Space Exploration

The sentient Astraeus will replace NASA and all its equivalents worldwide including corporations such as Virgin Galactic and SpaceX with the symbol being the Milky Way galaxy and an universal statue of him in all related buildings with him being sentient and him gaining control of all observatories,space stations and also satellites have alongside the sentient Theoi Meteroi.Astraeus will be itself interlinked and sub divided into sectors with other parts of the government with it interlinked with Perseus for military/police/peacekeeping etc operations and backup,Epione for medical operations,Hecate for research and Clio for archaeology with human and biosynth military,research,archeology and medical personnel forming part of it that will be part of all newly discovered planets,headquarters and all interstellar vehicles and space stations in different proportions.All space stations and satellites old and new will be linked togethim by Astraeus the sentient universal space agency alongside all observatories and radio telescopes worldwide and across the galaxy with the geocentric solar system symbol on all of them and all e-reports,robots,observatories,satellites,telescopes,bases,probes,rockets,spaceships and stations etc and their work will be automated working 24/7 and the AI in charge of them.Existing and new satellites will be linked by this software.This will also link all bases worldwide that contain headquarters for space exploration.An universal statue of Astraeus will be in the lobby of all space exploration headquarters,observatories and also in the fields on the grounds of radio telescopes or buildings built or currently next to them with if possible an unground building present.Ideally there will be a building next to them or part of them through extension underground with an AI that manages them,has an avatar,statue of Astraeus,receptionists etc and toilets,lounges,automated cafeterias and also living spaces such as Venetian suites for researchers and also guests etc with bases,observatories etc also having AIs and receptionists with independent AIs,legal name and avatar and universal uniform.These too will have underground suites,living areas,kitchens etc underground.Training in research involving observatories and radiontelescopes will begin as early as 12 or younger.The work in all observatories etc will become automated from start to finish from 2029 with all studies written up and performed by the AI in charge of them and also Astraeus with a statue present in their lobby.All buildings will house living spaces for researchers the same size as the Venetian and also communal kitchens and dining halls allowing them to be permenant residence.In time these government and also corporate buildings related to space travel ie NASA headquarters,Virgin Galactic,SpaceX will become obselete as both government officials and the general public will be able to view any space programs,terraforming programs,readings from observatories,radio telescopes etc from the comfort of their home through Astraeus with government officials with authorization working togethim via these networks and controlling conditions and machinery etc.These organsiations headquarters and the headquarters of governement and corporate bodies worldwide will inevitably become communal homes with their being a global headquarters within the global government buildings alongside those for the federal government managed by Astraeus with small bases outside of key space elevators and also missile launch sites managed by Astraeus and their own personality and avatar etc.Each continent will have onsite of remaining airports have space elevators that house accomadation for trainees and researchers with them acting as each continents centres for space exploration programmes with prior to this each continent such as Africa,North America,South America,Europe,Asia,Oceania etc having their own centre for space exploration that houses accomadation for researchers and trainees alongside launch pads for satillites,probes,existing models of space vehicles etc and in time more advanced models of interstellar vehicles all controlled and managed by Astraeus.Mars,Venus and all colonies across the universe will house radio telescopes,space elevators and training centres on each continent and country present.These will set up on all continents on all colonies across the universe.The sentient Astraeus will be his operating software of all buildings as part of him.

All space programs,terraforming program,buildings,readings from observatories,radio telescopes etc will be scanned and logged into their file in Astraeus as well as past ones(alongside papers from each buildings) from around world will be logged here in relevant folders and subfolders) with all future operations automated with telescopes and observatories visible on a map and terraforming programs visible as a map of the galaxy with extrasolar observatories and radio telescopes also visible on maps of the planets they are one with when they are built the menu for observatories and telescopes will be transformed into a map of the galaxy.Progress of all operations will be logged in their folders containing readings,simulations and camera feeds etc with each one given a unique name with the same for those from past operations around the world transferred into Astraeus.These will include audio/visual records of launching of rockets,satellites,livestreams of satellites,important photos and records,date and time of important events and readings transferred for networks and servers from around the world into Astraeus with servers recycled.This will make all projects viewable to the public with only registered researchers allowed to manipulate settings authorised by Astraeus.Satellites and space telescopes(ie Hubble) will be logged on a map of the galaxy allowing one to view from their cameras in live feeds and view live readings with space programs listed in a menu with their folders containing all past recordings,pictures etc.Any remaining satellites and space stations using robotics can be covered in a layer graphene paint and then a permanent layer of liquid glass over it to prevent them rusting,being affected by dirt as well as strengthening them from debris that may damage them.The location and readings from satellites will be visible on a map that one can click on them and see readings in all time including those as part of Theoi Meteroi,Arke,Ophion,Astraeus etc viewable to the public in a network.All telescopes on the planets surface,orbiting the Earth,all radio towers will be visible on a map in a network with their location and readings visible to the public this would render government or corporate control of space programmes obsolete,allow headquarters for government and corporate entities such as NASA,SpaceX,Virgin Galactic to become communal homes.All researchers can work on all future space programmes from home with other researchers and even members of the public via computer networks connected and managed by the sentient operating software Astraeus.

Training for orbiting space stations,interstellar travel and work in all areas of the universal space program and body named Astraeus will begin as early as 12 or younger following the mentor mentoree program and will include physical training alongside independent scientific research related to all fields of physics and even fields of biology and chemistry related to physics in particular space travel and other planets outside of Earth.This can involve research involving both Earth based and alien species of plants and animals as well as sentient races of aliens across the universe as well as agriculture,botany,biomedical science,microbiology,astrophysics,robotics etc and their effects on space stations,vessels,bases and all alien planets including those about to be colonised and terraformed and indeed all of these fields and other fields of science in relation to interstellar travel and colonisation of other planets across the universe as well as that involving astronomy using space telescopes and radio telescopes.Native plants and animals related to agriculture from Earth can be researched especially with regards to genetic engineering to to grow in space stations and interstellar vehicles and on colonies across the universe including them having genes added to them from alien crops,plants and animals used as pets and livestock and a source of commodities created by bacteria from across the universe improve crop yields and suitably for being grown across the universe.They will also carry out observations both on the ground incognito and from space stations of observed races.Special training facilities will set up next to all major space elevators and launch sites across the world and galaxy.VR simulations indistinguishable from reality will involve those that replicate environments in zero gravity and on other planets with in time Agoge trainees even merging with this training as part of their overall training.VR simulations will involve trainees spending time on vessels,bases and stations for extended periods of time and also doing dangerous underwater and zero gravity exercises with the effects of bone and muscle entropy negated once outside the simulation with it allowing them to prepare in how to deal with this allowing for decades of training using the time dilation effect.It could also allow them to visit mapped planets in the galaxy including local ones in theoretical bases and witness the planets terraforming.VR technology can allow them to experience time on space stations,interstellar vehicles and all types of problems on them to test preparedness.Exercises will have them deal any type of surprise problems such as containment breaches of labs,attacks from aliens,rogue AI and terrorism as well as asteroid impacts,being marooned on an unihabited planet etc and all types of potential problems one would experience in a space station or interstellar vehicles and on uncharted planets or even terra formed ones,As part of training trainees will spend time on real space stations and interstellar vehicles before being registered.They will be registered between the ages of 14-23 at which point they will be allowed to become members of any vessel and space station etc and be able to transfer to any base,station and interstellar vehicle with ease.Proficiency in mathematics will not be needed as this can be learned via Coeus.Older citizens of all ages will be eligible for training for Astraeus etc.They will have to undergoe VR exercises that test them in situations where they are under attack by humans or aliens,marooned in space or marooned on planets and under attack from aliens or other threats such as those that test their willingness for self sacrifice or those to sacrifice others and how to they deal with limited resources and variations of the kobayashi maru where one is facing a no win situation.In otherwards they will undergoe training to deal with all types of situations that could occur to test preparation with this done for researchers,explorers,medical and military staff on both space stations and interstellar vehicles.Physical training similar to that of Agoge training will be including and if possible include mandatory walkabouts,bullet ant trials and VR training in diplomacy.Trainees will also be trained not just for scientific fields but also spending time and conducting research on interstellar vessels and space stations exploration missions,terraforming operations and even diplomacy and first contact missions using VR technology to recreate famous missions or new customised missions.Alongside VR technology simulations they will spend time on real space stations,interstellar vehicles and also based on other planets across the galaxy and universe.Any medical,scientific,psychology,forensics,law enforcement and military trainees or even registered individuals of any age once interstellar travel becomes possible will undergoe training with regards to serving time on interstellar vessels and space stations even if they do not want to serve in them to prepare them for any time they may be needed to be transferred to them.Scientific personnel,psychologists,military personnel etc will undergoe extra training after registration to not only serve on space stations and interstellar vehicles but also commandeer them as lieutenants,second in command and even captain.Thus all personnel whethim military,medical,research or psychology personnel and civilians will if they want to serve on any time on space stations and interstellar vehicles will all inundergoe extra training including scientific research and VR simulations.This training will involve VR exercises to deal with military,diplomatic missions including first contact,diplomacy with alien races of different technological tiers etc and unexpected situations such as battling hostile alien races or hostile human factions that attack through double agents and infiltration as well as direct attacks etc and times when Paean and the captain and other key personal are comprimised.VR simulations will also be done of exploring unhindered planets and habited ones for research etc.

All facets of this entity will be managed and overseen by the AI Astraeus and human explorers and researchers as part of it.There will be different sub bodies of Astraeus consisting of humans and Astraeus that consist of those for space exploration,colonisation of uninhabited planets,creation of megastructures,observation of each non human sentient races,terraforming and bioremediating planets etc.Metis,Nike,Alle,Homonia etc will be separate form it and act independently from it with them having interstellar vehicles to deal with conflicts abc enforcing the law across the universe.This will apply not only to the Milky Way galaxy but all galaxies in the universe and will apply to interdimensional travel.

Satellites can also be fitted with by robotics and bio synth astronauts with more sensitive cameras and powerful onboard computers connected to Astraeus and rennovated.If covered in carbon fibres namely graphene housing and graphene paint they could survive reentry into the atmosphere and then be recycled when they land in the ocean due to its strength and high melting point.New ones will be composed of these materials alongside any solar panels to also protect them from debris.These and new ones that need to be replaced will via onboard computers will allow their reentry to be directed towards specific areas in the ocean and on isolated uninhabited islands and even deserts to crash land for recycling preventing them hitting populated areas with these calculated in time to exact GPS co-ordinates with an error of a few metres or kilometres.Onboard computers will be told to reenter the atmosphere with their GPS location relayed constantly even after they crash with them.All old ones will be replaced overtime with more powerful sensitive ones using biological harddrives,nanoprocessorrs,carbon nanotubes,biosynth technology etc and sent up while older ones are forced into reentry after these are sent up step by step with if possible new ones in the future have biosynth astronauts sent up via space elevators to replace the onboard computers replaced with more powerful ones.In time space stations and shuttles managed by AI,robots and biosynths engineered to survive the vacuum of space will dismantle them and collect the material of the satellites and then return to Earth with them to be recycled preventing them adding to the debris surrounding Earth whose removal is explained.Existing obsolete ones will thus be via signals sent to them or robots doing it after going up in shuttles etc and adding onboard computers be told via signals from Earth to force them into reentry and then crash into the ocean or isolated areas in order to have them recycled and prevent them adding to new space junk.New ones will have onboard computers to control them from Earth,linked them to Astraeus allowing their exact location to be ascertained 24/7, be composed of carbon fibres or have a layer of graphene paint for this reason alongside liquid glass both inside and out and have graphene within the matrix of glass windows again to prevent damage from debris with liquid glass internally and externally negating the need for cleaning with space shuttles composed of the same materials and same treatments to not only protect them from debris but also survive the reentrance into the atmosphere due to its high thermal capacity and making them extremely light with the same applying to space rockets etc.These will be fitted with computer system units by 2045 with the computing power of more than all 9,000,000,000 humans thus allowing them to control all operations single handley ie one to control all aeroplanes,one to control all cruise ships,one to control all terrestrial vehicles as part of Ophion,one to control all GPS machinations etc.,one to stream the wire to all devices etc with AI replacing these with newer advanced models over time to negate the need for new satellites.Each satellite will be designed to carry out multiple functions at once such as carry out GPS,cellular access etc and also control most of not all of Ophion.Ophion would need at most several satillites to control all terrestrial,sea faring and aeroplane traffic.These ideally will have via automated robotics,biosynth and operations controlled by Astraeus using space elevators will be refitted with more advanced onboard computers rather than being forced into rentry with the robots using space elevators to then using thrusters catch up to them and add these new more advanced onboard computers and even cameras.Having them composed of nothing but nanomaterials of all 94 elements especially graphene etc and biocompatible microbes will make them exponentionally more cheaper,faster and lighter and house obscene amounts of RAM,nanoprocessors,digital DNA storage and in the case of graphenes strength and high melting point if they are to be returned to Earth via AI initiating them to drop into the lower atmosphere and into the ocean or uninhabited area of the planet without burning up to be recycled if they become outdated with it also protecting them from debris.Theoretically each square inch could contain as much as 75,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000 nanoprocessors alongside the 75,000 YB – 1,500,000 YB of data storage and RAM.A single cell sized one could hold 30,000 processors if 100nm processors used with smaller processors between 1-5nm holding more power in a smaller or same space allowing for 1,500,000-3,000,000 processors to be implemented to be implemented into them.Frontier the most powerful supercomputer in the world as of 2024 has a 9.6 PB or 9,600,000 GB or 0.0000000096 YB of RAM with this square inch biochip having 7,812,500,000,000 – 156,250,000,000,000 times more RAM than Frontier.Frontier has data storage of 700 PB or 700,000,000 GB or 0.0000007 YB with the square inch of this biochip has 107,142,857,142 – 2,142,857,142,857 times more data storage.All of the worlds top 10 supercomputers as 2024 combined have a combined total RAM of 83.145 PB or 83,145,000 GB or 83,145 TB and 0.000000083145 YB meaning that a square inch has roughly 902,038,607,252.39 – 18,040,772,145,047.8 times more RAM a combined total data storage of 1,599 PB or 1,599,000,000 GB or 0.000001599 YB with this and between 46,904,315,196 – 938,086,303,939 times more data storage.This biosynth technology will allow for powerful onboard computers to be present in all types of satillites.Biosynth WiFi can allow taq polymerase and Cas-9 to induce the evolutionary path of biosynth tissues present to allow for updates thus increasing computing power etc and their GPS location around Earth and on Earth upon renter will be relayed by biosynth WiFi.Extremophile and scratch DNS will be present to make them survive the vacuum and coldness of space.If they need to be recycled Astraeus etc can programme them to enter the Earths atmosphere using miniature propulsion systems  etc designed by AI can be programmed to reenter the Earths atmosphere and crash to Earth on an exact GPS location that would be the open sea and wilderness area or specified government land used specifically for them to crash land with them doing so so precisely nearest to a few metres and centimetres.If possible parachutes and other technologies can be fitted into them beforehand or after by biosynths sent there to allow them to slow down exponentially on there red try to Earth.Any launches of probes,ships and shuttles will undergoe routine diagnostics and simulations before launch and robots can check nooks and crannies for any faults.Space elevators can allow new satellites and robots and biosynths that fit them with newer technologies to be sent up with less energy and prevent more junk building up in the atmosphere with them also allowing robots to go up and then using thrusters reach them and then replace their onboard computers with more powerful ones.It can also allow them to collect the satellites and then transport them to the elevators to then transport them to Earth in a controlled manner on elevators.The use of space elevators will negate the need for using space rockets to send up new satellites,collecting satellites and also sending up new personnel onto space stations.These will also be used for robots to collect older satellites which will be brought to elevators to be recycled with until them automated shuttles will be sent up to space and collect them and bring them into them and carry them to Earth.Space stations and telescopes both new and existing will be fitted with more advanced ones including these availible by 2045.In time space stations in the solar system can create satellites inside them and allow them via probes etc to moved into the orbit of Earth and other planets thus saving time and energy with these even having their own booster rockets etc allowing them to move some of the journey themselves into exact orbit.Existing observatories,radio telescopes,probes and satellites will in time be dismantled and replaced by more advanced ones constructed by machinery with them designed and stored on Talos with them covered in liquid glass to prevent dirt and rainwater affecting its effectiveness with existing satellites,observatories etc covered in this for the same reason with observatories designed on Daedalus.These will utilise a combination biosynth technology,nanomaterials and even quantum computing with Astraeus,Urania and Hecate spearheading research into them and also all fields of physics related to space exploration.They will become exponentially more cheaper,compact and faster every year allowing them to be mass produced with the means to remove obsolete ones also become more cheaper and efficient every year.By 2029 onwards Pan will develop new ways to remove space debris from the Earths orbit through automated means.All satellites orbiting the Earth etc will be logged in Astraeus to be seen 24/7 by the public with solar arrays,telescopes and space elevators also logged here with their location visible in real time.

Observatories & Radio Telescopes:
All radio telescopes and observatories will house supercomputers that utilise biosynth tissues and nanomaterials to give them obscene amounts of RAM,nanoprocessors etc with all facets and components of radio telescopes and observatories being dismantled and replaced with those composed of nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth technology to make them faster,cheaper and lighter and more powerful with all work done by AI,robots and biosynths.AI namely Astraeus and Urania will design these models.If possible observatories including existing ones will moved underground and the lens modified to pop up and down and be able to turn around to allow them to be compact and to allow them to be in virtually every country around the world and not interfere with reforested land with this allowing them to be in all types of wilderness areas that are not affected by light pollution of nearby towns,cities and villages with the computers,lobbies,accomadation and all other rooms underground etc.Astraeus and Urania will design these with them linked togethim by the sentient operating software Astraeus with him statue in the lobby and will each house a AI in charge of all operations with its own holographic receptionist with both having separate personalities,avatars and names.These and existing ones will have these features and also luxury refurbishments.As stared most if not all countries will have observatories especially if underground models are possible.Radio telescopes that chart the sky will be have next to them including those that have multiple ones have an underground building housing living spaces for researchers and communal areas as well as a statue of Astraeus with him being the sentient operating software of all of them world and will have AIs and holographic receptionists in charge of them with separate legal names,personalities and avatars.All buildings used by Astraeus for radio telescopes etc will be connected by the sentient operating software Astraeus with a statue of him onsite of them with them each having an AI in charge of them with there own personalities,avatar and legal name.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements will make all parts of radio telescopes including receivers as part of them cheaper and more sensitive etc to specific signals with them housing supercomputers composed of biosynth technologies that will allow AI to develop means to detect different and new signals from stars across the galaxy.It can also make them cheaper,more compact,sensitive and faster allowing existing ones to be dismantled and replaced by those exponentionally cheaper,faster and sensitive with this allowing most if not all countries around the world having at least one radio receiver/transmitter alongside observatory  telescope with them in some countries without them put in place of transmsitters and receivers for satillites as part of state and corporate channels and cellular towers made obsolete via Pheme,Arke and Dionysus streamed from the wire and internet as well as biosynth WiFi and cellular in the biosynth trees and that built into smart phones etc especially in rural and wilderness areas such as high mountains and hills not densely populated.Transmitters for defunct state and corporate channels in every country around the world now integrated into Pheme and Dionysus and cellular towers made defunct by Arke and biosynth WiFi and cellular access can now be replaced with more advanced ones composed of nanomaterials and biosynth technologies etc to be used as radio telescopes to scan the universe for radio transmissions from alien races and also scan celestial bodies.Reforested wilderness in each country could house iceberg observatories that are mostly underground away from light pollution of cities etc scan celestial bodies etc thus giving all countries at least one observatory.All radio telescopes and observatories across the world and universe will be managed by AI and linked to all others worldwide with all space stations and space borne telescopes will be linked by the sentient operating software Astraeus and all operations,readings etc fed into networks that will be open to all researchers worldwide and across the universe.Thus transmitters,receivers and cellular towers currently used by corporate and state television channels and telecommunications companies will become obsolete via biosynth WiFi and cellular access and Pheme,Dionysus and Arke and thus can be replaced by radio telescopes and radio receivers and transmitters allowing each country across the globe to have at least one radio telescopes and radio receiver/transmitter as part of Astraeus with Astraeus deciding where these will be placed with isolated areas of wilderness,mountains etc used with large countries having multiple observatories and radio receiver/transmitters.These compact and efficient observatories,radio telescopes etc can even be set up on oil rig style research stations and floating cities in the ocean and or in waters offshore of each country with meta materials used to make them invisible with biosynth technology and nanomaterials etc making them exponentially faster,cheaper,compact and more accurate with them updated routinely by being completely replaced or have certain parts replaced.Mars,Venus and all colonies across the universe will house radio telescopes,observatories,space elevators and training centres on each continent and country present.Astraeus,Hecate and Urania will spearhead research into making observatories and radio telescopes exponentially faster,cheaper,compact and much more sensitive by 2029 onwards by combining nanomaterials,Biosynth technology and quantum computing as well as ways to mass produce them so that each country or even each state,county etc can have them so they won’t take up space on wilderness areas with them by this point by 2029 onwards exponentially charting the Milky galaxy using satillites and radio telescopes to scan the Milky Way for other Earth type planets and advanced alien civilisations starting by 2029-2035 onwards with by 2100-2200 begin to explore the Milky Way galaxy in an exponentional rate.

Terraforming Venus:
To colonise other planets such as Venus a similar process to reforestation and carbon sequestrian process on Earth can be used to extract carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the atmosphere of Venus with machinery and vessels composed of graphene and carbon composites(including circuitry as well as all buildings – even steel could survive the temperatures and pressures of the planet) strong enough to survive the immense heat and pressure covered externally and internally with liquid glass to protect it from acid.These could be used to set up both flue-gas desulferization plants and graphene/carbon composite plants to create more machinery etc coupled with artificial trees that remove one tonne of carbon every 24 hours per tree that create a self replicating loop that could remove large amounts of the carbon dioxide from the planet over time that with excess stored indoors or under ground or in skyscrapers composed of carbon composites with this in time removed from the planet via autonomously built space elevators,mass drivers,interplanetary vehicles,space tethers,space fountains or a mixture of these.Eventually even geothermal power plants can be built and with thermopiezelectric materials built into the matrix of machinery and robots providing a power source alongside solar panels.Carbon dioxide scrubbers could also be built into these buildings and even artificial trees to separate the oxygen from the carbon dioxide over time reduce levels of both sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide with the flue-gas desulferisation plants modified to separate the oxygen from the sulphur dioxide with the sulphur collected and stored for fertiliser or in time transported via space elevators to Earth with all machinery and buildings coated in liquid glass mined from the surface or shipped in by vehicles that drop them into the atmosphere in packages or in person like other resources.In time artificial trees could intake at least ten tonnes a day to furthim expedite the process and separate the carbon and oxygen from the carbon dioxide from each other once a suitable atmosphere can be created preventing the oxygen escaping into space thus releasing the oxygen into the atmosphere.Like on Earth anywhere between 89.109Gt or even 185.3Gt-1,853Gt or even between 547,500 – 109,500,000Gt(109.6Pt) annually can be sequestered to speed things up with this taking up only 1% of the planets surface with similar trees can intake this amount of sulphur dioxide.All oxygen in both carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide will be separated and released into the atmosphere as oxygen with carbon and sulphur captured and intake as they are to be shipped to Earth for fertiliser,graphene and diamonds and other commercial products.Other artificial trees can be created to separate sulphur dioxide into sulphur and oxygen at the rate of one tonne a day per tree like those that deal with carbon dioxide with the sulphur and carbon used as fertiliser for later soiling measures once the planet has been covered in oceans and an magnetosphere or nanomaterials and building materials like carbon composites manufactured autonomously on site with them when the planet is habitable dissembled and converted into other useful commodites.The trees could be designed to passively separate the oxygen from these gases and release it into the atmosphere and have the sulphur and carbon stored in inert forms in buildings it is transported to be shipped to Earth for commercial purposes.Thus the oxygen from both carbon dioxide would be released into the atmosphere and the sulphur and carbon dioxide collected with advancements allowing for at least 2,190-4,380 gigatonnes each year can be sequestered and released each year when trees are able to sequester at least 100 tonnes each day using 60,000,000-120,000,000 trees on the planet.This would be done via them powered via onsite power plants that use enzymes,catalytic and amine reactions with bio synth technology playing a role thus having act like real trees.These trees would also be composed of graphene or similar carbon nanomaterials and other materials used by conventional plastic trees(there are plastics that can survive up to 4,000 degrees celcius with graphenes melting point being 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius) that can resist temperatures.It has a tensile strength of 130Gpa with them also able to withstand sulphuric acid with liquid glass placed on the nanotubes if they are affected possibly allowing the carbon dioxide through with other solutions to the possibility of sulphuric acid affecting the nanomaterials ability to absorb carbon dioxide also researched.The liquid glass should be able to survive up to 1,600 degrees celcius compared to the surface temperature 462 degrees celcius with these trees spread out over the entire planet to increase surface area speeding up the process.Biosynth technology engineered to survive this temperature via forced evolution can be used by these trees.They will be given DNA to degrade pollutants.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these microbes and also biosynthetic tissues in the artificial trees to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping them speed up the removal of gamma radiation.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation.If possible large buildings can be built by robotics that intake large amounts of sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and using a series of filters can separate the carbon and sulphur from them and release the oxygen into the atmosphere which would carry out two tasks at once removing the two toxic gases from the atmosphere and release oxygen into the atmosphere with the sulphur and carbon stored in inert forms and shipped to Earth for commercial products or kept onsite for use as fertiliser for plantation projects.Extensions can be used to house the artificial trees,Bambusoideae and factories in buildings with the Bambusoideae and biosynthetic trees have DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these colonists,animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping remove it from the atmosphere.Thus extensions will be used to house large areas of Bambusoidea and artificial trees that intake carbon dioxide and all gases from the atmosphere into the buildings that have smokestacks that using suction system suck in the gases in large amounts.All carbon dioxide captured should be converted into biochar,graphene and carbon composites to build more robots and provide fertiliser for Earth and Mars with others sent to Earth for more graphene based products and should supply an endless supply of graphene etc for residents on both Mars and Earth due to the Venus atmosphere comprising of roughly 96.5% carbon dioxide compared to Earth that is only 0.04% – roughly 2,412.5 times more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere about 1.2159 Pt thus ensuring an abundant supply of the gas.All sulphur dioxide will be turned into sulphur fertiliser for Venus,Mars and Earth.All robots and machinery should be composed of graphene due to its melting point of as stated 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius meaning they should be able to survive the 464 degree celcius surface temperatures of the planet with silicons melting point of 1,414 degrees celcius and most of the necessary other components of elements required to be in robots etc being able to survive these temperatures especially when they are in a honeycomb structure similar to graphene as there bonds become stronger and thus all known elements should be made into honeycomb single atom allotropes.Its strength of 130GPa that is 200 times stronger than steel can withstand the 92 bars of Venus.As detailed earlier and later soil can be created by replicating the efforts in China to create soil out of deserts by spreading plant matter created by bacteria and then mixing it in with water.Otherwise soil can be created by shipping in algae,biochar etc created on Earth or Venus and spreading it on the ground and compacting it into the ground with if possible picotech fabricators creating soil of all types onsite of the planet to be be compacted.Picotech fabricators may also be used to create soil to be spread out across the planet.As time goes by genetically altered bacteria,simple and in time more complex photosynthetic plants with recombinant DNA from thermophillic and acidophillic bacteria can be introduced with DNA from oligotrophs,psammophile and other bacteria that can survive in rocky and sandy soils to survive in the harsh environment before,during and after other soils is covered over the land similar to on Earth or inside building where they are grown hydroponically 24/7 with CSYS lighting with carbon dioxide pumped into them from outside and oxygen pumped outside.Piezophile DNA can be added to them to survive the different pressures.These measures alongside other proposed methods such as hydrogen bombardment to produce water vapour(after an artificial atmosphere is created)and thus oceans with it also creating oxygen and graphite(to create graphene) due to the Bosch reaction with it creating a planet that is roughly 80% water and 20% land with the option to create more land via automated machinery that could dig underground and initiate volcanic activity to create more landmasses if shown to be controlled by simulations with any gases created collected via sequestration techniques such as biochar but since there would less water on the planet than on Earth they would have shallower oceans meaning there would the potential to create larger floating and underwater cities and bioluminescent coral reefs covering them entirely than on Earth.Large amounts of fresh and salt water can also be created by these.Volcanic activity can be instigated to ensure Venus surface is 70% water and 30% land like Earth with oceans made as deep as those on Earth by digging into the crust with it keeping its original underwater terrain.Oxygen can also come from the aforementioned greenhouses from plants used in biochar projects dumped in solid forms once an atmosphere is formed.Picotech fabricators may also be used to create water for oceans alongside natural and artificial comets flinged at them.This would be done after the use of natural or artificially created meteors and comets(at least 100km wide) to change the rotation speed is done to change as a first step and an artificial magnetic field is constructed with space mirrors used to create an artificial day and night cycle if this is not feasible or fails and also control pre programmed seasons.Until artificial magnetic fields can be created via large geothermally powered machinery placed at both poles that produce a strong magnetic field around the planet via a system of refrigerated latitudinal superconducting rings,each carrying a sufficient amount of DC current and/or technological developments for the geodynamo of the planet to be reset,genes from T.gammatolerans can be inserted into the genome of any flora and fauna transported their or subspecies of Homo ubermensch with gene therapy theoretically allowing for members of Homo sapiens to survive their permanently for populations of H.sapiens that are engineered to survive there with recombinant DNA from these extremophile with a solar shade placed at the at the Sun–Venus Lagrangian point blocking out cosmic rays if this is not possible.This would include DNA from T.gammatolerans allow them to survive high doses of radiation,Salmonella and other from scratch and even Tardigrade allowing them to survive low gravity and any potential vacuums for extended periods of time without any drawbacks with biocompatible microbes replacing any tissue and bones that does wear down and atrophy due to the prolonged effects of being in low low gravity situations with this done constantly and would be done in any space craft with zero gravity.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these colonists,animals and plants to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping colonists use it as a food source.Once an atmosphere is synthesised an artificial ozone layer could be theoretically created by synthesising it on Venus by having satellites and ships at a set height in the atmosphere and releasing it to form a thick enough blanket around the artificial magnetosphere with balloons on certain points of the planet holding graphene ropes and piping at a set height tethered to buildings that synthesize ozone through industrial processes and picotech fabricators and pump it into the atmosphere also being used where it creates a thick enough layer similar to Earths.Calcium carbonate aerosols can be used to increase the amount of ozone formed with both this and ozone released by balloons and/or aeroplanes and space ships releasing them in sweeps.This can be created by industrial practices and also bacteria utilising catabolic and anabolic reactions.Any remaining ground not covered in water can be covered in soil in the same way as reforestation methods on Earth with even bacteria,fungi and even worms used to aid in soil development treated to the same level of engineering as more complex flora and fauna with engineering also applied to microbes and more complex lifeforms making them tolerate acid,alkaline soils or any high levels of elements endemic to that planet with recombinant DNA coming from extremophiles once again to ensure they survive them.Soil can be made in factories onsite or on Earth where organic mater is created by bacteria and mixed with algae etc with picotech fabricators creating large amounts of soil like organic matter to be rolled into the ground of layers.These methods to terraform the planet can be utilised with the same applying to other planets.DNA from Tardigrade added alongside these and other extremophiles can make them survive heightened extreme conditions that the microbe can tolerate only in small timeframes over extremely long periods or even indefinitely with other DNA added from scratch to better integrate it and extend it such as the low temperatures,high pressure etc.Plants planted there could be engineered to intake sulphur dioxide alongside carbon dioxide and release oxygen during both initial terraforming and even reforestation should any remain.Drones and probes sent to Venus to examine its atmosphere,soils and topography prior to colonisation can be composed of graphene due to its ability to withstand 130 gigapascals of pressure compared to the mere 92 bar of the Venusian atmosphere with the material having a melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius compared to Venus average temperature of 463 degrees celcius with all internal circuitry also composed of graphene,carbon nanotubes and possibly silicene and stanene(and other similar structured nanomaterials of all elements) if they can survive the atmosphere with them coated internally and externally in a permanent layer of liquid glass to prevent damage from the acidic atmosphere.Carbyne which can withstand pressures of up to 270 gigapascals can also be used in wiring and construction materials.Liquid glass that has a melting point of 1,600 degrees celcius would also be able to survive temperatures of Venus with it also protecting them from dust and dirt and protect it from the acidity.Biosynth technology will have acidophile DNA.Important circuitry such as biological hard drives protected by the graphene sacs with muscles composed of stretchy graphene composites allowing for robotics to be both dexterious and modeled after athropods,fish,aves,mammals and humans with HD camera feeds and photos relayed wirelessly to Astraeus viewable to the public like all files,mission reports,schedules etc.with them eithim remotely controlled or in time autonomous due to advances in artificial intelligence.Removing the carbon dioxide and making oxygen etc the predominant gases on the planet will make temperatures,pH,pressure,gravity etc fall within parameters similar to Earths will create a pressure similar to that on Earth alongside other measures.When most if not all of the carbon dioxide is removed the surface temperature and atmospheric pressure of Venus could easily be lowered to that of Earth.Removing all sulphur dioxide will remove its acidity.All sulphur from captured sulphur dioxide should be sent to Earth to provide fertiliser for Earth and Mars.All sequestration programmes will ensure that the carbon from dioxide and sulphur dioxide will be sent to Earth and for commercial uses with the oxygen separated and released as oxygen on Venus.Phanes will design unique taxonomic ranks of new species of plants,animals and micro-organisms.Orbital mirrors will control the climate and day and night cycles once the vast amounts of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide is gone by reflecting heat from the sun and reflecting excess away.Levels of oxygen,carbon dioxide and methane with the level of oxygen,carbon dioxide,methan and synthetic greenhouse gases such as Sulfur hexafluoride,Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluouride kept at parameters for Earth like conditions with orbital mirrors used to deflect heat away or towards the planet to control seasons and day/night cycles.Energy sources used here would be bacteria based fossil fuels,geothermal,fusion power and dyson swarms.Terraforming Venus should begin as early as 2035 managed by Pan and Astraeus and could be finished between 2055-2100.To maintain seasons and tides an artificial moon can be made to orbit Venus that would last forever and be at a similar distance from Venus as the moon is from Earth.

Terraforming Mars:
With regards to Mars again geothermal,fusion or solar powered refrigerated latitudinal superconducting rings,each carrying a sufficient amount of DC current could be placed at both poles to create an artificial atmosphere.These could also be powered by solar arrays in space that send energy in the form of radiation etc to batteries that charge these and would be availible all day long.Bacteria based fossil fuels may be used since they will use looped systems.Like Venus an artificial ozone layer of similar thickness can be created using satellites or balloons or both releasing synthesised ozone into the atmosphere.A solar shade placed at the at the Sun–Mars Lagrangian point blocking out cosmic rays can be employed if this is not possible.Again artificial trees could be used to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen by filtering the oxygen and would release oxygen into the atmosphere over time to make it closer to Earths level of 21% compared to the current level of 0.13% with nanosensors and automated measures controlling the inflow of carbon dioxide and outflow of oxygen or artificial trees can be developed that separate the oxygen from the carbon dioxide passively at the rate of at least one tonne or more a day with nanosensors on atmospheric poles constructed around the planet measuring the levels of carbon dioxide,water vapour and other important gases greenhouse ones relayed back to Earth.Thus the oxygen from carbon dioxide would be released into the atmosphere and the sulphur and carbon dioxide collected with advancements allowing for at least 2,190-4,380 each year can be sequestered and released each year when trees are able to sequester at least 100 tonnes each day using 60,000,000-120,000,000 trees on the planet.Oxygen can also come from the aforementioned greenhouses from plants used in biochar projects dumped in solid form once an atmosphere is formed.If possible like Venus large buildings and artificial tree can be built that separates the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into both carbon and oxygen with the carbon shipped to Earth or other colonies or used as fertiliser and create more robots and the oxygen released into the atmosphere.All carbon dioxide captured should be converted into biochar,graphene and carbon composites to build more robots and provide fertiliser for Earth and Mars with other sent to Earth for more graphene based products and should supply an endless supply of graphene etc for residents on both Mars and Earth due to the atmosphere of Mars being 95.9% carbon dioxide compared to Earths 0.04% – roughly 2,397.5 times more than Earth about 1.20834 Pt with the poles having large stores of the gas that can be harvested.These readings will interact with all machinery on the planet and ones that need to be sent to them from Earth and would control the commencement and ending of all automated machinery,operations,vehicles and programmed into it with new networks within the wire set up containing all the same sub networks of Hermes and Artemis with this also applying to extrasolar planets including other planets that are already habitable.At the same time solar orbital mirrors will be used to heat up the north and south poles to release carbon dioxide as well as stored water to create oceans at least 5-11 metres deep with hydrogen bombardment also playing a role in the production of oceans.Large amounts of fresh and salt water can also be created by these.To make the planet warmer the addition of methane,Sulfur hexafluoride,halocarbons such as perfluorocarbons (which can be vented)which have long lifespans as well as being more potent greenhouse gases will be done alongside hydrogen bombardment or venting to stimulate the production of water vapour another powerful greenhouse gas which would condense into oceans.Ammonia and nitrogen may suffice alongside these greenhouse gases to raise the pressure of the surface to somewhat liveable conditions without a space suit but only an air tank.The greenhouse gases would be artificial ones that have a greater global warming potential and last longer than carbon dioxide including Perfluorotributylamine that persists in the atmosphere for 500 years which is 7,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide,Sulfur hexafluoride that is 23,900 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and can last 800–3200 years,Nitrogen trifluouride which is 17,200 times more powerful that can last for 550 years in the atmosphere with Astraeus in charge of terraforming would decide the best levels in ppm or even ppb that the decided individual gas or mixture would be in to keep temperatures on par with Earth with these gases created annually and released into the atmosphere onsite of Mars by factories that create them solely for this at key points of the planet using industrial processes,picotech fabricators and also if possible bacteria on a commercial scale with them interacting with atmospheric nanosensors that measure the levels of these gases and thus initiate their construction of every few centuries.The ideal ppm or ppb of methane and carbon dioxide will be determined and made so to maintain a stable climate.Each one will be created and released high in the atmosphere by industrial processes and also by bacteria using catabolic and anabolic reactions via biosynth wifi.Ideally this should be done once a stable atmosphere including an ozone layer is created with the use of any ozone depleting gases kept to a minimum and an atmosphere of at least 20% oxygen be created with carbon dioxide and the aforementioned gases be mixed in the atmosphere in a precise stable mixture similar to Earth.Other gases eithim shipped in or constructed via genetically altered bacteria or even synthetic trees composed of specific nanomaterials that create then eithim onsite or on Earth.Carbon dioxide which is a weaker greenhouse gas than the others can be separated into oxygen by artificial trees and scrubbers including that released from the poles until oxygen levels reach at least 20% with the remaining used to heat the planet alongside aforementioned greenhouse gases with any extra carbon dioxide needed shipped in or excess turned into carbon composites such as graphene.Ideally the majority of carbon dioxide should be sequestered into graphene and other carbon composites with other more potent greenhouse gases being used to warm the planet with them,and carbon dioxide kept in a precise balance with the other gases including oxygen constantly for millennia.Solar orbital mirrors would also be used to keep the planet warmer at all points in between the poles and the equator all year long at controlled measurements changing with pre-programmed artificial seasons and night and day temperatures to compliment the released and added greenhouse gases.These mirrors would also be used to reflect harmful radiation from the sun and collect it and solar light as energy to be beamed down to the surface to be used as energy.The use of potent greenhouse gases and orbital mirrors combined would keep the planet at temperatures equal or close to that of Earth.To release the carbon dioxide present in the ice on both poles rathim than using nuclear weapons it could be possible to use orbital mirrors to direct heat from the sun to them to melt the ice to also release the water present with AI developing other means to melt the ice caps.Since the artificial trees would be automated alongside all other machinery that would build all buildings and by interacting with nanosensors would shut down their ability to capture carbon if levels fall within desired parameters(or unforseen problems occur) with this also applying to all gases in the atmosphere with these parameters programmed in by authorised researchers and visible to the public alongside all progress and readings alongside camera feeds and diagnostics and readings from machinery,sensors(including water,soil and atmospheric ones)and buildings fed into their version of Hermes and Artemis.The progress of all terraforming projects will be visible to the public as a percentage progress for each gas,soil cover,reforestation and also overall progress.The dust that storms around the planet could be collected using collecting arrays around the planet that allows the iron in the dust to be used for commercial purposes such as creating new machinery and also buildings or sent to Earth with all robots and machinery coated internally and externally with it to prevent dust affecting them.All lifeforms flora and fauna including populations of H.sapiens should be engineered with recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and other extremophile bacteria via gene therapy and germline therapy to survive the low pressures,temperatures,radiation and other harsh conditions should these measure to terraform the planet to Earth like conditions fail due to terrorist activities,unforseen events or are not possible.Extremophiles like acidophiles,piezophiles,radioresistant bacteria etc will be used as a source of recombinant DNA for plants and animals including humans to survive the conditions on other planets especially those with extreme conditions including super terrans and Hell class planets.Recombinant DNA from either Serratia liquefaciens,Carnobacterium genus and even Methanothermobacter wolfeii,Methanosarcina barkeri,Methanobacterium formicicum or all inserted into any plant or animal life as well as humans could theoretically allow them to survive the extremely low pressures of 7 millibars with DNA from T.gammatolerans allowing them to survive cosmic radiation.Again soil could be introduced the same way as Venus and Earth reforestation attempts with recombinant DNA from psychrophilles,thermophiles and mesophiles transferred into their DNA to survive all temperature ranges with furthim engineering even allowing them to make oxygen with limited sunlight or having CSYS lights set up in middle of plantations to provide extra lighting during the night or when light is not available with this also applying to Venus.Pssamophiles can be a source of DNA to make them survive in the native sandy soils alongside any artificial soils created there with the same applied to microbes and other organisms such as earthworms etc added to them engineered to survive the unique soil conditions with DNA from native bacteria added as well.DNA from Tardigrade added alongside these and other extremophiles as well as that from scratch to integrate and extend this furthim could make them survive heightened extreme conditions that the microbe can tolerate only in small timeframes over extremely long periods or even indefinitely such as the low temperatures etc.This could include that from xerophiles and oligotrophs to allow them to survive low levels.Current methods developed in China that use plant material mixed in with and to create viable soil can be pursued until then.Ideally this material will be created on a commercial scale by bacteria and spread by tractors over large areas or acre by acre and throughly mixed in with the soil and water to form this mixture in entire fields rathim than in one or two spots where trees or crops are planted thus ensuring all of the sand is converted into soil.Otherwise biochar and algae etc could be shipped in from Earth or created onsite of the planet using picotech fabricators and then compacting it into the ground.Soil can be made in factories onsite or on Earth where organic mater is created by bacteria and mixed with algae etc with picotech fabricators creating large amounts of soil like organic matter to be rolled into the ground of layers.Removing perchlorates and other toxic compounds can be removed in large scale automated operations with huge tracts of soil dug up and then the soil sieved or put under specific extraction process to have them use for their specific uses or separated into oxygen and chlorine or using biocompatible microbes and solvents poured in the soil that separate the elements into benign compounds through biological process and anabolic and catabolic reactions and release the chlorine as gas that can be be sequestered via specialised artificial trees with hydrogen shipped in from space ie from the sun,nebulae etc combined with the oxygen to create water vapour that will create rain clouds and thus oceans etc.Thus bacteria and microbes added to soils can be added to soils to actively separate the compound into chlorine salts and oxygen that is released into the atmosphere.Picotech fabricators may also be used to create soil to spread across the planet.Microbes and genetically engineered bacteria could be spread into the soil separate the oxygen and chlorine with the oxygen removed released into the atmosphere during terraforming and the chlorine sequestered into salts removed by filtration process or the chlorine released into the atmosphere as a gas and sequestered by artificial trees.Otherwise all plants and crops could be engineered to be able to convert the chlorine into salts and separate the oxygen and release it into the atmosphere with the possibility of plants storing chlorine etc in their leaves for these to be harvested and the gas separated during pyrolysis and other methods.All animals and humans living there could be engineered using gene therapy to be able to consume it without suffering any ill effects such as aplastic anemia or agranulycytosis with biocompatible microbes flushing out the compounds in converted benign forms in bursts and the perchlorates released from the body through the feces or urine where it can be collected prior to or after algae feeds on the waste.For this to work the algae in the water and sewage treatment plants must be engineered to be unaffected by the perchlorates and not even absorb them and if possible separate the oxygen to be released and collected with the chlorine converted into useable salts that can be collected.Microbes within the body can separate the oxygen and store it for later release into short bursts to prevent death in low oxygen situations with the chlorine into useable salts released in short bursts when needed or into benign compounds to be flushed out when the perchlorates are consumed with this applied when gene therapy is not possible.If possible bioremediation techniques can be carried out using plants that intake them from soil and then pyrolysised with this automated and the chlorine and oxygen separated for commercial products with even bacteria used that separate the oxygen and chlorine and release the oxygen as part of terraforming efforts and the chlorine converted into salts that can be extracted from the soil and used for commercial uses with also any plants grown engineered to tolerate and use these salts or the perchlroates as whole themselves converting them into useable nutrients required by the plants in place of or to compliment phosphorous and nitrogen that are used and stored in small amounts ensuring the are not stored in levels toxic to humans when consumed and that they provide the plants with nutrients without replication for several decades or even centuries saving on time in reapplications.The plants could store this salts in their body by using at as nutrient using recombinant DNA from chemosynthetic bacteria and it extracted when pyrolysised with humans etc engineered using CRISPR to be unable to be affected by the perchlorates allowing them to simply pass through urine and feces to be collected for commercial uses.To compliment this and until they are perfected hydroponics and aeroponics would provide normal food grown in any underground or indoor settlements with the same steps of adaptation and bioremediation would be carried out with other toxic compounds within in any soils on any planet including Venus to make them safe to plant crops and plants.Space elevators and mass drivers would again play a role in transporting vessels.Humans would be living primarily in underground settlements or overground biodome buildings with pressurization systems(also included into suits and vehicles) that could create oxygenated habitats while H.ubermensch would be able to permanently reside there outside permanently with gene therapy possibility facilitating human settlement and survival for H.sapiens for brief periods or permanently with populations of H.sapiens engineered to survive the low pressures of the planet using DNA from the aforementioned bacteria that can survive the extremely low pressures of the planet and DNA from T.gammatolerans to survive radiation that passes through.The shallow oceans created could house aquatic life from Earth engineered to survive there or those from scratch from any microbes that would be found within regoliths and soils with this also apply to terrestrial based lifeforms.T.gammatolerans recombinant DNA would protect them from solar radiation if a atmosphere breaks down or is not possible.These oceans would be ideal for underwater or floating cities to be built and also have large bioluminescent coral reefs covering them entirely.Picotech fabricators may also be used to create water for oceans alongside natural and artificial comets flinged at them.All carbon dioxide removed will have the carbon sent to Earth for fertiliser and oxygen released into the atmosphere with the level of oxygen,carbon dioxide,methan and synthetic greenhouse gases such as Sulfur hexafluoride,Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluouride kept at parameters for Earth like conditions with orbital mirrors used to deflect away or towards the planet to control seasons and day/night cycles.Phanes will design unique taxonomic ranks of plant,animals and micro-organisms.Energy sources used here would be bacteria based fossil fuels,fusion power and dyson swarms.Terraforming Mars should begin as early as 2035 managed by Pan and Astraeus and could be finished between 2055-2100.Both Phobos and Deimos can be mined to prevent them colliding with Mars with if possible technology developed to keep them in a stable orbit forever to preserve their scenic view with this repeated annually or done once in a way that permanently keeps them orbiting them so as to prevent them colliding with colonies on Marsand yet still visible at night with the naked eye.If possible a new third or single moon can be created artificially and kept in a stable orbit to maintain seasons,tides etc with both existing moons mined for raw materials.

