Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Recirculating aquaculture systems are systems that allow for any species of shellfish and fish to be reared on-site of fish farms,home,community and vertical farms as well as cruise ships,restaurants etc and can range in size from small aquaponic systems for use in homes and rooftop gardens to rear small fish to large industrial sized models or those the size of Olympic sized swimming pools to rear many fish,shellfish,small Selachimorpha,Amphibia,Chelonioidea,Cetacea and other marine life for human consumption in community and vertical farms and also fish farms and even zoos.Feed for most species of fish and shellfish will come in the form of micro-algae and macro algae pellets and algae based textured vegetable protein as well as Agriprotein produced on site using synthetic blood and bran sourced from bacteria or ordered in from vertical farms and community farms to increase nutrition value and provide a more cheap sustainable food source than soy or corn feed with these flours also produced by bacteria onsite.Feedkind and also in vitro meat will be produced onsite.Liquid micro-algae can also be simply be pumped into the pens/pools as well to allow them to simply suck it in.For predatory fish and shellfish like Brachyura,Salmonidae and Selachimorpha in vitro meat(of either their natural prey or other animals like pork,lamb or beef),protein made from bacteria similar to Feedkind and algae based TVP can be used instead of rearing smaller fish for them to feed on which would be more wasteful of resources with the meat grown on site or ordered in from vertical farms and algae from sewage and water treatment plants.Algae since rich in proteins and carbohydrates would provide the predatory fish with their needs.Application and preparation of feed can be automated and controlled by smart devices via connected pens/vats that using sensors order in fresh pellets or liquid feed when need.Algae will be created by microfarms on home and community farms or will be ordered in from sewage and water treatment plants by the AI of the farm they are in.Pelleting of algae can also be automated and done on site and with the algae ordered in from sewage and water treatment plants or done on site if the fish are reared on a community farm using waste from livestock reared there or from the fish themselves creating a looped system.Otherwise the algae can be created by systems collecting faeces as the the entire systems covered in liquid glass will prevent it clogging or sticking to the machinery where it used to create algae on site creating a looped system.Landlocked areas can benefit from the wide variety of sizes that range from those can fit in kitchens and spare rooms to larger systems that can be adapted for utilisation in vertical and community farms cutting down on transportation costs.This should allow people in isolated areas such as deserts,landlocked urban and rural areas to have access a wider number fish and shellfish in their diet providing a more sustainable source of protein than red meat.Having them in areas land locked cities and also rural towns will save on energy costs in transportation.Power can come from the main energy grid or from their own built in geothermal thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes and solar energy systems.Excess energy from nearby geothermal plants can be used to heat them.Since fish are reared in separate systems the spread of diseases can be controlled.Biosynth technology graphene,nanomaterials if similar atom thick allotropes of all 94 elements will be used to cut down on energy costs.Recirculating aquaculture systems in both coastal and landlocked regions should rear exotic non-native species so fish farms in rivers,by the coast and in deep oceans can rear native fish to give communities a wide variety of fish and prevent non-native species escaping into the wild.Sampling of water to detect pathogenic micro-organisms that can affect both humans and fish can fully automated periodically through robots or nanosensors placed in the system with cleaning also automated and again UV treatment via lights attached to robots or the bottom of each system will allow the prevention of contamination in the first place.These UV lights can bake the pool before fish are added,while fish are being reared and when harvested at set times as well as when bacteria and viruses are detected by nanosensors negating the need for antibiotics with the fish and shellfish fitted with recombinant DNA from Thermococcus gammatolerans to make them invulnerable to UV radiation with narrow range UV used as it might not damage the skin of the fish.It will also make them invulnerable to irradiation.This would also allow fish and shellfish survive radiation and irradiation techniques that would kill off pathogens in their body and survive these treatments.Also if systems are contaminated prior to implantation of fish or eggs conditions such as water temperature can be altered to remove them ie raising temperature for a set period of time.Sterile practices in indoor systems can be applied to prevent this from happening.Recirculating aquaculture systems combined with 3D DNA printers will render traditional mariculture obsolete since one can tear fish locally with them onsite of al home,community and vertical farms as well as cruise ships,airports,restaurants,universities etc since they come in a variety of sizes and not just fish farms.This will allow all trawlers worldwide to be recycled.

Aquaponics can be integrated into both large and small systems and wherein fish waste and naturally occurring bacteria convert ammonia into nitrates which provides nutrients to a large variety of small plant crops and hybrid crops thus cutting down on energy by bypassing filters built into the system as fresh water is returned to the fish tanks.Macro algae namely Laminariales and other Phaeophyceae can also be raised this way for use as food,fertiliser etc and can be integrated into home and community farms as well as vertical farms.Recirculating aquaculture systems can play a role in research into replicating the processes by which natural pearls are created rather than relying on the inferior cultured and imitation pearls for mass production.In time nanotech fabricators can create them instantly.They can be integrated into home,community and vertical farms.Hybrid crops that hybridise staples such as Oryza,Zea mays mays,Solanum tuberosum with Solanum lycopersicum,Vitis with each other and other crops should be grown in these aquaponic systems.

Environmental factors such as pH,salinity,temperature and even feeding can be controlled and monitored on site or remotely through smart devices and computers(by researchers and community members through accounts in Demeter/the wire) with cameras built into robotic fish inside the systems or in or above the systems themselves to monitor their growth and numbers alongside.The warning system for these readings will follow an universal colour coded system will follow an universal colour coded system – blue denoting safe,yellow denoting some concern,green denoting some danger and red denoting severe danger.This means that the environment can be altered to suit the specific needs of a specific species.As a result all freshwater,seawater,tropical species of fish and shellfish can be reared for human consumption can be reared here.This can also be done to increase the amount of fish produced especially endangered species.With these conditions controlled and with no energy expended on chasing prey and escaping predators the fish/shellfish grow faster.Couple this with in vitro meat can allow for cells to be extracted and grown on media while they are still growing allowing for the amount of meat gained from a single fish or shellfish to be greatly increased.All shellfish and fish in captivity could also have recombinant DNA from mesophiles,thermophiles and also psychrophiles including Cucujus clavipes,Rana sylvatica,Tardigrade,Pseudomonas putida GR12-2,Rana Sylvatica,Bacillus F,Herminiimonas glaciei,Chryseobacterium greenlandensis,Carnobacterium pleistocenium,osmophiles,psychrophillic bacteria, combined with those from scratch to make them thrive in all temperature ranges to reduce energy costs with this possibly applying to wild fish in the distant future to adapt to changes in milankovitch cycles and geological events.Furthermore ocean fish and shellfish can be engineered to thrive without the need for salt to allow them to grown the same pools as freshwater fish without the need for salt to be shipped in or vice versa to reduce the waste produced by freshwater fish.Ideally though the ocean fish and shellfish should be engineered to not require saltwater with any extra waste used to create more algae and also fed aquaponic crops.

