitors and using Polis authenticate their age and prevent minors accessing the website preventing them being able to view any sexually explicit material and prevent them joining.To join people will simply set up an account name and password and will no longer charged to pay money or re join annually with memberships lasting forever.All adult websites will have forums for users to discuss things and all merchandise in shops will be moved to relevant networks of Hephaestus with future merchandise created by members of the public.Suggestion boxes and customer help managed by AI in charge of them will allow people to suggest new ideas and be helped for each individual adult pornography website through VR technology and fragmentation.Members of the public can suggest to the AI new features to the website,what famous human biosynth models should appear with them suggesting ideas for pornographic webscenes that have specific human and biosynth pornographic actors and the sexual scenarios and may even travel in person to act as director thus making the material uploaded being open source material from the general public.Hedone will macro manage through fragmentation all adult pornography websites forever and will have defunct ones restarted and have new content produced by humans with her having humans hired by hire or work for multiple websites with adult actors working for numerous websites and also full length pornographic movies.Even amateur websites that create content with amateur porn stars including random people from the street will have the performers create material not only routinely for the same websites but also become fully fledged pornography stars abc produce material for numerous websites and also create full length pornographic movies.Actors whose work is done only for one website will create material for numerous websites as well as continuously creating work for them and star in full length pornographic movies and pornographic television shows.

Polis will be used by Hedone to authenticate the portfolios of Newbie adult porn stars for all movies and pictures uploaded to adult pornographic sites to ensure the models are aged 14 and older and prevent those aged 13 and younger posting portfolios.All adult websites will through Hedone will have universal networks to post portfolios from new models who will post audio visual and photo auditions of models abc pornographic stars aged 14 and older from the comfort of home with these created in VR simulations.All adult websites where the public can submit ideas for new videos abc photo shots to take place such as those of a specific plot and with specific actors present abc carrying out specific actions abc wear specific clothing and take place in specific locations with if possible members of the public aged 14 and older can post portfolios to become writers abc directors for specific websites allowing them to choose which actors are present and what scenarios take place with them using aeroplanes to travel to these locations with them creating material routinely fit each adult website.All porn stars will have their own personal adult website to hosuse movies made and directed by them.All porn stars will have their phone numbers etc preseng in Vogue to be contacted by Hedone etc.All new and existing gay,straight, bisexual and lesbian pornographic websites will be controlled by the sentient Ai Hedone with them having humans film videos etc with new ones set up by members of the public and Hedone.

The headquarters of all adult pornographic sites such integrated into Hedones databases will become communal homes since they will be all managed by the AI Hedone

Personal Websites:
People will use personal websites as blogs to express their views on social and political issues with these used to express new philosophical ideas and views on issues that can only be done in blog form with them using embedded YouTube videos to highlight specific points and detail pints including using links to scientific studies in Apollo by housing he URL of it abc naming it abc the authors.m One’s Home AU can sift though the blog to correct it and make sure everything is factually correct and highlight errors to be corrected and carry out spelling and grammar corrections.VR technology and its time dilation effect will be used to create large amounts of material with time compression used to ensure everything is uploaded and all edits are made in the real world in real time.The time dilation effect can also be used to look at countless YouTube videos and Wikipedia articles,material in Dionysus etc with one’s Home AI educating one on how to set up abc edit webpages by interacting with Arke the universal website provider.One’s Home AI will be able to get in contact with Assistant AI in charge of newspapers etc and billions of people across the world based in demographics to spread lines ideas present in it .One can use websites to house information for social reform,new technologies abc ideas as well as new philosophical and scientific ideas and also societal criticism and criticism if politics etc with one’s Home AI advertising it to billions of people.This can be done by it contacting Hecate and her contacting professors and the public who are in salons with one able to host salons etc to discuss their new ideas etc with large groups of people.Vloggers on YouTube can house hyperlinks in their channel page to their website URL with philosophers and social critics using YouTube videos to create videos that are summarised forms of their ideas and views and the description box gliding the website address of where their detailed analysis is present.Arke will low people to set up any type of website with the public creating new fonts,themes and features for them.All existing websites will be absorbed by Arke from Wix,Hostgator.