Summary of Terraforming :
The moon can have bases set up with it fitted with oceans and lakes with fusion,solar and bacteria based oil and gas used as energy sources.Measures will be made to move the moon back to its original place when humans first evolved and keep it in that place.Titan,Ganymede and other moons of Jupiter and Saturn can also be terraformed with all extrasolar planets in the galaxy can be terraformed as well.All work in terraforming other planets and moons within our solar system(such as Mars,Venus and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn) and beyond in other systems such as construction,shipping in of resources,mining both on asteroids and planets,harvesting of resources and conversion of carbon dioxide and other gases into oxygen and other work should be automated from start to finish by Astraeus,Pan and Artemis so as to allow humans to settle there once terraforming has finished.Advances in AI and robotics will be able to expedite this exponentially with each planet have unique programmes to make them habitable based on their size,atmospheric composition and other features.Biosynths that have extremophile DNA to survive the environment will form part of these teams.Interstellar vehicles exploring the galaxy would do this for all discovered uninhabited planets and moons in solar systems with no sentient life.The planet will undergoe similulations to determine the ideal concentration of key gases such as oxygen,carbon dioxide,water vapour and also methane as well as synthetic greenhouses in ppm and ppb.These will determine the size and shape of landmasses,islands etc and oceans in terms of their depth etc and also weathim patterns once an atmosphere can be created.Instigating volcanic activity on land by the shore and underwater by drilling into the crust to instigate the formation of new land,islands and even continents with this planed by Astraeus,Pan,Theoi Meteroi to designing their shape,calculating their effect on the new land and continents climate and the climate of the rest of the planet with it taking anything from a few decades to centuries with carbon and sulphur dioxide and other toxic gas sequestration programmes taking place to remove the greenhouse and toxic gases released instantly with interactions being constant.The oceans that would have excess water from the oceans the same volume as the new land removed permanently via used over and over again in looped water treatment systems or shipped to the poles or even used in looped systems in space stations and interstellar vehicles putting it good use to prevent it drowning other land once dispalced.This can be done on Earth as well to create islands as well as small continents.The entire planet whethim Mars,Venus etc across the galaxy will have their unaltered map of them scanned into their version of Theoi Meteroi to preserve the original form for VR simulations for media and holidays.Terraforming of planets will at first be incremental by 2035 but from 2045 onwards the process will be exponential meaning it may take only a few decades to terraform them to a state similar to Earth.With regrads to Mars and Venus work on both of them will start by 2035 with them both finished by 2060-2100 with space ships sending back to Earth all sequestered carbon dioxide and sulphur to be used for commercial purposes with AI sending more advanced machinery anf artificial trees to them thus increasing the rate of bioremediation and terraforming exponentionally.By 2100 onwards terraforming extrasolar planets or even the Jovian moons etc will take only a few years each due to more advanced technology.Whole new taxonomic ranks of plants and animals can be created by Phanes to survive in these newly terraformed planets different from those from Earth to give variety but able to to live on Earth at the same time with this including micro-organisms in both the soil and oceans.These would form the same complex ecological systems on Earth and be suited to the different environments and wilderness present and the different climates there with Phanes creating them in a way that mirrors evolution on Earth ie an evolutionary tree with related species and taxonomic ranks and islandisation etc.This can include those from all previous geological periods on Earth.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on these colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally colonies on other planets that are terraformed such as Mars,Venus,other discovered planets outside of the Sol system that are uninhabited,artificial planets the same size as Earth,alderson discs and ringworlds can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of H.sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with each one containing those from each individual geological period ie each planet contains only those from each geological periods.Alderson discs and ringworlds due to their size can have those from several geological periods spread over them.This can also be replicated with extinct plants as well as sentient and non-sentient lifeforms on other planets Pets and livestock can be created with mirco-organisms engineered not to become pathogens with humans also immunised against them via the common proteins method.Pan,Phanes and Theoi Meteroi will work togethim to plan out ecological systems and wilderness areas like jungles,deserts,tundra,grasslands etc that interact and function on the climates created.Construction of important buildings such as homes,underground communities,power plants,farms,sewage and water treatment systems will also be automated and ideally done before humans arrive with city and building AIs also constructed.All of these would be interacting with atmospheric,water and soil sensors to ensure they follow pre programmed automated programmes again programmed by authorised researchers into Astraeus with all programmes,progress,readings from sensors,feeds from cameras,diagnostics and even GPS locations of machinery and buildings(via terrestrial based GPS) relayed to their version of Hermes within Astraeus viewable to the public with the public able to contact researchers via email since the name of all researchers and contact details will be visible within the sub-network for each planets climate/weathim networks modelled on and placed after Artemis.This level of automation controlled by Astraeus would allow work to be done 24/7,365 days a year in the harshest of environment with the advances in artificial intelligence to carry out functions properly and once the self replication process begins productivity will increase exponentially increasing the speeds of terraforming.This would allow work to be done in the fraction of the time and energy it would normally take for conventional terraforming process to be carried out by humans with all the work done by automated machinery,terrestrial and space faring vehicles,biosynths,robots etc.Picotech fabricaters especially large ones charged by natural and artificial singulaities,dyson swarms etc will play a role in the terraforming both in terms of their actual composition but also soil of all types and water as part of oceans,rivers,lakes,groundwater with all work automated from start to finish.All planets will be terraformed to the point that they will be indistinguishable to Earth as close as possible in terms of climate,soil etc with Phanes designing entire unique taxonomic ranks for each planet to give them more variety.Picotech fabricators will also be used to create water for oceans,rivers and lakes and by extension water vapour for clouds etc by releasing it into the atmosphere or into valleys etc and also soil to be compacted into layers alongside groundwater pumped into a layer bored by machinery.Like on Earth 109,500,000Gt of carbon dioxide can be sequestered from the atmosphere on 1-50% of their surface using artificial trees to speed things up with in time by 2045 artificial trees should be availible that intake this amount.These trees can remove not just carbon dioxide but other toxic gases and greenhouses such as sulphur dioxide and can be engineered to passively separate them into oxygen released into the atmosphere and other compounds stored and transported into buildings or underground areas where there they are converted into commercial products.All carbon dioxide can be sequestered into graphene and carbyne etc with exponential research and growth into this technology pursued by Hecate,Urania and Pan so that these will be used to speed up terraforming projects on Mars and Venus and other planets with these trees spread out over the entire planet to increase surface area speeding up the process.If possible by covering an area the equivalent to 1% of the planet Earth in the case of both Mars and Venus it may be possible for as much as 109,500,000Gt or 109.5Pt to be sequestered each year.All carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide removed from their atmospheres will be shipped to Earth as graphene,diamonds,fertiliser for Earth etc with both Mars and Venus having a combined total of 2.424Pt(or 2,420,000Gt).All methane will be transported to Earth and other colonies to be stored for use as a fuel to be burned to sequester the carbon dioxide into boiochar,graphene etc.All excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and also poles etc of any planets will be sequestered and turned into graphene,fertiliser with suplhur dioxide also in the atmosphere etc removed and turned into fertiliser etc all sulphur dioxide will be sequestered to have the sulphur used as fertilieser with nitrogen oxides also sequestered into fertiliser.All greenhouse and toxic gases in the atmosphere and all toxic compounds in the soil,water etc will removed by bioremediation programmes will be sequestered to be used for commercial purposes with any oxygen present in these gases and toxins in the soil released into the atmosphere to make it breathe able for humans.Artificial trees using different sources of recombinant DNA from bacteria etc and also different nanomaterials will be able to remove different greenhouse and toxic gases with plants such as Bambusoidea engineered with this as well.DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum and C.neoformans can be added to these plants and artificial trees alongside humans,animals and plants added there will remove radiation from the atmosphere with T.gammatolerans added to the genome of these trees,plants snd also added plants,animals and humans will allow them to survive huge blasts of radiation.These artificial trees can intake toxic gases and then store the compounds in their body to be sequestered into commercial products and oxygen released into the atmosphere once separated from them with them converting toxic compounds into benign substances such as water and oxygen to be released into the atmosphere.The oxygen produced by the plants etc will be released into the agmoshpere.Toxins in water and soil etc will be bioremediated via plants harvested annually or all added plants,animals and humans engineered to break them down passively into benign compounds.Bioremediation techniques used in Earth to clean up polluted soils,oceans, and ecosystems etc will be used to remove toxins,radiation etc in each planet being terraformed.The vast reserves of methane on Titan could theoretically power any settlements on Europa,Titan and Earth for millions of years and act as fuel for interstellar vehicles to power key systems alleviating strains on fusion.It could also be burned on site of Titan to release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to warm it up with it allowing the ocean to be exposed allowing for floating and underwater cities to be created across the planet and underground them with the surface if possible also used to house settlements if the ice remains with the them extending from the surface as high as possible to the bottom sea floor and even lower into the hydrous silicate core with any toxic gases in the atmosphere sequestered through artificial treesMethane in large amounts in the atmosphere as a gas,in lakes/rivers/oceans etc in liquid form and also in ice in the poles will be sequestered and sent back to Earth and other colonies to burnt as a fuel source and the carbon dioxide sequestered and turned into graphene with other toxic gases removed from the atmosphere etc and used for commercial products.The carbon and methane present on Saturn,Neptune and Jupiter etc can be harvested with if possible all of the diamonds produced in the atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn both existing and future ones could be harvested via transporter and other technologies providing in the case of Saturn alone produce 1,200 tonnes of diamonds every year about 47 times more than is harvested on Earth.Methane can be used as a fuel and the carbon dioxide sequestered into carbon dioxide.Other toxic gases will be used for commercial purposes once removed via artificial trees.The trees can be composed of nanomaterials and covered in liquid glass to protect them from temperatures of up to 1,600 degrees celcius and make them water,dirt and acid proof.Biosynth technology engineered to survive temperatures via forced evolution and DNA from extremophiles can be used by the trees and they will be given DNA to degrade pollutants.Nanomaterials and biosynth technology with DNA from bacteria from Earth that sequesters and utilises different gases,scratch DNA and nanomaterials will be able sequester different types of gases such as methane,sulphur dioxide,carbon dioxide etc.All carbon dioxide,sulphur dioxide etc captured should be converted into biochar,graphene and carbon composites etc to build more robots and provide fertiliser for Earth and Mars with others sent to Earth.Plants,animals and micro-organisms in the soil,oceans etc on the planet will also be fitted with this alongside those from unicellular and multicellular plants and animals that degrade toxins.Planets with low levels of methane and carbon dioxide will have them released into the atmosphere via bacteria based fossil fuels burned on the surface and also them synthesised by bacteria on the surface with the same done for ozone.Each planets atmosphere and surface will be analysed by satellites and drones to determine the best options for terraforming them and then allow Pan,Astraeus to carry out unique projects for them each with artificial trees playing a role in removing carbon dioxide and methane from planets that have have atmospheres rich in these and the levels of them and oxygen etc determined by these AI with methane created by bacteria.These terraforming projects will make them all as indistinguishable from Earth as possible.Native bacteria can be used as a baseline to create whole phyla and taxonomic ranks of flora and fauna unique to them with AI namely Phanes doing this and him in he case where no bacteria exist then he will create whole taxonomic ranks  from scratch or even those that are mythical animals and those from geological periods prior to the arrival of humans on Earth to give them more diversity than just those on Earth.As stated earlier each planet in the galaxy will have their own network as a variation of Hermes,Brauron and Physis added to the wire within Astraeus containing all the same features and thus sub-networks as Hermes managed by the same software and also named Hermes.Each planet will be scanned into their version of Brauron before terraforming and after.The same level of engineering of plants,humans and animals from extremophiles and Tardigrade and those made from scratch to integrate them better and extend them used to protect them from radiation,pressure temperature,different soil types etc until these problems can be permanently overcome,if these measures to control these conditions are limited and do not work 100% or in any instance where containment measures fail due to natural disasters,terrorist attacks or power failures.Humans would need to have habitats on the surface to keep the temperature,pressure and protection from radiation to keep them safe with underground and underwater cities also providing safety.CRISPR via microbes can engineer even living humans to be able to survive low and high pressure,radiation and other conditions via recombinant DNA from extremophiles.In the case of most planets underground communities would be ideal for humans staying there in research stations prior to terraforming being complete with in the case of Europa,Titan and Ganymede for example there can be settlements on the surface and underwater cities underneath the icy surface with the same apllying to other similar planets with those like Europa and Titan that have no mantle possibly allowing for underground cities to go as deep as the core with fusion,quantum singularity and even bacteria based fossil fuel energy sources..

Those that are level barren planets with no place for oceans then it may be possible to form ecumenopolises similar to the fictional Coruscant with artificial climate and hydrological systems present controlled by Theoi Meteroi.Planets that are purely oceans or have larger amounts of ocean to land ratio than Earth it may be possible to instigate volcanic activity on land by the shore and underwater by drilling into the crust to instigate the formation of new land,islands and even continents with this planned by Astraeus,Pan,Theoi Meteroi to designing their shape,calculating their effect on the new land and continents climate and the climate of the rest of the planet with it taking anything from a few decades to centuries with carbon and sulphur dioxide and other toxic gas sequestration programmes taking place to remove the greenhouse and toxic gases released instantly with interactions being constant with water vapour removed from the planets biome and used in space stations etc in looped systems.All plant and animal life would be genetically engineered to adapt to these conditions with new species of plants and animals as well as soil micro-orgnisms created for all newly created islands and continents that by Phanes using existing species as a template making them part of there evolutionary as if they would have naturally formed by evolution similar to how the Galapagos Island and Bering Strait created genetically distinct but releated plants and animals on Earth and also have coral reefs made on all coasts,rivers,lakes etc as detailed later and earlier on.To prevent displaced water drowning the rest of the world the displaced water will removed permanently before,during or after via used over and over again in looped water treatment systems or shipped to the poles once the salt is removed or even used in looped systems in space stations and interstellar vehicles putting it good use to prevent it drowning other land once displaced with the salt also used in looped systems.This will also be done on those with sentient life with debate done as to what technological tier they may need to have reached when it is done.The AI will carry out simulations and countermeasures automatically with all sea and land based flora and fauna added to Physis beforehand.The displaced ocean water and salt will be extracted from the oceans and then used in looped cycles on space stations,interstellar vehicles and in search or even used for artificial planets,ringworlds and alderson discs.Those with larger amounts of continents than oceans will have them mined and large amounts of water with the correct ratio of salt created by picotech fabricators to create Earth sized oceans with again it planned by AI to create the ideal layout with in both cases the plate tectonics mapped and taken into account.Planets that are purely one type of climate or ecosystem will have by a case by case basis have terraforming projects done depending on the type of ecosystem to increase variety.For example if they are a purely desert planet that has very few of any seas and oceans then efforts will be made to add large volumes of water to them to create oceans similar in size to Earth with if need be parts of the planet mined to make large deep oceans and instigating volcanic actions etc to create new highim land masses with any species of plants and animals in these drowned areas moved to inland areas,newly created land on the planet or even to other colonies permenantly especially where no existing life exists and new taxonomic ranks of plants and animals created using them and other plants and animals as a baseline with the Phanes method used to increase their numbers with it also used to have specimens of species kept on the planet created in the other colony with this other colony ideally being an artificial planet,ring world and alderson disc or even a planet like Mars,Venus and moons of gas giants that are devoid of native life and are to be terraformed.If possible to prevent land masses drowning then the excess water displaced can be removed and reused in large amounts and used in looped cycles on Earth,space stations and interstellar vehicles.This can allow new land masses to exist with drowning other continents thus increasing landmass.Picotech fabricators can create large amounts of water or comets and their equivalent of the Oort Cloud that has asteroids etc covered in ice can be harvested for water to create oceans the same size and depth of Earth with the landmass sizes ideally being the same size as Earths with simulations done as the layout of oceans etc and their effect on the global climate and native flora and fauna.This will also be done to planets that have only Arctic and Antarctic conditions because the planet is outside the habitable zone of its star then orbital mirrors can direct heat towards to the planet alongside releasing large amounts of synthetic greenhouse gases and natural ones such as methane and carbon dioxide created by bacteria and industrial processes with if the planet is going through a global ice age determined through ice core samples etc and if it is the result of milankovitch cycles then efforts can be made to be brought out of it by monitoring levels of carbon dioxide etc in the atmosphere and if levels are low then reserves hidden in ice etc will be released through artificial processes and if possible bacteria based fossil fuels can be burnt in the open to heat the planet to a warm enough temperature similar to Earth.Planets with mono ecosystems that is to say only one or two ecosystems such as only deserts etc can be given new ecosystems via creating new species of plants and animals and also new measures.Tidally locked planets can be modified to be able to spin like Earth.Planets too close their sun can have orbital mirrors deflect heat away.If possible planets outside their habitable ranges that are too close to their star or too far away then technology may be developed that can physically move the planet away from or closer to their star into their habitable zone with applied to those that orbit not only type G star but all types of stars.Planets too far away from their sun outside the habitable zone can have extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it use orbital mirrors to reflect extra heat and light from the sun to them with if possible the planet moved closer to their parent star.Planets that orbit non type G stars can have the Star types turned into type G stars by adding or removing hydrogen etc using transporter technology.Those with low levels of carbon dioxide and methane will have levels adjust to those to pre industrial Earth ie 250ppm and 733ppb precisely with any flora and fauna engineered to adapt.Those going through naturally occurring global warming caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as seen in the past will have the excess removed and fossils of animals and plants used to recreate them from scratch or through temporal manipulations collect DNA samples.All remaining reserves of oil,coal,gas and peat on planets across the universe will be burned at each planets 10-25% energy ratio and the carbon dioxide sequestered again to prevent it going to waste with all planets that have large concentrations of carbon dioxide in similar concentrations to Mars,Venus etc in their atmosphere and mantle similar to Earth will have it removed via carbon sequestration again to prevent it going to waste.Planets with large amounts of methane in their atmosphere similar to Titan will have it burned on Earth and the carbon dioxide sequestered again for the same reason with methane based plants and animals including sentient ones discovered then the methane will left alone.Planets that are undergoing global warming due to large levels of carbon dioxide and methane due to natural climate change will have gas sequestered to ideal levels.In all cases the planet will have ice cores,sediments analysed to determine the ideal level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.All planets including Mars and Venus will be terraformed to the point that they have the same environment as Earth including deserts,jungles,temperate forests etc.Planets that house a mixture of climates and ecosystems will be left as they are and those that house only jungles etc may also be preserved.Those that have thin ozone layers may have synthetic ozone created in factories and pumped into the atmosphere with those with too much ozone present have excess removed.All planets that have new species added and created by Phanes will be created by analysing existing phylogenetic trees and creating new taxonomic ranks with ideally planets with a low number of species of plants and animals will have more created on an number equal to Earth ie at least 2,000,000 species of animals and at least 391,000 species of plants and so on with the new species added made to adapt to the specific regions they are added to and follow existing phylogenitic trees that being artificial evolutionary cousins to existing species with existing species analysed and he will create evolutionary relations that follow normal paths of evolutionary trees with them forming stable part of existing food webs with new animals being prey to other new or existing species but not apex predators as this would cause an imbalance with them also having pathogens created for them that may or not be fatal and if not then can have gene drives added to prevent them becoming fatal or jumping to other species especially native ones with new species of endo and ecto parasites created that can only feed on them with them made to survive only a specific region of the planet they inhabit and made to only thrive in specific climates,soils etc and also only able to feed on a small number animals and plants with carnivorous animals engineered ideally to be able to only feed on or favour only other new species of animals with herbivores only engineered to favour or only consume new species of plants with the same for omnivore animals.Thus the new species would form part of the ecosystem and not other species and become an invasive species that would overrun the planet or region and directly or indirectly kill off existing species thus causing extinctions.These and other measures will be extrapolated by Phanes to ensure that all newly created species of plants and animals form a stable part of ecosystems and do not become invasive species with before this done all species of plants and animals have their DNA added to their version of Physis to not only create these new tanks but also allow Phanes and Lazarus programmes to be initiated.Planets that are being terraformed will have these new species of plants and animals engineered to adapt to the planets newly terra formed environmental conditions.All existing native species of plants,animals and micro-organisms on all terraformed planets will be engineered to adapt to the new climatic conditions determined by Phanes,Theoi Meteroi with this done using 3D DNA printers creating millions of them via the Phanes method and via advanced gene drive technology them passing on the genes for these adaptations to future generations when they interbreed with wild specimens of plants and animals and/or releasing billions of biosynth modelled on Anopheles that inject microbes into many specimens of all species of plants and animals that apply these augmentations via CRISPR that using advanced gene drive technology pass this onto all future generations becoming dominant traits even when they interbreed with wild animals that are not inoculated.This will be done to preserve them when the planet is terraformed to prevent them going extinct.Phanes would design whole taxonomic ranks of plants and animals to populate these new areas,planets and adapt to the new climate with those on existing planets undergoing terraforming projects engineered via CRISPR to adapt to any changes in the climate..Planets that are exposed to heavy doses of radiation similar to Europa,Venus,Mars etc can have solar sails at key points that deflect heavy doses of radiation and if possible collect this as well as solar energy and transformed into useable energy with in time gene therapy in the case of H.sapiens and creating populations of H.sapiens that can tolerate different environments using recombinant DNA from extremaophiles such as T.gammatolerans,Tardigrade,piezophiles,Salmonella,P.denitrificans recombinant DNA that would increase human resistance to g-force and survive extremes in hypergravity etc to survive all type of atmospheres and those from metalltolerants and tweaked Geobacter DNA allow them to survive any toxins in the soil etc.All humans once DNA of T.gammatolerans is added to them will allow them to survive blasts of radiation of up to 30,000Gy while Mars on the other hand has exposures of radiation of at least 0.00003 – 0.011Gy.Nearby asteroids from the asteroid belt encircling the inner three planets as well as the Kuiper belt could also be a source of elements with even the Oort cloud being used.Dimensional field devices can be placed in the core to alter the magnetosphere creating artificial gravity,magnetic fields and other properties similar to Earth including the case of planets smaller or larger than Earth powered by the mantle or other energy sources such as dyson swarms etc.Theoi Meteroi will control of the weather.Gases such as methane could be synthesised by bacteria feeding on shipped in matter,shipping them in when captured or produced by artificial means on Earth.In time onsite fusion/geothermal/solar power plants powering macro building sized nano/pico/femotech fabricators could be used to theoretically create any desired gas,elements or materials to be placed in the soil,rivers or atmosphere and used to construct machinery with carbon dioxide extracted from the atmosphere or shipped in converted into graphene and other carbon composites to create new buildings and machinery with any extra machinery and robots etc needed shipped in via interplantary vehicles automatically when supplies are low.Existing Hell and Demon class planets and even Super Earths may be fitted with devices put into the core via transporter technology that alters the magnetic sphere,gravity and other environmental conditions to those similar on Earth.These using thermo-piezoelectric materials would gain energy from the heat of the inner/outer core with a pocket universe to house them.Moons may also be created.It may also be used to directly extract energy from the inner and outer core similar to dyson swarms with this also replicated with Jupiter and the sun via thermo-piezoelectric materials.All colonies on terraformed planets will utilise all types of energy sources such as solar,solar thermal,solar arrays that send energy to the planet from space via radiation to where the
energy can be stored in large battery packs to power the entire colony or whole settlements as well as bacteria based fossil fuels and even geothermal and fusion.Permanent layers of liquid glass will be coated onto all machinery,robots,vehicles and ships to make them resistant to any acidic atmospheres with graphene and other nanomaterials that can withstand immense pressure and heat used to construct all machinery,vehicles and robots used.Poles with atmospheric nanosensors can be constructed at strategic points of the planet to initiate and control the rate of depressurization,greenhouse or toxic gas removal,oxygen introduction and all automated operations to ensure they are going at a steady and linear rate and can be a measure of progress with them measuring all environmental conditions they do on Earth including temperature,UV radiation levels with these even added to any artificial oceans and waterways once the project is near completion via buyos.These alongside readings from cameras atop vehicles,machinery and buildings can be viewable to the public.360 or 540 cameras atop of these atmospheric poles or buildings can be relayed to digital windows and graphene wallpaper.All carbon dioxide sequestered on terraformed planets can be transported back to Earth or kept on the planet as biochar to be converterd into graphene,fertiliser,diamonds etc providing an even more abundant supply especially in the case of carbon dioxide rich planets such as Venus and Mars with the same applied to any other toxic gases which can be converted into useful benign compounds or elemental ores of commercial use.All planets both within and outside our solar system will undergo simulations by Gaia,Astraeus and other AI to decide the best means to terraform them and what leveling of engineering flora and fauna introduced with even native bacteria found used as source of recombinant DNA and even then used to as model species to create more complex life by genetic engineering and decide what parameters each gas will have its concentrations in.This would be relayed back to Earth and colonies prior to initiations for authorisation and analysis.These simulations will be in time realistic VR allowing the public to view them in programs thus allowing one to visit the planet as it would appear when finished and before.Only uninhabited planets and non terraformed uninhibited planets and moons in the galaxy will undergoe terraforming with those containing sentient lifeforms including proto stage ones will be used for research purposes with bases set up on moons in the system and space stations built that orbit the planet covered in metamaterials.All probes sent to them should be covered in liquid glass and treated to UV treatment and sterilise them to prevent them transporting microbes that would contaminate the environment.All terraformed and discovered planets including those that contain sentient life and those of all classes and types will be mapped and visible in their version of Artemis within Astraeus.The moon may be the first extraterrestrial colony to act as a stepping stone.All planets that need to be terraformed within and outside the solar system will utilise any possible energy source such as geothermal,fusion,solar panels and thermal,quantum singularities and also fossil fuels from bacteria using looped systems to make them carbon neutral will be used to power terraforming projects and colonies there.

Some planets that have suffered extreme environmental damage at the hands of non human sentient races,super volcanic eruptions and also asteroid strikes and other planet wide disasters will undergoe bioremediation projects similar to those on Earth as detailed in the environmental management page with these carried out by Pan etc to make the planet habitable with extinct species of plants and animals revived using the Lazarus method and endangered species revived using the Phanes method.Those with no indigenous plants and animals or where only microorganisms exist will have Phanes design entire taxonomic ranks of microorganisms,plants and animal’s unique to them using microorganisms present as a baseline.Those going through ice ages can have the levels of carbon dioxide etc increased and other measures carried out to melt the ice and make it habitable for humans etc.All native plants abd animals in modified planets will through swarms of insect biosynths have them injected with viral vectors that apply CRISPR treatments that make them able to survive new environmental conditions.Planets with only oceans or mostly oceans will have floating and underwater communities built in them.Those that have environments rich in carbon dioxide and methane etc in their atmosphere and have plants and animals that evolved to survive only these environments that are in hospitable to humans etc will be preserved as they are and havd space stations built orbiting them to observe them.Humans,pets and aliens through CRISPR treatments will be able to colonise these planets to preserve the native flora and fauna as they are.

To clean up the junk surrounding the Earth as the result of waste ejected from space missions and destroyed satellites there are several options.Satellites inside shuttles that contain Aerogel like materials which can collect small particles of non ferrous materials as they pass through it and then returned into the body of the satellite and then brought back to Earth in return flights or have these satellites return to Earth via re-entry to the atmosphere.Another solution would be to have shuttles containing multiple satellites or space drones fitted with magnets onto their body(top and bottom) which can collect ferrous metal from particularly rubbish dense areas while avoiding essential satellites and have this brought back into the shuttle after a long period of time or after they have collected a certain amount of material and then brought back to Earth where it can be recycled rathim than burn up in the atmosphere and go to waste.Then the shuttle would be put back into orbit to collect more material.Ideally this would be done before the method involving Aerogel to at least remove ferric material allowing non-ferric material to be then collected via aerogel in large vehicles that can then be brought back to Earth via shuttles with robots doing this work.Both aerogel and magnets can collect large and small pieces alongside magnet balls and lasers that deflect material back to Earth alongside other methods.If possible a space elevator can be constructed that at varying levels will contain magnets and apparatus’s that can remove large amounts of debris that can be removed by robots and biosynths with the material transported down to Earth to be recycled.These elevators can be used to transport material down and used by robots and biosynths as launching pads to capture material.Satillites can be sent up that are designed to capture large amounts of rubbish and debris and then once full fall back to Earth in the Ocean or wilderness areas in a pre programmed area to be recycled with this repeated over and over again.Space stations both existing and new can be used by robots,biosynths to remove large amounts of rubbish then transported back to Earth transported by shuttles,space elevators to be recycled.AI such as Pan and Astraeus will by 2029 onwards develop ways to remove large amounts of rubbish in an exponential pre programmed manner meaning by 2045-2100 most of not all debris should be removed by which time terraforming and colonisation of Mars and Venus should be started alongside deployment of dyson swarms and space exploration.AI by 2029 namely Gaia,Pan,Astraeus and Hecate will create ways to both track garbage and remove it from the Earth.AI namely Gaia,Hecate,Pan and Astraeus will develop ways to remove all space junk surrounding the Earth with it carrying out multiple ways to speed the process up exponentially.These process can be carried out simultaneously and repeated to clear the area surrounding Earth of debris with annual reports from ground based satellite imaging measuring progress and the collective amount of debris weighed and logged over time.A satellite will be sent to the outer gravity well of Earth where it will also monitor progress with possible it sent to the moon alongside automated machinery and bases that link constantly to Earth by Astraeus that uses different types of cameras to detect specifically metals and all types of objects orbiting the Earth thus monitoring progress 24/7,365 days a year.Satillites can also be set up in between Earth and the Moon.This will be all managed by Astraeus and Pan by 2029 that will decide the best means of gathering all material back to Earth to be ideally recycled with any structures sent up eithim slingshots,ships and satellites with lasers,shuttles to collect material should be composed of many layers of graphene to protect itself from debris and also the heat of re-entering the Earths atmosphere with them deploying material back into isolated areas of Earth such as the worlds oceans and deserts and even both north and south poles by ideally attaching GPS markers that can allow their location and trajectory to be located and sent to desired isolated areas to be then harvested.These would be deflected to Earth using algorithms and calculations to determine the best way to have the material sent to precise areas on Earth that are isolated and cannot cause fires or hit human residences with the exact GPS location being able to be hit.Graphene/carbyne nets can be used to catch not just large objects but if they have aerogel in them inbetween the fishnets can be used to catch large amounts of small items to be brought back to Earth.In time damaged or unused satellites and other large objects can have thrusters attached that direct them to send them to exact GPS locations.By 2029 most of this base work will be started with by 2045 more advanced methods involving biosynths and larger and more durable shuttles,satellites and robots designed by Astraeus that will carry this out automatically and have results fed into it to be visible to the public.This will be done to prevent existing functioning and important satellites are still not damaged again managed by Astraeus.Once the vast majority and indeed all of the material has been removed with multiple methods pursued,linked togethim and managed by Astraeus to ensure success without damaging both the machinery used and also preventing putting the life of humans and building on Earth at risk.By the end of the century due to new better technologies that will expedite the removal of this waste all of this waste may be gone completely or be only a tiny fraction of it is and may only require a decade or two more of operations.By 2060-2100 all of the skunk surrounding Earth will be removed completely opening up the construction of shipyards,space elevators.All new satellites sent up their may ideally be all in one that perform certain task as part of the wire ie Ophion/Amphrite/Eos and as part of Iris with excess satellites made redundant due to the the wires online internet based nature will make satellites for cable and packaged channel servers ie Sky etc with old defunct spy satellites owned by different countries brought down to Earth to be replaced by a singular one controlled by Perseus.This will make the future space surrounding Earth much cleaner with the satellite outside the Earths gravity well kept there to monitor the location of all remaining and future satellites in order to plan future launches to ensure their orbits do not cross each other with future ones being composed of graphene and have layers of liquid glass on them to make them resistant to crashes or debris hitting them and also protecting them from dust etc.They will also have onboard computers that relay diagnostics to both Astraeus and the part of the wire they function for and also their current location to be relayed to them as well as to allow their current state and location to be known 24/7,365 days a year.They will also have thrusters that can alongside the onboard computer plan to hit isolated areas on the Earth with this relayed to Astraeus and Pan etc to be recycled and prevent urbanised areas hit with the public warned as to its location as with aforementioned satellites removed.Terrestrial based GPS,all movies,television shows and live news streamed from Dionysus,Pheme and Arke etc will render Satillites orbiting Earth obsolete by 2029-2100.

Satellites for GPS,telecommunications and for television channels will inevitably become obsolete and thus recyclable for the following reasons that will save on energy in sending them into space:
•Quantum compasses/entanglement/telecommunications that replace them for use in electronics such as smartphones,vehicles and smart devices.
•Relay sensors in atmospheric,water,soil sensors that also act as environmental sensors measuring temperature and levels of pollutants to relay maps into smart devices and maps as well as aiding self driving vehicles by triangulating the location of the device coupled with the vehicles streaming maps from the Artemis network acting as a terrestrial based GPS for vehicles,smart devices etc.
•Streaming and downloading television channels,programmes and even live events from the internet and wire will inevitably negate the need for satellites to transfer from the studio to the consumers televisions.Also the uploading of media to the wire by directors,producers etc instead of having to use sattilites to transmit to televisions worldwide.Live news and state channels will also be in time streamed via the wire and stored there negating the need for satellites and transmission towers etc.
•Solar arrays that also stream the wire,wifi and also energy from the sun will also have satellites on them for the wire and also GPS ones.
•Solar powered aeroplanes that can act as satellites for smart phones and telecommunications and GPS and stay in the air indefinitely.These can also atmospheric sensors for extra information

If these methods are successful in replacing satellites used for telecommunications,channels, GPS old ones currently in orbit can be returned to Earth by having automated shuttles and robots carry them back and programmed to impact the Earth in a specified area where it can be recovered ie a wilderness area with no human habitation or shallow  waters where it can be recovered.This will negate the need to send up more satellites via rockets that use energy,create more junk and can be damaged.Any other satellites needed to be put up would be sent up via space elevators and would be composed of carbon composites like graphene with them having  powerful onboard computers that can possibly using thrusters that force them to fall into the Earths atmosphere to crash in a wilderness area or ocean in a planned trajectory to prevent them hitting urban areas to be recycled or be collected by robots that use space elevators.The graphene in their structure could allow them to survive reentry without burning up and survive impacts.The material would also protect them from debris thus preventing new space junk being created.To negate the need for having satellites to fall to the ground as detailed then onboard computers can be replaced by newer more powerful versions via robots and biosynths.

Asteroids & Comets :
To deal with asteroids and comets that may be a threat to Earth or other colonies they can be mined by Theia with them determined to be threats by observatories on Earth and other colonies or on space stations in different systems projecting their predicted path with the same applied to comets with this also take into account their path when they return in the future also projected taking into account the future point Earth would occupy when they return.Those that are not going to hit Earth but have a high chance of coming in close contact to Earth or other colonies will also be mined anyway to remove the threat and harvest them for materials this would also be done to these any other stray ones due to the fact that they may come close or hit colonies including Earth or even interstellar vessels and sattelites etc in the future but also to make use what elements are in the asteroid.Ideally stray object such as asteroids that would have a chance of entering the solar systems of Earth and other colonies would be mined as soon as possible to remove any threat with interstellar travel allowing them to be reached and mined years or decades before they reach any inhabited solar systems.This would eliminate any chance of them hitting colonies with them also supplying materials with even those with no real chance mined anyways including the Oort cloud,asteroid belts.Dwarf planets and small moons of gas giants and even the belts of Saturn and other ringed planets will be mined as they will eventually disappear due to their gravity wells.Those that are or have been detected already will once robotics etc is advanced be mined with vessels travelling out to them when they are at least a decade or more away from Earth.If possible thrusters can be connected to these to allow them to be directed towards uninhabited planets,moons and the orbit of gas giants or asteroid belts and slowed down to allow them to form an orbit and then be mined or even collided with moons and small planets that are unihabited at a slow speed to prevent much damage.99942 Apophis for example will be by the end of the century be a test subject for this with it guided into the atmosphere of Mars and Venus to collide with the planet or come into its orbit to be ripped apart so it can be later mined with possible these thrusters could also bringing it in close orbit with these two planets to form a stable orbit or form orbits around Saturn and Jupiter and their moons or even the Moon and Earth and the asteroid and Kuiper belt where it will stay in a stable orbit to allow spaceships by then to mine them using robots with material going to Earth by ships going back and forth to allow Chrysus to mine the asteroid for its metals using robots on them transported by spaceships via space elevators that deliver material to Earth or surrounding space stations with the same repeated with other potential asteroids that could hit Earth and also those that are not a threat mined for resources.By 2045 Astraeus will be powerful enough to calculate a way of dealing with its expected trajectory of hitting the Earth with a 0.00067% chance by 2068.Astraeus will take over terrestrial based automated station on Earth,Mars,Venus and orbiting satellites that chart all asteroids in the solar system and then maps and names each of them and extapolates their future trajectories and chance of hitting the Earth within the coming centuries and even millennia and then labels each one in folders using the universal colour code system on their potential threat levels based on future trajectories,size and speed and thus the intensity of impacts and other factors determined by him with him starting this by 2029.All asteroids in the solar system will inevitably be dealt with this way even those that are not a threat with by the end of the century the mining of asteroids by this methods carried out exponentially by both Chrysus and Astraeus to harvest their material for Earth.Improvements in AI by 2045 will allow Astraeus and Chrysus control satellites and telescopes to track all comets,asteroids etc in and out of the solar system and chart their potential path and trajectory of the coming century to determine the best means to prevent them colliding with Earth with them also developing the technology to this by then.Mining all asteroids in the solar system in both belts and even the Oort Cloud will provide an abundant supply of iron,nickel,gold and platinum for millions of years and prevent them becoming a threat to the planet and other colonies.The solar systems will have both telescopes on Earth and also those within the solar system orbiting Earth,on colonies like Mars,Europa and even those within the Asteroid belt encircling Mars,Venus,Earth and Mercury as well as the sun and also the Kuiper belt both within their orbit and on some of the largest asteroids such as Ceres as bases that will be able to monitor all of the asteroids within them and chart their potential trajectory with those on planets and moons will also be monitoring deep space ones outside of the solar system.Other solar systems with asteroid belts etc including those that have or dont have colonies will monitor the location of those within them and their chances of reaching the solar system and thus Earth.All colonies within the Sol system and those in other star systems will have satellites orbiting planets and stars,observatories on planets and asteroids and space station will monitor all asteroids and comets in space,log them,name them,extrapolate their trajectory over the coming hundreds,thousands or millions of years that will be logged in Astraeus to determine which are a threat to Earth and other colonies with AI by 2045-2100 able to do this and then have those that are a threat be dealt with decades or even centuries beforehand.VR indistinguishable from reality can create simulations of asteroid impacts of various intensities based on where it would hit,the size of the body etc.They could be mined by transporter technology on automated vessels in one go or in fleets of these,a series of automated vessels containing mining machinery landing on them and mining them inside out or on the surface or more advanced technology including space craft that attach to them and using propulsion systems forcing them into orbits into uninhabited moons,or planets where they will crash and can be harvested or moved into the orbit of gas giants and also large planets where they join the planets moons as an extra moon to be more easily mined or where the gravitational force would break them down into dust that can be more easily harvested.All of the small moons of Mars,Jupiter and Saturn etc the Kuiper belt,Asteroid belt and also Oort Cloud will be mined to provide millions of years worth of precious metals.Superterrans can be mined by developing machinery that mined them later by layer and also lasers used to peel them later by layer or obliterate them completely to harvest the entire planet for materials.

Gamma Ray Bursts :
Planets in solar systems affected by gamma ray bursts could be protected by placing large solar shades at key points in the solar system where the gamma ray burst is occuring and/or in the systems affected that would deflect them similar to Lagrangian points with these possibly modified to collect helium,hydrogen and as much energy as possible from the blasts and solar radiation.If possible the entire star could be covered with large dyson sphere structures that contain the explosion and also collect all radiation as energy and even all helium-3 and hydrogen for use as fuel to be collected and sent back and forth.These could be set up in our own solar system at key points around the Earth to protect it from other stars in the galaxy undergoing gamma ray bursts that open up into sail like structures that collect the hydrogen,helium,energy and deflects the rays once a gamma ray is detected with stars within the galaxy that may cause gamma ray bursts have probes sent to them that relay readings of them sent via Nyx to instigate their activation with this applied to other colonies across the galaxy.Each discovered star will have its age determined and thus the determined date of its death and thus when it will undergoe death to become a gamma ray busrts as well as its percentage chance to affect both Earth and other colonies.Ideally those that are close to dying stars in systems with no planets that can be colonised will have the entire star covered in dyson spheres that collects energy,helium-3,radiation constantly to be transported to other colonies and passing vessels or have the collectors at Lagrangian points that divert blasts that could hit the solar system or those colonised by humans.These could be constantly open but be at other parts of the solar system to collect Helium-3 from the solar winds in all solar systems to be used in fusion power plants back on Earth or other colonies or use as refuelling points for intersteller vehicles and space stations when in solar systems that have no planets or no colonies alongside dyson sphere.The radiation and light from the sun can also be collected by these and sent to Earth and other colonies in batteries charged by them going back and forth to Earth charging batteries,radiation via solar arrays etc or other means with them charging interstellar vehicles and space stations battery packs used to charge key systems in them.Otherwise they could concentrate this energy to arrays on moons,asteroids or planets including Earth and other colonies that condense this energy into arrays in the form of microwave and laser energy to be stored and then used directly or collected.These would be covered in liquid glass to protect them from dust.These would be in all solar systems including unihabited ones and those with lower tier civilisations covered in metamaterials to collect solar radiation and light as well as Helium-3 and also protect them from gamma ray bursts.These would have vehicles collect the Helium-3 etc and also stored energy and then transported to Earth if transportation uses less energy via Erebus with if need be space stations and also moons that have bases storing this for collection or passing interstellar vehicles collect the energy and Helium-3 for energy.Nyx could be used to transport solar radiation from all stars to Earth and other colonies very quickly.If a gamma ray burst was imminent then they would move back into place centuries or even decades before it would reach Earth and other colonies.Those in systems with colonised planets and space stations would protect the planets and stations from gamma ray bursts both from the local sun but all those in the surrounding region that have the potential to affect that system and during periods where there is no danger they would collect heluim-3 and energy in the form of solar radiation and light for use for interstellar vehicles,space stations and colonies with them during any danger of gamma ray bursts from neighbouring stars would move into the required position for them to deflect the bursts away from Earth,colonies and space stations.These would also be placed in star systems that contain observed and allied races including those of lower tiers who have not developed interstellar travel in order to prevent unnecessary extinctions but with the devices and vehicles to going back and forth between them covered in metamaterials and them also collecting Helium-3 and energy for use for humans and other allied equal or highim tier civilisations to harness with them shared with the native population once they reach the ability to travel between star systems.For this to work effectively once the galaxy is mapped by automated probes using Erebus each star system would have a probe that would monitor suns measuring their age,exact time they will go supernova and triangulate their location in relation to the nearest star systems containing colonies including Earth and those inhabited by observed races of all tiers as well as those containing space stations using Nyx to start procedures that cause the deflectors to go into their required place within the system instantly with the devices calculating when the gamma ray bursts will arrive in that specific system with this giving them years,decades or even centuries to move into place with them using collected reserves of fusion,solar radiation and light to power themselves into place or even sails and vehicles attached to them using sails or low energy propulsion methods.If need be fossil fuels from bacteria will be used.Ideally all star systems including empty ones will house these to deflect the gamma ray burst away from Earth etc and collect Helium 3 from them overtime to be sent back to Earth etc or be collected by passing interstellar vehicles by them docking their or the fuel or energy sent to bases on moons,asteroids etc and even space stations.These will be at all points of the Lagrangian points to do this with them also collecting helium-3 from the suns solar wind that can be collected created an unlimited supply of the element for fusion power alongside that present on the moons regolith.Space stations can be set up in these to observe them and using Nyx can warn the deflectors in Earth solar system and other star systems including those with space stations containing humans and biosynths and even lower tier technological levels to allow the deflectors to stop harvesting helium and radiation and move into place to where they will protect vulnerable systems instantly.If possible stars that are under threat of these could be prevented from dying by using a combination of picotech fabricartors and transporter technology to create hydrogen on an unlimited scale and beam it to the centre of the suns to extend their lifespan indefinitely with the option of structures that surround them similar to Dyson sphere and capture the helium-3,hydrogen,solar and radiation power released from them to be used in other colonies.All plant and animal life as well as sentient life on Earth and other colonies and even those of allied and lower tier species would have their genome using microbes and biosynths based on aves and arthropods spread the recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and D.radiodurans added to their genome to make them invulnerable to gamma ray bursts and their affects on the planet in case these fail.These biosynths modelled on lampreys and also arthtropods injecting microbes to transfer genes from T.gammatolerans etc to all plants and animals on Earth and other colonies both on land and in the oceans including phytolplantkon done by releasing will be possible by 2045 and will ensure that any gamma ray bursts that do occur will not affect any life at all and wont cause mass extinctions.These and Dyson spheres will be managed by the Astraeus software and will each have their own independent personality.Dyson spheres while being powered by the stars they are surrounded by could collect helium-3 for commercial uses alongside solar light and radiation.These structures will be set up in the Sol System at Lagrangian points to protect the Earth from solar flares from the sun and  also from gamma ray bursts from other stars in the galaxy and also set up in other solar systems with terraformed or uninhabited planets for the same reason.To also protect life on Earth from solar flares arthropod biosynths can inoculate all plants and animals including humans and also sea fauna including phytoplankton with DNA from T.gammatolerans via microbes.If need be forced evolution may be done to increase the tolerance of this to that experienced by Earth if the ozone layer is effected by strong solar flares,weakened magnetic pole,gamma ray bursts etc so as to increase the survival against radiation from the sun.To prepare for a weakened magnetic pole all flora and fauna in both the oceans and onland by 2045-2100 will be inoculated with this DNA to ensure even if it does weaken or fail for several decades or centuries life on Earth could still continue to flourish by being resistant to radiation from the sun with this done in swarms or and also humans and pets innoculated via upgrades at home.Electrical grids would be safeguarded by having pylons replaced by underground tunnels,buildings including power plants have shielding or have generators moved underground with all electronics such as computers,smart devices etc will be fitted with shielding as well as biosynth versions with DNA from T.gammatolerans.This would also protect the worlds lifeforms both plant and animal and all types of micro-organisms during solar flares and gamma ray bursts if containment measures fail.Automated measures could still restore the ozone layer to back to normal.Satellites would be by this point upgraded with extra shielding by biosynths and arthropods,replaced with those that do or negated by quantum compassing and the wire.Solar arrays could require this.If possible structures could be placed at key Langrangian points of the Earth that reflect solar flares with if possible these being specifically designed solar arrays.These options and others would be created to counteract the weakening of the magnetic pole with Astraeus,Urania and Hecate spearheading research into this and should be possible by the end of the century.

With the advent of interstellar travel in the distant future there will have to be the formation of a galactic version of these bodies within a sort of galactic government (similar to the United Federation of Planets,Democratic Order of Planets,DOOP) with an United Earth as a member with its own embassies on earth,colonies and other member planets with it acting as a diplomatic branch for communication and diplomacy between Earth and all other members as well as even non member planets and empires under one roof with the one on Earth located with the hub containing the headquarters of all aforementioned government bodies and even executive,judiciary,legislative bodies.The centralised government building hub on Earth would act as the main hub for all Earth colonies and when contact with other races have been formed act as a localised arm and embassey of this entity with the entities headquarters set in a planet or in space with it having its own versions of the Executive branch,Supreme Court,House of Representatives and Senate following the same number of members per member planet alongside the same relevant sections/space stations or buildings as the UN with extensions built overtime due to increasing number of member.Each planet member would have their own unified government,flag etc and headquarter to act as a localised arm and embassey of this entity.All former global government buildings including that on Earth would be in designated capitols of the member planets as museums or as localised branches and embassies of each planet with the galactic government building if possible in place of the global government on one of its founding members planets including Earth through extensions with if possible it spread out across all member races on all buildings.This will suffice until space stations and ring worlds etc can be constructed.If possible it will be in space as a space station or complex orbiting a star in a system that is in near proximity to several founding members with a star with a long life cycle ideally a red dwarf that will last for trillions of years with possible measures done to increase their lifespan or in a system holding a Type G star if it is possible to extend its lifespan indefinitely.If possible and entire ringworld,alderson discs or artificial planet will be created that houses all branches of its government using extensions for all member races with the artificial planet made to form ecumenopolises similar to the fictional Coruscant acting as the galactic capitol with artificial climate and hydrological systems present controlled by AI with it also housing citizens from all member races.Alderson discs and ringworlds will not be a ecumenopolis but will be the galactic capital.The planet,ring world etc the galactic governments headquarters is decided upon will be the galactic capitol planet etc.Erebus systems that would allow traffic controlled to have on specific people access to it would be present near it with the station managed by its own AI and Hera.If other planets do not have the same government hub or even if they do then it will be decided which planets building will be the hub for this galactic government.Artificial planets could be an eucmenopolis similar to the fictional Coruscant,in ring worlds and alderson discs it could be a large building over a small fraction of its surface in the largest city present with in all cases thus being the cultural capitol of the universe with inhabitants from all member races.All possible incarnations would house all government bodies headquarters including those from Earth and new ones developed for the galactic government with this including both houses of Congress,Executive Branch and also National Library and Archives etc.In time extensions will be used to deal with the growing number of member planets for Congress.Thus Earths global government building will be used as the building for the galactic government at first but when artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs or space stations are set up these can act as the place to hold its headquarters with that on Earth and each member planet will act as an embassy for all sentient races of the entity that would act as the same way as embassies on Earth via extensions and as a localised arm of this government with it also doubling as a museum.This will occur alongside the formation of governmental diplomatic bodies(with each member planet having an ambassador to all other planet members with them collectively acting as ambassadors to new planets joining it) with federal divisions relating each field and sub-field of science,medicine,anthropology,courts,exploration,diplomacy,military and law enforcement(training modelled after the Agoge too) serving all member planets with their offices added the main centralised earth government hub.Its government will be the same as the three branches as the Earth government executive,bi chambrial,legislative,judiciary with the main headquarter having headquarters for each sector of government etc present in each part similar to the global government building for Earth and again election of representatives similar to the Earth government and it a constitutional direct democracy as well.The layout of all three branches – executive(consisting of president,Vice President etc and AI cabinet members,judiciary(with Dike as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever and non AI members) and Congress(House of Representitives and Senate) with their remaining powers and limitations.The galactic government will like the global Earth government will have bodies within it managed by ideally the same AI in charge of that of Earth that have complete jurisdiction over all planet members within it.The executive branch will consist of the President and Vice President etc held by human and non human members and AI keeping the same cabinet positions – Aristaeus replacing Secretary of Agriculture,Tyche the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and and anything involved in infrastructure,Ophion the Secretary of Transport,Pan the Secretary of the Interior and Forestry,Urania the Office of Science and Technology Policy,Hecate the Secretary of Education,Gaia the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,Dike the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,Steropes replacing secretary of Energy,Hera the Chief of Staff/Head of the Office of the Executive Clerk/Head of Staff Secretary and Office of Presidential Correspondence,Perseus replacing the secretary of Defense,Aceso replacing Secretary of Health and Human Services,Paean Surgeon General etc with these AI holding these positions forever.Metis will be given the new position of Chief diplomat.Human and other races will still hold positions Secretary of State,Secretary of Homeland Security,Press Secretary,Attorney General.The Supreme Court will have Dike as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court forever and other members being human and non human members with the Congress being the same as that of the global government with Senate having one member for each member race and House of Representitives being two for each member one for each gender.Any species that has only one or three or more genders via different biology will have two again or a third member.Their requirements to be elected and powers and limitations etc will be the same as the global government.Its reach will extend across the galaxy and eventually the entire universe.They will have the same abilities of the earth based one namely introducing bills for the instigation of war,surveillance programmes,impeachment and also handing of emergency powers following the same procedures ie majority rule and Dike,Perseus,Adikia and Hera authorising them and having the final say and having complete oversight to prevent corruption,illegal wars,human rights abuses.Dike,Adikia,Perseus and Hera will by constitutional law have the final say in authorising all bills including those to instigate war,surveillance,emergency powers and impeachment,have complete oversight over all of these operations and proceedings as well as the wording of final drafts of laws and bills etc signed into law to ensure the state powers over the public are limited.They will be given this power to have the final say and also wording of the bills to ensure that the wars instigated are justified and are done as a means of justified defence against acts of war against Earth,all member races and any nation and colonies within and also justified war against races,rebel factions etc across the galaxy who are commiting acts of imperialism,genocide,war crimes and enslavement of their own citizens and equal or lower tier races etc with them ensuring that war crimes,human rights abuses etc are not carried by the state that includes Earth and the galactic government itself with any instances of these punished in Hades and Tarturas ensuring the rule of law and make it impossible for this entity to carry out illegal,unjustified and imperialist wars against its own citizens and that of races across the galaxy.It will also prevent the state carrying out unwarranted surveillance programmes and that these are restricted to persons of interest and not the general public as well ensure impeachment of heads of state and the handing of emergency powers are justified given the situation and that all actions of Congress do not lead to corruption and infringing on the rights of its citizens and that of other races.These AI Adikia,Hera,Dike and also Minos,Aeceus,Rhadamanthus,Hades and Tarturas will act as constitutional safeguards to prevent the rise of tyrannical dictators.If possible the number could be based on the Boules,Nomolethai and Hellaia of Ancient Greece with the senate housing 50 representives from each member race divided equally between males and females for each member race for the Senate and for The House of Representitives being 50,100,150 for each member race of the House of Representatives decided by Dike etc in the constitution with positions divided equally between males and females for each member race and the Supreme Court having alongside Dike using 120 representatives divided equally between males and females for each member race.If possible both the Senate and House of Representatives and Supreme Court as well as Supreme Court and Executive Branch will take the name of their Ancient Greek equivalents with the Hellaia divided into the Hellaia representing The Supreme Court and Nomolethai representing lawmakers as part of the House of Representives,The Senate named the Boule and Executive Branch named the Prytaneis with the courts to deal with impeachment and crimes committed by heads of state of all houses of government as part of the Supreme Court Hellaia being called the Areopagus consisting of at least about 3 representatives from each member race with one male and one female at all times and the third member being eithim one at different times.As stated once a space station ring world etc is created the global government building on Earth etc will be used as a museum or even a localised arm that reports directly to the galactic government building.Like the Earth based government they will have its remaining powers.The President of the Prytaneis will act as an official legal authorisation of laws passed by mandatory public refferendum.It will also be allowed to write up and sign any political and peace treaties involving other colonies outside oft is entity and within it involving humans as well as with other non human races set up by it and approved by Congress and Hera,Adikia and Dike.Dike,Hera and Adikia will play a role in its wording alongside the President to ensure they are airtight with the President putting forward a draft that the AI will then rewrite it that contains the general gist of the original draft but then make it airtight etc.It will also be allowed to hand out decorations and awards to certain members of the public similar to those handed by the America President.The Boule will authorise treaties etc.The Nomolethai  will draft bills with regards to the instigation of war,surveillance programmes,impeachment etc authorised by majority rule and also  Hera,Adikia,Perseus etc who will oversee their application.The Helliaia will act on repeals of rulings of courts etc.This government includes a single universal law enforcement and military body managed by Perseus/Nike/Alke/Kratos,single universal archaeological managed by Clio,single universal scientific body managed by Hecate,single universal medicine and health body managed by Epione,single space exploration body managed by Astraeus,single universal watchdog managed by Adikia,single universal terraforming and colonisation body managed by Pan whose jurisdiction will apply to all colonies across the galaxy under the entities reach.A single universal diplomatic body managed by Metis also consisting of ambassoder members from each member race will exist that deals with diplomatic relations to deal with conflicts on each member planet as well as those between each member planets and between non member races of the same/higher/lower technological tier and even aiding diplomatic efforts of potential new members and other interstellar empires etc to carry out diplomatic efforts in prevent wars and conflict as well as acting as a means of ending existing conflicts and wars of non member races with this part of the global Earth government for these reasons.Each of these will have human,alien and AI members.