Fish and shellfish will be fed algae created by photobioreactors that is made into pellets and textured vegetable protein using automated machinery on-site and this added to pens with this the best solution as to prevent waste as liquid algae pumped into pens would escape into rivers,lakes putting it to waste.They will also be fed in vitro meat and also FeedKind and Agriprotein reared on-site in the buildings with the Agriprotein created using larvae created by their eggs created by 3D DNA printers and them engineered to consume blood,algae,flour from bacteria and cereals etc created by Aquaponics etc with the in vitro meat,bacteria,algae
,synthetic blood reared in photobioreactors with the creation of feedstuff and feeding it to fish and shellfish fully automated.

It may be possible to mass produce natural pearls using these systems before nano/picotech fabrication is perfected when our understanding of how they are created is deeper with genetic engineering increasing the efficiency of oysters of making high quality pearls with the process synthesised more efficiently by replicating it in machinery especially biological ones.In time bio synth versions of oysters may be able to perfect this process and reared solely for the production of them once the process is fully understood and allowing this to be done consciously by them controlled by the farm AI with genetic engineering increasing the rate at which normal ones can do this.It may be possible for biosynth machinery could create these on an unlimited scale in Arachne factories or homes with even bacteria creating them via anabolic and catabolic reactions.

Cavair of all 33,000 species can also be reared this way with genetic engineering ideally using the stripping method where the fish are given hormones used to increase the amount eggs produced by a fish and induce egg laying without killing them making even the most expensive caviar and roe widely available to the public in personal and local farms.Acipenseridae ideally a separate species from normal Acipenseridae can be engineered to have both males and females reach sexual maturity much quickly say in as little as one to two years or several months rather than eight to twenty to expedite the development of eggs with if possible smaller fish that mature earlier can also engineered to produce eggs similar to them in taste and texture.These smaller fish can be new species that are hybrids of Acipenseridae and other small fish such as Scombridae can also have a better meat taste that produce the eggs of Acipenseridae.Thus Acipenseridae modified to grow faster or hybrids can be reared anywhere in the world alleviating strains on wild stocks with these recirculating aquaculture systems playing a role in increasing the numbers of Acipenseridae in the wild via the Phanes method with ideally these first engineered to reach sexual maturity in one year and then returned to normal levels when levels are stable with the fact that this species lays millions of eggs at a time it should be easy to increase their numbers as part of conservation efforts.Other species of fish can be engineered to produce the same amount of eggs each.These Acipenseridae can also be engineered to produce more meat and also less bone to make them edible and double as a food source and would be a separate species to prevent it interbreeding with any wild stocks should they escape.Other fish reared for meat and caviar can be engineered to produce the same amount of eggs as Acipenseridae.Using recombinant DNA from Acipenseridae any species of fish will be engineered to produce millions of eggs each year with if possible them combined with even Dorylus DNA as well as scratch DNA to produce each week or month millions of sterile eggs for caviar and once every year millions of eggs for creating new fish for meat and caviar.Small species of fish can be made to produce their own caviar or that of Acipenseridae with the the same texture and taste.Shellfish will also undergo this both to create caviar but also increase numbers of edible animals.Any species of fish and shellfish be engineered to produce the same meat and caviar of any other fish or shellfish thus making it easier to rear them with even Phasianidae engineered to produce the meat and eggs of any species of fish and shellfish.Any fish can be engineered to produce the same caviar as Acipenseridae to increase yields of both the fish itself and also caviar.Caviar can be created in large batches via 3D DNA printers directly or if possible can be created as sterile egg via 3D DNA printers with in both cases the same texture and taste that can using bacteria,totipotent stem cell DNA undergo mitosis like bacteria and in vitro meat and thus grown in vats using sugars etc allowing the caviar of any species of fish and shellfish containing their DNA to be commercially grown if perfected to be the same taste and texture of any species and one would order it in batches of 5-500kg in methane plastic buckets.Thus the eggs and roe of any species of fish would be created by 3D DNA printers with them having DNA to make them sterile,undergo mitosis from bacteria,totipotent stem cells to create duplicates that have the same nutritional level,texture and taste of normal roe with the taste,texture and DNA of all species of shellfish and fish analysed by AI to determine this.If perfected this could allow caviar of any species to be grown on a commercial scale much quicker.To deal with the issue of rearing large amounts of Brachyura in a system Macrocheira kaempferi due to the size of its legs and small body size can have other species of Brachyura produce its meat with for example its meat bred into Pseudocarcinus gigas the largest Brachyura that has a compact body with if possible M.kaempferi can have it engineered to have smaller legs than normal thus allowing larger numbers of them to be reared at once increasing productivity with all species of Brachyura engineered to be the same size as P.gigas with the same done for any other type of crustacean with the largest species have it DNA responsible for large growth engineered into other species or vice versa if need be.Birgus latro,Gecarcoidea natalis,Johngarthia lagostoma and other land based crustaceans can have its meat engineered into other species of Brachyura that are hybrids separate from other species to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems since they would be difficult to rear onland and would easily escape in foreign countries with them produced locally this way in their native habitat to aid in conservation efforts especially with the case of B.latro with if possible these aforementioned Brachyura engineered into new species that are only able to be reared in recirculating aquaculture systems and feed on algae etc with them a separate species from their parent species yet still having the same meat and shells.They could have also the same meat as larger mammalian livestock to cut down on resources such as Bovidae,Suidae.Limulidae can have their meat bred into species of true Brachyura that are as big P.gigas since they produce very little meat with this done to other similar creatures that create very little meat with like any other species any toxins removed via engineering them out.Any specimens of any species of fish and shellfish that are abnormally large can have their DNA collected and analysed,added to Physis and bred into all specimens grown for food using advanced gene drive technology and 3D DNA printers to see if this can be replicated in other species and indeed all other specimens grown ensuring that this large size is the average for all of those reared in home,community,vertical and fish farms except those used for conservation purposes as having these escape into the wild would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem.Architeuthis and Enteroctopus can have their meat engineered into smaller species including Sepiida with even the meat of Nautiloids bred into other Cephalopod that have no shells.Nephropidae that normally can live forever but die due to having to remove larger shells or pathogens(killed off by immunising strains of microbes and radiation once made immune to radiation) can be engineered to produce no shells and thus grow to incredibly large sizes with engineering increasing their growth rates with the same applied to other crustaceans with this negating the need for them to have shells removed with them also engineered to have no nerves to detect hot and cold especially when cooked to remove issues of pain caused by cooking them alive.Removing shells from being produced will negate labour but will also negate the need for them to use energy in creating them saving on resources and create more meat and can be applied to other species of crustaceans with the ability of Nephropidae to continually live forever and grow larger indefinitely applied to other species of crustaceans and shellfish namely Brachurya with them have their shells engineered out and also have them have the same immortality genes and ability to continue to grow indefinitely to increase yields.This can be extended to fish with the same genes that cause Nephropidae to grow indefinitely added to them to increase yields.The same will be done for all species of fish with if possible the meat of small species of fish bred into larger species and vice versa if need be.An example would be Selachimorpha and Batoidea can have their meat engineered into smaller fish like Scombridae,Salmonidae allowing for larger and more manageable numbers of fish to be reared that have the desired meat with even the exact fins of Selachimorpha grown on these hybrids with if possible miniature Selachimorpha created.They can also have the same meat as Thunnus thynnus and even Cetacea.Any bony fish including ornamental ones can have their meat engineered into more meatier fish with the option of even making non meaty fish produce more meat.As stated any species of fish and even Phasianidae can be engineered to produce the meat of any species of shellfish to increase yields and make them more manageable.If possible to cut down on resources and increase productivity the meat of mammalian livestock such as Bovidae and Suidae can be engineered into Salmonidae.This would allow anyone with any sized recirculating aquaculture systems to rear the meat of any type of fish and would be of note to fish restaurants and even fast food restaurants that make burgers made out of fish.Genetically altered fish such as GM Salmonidae including genetically altered local native species found in rivers,lakes and deep ocean can be grown here indoors without contaminating the wild.Ideally these and other fish and shellfish genetically altered should ideally be engineered to the point that they are a completely separate species so as to prevent them affecting wild stocks if they escape.