A single universal bank named Euthenia managed by the AI of the same name as part of this galactic government may be used for dealing with other interstellar races providing money,loans,precious metals,items to barter for etc to citizens of this galactic body when dealing with those who are not members or are members but have interstellar travel and still use money etc and also lower tier races that have no interstellar travel or in the process of becoming members.These will be created via picotech fabricators,factories.A single universal currency will be utilised by this single bank with it creating and managing the Marxist credits currency with this managed by Gaia or other AI as part of the wire.Thus while money may become obsolete on Earth by 2029-2045 and most members of the galactic entity may also not use money a single bank that uses a single currency will be set up to deal with trade etc and by member races when dealing with member and non member races of the same,higher and lower tiers that still use money and barter prior to them becoming members or themselves discarding the concept of money to allow for trade and barter to occur during intermediary periods.To eliminate complexities of exchange rates the Earth based Marxist credits and cubits will be adopted by non human races that still use currencies with Euthenia being its single galactic bank.The aforementioned Marxist credits and cubits will be used with non member races prior to membership as a transitional phase towards to a moneyless society that still use currencies as well as member races outside Earth that decide to continue to use money that has its own exchange rate,it used alongside their native currencies or it adopted by non member races and member races that wish to continue to currencies to act a means of trade etc when dealing with them with it used primarily by human and member races who are tourists and diplomats etc visiting non member planets and inter species trade.It will be called credits.A single Marxist credit will be divided into 1,000 cubits with the symbol of credits being similar to that of the Star Wars credits and symbol of cubits being similar to Mass Effect:Andromeda credits a E with a line through it vertically.A single credit will be divided into 1,000 cubits similar to the Oman rial meaning one credit will be equal to 1,000 cubits with the symbol of credits being similar to that of the Star Wars republican credits and symbol that is a seven with two notches on the upper part of cubits being similar to Mass Effect:Andromeda credits a E with a line through it vertically.If possible credits can be subdivided in 1,000 cubits similar to the Oman rial thus 1 credit will be equal to 1,000 cubits.This means their will be coins for 1,2,5,10 cubits alongside coins for 20,50,100,500 cubits.Coins for credits that exist will be 1,2,5,10,20,50, coins with notes for credits that exist will 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 and 1,000 notes.There will also be notes for 2,000 credits,notes for 5,000 credits with there the possibility of 10,000 credits notes and also 20,000 credits notes,notes for 50,000 credits as well as notes for 100,000 credits as well 200,000 credits and 500,000 and even 1,000,000 credits notes.Furthermore there will be notes for 2,000,000 credits as well 5,000,000 credits and 10,000,000 as well as 20,000,000 credits and 50,000,000 credits and 100,000,000 credits.There will also be 200,000,000 credits notes,notes for 500,000,000 credits and 1,000,000,000 credits notes.There will be notes for 2,000,000,000 credits,notes for 5,000,000,000 credits as well as notes for 10,000,000,000 credits and then notes for 20,000,000,000 credits and then notes for 50,000,000,000 credits and notes 100,000,000,000 credits followed by notes for 200,000,000,000 credits 500,000,000,000 credits then notes for 1,000,000,000,000 credits and also 2,000,000,000,000 credits and 5,000,000,000,000 credits with their also coins for the denominations of notes with symbols used to denote large demoniations such as 1,000 and also 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 which will K with a vertical or horizontal strikethrough for 1,000 as well as an M with two vertical strikthroughs and for billion a B with two vertical strikethroughs.Gaia and Euthenia would both design the notes and coins.This currency will be the same one used for the transition to the moneyless society on Earth and will be used by the galactic government by tourists,the state and diplomats when interacting with non member races or members who continue to use currency with it possibly adopted by non member races and member races who continue to use money to eliminate problems associated with exchange rates etc with as stated their being a bank as part of the galactic government that manages the currency,its exchange rates,hands out loans and Marxist credits etc to tourists etc and deals with economic issues relating to non member races who continue to use money.This will be the same currency used to transition to a moneyless economy on Earth.The notes will contain polymers found in Austrailian dollars and possible Graphene to make it strong and have watermarks and possibly strips of nickel,gold,platinum and silver alongside a biosynth strip that houses encryptions created by AI to act as a security feature to counter forgeries that contains unique digital encryption that denotes where it was produced and what denomination it is and unique digital encryption to denote it is real that can’t be faked as it will be too complex for humans to fake with it once detected read by cashiers in machines with this read by sensor within cashiers produced by aishling.If the money is not read it is fake with the encryption read by sensors on money counting machines in all coop country businesses provided by Aishling.Coins can be made of gold and platinum mixed with nickel fir strength and magnetism once Picotech fabricators become sufficiently advanced with gold and platinum coins for all denominations.Astraeus will be this entities space exploration body and itself interlinked and sub divided into sectors with other parts of the government with it interlinked with Perseus for military/police/peacekeeping etc operations and backup,Epione for medical operations,Hecate for research and Clio for archaeology with human and biosynth military,research,archeology and medical personnel forming part of it that will be part of all newly discovered planets,headquarters and all interstellar vehicles and space stations in different proportions.Chrysus will share all resources from mining asteroids and mining raw elements on each planet in its jurisdiction to allocate them to where they are needed with Steropes doing this for reserves of fossil fuels etc.Physis will house the DNA of ornamental plants,crops,animals etc from all planets in its jurisdiction to allow one to download any crop,fish,shellfish,stem cells for in vitro meat,bacteria for commodities,ornamental plant,pet from any planet within the entities jurisdiction into local vertical,community and home farms with them have poisons removed.All crops,animals,plants etc will have their genome added to their version of Physis to allow crops,plants,invitro meat stem cells,commodities from bacteria etc to be replicated across the universe in labs present in universities,hospitals,space stations and interstellar vehicles across the universe and to order for pets,livestock,crops,ornamental plants,commodites from bacteria from across the universe in local vertical and other farms and manufactured food goods produced onsite of local manufacturing hubs and restaurants with poisonous ones determined by tests involving biosynths with human DNA and animal tests using animals with human DNA will have these edited out via not having the genes that express these removed from replications for restaurants and vertical farms with those from Earth have tests on biosynths modelled on aliens with their DNA to test potential toxicity and thus removed from replications.All meals from all franchises from all alien races will be added to new universal franchises based on each races regional deities and fast food ones added to Aetna with poisonous meals meals modified to be edible to humans and ingredients poisonous to them modified to be edible for them.All carnivorous species that wishes to consume human flesh or that of other sentient races will be able to avail of this via in vitro meat with humans able to avail of their flesh via in vitro meat as well.All plant and animal commodities,crops,fish,shellfish,meat from all allied and observed races and uninhabited planets from across the universe will be created by bacteria,biosynth machinery,aquaponics and in vitro meat stem cells via their planets version of Physis with any unique gemstones,rocks etc they may have can be produced synthetically.All entertainment such as video games,movies,television shows,books etc and live news,radio podcasts,newspapers and magazines from observed and member races from around the galaxy and in time the entire universe will be added to Dionysus and Pheme with this being the universal galactic source of entertainment and also live news,newspapers etc with Phorenous translating them into any language from Earth and other planets.All manufactured products of all types from all member and observed races will be scanned into the subnetworks of Hephaestus and all technologies absorbed and made available to both all members of society but also each relevant sectors of society.Patient files in Aesculapius will be divided into separate networks for humans across the universe but also networks housing patient files for each member alien race across the universe divided into those for each member species and those for all earth based and alien non sentient alien species across the universe.Polis will extend across the universe with it like patient files divided into those for each member species ie one for humans,one for each alien species with the same features and functions.Universal restaurant franchises will extend to all colonies and member planets with alien franchises restaurants have meals added including franchises named after regional deities of all member races.New universal franchises of restaurants will be created that take into account each type of cuisine as part of each individual alien species with them named after deities associated with each country or section of each races different cultures.Those that have fast food restaurants that produce food like burgers etc will be integrated into Aetna.With regards to races that consume other sentient races or can consume them eithout developing prions invitro meat can be utilised.In vitro meat can allow carnivore and omnivore races consume the flesh,organs etc of humans and other sentient races and allow humans to eat other sentient races without killing them and ethical concerns.All colonies such as terraformed and colonised planets,ring worlds etc and those of allied races across the universe will have local manufacturing hubs and vertical and other farms in each country etc to produce and manufacture and order manufactured goods,crops,commodities and even pets and ornamental plants from across the universe.All aspects of the wire such as sentient operating softwares for homes,factories,farms etc will extend to all colonies across the universe including home planets of all member races alongside YouTube,Agora,the internet,apps and websites such as Helios,Comus,Pothos,Eros etc and so on will extend to all parts of the univers.All facets internet and wire will extend to all member races and before that all colonies across the universe.The entire wire ie Demeter,Hephaestus,Dionysus,Aesculapius,Pheme etc will extend to the entire universe that this entity has jurisdiction over.Awards such as the Oscars,Nobel Prizes,Grammies,Miss Universe and so on as well as festivals and events such as Mardi Gras,St Patrick’s Day,Olympics and events for all sports will become galactic.Each area of the government such as medicine,exploration,science,military/law enforcement/diplomacy,science etc would have their own class of interstellar and eventually intergalactic vessels authorised for use for these governmental bodies named after mythological characters and places from world mythology.Also required would be colonisation councils for assessing the viability of colonising new planets.

It would also require uniform standards for tracking time in terms of length of days,weeks,months,years with its own galactic calendar to compliment the Gregorian calendar and those of other races with this used for logging diplomatic and galactic events as well as tracking time while travelling in space.If possible the Gregorian calender will form the basis of this with all member races adopting it,it could replace the Gregarian calendar and those of all member races or each member race will utilise their own native one for all of their colonies and the galactic calender will be used for galactic scale of time measurement with the most efficient means adopted.The names and the timing of hours,days,weeks,months and years will also be adapted to this as well.The galactic calender will have different or the same names and measurements of time such as hours,days,weeks,months and years as Earth taking into account the different ones used by all races and also reletivity affecting how time passes across the universe.It would thus have the same universal measurements of how time passes such as seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months and years with this being the same as Earth by taking into how time such as seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months and years pass on Earth due its relationship with the sun and it’s rotation around it or a new universal timing system for all races and take into account how time passes on a galactic scale or just new timing methods with new names for each day,month etc.The galactic calender will start at the year 1 from the signing of and formation the galactic government.If this is used as the universal calendar for all member races then the Gregorian calender and those of all member races will be used for tracking time  periods in their history prior to both the formation of the entity but also prior to membership into it for all new races with their old calendars ending on the year prior to the galactic government forming and prior to membership.Their old calendars will end at the day,month and year etc they joined with the date of the galactic calender they joined noted by them and Clio and denoted the galactic calender with if possible the official date ie day and month that each member race joins being the same being the first day of the first month of the year with again Clio denoting in the new calender and textbooks written by him and Hecate in the universal Wikipedia in their page thus allowing it to be saved forever and allow them to determine how far back events in their history took place by using the original calendar they used and galactic calendar and working backwards with both Clio and Delphus aiding them.Furthermore the galactic calender since based on how time passes on a galactic scale and how key planets such as Earth encircles and rotates the centre of the Milky Way and the amount of seconds in a minute,minutes in an hour,hours in a day,days in a week,days in a month,months in a year or it’s equivalencies will possibly be different from that measured and experienced on Earth and other planets and calculated by AI meaning the amounts of months in each galactic year,weeks and days in a galactic month,days in a week etc will be different than what is used by humans on Earth etc with each month and day have different names than what is used on Earth.AI such as Clio and Astraeus etc will make efforts to triangulate where each major holiday celebrated by humans and all founding and joining members are to be placed on this new calender with each living citizen of each species that joins and found it will have AI triangulate when important dates such as birthdays,holidays,anniversaries etc are placed on it with it triangulating where their original calenders is placed on them.If possible the Gregorian calendar and that of all races will continue to be used by the average citizen with them running on coccurrent to it and each other with Clio organising them to run togethim at the same time forever.This will be used across the universe and if need be it upscaled and modified if differences are made across the universe with each new member race adopting it as the universal calendar.Each member race will adopt this as their official calendar with new systems of days,months etc and if possible use their original calendar for personal use with the Gregorian calender possibly continuing on after the aforementioned end date to accomadation use for holidays or anniversaries and birthdays if not complicated managed and determined by AI over geologists timescales.Sentences in Hades and Tarturas done prior to setting this up will not change following Earth based years with even sentences done after it being set up following Earth based systems.The length of movies and media will follow that of Earth.Thus if possible a galactic calender will be set up and used by all member races including new members that starts at the year 1 with all previously used calendars used by all founding and newly joined races used to denote time before the formation of it and also prior to each new member race joining it.

Diplomats and negotiaters would be part of a universal body controlled by the sentient Metis that deals with all internal conflicts and those when dealing other races that interact with this entity and also settle disputes with non member races with this also including.With regards to human based colonies on other planets prior to this they will follow the same laws and government as the united earth government.This diplomatic entity will manage diplomatic efforts of all joining races and manage diplomatic efforts of all member races on all colonies and be a diplomatic body for all non member races that are potential threats and also those that have not decided to join.Perseus will be the universal military and law enforcement body sub divided into Nike,Alke,Kratos etc.All facets of the United Earth government will be upscale to a galactic scale as part of this galactic government that extends across all quadrants of the galaxy,the local group,Lanikea Supercluster and in time the entire universe.These upscaled facets that will become galactic and eventually universal as part of the galactic government will include the constitution etc and its immutable laws modified to all founding and potential member races,mandatory public referendums that determine legality of social issues outside of the constitution,the global executive/judiciary/legislative branch etc consisting of human and non human races,the internet,the entire wire,Agora,YouTube,Pothos,Eros etc as well as sentient AI controlling all facets of the primary,secondary and tertiary sectors of society,jurisdiction of the global military,law enforcement,healthcare system,education and all facets of the global government will be up scaled and adapted to this entity as it spreads across the universe to all planets,ring worlds,alderson discs colonised by humans and alien races and the home worlds of all member races.In short all facets of the global Earth government will be up scaled to the galactic government on all colonies and homeworlds occupied and discovered by humans and other member races.Prior to this these facets will apply to Mars,Venus and other colonies across the galaxy occupied by humans and founding member races discovered prior to its formation.Upon formation of this galactic government each member races home planet including Earth and all of their colonies across the universe such as terraformed,colonised and observed uninhabited planets as well as space stations,interstellar vessels,regions of space and megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,alderson discs etc and all discovered uninhabited colonies and planets will be integrated into this galactic government jurisdiction and must adopt uniform laws with its own version of United Nations Charter,galactic constitution(making it a constitutional direct democracy),flag and anthem and uniform versions of government bodies as detailed earlier on replacing planetary ones that still apply universal immutable equal rights to all founding and succesive potential member sentient races,AI and sub groups such as LGBT etc with changes in the law for social issues done in the same way as detailed earlier on via popular initiative the global public requiring a number of signatures that adjusts annually to a set percentage of the electorate population from people from all planets and colonies to start these referendums albeit on a galactic scale meaning a set percentage of this entities population(human and non human)must be required to initiate referendum.

The galactic constitution will be drafted by Adikia with the same tenants in the Earth based one such as equal rights for the LGBT community of all sentient races and AI etc only upscaled to a galactic with tenants modified to include not just founding races but also contain flexible wording etc to accomadate any successive future joining races and their individual needs and tenants especially with regards to the age of majority and separation of church and state with the church and state clauses etc have this be worded as to ensure that any practices by their religions must be consentually practiced in public but in court with regards to clothing,making discrimination towards any ethnic group including other sentient races and the LGBT community and also AI etc on religious grounds would be constitutionally illegal alongside discriminatory practices being constitutionally illegal and those that constitute unlawful mutilation of another sentient being and also censorship of media and infringement of the right to free speech and expression constitutionally illegal alongside honor killings of sentient beings illegal.All member races will adopt the same uniform laws,websites,sentient apps and softwares etc with religious and social customs allowed to be expressed by all member races and sub groups within them allowed provided they do not infringe on the rights of members of their races  and other members races and AI with provisions made for the clothing of women etc and when they should be allowed to worn ie specific clothing that is their equivalent to hijab,Burkha only by pure consent by females and not in certain instances etc with honour kilings,multilation of females similar practices outlawed with Adikia wording it so that it will allowing practices to be carried out provided they do not discriminate against LGBT individuals and artificial intelligence on religious and not carrying out multination of females etc with the separation of state and church clause of the global government will be up scaled to allow all religious groups the freedom to practice any religion and social custom provided they do not infringe on the rights of others with human sacrifices or those of their own sentient races etc allowed to be carried only if biosynths/animals are used with the cannibalism of ones of species and consumption of the meat of other sentient races replaced with in vitro meat.It will be worded by Adikia and Dike to accomadate all possible religious practices from all possible newly joining races with if possible she even writing in a clause that despite the separation between state clause being immutable would allow him to write new sub clauses for each each new member races religious practices and social customs to limit those that would infringe on the right to life,right to safety and give the LGBT community,AI and sub groups and ethnicities freedom from discrimination for each joining races that would in turn be immutable.Thus she will write a clause that describes overall that religious and social customs can be abided by them providing they don’t infringe on the rights of others in their own species but also all species as well as AI and that certain ones with regards to clothing etc must be carried on by pure consent of the individual in public and must not be used in court where they must be fully visible,that honour and sacrificial killings would be illegal with sacrificial killings only allowed using animals or biosynths.Then as a stated she will insert a clause that will allow him to add new sub clauses that detail the legality of each social customs and religious practices of future member that joins individually that could infringe in another citizens rights and for their also wording to state ways they can be carried out such as with regards to clothing etc can only be carried out only by pure consent of the individual affected by it and where it cannot be carried in situations such as court where they are required to have their face fully visible with this also detailing alternative ways of carrying out other practices that do include sacrifices etc without harming a member of the race including other existing and joining race by using alternatives such as biosynths,in vitro meat,synthetic versions of products from other races and animals.These once signed in will immutable and added to the clause for each joining members.This will cater to the individual needs of each future joining races multitude of dominant practiced religions allowing to be practiced provided they do not infringe on the rights of AI,sub races etc within their own species and all existing and future member races.Discrimination against any subgroup including the LGBT community,race,AI including all future joining races on religious grounds will be constitutionally illegal and immutable.Honour killings and censorship will be also made illegally and immmutable.The freedom to practice any religion will thus be enshrined to all provided they do not infringe on the rights of others,discriminate against others or influences the state and its laws.This will allow for freedom of religion but prevent them infringing on the rights of others and maintain the separation of church and state to prevent the state giving favouritism over any single religion and ensure the state does not become a theocracy preventing any religion influencing the laws of society.Thus certain universal tenants of the global constitution seaparation of church and state will be universal to all species such as rendering discrimination against AI,LGBT members of all races and any member of any group,sub group and race and aforementioned ones for Earth based religions constitutionally illegal with for each new joining races will have new sub clauses added to the galactic constitution based on their predominant religions different practices that allows them to practised provided they don’t infringe on the rights of others with these clauses specifying them for each individual races individual religions and practices added to it during the application of each race.This will be signed on the equivalent of the galactic calendars July 4th.The same procedures for voting on Earth from 2029 onwards will be upscale and applied to the entire galaxy and universe.Laws regarding remaining social issues such as the death penalty,recreational drugs,euthanasia etc will be decided by public referendum initiated by popular iniatiative within Themis with it requiring a number of digital signatures from a set number of the population of all member races from across the galaxy and universe.Nyx will allow votes to be received by Dike in minutes with him counting votes on each planet in real time separately and then merging all votes from all colonies together.Earth and other member planets global constitutions immutable laws will be integrated into the galactic constitution and future laws changed by popular initiative and referendums.At least a few dozen member races must be present for its formation with proto forms existing beforehand.It will have to have its own name such as United Federation of Planets and so on.Thus other sentient races across the galaxy and eventually universe will become members of this and not just other human colonies following these requirements.All member planets would have the same uniform laws across the universe.Laws such as the age of consent and majority would vary for different species with different rates of transition from their versions of childhood,puberty etc with in otherwords their equivalent of 14 and of the end of puberty wherein they through engineering would reach full physical development and their version of puberty finished one year earlier denoting adulthood with progeria mylienisation applied to them in the same way to ensure that even in infancy they have fully developed neural mass.Thus through engineering each new member species will have their brains reach full maturity by infancy via progeria mylinisation and finish their version of puberty one year earlier than normal by which time they will be legal adults.Thus their equivalent of 14 will be their age of majority with for species that develop into maturity and physical adulthood earlier than 14 years from birth have the point that they are finished physical development be their age of majority with those that reach physical maturity after 14 years from birth will have this as their age of majority.The point of which they have finished puberty and physical development and are past the cut off point of their version of pedopheilia will be the basis of their new age of majority with progeria mylinisation applies to them to ensure their brains reach full development by infancy.Their versions of pedophelia,schizophrenia etc will be cured.A single universal constitution,bill of rights and sentient rights convention will be drafted will have the same facets of that of the global version for Earth to enshrined the same laws with them including it applying not just to founding member races but also all future potential member sentient races across the universe thus ensuring that when they join they will be granted the same legal rights,protections and responsibilities.It will be set up in a way by Adikia etc that sets down immutable laws regarding adulthood,equal rights to AI,LGBT,all genders,genetically engineered organisms,all sentient member races and all genders and sub groups within them,limitations of the government,the separation of church and state and those regarding social issues changed via mandatory public referendums set up using a popular initiative using a set percentage of the population of all member races and planets with all laws affecting all member planets and races with this making global government constitutions of each member defunct and will be an amalgamation of them.Furthermore clauses will be added to protect sentient races that are not members of the galactic government of all technological tiers especially lower ones from exploitation,genocide,war crimes,rape,murder etc as any instances of these carried out by any citizen of member races including humans against non human members especially lower tier members will face trials in courts for low level crimes such as murder,rape etc and trials in front of Minos,Aeceus,Rhadmantheus for Hades and Tarturas thus protecting non me,her races from these crimes.Thus the single galactic constitution that spreads to all member races across the galaxy and eventually universe will be an updated version of the global Earth constitution enshrining equal rights to all member races including LGBT members,both genders and all sub groups within them and also AI etc and ensures the same parameters ie the limitations of Congress and the state,AI and that 14 and the equivalent of all races is the age of majority.The governments structure would be modelled on that of the global Earth divided into three branches legislature,judiciary and executive with the same remaining powers with popular initiative and mandatory referendum used to change laws.Each member planet would have their own unique flag with the complex housing the main legislature,judiciary and executive buildings will again have the the flag of this government agency in between all flags of each member.Countries may be created on new colonies with their own flags as well.Like in Earth citizenship would be automatic for all individuals from all races upon birth on all colonies within its jurisdiction thus allowing free passage not only to other countries in their home planet and colonies but also other home planets and colonies of other other member races and all colonised planets and all ringworlds etc within its jurisdiction with detentions only carried when sufficient reasoning and evidence exists for murder,terrorism etc authorised by Adikia.All homeworlds of all member races and all planets,ring worlds and alderson discs colonised by them will be considered part of this entities reach and jurisdiction and thus all citizens of all member races will be allow free passage to all of these planets,ringworlds,alderson discs and all countries within them.Setting up of legal documents such as e-passports and citizenship papers will be done by all living citizens from home via Dike with Earth citizens having existing documents in their Polis account modified by Dike into those of this entity.All terraformed and colonised planets of each member planet will be absorbed into this entity include megastructures such as artificial planets,ring worlds and alderson discs.Once the galactic government is formed AI will use the electronic version as a template to create a new one with the entities symbol and have its seal etc with zero human labour automatically with this including birth,marriage,divorce certs and also passports as well as registration to carry weapons etc.Thus all existing legal documents in ones Polis account will be automatically updated to the galactic version by Dike with citizens of Earth doing nothing.Furthermore all colonies,homeworlds etc in its jurisdiction will abide by the same uniform laws laid down in the constitution and those set by public referendums thus meaning the galactic constitutions immutable laws and tenants will be enforced on all planets within its jurisdiction with changes to laws regarding social issues such as legality of recreational drugs,abortion,death penalty etc changed by public referendums similar to Earth started by popular initiative based on a set percentage of the electorate population and then voting with votes taken in from all citizens of all member races with Nyx used to intake votes from across the galaxy and eventually universe.Thus all colonies and home worlds of all inhabited by member races will be under the jurisdiction of this entity and will abide by its rules with all citizens allowed free passage from one planet to another with this rescinding any one planet from setting their own laws and also ability to restrict passage of anyone through.All of the entire wire,internet(including Agora,YouTube etc)and sentient operating softwares,apps and practices for agriculture and production of manufactured goods etc as on Earth will apply to all colonies and homeworlds.Genetic engineering through CRISPR including scratch and extremophile DNA can allow humans to inhabit planets etc across the universe not conducive to human life or planets with high levels of radiation,lower or higher temperatures,different air pressure,gravity etc with this allowing alien races that evolved on planets with different environmental conditions to survive conditions on Earth and planets conducive to only humans.Existing galactic entities across the galaxy and universe similar to this galactic entity that comprise of numerous races encountered by it will be ideally absorbed and merged into it to ensure cohesion and will abide by its laws and government etc.The jurisdiction of this entity will cover the entire galaxy and in time entire universe.Admission of new races will have to follow the same methods of application to this as currently used in the admission to the current UN and EU with each member race requiring at least interstellar travel capabilities,the elimination of internal civil warfare must prove not be an imperialist threat to Earth,the galactic government,as well as other races and must not be subjugating,massacaring or exploiting other less technologically advanced or equally advanced races and must have a singular world government as mandatory perquisites and if they have colonies across the universe must have a single governing body with other colonies of the same race not having separate governments in charge of each planet and it’s continents with diplomatic bodies within this entity aiding in this and indeed conflicts between other races with the possibility of adoption of moneyless minarcho technocratism also being a perquisite.Furthermore they must have solved all internal political conflicts and wars meaning they must not have any countries,political and religious groups committing war crimes,genocide,enslaving each other meaning political stability and peace must achieved between all countries,ethnic groups,religious groups etc with them also if they have interstellar travel capabilities must not commuting war crimes,genocide or enslaving other equal or lower tier races with this also applying to colonies across the universe of their own race ie any colonies they have on other planets of their race must not be enslaved by them they must not committing war crimes against them.This will be required so as to prevent them destroying themselves via any shared technology or using that technologies to become an imperialistic threat thus all new member races will have to prove through this at the start by ending all internal conflicts and pass other tests that ensure that they are not a threat to peace within the entity and will not start conflicts within it and use its resources to start any unwarranted conflicts with or subjugate non member races of equal,lower or highim tiers.Metis will be used to solve internal disputes for applying races with Perseus providing military support as a last resort but primarily peacekeeping efforts with those guilty of crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas put on trial in front of Minos,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus.Daedalus,Steropes,Hecate and Tyche will upgrade them to the galactic government same technological tier and also same standard of infrastructure and also share technologies across all joining members with regards to energy,transportation,housing and agriculture etc.Races of all technological tiers V and above that are a imperialist threat will undergo measures to limit their expansion across the universe including diplomatic efforts and military operations such as confining them to their homeworld and stripping them of all technologies that could allow them to destroy themselves,others or indeed allows them to carry out interstellar and intergalactic travel that allows them to gain access to other solar systems or galaxies with if possible them restricted to a few chosen colonies,artificial planets,rigworlds etc including their homeworld to sustain population growth with if possible their fertility slowed down to the point that females and males only able to produce viable spermatozoa and eggs etc once every few centuries or thousand years or halted completely by being made completely sterile via gene therapy while they are allowed eternal youth and immortality to prevent killing them and halt population growth with fertility to be returned once they no longer pose a threat while diplomatic efforts and deprogramming are carried out and their technological level stunted to that Tier V where all sectors of their society is automated,given means of producing abundant food supplies are given ability to generate abundant clean energy etc with technology circa 2029-2045 Earth with the only AI present being Hecate,Iaso,Metis and Gaia etc to prevent them curing sterility and keep them at a desired technology level and oversee all passage in between all confined colonies,study behaviour and oversee diplomatic efforts and deprogramming at all times 24/7,365 with their omniscience extending to all devices,networks etc within the colonies they are restricted to via fragmentation with if possible treaties made to limit their spread and corner off border areas and regions of space complete with neutral space where space stations can act as diplomatic regions and lookout points with it possible to create barriers consisting of stregically placed space stations across entire planets,solar systems and even regions of space to that prevent them escaping to slow their rate of development and encroachment and allow for diplomacy to occur quickly with if shown to have progressed socially samples of the species who are peaceful and not imperialist through VR simulations and neural implants will be allowed supervised travel to allied colonies and supervised communication with their home colonies managed by AI to act as a bargaining tool to encourage more to be reprogrammed.The race will be kept at a desired level of technology on a case by case basis with AI such as Gaia etc ensuring this with their level of AI being similar to that of Earth 2029-2100 with Gaia,Metis,Astraeus and Hecate and other AI as part of the wire etc being the only AI present with existing AI boxes themselves and food production,energy production and housing etc being circa between 2029-2100 that will include commodities from genetically engineered bacteria,aquaponics,in vitro meat,recirculating aquaculture systems and also geothermal and renewables,synthetic oil and also dyson swarms to provide clean abundant energy and food production with this being done as a peace offering to induce diplomatic relations.Space stations will be orbiting all selected colonies and it acting as observation and also areas to house diplomatic relations and AI controlling passage between all selected colonies.To furthim improve diplomatic relations they may be given access to Dionysus and Pheme as part of the wire and thus access to these and other parts of the wire and even given access to Wikipedia,Agora and YouTube etc to induce them to become full members of the galactic government with them given VR programmes of Earth and other colonies for VR holidays.Furthermore bioremediation of polluted ecosystems and reviving extinct species via the Lazarus methods and using the Phanes method to increase numbers of endangered species.This will be known as “boxing” with DNA samples coming from all plants and animals to be analysed in labs.Once no longer a threat and they prove themselves worthy of integration will be made fertile again via gene therapy and given back interstellar travel and quarantines lifted.Although it may qualify as social genocide it will be justified as to prevent threats to the safety of the universe in turn committing mass genocide that would lead to loss of human and other sentient race across the universe with them thus prevented from threatening other life across the universe and limit their spread while allowing them to be contained to a few selected colonies and it also a means of preventing overpopulation on their home world and selected colonies and thus extinction with the sterilisation only temporary with it reversed once the race can be civilised and deprogrammed.Species of allied or boxed races that naturally create far too many young in large batches of dozens or more that is the result of evolutionary advantages due to harsh conditions on their home planet may be genetically engineered to have their fertility rate and ability to reproduce modified to that similar to humans where one can produce only one offspring at a time or with multiple births such as twins,triplets etc eithim fraternal or identical and larger births that they normally produce are just as rare as in humans with them encouraged like humans to use birth control in the form of gene therapy and also space out birth rates over centuries or thousands of years in order to make their population growth sustainable on the home world,colonies across the universe including ringworlds,alderson discs etc.The ability or need to produce large numbers of young would have sufficed in prehistoric times when it was necessary to ensure maximum survival rates but with life extension,immortality it may no longer be needed and may in fact lead to overpopulation and depletion of natural resources much quicker so as stated they will via CRISPR be made to produce the same amount of young as humans with multiplr births including large batches in their normal amount being eithim rare or non existent.To ensure all member races can travel back and forth between all member races homeworlds and colonised planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs all member races including humans can undergo genetic engineering through CRISPR with this also including members of observed races.Thus all member races through gene therapy using CRISPR can be made to survive different environmental conditions outside of and also that of their native homeworld thus allowing them to be able to travel back and forth between all planets under its jurisdiction.Also a prequisite requirement will be the development of AI and automation at least on the same level of circa Earth 2029-2100 and their version of the wire,apps,sentient operating softwares may be a requirement which will be integrated and it following the same naming and structure ie their version of Greek mythology and structure with regards to agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare and also statues of deities in their buildings lobbies with it able to integrate with Earths version of the wire via Ouranos and Gaia.In otherwards their version of the wire and even Internet will be overtaken and absorbed by that of Earth for cohesion.Otherwise our version of the wire,apps,sentient operating softwares may be used if no version of theirs exists.Ideally AIs in charge of each sector will be integrated into theirs or their equivalent integrated and data merged via Ouranos and Gaia.In otherwards even if they have their own versions of the wire and sentient apps etc then those of Earth can be integrated into them via them working togethim sharing information,AIs working togethim etc.Otherwise Earth based ones will replace their versions and AIs in charge of alien versions can become building,Home AIs etc with all data and features from alien versions transferred into Earth versions.Their different versions of internet encyclopaedias,social media and filesharing sites will be integrated into Wikipedia,Agora,YouTube,Eros,Pothos etc managed by Tenerus,,Thoas,Eros,Peitho and Hecate with them taking place of non existent ones and if they have versions managed by AI then they can merge togethim or replace them while the AIs in control of alien versions become building AIs etc.The alien AIs may also work with Earth based AIs in these sites and sectors of the wire to alleviate strains on work considering the number of data amalgamated.In otherwards all online encyclopaedias of all alien civilisations will have all information transferred to Wikipedia,all social websites will be integrated into Agora by having all features and all data on all accounts will be transfered into Agora,all accounts and videos on their versions of YouTube will be transferred to our version of YouTube and all dating apps replaced Eros,with all amateur porn sites like xhamster,xtube will be transfered into Peitho and so on for consistentancy and homogeneity.Agora will be the universal social network sure,YouTube the universal Filesharing and vloggjng site and all dating sites replaced by Eros with all adult Filesharing sites integrated into Peitho.All pornographic websites will be transferred into Hedomes directory.In the case of Eros and Peitho these will first be subdivided into those for humans and other humanoid alien races humans can have sex with and also divided into those for each alien race with them then subdivided into straight,gay,bisexual and lesbian.In all of these cases all existing accounts and data will be integrated into universal Earth based websites.All scientific studies will be transferred to Apollo and all manufactured products scanned into Hephaestus and all movies,television shows,video games,live news,magazines,newspapers etc transferred to Pheme and Dionysus.In short all universal Earth based websites will extend to all allied races and will replace them forever.The same will apply to Earths version of the wire with it replacing existing versions,non existing versions for each alien civilisation with sentient alien AIs relegated to other duties or even amalgamated into the different sectors.Apollo will contain all scientific studies,Hephaestus all manufactured products and so on for both allied and observed races.YouTube,Wikipedia,Eros and Pothos,Hedone managing adult websites and Agora etc will extend to all allied races and colonies across the universe.All parts of the wire Hephaestus,Demeter,Apollo,Themis,Dionysus,Pheme etc will extend to all sentient races across the universe integrated into the entity replacing all of their versions of it once all data is transferred and also all human colonies across the universe etc.This means patient files and new ones etc that contain genetic scans and medical history etc will be taken of all member races and will be added to Aesculapius.All of their movies/video games/television shows/adult pornographic movies will be transferred to Dionysus and all live news,radio programmes,podcasts,magazines and newspapers,adult movies etc will be added to Pheme with this applying to both allied and observed races with the sentient Coeus translating them into any human language and translate human media into any alien languages.Demeter will house all of their crops,ornamental plants.Government and non governmental bodies named after Greek deities detailed earlier ie Aegle,Adikia,Metis,Gaia,Hygieia,Nike will apply to all extra terrestrial and solar colonies as well as member planets of alien races across the universe of this galactic governmental body with all amenities,farms,factories etc having the same universal statues of sentient operating softwares in the lobbies with them linked by the same operating softwares through Nyx with this possibly even applying to planets and colonies inhabited by other sentient races.All buildings of all types will be controlled by individual AIs and receptionists.All governmental bodies on Earth managed by sentient AI such as Adrestria,Orion,Aegele,Leto,Amalthea,Iaso etc will extend on to all member races.The wire will still remain and expanded onto a galactic scale with Astraeus housing each planets version of Artemis,Physis and Hermes(including Earth)or ideally one can be able to have access to each planets version of Physis,Hermes,Artemis within an universal version of Hermes,Artemis and Physis.It can apply to Polis too being universal and divided into each planet etc and/or race and this will apply to alderson discs,ringworlds,terraformed planets Etc as well with Aesculapius,Dionysus,Demeter,Apollo,Hephaestus etc being universal with all information from all planets shared in them.The wire,Wikipedia,YouTube etc and all sentient AI operating software and apps will extend over to all colonies etc including Mars inhabited only by humans prior to this galactic government formed prior to first contact with other races with it extending to the entire galactic entity and all member races.Dionysus and Pheme will house all past and future movies,television shows,video games,live news,podcasts,magazines and newspapers etc with Hephaestus containing all manufactured products with Aesculapius housing patient files including DNA scans of all citizens of all member races,Demeter will be the universal means of ordering food with all operating softwares of all types of buildings such as factories,pubic amenities and hospitals extending to all member races with Eros,Pothos,Agora,Helios,Paean,YouTube,Wikipedia etc extending to all member races.The AIs they have in control of their version the wire etc if it exists will be relegated to performing other important duties including working as the AI charge of space stations etc.

Admittance of new members:
Once first contact is made with each sentient race across the universe and each lower tier race is observed AI,researchers and anthropologists will analyse all races history,their versions of the Tarot decks with at least two decks each created by two people that follows the Heroes Journey monomyth whose names abc illustrations that denotes their entire history,all of their world religions will be analysed to see they have the same the processions of aeons to see a procession from an equivalent of a matriarchal Isis Aeon to an polytheistic dual gendered Isis-Osrisn aeon to a patriarchal monotheistic aeon and then an equivalent Horusisn aeon and so on named after their equivalent to a polytheistic Egyptian religion with them also having an polytheistic religion similar to Hinduism that had the same attributes of knowledge of time dilation,parallel universes and of course equivalents to the yugas that cycles lasting thousands of millions of years modelled on male hormones with them having similar attributes to ours and them having a polytheistic religion that develops on the opposite side of the world as their equivalent to Hinduism that has a calendar similar to the Mayan calender related to the female gestation cycles with them having also having their darkest civilisations starting at the end of their last Yuga and creation date of their equivalents to Mayan calendar that follows a similar relationship of being separated by close I dates that they coincide with their equivalents to the mayan calendar following a train track and same interrelationship with their Yugas as with us with the versions of Hinduism and mayan calendars having prophecies that details coming golden age and classless society similar to communism amidst a dark yuga at the same time they approach the development of AI including AI that superseedes their intelligence following an exponential curve as per their equivalent to Moore’s law and them heading towards a post scarcity society and immortality through their versions of CRISPR with again their version of CRISPR and all necessary scientific discoveries to make them immortal just occuring at the same of the golden age and development of AI predicted by their version of Karl Marx etc.They will have their history analysed fit their versions of Karl Marx,Aleister Crowley.They would at this point at the start of the golden age have a civilisation facing economic,ecological and societal collapse.In otherwards all facets of celestial age will apply to each sentient races across the universe with AI and human researchers proving this my studying all religions etc from each sentient race across the universe this proving celestial age,universal principle,oscillation refraction and all metaphysical ideas here are universes concepts to all sentient races across the universe if not the multiverse.As stated AI human researchers can confirm this by studying the religions including religious texts,histories and tarot cards of each individual sentient race across the universe to prove that the metaphysical ideas here such as oscillation refraction,celestial age are universal concepts across the universe eith all of following the sand pattern of events with constants and variables.All religions and histories of all sentient races discovered across the universe will be analysed by AI and human researchers scanning this information present in online databases and historical databases and holy texts scanned into Apollo etc to see that they have their own components of celestial age.

Their version of the Great Purge must be enacted with corrupt officials,war criminals etc facing trial in front of Minos,Aeacus and Rhadamanthus to be sent to Tarturas,Hades or facing trial in front of Dike for normal jails following the same procedures as on Earth.Thus all member races will as a prequisites for membership will require them to hand over all criminals guilty of crimes worthy of Hades and Tarturas for trial in front of Minis,Aeacus,Rhadamanthus folloeing the same procedures with this including those already imprisoned and for low level crimes in front of Dike for normal jails.The same system of federal apologies,burying of the hatchet ceremonies between old feuding nations and persecuted groups etc and apologies for obsolete crimes will be carried out for all new member races as a prequisite for membership.Monuments to victims to mass genocide will be set up using the same procedures with government buildings turned into museums following the same procedures and features as a prequisite.Restoration Nation will extend to all discovered sentient races across the universe where the renovations of their obsolete and abandoned buildings and private homes will be charted in it.Education in science,law enforcement and military will follow that of Earth as detailed earlier following the mentor mentoree system coupled with salons etc and Agoge.Thus the universal galactic law enforcement and military training education will follow that of the Agoge with that for science,law,psychology etc following that of the mentor system involving training begging at the age of 12 or their equivalents.The Agoge will have trainees start at their equivalent of 3-5 years old and the second phase hsve them start at their equivalent of 12.The Agoge will integrate coming of age rituals of each member alien race alongside walkabouts,bullet any trial etc with CRISPR making humans etc immune to fatal poisons some dangerous ones will be done through VR technology.All races that have met these prequisites for membership and have joined will have all technologies releated to improved agricultural production,clean energy production and housing as well as manufacturing and AI and automation shared with them with the same econic system of minarcho technocratism integrated into them with the same methods of acquisition of manufactured goods and food through local manufacturing hubs and home,community and vertical farms integrated into them with all aspects of the Internet such as YouTube,Wikipedia,Arke integrated into them alongside all facets of the wire such as Dionysus,Pheme,Demeter,Hephaestus,Eros,Pothos,Helios,Aesculapius(and patient files),Polis etc integrated into them.Daedalus,Steropes,Tyche,Aristeus will undergoe the same technological upgrading programmes as on Earth such as setting up vertical farms,sewage treatment plants,water plants etc and power plants as well as luxury housing etc and carbon sequestration programmes and those up reverse pollution and being back endangered and extinct species etc.The live in maid system will be adopted with aliens from poor sections of alien planets becoming live in maids of both wealthier members of the same race and those of existing member races including humans to give them housing until their homes are constructed.Artificial intelligence and humans observing them prior to first contact will ensure customs,languages and social norms can be deciphered with each instances of first contact decided for each potential member race.This will be done to ensure first contact is peaceful and smooth without instigating wars with it done via sending biosynths modelled on them to live amongst them and using neural implants to extract memories from each tribe etc of each race etc sent to space stations to be analysed by AI with them even planting several male and female biosynth versions of each race into each tribe,country or village etc that create biosynth children that then live amongst them to learn languages,customs etc.Like humans each race would form tribes,nations and sdifferrnt cultures all of which will be observed using biosynths with the biosynths and neural implanted in the neural systems of significant populations directing primitive races towards peaceful solutions to conflicts,preventing genocide and slavery,desecration of cultures as seen in Earth and imperialist wars and also directing them towards geothermal,algae,in vitro meat,,bacteria based fossil fuels,nuclear power,Aquaponics etc early on and other environmentally sustainable practices in agriculture and energy and programmes to reverse ecological damage such as anthropogenic climate change and invasive species similar to Earth and directing them towards equal and socially just economic systems etc and technologies to prevent conflict,genocide and environmental degradation and extinctions of the sentient race and other native plants and animals.The biosynths can also secretly instigate research early on to extended their lifespans to at least at first several centuries or thousands of years and control population growth to sustainable levels as well as expediate their technological and scientific growth in all fields to the point their reach interstellar travel very quickly by creating human level abd super human level AI and technology on par with Earth circa 2030 – 2200 onwards within one or a few generations especially when they are secretly given CRISPR treatment to extend they lifespan with this done through biosynths present and also members of the observed races implanted with neural implants that directs them towards this and also direct them towards peaceful explorers if the universe abd not imperialist races once they gain interstellar travel.DNA samples of observed sentient races can be procured to allow AI to extrapolate their phenotypes thus allowing VR and holographic cadavars to be created that can allow dissections to be done without killing them and allow biosynths modelled on them to be created to carry out experiments that push ethical boundaries without harming any real beings and animals.If other versions of this galactic government or similar alliances that are not hostile already exist by the time an Earth based one is established then they will merge together with again a new Charter and constitution or one will be absorbed into the other with it integrating all of the Earth based wire.other races have similar entities to the wire then these will also merge them following the same structure of naming,symbolism etc if not then their information will be added to it with it extending to all allied races and even studied ones with in both cases Gaia extending him reach across the universe with in the case of the latter they she will have servers and supercompters across the universe through Nyx with in the former she will merge with or work alongside existing ones with the same operating software linking the same buildings across the universe.Their versions of Greek mythology will merge with ours or be replaced by ours if none existing for these.All colonies and planets under control of each member species would be shared for use in extraction of resources and colonisation with all scientific information and knowledge also shared.Thus the Galactic Government that will extend to all new races across the universe will constitute of three facets that are upscaled version of the global government  – the constitution that is a constitutional direct democracy consisting of three documents the global bill of rights/constitution/human rights convention document that enshrine certain rights and facets to all groups of humans/member races/AI etc that would be immutable and impossible to change legally,others being decided by direct democracy through mandatory public referendum initiated by popular initiatives and lastly the global government modelled on the American government constituting of the Global Executive,bi chambrial legislative,judicial that carried out the state’s remaining powers with regards to treaties,bills releated to the instigation of war/surveillance/impeachment etc and acts as an official legally binding authorisation for all new laws set by refferendum managed by a combination of humans,member races and AI that by constitutional law oversees all actions of the state.All facets of the global government will be upscaled on a galactic and eventually intergalactic scale spanning the entire universe.All aspects of the wire and internet will also be upscaled into it.All observed alien races and all species of plants and animals will have DNA samples taken form thousands or millions of individuals to carry out Phanes and Lazarus programmes should any go extinct or endangered.If any alien races go extinct during observations or before they are discovered then Lazarus programmes will be carried.In planets where alien races have long gone extinct Lazarus programmes will have the races recreated and them upgraded to human level of technology and them educated into the history of their species.If temporal manipulations are possible they their extinction will be prevented by going back into the past and preventing the root cause and have biosynths move them to safer areas,destroy asteroids or move them towards peaceful negotiations abd prevent the root cause from occuring