Genetic engineering can also play a role in making poisonous fish,shellfish,coral,frogs,toads,salamanders and other sea fauna like the Pterois,Ostraciidae,Acanthurida,Amphiprioninae,Myliobatoidei,Medusozoa,Hapalochlaena lunulata more suitable for use as pets and in aquarium parks or even as food by removing their ability to produce toxins.In the case of the Tetraodontidae it is simply a case of engineering them not to produce their toxin,immunise them with antibodies from immunising strains of microbes,eliminate their ability to harbour the bacteria via changes in their body structure or through them naturally producing antibiotics that may be the cause of it or alter the bacteria not to produce the toxin by introducing biocompatible bacteria with gene drives that remove their toxicity via interbreeding when they infiltrate the body and pass down to future generations,sterilising pools and also adding recombinant DNA from T.gammatolerans and exposing them to irradiation sweeps.Otherwise antibiotics can be applied to the fish killing the bacteria and preventing them from being passed onto the next generation of fish in a sterile environment.All of these steps can be applied to further increase success.In the case of some poisonous species of frogs it is merely a case of feeding them non toxic local insects,in vitro meat and algae(both TVP and the liquid) since some species bioaccumalte toxins from insects that feed on poisonous species of plants or engineer the frogs to be unable to absorb or produce toxins.Others may require genetic engineering for this to occur.This would allow handling and preparing it for consumption much safer.This can also apply to poisonous coral species and anemones used as ornaments in private tanks.Special care should be taken not to allow these altered non-toxic fauna to escape into the wild as it may prove disastrous and affect native populations negatively in their ability to defend themselves from predators or hunt prey.Ideally they would be engineered to the point that they would be separate species that could not mate with their parent species preventing this from happening especially if gene drives are used with the altered non toxic species having other unique phenotype such as distinct colour or pattern to ensure they can be identified in the wild and captivity.Coelacanthiformes for example can be bred to not produce the foul tasting oil that give it a foul taste with bony fish engineered to produce more flesh and less or smaller bones.All oils and fats of nutritional value from all fish and shellfish will be created via bacteria on an unlimited scale with if possible fish engineered to produce bones made of stiff organic material other than calcium that when cooked or exposed to enzymes created at home via bacteria are soft and edible preventing one choking if they are consumed.All fish and shellfish can bee engineered to contain xerophile,oligotrophic DNA,remove their version of the fat insulin receptor and myostatin gene and increase their feed to muscle ratio with them engineered to grow much faster such as in the same way as in the case of GM Salmonidae and also the control of the body produces hormones.They will also be inoculated with microbes that can immunise them against all pathogens whether viral and bacterial etc negating the need for antibiotics and preventing them affecting yields.These and other GM fish and shellfish bred for human consumption,pets and scientific studies can also be reared here safely without contaminating the wild with any unwanted pets sent back to local recirculating aquaculture farms for storage and use in breeding programs,taxidermied,pyrolysised with organic waste,traded online or eaten rather than disposing them into the wild or sewer system via toilets,Genetic engineering using DNA from fast growing fish can be applied to all species alongside that Escherichia Coli and Clostridium perfringens and scratch DNA will increase growth rates allowing most species to reach maturity within a month or even few weeks allowing them to be harvested quicker with this only applying to fish and shellfish used for consumption and not ornamental fish.All species of fish and shellfish will undergo the same level of engineering of crops to increase growth rates as in crops and have them mature in as little as a few weeks or even days with this including genes also from GM Salmonidae,growth promoter genes from fast growing animals,scratch DNA and also even those from fast growing plants and them undergoing the same level of engineering as crops to increase growth rates with them ordered in bulk since they will be kept for the entire year or few months with one choosing multiple species of fish and shellfish and home systems catering to ones needs in between large orders from here.DNA from Wangiella dermatitidis,Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cryptococcus neoformans can be added to these fish to enable them to radiosynthesis,that is,to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.Tweaks can made to do this with other types of radiation including UV radiation allowing algae to gain nutrition from the sun and that from artificial lights once made immune to radiation via DNA from T.gammatolerans.Studies can be done as to what intensity of radiation between 5-30,000Gy that is in the survival range of T.gammatolerans can both sterilise the fish of pathogens and parasites and also provide maximum growth rates.The fast growing ability of Nothobranchius furzeri,Coryphaena hippurus and which grow in as little as 14 days or Tilapiini that mature in 240 days by finding and adding the genes responsible for this added to all shellfish and fish reared here with them also given more oxygen in the tanks created by photosynthetic bacteria that create feedstuff as well as aquaponically grown crops harvested and directed to the pools via pipes and the fish and shellfish also engineered to utilise this oxygen better to increase growth rates using recombinant or even scratch DNA.They could also have the ability to utilise carbon dioxide with them being faculatative anaerobes using DNA from these kinds of bacteria and capnophillic bacteria that utilise both carbon dioxide and oxygen thus using both better to increase growth rates.They could also have the ability to utilise carbon dioxide with them being faculatative anaerobes,anaerobes,obligate anaerobes,capnophiles and scratch DNA can be added to the shellfish and fish genome to naturally use both carbon dioxide and oxygen as energy acceptors alongside nitrate(NO3−),fumarate,sulphate(SO42−),or sulphur(S) thus using both better to increase growth rates.Rare mutations that result in large oversized fish and shellfish can be added to both shellfish and fish will be added once stored in Physis.Those from any species can be added to the genome of any other species of fish and shellfish with the genes from oversized crops added to fish and vice versa and they may even be added to livestock of other types.Nephropidae that normally can live forever but die due to having to remove larger shells or pathogens(killed off by immunising strains of microbes and radiation once made immune to radiation) can be engineered to produce no shells and thus grow to incredibly large sizes with engineering increasing their growth rates with the same applied to other crustaceans with this negating the need for them to have shells removed with them also engineered to have no nerves to detect hot and cold especially when cooked to remove issues of pain caused by cooking them alive.The ability of Nephropidae to continually live forever and grow larger indefinitely can be applied to other species of crustaceans and shellfish namely Brachurya and Mollusca with them also have their shells engineered out and also have them have the same immortality genes and ability to continue to grow indefinitely to increase yields especially if they also have their shells removed via engineering.This can be extended to fish with the same genes that cause Nephropidae to grow indefinitely added to them to increase yields by growing bigger.All genetically engineered fish and shellfish can be reared here without threat of contaminating the wild.Those in captivity should also be engineered through cis/trans genics and those made from scratch to make them resistant to all viral and bacterial diseases as well as genetic diseases including making them unable to harbour bacteria that are pathogenic to humans making them safe to eat raw.This could be applied to wild fish populations to negate needless suffering as well as wipe out the pathogens from the face of the Earth after their genome is added to Physis with biocompatible microbes also used.Amphibians such as toads,frogs and salamanders as well as sea turtles for human consumption and pets can also be reared in these during their infant stages with them being fed algae as well as insects and then reared in nearby pens.Nanosensors in the system will relay pH,temperature,oxygen and carbon dioxide content and also presence of pathogens to the farm AI.

For aquaponically grown crops this can be used to put their preferred pH range in line with bacteria and fish grown there.This applied to ornamental plants will allow any plant for ornamental purposes to be grown anywhere in the world.It can also be applied to in vitro meat,livestock,fish etc to increase growth rates.For aquaponic systems all fish,shellfish,crops and bacteria in aquaponic systems can be engineered to survive the same same wide pH range,same wide temperature ranges and have them prefer the same wide ranges of other environmental factors thus allowing them to be more easily grown together and eliminate small windows of growth hue allowing all species of crops,fish and bacteria have the same growth ranges for pH,temperature and other factors across a wide range thus eliminating stress,contradictions and chances of error.This would be ideal for all of them that is all species of fish,shellfish and all species of bacteria that break down ammonia into fertiliser and also all crops will be engineered to be made to have the same wide range of preferred temperature and pH ranges that is they will be able to be at their maximum growth ranges over the same wide range of temperatures and pH ranges ideally the same universal and temperature ranges using pyscrohile,mesophile,thermophile and also acidophile and Alkanophile recombinant DNA and those from all species of fish,Bacteria and crops that survive in the same wide range to allow them to grow through these conditions to eliminate margins for error.This would thus allow for crops,fish etc and bacteria in aquaponic systems to survive any fluctuations in the temperature and pH of the water and rooms thus preventing stress,death and loss of yields and ensure consistently high yields.The nitrosomas and nitronbactor bacteria can be made into a hybrid that carries out the functions of both.