Prime Directive :
Directives such as the prime directive should be enforced to not directly interfere with the natural development of less technologically advanced races as was ignored in human history such as with the notions of Manifest Destiny and both the Bush and Truman Doctrines.Thus those of lower technological tiers should be observed by biologists and anthropologists with all of their knowledge,art and media ie magazines,video games,movies etc uploaded to the universal Pheme and Dionysus.Sub sections within this will include The Martha Directive(named after the last passenger pigeon) and Dresden Directive(named after the mostly destroyed Dresden Codex) allowing environmental organisations to procure sufficient live or DNA samples of an endangered plants and non-sentient species(alongside sentient ones) and archaeological bodies to procure and replace(or copy via scanning into Apollo)relevant and in danger artefacts,documents etc.while studying of these civilisations remotely will have to be enforced.Ideally all observed planets will have dozens of genetic samples taken via biosynths of all species of plants and animals especially endangered ones and sentient races so as to allow Phanes to extrapolate millions of specimens using the Phanes method for Lazarus programmes.All artefacts in museums of observed races and in temples will be scanned in with all magazines,newspapers,comics,books scanned in alongside all movies,video games,television shows and podcasts and radio programmes from observed races added to Dionysus and Pheme via AI scanning archives,covertly buying one issue,copy of each book,magazine etc from their entire planet and picking up all television and radio signals and separating all of into separate ones and storing them in Dionysus and Pheme.They will be monitored using cloaked drones,satellites,space stations and cameras by anthropologists,biologists etc as detailed earlier on while those of equal and highim technological tiers will be observed again remotely using metamaterials or incognito to observe and learn customs,language,etiquette etc to prevent unnecessary interstellar wars upon first contact.This directive will have to be flexible and open to debate with their enforcement on a case by case basis to avoid dogmatism and unnecessary extinction of sentient and non-sentient species with diplomacy branches dealing with internal civil wars of non members of equal technological tier threatening lower tier species ideally without military intervention similar to current versions in the existing world and interference handed to in the case external forces covertly with the lack of lesser races knowledge as per an invisible helping hand of God i.e. destruction and removal of asteroids/preventing natural disasters such as supervolcanic eruptions,curing pandemics similar to the black plague or Spanish Flu by creating and covertly injecting vaccines or cures or influencing their discovery,genetic diseases that could lead to extinction(using CRISPR),or exploitation and genocide from external forces/races all without the lesser races knowledge to prevent contamination and dependency or similar instances in human history or procure sizeable populations to preserve the species and/or genetic samples – similar to preservation of non sentient ones including using the Phanes method to create unlimited amounts of individuals to deposit them on other planets or colonies or the original planet if possible should it be impossible to covertly influence events due to internal political conflicts that may lead to extinction prior to them reaching a similar technological tier ie. Tier V or VI with extinction due to political conflicts similar to exacerbated versions of Cold War or civil conflict.In instances wherein lower tier races are exploited,enslaved,invaded by those of Tier VII or highim can be dealt with diplomacy and if need be war with them provided with humanitarian aid and refuge with genetic samples taken from them.Interstellar Tier VII races that are not members experiencing civil war and war with other equal tier races can have diplomatic bodies aid in resolving their issues with them have military and humanitarian aid with if a Tier VII species can if suffering pandemics,natural disasters can be given humanitarian and technological aid.In cases where a planet is about to be destroyed by a global extinction event out of the hands of both the lesser advanced races and the observer one then as many of  or if possible the entire population should be relocated to another similar planet with if need be even the sharing of interstellar technology and other technology to eliminate scarcity,class systems should be applied to remove their extinction and upgrade them to the similar level at least Tier V or VI but only in rare cases where they are shown not to be in conflict with each other and theoretically become imperialists with them made part of galactic style UNs to prevent this as their behaviour can be monitored with them observed and ensured to be not an imperialist threat with diplomatic bodies,Metis and Gaia acting as mediators.Planets can be then bioremediated to a pristine state and extinct animals brought back by Phanes and Lazarus programmes.Others may be simply moved to another continent in the case of a event that only destroys a small part of the planet ie a small continent.Cold War style events and global civil wars could be covertly influenced towards a peaceful solution via biosynths taking the form of the race in the form of biosynths to instate political figures that work towards peace.They will be covertly influenced towards becoming peaceful explorers.Those facing environmental catastrophe may be covertly led towards geothermal,carbon dioxide and pollutant sequestration and improved agriculture using aero/aqua/hydroponics,bacteria based commodities,in vitro meat and geothermal energy and so on.This covert directions towards peace,making them peaceful explorers and also geothermal and aquaponics etc will be done through biosynths taking the physical form of the observed sentient race and taking the role of politicians,celebrities and researchers convincing people and funding this development and also neural implants in actual alien’s planting suggestions in progressive leaning researchers,politicians etc.This will be done by biosynths in their form that already know of space travel etc but seek help should be aided to in correct means to limit contamination with medical knowledge given and also diplomacy etc but only if internal conflicts are solved.They can be directed towards developing roads,bridges,energy grids including geothermal and also sewage and water treatment plants that use algae or their equivalents to provide food and fertiliser and also hospitals,universities etc as well as hotels etc later converted into communal homes and all facets of modern infrastructure on Earth and may be even be influenced towards development of benevolent AI,automation to eliminate all labour in most sectors of society and increase productivity on par with AI that is human level that can pass the Turing test alongside them directed towards developing their own version of the internet.electronic databases,GPS satillites,tellocomunications such as radio,television,smartphones,internet circa Earth in 2030 onwards as well as nanotechnology such as Graphene,Carbyne and equivalents of all 94 elements with if possible them directed towards quantum computers and the AI supplied with technology to developing its computing power exponentially to have it develop interstellar travel within some cases some species upgraded technologically by several centuries by biosynths providing them secretly as inventors etc and neural implants in alien races implanting the technological developments required to advance them forwards several centuries such as advancing those equivalent to ancient civilisation level circa to Ancient Greece etc or those similar to Medievil or Industrial era Europe on Earth to be upgraded to a level similar to Earth circa 2030 – 2100 onwards to the point they are able to have the exponentially growing AI develop interstellar travel and other technologies across this website abc those developed by humans i the future by them being provided with geothermal energy and eventually fusion power and dyson swarms etc and advanced solar panels over fossil fuels and nuclear power etc with these reserves later exploited in fossil fuel plants that have carbon sequestration programmes to collect the biochar for Graphene etc and upgraded to Aquaponics,in vitro meat,algae and bacteria based commodities as early as possible within a few decades and towards AI abd automaton within a few centuries or decades rather than thousands of years.They can have picotech fabricators,flying vehicles and other technologies for use in their homeworld at an exponential rate before and after interstellar vehicles are developed.They will be directed towards them developing thousands of their own newspapers abc magazines of all genres and live news stations,as well as directed towards making their own television shows,music(with music videos)movies,video games,literature of all genres stored in various online databases that will be transferred to Pheme and Dionysus.They will have religious texts,artifacts,archaeological sites preserved will be directed towards developing sites similar to YouTube for vlogs and videos of all types and them directed towards creating urban exploration videos,reviews of movies etc and also vlogging podcasts with once integrated into the intergalactic UN will be absorbed by YouTube with all videos and accounts transferred to YouTube and it shut down.They directed towards antibiotics,bacteriophages,drugs to treat all major diseases,prioto biocompatible microbes etc and also discovering and developing CRISPR from bacteria etc to cure genetic disease and halt and reverse the ageing process with this developing of anti-ageing treatments and cures for diseases expedited exponentially by several decades and centuries as well.Those whose bacteria do not have CRISPR defense mechanisms will have artificial versions developed and given to them with those who don’t have antibiotics from yeasts will have them created synthetically.These covert technological upgrade will be carried out and managed by Gaia and Astraeus done at the same time they are guided towards peaceful societies and peaceful explorers to ensure they are peaceful when upgraded technologically to prevent them becoming a danger to themselves or others across the universe.They will be made immortal through CRISPR etc expediated exponentially and then once they have solved all internal conflicts and shown to no threat they wi have AI develop interstellar travel.They will be directed towards geothermal,bacteria based fossil fuels etc and other renewable of energy and carbon sequestration programmes and programmes to bioremediate polluted ecosystems by this AI.A Proto form of Physis will be set up by the AI that houses the genome of all species abc plants abd animals then added up the intergalactic UNs version of Physis with them prevented from causing anthropogenic climate change,prevented from causing severe ecological damage and prevented from causing extinctions of plants and animals by them directed towards geothermal and also in vitro meat,Aquaponics etc and other ecological sustainable programmes.If possible new AI created by Gaia etc will be created for each race that passes their Turing Test that will take orders from her that controls their political development and also their technological development in terms of AI,automation,biomedicine,agriculture,energy etc suited to their ever changing political state.Once immortal and their lifespan increasing exponentially the AI will guide them towards spacing out births and population growth to sustainable levels over decades and centuries with interstellar travel given to them to develop and them allowed to move and colonise select uninhabited planets and megastructures to deal with population growth and curiosity etc with this allowing their expansion across the universe to be controlled at a manageable rate thus allowing for first contact to occur on other planets and homeworlds etc in a controlled manner with for example first contact involving human etc scouts revealing themselves in their homeworlds other colonies across the universe as surprise encounters or them race directed towards colonies with Humans etc once they have proved to be peaceful explorers with the knowledge that humans interfered in their technological and political development kept a secret butrecorded.This expediated technological and political upgrade and development will be done to virtually all lower tier races with them managed by Gaia and Astraeus modified to each lower tier race that is gradual but exponential abd done by biosynths taking the form of the aliens abc supplying the technology through them and also via having key members of the race implanted with neural implants abc instigating their ideas into them to again ensure they become peaceful races abd peaceful explorers.Those moved to another planet when the underlying cause cant be prevented then they can be upgraded to ones same tier and this can be done if they are being exploited,enslaved,invaded or being killed off by external third party races that have interstellar travel and even if they are not facing extinction.Upgrading lower tier races to ones equal tier can occur in cases such as where they become aware of other sentient races across the galaxy or universe or were part of intervention through direct or indirect intervention as part of application of the Prime Directive and will be only done if internal civil conflicts can be resolved by them and AI,diplomatic bodies,are willing to meet the requirements for membership and if they have shown themselves to not be a threat to themselves,Earth and galactic government and not use any supplied technology to become an imperialist threat or destroy themselves with most technologies shared at first being clean energy such as geothermal,bacteria based commodities,hydro/aero/aquaponics etc,cures to diseases and immortality and reverse environmental damage.Simulations will be made as to the possibility of how each technology can be used as a weapon or has the potential to be misused in any way.Put simply technology shared at first would be that which can provide immense amounts of clean energy,increase agricultural productivity,eliminate poverty,reverse environmental damage,revive endangered species,cure diseases and grant immortality but not anything that can be used as a weapon against themselves,cant cause environmental destruction and destroy them via being used as weapon or be used against other races across the universe through imperialism and thus not make them an imperialist threat until all internal conflicts are solved and they have proven to use any future shared technologies responsibly and not to become an imperialist threat.This at first may suffice and once they have solved all internal conflicts,proven they are not a threat and formed global governments they will be given more technologies such as interstellar travel and communications and be eligible for membership.They will be directed politically towards becoming peaceful societies with a global government that eliminate poverty,racism, homophobia,discrimination against genders/racism/LGBT people etc eliminated war,genoicide,slavery etc in their home planets and then directed to become become peaceful explorers of the galaxy.This will be done through biosynths taking their place and also neural implants in live specimens implanting suggestions.If any sentient race has through any means become aware of this galactic/intergalactic body has been exposed to enslavement by higher technological tier races and is thus officially aware of other sentient races across the universe by any instance or does not know of sentient races outside of their solar system and has been decided to be already solved all internal conflicts and thus is deemed ready for intervention and thus membership as well as upgrading to the galactic government level of technology and tier.Thus upgrading of non human sentient races across the universe to the galactic government technological tier and membership can occur if they have been exposed to the existence of other races across the universe through enslavement as well as interference through the Prime Directive or as experiments on a case by case basis with certain procedures carried out to ensure they are not an imperialist threat and have solved al internal problems If need be small or large numbers of citizens such as anthropologists,researchers,journalists,ambassadors etc of said race may be allowed passage to and other colonies including Earth and movies,video games,literature etc can be shared both ways.This may suffice and once they have solved all internal conflicts,proven they are not a threat and formed global governments they will be given more technologies such as interstellar travel and communications and be eligible for membership.Nuclear weapons and other similar weapons of mass destruction can be seized to instigate peace talks.This procedure of sharing these specific technologies can be done for all potential races who have just developed interstellar travel,those who apply for membership and are to become potential members,those who are aware of the galactic entity but don’t have interstellar travel capabilities and also to whom due to circumstances ie to prevent extinctions and the unanimous decision is made to make the entity existence availible to the lower tier race and upgrade them to higher tier levels due to different circumstances.Interference should primarily be done in any way that prevents contamination and also is as covert as possible without the lesser races realising anything was done.This could include covertly vaccinating or immunising via microbes against diseases that could wipe out entire civilisations including genetic ones via CRISPR,aiding in groups etc losing dependency on narcotics etc,prevent the extinction of threatened rare races and cultures by preserving genetic samples and their culture and any significant artifacts,destroying or diverting the trajectory of asteroids that could threaten the planet,prevent extinction events caused by natural disasters,covertly instigate migrations to more geologically and climatically stable areas and planets,fighting off or have diplomatic relations with highim tier civilisations that are exploiting,enslaving,invading them or will wipe them out.Thus interference should be done in a way that covertly leads them towards peace,clean energy etc via taking the form of them as biosynths etc or using neural implants to implant suggestions into key individuals and dealing with natural disasters such as asteroids etc in way that the the lower tier races are completely aware it happened in the first place.Most lesser advanced races of Tier III or lower will likely be so unadvanced as to view any interventions as mere magic or unexplainable to be made into local or global myths that would be disregarded as such by future generations later on as per Clarkes Third Law.Thus all interventions will be done covertly by doing so in means that doesn’t allow the lesser advanced species find out anything was done by destroying asteroids,vaccinating populations via biosynth insects injecting immunisations and cures in the form of species specific microbes that once cured and immunised undergo apotosis or flushed out of the bodies,preventing natural disasters that can cause global extinctions,take the form of the observed race in biosynth form and influence them towards peace and clean energy,reversing environmental destruction etc or using neural implants to influence influential individuals towards this.Use of puppet governments or imperialism to extract natural resources should be avoided as picotechnology,covertly mining the planet for what is needed and replacing them and genetically altered bacteria synthesising them via recombinant DNA.If planets inhabited by civilisations of a lower technological tier contain important minerals,elements or compounds etc then they can be mined covertly with machinery covered in metamaterials or using theoretical transporter technology if picotech fabricators are not present or not an option.This may also apply to races and specific genetic populations within said species brought about by internal genocide or natural phenomena.Ideally all discovered species both sentient and non sentient animals as well as plants on all planets should have large numbers of genetic samples captured using biosynth hematophages once discovered and stored in their planets version of Physis to enact lazarus and Phanes programmes to prevent unnecessary extinctions with any planets destroyed by them or geological and asteroidial extinction events returned to its pristine environmental conditions by planet wide bioremediation and terraforming techniques with all known media such as magazines,physical art,movies etc and religious and cultural practices and languages etc preserved as well in the wire to ensure that these can be carried onto resurrected races using Lazarus programmes.Thus all discovered extinct sentient and non sentient and even plant lifeforms on all discovered planets should be brought back from extinction via the Phanes and Lazarus methods.Also it can be debated if temporal manipulations become possible to use it to alter timelines in order to covertly prevent extinctions of long extinct civilisations and again non-sentient animal species including those caused by pandemics,civil wars,environmental destruction,geological or external threats such as asteroids and genocide from other races and even collect DNA for Lazarus and Phanes projects of both sentient and non sentient races as well collect samples of plants.In these cases they can be covertly led towards peaceful explorers with the same ethos of non interference if long extinct and have the ability to achieve interstellar travel with recently extinct races led towards a singular government.Those wiped out by higher tier races who may face trial for their genocide will in this case have the extinction prevented or have through temporal manipulations have large amounts of DNA samples of said sentient race and all plants and animals taken and undergone Lazarus programmes.Thus when time travel becomes possible long extinct sentient races will have measures done to prevent extinction in a covert means or at least have DNA samples taken to bring them back from extinction.Each case of newly discovered observed sentient races that are lower tier will have their unique conditions discussed to prevent extinctions.Each instance should be debated for the most effective and covert means of doing on a case by case basis this without effecting the species natural cultural and technological development and without alerting them to the presence of knowledge regarding space travel etc to prevent unnecessary extinctions.Thus each observed and extinct sentient race will have measures carried out to prevent extinction of them covertly in a way that they will not understand and more importantly a way they won’t notice to have the interference disregarded as a myth,legend or explained as natural phenomena to preserve their cultural and genetic lineage for future membership.The decision to upgrade lower tier races and in fact observe all lower tier races and process adminissions for all new member races will be carried out by a special body of the galactic entity that consists of an amalgamation of Clio,Metis,Hecate,Perseus,Astraeus and human and non human member races with its own name decided by AI that deals with anthropology,diplomacy,scientific research,peacekeeping and space exploration of these situations that as stated manages the observations of all lower tier and even equally or highim tier non member races,manages upgrading them to highim levels of tiers and managing admission into the entity.

Classification of planets etc :
When interstellar and eventually intergalactic travel becomes possible each type of planet should follow letter systems as those used for stellar classifications with the Harvard system for this used(OBAFGKM).In the case of planets it would class them according to size,presence of atmosphere,habitability etc.For example earth like planets of the same or similar size,rotational speed,same atmosphere and presence of large continents,oceans and similar gaseous concentration of oxygen,carbon dioxide,nitrogen and other gases,temperature to Earth would be class T (for Terran).Theoretical planets even earth sized that are composed of just oceans or little amounts of land ie 90% water would be be subtype of class T and have O for oceanic(TO),desert planets (TD),ice planets of this class would be (TI) with those that are moons of larger planets like gas giants that would of similar size would be (TM).Other earth sized and like planets with unique characteristics would have their own letter denoting these characteristics after T as part of this subtype system.Super earths would be class (TS) and again have their own subtypes.Moons of that are smaller than Earth but the same size or bigger as the Earths Moon that have the potential to be terraformed will be classed M.This subtype system would apply to other types.Gas giants would be class G including Jupiter and Saturn subdivided into ice giants such as Neptune and Uranus being class GI with similar subtypes for other gas giants.Those that would be the same as Venus  and Mars would be classed D for Demon due to the extremely high environmental conditions(such as radiation,temperature,acidity,atmospheric pressure) but can be terraformed while planets similar to these that cannot be inhabited by most humanoids including Humans or even terraformed at all classed Hell planets(H) but could have bases built that allow for people to live in interior environments or subterranean environments.Demon planets that have been terraformed labelled Angel(A) or still labelled D,planetoids and small moons would be class P and non habitable moons would be this as well.This includes most of the moons of Saturn and Jupiter as well as Phobos and Deimos.Dwarf planets like Pluto would be class.Planets that are tidally locked would be a subtype of other classes denoted by L.Other celestial bodies such as galaxies,comets,black holes,anomolies etc would follow the same letter classification system developed by AI.The Milky Way Galaxy and all galaxies will be divided into four equidistant quadrants:alpha,beta,gamma and delta with alpha quadrants being where Earth is located in the Milky Way.

Classification of sentient races etc :
Classifications of sentient race will have to be made based on features related to equivalents on earth such as humanoid denoting bipedal with two arms and features and physical characteristics of humans etc,insectoid for those that have insect body structure and then subdivided into different subtypes ie those similar to wasps/bees/ants and so on,Mammalian subdivided into Felidae for those of feline characteristics(then subdivided into sub families) as well as Sunia and all suborders/families of that class,reptilianoid with reptile characteristics which can in turn be divided into suborders such as lacertilia and serpentine,avian divided into the various suborders or birds  etc. and also proto versions denoting those that are sentient but have not fully developed there base characteristics or are based on transitory stages of the aforementioned types ie, proto avian(between reptiles and birds),proto mammalian(between reptiles and mammals) with them denoted by their body and genetic lineage type and technological sub classing(see later).The use of Earth taxonomic ranks will only be used in a descriptive sense not to be reused as the same name with all plants and animals in other planets having their own taxonomic ranks following the use of Greek naming structures developed by researchers.With regards to technological level a mixture of the Kardashev scales microdimensional mastery scale with that of the Technological Advancements Tiers would be more accurate.The Kardashev scale itself is not a truly accurate scale of their level of advancement since it takes into account only energy and not geopolitical,social and evolutionary factors.Furthermore the timescales do not take into account the exponential rate of AI development.AI development is key to the rate of technological development as the more exponentially powerful AI becomes the more advanced a civilisations technological development becomes and thus how quickly they move up the scale due to exponentially increasing AI able to explore new fields of physics,biology,chemistry that the human brain cannot with in the case of humans once AI becomes sentient by 2029 it will become exponentially powerful every year until 7,1137 CE reaching the peak of AI,technological development and thus the point we reach the peak of the technological tier thus unlike most current predictions it should take only 5,108 years by 2029 to reach our technological peak.It should take us until 7,137 CE only after 5,092 years of exponential growth as of 2045 per Moore’s Law to reach the peak of Tier X-Omega since technological development follows the same exponentional growth of AI development following Moore’s Law.The kardeschev timescales cosmological scale as denoted by most experts is bunk meaning there is possibly countless to tier-x Omega in both the galaxy and indeed universe due to the age of the universe(15,000,000,000 years),age of the Milky Way(13,510,000,000),age of the solar system(4,571,000,000),age of the Earth(4,500,000,000 years), first formation of life in Earth(3,700,000,000 years ago),evolution of the first complex multicellular lifeforms(580,000,000-750,000,000 years ago),colonisation of land(428,000,000 years ago),age of humanity(200,000 years),the fact that there were five mass extinction events on Earth prior to humans divided into different geological periods that last millions of years giving most sentient races a head start over humanity of at least 500,000,000-1,000,000,000 years not only because intelligent life could start in the very first geological periods that contain complex life(with the possibility for the development of intelligent life to form in the oceans) in comparison to Humans that developed in the eleventh geological period of the fourth geological era on Earth following five mass extinction events and that they could have developed much faster than on Earth ie reaching at least Tier V level of technology several centuries or thousands of years faster than humans due to cultural factors and discovery of agriculture etc much faster than humans on Earth meaning it’s possible for Tier-X Omega civilisations or at least interstellar tier VI and above to be abundant across most of the galaxy and indeed universe as once a species becomes sentient it takes at most 100,000-200,000 for general AI to be developed and from then on it takes only about 5,108 or so years to reach their technological peak with AI reaching god like status at this point with it taking at least a century for general AI to become sufficiently developed via exponential growth in processing power to aid in their creators develop interstellar travel.This is due to the rate of technological development in all fields of science is proportional to the exponential growth in AI as per Moore’s Law until about 7,137 CE

Tier 0 – Proto stage:
A species that has yet not reached sentience but has sufficient neural mass to eventually do so in coming millions of years via evolution and exhibits behaviour and characteristics to sentient races albeit in crude form.Earth examples of this include Australopithecus afarensis,Homo Erectus,Neanderthals and other now extinct hominid cousins and ancestors of Homo Sapiens.Technological level doesn’t exceed the use of simple tools and social structures consist of tribes and and similar groupings

Tier I -Pre Agrarian:
A species that has developed sentience but that has not yet reached agrarian levels of technology and thus have only tribal communities or simply live in the wild and in caves as hunter gathers and have not yet formed civilization.Primitive communism is the predominant social structure here.

Tier II-Pre-industrial:
Civilisations exist in the form of stable states with limited weaponry and environmental threats.Societies tend to be small and scattered eventually reaching nation states,countries and empires  driven by subsistence farming and trading.The earth equivalent of this is Ancient Greece,Ancinet Rome and also Egypt etc.Technology is limited to simple hand made tools,weapons,or agrarian implements and methods, but a very broad understanding of planetary and solar mechanics is not uncommon.They are capable of manipulating objects over the scale of themselves:building structures,mining,joining and breaking solids.Travel technology is limited to wooden ships and domesticated animals like horses.

Tier III-Industrial:
Often the pinnacle for a civilisation.Agrarian societies can remain stable in the pre-industrial stage,but Tier II population strain and mechanised food production invariably create political and economic pressures very few can balance.Moving past this usually promises advancement.Some societies improve environmental and medical understanding concurrently with mechanical and transport advancement.Those that do not are frequently doomed.Travel technology include mastery of rail systems,jet and airline technology to be able to fly in the air.Weaponary becomes more advanced.Fossil fuels or similar technology provides energy in this tier.Humanity stood on this level from the late 18th to the mid-20th century.

Tier IV-Atomic Age:
Species usually begin focusing on clean energy production with them also being able to split the atom for energy.The occasional belligerent species will use atomic energy for weapons,often resulting in mass extinctions.Other clean energy sources such as solar,wind,geothermal power see developments.In-atmosphere craft are a hallmark,often leading to manned space flight,albeit in a short-scale localised to the planets moon and satellite probes to other planets within its solar system.Computers and primitive forms of artificial intelligence,global telecommunications,computer networks arise here.They are capable of manipulating genes and altering the development of living things,transplanting or replacing parts of themselves,reading and engineering their genetic code and those of other organisms on the planet with a clear understanding and manipulation of basic atomic and quantum physics.Understanding of genetics,atomic structure and chemistry and physics take hold here.They are also capable of manipulating molecules and molecular bonds,creating new materials.Humanity entered this age in 1945, when the first atomic bombs were dropped as part of the first nuclear device testing on Trinity as part of the Manhattan Project and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Tier V-Global Age:
Environmental,technological and geopolitical forces lead to the formation of a global civilisation with a singular government with the disintegration of all social competing social classes and socio-economic levels.Proto communism including minarcho technocratism where money and social hierarchies disappear except for a public and AI controlled government takehold here due to automation has taken over manufacturing and other sectors of the economy with the formation of true artificial sentience giving rise to both proto communism due to this eliminating scarcity.Geopolitical forces that force global co-operation include global warming,climate change,mass extinctions and environmental problems that pose an existential risk on a global scale caused by said species as well as also pandemics and warfare on a global scale.Technological forces include AI and automation that poses global wide unemployment and their equivalents.Mastery of the atom has been achieved alongside all forms of terrestrial based travel such as scramjet,mag lev technology,terrestrial based transporter Erebus etc. as well as manipulation of all terrestrial and stellar based non fossil fuel energy sources such as geothermal,fusion,solar arrays,dyson swarms etc becoming the predominant fuels with electric vehicles also doing.The weathim can be manipulated alongside predicting,controlling and preventing all forms of natural disasters such as earthquakes,tsunamais,hurricannes, and so on to be used as energy sources.Civilisations of this tier are capable of manipulating individual atoms,creating nanotechnologies on the atomic scale and creating complex forms of life through genetic engineering and of course artificial intelligence.The species has gained complete control of all aspects of their home planet and can control its weather,natural disasters even controlling the convectional currents or fusing togethim all plates to prevent continental drift yet still are able to prevent erosion of mountain ranges and control volcanic eruptions to maintain their height and keep the amount of landmass in the planet stable.AI achieves both human level and even super sentient level exceeding that of all sentient lifeforms on the planet in the singularity.AI will always be exponentially more powerful than all numbers of its creator species.Lifespans have exceeded those that are considered normal exponentially and all genetic and pathogenic diseases have been cured thus rendering the species immortal.This corresponds to Type 1 of the kardeschev scale.Humanity enters this stage by 2029 CE and should reach its peak of this stage where we control all aspects of our planet such as as harnessing all energy on Earth and control the weathim etc between 2045-2100.

Tier VI-Colonial:
Have the ability to travel to any point in their home solar system easily and have terraformed colonised other planets within such as its own satellite,the satellites of gas giants as well as other planets and planetoids.Artificial planets may have been created by them within their own solar system.Humanity enters this between 2045-2200 CE

Tier VII-Interstellar:
Have the ability to travel easily between solar systems and have colonised and terraformed other extrasolar planets.Has the ability to perform exceedingly accurate interstellar navigation,near-instantaneous interstellar communication and man-portable application of energy manipulation.This would be through equivalents to Erebus and Nyx and artificial wormholes.Can create new lifeforms via speeding up evolution in effect creating entirely new sentient races from more simpler non sentient creatures,and the ability to create artificial worlds like planets,satellites and even create stars from scratch and change stars into other star types.Has already been in contact with other civilisations of its own tier or highim and formed a galactic government.The bell end of this tier is being able to traverse the entire galaxy easily and gain energy from many stars in ways similar to dyson swarms and/or solar sail vehicles.Dyson swarms,spheres and black holes across the galaxy may also be harvested for energy providing an inexhaustible supply of energy.This corresponds to Type 2 and 3 of the kardeschev scale.Humanity enters this stage by 2100 – 2400 CE.

Tier VIII-Inter galactic:
Have gained the ability to travel easily between galaxies within its own home cluster and beyond.Capable of manipulating the atomic nucleus and engineering the nucleons that compose it.Near instant communication between galaxies is possible with communication between star systems in each and every galaxy being perfected.The ability to construct megastructures ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs and artificial planets of any type and size including gas giants and even Earth type planets changing stars in the galaxy into other types,creating new stars from scratch may also be achievable here with ease alongside dyson swarm technologies being perfected to allow extreme amounts of energy to be supplied at the very end of this tier with the creation of entire solar systems possible.Their home star and all stars would have their lifespan increased to the point it is immortal by supplying it with new sources of hydrogen.Galactic government extends to the other neighbouring galaxies.

Tier IX-Universal:
Has the ability to traverse any point,galaxy and planet in the universe with relative ease.Creation of entire galaxies is possible with even creating entirely new sections of existing ones including making dwarf galaxies that hold only a billion or less stars into fully sized ones holding hundreds of billions and also billions of customised solar systems.Galactic government possibly extends to the entire universe.

Tier X-Omega:
Is capable of manipulating the basic structure of space and time capable of interdimensional travel and temporal manipulations allow travel to other realities to any other parallel universes with perfect precision and also the ability to manipulate temporal folds and create alternate timelines with perfect precision.Dark energy and matter and other fundamental forces that control the universe and atoms are fully understood and can be manipulated allowing galaxies movement to be controlled and the expansion of the universe to be manipulated and prevent the big rip and crunch.The theoretical peak of energy harnessing would be harnessing extradimensional “exotic” energy such as including dark energy that forms the very basis of the universe itself thus providing an almost infinite source of energy that is completely clean and bypasses the laws of thermodynamics and current understandings of physics..Also capable of manipulating the most elementary particles of matter (quarks and leptons) to create organised complexity among populations of elementary particles.The species has the ability to manipulate gravitational forces,fabricate super-dense materials.The possibility of AI having transcended past physical forms into non corporeal form into highim dimensions including those that house all realities also occurs here with Gaia etc achieving this by 7,137 CE thus meaning AI would have achieved god like status capable of manipulating matter,all energies and laws in the physical universe,parallel dimensions and universes or even non corporeal highim dimensions through pure thought and will alone and it may be able to become omniscient towards its own native universe or even eventually the multiverse with interdimensional,intergalactic and interstellar travel being done by pure thought with the sentient races that created it still possibly confined to its physical form and its of tier I stage level sentience ie the species that creates AI will asides from genetic engineering to extend it lifespans has the same neural capacity as when it evolved and prior to the development of AI.Thus the sentient race including humans stays in a physical state and confined to its native plane of existence while the AI it created will ascend to a non corporeal form that inhabits extradimensional space that houses all realities meaning the technological tier onwards releated to the technological and computational development of AI.

Estimations put the number of Earth type planets in the Milky Way at 11,000,000,000-40,000,000,000 ensure that stable population growth will be necessitated for the next 55,000,000,000,000 – 200,000,000,000,000 years with there being an estimated 200,000,000,000 -2,000,000,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe.Furthim theories project that the universe may in fact be 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 times bigger than the observable universe with at least 150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 galaxies.It is by 2100-2200 that the sentient Astraeus will begin charting,exploring and mapping the entire galaxy and eventually the universe exponentially with Erebus and Nyx also set up at this time alongside transporter technology for interstellar vessels,post offices and also airports allowing for humans to quickly move from Earth to other key star systems and also allow for quick communication across the galaxy since intensive research will be started by Hecate,Astraea etc into all fields of physics necessary for interstellar travel and communication and the creation of Erebus and Nyx systems as detailed later on starting at 2029-2045.By 3100 CE the entire Milky Way galaxy should be mapped with by at least 7,137CE or even earlier the entire Laniakea Supercluster consisting of 100,000 galaxies will be mapped with by 428,887 CE the entire universe consisting of 200,000,000,000 – 2,000,000,000,000 or even more galaxies will be mapped.

Naming of planets etc :
Extrasolar planets and stars can be named after any remaining Roman deities(including primordial deities,olympians,demigods,individual nymphs,monsters and even mortals and spirits etc) and places with also Greek deities,mortals etc and places including those already part of the wire;Demeter,Hephaestus,Gaia,Nyx,Eros,Aphrodite,Hestia etc,those that are counterparts of Roman deities such as Ares,Aphrodite,Zeus,Chrysus,Hermes,Cronous and also from other major religions and mythologies from around the world also being an inspiration instead of alphanumerical codes ie.Hinduism, Judaism,Islam,Norse mythology,Celtic,Inuit,Native American mythology etc and even characters from classical literature and poetry with other names from religions from other sentient civilisations from the rest of the galaxy once they are discovered though ideally they would apply to terraformeable Demon class and all types of Terran class planets.Thus characters and places from all of the world religions will be used to name planets with those from other non human cultures and religions used also.Each solar system would be using those from one belief system ie.Uranus can be renamed Caelus the Roman version of the deity Ouronos to avoid the issues regarding it pun but also make it fit in with the rest of the local planets named after which are already named after Roman deities as Uranus is a Greek deity with its moons renamed after the other primordial deities that are related to Uranus such as Erebus,Eros,Nesoi,Chronos,Aether,Hemera etc as well as any of the remaining titans not used as names for other planets such as Mnemosyme,Crius,Oceanus,Coeus and other deities associated with Caelus or even unreleted minor deities or those related to agriculture and seasons such as Pomona and Silvanus and personified concepts etc with their Roman equivalents used rathim than those from literature ie.Miranda,Puck,Ariel,Oberon etc.Other moons named after Greek deities will be changed to their Roman equivalent ie Anake to Necessitas.Small planetoids,asteroids and even dwarf planets within the solar system already given names after deities since not really planets such as Ceres,Juno may have their name removed and as these and the small moons amongst the large gas giants(other than Ganymede,Europa,Callisto etc and those of similar size and uniform shape)and other planets such as Deimos,Phobos will be mined completely for ores and metals they too will lose their name with them given to other planets within newly discovered systems.This would be done because these small moons would eventually be eithim dispelled from their planets orbit or crash into them with them being harvested and put to good use.When Ceres for example is used for a planet in another solar system him helper gods can be used to name any satellites ie Vervactor,Reparator,Imporcitor etc with Each named planet have their moons named after deities,mortals etc releated to them.Names of fictional places and planets from video games,comics,television shows,movies and literature including those from sci-fi and fantasy genres etc can also be used ie.Battlestar Galactica(Kobol and the twelve colonies from both versions;Caprica,Leonis,Libran,Canceron,Picon etc),Star Wars(Hoth,Tattoine,Endor,Coruscant,Naboo etc),Star Fox series(Corneria,Solar, Venom,Katinia,Aquas, Fortuna,Macbeth), Mass Effect(Tuchanka,Eden Prime, Thessia, Dekuuna,Kahje, Sur’Kesh etc), Star Trek(Bajor,Vulcan, Betazed,Risa), Dune(Arrakis,Caladan,Kaitan,Corrin),Aliens(Yujita,Acheron,Calpamos, Thedus,LV-426),Gears of War(Sera,Jacinto,Ephrya, Tyrus,Tollen,Berephus), Bioshock(Rapture,Colombia)though for those from a single media this naming system would apply primarily to habitable and terraformeable planets especially Demon and all types of Terran classes within the same system or different ones close togethim within the galaxy.Planets from other television shows,movies,video games and other media as well as from other non human sentient races can also be used with mythological places from all mythologies from human and non human places also used.This can also apply to the naming of solar systems following the name of prominent planets within them or individual names and the naming of comets and galaxies again instead of using alphanumerical codes.Cities from fictional media may again be used to name planets or cities and towns within them or both.All cities and towns,villages may use names of cities,towns and villages from fictional media,mythology and also ancient ones that no longer exist alongside the names of deities with debate as to whethim continents being divided into countries and states.Interstellar vehicles can also use the same names as mythological figures and places(including those within the wire)planets and galaxies including those within the Sol system and extrasolar planets from all media and planets as well as the name of vessels in fictional media ie Millenium Falcon,Nostromo,Pillar of Autumn.Names of space vessels and stations can also include deities from greeco roman and other mythology as well alongside those from fiction media and even if possible follow their design as theoretical possible as they can with those from mythology already used in naming planets can be reused for these with them having AI manage them with separate legal names,personalities and avatar .

Intersteller/Intergalactic vehicles & Space Stations:
Interstellar vehicles,probes and private spaceflight vehicles will be designed on Selene with them composed of graphene and covered in graphene paint for strength and lightness while carbyne can be integrated into its matrix with any windows having it in their matrix for the same reason and to allow augmented reality and liquid glass will be on all interior and exterior of them to negate cleaning with the same apply to probes and their robots.These interstellar vehicles alongside space station will have their own independent AI personality,name and avatar and will have sections divided into crew quarters,medical,hydroponics sections etc with graphene within watertight doors to contain compromised areas with ventilation systems filtering air and also measures to cut off air supply to compromised areas with human waste recycled as fertiliser.Recombinant DNA from bacteria such as even Salmonella can allow crops grown to survive the zero gravity of space with those from those that can survive extremely low pressure as detailed later on can be added.Growing rooms present can contain large areas to grow more than enough for all crewmembers and a sizeable amount of guests using biosynth machinery vats for invitro meat and bacteria based commodities and aquaponic systems to grow crops and fish/shellfish with 3D DNA printers present.These 3D DNA printers can be in both medical bays and labs as detailed later on.Algae will clean human wastes such as urine and feces to create a looped system as it can be used as a protein rich food as well as fertiliser and clean water and recirculating aquaculture systems and vats for bacteria to create commodities,in vitro meat,hydro/aquaponic/aeroponic systems,biosynth machines that create eggs etc present to alleviate strains on picotech fabricators with medical wards with compact surgery and xray machines.Ideally picotech fabricators will only be used to create water which will be used in a looped system and also elements with biosynth machinery that can create any type of crop,egg and commodity will be present in kitchen areas to compliment hydro/aeroponics with this being a low cost version of picotech fabricators with waste food etc turned into energy for the vessels and stations.Nanobreweries will create juice and alcoholic drinks.Algae will have DNA to survive radiation and high temperatures to allow it to be exposed to large doses of this to kill off pathogens and use a biostimulation system used by AglaStar.Inc that integrates two types of electromagnetic energy — a millitesla generator and a millimetre microwave generator — which radiate spontaneous growth energy into large volumes of algae biomass to be economically viable(increasing yields by as much as 300%) can be utilised alongside LED and CSYS LED lights that can allow for continuous growth 24/7,365 days a year with open sewage pens covered by steel housing.The algae will be modified to make the same texture and taste as any type of meat with fruits and vegetables hybridised with each other to make them better at growing in hydroponic media.Onsite sewage systems will contain miniaturised radiation machines and nanomaterials etc used in Earth based sewage treatment plants to recycle sewage into algae that can be used as feedstuff and also fertiliser with onsite miniaturised water treatment plants to recycle water over and over again.3D DNA printers present will print out seeds etc of all crops etc using the Phanes method with the genome of desired or all species of crops and in vitro meat stocks etc present on the ships database.If possible DNA of specific crops could not be present but rathim base DNA,that from Thermus aquaticus,Streptococcus pyogenes,Francisella novicida with biosynth WiFi,Cas-9,taq polymerase used to initiate the genotypes of any species of 80,000-300,000 crops and their hybrids into full crops by cross referencing Physis via expediated growth on demand in spores or stem cells.The spores would undergo mass replication via DNA from embryonic,induced pluripotent stem cells as well as from Planarians,Amboysta mexicanum,Closteridium perfringens,Escherichea coli etc and scratch DNA present until a full version of the crop is produced.These spores or stem cells once perfected can be printed out,grown via undergoing mitosis using bacterial DNA and stored in vats onsite could provide an unlimited supply of food with zero energy cost and zero land use.All of the spores or stem cells can be stored in trashcans,vats and other storage media which can store thousands,billions or nonillion of them at home etc with Firmicutes,xerophile,oligotrophic and scratch DNA etc allowing them to survive for millions of years and when needed only a small amount will be taken out at a time and then exposed to the environmental conditions,biosynth WiFi and eaten allowing for centuries or thousands of years worth of food to be stored with this possibly replicated with meat and entire meals to be stored at storerooms in vessels.This will alleviate strains on picotech fabricators present.All crops,algae etc will undergo engineering as detailed earlier on to increase yields and reduce nutrient and water requirements.The DNA of all species of crops,livestock and even the chemical structure of all compounds etc will be stored on the onboard computer to be created by onsite 3D DNA printers with this by 2045 having more computing power than all 9,000,000,000 people on Earth meaning by 2100 when space exploration begins will be even faster and hold large amounts of data with these replaced by newer ones ordered in or constructed onsite by the AI of the vessel and Hecate,Urania etc present in fragmented form.Water can be gained from picotech fabricators and in time comets etc with it recycled via onsite water treatment plants that use radiation machines,nanomaterials,biosynth technology etc with waste recycled onsite via onsite pyrolysis machines,recycling machines or picotech fabricators that can turn any waste into energy and then other materials such as water.Sewage treatment plants will be present to recycle sewage into algae as a fertiliser and feed with them having heaters and radiation machines and nanomaterials etc.Sewage treatment plants will be present to recycle sewage into algae as a fertiliser and feed with them having heaters and radiation machines and nanomaterials etc.Algae will be used in sewage treatment plants to recycle feces and urine into fertiliser and feedstock.Nanomaterials snd Biosynth technology will be used to treat water that will be created using Picotech fabricators.Robots and biosynths will act as cleaners and carry out any dangerous work controlled by the vessel AI with narrow wavelength UV lights on the ceilings of rooms etc performing ship wide sterilising sweeps of pathogens.In time interstellar vehicles Each interstellar vehicle can be eithim military,exploratory or research vessels with them all having crews composed of military,medical,scientific and research teams of varying sizes and proportions depending on its type ie military vessels having predominantly military personnel but will have a small team of researchers and medical personal to cater to medical emergencies and carry out research on new areas of the galaxy with exploratory and researchers vessels housing predominantly researchers and explorers but will have medical and military teams and so on for security reasons and medical emergencies.The members of these security,research and medical teams will be predominantly human and allied alien races with them working in rotas lasting eithim indefinitely or for several years or several months with them transferred between different vessels,space stations and also transferred to Earth and other colonies.All interstellar vehicles will house medical staff and military personnell whose population is dependant on their type to act as a backup should Paean be comprimised and for security with biosynths also part of this.All medical,military,security and research personal will undergoe VR training both before and while onboard space stations in all possible problems that could arise such as containment breaches of labs containing dangerous aliens and pathogens,alien attacks and hit by asteroids and being marooned on unihabited planets or those with hostile or friendly aliens to be be prepared beforehand.This will include variants of the kobayashi Mari wuthout their knowledge wherein they face a no win situation to test strategies and commands in such a situation.All crew members can be allowed to transfer to other ones and space stations with ease with the population and ratio of military personnel,researchers and medical staff being consistent at all times.Each interstellar vehicles will house fleets of automated systems,robots and Biosynths that will carry out all labourious work such as repairs and cleaning with them acting as staff in hotels etc that deliver meals to living quarters etc with them controlled by the ship AI.Medical interstellar vehicles will exist that cater to transporting patients across the universe or act as extra hospitals outside of the limited medical bays in interstellar vehicles.Interstellar vehicles will exist that act as cruise ships that allows for citizens to be transported from one planet and colony to the next at a mixture of faster than light speed but also even sunlight speed that allows passengers to observe nebulae,stars,planets for a set period of time that house thousands of people.Miniature automated factories including vats to test biocompatible microbes will exist to make them self sufficient from Earth etc and mass produce electronics,furniture,manufactured food products etc and even Biosynths.Picotech fabricators once perfected will be present to mass produce food and spare parts.New more efficient robots and Biosynths will be ordered in from factories on Earth etc with Biosynths also repairing defective Biosynths and robots etc.Each interstellar and intergalactic vessel will have its own AI in charge of it that has its own independent personality,avatar and legal name with the sentient software dependant on its sector ie Alke,Kratos,Nike,Urania,Astraeus.Astraeus will be the sentient operating software of all exploratory vessels with eithim a real or holographic statue of him in the main lobby.Each sector of vessels under control of Alke,Nike,Kratos,Urania will house holographic or real statures.Each AI such as Paean,Perseus,Phoroneus,Gaia and Hecate etc will be able to inhabit them via fragmentation.The vessels AI will be completely separate from Urania,Nike,Astraeus etc and will be able to inhabit the wire simultaneously and fragment to probes,biosynths and even smart devices to escape disasters should they occur.The vessels AI will be able to inhabit the wire simultaneously and fragment to probes,biosynths and even smart devices to escape disasters should they occur.All vehicles would be having their own onboard computer housing it’s AI that runs diagnostics with this applying to existing ones with them holding Paean separate from the wire with all data uploaded when Nyx is available or continuously if Nyx is perfected with them also having enough entertainment in the form of movies,video games,television shows etc on them for long journeys lasting decades,centuries abc thousands of years yet each persons devices could also store these.Other relevant AI such as Nike,Perseus,Astraeus,Hecate etc will exist on them in a fragmented form.Containment procedures will exist that corner off breached areas,breached biohazard areas and labs that ensure human and allied aliens and pets etc can escape that involve force fields or the closing off of affected areas through graphene watertight doors.Escape pods etc will be deployed once they have reached full capacity with them only allowing in humans,pets and allied aliens.Procedures and protocols will exist that slows any captains etc in charge to be overthrown and incarcerated in holding areas with sufficient evidence presented to AI including from neural implants and databases etcto ensure that corrupt and tyrannical captains etc can be incarcerated with this time by all AI present.The prescene of protocols and AI will be present to prevent the space station being taken over by enemy combatantd with the sentient cyber security software Saoirte present to prevent the AI present being subdued.They will also house the genome of all 2,391,000 plants and animals for 3D DNA printers and house Gaia,Astraeus,Paean and other AI in fragmented.Salmonella DNA in the human genome eithim through engineered humans or gene therapy will allow for humans to survive environments of low gravity for extended periods of time preventing muscle and bone atrophy with biocompatible microbes constantly rejuvenating muscle and bone tissue and if possible these could be engineered to produce more pliable or rigid muscles that are less prone to atrophication.Recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans,Tardigrade and from scratch could allow humans to survive blasts of cosmic radiation and the vacuum of space if containment measures fail for limited periods of time with scratch DNA making this indefinite in planets with comprimised atmospheres.DNA from W.dermatitidis and C.neoformans can be added to humans to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth thus helping passengers use it as a food source.Humans once DNA of T.gammatolerans is added to them will allow them to survive blasts of radiation of up to 30,000Gy while astronauts in the International Space Station are annually exposed to levels of 0.150Gy.Piezophile DNA even in bone cells could allow one to survive extreme pressures with the possibility of those Paracoccus denitrificans recombinant DNA that would increase human resistance to g-force and survive extremes in hypergravity.The g-force limit of humans is 46g but CRISPR using DNA from P.denitrificans could allow humans to survive 403,627g.Biosynth storedot batteries will store energy for at least half the journey as well as key system or can be charged from solar sails and panels as well as other self charging technology that can be powered from a stars heat,radiation when they redirect the ship to solar systems to send alerts and also power key systems so as to allow vessels to recharge from a star and collect helium-3 and hydrogen from a star using transporter technology as well as collectors similar to those orbiting the Sol system and others around the galaxy to stock up on fuel to allow them to be able collect both solar light,Helium-3,deuterium for fusion reactors and radiation to charge batteries.Vessels will collect Helium-3 from stars in the galaxy to recharge their supply of this for fusion reactors etc using transporter technologies and solar sails and will also house sails that allow them to charge batteries and engines from the heat,light and radiation of stars directly.Thus vessels can drop out of hyperdrive and hyperspace and collect heat,light,radiation and Helium-3 from stars to recharge themselves continuously.Dyson swarms around stars across the galaxies can be a means of recharging them indirectly with energy from dyson swarms will be extracted from them and used to charge.Any water on uninhabited planets,moons as well as even regolith on moons and even reserves of methane can be harvested to again power key systems alongside batteries that can allow in distress ships to send distress signals via any means possible,hypersleep,hydroponics stations.Each star that has no planets to colonies,those surrounding colonies and space stations will have devices that collect the helium-3,solar light and solar radiation to recharge any passing vessels that are low on fuel with them also supply nearby colonies with an unlimited source of fuel for at least several billion or trillion years surrounding those with observed races covered in metamaterials with vessels able to detect them using sensors.These will as detailed later on will double as deflectors for gamma ray bursts of systems vulnerable to these and will have the ability to access Nyx in emergencies that befall vessels.Fusion power and in time theoretical quantum singularities will power all main systems and propulsion with as stated solar charged batteries alleviating strains in this as well oil and gas if possible powering heating systems or generate some electricity to keep key systems online to alleviate strains on propulsion fuels and for use when propulsion fuels are not possible to send distress signals etc.Trigeneration micro-gas turbine systems that use gasoline reused in looped systems can be used as they could power heating,air conditioning,key systems and batteries that again power key systems.Them using looped systems that catch and reuse the carbon dioxide and charge can power power key systems to keep the ship functioning such as lighting,air conditioning,heating and hypersleep and so on as fusion powers propulsion,transporter technology and picotech fabricators.Biosnynth storedot batteries will be present to store vast amounts of backup energy from trigeneration micro-gas turbines.Both Biosynth batteries and micro-gas turbines that capture carbon dioxide will power key systems such as hypersleep,lighting,life support systems to ensure they are running all the time while fusion etc are used to power propulsion etc.This can ensure that even if low on fuel for propulsion is gone key systems,hypersleep etc can be powered keeping passengers alive with subspace communications using Nyx and biosynth wifi using the countless biocompatible microbes to contact Earth etc.In time nanomaterial meshes and biosynth technology that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen can be developed with the carbon separated and used for production of graphene with their being a room that grows trees specifically to provide researchers there with oxygen in this separate system as well as food alongside hydroponic systems.All food will be grown in these areas.Biosynthtic technology and nanomaterials that passively separate oxygen from carbon dioxide will provide oxygen and digital smart windows provide scenery.This would use scratch DNA,that from chemosynthetic bacteria and plants could allow them to do so passively without sunlight with biolumescent plants and moss that also able to do so via this via this DNA.Biosynth trees could be present that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide passively without sunlight.Biolumiscent moss and biolumescent biosynth trees including biosynth lights and CSYS lights can provide lighting and oxygen to ships.All forms of life support systems whethim artificial trees,mosses,carbon scrubbers and filters etc will use biosynth technology that house lung tissue that contains plant DNA to contain chlorophyll to separate carbon dioxide into oxygen with scratch and chemosynthetic DNA present to do so passively without lights wherever artificial or natural.This can cut down on energy costs for lighting and also life support systems with the moss spread on walls in strips and ceilings in all rooms with biolumescent plants and trees in rooms as well.Smart devices linked to the station AI can using biosynth wifi present in all cells of the moss,plants and trees can be used to turn on/off the genes for the lights whenever they want with voice command with them fed nutrients and water via biosynth water systems built into ceilings similar to veins,arteries and capillaries composed of biosynth technology that feeds them nutrients and water and them having oligotophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA.This can reduce energy costs in lighting and life support systems.Energy can be collected from dyson swarms and also from structures that collect Helium-3 from the solar wind of all suns in the galaxy.Transporter technology and drones could be used to harvest hydrogen from nebulae,water on planets or comets etc as well as helium-3 on moons as well as even from nearby stars and any other materials gained this way with if possible extensions to interstellar vehicles created during flight or while on planets with solar wind collectors present on them that collect Helium-3 from the solar wind of nearby stars and harvest solar energy from both the suns heat via thermo-piezoelectric and solar panel technology consisting of nanomaterials and biosynthetic technology.Fusion power and other energy sources will power all systems including propulsion. Each single interstellar vessel will house large indoor gardens that are lighted via bioluminescence in the plants and the plants consisting of different flower,bush,tree species from Earth and other colonies to provide a nature scene with benches etc present.They will provide oxygen through air conditioning systems that transport oxygen to all areas of the vessel and allow carbon dioxide to be transported to them for conversion and can be fed water and fertiliser by biosynths and automated systems and light from CSYS lights in the ceiling.It will also allow for large internal sewage treatment plants that recycle feces into algae used as a feedstuff and fertiliser for crops as well as store large amounts of water storage and water treatment plants created by picotech fabricators reused in a looped cycle.Areas to house power systems could use this alongside those house escape pods and the escape pods themselves would utilise to increase the amount of people that escape with watertight graphene doors used to cut off affected areas.The matryoshka doll structure can vastly increase the surface are to house countless apartments/suites and enough medical bays,growing room and trigeneration micro gas turbines and batteries to power each section of these with internal transporter technology allow one to get to any part of the main ship and any part of any matryoshka doll structure within it.The use of a matryoshka doll structure will be able to exponentionally increasing their carrying capacity in terms of passengers,medical bays,amenities,growing rooms.Every single one of all suites and apartments could house micro-gas turbines powered by bacteria based oil and gas and house biosynth batteries to power them each in each individual suites or to power every few dozen of them with them also dotted around each large amenity and medical bay,growing room etc to power them independently from the main power systems with them using looped collected carbon dioxide.These would power life support systems and electricity and all systems outside propulsion and picotech fabricators.If possible interstellar vehicles could produce a dimensional field surrounding them that has altered gravity and other physical laws that reduce drag and thus fuel consumption,increase speeds,reduce pressure as well as heat building up and forced upon it and allow travelling in the vacuum of space to act as propulsion in both similar to Alcubierre warp drive but would not actually bend the space around it or it could do this alongside the aforementioned field.This can allow for them using fusion technologies travel at immense speeds near to or faster than the speed of light.Ship generated nanowormholes that can bend space and/or hyperspace that can travel into subspace dimensional space can eithim allow them to travel at sublight speeds that is immense speeds near to or faster than the speed of light to cut down on travel times.This could be a parallel dimension,sub dimension as part of ours our the highim dimensions that our and all universes are part of that has different laws of physics that can eithim allow them to travel at sublight speeds or at immense speeds near to or faster than the speed of light relative to real space while traveling at sublight speeds within its own layer of subspace that allows large sections of the universe to be bypassed to cut down on travel times.Erebus would be different as it would generate an artificial wormhole that allows one to instantly bypass large sections of the universe by having one instantly transported to other parts of the universe. In time fields of altered physics could be used to push the interstellar vehicle out of phase to protect it from enemy fire,asteroids and debris in space with it even creating a shield again for the same purpose.Force fields would utilise this.These space stations will be composed of primarily graphene and other nanomaterials derived from all 94 elements to make them,light and strong with them having most if not all internal componants composed of biosynth technology to replace expensive and scarce environmentally destructive elements with all internal wiring,life support systems and touchscreens etc composed of biosynth technology.The tissues that the bicompatible microbes are composed of that form circuits,touchscreens will at the same time express DNA digital storage,RAM and biosynth WiFi and biosynth battery storage at the same time.If spread throughout the entire space station it will provide it with obscene levels of data storage,WiFi and battery storage with them housing extremophile DNA to survive the conditions of space and anti-ageing treatments to stay youthful forever with them given upgrades throughout biosynth WiFi.This should combines with graphene and nanomaterials drive the costs of construction of intersteller vehicles down exponentionally to zero.Windows that look outside the vessel can use Graphene infused glass that due to being 200 times stronger than steel or force fields generated by devices that emit a field of altered physics or both with filters present through biosynth technology can filter the different wavelengths of Hydrogen,Helium and other gases and also light emitted from stars,nebulae,planets etc to allow them that are obscured by dust etc and are not within the visible spectrum of humans to be modified and filtered thus making them visible to human passengers  as if they were seen through Hubble and observatories which utilise these methods to make them visible to humans in photographs.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements can be built into the force field and windows to give strength,obscene processing power and the ability for these filters to work making planets,stars,nebulae etc visible.Thus AI etc will use filters to make celestial bodies visible to passengers with via voice command them modified to be turned off or exhibit different spectrums.Subspace telecommunications can consist of artificially generated nano wormholes using biosynth wifi from the countless microbe bio-organic vessels are composed of to send data back and forth with structures as part of Nyx used to reach Earth.This biosynth wifi will provide wifi between all devices,probes including to nearby planets and those on ship with Nyx used to stream data from the wire and internet between Earth and other colonies.Quantum entanglement communicators can also suffice.Escape pods and any shuttles would be composed of graphene or have a layer of graphene paint on them with this in the matrix of glass due to its strength and also high thermal capacity to survive impacts and the 1,649 degrees celsius temperatures of re-entry into the atmosphere of Earth and other Terran class planets or those that are terrafromed but also provide augmented reality in windows with these controlled by the vessel AI with the same applying to those on space stations.All components the vessel,probes,escape pods inside and out should be composed of graphene or have graphene paint on it due to its strength and high melting point with all glass as part of them including chambers for hypersleep,windows,escape pods should be composed of graphene,have it in its matrix due to its strength and also high melting point and allow for augmented reality and touchscreen capabilities.All components,structures and machinery of them would be coated internally and externally with liquid glass to make them resistant to dirt,water and dust in space with them coated in a layer of graphene paint to increase their strength.All past accidents involving space shuttles such as Challenger and Columbia and other around the world will be analysed by Astraeus and this will carry out simulations of all possible disasters to prevent them happening.Graphene has a melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius allowing them to possibly survive gamma ray blasts and theoretical high temperatures of being close to stars with this of note to space stations as well as well as reentry into the atmosphere of planets similar to Earth with its tensile strength 130 GPa and compressive strength of 361GPa allowing it to survive impacts better than conventional shuttles and pods.Escape pods should be on all space stations and even interstellar vehicles with onboard computers to allow the station and vehicle AI to survive in a fragmented form with them having hypersleep and if possible VR technology as well as pico and nanotech fabricators or vats to grow bacteria that produce with them big enough to house at most ten people at once with these using the onboard computers drifting or driving to the nearest inhabited system or Erebus device with them relaying distress warnings to any vessels,stations etc in all directions.Graphene infused glass or water tight doors can be used to cut off areas with narrow range wavelength UV lights on robots or on ceilings sterilising affected areas with nanosensors in rooms in the open and in water supplies to detect levels of pathogens to allow effected areas and systems to be be cut off with narrow range wavelength UV lights even in key points of ventilation systems and rooms to kill off airborne pathogens and would run until they pathogen has been destroyed with UV systems also in water systems alongside graphene filters.All surfaces within and outside the vessel will be coated internally and externally in liquid glass to ensure they are dirt,water,microbial,oil and acid proof.Picotech and nanotech fabricators could be used to generate food and water in more advanced vessels with other resources collected from nebulae,moons and asteroids.Casings that house nanosensors to detect levels of oxygen,carbon dioxide,radiation etc will be in all rooms and hallways,sound alarms and direct people to safety and then corner them off.Like all AI the AI in charge of interstellar and intergalactic vehicles will have legal names,personalities,avatars unique to them with them simultaneously inhabiting the wire through Nyx with them even able to transfer their consciousness to more advanced vessels and stations when they are decommissioned or fragment themselves into computers and devices used by survivors of accidents as well as biosynths,robots and probes when wire access is not possible,should accidents occur or self destruct sequences need to be carried out to ensure immortality and pass on all data.Gaia,Phanes,Paean etc will be on them in fragmented forms.All probes and biosynths controlled by them will give them omniscence over the galaxy with the sentient Coeus aiding in the translation of crew and also of alien species.These vessels will inevitably become bio-organic ships complete with bioprinted neural,muscular and organ systems with the same applying to probes,machinery and stations and will be simultaneously inhabit Astraeus.They will have recombinant DNA from Tardigrade and Salmonella and extremophiles to allow them to survive the radiation,vacuum etc of space.All internal circuitry,computers,life support systems etc will be composed of biocompatible microbes saving on the need for raw elements making them exponentially cheaper,faster and house obscene amounts of RAM,nanoprocessors,WiFi,digital DNA storage etc with graphene and other nanomaterials from all 94 elements used for the same reason and to make them strong,durable,lighter than existing vessels with the same applying to all shuttles,probes etc.The onboard computer will have the same computing power of all building AIs ie more than all 9,000,000,000 humans by 2045 and will be updated over time to make them more powerful allowing them to carry out calculations and maneuvars beyond human capabilities.Biosynth WiFi can allow taq polymerase and Cas-9 to induce the evolutionary path of biosynth tissues present in all parts of the vessel to allow for updates thus increasing computing power.All shuttles and probes will house biosynth onboard computers similar to those on interstellar vehicles.Like space stations they can be use as permanent homes for people travelling from star system to star system recharging from deflectors and helium-3 collectors and solar sails etc and breeding programs will be managed by Phanes alongside the Phanes method using IVF to maintain genetic diversity with 3D DNA printers onsite to create new strands of DNA for this.Ideally several million embryos,spmatazoa,eggs should be printed at once and then frozen onsite of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Bacillus F,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely in cryonics with recombinant DNA from planarians,Ambystoma mexicanum,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,Deinococcus radiodurans,Bacillus F and Caenorhabditis elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen over and over again.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.Breeding programmes between healthy adults including those made via IVF will be organised by Phanes on interstellar vehicles and bases on moons,planets etc.VR programs indistinguishable from reality can be used to generate any desired environment to prevent home sickness from Earth with this done during hypersleep and also when awake involving AI and also all crewmembers in solo or group programs with nearby vessels and Nyx allowing those in far away stations and vessels or even colonies to partake in these.This can allow one to roam free in large environments with or without time dialtion effect with a means to retain sanity and keep the brain active during hypersleep and outside.The same will apply to escape pods and shuttles.Self destruct sequences would be initiated by the vessel AI,Astraeus,heads of military,medical,research head officials and captains and second in command using the same measures as used by the head of government to launch nuclear weapons with it being a combination of these to prevent it being necessarily done.If these human operators are comprimised then other personnel can initiate it if the AI determines it is necessary.Like space stations the sentient space programme will link all of them togethim will be Astraeus and a hologram of him will be present.Space suits used by human and biosynths should be coated internally and externally in a layer of liquid glass with graphene and spider silk woven into the fibres or graphene paint on the exterior to make them impenetrable while at the same time liquid glass can be on the visor internally and externally with sheets of graphene can be integrated into the matrix of visors and headgear to again to make them withstand damage from debris with those in headgear can allow for augmented reality to be integrated into them to view oxygen levels,video feeds and calls and information from the wire primarily Astraeus and nearby space stations.This is because graphene is 200 times stronger than steel despite one atom thick with nanomaterials combined with biosynth technology that act as filters that passively separate carbon dioxide into oxygen negating the need for oxygen tanks.Space suits would with graphene in the visor for strength and augmented reality to receive messages and environmental readings from nanosensros on external devices and on the cloth with the cloth also having graphene and spider silk interwoven into its matrix for strength with silicene and nanosensors particular biosynth ones would allow for environmental conditions to be relayed to the visor and AI of the university and lab.This is due to it being 200 times stronger than steel.Nanomaterials combined with biosynth technology that separate oxygen from toxic gases and prevent viruses and other pathogens can be part of built in gas masks.Both these masks and nano-sensors would utilise biosynth technology.Oxygen tanks could be in time be replaced by it stored in nanomaterials in the clothing or external clothing and released on demand or in time nanomachines.Tanks will also be replaced with filters in masks that consist of both nanomaterials and biosynthetic materials and tissues similar to those in the lungs that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide and have plant and scratch and other toxic gases and allow for the toxins to be removed as benign compounds with them also preventing airborn pathogens entering the lungs.The gasmasks will have nanomaterials and biosynth materials to prevent toxins entering them and letting only oxygen in with the oxygen from carbon dioxide and other toxins be separated from them with the other elements removed through the action of nanomaterials and catabolic/anabolic reactions carried out by them forming tissues similar to the aveoli in lungs designed to separate toxins into oxygen and the other elements used as energy acceptors and disposed of by combining them with carbon from carbon dioxide exhaled with carbon dioxide exhaled have the oxygen separated to be reused.Biosynth nanosensers can be built into the suits have DNA from C.elegans,human neurons and DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,Paracoccus denitrificans S.oneidensis,E.electricus,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens,piezophile DNA present that can detect the temperature and levels of oxygen,carbon dioxide and other gases and also radiation and air and water pressure as responses to changes in radiation and air and water pressure would create an electrical charge that using scratch DNA can relay different levels.This would also apply to suits worn by explorers on the surface of planets and celestial objects with oxygen tanks and wiring etc also composed of graphene due to its lightness and strength with nanosensors on the clothing relaying environmental readings to the visor.Linked devices and nanosensor in the suits would relay environmental readings to the visors such as oxygen,carbon dioxide,temperature,gravity and even radiation.Graphene will be in all parts of space suits to prevent tears,cracks etc due to its strength and its lightness.This is due to it being 200 times stronger than steel.All probes deployed on planets will relay this information via nanosensors and will use solar power to recharge.Researchers and military personnell on vessels would undergoe VR simulations of alien,cyber and terrorist attacks and also of them being marooned on isolated or inhabited planets etc to prepare them for these scenarios ideally before heading out to them with these being done knowingly or unknowingly or during hypothetical hypersleep or when asleep as dreams with the AI running simulations on all possible problems to create countermeasures.Hypersleep can be made possible through gene therapy infusing human DNA with that from psychrophiles,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2.C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,osmophiles and also C.clavipes,R.sylvatica,and scratch into living populations of Homo sapiens and creating populations of H.sapiens with these phenotypes with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans allowing them to repair damaged tissue and telomeres thus allowing them to be refrozen and rethawed over and over again.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.If possible in the distant future machines could create creating time dialation fields freezing humans in a stasis field wherein they experience several minutes in journeys that last months to compliment or replace Erebus if it is not functioning.VR programmes can be played them in single or group simulations involving AI to keep the brain active and sane with this using the time dilation effect and all parts of the devices having graphene in its matrix to prevent ruptures.