Expensive fish and shellfish will be reared here to increase their numbers and availability to the general public when reared in home,community and vertical farms.Those reared for pets can also be engineered to house more meat or have their meat engineered into larger meatier fish to be consumed as food.3D DNA printers can allow for these ornamental fish to be created at home or community centres and have the eggs dumped into aquariums or recirculating aquaculture systems when matured with unique genotypes negating the need for private breeders and having to order them from around the world and even having to get them in person as they can be created at home and can thus prevent overfishing of existing stocks.With regards to those reared as pets these such Cyprinus carpioas can have all genotypes uploaded to Physis thus allowing one to choose using 3D DNA printers the genotypes associated with specific desired patterns created on demand or even customised patterns with them designed on Pandora and Phanes extrapolating the required genotypes.Species of fish outside of C.carpioas can using genotypes from this species or those from scratch and from other ornamental fish can have any type of coats including those from mammals and birds such as Equus quagga,Panthera pardus via Physis being used to extrapolate the genes to create these.Scleropages formosus can also undergo this level of customisation with the same applying to all ornamental fish and again allow selective coats to be produced on demand.Thus rather than having human breeders all species of ornamental species they can printed out in systems in homes,vertical farms using 3D DNA printers with rare desired coats and ordered in from ones local vertical farms live in a bucket or created at home thus cutting down their costs to zero.Furthermore it can benefit rare and endangered species of fish and shellfish allowing for rearing large numbers as food,pets or cosmetic purposes such as Garra rufa fish.3D DNA printers will print the DNA of a species and also unique genotypes to printed into single or whole batches of eggs.Expensive fish and shellfish that are for culinary purposes will also be reared in home and community farms systems with their DNA downloaded in blank eggs.This should allow rare,expensive cosmetic and culinary fish and shellfish to be reared locally making them free and also negating the need for private breeders.All expensive shellfish and  Holothuroidea and other Echinodermata can be reared in these.Downloading the DNA of them into blank eggs from Demeter will thus allow home farmers instant access to expensive fish and shellfish instantly for rearing for consumption or as pets in aquariums.Recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of home,community and vertical farms will render conventional mariculture obsolete thus shutting down all markets and jobs in them and through 3D DNA printers will allow any species of all 33,000 species of fish,as well as all 62,000 Gastropoda species,all 7,385 species of Amphiba(Anura,Caudata,Gymnophiona),all known 67,000 species of Crustaceans,all 20,000 species of Bivalvia,all 7,000 species of Echinodermata,800 species of Cephalopod etc including expensive ones in local vertical,home and other farms ordered in whenever they want.Caviar will be ordered in created by smaller fish engineered to produce their native roe or that of Acipenseridae.It can be created by creating caviar that can undergo mitosis.Thus rare,expensive species and endangered species of fish and shellfish for both human consumption as food and also as pets can be created on a virtually unlimited scale making them more widely available to the general public when reared in home,community and vertical farms and thus lowering their costs substantially and also making them more abundant in the case of endangered species.

This can also apply to coral where it can be grown for harvesting from jewellery and also act as a temporary home for them to be studied and raised quickly and then transferred to aquariums in zoos until the problem of ocean acidification and bleaching has been resolved.This can be part of conservation efforts where the coral is grown in large amounts in these systems and once ocean conditions become favourable.It can also be used to grow them in home systems or ordered in from vertical farms for home made jewellery with systems in Arachne etc factories to grow the coral onsite.As stated earlier genetic engineering and breeding can increase their ability to tolerate both acidic oceans and higher or even colder temperatures until both problems are solved.Transgenics can allow coral to be bred to survive in more cooler and warmer waters with recombinant DNA coming thermophillic and acidophillic bacteria to survive lower pH conditions and even DNA from mesophillic and psychrophillic bacteria to allow for reefs to formed around both the Arctic and Antarctic waters as well as more temperate and Mediterranean waters thus allowing for more of the worlds oceans to harbour them with DNA from other extremophile bacteria added to suit all types of environments with further engineering allowing them to reside in freshwater lakes and rivers.Combining recombinant DNA from all these species of extremophiles into each species can ensure their survival.Other shellfish such as oysters and scallops etc can have their shells harvested once eaten and sprayed with liquid glass to make them dirt proof after being polished with even sea snails and conches as well as limpets and other shell forming fauna reared in them not only for conservation efforts to deal with lowering pH and for food but to harvest their shells for jewellery and household decorations etc with the same applying to all shellfish with any unwanted shells pyrolysised alongside,skeletons,uneaten fish/shellfish and other organic waste once pulverised.These shell forming shellfish can be engineered to produce stronger shells to resist lower pH with them also modified to survive warmer temperatures and also made more palatable as food.Oils from specific specific species of both endangered and abundant species of fish and Elasmobranchii can be produced on a commercial scale using genetically altered bacteria negating the need to hunt them or rear large amounts of them specifically.Hybrids of all types of fish can be created by hybridising two or more species of fish that are used as pets and those that are consumed with this also applied to shellfish.3D DNA printers on-site of farms will create the coral.

To alleviate strains on overexploited stocks of fish in the wild and endangered fish and shellfish caused by environmental damage etc The Phanes method can be used to create large numbers of endangered species in recirculating aquaculture systems using the Phanes method by their habitat and then dump them in the wild as adults allowing for millions of fish and shellfish to be created very quickly to refill depleted numbers in the wild.This conservation method can also include rare,endangered and expensive species as well as commonly caught fish such as Salmonidae to help aid over exploited stocks become more abundant in the wild free from predators allowing them to be bred quickly in large numbers and then released into the wild or kept in aquariums in zoos where again their habitat can be replicated and they can kept in these open aquaculture systems and bred in large numbers in their specific conditions ie.Munidopsis polymorpha,Acipenseridae,Cyprinodon macularius,Coelacanthiformes,Selachimorpha and reared in large numbers free from predators and returned to the wild when their numbers have grown exponentially with some kept for use as pets and further breeding programs.

The Phanes method using blank spermatozoa and eggs can allow for millions of specimens to be printed onsite of farms including home ones and then stored in cryonics.Fish farms and research stations in the deep ocean,by lakes,rivers etc will rear endangered species of fish and shellfish to maturity after 3D DNA printers create millions of genetically distinct individuals and once mature the fish and shellfish will be dumped into the ocean in the form of large shoals.For deep sea species these fish will ideally if possible be transported inside trawlers that hold them inside in the hull filled with water that has retractable walls or the fish are held in large recirculating aquaculture systems within the ship and track down shoals of wild fish of the same species then dump large amounts of them in batches of several thousand,several hundred thousand and several millions of them in the ocean amongst the wild fish of the same species.Endangered species can be reared in these systems in large numbers and dumped as fertile adults in large batches into the ocean with Phanes creating millions or billions of fish eggs with unique genotypes and the ratio of males to females controlled.This can be done with fish,shellfish as well as amphibians such as frogs and salamanders.In the case of Munidopsis polymorpha and other species of fish and shellfish that are endemic to only specific areas it may be possible to extract several specimens and use the ability of CRISPR to create an unlimited amount of individuals and implant them in blank sperm and eggs from pluripotent induced stem cells to be implanted into one individual season after season to increase their numbers(or us a related model species)and raise them in recirculating aquaculture systems and zoos across the world to increase their populations to millions or billions with the exact environmental conditions replicated in them with the possibility of setting up new colonies around the world in the wild in controlled environments with further engineering such as from extremophiles allowing them to survive different environments,rock pools and oceans around the world with this applied to other shellfish and fish both endangered and non endangered species.

An example would be Acipenseridae.This can allow the native non engineered Acipenseridae to be returned to their native habitat once reared in large numbers and released into the wild.The native non engineered Acipenseridae can have the millions of eggs from each female once they reach adulthood reared in separate tanks and then when each of the millions of females rear millions of young the adults and their young can be released into the wild once they are at least half way through sexual maturity.This can be done over and over again until the population of wild stocks reaches stable levels.This can be replicated with other rare endangered species of all fish and shellfish with them first engineered or through hormones to produce more eggs and given anti-ageing treatments with them once several million or even billion are produced the excess can be dumped into the native habitats as adults.Rare species can be reared here in large numbers traded between pools across the world and then a certain amount decided by Phanes stored in aquariums where they are allowed to mate with each other further increase numbers with those left in recirculating aquaculture systems then traded and reared again with other farms to maintain genetic diversity and this repeated until sizeable populations of it are created and released back into the wild ideally in the range of at least several million with programmes for each species done across the world.This can be done for all species including Selachimorpha with ideally Olympic sized swimming pools and zoo aquarium sized systems to rear both larger fish including Selachimorpha and large numbers of small fish with this applying to all species such has tropical fish and those consumed for meat.Selachimorpha reared form meat can be engineered to be much smaller and fit in normal sized tanks.The Phanes method can be applied by automated machinery and 3D DNA printing with hormone and genetic engineering treatments applied to increase the number of eggs and sperm produced with this removed once populations are stable.Ideally endangered species once their numbers increase will be shipped to their native oceans in cruise ships,ferries,trawlers etc in large numbers or in the form of eggs on aeroplanes will be dumped in their native habitat where they are normally laid in the case of eggs or hatched and deposited their in large numbers with live fish dumped either at the mouth of where they live or in schools of fish tracked by ships as full adults or even as infants.Ideally they should be dumped as adults before mating season since they will have higher chance of surviving and thus mating with each other and also native stocks with this repeated until populations recover with them dumped via trawlers that house the fish in large sections filled with water or have them in underwater sections of the boat held off from the ocean by netting.Endangered species of non eaten fish will be reared here alongside coral engineered to survive the rising pH expected by the end of the century with them released when conditions in the wild become favourable with coral grown here and then replanted later on.Land based energy Brachyura including B.latro,G.natalis,J.lagostoma can be raised in pens in zoos or other indoor areas onsite of their native habitat with in the case of G.natalis will have methods to wipe out Anoplolepis gracilipes carried out.Millions or billions of any species can be raised around the world with the populations tracked by Phanes and Cybele as well as Pontus and then when millions or billions are reared they can be released into the wild with excess kept to rear those for pets and consumption.

3D DNA printers can print out several million or billion eggs at once a with genotype so distinct from each other to allow them to interbreed with each to maintain genetic diversity with them routinely dumped into the ocean as adults with Phanes designing each genotype and also the ratio of males to females.This will be much easier and can apply to any species of endangered fish,shellfish and also amphibians such as frogs,toads and salamanders with to save energy done in research centres etc by the coast or jungles where the species lives allowing them to be released in large numbers with fish and shellfish dumped into the oceans in large numbers in automated trawlers housing the recirculating aquaculture systems and possibly hills of the shops housing water and retractable doors.The fish will ideally be dumped into the ocean next to existing wild shoals of fish in the deep ocean or they can be dumped by the coast with them also dumped in the ocean by being reared in research centre and also deep sea fish farms on oil rigs with for lakes them dumped in the shore of them or in the middle of them with for rivers them dumped at the point where they live.The 3D DNA printers in research centres and farms by rivers,lakes and the ocean will create at least several thousand,several hundred thousand or several million genetically distinct eggs designed by Phanes with the ratio of males to females decided by Phanes and have them reared to maturity in recirculating aquaculture systems and then dumped into their native habitats as adults.They will be dumped in batches every few months or years until populations reach stable levels.This will apply to all endangered species of fish and shellfish as well as even amphibians of all types with for amphibians such as Anura,Urodela involving again thousands or hundreds of thousands of eggs will be created,each genetically distinct from each other designed by Phanes and him controlling the ratio of males to females created by 3D DNA printers that are reared to maturity in recirculating aquaculture systems in research facilities by the native habitats of them and dumped into the wild.They will be dumped in batches every few months or years until populations reach stable levels.Coral also known as Anthozoa will be rested in recirculating aquaculture culture systems with them created using 3D DNA printers using the Phanes method is applied once the genome of all species of coral is added to Physis with them reared to maturysbd added to coral reefs or reared in aquariums until ocean acidity is resolved by reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere with them also given acidophile DNA to help them survive low pH levels in the ocean..Extinct species of fish,shellfish and also amphibians will be created by Phanes and 3D DNA printers to create thousands,hundreds of thousands or millions of genetically distinct eggs that are reared to maturity abd dumped into their native habitats.Biocompatible microbes can be added to them and to wild populations via biosynths modelled on lampreys or via captive ones spreading them into populations to track populations.Ideally recirculating aquaculture systems used for rearing endangered and over exploited fish should be reared on oil rigs and conservation areas solely for this separate for farms used for food with again them reared in large numbers and 3D DNA printers creating large amounts of DNA strands via the Phanes method to be stored then implanted into spermatozoa and eggs in the order of millions to quickly replenish stocks that are over exploited and the fish also given hormones to increase egg production.