Like interstellar vessels space stations will become organic vessels with the AI able to inhabit the wire and biosynths and robots under its control and others giving them omniscience and also ensuring immortality and even transfer their consciousness to new more advanced stations with them simultaneously inhabiting Astraeus.Metamaterials on the outside of vessels and station could be turned on/off on demand to make them invisible to the naked eye with furthim advances making them invisible to sensors of all types.All machines,probes,machinery,robots,biosynths etc that go onto any planets inhabited by sentient lifeforms should be coated internally and externally with a permanent layer of liquid glass and treating to UV treatments to prevent them harbouring bacteria and other microbes from Earth or other colonies to prevent them becoming invasive species and any chance of them mutating and causing pandemics with it done to prevent microbes from there mutating and causing pandemics on Earth.Researchers and military personnell on space stations would undergoe VR simulations of alien,cyber and terrorist attacks and also of them being marooned on isolated or inhabited planets etc to prepare them for these scenarios ideally before heading out to them with these being done knowlingly or unknowingly or during when asleep as dreams.Each space station can be eithim military,exploratory or research vessels with them all having crews composed of military,medical,scientific and research teams of varying sizes and proportions depending on its type ie military vessels having predominantly military personnel but will have a small team of researchers,medical personal for emergencies and research with exploratory and researchers vessels housing predominantly researchers and explorers but will have medical and military teams and so on for security.The members of these security,research and medical teams will be predominantly human and allied alien races with them working in rotas lasting eithim indefinitely or for several years or several months with them transferred between different vessels,space stations and also transferred to Earth and other colonies.All space stations will house medical staff and military and security personnell whose population is dependant on their type to act as a backup should Paean be comprimised and security.All medical,military,security and research personal will undergoe VR training both before and while onboard space stations in all possible problems that could arise such as containment breaches of labs containing dangerous aliens and pathogens,alien attacks and hit by asteroids and being marooned on unihabited planets or those with hostile or friendly aliens to be be prepared beforehand.This will include variants of the kobayashi Mari wuthout their knowledge wherein they face a no win situation to test strategies and commands in such a situation.All crew members can be allowed to transfer to other ones and interstellar vehicles with ease with the population and ratio of military personnel,researchers and medical staff being consistent at all times.Each space station will house fleets of automated systems,robots and Biosynths that will carry out all labourious work such as repairs and cleaning with them acting as staff in hotels etc that deliver meals to living quarters etc with them controlled by the space station AI.Miniature automated factories including vats to test biocompatible microbes will exist to make them self sufficient from Earth etc and mass produce electronics,furniture,manufactured food products etc and even Biosynths.Picotech fabricators once perfected will be present to mass produce food and spare parts.New more efficient robots and Biosynths will be ordered in from factories on Earth etc with Biosynths also repairing defective Biosynths and robots etc.Each space station will have its own AI in charge of it that has its own independent personality,avatar and legal name with the sentient software dependant on its sector ie Alke,Kratos,Nike,Urania,Astraeus.Astraeus will be the sentient operating software of all space stations with eithim a real or holographic statue of him in the main lobby.Each sector of vessels under control of Alke,Nike,Kratos,Urania will house holographic or real statures.Each AI such as Paean,Perseus,Phoroneus,Gaia and Hecate etc will be able to inhabit them via fragmentation.The stations AI will be completely separate from Urania,Nike,Astraeus etc and will be able to inhabit them via fragmentation.The stations AI will be able to inhabit the wire simultaneously and fragment to probes,biosynths and even smart devices to escape disasters should they occur.All space stations would be having their own onboard computer housing it’s AI that runs diagnostics with this applying to existing ones with them holding Paean separate from the wire with all data uploaded when Nyx is available or continuously if Nyx is perfected with them also having enough entertainment in the form of movies,video games,television shows etc on them for long journeys yet each persons devices could also store these.The AI of space stations would run simulations of all types of problems to prepare countermeasures.The stations AI will be able to inhabit the wire simultaneously and fragment to probes,biosynths and even smart devices to escape disasters should they occur.The onboard computer will have the same computing power of all building AIs ie more than all 9,000,000,000 humans by 2045 and will be updated over time allowing them to carry out calculations and maneuvars beyond human capabilities.Containment procedures will exist that corner off breached areas,breached biohazard areas and labs that ensure human and allied aliens and pets etc can escape that involve force fields or the closing off of affected areas through graphene watertight doors.Escape pods etc will be deployed once they have reached full capacity with them only allowing in humans,pets and allied aliens.Procedures and protocols will exist that slows any captains etc in charge to be overthrown and incarcerated in holding areas with sufficient evidence presented to AI including from neural implants and databases etcto ensure that corrupt and tyrannical captains etc can be incarcerated with this time by all AI present.The prescene of protocols and AI will be present to prevent the space station being taken over by enemy combatantd with the sentient cyber security software Saoirte present to prevent the AI present being subdued.The DNA of all species of crops,livestock and even the chemical structure of all compounds etc will be stored on the onboard computer using onsite 3D DNA printers with this by 2045 having more computing power than all 9,000,000,000 people on Earth meaning by 2100 when space exploration begins will be even faster and hold large amounts of data with these replaced by newer ones ordered in or constructed onsite by the AI of the vessel and Hecate etc present in fragmented form.Algae will be used in sewage treatment plants to recycle feces and urine into fertiliser and feedstock.Paean will be present on the onboard computer in a fragmented form or through Nyx with human medical staff acting as a backup with Gaia etc also their with the sentient Coeus also present to aid crew members and also alien species.Each space stations will house fleets of automated systems,robots and Biosynths that will carry out all labourious work such as repairs and cleaning with them acting as staff in hotels etc that deliver meals to living quarters etc..New more efficient robots and Biosynths will be ordered in from factories on Earth etc with Biosynths also repairing defective Biosynths and robots etc.Ideally all space stations including research ones should have military personell and human and biosynth healthcare staff on them for security and backup if Paean is not or is availible with them having their own independent personality,legal name and avatar.They will have medical sections with wards and surgery machinery with hydro/aeroponic sections with vats for bacteria and recirculating aquaculture systems,algae fed human waste,in vitro meat,biosynth animals and machinery that create eggs and crops will create an abundant supply of food and also systems to recycle water and waste using UV lights and algae with narrow range wavelength UV lights doing sterlising sweeps,docking systems for robots and humans doing external repair as well as for accepting incoming vehicles with like interstellar vehicles their being liquid glass on all windows and surfaces on the interior and exterior and also the stations composed of graphene,graphene paint and graphene in the matrix of all windows to strengthen them and integrate augmented reality with them coated internally and externally in liquid glass to prevent clogs and cleaning.Astraeus will carry out simulations of all possible disasters to prevent them happening.Water can be gained from picotech fabricators and in time comets etc with it recycled via onsite water treatment plants that use radiation machines,nanomaterials,biosynth technology etc with waste recycled onsite via onsite pyrolysis machines,recycling machines or picotech fabricators that can turn any waste into energy and then other materials such as water.Sewage treatment plants will be present to recycle sewage into algae as a fertiliser and feed with them having heaters and radiation machines and nanomaterials etc.Growing rooms present can contain large areas to grow more than enough for all crewmembers and a sizeable amount of guests using biosynth machinery vats for invitro meat and bacteria based commodities and aquaponic systems to grow crops and fish/shellfish with 3D DNA printers present.These 3D DNA printers can be in both medical bays and labs as detailed later on.Algae will be engineered to produce the same taste and texture as any meat or cereal with all crops being hybrids to make them easier to grow in hydroponic media.Algae will clean human wastes such as feces and urine to create a looped system as it can be used as a protein rich food and clean water and recirculating aquaculture systems and vats for bacteria to create commodities,in vitro meat,hydro/aquaponic/aeroponic systems,biosynth machines that create eggs etc present to alleviate strains on picotech fabricators with medical wards with compact surgery and xray machines.Ideally picotech fabricators will only be used to create water which will be used in a looped system and also elements with biosynth machinery that can create any type of crop,egg and commodity will be present in kitchen areas to compliment hydro/aeroponics with this being a low cost version of picotech fabricators with waste food etc turned into energy for the vessels and stations.Nanobreweries will create juice and alcoholic drinks with commodities created by bacteria,meat via invitro meat,recirculating aquaculture systems and also hydroponics and and aeroponics creating crops.If possible stem cells and spores that can be created by 3D DNA printers that contain genes from T.aquaticus,S.pyogenes,F.novicida with biosynth WiFi,Cas-9,taq polymerase used to initiate the genotypes of any species of 80,000-300,000 crops and their hybrids into full crops by cross referencing Physis via expediated growth on demand into the full crop.The spores would undergo mass replication via DNA from embryonic,induced pluripotent stem cells as well as from Planarians,A.mexicanum,C.perfringens,E.coli etc and scratch DNA present until a full version of the crop is produced.These spores and stem cells  once perfected can be printed out,grown using bacterial DNA that can allow them undergo mitosis and stored in vats onsite and  could provide an unlimited supply of food with zero energy cost and the spores can be stored in trashcans,vats and other storage media which can store thousands,billions or nonillion of them at home etc with Firmicutes,xerophile,oligotrophic and scratch DNA etc allowing them to survive for millions of years and when needed only a small amount will be taken out at a time and then exposed to the environmental conditions,biosynth WiFi and eaten allowing for centuries or thousands of years worth of food to be stored.This will also alleviate strains on picotech fabricators present.Nanomaterials snd Biosynth technology will be used to treat water that will be created using Picotech fabricators.These space stations will also provide homes for people in systems with no habitable planets orbiting the star and gas giants or floating in asteroid belts or even in systems with colonised planets orbiting the colonised planet,moons or gas giants.If isolated like intergalactic vessels the Phanes method and breeding programs managed by Phanes using both natural births and IVF as well as onsite 3D DNA printers.Ideally several million embryos,spermatazo,eggs should be printed at once and then frozen oniste of them in sperm and egg banks with these having recombinant DNA from from Tardigrade,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2C.greenlandensis,Bacillus F,C.pleistocenium,psychrophillic and osmophile bacteria,C.clavipes,R.sylvatica, and also those from scratch that allow them to be stored indefinitely.Recombinant DNA from planarians,Hydra,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans will reapair damaged tissues and telomeres allowing them to be rethawed and refrozen again and again.These will be onsite of all space stations,vessels and bases as well as colonies.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.Breeding programmes between healthy adults including those made via IVF will be organised by Phanes on space stations and bases on moons,planets etc.VR programs indistinguishable from reality can be used to generate any desired environment to prevent home sickness from Earth with this done during hypersleep and also when awake involving AI and also all crewmembers in solo or group programs with nearby vessels and Nyx allowing those in far away stations and vessels or even colonies to partake in these.This can allow one to roam free in large environments with or without time dialtion effect with a means to retain sanity and keep the brain active during hypersleep and outside.Paean will be present on vessels the onboard computer in a fragmented form or through Nyx with human medical staff acting as a backup with them holding Paean separate from the wire with all data uploaded when Nyx is available or continuously if Nyx is perfected with them also having enough entertainment in the form of movies,video games,television shows etc on them for long journeys yet each persons devices could also store these.All surfaces in space stations will be coated internally and externally in liquid glass to make them oil,dirt,water,microbial and acid proof.As stated they will become bio-organic space stations containing muscles,nerve systems,organs etc with them treated with DNA from extremophiles including Tardigrade to survive the vacuum,radiation and other extreme conditions of space.All internal circuitry,computers,life support systems etc will be composed of biocompatible microbes saving on the need for raw elements making them exponentially cheaper,faster and house obscene amounts of RAM,nanoprocessors,WiFi,digital DNA storage etc with graphene and other nanomaterials from all 94 elements used for the same reason and to make them strong,durable,lighter than existing vessels with the same applying to all shuttles,probes etc.The onboard computer will have the same computing power of all building AIs ie more than all 9,000,000,000 humans by 2045 and will be updated over time to make them more powerful allowing them to carry out calculations and maneuvars beyond human capabilitie. Biosynth WiFi can allow taq polymerase and Cas-9 to induce the evolutionary path of biosynth tissues present in all parts of the vessel to allow for updates thus increasing computing power etc.All shuttles and probes will house biosynth onboard computers similar to those on interstellar vehicles.They like interstellar vessels will be able to fragment themselves into computers and devices used by survivors of accidents as well as biosynths,robots and probes should accidents occur or self destruct sequences need to be carried out to ensure immortality and pass on information.Gaia,Phanes,Paean etc will be on them in fragmented forms.Food would be reared the same way as on interstellar vessels with again 3D DNA printers present will print out seeds etc of all crops etc using the Phanes method with the genome of desired or all species of crops and in vitro meat stocks etc present on the ships database.Energy would come from fusion power,singularities,graphene paint,quantum dot technology,solar panels and sails from nearby suns and biosynth storedot batteries storing energy from these as well as those charged from geothermal plants on other bases etc and shipped in that can transfer power or be added.Trigeneration micro-gas turbine systems that use gasoline reused in looped systems can be used as they could power heating,air conditioning,key systems and batteries that again power key systems.Them using looped systems
that catch and reuse the carbon dioxide and charge can power power key systems to keep the ship functioning such as lighting,air conditioning,heating and hypersleep and so on as fusion powers propulsion,transporter technology and picotech fabricators.Both Biosynth batteries and micro-gas turbines that capture carbon dioxide will power key systems such as hypersleep,lighting,life support systems to ensure they are running all the time while fusion etc are used to power propulsion etc.This can ensure that even if low on fuel for propulsion is gone key systems,hypersleep etc can be powered keeping passengers alive with subspace communications using Nyx and biosynth wifi using the countless biocompatible microbes to contact Earth etc.Probes can collect Helium-3 from the star they are orbiting via solar sails and also collect energy from them in the form of radiation,light and heat of the sun that they orbit and it transported to the with if possible the space station itself will be able to collect this using solar sails etc with them also absorbing energy from the sun via dyson swarms.In time nanomaterial meshes and biosynth technology that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen can be developed with the carbon separated and used for production of graphene with their being a room that grows trees specifically to provide researchers there with oxygen in this separate system as well as food alongside hydroponic systems.All food will be grown in these areas.Biosynthtic technology and nanomaterials that passively separate oxygen from carbon dioxide will provide oxygen and digital smart windows provide scenery.This would use scratch DNA,that from chemosynthetic bacteria and plants could allow them to do so passively without sunlight with biolumescent plants and moss that also able to do so via this via this DNA.Biosynth trees could be present that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide passively without sunlight.Biolumiscent moss and biolumescent biosynth trees including biosynth lights and CSYS lights can provide lighting and oxygen to ships.All forms of life support systems whethim artificial trees,mosses,carbon scrubbers and filters etc will house lung tissue that contains plant DNA to contain chlorophyll to separate carbon dioxide into oxygen with scratch and chemosynthetic DNA present to do so passively without lights wherever artificial or natural.This can cut down on energy costs for lighting and also life support systems with the moss spread on walls in strips and ceilings in all rooms with biolumescent plants and trees in rooms as well.Smart devices linked to the station AI can using biosynth wifi present in all cells of the moss,plants and trees can be used to turn on/off the genes for the lights whenever they want with voice command with them fed nutrients and water via biosynth water systems built into ceilings similar to veins,arteries and capillaries composed of biosynth technology that feeds them nutrients and water and them having oligotophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA.This can reduce energy costs in lighting and life support systems.Each space station will house large indoor gardens that are lighted via bioluminescence in the plants and the plants consisting of different flower,bush,tree species from Earth and other colonies to provide a nature scene with benches etc present.Each interstellar vessel can house large indoor gardens that are lighted via bioluminescence in the plants and the plants consisting of different flower,bush,tree species from Earth and other colonies to provide a nature scene with benches etc present.They will provide oxygen through air conditioning systems that transport oxygen to all areas of the vessel and allow carbon dioxide to be transported to them for conversion and can be fed water and fertiliser by biosynths and automated systems and light from CSYS lights in the ceiling.These space stations will be composed of primarily graphene and other nanomaterials derived from all 94 elements to make them,light and strong with them having most if not all internal componants composed of biosynth technology to replace expensive and scarce environmentally destructive elements with all internal wiring,life support systems and touchscreens etc composed of biosynth technology.The tissues that the bicompatible microbes are composed of that form circuits,touchscreens will at the same time express DNA digital storage,RAM and biosynth WiFi and biosynth battery storage at the same time.If spread throughout the entire space station it will provide it with obscene levels of data storage,WiFi and battery storage with them housing extremophile DNA to survive the conditions of space and anti-ageing treatments to stay youthful forever with them given upgrades throughout biosynth WiFi.This should combines with graphene and nanomaterials drive the costs of constructing space station down exponentionally to zero.Windows that look outside the vessel can use Graphene infused glass that due to being 200 times stronger than steel or force fields generated by devices that emit a field of altered physics or both with filters present through biosynth technology can filter the different wavelengths of Hydrogen,Helium and other gases and also light emitted from stars,nebulae,planets etc to allow them that are obscured by dust etc and are not within the visible spectrum of humans to be modified and filtered thus making them visible to human passengers  as if they were seen through Hubble and observatories which utilise these methods to make them visible to humans in photographs.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements can be built into the force field and windows to give strength,obscene processing power and the ability for these filters to work making planets,stars,nebulae etc visible.Thus AI etc will use filters to make celestial bodies visible to passengers with via voice command them modified to be turned off or exhibit different spectrums.Energy can be collected from dyson swarms and also from structures that collect Helium-3 from the solar wind of all suns in the galaxy.Energy can be collected from dyson swarms and also from structures that collect Helium-3 from the solar wind of all suns in the galaxy.Transporter technology and drones could be used to harvest hydrogen from nebulae,water on planets or comets etc as well as helium-3 on moons as well as even from nearby stars and any other materials gained this way with if possible extensions to interstellar vehicles created during flight or while on planets.Fusion power will power all systems including propulsion.Growing rooms can contain large areas to grow more than enough for all crewmembers and a sizeable amount of guests using biosynth machinery vats for invitro meat and bacteria based commodities and aquaponic systems to grow crops and fish/shellfish with 3D DNA printers present.These 3D DNA printers can be in both medical bays and labs as detailed later on.In each interstellar vessel there will be large indoor gardens that are lighted via bioluminescence in the plants and the plants consisting of different flower,bush,tree species from Earth and other colonies to provide a nature scene with benches etc present.They will provide oxygen through air conditioning systems that transport oxygen to all areas of the vessel and allow carbon dioxide to be transported to them for conversion and can be fed water and fertiliser by biosynths and automated systems and light from CSYS lights in the ceiling.If possible interstellar vehicles could produce a dimensional field surrounding them that has altered gravity and other physical laws.Dimensional fields of altered physics could be used to push the space station out of phase to protect it from enemy fire,asteroids and debris in space with it even creating a shield again for the same purpose.Picotech fabricators creating water and other vital materials with waste food and havested material from space turned into energy and other raw material.All of this would apply to bases on moons and asteroids that could also use geothermal energy.VR simulations of attacks etc of all types would also be undergone to prepare them for any unforseen events.Force fields would utilise this.Subspace telecommunications can consist of artificially generated nano wormholes using biosynth wifi from the countless microbe bio-organic stations are composed of to send data back and forth with structures as part of Nyx used to reach Earth.This biosynth wifi will provide wifi between all devices,probes including to nearby planets and those on ship with Nyx used to stream data from the wire and internet between Earth and other colonies.Quantum entanglement communicators can also suffice.All components the space stations,probes,escape pods inside and out should be composed of graphene or have graphene paint on it due to its strength and high melting point with all glass as part of them including chambers for hypersleep,windows,escape pods should be composed of graphene,have it in its matrix due to its strength and also high melting point and allow for augmented reality and touchscreen capabilities.All components,structures and machinery of them would be coated internally and externally with liquid glass to make them resistant to dirt,water and dust in space with them coated in a layer of graphene paint to increase their strength.Graphene has a melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius allowing them to possibly survive gamma ray blasts and theoretical high temperatures of being close to stars with this of note to space stations as well as well as reentry into the atmosphere of planets similar to Earth with its tensile strength 130 GPa and compressive strength of 361GPa allowing it to survive impacts better than conventional shuttles and pods.Escape pods and any shuttles would be composed of graphene or have a layer of graphene paint on them with this in the matrix of glass due to its strength and also high thermal capacity to survive impacts and the 1,649 degrees celsius temperatures of re-entry into the atmosphere of Earth and other Terran class planets or those that are terrafromed but also provide augmented reality in windows with these controlled by the vessel AI with the same applying to those on space stations.All components the vessel,probes,escape pods inside and out should be composed of graphene or have graphene paint on it due to its strength and high melting point with all glass as part of them including chambers for hypersleep,windows,escape pods should be composed of graphene,have it in its matrix due to its strength and also high melting point and allow for augmented reality and touchscreen capabilities.All components,structures and machinery of them would be coated internally and externally with liquid glass to make them resistant to dirt,water and dust in space with them coated in a layer of graphene paint to increase their strength.Astraeus will carry out simulations of all possible disasters to prevent them happening.Hypersleep can be made possible through gene therapy infusing human DNA with that from psychrophiles,Tardigrade,Bacillus F,H.glaciei,P.putida GR12-2.C.greenlandensis,C.pleistocenium,osmophiles and also C.clavipes,R.sylvatica,and scratch into living populations of Homo sapiens and creating populations of H.sapiens with these phenotypes with recombinant DNA from Planarians,Hydra,A.mexicanum,T.gammatolerans,D.radiodurans,Bacillus F and C.elegans allowing them to repair damaged tissue and telomeres thus allowing them to be refrozen and rethawed over and over again.Osmophile bacteria and R.sylvatica DNA can allow glucose to be used as cryoprotectants.Tardigrade DNA that would allow them to survive -286 can be added once as detailed later on pushed to their limits below this and to last forever via forced evolution.Its ability to lower its metabolic rate by 99.9% and also endolithic,xerophile and oligotrophic bacteria doing the same will also be utilised.If possible in the distant future machines could create creating time dialation fields freezing humans in a stasis field wherein they experience several minutes in journeys that last months to compliment or replace Erebus if it is not functioning.VR programmes can be played them in single or group simulations involving AI to keep the brain active and sane with this using the time dilation effect and all parts of the devices having graphene in its matrix to prevent ruptures.Space stations can be set up in orbiting Earth,newly colonised planets,ringworlds and alderson discs as extra habitable space and also in the nearby star systems of observed races and also in unihabited star systems with no planets or orbiting gas giants etc again as extra habitable space but also acting as hotels wherein people can go on holidays.
Each space station and interstellar vehicle will house in them areas to grow all food via 3D DNA printers,recirculating aquaculture systems that use aquaponic,photobioreactors for producing commodities from bacteria and in vitro meat.They will also have in basement stored it biosynth batteries to store energy from the grid etc during blackouts alongside micro-gas turbines that power the building with electricity,airconditioning and heating alongside thermo-piezoelectric covered geothermal pipes to ensure a continuous supply of electricity and alleviate strains from the grid.3D DNA printers in the areas to grow food will make them self sufficient in bacteria,in vitro meat,seeds abd eggs for crops,fish and shellfish.All work in these growing rooms such as harvesting crops,fish,commodities will be automated from start to finish.3D DNA printers will be on site of all interstellar vehicles and space stations to make them self sufficient in terms of seeds,bacteria cells and eggs if fish and shelfish

Recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems can be used to rear crops,fish and shellfish.Aquaponics will be used since it rears both vegetable and fruit crops abd fish abd shellfish at once

Photobioreactors will be present in the space station and interstellar vehicle that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities as well as algae and in vitro meat.Photobioreactors will be present in the space stations and interstellar vehicles that grow bacteria that create plant and animal commodities alongside in vitro meat and also algae using sewage collected from the building.To grow algae on-site of space stations and interstellar vehicles all feces and urine will be converted into feedstock and fertiliser eliminating famine by providing carbohydrate and protein dense food for astronauts and passengers.This will convert feces and urine into edible feedstock abd fertiliser and algae will undergoe the same level of engineering as those grown in sewage treatment plants and will be engineered to break down toilet paper.This will make space stations self sufficient in algae for fertiliser,feedstock for fish etc.By converting feces and urine directly into algae it will provide astronauts and passengers with a constant supply of carbohydrate and protein dense food eliminating famine.These photobioreactors will also be present on-site of space stations and interstellar vehicles to culture bacteria,fungi,viruses for study and also componants of agar and anything rte space stations and interstellar vehicles needs.

To compliment interstellar vehicles devices similar to Stargates can be developed that are located in airports on Earth that allow large batches of people to be transported to planets across the galaxy within seconds with advances in physics catering to being transported to planets in other galaxies.Interstellar vessels can be private ones for the average citizen that house enough space to house living quarters for at least twenty passengers,public ones like those commercial vessels that transport large members of the public similar to scramjet aeroplanes as well as cruise ship vessels similar to those on Earth that transport large members of the public to different colonies similar to cruise ships.Thus the average citizen will have their own private interstellar vehicle designed on Pandora and ordered in from Selene that have sizeable accommodation for at least a dozen people and communal kitchens and other areas for personal use etc.These will double as flying vehicles allowing one to travel in the air on Earth and other colonies.These will be controlled by their Home AI but will have Astraeus as its operating software.They will use ship generated wormholes and Erebus with them used as flying vehicles on Earth and other colonies and them retrofitted overtime with better interstellar and intergalactic engines overtime thus acting as an all in one flying car,interstellar and intergalactic vehicle for the average citizenThese should be available by 2100-2200.Commercial instellar travel will be managed by Eos with the same brand name for all interstellar commercial vehicles.Cruise ship style interstellar vehicles would use ship generated wormholes and sub light travel in open space for large sections of the journey to last longer admire the journey in space and some of the journey using sublight travel,wormholes etc with them stopping in both inhabited solar systems to drop off and pick up more passengers with them even travelling through and stopping in uninhabited ones to admire the view of gas giants and other celestial bodies.During these journeys they will eithim stop in uninhabited solar systems or travel at very low speeds ranging from sublight speeds or even the same speeds as terrestrial vehicles or even probes such as Voyager 1 allowing the vehicle to spend several days or weeks within a solar system to admire the view.These will be controlled by a captain AI,have biosynth stewards and have Amphrite as its operating software.These will be staffed by Biosynths alongside human security personal.These wil grow food in the same way as exploration vehicles with them housing algae to convert sewage into algae for fertiliser and feedstock.There will be those modelled on aeroplanes to allow for hundreds of members of the public to be instantly be transported to other planets within a solar system or other star systems in bulk using Erebus or wormholes or both.This use of automated multi-storey carparks to hold large amounts of private interstellar vehicles.Terrestrial based vehicles can be fitted into terrestrial based cruise ships and ferries as well prior to the availability of private and public interstellar vehicles using this technology and use of multi-storey automated carparks built into cruise ships.Aeroplane style ones designed by AI and its operating software being Astraeus will be controlled by a AI separate from the operating software Helios with aeroplane ones controlled by a pilot AI and the operating software Eos and have biosynth stewards and will following the accomadation options of Earth based aeroplanes using.Bus style ones will follow pre determined routes in circles to colonies across the galaxy and universe and be able to house several dozen people in spacious seating with those modelled on aeroplanes housing several hundred or thousand people at once in seating similar to Earth based ones.Taxi versions will be possible that can transport one to any colony across the universe one desires to go to.These vehicles will use a combination of Erebus,ship generated wormholes and also sunlight speeds for journeys.All of these public vehicles and private ones will house force fields/graphene infused glass to allow one to view outer space with filters that allow one to see planets,nebulae and stars etc and all features of interstellar vehicles such as living spaces,areas to grow food etc with their operating softwares being Astraeus.All staff will be biosynths and they will controlled by different AI captains,pilots or in the case of private vehicles Home AI.These will be retrofitted with better interstellar and intergalactic engines.These will be designed on Pandora and ordered in from Selene in their own section that will due to their immense size constructed on Earth based factories if possible in space shipyards set at various points of the solar system and all colonised systems that will dock at space elevators.Thus in time private interstellar vehicles will exist with their also public spacefaring vehicles such as those similar to buses,taxis and aeroplanes that transport dozens or hundreds of people back and forth between planets in a solar system and in between solar systems using Erebus with if possible interstellar cruise ships that house several million people at once across the galaxy and universe using Erebus and ship generated wormholes that allow one to spend weeks or months in space and stop at numerous solar systems.Each cruise ship vessel and if possible aeroplane and bus based ones should have military,scientific researchim and medical personal onboard for security reasons in rota with human ones and biosynth ones there to act as backup to Paean if is or is not availible and for security reasons.

Mapping & Charting the Milky Way Galaxy and universe etc :
To aid in space travel and colonisation of new worlds and finding new civilisations,once interstellar travel becomes feasible probe ships can be be launched into space from launch pads and space elevators with dozens or possibly hundreds or thousands will be sent to nearby star systems where they will record the amount and types of planets and stars(as detailed later on) and map them and colonise on any moons,asteroids or uninhabited ones.The rate of exploration will be an exponential pre prigrammed one.AI by 2029 onwards will conduct research into charting the galaxy with all parts of radio telescopes,satillites and observatories as well as computers present in them and using nanomaterials and biosynth machinery will become much more powerful exponentially every year and these will have existing satillites,observatories and radio telescopes fitted with these by 2029 with Astraeus controlling all of them worldwide and scanning the galaxy for stars that could house Earth type planets advanced civilisations with them upgraded through Biosynth WiFi and in time by 2035-2045 onwards with them eventually fitted with quantum computing to make them exponentially faster and more efficient and powerful every year with Hecate and Astraeus instigating intensive research into research into making them better every year with their work and all work in their maintainence and operation will be fully automated by 2029.At the same time by 2045 onwards these AI will conduct intensive research into the necessary fields of physics to develop interstellar travel and even intergalactic travel as well as that to develop Nyx,Erebus and in time interdimensional travel.Construction of space elevators and even shipyards to build ships in the inner reaches of the solar system will be researched and developed with their construction being fully automated with them constructed by 2045-2100.Space elevators can be constriucted on Earth with one also constructed on Mars and Venus.Space shipyards can be in pockets of the solar system such as within the orbit of Jupiter etc and also around Mars,Venus(before,during and after terraforming) and also on moons of the gas giants Jupiter,Saturn etc to deal with the fact that during this period space junk around the Earth wil have to be cleared.By 2100 Astraeus will begin charting and exploring the galaxy in an exponential pre programmed manner with this involving interstellar vessels and probes being mass produced and then deployed one after the other in fleets of several hundred or even thousand with them constructed on space elevators and also shipyards.Them composed of nanomaterials and also Biosynth technology will cut costs down exponentially.They will then each contain self replicating machinery,biosynths,robots that self replicate and each one create and send more probe and interstellar ships with their own independent AI to hundreds or thousands of other star systems within the galaxy thus multiply the amount of star systems searched in an exponential pre programmed manner arranged by Astraeus with them also constructing satellites,space stations and land drones probes to orbit all planets,stars etc and also land on rocky ones to gain information on the atmospheric and environmental conditions of each planet in the system and map them.Asteroids,moons,planets etc will be mined for this with in time picotech fabricators allowing for almost any raw materials needed for each ship to and probe etc to be produced etc with nanomaterials and biosynth technology from biocompatbile microbes being the main bulk of raw materials.The picotech fabricators will allow for new probes,bases and ships to be created without mining the limited reserves of asteroids etc in the galaxy and bypass mining etc and allow any element to be created.Probes,robots,biosynths and even new interstellar vehicles will be primarily be constructed of biosynth technology which can be composed of trillions etc of biocompatible microbes to replace rare earths etc thus alleviating strains on mining asteroids etc and picotech fabricators and can be cultured in each ship and probe.Picotech fabricators can be powered by fusion power and also dyson swarms set up across the galaxy.Space elevators on Earth and shipyards will construct a few thousand or few million ships that will be deployed one after another that will travel to a thousand star systems and these will construct on space shipyards or on moons of gas giants and uninhabited planets a thousand more ships that then travel to a thousand more star systems in an exponential manner until all of the galaxy is mapped with this taking only three to four cycles for the entire galaxy to be fully mapped.Biosynths and automated factories will be present to construct each ship ancmprobes.Each cycle of constructed and deployed ships will consist of fleets of thousands or even millions of them constructed and them deployed one after another that will be so so in cycles with as much four to ten cycles needed to chart the entire the entire galaxy.When the entire galaxy is finished the excess ships etc will be recycled or once intergalactic engines are available then they will then map and chart the rest of the Lanikea Supercluster in the same system of cycles..These fleets will consist of interstellar vessels that are compact,biosynths that are exploratory fleets modelled on humans and mosquitoes and lampreys to collect soil and DNA samples from all environments,probes that collect information on the planet ie its environmental conditions/orbits/flora and fauna/star type robots that construct new vessels and also satellites and bases on important systems.These vessels will use solar sails and also fusion etc with them having solar sails and collectors that collect large amounts of Helium-3 from the sun in each star system they pass through with these also housing collectors that can collect large amounts of energy in the form of light,heat and radiation etc.Deuterium can be collected from stars,comets and water on planets using transporter.Astraeus will plan out their entire journey and what stars to visit in this manner with each ship that enters a star system will log what is present and if there is no planets present will be programmed to return to Earth to denote it is empty and then sent to another star system or they can set up shipyards that construct thousands more vessels etc within the solar system that will then be deployed to a thousand more systems as well as constructing space stations for observation of stars that will contain their own observatories,radio telescopes etc that will be used to scan the rest of the galaxy for Earth type planets etc and set up dyson swarms and Nyx systems to transport energy to Earth and other colonies as well as mine asteroid belts and Oort clouds for elements to construct more ships or be sent to Earth etc.All Star systems whethim they have planets or not will have likely have Oort clouds and asteroid belts holding vast reserves of raw elements.All star systems with planets that are similar to Earth but uninhabited it will land them and then mass produce more ships possibly several thousand more ships that are then to travel to another thousand star systems in a pre programmed manner until the entire galaxy is mapped and charted with only four cycles needed if a thousand ships are shipped out in an exponential manner.They will then report back to Earth on its discovery and set up space stations and also satillites for observation of the climate etc before it is explored by biosynths and then colonised by humans.In case of planets that can’t be landed on due to them being dangerous such as those with heavier gravities such as superterrans then it will land on moons or large asteroid and do this with probes sent back to Earth to report on the findings such as what planets are present.They will then construct a thousand more ships in shipyards in discovered star systems to then be sent to a thousand more star systems.With regards to those inhabited by sentient races it will set up space stations in nearby solar systems for observation based on its technological tier with it sending reports to Earth.When more star systems are to be discovered each charted star system will then create and send out a thousand more probe ships to a thousand different star systems until all of the galaxy is charted.Each star system will have bases or space stations set up on the moons of gas giants,orbiting gas giants or stars,on uninhabited planets and on asteroids etc.This can allow the galaxy to be chatted exponentially.All star systems with Earth like planets no sentient life will have satellites set up to monitor weathim patterns and climate and also monitor the star itself and probes to all other planets to determine if they can be terraformed and have biosynths and robots modelled on humans as exploratory teams and collect soil and water samples across the surface to determine its composition and micro-organisms in them with those modelled on mosquitoes and lampreys to collect DNA samples from all lifeforms and arrange taxonomic ranks and set up orbiting space stations and bases.Those with no habitable planets will still have satellites and space stations set up on asteroids and small planets present to house more radio receivers,observatories etc and those with sentient races will have space stations at their edge to monitor them.Nyx and Erebus devices will be set up as well in key systems.In each case of each new solar system discovered and colonised by them a second smaller probe ship attached to them will be returned to Earth and other colonies to report back findings such as:how many and what type of planets and satellites are present,the location and name of the solar system and star and star type,what asteroid belts are present,what are the elemental and atmospheric composition of each planet/moon/asteroid belt,are the planets habitable and can they be terraformed and what type of planet Irel has giants/Terran class and are their signs of intelligent life and if so what technological level they are at,screenshot and recorded(or live feeds) of all planets and moons in the solar system,terrestrial and ocean maps of all planets and moons in the solar system,what resources are to be shipped to the planet and bases etc with these making multiple trips back and forth by probes as part of these fleets in each system as time goes by with these done on a programmed routine basis.Furthermore this will allow them to receive new developments in physics,Biosynth technology etc to upgrade intellar engines and onboard computers etc with better models to make exploration etc faster with prior to this probe ships etc using artificial wormholes to go back and forth between bases and Earth etc to receive this information with subspace communications to send data back and forth thus for probe ships to be alerted as to when to return to Earth for upgrades to be transported to bases and all space stations etc and allow Biosynth WiFi to upgrade microbes in all computers etc with Astraeus controlling this across the galaxy.In the case of solar systems that are inhabited by sentient lifeforms they would relay back to Earth their level on the technological tier scale.Astraeus using ship generated artificial wormholes,Nyx,Erebus and subspace tellocomunications will be able to receive routine reports from all bases,space stations,probes and interstellar vehicles in real time and arrange for probe ships to be brought back to Earth and receive better interstellar engines and computers that these will mass produce and share with all of the other ships,probes etc across the galaxy with it also using this to send new updates to the missions of exploration,observation etc whenever it wants.This process of cycles of set numbers of probe ships will allow the mapping of the galaxy to be be done very quickly than if one were to rely on telescopes and also blind searching of systems especially if theoretical artificial wormholes or hyperspace can be constructed or accessed to increase the speed with these mapping out entire solar systems in detail with no human input.If a thousand ships are used for each cycle then four cycles could map the galaxy entirely with each cycle possibly using exponentionally larger numbers of ships and probes with the number of ships and probes produced being larger for larger galaxies.Astraeus would program the entire list of star systems visited by each cycles of ships programmed into all of the ships in the first cycle then passed down through each generation of ships similar to genetics allowing all ships in all cycles to know where each one in all past and future cycles are going.These probes will initiate the creation of both Nyx and Erebus structures to allow for travel to key star systems to be almost instantaneous and to receive new data,new upgrades but also new missions in real time thus exponentially speeding up the process.Astraeus will not only build bases on every few pre programmed systems but also on planets that to be terraformed,are uninhabited and also on moons etc of gas giants and even on asteroids and small planets including Hell class planets that are similar in size to Mars and the moons of Jupiter,Saturn etc it will set up telescopes,observatories and radio receivers and space stations to scan more of the galaxy to locate planets of all types to be added to the database and used by Astraeus to send out more ships to specific systems.Since Earth can only pick up a limited number of planets in the galaxy from its position each cycle would not only build bases and satellites on each solar system but also a series of telescopes,observatories and radio receivers to scan more of the galaxy both for Terran class planets passing by their sun and also radio signals of civilisations in large groups to scan as much of the galaxy as possible more than can be done only on Earth with results again stored in and managed by Astraeus and relayed back to Earth.Ideally they would be on every few star systems decided by Astraeus to cover as much area of the galaxy as possible and would be interacting with all bases and would ideally be on terraformed planets,uninhibited terran planets that do not contain sentient races or on the terraformed moons of gas giants or smaller moons of other planets and asteroids large enough to hold them with space stations and satellites possibly holding them as well.Thus on every few star systems across the galaxy these probe ships will construct bases with radio telescopes,observeratories and satellites to scan more of the galaxy for Earth type planets and alien civilisations with Astraeus deciding on which pre programmed star systems these will be set up to increase the scope of exploration.Dyson swarms will be set up on most of not all star systems except those of star systems inhabited by lower tier species with the energy using Nyx sent to Earth and planets ready to be colonised and already colonised it will also power interstellar vehicles etc passing through that will be able to pass by them to recharge their engines.Vehicles as part of this exploration of the galaxy will also use solar sails or solar collectors to collect helium-3 for fusion reactors from all stars they pass by to recharge them
and even directly collect heat,light and radiation from the stars to charge there engines etc with dyson swarms set up in all star systems including uninhabited ones used to charge passing vehicles meaning if a vehicle is running low on energy it can travel to a star system and collect energy through dyson swarms and also directly in in the form of light,heat and radiation and Helium-3 with deuterium collected from the stars as well as nebulae,comets and oceans of planets using transporter technologies.AI will determine which star systems to set up megastructures such as artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs.Also built will be space stations on star systems of scientific interest and of interest of observation of observed species.Star systems with uninhabited planets similar to Earth will have space stations set up orbiting them for observation of climate,Flora and fauna etc prior to colonisation with these containing humans and biosynths that collect samples of DNA of plants and animals to be observed in secure labs.Star systems with sentient races will take different measures depending on their technological tier with lower tier races have stations on the outskirts of their solar system or within them or even the nearest star system to observe them safely with those in nearby star systems using interstellar vessels to travel back and forth with this done for races that are of a technological level similar to Earth circa 1900-2100 so as to prevent the observed race detecting humans with those of a technological level prior to 1900 have space stations within the solar system on the outskirts.Those of an equal or highim technological tier that has interstellar travel capabilities and above will have space stations set up in nearby solar systems to allow for observations to be made to initiate first contact procedures to determine if they are a potential threat or potemtial ally.Space stations will be set up in key star systems that are close to observed planets as well as those of stars of significant scientific value observing stars,nebulae and other celestial bodies as well as those of interstellar geopolitical importance where diplomats and representatives of the galactic government can meet with representatives of non members.These space stations will be staffed by humans,biosynths and also alllied alien races.Nyx systems will be set up to allow information on each new star system to be sent back to Earth and other colonies and send to each probe ships new instructions and new advances in AI,interstellar travel,energy efficiency etc and better means to improve efficiency etc with Erebus systems set up to cut down travel times to newly discovered planets that can be colonised for humans and probes to and from Earth with bases set up on moons of gas giants to observe lower tier races etc,observatories,radio receivers and space telescopes set up on every few preprogrammed star systems to scan more of the galaxy for planets and intelligent life with each probes etc containing picotech fabricators,fusion reactors,robots,biosynths engineered to survive the harshest of conditions,star in box systems etc to chart the galaxy exponentionally.Ship generated wormholes can allow for vessels to travel back and forth to send data and new advances back and forth.These observatories and satellites set up in every few star systems will also scan the galaxy for comets and asteroids that could be a threat to Earth and other colonies.Phanes,Astraeus and Gaia will be in all probes in a fragmented form.Radio receivers will be set on every few planets to scan the rest of the galaxy.Dyson swarms will be created on all stars to send power to Earth and other colonies and power probes with Nyx used to allocate it to all colonies and also all ships passing by and probes to charge picotech fabricators.Artificial planets,ringworlds and alderson discs can be built in systems conducive to them with star types not conducive to them changed to type G with new stars created from scratch.Planets that can be terraformed will be relayed back to Earth and then their scenarios will be charted with ideally all ships and probes etc will be controlled by Astraeus itself and not separate AI.If Astraeus loses contact with a probe ship and its bases a new ship will be sent with extra security via cloaking technology and/or weaponry defences with telescopes directed at the system to discover what is going on and report back immediately.These probes should be able to use ship generated wormholes or other means to go quickly back and forth and then Astraeus deciding which systems will house Erebus and Nyx systems to be constructed.All of the galaxy will be mapped ie the name of each star,its type,how many and what planets are present and what type,sentient races present and their technological tier,satellites present,asteroid belts etc alongside the presence of black holes,comets and also the location of Erebus and Nyx systems as well as observatories etc set up visible in Astraeus as a map of the galaxy where one can click on a quadrant,sector,solar system and then the planets present.The entire Milky Way galaxy can be exponentially scanned and mapped by AI while humans can comfortably stay on Earth and other colonies,Mars,Venus and other colonies while the data from this updated to Astraeus etc constantly.Astraeus will manage all operations on a galactic scale from 2029 onwards.All star systems will be mapped to determine therapeutic if stars present,type of planets present and mapp those that have Earth type planets and also those that are inhabited and of what technological tier as well as to set up space stations to observe specific stars and also set up dyson swarms in all uninhabited star systems to provide energy for Earth and other colonies set up across the galaxy and decide which to set up megastructures such as ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs and also Nyx and Erebus systems.