Recirculating aquaculture systems onsite of home,community and vertical farms will render conventional mariculture obsolete thus shutting down all markets and jobs in them and through 3D DNA printers can allow all 33,000 species of fish,as well as all 62,000 Gastropoda species,11,000 species of Cnidaria,all 7,385 species of Amphiba(Anura, Urodela,Gymnophiona),all 55 species of Hydrophiinae,all 7 species of Chelonioidea,all known 67,000 species of Crustaceans,all 20,000 species of Bivalvia,all 7,000 species of Echinodermata,800 species of Cephalopod will be able to be ordered in from vertical farms in their local or reared in home systems with them created via 3D DNA printers.Rare and expensive species of ornamental fish such as Cyprinus carpioas and Scleropages formosus can be created via 3D DNA printers in systems in home,community and vertical farms with desired and even customised coats thus eliminating human breeders that can be created on an unlimited scale without affecting wild stocks.These will replace conventional mariculture completey by 2029 since it is more sustainable allowing wild stocks in the ocean to recover as it allows for localised rearing onsite of home,community,fish and vertical farms as well as restaurants,universities,hospitals and other public buildings and also cruise ships and even in time interstellar vehicles and space stations with 3D DNA printers allowing any species of fish and shellfish from across the world and universe to be created onsite and can be fully automated rendering all 35,000,000 people employed here defunct and can be used for conservation efforts of endangered species of fish and shellfish including overexploited ones and also even coral and phytoplankton and algae with them grown in large amounts using the Phanes method and then dumped into the ocean as adults in shoals.Genetic engineering can have the roe of all species be made on an commercial scale thus allowing caviar to be mass produced.If possible caviar can by 3D printed and given genes to undergo mitosis when fed sugars allowing large commercial scale amounts of the roe of all 33,000 species of fish and all shellfish be grown in a commercial scale.Recirculating aquaculture systems will not only replace traditional mariculture and procurement of ornamental fish by 2029 thus allowing wild stocks to recover but  will also play a key role in conservation of all endangered species of fish,shellfish and amphibians as 3D DNA printers used by Phanes can print out out millions and billions of eggs each with dinstantly related genotypes with the ratio of males and females controlled by him that can be reared to adulthood and then dumped into their native habitat in oceans and lakes etc in large numbers routinely into shoals of wild stocks until populations stabilise to healthy levels with all species of Anthozoa that since composed of unicellular micro-organisms can be printed out using 3D DNA printers and reared in large numbers and released into the wild once conditions in the oceans become favourable.Endangered species of Amphibians etc can also have millions of genetically distinct individuals created,reared in these and released into the wild.Aquaponics will be merged with it cut down on energy use and produce hybrid crops at the same time with them small enough to fit into private and communal home systems and those in vertical farms of varying sizes.Thus it would shut down traditional mariculture indefinitly as all communities including landlocked ones can rear any species in systems present in home,community and vertical farms.The fish will be fed algae in pellet form,TVP form or even just liquid form pumped into them alongside flour from G.max etc created by bacteria with carnivorous fish and shellfish fed chunks of invitro meat,insects created by 3D DNA printers or even algae since it can provide all essential amino acids etc.Fish in them especially Scombridae,Salmonidae can be engineered to produce the same meat in terms of taste and texture as traditional livestock such as cattle,chicken,lamb,pork etc negating the need to rear these with less feed and zero land and methane emissions with engineering allowing them to create large amounts of sterile eggs as caviar using Acipenseridae and Dorylus recombinant DNA with them made to produce their own caviar and roe or through recombinant DNA from Acipenseridae that of Acipenseridae to produce a second crop enough to order in large buckets of it between 5-100kg in batches for each person.They will be as stated be found in home,community and vertical farms around the world both in coastal cities and towns etc but also landlocked ones cutting down on transportation costs allowing any person around the world access to any species of fish especially exotic ones found only in certain countries or with them also used to create Anura,Chelonioidea,Hydrophiinae,Urodela,Gymnophiona etc used as pets and also ornamental fish used as pets such as C.carpioas,S.formosus created at local community and vertical farms ordered in alive or created at home using 3D DNA printers allowing rare expensive species with desired coats to be available to everyone around the world at zero cost.They will be found in home(both private and communal home),fish,community and vertical farms as well as restaurants,airports,hospitals,universities and other public buildings that serve fish and shellfish with them also present on cruise ships and even in time interstellar vehicles and space stations with them coming in a large range of shapes and sizes suited to each building etc needs with smaller species of fish and shellfish engineered to be as large as larger species of fish and shellfish or produce the same flesh as other larger species of fish and shellfish with even larger species engineered to be smaller or produce the same flesh as smaller species to both increase productivity or be suited to be reared in smaller or larger recirculating aquaculture systems.Dimensional transcendamentalism may also be introduced into them to house larger amounts of fish and larger species.They can be onsite of both universities and research centres to rear any species of fish and shellfish for scientific studies releated to mariculture,agriculture and botany especially releated to aquaponics and hydroponics as well as branches of zoology such as malacology,herpetology and ichthyology.Thus by 2029-2045 it will replace traditional fish farming and even mariculture involving deep trawlers forever as any species of fish can be reared in them onsite of local home,community,vertical and fish farms in every town,village and city worldwide including landlocked ones combined with 3D DNA printers allowing dwindling fish stocks to recover with it meeting the needs of any sized population with as stated it used to return populations of endangered species of fish,shellfish and even those that are not eaten as food such as ornamental fish and even Chelonioidea,Hydrophiinae,Anura,Urodela,Gymnophiona since 3D DNA printers can create millions or billions of genetically distinct eggs that are reared to maturity in them and then released into the wild as adults into existing shoals etc around mating season.The same can be done with coral also known as Anthozoa that is created by micro-organisms that can be printed out into billions of stem cells cultured and induced into forming coral that can then be deposited onto the ocean floor as part of existing and new reefs using artificial organic biodegradable beddings and netting for them to anchor to alongside dumping all other sea fauna present when conditions in the ocean become favourable.The same can be done with phytoplankton and macro algae.The use of aquaponics will allow for a third crop alongside caviar of any species of fish to be produced in the same plot of farms with this replacing traditional mariculture and aquaponics being the predominant form of agriculture as it increase yields for most crops outside of genetic engineering by as much as 6-10 times and can allow any species of crops to be grown locally with ideally these being hybrid crops that allow larger exotic crops to be grown on more manageable plants and house as much as six or more crops on the one plant.This would allow any exotic crop to be grown in home,community and vertical farms around the world in every town and city thus cutting down energy costs in planting,harvesting and transportation to nearly zero and allow one access to any crop and fish and shellfish from around the world.It will be combined with aquaponics to rear hybrid crops as it allows the feces and urine from fish to be turned into fertiliser which cuts down energy operations for running them by eliminating the need for filtering out feces.Them being powered by renewables in the form of thermo-piezoelectric material covered geothermal pipes,solar panels,micro-gas turbines and also geothermal etc from the grid will cut down on carbon dioxide emissions to zero with since locally produced in fish,home,community and vertical farms in all towns and cities worldwide cuts down energy costs in transportation such as having to fuel trawlers themselves and also transporting them to supermarkets across a country and the world with all parts of them composed of biosynth plastics,biosynth technology and nanomaterials as well as other technologies that improve energy efficiency and even genetically engineering the fish and shellfish to use both carbon dioxide and as well as oxygen as energy acceptor and other augmentations will substantially reduce energy costs in the form of maintenance and running them.Even though it uses more energy as non recirculating aquaculture,traditional trawling and pork,cattle etc intensive research to improve energy efficiency such as using nanomaterials such as graphene,other atom thick allotropes and those from all other 94 other elements,them combined with biosynth technology to replace filters and other systems as part of them,better designs alongside utilising aquaponics and having fish and crops genetically engineered to be more resource efficient,grow faster and larger etc and other means will be done by humans and AI to reduce energy costs to be in operating them,maintenance and transportation by as much as 50-95% to reduce energy costs on par with or better than traditional fishing,aquaculture or even crop agriculture.To eliminate water use picotech fabricators can create large batches of water since the water is used in a looped system.To cut down on manufacturing costs they can be composed entirely of biosynth technology,atom thick nanomaterials of all 94 elements and biosynth or normal plastics created by oil gained from bacteria eliminating costs associated with starting them up.To eliminate water use picotech fabricators can create large batches of water since the water is used in a looped system with all species reared for food and pets engineered to survive all temperature ranges to eliminate heaters.All species of ocean based fish and shellfish reared in them for eating and pets but not those reared for conservation efforts will be engineered to not need saltwater but rather normal water without salt or brine to negate the need for shipping in salt for them and then removing it through energy intensive filters and allow freshwater fish and shellfish,ocean fish and shellfish etc and those that live in estuaries,mangroves,brackish lakes and brackish marshes and other similar ecosystems to be reared in the same system at the same time and one after the other with this also allowing crops to be grown at the same time which would die from salt and brine or would have a salty taste with fish and shellfish reared for conservation efforts reared in systems onsite of research centres and conservation areas with the proper level of salt and have no engineering to change the salt requirements to prevent this passing into wild stocks.All work in their operation,maintanence,harvesting and transportation should be fully automated by 2029-2045.