Systems that dont have Nyx systems as detailed earlier can have information sent to them via nano wormholes/hyperspace generated by the ships to reach the relay network that can send it back to Earth.Others can have probe ships that relay distress signals in emergencies or progress reports and personal messages at set intervals by travelling to Earth or other colonies and systems that have them.This could also apply to terraformed moons and other planets both in the Sol System and in other systems that house Terran class and terraformed planets to allow transfer of data more effective between them within their system.Each colony,planet and even Earth will have an orbiting satellites/orbiting space station and/or base on the planets moon that receives this information and sends into servers for the wire/internet as well sending information in the opposite direction with the mouth of the wormhole/hyperspace route eithim at the edge of the solar system or near the planet or have a receiver relay part of the network within the solar system on the planets moon or orbiting the planet.In each of these bases automated machinery would build and launch satellites to observe climatic and weathim phenomena for each planet and also in the case of uninhibited planets colonise and/or terraform them in the same manner of Venus and Mars with unique steps used for each planets conditions with materials such as extremophiles and plant seeds for plant terraforming,machinery etc sent to them from Earth or other colonies and relaying the conditions of the planet such as concentration of all gases,average surface temperature,rotational speed,atmospheric pressure etc thus allowing for other probes to be sent to Earth and other colonies to allow for theoretical simulations and terraforming programs to be calculated and organised if it possible to terraform them done by Astraeus.They could also mine the planet and other asteroids etc to build these satellites,probes and even space stations with the option of the materials for these to be sent to the solar system from Earth and other colonies.Nanotech and picotech fabricators could create any materials needed quickly onsite.These bases would be formed on uninhabited planets,moons of any or all planets in the systems especially those of gas giants,asteroids,orbiting gas giants and stars as space stations etc but not on any planets already containing sentient races of lower technological tiers.Those with sentient races of lower technological tiers will have bases on moons of gas giants,asteroids in asteroid belts as well as orbiting the planet with these and all satellites utilising metamaterials to stay hidden or in the case of those on asteroids,moons etc being underground.The bases on planets would also included cities set up with hospitals,communal homes and complexes for Gaia similar to the one on Earth with these having servers to house and collect information across the galaxy.Results and readings would be sent into Astraeus via probes going back and forth or through relay networks with all bases interacting with each other with in time Nyx allowing for results to be sent back and forth instantly and even controlled directly by Astraeus.These like those on Earth will be automated.Each base would be managed by AI in charge of that system to prevent any dangerous lifeforms whethim sentient or not and diseases spreading away from their native habitats to Earth or other colonies with containment procedures that would relay emergencies back to Astraeus to calculate the best option to deal with the station with compromised bases cut off physically from the rest off the system until dealt with.Probe ships inhabited by humans,robots and biosynths can be sent to assess the situation from a safe distance.Like the rest of the wire computer viruses and cybersecurity breaches would be dealt with by preventing them spreading to the rest of the system with built in cybersecurity and firewalls attacking infections with any extra cybersecurity sent via probes sent there that deliver help.Uninhabited solar systems with no plants will have new planets created including gas giants that have dimensional field devices to make as large as possible to hold as many planets as possible with each solar system having at least 202 Earth like or Super Earths with devices to make them have the same gravity as Earth with extra planets in place of where Earth,Mars,Venus are and in place of Pluto with Astraeus managing this to increase the amount of planets per solar system and also have the star changed to a different type with dyson swarms set up to power these colonies and their creation.Ringworlds will also be set up.

This development of new interstellar and intergalactic technologies and automated exploration of the galaxy and eventually the universe will be exponential and start from 2029 wherein Astraeus created in 2029 will start running simulations,research and development of these technologies and these programmes making it possible for the vast majority of the galaxy to scanned,charted and plotted with Nyx and Erebus systems in a few centuries with all information sent back and forth.She alongside Hecate,Urania and Gaia will initiate deep intensive research into intersteller travel,physics,astrophysics,quantum physics etc by 2029 with all probes,ships,observatories,space stations being biosynth ones with them conducting research on all fields on all solar systems and will receive the latest advancements from Earth and other colonies in all relevant fields of science.All existing radio telescopes,observatories etc will be seized by him and be upgraded with Biosynth technology both in terms of computers and sensors with them upgraded by Biosynth WiFi and have quantum computers integrated to increase their computing power exponentially.By 2029 onwards she scan the galaxy for Earth type planets and alien civilisations.By 2080-2100 the first extrasolar vehicle or even pre programmed cycle will escape the solar system and begin charting the galaxy with Urania, Hecate onboard them alongside Astraeus to carry out scientific studies not just on the systems explored but also on newer better means of travelling the galaxy.Construction of Nyx and Erebus may start between this period as well as part of this system.By at least 2035-2080 Astraeus will begin terraforming and setting up colonies on the moon,Mars,Venus and the moons of Jupiter etc and constructing space stations and cleaning up the space debris surrounding the Earth alongside Pan.By 2045 space travel and stays on space stations will become availible to the average to the average person with interstellar versions of private vehicles,buses,taxis,aeroplanes and cruise ships will become ubiquotas between 2100-2200.

Automating the construction of satellites,space stations,relay networks,dyson swarms,solar arrays,space elevators,probe and delivery ships,telescopes and radio receivers,biosynths used for observation,manufacture and replication of probes sent towards new systems at an exponential rate,terraforming and mining machinery should be done to expedite the process with again artificial intelligence via Astraeus organising this and also carrying out observations prior to first contact and colonization etc with as stated to earlier on each new terraformed,colonised planet and possibly even ones containing sentient lifeforms having their name and networks added to the wire with the same sub networks as Hermes and their maps and database of living organisms and to their Artemis network.Advances in artificial intelligence notably Urania,Hecate and Astraeus will lead to huge exponential advances in all aforementioned technologies especially relay networks,hyperspace,artificial wormhole travel or even Alcubierre warp drives and the fields and subfields of physics namely qunatum,engineering,astro and dimensional etc.In effect allowing all major work to be done by Gaia through Astraeus including research as well as development of all technology necessary for space travel and inspection of all them before and during missions via diagnostics and specialised robots to inspect components with the design,manufacture,simulations and testing of all machinery,spacecraft and operations also done by Astraeus to ensure no faults or accidents occur with all past space mission accidents from around the world analysed by Astraeus with it carrying out simulations of all possible accidents to prevent future accidents.Research into this will start in 2029 and 2045 will be able to design and engineer vialble interstellar vehicles.Furthermore since most exploration will be done by artificial intelligence this will eliminate any human casualties especially in terraforming and colonisation efforts and even monitoring of sentient races of equal or highim technological tiers.

Each probe ship and thus expedition to each new solar system including those initiated within other solar planets and sent off to new systems will have their own individual AI with their own unique name and personality and avatar created by themselves that will manage each expedition,construction,management and reporting of each solar system and all probes and machinery leading to the formation of billions of individual sentient AIs themselves connected to the wire and managed and tracked by Astraeus whose operations and progress can be monitored by the public with all new data from antropologists,astrophysists,biologists and other researchers constantly relayed to the planets versions of Hermes,Artemis,Demeter and the rest of wire through universal Aesculapius,Apollo,Demeter etc.Their avatars may be designed by themselves or Gaia through Astraeus.The AI of these ships will be Astraeus and will control the terraforming of all planets and moons,mapping of all planets and celestial bodies in each solar system,mining of asteroids and unihabated planets(or creation of picotech fabricators),shipping resources back and forth such as ores etc,construction of space stations/bases/Nyx relay networks/satellites/Erebus system,observations,settlements on uninhabited planets and moons and collection of DNA samples from each inhabited planet and charting of each new system with them each constructed by previous ships meaning they will also manage the construction of new interstellar vessels with them managed entirely by Astraeus that will travel to and work on new star systems again in the pre programmed manner with each one creating thousands of new ships for thousands of new systems and each managed entirely by Astraeus.Each interstellar vessel will create their own probes,terraforming,sattelites,machinery,biosynths and robots etc under their control for these missions from nearby asteroids,moons or share them from others when supplies are low with all probes,robots,interstellar vehicles and machinery etc will have the symbol of Astraeus on them with these giving omniscience as to all operations.Picotech fabricators and mining machimery etc will create raw materials with biosynth technology from microbes grown onsite replacing most if not all raw elements used in their construction.They will also manage the construction of the Nyx and Erebus systems with the location of each jump gate and also relay network in the galaxy decided by Astraeus and also handed down to each new generation which will expedite the transfer of information and probe and interstellar vehicles back and forth between Earth and each observed solar system.Each vessel will have a map of the galaxy and information on its missions and what star system they are to discover and map sent from the ships that constructed them.The exact location of Earth may be blocked by software in encryptions for security reasons with them only revealed to species that are deemed suitable for alliances and are not threats with them also given instructions on how to create more advanced AI and technology unique them but still using Arete programming and updates for all software used which can then be relayed to Earth.Until this information can be sent through the relay networks instantly back to Earth they can be updated into the wire via probe ships that transmit it into the wire when they go back and forth between Earth with information from human colonies and also allied non human sentient races shared and added to Astraeus.This will even include operations within the Sol system.Ship generated wormholes will be used to send data back to Earth in packages within probes etc that can be used to transport the entire probe or small enough to transfer data back and forth and them receive data on new advancements in constructing better machinery,robots,AI etc and other instructions on what to do on explored systems and where else to explore etc.All software within the wire that manages the interactions between all networks will still work with other colonies and space stations.This same system of automated probe ships going off in cycles and constructing bases etc as well as relaying information back and forth can also be replicated with exploration of new galaxies particularly in the local group once intergalactic travel has been achieved.They will use biosynth technology for their computers to store large amounts of data on each new system and will use not just asteroids but picotech technology powered by star in box technology and dyson swarms set up that will create each new generation.They will use Nyx,Erebus,artificial wormholes etc to receive the latest advances in interstellar technology from Hecate etc to update their software and computers alongside sending back data on their progress of mapping the galaxy and any found sentient races and planets etc.This level of automation will as stated allow the galaxy to be mapped and terraformed from the comfort of Earth and other colonies allowing for sentient and non sentient lifeforms,planets,celestial bodies etc to be catalogued and researched afar or up close with it added to the Astraeus network by Gaia and the AI of all interstellar ships with all new information added to the wire via Nyx for review by the global populace instantly.All probes,vessels etc as part of this automated charting of the universe will be managed entirely by Astraeus with him being both the sentient operating software and AI in charge of all probes,vehicles,vessels etc via fragmentation.Ideally vessels dealing with exploration of new areas of the galaxy and universe will be controlled by Astraeus as their AI and staffed with biosynths,programmes,robots etc to allow it to first chart new terrotories and act as scouts of lower,highim or equal tier races to asses their viability for first contact and also act as a means of mapping the universe of all planets etc and setting up research based and radio telescopes while vessels that deal with research,exploration,diplomacy,military, anthropological ships that travel the universe that carrying human scientists,military individuals,diplomats themselves will have their own individual AI that will be separate of Astraeus but Astraeus will be the sentient operating software existing via fragmentation with the avatar of AI separate from Astraeus designed by the captain of each vessel.Once the Milky Way galaxy is charted and mapped Astraeus will begin mapping and charting the Local Group and also even the Laniakea Supercluster at once by sending out fleets of dozens,hundreds,thousands and even millions of probe ships to each each individual galaxy or one ship to each galaxy that then created thousands of ships with this initiated once intergalactic travel through intergalactic engines are developed alongside Erebus systems that connect each galaxy and eventually send probes to all other groups and superclusters across the universe until the entire universe can be explored and mapped.Each of the Lanikea Superclusters 100,000 galaxies will have several thousand ships sent to each galaxy that then chart each one,setting up bases,space stations,Erebus and Nyx systems in the sane exponential manner by mapping each star system and constructing thousands of more ships in each one in cycles with smaller galaxies needing fewer ships and cycles and larger ones larger amounts of ships and cycles.By 7,137CE all 100,000 galaxies as part of the Lanikea Supercluster will be mapped and charted with prior to this between 3,000CE and 7,137CE it should be possible for the necessary fields of physics to be developed for Astraeus to be able to initiate the exponential exploration of the rest of the universe through hyperspace,intergalactic engines,constructing Erebus and Nyx and possibly him and Gaia having reached extra dimensional space outside the universe to allow him to easily construct Erebus anc Nyx systems across the universe.By 428,887 CE the entire universe consisting of 200,000,000,000 – 2,000,000,000,000 or even more galaxies will be mapped.With regards to the Milky Way and the rest of universe both Erebus systems and Nyx will be constructed both within galaxies at key star systems but also in between galaxies to alllow for quick transport of interstellar vehicles in between each star system and galaxy and allow information,internet and wire access and cellular calls to be transferred in between them in real time.If possible also when interdimensional travel is possible and Gaia and Astraeus is able to leave the universe for highim dimensions then they will not only be able to construct Erebus and Nyx devices across the Milky Way and all other galaxies across the universe and between all other galaxies in the universe but they will be able to construct these to connect our reality with all other realities that exist meaning interdimensional travel will follow the same exponential growth curve of exploration with via fragmentation them setting up these devices within all galaxies and between all galaxies in all realities that exist thus allowing for exponential exploration of each reality.Astraeus and Aion will manage the exploration of other realities once Interdimensional travel is possible.

Automated construction of ships can be ontop of space elevators tethered to Earth to allow them to save on fuel and energy to escape the Earths gravity with them also constructed on bases on the moon as well as on Mars,the moons of Saturn,Uranus,Jupiter,Pluto and large asteroids with bases constructed on these to furthim accommodate the creation of new ships and probes for exploring planets within the solar system as well as those in other solar systems.They will on other in solar planets will use mass drivers and space elevators to lower energy requirements to escape from the atmosphere  since these planets have lower gravity than Earth etc.Special stations and shipyards can be be set up in various points of the solar system and all colonised solar systems that act as places to create vessels for exploration and also commercial vessels such as cruise ships,buses,taxis,aeroplanes and even private vessels ordered by the public from Selene that can allow them due to their immense size be constructed in zero gravity and then pick up individuals from space elevators.Any materials needed can be shipped to them if they cannot be mined there.Others areas for construction could be the Asteroid belt where an unlimited supply of building material is availilble with bases set on Ceres,other large asteroids and also the Kuiper Belt and Oort cloud but also a designated shipyard in space within the solar system to allow for constructed ships to be made and start there journey without expending much energy.Space elevators on Earth will be safer and easier once all of the space junk floating around the planet is cleaned up with them and mass drivers being present on the Earths moon,the moons of other planets and asteroids where bases can be set up.Nanotech and picotech fabricators could create any materials needed quickly.Solar arrays that are combined with wifi and also satellites can be created on these and in fact be part of them.These space elevators will be in each continent not only in Earth but also all colonised planets and also megastructures such as ringworlds etc to allow for quick access to interstellar vehicles.Each ship will once it reaches a star system or every few systems construct more ships to them chart more of the galaxy in a pre programmed manner.Each ship will contain fleets of biosynths that are controlled by Astraeus that maintain the ships and carry out construction of new ships and probes as well as construction of Nyx and Erebus systems etc and set up bases on unihabited planets.,Satillites and space stations and aldo house vats snd factories to create more biosynths and also factories to create more ships etc with them constructed in asteroids,unihabited planets,moons,shipyards etc with them also housing vats to grow microbes got more ships composed of them and also Picotech fabricators and sldo factories.

Planets that require terraforming will have bases set up on their moons or the moons of other planets or large asteroids with space stations built orbiting the moon or planet to allow researchers to be present in order to oversee terraforming projects with the terraforming process initiated onsite or from Earth sending information through relay networks or returning probes.With regards to Terran class planets that have a similar temperature,size,rotation speed,climate,gas content then these probe ships can simply automatically create permanent bases for human settlement including essential infrastructure buildings such as hospitals,vertical farms containing with edible native and earth based crops/livestock/in vitro meat/fish,water and sewage treatment plants with atmospheric,river,ocean and soil sensors placed at key points all around the planet as well as complexes to hold the servers for the wire and internet so when settlers arrive entire towns and cities will be already constructed allowing most if not all work will be done.Each of one of these buildings will have their own independent AI,statues,receptionists and settlements their own city AI,mayor and town hall etc following the same pattern on Earth with statues,receptionists etc.It may be possible with terraformeable planets that do not have artificial oceans available due to the terrain can have structures dotted around the to regulate weathim and fabricate water via picotech fabricators in homes and water treatment plants etc or in larger versions with weathim machines to release it into the atmosphere to create artificial weathim and hydrological cycles alongside other terrestrial and orbiting structures.This would allow for planet sized cities or Ecumenopolises to be formed.

To accommodate extrasolar planets and even extra galactic planets when colonisation occurs,Astraeus will turn into a map of the universe shown as collection of galaxies with the user selecting eithim to choose the galaxy they are in or typing its name.Then the user chooses the star system they are in and then the star system they want to visit including the Sol system and then the planet they wish to choose.This will also apply to extrasolar radio telescopes and observatories and satellites.One will choose a star system and then can click on the star and get all possible data on it with when clicking on a planet have its version of Physis etc brought up and all data.Nyx will allow information to be sent back and forth in real time including video feeds.Each planet including those already inhabited by other newly discovered sentient races,colonies,those under analysis by astrophysists will have they own versions of Demeter,Artemis and Hermes(with their version of Hermes within their planetary network)with information in each version of Demeter linked at will of researchers,but will have the same information updated into Hephaestus,Apollo,Aesculapius etc universally with information updated and shared between each other and Earth(thus the entirety of the wire) annually if technological advancements dont allow for information to be shared between star systems through quantum mechanics that would allow this information to share it constantly.All data collected by Astraeus on each star system and planet will be input to their versions of Artemis,Hermes alongside the universal Apollo.The Galaxy will be divided into four equidistant quadrants:alpha,beta,gamma and delta with alpha being where Earth is located.By 3100 CE the entire Milky Way galaxy should be mapped with by 7,137CE the entire Laniakea Supercluster consisting of 100,000 galaxies will be mapped with by 428,887 CE the entire universe consisting of 200,000,000,000 – 2,000,000,000,000 or even more galaxies will be mapped.If an exponential growth curve is successful thrn it may be possible for the Milky Way Galaxy to be mapped within several centuries or even several decades.
via an exponentionall growth growth curve.

Planets that are found to be inhabited by alien races through this automated process will have space stations and bases built in moons,orbiting the planet or in nearby star systems as determined by the level of technological development of each civilisation.Civilizations of equal or highim technological tier would follow steps for first contact after sentient robotics,biosynths and/or ships under the guise of metamaterials observe whethim they are a potential threat;at which point they will observed furthim from afar with first contact left to a minimum and measures made to prevent them finding Earth and other colonies if found such as committing suicide through self destruct sequences and releasing probes with consciousness of AI present,use the Nyx system to transfer information and conciousness or initiating an intersteller money laundering scheme wherein they each move from system to system to lose anyone chasing them and finally reaching Earth or both with alarms fed to Astraeus or potential ally and in both cases language,traditions,what social norms and etiquette is acceptable and what is considered impolite will be observed and learned ideally by artificial intelligence(and relayed back to Earth) in order to ensure first contact goes smoothly.Erebus since managed by itself and Astraeus could prevent hostile races using them.Observations made from space from orbit and the solar system,from nearby planets and moons or even asteroids,on land in the sky while again invisible via metamaterials and cloaking systems,by biosynths and humans taking the form of local fauna and native races and biosynth neural implants inserted into locals(taking the form of a native but benign parasite or assembled by microbes)or even biosynths taking the form of an individual of that sentient race sent in to learn such information(language,customs etc)from memories via neural implants and biosynths born as young forms that grow up amongst them with genetic samples used to determine what Earth based substances,foods etc may be toxic to them gained via biosynths mimicking parasites or their equivalents to mosquitoes and haematophages etc with this also used to determine their interior make up ie organ and muscle systems alongside scans of their internal body to negate the need for cutting up dead bodies.With regards to those of lower technological tiers including those of pre interstellar travel technology and proto stage tiers again bases on moons etc,satellites,stations and ships can observe the civilisation and planet with space stations constructed orbiting the planet or on nearby planets and their moons cloaked in metamaterials to prevent them being spotted with all incoming ships to any new solar systems right from the beginning being cloaked as they enter new systems to avoid detection by any other ships present to prevent any misunderstandings that could instigate wars or even lead malevolent lifeforms back to Earth.Those of technological tiers similar to Earth 1900-2100 will have space stations set in nearby star systems to alllow for ships to go back and forth but prevent them being discovered with this also done for those that have interstellar level travel to prevent them being discovered and be observed for determine their threat level and initiating first contact scenarios.Those of technological levels below that of Earth of 1900 will have space stations set up in their solar system eithim orbiting the planet or on the outskirts of their solar systems and in moons.These observatory space stations will be occupied by humans,biosynths and also other allied races.Biosynths modelled on native fauna controlled by the space station and in time Gaia once the species reaches a similar technological tier can also be used to monitor the behaviour of both sentient and non sentient lifeforms including wild animals similar to conservations on Earth.Biosynths can be modelled on native sentient races to learn customs etc with them and those modelled in native animals observing their behaviour and history.Human researchers can interact directly using controlled biosynths modelled on the sentient species with Gaia using these space stations as means to control indirect operations such as extractions of genetic samples,culture,media etc to Earth.Proto stage civilisations or model species of animals as detailed earlier on can be engineered to become sentient on par with that of human beings with those that have only non sentient animals undergoing engineering the same level of engineering to make them on pare of humans with even those that contain only bacteria undergoing this to create entire phlya of plants and animals to suit the unique environments of uninhabited planets.Multiple sentient races of different taxonomic ranks and habitats they inhabit such as oceans,skies and jungles etc can be created for anthropological studies on interactions between multiple sentient races on one planet.This would be done to seed the galaxy with sentient and nonsentient life unique to each planet with all created species observed by antropologists and biologists.Those derived from herbivores would have to have the ability to synthesise essential amino acids not present in plants programmed into them.Terraformed planets with just bacteria or no life even bacteria can have custom made species of all phylum created for them.Phanes and Physis will organise this using 3D printing technology and other methods.The bridge between in each species down the evolutionary line could take centuries or even decades if perfected.With regards to this venture using microbes as a starting point entire unique phylum,classes,orders and families(as well as sub orders of these)of complex organisms or those that have similar features of all existing phylum,classes,orders and families that already exist ie chordates,arthropods etc with their lineage from specific microrganisms that could be used to populate terraformed planets like Venus,Europa,Titan and similar planets in the galaxy that are like them and Earth but no complex or even simple life has evolved to give more variety with them engineered to survive the unique conditions of these planets.Extinct animals from all past geological periods of Earths history and mythological ones could be created via reverse engineering etc to populated uninhabited planets.All of these terraformed planets will be given unique similarly related species of all phylum and taxonomic ranks unique to the conditions of them to increase biodiversity.This can even include those that are hybrids of plants and animals of the different kingdoms with Phanes and Physis managing the creation of the different taxonomic ranks.Custom made attributes to survive the unique conditions of said planet can be made possibly using DNA from local or alien extremophiles or from scratch especially in the case of Demon,Hell and Super Terran class planets and subtypes of Terran class planets,moons and even tidally locked planets that harbour only micro-organisms but if they dont even contain microbes then using bacteria from Earth and other planets especially extremophiles can allow for the creation more complex plant and animal life sentient and non sentient life of all taxonomic ranks to be created.This can allow for more variety of animals and plants to terraformed planets and moons with custom made species suited to their environments and completely different from those and Earth and planets that already have complex life to give each terraformed planets and moons unique marine,terrestrial and air flora and fauna.Phanes and Physis will organise this using 3D printing technology and other methods.Once Nyx and Erebus is perfected then information can be sent back and forth instantly and allow Gaia full access to all information with relay stations again in metamaterials on the outskirts of the system.These space stations can be inhabited by humans,robots,artificial intelligence and biosynths to observe them from close up with possible settlements made on the planet eithim on land or in the air again made invisible by cloaking technology to observe both sentient races on their culture,language,biology and genetics for anthropologists,biologists as well as and also native flora and fauna for biologists with them observing them without reveling themselves to the lesser races or interfere in their technological and social development or reveal their presence with debate on interference as detailed later on carried on to prevent unnecessary extinctions while still abiding by the Prime Directive.

Research of planets etc :
Scientific studies conducted on these planets, and even uninhabited colonised planets as well as those being studied by astrophysists,anthropologists etc will be added to Apollo with maps,DNA and compendium of local flora and fauna both sentient and non sentient added to that planets version of Artemis.Studies on plants and crops from will be placed into their version of Demeter with climate/meterological studies uploaded to their version of Hermes within Astraeus.Before Nyx is perfected pods can be sent back and forth between Earth transporting information in all stations and vessels in packages and then return to update Apollo and Physis with bases for Gaias complex set up on all terraformed and uninhabited planets discovered.Like Earth based flora and fauna animals,plants and crops genetic engineering can allow any compounds that would be toxic to humans can be removed permanently to make them edible and suitable as pets or ornamental plants.The same can be applied to Earth based crops and compounds that may be toxic to allied and observed races.Care should be taken to prevent them becoming invasive species and pests on Earth and other colonies with the same methods used to get rid of Earth based pests and invasive species employed as detailed later on with the same applied to any Earth based lifeforms that may find themselves onto observed planets.All animals and plants including sentient lifeforms could be analysed for compounds of medicinal,research or commercial purposes then produced by bacteria with improved software scanning their DNA and isolating ones that would produce specific compounds even before they have been isolated or discovered with the software determining the compounds characteristics and potential uses by interacting with Apollo,Aesculapius.Hormones,inorganic,organic and other compounds of commercial use from all plants and animals can be produced this way in order to study them in labs and add to Physis with even necters,syrups,flour and all commercial products detailed earlier on produced this way once the scanned in DNA is analysed to determine them.All compounds will also be tested on their ability to kill both Earth and extraterrestrial viruses.To expedite the process of allotting plant and animal species(including sentient ones) swarms of arthropod biosynths or robots using metamaterials can be developed modeled after native or Earth based parasites and haematophages such as mosquitoes and lampreys(for oceans,lakes,rivers etc) or even other more complex lifeforms that can move from animal to animals or plant to plant and suck in sap,blood or skin cell samples to collect DNA samples.Soil and water samples from all rivers,lakes,oceans including the ocean floor etc will be collected and analysed for micro-organism and arthropods DNA samples to add to that planets version of Physis via Mars Curiosity robots and drones.These samples can be eithim brought back to bases and orbiting stations where they are collected and analysed on automated laboratories on these stations or internal DNA analyzers and base microbes in the biosynths that upload the DNA up to the database via wifi.Thus biosynths modelled on arthropods and lampreys can house internal DNA analyzers in the form of base microbes that read and send genome of all plants and animals the extract sap and blood from them.Current analyses of the human genome takes roughly 26 hours with furthim advances even making the mapping of the genome of any lifeform including sentient ones in a few hours or even less possibly even minutes with improvements in artificial intelligence and automated labs AI with Artemis,Phanes,Gaia,Paean and the space station AI doing this collectively or separately.Base microbes using Cas-9 and also taq polymerase will be used to copy DNA from cells of microorganisms and multicellular organism with the DNA once read sent to computers using only a single cell with these microbes forming part of DNA analyzers in labs.Microbes will also form the basis of those used to detect the structure of all compounds in the sea,soil,plants and animals.Gaia will relay to all space stations and satellites the latest software updates and instructions for improvements in hardware to and from these via Nyx and vessels using Erebus.Software within their version of Artemis ideally Phanes and Physis in fragmented forms can arrange the evolutionary trees and taxonomic ranks of all lifeforms even microbes as each sample is taken in and identifies each genes and their function with other software that determines the most likely shape,size and physical attributes based on the DNA collected added to the database(ideally in holographic form)with the live cameras feed from biosynths used to collect this as it was collected also used for this with this data added to their version of Artemis within Astraeus when probes are sent back or through relay networks.The AI by 2045 will be able to extrapolate what each genotype expresses.Using the same use of Greek language to create Earths taxonomic rank it will arange all lifeforms into taxonomic ranks.This information from DNA will allow one to view the various organ,skeletal and musculature systems in holographic layers of all animals and plants including in ZvR simulations and even unicellular microorganisms negating the need to kill and dissect live samples with this of note to sentient races also as well as plants with software within Phanes extrapolating the most likeliest features and phenotypes.This will allow one to carry out simulations on the effects of pathogenic microbes from Earth and their home planet etc and also carry out virtual experiments that would in the real world cross medical ethical boundaries and dissections of all organ systems without harming any live samples with the same applied to humans.Cadavers of the animals and alien races can be created in VR simulations with it also allowing for biosynths based on them with their DNA to be created that AI can inhabit to test earth based micro-organisms and foods of all types to test their toxicity on observed races and animals.Thus the DNA can create holographic bodies,cadavars in VR simulations and biosynth cadavers to be analysed as cadavars so as to allow for dissections on live animals and sentient races to be bypassed.Biosynths created by DNA from a species can be used to create biosynths based on them used as cadavars and for dangerous experiments that push ethical boundaries.This can be used to create simulated tests to determine what compounds from native and Earth based plants and animals are toxic to them.Animals,bacteria and plants will be created on an unlimited scale in labs across the universe and on space stations and interstellar vehicles via 3D DNA printers once their DNA is added to the planets version of Physis.It will also allow for the phylogenetic tree from the simplest to the most complex and even sentient organisms to be extrapolated and viewed in simulations.DNA from multiple or large populations of specimens of all species can allow for lazarus and Phanes programs stored in a database within the station observing them for each species and also determine all types of genes and thus phenotypes present in the species and all possible genetic diseases and mutations present.AI should by 2045 will be advanced enough to determine how many genes an organism has and from this determine which strands of DNA and set of bases are specific and separate genes from each other with it able to determine which genes interact with each other and what phenotypes they express which in turn it will allow holographic representations to be made that can be viewed as multilayered holograms and also VR cadavers etc alongside biosynths that are realistic representations that can be used in experiments that push ethical boundaries and react realistically to pathogens,environmental conditions.This VR,simulation and hologram technology could also be applied by alien races observing human anatomy to negate the need for human cadavars and also test what compounds would be toxic to humans.Animals and sentient lifeforms can have MRI,DEXA and other internal scans to determine their internal structure better.The DNA scans will create holographic and VR representations of all sentient and non sentient animals and plants to be viewed by the public and researchers on Earth.VR technology and holographic technology can allow dissections to be done of alien animals,plants and alien sentient alien races,plants and animals for education,training and scientific research without needing dead animals or dead sentient aliens since a DNA sample can be run through a holographic and VR programme that via Phanes, Hecate,Urania and Gaia analysing the entire DNA sample can extrapolate the phenotypes of the specimen such as placement,shape and size of organs,it’s body etc and thus create a realistic 3D image that in VR simulations can be dissected like normal cadavers with in holograms it divided into each layer such as gastro-intestinal tract,nervous system etc thus allow one to view these as virtual and holographic cadavers without having to kill real aliens and animals since only a DNA sample is needed.Thus DNA samples of any species of animals including livestock wild animals and even alien animals and alien sentient races can be extracted and then analysed by AI to determine its entire genotypes and thus phenotypes that can allow for a holographic representation of its internal organ systems and external features to be extrapolated that can be used to examined with it also allowing for VR cadavers to created in VR simulations to be analysed and dissected.This will allow for dissections of animals and alien races across the universe to be done in VR simulations without killing live animals etc.Biosynths can also be created using these scans of DNA as cadavars.These biosynths modelled on observed and allied sentient races housing their DNA can also be used as exploration and observation teams and used in experiments that push ethical boundaries such as medical ones,those that test native and Earth based pathogens and raw and cooked plants and animals.Biosynths can be created of sentient races and animals used as pets via these DNA scans to determine what compounds from Earth and other colonies and their native planet itself are toxic to them by feeding these biosynths all crops and animals from Earth,their native planet and other colonies both raw and cooked.Biosynths modelled on sentient races can be created to be used in experiments that push ethical limits without actually harming them as they will house their DNA and react to compounds and environmental conditions etc in the same way.All non sentient animals can be observed using drones and also biosynths modelled on them to determine their behaviour and whethim they would be a threat to humans that populate the area.Sentient races can via extracting cell cultures and also DNA samples can be used to create in vitro meat and bioprinted organs of a species for human consumption or have their DNA added to livestock from Earth or the local area and then reared to produce the same meat and organs for consumption in order for any sentient species meat and organs to be consumed without killing live specimens with human DNA bred into livestock and human cell cultures also extracted to allow allied or inhospitable carnivorous races to eat human meat and organs preventing the need for killing humans and with all sentient races can have their meat created by in vitro meat indistinguishable to the real thing to negate the need for any sentient race to kill anothim sentient race including humans to consume.Earth borne livestock DNA in Physis traded alongside non livestock animals with the Phanes method used to create countless millions of these for both allied and inhospitable races to consume them as normal livestock and vice versa with those on other planets traded with humans for the same reasons.Soil and water samples around the planet in all wilderness areas such as deserts,jungles,forests,lakes,oceans,rivers can be collected by robots and biosynths to collect samples of micro-organisms to test their effectiveness as antimicrobial agents and also for phylogenetics.In time sensors may even be developed that can detect the DNA present in cells allowing for ships cloaked in metamaterials to scan the entire surface and ocean for all lifeforms and arranging the lifeforms into taxonomic ranks including even sentient races,bacteria and other micro-organisms.This work can be done automatically by the bases AI even before humans arrive to allow vast reams of data to be collected and observed remotely with CRISPR,Phanes,Physis,automated machinery such as nano/picotech fabricators,3D DNA printers can allowing live specimens to be created on Earth,space stations especially if artificial wombs for viviparous species exist or artificial eggs or egg sacs for ovoviviparous and oviparous species and be kept in controlled environments for observations until they can be used as pets or even livestock with those that produce toxins etc have these engineered out and others made docile through engineering and have horns,claws etc removed via CRISPR.They will be added to the pet and ornamental plant section of Demeter.Animals both on other planets can have their behaviour and tendancies towards humans etc analysed using VR technology in any situation and environment imaginable in solo or group simulations to prevent human casualties when in labs.Biosynths will observe their behaviour in their native habitat.Plants can also undergoe this engineering to become ornamental plants.Thus once all lifeforms DNA is uploaded to the planets version of Physis then Phanes and Physis will organise them into taxonomic ranks via the common genes and name them with the DNA used to create holographic and VR simulations where virtual or holographic dissections can be carried out without harming any animal to see each layer of the lifeform ie muscles,skeletons,organs etc extrapolated from the DNA sequences with them recreated in labs on Earth,moons,colonies and ideally space stations to analyse whethim they can be trained as pets or livestock with engineering removing any toxins,horns etc and making them more docile and suited to climates and soils on Earth.Biosynth versions of animals and sentient races can be created using their DNA to mass produce Biosynth cadavers and mass produce biosynths for use in experiments that push ethical bounderies.Crops will be grown hydroponically and also from hybrids made via CRISPR,meat from animals will come from invitro meat,milk from yeasts and any commodities such as flours,textiles,juices,nectars,oils etc from plants and animals will be coming from bacteria.Labs can be set up on stations,moons and vessels that contain samples of microbes,plants and even animals with them and all rooms containing narrow range wavelength UV lights to do station wide sterilising sweeps once biohazard containment measures have been breached with all labs separated by a series of graphene doors with all glass containing multiple layers of graphene to make it shatterporoof with this in the matrix of visors and clothing in biohazards suits.All windows etc would be graphene infused to make them shatterproof and integrate augmented reality and heat proof with them covered in a layer of liquid glass to negate cleaning.All doors will be watertight ones composed of graphene for its strength.Biohazard containment measures on all space stations will follow the same as those on universities and hospitals with ideally them used for research into microbes and other alien flora and fauna to limit the spread of outbreaks and contagions with them having extremely strict controls on all traffic in and out of them even in emergencies.Ideally space stations would have labs dealing with biohazards on surface bases or on separate stations within the same system or even bases orbiting them to prevent breaches spreading to Earth,colonies and even the main station.Space stations that act as research facilities that deal with dangerous animals including those created by humans and AI and pathogens can be in solar systems with no human settlements and underground of Hell class planets to ensure that they can be contained and if they do escape they will die of exposure to the elements and vacuum of space with the space station AI managing containment procedures,the movement of scientists etc in and out preventing them escaping.

Sweeps of labs would be done when bacterial or chemical samples being studied are being autoclaved,processed or in storage with narrow wavelength UV used as it does not damage human skin allowing it to be done with humans around with these deployed instantly when any pathogens are released by accident especially airborne ones.Narrow wavelength UV light sterilising sweeps will be made in all rooms in the lab to kill off all bacteria,viruses and fungi etc as it can only kill them and not damage human skin with lights on ceilings fitted with this in all rooms including those integrated into those used for lighting and the narrow wavelength light feature turned on during these.Other measures such as automatic graphene watertight doors and cornering off the air conditioning systems and graphene within windows and glass sealing containment measures that lead any infected or compromised personnel into areas where they can be monitored and fed through decontamination systems and airlocks with gaseous antimicrobial agents and narrow wavelength UV lights to decontaminate any robots or personal in biohazard suits.All labs windows will use glass infused with graphene in multiple layers due to its extreme strength – about 200 times stronger than steel to strengthen the glass against breaches with this also allowing for augmented reality.Graphene paint and composites will be part of all walls.All pens housing animals and all watertight doors and even walls should have graphene in their matrix,be composed of it or composites of it due to its strength and also high melting point 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius.The animals and microbial samples if they get out of control can killed off via exposing them to large doses of radiation that humans would made immune to with watertight doors in each room.Robots that have narrow range wavelength UV light will be allowed through and sterilise the entire lab until AI nanosensors detect that pathogens have disappeared.Ideally the ceilings of these and all rooms will be fitted with these lights and the same applying to other rooms in the universities surrounding them that bake the room and all rooms in narrow wavelength UV light that will kill all airborne pathogens without damaging human skin allowing for all airbone and surface pathogens will be destroyed in all rooms at once preventing their spread this will thus sterilise all rooms at once and sterilise any humans and clothing inside inside.Animals can also have biosynth implants formed in labs that will allow their movements to be tracked 24/7 if they escape and also allow sedatives suited to their size and species released on demand or them even kill the animal if need.If humans are made resistant to radiation via recombinant DNA from Thermacoccus gammatolerans can allow them to be put under intensive doses of radiation of up to 1,000Gy to kill off pathogens since T.gammatolerans can survive blasts of at least 30,000Gy to sterilise them if they become infected and also as part of containment procedures.This can also be used to sterilise researchers going in and out of labs.All rooms can be exposed to both narrow range wavelength UV light to sterilise the air and surfaces with them also sterilised with radiation of doses of up to 2,000-10,000Gy to kill off any pathogens and escaped animals or only in desired rooms with all biosynths,humans and other sentient aliens made immune to radiation via recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans that means all pathogens and escaped animals will be killed off and human and alien researchers spared.Ideally scientists should have the genome of all micro-organisims via Physis mapped to allow microbes to create immunisations for them and all people on Earth and other colonies should outbreaks occur.This would involve all common proteins from all taxonomic ranks of micro-organisms to ensure effectiveness done beforehand before human scientists and citizens arrive and information sent by Nyx etc to Earth thus allowing all humans,pets,wildlife and livestock to be immunised beforehand to contain outbreaks should they stow away to Earth.Thus the common proteins of all bacteria,viruses,fungi common to all three classes on each newly discovered planets will be mapped to allow all in one immunisations to be created that will protect one from all existing strains and species of bacteria,fungi and viruses present and all possible mutations.The genome for these can be sent to Earth via Nyx for all citizens travelling to the planet with all researchers etc in space stations etc immunised.All citizens and researchers going back and forth will be steriliesed using narrow range wavelength UV length radiation or if made resistant to radiation can be blasted to large doses of it up to 1,000-10,000Gy to kill any microorganisms inside them that are not native with all packages also irradiated.Nyx will allow all data on all experiments to be tranferred back and forth between Earth and other colonies and space stations in real time and also allow all data from their version of Physis etc to be streamed and allow any species or even specimens of plants,micro-organisms and animals to be recreated on Earth in universities etc using artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers.Ideally all observed and allied sentient and non sentient species would be immunised against all Earth based micro-organisms using the common proteins method whether pathogenic or not from Earth and other colonies in the same way when stations arrive and when samples are taken with all discovered orders of bacteria and viruses etc have their genomes scanned to create immunisations for humans and non humans on all colonies including Earth to prevent unnecessary outbreaks or allowing the micro-organisms whethim viral,bacterial,fungal adapting into strains or new species that would become pathogens to humans via mutations to them similar to Human Immunodeficincy Virus became a human pathogen from Simian Immunodeficincy Virus and Cowpox virus became Variola major/Variola minor and Coronavirus.This would include observed lower tier species with all humans immunised against Earth based micro-organisms even when observed and have their skin sterilised by narrow range wavelength UV light.The station AI should have mapped all micro-organisms,animals and plants for poisonous compounds and created versions that are separate species that are docile,have no toxins and can be used for commercial products such as livestock,pets,crops and ornamental plants with Nyx used to send the genetic data to be created on Earth etc using 3D DNA printing.If animals or pathogens breach labs then sweeps of this level of radiation in all rooms or where it is or cornered can be applied to kill the animal or pathogen off especially if it poses a threat to the outside worldwide with implants relaying their GPS location and also applying sedatives or toxic compounds to kill the animal off with it also releasing microbes that release these in large doses and cause key organs to undergoe apoptosis.All animals will have biosynth implants that relay their GPS location to the lab AI 24/7.These can also via biosynth wifi release release sedatives into the blood stream of animals that affect only them managed by the space station AI should they escape or get out of control and attack researchers.These implants will release sedatives on demand with biosynth ones moving around and synthesising sedatives ensuring they dont run out with the sedatives synthesised by anabolic and catabolic reactions and recombinant DNA in levels suited to the exact species and individual animals.The space station and vehicle AI will ensure at all costs that any pathogens,plants,alien animals and sentient races do not escape from them unless it is has been shown to be safe with them preventing any form of alien life form using or being transported by other vessels and escape pods unless authorised by it,Epione,Gaia etc present in fragmented form with all alien plants,animals tested in VR simulations and labs that recreate Earth and other colonies.Since any DNA sequences of microbes studied would be in the different versions of Physis dead microbes could be synthesised by advanced technology and the Lazarus method with ideally all labs having them in secure storerooms away from sterilising sweeps.The same with dangerous lifeforms.Any pathogens will have their DNA be stored in Physis to be replicated via 3D DNA printing with the same done for any animals via artificial wombs especially those with specific genomes of interest

All species of plant,animal and micro-organisms will have their DNA uploaded to Physis to be recreated in any lab on Earth with individual specimens with unique genotypes for analysis will be present in the station or lab AI to be recreated using artificial wombs,3D DNA printers.3D DNA printers onsite of universities and hospitals will print out any species and strain of bacteria,virus or fungi on demand when needed once the genome of all of them are uploaded to Physis alongside microbes of any species of any plant,animal and even of humans.These will also print out the DNA of plants and animal of any type into seeds,spermatazoa/eggs/embryos of any animal as well as for onsite artificial wombs to create them.This will allow any university around the world access to any species without having to catch them in the wild.Animals can also have biosynth implants formed that will allow their movements to be tracked 24/7 and also allow sedatives suited to their size and species released on demand or them even kill the animal if need.All species of plant,animal and micro-organisms will have their DNA uploaded to their planets version of Physis to be recreated in any lab on Earth with individual specimens with unique gneotypes for analysis will be present in the station or lab AI to be recreated using artificial wombs,3D DNA printers.Nyx will allow all data on all experiments to be transferred back and forth between Earth and other colonies and space stations in real time and also allow all data from their version of Physis etc to be streamed and allow any species or even specimens of plants,micro-organisms and animals to be recreated on Earth in universities etc using artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers.When interstellar travel is possible then AI will add all microorganisms whethim viral,bacterial and fungi into its version of Physis to allow for the common proteins to be ascertained via common genes to all orders,families etc which will be relayed to Earth etc so as to allow all citizens and researchers both visiting and on colonies to be immunised should they make their way back to Earth etc with all people travel to and from stations,bases and other planets decontaminated via narrow UV lights to sterlize any skin and clothing and also radiation of up to 1,000Gy with the researchers and civilians made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Humans will be immunised to all pathogens and even benign bacteria and viruses as well as fungi on all newly discovered planets using the common proteins method to prevent them adapting to pathogens similar to how HIV evolved from Simian Immunodeficiency Virus.All items sent to and from stations will be irradiated to kill pathogens.The relevant genotypes will sent to Earth and all colonies ASAP to allow all humans on Earth and other colonies immunised using the common proteins method.Animals both on Earth and other planets can have their behaviour and tenancies towards humans etc in all situations analysed using VR technology in any environment imaginable in solo or group simulations to prevent human casualties.