All fish tanks and equipment can be designed and shared on Hephaestus namely Archimedes with recirculating aquaculture and aquaponic systems to rear exotic species of fish and shellfish locally inland even in deserts saving on energy and providing them with a fresh supply of fish and shellfish while allowing wild stock to alleviate from the overfishing of the 20th and 21st century.Phanes will organise trading of eggs on local to global levels between vertical farms,homes,zoos and the wild(those in the wild will be caught by automated trawlers) managed by Poseidon.Fish trawlers can be recycled for scrap,traded on Euthenia to be converted into yachts with larger ones converted into luxury cruise ships.Ideally fish trawlers will be used to catch fish as well as shellfish and transport them live to all communities in the country or regions until they become fully self sufficient with communities also ordering in exotic species this way.In time automated trawlers will catch some more fish every once in a while to maintain genetic diversity alongside trading of live fish and shellfish and the Phanes method with at time excess in recirculating aquaculture systems dumped into the wild using these dumping at least several thousand or million that are excess or reared solely to relive natural stocks routinely when the population drops below acceptable levels to also maintain diversity and help in alleviating over exploited stocks.3D DNA printing onsite of fish farms,home farms and also vertical farms can using DNA from patient files and DNA logged in the AI of farms as well as Physis will use these as a baseline and then use this to create millions of fish and shellfish blank egg created via the Phanes method and induced pluripotent stem cells and blank sperm and eggs will cut down on cost with this also done on research labs on oil rigs and also by the ocean.The relevant totipotent and pluripotent stem cells from all species of fish and shellfish or universal ones that can be used for the basis of all species will be cultured in vats and engineered to undergo mitosis creating an unlimited supply and then be turned into embryos,eggs and spermatozoa or ideally actual blank eggs that contain embryos/fused spermatozoa and eggs.Thus 3D DNA printers could create large batches of fertile eggs with unique genotypes through the Phanes method that will allow any species of fish and shellfish to be created in recirculating aquaculture systems around the world  without the need to trade eggs for genetic diversity and catch wild animsls.Multistorey fish farms and vertical farms can increase the amount of fish grown inland with micro algae shipped in from sewage and water treatment plants ordered in or grown on site using faeces alongside macro algae could increase the amount of space to grow fish and shellfish.They can use artificial trees on the roof or side to grown the micro and macro algae pumped into where the algae is grown onsite in specialised tanks or using Feedkind which if it covers 9% of the worlds landsurface or less using roof and underground extensions or being scattered across fish/vertical/community and home farms could feed roughly 10,000,000,000 people with at least 200kgs of fish with those reared on 9% of the surface of the ocean used to feed another 10,000,0000,000 with another 200kgs of fish.By the middle of the century conventional fishing will be replaced by recirculating aquaculture systems.