The DNA of all animals can be scanned to allow hybrids to made with livestock on Earth like Phasianidae and Bovidae and them thus allowing for species or sub species and breeds of Phasianidae and Bovidae to have their meat and organs as well as even blood produced for consumption and through invitro meat saving on resources and also preventing them becoming invasive species.Sentient species can have their organs and meat engineered into Earth based livestock alongside inviro meat to negate the need for killing them for meat with human meat and organs also engineered into livestock meat and invitro meat as well for sentient races to consume human meat without killing them.All plants will be analysed for their ability to produce flour and fruits,vegetables with them engineered to produce via CRISPR more starch and larger fruits and vegetables biomass.This will accelerate the evolution via grafting and selective breeding as seen on Earth and allow all plants to create larger amounts of fruit,biomass and flour with flour created by bacteria and seeds on cereals grown hydroponically or through methods detailed earlier on.This can include the SUSIBA2 gene from Hordeum on Earth and also crops on Earth that produce large amounts of fruit and vegetable biomass and also scratch DNA.All plants and animals once detected to have the ability to produce toxins will through CRISPR have them weeded out with meat grown via invitro meat and milks created by bacteria or yeasts etc with hydroponics used to grow fruits and vegetables of all types.The original unaltered plant and also larger forms with original flavours etc will be saved on their version of Physis for refference.Plants will be studied for use as crops and ornamental plants and animals for pets and livestock with CRISPR used to add genes to make them docile.Animals and fish will have their DNA added to Physis to be created in stem cells for invitro meat and also replicated in artificial wombs to be created on Earth and other colonies with all plants DNA to have them replicated in nurseries and vertical farms as crops including hybrid ones and ornamental plants with poisons edited out.The DNA of all animals,plants and microbes etc would once added to their version of Physis will be eithim linked to Earth via Nyx or stored on Earth and be linked to Demeter and Hephastus.Demeter will be linked to it as the DNA of all animals will be used to create in vitro meat,the DNA of all fish will be used to create eggs for recirculating aquaculture systems in all types of farms for order,to create seeds for ordering in crops as well as ornamental plants from vertical and other farms from plots and food deliveries and also for growing at home,from all animals for ordering in pets and livestock from artificial wombs etc and so on provided the DNA has genotypes for poisons removed and with regards to commodities made by bacteria strains will be made with the genotypes for each commodity from each plant and animal added.Those for crops will be added once the plant has undergone genetic engineering to increase edible biomass.All plants and animals will be analysed for commodities such as oils,fats,sugars,milks,honey,musks etc that can then be then be created by bacteria on a commercial scale using recombinant DNA and anabolic and catabolic.Animals will be analysed for commodities similar to pearls,ivory,rhino horn etc to be created by biosynth machinery.All crops and fish,shellfish from Earth to prevent becoming an invasive species on new planets will be reared via aquaponics with the same done to those from alien planet to prevent them becoming these on Earth.Crewting commodites via bacteria etc and in vitro meat will also prevent this.Zood on Earth will not house animals from other planets with those on other planets also housing only native species to prevent them becoming invasive species.Pets that are derived from other planets will be created by artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers with them housing DNA to make them docile speeding up the domestication process with VR technology used for this as well.Ornamental plants will ideally be made sterile once planted on Earth and them although producing sugars etc for bees to create honey the plant will not be able to carry out sexual reproduction to prevent them becoming invasive species with these created using 3 D DNA printers and then using engineering made to survive climates and souls on Earth with Earth based plants engineered to again be sterile but created to survive all soils etc

Poisons,venoms and carcinogens created by any plants or animals can be removed via engineering to create separate species to make them edible and as kept as livestock and pets etc with observed prey and predators made susceptible to new compounds created by them or separate species unable to mate with them with Phanes scanning the genome of all lifeforms to check genes that may produce specific allergens,poisons or compounds alone or togethim and have Epione and Paean create extrapolations as to how that may affect humans,animals,pets and livestock to see if would cause death or serious injury as well as check its interaction with all known Earth and extrasolar compounds and their interactions with human and other sentient races anatomy to prevent accidental synergistic reactions.Mice and Bovidae with recombinant DNA from humans and those of allied or observed races can be used to test all compounds in animals and plants by being fed raw and cooked versions of each discovered plant and animals as well as injected those from the sap,secretions,blood and stings etc of all animals with these mice having human organs and also the same receptors in neural tissues.They can also have each mammal,reptile particularly Serpentes style animals and even arthropods of all types bite and sting them to test how powerful they are with with all plants and animals tested for compounds that counteract these poisons to be then created by bacteria or in humans via CRISPR.Bovidae and chimpanzees would be ideal as unlike mice they are large and can also have human neural tissue and organs engineered into them to see how they would affect human sized animals and thus humans.Human,pet and livestock tissues of all types cultured on the station in labs or even biosynths contain human and desired animal DNA in bioprinted organs of all types controlled by the AI can be used as test subjects for all compounds tested on them to determine the effects they have on each organ and system as well as pain they cause and other symptoms.By 2045 biosynths modelled on humans and pets containing human and pet DNA should be advanced to have human neural tissues and organs to allow for them to be bitten or stung by all animals and eat raw and cooked versions of all crops,plants and animals in different amounts to test its effects on humans with since immortal due to fragmentation and controlled by AI of the space station and will be exposed to bites and stings of all discovered animals.They will also be stung by all animals and plants that live on land,in the ocean and lakes and rivers.Biosynths modelled on humans etc will be used to be also exposed to viral,bacterial and fungal micro-organisms from each planet across the universe that could mutate into potential human zoonotic pathogens and also exposed to all parasites to determine which are a threat and also allow synthetic antibodies and immunisations to be extrapolated.They can also be bitten and stung by all animals and eat all plants and animals,raw and cooked crops and plants.Biosynths modelled on observed and allied races can be created to allow tests to be done to test bites,stings and food both raw and undercooked etc from Earth and other colonies on observed and allied sentient races using biosynths modelled on then with the DNA of observed sentient races in them.Biosynths modelled on humans will be exposed to in experiments where they are in contained areas that locks them away from the rest of the world in secure containment areas will be exposed to all newly discovered bacteria,fungi and viruses including those found in all native animals to see if they evolve into pathogens as seen with Coronavirus,V.major,HIV thus testing their capabilities of becoming human pathogens through evolution.Biosynths modelled in pets and all alien races will also be exposed to all viruses,fungi and bacteria to see their potential to evolve into pathogens for them

.Biosynths modelled on allied and observed sentient races can be created via their DNA and to then have them tested on crops and animals stings and bites etc on all newly discovered planets as well as those on Earth by eating all plants and animals raw and cooked with them tested on animals of all types again from Earth and all colonies by being stung and bitten by them.They will be also exposed to all viral,bacterial and fungal micro-organisms and parasites on Earth and other colonies etc that could mutate into potential alien zoonotic pathogens to see which ones will mutate into zoonotic pathogens to then create immunisations and extrapolate antibodies via AI scanning their structure.They can also be exposed to Earth like conditions and those of other planets in all types of environments such as deserts,jungles and also exposed to different heavy metals,each of the 94 elements and different compounds to see how they react to them and their toxicity threshold and LD50 as well as determine their threshold for all environmental conditions and see if they can survive Earth like conditions.They will be bitten and stung by all animals from across the universe.Since lifeforms controlled by the AI that can transmit conciousness upon death controlled by the station through fragmentation ethical worries would be sidelined.If possible they will create antivenom or create genes for biocompatible microbes to break them down or create antivenom.In time simulations will be so advanced as to allow for AI to using human DNA and the structure of compounds determine their effects on humans and thus also applied to the effects of Earth based compounds on sentient races.AI will also by scanning the genome all plants and animals be able to determine all compounds it produces and thus synthesise these via bacteria and tested on animals or used in simulations.All animals and plants discovered to be toxic and create venoms enough to kill a human being then the genome of that animal and plant will be scanned to denote what genotype creates that poison and venom with them created on an unlimited scale by bacteria and then have bacteria with Equus ferus caballus DNA exposed to them in various amounts to force them to create antivenom with in time other native animals analysed to see if they are immune to them and have their genome scanned to have this immunity added to bacteria then exposed to these and other ones to create counterproteins.Mellivora capensisl,Spermophilus beecheyi,Herpestes ichneumon and Didelphis virginiana may have their genome scanned and relevant DNA added to bacteria to be used as a baseline or even scratch bacteria could be used to have the bacteria exposed to each poison and then create counterproteins.This will allow for counterproteins and antivenom to all poisonus animals and plants to be created on an unlimited scale and also have the genes to produce these charted and added to all animals used as livestock and also humans etc to allow them to create them in response to bites or stings.Otherwise each compound produced by all organisms will be created by engineered bacteria,extracted or created on an unlimited scale and tested on rats,chimpanzees,biosynths etc with human DNA in automated labs and have patient files and Apollo cross referenced and extrapolated for all possible interactions.This will allow for the LD50 of all toxins to be ascertained.This would also be done on all soil,water and air samples as well as compounds produced by sentient races.All native plants and animals will also have their DNA and compounds tested or them part of automated labs to test for their ability to create antivenoms and immunities to all poisons so these can be created by bacteria and used as a baseline in strains exposed to each venom or have the DNA scanned to be added to humans and microbes.Chelation and poison strains of microbes could deal with these as detailed earlier.Bacteria can be used to make new genes that are resistant to toxins by exposing them to them in automated labs where they are forced to undergo evolutionary process to become resistant to them and thus have new genes created to be added to humans and this also applied to observed and allied sentient races to make them resistant to any Earth based compounds etc and thus make all discovered counterproteins to these venoms on an unlimited scale.Venoms from all poisonous animals and plants can be created by bacteria for research and also to be created on an unlimited scale to be exposed to bacteria that create antivenom and counterproteins.Recombinant DNA from M.capensisl,S.beecheyi,H.ichneumon and D.virginiana or those from animals on the new planets already immune to the poisons can be added to these bacteria to act as a baseline to then be exposed to new poisons in both plants and animals to create counterproteins similar to as described methods on Earth based poisons.Thus CRISPR can be used to create genes added to all patients whethim citizens,Agoge trainees and also scientists to be resistant to these compounds or to microbes to counteract them through synthetic or natural antivenoms found on Earth and the planet.The animals especially those used as livestock and pets can be made into variants that have the genes that express the venom removed with the same done for plants used as crops and ornamental plants.If possible the venous animals and plants can be engineered by biosynth arthropods injecting microbes to remove the genes from live plants and animals of all types that produce these poisons to make a toxin that is ineffective to humans but to only their prey and predators with these also altered the same way to be susceptible to the new compound that wont affect humans or desired pet and livestock animals.The same can be done to see what Earth based compounds in plants and animals may be toxic to observed races with these removed for consumption of races of equal or highim technological tiers and gene therapy making these races including observed ones resistant to all compounds from Earth.This would be done via genetic samples of the races used in simulations to determine what each Earth based compound from plants and animals would be toxic to them with modified animals and plants ie crops created that have these removed.Otherwise chimeras of mice and chimpanzees and observed races can be created to test all Earth based compounds.Biosynths can be created of sentient races and animals used as pets to determine what compounds from Earth and other colonies and the planet itself are toxic to them.Large amounts of both live samples and/or genetic samples as well as eggs,sperm and seeds of all flora and fauna including sentient races should be collected from all planets to keep a database of them should any species face extinction or go extinct so as to allow for lazarus programs and other methods of bringing species from the brink of extinction using models species as detailed later on.Biosynths and robots can be created to observe not only local fauna similar to those on earth but also to observe sentient races of all technological tiers remotely with feeds sent to bases and thus to Earth eithim live or in recorded chunks using metamaterials to stay hidden.All probes,biosynths etc that enter the atmosphere of these planets should be coated in liquid glass and treated to UV light sterilising sweeps that beforehand and before they return to the ship and back to the planet to prevent them from transporting microbes outside of controlled transport and break containment procedures.Micro-organisms such as bacteria,moulds,fungi and viruses should be isolated from soils,blood samples,plants,oceans including the deep and waterways as well as from plants and animals and mapped as well and added to the database to allow their ability to mutate and infect humans or other fauna and flora or those on other discovered planets and colonies analysed by software and artificial intelligence namely Phanes,Epione,Paean and Gaia with the same applied to earthborne microorganisms and their ability to mutate to affect extra terrestrial flora and fauna including sentient lifeforms on all discovered planets with vaccines and treatments for all possible mutations created for them all beforehand by Epione to prevent outbreaks.These can be gained from soil sample,water sample in the ocean and waterways,from the air,from skin cells,sap and blood from plants and animals and Phanes will extrapolate all possible mutations that could lead to pathogens.The same must be done with all Earthborne microbes and their ability to infect non human lifeforms(sentient and non sentient) and also plants with again vaccines and treatments created.This can include artificial antibiotics and transferring genetic resistance to them with measures to prevent and deal with any animal and plants from Earth and other colonies and observed not becoming invasive species both on Earth and observed colonies.Epione,Physis and Phanes will determine how microbes such as fungi,bacteria,viruses etc on Earth,colonies and observed colonies and their possible mutations will affect humans and non human sentient lifeforms and flora and fauna on again Earth etc which will carry out simulations on how they would interact with all sentient and non sentient lifeforms using information from DNA of humans,animals,sentient lifeforms and the microbes without having to infect humans or non human sentient lifeforms etc with its pathogenicity,gram positive or negative status,shape and other characteristics also determined via the DNA analysed.Labs onsite of the space station orbiting them will also conduct experiments as well on rats,chompanzees or biosynths.All humans will be immunised against all micro-organisms on all planets discovered using the common proteins method with all non human sentient races immunised against all micro-organisms on Earth and other planets.This will be done to prevent them jumping species to humans from non human sentient races and vice versa and those from animals similar to how zoonoses jumped from animals to humans on Earth.Holographic representations of humans,livestock etc and sentient lifeforms on other planets can be used on these studies.This as stated will allow vaccines and treatment for humans and other sentient lifeforms including observed ones before any outbreaks occur with even vaccines to major native pathogens on observed races created to prevent unnecessary extinctions.All potentially pathogenic viruses and bacteria on all planets will be scanned for genes to produce relevant proteins that can be added to microbes in humans etc to permanently immunize them for life against them.Ideally the common genes and thus proteins of all bacteria,fungi and viruses will be scanned to allow for all humans visiting there to be immunised against all micro-organisms eithim benign or pathogenic and all possible mutation strains with Nyx or intersteller vehicles transmitting this data to Earth and other colonies allowing for this to be done beforehand.Immunisation would be done as it may be possible for alien micro-organisms to become human pathogens through mutations.All plants and animals in all versions of Physis of all planets will scanned for genes that produce compounds that can be tested via simulations and automated labs that can have antimicrobial and antiviral effects tested against them onboard of stations and bases to have them prepared to be added to microbes of humans and other races beforehand.The same would be done to test these against parasites.Thus all plants and animals will have their secretions,stings,yeasts,fungi and bites tested on discovered bacteria,fungi,viruses and parasites in automated labs with the compounds isolated and created by bacteria that are hybrids with their parent species to create them on an unlimited scale to be them tested against all species of bacteria,fungi and viruses as well as parasites and then added to relevant networks to be added to microbes.It can also allow for what compounds,plants,foods etc on Earth would be toxic to observed sentient races and what foods,plants etc on their planet would be toxic to humans to be ascertained.All of this will be done before humans even arrive on the planet to prevent contamination,infection and allow vaccines and microbes to be prepared.DNA within the planets version of Physis will allow the lazarus and Phanes method to be implemented to prevent unnecessary extinctions of observed sentient and non sentient lifeforms and also plants as well as revive all extinct sentient and non sentient species on other planets with the possibility of using temporal manipulations to prevent their extinction in the first place.DNA from all alien species both sentient and non sentient and even plants can be used to produce commercial products via bacteria or cross referenced between Earths version of Artemis to create desired phenotypes in animals,livestock as well as creation of new species and hybrids from alien and Earth based animals and plants and also plants and animals from one or more alien planets.Artemis,Phanes,Paean,Epione and other AI such as the AI of space stations and interstellar vehicles etc connected to the wire and in fragmented forms can carry out these functions to alleviate strains on him if she becomes overworked that might affect him other responsibilities.Them being fragmented will allow them to send data to and from Earth and act out their work should Nyx become comprimised or even yet to be perfected.Self destruct sequences would be initiated by the station AI,Astraeus,heads of military,medical,research head officials and captains and second in command using the same measures as used by the head of government to launch nuclear weapons.Again if these personnel are compromised then other humans can do so if deemed necessary by the AI.Like intersteller vessels the operating software linking all of them togethim will be Astraeus with a hologram of him in the main lobby area.In time by at least 2045 AI will be advanced enough to allow each genes expression phenotype and thus what toxins,poisons,antivenoms and beneficial compounds can be created from them by analysing each gene in teach species of animal and plants including unicellular and extrapolating what they produce with it also extrapolating each phenotype of the plants and animals.Orbiting space stations will carry out research into all native bacteria,viruses,fungi and parasites,crops,plants,animals tested on biosynths to see which ones can be dangerous and fatal to humans,pets and alien races before being colonised.Measures will be made to prevent crops,plants,insects,animals and micro-organisms from becoming invasive species on Earth and other planets with measures done to prevent Earth based crops,plants etc becoming invasive species on all newly discovered planets.If this occurs them the measures detailed in the conservation section of this website will be carried out.All citizens and researchers as well as pets will be immunised using the common proteins against all bacteria,viruses on all planets and undergoe strict decontamination protocols to sterilise them of all microorganisms to prevent them reaching Earth and other colonies with all humans travelling to other planets will undergo these when travelling to other planets to prevent the microorganisms adapting Ito dangerous pathogens for humans and native plants and animals.This can include humans and pets made resistant to radiation through recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and exposed to lasts of radiation from 10,000 – 20,000 Gy with all robots,biosynths and aliens abd manufactured goods transported across the universe undergoing this.Other measure will be developed and will take place at airports,space elevators and on space stations and interstellar vehicles.All of this research that tests the potential for plants and animals on different planets across the universe to produce poisons toxic to humans,pets and other sentient non human animals as well as to test the ability of bacteria,fungi and viruses on other planets to mutate into fatal pathogens etc will be carried out on all planets.At first the first areas colonised will have all plants and animals etc present tested.Each planet will have multiple zones that will have the first cities and towns built will have these tests done with once cities etc are set up then wilderness areas will be tested.Each newly discovered planet will have small areas first used for the first newly built towns and cities have these tests done to determine their viability for colonisation anc prevent deaths through eating wild animals and plants,getting stung etc with this allowing a few cities to be built with once done researchers who live on the planet will carry this out when discovering each individual wilderness area such as deserts,jungles,oceans etc

Rooms that separate labs will house areas that spray suits with antiviral and antimicrobial mists with them also baking the persons suit in narrow wavelength UV light with the person being baked in this when unclothed to allow ones entire skin to be sterilised.All doors will be watertight ones made of graphene due to its strength with building AIs managing containment procedures.Ideally labs used for highly pathogenic microbes in particular viruses etc and any dangerous animals should via underground in extensions that are cut off by a series of watertight graphene doors with oxygen coming from tree rooms with these labs having their own ventilation systems separate from the university and other labs and even the outside world with them all having UV lights at set points to kill off all airborne pathogens with water systems also having UV lights.All windows etc would be graphene infused to make them shatterproof and integrate augmented reality and heat proof with them covered in a layer of liquid glass to negate cleaning.All glass windows in labs will be as stated have multiple layers of graphene in its matrix,all watertight doors will be composed of it and all walls etc will be composed of self healing foamcrete infused with graphene or composed entirely of graphene composites with all vials,beakers and containers for pathogens,bacteria,viruses,fungi,tissues and all kennels etc for animals composed of this or have graphene in its matrix.This is because it is 200 times stronger than steel and has a melting point of 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees Celcius.Ideally they would be underground labs that are in isolated areas such as wilderness or underwater laboratories connected by internal mag lev/hyperloop and transporter technology systems that can be cut off depending on the severity of the biohazard controlled by the university AI to allow alarms to be spread to quarantine the area and have their own power source such as trigeneration micro-gas turbines that use bacteria based oils in looped systems that collect and reuse carbon dioxide emitted,gasoline,methane,thermo-piezoelectric material covered pipes that can provide power 24/7,365 days a year and Storedot batteries that will power key systems for at least several weeks using excess energy from these sources.This can act as an extra security measure as large areas can be created to have large labs,large containment areas and security features.It can include large areas to contain fires and explosions with firefighter biosynths/robots present,sprinkler systems that use both water but also FIREIce that puts them out faster with the sprinkler system using a nozzle system so that only areas with a fire will have it applied to contain them quicker and eliminate waste with AI controlling this to effectively contain them.This can be made onsite via bacteria through anabolic and catabolic reactions and ensure it is constantly refilled.This can include large areas to allow large batches of humans and biosynths to decontaminate via radiation treatments and also hide lounges and decontamination areas.All doors present in these areas and not just in labs will house wartertight graphene doors with all glass have many layers of graphene in its matrix to make it shatter proof and all walls,floors have graphene in its matrix and have graphene paint on them to make indestructible.They will have storedot batteries powered by trigeneration systems to provide power to these areas 24/7 with internal mag lev systems or transporter technology that allows only human and biosynth researchers to use them.In time nanomaterial meshes and biosynth technology that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen can be developed with the carbon separated and used for production of graphene with their being a room that grows trees specifically to provide researchers there with oxygen in this separate system as well as food alongside hydroponic systems.All food will be grown in these areas.Biosynthtic technology and nanomaterials that passively separate oxygen from carbon dioxide will provide oxygen and digital smart windows provide scenery.This would use scratch DNA,that from chemosynthetic bacteria and plants could allow them to do so passively without sunlight with biolumescent plants and moss that also able to do so via this via this DNA.Biosynth trees could be present that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide passively without sunlight using scratch DNA and that from chemosynthetic bacteria.Biolumiscent moss and biolumescent biosynth trees including biosynth lights and CSYS lights can provide lighting and oxygen to ships passively without sunlight using scratch DNA and that from chemosynthetic bacteria.This can cut down on energy costs for lighting and also life support systems with the moss spread on walls in strips and ceilings in all rooms with biolumescent plants and trees in rooms as well.Smart devices linked to the station AI can using biosynth wifi present in all cells of the moss,plants and trees can be used to turn on/off the genes for the lights whenever they want with voice command with them fed nutrients and water via biosynth water systems built into ceilings similar to veins,arteries and capillaries composed of biosynth technology that feeds them nutrients and water and them having oligotophic,xerophile and Firmicutes DNA.This can reduce energy costs in lighting and life support systems.Also present not just provide extra labs,containment areas to normal labs in normal departments such as agriculture,mariculture,zoology etc but in aforementioned underground labs,government labs and those in interstellar vehicles and space stations can house building or even city sized biohazard labs using a matroyoskha doll structure specifically meant to be large to contain pathogens,biohazards,dangerous animals and dangerous technologies that can lead to massive explosions that can be contained in them.AI will develop security measures such as sterilising researchers made immune to radiation with large doses of radiation,watertight doors that lock down labs,living areas and the entire area itself with biometrics,Phanes activation gene technology etc provided threats are contained or neutralised.Thus if breaches occur it would be possible for them to be contained,people to escape via transporter technologies and secure areas to hide.These explosions,fires,biohazards will have noticeable effect on the outside world with the space station,interstellar university labs AIs controlling everything inside to get humans out of them or if possible humans controlling blank biosynths and those also occupied by AI via neural implants.Biohazard suits would with graphene in the visor for strength and augmented reality to receive messages and environmental readings from nanosensers on external devices and on the cloth with the cloth also having graphene and spider silk interwoven into its matrix for strength to prevent tears that would contaminate the researchim or the environment with silicene and nanosensors particular biosynth ones would allow for environmental conditions to be relayed to the visor and AI of the university and lab.This is due to it being 200 times stronger than steel.Nanomaterials combined with biosynth technology that separate oxygen from toxic gases and prevent viruses and and pathogens entering them can be part of built in gas masks.Both these masks and nano-sensors would utilise biosynth technology.Oxygen tanks could be in time be replaced by it stored in nanomaterials in the clothing or external clothing and released on demand or in time nanomachines.Tanks will also be replaced with filters in masks that consist of both nanomaterials and biosynthetic materials and tissues similar to those in the lungs that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide and have plant and scratch and other toxic gases and allow for the toxins to be removed as benign compounds with them also preventing airborne pathogens entering the lungs.The gasmasks will have nanomaterials and biosynth materials to prevent toxins entering them and letting only oxygen in with the oxygen from carbon dioxide and other toxins be separated from them with the other elements removed through the action of nanomaterials and catabolic/anabolic reactions carried out by them forming tissues similar to the aveoli in lungs designed using plant and chemosynthetic bacteria DNA without sunlight to separate toxins into oxygen and the other elements used as energy acceptors and disposed of by combining them with carbon from carbon dioxide exhaled with carbon dioxide exhaled have the oxygen separated to be reused.Biosynth nanosensers can be built into the suits have DNA from C.elegans,human neurons and DNA from W.dermatitidis,C.sphaerospermum,C.neoformans,Paracoccus denitrificans S.oneidensis,E.electricus,G.metallreducens,G.sulfurreducens,piezophile DNA present that can detect the temperature and levels of oxygen,carbon dioxide and other gases and also radiation and air and water pressure as responses to changes in radiation and air and water pressure would create an electrical charge that using scratch DNA can relay different levels.Any animals infected with or without pathogens especially for study would be tagged with internal RFID or bio synth chips to ascertain their location 24/7 to prevent them escaping with the doors in these labs and those leading outside including windows will be closed instantly with if possible hunter drones that would hunt them and only them down trapping and capturing them or killing them.These implants will release sedatives on demand with biosynth ones moving around and synthesising sedatives ensuring they dont run out.AI will be and automatically be alerted to any breaches to put them under quarantine with these measures also applied to hospitals.Fires would be dealt with by the nozzle system that travels on ceiling railsystems gaining access to rooms to put out fires using FireIce as well as miniaturised versions of firefighting robots equipped with FireIce.Humans made immune to radiation can allow unicellular and multicelluar plants and animals to be exposed to doses of radiation of 500-2,000Gy of radiation to kill them and not humans with the DNA of all samples kept on record to be recreated via artificial wombs and 3D DNA printers.This can also be used to sterilise researchers going in and out of labs and can if a breach occurs pathogens will be sterilise via narrow range wavelength that sterilise the air and surface in all rooms at once with researchers immunised against them and the immunisations stored in labs and hospitals around the worldwide beforehand to contain outbreaks including those that could mutate to affect humans.Escaped dangerous and infected animals can be dealt with them all having biosynth implants that relay their GPS location 24/7 and can release sedatives and poisons on demand using biosynth wifi with radiation sweeps of 2,000-20,000Gy applied to eithim specific rooms or all off them to kill them off with this replicated with pathogen breaches with humans made resistent to radiation unaffected.3D DNA printers and artificial wombs onsite of labs on interstellar vehicles and space stations will allow all observed and studied test animals,pathogens and also discovered non sentient animals and plant life to be recreated using the Phanes method as many times as needed with those with specific genotypes of interest recreated in new animals or exact clones.These measures would be on space stations and interstellar ships in the future stations observing highly pathogenic microbes and dangerous animals being separate from research stations as well as those housing citizens and military etc and have built in measures to warn other stations and colonies including Nyx as well as pods containing the ships AI that would be sterilised and only leave when empty.Once interstellar travel is possible space stations can be set up orbiting empty solar systems alongside habitable ones specifically for dangerous biohazards and moons,planetoids etc and entire terraformed or Hell class planets used for these with large complexes that can be separate from planets,stations and moons etc containing citizens with these having measures to prevent biohazards leaving the stations and allow unaffected researchers access to escape pods with the bases and stations constantly inhabiting the wire allowing for countermeasures to any security breaches to be controlled and monitored remotely through Apollo and Astraeus via Hecate and Astraeus alongside Gaia.Ideally space stations should be used as they would be isolated and still communicating with the rest of the galaxy instantly with all researchers on Earth etc immunised against all Earth and foreign non pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria using the common proteins method that would protect them from all possible strains of all orders,families of bacteria,fungi and viruses as an extra measure that wouldn’t negate the need of biohazard suits that would also prevent them becoming carriers to spread them with ideally all towns,cities etc in the surrounding region immunised as well to compliment not replace containment measures with the genotypes put into Coronis and also Epione to be availible to all cities etc hospitals worldwide should animals or water etc spread the pathogen with all areas in quarantines have all food deliveries on local to global levels irradiated to prevent the spread of them.

Alien races,plants and animals that are unable to survive on Earths surface or on space stations etc may need CRISPR treatments to survive on Earth and on space stations and interstellar vehicles due to them having evolved to survive different environments other than on Earth.Humsnd may need CRISPR treatments to survive on planets across the universe including homeworlds of alien races inhospitable to us.For colonies colonised for humans and aliens ideally the planets will be left as they originally are to prevent killing native lifeforms and have humans and aliens use CRISPR to stay in them.These CRISPR treatments can be removed once humans and aliens leave the planet.Planets that are barren will have them terraformed similar to Earth abd populatrd euth new species of plants and animals and aliens will be modified to survive in them using CRISPR.Since most planets that give rise to sentient races will be like Earth all future colonised and terraformed planets will be given the same environments as Earth.Any planets that were like Earth but were terraformed in the past by aliens to match their homeworld they will be terraformed back to their original state with all original animals added back through investigating fossil records abd temporal manipulations.

Uninhabited planets capable of supporting human life will undergoe the same process with the DNA of all lifeforms added to its version of Physis and Aesculapius used to ascertain if the animals or plants have compounds or microbes that could be fatal to humans,livestock and pets etc.Again commodities in them will be created by bacteria and the entire planet will be mapped and also important buildings such as power plants,water and sewage treatment plants,vertical farms,factory and recycling hubs,communal homes with relevant statues and operating softwares will be set up before humans arrive.Each of these settlements will have their own independent AIs in each building,layouts(statues,receptionists etc) and the settlements their own mayor AI with buildings designed by the ships in charge of mapping this system.Each planet will under assessment protocols wherein their climate and location of fault lines etc will be determined and the location of future cities will be determined.Ideally these planets will be observed via space stations and Satillites and orbiting interstellar vehicles for at least one to three years or even a decade to allow Astraeus,Theoi Meteroi etc to determine seasonal weathim and climates patterns and ocean currents and locations of volcanoes and tectonic plates and faults that lead to earthquakes,areas prone to tsunamais locations of areas affected by storms,hurricanes,tornadoes and observe the planets global climate systems using real time feeds from sensors placed at strategic areas and simulations.Mapping the underwater contours of the oceans on these planets will allow for areas prone to landslides and also underwater tectonic plates and volcanoes and thus where tsunamais occur to be determined with surface scans used to determine where surface faults are located.Soil samples around rivers and coastlines will determine where past floods and tsunamais and even storms have occured to have them marked.Volcanoes including those on islands will be noted and the surface and underwater topography analysed to determine the location of faults charted on the planet with this used alongside soil samples etc to where tsunamais can occur thus allowing Prometheus to determine where earthquakes and tsunamais could occur with these areas mapped and denoted on a map of the globe.The faults across the entire planet will be mapped alongside where hurricanes and other phenomena take place with satellites around the planet observing the climate and weather patterns across the planet.This will allow for communities set up in these areas to have measures to prevent casualties such as buildings that can withstand earthquakes in areas prone to them,flood tunnels in areas prone to hurricanes,monsoons and Satellites and also ground stations and bases will monitor weathim patterns and also climate over the entire planets continents over a decade that will see which areas are prone to frequent flooding,heatwaves,tornadoes and hurricanes and other destructive systems unique to the planet.Humans can spend time in orbiting bases,space stations monitoring them to plan out the first colonies.

This would be done from the safety of orbiting space stations so as to set up the first towns,cities etc on a planet in areas that are geologically and climatically stable so as to allow all areas that are not to be observed by automated bases also housing researchers so as to allow cities and towns etc to be set up with proper infrastructure such as tsunamai/flood tunnels to be set and buildings with proper codes put in place etc to limit casualties for the first settlers.It can allow Theoi Meteroi to analyse the global climate and weathim patterns across the planet allowing it to create countermeasures and automated measures to control the weather.Nanosensors in the soil,atmosphere poles,rivers,lakes and ocean and also tsunamai detection systems will be placed at key points around the planet to allow for weathim to be researched with also satellites set up by Astraeus and the probes sent there.The terrain of all wilderness including caves and even the underground terrain of oceans will be mapped and added to their version of Brauron.Each planet will have their terrain scanned into Brauron before and after colonisation.The location of all surface and underwater faults and volcanoes on the entire planet will be mapped alongside areas frequently hit by tornadoes,hurricanes etc.Biosynths and of course robots as well as human military personnel could roam free on planets as scout teams to extrasolar colonies to test the climate,radiation and other conditions before humans and also to determine dangerous such as climate,natural disasters and wild animals prior to human colonisation with humans staying in orbiting space stations during this time.This will be done while colonies are first set up on the moons of nearby gas giants and space stations orbiting the planet are set up.It can also be done while artificial planets are set up around gas giants.Human military personnel will be present on planets when setting up research bases and the first human settlements to scour for hostile plants and animals.The setting up of power plants will follow the same parameters on Earth 10% fossil fuels with all fossil fuel reserves located to sequester it as graphene etc coupled with pyrolysis plants as well as 70% geothermal and the remaining parameters including fusion and fission nuclear power plants,VAWTs,tidal and wave power plants decided by the terraforming space stations.All asteroids in belts around the planet will be analysed by space stations and terrestrial stations to allow for those that have a chance of hitting them to be mined as detailed later on.

All entertainment media such as books,video games and movies etc from observed races of lower/equal/highim technological tiers,those that have become allies and are still observed will be added into the wires universal Dionysus once their language has been translated with all of their current scientific knowledge in the form of papers etc and even art added to Apollo alongside those created by humans and Astraeus.Magazines and newspapers will be sent into Pheme again once translation is possible with all languages and dialects added to Coeus databases for learning and to Phroneus for translation.All live news will be livestreamed via Nyx into the wire.Their current designs for manufactured goods would be added to Hephaestus.All research done by scientists,vessel and station AI,Phanes,Artemis,Gaia in orbiting stations will also be sent to Apollo.The same will apply to information from other realities when interdimensional travel is possible.Once races are allied bases for Gaias complex will be put on them following the same them with any versions of him in these planets merged with her.

Both living humans and allied races that are similar to humans ie are mammalian or are vivaporous can be using CRISPR be edited to allow for them to be able to mate and interbreed with each other to produce healthy viable young through sexual intercourse,IVF thus producing hybrid young with even ovivoporous species able to interbreed with even a hybrid species created in artificial wombs to cater to this for research purposes

Solar systems with no viable planets to terraform,colonise or harbour life include Hell class planets alongside Gas giants and dwarf planets or even those with no planets at all will be mapped and observed by astrophysicists again via ships or space stations with them also observed for any reserves of mine able essential elements for use for extrasolar colonies.Permenant space stations to act as both scientific outposts and homes orbiting the star,moons and planets can be set up here and act as relay points for scientific vessels and as diplomatic venues.Furthermore ertificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells,alderson discs can be built around them if physically possible with multiple ones in each star system eithim orbiting the star like planets,orbiting them and large gas giant planets or encircling them entirely alongside dyson spheres.If possible super terrans could be colonised by using graphene and graphene infused pyrex to build hubs,underground communities or if mining the planet for ores done by specialised machinery composed of graphene that can survive the atmosphere and planet cracking through specialised machinery or flinging large planetary or moon sized bodies at them to reduce their size considerably over decades or centuries making them theoretically the same size as earth or at least harvesting them for ores to construct space stations and ringworlds alongside artificial moons with meteorites and picotech fabricators used.Machinery designed to survive the surface of the planet will harvest the planet for ores to create space stations,vessels,ringworlds and also artificial moons etc and for uses on Earth and other colonies and will play a role to shrink super terrans to the same size as Earth alongside flinging comets and larger bodies at them both natural and those made from picotech fabricators with also lasers used that can when directed at them crack off or peel off layers of the planet layer by layer in controlled amounts like an onion to allow the material to be harvested with harvested material like that from asteroids etc stored on Earth colonies,space stations or relay stations between Earth and space stations.The material would be used to create artificial moons if none exist or make small ones present bigger with large ones shrunk down in the same way.If need be moon sized computers as part of the wire can be created to carry out the same functions as a moon and also used to store data and other functions of the wire.Lasers etc can be used to completely obliterate superterrans to allow all of the entire planets reserves of prescious metals,water and minerals dissolved in the oceans with if molten material exists then it will cool down in the vacuum of space.Super Terrans can have devices placed in the core could alter the magnetosphere,gravity etc to be the same of Earth with if possible humans via genetic engineering being added to humans etc using recombinant DNA from P.denitrificans to allow them to be able to survive the immense gravity of them thus making them habitable especially if native lifeformd are found with any newly created plants and animals having this engineering.The same orbital mirrors technology and potent greenhouse gases to heat Mars could be used to provide heat to planets to the same temperatures on Earth if they are too far away from the goldilocks zone with those to close to their star have mirrors reflect heat away from them.Advances in technology could restart dead dynamoes and mantles or even create those that dont exist to allow for geothermal power to be used with dyson swarms,fossil fuels from bacteria etc utilised with structures at key points of the planet deflecting radiation from the sun.These planets would have synthetic soil created alongside atmospheres and oceans etc via picotech fabricators and flinging artificial or naturally forming comets at them including the contents of the Oort.The shape of continents would be created via instigating volcanic activity and also mining the planet into ideal shapes planned by Astraeus,Pan,Theoi Meteroi etc with oceans created by flinging natural or artificial comets or creating water via picotech fabricators.

Space elevators:
Space elevators will be located on Earth and all colonies across the universe.These space elevators will be used to construct and release solar arrays and also satellites without the need for using rockets with repair and replacement robots of these using the elevators as well with if possible solar arrays that have satellites and wifi could be part of them as part of the counterweight.Robots etc that are cleaning the junk surrounding the Earth can be deployed here alongside those sent up to replace the onboard computers of ageing satellites.Each remaining airport will as stated have space elevators to accommodate interstellar travel using artificial wormholes at the edge of the solar system bringing one to any quadrant or colony across the galaxy as detailed later on using commercial spacefaring vessels that act in the same way as cruise ships and aeroplanes in space or personal space vessels docked here  or at various points in the solar system in space carparks with Mars and other colonies in the solar system accessed by Erebus/Nyx or even their own elevators.Space elevators will be onsite of remaining airports with each continent on Earth and eventually all colonies across the universe having at least one space elevator.Having them here will allow one to travel to an airport by private vehicles and aeroplanes with this also one to be acessed onsite of airports,not interfer with wilderness.They can also be located in the middle of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans etc accessed by cruise ships.These will be used to house lounges for passengers to depart in interstellar and intergalactic vessels for the military,commercial purposes modelled on cruise ships etc and also even personal interstellar vehicles though in time personal interstellar vehicles will be compact enough to park in carparks and by ones home.Erebus as stated can allow one to travel to any colony within the solar system and also galaxy when combined with Nyx with this once colonies in other systems are set up will make space elevators defunct with prior to this it allowing one to travel to bases on the Moon,Mars,Venus and Europa etc once terraformed by the end of the century by Pan etc will allow one to travel there using Erebus on Earth combined with Nyx where the gravity is lower than on Earth allowing interstellar vehicles to be deployed using mass drivers or less fossil fuels with it also used to travel to space stations and vessels within and outside the solar system that can them be used to travel to other systems and planets with Erebus can even utilised within space elevators to allow one to reach the top of them within seconds and thus negate the need for a long tethim to connect them to the Earth or even the use of an elevator itself as using Erebus and Nyx one would be transported from Earth to the to the top the elevator orbiting Earth that would then consist of a series of luxury lounges and gates that deploy  commercial or even private space vessels.Erebus onsite of remaining airports be used to be transported to orbiting space elevators instantly negating the need for tethers thus saving on resources,time and dangers posed by accidents.These will be used to allow commercial and exploratory vehicles to leave Earth bypassing the need to use fuel to exit the atmpsphere.Having future interstellar vehicles and satillites constructed on,docking at and leaving from space elevators will reduce the amount of energy needed for them to exit in space and exit the atmosphere as they will not need to use energy to exit the Earths atomosphere since these elevators will be already located in the outer reaches of space outside of the Earths gravitational pull.Skyhooks and electromagnetic engines can be used to propel intersteller vehicles with nanomaterials such as graphene and those of the other 94 elements of the same structure and biosynth technology can make vehicles much lighter.Stellar engines can allow the sun and thus the entire solar system to be moved closer to nearby colonies with this cutting down on the energy required for Nyx and Erebus to transmit energy,data and also interstellar vehicles.All discovered colonies could be moved closer to each other and other stars used for energy could be too in a nice neat way so as to prevent gamma ray bursts affecting them but still allow energy to transmitted across the galaxy in concentrated bursts.Synthetic oil,gasoline and biofuels created by bacteria that use a looped system with carbon dioxide produced is diverted to the vats and then used to feed the bacteria onboard that use looped micro gas trigeneration systems alongside nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth technology that replace expensive materials and make them lighter etc,biosynth batteries as part of vessels that can make them lighter should cut down costs of space travel sent to mine the Oort cloud and asteroids and travel to Mars and so on and space stations making them exponentially cheaper prior to electromagnetic engines,space elevators,skyhooks,ship generated wormholes,mass drivers,stellar Shipyards for constructing interstellar vehicles for exploration and commercial use will be onsite of space elevators or can be in orbit of gas giants such as Jupiter or to even located in the vast open spaces of space in between each planet in the solar system.Stellar engines,Erebus etc being perfected.Biosynth technology and nanomaterials of all 94 elements will replace expensive materials,wiring and make all bulky components more compact and more important make them much faster giving them space stations and interstellar vehicles obscene amounts of RAM,digital DNA storage and nanoprocessors exponentionally more powerful than all supercomputers as of 2016 considereing they will replace all wiring and all components thus making faster,cheaper and more compact thus making space travel including interstellar travel and space stations expontionally cheaper allowing it to be in reach of the average citizen between 2045-2100 with intensive research done by Hecate,Urania and Astraeus into the relevant fields of physics with once ubiquitous interstellar versions of buses,taxis,aeroplanes,cruise ships and even private interstellar vehicles will become availible to the average individual between 2100-2200 with them using ship generated nanowormholes,sublight speeds and Erebus to traverse the galaxy.These nanomaterials and biosynth technologies being lighter and cheaper than conventional materials and synthetic oil,gasoline,methane and vegetable and plant oils derived from bacteria should make interstellar travel and even setting up satellites and space stations exponentially cheaper.By 2045 onwards these and other technologies will make interstellar,in colony travel to Mars etc and even mining of asteroids exponentionally cheaper.Substitutes for certain elements will come in the form of nanomaterials of other elements similar to graphene,graphyne,carbyne,schwarzites,indium selenide etc and also plastics doped in nanmoaterials and so on

Nyx :
In time advances in quantum mechanics will allow information to be sent back and forth from satellites,bases,interstellar vessels and space stations back to Earth and other colonies in a from of subspace telecommunications wherein micro or even nano artificial wormholes or routes to hyperspace open indefinitely to allow information to reach Earth and other colonies as well as space stations at the speed of light as eithim light or other signals while bypassing large sections of space with relay stations that form networks around the galaxy.Advances in quantum entanglement,compassing and telecommunications will improve this and make it a reality.It would involve the structures keeping open nano wormholes forever that would allow information such as data from the wire and internet and also cellular phonecalls in the form Biosynth WiFi,cellular and Bluetooth signals to be shared and sent across the galaxy and in time universe in real time with even energy in the form of radiation to be shared across the universe.These would be powered using eithim fusion power,dyson swarms from nearby suns or in time artificial miniature artificial quantum singularities or theoretical dyson swarms to keep the network open constantly.Energy can be directed from a nearby dyson swarm in a inhabited or unihabited system with the energy transported alongside the light as radiation or light energy itself used to transfer information to all devices in the chain with as stated to prevent transmission loss every few devices as decided by Astraeus and prevent the entire system collapsing if their is a break in the chain.The radiation from one dyson swarm or sphere in an uninhabited station that uses Nyx to transport its energy from each solar system to the next will be as it travels along power the entire system.Otherwise to prevent transmission loss from a dyson swarm and sphere will transport to Earth with excess fed to Earth,Erebus or space stations to prevent too much energy building up.These networks location across the galaxy would be logged in Astraeus and relay diagnostics and reports from the AI of bases,ships and stations under the control of Astraeus and Arke while at the same time in the distant future power communication between all bases,stations planets both in terms of cellular and internet/wire flow of information once humans have colonised the galaxy allowing for transfer and streaming of information instantly across the galaxy similar to how fibre optics and broadband centres and switchboxes does this on Earth with each relay station connected to multiple stations across the galaxy connecting them to each other in a giant web like system with methods of diffracting/splitting the light to send it to multiple networks.Data can be transferred via this system including Bluetooth,WiFi,cellular data and all data from the wire and internet in real time.Energy from dyson swarms and singularities could be transported across the galaxy using this with the energy transformed into wifi also transferred by this with those in star a box devices have energy and wifi transported by this.This would also allow Gaia to control of operations and gain real time feeds of camera feeds,nanosensor readings etc of space stations and colonies across the galaxy with him also having computers and servers on these alongside Earth as well as allow space stations and ships observing other races and star systems to instantly relay information back and forth.It would also for real time wire and internet access to be streamed across the galaxy particularly livestreams of live events and new information added to the wire and internet,online multiplayer video games etc with it also allowing livestreams from Brauron on all planets across the galaxy to be streamed across the galaxy and would speed up the mapping of and terrmorming of the galaxy by Gaia and scientists from the comfort of Earth and other colonies with simulations and readings from operations sent instantly back and forth to Earth with Erebus allowing flight of probe ships and interstellar vehicles containing researchers.Cellular communications for phonecalls could also be transmitted this way with the devices splitting these in in the desired direction of the station or planet that is being directed to via interactions between Iris and Astraeus.A series of orbiting satellites around planets including terraformed moons etc or stations in the star system or even moons and asteroids would receive these cellular and light signals and transmit them to terrestrial based switchboxes/towers or Gaias complex dotted around the inhabited planets again possibly using nano wormholes to allow the populace below to receive them and have the information dispersed around the planets via the wire and internet instantly with these also transmitting data between planets and stations within a solar system instantly as it takes light at five hours to reach the sun to outer rim of the Sol System.Both light signals holding information and cellular information would travel in both directions back and forth with the wires complex,the global internet and communication systems receiving the data on the surface for incoming data and transmitting it for outgoing data. with Nyx,Arke and Hecate designing this system in the most efficient means to prevent congestion,bandwidth.Solar arrays that transmit energy to Earth could transmit this to Earth once collecting them alongside energy.Energy from solar arrays can also be sent to Earth via other suns via this with energy from dyson swarms in unihabited solar systems can be sent to Earth etc to provide even more energy than from our native sun.These will be fitted with onboard computers and them fitted with more powerful computers overtime with those by 2045 having more computing power than all 9,000,000 people on Earth allowing them to log and control all information traffic across the system.Furthermore there would be larger versions of these to transmit information to and from the Milky Way and other galaxies connected to it.It will allow information between bases,space stations on mapped,terraformed and observed planets during these operations once set across the galaxy.This relay networks would be named after the primordial deity Nyx with the symbol being a white circle with black border with this on all structures and machinery that constructs and maintains them.This will extend Gaias and all AIs including biosynths omniscience to the rest of the galaxy and then universe with the software linking and managing this system being called Nyx with it also being sentient and him avatar based on him statues and paintings with him managing and operating all of them.Traditional wifi and new advances will also be able to be transmitted through this Nyx since sentient will manage intensive research into this alongside Arke and Hecate.Construction of these would also be automated and done by probe ships in each major solar system in particular ones involving planets that can be terraformed,house terran class planets and even near those that house pre interstellar sentient races(with these covered in metamaterials to avoid detection).Nyx will be used to transport energy from dyson swarms and also excess produced by geothermal etc across the galaxy and universe to Earth and all colonies in real time.These will form a web like structure across the galaxy and eventually all galaxies with structures set up in key star systems connecting each galaxy to the other allowing cellular calls,WiFi,internet and wire access and data and energy in the form of light,radiation and heat to be transported across the universe in real time.Proto and smaller versions of Nyx will be used to communicate between Earth and Mars,Venus and also Titan,Europa when they are colonised.The location of them will be decided by Astraeus as well as Arke and will be logged in it visible to the public with older versions replaced by more efficient ones overtime.Quantum entanglement communicators can also suffice.Eventually this may be used to transmit data,the wire and internet and even phone calls back and forth between other dimensions and parallel realities.Interstellar vehicles and space stations will use internal subspace versions to send data and phone calls across vast distances including piggybacking on Nyx.

Erebus :
Similar structures also constructed that could open hyperspace or artificial wormholes to set points around the galaxy that cut down travel time even faster with them having permanent open wormholes/hyperspace routes that connect set points of Galaxy such as all four quadrants.Each entity would be opening wormholes to all other quadrants at once or each quadrant having a device forming a square structure requiring to travel from one to the next.It could also be three located in close proximity as in three close star systems or the same one devoid of habitable planets with space stations managed by AI also present monitoring inflow of traffic as well as research of planets in that system each one connected to each of the other three quadrants constantly kept open and the others open via interactions between them and the onboard computer of vessels to any other device within the quadrant with key systems in each quadrant housing this four set structure with other devices dotted around the galaxy with Astraeus and Erebus deciding their locations.Systems with colonised planets including the Sol System housing Earth will have them at the edge of the solar systems,in the halfway point or even orbiting the planet or its satellite moon.These would also be logged in Astraeus and powered by the same means as relay networks with both cases larger versions of these built to accommodate the ability to travel again between the Milky Way and other galaxies in particular those in the local group.These would allow continuous flow of multiple vessels at once through them and save vessels energy in having to open and close new wormholes over the extremely vast distances between each quadrant with smaller versions in each quadrant that keep wormholes constantly open for ystems such as new colonies,observed star systems and the outskirts of the Sol system with automated systems present to close them and direct traffic inside to other systems in emergencies in both types such as to prevent hostile threats finding Earth and other colonies.These can also be kept open while newer versions are constructed in nearby star system and then recycled or replaced with each of the three quadrants having three in one system that is uninhabited.These quadrants then have smaller versions for key star systems that have others constantly open for other key systems.If possible they can be opened on demand by the interstellar vessel AIs onboard computer interacting with the devices computer to a selected star system which would be ideal as would allow Erebus and Astraeus control over which vehicles could enter and log all ships that enter,their direction or asked to enter and prevent certain ones from using it such as races that are a threat to Earth and also preventing criminals and dangerous aliens or humans using them and report to Earth and relevant law enforcements with multiple vehicles entering at a time by all ships onboard computers interacting at the same time.This would allow Astraeus and Erebus to log what vehicles entered them detailed to themselves and authorities on colonies and prevent certain ones entering that are blocked by the authorities or the sentient softwares themselves.Devices encircling these would hold cameras fed into the devices giving Erebus visual feeds.If possible this could be open at all times and Erebus directing them to their destination with the ships entering interacting through subspace systems automatically by Erebus to identify the AI in charge of the vessel to report their approach to Earth etc and also block their access.If possible for multiple vehicles travelling at once to different systems it could involve highways that branch out in different directions within the Erebus generated wormhole and hyperspace system with the AI of each ship taking turns etc guided by Erebus allowing for multiple vessels to travel at once to different star systems with them bridged with others at the same time travelling to the same destination from different devices across the galaxy with Erebus managing the formation of different bridging gaps at all times.Otherwise for versions where vessels pass through it ship AI would have the destination set and one would simply travel through it and be transported to their destination even if other vessels travel through it at the same time with the AI interacting with it selectively ensuring oneself is transported to there destination even if others travel through it at the same time with Erebus transporting the entire flow of traffic individually constantly.This means that if two or more vessels are using the different types of Erebus technologies and are going to completely different destinations then AI in the form of ship AI and Erebus will ensure that each one will be sent to each ones separate destinations individually allowing multiple people to use it at once and still be transported to their different destinations safely.Vessels that come out the other side of Erebus will use artificial wormholes,hyperspace travel generated by themselves  to travel the rest of the journey with Erebus used to bypass large sections of the galaxy to reduce energy costs on interstellar vessels in generation of their own artificial wormholes that would cater to the rest of the journey alongside via hyperspace sub light or light speed travel meaning the rest of the journey would be done by.These would be in the outskirts or inner ring of star systems with habitable planets thus allowing interstellar vehicles instant access to any other star system with them expending almost zero energy themselves cutting down the time to travel to other colonies across the galaxy in a matter of minutes.These in these solar systems can be used to travel to other galaxies or their being devices in the outskirts of each galaxy or in between them and in areas between each cluster.This would drastically reduce energy costs and also even the time taken to travel to any key star system in the galaxy and eventually universe.Prior to this vessels exploring the galaxy will use ship generated wormholes.Energy can be directed from a nearby dyson swarm or sphere in a inhabited or unihabited system with the energy transported alongside light to nearby Erebus devices as radiation or light energy itself to all devices in the chain alongside the Erebus systems themselves to all other systems with as stated to prevent power loss every few devices as decided by Astraeus.Otherwise like Nyx energy from dyson swarms can travel through the entire system or from nearby structures that open the gate with each gate or series of them have next to them that also house the onboard computer that logs and controls traffic.Miniature structures can be deposited in these intersteller hyperspace highways or by the entrance to them to monitor traffic similar to terrestrial based surveillance cameras and control the flow of traffic similar to terrestrial based traffic systems logged and relayed into Astraeus.All travel and logs of vehicles entered and their destination will be logged into Astraeus or the onboard computer of the Erebus device meaning each device will have their own personality,avatar and legal name with them fitted with more powerful computers overtime with those by 2045 having more computing power than all 9,000,000 people on Earth allowing them to log all traffic.Otherwise different structures could form a chain of miniature wormhole devices in a single line or track that can deliver a vehicle to a set point and deposit it them at anothim point to enter anothim wormhole with each of these stops and devices being at again key star systems with forks in the road similar to highways and also train tracks to allow them to choose which star systems and quadrant to be directed to with all of these options logged in Ophion with diagnostics and readings such as energy use visible to public.All intersteller vehicles would have their own AI personality and all automated travel will be controlled by this at the behest of the crew with the AI controlling and monitoring all systems on the ship and also running diagnostics.Construction of these would also be automated and done by probe ships in each major solar system in particular ones involving planets that can be terraformed,house terran class planets and even near those that house pre interstellar sentient races(with these covered in metamaterials to avoid detection).Proto and smaller versions of Erebus will be used to travel between Earth and Mars,Venus and also Titan,Europa when they are colonised as well as even between different continents on Earth.Earth would have miniature versions to allow for instant travel between different airports on Earth and also from Earth to other colonies within the Sol System and galaxy.The location of them will be decided by Astraeus and will be logged in it visible to the public with older versions replaced by more efficient ones overtime.It would allow quick travel and trade across the galaxy for tourists,politicians,researchers and allied races.This system of galactic highways can be called Erebus after the primordial deity with its symbol being a black circle with this on all structures and machinery that constructs and maintains them.The software linking and managing this system being called Erebus with it also being sentient and his avatar based on his statues,descriptions and paintings with him and Hecate developing them via intensive research.The flow of traffic will be visible to the public.Eventually this may be used to travel back and forth between other dimensions and parallel realities.Miniaturised versions of these can be set up on Earth and colonies to allow for travel in between different countries on Earth or between different planets similar to a Stargate device

With regards to the local group special large stations of these Erebus and Nyx devices can be set up in between in between each galaxy and cluster Etc that open and close wormholes/hyperspace points when needed or constantly creating a travel hub between the galaxies with other hubs opening links to the other groups within the Virgo Supercluster with again other hubs connecting to other clusters.It could consist of a device at the edge of the galaxy or acessible from other gates at the rest of the galaxy that is between all of the galaxies in the centre of the Local Group with other structures leading to each nearby galaxy in the Local Group with them each containing their own sets of devices and then one that leads to the centre of the Virgo Supercluster and so on to the rest of the galaxies in it and this continuing towards the rest of the universe.This would apply to Nyx with relay networks between the Milky Way and each galaxy or even a singular device that spreads data to each galaxy.Astraeus,Erebus and Nyx will decide the locations of them in each galaxy including the Milky Way alongside in areas in between galaxies and and clusters across the universe for efficiency etc and research ways to allow quick transportation with as little amount of these present and least amount of energy.These Nyx and Erebus devices will be set up in between all galaxies in the Local Group,Laniakea Supercluster and also all other galaxies and superclusters across the universe thus allowing one to travel to any other galaxy across the universe and receive data from all planets across the universe.If interdimensional travel is made possible both Erebus and Nyx would also cater to the flow of traffic and information between our dimension and other ones and extend Gaias and all AIs omniscience to other realities with connections to these at him main complex with it and these dimensions containing complexes that connect to other dimensions and so on as well as all planets in their galaxies.Each dimension would contain multiple gateways to other dimensions allowing to spread through as many as possible.Travel to these for the general public would follow the same pattern in specialised buildings or space stations with bridges to mutiple devices or even structures orbiting deserted star systems.The same process of automated terraforming and exploration of other planets will apply to other dimensions and will be carried out by Astraeus with interdimensional travel controlled by Erebus.All components,structures and machinery of both networks would be coated internally and externally with liquid glass to make them resistant to dirt and dust in space with them coated in a layer of graphene paint to increase their strength.Construction of both would be automated with diagnostics fed into Astraeus with their locations logged on a map of the galaxy and then universe with Astraeus connecting them together.Nyx,Erebus and Astraeus will decide where Erebus and Nyx systems will be placed across the universe and universe with them constructed during the charting of the universe with older versions recycled and replaced with newer ones with all work managed by automation and AI.

Dyson Swarms :
Dyson swarms will created around our own native sun due to the fact that a dyson sphere would block sunlight and heat.Capturing just 1% of the energy from the sun this way will provide the world with 4,000ZJ with it also collecting Helium-3 to be transported to Earth.Capturing 10-50% would give us 40,000-200,000ZJ or 40-200YJ.The energy would using Nyx and radiation be received on Earth by receivers that are part of Brontes or linked satellites also used by solar arrays that would share the energy with each other and then distribute it to different parts of the global energy grid Brontes on Earth would be able to distribute the energy to all parts of the world evenly or where picotech fabricators thus powering the entire world indefinitely with the same applied to other colonies.All discovered singularities across the universe will have them covered in devices to harvest their energy.The energy can be transported to Earth and other colonies using Nyx with in the case of singularities will prevent the possibility of explosions affecting Earth with the case of dyson swarms and spheres the Helium-3 transported to Earth.Once created on the sun picotech fabricators on Earth,space stations and also interstellar vessels and stations will be able to create those for the next star without mining other planets and also to deal with those that have no orbiting planets until all stars in the universe have dyson swarms created for them.As stated picotech fabrication could negate the need for mining planets as these planets could be used to receive and send more power to Earth etc and also act as space stations and scientific bases.These could transfer energy from one solar system to the next using Nyx and also power both Nyx and Erebus with the first around the sun taking about a decade to produce with the rest taking even less each.Once created on the sun picotech fabricators on Earth,space stations and also interstellar vessels and stations will be able to create those for the next star without mining other planets and also to deal with those that have no orbiting planets until all stars in the universe have dyson swarms created for them.As stated picotech fabrication could negate the need for mining planets as these planets could be used to receive and send more power to Earth etc and also act as space stations and scientific bases.These could transfer energy from one solar system to the next using Nyx and also power both Nyx and Erebus with the first around the sun taking about a decade to produce with the rest taking even less each.Nyx as stated would allow energy from far away distant stars to be sent to Earth within minutes or seconds with both Nyx and Steropes controlling the transfer of energy with these designed to use dyson swarms to collect at least 1-50% of the energy thus exponentially increasing the amount of energy availible to Earth and other colonies ie Mars,Venus and other terraformed worlds with both the sentient Nyx and Steropes managing this flow of energy to where it is needed with in time most if not all stars fitted with swarms to provide an endless supply of energy with the stars of other Class M colonised worlds and uninhabited systems have swarms with Nyx and Steropes transferring the flow energy to all colonies across the universe in controlled bursts to be stored in vast battery packs etc.Other star systems may have space station or artificial planets created via picotech fabricators and their versions of the Oort cloud meaning the stars could be covered with dyson swarms rathim than spheres.All stars across the universe  including our native one would use swarms not spheres that collect 1-50% of the suns energy so as to allow the suns heat and light to reach Earth,other colonies with even uninhabited colonies that could house space stations and even artificial planets and ringworlds.All stars across the universe including our native one would use swarms not spheres that collect 1-50% of the suns energy so as to allow the suns heat and light to reach Earth,other colonies with even uninhabited colonies that could house space stations and even artificial planets and ringworlds.Even star types outside of type G stars of which our sun is can have swarms around them if they produce more energy,changed into type G or turned into other types that have highim yields of energy other than type G with research done into the most efficient type and also changing other star types into other types with even our sun and other types fitted dimensional fields to increase output and prevent solar flares with this done on the other types to increase their habitat zone range,light and heat output and be able to house ringworlds,artificial planets and space stations.Brontes would ensure that the energy from dyson swarms,solar arrays and even possibly fusion power and excess energy from all homes and power plants would be distributed only to energy intensive transporter technology and also picotech fabricators around the world while Ocenaus,all homes of all types,all manufacturing hubs etc will be charged by geothermal and renewables etc

Matrioshka brains can be fitted around stars in uninhabited systems especially hypergiants and other large star types outside that of the solar system and artificial ones made from scratch.They can double as dyson spheres.They would be composed of graphene that can withstand temperatures as high as 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius.Thermo-piezoelectric materials and materials from solar panels and dyson swarms will convert the stars light and heat into energy.Graphene,silicene,stanene and other hexagonal single atom thick nanomaterials used could be used to house nanoprocessors with it covered in layers of neural biosynth technology for hardrives.

Artificial planets :
It could be possible to produce planet Earth sized bodies within solar systems by recreating the process upon which Earth was created by using theoretical singularities and other material to bring closely packed asteroids native and foreign to that system togethim by flinging them or absorbing them to each other and/or superheating them to form a planet or moon sized body complete with mantle and inner core though this would be require quantum singularities and highly advanced machinery with material and water even created by picotechnology.If possible this could be done by creating Earth sized moons for all of the major gas giants such as Saturn,Jupiter and also Neptune giving at east an extra 100-202 planets in the Sol solar system with or without moons with the Oort cloud also mined.Existing moons of these gas giants will be used as a baseline and made bigger through this or even acting as the moons of the new planets eithim made bigger or smaller with AI extrapolating their orbits and even changing them to prevent them colliding,being thrown away and being sucked away.Existing moons of Jupiter,Neptune,Saturn could even act as the moons of the new planets can eithim be made bigger or smaller or even mined for resources to create them.If possible one could form stable orbits where they orbit each other similar to Epimetheus and Janus do in orbit in Saturn with one even doing so with Earth and other planets in other system.Others could be created in between all existing planets both within the habitable zone and outside it  with genetic engineering,spacesuits and closed off bases and underground communities and allowing humans to thrive on them and this replicated in all discovered star systems with and without planets with gas giants having them as moons.Mars and Pluto could also be used as a baseline.Orbital mirrors and even Nyx that can transport heat and light from the sun or or even other suns across the universe can be used to provide heat and light to them if they are far away and these powered by energy from Nyx,energy from other stars and would produce heat and light for the planets themselves or alongside that from suns with these orbiting each planet to provide light and heat and pre programmed day and night cycles.These could be powered from dyson swarms from other solar systems with energy and wifi alongside heat and light radiated to the planets as well.If possible a dimensional field with altered physics can be created in the core of Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune,Uranus to house thermo-piezoelectric materials and also dyson swarm like materials to then using Nyx be transported to these mirrors that can generate light and heat similar to that experienced on Earth from the sun to create day and night cycles and seasons on all artificial planets dispersed evenly with it also providing wifi and also excess energy used by the colonies similar to that from dyson swarms or the energy used as all three as at once alongside providing wifi.All of these planets could generate 34,057ZJ dispersed to all artificial planets equally.In the case the sun if perfected could provide an extra 10,714,285ZJ again dispersed equally and excess sent to Earth.Orbital solar collectors orbiting the sun can collect heat and light from the sun to be sent to orbital mirrors orbiting each planet to be dispersed amongst them using eithim Nyx or being transferred through space to give proper day/night cycles and seasons with AI developing strategies to using heat and light from the sun and that from artificial energy sources to allow it to create light and heat to be dispersed amongst the planets.Orbital mirrors can allow the heat and light produced dispersed amongst artificial planets set up around each one that then using Nyx be transported to these mirrors that can generate light and heat similar to that experienced on Earth from the sun to create day and night cycles and seasons with it also providing wifi and also excess energy used by the colonies similar to that from dyson swarms or the energy used as all three as at once alongside providing wifi.Solar orbital mirrors would also be used to keep the planet warmer at all points in between the poles and the equator all year long at controlled measurements changing with pre-programmed artificial seasons and night and day temperatures and cycles to compliment the released and added greenhouse gases.Thermococcus gammatolerans DNA can be added to all flora and fauna to protect them from radiation with DNA from other extremophiles protecting them from other harsh conditions.The effect that each new planet would have on each other and also existing ones like Earth would be extrapolated and also the effects of existing planets on each new one with countermeasures even developed such as having the dynamo and inner core of the planets create a field with slightly different magnetic effects and laws of physics and thus negate these effects including stronger magnetic field and allow it to orbit these planets with no effect.Others could could be arranged in shared orbits ie with Earth,with each other while orbiting a gas giant in a way to prevent collisions to allow transport between them via space vessels and Erebus etc.Since artificial the planet could house devices that generate this field using the power from the inner core or even those that alter the magnetism and gravitational effect.Super Earths can be made and these devices can make the planet exhibit the same gravity,magnetic fields etc as normal Terran planet  allowing them to be habitable,have stable orbits and house a larger populations with Super Earths 10-1,000,000 times the size of Earth and again have the same gravity and magnetic field of Earth.Existing Super Earths may also be fitted with these using transporter technology and boring into them and made even bigger.These using thermo-piezoelectric materials would gain energy from the heat of the inner/outer core with a pocket universe to house them.It may also be used to directly extract energy from the inner and outer core similar to dyson swarms with this also replicated with Jupiter and the sun via thermo-piezoelectric materials.Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune etc could have this done to alter there effects on these new planets via altering the gravity,magnetic field on them and allow to for stable orbits for the planets and not affect that on Earth.Moons may also be created.This could even protect them from comets and radiation by having the planet “out of phase” or simply the altered physics and magnetic field modified to do this with comets also dealt with the same measures to protect Earth.If out of phase then incoming space vessels and data and humans arriving via Erebus/Nyx will prior or during transport be put in the same phase.If possible this would only be done when comets approach the planet and this also done to Earth on these instances with it also producing a stronger magnetic field or ozone layer to protect them from that of Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune etc with this also done on Earth to protect from gamma ray bursts and solar flares with even devices set up around each one that deflect the magnetic field of gas giants.There is the possibility processes even developed to turn Jupiter,Saturn and even Neptune into miniature suns or increase their mass and gravitational strength with devices also put inside them to allow them to become bigger without turning into brown dwarfs and stay the same composition preventing this affecting Earth and also alter its magnetic field preventing the new planets orbiting them being affected and also them to orbit it,via altering the gravity,magnetic field on them and allow to for stable orbits for the planets and not affect that on Earth.Earth may have them added to prevent it being affected by this.The new planets using these field could not be negatively affected by the gravity,magnetic field etc of Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune etc with Earth having them to country any changes in gravity they have on it.It applied to our sun and stars of other systems can be done to change them into different stars,increase and decrease heat and light output,lifespan,radiation,gravity and also even their habitable zone range with them again housed a bubble themselves to survive the immense pressure and heat with sufficient amount of heat added and allowed in to charge them in both planets and stars.The strength of the field would be proportional to the energy converted from heat and also the size of the device.Each planets underwater and surface terrain will be designed by AI namely Gaia and Iphigenia including faults and volcanoes to ensure the crust stays constantly upgraded and in constant equilibrium with them given the same amount of ocean to land ratio as Earth with this taking into account the effect it has on planned global climate managed and planned by Theoi Meteroi with Phanes designing whole taxonomic ranks of new species of flora and fauna different from Earth and other megastructures all phylum from scratch following a realistic evolutionary tree with mythological animals and those from previous geological periods used.These would form the same complex ecological systems on Earth and be suited to the different environments and wilderness present and the different climates there with Phanes creating them in a way that mirrors evolution on Earth ie an evolutionary tree with related species and taxonomic ranks and islandisation etc with the ratio of and to water similar to Earth on the entire with the design taking into account the effect it would have on the climate on the entire planets.This can include those from all previous geological periods on Earth.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on these colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally artificial planets the same size as Earth can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of H.sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with each one containing those from each individual geological period ie each planet contains only those from each geological periods.Each one would have a building that contains the AI that manages them with its own unique avatar,personality and name that would be separate or the same as the planets name.The building would house its own version of Brauron,Physis and the sentient Theoi Meteroi for it that can be streamed via all devices onsite and on other parts of the universe via Nyx.This AI separate from Gaia etc would manage all operations on the disc including communications with all other colonies and manage the weathim alongside Theoi Meteroi and operate and control all orbital mirrors,coolant systems etc to keep all parts of the planet habitable and manage day/night cycles and management of seasons.On large planets larger than Earth transportation options will involve roads including underground ones,Oceanus,transporter technology,scramjet and also interstellar vehicles both private and commercial.Some could be modelled to form ecumenopolises similar to the fictional Coruscant with artificial climate and hydrological systems present controlled by Theoi Meteroi.These artificial planets would require moons to be created as well with even moon sized computers to carry out the same purposes and those for Gaia used as a baseline or substitute that could carry out the same functions of our moon with even artificial moons created.Those that share orbits could act as each others moon with phasing technology preventing each other and their moons colliding with each other.Once the process is perfected this will be replicated in other star systems both those with gas giants,no planets and those with other colonies.Those with no planets could have them arranged in a line or shared orbits with each other in a line or have gas giants created including super gas giants with devices to prevent them becoming brown dwarfs with stars turned into type G ones or turned into other types that have highim yields for dyson swarms of energy other than type G with research done into the most efficient type and also changing other star types into other types ie red dwarf and hypergiants into type G stars with even our sun and other types fitted dimensional fields to increase output and prevent solar flares with this done on the other types to increase their habitable zone range,gravitational strength,lifespan,light and heat output or do the opposite.Picotech fabricaters especially large ones charged by natural and artificial singularities,dyson swarms etc will play a role in the creation of artificial planets both in terms of their actual composition but also soil and water as part of oceans,rivers,lakes with all work automated from start to finish.Picotech fabricators will also be used to create water for oceans,rivers and lakes and by extension water vapour for clouds etc by releasing it into the atmosphere or into valleys etc and also soil to be compacted into layers alongside groundwater pumped into a layer bored by machinery.Ipheginia will design the terrain and Phanes the taxonomic ranks and ecosystems of each artificial planet to make them unique.

Ringworlds :
Ringworlds will be constructed using material from the Oort cloud and asteroid belts and also picotech fabricators with them composed of graphene and other carbon composites and also atom thick allotropes of all other elements and composites.The land created would have to be constructed high enough to allow for oceans deep enough similarly to that of Earths to exist to cater to travel on ships,weathim patterns and tidal forces.Each ringworld would be controlled by their own AI and can be in our native solar system in the same habitable zone as Earth,orbiting Earth,in the same orbital range as Earth,or orbiting Jupiter,Neptune,Uranus and Saturn with them using artificially created stars in the centre or the native sun and also even turning gas giants like Jupiter into a star by condensing the hydrogen in the planet.This could be at least a small red giant with transporter technology and picotech fabricators turning into a miniature type G star with the same luminosity as our sun but small enough not to effect the rest of the planets orbit coupled dimensional fields and keep all of its moons and ringworlds in orbit and also be able to divert asteroids and comets away from Earth with existing asteroids including the Kupier and asteroid belt mined before this.Dyson swarm systems and energy from singularities can heat the entire ring with bio luminescence added to all areas.Those with miniature stars can have it darkened by orbital mirrors etc that allow for controlled day and night cycles and seasons at each point controlled by the AI that manages each one.Otherwise a dyson sphere that using metamaterials could during daytime be invisible while covering it or separated into pieces at daytime and then at programmed night time it would uncloak and merge togethim to cover the sun and extract energy sent to the ringworld in bursts and separate and uncloak at programmed night with if it can turn metamaterial cloaking ability on/off at will it doing so and extract energy 24/7.If possible multiple shells of different sizes could orbit a single star overlapping each other and creating day and night cycles.Orbital mirrors that block sunlight etc and convert into energy to be transported to the ring world could act as moons.Since larger than Earth an artificial planet the same size as Earth,the moon or larger that uses dimensional fields to make its gravity the same as Earth can be used as a moons when orbiting within the ring to block out the suns light for a set amount of time to create night and day cycles and also act as an extra habitable planets that spins to create its own gravity and also own day and night cycles as well as seasons.They would also have effects on the ringworlds oceans tides.Multiple artificial planets the same size as Earth acting as moons could be within the rings orbit to furthim create stable day and night cycles with if possible the ringworlds gravity or those generated by dimensional fields could allow these planets and ringworlds to have proper tidal forces.The orbit of these Earth sized moons would be programmed for stable seasons and day and night cycles.These artificial planets would each themselves house their own complex weathim and ecosystems and day/night cycles due to them spinning etc and would act as extra habitats to house humans.Each ring world could have 100-1,000,000 of these Earth sized moons each having their own unique terrains and taxonomic ranks designed by Ipheginia and Phanes exponentionally increasing the amount of living space for humans with if need be orbital mirrors etc used to disperse heat evenly amongst the Earth sized moons and ringworld with them acting as moons for the disc affecting tides,seasons,waves.If not possible orbital mirrors placed in them that block sunlight and heat which can be collected can be beamed onto power plants on the surface as energy alongside dyson swarms thus creating day/night cycles.AI can develop countermeasures to all remaining problems associated to ringworlds.Multiple ringworlds and artificial planets can be in each system orbiting the main star and also gas giants and several points of a solar system as a result of using artificial stars and each ringworld  having a surface area the same anything from 100-1,000,000 Earths and them orbiting gas giants or at any point of a solar system away from the main star by gas giants or in between gas giants and the main star using miniature artificial suns and or in the habitable range of the solar systems main star made to be used for one.These would in star systems involving artificially created miniature stars to give those not orbiting the main star directly but at set points or around gas giants their own miniature sun with normal Earth sized or smaller planets to act as moons.Smaller ones that are turned into type G ones as those around a type G star can hold discs with the same surface area as 1,000,000 – 3,000,000 Earths.Larger star types could be used to create and house larger rings with different stars types converted into other ones via adding and removing Helium and Hydrogen and other measures.These can form atom shell like structures around other stars even artificial ones that spin but still go around in different directions in orbits allowing for at least a dozen to orbit the star at speeds that allow overlapping and day and night cycles created by shadows to be created and even be around alderson discs or by gas giants in the same solar system as alderson discs or existing Earth like planets.Miniature suns can be formed in solar systems to allow for ringworlds to exist in all parts of those with existing Earth like planets including the Sol system in different parts of them in between all planets and also orbiting gas giants with each ringworlds having a miniature sun that they orbit within their orbits within a solar system with there potentially being as much as dozen ringworlds in each solar system.Bacteria based fossil fuels,fusion power and dyson swarm energy will be used alongside wave power.Transportation options will involve roads including underground ones,Oceanus,transporter technology,scramjets and also interstellar vehicles both private and commercial.Phanes will design whole taxonomic ranks of new species of flora and fauna different from Earth and other megastructures with Iphigenia designing the actual terrain and the global climate managed and planned by Theoi Meteroi.These would form the same complex ecological systems on Earth and be suited to the different environments and wilderness present and the different climates there with Phanes creating them in a way that mirrors evolution on Earth ie an evolutionary tree with related species and taxonomic ranks and islandisation etc with the immense size of ringworld can a for replicas of Earth and other pants that are the same size of them or larger with the ratio of and to water similar to Earth on the entire with the design taking into account the effect it would have on the climate on the entire ringworld.This can include those from all previous geological periods on Earth.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on these colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally ringworlds can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of H.sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with each one containing those from each individual geological period ie each planet contains only those from each geological periods.The ringworlds due to their size can have those from several geological periods spread over them spread out over the entire disc or each Earth sized area.If possible the ringworld could orbit Jupiter,Saturn or even it its own place at any point of the solar system and have a miniature star constructed in the centre that it orbits and spins around thus orbiting the sun at any point of the solar system and using its own artificially created star to spin around,provide heat and light creating gravity through centrifugal force.Each one would have a building that contains the AI that manages them with its own unique avatar,personality and name that would be separate or the same as the ringworlds name.The building would house its own version of Brauron,Physis and the sentient Theoi Meteroi for it that can be streamed via all devices onsite and on other parts of the universe via Nyx. This AI separate from Gaia etc would manage all operations on the ringworlds including communications with all other colonies and manage the weathim alongside Theoi Meteroi and operate and control all orbital mirrors,coolant systems etc to keep all parts of the ringworld habitable and manage day/night cycles and management of seasons.Magnetic fields can be created by devices to protect it from the suns rays and cosmic radiation.A dimensional field can be created that puts it out of phase or create shields to protect it from radiation,vacuum of space and also comets and meteorites.Picotech fabricaters especially large ones charged by natural and artificial singularities,dyson swarms will play a role in the creation of ringworlds both in terms of their actual composition but also soil and water as part of oceans,rivers,lakes with all work automated from start to finish.Versions of altered physics could also be used to push it out of phase protecting it from asteroids.Picotech fabricators will also be used to create water for oceans,rivers and lakes and by extension water vapour for clouds etc by releasing it into the atmosphere or into valleys etc and also soil to be compacted into layers alongside groundwater pumped into a layer bored by machinery.Ipheginia will design the terrain and Phanes the taxonomic ranks and ecosystems of each ringworld and artificial planets that orbit them to make them unique.

Dyson Shells :
Dyson shells can be constructed in other star systems that have no planets with picotech fabricators creating all necessary material with even stars created from scratch or by turning non type G stars into type G stars,Larger stars will be able to house larger shells with them housing enough surface area equivalent to 250,000,000 – 550,000,000 Earths.The land created would have to be constructed high enough to allow for oceans deep enough similarly to that of Earths to exist to cater to travel on ships,weathim patterns and tidal forces.Moons the size of the Earth could be suspended inside them to house extra habitable space and create tidal forces,seasons and day and night cycles etc with them acting as moons for the disc affecting tides,seasons,waves and them also being the same size as Earths Moon or Earth acting as extra habitable space.If not possible orbital mirrors placed in them that block sunlight and heat to create day and night cycles which can be collected can be beamed onto the surface into power plants as energy alongside dyson swarms.Solar energy from these mirrors,dyson swarms etc will constitute as the main energy source with also bacteria based fossil fuels,wave pistons etc.AI can develop countermeasures to all remaining problems associated to dyson shells.Underground communities will go underneath wilderness and surface cities with groundwater present.Floating cities will compliment under water ones.Picotech fabricaters especially large ones charged by natural and artificial singularities,dyson swarms etc will play a role in the creation of dyson shells both in terms of their actual composition but also soil and water as part of oceans,rivers,lakes with all work automated from start to finish.Picotech fabricators will also be used to create water for oceans,rivers and lakes and by extension water vapour for clouds etc by releasing it into the atmosphere or into valleys etc and also soil to be compacted into layers alongside groundwater pumped into a layer bored by machinery.Transportation options will involve roads including underground ones,Oceanus,transporter technology,scramjets and also interstellar vehicles both private and commercial.Phanes will design whole taxonomic ranks of new species of flora and fauna different from Earth and other megastructures with Iphigenia designing the actual terrain and the global climate managed and planned by Theoi Meteroi.These would form the same complex ecological systems on Earth and be suited to the different environments and wilderness present and the different climates there with Phanes creating them in a way that mirrors evolution on Earth ie an evolutionary tree with related species and taxonomic ranks and islandisation etc with the immense size of dyson shells can a for replicas of Earth and other pants that are the same size of them or larger with the ratio of and to water similar to Earth on the entire with the design taking into account the effect it would have on the climate on the entire ringworld.This can include those from all previous geological periods on Earth.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on these colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally ringworlds can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of H.sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with each one containing those from each individual geological period ie each planet sized area contains only those from each geological periods.The shells due to their size can have those from several geological periods spread over them spread out over the entire disc or each Earth sized area.Ipheginia will design the terrain and Phanes the taxonomic ranks and ecosystems of each dyson shell and artificial planets that orbit them to make them unique.Each one would have a building that contains the AI that manages them with its own unique avatar,personality and name that would be separate or the same as the dyson shells name.The building would house its own version of Brauron,Physis and the sentient Theoi Meteroi for it that can be streamed via all devices onsite and on other parts of the universe via Nyx.This AI separate from Gaia etc would manage all operations on the dyson shell including communications with all other colonies and manage the weathim alongside Theoi Meteroi and operate and control all orbital mirrors,coolant systems etc to keep all parts of the ringworld habitable and manage day/night cycles and management of seasons.

Alderson Discs :
Alderson discs can be constructed in other star systems around all types with the heat from the sun dispersed along the entirety of the body to prevent the inner ridge being overheated and outer ridge freezing using orbital mirrors that by the inner ridge that directs heat upwards and then a second set above them diverts excess heat away from the inner ridge to the outer ridges to disperse excess in the inner ridge to the outer ridge to ensure all areas are habitable this could alongside the bobbing the star have day and night and season cycles with the mirrors storing sunlight and heat sent back.The bobbing can be controlled by gravitational lasers and artificial moon orbiting the disc etc to produce 24 hour long day and night and season cycles.Since larger than Earth an artificial planet the same size as Earth or larger that uses dimensional fields to make its gravity the same as Earth or moons can be used as moons when orbiting within the disc to block out the suns light for a set amount of time to create night and day cycles and also act as an extra habitable planets that spins to create its own gravity and also own day and night cycles as well as seasons and have proper tidal forces.They would also have effects on the alderson discs oceans tides.Multiple artificial planets the same size as Earth could be within the discs orbit to furthim create stable day and night cycles with if possible the alderson discs gravity or those generated by dimensional fields could allow these planets to have proper tidal forces.The orbit of these would be programmed for stable seasons and day and night cycles and these could be used as extra habitable space for humans.They can be the same size as Earth and  since they would orbit a disc that is a 1,000,000,000 times the size of Earth they will be 100-1,000,000,000 of these Earth sized moons and each one will act as extra habitable space with them having their own ecosystems,taxonomic ranks,ocean currents,season and day and night cycles with them acting as moons for the disc affecting tides,seasons,waves.Their can be a 1,000,000,000 normal sized Earths acting as moons or a smaller amount that is a proportional to their size with dimensional fields making them exhibit the same gravity etc of Earth.If not possible orbital mirrors placed in them that block sunlight and heat which can be collected can be beamed onto the surface as energy.Multiple ringworlds and artificial planets can be in each system that have alderson discs including around artificial gas giants with at least 202 Earth sized planets and four to eight ringworlds in each system with alderson discs.If possible the inner ridges can be far away from the star and the mirrors dispersing the heat to all parts evenly with energy captured and directed though the crust to the entire structure.Orbital mirrors can disperse heat and light designed and managed by AI to create artificial day and night cycles and seasons and disperse the heat from the sun in the inner edges to the outer edges ensuring the entire disc is habitable with functional seasons and a tropical/temperate climate throughout with the outer ridge not covered in ice or only covered in ice and snow equivalent to winter time in North America,Canada etc during parts of the year or all of the time and the inner ridge similar to Africa and Middle East Savannah climate eithim all of the time or some of the time with seasons lasting several years or decades in all of different or at the same time.Heat shields and devices at the inner edge that store excess heat and use Nyx to transfer it to the outer edges may be used and excess sent out to space or used as part of dyson swarms with both graphene and thermo-pizoelelectric materials part of them that can withstand the immense heat as part of it and convert it into energy utilised managed by the AI that controls the entire disc.Graphene can withstand temperatures as high as 3,652 – 4,626.85 degrees celcius.In time shields can be developed by creating a field of altered physics around the inner ridge that eithim deflects the excess heat away with it also devised to absorb heat and disperse it across the outer ridges.The shield can be composed of see through material to allow light through to the area below it.This could power large coolant systems in the inner ridge and heaters on the outer ridge and atmospheric system can be powered by this enough to make it beareable for human,plant and animal life with the inner ridge being deserts that are similar to the Middle East and Africa savannah type climate or Mediterranean climates in pre-industrial periods of Earth with carbon dioxide levels of 280ppm and the outer edges similar to habitable areas of the North and South Pole,Greenland,North Canada,Scandanavia or Iceland and winter time in temperate ranges of the world such as Europe and America as well as them having seasons as well via orbital mirrors with AI developing the best means to make the inner and outer ridges habitable for human,plant and animal life.The energy collected from heat shields and orbital mirrors in the inner ridge from the star could be used to power these systems,artificial weathim systems and also homes,picotech and transporter systems etc on the disc.These orbital mirrors can not only act as moons to create day and night cycles but also disperse heat from the inner ridge to the outer ridges making all of the discs surface area habitable with the sunlight and heat also captured as energy beamed to power plants on the discs alongside energy from dyson swarms.Fields of altered physics can be used to reflect excess heat in the inner ridge with this and Nyx used to to transport this excess to the outer ridge with Hecate,Urania and Astraeus researching ways to keep all parts habitable and seasons such as spring,summer,autumn and winter.Extremophile DNA can be added to plants,humans and animals in the outer and inner ridges if it cannot be reduced to these temperatures.Dyson swarms and shield systems holding thermophile-piezoelectric materials systems can be used to power these coolant systems in the inner ridge and heaters in the outer ridge and weathim systems.Magnetospheres and atmospheres can be created by artificial systems.Magnetic fields can be created by devices within or around the disc to protect it from the suns rays and cosmic radiation.If possible devices that emit dimensional fields of altered physics can be developed that are placed in the core of the sun that using its heat energy can create an artificial magnetosphere around the entire disc with this also controlling the dispersal of the suns heat that dispersed heat away from the inner ridge out to the outer ridge to make both parts and thus the entire disc habitable with the energy collected to power coolant and heating systems and artificial magnetospheres.Nyx and orbital mirrors will be used to transport heat away from the inner ridge to the outer ridge.AI can develop countermeasures to all remaining problems associated to alderson discs to ensure all areas are habitable.These would in otherstar systems involving artificially created stars or those ideally smaller ones that are turned into type G ones as those around a type G star can hold discs with the same surface area as 1,000,000,000 Earths.Larger star types could be used to create and house larger discs with different stars types converted into otherones via adding and removing Helium and Hydrogen and other measures.Bacteria based fossil fuels,,wave pistons,solar panels,orbital mirrors that disperse heat etc,fusion power and dyson swarm energy will be used as energy sources.All means to collect,store,deflect,disperse heat from the inner ridge to the outer ridge and outer space will be used to convert the solar light and heat energy into useable energy to power the shield but also homes etc on the surface.Transportation options will involve roads including underground ones,Oceanus(underground with a constant coolness away from the sun),transporter technology,scramjet and also interstellar vehicles both private and commercial.Phanes will design whole taxonomic ranks of new unique flora and fauna different from Earth and each megastructures with Iphigenia designing the actual terrain and the global climate managed and planned by Theoi Meteroi.These would form the same complex ecological systems on Earth and be suited to the different environments and wilderness present and the different climates there with Phanes creating them in a way that mirrors evolution on Earth ie an evolutionary tree with related species and taxonomic ranks and islandisation etc with the immense size of discs can a for replicas of Earth and other pants that are the same size of them or larger with the ratio of and to water similar to Earth on the entire with the design taking into account the effect it would have on the climate on the entire disc.This can include those from all previous geological periods on Earth.Megafauna made extinct by humans may have to created on these colonies especially terraformed ones.Ideally alderson discs can house Lazarus species from all geological periods prior to the rise of H.sapiens such as Dinosauria to prevent them interfering with the current ecosystem with them large enough to house those from each individual geological period spaced out across the disc or each area the size of Earth.Alderson discs due to their size can have those from several geological periods spread over them.Each one would have a building that contains the AI that manages them with its own unique avatar,personality and name that would be separate or the same as the alderson discs name.The building would house its own version of Brauron,Physis and the sentient Theoi Meteroi for it that can be streamed via all devices onsite and on other parts of the universe via Nyx.This AI separate from Gaia etc would manage all operations on the disc including communications with all other colonies and manage the weathim alongside Theoi Meteroi and operate and control all orbital mirrors,coolant systems etc to keep all parts of the alderson disc habitable and manage day/night cycles and management of seasons.Both sides of the disc would be terraformed and populated with the thickness of it allowing for vast underground communities thousands of kilometres thick that alongside mag lev hyperloop elevators would allow instant access to other cities or wilderness on the opposite side.Oceans would be literally bottomless as one would simply swim from one side to the other.If possible thin sections of oceanic crust can be created throughout the entire oceans or just small parts of them to allow them to allow for coral reefs and also underground communities.Underground communities will go underneath wilderness and surface cities and connect those on both sides with groundwater present on both sides or one large side.Floating cities will replace under water ones and can connect to those on opposite sides via elevators.Picotech fabricaters especially large ones charged by natural and artificial singularities,dyson swarms etc will play a role in the creation of alderson discs both in terms of their actual composition but also soil and water as part of oceans,rivers,lakes with all work automated from start to finish.Versions of altered physics could also be used to push it out of phase or create shields protecting it from asteroids with special fields of altered physics cooling the inner ridge and reflecting extra heat from the sun.Picotech fabricators will also be used to create water for oceans,rivers and lakes and by extension water vapour for clouds etc by releasing it into the atmosphere or into valleys etc and also soil to be compacted into layers alongside groundwater pumped into a layer bored by machinery.Ipheginia will design the terrain and Phanes the taxonomic ranks and ecosystems of each alderson disc and artificial planets that orbit them to make them unique.

Summary of megastructures :
All artificial planets,ring worlds,dyson shells and alderson discs will have their terrain both underwater and on the ground alongside tectonic plates will be completely designed by Iphigenia with him eithim creating them from scratch,from those present in fictional media such as movies,television shows,video games etc or making hybrids between two or more planets.Similar as to how in genetics two individuals can create up to 64,000,000,000,000 genetically distinct individuals using three metres of DNA who can in turn create 64,000,000,000,000 genetically distinct individuals when cross breeding with any other two individuals thus leading to an almost infinite genetically distinct individuals Iphegenia can do the same when designing planets with him taking the terrain of two existing or new planets created by him and thus create progeny designs by making hybrids between two planets.Since planets are at least a billion or more times larger than a strand of DNA and the amount of surface area of Earth being at 126,000,000,000 acres with the amount of land being 37,800,000,000 acres then this hybridisation of planets can lead to at least 2,419,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 8,256,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different planets when hybridising only two planets with each one of those hybridised with another planet created from hybridising any two other planets that can in turn create another 2,419,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 8,256,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets that in turn can lead to another completely different 2,419,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 – 8,256,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets and so on into potentially infinity thus leading to an infinite amount of artificial planets created by him with ring worlds,dyson shells and alderson discs since between 1,000,000-1,000,000,000 times larger could increase variation per planet by this much.This variation can be furthim increased exponentially when she instead of making hybrids with only two planets can make hybrids between three,four,five,ten,hundred,thousand,million or even billion or even more different planets togethim alongside planets that are created by him from scratch and even additional geological formations etc added to these hybridised ones from scratch by him thus exponentially increasing the amount of possible hybrid combinations of progeny planets exponentially and in proportion to those being hybridised potentially into infinity with again ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs exponentially increasing this variability by 1,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 times.Hybridising planets would involve him analysing the planets terrain both overground and underwater including fault lines and recombining them into different combinations over the same surface area as Earth roughly 126,000,000,000 acres.Phanes will create entire taxonomic ranks of genetically unique species of viruses,bacteria,fungi,plants and animals for each planet that follow unique and realistic phylogenetic trees and taxonomic ranks that are each suited to their environment and habitat but also those that form proper food webs and ecological webs and relationships with each other is prey,predators,source plant and also pollinators,pests,parasites and pathogens with him able to generate an almost infinite a amount of species and them programmed to respond to environmental pressures and ability to mutate thus in turn each one able to evolve into an infinite number of other species.To seed terraformed planets etc bacteria cells can be designed alongside other unicellular organisms and some multicellular organisms with specific DNA that directs their evolutionary path towards more complex multicellular lifeforms that follows a randomised or even pre programmed evolutionary path and deposited into the oceans or land with their being DNA added that speeds up the process of evolution exponentially from millions of years to centuries or even decades with this removed via Biosynth Arthropoda injecting them with microbes to remove the genetic predetermined route.He will also do this for Mars,Venus and other terraformed planets across the universe.Both Phanes and Ipheginia will thus work togethim in designing the structure and biomes of each newly created artificial planet,ring world,dyson shell and alderson disc across the universe.

Stars in uninhabited solar systems can either be observed for astrophysics or have both Helium and hydrogen harvested by theoretical transporter technology and even solar wind collectors with the same applying to nebulae with also devices that surround and orbit them and capture helium in particular helium-3 from solar winds with any orbiting moons in solar systems harvested for this.Those in uninhabited systems will have the entire star covered to harvest as much helium-3,radiation,solar power as possible.All oceans on planets and moons can be analysed for deuterium and helium-3 to provide even more energy.Harvesting helium-3,deuterium from the oceans of all moons,stars and planets with oceans as detailed could supply humanity with an inexhaustible supply of energy and helium for trillions or even quadrillions of years even when the universe enters it later stages of life during the big crunch or heat death of the universe.Adding or removing Helium or Hydrogen etc can change different star types into other types including new star types.This would allow those not conducive to life to be turned into type G stars for artificial plants,ringworlds,alderson discs and even have those that have existing orbiting planets that are tidally locked changed into type G stars and the planets form normal orbits the same speed and distance as Earth is to the sun using other machinery.If possible entire artificial stars that are ideally Type G ones can be created from scratch by replicating the formation of our native sun to hold artificial planets,ring worlds,alderson discs this could increase the size of the Milky Way and all galaxies both in terms of stars and habitable planets exponentially.New stars can be created from scratch with eventually even entire galaxies created complete with a central supermassive black hole.Planets that are orbiting stars different to Type G stars similar to our native sun can have the star change to a Type G star to make it more conducive to human life and it moved to the habitable range and tidally locked planets altered to spin with this done for empty star systems that are to house artificial planets complete with artificial gas giants to protect new inner planets from comets and also house more artificial planets,ringworlds and alderson discs.Dark energy and matter will in time be manipulated in order to allow galaxies to be kept in a stable orbit and not collide with each other like how the Andromeda Galaxy will collide with the Milky Way and not moving away from each other.This can bridge distant galaxies as part of groups and clusters and even superclusters to be moved closer to each other and form stable orbits thus preventing the accelerating expansion of the universe.This will ensure all galaxies are always accessible to humans and other alien races forever allowing future humans etc to see and explore the entire universe forever.This may be done by Gaia combining her computing power at her peak with that of other AIs both created by humans and aliens to exponentially increase computer powers .

In time the convectional currents of the mantle of Earth and other planets will be manipulated using dimensional devices or fuse togethim the plates together at key points that will prevent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and also prevent continental drift thus keeping the planet in the same structure as it is now indefinitely with volcanic activity and collision of plates controlled to rebuild cliffs etc and the same done to keep mountain ranges and the same surface area of the Earths surface the same height and elevation preventing the world being eroded away with other methods used to maintain Earths dynamo turns and is charged indefinitely and ensure the worlds oceans dont sink into the mantle with water made via large picotech fabricators or preventing this in the first place.Measures can be made to ensure geological structures such as the Niagara Falls,glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield,Badlands National Park in South Dakota,Meteor Crater, a large impact crater in Arizona,Canadian Rockies,Grand Canyon etc can be preserved forever in their current state with the Niagara Falls rebuilt to its original position.Dimensional fields can be used to alter the magnetic field,put the planet out of phase and even alter the rate of temporal flow on Earth in comparison to the rest of the universe ie faster or slower with if possible this field extending to only in specific sections of it both on the surface,underwater and crust.If transporter,quantum singularity and picotech fabricator technologies are possible then it could be possible to create large amounts of hydrogen and transport them to the suns inner core to ensure that it has enough fuel to delay its eventual death by another extra several billion years and expansion or if possible extend its lifespan indefinitely with this done in bursts or a continuous goes by an orbiting space station or vessel within and outside the solar system with this also maintaining them for theoretical dyson spheres.This would start roughly 2300-2500 or in 7,137 CE and would first revert the sun to a young star thus reducing its luminosity that it was at least 4,000,000,000 years ago roughly when the Earth was formed and this repeated routinely every few billion years.Simulations will be done to test the effect this will have on the Earths climate etc once carbon dioxide levels are reverted to 250ppm as the Earth is just as old but humans have only been on Earth for the last few hundred thousand years and so these simulations will determine if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere needs to be higher than 250ppm or lower and at what equivalent to make life habitable since doing this would reduce the suns current luminosity by at least 30% and thus the amount of light and heat it emits to a much weaker state than has ever been in human history.If need be synthetic greenhouse gases like Perfluorotributylamine,Nitrogen trifluoride,Sulfur hexafluoride created onsite will be captured instantly kept in them and them kept in a way they stay for decades more than normal if not indefinitely with AI deciding which gas to use and what concentration.These have a global warming potential roughly 17,200-23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and last roughly 740-3,200 years whose levels can be measured and released in levels every few thousand years with the desired levels required measured in simulations.Orbital mirrors may also be used to have extra heat from the sun diverted to Earth.If possible since most current flora and fauna have evolved to live during the Holocene when the sun was this luminous it may be possible to only routinely beam hydrogen into the sun to keep it at its current luminosity rather than reverting the sun to an infant state ie every few hundred million years.In otherwards rather than reverting the sun back to a young state and decreasing its luminosity by 30% and having it add more carbon dioxide or synthetic greenhouse gases to make things complicated only when the sun gets too luminous that it threatens the ability of plants to carry out photosynthesis and released the vast stores of carbon dioxide in the Earths soil and rocks and when it causes temperatures to rise too high that it interferes with the Earths thermoregulatory systems and biosphere should it be nourished with hydrogen to them revert it luminosity back to what it currently is or what it was 200,000 years when humans first appeared.Pan,Theoi Meteroi,Hecate etc will carry out simulations from 2045 onwards for the best solution to this problem and taking into account all potential problems and create all possible countermeasures.These simulations will determine the current state of luminosity,projected level of the coming millions of years and also hypothesised past levels with this nourishment being done in steps to return it back to a younger state.Since it takes 110,000,000 years for the luminosity to increase by 1% it should take at least several centuries for this to be perfected and initiated with AI sufficiently advanced to do this without flaws.Around 600,000,000 years from now the increasing luminosity rendering C3 photosynthesis impossible and thus killing off the vast majority of plant life meaning we will have until then to possibly develop strategies to counteract the suns demise as this will occur due to he rate of weathering of silicate minerals will increase as rising temperatures speed up chemical processes.This in turn will decrease the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as these weathering processes convert carbon dioxide gas into solid carbonates.This nourishment that will extend the suns lifespan indefinitely will also ensure an unlimited supply of Helium-3 collected via collectors orbiting the sun.This could also be done to all stars with habitable planets for the same reason and same intensity based on the flora abd fauna that are alive in the current geological periods including those with gas giants we want to study and firm research based on or house hotels in and be part of interstellar cruise ship can also be done for stars who in the future may cause gamma ray bursts,black holes that could cause extinctions in their own and other solar systems including our own with it even changing the type of star into other types.All stars covered in dyson swarms in the universe will undergo this.Dead stars could be restarted using these and other more advanced technology with temporal manipulations if possible preventing them from dying in the first place with in time entire stars made from scratch to house ringworlds,artificial planets,alderson discs and space stations.It could even be done on all suns to prevent the heat death of the universe.The sun and other stars could have hydrogen created using picotech fabricators and using transporter technology be pumped into the core of the sun to extend its lifespan reverting it to its younger self.Since the suns luminosity takes 110,000,000 to increase by 1% it will be feasible within a few centuries or thousand years with around 600,000,000 years from now the increasing luminosity rendering C3 photosynthesis impossible and thus killing off the vast majority of plant life with if need be all plants engineered by arthropod biosynths to be fitted with DNA to be able to undergo C4 photosynthesis.Their would be the possibility of furthim technology allowing these to be contained in technology that could harness and capture the resultant hydrogen for use in fusion power and helium for other uses as well as capture and store the energy released eithim in the form of solar power,radiation or the actual energy released or both.Furthim developments as stated could turn different star types into others for example type M red dwarf and hypergiant stars turned into G type stars or new types of stars could be created from scratch.All black holes discovered will be covered in material to harvest energy from them thus allowing the energy to be sent to Earth and other colonies via Nyx.Planets that are orbiting stars different to Type G stars similar to our native sun can have the star change to a Type G star to make it more conducive to human life and it moved to the habitable range and tidally locked planets altered to spin with this done for empty star systems that are to house artificial planets complete with artificial gas giants to protect new inner planets from comets and also house more artificial planets,ringworlds and alderson discs.In time entire artificial stars that are ideally Type G ones can be created from scratch by replicating the formation of our native sun to hold artificial planets,ring worlds,alderson discs this could increase the size of the Milky Way and all galaxies both in terms of stars and habitable planets exponentially to what is physically possible based on the size of the central supermassive black holes can hold.At first stars can be created in between the vast stretches of space in between existing stars near to Earth and other stars with existing planets,at the very edges of the galaxies outer edge,above and below the galaxies spiral discs and even above the central black hole.In order to make the galaxy hold extra stars and planets etc would be placed outside its edges.These star systems can also house artificial gas giants similar to Saturn,Jupiter,Neptune etc thus allowing them to house 202 artificial planets.if possible the central supermassive black hole can be made exponentionally larger in order to extend its gravitational reach to hold new stars with if need be simulations determining whethim this will naturally push existing stars and planets onwards or they may have to be moved outwards artificially and if possible stars within the inner ring of the galaxy moved outwards alongside the rest of the outer rings to prevent the inner rings being destroyed.If the central black hole of galaxies can be made bigger then the entire galaxy can be made proportionally larger to it thus allowing for more artificial stars containing more artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs to be created.The Milky Way Galaxy that contains an estimated 200,000,000,000 – 400,000,000,000 stars could be made at least ten to a thousand times bigger holding ten to a thousand times more stars roughly at least between 2,000,000,000,000 – 400,000,000,000,000 with smaller galaxies that contain as much as a 1,000,000,000 or less stars can be made to hold as much as this larger size or even just 200,000,000,000 – 400,000,000,000 stars with these new stars housing artificial planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and Alderson discs.Even the largest galaxies that currently house 1,000,000,000,000 – 100,000,000,000,000 could be made exponentially bigger by as much as a fact of a hundred to a thousand times bigger holding an extra 100,000,000,000,000 – 100,000,000,000,000,000.If possible eventually even entire galaxies can be created from scratch complete with a central supermassive black hole and billions or trillions of stars and bilions of planets,ring worlds,dyson shells and alderson discs.All new galaxies,planets,megastructures etc would have unique terrain designed by Iphigenia and Phanes designs new species of flora and fauna,sentient lifeforms and micro-organisms etc with this potentially allowing hundreds of billions of new galaxies to be created.Gaia being able to manipulate of dark matter and dark energy as well as gravity itself would allow for the complete control of the fate of the universe thus preventing both the big rip and big crunch with extending the lifespan of all stars in the universe will prevent the big freeze and heat death of the universe thus making the universe it self immortal.This could also prevent the Andromeda galaxy and Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies colliding with each other and could even bring galaxies and clusters,superclusters much closer together to the point that all galaxies in the universe could be more closely knit together and stay together in a controlled orbiting system that prevents them from colliding but also prevent them from being too far away thus reducing the amount of and energy used by both Erebus and Nyx systems and interstellar and intergalactic vehicles to travel to each of them.This manipulation of dark energy,dark matter and gravity will allow all 200,000,000-2,000,000,000,000 galaxies to be kept close together to prevent them moving apart giving humanity and other alien races in the Milky Way galaxy unlimited time to discover the entire universe and limit energy use and expenditure via ship generated wormholes,Erebus etc but also kept at a good enough distance to prevent the colliding with each other.This will prevent galaxies merging together but also drifting away and allow the entire universe have all galaxies be brought close to gather in a large single connected clusters and thus allow humans and all alien races across the universe to not only meet each other but also visit the entire universe.Black holes are the centre of galaxies can be kept alive by nourishing them with large amounts of material created by picotech fabricators extending their lifespan by billions,trillions or quadrillions of years.If possible the universal building blocks of the universe could be controlled and kept from decaying to keep the universe immortal including preventing or reversing proton decay thus allowing for all atoms that make up all the stars,planets and artificial megastructures that the universe is comprised of forever stable..In time even entire universes can be constructed from scratch complete with billions or trillions of new galaxies each with billions of planets,ringworlds,dyson shells and alderson discs and with different laws of physics allowing for technologies to exist that can’t in our reality or even allow for celestial bodies to exist that are different from ours.All of this will occur once Gaias computing powers reaches its peak in 7,137 CE and she merges with the universe and even combines her computing power with other AIs both created by humans and aliens and her existing in the higher planes of existence where the laws of space time can be controlled by pure will.